#thank you oathbringer
renarines · 3 months
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keep thinking about shallan feeling weird unexplainable chills and then turning around and renarins just standing there like Some Guy so this happened
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biaoba · 1 year
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kaladin girls when oathbringer chapter 84
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windrunnered · 5 months
So what is it about Kal that draws an Ashspren in your Dustbringer!Kal au? And is Syl still interested in Kaladin or is his character not as much about protecting?
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you and @theknightartorias are sooooo fricking nice to me….. 
to answer your question, which i do end up getting to but to answer it first: truly, i do think he attracts an ashspren because he chose to logic himself through the pain of killing elhokar. i think that if he ignores his heart and his honor and solely relies on his self-discipline, that would attract an ashspren. dustbringers’ ideals are about self-mastery, and what’s more disciplined than a man who doesn’t want to kill the king, making himself do it anyway because it’s what he said he would do?
i think syl definitely ends up leaving him. i’m not sure if double-ordering is possible, but i think combustion (kaladin’s ashspren) and syl would kill each other first. i do think that this au transforms and kills kaladin from the inside-out, so his character can no longer be about protecting, lest he make himself completely and utterly miserable. thank you!!!!!! i already have a ramble written so im going to post it belowwwww
so the idea comes from the idea that kaladin does in fact kill the king with moash in wor and just obliterates the honor that syl thinks he should have but doesn’t necessarily contradict his oaths so it doesn’t kill her but she does leave (see: breaking moash’s promise didn’t kill her, even though he swore to him too) also because i can’t think about her dying. and this au isn’t about anyone else i don’t want to think about what would happen to dalinar and adolin in wor!!!!!! they’re saved through Plot
anyway so syl leaves and kaladin is left still broken and open for a nahel bond, one might say even more broken than before, and an ashspren swoops in and is ready to bond with kaladin stormblessed. i’m thinking it happens pretty fast, so he goes from windrunner to burgeoning dustbringer within a couple of days.
his ashspren is named Combustion but i’ve been considering changing it to Ignition too. and combustion’s kind of all over the place, see: (i just wanted it to be relating to points of an explosion, see the only other named ashspren we know of being named Spark)
“Where are we going next? I want to blow something up,” Combustion says. “Your guy has the right idea. I wish I was there when you killed him!”
ok this is long so im putting it below a cut here
i made up the au because i wanted an idea of what would happen to kaladin if he did go ahead and kill the king and go be with moash and do it for moash but the more i think about it the more it becomes a study in how antithetical this would be to their canon dynamic. yes, kaladin let moash have his vengeance and helped him accomplish it, and it literally destroys him inside and out. it annihilates his honor, his “becoming one with the wind” motifs, and makes him an outcast to a service he’s spent the last five years cultivating. in one moment, he’s the head of the king’s guard, in the next, he’s a traitor to the whole kingdom.
this kind of fundamentally destroys kaladin’s deity status not only to bridge four and the kholin princedom, but also to moash, who has to watch kaladin crash and burn in front of him. he comes back from the dust reborn, but something entirely different. he also never reaches third ideal with syl, and has to start from the ground up with entirely new ideals as a dustbringer. no longer are his ideals about protection, essential to his core beliefs, but about self-mastery, which is more important to the decision he made about killing the king.
yes, he could have tried to protect everyone and stayed a windrunner. but he chose not to, chose to define himself as someone who is only ruled by his discipline and not his heart, and became a dustbringer. (it is also partly why i think moash could never be a dustbringer but WHATEVER that’s another post) (kind of also an interesting take on lirin’s “you have to choose when to care,” yeah?)
i don’t know how this would affect moash’s promotion to vyre. but i do think that kaladin still hates the fused because kaladin is, at his heart, an alethi soldier. i think he’d refuse their rule to moash’s dismay. i don’t know if moash would leave kaladin behind to become vyre (and people are welcome to add their thoughts on this post) because kaladin is too cemented in his ways to change, or whether he’d refuse to become vyre to stay with kaladin. especially now that kaladin hasn’t emotionally and physically abandoned moash and chosen the monarchy over his best friend (and loverrrr)
a bit of writing
It was one thing to feel so much pride for him [from how he treated] the lighteyes, the people who had wronged them so unmistakably, but [Kaladin’s] getting the same way about the Fused. Bucking up to them to deny their authority; outwardly helping the listeners they beat and staring down Fused and Regals who dare to try to disturb him. And Kaladin’s Ashpren doesn’t help. Combustion just riles him up further, egging him on to cause a disturbance.
the timeline of events with dustbringer kaladin i think is something similar to:
kills the king -> bonds combustion -> stays with moash in kholinar for a while with both of them trying to hide kaladin being a radiant -> something happens in kholinar. either moash kills jezrien around the time and is accepted to become vyre, the gang sees dustbringer kaladin…. i’m not sure yet! im kind of desperate to write it, but dustbringer kaladin is so opposite of windrunner kaladin that it’s like transformative to the point of destruction, which seems… right, for a dustbringer.
i love the idea that if moash does become vyre (see: moash still having to take responsibility for the king and also possibly crushing kaladin’s one point of unequivocal joy, now marred forever) kaladin still tries to help the radiants and the kholins but like, behind the scenes as much as possible. because how are you supposed to say sorry i killed elhokar and then ran away, i still love you all so much without sounding like you’re completely delusional? i also think that this destroys the line in the sand of kaladin and the wretch, to a secret third thing: someone who is capable of great terrible things and knows the cost of them. what’s that mary shelley quote? “I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.”
i think being a dustbringer would completely alter kaladin like, forever. permanently. i think the point of no return is the second he kills elhokar. i think he knows that he’s a new kind of alone when he loses syl. even when he gains combustion, i think there’s no coming back from that. i think that destroys him. 
i think too that once he’s a dustbringer, unless double-ordering as both windrunner and dustbringer was possible (maybe for him cuz he’s Special) he could never go back to being a windrunner. even if he could feel syl. even if he she would want him back and could forgive him because i do not think he could kill combustion or break his oaths with him. i do not think he could do it twice. 
anyways i love him and have put much much thought into it and at this point dustbringer kaladin is like my oc basically but THANK YOU FOR ASKING !!!!!!!! he’s so great and miserable and i love putting my barbies under hydraulic presses made of pure stress and agony. kaladin i love you. anyway yeah. i want to write it so bad. i’ll finally have a reason to use one of my favorite titles i made up a while ago
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cosmereplay · 5 months
🍄 :D
From the Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Ok SO since Evi spent a lot of time in Kholinar with Renarin, and that's the last known location of Sja-anat, I headcanon that Sja-anat followed Evi around for years, learning about her and her family. Was Sja-anat fishing for information on Dalinar as a spy for Odium? Sure. But she also learned from Evi that we all have valuable, unique perspectives, and that beings are worthy on their own, not just for what they can do for a god. And thus began Sja-anat's trust in Renarin AND her belief that she could become a god in her own right. Many thanks to @knight-of-skyloft for opening my eyes to this ship!
(And if anyone wants to read the fic version of this headcanon, you can check out General-rated In the Shadows, or Mature-rated Of Me)
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wheelwheelwheel · 2 years
I swear if the other surgebinder in Amaram’s army was Kaladin’s brother
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stat202 · 6 months
Learning to read was a mistake ;_;
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lostandbackagain · 1 year
brother wants to see oppenheimer w me -> "you know what else has atomic weapons? tsa" -> brother starts reading stormlight again??? -> profit
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moash · 1 month
Can we get a rant about Laral? Thank you
remember in oathbringer how kaladin was like “roshone killed my baby brother” and she was like “um actually your dad embarrassed my husband by being an uppity darkeyes so you gotta hear both sides”? everything that needs to be said about her tbh
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cosmerelists · 1 year
The Rules of the Cosmere
And by “rules,” I mean tropes that crop up repeatedly in Sanderson’s books, that one could consider “rules” in a nonserious, please-don’t-take-this-too-seriously type way. 
Spoilers for pretty much all of the Cosmere!
1. Don’t feed the children
As seen in: Elantris, Oathbringer, Warbreaker
If you see a hungry, homeless child in a Sanderson book and you’re tempted to, say, give them food--don’t! Raoden tried that. And the poor child was horribly mangled by the men who wanted that food. Shallan tried it. And it turned out the child was being coerced into accepting the food by gang leaders--who ended up killing the child. Vivenna didn’t exactly feed them willingly, but the urchins did, like, beat her and steal her food while she was living on the street. So that wasn’t great.
Exception that proves the rule: Stump. She fed lots of orphaned children, and she was only almost killed. So the message is: if you want to feed the children, have a Lift around to protect you.
2. Once Marriage is On The Table, Breakups Don’t Really Happen
As seen in: Mistborn Era 1, Mistborn Era 2, Stormlight Achives, Elantris, Warbreaker
Once characters get to the point of marriage, be they engaged or in an arranged marriage or just solidly A Thing, it is rare for them to break up. Sometimes a breakup is floated--like when Adolin told Shallan she could go ahead and leave him for Kaladin or when there was Wax/Steris tension or when Zane tried to break up Vin and Elend--but in the end, the original relationship tends to hold strong. Siri and Susebron were married before they had even met, but they ended up happy together. Even “death” couldn’t stop Sarene and Raoden’s engagement--Sarene did try to marry someone else, to be fair, but that second marriage did not actually happen and the original marriage reigned supreme.
Exception that proves the rule: Elend’s first engagement did not work out. Vin killed the fiancée. So it is slightly riskier to be engaged if you’re not a viewpoint character, if you’re secretly evil...or if you’re in Vin’s way.
Although...did Elend and Shan actually break up, or was their engagement only canceled by Shan’s death? I guess either way, it didn’t work out!
3. Your enemy will save you...if the sexual tension is high enough
As seen in: Elantris, Rhythm of War
Perhaps appearing in two books isn’t quite enough to call this a rule...but if I had a nickel, etc. Hrathen was Sarene’s enemy...but in the end, he kinda fell for her and ended up killing himself to save her. And in a strangely similar manner, Raboniel used her dying moments to save Navani...after Navani was the one to kill her. Then there’s Lewshi and Kaladin--neither sacrificed themselves to save the other, thank goodness, but Lewshi does help save Kaladin and/or his men on several occasions and their romantic tension is off the charts.
Exception that proves the rule: Even sexual tension doesn’t seem to be enough for Moash to not try to drive Kaladin to suicide. 
4. Your fave is (accidentally) queer
As seen in: Stormlight Archive, Mistborn
Sanderson has a tendency to write characters that he innocently believes to be straight...until readers point out how incredibly not-straight they are. Take Shallan, who is as bi as the day is long--which Sanderson admitted, I believe, once it was pointed out to him. Veil is canonically into women, at any rate. And Sanderson has said that both Shallan & Adolin would be open to adding Kaladin as a third, so Adolin is presumably bi as well, to no one’s surprise. Many readers--me included--read Kaladin as some flavor of ace, although again, that seems to be unintentional, canonically speaking. There’s also Lewshi, a woman inhabiting a male body, whose transness is not really talked about as such but is very present. And in Mistborn, there’s Wayne and his gender-fluid SO MeLaan, a queer relationship that I don’t think is ever really identified as such. 
And yes, there are also canonical queer characters in actual queer relationships, but so many more seem to be accidentally queer.
Exception that proves the rule: Sanderson insists that Moash is canonically straight...somehow.
5. Don’t trust the underling priest!
As seen in: Way of Kings, Warbreaker, Elantris
If there are suspicious things going on, look no further than your nearest, seemingly loyal underling priest. In Way of Kings it was Kabsal, who turned out to be an assassin. In Warbreaker, the seemingly helpful and awkward Bluefingers tried to sacrifice Siri on an altar. And in Elantris, while Hrathen never exactly trusted Dilaf, he did believe that he had him handled...which turned out to be a mistake, and Dilaf ended up being one of the big bads. The big bad? It’s been a while since I read Elantris.
Exception that prove the rule: Kadash seems like a good dude. I will be genuinely shocked if he tries to, like, murder Dalinar or something.
6. Hoid is there
As seen in: All of them.
Hoid has a supernatural ability to be present at all important moments in the Cosmere, so he can expect to find him in whatever book you’re reading. If there actually are Cosmere Rules, this would have to be one of them.
Exception that proves the rule: I don’t think he’s in all of the Arcanum Unbounded stories--like Shadow for Silence or Sixth of Dusk. So maybe if your story is short enough, you can escape Hoid?
It could be the only way.
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jordirapture · 2 years
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· Seeking Forgiveness ·
I see that many of you gave a pretty warm welcome to my last Dalinar illustration, so here's another one I painted back in 2020! Thanks so much to everyone who reblogged saying nice things. I still have to figure out how Tumblr works and I don't know whether to go reblog by reblog thanking everyone, but just in case, THANK YOU! <3
Here's Dalinar meeting the Nightwatcher, a scene from the second half of Oathbringer that left me speechless. Dalinar's flashback were truly something amazing!
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cookiecrumbconundrum · 2 months
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six months since || just another day, thank god
and i am glad, so deeply glad, that six months since the worst day it is just a normal day. i feel normal. i am on meds now. i am happier. i am in therapy. and i am no longer in the space. a thousands times happier and a thousand times more stable. i do things that make it easier for me to move through the world instead of just pushing through. it is another day and tomorrow will be another days and those days will bleed into a future.
when i was done dying, dan deacon | tired, ramón casas | “letter to violet dickinson”, virginia woolf | interior, model reading, edward hopper | sand and foam, kahlil gibran | burn it down, brian luong |tim kavanagh | grant howitt | the aeneid, virgil | jujutsu kaisen, gege akutami |undertale | nickie zimov | please stay, lucy dacus | suzanne siegel | rhythm of war, brandon sanderson  | stranger things, matt duffer & ross duffer | letter to an old poet, boygenius | sower at sunset, vincent van gogh | oathbringer, brandon sanderson | everything everywhere all at once, daniel kwan & daniel scheinert | once a lady told me, nikki giovanni | poet’s loft, david hettinger | kurt vonnegut | downtown express 72nd st. station, subway, new york, 1977, willy spiller | thanK you aIMee, taylor swift | daughters of the dust, julie dash | loose lips, kimya dawson | vincent van gogh | letters to vera, vladimir nabokov
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mybabydenkikaminari · 2 years
Compilation of Rlain and Renarin references and mentions of each other
Hi everyone! I have become obsessed with my two babes since I finished RoW and I haven’t found any compilation of all the times they talk about each other, so here we are. There are not a lot of them but the list will grow so much in the Knights of Wind and Truth, that I wanted to be ready!! And If you are wondering, yes I am sure that I have every single one of them (thanks to the Stormfather that we can search for words with Kindle).  Enjoy the little crumbs that we got <3. 
The Way of Kings
Words of Radiance
Chapter 37 - Rock PoV
“Don’t deny it, Rock. Lopen is … well Lopen. And you’re obviously… um… you. But I’m still the strange one.” 
Lunamor slapped dough onto a rock, then pointed toward where Rlain -the Parshendi bridgeman they used to call Shen- sat on a rock near his squad, watching quietly as the others laughed at Eth having accidentally stuck a stone to his hand. He wore warform, and so was taller and stronger than he had been before-but the humans seemed to have completely forgotten that he was there. 
“Oh”, Renarin said. “I don’t know if he counts.”
“This thing is what everyone always tells him” Lunamor said “Over and over again.” 
Renarin stared for a long time while Lunamor continued to make bread. Finally, Renarin stood up and dusted off his uniform, walked across the stone plateau, and settled down beside Rlain. Renarin fidgeted and didn’t say anything, but Rlain seemed to appreciate the company anyway. 
Chapter 55 - Rlain PoV:
Rlain sipped his drink and wished Renarin were here; the quiet lighteyed man usually made a point of speaking with Rlain. The others jabbered excitedly, but didn’t think to include him. Parshmen were invisible to them-they’d been brought up that way. 
And yet, he loved them because they did try.  
“So…” Skar said. “Are we going to talk about Renarin?”
The twenty-eight men shared looks, many settling down around the barrel of Rock’s drink as they once had around the cookfire. There were certainly a suspicious number of buckets to use as stools, as if Rock had planned for this, The Horneater himself leaned against the table he’d brought out for holding cups, a cleaning rag thrown over his shoulder.
“What about him?” Kaladin asked, frowning and looking around at the group.
(They proceed to complain that reading is feminine with one of the most stellar quotes of Lopen: “Drehy likes other guys. That’s like … he wants to be even less around women than the rest of us. It’s the opposite of feminine. He is, you could say, extra manly”)
Kaladin rubbed his forehead, and Rlain empathized. 
He felt embarrassed for them-they were simply too concerned about what a person should and shouldn’t be doing. It was because they didn’t have forms to change into. If Renarin wanted to be a scholar, let him be a scholar
“I’m sorry” Kaladin said, holding out his hand to calm the men “I wasn’t trying to insult Drehy. But storms, men. We know that things are changing. Look at the lot of us. We’re half-way to being lighteyes! We’ve already let five women into Bridge Four, and the’ll be fighting with spears. Expectations are being upended-and we’re the cause of it. So let’s give Renarin a little leeway, shall we?” 
Rlain nodded.  Kaladin was a good man.
Rhythm of War
Chapter 54 - Renarin PoV
We need more, Glys said. We need more like us, who will be. Who?
I can think of one, Renarin said, who would be a perfect choice…
Chapter 79 - Rlain PoV (Honorable Mention)
No, Venli is here, he thought. There were two of them. He’d never particularly liked Venli, but at least he wasn’t the sole listener. It made him wonder. Should they… try to rebuild? The idea nauseated him for multiple reasons. For one, the times he’d tried mateform himself, things hadn’t gone the way he -or anyone really- had expected. 
Chapter 111 - Rlain PoV
Keep fighting, a voice said in his head. Salvation will be, Rlain, listener. Bridger of Minds. I have been sent to you by my mother, at the request of Renarin, Son of Thorns. I have watched you and seen your worthiness. 
Chapter 114 - Rlain PoV
Renarin knows? Rlain thought
He suggested you, Tumi said. And told our mother about you. He was right. Our bond will be strong, and you will be wondrous. We are awed by you, Rlain.  The Bridger of Minds. We are honored. 
Rlain had established that he needed to stay, at least until Renarin returned. 
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currymanganese · 10 months
"About the Blogger" Meme
Thanks to @all-inmoderation @bioloyg & @imliterallyjustablackgirl for tagging me! ❤️
Star Sign(s):
Sagittarius Sun, Virgo Moon, Pisces Rising <- What does it all mean? No idea! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Favorite Holidays:
Eid, Divali & Christmas <- Not for religious considerations, I associate them with having lots of delicious food, which is precious to me. 🤰🏽
Last Meal:
A slice of pawpaw (papaya), stew chicken, black eyed peas, white rice and sorrel juice. <- #grateful thanks mom 😔
Current Favorite Musician:
Khruangbin because Mark, Laura and DJ are all super talented and disciplined musicians, but also because I want the band's lead guitarist, Mark Speer and the bassist, Laura Lee, but especially Mark Speer, in ways that would shock and alarm you, like IDK anything about his personal life, but I think I'd combust if I met him. Mark if you're reading this that smut chapter in my songfic WIP was only possible because I just know you're good with your-[GUNSHOTS] <- He's not reading this, finish the meme! 😤
Last Music Listened To:
Total Control by The Motels for a The Bear meta post that I did and Hope Tala's "All My Girl's Like To Fight' from my small playlist of songs that I headcanon that Syd and Carmy from The Bear (2022) listen to. The playlist serves as a writing aid for me because regardless of the actual musical tastes of Syd and Carmy in the show's canon, this is a small sample of what the two of them like to listen to as I've characterized them in my fic.
Last Movie Watched:
Precious (2009) I was traumatizing myself and [SPOILERS]
Carmen Berzatto in my WIP fic, because Syd insults him using a gif from the movie and Carmy ends up watching this film so he'd understand the reference because he is a loser and is obsessed with his totally platonic coworker and he wants to know everything about her. 😔
Last TV Show Watched:
Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide, @devisrina convinced me, but I haven't finished watching it yet and I'm not to sure when I'll resume because The Bear and Sydcarmy still have me in thrall. 😔
Last Book/Fic Finished:
Last book finished, Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson. Last fic finished.....I shan't say - I'll describe it though - it was a seedy, sketchy, funny, smutty, crack ship one shot gag fic on AO3. I'm ashamed of myself, some of those words in that fic were in The Bible, but chile........anyways. Moving on!
Last Book/Fic Abandoned:
Last book I stopped reading - Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson - Dalinar Kholin, you stupid cunt, why do you always-[GUNSHOTS] <-Girl walk away from the book if it's stressing you that bad, c'mon now - the fictional character's dumb decisions can't hurt you. I'm actually planning on finishing it someday, but I watched The Bear when I was a quarter of the way through the book and now I am totally useless for almost everything else.
Currently Reading:
Ten Myths About Israel by Ilan Pappe, get a free ebook copy of it here while you can. Also the Gaza Diary by Ziad, a 35 year old Palestinian man.
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation:
High blood pressure and pregnancy, and maternity leave in the US of A, and before that CBT case studies and CPTSD and ADHD, and before that meningitis and sepsis. <- All for my current Sydcarmy WIP.
Favorite Online Fandom Memory:
The day Richonne went canon, or rather that era. <- Love it when racists suffer, schadenfreude can be something so personal. 🥴
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence:
I want Star Wars and BNHA to be good, but alas....Next question. <- Anyways these franchise/series are making money hand over fist still, nobody cares if I never care about them again, but I do love the ship Inko Midoriya/All Might from BNHA and I ship UkaTake from Haikyuu!! <- I had a lot of fun in that niche marketplace for a time.
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did:
The Blue Castle by LM Montgomery FUCKS severely - I'm glad that it got a boost on here with The Blue Castle Book Club. Ms. Montgomery put her whole pussy into that book, every single cell and I relate to the book's protagonist, Valancy, quite a lot.
Also, The Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner has a smallish, but fairly active following on Tumblr, but it deserves the energy that is devoted to some more popular YA fantasy/historical novel series. <- All of these books are re-readable af, 10/10 no notes.
Tempting Project You're Trying to Reign In/Don't Have Time For:
No such thing because I am unemployed. <- have mercy on me O God! It's been the first year of my adult life that I haven't been in university or running myself through the gristmill of capital and I feel trapped and anxious and fed the fuck up. I hate it here, goddamn!
Sorry to end on such a bummer of a note, but thank you for reading if you've read this far and please, regardless of if you were tagged, play along if you can! I've seen a lot of my mutuals tagged in these things before, so apologies if you've already done this, but*
@vacationship @anxietycroissant @bulabujalam @tvfantic87 @devisrina @dreadfuldevotee @mod-doodles <- please come back to me, Mod, darling, I miss you! 🥲 @jub-jub @pureseasalt <- bestie I miss you too! @ashluvsu4ever @cchickki @parrradiseeee @margaery-bonaparte-said-so @seleneofthejungle @prowitchazel @gardenianoire @artemis0404 @polymorphposting @hauntedstrawberrygiver @justabovewater20 @monetbonet @sab-teraa @agoodworkerdoes @melfinawins @melaninerd @iwantadecentblogname @persephonelovesbooks @november-rising @yannaryartside @bitchqueenofthebitchsquad @waywarddeee @myelegieseulogizeme @paddington22017 @ruethrills @techliche @erins-quinn @sydcarmyfan @lunasink @perkedelktg @couldbemaybe @msmoiraine @darkostudios-blog @angelica4equity @theonlyamazingtazmin @mswyrr @chansoooo1-blog
*pretends all of your blog names rhyme with pikachu*, I choose you!
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cosmereplay · 4 months
on a place of insecuritie Shallan/Adolin. Maybe on Adolin. 👀
to distract Renarin/Rlain
to shut them up. Eshonai/Vivenna
In joy Kaladin/Leshwi. Let my poor baby boy be happy!🥺
I will write a kiss… 17. …to distract. 
Renarin/Rlain, rated Teen, mild Oathbringer spoilers
“We didn't destroy our marriage oaths,” Adolin explained as calmly as he could. His sword hand was flexing impulsively. “We amended them,” Shallan added, stepping in front of Adolin. “It’s an important distinction.” Dalinar did not look convinced. Navani’s face was red, and angerspren were boiling at her feet.  Rlain was glad Adolin had insisted that Kaladin not be here for this. Out of respect for Dalinar and Navani, Kaladin would end his new relationship with Shallan and Adolin without question, and it would be over before it even really began. Rlain could tell that Kaladin didn't really want that. He was actually happy about his new mategroup, and Rlain had been happy to help him find words for what he wanted. So this part had to be done without him. “Are you trying to punish us?” Navani fumed. “Are you trying to make a point?” “We don’t have to ‘make a point’," Adolin said, and there was a tense edge to his tone. "You and Father made that point already. I don’t see how this is any different. We love each other!” “You can’t love two people at once!” Navani bit back a shout, but only barely. “You’re just jealous because you couldn’t figure out how to do it!” Shallan snapped back. “You're just mad that we did!” Navani's eyes widened, and Renarin started humming to the Terrors - his cue for Rlain to jump in with their biggest weapon of distraction. As Navani opened her mouth, Rlain took two steps forward, grabbed Renarin around the waist, dipped him, and planted a large, loud kiss on his lips.  Navani spun and gasped. Dalinar’s face and neck started changing colour. Shallan put her safehand to her lips, her eyes wide. Shockspren erupted all around them. Adolin mouthed a desperate “Thank you!” And suddenly, Adolin courting two people wasn’t such a big deal.
From the I Will Write a Kiss ask game
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Captain Glower
A Stormlight Archives fanfiction
Summary: Kaladin has developed a reputation for being very stern while in uniform. Adolin has made it his mission to get him to break character
Meant to be platonic but could be perceived as shipping. Whatever floats your goat 😊🙃
⚠️⚠️WARNING!!!⚠️⚠️ This is, as per usual, a tickle heavy fanfiction. No like, no read. Thank you 💙
Kaladin prided himself on his ability to command respect in any room he walked into.
This was, of course, a side effect of his reputation. His title of "Stormblessed" echoed through the halls of Urithiru, passing to and from it's inhabitants in awed whispers.
He stood tall, blue eyes locked forward as he stood at rest by the doorway to a small tavern that had popped up within the fabled city. He had been asked to make an appearance for their opening night, both to draw in customers and to keep them from getting too rowdy.
He wasn't the only soldier in the room, several striking blue uniforms speckled the crowd. He had given them permission to celebrate, seeing no reason to make them all guard the one entrance. So, he stood, quiet and firm, turning away offered drinks and watching his friends have fun.
A glint of gold sweeping the crowd caught his eye. A mop of blonde hair, speckled with Alethi black, peaked over the sea of people, eyes squinting as they searched for...
Adolin grinned, holding his drink up high as he cut through the room. He approached Kaladin with a knowing look on his face, standing beside him and mirroring the "at rest" pose.
"Hello, bridge boy."
Kaladin grunted at the nickname. Keeping his gaze forward. "Hello, brightlord Adolin." He said, keeping an even tone.
Adolin scoffed, falling out of the pose. "So formal," he laughed, moving to stand in front of the radiant. Kaladin kept his eyes forward. He was a good half-hand taller than the prince, so it wasn't hard to continue watching the bar.
"Was there something you needed, brightlord Adolin?" He asked, glancing down to meet his eyes. He had hoped his expression said "storm off" well enough that the older man would get the message, but instead he was met with one of his signature smiles.
"Kaladin, it's a party! Get out of your corner and have a drink!" Adolin said, gesturing to the room behind him. Kaladin shook his head.
"I have a duty here tonight. I was asked to be here for security."
"No," Adolin said, almost scolding. "You were asked to be here as a token appearance. No one is making you stand there and guard the door."
Kaladin sniffed, looking forward again. "No, thank you."
Adolin frowned, moving back to stand beside him.
Kaladin was content to stand in silence, pointedly ignoring the glances Adolin gave him. In all honesty, the radiant was not in the brightest of spirits tonight, he only came out for the event knowing that staying in his quarters alone would only make his gloom worse.
"Hey, Kaladin," Adolin started. "How many Herdazians does it take to change a gemstone lantern?"
Kaladin sighed, looking over at him. He almost let a smirk slip as he saw his friends excitement. "How many?"
"Doesnt matter how many, they'll always come up short."
The blonde snickered, smiling over at Lopen who teasingly called out an "I heard that!" As he struggled to peer over his tablemates.
Kaladin offered a smile, huffing through his nose. Adolin frowned. “Hey, is everything okay?” Adolin asked, voice shifting into concern.
Kaladin shrugged. “Just on duty.”
Adolin hummed, crossing his arms. “So, being mopey is how you captain a squad of elite supernatural soldiers?”
“Im not being mopey. This is my serious face. Im serious.”
“Convincing. But I don’t think even on more stressful missions you’ve glared at anyone so much.”
Kaladin shot him a look.
“See! Like that!” Adolin grinned. “Captain Stormblessed, more like Captain Grumpy.” He aimed a few teasing pokes into his friends side, not missing how he tensed in response.
Adolin continued his prodding, rambling to himself.
“Maybe not a threatening enough name. Hmm… snarl? No, too specific…”
“Glare? No…”
Another poke.
“Ah! Yes! Captain Glower.”
In a great show of stubbornness, Kaladin remained where he stood, but his tan face tinged bright red. Adolin grinned, seeing Kaladin struggling not to crack.
Kaladin finally grabbed Adolins hands, pushing them away. He huffed, bringing back that malicious look, he stared the prince down.
Adolin raised an eyebrow.
“I think you know just as well as I do, you don’t scare me, bridge boy. I know your weakness.”
Suddenly, he wrenched his hands away from Kaladins grasp, lunging for his sides. Kaladin reeled back, falling into a startled fighting stance.
The tavern was packed, neither of them had much room to maneuver, only about an arms span away from the nearest person on all sides.
Adolin lunged again, bearing left, forcing Kaladin to dodge further into the tavern. Now a brightlord on a mission stood between him and the only way out.
“You know how to get me to stop, Kaladin.” He said, a little louder than Kaladin would have liked. The statement earned a few curious glances from the patrons, members of Bridge 4 calling out encouragements to his assailant.
I’ll have to make them pay for that in training. Kaladin thought, wincing as original bridge men started calling out spots. They knew well their captain would never back down from a fight, so they knew exactly why he was avoiding this one.
He slowly backed up, hoping it would be enough of a deterrent to let the prince drop it, but he ran into someone. A short someone.
Someone who recently got his second arm back.
“Oi, goncho.” Lopen said, quickly pulling Kaladins arms behind his back. Kaladins heart sank into his stomach. “I’ll forgive that little joke of yours earlier and do you this favor, IF, I can call on you for a favor of my own when the time comes. Deal?”
“Deal.” Adolin said, not hesitating.
Kaladin felt himself begin to panic, frantically pulling at his arms. Lopen didn’t budge. He whipped his head back and forth, trying to look pleadingly back at the traitor holding him.
“Lopen! Lopen, you know damn well I’ll get my revenge tenfold once this is over. Do you really want to be part of this?” He tried, doing his best to look threatening from his compromised position. Lopen shrugged, almost looking indifferent.
Kaladin looked forward again, Adolin having crept up while he was distracted. He had his eyes trained on Kaladins face, the terrifying gaze that proved he was a decendent of The Blackthorn sent a chill down the radiants spine. Not one of fear, no.
One of giddy anticipation.
“Come on, Kal.” Adolin teased. “Loosen up a bit! All I want is a smile.”
Kaladin gritted his teeth, pointedly looking away from Adolins hovering, wriggling fingers. He glanced to the side, catching the playful expressions on his friends faces as they watched. No one was going to rescue him.
He closed his eyes, dropping his chin to his chest and accepting his fate.
“So dramatic.”
Kaladin tried (and failed) to fold himself in half as fingers collided with his torso. He bit his lip hard, earning a laugh from the crowd as his muffled sounds of struggle escaped him.
He struggled to keep his breathing under control, huffing and gasping as Adolin explored for new, more sensitive, places. The beginnings of a ticklish smile pulled at his features.
Adolin was so dead when this was over.
Kaladin stubbornly kept his head down, not wanting to give Adolin the satisfaction of seeing him crumble.
Adolin was not deterred. He scribbled at his sides, drilled into his ribs, squeezed at any muscle that earned him a flinch or a gasp. It wasn’t until his hands wandered to his hips that he got any real prize. Testing, he dug his thumbs right into the bone.
Kaladin, honest to the almighty, squealed.
Kaladin arched his back, trying to throw off the hands that were firmly latched onto the spot that broke him. He threw his head back, nearly head-butting Lopen, as a stream of frantic cackling escaped.
Adolins face softened at the sound, a fondness warming him from within as he listened. Kaladins laugh was a happy thing, laced with hiccups and pitchy tittering, and Adolin was sure he would have been begging if he hadn’t wasted so much breath holding his reactions in.
Adolin switched spots again, mimicking the same hand motion as he dug into his lower ribs. Kaladin guffawed, not bothering to hold back anymore. The floodgates were open for good.
His knees gave out under him, Lopen barely keeping them both up.
“You know, you’d think if you’re trying so hard to get out of this you could use the Stormlight in any of the gemstones around you to pull yourself away.” Adolin said. Kaladin would have flushed red again if he weren’t already blushing from the tips of his ears all the way down his chest.
Adolin shifted gears, seeing his friend gasping for breath. He lightened his touch, gently scribbling and dragging his nails up and down Kaladins sides, then ribs, then back down to his stomach. Despite the change, Kaladin still giggled hard,
Adolin leaned closer, whispering in Kaladins ear. “Admit you’re loving this and I’ll stop.”
“What?! Storm off-“ the gruff response was cut off by a stream of high pitched giggling as Adolin used a lock of Kaladins own hair to flick lightly around his ear and jaw. The prince cooed as his shoulder shot up to try and protect the area.
Adolin kept at it, feathering around his neck, while the other hand returned to latch onto his hip again.
Kaladin shrieked.
“Using his own hair, gon? Now that is cruel.” Lopen said before gently blowing a stream of air across Kaladins other ear, laughing as he struggled to choose a side to protect.
“Hey, I had to get creative. It’s not like I’m going to cut it or anything, I’m just using it to my advantage.”
“Both of you shut up!” Kaladin cried between hysterics. Adolin feigned a gasp, complete with a slack jaw and a hand on his chest. “Well now you’re really asking for it, aren’t you?”
Kaladins eyes widened, shaking his head wildly.
“No! No! Wait! I’ll say it!” He begged, pulling up a knee to his chest to push Adolin away. Adolin pulled his hands back, putting them on his hips.
“Well? I’m waiting.”
Kaladin looked around. Most of his companions were ignoring the display now for the most part, having gone back to their drinks and card games. He sighed, looking up at Adolin, slouched in Lopens grasp.
“Fine. I like it, okay? I enjoy it. Now will you leave me be?” Kaladin meant to be more commanding, but it came out as a tired plea. Adolin smiled.
“You have to say the word.”
Kaladin looked up at him incredulously, Lopen snickering behind him. He took a deep breath.
“I like being tickled. There, happy?”
Adolin grinned, nodding, and gesturing to Lopen to let him go. He slumped forward, letting Adolin catch him and guide him into a nearby chair.
Kaladin breathed deeply, trying to get his heart to slow down. Adolin sat beside him, leaning against the table. He looked over at the next table, clearing his throat.
“Pay up, Rock.”
Kaladin started, sitting up straight and looking over as the large horneater stood and made his way to the bar, picking up a large drink of some kind and setting it down in front of the high prince. Rock grumbled, not making eye contact with his captain as he made his way back to his seat.
“I told you I could get him to admit it. Don’t be such a sore loser.”
Kaladin shot a deadly glare towards Rock.
“You told him?!”
The room broke into raucous laughter, and the former bridge leader slid down in his chair as if to disappear under the table.
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stormblessed95 · 3 months
Hi i just started way of the kings, bc that was the only book from sanderson that i found, and i really wanted to start a deep series (like i have completed both percy jackson series, all 4 shadowhunter series, sjm universe all 3 series and ofc harry potter) and they were good but i wanted a more deeper well thought out more mature series, and i heard everyone like not even one single bad review from my fav book readers that i follow. I really hope i love this (cldnt get into lor or got series idk why maybe will give a try again) but can you give a timeline or any link which will explain it and the sequence of books in each series, if you wont mind. thanks,
ps its sort of sad the low amount of effort that bighit puts into jimin releases, not even mere promotion or posters even or pre order/save links or a larger grp of sites to but from or a europe ver album (which btw all of teh above that everyone else got, all the members did and pjms (no major account or so called ot7 army) are the ones promoting or putting up fliers and posters for promoting its just sad and so hurtful to see. its just so sad when people put side by side pics of jm and other member's stores and pre order links for thier albums and see jm's being like 4 stores long just that short list, it was really just sad. people have to beg them to give the pre -release songs pre order and pre save list and got that liek 2 days before the release, is just straight up negligence and mistreatment, it was really shocking to see esp since i became an army during proof era and the chapter 2 comebacks were my real full comebacks the clear discrepancies in releases of jm and others shocking (i agree even v faced some but not to this amount sry and how the rap line projects always get the lowest amount of engagement esp hobi and his hots album/documentary) i dont like solos always but in these moments when i see real tiem engagement by pjms on insta and twt i sort of become thankful for them, bc otherwise this album would have been in the gutter and esp with geffen vp streaming head's twt/comment , its really just disgusting to see, never have i seen such blatant disregard for an album release. Its just sad just very sad. anyways, thanks for the stormverse information in your recent ask, it helped a lot!
Anon come back! Lol was the list of books in last ask not what you want? Are you asking for a timeline of all the books in the cosmere in chronological order? Or just the Stormlight Archive series? Which starts with The Way of Kings? (feel free to give me updates as you read anon!!)
Stormlight Archive series includes:
Book 1: The Way of Kings
Book 2: Words of Radiance
Book 2.5: Edgedancer (Novella)
Book 3: Oathbringer
Book 3.5: Dawnshard (Novella)
Book 4: Rhythm of War
Book 5: Wind and Truth (comes out Dec 2024)
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As for the rest of your rant, I can agree that the effort Hybe has been putting into promotions for BTS lately have been abysmal, especially for who BTS are. They can and should be doing better in that aspect. But I don't super want to get into that honestly. Lol I just want to focus on enjoying what IS coming out and the efforts from the fandom too
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