#thank you for this lani! ♡
calcitration · 1 month
@geopfert / Pieck: "Just take her, please."
Picture the mother defeated. Pieck sits on the cot, her fingers laced into her hair unwashed hair. It falls in dry strands, obscures where she is pressing hard into her eyes, where the headache screws holes into her brain. She has been sitting there for too long, sunken into herself, a discarded doll with pointed shoulders. While the makeshift crib bears the miserable wails of a child.
Pieck doesn't look. Is too ashamed, too tired to look. She hides in the palms of her hands and lets her mind leak out of her ears, liquified by sleep deprivation and migraines. Her shirt is dirtied, swollen and raw teats soaking it with wasted milk. She's cried already and is now too dried up to attempt it a second time. Her eyes are red-rimmed, punched black and blue by sleepless nights. Colic, said the one doctor she could find who'd give her and the crying little creature writhing in her arms the time of day. She doesn't know what that means. She was sent away, told to give it time. But the child keeps screaming and Pieck can't bear her weight anymore.
"I can't do it, Annie. I can't. I don't know how. I don't know what to do." She rasps out, a confession she flicks at her like a pebble. She chokes on a half-swallowed breath. Such helplessness leaves her so cruel, so resentful. It's not the child's fault. It can't be. How could it be? And yet, every scream balls up in her stomach like a hateful fist.
"Just... Take her away."
A tarpaulin-domed den, drenched in a scent Annie associated with burrows or caves – primal places, floors lined with fur and bones. Dirt and piss. The intimate, viscera-tang of a mother’s innards. Blood and milk. The lattermost bloomed in wet, sticky flowers on Pieck’s chest, her body reduced to a leaking, deflated thing. Some small, bruised part of Annie died of second-hand shame and was grateful for the distraction of those piercing wails. Such a wretched sound must hit Pieck like a bullet, like a train that kept on coming.
“What a racket you’re making…”
Annie murmured darkly, peering at the bundle lying at the heart of the cobbled-together crib. It heaved and writhed with unpractised misery. Through it all, Pieck sat with a faraway and feral look on her face, fingers twisting in the stiff, dirty hair that cloaked her like a burial shroud. Two people were drowning, which one to choose?
“You just need sleep.”
This isn’t you, she wanted to emphasise. Years apart had left them almost strangers, but still she knew enough of Pieck to understand such overwhelm was uncharacteristic.
As always, Annie chose obedience. Taking the desperate order between her teeth she lifted the infant – Zofia – and held her gingerly, scooped against the bird bones of her own brittle chest. Annie was the colour of a fish belly, all mean features and hard angles sharpened by hunger, ringing hollow at her roots. She was not built to coddle something so soft, so new. Still she tried, swaying faintly where she stood, gazing dubiously into the stiff nest of blankets. Zofia arched and raged against her with surprising strength, hands clenched into tiny pink fists. How had her father ever weathered such inconsolable crying? How he had resisted the urge to smother her, to drown her in the same pail as the miller’s kittens?
Attention returned to Pieck, who sat shell-shocked, defeated by the squall of her unhappy baby.
“You need to rest. When you’ve done that, get cleaned up. Wash your face. Drag your fingers through your hair. Pull yourself together – because it isn’t just you anymore, is it?”
Annie meant it kindly, meant only that Pieck couldn’t afford to unravel, not even in these impossible circumstances.
“I can take Zofia. For a while, anyway. Then I’ll bring you something to eat.”
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austerulous · 2 years
And Ber (213cm) next to Anri please <3
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errantce · 5 months
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LANI'S AESTHETIC-ˋˏa lookbook
one : top | waist chain | skirt | shoes two : top | waist chain | skirt | shoes three : crochet crop top acc | corset | waist chain | skirt | shoes four : top | waist chain | skirt | anklet | shoes
thank you to all the cc creators ♡ @trillyke | @jius-sims | @arethabee | @greenllamas | @plazasims | @backtrack-cc | @fukkiemon | @rimings
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luvrhyune · 2 years
oooo oo how abt texting them they’re busy 🤔 ex from mal’s acc
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ SUMMARY ; pulling a prank on your skz bf.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ PAIRING ; hyung line & hyunjin x gn! reader.
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— warnings ; swearing, jealousy, pet names (baby).
— notes ; lani ilysm😕😕 || i only did the four oldest i’m sorry || also ignore the time stamps !
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-; ✧˖*°࿐ TAGLIST !!
@hyunverse , @ddenoudepression , @sadge-momo , @asters-abditory
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all rights reserved © property of @luvrhyune . please do not repost, claim or translate my work on this and / or any other platforms. thank you.
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @iamburdened - thanks so much!! ♡
Daryl Dixon x reader
spoilers: set in season 5
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Good Guys
He knows you’re due back from a run today. Before you left, you’d run up to him and told him where you were headed and what you were going out to find, how long you’d be gone, all the details that he could never ask you for.
Daryl is a complicated guy, and he has a habit of making things even more complicated for himself, out of fear. For example, as he stands at the gate, watching and waiting for you, he wishes that he’d offered to go with you. It’s already getting dark. He was originally waiting on a random house’s doorstep, that’s where he usually waited for you to return, but you’re late back this time. By no means is this the first time you’re late back, nor is it the first time that Daryl has “gone on watch” solely to wait for you.
The moment he sees you, Daryl feels his entire body relax. He plans to run and act like he was never there, but you’ve already seen him, you’re already smiling at him. You jog up to the gate as he opens it for you.
“Didnt think you were on watch tonight!” You say, eyes bright, smile bright. Everything about you, an impossible sunshine in the night.
“Shift’s changed.” Daryl replies with the usual lie, because he cant possibly admit that he has once again pretended to be on watch just to make sure you get back alright.
You nod in understanding, having no suspicions of him whatsoever as you start to talk about what had happened on the run. When you tell Daryl that the exact reason why you were late back was because you ran into a small herd on your way back, he has to use all the strength he has to stop himself from getting mad at you for going out on your own. But it isnt his business, you arent his, you can handle yourself. He has to act like that’s alright.
Just like when he goes out on a run and finds something he thinks you’ll like, he has to force himself to leave it exactly where he finds it. And when he picks you flowers to bring to you, he always has to drop them in the street and turn around in defeat before he reaches your house.
Daryl never asks you what happens on your runs, but you tell him anyway. Even though he desperately wants to know that you’re okay, he cant bring himself to ask, because that would be him beginning to fall into the trap of falling for you. As if he isnt already stuck there, hidden away in an illusion of denial.
For whatever reason, you always want to talk to him, any chance you get, every time you see him. Daryl tries so hard to refuse the feelings of bliss that swarm him whenever he hears you laugh at one of his deliberately short replies. Just like he tries very hard to not convey his own jealousy when you tell him about guys that have hit on you or asked you out, and then has to hide his own relief when every single time you tell him you rejected them. Whenever Daryl asks why you rejected a guy, your reply is just “he’s not my type” with a casual shrug, and Daryl nods. He knows what your type is, but he was so sure that a number of guys who have hit on you would fit that description. Your rejections confused him a lot.
Daryl wants to let you in so damn badly, but he’s too afraid of himself, of what he could be capable of. His relationship experience extends to drunk one night stands when he was a teenager; human connection has never been his best area.
He wants to be the one you go to for anything you need, whenever you need help. All those times that you’ve instinctually hidden behind him, or jumped to him for safety, or come up to him and asked for his help with something, those times dont count, he doesnt see that he’s already capable of being what he wants to be for you. The way you light up at the sight of him, he assumes that’s how you are with everyone, because you’re so lovely and caring and out of his league.
Daryl tries to be distant with you, he isnt ever rude to you, he just tries to be the most awkward conversation partner ever, which isnt difficult for him to be. He wants to push you away, he wants you to just forget about him, hate him, anything other than like him, because he cant stand it.
Meanwhile, you’re starting to think you’re actively bothering Daryl. He isnt picking up on any of your hints, he seems to barely even notice you exist. Everyone in the group tells you that he’s head over heels for you, even Carol, and she knows Daryl better than anyone. But when he’s so unresponsive, what are you supposed to do? After all this time, all these attempts, you feel defeated.
You’re walking the streets of Alexandria at night because you cant sleep, you’ve been tossing for hours. Being outside might help your brain understand that it’s night time, time to sleep, and walking might tire you out enough to pass out by the time you make it back to your bed. Coincidentally, Daryl’s sitting on his porch for similar reasons.
“You alright?” He asks loudly as you pass his house, and you stop walking.
Daryl notices the way you’re hugging yourself as you walk, but the fact you’re walking alone at night is enough cause for concern. He cant stop himself.
“That’s the first time you’ve ever asked me that, Daryl.” You tell him, unable to so much as look in his general direction.
“Sorry...” He apologises awkwardly, not realising that you’d actually noticed a detail as small as that.
You shake your head and walk up to the porch. The closer you get, the more Daryl can make out of your features; your red puffy eyes and swollen lips. You’ve been crying.
“Daryl, can I ask you a question and trust that you’ll give me an honest answer?” Your arms are crossed, your tone serious, but your voice is weak.
“Yeah.” Daryl replies, knowing that he’s not going to like whatever you’re about to ask him.
“Do you...Do you hate me?” He watches the way your face twists at the mere mention of him disliking you in any way, how much pain it causes you.
“Naw, why’d ya think that?” Daryl asks, trying to be casual about it.
“You never...act like you want me around. You never initiate conversation, and I know that isnt really your thing with anyone, but when I initiate conversation with you, you never ask how Im doing, what I’ve been up to. When I come back from a run it’s like you dont even notice I’ve been gone! Even just as your friend, it really hurts that you act so careless towards me, Daryl.”
The way you are using his name so seriously, rather than in the light, joyful way you usually say it, makes Daryl flinch. The words ‘even just as your friend’ puzzle him and wound him simultaneously.
Your expression is one of utter heartbreak as you continue. “I’ve tried so hard, for so long, just to make you recognise that I exist, that I-“ You cant finish your sentence, you shake your head and look to the side, wiping the tears from your eyes before Daryl sees them roll down your cheeks. “I dont know what it is about me that makes you so cold towards me, but I just wanted you to know that I wont be bothering you anymore.” You tell him, not meeting his eyes before you turn and start to walk away.
Daryl is quick to jump to his feet and grab your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. Turning to face him, you can see the struggle in his expression as he hurries to find the words.
“Never been…like this with anyone.” He begins, and your eyes widen. Daryl decides that, for the first time in his life, he’s just going to open his mouth and let the words fall right out, because he cant possible cause more harm after what he’s already done.
“Ever since ya showed up, it’s like I don’ know how t’ act! I’ve been tryin’ t’ push ya away to get rid o’ my feelin’s for ya, but instead I’ve just ended up hurtin’ you like this, makin’ ya cry...Im such an ass, ‘m sorry, (Y/N).” Daryl lets go of your wrist, his head hanging in shame.
“Why did you want to push me away?” You ask, your voice quiet, sensing how difficult this is for him.
“Didnt want to, had to. Yer the type o’ girl to go for the good guys, you deserve the good guys, and that aint me.” He shakes his head, as if reassuring himself that he’s right in what he’s saying.
“Daryl, what on earth makes you think you’re not a good guy?!” You question incredulously, taking ahold of one of his hands, but he shrinks away from you as he starts to explain himself, avoiding your eyes.
“Got a temper, m’ dad did too. If we got together, an’ I lost it, if I ever...couldnt live with myself if I hurt you.” Daryl realises the irony in his statement, considering he’s already hurt you by trying to protect you from himself.
Silence falls for a moment, before you ever so gently lifts Daryl’s chin with your fingers, to meet your eyes and make sure he really hears what you’re about to say.
“Daryl, you are not your father. You are so kind, beyond brave, and you care so much for the family around you! Even with how you‘ve been acting towards me, I know that Im never safer than when Im with you. Everyone gets angry, that doesnt mean you’re going to hurt someone. Have you ever felt the urge to hurt Maggie? Glenn? You and Rick butt heads on occasion, but even him, you never want to hurt!” You sigh, dropping your hand from beneath his chin so that you can try to hold his hands again. This time, Daryl accepts, and you smile at him.
“You were right, you arent one of the good guys. You’re the best of the best.” You tell him, staring into his eyes with such heartfelt honesty, Daryl wonders how he doesnt break right there.
“Where’ve ya been ma whole life?” He asks, staring back into your eyes with wonder, in awe of how someone as impossible as you could even exist.
“Waiting for you to notice me, asshole.” You tease, grinning at him, and he chuckles guiltily.
“Alright, I deserved that one. What can I do t’ make up for bein’ the world’s biggest asshole?” He asks, taking the fact that you made a joke about it as a sign that he can joke about it too, because he knows he hurt you, and you know he feels guilty, you dont need to continue to hammer more nails into the coffin.
“Treat me like I deserve to be treated.” You answer simply, and Daryl nods.
“I can do that. So, we good?”
You nod back at him. “We’re good.”
Sensing a moment of some description, Daryl leans in to kiss you, but you place a finger on his lips to stop him.
“Nuh-uh, gotta treat me right before you get a kiss, mister. Come by my house tomorrow, and we’ll talk, properly talk.” You instruct him. You dont need to hammer anymore nails into his coffin of guilt, but he isnt off the hook for treating you carelessly, he has to show you that he isnt going to do that again.
Daryl chuckles and nods, understanding what you’re saying. “You got it.”
You smile at him softly. “Goodnight, Daryl.” Letting go of his hands, you turn and start walking back to your house again.
“Night...pretty girl.” Daryl mumbles that last part, and you dramatically cup a hand around your ear.
“Sorry, what was that? I couldnt quite hear you?” You ask loudly, and Daryl knows exactly what you’re actually asking for.
He rolls his eyes as he sees the teasing smile on your face. “Night pretty girl!”
He calls after you, and you beam at him as you walk backwards, facing him as you head back to you house. Then, you blow him a kiss, which Daryl catches and brings to his own lips, only to blow one right back at you, which you dramatically jump up to catch, making him laugh.
You spin on your heel and run the rest of the way back to your house, and Daryl watches, smiling after you. He waits until he sees you close your front door before he heads inside his own house. Your words swirl around Daryl’s mind as he attempts to fall back to sleep, and as he closes his eyes, a small smile makes its way onto his face. Daryl Dixon had never been more happy to be wrong.
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lazyteapot · 1 year
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Ground Floor
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Main Floor
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Second Floor
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Builder's Notes 2300 seahorse ln, lani st. taz, sulani 3 levels 4 bedroom/3 full bath/1 half bath 2 car garage + pool + ground floor bonus room ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ Hi everyone, was super inactive yesterday because I felt kinda sick but I was finally able to finish this build. This is the first build in my "Get-Away" series which will consist of Vacation/Airbnb style homes. I might put said builds up for download/make them available on my gallery without the full interior essentially in a ready to move-in style (meaning only basic amenities like kitchen, bathrooms, etc) if anyone's interested. But yeah I hope you guys like it ♡. (note: thank you for all the congratulations on my last post ♡♡) Thank you so much to all cc creators! download here: x
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simtrest ✧ more builds ✧ lookbooks ✧ downloads ✧ cc recs
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jaisimmin · 10 months
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mods & lots* mentioned ☼
mods: ☼ camera - ISO love photos full control camera by RVSN ☼ find broken mods - better exceptions by twistedmexi ☼ champagne bottles - functional champagne bottles by somik&severinka ☼ champagne ice bowl - functional stands for food & bottles by somik&severinka
☼ cake - strawberry cake by ONI (requires this mod) ☼ control mod - control any sim by titan nano ☼ cuddle while sleeping - bed cuddle by thepancake1 & mizoreyukii ☼ go to bed with - send sims to bed by littlemssam
lots/sims: ☼ sulani spa by Sophieethesimmer (lot used in the intro) ☼ ainu & kira lani by AlexiaVR
as always, thank you so much to the amazing creators! ♡ you can watch my current household videos here
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simsbyjo · 2 years
get to know me tag!
thank you for the tag @aurorangen ♡
relationship status: in a relationship ♡
favorite color: gray and pink
3 favorite foods: I love Japanese and Korean cuisine. Craving for some Kimchi, Maki and Ramen
song stuck in my head: OMG by New Jeans on repeat!
last thing i googled: I googled a heart emoji. haha LOL
last song i listened to: I Quit Drinking by Lany
dream trip: Japan. Been eyeing to go there for ages.
time: 8:47 PM just had dinner
anything I really want right now: ice cream
I will tag: @ashubii @cozyacres @ligaya-ccfinds @akitasimblr but feel free to ignore ❤
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Credits (A final Thank You to all 153 of you <3)
Written by Joey & Noah of the Ghost Town system (@theghosttownn)
This has been a long journey.
A lot of ups and downs went into this, it was a long story with probably more plot than it needed, that I've been writing since November & December of last year! There was confusion in what universe these girls played in, confusion in plots, friendship gains and losses, angst that tore out my heart, adrenaline as I tried to time posts- it's been a rollercoaster of a blog.
This post will be crediting and thanking everybody who was part of the stories of @drista-the-parity-goddess and @lanusky-the-imparity-goddess, as in spite of where our relationship stands today, I do love and value everyone who joined me on this silly adventure.
Without further ado, here is that thank you.
Drista's first interaction was with @gildedgasmask ! Thank you to Mask and her system for giving my girl her first bit of story, and a good laugh. Thank you for accompanying us throughout the journey of telling her story and especially for the tupper RPs in the cafe. I will always cherish the silly back and forths where Drista or Lani were obviously in the wrong and your tupper Beep was a smartass about it (affectionate). It helped me develop their characters in ways I was unaware they could have developed! Thank you as well to @farmers-boy for being an older sibling figure to Lani!
Drista's second ever interaction was with @angelxxreaper ! Thank you to Cam for being there for such a long period of their stories, thank you for supporting us for so long. Your Phil was a father to Lani. Your Phil's effect on Drista, in the timeline where she is a part of his story, was major. She learned a lot because of angelxxreaper, and I am ever grateful that your rp character taught her so much, just as you taught me so much! ♡
@hergoddessofdeath and @areyouawakexd made a such huge impact on Drista and Lani's story. From Lady Death smothering Drista's flame over and over, being Lani's Mother Gothel- you played a wonderful and terrifying antagonist, Sunspell. Additionally, XD's relationship with Drista somewhat fostered not only Drista's turn toward kindness, but also the friendship we held for so long. I will always cherish their kinship, and what you taught me about the craft of literature through these blogs.
@eternalelytra literally the only dad figure ever i love this guy right here!!!! wish our blogs could have interacted more, but Lani loved and resembled your Phil in so many ways and I love their relationship sm frfr.
@the-silent-deer our interactions were short and sweet but I loved having you as a callahan for us!! hugs!!
@god-of-sea , AKA Foolish had such a huge impact on Drista, both in ways that were seen and that weren't. Foolish being an older sibling figure/even father figure to Drista is something I'm ever grateful to @finntaur for providing. It was a figure Drista's story needed; from personal past experiences I can say with certainty that I'm glad it was you, Finn, who could play that figure for her. Also a huge shoutout to @purpled-of-ln and @smp-archivist for having a hand in Drista and Lani's stories. Our memories in this silly tumblr roleplay are forever going to be cherished.
Lani's older sister @sootsunrise hardly needs an introduction. Suri's writing has always captivated and floored me, its intricacies and its floweriness never failed to amaze. Regardless of that, Wilbur's sisterhood with Lani was my favorite thing to come back to, the way Wilbur never failed to be there for Lani when she needed her. I feel that writing them brought Suri and I closer, and helped me learn about writing description in particular. Thank you, Suri! ♡
@subtotechno, @anarchist-swine, and @theydemandblood, thank you for being Technoblade figures in Drista's story! (All accounts are run by different people, give them all a follow ♡)
Thank you to @tmmyrp for being a Tommy figure in Drista's early story!
Thank you to @tubbolul for acting as a Tubbo figure in Drista's early story! I appreciate you!
Thank you to @memorybooks for every silly bit done with Drista's early story!
A very special thank you to @phoenixchick, Kat has had a huge impact on Drista and Lani, always taking part in arcs and being there when things went wrong. Kat is my current RP partner on @papa-puffy, where content will still be posted! Show @likethesword so much fucking love I swear to god, literally my bestie. Bee's such a good storyteller, they're talented in so many ways.
Another incredibly special thank you to @mlady-skepina, holy shit we sure told a story didn't we? You're incredible, your storytelling is incredible, and I appreciate every bit and story we told. Our tumblr DMs are always open, and if you ever get a discord, you're 100% welcome to reach out and ask for ours. I'm so grateful for the memories and friendship you gave to me, and if you ever need a hand in an arc, I'm more than happy to try ♡♡
Thank you to @cosmicswore for playing an exciting antagonist!
An incredibly deserved thank you to @silencedrose, thank you for acting as the OG Callahan and always bringing a smile to my face. Thank you for helping me plan and execute early arcs, and for never giving up on us. We love you so much!
Thank you to every follower who interacted with this blog, who made me happier than anything with anons galore. I appreciate you. I love you. You inspire me to keep telling stories.
I love you, thank you.
-Joey & Noah of @theghosttownn ♡
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dearclem · 2 years
hey @mphillipsfms ツ
OMG happy birthday!!!!! i can't believe my little buddy's growing up so fast! you're honestly one of the most amazing people i've ever met and i'm so blessed to call you one of my best friends and my brother. thank you for putting up with all my crap over the years and for entertaining my craziness, for being my umbrella on rainy days, for listening, and for never failing to make me smile. you've been such a wonderful and special friend to me since we met and i'm so grateful to all of the kindness you've shared with me throughout. i sincerely hope this birthday brings you as much happiness as you give to everyone who knows you—you deserve all that and more!
♡ clem.
𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐎𝟑/𝟏𝟖
a handful of different coloured smiley face balloons were delivered along with a signed copy of the screenplay script of kung fu panda that she called in many favours to get.
𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐎𝟑/𝟏𝟗
another group of the same smiley face balloons are delivered along with a gift box she put together containing a slew of the different flavoured waffle shots, containing a brief note expressing her sadness that she couldn't find a maker to give him so he could make them himself :///
𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐎𝟑/𝟐𝐎
more smiley face balloons!!! were delivered along with another gift box, except this one contained different scented candles with personalised labels which she named after some of their inside jokes and core memories.
𝐭𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐎𝟑/𝟐𝟏
this time, clem delivered the gifts herself and explained that she was celebrating his birthday a little early because she figured he'd be busy with lu and his family and didn't wish to intrude. she came bearing even more smiley face balloons!!! the above note within a birthday card, and two other gifts:
a fresh bouquet bc that's obviously her thing { xx }
sunflowers: loyalty; orange spray roses: energy & pride; delphinium: cheerfulness & goodwill; stock: happy life; veronica: luck & positivity.
2. a framed piece of artwork that she drew ( pls use your imagination and picture it in this kinda art style aka a cartoony van gogh-esque style, except with much more texture considering it'd be oil paint on a canvas )
the artwork is a rendition of a family photo including momma & papa phillips, along with mal, monty, & lany. she tried to imagine, and capture in the piece, what their family photo would look like if it were taken yesterday.
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azlrse · 2 years
hi bestie<3
first off, i'm so sorry to hear you got rejected. i know how it feels due to past experiences and you are right, it feels the worst.
but hey, those experiences are what make ourselves improve! and trust me, im sure that the world has more things in store for you—if you need some time alone, go for it! i understand why and im sure everyone else here does too, besides your well-being matters bestie ♡
but i really hope you're okay, azalea! take good care of yourself<3 sending lots of hugs and comfort :DD
p.s im making something in the works for you for comfort<3
Heyya bestie!!
Sorry for the late answer/s. Just took a break from the rejection I've received from my crush and in social media to focus on myself but overall, I got better. Started moving forward to improve my academics and other school activities.
Also, thanks for the words vee <33
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Mangoooo!!! I miss you so much!! And also thank you for the kind words!! It means alot to me ^^
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Favorite video games are Twisted Wonderland, Cookie Run:Kingdom & Obey Me. As for my fav. songs, most of them are from LANY and Taylor Swift hehe but these are;
anything 4 u, The Breakup, Pink Skies (LANY)
Mine, Message in a Bottle and Starlight (Taylor Swift)
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austerulous · 2 years
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◈   what’s peculiar about your soul?
—  anri
You have born witness to something unspeakable… As a direct result, your soul has been forever altered. It is still of you, true, but something about it will never be the same… It is off colour - off-kilter, as well. It tilts and spins at an odd, incorrect angle. It tenses at sudden noises. You wish you could forget… Everything is so fuzzy and vague, being dead… But the memories persist. Just barely. Just enough for them to hurt.
tagged by:  @kenneld – thanks Lani! ♡ tagging:  @thesaint, @bladedwoe, @usurpcr, @arrowablaze, @foreverascout, @oceansvanidicus, @a-bottomless-curse, @burdensofblood, @yellowfingcr , @derjaegermond. @of-forossa​, @arbredevies​, @ofwitchery​.
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peoonies · 3 months
For my Eternal love ♡
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"I love you. Infinitely and inexpressibly. I've woken up in the middle of the night and here I am writing this. My love, my happiness."
Hi, love? 243 days later and I still love you just as much as I did last November.
Happy our 8th mensiversary, my love :3
These past eight months with you have been incredibly special. Every day, you bring so much joy, love, and laughter into my life. From our fun outings to the quiet moments we share, I cherish every second with you. Your kindness, support, and understanding mean the world to me.
Thank you for always being there, for your endless patience, and for making me feel so loved and valued. I’m so grateful to have you by my side and can’t wait to see what the future holds for us!
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You are sunlight falling through trees. You are laughter that breaks through sadness. You are the breeze on a too warm day. You are clarity in the midst of confusion.
You are not the world, but you are everything that makes the world good. Without you, my life would still exist, but that's all it would manage to do.
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Uhm. Anyways, aku lupa bilang. Kakak bacanya harus sambil dengerin lagu yang aku cantumin, ya ‼
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Aku sudah bingung mau nulis apalagi.... ? Tapi ini fotonya gemes banget. Jadi, mau aku taruh disini aja :3
Camat mensive, kakaaak. Sampai ketemu di tanggal 3 berikutnya, ya. I love you so muchies, my pookie 🤍
With all my love,
Yoruichi <3
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ticklishprincey · 3 months
🌟 but changing it up a bit! who would YOU like to be friends w/? Like on tumblr?
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✿.。.:* ☆:**: Awwwwe, thank you so much for asking! 🌟 ~ Would you like to be friends? ◦•●◉✿ I'd like more agere/petre and tk community friends, just anyone who's not a bad/mean person is welcome to be my friend! but @lanie-lee-llama is a good candidate SHHHHH •.¸♡𝚝𝚞 𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒 𝚒𝚕 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚘 𝚖𝚊 𝚒𝚕 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚊 𝚝𝚎♡¸.•
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moontellas · 7 months
Amaya Reira,
Greetings, dearest passerby! Thank you for taking a precious time out of your day to stop by my not so brief introduction page. I go by the name of Amaya Reira but you can call me Rei, Reira, or Amaya for short. I lean towards feminine pronouns which is she/her and if you perhaps having a curiosity about my age, fret not, I am already legal.
Move into a deeper chapter, let’s talk about some of my likings! I’m so into K-Pop, K-Drama, basically anything that’s related to Korean culture. IVE, ZB1, and Red Velvet are my favorite K-Pop singers and as for K-Dramas, Business Proposal, Doona, Goblin, Hotel de Luna, Hospital Playlist, The Uncanny Counter, Law School has to be my all time favorite shows! I set my eyes on animes, too, and some of them are Moriarty the Patriot, Bungou Stray Dogs, Death Parade, Madoka Magica, Noragami, and The Apothecary Diaries. Poems and pastries are also made it to the list of things I fancy.
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Not stopping there, I declare myself as a not so hard core gacha game enthusiast who can’t seem to pick her most favorite drinks between coffee and tea. Oh, add a cherry on top of this introduction of mine, I’m neither a dog or a cat person. I am a bunny lover and will forever be!
Beloved 𖹭
𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓 Joy & Irene, 𝐈𝐕𝐄 Rei & Wonyoung, 𝐙𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄 Jiwoong, 𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐀 Karina & Winter, 𝐇𝐒𝐑 Ruan Mei, Blade, Aventurine, Acheron, and Dan Heng, 𝐓𝐎𝐊𝐑𝐄𝐕 Ran, Rindou, and Wakasa, 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍 Xiao, Baizhu, Ganyu, Ayato, Wanderer, Kaveh, Neuvillette, and Arlecchino, 𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 Valkyrie, Undead, and Knights
Musician ♬
Taylor Swift, Mitski, BETWEEN FRIENDS, The Weeknd, Joji, Keshi, Fiji Blue, Billie Eilish, Ado, Chase Atlantic, Rihanna, Cigarettes After Sex, Laufey, LANY.
𝘿𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 (𝟭) fit basic dni criteria, (𝟮) religionphobic, (𝟯) disrespectful, (𝟰) dramatic, (𝟱) problematic people, (𝟲) sjw, (𝟳) heavy nsfw/sexual jokes, (𝟴) only try to gain pure followers, (𝟵) homophobic.
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⌗ 𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲
currently not playing genshin anymore. i 𝗱𝗼 ship bxb, gxg, and bxg. my account is minor friendly but i’m very selective and do softblock when i feel uncomfortable, no hard feelings please ♡ I don’t want you guys to feel uncomfortable. I’m so sorry if I randomly reply to your tweets like we're super close and anything I do makes you bothered. So please tell me if you feel that way. Thank you so much. 𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊
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austerulous-a · 3 years
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I love thinking about the woods and their significance to Annie, about how she considers them her home.
As a girl, she would have grown accustomed to the eerie sound of branches scraping against the windows of her father’s cabin, to hearing all manner of bestial, unidentifiable sounds in the dead of night (the scream of a vixen is positively haunting), to finding smatterings of scattered feathers, the carcasses of small animals, little bundles of bleached bones.
There is brutality, mystery and danger in the woods – to outsiders, it can be a deeply frightening and unsettling place – but for Annie it is somewhere familiar, somewhere comforting. Not necessarily safe mind you, given her childhood memories are deeply stained by her father’s cruelty.
Having been raised in isolation, she craves the quiet, and finds populated, urbanised areas overwhelming and exhausting. The eyes of the world can’t find her among the trees. There she can feel hidden. For a short time, at least.
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