#thank you maya for the meme lol
ilostyou · 11 months
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buttclench-ryugazaki · 3 months
Oh my goddddd that Simon and Maya lavender marriage prompt is SO intriguing, like, I can TOTALLY see blackquill accepting because he gets to yell at old people and live in a Japanese town, and he's bored and it gives him something to do, win win win!, I would read a fic with that premise, now you gave me brainrot 😔
Have a lovely rest of the day/week! :D
heheHEHEHEH i'm glad (and sorry) to have inflicted the brainrot on you! and, look, i suppose there's nothing stopping blackquill from moving to kurain independently because he likes it there. but then we miss out on the comedy of this vaguely british ex-convict psychologist being mystic maya fey's weirdo menace of a husband*, absolutely terrifying folks with his strange humor and pantomime sword. oh, and his fucking bird, too. so i believe in my heart that he accepts partially because he thinks it would be funny. he is gen z after all. do it for the meme, simon.
*not that he's not accomplished and impressive in his own right, but why would the villagers care that he's a lawyer? all of the Master's friends are lawyers! clearly they're not that rare!
thank you for the ask and i hope you have a fantastic weekend yourself! 😊
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dyelwi · 5 months
If you haven’t gotten her already then maybe Kay for the meme? just cause she’s your icon and idk anything about her so I wanna hear about her lol. If you’ve gotten her then uhhh pick a character you really hoped to get but haven’t yet
I haven’t gotten any characters yet actually so thanks!!! Um spoiler warning for the investigations games lol
Favorite thing about them: I love her for so many reasons but I really like her whole yatagarasu thing, great thief stealing the truth and exposing secrets is such a fun idea, and I also adore her dynamics w other characters!! Basically any interactions she has with other characters is entertaining, she’s silly and fun and also has her strong morals and attitude that just makes her so enjoyable
Least favorite thing about them: umm. I don’t have much. I wish she was in more games I suppose.
Favorite line: I’m not the type to have specific lines memorized unless they really stand out but her whole little yatagarasu speech she gives when using little thief is silly, also every time she refers to gumshoe as Gummy hehe
brOTP: everyone god I want her to be friends w everyone. I love her familial type dynamic with edgeworth and gumshoe especially though, so sweet. Also her dynamic with franziska is fun even though there isn’t a ton of scenes with them so I like them a lot too!! Also her and Sebastian as edgeworth’s adopted kids lol I usually don’t like the ace attorney fandom’s whole “edgeworth and Phoenix adopt all these other characters as their kids” stuff but edgeworth adopts Kay and Sebastian and they get to have a silly dynamic annoying edgeworth. To me at least
OTP: I’m a big faraskye fan, she and ema have nice interactions and the whole thief x detective thing is funny. Do also like her w Regina as well, they were so fruity in that one case together lol
nOTP: I hate when ppl ship her w edgeworth shes a minor and she compares him to her dad like. I don’t subscribe to the idea of “these characters are like family kind of but a lot more so in fanon so shipping them is incest” but I feel like even in canon she and edgeworth just have such father daughter vibes that it makes me feel weird about it
Random headcanon: lesbian w adhd just like me and my gf fr. Also I like thinking that she and trucy spent a lot of time together bc like Phoenix and edgeworth connection blah blah and so Kay is where she got her mischievous streak lol
Unpopular opinion: umm can’t really think of any tbh. I don’t like when people say she’s just a copy of Maya, she’s her own character that’s extremely interesting esp in the aai flashback case and in aai2 when she loses her memory and we see how emotional and anxious she can actually be
Song that reminds me of them: I have a whole Kay playlist lol I make a lot of ace attorney playlists actually, so other than her in game theme (which is one of my favorite ace attorney songs btw) I should choose something from there. Hm maybe hand me my shovel I’m going down by will wood, or don’t stop (color on the walls) by foster the people.
Favorite image: all of them lol but these two are really really good. Also the one where she’s blowing her nose on edgeworth’s cravat lmao
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armandjolras · 7 months
Sweeney Todd and Mrs Lovett for the ship ask, and then also Todolf (for what I assume will be "don't ship" xD) & Elisabeth x Der Tod!
thanks for asking! I will put it under a cut
What made you ship it?
The revival 😂 I don’t really ship it in other versions, because the revival romanticised and humanised their relationship. I love ships with insane chemistry where one character obsessively loves the other, while the other feels traces of love but is incapable of giving enough in return. Especially with an inevitable tragic end. Also Josh and Annaleigh are both very attractive especially together hehe.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
To paraphrase Josh Groban’s thoughts, Sweeney is too far gone to ever truly love another person, but with Mrs Lovett he can be silly again and she makes him laugh when he most needs it. Their relationship was never going to last given the circumstances, but it was special and unique while it did.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
this is kinda nsfw lol but I don’t really see Sweeney bringing a lot of his murdery energy to sex. I totally understand why people like to imagine him pressing the cleaver to her neck and similar things, because that is very fun, but I personally see him as passionate but very vanilla. Just my opinion rn though so it might change idk 😂
Also, while Mrs Lovett is aware that she loves him much more than he loves her, I don’t see her as being very insecure in the relationship. I think having a relationship with him is way more than she ever dreamed would happen, so she’s very happy with what she has. And she has no fear at all that he will ever leave her, because she’s confident in her lie about Lucy.
Why don’t you ship it?
ok to be completely honest I just don’t think I much of a Tod girlie 😂 I think the character is fine and interesting, but he’s not one of my favourites, I just think he’s solid for what the story needs. So I’m already not passionate about Tod. And then I am not a big Rudolf fan, I enjoy hearing others talk about Rudolf and he’s great as a meme, but I don’t connect with him much.
What would have made you like it?
If Rudolf was a lesbian and Tod was Stephanie instead 😌 Srs though I don’t dislike it, I think it’s a compelling ship, I love seeing intense Schattens and mayerlings, it’s just not for me
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Gay representation! Love to see it 😌 thanks for nothing mr kunze. I think the schatten choreo and mayerling kiss are very sexy. I also love how passionate others are about the ship!
Why don’t you ship it?
Not a huge tod fan but also, I prefer when he is a metaphorical representation of Elisabeth’s suicide ideation rather than a magical guy she is in love with. I think her main goal should be freedom and even if death looks like her favourite twink poet she doesn’t actually want him like that.
What would have made you like it?
I think I would like it if it were romanticised, but differently. The KKOG-prod romanticisation is very sexless and bland, they say they love each other but there’s no passion there. I would like a tod who is overwhelmed by his unexpected feelings for Elisabeth, like Máté but in a less cocky way, and an Elisabeth who is really passionately attracted to him. Still idk if I would actually ship it, because even with all the Elisatod combos I haven’t yet, but I might be more into it.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I think it’s very beautiful and romantic in Essen! I also love the bonds between actors, how Pia+Uwe and Maya+Mate are still friends
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karatam · 1 year
4, 10, or 13 for that writer meme! bc you are seriously a great writer!
lol thanks :)
4. what are some themes you love writing about?
hmmm... I'm thinking over the fics I've written, trying to find themes... I do love a found family and characters finding where they belong, maybe a bit of melancholy unrequited (but actually requited) love, but mainly it's about filling in gaps in canon and giving my faves happy endings
10. what are your strengths wrt writing?
pfffft, I think I'm alright at injecting a little levity or fun into fics that otherwise might be more Serious, but not taking it overboard.
I surprised myself with my plotting in my last fic, in going back and tying off loose ends from canon in ways that (to me at least) made sense and fit the characters. It was something new (I'd never tried a long plotty canon-based fic before), but I think it turned out alright
and when I actually have inspiration, I write fairly quickly. Which isn't purely a good thing, but it was necessary for me or I would never post anything
13. who are your favorite writers?
oh there are so many faves, many of whom I've reblogged fic recs of on this blog (I think I have a 'fic rec' tag). The WN fandom in particular has been ridiculous lately.
But some writers for a variety of fandoms that I've been enjoying recently:
KL_Morgan for Clarke/Lexa
Telanu and chilly_flame for DWP
Aliceinwonderbra for Buffy/Faith
Coalitiongirl, fictorium, and malificently for Emma/Regina
Netgirl_y2k for a variety of pairings including Gwen/Morgana and Sansa/Margaery
Paddingtonfan69 for Sterling/April
Wrackwonder for Maya/Carina
Apparitionism and scotchplaid for Warehouse 13
Harper_m and QuickYoke for a huge number of fandoms
Pirateygoodness for a bunch of pairings including Cara/Kahlan
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tunaricebowl · 1 year
how do you find the posts you use in textposts? is there a specific keyword you use to search for them, if so what is it? or do you just collect them when they appear on your dash?
ooh and how do you get the inspiration for who is which speaker in a textpost? tysm in advance !!!!
hi thanks for the ask!!
i started out by saving tweets and text posts that reminded me of a specific character or something they’d say (like stealing for kay, simpy tweets for larry or feenie, weird food for maya, short jokes for apollo, etc)
i got most of the memes from those slideshows on tiktok (hence the many pics that have the watermark at the bottom if i couldn’t erase them* lol) so when i started really enjoying making them, i looked up meme slideshows on tiktok and scrolled through accounts that regularly post them. i look for ‘memes’, ‘twitter’, ‘tweets’, stuff like that
as for how i decide who is who: again, often times it’s exactly because the post reminds me of a character that i save it in the first place. i mostly go off of vibes and specific key elements of each character (like the stuff i mentioned before) if you want, i can make a post listing the main dynamics or elements i use for each character/pairing!
*: i only erase the watermark because i feel like it would be an eyesore on the meme. i know credit is important but it’s not like these accounts made those memes anyway, they’re just reposting it so yea
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ziskandra · 2 years
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @fivekoboldsinacoat, thank you! 1. Are you named after anyone?
One of my middle names is in honour of my great aunty (paternal grandma's sister).
2. When was the last time you cried?
After work last Tuesday because I got into a stupid disagreement with my trainer that left me feeling really demoralised lol (I'm better now).
3. Do you have kids?
Not yet, but my partner and I have been discussing starting to try in the next year or two! 4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not as much as I used to! Now I reserve it for situations where it's really obvious (e.g., "it's a bit hot" when it's like 40 C out.)
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Honestly, whether anything about what they're doing/saying might indicate that we have any interests in common? Then probably clothes tbh.
6. What's your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies scary movies scary movies (I like happy endings, but I have to be in the mood for them, but I'm always down for a scary movie lmao)
8. Any special talents?
I'm in the top 50 nationally ranked Scrabble players in the country does that count...
9. Where were you born?
About 25km from where I live now! I am never leaving this city...
10. What are your hobbies?
Uhh, writing, gaming, drawing, the aforementioned Scrabble.... occasionally I do cosplay stuff! I don't have as much free time as I used to and it makes me sad 😔
11. Have you any pets?
I have two cats, a stripy brown tabby with white named Murphy who's seven, and a calico named Maya (for Maya Fey Ace Attorney, my partner's favourite Ace Attorney character)
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Basketball, netball and volleyball, with (very) limited success, lol
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Anything history/politics related (I did International Studies and History Revolutions in high school) and also languages (i.e, Indonesian in HS)
15. Dream job? I'm literally doing the job I answered with the last time I did this tumblr meme sjksjdk I swear it doesn't usually make me cry I've just been under a lot of stress lately 😅 Tagging: @v-arbellanaris @anneapocalypse @queenaeducan @darethshirl, @ithoughteventheboneswoulddoot, @paperbrds, @sharksister, @venatohru, @ineffableaz, @mxkelsifer, @breadedsinner, @bogunicorn, @illusivesoul, @swindlefingrs, @weatheredlaw
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5 Gay Ships to Get to Know Me!
Hi! I was tagged by the wonderful @mikaharuka, @udaberriwrites, and @alpaca-clouds! I know that it's supposed to be 5 mslash ships and 5 femslash ships...but I don't have enough ships for that, lol. But I do have 5 ships in general! Just my luck!
Well, who shall I tag? Hmm...I'll tag @bleepbloopbotz @sliebman10 @tsunderewatermelon and @kayedium-writes! And open tag of course, for anyone who wants to join!
Now, on to my ships...
1. Narumitsu
Of course, there's Narumitsu! Or Wrightworth, either one works. Tbh, when I first saw the memes about AA I was like "No fucking way that it's that gay" and then I was like "Ah, it is that gay" after watching playthrus lmao. I love this ship, very dearly. I just love the dynamic and the love that these two have for each other, even if they're not shipped they both still have great chemistry and obviously care about each other. I think their past with each other is interesting too, very drama filled XD.
2. Klapollo
Now, Klapollo I shipped the instant that I went into AJ. In general, I just really like their dynamic. I love their chemistry with each other, and I love writing Klavier tease poor Apollo lol. I just in general love this ship, it used to be my top AA ship, until Franmaya took over. Seriously though, these two are amazing together and I love them so much. They don't have as much drama or history with each other, but that's fine! They work as is.
3. Franmaya
I love Franmaya! It's my fave AA ship, definitely! They're just so cute with each other and AAAA, I olove them. Franziska is a cold hearted but really kind and soft individual, and Maya is a ray of sunshine that's always fun to write! I love writing their dialogue with each other, it's always a blast writing them with each other. As I've said before, Franmaya easily took out Klapollo from my top ship list. I still love Klapollo, but Franmaya, man...
4. Male Farmer/Sebastian
I love writing my male Farmer (Dickon Sowerberry) and Sebastian together. Since my male farmer is technically an OC, I can make him into whatever I want, and that happened to be an optimistic, extroverted, fun loving weirdo lmao. I felt as though someone outgoing was the perfect match for Sebby, so I made Dickon outgoing! They're both so cute and I love writing their chemistry.
5. Pennygail
Yep, Penny and Abigail. I ship em lmao. Look, I know it's an odd pair, but they just click in my mind, you know? I haven't written much of them, but I plan to in the future. And tbh, the little I've written about them, I love them so much already! I hope I can develop this ship more in the future, cause tbh I would love to write them so much!
Well! That's all the ships I have. Yes, I am aware that my ship tastes are basic asf. Don't get mad at me. If it works, it works *shrugs*
Thanks for tuning in on my rambles!
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mutxnts · 2 years
hi ashhhhh i challenge you to do all the multiples of 5 for the ask meme >:) or else if that’s too many then the multiples of ten cksbcmbdmd
ooooh okay multiples of 5 here we go!!! thank you vyn for always sending these in, love you 💖💖
(putting the answers to these under the cut since it got long)
5. Favourite Culprit?
this is hard bc i don't really like any of the culprits lmao but maybe kristoph? or manfred von karma, since he unintentionally caused a HUGE domino effect on such much stuff, which ultimately led to his own downfall
10. Favourite trial from all the games?
already answered here!
15. Random headcanon you can share?
now that i'm trying to pick one out none are coming to mind lmao but hmmm i think that after the gavinners break up, klavier takes some time off from making music to reflect/take some time for himself/take apollo on dates/deal with the fallout of his brother. but this isn't a permanent break, i think he does come back at some point to release solo music bc songwriting really helps him cope with some of the stuff he experienced. it's a lot more serious of an album compared to the stuff the gavinners put out, so he's hesitant to even release it, but i think with apollo and trucy's encouragement and support, he would eventually release it!
20. Did you ever write fanfiction for Ace Attorney? If so, which one is your best piece
my best piece of fanfic for this fandom is something i haven't published yet jkfdsgkjdgh i have 3 wips that i really love but just haven't had any motivation to work on them, so they are sadly just sitting in my drafts 😔 but as for published fics, i would say maybe forever and always? mostly bc i'm partial to doing deep dives into characters and why they're Like That
25. Favourite rare pair?
i don't think i really have any since i mainly just like the main ships sdfgjklsjdflg but uhhhh apollo/clay? athena/juniper? idk, these seem like fairly common ones to me lol
also phoenix/grape juice KJDFGKJDKJFG
30. Character you’d push off a cliff with no hesitation?
dahlia lmao but also mvk
35. Smartest murder plan?
it's gotta be damon gant, right? he faked all this evidence, promoted lana and made it so that she would basically do everything he asked, and fired/demoted the detectives assigned to sl-9 so they couldn't do any real investigating themselves. luke atmey also deserves a shoutout though
40. Honest opinion on Phoenix Wright?
If phoenix wright has a million fans, then I am one of them. If phoenix wright has ten fans, then I am one of them. If phoenix wright has only one fan then that is me. If phoenix wright has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against phoenix wright, then I am against the world.
(i really, really love him, but you already knew that!)
45. Someone who would’ve made a fun prosecutor but isn’t?
maybe... franziska? don't get me wrong, i love her, but i do remember thinking it was annoying how often she made these ultimatums during court where you could only ask one question or answer it correctly once or you would lose all your health or whatever. from a player perspective that was always kind of annoying since the judge just went along with it lol. but honestly i don't really know for this question sdfgjgjksdf
50. Favourite moment?
okay just to name a few: unnecessary feelings, franziska bursting into the courtroom with the evidence in farewell my turnabout, miles as a defense attorney, any reunions between siblings (like lana reuniting with ema, mia hugging maya for the first time since her death), kristoph finally getting his comeuppance, the end scene of dual destinies (minor spoilers for aa5 for the rest of this answer so just skip to the next question vyn jklsdfjklfgd) where phoenix is smiling and proud of how far his proteges have come
55. Two characters you’d like to meet?
trucy and ema!!!
60. Character you relate to?
phoenix, but specifically during 7yg bc i feel like he really struggles to find a purpose during that time in his life and that's also where i'm at rn in mine
also penny nichols strangely enough bc she works in my field and actually kind of looks like me (i do have glasses, but not as big and round as hers. also i don't have freckles)
65. Outfit you’d like to wear?
bruh no joke i had a dream one time where i wore phoenix's 3 piece suit and ever since i've always wanted to wear one bc i think waistcoats look so nice on everyone!!!! i haven't even worn just a plain suit before but that would be fun too
70. Describe Dahlia Hawthorne in 3 words!
she deserved it
75. Character you would kiss?
phoenix HAHA but also maybe klavier
80. What case was the one that got you actually hooked?
i feel like turnabout sisters or turnabout samurai were ones where i was like oooh this is interesting but turnabout goodbyes was where the ace attorney brainrot finally sank in and i knew i was doomed
85. Which character would you introduce to your parents?
funnily enough i think klavier would be super nice and know how to flatter my parents lol. but maybe mia since she seems pretty calm and levelheaded and wouldn't do anything weird while meeting them?
90. Your NOTP?
any of the gross ships of course but hmmm maybe like klavier/daryan? i just don't really see it happening personally. same with trucy/pearl, i don't ship it personally and just think of them as friends. i also really don't like how in the credits or whatever of t&t it's hinted that phoenix and iris both kind of have feelings for each other still, so phoenix/iris is one that i'm not a fan of either
95. Which character would you redesign?
phoenix to show off more cleavage like his mentor KJDSFGJFDSGKJDFG
no but like maybe franziska if she comes back in aa7! oooh or maybe klavier, but i wouldn't completely redesign him, i would just give him a cool performance outfit for turnabout serenade
100. Phoenix Wright or Miles Edgeworth? Who do you like better?
oh my god this is the question this is gonna end on sdfjklgsdjfkldfsg sorry miles but i prefer phoenix <33
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dawnbrigade · 2 years
"tag people you want to get to know better" meme
(via: @queenlua -- THANK YOU MISS LUA, this was a lot of fun to fill out!! we will have to talk more about Maya Fey afterwards \o/)
Favorite color: partial to red! it's beautiful, color theory be damned, lmfao
Currently reading: Open City by Teju Cole, Hard to Do - the Surprising Feminist Theory of Breaking Up by Kelli Maria Korducki (shit's been rough, okay), and (sigh) American Psycho by Brett Ellis, started for the meme but unfortunately it's proven to be a genuinely enjoyable piece of writing. all great reads but I do feel insane after typing all of that out lol
Last song: "Give Up Baby Go" by Peach Pit, their very specific genre of melancholy party songs has been Speaking to me lately & this one has been on repeat for the past few days \o/
Last movie: "Do the Right Thing" (1989), I am NOT a big movie person but I've been trying to change that recently and good lord this one was good! strongly recommend, especially if you like big ensemble casts & ethical dilemmas
Sweet, spicy, or savory: same answer haha, savory and spicy are strong contenders here (❤️) but I really have no sweet tooth whatsoever
Currently working on: man, it's been a very surreal, transitory period of life for the past few months re: new job, new house, and... kinda new everything, lmao, so I'm just trying to survive right now 😭 I've been trying to get back into writing, but it's all just original off-the-cuff stuff rather than fic. playing disco elysium and some nostalgic sims spin-off my kind coworker lent me, and reading a lot, but other than that I'm just trying to reconnect with old friends as much as possible and just !! yeah. live. the tellius replay is coming soon, I swear to god
tagging people: IF you're feeling It, no pressure! thanks for reading!! @clockfighting @stonerzelda @goblinsdirect @bass47 @theprimeministerofamerica @em0revival
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Wed 7 Apr ‘21
Louis left Tulum and went to Mexico City, and we got airport pics from both ends: the gathered fans were told by his bodyguard that they should keep their distance but that yes, pictures would be allowed. Thank you Louis! We got to see him a little for the first time in so long, in videos of him walking by (and getting ready to walk by) and blurry pics of him with his guitar, and Oli and Charlie- I’m excited to someday see the footage of whatever they’re working on. But for now, finally some proper pictures of the long long hair, or at least the below the hat part, all flippy and like...LONG! It’s on his SHOULDERS! Early pics had some interesting shadows around an elbow, prompting a flurry of NeW TaTtoO?? excitement, but when more pics were posted we could see that no, his elbow remains the same, false alarm. Once that tattoo kerfuffle died down the interest refocused on his shirt, which featured- a whole damn pile of skulls!
Louis went through a long phase of wearing skull shirts a while back, and the fact that it was during a period of a lot of very pointed t-shirt messages (and that he kept doing it more than ever despite knowing what we were reading into it) seemed to reinforce the theory that he did in fact mean things by it, and seeing him say yes to fan photos while wearing this shirt for the occasion… well! WELCOME BACK public Louis, we MISSED YOU! Yesterday’s shirt was for the band Obituary- is the band name a nod at the fact that Syco, generally considered to be the main target of previous skull shirts, is now dead and gone (rest in pieces assholes:))? Is Louis drawing attention to the livestream that band did a few days ago for their album ‘The End Complete’, and if so, is that also about Syco or about… something else? Inconclusive, but if we were meant to find their song “End It Now”, that can truly only be about one thing!! Am I to believe that SBB himself, Mr “I like to draw the fans’ attention to the lyrics of things” just, whoopsy, missed that! I mean, you would think every band on earth has lyrics about “ending it“ with the number of times he’s made that mistake, damn… he just never learns. Poor Louis, gosh how embarrassing! Lol. Anyway, I’ve seen people wondering lately what will happen when all the fans that have joined us in this time of lockdown and of no real contact with Louis will react when their version of Louis has to compete with the real one- and him barely being back at all but immediately reminding people that he is not a dad FFS feels like an excellent beginning, this should be good! BUCKLE IN friends! The real Louis is sooo much more fun than the boring made up one, just get ready to enjoy the chaotic energy and trying to keep up with him….
Oh also Louis liked a Snuts tweet about being underdogs as they fight to get the release week UK #1 for their new album, and a charity says they reached out to Louis AND LOTTIE to play in their celeb footie match PLEASE, HOW CUTE WOULD THAT BE? Come on Tomlinsons, say yes!
Liam has a big interview in Glamour to promote his BAFTAS performance! If *I* were doing the piece I would have really gone hard on the Two Liams angle of the performance (in which Liam will be accompanied by a hologram of himself) but alas they are boring and only interviewed one of him- maybe the part where he says “you're on stage, you're a certain type of person, and at home you're a certain type of person” sort of counts? The “that's always something I've really struggled with” makes it not so fun though, but that’s a Liam interview for ya; worrisome and makes you want to hug him a lot. “I didn't actually realize this for a long time, but I often give a little bit too much away,“ he says, and today is no exception. We catch up on the time since last we heard from him, when he told us he was going to take some well-earned time off and try to focus on writing new music; he continues to have difficulty with downtime unfortunately. Oh Liam, I do wish it were easier for you to take a break! He says, “I stopped working and I had a full, proper month off [and that was] really hard. And it was all a bit dark for me for a little bit... not being able to go anywhere, not being able to do anything. It really, really hit home. And I just found myself sat in the same place day in, day out. And I was like, okay, I really do not know what to do with myself” and “for me, learning to relax has always been quite a hard thing to do because I feel like if I'm not moving forward, then I must be going backwards.” He goes on to say “so, in a way it's kind of a blessing in disguise, as this has all kind of taught me to relax a little bit more. And to not be so worried about that, like the world is not going to fall over if I don't do something today,” and I wish I believed him, but that’s Liam’s way, to be like oh I need to add something upbeat and end on a cheerful note! So IDK. He also talks about drinking too much, at the beginning of lockdown especially, and how he’s dealt with it by getting back to working out and dieting. There’s nothing there that he hasn’t talked about before (he’s publicly addressed both his struggles with alcohol dependency and has talked a lot about his disordered eating though he hasn’t himself named it that) but after publication Glamour edited the piece to omit the part about his drinking-- I’m guessing the augmented reality app people didn’t feel it fit their ideal image (sigh). What that leaves is him saying how nice it was to be able to eat what he wanted during lockdown but that having the boundaries and rules in place of restricting his food again has made him feel better about himself, which if you ask me is still plenty distressing. Oh Liam :( <I’ve never wanted to hug someone so bad/ Spongebob meme> On a slightly more cheerful note, he tells us he feels supported and heard by a manager that he’s close to, and by Louis, and that those relationships are good for him (the interviewer does ask about Bear, but financee Maya is not mentioned even once in this article). The piece ends with a startling response to a comment about his upcoming performance: “I'll see you wherever you want me in your house, I guess.”
Niall posted about his Masters (golf) fantasy league and he was seen out and about! He was photographed in London driving a car the size of a house and on the street carrying one of his dozens of different reusable water bottles, with his hair floppy and down- is it a new haircut or just unstyled??- and shorts and little roundish shades. Hello Neil! There was a rumored sighting of Harry in London as well but no pics and like we know he’s there anyway so… shrug. And iHeart award nominations are up, and they’re pitting louies against harries, ouch. Will it be nasty (well when isn’t it even without this voted category, sigh), or will the louies simply steamroller everyone as per usual? Only time will tell, but if so harries can console themselves with their likely wins in the Male Artist of the Year, Best Lyrics (Adore You), and Song of the Year (WS) categories.
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nebulous-tundra · 3 years
Jumin for the character meme? 👋😮
YES, FINALLY! my man!
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favorite thing about them
his struggle with loneliness. Cheritz took a man with wealth beyond our feeble imaginings and gave him a psychosis that made him so fucking relatable. for real though they really hit the nail on the head with him: hyper-focusing on your job, dismissing big familial issues, putting too much emotional weight onto your pet, these are things i think most people can relate to do, and Cheritz tied them together with loneliness, distilled them to their base issues, and fed them to Jumin on a silver spoon. his BEs reflect how horribly his life can spiral if he doesn't properly address(BE3 is actually more of a reflection of MC's character but i digress) the root problem: his inability to make meaningful connections to other, and a dating sim is the perfect setting to explore that! unlike Damien who i was talking about before, Jumin is a perfect example of executing a premise perfectly and to it's logical conclusion
least favorite thing about them
while i do appreciate Jumin's wealth being part of the appeal of his character, his capitalistic sympathies are kindaaaa the elephant in the room for me. why run a charity fundraiser when he already has so much wealth at his disposal- i mean he's donating too but considering the things he's mentioned buying for Elizabeth the Third i feel like he's pretty close to having enough money to end world hunger......well. if i can suspend my disbelief about Saeyoung flying i guess i can also pretend the economics of the MysMe world is fundamentally different i guess lol
favorite line
"You must be blind to not know where my eyes are. You can't even see with your left eye now?
Everything you're hiding, your secrets, they're all fine. I'll trust whatever you do and follow you. But please... don't lie to me! At least not you... at least not you...! Don't you feel ashamed to Rika? And to yourself!? When did you start living with so little dignity? Even my friendship... How dare you treat it like this!
You crossed the line, V... You made a mistake if you thought you could fool me. Think about all the years we spent together. You can't even count the numbers? You idiot... Drop the soap opera. Quit with the bullshit that you have cancer.
Damn it! Where do you have to go? Where at this point!?"
this is one of the few times we actually see Jumin call out V and reprimand him, and it is so worth it. Jumin has plenty of good moments but this one definitely takes the cake, especially after all we learn about what V has let transpire in his and Saeran's routes
Jumin & Zen, such a fun dynamic, everytime you see them in chat together you know you're in for a treat, even if Zen takes it a little too far sometimes lol.
i mean.....if i said anything other than Jumin x MC i would expect y'all to shoot me- as is your duty
Jumin x Jihyun. purely because i hate V. also Jumin x Jaehee, because i respect her too much to do that to her LMAO
random headcanon
i feel like we already have so much canon from Cheritz that i don't even need to have my own lil headcanons buuuuut i guess that he doesn't really mind how things taste too much, he'll eat anything once(if his dietician says it's alright). despite this he has a p good idea of what he does and doesn't like, even if he strays from it at times
unpopular opinion
is it unpopular to acknowledge that he had romantic feelings for Rika? i can't seem to remember where the fandom was at on that
song i associate with them
okay i actually have quite a few of these, i have a whole playlist from when i was a neet and would do nothing but draw comics about him
Jumin's Theme v.2 - Mystic Messenger OST
<-- this one's obvious but i would be remiss to not include it
Things Remembered - Kakegurui OST
<-- good Jumin work vibes
Meltdown [Jazz Cover] - Baguettes Ensemble
<-- a nice, luxurious cover to listen to whenever i think about the nice, luxurious life Jumin must lead
What You Won't Do for Love - Bobby Caldwell
<-- good husband Jumin vibes
Flame of Despair - Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Rebellion OST
<-- good song for illustrating Jumin's emotional turmoil
Deal with the Devil [Piano Cover] - CANACANA
<-- if there was ever a MysMe anime where Jumin x MC was endgame, this would be the op
regret song - Maya Kern
<-- the lyrics aren't wholy compliant to his character, but a good song for thinking about his prior experiences with love
favorite picture of them
again i can't limit myself to one so
this has wonderful angst, have i ever mentioned i love unrequited loves as a trope?
the expression on Jumin here.....fantastic
okay this one might actually be my favorite
thanks for the ask on Jumin! i swear to god i'm gonna have a 3rd Jumin era sometime whenever i get around to playing the Rika DLC and writing out my Jumin meta on his BE2 DLC(which i have played, WOW). he is top tier husbando material
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zackmartin · 2 years
okay like you do not have to to this but zack and mara or kt and maya coffee shop au ideas?
No but this is exactly what I wanted to do, thank you, Annie 💕💕💕
I’m actually going to combine them cause, why not? But, it starts out with Mara and Zack and then KT and Maya get added later.
Send me an AU and I’ll tell you how I would have it play out!
So, Mara starts working at the same coffeehouse as Zack
Maybe I’m too obsessed with romances where it starts out that they don’t like each other, but I genuinely can’t picture them getting along at first 
Like, Zack NEVER cleans, which is already somewhat of a turn off for Mara, but also. I hate to say this, but it’s a known fact that Zack’s lazy as hell and once he realizes she’s the type that wants to do a good job and likes things a certain way, he would take advantage of that and leave a lot of the work to her, even going so far as to tricking her into doing his shit for him. Like, purposely stacking the cups wrong and then just being like “well, why don’t you show me how you would do it, then?” until it ends up that she does the whole thing
Of course, she’s not stupid, so she catches on pretty fast, but that just makes her that much more annoyed with him
 She does eventually get him back though, because she just forces him to keep doing it until he does it right. Like, he purposely knocks over all the cups, asks her if she wants to show him again, and she’s just like “I already showed you four times. But, no big deal, we’re not busy, so you can just keep trying until you get the hang of it :)”
(honestly, she can’t fathom how he hasn’t already been fired. He’d be trying to take 3 hour breaks for a part time shift lmao He just happens to be really good at making the drinks; his lattes have yet to be rivaled, and he’s charming to the customers and usually leaves them happy so he can get away with more than he should)
And Zack feels like she’s nagging him (even though she isn’t, she’s just rightfully irritated with him) so even though he thinks she’s really pretty, that’s a major turn off for him 
Not only that, but she’s like the epitome of that meme that’s like “I’m going to get a good grade in being a barista, something that’s both normal to want and possible to achieve” so even on nights when it’s one hour until closing and they only have one (1) customer that already has their order, she’s insisting they could always be doing something, like mopping or cleaning the espresso machine 
Idc how cheesy and cliché it is, there must be a scene where their little grievances with each other come to a head and they fight with the whip cream but they end up having fun with it and getting covered 
And that’s when we reach a turning point; when Zack realizes he’s been a jerk and apologizes (he even admits that she’s way more fun than he originally thought) and Mara apologizes for being a little overzealous by insisting they should always be working and explains to him that she isn’t trying to nag when it comes to keeping things clean, it’s just, they work in food so it’s a matter of public health (and also, it’s just gross, but he doesn’t care about that like she does lol)
And of course he pretends like he’s fluffing it off, like he doesn’t care, but from that point forward, she notices subtle changes. Like, maybe he won’t mop the whole floor, but he’ll at least wipe up the counter if he spills something. Baby steps. 
(Also, if he does a good enough job, Mara will comment on it, and praise from a pretty girl is praise from a pretty girl, ya know)
Also, they’re allowed at least one drink during their shift just as a perk of working there, and Mara always drinks the exact same thing (sometimes decaf, if she doesn’t want to be up all night. If she knows she wants to be up all night to study for a test or something, then it’ll be caffeinated, but either way, it’s always the same) 
She usually takes it home with her, and there’s one day where she’s getting ready to leave and she goes to make it, and Zack just wordlessly slides one over to her 
From that point forward he always has one waiting for her before she even has the chance to insist he doesn’t need to do that 
There also has to be at least one scene where it’s taking them longer than usual to do their whole closing routine, and she’s either freaking out about not making it back before curfew, or freaking because there’s a test tomorrow that she wants to squeeze in one more study session for, or something, so Zack can be like “you know what, I’ll take care of this, you just go” 
And he’s like, physically pushing her out while she’s going “But don’t forget to take inventory” “i got it” “and don’t forget that every part of the espresso machine needs cleaned-“ “I know” “And you have to be certain to lock the register-“ (or, is it till? I’m sure my American is showing with this list alskdjf) "I know!" “and return the key to-“ “Mara, I can handle it. Just gooooo” 
She goes in early the next morning, because she’s certain there had to be at least one thing he forgot (either that, or his standards aren’t quite as high as hers, so she’s fully prepared to redo whatever half-assed job he did the night before aldskjf) but everything’s spotless and perfect. She’s thoroughly impressed
There also has to be at least one (1) scene almost like in Love, Victor where they’re cleaning up after closing, and Zack starts playing music, and they end up dancing together. It HAS to happen, sorry, I DO make the rules
Zack also walks her home on nights when they’re closing and she doesn’t have anyone to walk with her so she doesn’t have to do it by herself in the dark. Even when they’re in the stage where they “hate” each other, he hears his mother’s voice in the back of his head telling him to be a gentleman so he does it, albeit begrudgingly alsdkjf
(But that’s also a tiny start to her realizing he’s not a complete jerk, he's actually sweet when he wants to be, he’s just lazy lmao)
(Also, I just like the thought of them walking together and it starts out as awkward silence but as their relationship progresses, you can just tell they get more comfortable with each other, and this is really the time where they learn about each other. Also, he makes her laugh on several occasions)
ALSO okay. Sorry this is kinda all over the place, but I'm saying things as I think of them. The first time she sees him interacting with customers, it's a group of girls close to their age that he would consider hot so of course, he's flirting. And the person after that is a guy close to their age, also someone he would find hot, so there's more flirting.
Mara rolls her eyes, thinking it's going to be a situation where he's only nice to those customers he finds attractive and that he can potentially get a date out of, but he's nice to everyone.
Like, there's a regular that comes in that's probably in her late 50s, and he enthusiastically greets her by her first name and asks her if she wants the usual
And this is just standard practice for him; he's like this with all the customers that are nice in return
She's also pretty impressed with the way he deals with the rude customers; you know the ones that are being pricks for the sole purpose of getting a rise out of you. But, Zack's like, completely unbothered by them, which just pisses them off even more alsdkjf but he literally Does Not Care
Bonus points if he ends up saving her from a rude customer
Like there’s that one that’s being a full blown Karen all because Mara made a tiny mistake (I think it should be a white American tourist cause we’re just Like That. I hate it here)
(Except it wasn’t a mistake, because Mara knows she asked for no whip. But, she wants to keep the customers happy so she just calmly is like “sorry about that. I’ll add some now”)
And when it gets to the point where this bitch is like “I wanna speak to the manager”, Zack just steps up and is like “hi, i’m the manager, how can I help you?” (he obviously isn’t, but she doesn’t know that lmao)
Except he doesn’t care so instead of doing the usual spiel of like apologizing and offering to make it right he just goes “well, actually, I was standing right over there, and I also happen to know you asked for no whip. And even though you changed your mind in the rudest way possible, my associate here still tried to make it right, even going so far as to making your whole drink over again. So, I don’t see why we should have to pay for your mistake :)”
Of course it gets to the point where she’s storming out and insisting that she’s going to call their corporate office (when she asks for their names, Zack tells her his name is Cody and Mara’s is London) and when she says some shit like “I’ll never step foot in this place again!” Zack’s just like “do you promise?”
He and Mara are definitely laughing at her for like 10 minutes afterwards
(If you wanted to turn this into a proper slow burn, you could have it that Mara is hesitant to act on her feelings towards Zack either because she’s worried about things getting awkward if they break-up and have to keep working in close quarters OR, depending on when this would take place in the HOA universe, she watches him flirt with literally every attractive young person that enters that place alsdkjf and is worried about getting her heartbroken again) 
(And if you went with the first option but wanted to go full on cliche rom-com, you could have her eventually admit that she’s hesitant to date a co-worker so he’s like “okay” and then immediately gives his two week notice because he “can always find a new job”)
Idk why I'm giving options aldksjf like idk who besides myself is gonna look at this and be like, "yeah, I'd like to write this" but just in case lmao
Now to introduce KT & Maya
So, Maya starts working there when Zack and Mara are in that place of like, they’re clearly into each other but they’re still in deep denial about it 
But, it’s very clear to her that they’re into each other. Like, there’s definite flirting happening on both sides
(Maya finds them wholly annoying at times because she’s the only one working the register and making drinks in the middle of a rush because Mara and Zack are too busy making heart eyes at each other to notice that there are other people in that shop besides the two of them. She has to physically put herself between them to be like “hello?! Customers! and lots of them!!”)
Maya becomes fast friends with both of them, and since she’s new to that whole location and doesn’t really know anyone outside of them, Mara introduces her to some of the girls from Anubis house
(Idk where Zack and Maya are going to school in this AU, but I guess it’s not with Mara. Idk why but that’s the way it is lmao) 
Of course, this is where she meets KT and there’s an instant connection
KT starts frequenting the coffee place, conveniently whenever Maya seems to be working 👀
Maya always has a new recommendation for her, depending on what she liked and didn’t like from previous visits 
And of course, every single time, they’re basically doing the exact same thing as Zack and Mara, where they’re staring at each other with hearts in their eyes and no one else exists
Zack and Maya are always constantly teasing each other about their respective crushes, and insisting that they should ask them out, but then they’re both like “but I don’t like her like that, you’re clearly misinterpreting things”
(I don’t know if I would do it, but i suppose if someone wanted to go the slightly angsty route, you could have Mara overhear that. Like Zack saying something along the lines of “Please, we’re barely friends. We’re basically just coworkers that happen to get along”)
(Okay, wait. Now that I’m thinking about it, maybe I would go this route, only because I love trash and I love cheesiness and I love the thought of her being upset because she thinks he’s embarrassed to have a crush on her, but that’s genuinely not it, he just never thought someone like her would have a crush on someone like him, and he basically just gives her a big, grand, rom-com speech about how amazing and wonderful she is, and anyone that can’t see that isn’t worth her time) 
Zack watches this all go down with KT and Maya for WEEKS and is finally like “you know what, I’ll make her order today” and there’s obvious push back from Maya but Zack’s just like “well, if you don’t like her like that, then what’s the issue with me making her drink instead? :)” 
And Maya’s somewhat stubborn, so she refuses to give Zack the satisfaction of being right, and she’s just like *through gritted teeth* “fine. Go ahead”
And when Zack hands KT her order, he’s just like “I wrote Maya’s number on the cup. You should text her sometime ;)” and KT just makes eye contact with Maya who is now wildly blushing and on the verge of strangling Zack and is like “okay. I will 😏”
*Maya, in her best Ben Wyatt voice* “Did you just hit on KT…for me?” “Well, someone had to do it!” 
And so after KT walks out, Maya immediately turns to Mara and is like: “Hey, Mara, what are you doing on Saturday?” “I don’t think anything. Why?” “Wanna go on a date with Zack?”
Zack, to Maya: “Wait, what?!?” Zack, a second later to Mara: “wait... do you, though?”
And after Mara says yes, Zack’s just kinda like “ya know, I could’ve done that.” Maya: “Then why didn’t you? 😏” 
And that’s pretty much it in a nutshell even though it’s like a million miles long laskdjf anyway, thank you so so much, this was so fun and exactly what I wanted to do, you’re literally the bestest 🥺🥺💕💕
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apprenticemiyara · 4 years
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The apprentice tea party
I got too ambitious with this because there are so many amazing apprentices that I want to include. If I missed out yours, it’s not because I don’t like your mc. I just ran out of space/time/energy 😭.
Anyways, thanks @rachel_doodles_ and @sadbeansoup for hosting this meaningful event, I really enjoy looking up all of the mcs and learn a bit about them💕.
The mcs included are:
(Right to left, bot to top)
Absinthe belongs to @absinthe.grimmur (IG). She looks cold and scary at the first sight, but the more I know her, the more I find how sweet and gentle she is!
Alexandrite belongs to @daffnie_draws (IG). She so cute and sweet that anyone who sees her would want to protect her!
Cecilia belongs to @noble.mink (IG). She looks like an energetic and lively character, and her comics are so cute I can’t wait to read more about it!
Dominique belongs to @lucinaryy_ (IG). She’s a mix of dragon and angel, a perfect mix of power and beauty! She stands out in the crowd, and you just can’t unseen her!
Perse belongs to @blubcake_25 (IG). She looks cute and sweet, but if you cross her, she’ll unleash hell on you, and we just love a tiny volcano.
Nirah belongs to @crymaticartwork (IG). She’s a beautiful and mysterious lady who can go feral if needed, and her comics are soooo appealing I wish we’ll get to learn more about her!
Valarie belongs to @aaliyah-draws. She’s one of the first mc I stumble to when I first enter the fandom. Valarie is cute and smart, but sometimes a little clumsy. All these traits made her seem more real and so relatable!
Faye belongs to @aloneylimes_ (IG). She has such interesting character design that I wish we could get to know more about her!
Emzy  belongs to @sallysoulx (IG). Her design is unique and beautiful, almost like an adventurer! She also has some mischievous sides that makes her oh so adorable.
Polly belongs to @galacticbill (IG). She seems cold and stern, but shes in fact a shy and sweet bean that I feel is very underappreciated.
Lisa belongs to @ lisaladvi (IG). Shes such a tiger and godmother, but under that fierce eyes, she’s very compassionate and wants to protect everyone she can. How can we not love a hero like that!
Izem belongs to @vkusnodonis. She has a unisex type of beauty, and the more I get to know her, the more I fall in love with her nature! She’s very dynamic. Quiet but passionate; peaceful but would stand her ground so firmly; rational yet very easily embarassed.... all of these makes her so lovable!
Nell belongs to @greyhands​. I think she might be the first mc I saw, I’m not exactly sure, but the moment I saw her, I fall in love with her! The details, the designs. The aesthetic looks like she’s straight from the game! And I just LOVE how soft and yet determined she looks! I can totally imagine her arguing with Asra while Asra coward into the corner lol.
Julith belongs to @jyuukichannart. She’s lively and passionate about life, an attitude that I wish I can have no matter under what circumstance. I think this may be why people love her so much too.
Eris belongs to @ savenkey (IG). She’s also one of the first mc I got to know in this fandom. She looks very demanding and high maintenance, but under that skin she’s very caring and understanding.The way she interacts with Lucio melts my heart everytime 🥰
RD belongs to @wolfbatspace. They are like this cute friend everyone enjoys teasing, but if someone actually hurt him, they’ll fight an army to protect their little bean RD.
Lazarus belongs to @soleiluos (IG). He’s cute and sweet, but kind of chaotic sometimes. I wish we’ll get to see more of him and Portia’s interaction in the future.
Caragh belongs to @guhzoontight​. I’ve wanted to draw her for a while, and I finally did! she seems full of attitude and her comic is always so fun to read.
Prim belongs to @hoopsies​. She seems cool and almost too rational most of the time, but sometimes showing a bit of her soft side. It’s no wonder people are so drawn into her! She’s full of wonder and we all want to learn more about her!
Isha belongs to @bastart13​. Isha gave me the feeling of a pacific that I think even when Lucio accidentally knock over them, they would just stare angrily, maybe a line of warning, and that’s all.
Nikki belongs to @ninniworld1988 (IG). She’s very sweet and considering, and will always give you the support you need! We just love a positive character like her!
Eize belongs to @eiizera​ (IG). She is strong and very reliable, totally someone I’d wish to befriend with in real life!
Clara belongs to @dreamer-rena-artz​. She’s beautiful and sassy. Very sassy LOL, and I think that’s what’s cute about her! That’s why her love is so precious! And if you are so lucky to have her love, you better cherish it!!!
Maya belongs to @blue.loves00 (IG). She’s a cute mc who seems a little shy. Every one of her CG is so beautiful and warm, and I’m always happy when they make a new post about Maya.
Onoraa belongs to @maffidraws​. At first glance she looks cute and harmless, but I think she’s secretly VERY sassy. Her meme comics always make me burst out laughing.
Arkius belongs to @chocogummiesx​. He is hot. period..... no I’m joking 😂!! He seems cool and kind of rebellious, and that’s one of my favorite combo for character designs! The CGs they made? omg it’s one artist we need to appreciate!!
Tatianna belongs to @wackycherry​. She’s one hot pirate queen who has strong attitude and you don’t want to cross! But under that fierce look, she’s very caring and protective to those she cares.
Sil belongs to @silvester69sil (IG). He is an adorable boy who loves smooching (I think). I wish his artist parent would draw them more, so we get to know this cutie more!
Reina belongs to @rachel_doodles_ (IG). She’s so confident and energetic that I just love her vibe!
Delilya belongs to @the_citrouille (IG). She’s so gentle and elegant, like a big sister we can rely on!
Venefica belongs to @sadbeansoup (IG). She looks like an experience warrior that I wish we’d see more of her story!
Prentiss belongs to @arcanaprentiss​. One of the first mcs I found too! Her story is a little sad, and when I found Prentiss, I just finished Julian’s reverse end, so it kind of cured my soul a little bit.
Leonor belongs to @starry-arcana​. SHE. IS. ADORABLE! But she doesn’t need anyone to protect her! If you think she’s an easy target? Good luck lol.
Phoenix belongs to @joandarkart​. I love how he is so colourful and lively. He gets hotheaded very easily, with Julian by his side, they are a pair of loose canon (omg). Just imagine the troubles they could get into makes me wanna laugh.
Julianne belongs to @timmys-and-scribbles​. Also one of the first mcs I found!! Her little moments with Julian are so cute that I just slowly fall in love with her! And though she looks calm and peaceful, she gets fluster so easily and that’s super adorable.
Kiki belongs to @frozen_mocha_latte (IG). She’s very chill and chill and supportive, though sometimes she can get hotheaded! She likes to tease Julian so much and it’s super satisfying to see him blush😩👌
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maya-hee-maya-hoo · 3 years
((hey owner of this blog! are you over 18? i wanted to send in a meme that’s funny but a bit spicy (not breaking terms of service ofc lol) but i don’t want to if you’re not ~of age yk))
[OOC] I am not over 18, and thank you for being considerate! Maya applauds you!!
On that note, I would like to address something else as well. Ever since I created this askblog, there have been a lot of asks that were explicit, disturbing and triggering (multiple ERPs, in fact). It has affected my mental health quite a lot, as much as I loathe to admit it, and those asks are something I’d never thought I would have to deal with. I apologize if my energy (as Maya) has been... off, for the past week or so, as I’m still trying to recover from The Shit I’ve seen in this very inbox, and trying not to give up on this blog entirely because of some trolls on Tumblr.
I created this askblog for a fictional character I’m attached to, just so I could write a bit of Maya content and release her from Capcom’s basement. I never created this blog to feel violated or repulsed. Other bloggers in this askblog universe (you may recognize them by their profile pictures, taken from the wonderful artwork by MaG Objection!) have experienced the same problem, especially the blogs of female characters’. I would like to ask everyone to remember that there are real people behind the blogs, people who read your asks and are affected by what the content you sent us might be. This should be obvious to everyone, and it saddens me that bloggers have to expect this simply because we run askblogs for female characters on Tumblr.
Of course, there are lovely anons such as this person :D, Mx. justanother-fan, Shoe, etc. I appreciate each and everyone of you! I would also like to thank everyone, from the bottom of my heart, for supporting this blog, for going along with the schemes the other bloggers and I cook up, and for giving Maya your love. I apologize if this post was rather heavy, and I hope we’ll never have to deal with that again.
Thank you for reading all the way to the end, and have a nice day!
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askaceattorney · 3 years
These are letters regarding the situation that recently transpired. After this, we will no longer be answering any letters regarding politics. All of us agree that this blog needs to strictly stay out of politics. In truth, politics should never have been the center of this blog. After this, any letter regarding politics or the situation will be deleted.
This is a blog that focuses on answering letters to Ace Attorney canon characters. It does not discriminate anyone or any mod based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, politics, etc. and such actions are not tolerated. If you believe one of our mods is discriminating for whatever reason, show solid evidence and we will handle this privately. A support for a former or current president of a country is not proof of discrimination and neither are political memes posted on a personal account.
(More Politics Ahead)
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Dear rogertheegg,
Co-Mod: Nope. Everyone’s welcome here, regardless of political leanings.  I’m afraid I’m as clueless as you are about what exactly happened with the two former Mods (they didn’t even say anything to me about it), but it’s all water under the bridge as far as I’m concerned.
Mod Edgeworth: Absolutely not! I have never tolerated political discrimination. You are allowed to believe whatever politics you want.
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Dear kunaiman,
Co-Mod: High five.
Mod Edgeworth: Thank you very much for your support.
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Dear Mistakes,
Mod Edgeworth: I’m not going to go into anything else regarding my politics, but I will state my reason for outing myself: I’m doing this for Co-Mod.  I do consider him a friend of sorts and I do not wish for him to have to suffer this blowback alone. So, if you want to state your grievances, go ahead.
Know this though, I am still the same mod you have met and have never hidden my character from any of you. My politics do not define my character and neither does Co-Mod’s politics define his character. The same goes for anyone else. I’m just someone that leans Conservative and voted for Trump. If that makes me a bad person, even if I do stand against any discrimination, then I will gladly accept it.
Co-Mod: So, here’s the truth about me, Donald Trump, the MAGA Committee, etc. (and this is from the horse’s mouth, so anyone who says otherwise is lying) -- I’ve never been a huge fan of the guy, but I supported the good things he did and wanted to do during his presidency -- creating jobs, draining the political swamp, promoting patriotism, and so on -- and for that, I feel no shame.  I also wished he could’ve kept his big mouth shut about a lot of things, but overall, I saw him as someone who stood up for people who’d been largely ignored before he came along -- namely, middle class Americans. If you see him and his presidency differently, I won’t hold anything against you for it, so I respectfully ask that you do the same for me.
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Dear Anonymous,
Mod Edgeworth: Don’t worry, I know who you are. You maybe under anonymous, but when we receive your letter, it isn’t anonymous lol. What we do is place your letter in photoshop and get rid of all your identity. Thank you for your support and I agree.
This blog will continue, even if it’s under a very few of us. I will allow everyone to display their grievances in the comment section. They have just as much right as Co-Mod and I do.
If there’s anyone I wish for you to support, it’s Co-Mod. He’s the one being the most effected by all of this. I don’t believe politics should have been involved or that we should have to justify why we believe in our politics. Neither have to do with our love for Ace Attorney.
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Dear I’m still surprised,
Mod Edgeworth: I’m guessing this is for Co-Mod, because it doesn’t seem like you’ve read my own defense. I literally stated that both Co-Mod and I support LGBT and that the letters deleted because of shipping had nothing to do with any political beliefs. Beyond what I stated in my defense (despite what Co-Mod states below), I won’t say anything more. Non of us have to justify why we support a former president. I have my reasons just like anyone else. It doesn’t make me a terrible person and I will forever stand for everyone’s rights to believe whatever politics they believe.
Co-Mod: It’s a shame I have to say this on an Ace Attorney blog of all places, but where is your proof that I or anyone on my side of the aisle takes any enjoyment in seeing anyone dead or oppressed, whether in a minority or otherwise?  I can only assume you’ve been listening to some skewed sources, or that there’s something huge I’m missing, because I’ve yet to see any right-wing groups reach that level of hatred.  (And if you know of any, please fill me in.  I mean that honestly.)
As for why I left same-sex attraction out of this blog, it’s simply because I see it as a divisive topic rather than a simply controversial one, (i.e. the death penalty, game piracy, etc.).  I’ve also proven several times that I’m not very good at addressing it without people getting rubbed the wrong way, so I decided to play it safe and not discuss it at all.  I’m happy to talk about it anywhere else, but a blog about Ace Attorney didn’t seem like the right place for it to me.  On top of that, there are plenty of blogs about peoples’ same-sex ships all over Tumblr, so why complain about this one?  If there’s a rule stating that Ace Attorney-themed Tumblr blogs are required to include those ships, I sure haven’t heard it.
I’ll admit this much -- like Phoenix, it’s something I can’t claim to understand, so maybe I still have some learning to do about it, but if I’m going to be accused of bigotry, I’d like to see some solid evidence of it.  Assumptions don’t count in my book.
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Dear Dailystir,
Mod Edgeworth: Thank you. I’m not going to address anymore than I already have. I will not and refuse to mention anything else on my politics. Just like how you said, I am more at the center in the political world. I lean more Conservative, but I am Independent. I consider both Republicans and Democrats to be two different wings from the same bird.
I’m also glad you do not consider being a Trump supporter to be in the same basket as being a racist, bigot or any of that. These days, I can declare myself as a supporter of Andrew Jackson (I’m not btw) and not be against Natives, even though he was the reason for the mass genocide of thousands of Native Americans. I can openly support Martain Luther King, yet not be considered homophobic, even though he was against LGBT. I can consider myself a Bill Clinton supporter and not support raping women, even though that’s what he did in office. Yet, the moment I declare myself a Trump supporter, I’m automatically Anti LGBT, a bigot, a sexist, a racist and a phobe of some sort, because Trump supposedly is? What a world we live in! I can’t remember the last time supporting a political figure or celebrity made you a terrible person.
As for Mod Vera and Mod Maya, I still wish they could’ve said something to me or Co-Mod, if they truly felt uncomfortable. I’m still willing to talk to either of them and hear them out. I don’t blame them for doing what they did. I don’t know them or what life they live in. I have talked to someone, who had faced bigotry  and hate from Trump supporters in their area to the point of fear. I’ve even seen a Trump supporter bully an Anti Trump Supporter and I ended up reporting the bully, then calling them out for their behavior. I can say from experience that when you face real discrimination, it puts you in a state of fear to never express yourself or your identity. My family faced that and so did I. It’s the reason I’ve never revealed my race, gender or sexual orientation and can understand where Mod Maya and Mod Vera are coming from.
I think the real takeaway is to not judge anyone based on their politics, but also to not hate anyone who does. You will find bigotry on any side of the political spectrum from any group. To say there is none on any side is spouting ignorance.
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Dear Anonymous,
Mod Edgeworth: It is sad, though even if I do understand where Mod Vera and Mod Maya are coming from, I still can’t justify them not talking to either of us first. They never spoke to either of us and assumed the worst out of both of us. They never asked us anything or mentioned their concerns. I’m certain, even now, they’re still assuming things.
Had they mentioned their grievances, I would have been willing to talk with them and work things out, but we were never given that chance. It kinda hurts, because they said they understood when I told them I was staying out of politics and was willing to admit that I supported Trump and am an Independent Conservative. Then, they pull the rug from under us and claim we are against ethnic minorities and LGBT. That’s why I wish they could’ve said something.
I’m still willing to talk to either of them, but I doubt they’ll want to hear from me. No amount of context is going to change that. If it did, they would’ve talked to me about it before leaving.
-The Mods
P. S. Co-Mod: As ugly as this can of worms is, it’s been a fun practice in defending my beliefs and decisions.  Never underestimate that skill, everyone.
Mod Edgeworth: I still can’t believe this was brought out at all. I’m so sick of politics!
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