#thank you pbs kids instagram <3
fitzselfships · 2 years
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Instagram jumpscared me today with this :]
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ejzah · 3 years
A/N: This is another little story in the series I’ve created with Kensi and Deeks adopting 3 kids through foster care. Some of the details were inspired by some families I follow who have several adopted children. Dougherty Dozen on Instagram is one of them.
The Perfect Sandwich
“Alright, Kiddo,” Deeks said, slapping two pieces of wheat bread on a plate. He turned with one hand on his hip to face Jessie, who sat next to him on the counter, legs swinging at a fast, uneven pace. “What do you want on your sandwich today?”
“Um, peanut butter,” Jessie replied, pausing to consider with his head titled. “And jelly.”
Since moving into the Deeks-Blye household, Jessie, along with his brother and sister, were still getting used to the concept of getting to choose parts of their meals. Jessie in particular seemed to enjoy different peanut butter combinations. His PB and ham concoction had sadly been ruled a failure, but he continued to explore his options.
“A tried and true classic.” Smiling in approval, Deeks leaned over to grab the peanut butter from above Jessie’s head and turned towards the fridge.
“And can I have strawberry jelly this time?” Jessie asked shyly as Deeks clasped his hand around a jar of grape jelly. He turned to glance over his shoulder in time to see Jessie duck his head, like he expected his request might get turned down this time.
“Of course you can,” Deeks told him, swapping out jars. “You can have strawberry, grape, and peach if you want. Though I don’t recommend mixing them together.”
That got a smirk out of Jessie, which Deeks considered a big win. Jessie was usually quiet and analytical, slow to laughter much of the time. Deeks hadn’t figured out yet if that was just his normal personality, or if it was a learned behavior.
“Maybe next time. This time I just want strawberry.” As they fixed the sandwich, Jessie spreading on an extremely generous layer of both fillings, Caleb and Izzy wandered in with Kensi.
“Hey, anyone else hungry?” he asked, catching Kensi in passing for a quick kiss. “Jessie’s over here creating culinary delights.”
“I do!” Izzy shouted, running at Deeks and clinging to his leg. “I want honey and skittles!”
“Uh, how about we make that honey and peanut butter?” Kensi suggested. “And save the skittles for a snack after dinner.”
“No, I want them now.” Izzy gave him an absolutely adorable, imploring look as her little fingers dug into his jeans. Deeks wiped his hands on a towel and reached down, slipping his fingers under her arms. He swung her up in the air before depositing her on the other side of the counter.
“How about you help me make it? We’ll even give him a smile,” he said. Izzy pressed a tiny finger to her chin, frowning while she considered his compromise.
“Ok,” she decided, instantly brightening. She scrambled onto her knees and grabbed the bottle of honey with an ecstatic expression.
“Oh dear lord, this is going to be a disaster,” Deeks sighed. Kensi chuckled, tossing a damp washcloth his way.
“Hey, at least everything wipes down easily and if all else fails, we can toss her in the bathtub,” Kensi pointed out, poking Izzy in the stomach. She giggled, leaning away for a second, then instantly drawing closer again for more. Deeks watched them while he took over drizzling honey on top of peanut butter, their laughter making his grin.
“Mommy, stop,” she giggled. Kensi ticked Izzy a couple more time, then sidled over to Deeks, resting her chin on his shoulder.
“Do I get a sandwich too?”
“Of course. What does my Lady Bird desire?” Deeks asked grandly.
“Mm, turkey with everything,” she requested, giving him a smacking kiss on the cheek. “Thank you! And don’t forget the pickle.”
“I would never.” He got out a handful more ingredients and dumped them on the counter, which was nearly covered at this point. He caught Caleb lingering to the side, silently watching them all. “What about you, Caleb? You want peanut butter or hand and cheese today?”
“Ham and cheese,” Caleb answered softly.
“One ham and cheese, cheese, pickles on the side, hold the lettuce, and extra mayonnaise,” Deeks said, calling out the order like a waiter. “Oh, and diagonally cut.”
Caleb grinned and nodded.
“That’s it. How did you remember? No one ever does. Especially the way I like it cut.”
“I always remember the important stuff.” Deeks squeezed Caleb’s shoulder, in lieu of a hug, which they were still working towards. “Can you grab some plates and napkins?”
“Sure,” Caleb answered, eager to help. The other kids wandered in around, “helping” dole out sandwiches and drinks with Kensi intercepting any massive spills. It didn’t get better than this, Deeks thought as he carefully cut Caleb’s sandwich on a diagonal and added a long pickled spear on the side of his plate.
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bunny-carrothunter · 4 years
omg heyyy!!! i saw you reblogged a whole bunch of my very old wordgirl posts and it made me super happy to see there’s still people posting about it because i thought that fandom had pretty much died out completely
Omg it’s you!! 👀 (灬ºωº灬) First of all, let me say, thank you. All those post and content from 2015 absolutely made my week. Ironically it was the same year Wordgirl concluded, and yeah activity in the fandom went down after that. In 2017-2018 there was a noticeably rise in the fandom (I believe partly to do with the Captain Underpants movie because of the similarities but that could just be me). After that I noticed it went down and I had moved on to another fandom.
In 2020, I remembered I was in a Wordgirl server I one day joined out of nowhere and I had completely forgotten about it, and ever since I got back into it and it’s been my main hyperfixation<3 It’s such a good show, nevermind it was for young kids and on PBS Kids of all channels, it was so good.
But yeah, the fandom is still around, just, as a person on the server put it, ‘just hard to find.’ But yeah, we’re still here, making fan art, fanfiction, new blogs, content in general, heck, just this month there was a sudden spawn of WordGirl RP accounts on Instagram and they are such a delight to keep up with, they’re so fun. This post lists them all, I highly recommend following them<3
Oh, and there’s also a Discord server where we share art, fics and ramble about theories, so there’s that.
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yourmandevine · 4 years
Some stuff that made me happy in 2020, in no particular order
God send you no greater loss. It’s something my grandmother said a lot — a bit of highly Irish Catholic wisdom intended to remind you, warmly but sharply, that whatever you’re currently suffering through isn’t all that bad compared to what lots of other people are dealing with. That it probably isn’t too much to complain about, in the grand scheme of things. That you should, instead, be grateful for what you’ve got, big and small and everything in between.
God sent a great many people a great many unfathomable losses this year, and as hard as it felt at times, our family wasn’t among them; we’re lucky, in the big picture. In the past, people have recommended I try writing those reasons down, to give myself a list of stuff to be thankful for, for the times it’s tough to summon up the gratitude. I figured the end of the year was as good a time as any to make that list, to highlight the stuff that helped me get through this year — the reasons big, small, and in between.
So: here goes.
Peanut butter and jelly
I haven’t counted how many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I’ve eaten since March 11, which is good, because that would be an absurd thing to do, and a sure sign that I have succumbed to a very specific kind of madness. It’s also good, though, because I would undoubtedly be ashamed by the number; the figure would be titanic, like the unsinkable ship of same name, or the iceberg that sunk it.
Or, at least, I would be ashamed under normal circumstances. This fuckin’ year required whatever flotation device you could find, and you know what I found in the fridge and cupboard? A couple of slices of bread, some strawberry jam, and some goddamn Skippy.
Need a weird mid-morning “brunch” after not having breakfast because you went right from waking up to remote school with the 6-year-old? Crank up a PB&J with that third cup of coffee. Need to pack something in the diaper bag to feed everyone while you’re out at the playground for the afternoon? Stack ‘em up, son. Need a late snack after working the overnight shift filing weird bubble playoff columns? Three letters, one ampersand, one love.
I need to eat better in 2021. But I kind of needed to eat sort of like shit to get through 2020, and time and again, when your man needed it most, PB&J was there.
Sunday night Zoom sessions with college friends
I know that most of us started something like this back in March; I’m not sure how many have stuck with it. I hope the answer is “a lot,” because honestly, knowing that I’m going to end the week by seeing a few friends — some here in Brooklyn but mostly beyond our reach for safety’s sake, some who’ve moved away — has felt like a stabilizing agent on more than a few occasions. It’s important, and no small blessing, to have people in your life who really know you, weird messy ugly bits and all, and in front of whom you can let everything go.
That gallery view’s provided a place to vent, to seethe, to laugh, to cry, and to try to find some semblance of center before heading back into another week. I’m grateful for it, and for the people in those little boxes. Except for the time they reminded me that, when I was 18, I was pretty sure I was a Pacey, and they were all extremely confident I was a Dawson. They were right, but still: a bitter pill to swallow, then and now.
Olivia calling herself “Dr. Bloody”
She took out her little toy doctor kit and just turned into a cackling villain.
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Deeply disconcerting, yes, but also adorable.
All Fantasy Everything
What got me in the door was the conceit: three very funny stand-up comedians (Ian Karmel, David Gborie, Sean Jordan), often with a very funny guest but sometimes without, pick some topic or another and engage in a fantasy draft of their favorite aspects or representations of that topic. (It is, crucially, a serpentine draft. Now what is that? That’s a great question.) Some favorite examples: Mikes; Words That You Think Make You Sound Smart, vols. 1 and 2; Things You Yell After You Dunk on Someone; Fictional Athletes; Crimes We’d Like to Commit. Yeah. It’s that kind of podcast.
What kept me around was the friendship. Listen to an episode and it becomes really clear really quickly just how much the three hosts love each other, how much fun they have being around each other and making one another laugh. The warmth radiates, just pours out of the speakers; in a year where I sorely needed some good vibes, I appreciated my regular check-ins with the Good Vibes Gang to just ... unclench for an hour and a half or so. 
Drinking beer
OK, I’ll admit: This doesn’t sound great for me. It’s true, though. I really like beer. (We brewed one in our kitchen, which I realize is something of a “bearded guy in Brooklyn” cliche, but here we are. It was exciting to complete a project, and it tasted OK-ish.) At some points this year, it didn’t feel like there wasn’t much to look forward to, and sometimes drinking some High Lifes or Narragansett tall boys — with my wife in our living room, with friends on the computer, whatever — helped take the edge off a shitty day/week/month/year. I look forward to being able to do that outside with people again.
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The Good Place
I am sure some very smart cultural critics and political thinkers and social revolutionaries have forwarded compelling arguments for why this show is Bad, Actually, because that seems to be more or less true about most things, whether because said thing is Actually Bad or because the economics of the attention economy on the internet functionally necessitate the composition and publication of pretty much every position on pretty much every issue, and especially ones that present a counterargument for why you shouldn’t like the thing you like, and might be kind of a piece of shit for liking it. But I liked this half-hour comedy about the way the universe might be put together, why we should try to take better care of each other, and how doing so might be a pretty great way to take better care of ourselves.
Andrew let me write about it a little bit for a big project we did before the series finale aired, which was really nice of him. I found myself thinking about this part a lot this year:
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I also thought a lot about Peeps Chili, but that happens every year.
Taking pictures of my dog
Check out this flumpy goddamn champion:
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“Lugar is a good boy” is the main takeaway here. They don’t all have to be complicated.
Schitt’s Creek
I know we’re not alone in this, but we inhaled this show this year. A half-hour comedy about people being laid low, learning how to deal with who they actually are, and finding some grace and community and opportunities for growth kind of hit the spot, I guess.
One of the most wholesale enjoyable ensemble comedy casts I can remember; Catherine O’Hara was already in Cooperstown, but what she made with Moira Rose only polishes her plaque. I’ll never be able to describe with any specificity the thing Chris Elliott does, but I know it has made me laugh since I was a child too young to understand the Letterman bits or see Cabin Boy in the theater, and it’s probably going to make me laugh until I am dead.
I love that people who, for years, never got to see themselves or people like them on screen got to see David Rose on screen and maybe recognize themselves a little bit. The idea that seeing the David/Patrick relationship might make them maybe feel a little more at home, a little safer and more whole, makes me happy. Sad, about the before, but happy, about the now and the what comes next.
Past that, I just love how what was ostensibly a family-and-friends production for a Canadian channel just got absolutely everything right—the tone, the look, the sound, the theme song, the cast, the jokes, my goodness, the jokes—and before long, the rest of the world just got it. Like catching a fastball square on the barrel. Something the show clearly knew a little bit about.
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Finding new outdoor places it was safe to go
Necessity is the mother of invention, and the need to give the kids a place to be that wasn’t unnecessarily dangerous but also wasn’t inside our two-bedroom apartment led us to do more exploring than we had before. Shirley Chisholm State Park is great. Canarsie Pier was a fun place to spend a Sunday morning; so’s Canarsie Playground. If we got there early enough or made our peace with some rain, the beaches at Jacob Riis Park and Fort Tilden were pretty rad this summer. I lived in Staten Island from ages 8 through 18, and during breaks throughout college, and don’t think I ever hiked in High Rock Park — that’s dumb, because it was nice!
Even if all those little excursions did was kill a little time and reduce the overall stress level of the four humans stuck in our four walls, that’s not nothing. Some days this year, it was everything.
Cobra Kai
I know I’m late here; I didn’t rush to seek it out because I don’t consider myself a huge fan of The Karate Kid, or at least not a big enough fan to sign up for YouTube’s premium service. I checked it out when it came to Netflix, though, and I honestly can’t believe how much I enjoyed this show. Give me “dumb, but with heart” every day of the week.
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I believe in Miguel Diaz; I believe in Johnny Lawrence; I believe I will be firing up Season 3 next month, and perhaps drinking some Coors Banquets in its honor. (I cannot, however, believe how the “get him a body bag” thing came back around, but that’s neither here nor there.)
Closing unread tabs
I’m a serial hoarder of links, and I am bad at finishing all of them. I’ve tried to get into Pocket and Instapaper, but I’ve never been able to turn that sort of workflow — open link, save to third-party service, go back to third-party service later to read, then delete from there — into something that felt instinctual, natural, or habitual. So: lots of tabs. Like, lots of tabs.
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This was a dicier proposition than usual in 2020, because cutting my work week in half to be able to more effectively coparent two kids who didn’t have school or day care for most of the year meant less time to read things.
I tried to do my best to keep up with the important stuff for work, and to read at least some stuff about how other parents were dealing with their anxiety/anger/depression/frustration at having to be on 24/7 and work, and to stay abreast of (at least some of) what was happening in the world. Sometimes, though, I would wake up and realize I’d been holding onto blog posts about Really Interesting Rotation Decisions on the 11th-Seeded Team in the East or whatever for literally nine months, and I would go against my nature and just hit the eject button on a 25-deep window, and something amazing would happen: I wouldn’t get fired for being shitty at my job. I would move on with my day, and I would feel about 10 pounds lighter.
I still keep too much stuff open. (As we speak, I’ve got three different Chrome windows open on two different laptops. I choose not to count the total tabs.) But I do so knowing that, if it gets too heavy, I can experience the momentary joy of surrendering to the inevitability that I can’t catch everything. In that moment, I feel OK with my decay.
Reading writers I wasn’t familiar with before
Two in particular stand out in my mind: Nekias Duncan, now of BasketballNews.com, who does excellent film breakdowns and statistical analysis, and Katie Heindl, who writes basketball stuff of all types all over the place, and strings sentences together in a way that scratches an itch inside my brain. I’m grateful I got more chances to read them this year, I look forward to bigger and better things for both of them, and I’m hopeful that, if things calm down and our schedules go back to something approximating normalcy, I’ll have more bandwidth to hunt out more new voices in the year ahead.
The time I ambushed my wife as she was trying to break down and put away the girls’ space tent
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Pretty good.
Siobhan learning to ride a bicycle (with training wheels, but still)
The moment passed pretty quickly; Not Exactly A Mechanic over here can’t get the training wheels to reliably work right without either loosening them too much or tightening them so much that she can’t pedal it. In that first moment, though, and for as long as it lasted, it was really great to see her get excited about doing something new, big kid shit, for the first time.
She was proud. I was proud of her. And then we went to a playground for a few hours. Pretty good day.
Tyler Tynes roasting me
Tyler did some incredible work this year — The Cam Chronicles is getting deserved praise as one of 2020′s best podcasts, and his reporting on the Movement for Black Lives was exemplary. It’s hard to top this, though:
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You know what the messed up part is? I was excited to tell him what I was doing, just because I knew the reaction would be so violent. Like a body rejecting a transplant. So lucky to have such a dear, dear friend.
I’m late on everything, so I didn’t start listening to PUP until the spring of 2019, but I haven’t really stopped since. This year has been too sedentary too often; this band is too kinetic to allow me to stay there.
“Bloody Mary Kate and Ashley Kate” is never more than about 20 minutes away from returning to the front of my mind. I would fucking love for it to be safe enough to watch these guys live at some point, and I am absolutely going to take Steve up on his offer.
Someone sending me a shirt based on a joke I tweeted
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I’m not sure you should be rewarding my behavior, SnoCoPrintShop, but I appreciate it all the same.
Which reminds me:
Family dinner/family movie night
My wife works in Manhattan and commutes back on the train, and we've tried to prioritize getting the girls to bed early since they were little, so that doesn’t leave much of a window between when she gets home and they go in the tub for us all to connect; before everything shut down, we almost never really ate together. We’re still not great about it, but for a while now we’ve carved out Saturday as family dinner night, where we sit down to eat and talk about our “up” from the day — something that happened that made us feel good or happy, or something we’re looking forward to. (We used to talk about our “down,” too, but that kind of seemed like overkill. Why try to focus on more bad shit right now, you know?)
Then we settle in for a movie, with who gets to pick rotating each week. It’s mostly been Pixar, which has been great but also has its drawbacks; after she caught me crying during one of them (maybe the Bing-Bong scene in Inside Out? or Miguel singing to Grandma Coco?), Siobhan straight up told me, “You need to get yourself together, man.” We just watched My Neighbor Totoro, too, which they loved, so we’re probably going to try some more Miyazaki soon. It’s a really simple thing, but it’s one we rarely made time for before, and it’s been really nice to manufacture something positive that we can share and look forward to together.
Sometimes looking like a shiftless drifter
No shade to anyone who felt strongly about getting a lineup or whatever, but I haven’t really felt like going to the barbershop was worth the risk, and I continue to refuse to believe that my wife can actually pull off the fade she’s long wanted to give me. (It is also possible that she just means she’s intending to run my fade, and that I will before long wind up cold-cocked and slumped by my bride of nine years.) So I’ve just kind of been growing out my hair like it was when I was single, and sometimes been letting my beard get kind of out of control too, and, well, I sort of like looking a little bit like a Wildling, it turns out.
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I have since trimmed things up a little. It didn’t go over well with my youngest. Oh, well. I’ll try to do better next time.
My wife and daughter singing the Pixies
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We don’t know all the words to too many lullabies, so we sing the ones we do know the words to. This will probably come back to bite us in the years ahead. For now, though: Pretty good.
Doughboys’ Tournament of Chompions: Munch Madness: Mac Attack
I can’t believe how invested I became in Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell’s quest to determine the best menu item at McDonald’s in a 64-seed tournament that spawned hours and hours of delightfully funny audio featuring all-time home-run guests like Jon Gabrus and Nicole Byer, who gleefully feed into the often warm, sometimes antagonistic, always entertaining chemistry between the two hosts. I have also never found myself wanting to go to McDonald’s more in my entire life. I have hit the drive-thru a couple of times since, and the boys are right: The McDonald’s fountain Coke does just hit different.
Sound Only
I’ve lost track of whether or not a 38-year-old is considered a millennial, but I’m quite confident that I’m not exactly plugged into “the millennial lifestyle” as my teammates Justin Charity and Micah Peters discuss it on their podcast, which relaunched this summer. Doesn’t matter, though, because I love hearing Charity and Micah talk to each other even if I don’t know what they’re talking about.
Their conversation about Dave Chappelle was great. After listening to their Travis Scott episode, I felt like I kind of understood who he is and why he occupies the space he does in pop culture now. I had no idea how they were going to get me to give a shit about set photos from The Batman, but this they not only got me there, but wended their way toward blaming 50 Cent for needing to know who Groot is to have a conversation on the internet, which is something for which Abraham Lincoln did not die. The show is good, it's getting better, it’s fun to hear them talk their shit, and Charity’s regular bellowing of “I, TOO, AM AMERICA” has made me smile for four straight months. 
Siobhan’s letters and notes
She’s in first grade now, and she’s taken to communicating her feelings through the written word. A lot.
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I won’t pretend that I loved all of these in the moment. I can only get so upset, though, when she’s already writing with such a clear voice. (And trying to use proper punctuation. (And drawing little cartoons to drive the point home.)
Palm Springs
I’m having a hard time remembering too many specifics about it right now, which probably means it’d be a good thing to rewatch over the holidays. But, as I’m sure many people noted many months before we got around to watching it, a comedy about living the same day over and over again, and about trying to figure out how to make your life mean something when everything seems meaningless, scratched a pretty particular, and particularly important, itch this year. It could’ve been twice as long, and I would’ve eaten up every second of Andy Samberg and Cristin Miloti together.
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I’m pretty sure I cried, although this year, that doesn’t necessarily mean much.  Also, put Conner O’Malley in more things.
Joining our union’s bargaining committee
I won’t say too much about this, but I will say that becoming an active participant in the process of a labor union negotiating its first contract with management has been an extremely educational experience. It’s pushed me to have conversations, sometimes difficult ones, about our priorities as a staff and a company. It's helped me get closer with the other past and present members of the BC, and has led me to start developing relationships with members of our staff that I otherwise might not have had much of an opportunity to get to know.
The organizing work takes time, effort, and energy, but trying to do what I can to help take better care of my colleagues has been well worth all of that. Here’s hoping that in 2021 we can reach a deal that helps make our workplace even better, stronger, and more equitable for all of us.
Publishing a story about Stevie Nicks’ Fajita Roundup
I swear this is true: After I accepted my offer to work at The Ringer, but before I started, I told a friend that one thing I was excited about was that you had the chance to work on offbeat stuff here, in both the “kind of weird” and “not about the NBA” senses. That, I thought, might maybe open the door to me getting to write a story about a Saturday Night Live sketch I saw when I was a teenager about Stevie Nicks from Fleetwod Mac running a cheap Tex-Mex restaurant in Sedona, Arizona — a sketch that I wasn’t sure anyone else remembered, but that was stuck in my head forever.
That story ran on May 26.
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A lot of people seemed to like it.
Accomplishing this goal was, as dumb as this might sound, a highlight of my year, and, honestly, a highlight of my career. I’d like to do some more stuff like this next year, time permitting; we’ll see. Whether or not I do, I got to do this. I’ll always have that.
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A rant
This is a rant specifically about Playchoices book: Passport to Romance. I was excited when it first came out as I love travelling so much. I ended up being disappointed for things I will point out below, abandoned it and then picked it up again when I was bored. But now I feel that my brain is melting everytime I try to get on board with the story and not a good sort of melting brain (you know, like when an LI is super hot and banging the MC’s brain). Anyway, these are the reasons:
1. The number one reason is the fact that MC (and to some extention, their friends) has no regards to local customs and tradition. Trying to see Monalisa in restricted area and destroyed a historical object? Sat on Marie Antoinette’s bed in Versailles? Playing cart race at the airport? All for views and likes? Are you f***ing kidding me? This is why I dropped the series in the first place. I hate these sort of behaviour vehemently. It reminded me when I was in Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam and a bunch of tourists tried to take selfies and livestream the paintings when it was clearly stated no camera. When the guard reprimanded them, they had the nerves to look annoyed. Smh.
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2. Eliot Langdon. I’m never this annoyed at an LI as much as how I feel about Elliot. Ignoring his responsibility as a Director of a company but wanting to keep getting the perks from that position. How self-entitled can he be? I work for a corporation and if one of my directors ignored their responsibility and instead traveling around with a blogger, I’d be pissed off. I’d be arranging internal riot to demote that director for real. And don’t talk to me about him losing his parents; William is his brother and experiencing the same but he still steps up. I lost my dad and I still had to get a job afterwards because I’ve got bills to pay. I don’t have the luxury to use my grief as reason to skip responsibility.
3. Why these people let Yvette control them? I get it in MC case, Yvette is their employer; but what about the rest? Did she sign them on contract basis? Did they get salary from her? If not, why would they care what Yvette ordered them to do? Yvette paid their transportation and sent them wherever she wanted them to go and PB wants us to believe these people (including a professional athlete who is probably making more money in a month than the MC in a year and an heir to multicorporation) just agree to that? Give me a break.
4. This is minor; I like Ahmed because he was a representative (or supposed to be) of progressive muslim but how could I take him seriously if he, a professional athlete, never trains and instead follows a travel blogger around?
5. I don’t like the MC. Everything is about view and likes and gosh it reminds me of all the fake ‘real people’ on instagram who does everything for fame.
In general nothing about this story is making any sense. I’m not doing this to trash people who enjoy the story; I just need to get these out of my system. The only saving grace is IF pb purposedly writing them as irresponsible people who will learn about respect and responsibilities along the way, because if not, there’s no redeem point whatsoever for me.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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queenofslime · 4 years
I would also like to ask you all the quarantine asks! :D
Why, thank you! <3
Animated character that was your gay awakening? If I’m gonna be honest it’s the girl from the 19th amendment song in School House Rock (Sufferin’ for Suffrage). Also Kim Possible.
Grilled cheese or PB&J? Grilled Cheese!!!
What show/YouTube video(s) do you put on in the background when you when you don’t have anything to watch but you want something on? TV show: Cheers. Youtube: Bon Appetit
Your go-to bar order, if you drink? I don’t really drink all that much.
What’s your favorite pair of shoes that you own? Floral Doc Martens I’ve had since I was 15
Top three cuisines? Chinese, Mexican, Indian
What was your first word as a child (that wasn’t a variation of “Mom” or “Dad”)? Hi!
What’s a job that you’ve had that people might be surprised to find out you’ve had? I work for a gay rights lawyer right now
Look up. What’s directly across from you? Toaster oven
Do you own any signed books/memorabilia in general? I had John DiMaggio, voice of Dr Drakken, sign my Kim Possible CD
Preferred way to spend a rainy day? Drinking tea and watching movies
What do you get on your bagels? I’m a monster sometimes I just eat untoasted bagels with nothing on them
What WOULD you get if you had access to anything you wanted? I have no idea at the moment. Probably new clothes so I can commit to a color scheme and an Aesthetic
Brunch or midnight snacks? Midnight snack. Or “dark lunch”, as I call it
Favorite mug you own Little mug from Daiso with a cat playing piano. On one side it says “This beautiful music is being played by the cat” and on the other side it says “Can you play the piano just the way I did it?”
What coffee drink would you describe yourself as? I need a uquiz to tell me based on which Mary Oliver poem makes me want to plant myself in a garden
Pick a song lyric to describe your current mood (and drop the name and artist!) First thing that came to mind: “I thought I was so smart/but I don’t know my heart” I don’t know my heart from pride and prejudice the musical
Fruity or herbal teas? Herbal but I prefer black tea
What’s that one TV show that you’re a little bit embarrassed to watch but you still like nonetheless? Sex and the City is nice for when i don’t want to have to think about anything but i want to see pretty outfits and low-stakes problems, you know?
That book you were forced to read for class but actually ended up enjoying? Catcher in the Rye, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Do you match your socks? If I can
Have you ever been horseback riding? Once or twice
What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc) I went through a like 5-year long Ancient Egypt phase. But I also read Dragonology and D’Aulaires Book of Greek Myths cover to cover multiple times
Have you ever been to jail? No i’m sheltered
What’s your opinion on Lazy Susan’s (the spinning tray in the middle of tables)? Is there discourse about this?
Puzzles? I’m pathetic with puzzles. I get frustrated with that kind of stuff so fast. I always lose escape rooms and I don’t even try to solve the murder when i’m watching a mystery show.
You can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it? Apple
What section do you immediately head for when you walk into a bookstore? Poetry
What’s one thing you’re trying to learn/relearn in your downtime right now? I bought a pattern and fabric to sew some pajamas but I’ve been putting off starting it
Who’s your go-to musical artist when you’re feeling upbeat? If I’m REALLY upbeat I’ll listen to my Broadway playlist, “Vigorous Jazz Hands”
Where could someone find you in a museum? In the gift shop buying postcards to put on my wall
What’s that one outfit in your closet you never get the chance to wear but want to? I have this absolutely killer brown leather jacket with big-ass shoulders that makes me look like a lesbian park ranger but it’s almost never cold enough where I live to wear it
Rainbows, stars, or sunset colored clouds? Stars :)
If you could own any non-traditional pet (dogs, cats, fish, rodents, etc), what would it be? A fox maybe!
Do you have more art on your walls or more photographs? Art
You have to get one meme tattooed on your body, what meme is it and where does it go? “Bottom Text” on my butt
Pick a superhero sidekick to hang out with Layla from Sky High
Lakes, rivers, or oceans? Ocean
Favorite mid-2000s song What to Do by OK Go (2002)
How do you dress when you’re home alone? Sweatpants and a tshirt. Or sometimes just a bralette and basketball shorts.
Where do you sit in the living room (we all have a preferred spot, and you know it)? Right side of the couch. if my mom is sitting there then the armchair next to the sofa.
Knives or swords? Swords
A song you didn’t think you’d enjoy but ended up loving Orville Peck’s debut album Pony
Pick an old-school Disney Channel Original Movie Twitches!
Are you a “Quote that relates to the photos” caption-er, an “explanation of where I took the photos” caption-er, or a no caption kinda person when you post pictures online? Usually an explanation kinda person, unless i’m posting on my spam Instagram in which case the photo and the caption usually have nothing to do with each other
Name a classic Vine I’m in me mum’s car...broom broom
What’s the freezer food that you stock up on when you go to the grocery store? Bagel bites or bean burritos
How do you top your ice cream? MnMs and whipped cream
Do you like Jello? I could take it or leave it i guess
What’s something that you don’t have a picture of that you wish you did? Let’s get philosophical: the way other people see me (ooooooo)
How are you at climbing trees? I used to be pretty good at it as a kid but I haven’t tried in earnest in years. Hm I need to go try once it stops raining around here
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mazojo · 5 years
Noah screenshots? Hcs? Canon facts you like about him? If you guys were to break up, why?
I am sorry for taking a moment there to answer you, I have been trying to write up this answer for a couple days but fumblr here always messes my post up //rip
I am gonna put this all behind a read more cossss I may get ramble and sentimental and people may not like it asdfghj but just know there may be spoilers below and that in this household we are always at all times and every single second, stanning Noah Marshall hours foLKz.
*Cracks knuckles* leTS GeT ThIS BreAD shall we?? ill be dividing it into each part because yo girl just got a chance to cream about her bby boi Noah and she will take iT asdcfvghjk trash
I am not sure what you mean 100% but I am guessing its sharing my fav screenshots while screaming about it and I will 100% do it xDDD
1- I call this one the “Tragic Backstory™ meets sappy”
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Okay okay okay i gotta say this whole scene may as well be one of my favorite ones. Not only does it capture them soooo well, but it also made me connect even more to Noah. He lost everything the day he lost his sister. Everything he did was in order to gain everything back, in the hopes of bringing her back to return to how things were and i…..i…..am……weak……
2- This ones called “Everyone @ PB headquarters is a coward for not giving Noah happiness”
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Not gonna put the entire scene because its too long buT when I say I would die for Noah Marshalls entire happiness, I mean I would diE FOR NOAH MARSHALL’S ENTIRE HAPPINESS (literally, because, you know, MC kinda dies for him….. ha…..haha….. too soon). thats it, thats the whole message I want ya to get from this post lmaooo.
3- This one goes by the name “Top 10 cursed moments in Choices history”
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how he blames himself. “it should have been me….” because his mom blames him. he blames himself. Noah has carried this burden alone for his whole life. he is broken please someone hug him (and that someone is MC obviously pfffff).
4- This one is “I am damaged, gone wrong, got killed (100% real, not clickbait)”
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DOnt have to explain how much this scene literally broKE one (1) dumb soul. This whole exchange is so powerful and everytime I re read it I get tears in my eyes because we all deserve better than this ;w;
5- Lastly I call this one “I added one more because all of the ones I choose were depressing and I needed to redeem my rat boi so”
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Thats it, thats the screenshot. Please someone who doesnt know Noah Marshall describe him by this one image asdfghjk
Well, I actually made some of my MC x Noah HC because they are s o u l m a t e s and this is the post buuuuut some Noah hc I have are:
- As I mentioned in my other HC list, Noah is insomniac. He is always staying late and avoids sleeping because almost everytime he falls asleep he has nightmares thus he is always anxious when sleeping. Since he began dating MC in this magical AU the nightmares have been more manageable
- Can I reiterate on the fact that he has a beanie collection?? Like, I am talking all colors and sizes, homeboy’s only fashion statement is his beanie and we stan.
- He is terrible at using social media. MC and Stacey had to b e g him to create an Instagram account. To this day he still does not understand why people add hashtags to posts
- His favorite bands are Green Day, Simple Plan, Set it Off and Rex Orange County (see as I self insert myself in Noah LMAOO)
- His favorite Disney movies are treasure planet and Dumbo because he used to watch them as a kid a lot with Jane *crying noises intensify*
- He is actually a pretty decent singer! The one or two times MC catches him whispering some song she makes a huge deal out of it and asks him to sign autographs for her so when he becomes famous she can sell them, causing him to dramatically roll his eyes and blush while looking away.
- Even though he is a good singer, Noah haaaates dancing and he sucks at it. As I mention in the other HC list, he always ends up tumbling over with his own feet and avoids dance floors like the plague, only slightly softening for MC
- He refuses to buy AirPods even tho all the others have them. His most significant character trait is using wired headphones and owning it
- He has MC saved as “Dumbass 🖤”
- The crew has a group chat in which Noah has tried exiting, multiple times, only to be added once again and everyone going in his case for him to stop being emo asdfghjk
- His spirit animal is a wolf according to him, every-time MC remembers his answer to that question she starts quoting the “in all levels except physical I am a wolf” vine and “Noah has exited the chat” once again.
- His proudest achievement is his music library, with his infinite playlists selection.
This are some of the HC I haveee, I dont want to bombard you with them but I actually have a notes thingy with this lmaoooo, I do this with my fav pairings but never end up posting them asdfghj
Canon facts I like
oh boi
asdfghjkl but in all seriousness:
- I mention this in almost all my Noah posts but his love for family is one of the things I like the most about him. How much he grasps into that hope his sister is alive and how much he suffers for it, even willing to sacrifice his soulmate friend for that, which okay, was wrong, but he did it with all the good intentions in the bottom of his heart.
- His humor definitely. asdfghj cynical and dark humor is very uwuwuwuwuwu attractive to me and my dankness so yeeee
- His passion for culinary school is soooo asdfghjk of his part. I personally have absolutely no idea how to boil water, so in the first place I admire anyone who knows how to cook, and just how much it means to him. Culinary school is his dream and he has abandoned it, but in every scene you speak that he brings it up, you can see how happy it makes him and asdfghjk bby boiiii
- His beanies asdfghjkkuytr okay okay I know I make fun of them a lot and stuff but beanies are actually are one of my few weaknesses for guys clothing lmaooo (just right behind glasses 😍)
- Just the whole thing with helping MC out (in my play-through) after getting turned into Redfield. Like, hello? he is literally not giving up until she is back? because he believes in her? eye-
Those are the ones I can think off right now from the top of my head but if I remember more later I will come back at ya with emmmm ^^
If you guys were to break up, why?
Big Ooffff
So I answered an ask from my homegirl Kato a while back answering and analyzing if Noah and I would actually work out in real life and I think in a way, the same answer can answer this question.
We would break up because in some way, we are too similar. In the sense that we are both pretty introverted, kept to ourselves, a bit of bad humor and that would lead us to clash in our own ways. Thats why I believe he needs someone like I HC my MC to be. She is outgoing, helping him get out of his shell, get out and explore, she is like the light and they balance each other out. If I were to date Noah we would just both fall into one side of the balance xDD
That being said I still loVE ma BaBY BOOOiiii nOahhhh but I think he would make a much much muuuuuch better couple with someone like MC :33 as I said, they are soulmatessss 🤧
Bishes be loving Noah. thats me, I am bishes and Anon has just blessed my inbox and we been stanning
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fitotmummy · 5 years
No pain, no gain, know pain, know gain
Yesterday was Women’s Day, on any other public holiday I would have chose to sleep in, but yesterday I chose to run.  Yes...me....run....10km....not 10 metres...
So it all sorted with PCOS.  Before my hubby and I decided to have kids I had never heard of PCOS.  Fast forward 4 years and there we were, facing the questions that most childless couples at our age had to endure.  When are the kids arriving?  Don’t you want kids?  You’re looking nice and round, are you sure you’re not pregnant?  But anyway, this post is not about my journey with PCOS, I will venture down that path when I find the confidence to do so.  This post is about my journey from being an exercise phobic to an exercise addict.  Sometimes things just sound better in Afrikaans.  Soms verstom ek myself.  In 2015 I was probably at my heaviest.  Bear in mind that I was a size 8 when I got married!  I was depressed, I was teased, I hated taking out photos, hated dressing up (especially because nothing in my cupboard fitted me), hated looking at myself in the mirror and hated being told that I should try exercising.  Me at the gym?????  I couldn’t bear the thought of donning my mummy shorts and oversized t-shirts and walking on a treadmill next to mummies who looked like they just stepped out of a fitness magazine.  The gym was a daunting place for me.  Somewhere along the line I also tried swimming lessons, well that ended up badly because I worked myself to such a state of panic that I dodged the swimming teacher and made every excuse in the book not to have a lesson.  I think I’ll just add swimming to my bucket list....
So the gym was a no-no, swimming was a disaster and I was still eating badly, mainly comfort eating.  I used to hear a “diet doctor” on radio and decided to give it a shot.  Well let me just say, when I walked into her office and saw her “before” picture, I thought (for the first time ever) that I could do this.  I could make changes to my lifestyle and follow a healthier path.  That first week of detox was absolute torture.  All I wanted was a chocolate, and cake, and biscuits, and all the other comfort food that tantalised my taste buds.  But I stuck it out and the proof was in the scale.  My clothes felt looser, my family noticed the change and I just felt better. The trickiest part was that I had to exercise as well.  The gym phobia returned and I thought I was back to square one.  How to dodge this bullet......Well thank you Facebook.....
I came across a trainer who trained clients in their home.  That was a huge plus for me because I was in my private space with my mummy shorts and oversized t-shirts.  So the day arrived, and with much trepidation I opened the gate for my trainer.  In walked this well toned, muscular lady with tattoos and the side of her head shaved.  I was in awe and in fear.  So she started off with an assessment.  O EM GEE....it was bad, so bad....i wished the earth would just open up and swallow me...I COULD NOT SQUAT!!!!!!!  My kids and my hubby thought it was hilarious but I was mortified.  My trainer put a chair behind me to help me.  How much worse could it get....So at the end of that session I was in tears when she left and I told my mum I could not carry on.  I was humiliated (although my trainer was awesome and motivated me) and just gatvol.  
I thought about that photo on the doctor’s table and reminded myself that if she and hundreds of her clients could do it, so could I.  So i persevered with the training.  To cut a long blog short, all I can say is that it was the best decision I could have made.  Fast forward 4 years and I train on days even when my trainer is not here.  I own more exercise clothing than normal clothing, I have exercise equipment on my Christmas and birthday wish lists, my husband converted our patio into a gym room (my fav room in the house), and I take part in fun runs, park runs and  most recently the Spar Ladies Race and Total Sports Women’s Race.  I do the most insane training routines with the best trainer ever!!!  She’s become more than a trainer.....oh if those gym walls had ears....
I train 3 days a week with her and also on my own.  I have a book with different training routines and I follow fitness related posters on Instagram.  Yesterday i walked/ran 10km and clocked up a PB.  My ultimate goal is to run the Two Oceans Marathon.  Yes, this from a  girl who couldn’t even squat 4 years ago.  As for running, that was just never a strong point or a point at all!!!  My hubby tried to convince me to give it a try.  But every time my heart rate went up I was convinced I was dying.  My heart is failing. My lungs are failing.  Lord I’m seeing the light, take me home.  With every race/park run I feel stronger and I can run for short bursts interspersed with walking.  The main thing is that I don’t give up.  Yes there are days when I don’t feel like training, yes there are days when I just want to eat chocolate and watch TV, but I haven’t quit.  This body may not look like it did 20 years ago, but neither does it look like it did in 2015.  And that’s ok.  
So these legs will keep walking/running/squatting, I will still hate burpees, I will still eat chocolate (in moderation) and I might miss a day or two of training.  But I won’t quit.  Two Oceans, I see you, and I will conquer you.
This blog is dedicated to my two biggest supporters, my dad (who is 81 and still exercises every day) and my hubby (who has supported and encouraged me from the beginning of this journey, drags me to park runs on cold Saturday mornings and spoils me with toys for my gym).  As my trainer would say, Boom shakalaka...You got this.....
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punishmedolans · 7 years
Dolan Twins Playlist
Songs from their Snapchats and Instagram stories (as of August 2017) ♫ Click here to listen to the playlist on Spotify ♫
Also follow my playlist account on Twitter and Instagram :)
Love/Paranoia - Tame Impala (8/9/17) Day ‘n’ Nite - Kid Cudi (8/11/17) The Moment - Tame Impala (8/12/17) Pursuit of Happiness - KYLE (8/15/17) Sex & Super Smash Bros. - KYLE (8/15/17) Indian Summer - Jai Wolf (8/15/17) Firefly (feat. Nao) - Mura Masa (8/16/17) Wild’n Cuz I’m Young - Kid Cudi (8/20/17) Judgemental C**t - Kid Cudi (8/20/17) Your Wish - Talisco (8/20/17) Sundream - RÜFÜS (8/31/17) Waves (Tame Impala Remix) - Miguel (9/1/17) Melting - Kid Cudi (9/3/17) The Funeral - Band of Horses (9/6/17) Phases - Majid Jordan (9/10/17) Figuring It Out - SWMRS (9/12/17) King of the Fall - The Weeknd (9/13/17) Why - Roy Woods (9/15/17) Get You Good - Roy Woods (9/16/17) guidance - Travis Scott (9/16/17) Jubel - Klingande (9/19/17) E.T. - Katy Perry (9/24/17) SkyFall (feat. Young Thug) - Travis Scott (9/27/17) Sunshine (feat. Miguel) - KYLE (9/29/17) Day ‘N’ Nite (Crookers Remix) - Kid Cudi (10/2/17) Transportin’ - Kodak Black (10/9/17) Iloveyouraunt - A$AP Ferg X Ski Mask, The Slump God (10/10/17) Take Ü There (feat. Kiesza) - Skrillex & Diplo (10/13/17) Entertainment - Phoenix (10/21/17) Love You - Roy Woods (10/28/17) Woah Woah Woah - Trippie Redd & Bali Baby (11/16/17) What Happens (feat. A$AP Rocky, A$AP Ferg, Joey Bada$$, Kirk Knight, Nyck Caution, Meechy Darko & Zombie Juice) - A$AP Mob (11/16/17) Frat Rules (feat. A$AP Rocky, Playboi Carti & Big Sean) - A$AP Mob (11/21/17) All I Want For Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey (12/3/17) Dark Knight Dummo (feat. Travis Scott) - Trippie Redd (12/7/17) Something New - Roy Woods (12/9/17) Rude - Lil Skies (12/22/17) Lettetznow - Ugly God & Jacin Trill (12/31/17) way back - Travis Scott (1/02/18) Fake - Lil Skies (1/3/18) Feels Like We Only Go Backwards - Tame Impala (1/6/18) List of People (To Try and Forget About) - Tame Impala (1/7/18) Adventures - Kid Cudi (1/23/18) Why Won’t They Talk to Me? - Tame Impala (1/28/18) Got It, Got It (feat. 6ix9ine) - Packman (1/29/18) I’m a Gummy Bear (The Gummy Bear Song) - Gummibär (2/10/18) God’s Plan - hunter1s1k (2/10/18) ’Cause I’m a Man - Tame Impala (2/19/18) Spring Has Sprung - Skegss (2/19/18) Confidence - Ocean Alley (2/21/18) Join The Club - Hockey Dad (2/22/18) Prototype - Outkast (2/25/18) You Probably Won’t Die for a While - Skeggs (2/26/18) Some Way - Lil Skies (2/27/18) Balmain Jeans (feat. Raphael Saadiq) - Kid Cudi (2/27/18) Pbs - Tycho (2/28/18) Drugs In My Body - Thieves Like Us (2/28/18) Holiday - Ocean Alley (2/28/18) Girls - The 1975 (3/1/18) Freedom Lover - Ocean Alley (3/1/18) Eventually - Tame Impala (3/1/18) Past Life - Tame Impala (3/1/18) Memories (feat. Kid Cudi) - David Guetta (3/2/18) The Less I Know the Better - Tame Impala (3/2/18) Front To Back - Buku (3/3/18) Marvins Room - Drake (3/6/18) Reality In Motion - Tame Impala (3/12/18) All Girls Are The Same - Juice WRLD (3/16/18) 48 Floors (feat. Mansa) - Tory Lanez (3/17/18) Yoshi City - Yung Lean (3/18/18) High You are (Branchez Remix) - What So Not (3/19/18) BILLY - 6ix9ine (3/23/18) Wish (feat. Trippie Redd) - Diplo (3/24/18) Relax With Me - PARTYNEXTDOOR (3/27/18) 1901 - Phoenix (4/6/18) Magnolia - Playboi Carti (4/6/18) GirlsGirlsGirls - KYLE (4/7/18) Too Much - Drake (4/8/18) Yellow Mellow - Ocean Alley (4/9/18) Hillside - Tory Lanez (4/10/18) Lucid Dreams - Juice WRLD (4/10/18) Thirsty - PARTYNEXTDOOR (4/15/18) Summertimesoul - KYLE (4/15/18) Raining Love - KYLE (4/20/18) Keep It Real - KYLE (4/20/18) It Kills Me - Cub sport (4/21/18) Ladyfingers - Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass (4/22/18) Fire & Desires (feat. Trippie Redd & Lil Wayne) - Lil Twist (4/22/18) Sundown Syndrome - Tame Impala (4/27/18) Coming Down - The Weeknd (4/30/18) I Don’t Love My Baby - Cub Sport (5/3/18) Paranoia - Lil Skies (5/5/18) Nowadays - Lil Skies (5/5/18) Lust - Lil Skies (5/5/18) The Clique - Lil Skies (5/7/18) Weary Eyed - Ocean Alley (5/13/18) A$AP Forever REMIX (feat. Moby, T.I. & Kid Cudi) - A$AP Rocky (5/27/18) I'm Still - Juice WRLD (5/28/18) End of the Road - Juice WRLD (5/29/18) Ghost Town - Kanye West (6/1/18) No Mistakes - Kanye West (6/3/18)  4th Dimension (feat. Louis Prima) - KIDS SEE GHOSTS (6/7/18) Freeee (Ghost Town, Pt. 2) - KIDS SEE GHOSTS (6/8/18) Fireflies - Owl City (6/12/18) Up Up & Away - Kid Cudi (6/13/18) Can’t Have Them - Hockey Dad (6/14/18) Gave Your Love Away - Majid Jordan (6/14/18) Vital Signs - Tame Impala (6/22/18) Valentine - XXXTENTACION (6/22/18) Sunflower - Rex Orange County (6/24/18) Work REMIX (feat. A$AP Rocky, French Montana, Trinidad James & Schoolboy Q) - A$AP Ferg (6/27/18) Give It To Me (Like You Mean It) - Cub Sport (6/29/18) The Long and Winding Road - The Beatles (7/1/18) Stuck with Me - The Neighbourhood (7/20/19) Ghost Voices - Virtual Self (7/24/18) Mind Mischief - Tame Impala (7/31/18) Nothing That Has Happened So Far Has Been Anything We Could Control - Tame Impala (8/10/18) 212 (feat. Lazy Jay) - Azealia Banks - (8/16/18) Fire Burning - Sean Kingston (8/16/18) Flames - David Guetta & Sia (8/16/18) Yellow Lights - Jake Miller (8/16/18) Shake It Up - Trippie Redd - (8/16/18) NO BYSTANDERS - Travis Scott (8/28/18) Innerbloom (H.O.S.H Remix) - RÜFÜS DU SOL (8/28/18) WHO? WHAT! - Travis Scott (9/4/18) Waiting Forever - Monn (9/10/18) GMGB Daidough - Annoying (9/13/18) Maniac (feat. Cage & St. Vincent) - Kid Cudi (10/3/18) Bands - Comethazine (10/5/18) Let It All Work Out - Lil Wayne (10/7/18) Alter Ego - Tame Impala (10/10/18) Topanga - Trippie Redd (10/26/18) Bout Dat Action - Rich Gang (11/20/18) Let It Go - UnoTheActivist (11/29/18) Our Time Now - Plain White T’s (12/1/18) I Know - Shift K3y (12/15/19) Solitude Is Bliss - Tame Impala (2/16/19) Nellie - Dr. Dog (2/17/19) Next Big Thing - Blueface (2/21/19) More Than a Woman - Bee Gees (2/21/19) Paint Me Silver - Pond (2/23/19) The Way Life Goes (feat. Oh Wonder) - Lil Uzi Vert (2/24/19) Like a G6 - Far East Movement, The Cataracs & Dec (2/24/19) Hunnybee - Unknown Mortal Orchestra (3/3/19) Lift Me Up - Cub Sport (03/04/19) The Mood - Kid Cudi (03/04/19) Mr. Rager - Kid Cudi (03/04/19) Butterflies - Cub Sport (3/5/19) Solo Dolo (Nightmare) - Kid Cudi (3/5/19) Scott Mescudi vs. The World (feat. Cee-Lo) - Kid Cudi (3/8/19) Around The House - Tensnake (3/10/19) Dance 4 Sorrow - Francis Lung (3/10/19) Sweet Release - Hockey Dad (3/10/19) I Got You - Split Enz (3/12/19) Space Age Love Song - A Flock of Seagulls (3/12/19) Super Boo - Kid Cudi (3/14/19) Like Acid Rain - Unknown Mortal Orchestra (3/15/19) ------- A big thank you @babyasahd​! Everything below this is all found by her :) Pink Sand - Cailin Russo So Good At Being in Trouble - Unknown Mortal Orchestra Livin’ Thing - Electric Light Orchestra Patience - Tame Impala Heart attack - Skeggs Woah (feat. Miguel & Ty Dolla $ign) - Rich The Kid  Neon Guts (feat. Pharrell Williams) - Lil Uzi Vert Borderline - Tame Impala Suffer (feat. Skott) - Petit Biscuit Use Me - Miguel  Foreign (feat. Justin Bieber) - Trey Songz Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 1 (feat. Kid Cudi) - Kanye West Apocalypse Dreams - Tame Impala Hey Ya! - OutKast Atlanta House Freestyle (feat. Chance the Rapper) - Lil Yatchy Going Up The Country - Canned Heat
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
1. What do you like to do in your free time? So what do I do everyday? Tumblr, surveys, watch TV, watch YouTube, eat, sleep... sometimes read and color.  2. Are you more of an indoors or outdoors person? I am an indoors person all the way. The only exception is if I’m at the beach. 3. Who is the most fascinating person you’ve met? Hmm. 4. What was the last book you really got into? Burying the Honeysuckle Girls by Emily Carpenter.
5. What are some movies you really enjoyed? There’s several. 
6. What amazing adventures have you been on? I haven’t really been on any. 7. What pets have you had? Dogs, fishes, hamsters. 8. What’s your favorite alcoholic and non-alcoholic drink? I don’t drink alcohol anymore, so none, but my favorite non-alcoholic drink is coffee.  9. What are you kind of obsessed with these days? My food obsessions come to mind at the moment. My appetite is all over the place and I’m either an endless pit or hardly eating anything at all. Each week is different in terms of that and what I’m into. This past week it’s been breakfast burritos, deli sandwiches, deli pasta salads, and ramen. I also had a really good pizza last week that I’m craving again. 10. Where have you traveled? To beaches, mountainous areas, Disneyland, Arizona, Idaho, Georgia, Mexico. 11. What’s your favorite international food? Italian. 12. Are you a morning person or a night owl? I’m barely a person. 13. What’s your favorite restaurant? Applebees. 14. How many siblings do you have? 2. 15. What would be your dream job? I don’t have one. :/  16. What would you do if had enough money to not need a job? Travel.  17. Who is your favorite author? I have a few. 18. What was the last show you binge-watched? Orange is the New Black.  19. What TV series do you keep coming back to and re-watching? I’ve seen The Golden Girls, Roseanne, and I Love Lucy countless times in syndication.  20. What hobbies would you like to get into if you had the time and money? Hm. I don’t know. 21. If there was an Olympics for everyday activities, what activity would you have a good chance at winning a medal in? Taking surveys. 22. What would your perfect vacation look like? Somewhere involving a beach house and private beach area. 23. Among your friends, what are you best known for? I don’t know. 24. What music artist do you never get tired of? There’s a lot. Well, at least their music itself I never tire of. I may not necessarily keep up with the artist.  25. What are some accomplishments that you are really proud of? I honestly don’t feel proud of myself for much of anything in my current state. It used to be getting my BA, but now not even that because I’m doing anything with it and I really don’t have any plans to. I feel like it was a waste and I’m a total failure and disappointment. 26. What are some obscure things that you are or were really into? *shrug* 27. What are some things everyone should try at least once? I don’t knowww. 28. What fad did you never really understand? There’s been many where I was just like, wtf, why??
29. What’s the best thing that has happened to you this month? Going to the beach last week was great and very much needed. 30. What would your perfect morning be like? I’d be in a house with a beautiful ocean view and I’d be out sipping my coffee on the balcony overlooking said view.   31. Is there any art or artist you are really into? No. 32. What are you always game for? Coffee. 33. What do you do to unwind? Listen to ASMR. 34. What’s your favorite app on your phone? I use YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Kindle app the most. 35. Cutest animal? Ugliest animal? Awwww I think majority of animals are cute.  36. Who is the kindest person you know? One of my nurses. 37. What’s your favorite piece of furniture you’ve ever owned? My bed. 38. Who are your kind of people? People with a good sense of humor. 39. Where’s the strangest place you’ve ever been? Uhhh. 40. What’s the silliest fear you have? I have a lot. Like for one, sometimes when I’m in the shower I get this scary thought about the pipes just bursting. That’s just one of many. 41. What would be the best city to live in? I don’t know. 42. What household chore is just the worst? I’m not a fan of any chore. 43. If you could give yourself a nickname, what nickname would you want people to call you? *shrug* Steph is fine. How original, I know. 44. What odd talent do you have? I don’t feel I have any. 45. If you could give everyone just one piece of advice, what would it be? Just try and be kind and understanding. 46. What would you like to know more about, but haven’t had the time to look into it? Hmm. 47. What country do you never want to visit? Any country where it would be dangerous for me to be in? <<< Yeah, I agree. 48. What wrong assumptions do people make about you? People think I’m “strong” and “brave” and give me way more credit than I deserve. I’m none of those things. 49. Do you prefer to work in a team or alone? Alone. 50. What has been the best period of your life so far? Childhood. 51. How have you changed from when you were in high school? That was over 10 years ago and a LOT has changed. Not for the better, either. 52. How techie are you? Uhh techie enough? I don’t know. I mean, I like the latest phones and laptops and stuff like that.  53. Where is the most fun place around where you live? Nowhere in my city, that’s for sure. You gotta travel out of town to do anything fun. 54. Have you ever joined any meetup groups? No. 55. Where would your friends or family be most surprised to find you? They’d be surprised to find me out at all at this point, ha. 56. What’s the most relaxing situation you could imagine? Lying out on the beach. 57. What is the most beautiful view you’ve seen? Ocean and mountainous views. 58. What’s expensive but totally worth it? For me, it’s my MacBook. 59. When do you feel most out of place? I often feel that way. 60. What’s the most recent thing you’ve done for the first time? I can’t think of something at the moment. My days are very routine and I do the same the things. 61. How did you come to love your one of your favorite musicians? Probably first seeing their music videos on MTV back when they actually played music videos. 62. How did you meet your best friend? She gave birth to me. 63. What small seemingly insignificant decision had a massive impact on your life? I don’t know. 64. Where would you move if you could move anywhere in the world and still find a job and maintain a reasonable standard of living? I’m not sure, but somewhere where it doesn’t get unbearably hot and has actual fall and winters.  65. Would you like to be famous? (If yes, what would you want to be famous for? If no, why not?) No. I don’t want that attention and focus on me. I couldn’t handle it. I hole up at home and have avoided people in my personal life, why would I want people all over all up in my business and judging my every move? No thank you. 66. What did you do last summer? Complain about how hot it was and was dying, mostly. What I do every summer. 67. If you lived to 100, would you rather keep the body or the mind of yourself at 30 until you were 100? What. 68. Before you make a call, do you rehearse what you are going to say? Oh god, yes. I HATE having to make calls.  69. What are you most grateful for? My family. 70. What’s the most essential part of a friendship? Being able to trust them and talk to them about things and enjoying common interests. 71. When was the last time you sang to yourself or to someone else? Yesterday. 72. If you knew you were going to die in a year, what would you change about how you live? I don’t like questions like this. 73. When was the last time you walked for more than an hour? Yearssss ago.  74. What did you do for (last holiday)? Or What will you do for (next closest holiday)? We didn’t do anything for Memorial Day. Next holiday is Father’s Day, and we’ll probably go to lunch and/or see a movie.  75. Best and worst flavor ice cream? What would make for an excellent new ice cream flavor? Strawberry or mint chocolate chip.  76. Who’s your favorite actor or actress? Alexander Skarsgard. 77. All modesty aside, what are you better at than 90% of people? It doesn’t have to be useful or serious, it can be something ridiculous. I don’t feel I’m great at anything. 78. What’s the strangest phone conversation you’ve ever had? I don’t know. 79. How much personal space do you need to be comfortable? I don’t want someone all hugged up on me. 80. What’s the most interesting fact you know? I couldn’t choose just one. 81. What fad or trend have you never been able to understand? A lot of them, honestly. 82. Who’s your favorite character from a TV show, movie, or book? I’ll just pick one of the many shows I watch, Riverdale: The main crew, Betty, Veronica, Judghead, and Archie. 83. What TV shows did you watch when you were a kid? Stuff on Nickelodeon, Disney, PBS, and WB Kids. Oh, and the Saturday morning cartoons that came on ABC like Recess and Pepperann. 84. What do you like but are kind of embarrassed to admit? I don’t feel embarrassed about anything I like. 85. What’s your favorite smell? When an attractive guy smells good, oh my. <<< That really is nice. And the ocean/beachy air, rain, patchouli, sandalwood, fruity scents, minty scents, cinnamon, coffee, freshly baked goods and the smells of my favorite foods... 86. What skill or ability have you always wanted to learn? I wish I took piano more seriously back when I used to practice. 87. What’s the best meal you’ve ever had? Recently, it was the pizza I had last week.  88. Where was your favorite place to go when you were a kid? Anywhere with my cousins. 89. What’s the most amount of people you had to present something in front of? Like 30+. Presenting in front of anyone is a nightmare. 90. If you could go back in time as an observer, no one could see you, and you couldn’t interact with anything, when would you want to go back to? Ooh. I’d have to really think about that. 91. What’s something that most people haven’t done, but you have? Hmm. 92. What says the most about a person? How they present themselves. 93. What machine or appliance in your house aggravates you the most? None, really. Unless it’s not working for some reason. 94. What places have you visited that exceeded your expectations? Certain vacation spots and restaurants. 95. If you opened a business, what type of business would you start? I wouldn’t. 96. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a really bad movie. 97. What’s the best road trip you’ve been on? Trip to Idaho back in the summer of 2010. A lot of my family on my mom’s side went and it was really fun. We had no idea it would be the last time we’d see my grandpa before he died the end of that year. It happened really fast. He wasn’t even sick like that when we visited him that summer. At least, he didn’t appear to be. That trip ended up being even more special. 98. If you found a briefcase filled with 1 million in 100$ bills in front of your door, what would you do with it? Check for ID or if anyone has reported it missing. Otherwise, I’d keep it. 99. What’s the worst advice someone has given you? I don’t know. 100. Besides your home and your work, where do you spend most of your time? I’m always at home.  101. If you could have the answer to any one question, what question would you want the answer to? Hmm.  102. What are your top 3 favorite things to talk about? Common interests, celebrity/entertainment gossip, some current event type stuff. 103. What do you care least about? It would seem like myself. 104. Where would you like to retire? I’m not even thinking about that right now. I’m not even working. :X 105. Who is the most bizarre person you’ve met? Uhh. 106. What are people often surprised to learn about you? What happened to me that made me a paraplegic. 107. Would you rather live full time in an RV or full time on a sailboat? RV. 108. What would you do with the extra time if you never had to sleep? I really wouldn’t want that. I want my sleep. I need that escape. 109. When you were a kid, what seemed like the best thing about being a grown up? You think you can do whatever you want. 110. What’s the strangest way you’ve become friends with someone? I can’t think of any strange ways. 111. What’s your go-to series or movie when you want to watch something but can’t find anything to watch? If I can’t find something to watch on TV then I tend to just put it on the ID channel. 112. What were some of the turning points in your life? My accident, surgeries, graduating, health related things. 113. What companies made you so mad that you would rather suffer bodily harm than give them any more of your money? I’ve never been that upset with a company.  114. What small things brighten up your day when they happen? When what happens? 115. What sports would be funniest if the athletes had to be drunk while playing? I still wouldn’t care to watch sports. 116. What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve done because you were bored? Just sleep. 117. If you could send one letter to yourself in the past without the goal of making yourself rich (no lotto numbers, stock picks, etc.), what age would you choose and what would the letter say? I’d go back to like...high school days and warn myself of some things and tell myself to take better care of myself. 118. How many other countries have you visited? Just one. 119. What’s your favorite band NAME (not necessarily your favorite band)? Panic! At the Disco. I just like the “Panic!” part, ha. And why at the disco? What happened? 120. What do you miss about life 10 or 20 years ago? My life wasn’t ran by my health. 121. What’s your favorite holiday? Christmas.  122. What’s getting worse and worse as you get older? What’s getting better and better as you get older? Worse: health and life. Better: .... 123. Where’s the best place in (your town or city) to have a picnic? I guess a park. 124. What’s your favorite thing to do outdoors? Go to the beach.  125. How often do you dance? Silly/ironic dancing counts. I may bob my head while listening to music. 126. What do you never get tired of? Coffee. 127. What habit do you wish you could start? Better self-care things. 128. What’s the best way to get to know who someone really is? Just spending time getting to know them. Oh, and seeing how they act in public situations.  129. What’s the last new thing you tried? A new type of pizza last week. 130. Who besides your parents taught you the most about life? I’d say experiences have. 131. When are you the most “you” that you can be? In other words, when do you feel most like yourself? At home in my comfort zone. 132. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done? *shrug* I’m not very spontaneous. 133. What’s happening now, that in 20 years people will look back on and laugh about? A lot of things, I’m sure. Like how easily people get all up in an uproar about literally everything. 134. How much social interaction is too much? I can’t handle much. 135. How different do you act when you are with acquaintances vs. people you are comfortable with? I’m just more guarded and aware, I guess.  136. On a weekend or holiday, what’s the best time of day and the best time of night? All the days are the same to me.  137. What are you looking forward to that’s happening soon? Beach trip. 138. What really cheesy song do you love? There’s plenty of those. 139. What’s the worst or best job you’ve had? I’ve never had one. 140. What’s been the most significant plot twist in your own life? I never saw this downward spiral coming after I graduated in 2015. It really went downhill after that. 141. Where did you take family vacations to when you were younger? Disneyland and beachy, touristy places. 142. What’s your go-to funny story? I don’t know. 143. If the company you work for / the college you go to had an honest slogan, what would it be? I don’t work and I’m done with school. 144. If you could instantly receive a Ph.D. in any discipline including all the knowledge and experience that goes along with it, what would your Ph.D. be in? I don’t want one, though. I’m not even doing anything with my BA. 145. How well do you cope when you don’t have your phone with you for an extended period of time? I’m fine. 146. What were some of the happiest times of your life so far? Various times in my life with family, childhood, vacations. 147. Would you rather have an incredibly fast car or incredibly fast internet speed? Incredibly fast internet speed. 148. What are the top three social situations you try to avoid most? Any social situation? ha. 149. What friendship you’ve had has impacted you the most? The friendship Ty and I had. 150. What’s something you’re interested in that most people wouldn’t expect? I don’t know. 151. What’s your favourite quote or saying?
152. If you had the power to change one law, what law would you change? Uhhhh. 153. What’s the hardest you’ve worked for something? My BA degree. Ha. What a waste now. 154. What took you way too long to figure out? My stubbornness caused me a lot of problems. I didn’t think things could get the way they are, but they sure did.  155. What nicknames have you had throughout your life? Steph and Sis. 156. What do you do differently than most people? A lot of things, probably. 157. Where’s the last place you’d ever go? Space. 158. What fact floored you when you heard it? I can’t think, man. 159. If you unexpectedly won 10,000$, what would you spend it on? I’d want to travel for sure. Take me awayyyy. 160. Who is the best role model a person could have? That depends on you and what you’re aspiring to be.
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miki-agrawal · 3 years
From Carole Baskin to Leslie Jordan, the Unlikely Stars of the Quarantine
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A look at the people and products who captured our imaginations (and, in some cases, our hearts) during a strange moment in history
Originally Posted On lamag.com By Paul Schrodt On May 17, 2020
It’s hard to think of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact as anything other than a series of downturns: in global health, the economy, our cultural lifeblood, and moods. But as in any crisis, there are positives deserving praise. Dr. Anthony Fauci, unknown to many of us months ago, now has his own bobblehead—and deservedly so. But other experts and personalities—some with direct ties to the novel coronavirus, others who are delightful distractions—have captured our collective imagination. Here are 20.
Carole Baskin
Netflix’s zeitgeist-defining docuseries Tiger King is teeming with wilder-than-the-last characters, but one rises above the rest. Baskin—the 58-year-old former big-cat breeder turned conservationist and archrival/attempted murder victim of central subject Joe Exotic—sports an enviable feline-inspired wardrobe; coos her memed-around-the-world tagline, “Hey all you cool cats and kittens”; and prefers not to answer questions about her mysteriously missing ex-husband. A morally ambiguous figure for our uncertain times, she’s also sure to be one of Halloween’s most popular costumes—so stock up now on the fiercest tiger prints you can find.
Dua Lipa
The British singer, 24, didn’t want to release her second album, Future Nostalgia, into a pandemic—she announced its arrival with tears on social media. But its neo-disco bangers are exactly what a lockdown dance party demands, and the release is her first Top 10 LP in the U.S. She’s liberated the masses to move while (fabulously) self-quarantining with her model-celebrity-spawn boyfriend Anwar Hadid. But how hard is that?
Ryan Heffington
Heffington, 46, had already been motivating Angelenos to hone their hip shaking 
at his Silver Lake dance studio, the Sweat Spot, but the Grammy-nominated choreographer has turned his Joshua Tree house into a makeshift gym space. For his five-day-a-week Sweatfest cardio class on Instagram Live, he coaches around 8,000 viewers at a time through unique moves. Fans are known to end sessions with a cathartic cry.
Born Derrick Jones, 
D-Nice had a moment as a hip-hop
 artist in the ’90s that
 quickly faded. But 
the 49-year-old DJ 
reached newfound fame streaming his live Club Quarantine sets from his downtown L.A. apartment, drawing hundreds of thousands of stay-at-home revelers, including Rihanna, Oprah Winfrey, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Michelle Obama. The funk-and-soul-heavy playlists are more than a sonic escape—they’re an act of communal transcendence against all odds.
Zack Fox
A previously undersung L.A. comedian and internet provocateur, Fox, 29, racked up more than 300,000 views with a stone-faced parody—which made perfect use of Three 6 Mafia’s “Slob on My Knob”—of Gal Gadot’s viral-for-all-the-wrong-reasons “Imagine” sing-along.
Juan Delcan and
 Valentina Izaguirre

The local artist couple, based in View Park-Windsor Hills, illuminated the power of social distancing with their “Safety Match” viral video, in which animated matches light up in a row until one of them steps out of the way. Viewed roughly a million times, the contemporary art piece achieved what no government PSA could.
Alison Roman
The New York Times cooking writer (and native Angeleno), 34, had already achieved food-world stardom with two best-selling books before lockdown. Under quarantine, Roman’s simple yet flavor-packed recipes for dishes like caramelized shallot pasta—and her unfussy-but-particular Brooklyn boho banter—have become required reading and eating. Roman went from darling to pariah in May when controversial comments she made about Chrissy Teigen and Marie Kondo went viral. If only shallots made you immune to Twitter backlash.
Ina Garten
More than 3 million people on Instagram watched the tranquil Barefoot Contessa, 72, demonstrate how she keeps her “favorite tradition,” the cocktail hour, alive under desperate conditions. The Food Network star has been a rightfully beloved figure for nearly two decades, but her mixing a gigantic cosmo was a hilariously refreshing reminder of what a true treasure she is.
L.A. tap water
You’re not good, we never loved you, and yet without gallons of overpriced filtered alkaline H2O, we’re suddenly overjoyed to guzzle you.
Bidet attachments
After hoarders cleared out the toilet paper aisles, the makers of bidet products began cleaning up with their water-jet-shooting self-cleaning devices. The brand Brondell saw a 300 percent spike in sales, while the cleverly marketed Tushy sold out entirely. The future may be wipe free.
The video-conferencing platform—which has raised security concerns and provides the same service as FaceTime, Google Hangouts, and Facebook Messenger—has become a key part of life under quarantine. Zoom stock has jumped more than 100 percent since January.
The brothers Cuomo
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, 62, has been lionized for leading his state through the darkness. But his cute younger brother, 49-year-old CNN anchor Chris, stole plenty of shine when he 
tested positive for 
COVID-19 and 
without missing a
 beat continued hosting 
his show in self-isolation
from his basement. Despite regular potshots from 
right-wing critics, the younger Cuomo managed to come off 
as more sincere and urgent than ever. One NYC matchmaker says the duo are topping her “most wanted” list, beating out even the Jonas brothers.
Reply All’s “The Case
of the Missing Hit”

Podcast Reply All delivered a blockbuster with a mind-bending search for a song—which might not exist—that a man says got stuck in his head in the ’90s. A reflection of the unanswered questions inundating our lives, except with far lower stakes, the March episode has sparked a 35 percent increase in the show’s listenership.
Trolls World Tour
Universal’s Trolls sequel, with a bizarre rock-versus-pop premise and a message about cultural appropriation that will likely go over the heads of its intended audience (and perhaps that of star Justin Timberlake), set a record for the biggest debut for a digital release, topping every relevant platform during its opening weekend in April. The $20 two-day rental price seemed steep to some, but to parents with stir-crazy kids it was a bargain.
The Womanizer vibrator
With Tinder hookups on hold, we’re turning inward—and reaching for sex toys. This cheekily marketed device has seen
 a 152 percent year-over-year rise in U.S. sales thanks to quarantine orders. Its resonant new slogan for those hungry for pleasure: Stay home.

It’s a cliche at
 this point, but
 making it ourselves is truly com
forting, if not always Tartine level. No wonder more than 100,000 posts have been tagged with #crumbshot on Instagram.
The new class of badass reporters
Journalism is never more important than during a national emergency or the mass dissemination of misinformation. We happen to be living through both. A young crop of reporters in the White House briefing room—including Weijia Jiang of CBS, Kaitlan Collins and Jeremy Diamond of CNN, Yamiche Alcindor of PBS, and Kristin Fisher of Fox News—has resisted President Trump’s theatrical boasting and mugging, pressing for straightforward information and fact-checking on the spot.
Leslie Jordan
The 64-year-old veteran actor from Will
 & Grace and American Horror Story has amassed more than 3 million Instagram followers since March as a result of absurdist check-in videos in which he appears to be either very bored or very stoned. Pointing to his DIY painted toenails, he shares: “I messed this one up.” Relatable.
My Year of Rest
 and Relaxation

Ottessa Moshfegh’s
 2018 best-selling novel, about a beautiful, lazy, pill-popping
 young woman who attempts a yearlong 
hibernation in a Manhattan apartment, had
 been celebrated at the time of its publication for its dark humor. Now its wit is hailed as beautifully horrific, as evidenced by the literary critics who are circling back to it. Vice declared of the book in one recent headline: “Blacking Out in a Juicy Couture Tracksuit Is a Lockdown Mood.”
The smart bike
Already a cult obsession, Peloton’s $2,245 souped-up stationary bike has never been more covetable as gyms lie dormant. The company’s stock bounced 50 percent in March, leaving an offensive Christmas-ad debacle in the dust. Cheaper competitors are also racing ahead. Echelon, whose bikes start at $839, reported a tenfold increase in sales the same month.
Tushy is a bidet startup which aims to replace toilet paper, Tushy was founded by Miki Agrawal.
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years
Want to Take Insta-Perfect Pet Portraits? A Professional Pet Photographer Shares Her Top 10 Tips
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Updated August 13, 2020| For Dog People By Rhona Melsky Table of Contents There’s a claiming that if you enjoy what you do, you’ll never
work a day in your life. And, if you love dogs as well as photo them for a living, after that you’ve obtained it made. Just ask Lori Fusaro, a photographer that specializes in pets. Photo courtesy of Lori Fusaro To skip to Fusaro’s top 10 suggestions for taking the perfect animal picture, click the web link in the tabulation. To proceed learning more about Fusaro and also her remarkable trip as a professional pet photographer, maintain analysis.
How It All Began Prior to relocating to Los Angeles in 1996 for the climate and an adjustment of speed, Fusaro worked in theater in New York City. Things were various in Los Angeles.” I didn’t have anything creative to do out here, “she claimed.”No cinema, no performing.”Bored, she took her spouse’s old Pentax K1000 and started taking images as well as teaching herself to utilize it. Being in L.A., she
started with headshots (normally)and afterwards entered household portraits, child portraits, as well as the periodic pet.”Back then, very few individuals desired pictures of their pets, “Fusaro said. “It was uncommon.”Her growing digital photography company brought about some wedding celebrations yet Fusaro always liked pets. A lover of animals, Fusaro matured with pet cats, steeds, and pet dogs and also hung out at her grandparents’ranch in West Virginia. Animals were an all-natural subject for her when it came to what to fire.
Gradually, she decided simply to concentrate on animals as well as kids under 5.
“Everyone thought I was insane due to the fact that pet dogs and also kids under five are the hardest things to photograph,” she said. “They are similarly as challenging yet various. Youngsters don’t want to rest still and also they run around, and also pets don’t intend to rest still as well as they run around or are timid.”
Photo courtesy of Lori Fusaro Helping Animals in Need In 2005, Fusaro discovered that much better top quality photos assisted more shelter animals obtain embraced(at that time, shelter images were not the best quality and frequently out of focus, or portrayed dogs with the dreaded red eye impact). So, Fusaro began offering her time to picture sanctuary
pets to help the pets obtain adopted.
Fusaro took place to become a family pet reporter at a local paper in Culver City, California, later on end up being the paper’s editor, as well as is currently a personnel photographer at Best Friends Animal Society, a nonprofit pet welfare company based in Kanab, Utah. Currently with the culture for 7 years, Fusaro handles a lot of its photography needs, consisting of family pet adoption pictures, advertising and marketing images, content images for its magazine, and also more. “It was so suggested to be,” she claimed. “It’s my desire work.”
Photo courtesy of Lori Fusaro A Focus on Old Dogs Fusaro embraced her pet dog Sunny in 2012 from the
Carson Animal Shelter in Los Angeles. She was the pet dog who influenced her to begin photographing old canines. At their initial meeting, Sunny was very sick with cancer and also other conditions.”The veterinarian stated she possibly only had a few months to live however she lived three years,”Fusaro claimed. “She was Benjamin Buttons and she simply obtained an enthusiasm for
life again as well as played bring and ran around. It was just remarkable.”Sunny’s recognition for elderly canines influenced an idea for a coffee table image publication–“every person thinks adopting an old dog is unfortunate, yet after adopting Sunny as well as seeing the remarkable adjustment in her I knew I needed to let individuals understand”– and also this ultimately led her to companion with journalist Laura Coffey on a story regarding it. The set traveled across the nation in 2014 to put together the book, My Old Dog: Rescued Pets with Remarkable Second Acts, which was launched the list below year. “It was an incredible experience,” Fusaro said of the book, which includes an ahead by rescue pet dog supporter Neko Case and also an account of Einstein, George Clooney’s Cocker Spaniel, to name a few stories of an unique class of notable elderly dogs.
It’s not a surprise that when it pertains to photographing pet dogs, senior citizens are Fusaro’s favorite. “Just from dealing with Best Friends as well as seeing old canines in our system it’s improving as people are adopting them,” she said. “But they are still the hardest ones to area.”
When it pertains to photographing old pet dogs, for Fusaro, it’s something that never gets old.
You can stay on top of all the animals that Fusaro plays and works with on her
Instagram, her internet site,
as well as at Best Friends Animal Society. Keep reading for Fusaro’s leading 10 tips for the perfect pet dog picture. Photo courtesy of Lori Fusaro
Lori Fusaro’s Top 10
Tips for Taking the Perfect Pet Portrait From pet dogs who relocate excessive to pet cats who won’t rest still, it can be discouraging taking pet pictures. Fusaro shares these techniques and also pointers to assist you take much better images of your pets:
1. Hold your horses. “Bring out your cam as well as allow the canine or feline get made use of to it,” Fusaro said. “Let them sniff it.” Trained pet dogs make Fusaro’s work much easier, yet many pet dogs are not well educated; they are well acted, which is various. “It’s essentially simply following them around and waiting on that minute for them to do something as well as having perseverance to get the shot.”
2. Keep it neat! “My largest family pet peeve is an unpleasant history,�� Fusaro stated. Because it’s as well disruptive, remove the rubbish can as well as don’t show the unpleasant bed. Enter close so as not to reveal a great deal of background. Keep it basic and also have your pet dog wear just his collar.
3. All-natural light works best. Attempt to put your pet beside a window, also if it indicates bringing the cat tree over. “Don’t hesitate to relocate furnishings around to make sure that light from the home window gets on the animal,” Fusaro said.
4. Sidetrack. Use squeaky playthings, deals with, whistles, or whatever inspires the pet or pet cat to look towards the cam.
5. Sit/Stay. For a pet that won’t rest or remain, Fusaro recommends leashing the pet to a table edge or leg of a couch. “I have hooks in my wall that I can leash a canine up to so they can stagnate,” Fusaro claimed. Or, have a member of the family hold the pet and also incorporate the individual into the shot.
Photo courtesy of Lori Fusaro 6. Focus on personality. Obtain outside to a dog park or a normal park to obtain some action shots if your pet enjoys to run. “I attempt to match the pet’s individuality to the shot,”Fusaro stated. “If the dog is a couch potato I take photos of the pet lounging on the couch. If the pet
is totally energetic, it’s a terrific possibility to get amazing shots of him in his aspect.”7. Utilize the power of PB.” There’s something about peanut butter,”Fusaro claimed.”When a dog has a tablespoon in his mouth you’ll get amusing facial expressions, a fantastic tongue shot, and they do not move with peanut butter in their mouth. They simply stand there.”
8. Much less is a lot more, specifically on social. When firing for social media and also does not utilize filters, Fusaro does not do anything different. “Just put your finest pictures available and also make sure the backgrounds are not messy as well as really concentrate on the animal. Outtakes are always enjoyable, too.” See exactly how Fusaro does it on her Instagram here. 9. Be grounded.”When people take photos of me, I’m always on the ground,” Fusaro said. “That’s my favorite area to fire.”
10. Technique, technique, practice. You’ll find out more regarding how to work with a series of family pets, and your very own abilities, the extra you method. For experience, you can attempt photographing your pals’ animals, or do what Lori did and volunteer at a sanctuary. “The ideal places to get as much method as you want are the shelters as well as saves,” she claimed. “There are many since you can most likely discover 10 different locations that would certainly desire you to photograph their animals.” Fusaro claimed.
Photo courtesy of Lori Fusaro
Featured photo courtesy of Lori Fusaro. Special many thanks to Laura Coffey for her help with this tale!
Rhona Melsky is a long time writer/editor, pet advocate, dog rescuer, and typically trained vocalist who shares her house with 2 cherished rescue canines as well as a husband.
The Dog People Newsletter Join as well as obtain $25 off pet dog sitting and dog walking!
source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/want-to-take-insta-perfect-pet-portraits-a-professional-pet-photographer-shares-her-top-10-tips/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/08/want-to-take-insta-perfect-pet.html
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barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
Want to Take Insta-Perfect Pet Portraits? A Professional Pet Photographer Shares Her Top 10 Tips
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Updated August 13, 2020| For Dog People By Rhona Melsky Table of Contents There’s a claiming that if you enjoy what you do, you’ll never
work a day in your life. And, if you love dogs as well as photo them for a living, after that you’ve obtained it made. Just ask Lori Fusaro, a photographer that specializes in pets. Photo courtesy of Lori Fusaro To skip to Fusaro’s top 10 suggestions for taking the perfect animal picture, click the web link in the tabulation. To proceed learning more about Fusaro and also her remarkable trip as a professional pet photographer, maintain analysis.
How It All Began Prior to relocating to Los Angeles in 1996 for the climate and an adjustment of speed, Fusaro worked in theater in New York City. Things were various in Los Angeles.” I didn’t have anything creative to do out here, “she claimed.”No cinema, no performing.”Bored, she took her spouse’s old Pentax K1000 and started taking images as well as teaching herself to utilize it. Being in L.A., she
started with headshots (normally)and afterwards entered household portraits, child portraits, as well as the periodic pet.”Back then, very few individuals desired pictures of their pets, “Fusaro said. “It was uncommon.”Her growing digital photography company brought about some wedding celebrations yet Fusaro always liked pets. A lover of animals, Fusaro matured with pet cats, steeds, and pet dogs and also hung out at her grandparents’ranch in West Virginia. Animals were an all-natural subject for her when it came to what to fire.
Gradually, she decided simply to concentrate on animals as well as kids under 5.
“Everyone thought I was insane due to the fact that pet dogs and also kids under five are the hardest things to photograph,” she said. “They are similarly as challenging yet various. Youngsters don’t want to rest still and also they run around, and also pets don’t intend to rest still as well as they run around or are timid.”
Photo courtesy of Lori Fusaro Helping Animals in Need In 2005, Fusaro discovered that much better top quality photos assisted more shelter animals obtain embraced(at that time, shelter images were not the best quality and frequently out of focus, or portrayed dogs with the dreaded red eye impact). So, Fusaro began offering her time to picture sanctuary
pets to help the pets obtain adopted. Fusaro took place to become a family pet reporter at a local paper in Culver City, California, later on end up being the paper’s editor, as well as is currently a personnel photographer at Best Friends Animal Society, a nonprofit pet welfare company based in Kanab, Utah. Currently with the culture for 7 years, Fusaro handles a lot of its photography needs, consisting of family pet adoption pictures, advertising and marketing images, content images for its magazine, and also more. “It was so suggested to be,” she claimed. “It’s my desire work.”
Photo courtesy of Lori Fusaro A Focus on Old Dogs Fusaro embraced her pet dog Sunny in 2012 from the Carson Animal Shelter in Los Angeles. She was the pet dog who influenced her to begin photographing old canines. At their initial meeting, Sunny was very sick with cancer and also other conditions.”The veterinarian stated she possibly only had a few months to live however she lived three years,”Fusaro claimed. “She was Benjamin Buttons and she simply obtained an enthusiasm for
life again as well as played bring and ran around. It was just remarkable.”Sunny’s recognition for elderly canines influenced an idea for a coffee table image publication–“every person thinks adopting an old dog is unfortunate, yet after adopting Sunny as well as seeing the remarkable adjustment in her I knew I needed to let individuals understand”– and also this ultimately led her to companion with journalist Laura Coffey on a story regarding it. The set traveled across the nation in 2014 to put together the book, My Old Dog: Rescued Pets with Remarkable Second Acts, which was launched the list below year. “It was an incredible experience,” Fusaro said of the book, which includes an ahead by rescue pet dog supporter Neko Case and also an account of Einstein, George Clooney’s Cocker Spaniel, to name a few stories of an unique class of notable elderly dogs.
It’s not a surprise that when it pertains to photographing pet dogs, senior citizens are Fusaro’s favorite. “Just from dealing with Best Friends as well as seeing old canines in our system it’s improving as people are adopting them,” she said. “But they are still the hardest ones to area.”
When it pertains to photographing old pet dogs, for Fusaro, it’s something that never gets old.
You can stay on top of all the animals that Fusaro plays and works with on her Instagram, her internet site,
as well as at Best Friends Animal Society. Keep reading for Fusaro’s leading 10 tips for the perfect pet dog picture. Photo courtesy of Lori Fusaro
Lori Fusaro’s Top 10
Tips for Taking the Perfect Pet Portrait From pet dogs who relocate excessive to pet cats who won’t rest still, it can be discouraging taking pet pictures. Fusaro shares these techniques and also pointers to assist you take much better images of your pets:
1. Hold your horses. “Bring out your cam as well as allow the canine or feline get made use of to it,” Fusaro said. “Let them sniff it.” Trained pet dogs make Fusaro’s work much easier, yet many pet dogs are not well educated; they are well acted, which is various. “It’s essentially simply following them around and waiting on that minute for them to do something as well as having perseverance to get the shot.”
2. Keep it neat! “My largest family pet peeve is an unpleasant history,” Fusaro stated. Because it’s as well disruptive, remove the rubbish can as well as don’t show the unpleasant bed. Enter close so as not to reveal a great deal of background. Keep it basic and also have your pet dog wear just his collar.
3. All-natural light works best. Attempt to put your pet beside a window, also if it indicates bringing the cat tree over. “Don’t hesitate to relocate furnishings around to make sure that light from the home window gets on the animal,” Fusaro said.
4. Sidetrack. Use squeaky playthings, deals with, whistles, or whatever inspires the pet or pet cat to look towards the cam.
5. Sit/Stay. For a pet that won’t rest or remain, Fusaro recommends leashing the pet to a table edge or leg of a couch. “I have hooks in my wall that I can leash a canine up to so they can stagnate,” Fusaro claimed. Or, have a member of the family hold the pet and also incorporate the individual into the shot.
Photo courtesy of Lori Fusaro 6. Focus on personality. Obtain outside to a dog park or a normal park to obtain some action shots if your pet enjoys to run. “I attempt to match the pet’s individuality to the shot,”Fusaro stated. “If the dog is a couch potato I take photos of the pet lounging on the couch. If the pet
is totally energetic, it’s a terrific possibility to get amazing shots of him in his aspect.”7. Utilize the power of PB.” There’s something about peanut butter,”Fusaro claimed.”When a dog has a tablespoon in his mouth you’ll get amusing facial expressions, a fantastic tongue shot, and they do not move with peanut butter in their mouth. They simply stand there.”
8. Much less is a lot more, specifically on social. When firing for social media and also does not utilize filters, Fusaro does not do anything different. “Just put your finest pictures available and also make sure the backgrounds are not messy as well as really concentrate on the animal. Outtakes are always enjoyable, too.” See exactly how Fusaro does it on her Instagram here. 9. Be grounded.”When people take photos of me, I’m always on the ground,” Fusaro said. “That’s my favorite area to fire.”
10. Technique, technique, practice. You’ll find out more regarding how to work with a series of family pets, and your very own abilities, the extra you method. For experience, you can attempt photographing your pals’ animals, or do what Lori did and volunteer at a sanctuary. “The ideal places to get as much method as you want are the shelters as well as saves,” she claimed. “There are many since you can most likely discover 10 different locations that would certainly desire you to photograph their animals.” Fusaro claimed.
Photo courtesy of Lori Fusaro
Featured photo courtesy of Lori Fusaro. Special many thanks to Laura Coffey for her help with this tale!
Rhona Melsky is a long time writer/editor, pet advocate, dog rescuer, and typically trained vocalist who shares her house with 2 cherished rescue canines as well as a husband.
The Dog People Newsletter Join as well as obtain $25 off pet dog sitting and dog walking!
from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/want-to-take-insta-perfect-pet-portraits-a-professional-pet-photographer-shares-her-top-10-tips/
from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/626371554092154881
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cynthiadshaw · 4 years
Voyage Dallas Bounce Back Strong Campaign
Given the unprecedented economic impact of the Covid-19 health crisis, we think it’s more important than ever to encourage our communities to support small businesses, mom-and-pops, independent artists, creatives and makers and help them bounce back strong.
Often people want to buy from and support local entrepreneurs and makers but don’t know how.  They might want to get in shape but don’t know how to learn about non-chain gym fitness options.  They might want family portraits but don’t know how to find the right photographer.  The Bounce Back Strong Campaign is about highlighting local businesses, creatives and makers, because learning about the local options is the first step someone can take towards supporting them.
Maya Modi | Artist + Creative Entreprenuer
Image Credits: @JessicaCernatPhotography
Hey y’all! I’m Maya and I have a tripod rescue kitty named Kiwi. Together, we create DIY Watercolor Kits- a workshop to-go! During Covid 19, I was able to sell thousands of kits all over the country to people stuck in quarantine! I love providing a service that activates individual creativity during this stressful and anxiety-driven time!
Stephanie Magilow | Owner of Jammit Jam
My name is Stephanie Magilow and I’m the owner and creator of Jammit Jam. We produce low-sugar jams that are full of amazing flavor combinations. We call these our “Beyond Toast” jams because we encourage our customers to cook with them too and have great ideas on the back of every label. We love to add them to cheeseboards, glaze them on meats, use them as dessert ingredients, and of course they are delicious on toast and PB&Js too. Our current flavors are Apple Cinnamon Bourbon, Blueberry Balsamic Black Pepper, Cherry Clove Cabernet, Peach Thyme Prosecco, Raspberry Ginger Stout and Garlic Pepper Jelly. We also carry a line of caramel sauces too – Bourbon Vanilla Bean Sea Salt Caramel Sauce (made with real vanilla beans – you can see the caviar in every spoonful) and a Mexican Chocolate Caramel Sauce (made with dark chocolate, cinnamon, vanilla, and a bit of heat). Most of our jams are only 6-7 grams of sugar per tablespoon, and all of our products are made with all real, clean-label ingredients…no preservatives. We started our business in 2014 and are nationwide now, mainly in specialty grocers, gift shops, and wine and cheeseshops. We are passionate about food and sharing recipe ideas on Instagram and Facebook.
  Bria Rogers | Owner/Curator of GoldenPyramidSunnies
My name is Bria Rogers and I love art. All of it. I come from a small town in Texas with a strong German/European influence that comes from my mother. I started traveling at a very young age to see my family overseas and fell in love with fashion, anything antique and places that were extremely beautiful. Fashion in Europe was so different than in small town, Texas where I grew up. I always admired my mom’s eyewear fashion she had accumulated over the years on her trips. I myself, started collecting vintage eyewear avidly when my mother passed down her (now vintage) collection to me. I kept finding pieces, or like I like to think…they found me! I eventually had a beautiful collection of frames and sunglasses from all over the world..each with a story we will never know. Owning anything vintage…it’s owning a piece of history and in some cases, someone else’s history. It’s as beautiful as the colors that make up the eyewear themselves. I decided to share the beauty and my talent for finding it in 2017 when I created GoldenPyramidSunnies. Each pair in my vintage online collection is curated and chosen by me. I only choose to sell eyewear that speaks to me and screams, “STATEMENT PIECE OVER HERE HONEY!” I want to provide eyewear that can be brought to life again and vice verse. It’s more than fashion. It’s a whole vibe. xxx- Bria
Beary Fluffy Friends | Mobile Stuffing Company
Beary Fluffy Friends Mobile Stuffing Company, LLC was started by two mom BFFs to give kids big and small, no matter the age, the chance to create their very own stuffed animal or as we call it, a Beary Fluffy Friend (BFF). We offer pre-stuffed animals and hand stuffing kits, complete with everything you need to make your new BFF. You can even record your voice or favorite song and put it inside your new BFF! How cool is that? We also have a large selection of outfits and costumes for your new BFF. You can purchase a BFF for yourself, a child, grandchild, parent, grandparent, friend or anyone else you think might enjoy one. Check out our website, Facebook and instagram pages.
Beary Fluffy Friends Mobile Stuffing Company
  Jennifer Dickson | Nurse Leader & Entrepreneur
Hello! My company SITTERNEEDED is owned and operated by me, a local DFW mom and nurse.
We help families with childcare needs such as extra hands while working from home. Our company is unique in that we exclusively hire and train nursing students as our sitters. They are students in good-standing who are CPR certified, background checked and drug screened. Our team is also following infection prevention precautions and works closely with the family to create a safe environment. As a proud nurse, I want to provide families with a trusted and professional option and I want to mentor and help mentor our future nurses. Recent months have challenged us all in so many ways. Therefore, we have waived our membership fees and created reduced weekly plans to help as much as possible. Please feel free to call me directly at (972) 749-9911 for any questions I can answer. I’d love to see how we can help!
Kendra Rene’ | Travel & Lifestyle Influencer | Blogger
Image Credits: Jeremy Armstrong
  Hi! I’m Kendra Armstrong a mom, wife, blogger and stylist. I run a blog where I share my recommendations, experiences and values with my audience and I also use my social media channels to promote as well! I think  I have a growing and loyal following and I’m often asked for recommendations and suggestions! I’d love to help highlight and encourage our communities to give back so that we can bounce back strong! Thank you so much!
  Lori Vann | International Authority on the Treatment of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury
Most people avoid pain, so when people actively seek it out as a way to cope with their stress it can create a lot of questions. The majority of treatment providers are not well-versed in the 20+ forms of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) and often do not respond in the most therapeutic manner. However, there are those practitioners who have dedicated their professional career to researching, treating, training others, and educating the community about this misunderstood behavior that is significantly more common than what people realize. Lori Vann has directly counseled over 520 cases of self-injury, trained over 1000 professionals, written four books on the topic, developed a curriculum for school districts & treatment centers, and offers the longest-running, exclusively NSSI support groups for teen girls, women who self-injure, and the caregivers of those who self-harm in all of North Texas, and perhaps, the State. Her passion to educate the community and help those who choose injury as a way to cope is evident. She is regarded as an International Authority on the topic. Recently, she started a private Facebook group to post insights, answer questions, serve as a safe place for those who want to know more or be supported, and those who want to be better educated. Check out NSSI: Non-Suicidal Self-Injury FB group and answer the 3 questions to join. https://www.facebook.com/groups/289208102223000/?source_id=598877876826770
  Devin Connelly | Video Production & Photography
My name is Devin Connelly with Ethos Media. I’ve been operating in the D/FW since 2013 employing a variety of industry freelance professionals all throughout the company’s history. Our staple service is video production for just about any type of project ranging from studio work to outdoor event coverage.
We’ve helped several inventors get their crowdfunding campaigns off the ground, highlighted a number of community events and non-profit organizations, and worked with businesses on live streaming and a host of promotional content. I’d say what’s special about our business is the ability to be comprehensive when it comes to creating digital tools to get the word out. Traditional video is one thing, but we frequently have combined that with traditional photography and even 360 content as well, which enables viewers to look at a video or photo in any direction. Like many in our industry, we’ve taken a hit from COVID-19 due to the shutdown of all events as well as the economic shutdown which has caused many organizations to tighten up their operating budgets. We look forward to being able to bounce back strong soon and welcome the opportunity to help other businesses bring their content to professional video with a plan on how to use it effectively with their target market.
  Lisa H Harrington
I have four resources right now that could make a difference for local businesses. A couple of them are at no charge!
1. www.Vistage.com: Vistage has opened a great number of resources to the public at no charge. The research department has compiled hundreds of documents, webinars and more to help you navigate stormy waters. Webinars with authors such as Patrick Lencioni & Jim Collins, information about PPP loans and subsequent forgiveness, how to handle remote workforce and much more are available. https://www.vistage.com/leading-in-challenging-times/
2. www.Successinkind.org: This is a new organization out of DFW that is helping match client needs with pro bono coaching resources. Founder Susan Shapiro has set this up so that you can answer a few questions on the website and she will match you to the appropriate coach or consultant in the area. I strongly encourage you to take a look & bookmark this site.
3. Strategy Workshops: I have developed, over the last 20 years, a concise strategy workshop that has helped many people build a solid foundation for their business that will drive them forward into the future. This is now available via Zoom. There has never been a better time to re-calibrate your strategic plan if you have one, and to get one going if you don’t. Since we know that only about 20% of American businesses have a strategic plan, you’re ahead of the game just by having this important conversation.
4. CEO Peer Groups: Vistage membership has never been more valuable. I facilitate the only two groups in the Mid-Cities, Texas area. Please call me if you’d like to know more about why the average Vistage member stays with us for 5-7 years!
  Daphne Moon | Priestess, Yogi & DOW Board Member
In addition to her non-profit work, yoga instruction and Spiritual Development work, Daphne and her husband Gregg own Demeter’s Den – an online Apothecary with a witchy, irreverent twist. With items like Calm Your Tits, Witch! Tea and Chill the F*ck Out, Honey! (Herbal infused honey for insomnia and anxiety) you’re sure to find something that makes you smile. She also offers 100% organic and handmade bath and body care products and more! She is offering VoyageDallas readers 10% off orders of $40 or more with the coupon code CHILLAF
@priestessdaphnemoon @demetersdenwitchery
www.facebook.com/priestessdaphnemoon www.facebook.com/demetersdenwitchery
La Juana (LJ) Chambers Lawson | Opportunities to grow and pivot your business are aplenty. Though choosing which opportunities to pursue and leverage is a strategic endeavor that we at Tacit Growth Strategies are happy to guide you through.
Image Credits: Photo of La Juana (LJ) Chambers Lawson of Tacit Growth Strategies, also known as TGS: The PM Firm; Photo credit to Heather Stille of Stille Photography.
We at Tacit Growth Strategies are proud to announce that we have grossed more than $120,000 in profit and savings for our clients, better known as Tacit Growers, to date in the year 2020. In fulfillment of our mission to strategically grow a network of better business, we are growing our firm of Consultants and SMEs all summer and year long in order to serve our Tacit Growers faster and more effectively. Life is easier with Tacit Growers! #growthistacit
Real Management Talk with LJ and Jocelyn podcast: https://anchor.fm/real-mgmt-talk-lj-jocelyn/episodes/Real-Management-Talk-with-LJ-and-Jocelyn—Episode-1-Knowing-Your-Worth—Not-Undervaluing-Your-Contribution-eeu4d9
  April Roache | Author & Entrepreneur
My Name is April Roache. I am the owner of Helena’s Collection, Locs of Luv Haircare and Author of 2 mental health journals for men and women. Helena’s Collection started as a custom handmade jewelry Company, then I decided to have unique purses, I refurbished Furniture (when Requested), and I have women’s clothing, and sometimes shoes. Being an entrepreneur and trying to fund you a business solo wow still maintaining regular household bills and just other necessities can become very draining. I honestly feel like I lack customers from time to time simply because my name is not out there the way it should be. Even if you choose not to purchase from me, head over to my website and check me out and refer me to someone you feel will love to purchase from me.
Instagram: @myhealing_journal
Gabriela Yvonne | AI Behavioral Analyst & Product Formulator
Hi there, I am Gabriela Yvonne and I am a product formulator for my skincare brand Mint n Coco, an AI behavioral analyst, and a dance choreographer on my free time. As a product formulator, I carefully craft skincare formulas that are made with clean ingredients while also remaining effective and versatile. Having a science and research background, I have been able to formulate personal care products that people can feel good about using because they’re safe. So many ingredients fly under the radar, and are usually ineffective or possibly causing more harm than good. I wanted to bridge that gap in what is being used in skincare or body care and make a brand that is transparent with what we use, and entirely unique in its own way. Though my team is quite small, we each are able to wear different hats and create products and run a brand that we are truly proud of. The foundation of the brand is transparency and inclusivity. We want people who might otherwise be excluded from access to high quality products, be able to have access. We want to represent different types of people and also take great care of our planet with how we create these products. I really enjoy being innovative with what I am creating and have grown to have an amazing customer base.
  L B | Owner & Creative behind the Brand
I was a teenage parent who ended up dropping out of college and getting lost in life! I realized I had more to offer this world and my family and decided to make a change and stop giving up! I had always had a passion for creating and structure so I creatively constructed Ben Haited to impact generations well after I’m gone! Ben Haited stands for anyone trying to better themselves against the hate of society! Empowering to never give up and reminding them of their importance via motivational post and merchandise!
  Rishika Kapoor | Periodontist
As board-certified periodontists located in Dallas, Irving, Keller and Fort Worth, TX, the practitioners at PerioLife have served the Dallas- Fort Worth community as specialists in oral health and wellness since 2001. Staffed with renowned and acclaimed periodontists, the team at PerioLife offers specialized treatments to treat gum disease, replace missing teeth, and aesthetically enhance your smile.
PerioLife specializes in periodontics, dental implants, and helping you look and feel your best. Through the use of conservative and surgical treatments, they enable you to rediscover the comfort and confidence needed to eat, speak, laugh, and enjoy life. Whether you need treatment for gum disease, wisdom teeth extraction, gum grafting, bone regeneration, dental implants, or scaling and root planing, if you’re in the Dallas, Keller, Irving, or Fort Worth area, call us at 972-869-9393 or book an appointment online at periolife.com!
Carlos Harleaux | Poet, Author, & Publisher
Image Credits: Photography by Chris Booth (Mr. FotoBooth)
  Hello, My name is Carlos Harleaux and I am a poet, author, and publisher.
As an author, I have released 11 books (7 poetry books and 4 novels). My latest releases are an anniversary edition of my poetry book, Hindsight 20/20 (with a new cover and 20 new poems/essays), and Only for One Night (a joint novel with Akela Renae, about a pastor and first lady who live a double life).
My books and all books released under 7th Sign Publishing are available on my website at peauxeticexpressions.com/shop. Although I typically make many connections through in-person events, I also enjoy interacting with readers online who are looking for a release and escape during these uncertain times.
As a publisher, 7th Sign Publishing is available to assist authors to get their books to the printed stage. To date, 7th Sign has published over 20 books in 7 years.
Eliger Crenshaw | Clarity Coach and Marketing specialist
Good day, my people hope everyone is doing well… Eliger Crenshaw here but feel free to call me Clarity coach EJ 🤘. I just wanted to spread the word about one of the many services that my company offers. Have you ever wanted your own cartoon character or cartoon animation promo?👀 Of course, you have we are all still kids on the inside and everyone loves cartoons😁 but did you know it’s actually a very effective way of creating awareness? Being in a world with so many things demanding attention sometimes it can be a struggle just trying to get people to pay attention to your brand and your brand”s greatness. well, one thing I can tell you as a marketing coach and marketing specialist is that using animation is a sure way of getting attention, from there you can mention your message, service, or value, it’s actually a very effective marketing technique! My company offers many services that are effective for building and scaling your brand and we love what we do. Need more info or want to see examples of our work, let’s chat we actually have a social media cartoon promo special that you would love.
Yaki Damingo
Jessica Martinez | Barber
Hi my name is Jess. I’m currently a Barber in Main Street Barbershop in The Colony Tx 75056. Ever since Covid 19 started, it has affected us all. From our families to our jobs. Unfortunately it has taken a toll especially in small local business. Some business owners have even had to shut down their life long dream. Due to this virus. For us Barbers, we make an impact in our community. Not only do we give haircuts to our clients, but we build friendships as well. We make sure we sanitize after every client that’s been in our chair. Just because this virus is out there, doesn’t mean we drop ever and stop living. However, by using safe precautions we can still maintain our daily lives.
  Lauren Farmer | Owner / Master Esthetician
My name is Lauren Farmer and I am the owner/ Esthetican at Blush N Beauty Spa in Dallas, TX. I absolutely love this industry and it is my true passion to help others with skincare and feeling amazing about themselves. I have been in skincare for over 10 years and have enjoyed every second of it! I offer a variety of skincare treatments from acne, anti aging to pigmentation and even skin tightening. My skincare line which I private label is Paraben & Sulfate free so I offer clean skincare for both treatments and at home regime which I think is extremely important to our health & environment. I also offer waxing, lash lift, fibroblast skin tightening, microneedling, and laser lipo treatments. I am a one stop shop for all of your skin and body needs!
Blush N Beauty Spa
Tonya Harrison | Business Owner & Registered Nurse
Image Credits: Creative Director: Tonya Harrison Products: iSOCiETY COSMETICS Studio/Photographer: Portraits By Ajax/Ajax Rodriguez MUA: Starza Model: Jessi Sallinger Wardrobe Design: Tonya Harrison
Our products are made using only ingredients that have been FDA (U.S.A.) and Health Canada approved. Furthermore, to the best of our knowledge, we do not use the services of any other research establishment to conduct animal testing on our behalf, either of a product or any product ingredient. Our products are: • Paraben Free • Made in Canada and Germany* • Hypo-Allergenic • Allergy Tested • Non-Comedogenic • Fragrance Free • Not Tested on Animals
YOU MAY HAVE SEEN US IN: * Official Cosmetics Brand Of Miss Universe Jamaica 2017 Season * Featured Brand in the 60TH Grammy’s Performers & Presenter’s Gift Bags 2018 Season * Cosmopolitan Magazine * We’ve also worked with Tamra Simmons (EP Of Surviving R. Kelly)
  Myah Brown | CEO of Myah Symone Boutique & Flight Attendant
Image Credits: Nelsoszn Photography
  Hello! My name is Myah Brown, I am the Owner/CEO of Myah Symone Boutique. Myah Symone is a boutique that provides trendy accessories of good quality at an affordable price. We focus on giving back to charity on a bi-monthly basis and all of our packaging is eco-friendly/sustainable.
Dressing good leads to feeling good, which leads to making others feel good, Myah Symone Boutique helps you accomplish the dressing good part of your day. From office professional to laid back brunch we have something for every personality, style, and event.
Myah Symone Boutique also has handmade headbands, necklaces, and bracelets.
  The post Voyage Dallas Bounce Back Strong Campaign appeared first on Voyage Dallas Magazine | Dallas City Guide.
source http://voyagedallas.com/2020/08/05/voyage-dallas-bounce-back-strong-campaign-2/
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happy2bmyownboss · 5 years
I had to do my grocery shopping this past weekend and our internet was DOWN! This meant that I needed to physically go into the store and push the buggy down the aisles… pure TORTURE, right? Well, maybe it doesn’t seem that bad but I have been spoiled by the Walmart Grocery Pickup.
I did survive and I posted a picture of my overflowing buggy on my Instagram that evening and had a contest for the person who could most closely guess how much I spent. The winner will be receiving a Walmart eGift card for $10.00!
Before we go any further I will let you know that this post does contain affiliate links to products and/or services that we use. If you happen to click through a link and make a purchase we may earn a teensy-weensy small commission (at NO EXTRA cost to you) if a purchase is made through these links. These links help to support our family, our blog, and our homeschooling mission. This means that we can keep bringing you great recipes, ideas, and tips for FREE! Click HERE for a full disclaimer.
I did spend quite a bit more than usual as I had some freezer cooking on the schedule. My grand total ended up being $330.46! I did have to grab a couple more things on Sunday morning when I went out to grab the pizza for Ms. Bellas’s birthday party. There was no freezer cooking happening on Sunday as we spent the day celebrating with family.
Thank you, Aunt J, for the red velvet cake and the pizza! It was delicious!
Here was the plan for Monday:
My notes are a little crazy I know!
I still have a couple of meals in the fridge from the Holiday Meal Planning Made Easy With The Deck The Freezer Party! but I really wanted to get some more ready because I know things gave a tendency to get REALLY BUSY around the holidays. I think they may get even busier with our new house coming SOON and I don’t want to be stuck in the kitchen when I can be playing around with decorating our new home.
We are still adjusting to the time change around here so the past week or so has been even CRAZIER than normal. I’ve really had to work on some of the parenting techniques that I’ve been learning from Positive Parenting Solutions which have been a lifesaver during some of our roughest parenting days.
Loaded Breakfast Biscuits
The little boys wanted to help with the breakfast meals I was working on. They washed their hands and got ready to work:
It is always important to check the oven before turning it on to preheat!
I had completely forgotten that we had a stack of pizzas in there from the day before!
The first recipe we made was the loaded breakfast biscuits from over at Jamerrill’s Large Family Table. I had purchased some of her freezer bundles a while back and have tried quite a few of her recipes. Many of the recipes I have cut in half as I wanted to give them a test run first.
While I prepped the ingredients the boys worked on smushing the biscuits into the muffin pans.
I improvised and made a little bit of space on the top of some of the totes we had in the kitchen.
The assembly went rather quickly and I did some laundry as they baked. They looked amazing when they came out of the oven! Just make sure to press down the ingredients well with a spoon to get them filled.
We ended up with about 30 biscuits and some leftover sausage gravy which will be enough for five meals, six if you count the gravy. We will probably have some fruit, yogurt, or applesauce with these.
Baked Oatmeal Muffins
Next on our list was to make a BIG batch of Baked Oatmeal Applesauce Muffins.
I’m not really sure how the cheese got in the picture but we didn’t use it for the muffins. Our Kitchen Aid mixer came in really handy while making all of these meals but it could have been just a little bit BIGGER as I had to keep the guard on to prevent messes.
These smelled AMAZING while they were baking and we ended up having 42 of these yummy muffins which will be enough for about 7 breakfasts or snacks. We will probably have some fruit and/or yogurt with the muffins.
While they baked I was able to get another load of laundry swapped and hung out to dry.
Freezer PB & Js
These are very simple to make and very nice to have in the freezer for busy days. The key to not having soggy sandwiches is to make sure you spread the peanut butter thinly on both slices of bread.
You can microwave the peanut butter for a few seconds to make it easier to spread. We’ve also found that the jams spread easier than jellies.
We ended up with about 40 PB&Js and a couple of PB only sandwiches as I have one who doesn’t like PB& J. This will make at least 4 lunches which will be great for busy days or for outings. The kids usually have some fruit with their sandwiches at lunchtime.
I keep a bag in the freezer for the bread heels and leftovers so I can use them for croutons and/or crumbs.
Ham & Cheese Potato Bake
I got this recipe from one of the packs I bought from Jamerrill’s Large Family Table Sale as well but it tasted very similar to my Cheese Potatoes only with the addition of the cubed ham.
I added the leftover hashbrowns from the loaded breakfast biscuits to this as well. I probably could have used a little more ham and maybe a little less cheese. We made 3 of these pans but ate one for dinner that night. IT WAS DELICIOUS!
We will most likely eat this with some kind of veggie side dish.
  While making all of these meals I was also running back and forth doing up my laundry as Monday is Mommy’s Laundry Day. I also had to keep chasing down my camera as Mr. Jacob was practicing his photography skills:
Yeah, he still needs a little practice but he kept getting better as the day went on.
Freezer Meatloaf
I needed to get some ground beef and chicken cooking so I worked on the meatloaf while this was going. I threw in a package of finely chopped mushrooms with the ground beef while it was cooking… Shhhh! Don’t tell the kids!
I made up a batch of Manly Meatloaf and divided it into 2 loaves to put in the freezer. I used some mix veggies and chopped mushrooms in it this time. These will make 2 meals plus leftover that we can eat for another meal.
We will eat these with a side of Super Yummy Caulitaters and some kind of veggie side dish.
Chicken Broccoli Alfredo
This is another one of Jamerrill’s recipes. It was super easy to make and looks so good!
I shredded the cooked chicken with the Kitchen Aid mixer. I then combined the rest of the ingredients together in the foil pans and may or may not have gone a little crazy with the cheese. We ended up with 2 pans of this which will be at least two meals with leftovers. These will probably be served with some green beans, a Salad and/or Quick & Easy Garlic Bread or Garlic Cheesy Bread.
Mr. Jacob had to check out all the yummy dishes:
Beef Stroganoff
This recipe was fairly easy to make. I threw the brown rice in the pressure cooker with the broth from the chicken that I had cooked earlier which made it really tasty.
I’m not sure what happened to the photo of this meal but we had 2 pans of this which will definitely be 2+ meals. We will definitely be serving these with some kind of bread and side dish.
My photographer in training did catch a few other photos during the time this was cooking:
I think he may be better with my new camera than I am!
Baked Ziti
I still had a pile of ground beef left so I made up a mega batch of Mama’s Secret Spaghetti Sauce. Other than that I pretty much stuck to Jamerrill’s recipe for the baked ziti which actually looked a lot like my recipe for Red & White Pasta only with meat in it.
By this time I was running a little low on cheese but I will add more to the pans before I bake them. We will serve these two meals with a nice helping of veggies or a Salad and/or Quick & Easy Garlic Bread or Garlic Cheesy Bread.
Here are a few more photos I found on the camera around the time I was making these:
Stuffed Shells
I’ve seen a couple of videos where Jamerrill makes her freezer meals and the stuffed shells looked like something I really wanted to try so I did!
It was a little tricky to get the hang of stuffing the shells but it went rather quickly once I got in the groove. I then added some diced tomatoes to the remaining spaghetti sauce that I had and divided it up between the pans being careful not to fill them too full because I needed a little room for some cheese, right?
I sprinkled them with some Parmesan and the rest of the shredded cheese I had on hand. I will add some more cheese before I bake them. These will be another 2+ meals when we have some hearty sides with them. I can’t wait to give them a try!
Garlic Bread
While everyone was eating dinner I pushed and finished up the last couple of items on my list. The Garlic Bread is super easy to make… so easy that the kids can do it.
We may end up adding a bit of cheese to these before we bake them to make them cheesy garlic bread.
Freezer Ham & Cheese Sandwiches
We haven’t tried the Freezer Ham & Cheese yet but I did see a video a while back about making them. They said the key to keeping the bread from getting soggy was to put cheese on both sides… that’s a lot of cheese!
We used up some cheese we had in the fridge and ended up with 16 sandwiches that will be enough for at least 2 lunches when they eat it with some fruit or veggies.
English Muffin Pizzas
Last but not least was one of the kids’ favorite meals… I thought I had posted this recipe before but maybe not. It’s super easy.
We took the English Muffins and cut them in halves. Then we spread some of the leftover spaghetti sauce on them and topped them with a little bit of cheese. (I was out of shredded cheese so I just sliced up some block mozzarella that I had in the fridge.) We then topped them with a few pepperonis.
I then put them on a large baking sheet and placed them in the freezer to flash freeze. Once frozen they will get wrapped with a little bit of wax paper and then put into baggies for the freezer. They will get baked at 350 for 10-15 minutes until hot and bubbly.
The kids love to eat these for lunch with some ranch drizzled on top.
Finishing Up
My feet were so tired last night and I was wishing that we had our new bathtub installed so that I could soak but hopefully, soon that will be a reality. I almost forgot that I also made up a cute little gift for Nanny J as it was her birthday as well:
I still have about 4 pounds of ground beef to cook and put in the freezer. I’ll try to get to that tomorrow. The cooked meat will be used to pull together some quick meals like Taco Ring, Sloppy Joes (I thought I had that recipe posted… I’ll have to look for it.), or another meal from this list HERE. I’m going to try to get a few batches of Buttermilk Biscuits in the freezer as they are great for a quick side or as a quick breakfast with some gravy, honey, or a bit of jelly.
I still have a few of the pans in the fridge outside as well because they needed to cool down and I didn’t get around to rearranging the freezers to make room today… internet issues have had me on the phone with customer service for several hours!
We’ve got quite a busy week ahead of us with hunting season starting (maybe it has already started) the guys are itching to get out in the woods. Our van needs to go have an oil change and brakes this week. We also have a couple of dentist appointments this week and we also need to take out the toilet and work on it as someone flushed part of a hanger down it… sigh. Friday night will be a dance and Saturday we had planned to go to a BIG annual dance but I’m not really sure if that will be happening or not… if it doesn’t I may have a Norwex event to go help with and I will have the kiddos in tow!
Here’s a flyer for our latest sale:
I definitely have a few things that I want to grab while they are on sale! You can also shop my current part HERE.
I know this was a long post but I wanted to get all the recipes out as I’ve had several requests for them. If I missed anything you can let me know in the comments below!
Here are just a few more pics from the day:
35+ Freezer Meals In One Day! I had to do my grocery shopping this past weekend and our internet was DOWN! This meant that I needed to physically go into the store and push the buggy down the aisles...
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47 Gluten Free Sandwich, Salad and Wrap Recipes for Back to School
New blog post! At least for me in Minnesota, back-to-school season is officially here...so are many, many packed lunches! That’s why I scoured the blogosphere for some of the best gluten free sandwich, salad and wrap recipes out there. ‘Cause while I’m all about repurposing leftovers for packed lunches, convenience and portability also make sandwiches, wraps and salads some of my favorite foods to bring to school or work. And don't worry. If you eat paleo, keto, vegan or low carb, this round-up still has plenty of recipes for you.
So whether you're going back to school or just want some tasty ideas to change up your usual packed lunch at work, keep reading to discover 47 delicious gluten free lunch recipes to try out ASAP!
1. Easy Shrimp Summer Rolls (Soy Free) - The Banana Diaries
If you wanna change up your usual sandwiches, these shrimp summer rolls - paired with a deliciously homemade peanut dipping sauce - are one heck of a yummy alternative.
2. Southwestern BLT Lettuce Wraps (Dairy Free) - Really Are You Serious
Sweet corn may be the star of this gluten free wrap, but you can never go wrong with bacon and avocado!
3. Pizza Pockets (Keto) - Keto Focus
Pizza pockets...that are also homemade, gluten free and Keto?!? Your lunch is about to make all your classmates or coworkers jealous.
4. Sweet Potato Sandwich Sliders (Paleo, Vegan Option) - Casey the College Celiac
If you aren’t a huge fan of gluten free bread or just want to shake up your usual sandwich lunch, these sweet potato sliders are one of the most popular recipes I’ve ever shared on my blog. Plus, you can swap the salmon for whatever protein you have on hand - including pulled jackfruit for a vegan option.
5. Cashew Grape Chicken Salad (Paleo, Whole 30) - Hot Pan Kitchen
This isn’t your mama’s chicken salad, but grapes and roasted cashews make for a surprisingly delicious twist.
6. Quinoa Tabbouleh Salad (Vegan) - Spice Cravings
Enjoy this quinoa-packed salad on its own or pair it with grilled meats and extra veggies.
7. Breakfast Sliders - Cutefetti
If you love breakfast sandwiches but never have the time to actually scarf one down before school or work, why not pack one of these scrumptious gluten free sandwiches for a delicious brunch!?!
8. Open-Faced Kid-Friendly Chicken Pillows (Keto) - Keen for Keto
I’d never heard of chicken “pillows” (also known as packets, rolls or pockets) before, but I was sold at the idea of flavorful chicken on top of fluffy gluten free bread!
9. Vegan Tuna Salad - Clean Eating Kitchen
Chickpeas, vegan mayo, mustard and a sweet pickle relish combine to make one delicious, vegan tuna replacement for Meatless Monday’s or any day of the week.
10. Strawberry Chicken Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette (Grain Free) - The Rising Spoon
This gluten free salad is delicously tangy, creamy and crunchy all at the same time.
11. Rainbow Wrap - Recipes from a Pantry
A packed lunch has never looked so dang Instagram worthy!
12. Homemade Paleo Pita - Oh The Things We'll Make
Whip up a few of these gluten free pita breads, and you'll be ready to stuff them with goodies all week long.
13. Back to School Meatloaf Sandwiches - This Mama Cooks
I used to love eating meatloaf sandwiches for lunch as a kid...and I'm sure I'd enjoy this gluten free version just as much!
14. Low Carb Sandwich Bread (Paleo) - A Clean Bake
This gluten free bread recipe only requires eight ingredients, and you can whip it up in your blender.
15. Fajita Panini (Vegan) - Crowded Kitchen
Excuse me as I wipe the drool off my computer keyboard...
16. Sweet & Spicy BBQ Roasted Cauliflower Salad (Vegan) - Moon and Spoon Yum
If you need a hearty vegan salad, look no further than this...
17. Easy Tossed Big Italian Salad Recipe - Wicked Spatula 
Enjoy your favorite Italian sub...in salad form! Just make sure whatever pepperoni or salami you use is gluten free.
18. Rice Noodle Salad (Vegan) - Rhian's Recipes
Tofu, plenty of fresh veggies and rice noodles combine for a flavorful, light and fresh lunch that anyone - vegan or not - will enjoy.
19. Pasta Salad (Dairy Free) - Allergy Free Alaska
Simple and delicious. No other description necessary.
20. Fluffernutter Sandwich - Flippin' Delicious
Because sometimes, you just want dessert for lunch...
21. Chicken, Bacon & Avocado Sandwich with Special Sauce - Meaningful Eats
I was sold at "avocado."
22. Chickpea Curry Salad Sandwich (Vegan) - Rhian's Recipes
Curry powder and plenty of spices turn chickpeas into the star of this vegan sandwich recipe.
23. The Happy Belly Roasted Veggie Salad (Vegan) - Casey the College Celiac 
If you want a gluten free lunch recipe that’s also great for gut health, check out my roasted veggie salad. Tender roasted sweet potatoes and Yukon potatoes combine with crunchy mixed greens and almonds, juicy roasted veggies, creamy chickpeas and avocado and a slightly sweet apple cider vinegar dressing to give you the best of all flavorful worlds.
24. Nut and Seed Bread (Vegan) - Goodnesst
If you want a homemade and hearty gluten free bread to star in your gluten free lunches, this seed-packed bread can definitely fit the bill. Just make sure you use gluten free seeds, nuts and oats, as always.
25. Easy Rainbow Chard Curried Tuna Salad - Fearless Dining 
Tuna salad gets a crunchy, colorful upgrade thanks to rainbow chard and curry powder!
26. Chicken, Rice and Apple Salad (Dairy Free) - The Gluten Free Gathering
If you're already craving fall flavors, you need to make this salad ASAP. Plus, it includes a very unique dressing with a hefty dose of cinnamon!
27. Rice Paper Rolls - Earth, Food and Fire
One word to describe this recipe? Fresh!
28. Broccoli Salad With Bacon (Keto) - Whole Lotta Yum
Broccoli may become your new favorite veggie when combined with bacon, sunflower seeds, and a homemade sugar-free salad dressing.
29. Pressure Cooker Low Carb Deviled Egg Salad Roll Ups (Keto, Low Carb) - This Old Gal
You can whip up this lunch in 15 minutes, which makes it perfect to prep during busy weeks.
30. Copy-Cat Chick-fil-A Market Fresh Salad (Paleo, Low Carb, Vegan Option) - Raia's Recipes
No need to eat out when you can pack a fresh and tasty salad like this for lunch anytime you like!
31. Artisan Gluten-Free Bread (Vegan, Nut Free, Gum Free, Nightshade Free) - Allergy Free Alaska
Because a good gluten free sandwich starts with some amazing bread...
32. Ham and Cheese Hot Pockets (Keto) - Healthy Ambitions 
If you want to make your own keto hot pockets but are also craving a grilled ham and cheese sandwich, you’ll this this recipe is a match made in heaven.
33. Healthy Waldorf Salad with Apple Vinegar Dressing (Vegan) - Happy Kitchen Rocks
Instead of mayo, this vegan salad features a refreshing apple vinegar dressing.
34. 5-Minute Crunchy Greens Quesadilla (Paleo and Vegan Options) - Casey the College Celiac
Who needs cheese when you can load up your quesadilla with flavorful pesto and greens instead?
35. Rainbow Veggie Bagel Sandwich with Beet Harissa Hummus - Crowded Kitchen
One word: YUM.
36. Big Mac Salad (Low Carb) - Two Sleevers
For when you're craving a burger but also want to eat some greens...
37. Easy Paleo Cobb Salad (Whole 30) - The Banana Diaries 
Healthy + delicious = one heck of a delicious combo.
38. Low Carb Lettuce Wraps with Turkey & Roasted Peppers (Keto) - Low Carb Yum
I love that this recipe includes a pro tip for making your lettuce wraps easy to handle: wrap them in parchment paper!
39. Quinoa Chickpea Salad with Lemon Dill Dressing (Dairy Free) - The Recipe Well
Quinoa and chickpeas combine with crunchy cucumbers, bell peppers and carrots for a salad full of plant-based protein. And you can't go wrong with pouring some homemade light lemon dill dressing on top!
40. Sandwich Sushi (Dairy Free) - Flippin' Delicious
Any typical lunch sandwich can be transformed into a sushi-licious meal with this cute sandwich rolling hack from Brianna!
41. Easy Croque Monsieurs with Honey Bechamel Sauce - This Mama Cooks
Kids and adults alike will like this more complex version of grilled cheese and ham.
42. Thai Chicken Sweet Potato Mason Jar Salads (Dairy Free) - Meaningful Eats
This salad is easy to prep ahead of time, and you'll find yourself licking up every drop of the almond butter Thai dressing that goes along with it.
43. Grilled Cheese with Brie, Apples and Bacon - Fearless Dining
Whether you warm this grilled cheese up in the microwave or just eat it cold, this gluten free grilled cheese will definitely be full of flavor.
44. Easy Healthy Avocado Tuna Salad (Keto, Low Carb, Paleo, Whole 30) - Wholesome Yum
If, like me, you aren't a big fan of mayo, you'll love this avocado tuna salad recipe. As you can probably guess, it gets its rich creaminess from avocado instead!
45. Salmon Nicoise Salad (Paleo, Nut Free, Whole 30) - A Clean Bake
A lemon dijon vinaigrette takes this salad to the next level.
46. The Best Chicken Salad with Grapes (Keto Option) - Evolving Table 
Hummus helps take this gluten free chicken salad recipe to the next level.
47. Strawberry Chunky Monkey Dessert Quesadilla (Vegan) - Casey the College Celiac
This quesadilla may have “dessert” in the name, but if you’re craving a sweet lunch, this is basically a more chocolatey version of PB&J. ;)
Happy Back-to-School Season!
Whether you're still a student like me or you've left college behind a long time ago, I hope that you have a good back-to-school season...and since having some epically tasty packed lunches plays a big role in that, I hope this round up gives you a helping hand. What recipe do you want to try first? Or what are your favorite packed lunch recipes to bring? Tell me in the comments! via Blogger https://ift.tt/2zuPZmu
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