#thank you so much Silvio!!!
floydsteeth · 6 months
I need to draw Azel x Silvio now or I will explode
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aishangotome · 3 months
Silvio Ricci: Even If I Were To Lose My Entire Fortune
From A Hidden Oath: King of the BEAST (2024 Election) - Collection Event
Thank you @dark-frosted-heart for providing the SE video!
On the disheveled bed, the heat of our passion still lingering, I take Emma's hand as she lies limply, face down.
I fasten the bracelet, which I decided to give her at first sight, onto her wrist, and her eyes widen as if they might spill over.
Emma: Huh, this is...
Silvio: It's for you.
(As I thought, the sparkle of the jewels suits your delicate wrist.)
Emma: Thank you... I'm happy, but what's the occasion?
(Even after all this time as my woman, it's just like you to not accept gifts without a reason.)
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Silvio: I was on a business trip and happened to find a rare gem that's hardly ever on the market.
Silvio: It looked like it would suit ya, so I ended up buyin' it. If ya don't want it...
Emma: Of course I want it! If that's the case, then I'll gladly accept it.
(You look so obviously happy for such a small reason...)
(You react so cutely that I end up buying anything I think might suit you.)
Emma's brow furrows suddenly.
Emma: ...But I'm in trouble. I'm running out of places to put all the gifts.
Silvio: I gave ya a room to store them before, didn't I?
Emma: That room is...
(...No way.)
I'm surprised myself, even though I'm the one who gave them to her.
Silvio: If there's no space, we can just build a new room. Or how about a whole new mansion?
Emma: Please don't!?
Silvio: Ha, it's none of your business where I spend my money.
Emma: That's true, but... then, how about you give me fewer gifts...?
I can't help but find Emma's flustered state adorable, as she anxiously runs her fingers through her bangs.
(...I guess when it comes to someone you cherish, you want to do everything you can for them.)
(You're still too serious, as always.)
(Just think of it as my way of showing affection, and learn to accept it without a fuss.)
Silvio: If ya say that, but then I stop givin' ya presents altogether, wouldn't that feel strange too?
Emma: It's true that I'd wonder what's wrong, but I wouldn't mind at all if the presents stopped completely.
Emma: Because the thing I want most is you, Silvio!
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Silvio: You're so shameless...
Emma's straightforward words suddenly triggered a memory deep within my heart.
(Things, love, everything... I used to think I could get anything with money, but...)
In front of me, Emma narrows her eyes, holding the bracelet up to the moonlight with a smile overflowing with happiness.
Emma: But this bracelet is truly beautiful...
Emma: I'm so happy that you thought it would suit me. I'll treasure it.
Silvio: You shoulda just accept it graciously from the start.
Emma: Hehe, sorry. But please, really, keep it moderate from now on, okay?
Silvio: I'll keep it in mind... Geez, you're a woman who doesn't care about money at all.
(She's happy, but then she makes sure to remind me... She's quite persistent.)
(...Every time I talk to you like this, I realize painfully that the love I bought with money wasn't real love.)
Emma: Ah, but it's not that I don't have desires. There's something I want every day.
Silvio: Huh? That's news to me. What is it, tell me.
(I thought I knew everything about you... Damn, did I not look hard enough?)
As I press her for an answer, Emma mumbles something, as if holding back...
Emma: The thing I want every day is... you, Silvio, right in front of me!
Emma suddenly sits up and hugs me with a bright smile, and damn it, my heart skips a beat.
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Silvio: You're always playing with my heart like that...!
Silvio: You've already said that. Give me a serious answer.
Emma: I'm completely serious. The only thing I truly, truly want from the bottom of my heart is you, Silvio.
Emma: I love you so much, Silvio, that I can't help but tell you every day.
Silvio:...Ah, is that so?
(You're laughing with such a happy face... It's made me soft.)
(... Maybe you really would love me even if I had nothing.)
(Well, I'd love you even if you had nothing to your name.)
(You're the only one who makes me feel this way, not easily accepting gifts.)
Blaming the hot emotions that filled my chest, I grabbed Emma's chin and stole a kiss.
I had only meant to peck her lightly, but once I touched her, the overflowing feelings made it hard to let go.
Emma: Mmm, Silvio...?
Silvio: Not yet. I'll give ya what ya want most.
Emma's eyes were wet with heat, as if she were enduring the remnants of our passion, but I changed the angle and savored her mouth.
Each time she grasped my shirt longingly, the sound of the bracelet chiming pleasantly echoed in my ears.
Emma: W-wait a minute. What's gotten into you all of a sudden...?
Silvio: Ah... In other words, one more, no, as many as you want.
Silvio: I'll make a room big enough for as many gifts as I want to give ya. Look forward to it.
Emma: You're not listening to anything I'm saying!?
Silvio: Shut up! Just give up already.
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(This is my way of loving. Even if you tell me to stop, it's not a feeling I can easily suppress.)
(Even if I were to lose my entire fortune in the future, I would still love you.)
While silencing her with a kiss, I embraced my beloved fiancée with the resolve that had lit up in my chest.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 7 months
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Beast's Valentines Day (Silvio Ricci)
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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The cocoa tart I gave to Silvio on Valentine's Day had the effect of turning any words into words of love.
Silvio: "Cocoa tart for Valentine's Day, huh? Not a bad choice for sweets."
Seated side by side on the sofa, I offered him the plate, and he happily started eating it.
(I'm glad he likes it.)
Silvio: "Delicious. This taste… I can't stop my love for you."
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Silvio: "........."
Emma: "P-Prince Silvio?"
(I feel like I heard something unbelievable just now.)
Silvio: "The sweetness of this treat makes my love for you unstoppable."
Silvio: "........."
He quickly jumped back as his previously cheerful expression suddenly turned into a frown.
Silvio: "Don't suddenly get so close to me! You're too cute. It's bad for my heart."
Emma: "What's wrong? Why are you suddenly saying strange things?"
Silvio: "........."
(His attitude changed after eating the tart.)
Emma: "Could it be that you liked the sweets so much that you can't stop giving compliments?"
Silvio: "........."
Emma: "Thank you. I didn't expect you to be so happy with it."
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Silvio: "........."
Emma: "Hehe, if you're going to make such a scary face just because I hit the mark, I'll take the sweets away."
I reached out to take the plate, but he quickly snatched it.
Emma: "U-Um, Prince Silvio?"
Silvio: "What the hell are you trying to do? There's no way I'd let go of your love!"
Emma: "Uh, love?"
Silvio: "Damn it, what's happening to me?"
Silvio: "I like you so much, I don't know what to do!"
Silvio: "........."
Emma: "Prince Silvio, do you have a fever?"
I reached out to touch his forehead, but he grabbed my hand, causing me to fall to his chest.
His arms, wrapped around my body, were holding me so tightly that I couldn't see anything.
Emma: "Whoa, your body is so warm. Maybe you really have a fever."
Silvio: "Shut up! Ever since I ate your sweets, nothing but sweet words keep coming out of my mouth."
Emma: "Huh?"
Silvio: "It's probably the love you put into your pastries that's making my heart swoon. Wait, what the hell am I saying!?"
(I can't believe something like that could happen, but I have no choice but to believe his current state.)
Emma: "I'm glad it's not because you're sick."
Pushing against his chest and looking up, I saw his face had turned red.
Silvio: "It's not good at all. Whenever I see you, all these cute words keep popping out of my mouth."
Emma: "That's alright. In that case, please go ahead and say more."
Emma: "You're usually shy and don't say those things often, so I'm really happy."
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(I'm getting a little embarrassed myself.)
Silvio: "Your ears are turning red as you say that, you know?"
Emma: "It's just your imagination."
Silvio: "You blushing like that is so cute."
Silvio: "........."
Emma: "Hehe, I really like that side of you."
Silvio: "You're enjoying this, aren't you? That smile of yours is cute, too. Argh, damn it!"
Emma: "It's fun, but I really mean it."
He furrowed his eyebrows deeply and peered into my face as if something had clicked.
Silvio: "If you want me to show you that much affection, there's a better way."
Caught in the gaze of his ocean-blue eyes, I couldn't move as his beautiful face drew closer.
Emma: "Nn…"
Our lips met, and his tongue gently explored the inside of my mouth.
As I melted from within, rendered powerless by the sensation, he swiftly lifted me and pushed me onto the bed.
Silvio: "This is my return gift for the exquisite treat. Accept it quietly."
He removed my clothes and gently caressed my bare skin.
Emma: "Ah…"
His intense gaze and careful touch conveyed his feelings to me.
(Even if it's not being said explicitly, I can still feel how important it is.)
(If that's the case, then I...)
I sat up and wrapped my arms around his neck, then kissed him.
Emma: "I love you."
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Silvio: "I know that, idiot. But my love for you is even greater."
Silvio: "My feelings for you are deeper than the Benitoite Sea."
Silvio said so in a somewhat unintentional manner, then sealed my lips with a kiss.
That Valentine's night, we shared our overflowing love with touches sweeter than words.
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riveranova · 6 months
youre headcanons were so funny, could you do more please? there is this trend on tiktok where girlfriends film their boyfriends sleeping positions, can you do that but with the ikemen prince guys?
and female reader please and thank you!💗💗
A/N: I know EXACTLY what you mean! So sorry for the long wait, here you go! <3
I also made this Gender Neutral because there is no mention of any gender. I hope thats fine!
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IkePri's Sleeping positions! x GN! Reader - Part 1
Warnings: A teensie bit suggestive, pure crack to be honest, Nokto
Characters: Gilbert, Silvio, Keith, Sariel, Rio, Clavis, Notko, Ikemen Prince
Word Count: 610
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Gilbert von Obsidian
- Still - LIke, he doesn't move - He scares the shit out of you because he's literally cold and unmoving - Literally laying there like 🧍🏻 - WILL make fun of you if you panic and wake him up - He's a little shit, obviously he thinks that your crying face is adorable - Do you honestly think that he'd go out like that? - Do you even love him? - It's not that? Ahh, so you doubt him. - ''I'm hurt, little rabbit. I think I need to remind you how alive I truly am, heehee...''
Silvio Ricci
-This man is a prick - If you sleep in the same bed as him, I'm sorry - Will 100% not only steal your blankets and throw them to the floor but will also take up all the space in your bed - I don't think he's completely silent when he sleeps but he doesn't snore either - More like.. really loud breathing - My dog breathes really loud when he's sleeping well - Hold on.. Silvios crest- - I rest my case.
Keith Howell
-I'm pretty sure that he's a silent sleeper - There is one big problem, uh tall problem - Tall. He's very tall. (I'm 181cm, I feel the pain) - I'd imagine that he has trouble sleeping in small beds because of his height - Poor guy is completely folded next to you so that you have some space - His back pain must be horrible, oh dear - Now, his alter is a different story - I think he'd just pull you onto him - He's tall and strong, he can be your bed <3
Sariel Noir
-Does he even sleep - I think the question with him isn't how he sleeps but how you find him sleeping - His job is hard and trying to keep the chaos (Clavis & Nokto, really) in check is a lot - Falls asleep on his desk, mostly - Hunched over his papers, the candle already out and cold for a long time - This man has chronic back pain, that isn't even up for debate - Wakes up easily and decides to follow you into bed
Rio Ortiz
-I think he doesn't sleep much either - For him, I think it's because he just has too much energy - He just loves to get everything ready for you to start your day, he knows you work so, so hard - But even this battery needs some charging sometimes - Can and will sit down on a chair, sleep (sitting straight up) for an hour and wake up as if he slept a week - Has no back pain either - What is his secret? We will never know
Clavis Lelouch
-Okay. - We know that this idiot doesn't even have a bed in his room - When he does sleep, he just throws himself into his couch and sleep like that - Because when he's tired.. He's TIRED - Hangs off of the side of the couch like not quite dried paint - Cyran covers him with a blanket sometimes but doesn't bother most of the time because Clavis just plucks it off in his sleep - Doesn't sleep very long or very deep, he has a tight schedule after all! Haha! Ahaha! Haa.. poor Sariel.
Nokto Klein
-:I - I think we all know where this is going - Look, I know he's not ALL about women and sex - But he's MOSTLY about it and I'm pretty sure he doesn't even care where he falls asleep - Literally falls asleep with his arms in postions that do NOT look comfortable - Don't worry tho, just pluck his arms from under whatever bodypart they are and lay him down normally - Deep sleeper, 100% - Has mastered THE nap. Like the one where you wake up and you have imprints of your clothes
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Thank you for reading, requests are always open!
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Ikeprinces As Ranked By Gilbert
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**Best enjoyed after reading Gil’s route. There are also spoilers of varying degrees from some sequel routes (Chev, Licht).
Luke: I’m surprised I got the top spot. Don’t you and Chevvie go way back? Gilbert: That’s true, but you’re my adorable little kid brother. I’ve carried you on my back. You’ve carried me on your back. Good times. Luke: Aw, Dad… (bear-hugs Gil) Gilbert: (pouts as he struggles to breathe) Did you even… hear a word of what I said… Luke: I heard ‘kid’. That makes ya my dad, right?
Gilbert: So? What do you think? Chevalier: (ignores him and continues doing paperwork) Gilbert: (high-pitched voice) “Please, oh please, Gil! Please trample my country to the ground, rebuild it in your image and then run it for me!” Something like that, right? Gilbert: (dodges pebble) Ahh, sorry, sorry. It would probably be more like “Please, oh please, Eyepatch!" Gilbert: (dodges another pebble) What is going on here? Do you roll around in the garden before coming to work every day?
Clavis: (stiff smile) I baked you one of my most sought-after creations as thanks. I’d be honored if you’d try it, Lord Gilbert. Gilbert: Hmm, it looks as unappetizing as I expected but smells delicious. Oh, and... (sniffs) ...you even infused it with my favorite poison! Clavis: Hahaha! Well, I didn’t want you to get the idea that I’d learned nothing about you during all our years working together. Gilbert: Of course, of course. Would you like to share this with me Clavis: (stiff smile) No, no, no. It’s best enjoyed alone. Please, I insist.
4. RIO
Rio: If you’re trying to use me to get to my mistress, then I’ll— Gilbert: You misunderstand me. (Sets down two plates of pain perdu and places his hand on Rio’s) I really do commiserate with you, you know. It’s not easy seeing the one you love go off to be with another man. And yet you gladly sacrifice your own happiness. As though it were someone else's joy to give away. Rio: It is. My joy belongs to my mistress. Gilbert: Hmph? Let's see. Pain perdu means ‘lost bread’, right? Poor, poor abandoned little toast, molding under the table. Gilbert: Oh, by the way. I asked the little rabbit if I could bring these to you on her behalf. (Proceeds to eat all the pain perdu himself) Rio: (smiles brightly) So I’ve heard you love exercising!
Silvio: (kicks down the door) Where's the list? Gilbert: (innocently sips tea) So you can tear it up? Did you think I didn't make copies to send to every one of your little merchant friends? Silvio: My real friends know what's up. Gilbert: What a hurtful thing to say. I’m just honoring our friendship. And buttering you up for future manipulation. Silvio: Tch. I don’t know what game you’re playing— Gilbert: Human chess. Silvio: —but I’ll buy up every damn piece before you can get your filthy little mitts on 'em. Gilbert: Hehe, splendid. (Sits back with a smile) What’s more fun than controlling someone who controls everything else?
Keith: Picked me over the other guy, did ya? Gilbert: Oh, he’s on the list too, of course. But I can’t stand how much of a do-gooder he is. And besides, you’re much more fun to play with. Keith: That right? I’m usually the one doing the teasing around here, though. Gilbert: (looks around dramatically) Around here? Where only a handful of people even know you exist? Tell me, if a tree falls and no one’s there to hear it, does it make a sound? Keith: >:0
Keith: (hangs head) So you know… about him… Gilbert: Ahaha, there's no need to look so down! You haven’t done anything wrong, have you? It’s all him, right? If only he’d just disappear and stop taunting you from Spot #6. Keith: N-No! I don’t want that! I don’t… think I want that… Keith: Yes, I’m sure of it. He and I can share our friends. Gilbert: (stops smiling) Sharing only works if you can fully trust the other person to not take advantage of your kindness. You may think you can do that now, but people change. Circumstances change. The galette must one day burn. Keith: :’(
8. JIN
Jin: (thoroughly unamused) How kind of you. Gilbert: Isn’t it? But you should know that I’ve got nothing against you personally. Whatever enmity there is between us stems primarily from you. If you weren’t royalty, we might have even co-brothered Luke together. Jin: (throws up in his mouth) I don’t see how that has anything to do with this. And you’re the most detested royal figurehead on the continent. Gilbert: (shrugs) I’d say I’m sorry you can’t see past that, but I’d be lying if I claimed there was anything there to be seen in the first place. Thanks for the lollypop. Jin: What? HEY—
Sariel: (stops as soon as he enters his office) What are these vermin doing here? Gilbert: (sitting in Sariel’s chair) Just a little gift I brought so I could congratulate you for making it onto my list. Would you like to do the honors? Sariel: (plucks him up by the fur) Am I to understand you’re giving me a chance to correct my oversight before you take things into your own hands? Gilbert: (brushes himself off) I expect you to do most if not all of the work since my hands are tied while I’m a visiting guest here. But I’m happy to take them under my wing if you can’t even do that much. Sariel: “Kill them, or be forced to kill them,’ is it? (glances at the tied-up assassins) I wonder which one of us they would consider a fate worse than death.
10. LEON
Leon: (glares) I take it you only stuck me on here out of diplomatic courtesy. Gilbert: Haha, maybe. But there’s something about you that’s always reminded me of someone I know. Leon: Whoever it is, I feel bad for the guy. Gilbert: (bittersweet smile) You might be right. Maybe I need to do better by him…
Licht: Do I know you? Gilbert: I was wondering the same thing, to be honest. But I’ve seen you around the palace enough times that I figured I might as well throw you on here. Gilbert: Nice eyes by the way, hehe. Licht: Oh no you don’t. My only family is Nokto.
Gilbert: Oh. There are two of you. Must be nice having an identical twin. (Resting his chin in his hand) Do you two switch places a lot? Nokto: You never noticed before today? Never received a report from one of your spies about it? Gilbert: Oh no, what sort of boring activities do you think I have my spies do all day? Nokto: Well, for starters, you sure seem to have paranormal insight into the contents of our kitchen at any given moment. Gilbert: So you'd rather I left all the carrots where they are? Nokto: ...
Yves: Prince Gilbert!
Gilbert: (stops but doesn’t turn around)
Yves: I saw your list, and I couldn’t help but notice—
Gilbert: No, I believe you noticed everything you were meant to.
Gilbert: (leaves to go find the little rabbit to fix his bad mood)
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xxsycamore · 4 months
Omg I'm so excited that you have requests open! Can I please have 💋 with Silvio Ricci from ikemen prince? Thank you so much
[💋] 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚊 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚂𝚒𝚕𝚟𝚒𝚘 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚝…
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"If ya ready, let's go now."
Silvio places his hand on the doorknob and the jewel-adorned rings on it catch the light as if to direct your attention to his action. That's right, you wanted to do something before the two of you left for the gala.
You bring your own hand over Silvio's, gently stopping him from ceasing this moment of privacy. All you've been doing since coming here is watching him get prepared for the event, occasionally assisting him, even though he kept on saying he could do it himself... You couldn't help it, he was on the brisk of getting you both late, when you've been long since ready for the gala, and there he was just about to put yet another necklace on and-
Having been stopped in his tracks when the two of you are clearly in a hurry, Silvio's tone is inpatient but he still needs to know the reason why you're suddenly looking so nervous. As an answer, you just put your index finger on your lip.
"Oh. I get it now. We didn't have time for bein' lovey-dovey and ya gettin' desperate."
You start to say something, anything, in your defense, mostly among the lines of not being as desperate as he said, but he shushes you with a kiss. The kiss you asked for. God, why did you ask for it again? Here he is, stealing your breath as his tongue invades your mouth, and you can only cling to the front of his coat, grasp for purchase. You should've let him put more of those damn dangly things around his neck...
"That's all ya get for now. The night is long, ya know. No need to try gettin' yer full now. You're welcome to come demand for some and I might just take ya to some secluded corner and kiss ya all you want."
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∎ (REQUESTS CLOSED) Steal My Heart!! - xxsycamore’s 1500 followers celebration event | 💌 event masterlist
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etheries1015 · 10 months
"Oh?" Sariel said amusingly to the cold blonde prince, "I figured you two would get along nicely, seein as (y/n) is the author of one of your favorite books." Chevalier paused, eyes widening slightly in shock before going reverting back to normal cold stare.
"Oh!" You chirped up, "you've read my books? which one is your favorite?" You chuckled excitingly, not getting much of a reaction out of the brutal beast.
"I was not aware you were an author," Chev said, looking at you, "Be that is it may; You do not seem to conduct yourself the way you write." You scrunched your nose together and pursed your lips.
"Ouch," You chuckled, "What a backhanded compliment, thank you."
"Huh?" Luke chimed in with a tilted head, "But when looking into your background your name wasn't anywhere linked to any sort of author," He pointed out, a smile of admiration playing on his features. You shrugged before teasingly responding, "Haven't you heard of a pen name?" Raising an impressed eyebrow, Noktos lips curled up in a sly smile. "Oh? You'll have to tell me what it is, so I can read it myself, I would love to see what our precious Belle can do. Do you have a copy with you?"
Clavis roared out in laughter, pulling a very familiar book from behind his back, handing it over to Nokto. Where had he gotten that? Nobody knows, and never will, I suppose.
"I had already known of your writing endeavors!" He boasted, "Yours truly even took a read. Although, I fear your story lacks a very distinct amount of fun..."
Silvio, who was also listening in, decided to take the liberty of snatching the book out of Noktos hand, asking what only any businessman would ask.
"So...how much of a profit have ya made off of your books?" He studied it dubiously in hand, feeling the grooves of the spine and quality of the pages, "You must be pretty well off if it's considered the 'brutal beasts' favorites." With a haughty smile, he naturally threw in, "If I like it enough, I might even invest in it, if you'll make a deal with me, I'll be sure all of Benetoite knows your name, lady." Sighing slightly you gave him a side glance before rolling your eyes.
"I make enough to be content. what matters is that others enjoy my writing, not how much I make off of it." You replied bluntly. Silvio only scoffed before keith also gave his two cents, holding out his hand for Silvio to hand him your book. With a startled look, his eyes lit up in excitement.
"I've read this book! you wrote it? I'm a huge fan of all of your works, the way you write is so mesmerizing it's difficult to put it down! Would you mind uh- ah..." He stopped himself with a blush tainting his cheeks, "I'm sorry! You must not like being bombarded with all of my questions. I-" You interrupted Keith with a hearty chuckle.
"Don't worry Keith, let's have tea and sweets sometime and you can ask me all you want." You threw a side glance at Chevalier, "You're welcome to join as well, Prince Chevalier." He glanced up from his paperwork in hand only for a mere second, enough for you to understand he heard what you had suggested.
"Ah-" Keith started as Gilberts hand snaked from behind and snatched the book out of his hand, flipping the book to it's back to read the synopsis. He looked up at you with his piercing red eye, his smile unwavering as he tucked the hardcover under his arm.
"A noblewoman writing a book in an alias," He hummed, "I believe any other would like their name to be well known, to bring up their family name and increase the likelihood of their popularity," You froze in place and glanced around the room for an awkward moment, trying to think of some excuse to tell the Obsidianite prince. After a moment of silence, he let out a low giggle, turning on his heel and heading out the door.
"I'm only teasing, little rabbit. Thank you for the book, I sincerely hope you do not disappoint. After all, if he (chev) likes it, surely it must have its merits. I will find you when I'm done, I want to join in on your little tea party to discuss my thoughts as well." You sucked in your breath as he left the room, your pursed lips coming apart with a 'pop!'.
"Well," You chuckled nervously, grabbing the drink Silvio had graced you with and lifting it in the air before downing the contents, "Here's to hoping he likes the book!"
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solomons-poison · 8 months
Still thinking of Silvio, just buried under a pile of children. Very likely all boys. Each time, Emma is hoping it'll be a girl. Just one girl. Maybe she gets one with her very last child, who is absolutely spoiled to high heaven (truthfully, they all are, the palace is constantly filled with the noise of rowdy children having fun who are just as loud as their father 💀).
The first kid isn't planned and he has a bit of a breakdown about it. He hovers so much during the first pregnancy, barely letting you leave the palace and worrying so much about when you try to lift things. He's leaving meetings to check on you and (begrudgingly) getting Rio to check on you when he can't. He worries about your food and drinks and wanting to make sure you're getting all the nutrients you need. He's thankful for being by the sea to get plenty of fresh fish, and pesters Prince Keith for trades in herbs and remedies to help your morning sickness and such.
Silvio learns how to braid hair just for his daughter. He loves bringing back all sorts of items from his trips overseas, different books and toys and artifacts. Carlo is accidentally like a second uncle (Emidio is completely blocked from meeting the kids). It takes a lot of convincing to allow Silvio's father to see the grandkids, and is only allowed with strict supervision for a short amount of time.
Silvio play fights with his kids all the time, often pretending to be a pirate. Or they'll act as the pirates while he's the dashing prince coming to save the kidnapped princess, Emma. He teaches them how to swordfight (including fighting dirty....) and takes it upon himself to show them how to work and command a boat.
Silvio, who's struggled with being honest with his feelings for so long and couldnt really be honest because that'd make him vulnerable, working so hard to overcome that for you and his kids. He tries his best to tell you and his kids how much he loves you guys. He really struggles with it, muttering it for a while, face red, blurting it out in a shout sometimes. But he improves with it. He wants to make sure his kids always feel wanted, in a way he never got to.
The first time he holds his first baby, his jewelry gets in the way, between baby trying to put a pendant in their mouth and Silvio almost accidentally hitting his kid with his heavy chain. He spends a long time after the birth of his first kid dressed down without his usual bling, and it's the most casual and least flashy the palace staff have ever seen him. Sometimes he has spit-up stains but of course they're scared to mention it to him unless he's going to an important meeting or something.
He puts his kids to bed with stories about his trips on the seas, the kinds of people he's met, countries he's visited, rare treasures and new creatures he's found. Usually they're enraptured by his stories. But once in a while, they surprise him by preferring your storybooks to his experiences, getting him upset that some fictional story is more captivating than his real life experience, making him pout for the next week.
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memoria-99 · 2 months
IkePri routes short comments and personal rankings
* All of these are my personal thoughts.
1st Gilbert
Traumatized villain with death wish. Not a fun route, relatively heavy plots, twisted romance, but a good "villain" route. Emma has real great mentality and very brave, loved how she handled the situation and the relationship. Also the best adaptation of "Beauty and the Beast" theme.
2nd Clavis (Tie)
Four-dimensional troublemaker. The first half was funny thanks to all sorts of weird events and the second half was interesting to see dealing stuff this guy was secretly doing. I liked the romance and chemistry between the two. Emma was very cool and proactive.
2nd Silvio (Tie)
Sharp tongued, materialistic brat. Endless bickering between the two was overall fun to read and though there were moments that I wanted to punch this guy, eventually grew to like him. Used to wonder why so many people love this brat but I get why. Loved how sassy Emma was too.
3rd Nokto
Sly playboy. I think I like these kind of foxy character. Has a sad past. I liked the route because the guy was very smart and Emma was quite cool. What I didn't like was that the romance seemed to be leaning toward too erotic after the two became official.
4th Yves
Star-crossed tsundere kitty. The guy himself was very cute, and the romance between the two was cute and heartwarming as well. But they are both grown ass adults in their 20s and yet their romance was like that of teens.... why.
5th Chevalier
Coldhearted genius. The second best adaptation of "Beauty and the Beast" theme. I liked the process of Emma taming him. But didn't quite like that the guy has the upperhand still. This was the only route that Emma didn't call her suitor only by given name till the very end, so...
6th Licht
Severely depressed one. I liked the heavy story and realistic romance. But, although he's kind he has almost no self-esteem, is a master of self-deprecation, and his past is seriously dark, making me feel depressed as well. I know he's loved by many, but just not my cup of tea.
7th Leon
Charismatic, good-natured brother type. Typical fairytale prince. Has a sad past, but speaking of past, there're handful who are worse than him here... The most ordinary route. I don't remember much honestly.
8th Keith
Double personality. One is very kind and the other is rather bratty. Whole premise itself was interesting but two are so different... and made the romance look like a weird love triangle.
9th Rio
Loyal doggo who always loves Emma. But the route was kinda disappointing, I think it's only meaningful in a way that his love met a happy ending for once.
10th Sariel
Felt more like a "common route" in other games where romance does not exist. I didn't see much meaningful interaction between the two. At least I liked that Emma did best in her role as Belle in this route, but that's all.
11th Jin
Seriously remember nothing about the route except that it was very boring.
12th Luke
A sleepy bear turned into a crazy bear.
1. I love the ways "sinner" LIs are written in this game, including Gilbert and Licht, and how Emma deals with those. Instead of trying to just reassure it's okay don't let that bother you, she's like "I know what you did cannot be forgiven, nothing can change that, but I'll embrace even that part of you and lead you to step forward"
2. I love that in the two bastards' route Emma ended up 'winning' them. In Gilbert's it was mentioned that he's the one who was conquered, and Silvio's he thought that it looks like he's the one with the collar.
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ikeromantic · 15 days
Nanny Belle and the Midnight Princes pt1
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Nanny Belle does her best to keep her favorite little princes entertained, while welcoming the kids from Jade, Benitoite, and Obsidian too. Diplomatic crises, chaos, and cuteness everywhere! Approx. 2500 words
Nanny Belle Stories here
Belle looked over the room with a critical eye. There was a play space for Luke and Rio, a reading nook for Chevalier, plenty of toys for Leon, Licht, Nokto, Jin, and Yves. Extra cleaning rags and a bucket of sand for any surprises from Clavis. Some places to lay down if someone felt tired, and a snack table with enough food to feed an army of little princes. It would do. 
“I hope it meets your exacting standards.” A cool, low voice tickled her ear. 
She nearly jumped as she turned to find Sariel at her shoulder. “I - I didn’t hear you come in.”
“I can be very quiet when I need to be.” He smiled. Some said the councilor’s smile made babies cry, but Belle found it endearing. Sariel had a sharp smile, wry, with a hint of dark humor. And there was a warmth in his eyes, especially when he looked at her the way he was looking now. 
Belle smiled back at him. “I believe it.” She gestured to the room. “Everything looks great. Thank you so much for letting us use this space. I really wanted the princes to feel special on the holiday, even if they don’t get to go to the king’s celebration.”
He nodded, clasping his hands behind his back. “You always take such good care of them.” Sariel’s smile faded. “I didn’t stop in just to see if the accommodations were sufficient. I also have a favor to ask.”
“For you? Anything.” She laughed.
“You should take care when you make such sweeping statements, especially to a man like me.” He looked entirely serious, almost grim, as he spoke. Then he pushed his glasses back up onto his nose. “There will be additional royalty present this evening. Prince Silvio and Emidio of Benitoite, Prince Keith and Tio of Jade, Princess Mirielle of Jade, and Prince Gilbert from Obsidian. They will be in your care for the duration of the celebrations.”
She felt her eyebrows lift and her shoulders tense. “I’m sorry?”
Sariel set his hands on her shoulders, reassuring her. “I know it’s a lot to ask, with so much already in your care. But it can’t be helped. The princes are visiting, as part of their education. And tonight, the ambassadors and tutors accompanying them will be at the king’s party.”
Belle swallowed. “Alright. I - I guess I can handle a few more little guys. What’s the worst that could happen?”
“War. But don’t let that worry you. I am sure you’ll be fine. You are a very capable woman with admirable talents.” Sariel squeezed her gently, almost a hug. “I’ll come check on you when I am able, or you can send a servant if need be and I will come running.” He smiled. “Anything for you.”
She smiled back, still feeling rather anxious. “Alright. When will they arrive?”
“Shortly after the party begins.”
Belle nodded. “Any allergies or special care I should know about?”
Sariel shrugged, his hands dropping to his sides. “Keep Gilbert away from anything sharp and pointy, Silvio likes shiny things, and Keith . . . is a moody child.” He reached up and lightly touched her cheek. “I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I didn’t think you could. And I mean it when I say, I will be here should you need me.”
She felt her cheeks heat beneath his gloved fingertips. “Thanks Sariel. That means a lot. I just hope I don’t disappoint.”
“You won’t. Good luck, my dear. And happy new year!” Sariel waved as he left, hurrying on to his next task. 
Belle watched him go with a bittersweet smile. Sariel was such a professional. So knowledgeable, and kind to spend so much of his time here reassuring her. A mere nanny. She sighed. But there wasn’t much time to worry as the boys were on their way.
Jin arrived first, with Luke on his shoulders, chased by one of the nursery maids. “Wheeee! Pffff!” He whinnied and snorted like a horse, and pretended to buck while Luke clung to his head. A tiny, chubby little red-headed knight, drooling on his horse. 
“Be careful,” Belle called out, as Jin charged toward the snack table. 
“Yes, Nanny Belle!” Jin skidded to a halt. “Do I get a kiss on the cheek for being good?” 
“Nope. I expect you to be good. But if you’re extra good, maybe you can have a kiss on the top of your head later.” She grinned at the cheeky boy. One day, she thought, that kid is going to break hearts. 
Jin smiled widely. “Then I’ll be extra good.”
“I somehow doubt that.” Leon strode in after him, looking every inch a little prince. His cheeks were still a little hollow from his last bout of sickness, but he was smiling, and moved with boyish energy. “Is this where they’re packing us away during the party?”
Belle shook her head. “This is where we’re having our own much better party. The ballroom will just be full of stodgy people drinking wine and doing formal dancing. In here, we get to play games and eat good food, and dance however we want to.”
“Dancing is stupid,” Licht interjected as he and Nokto came into the room. 
“It is not,” Nokto argued.
“Is too!”
“Hey! If Licht doesn’t want to dance, that’s ok. He can use the telescope on the balcony to look at stars instead.” Nanny Belle gestured toward the wide balcony space beyond a set of glass double doors.
“There’s a telescope?” Nokto’s eyes got big and suddenly all the boys were rushing out to the balcony to look at it. 
Chevalier shuffled in next, his lips in a hard frown. He held a book in each hand. He didn’t say anything to Belle, just came in and plopped down in the reading nook she’d set up for him. He opened one of his books and glared down at the page. 
Belle knew better than to interrupt his funk. He was angry at being excluded from adult things, a sentiment she understood. Chev was a gifted child and being stuck with the other kids grated on him. But despite his brilliance, he was still a child at heart and she knew he’d come around once he got over his sulk.
Yves came in with another of the nursery maids. It looked as if he’d taken extra time with his outfit and hair. He looked around the room with an air of cautious curiosity, then his eyes fell on Belle. “You look the same.” He crossed his arms grumpily. “You’re ‘posed to dress up for parties!”
“Oh! Well, you’re absolutely right Prince Yves. But even though I’m wearing my nanny’s uniform, I promise I’m all dressed up and fancy inside.” She grinned and winked at him.
“What does that mean?” Yves touched a strand of his curly hair. 
“It means in my imagination and in my heart, I’m wearing the fanciest ballgown tonight. I bet if you close your eyes, you could imagine it too.” 
He clenched his eyes shut and took on a look of extreme concentration. “Oh! Yes, I can imagine it Ms. Belle.”
A jingling distracted Yves from his imaginary nanny, and he turned toward the door. “Is this the kid-jail for tonight’s shindig?” A willowy young boy stood in the doorway. He had pale, fluffy hair and sea blue eyes. He jangled due to several bejeweled chains at his hip, wrist, neck, and ankles. It was more jewelry than Belle had ever seen on a child.
“Ummm, yes, this is where we’re having a princes’ party. What’s your name, little guy?” Nanny Belle was sure he was one of the foreign princes, but which?
“You can call me your highness. Damn uppity servants. Who do you think you are, asking for my name? I should buy your contract just so my dad can fire you.” He put a fist to his hip and glared at her.
“Shut up, Silvio. Your jangling and yapping grates on my nerves.” Chevalier spoke up from his corner without looking up from his book.
Nanny Belle smiled as best she could. What a rude little boy! “Welcome, Prince Silvio. You’ll find the snack table there, and some games and toys over here. And there’s a telescope on the balcony. I hope you’ll find something you like to do.”
He rolled his eyes, but sauntered in. “These snacks are lame. What is this even? A fruit tray?”
“Silvio, that’s not very nice.” Another new voice came from the doorway, or rather, from beside it. The speaker was hiding behind the doorframe. 
Yves put his thumb in his mouth, a nervous gesture, and scooted closer to Belle. 
“Shut it, Gloomskull. Nobody asked you.” Silvio frowned at the empty doorway. “And quit skulkin’ around. Come in or go home.”
A smaller boy walked in, his hands clenched nervously at the hem of his jacket. “I can’t go home. It’s too far to walk.” He wavered nervously just inside the room as if he might really try to run home.
Belle crouched down to his height. “We wouldn’t want you to go home, Prince Keith. Come here and I’ll show you how to use the telescope.”
He stared at her, clearly unsure what to make of her offer. 
She held out her hand, waiting for him to take it. 
After a long moment of studying her hand and face, he tentatively grasped one finger. “Ok.” 
Silvio scoffed and rolled his eyes, but when Nanny Belle started for the balcony with Prince Keith in tow, Silvio trailed along behind them, jangling with every step. The balcony was decorated with flowers and ribbons, with several low couches and tables set up. The telescope was off to one side, pointed out toward the hills beyond the capital city. 
Licht and Nokto were taking turns gazing through it, even though it wasn’t dark enough to see anything in the sky yet. The twins turned as the two new princes approached. Despite their similar appearances, their reactions couldn’t have been different. Nokto smiled widely, while Licht gave a little frown and walked to the rail, ignoring them completely. 
Keith was so excited by the telescope that he let go of Belle’s hand to rush over to it. 
Nokto immediately stepped in to play host, a natural diplomat. “Do you like it? My father had it imported from Obsidian.”
“Does it use gems for lenses?” Keith asked excitedly.
“Gems?” Silvio perked up.
Nanny Belle intended to step in before Nokto started weaving one of his embellished stories, but a loud woman’s voice summoned her back into the main room. A woman stood in the doorway, dressed in the most fashionable gown from the season’s ballroom wear. It might have looked nice, had she not covered it with ostentatious - but expensive - jewelry, and too much heavy makeup. She had a little boy with her, cradled in her arms as if he were an infant, though he was clearly old enough to walk on his own.
“My lady,” Belle gave a deep curtsy.
The woman glared at her but did not respond. Instead, she spoke to the boy in her arms. “Is mommy’s little ‘Dio going to be happy here? What do you think? Do you want to stay with me? Hmmm?”
“I . . .” the little boy’s sea blue gaze tracked across the room, taking in the toys and games and snacks, lingering on the other children. 
“Highness, your husband is waiting,” a servant said softly from the hallway, just out of sight. 
The woman pinched the boy’s cheek. “Of course you want to stay. Mommy will come back for you after the party, ok?”
“I . . .” Before he could say anything else, the woman set him down and hurried out without another word. The boy stood there looking a little bewildered. 
Belle crouched in front of him and smiled gently. “Let’s see. Your eyes are blue like the ocean, and your hair is almost azure . . . so you must be Prince Emidio. Am I right?”
He nodded and wiped his nose on his sleeve. 
“Your brother is on the balcony looking at a telescope. Did you want to go out too?” 
Emidio glanced out at the balcony and shook his head. “No. I want to go home.” 
Chevalier glanced up from his book, staring at the Benitoitian prince with an icy glare. 
Emidio swallowed whatever other complaint he had and smiled up at Nanny Belle. “I am sorry, miss. Thank you for having me here. I am sure this party will be wonderful.” He looked over at the snack table. “May I?”
“Of course,” Belle smiled at him brightly. His whole demeanor shifted in a blink, and while she was sure he was still unhappy, there was no sign of it. It made her sad to see how even at this age, the young prince knew to hide his feelings. She leaned closer and whispered, “It’s ok if you miss your mama. She’ll be back for you soon. In the meantime, I hope we can have fun.”
He blinked at her in surprise, and then nodded. 
Nanny Belle might have said more, but her attention was pulled away by shouting on the balcony. She hurried out to see what was going on. 
“You threw Luke’s honey roll! I saw!” Jin was pointing at Keith, his voice raised. Luke was whimpering and staring off the balcony after something. Probably his honey roll. 
“Did I? Hm. Maybe it was an accident,” Keith shrugged, a mischievous smile on his lips. “Or maybe you imagined it.”
Licht frowned at him, garnet eyes hard. “I saw too. It wasn’t an accident.”
“I think you imagined it.” Keith shrugged again. “He probably dropped it himself, trying to get his sticky hands all over the telescope. If anything, we’re lucky he dropped it. Because if he smeared the lens, we couldn’t see anything tonight.”
Nanny Belle took a moment to listen. This was nothing like the shy little moppet she’d welcomed in a few minutes ago. He was like an entirely different little boy. She didn’t understand it, but if she didn’t intervene, this was going to turn into an incident. “Come here, Prince Luke. I’ll get you a new honey roll, ok?” 
Luke toddled over to her, sticky fingers grasping at the air as she picked him up. 
“Prince Jin, I’m sure if Prince Keith dropped anything, it was an accident. We’re all friends here, so let’s remember that.” She gave Jin a sharp look. 
He caught it, and after a moment, he nodded. “Yes, Nanny Belle.” He took a breath. “I’m sorry, “Prince Keith. I must have been mistaken.”
Keith grinned widely. “Thanks. And hey, can I get a honey roll while you’re at it, Nanny?”
“Of course.” Nanny Belle led him inside, with Luke balanced on her hip. She handed the tyke a honey roll and settled him in a chair so he couldn’t get sticky sweet smears on everything. Then she handed Keith a plate with another roll on it. “Do you need a fork?”
“Yes, please?” Prince Keith’s smile seemed gentler now, but maybe that was just getting something sweet to eat. 
Belle handed him the fork just in time to turn and see another servant in the doorway. He was tall and dressed in light armor, all black. He looked dangerous, and he probably was. The royal crest of Obsidian was emblazoned on his chest, and though he wasn’t armed, he looked capable of violence.
To be continued!
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violettduchess · 2 months
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A/N: The first meeting between Clavis and my OC Marigold. You can learn more about her here.
I want their stories and relationship to have a lighter, more romantic comedy feeling than Silvio and my OC Leyla. Not that there won't be moments of angst/drama but in general, I want less thunder and lightning here and instead more soft rain and sunshine.
Thank you for reading!
WC: 2.4 k
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“And that concludes our tour.” 
Sariel Noir adjusts his glasses as he turns to face the young woman he’s just spent an hour with. Her wide eyes, a bright gray that reminds him of quicksilver, are still drinking in her surroundings with obvious pleasure and awe. A part of him is proud to see the effect the palace has on her, this place he pours so much of his time and energy into keeping orderly and safe. Marigold Jacobs can’t help herself. She’s visited the royal palace in Jade several times due to her father’s renown as an astronomer and Prince Keith’s deep interest in the field. It's impressive by any measure but now, in Rhodolite she finds herself confronted with the elegance that is the royal palace with its towering spires and delicate design, the breathtaking ornateness of its rooms and the richness of its very aura. Why, it takes one's breath away. She reaches up, adjusting her own round, gold-rimmed glasses and sighs contentedly.
“I really must thank you for such an informative tour, Minister Noir. And for taking the time personally to see to my room and board here.”
He smiles and it reminds her of the smooth play of a breeze over still waters. “It is my pleasure, Ms. Jacobs. We are very happy to accommodate academic endeavors and I know the king will be especially pleased that a literary historian such as yourself is choosing to dive into the works of one of our most famous writers.”
Marigold nods, feeling a warm sense of pride course through her. “I have heard he is fond of Victoria Hugo and her writing. I look forward to meeting King Chevalier when he returns.”
Sariel nods, then reaches into the jacket of his ebony coat, producing a scroll tied with a silk ribbon the color of violets at midnight. “Please take this and keep it with you when making your way through the palace. It is written permission for your use of the royal library as well as any study in which you may choose to do your work.”
“My thanks, Minister.” Marigold takes the scroll and gingerly tucks it into the woven bag hanging across her body. The bag is nearly the exact same russet color as her high-necked dress. The only splash of color she wears are the green and gold earrings her parents gifted her on her last birthday, small emerald studs that she values deeply. To her, they represent Jade with its lush greens and royal golds, a subtle way to honor her home country while abroad.
With a polite bow, Sariel takes his leave, reminding her to please let him know if she requires anything else. As she watches him go, elegant even when doing something as mundane as walking, Marigold feels fresh excitement fizzle through her body like champagne bubbles. She’s really here! In the royal palace! With complete access to all of its resources! 
She thought her room, tucked away in the western wing of the palace, was already a marvel with its small balcony overlooking the stables, the rolling fields and in the distance, the shimmering lake. But now, she stands in the courtyard at the entrance to the famous royal gardens. How can she resist a quick stroll through them before supper?
Just a walk along the path, she tells herself, just a glance at the place so many poets have written about and artists have immortalized. The scent of roses is strong, perfuming the air with their dusky scent. Marigold takes it all in, pausing to admire a topiary in the shape of a fawn, a small fountain depicting a fairy pouring water over the head of a tiny frog. Her sensible brown boots kick up small whorls of dust as she walks the dirt path. If I remember the layout correctly there should be a gazebo around here somewhere. Maybe she can find it. 
As she wanders, she notices how the hedges grow higher, past her shoulders, then past her head with its glossy, chestnut bun. They seem to be stretching up towards the sky itself, reaching their leaves up towards its robin-egg blue beauty.
So lost is she in admiring the sights that she does not notice how she has stepped off the dirt path and onto an area of green grass covered in odd patches of leaves and twigs. A particularly large hedge full of exquisite purple hibiscus has caught her eye and she walks towards it, eager to get a closer look. 
Suddenly, the hibiscus is retreating, growing more and more distant as the ground beneath her feet gives. Her world tilts and for a moment, all she sees is pristine sky. And then she is falling, falling, falling, for what feels like an eternity but is actually only a few seconds.
She hits the bottom of the ditch with an undignified thunk, sprawled out on her back, the wind temporarily knocked out of her. Gasping for the breath that keeps trying to elude her, Marigold needs several seconds to reconnect body with mind. Slowly, she pushes herself up into a sitting position. Her palms sink slightly into the dirt ground and tilting her head up, she sees she has fallen into a perfectly circular hole in the ground. With a shaking hand, she adjusts her glasses which had gone askew with the temporary loss of gravity and then with a loud groan, she stands. She rotates each foot and wrist, turns her neck from side to side. She’s sore and will likely have some impressive bruises but she does not seem to be seriously injured.
“Oh dearie me.” 
She jerks her head up to see a face peering down at her over the edge of the ditch. A man with twilight hair and eyes the color of Goldenrod is looking down at her, white gloved fingers curled over the lip of the hole.
“Are you alright?” 
She breathes out, relieved that someone arrived so quickly. “Yes, I think so.” She pats her woven bag, sending a quick prayer of thanks that she did not flatten it with her fall. Not only does it have Minister Noir’s letter, but the key to her room, her pencils and small notebook as well as her spare pair of glasses.
And now that someone is there and she knows she isn’t hurt, something else fills her: anger, white hot and blinding.
“Would you believe some idiot dug a hole here? In the middle of the royal gardens?”
The man’s smile is almost amused as he tilts his head, regarding her. “Shocking.”
A pink blush colors her pale cheeks as she shakes her head. Loose strands of dark hair escaped her bun in the fall and now flutter angrily around her face. “It is! It really is! Who would dare do such a thing? I mean honestly, it’s absolutely juvenile behavior. A ridiculous, childish prank. I could have been seriously injured! Imagine if someone much older or much younger had wandered around here and fallen!”
“Maybe they would have watched where they were going.” He lifts a shoulder, still grinning. “I mean, there was a big piles of leaves and sticks in the middle of the grass. That could have been a clue not to walk there.”
She narrows her eyes, gray as a winter’s storm. “I was admiring the flowers! And besides, it’s still a hazard!” Another thought occurs to her. “Oh! The princes are bound to be furious! Not to mention King Chevalier when he finds out that his gardens have been vandalized by some….some ruffian!”
“No! Not a ruffian!” There is amusement in his voice, so clear that it snaps her temporarily out of her rant.
“You could offer me a hand you know, instead of just kneeling there and mocking me.”
“I could.” 
He doesn’t move. He's apparently having too much fun watching her.
Marigold scowls and stares at him. Those eyes. She has never thought of anyone as having eyes that actually sparkle. It always seemed a silly, romantic descriptor…but his truly do. A light dances within their golden depths. Even more annoyed by her own observation, she wipes at her nose, leaving a charming streak of dirt across its bridge, one that nearly covers her scattering of freckles.
“Well?” She thrusts her hand up towards him. He considers it just long enough to send another flood of angry red into her cheeks before he leans down, grasping her hand and forearm. 
“Jump on three.” 
Oh, his bright eyes are so vexing. And that smile. 
“One…two….three. Now!”
She jumps and he pulls. He’s stronger than she anticipated and she might as well be part kangaroo because together they manage to get her out of the ditch in one, violent arc which ends with Marigold Jacobs landing directly on top of her extremely attractive but aggravating savior. He’s flat on his back and she’s sprawled across him like a toad that’s done a belly-flop into a mud puddle.
Again she is rendered breathless, not only by the sheer speed in which she was yanked out but by the sudden feel of the man’s long body underneath her, the closeness of his face with it’s charming beauty mark under the curve of his bottom lip, the shocking revelation of just how dazzling his eyes are. He is just as transfixed as he stares at her, his hands having moved to her waist of their own accord. Her face, though streaked with earth, is quietly lovely. A fact one may miss at first or even second glance, but close as she is now, he can see the elegant line of her jaw and cheek, the smoothness of her skin. Her lashes are dark and long. They nearly brush the lenses of her glasses and when he notices her freckles across the bridge of her nose, barely visible under the dirt, his heart skips a beat. 
“Oh no, what have you done now?”
Another voice, deep and masculine, cuts through the moment and sends it scattering to the winds like a horde of startled butterflies. Marigold scrambles off of the man with aurelian eyes, hurriedly trying to smooth down her dress and push her hair out of her face. The man is slower to stand, grinning as he faces the annoyed scowl of the red-haired man in front of him.
“I didn’t do anything. She is the one who fell into a hole which wasn't meant for her.”
Marigold tears her eyes away from the handsome red-haired man in his lavender and white livery to gasp at her rescuer. “Wait a minute? YOU dug that hole?” 
He holds out both hands and shrugs, mirth and mischief hanging on the corners of his grin.
Marigold draws herself up to full height and steps menacingly towards him. “So YOU’RE the vile ruffian who desecrated the royal gardens and then had the nerve to find it funny?” She is almost sputtering she’s so angry. “You….you pompous….ignorant, thick-headed, immature, rough-hewn churl! I’ll tell the princes what you’ve done! Let them deal with a lout like you!” She’s breathing heavily, one hand balled into a fist as she glares at him. If looks could kill, he’d have been murdered a dozen times over.
The red-haired man looks as if he doesn't know whether to burst out laughing or throw himself into the ditch. What he ends up with is a somewhat beleaguered expression, tinted with amusement.
“Ah……you should tell her.”
The man in the lavender jacket grins. “But I’m having such fun.”
Absolutely still on her anger high, Marigold spins to look at the red-haired man. “Tell me what?”
With a heavy sigh, he gestures towards the ruffian. “May I present Prince Clavis Lelouch, third Prince of Rhodolite. Or as I like to call him, the Idiot Prince.”
Slowly Marigold turns back and then, like an image slowly and horrifically coming into focus, she notices the rich material of his clothing, the silk of his tie, the golden rose-shaped tie pin, the pristine white of his pants, the fine leather of his belts and boots. 
Wishing she were back in the ditch, Marigold drops into a curtsey, struggling to stay upright. He is a prince of Rhodolite. And she insulted him with all her furious heart. She’ll be sent back to Jade in disgrace, her research over before it has even begun. Her parents will be disappointed. Her professors will never trust her again. She’ll end up a laughing stock at the university all because she couldn’t hold her tongue.
Surprisingly gentle fingers touch her chin, asking without words for her to rise and lift her head. Clavis is standing in front of her, his touch lingering just a moment after she’s straightened up.
“You were absolutely in the right to be angry, Miss…..?”
“Jacobs,” she manages, though her mouth is dry, “Marigold Jacobs.”
“Miss Marigold Jacobs. I apologize that you were my accidental victim. This ditch was intended for one of my brothers and not you.” He lights up as a sudden idea occurs to him. “You must let me make up for it. I’ll have breakfast prepared for you!”
“Oh no,” Cyran mutters. 
Clavis is nodding even as Marigold stammers in protest. “No, please your Highness, you don’t have to go through any trouble because of me.”
He waves his hand. “It’s not trouble, it’s fun!” He’s positively gleeful. “Tomorrow morning at 8 o’clock sharp!” He looks over his shoulder. “Cyran, please fill the ditch.” He pauses. “But only this one.”
Marigold’s eyes widen. There are others…??!
“I’ll see you tomorrow morning, Marigold Jacobs!” He is on his way out when he stops, glancing at the purple hibiscus that caused all this trouble. He reaches up, carefully plucking one and then with a twinkle in his eye, tosses it towards her. She catches it easily and he smiles, nodding as if satisfied. “Til breakfast!”
And then he is gone. 
Marigold blinks, wondering if this is a fever dream or if this really just happened. The ache in her back and delicate flower in her hand tell her it really did. 
She insulted a Prince of Rhodolite and it ended with her being invited to breakfast. 
Not even her wildest fantasies could have dreamed this up.
She offers Cyran her thanks and is met with scowling and insults about Clavis that far exceed her own. As she walks slowly back in the direction of the palace, she glances down at the purple flower, wondering why she has the feeling that her time with Prince Clavis is far from over.
And why somehow, a quiet, whispered corner of her mind thinks that isn’t a terrible feeling at all.
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shatcey · 2 months
Haunted House Report (Alfons 1-2ch)
Alfons 1-2ch Alfons endings Epilogue (briefly) Roger (premium)
The event is a combination of a scary ghost story, a detective and a very sad romance with psychological trauma (who would be surprised, considering everything else). Sometimes I felt a bit sleepy (it was so damn long), but mostly it was very exciting.
I love Alfons very much. He is my foremost love in the whole Ikemen world (sorry Silvio, Yoichi and many others), so I evaluate all his actions and words from a positive point of view. This is usually quite questionable, but this time I didn't have to made up. He's very sweet.
The story starts with Kate getting a little worried going to this creepy mansion alone at night. So she asks Alfons to come with her. He begins to tease her a little about this, but agreed, and even gave her a very good reason for this… It's just more convenient to complete the task.
He asks if she wants him to magically erase her from fear. I thought he was going to show her an illusion. But no…
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It was pretty extreme, but it worked. That's the only thing that matters.
They went into the mansion, and on the way they talked about ghosts...
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Alfons' answer seemed weird to Kate, but she didn't have time to figure out what he meant because… a strange sound came from the nearest room.
They went in there to investigate and saw…
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Totally reasonable skepticism… Mirrors… well… This is a very tricky object. But the old man said that he had died a long time ago, and they believed him. I wouldn't believe, so Alfie probably either…
Our kind Kate asked how they could help him… It must be so hard to get stuck in the mirror. And the old man asked them to clean up the place… Okay, I wouldn't deny that it was unexpected. A ghost obsessed with cleanliness… This is something new.
My boy immediately noticed that this is a huge mansion, and the ghost agrees with the three places he indicated. I'd like to know how. Does he have a map or something? Or did they draw a map? Again… It's a huge place, and it's their first time here. And this is not Jude's Kate, who prepared in advance.
So they started cleaning up. Again, I wondered with what exactly. Kate, as if she had heard me, explained that she was taking cleaning supplies from the closet. Very convenient...
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Of course! How I didn't realised this before? This is Clavis' castle, which means there must be traps in it.
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No, I'm fine. All thanks to you.
The situation is actually repeated in the second room
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They went to the third place to check (brave of them), and things turned out pretty badly…
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You still don't get it? I WILL NEVER LET YOU GO!!! Where is this damn power that should wake up in critical situations? Or does it only work with mothers who save their children?
And Kate, of course, agrees with me and didn't let him fall. She's thinking rationally (continue holding him… she's my hero now!) and has decided that she needs help. Perhaps someone from the Crown is nearby… She calls for help, and to her surprise, it comes…
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The lady in red… This song is already stuck in my head. I have to listen to it to get rid of it!
Oh, it's a lovely song...
So... Back to the topic.
Alfons thinks how strange it seems.
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(discovery music playing)
Somewhere along the way through these three rooms, a sudden thought occurred to me. If this ghost wanna kill people and knows where his traps are, then it makes sense that he can send them there. But… The traps are limited, so… Who's recharge them? Like… there are still working traps. Suspicious…
They returned to the room with the mirror (I didn't mean to make a pun, I swear). They call out the old man, who is "most likely not a ghost at all", but he didn't show up. The Alfons noticed the new layer of footprints on the floor, and they follow them…
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And they found a hidden room. It was actually Jean's workshop from IkeVamp.
So Alfons congratulates Kate on finding a room, I thought it was sarcasm, but she didn't think so, maybe I'm wrong. Obviously, he figured it out a long time ago, but let her lead. Oh, sweety…
Kate pointed out she didn't know how this person (and we're already sure it's a person, not a ghost) used the mirror. Alfons explains it. It was something with the mirror tilted at right angle (it was very difficult to translate, so you have no choice but to believe me). I thought it was just glass… but I'll trust an expert.
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So they found the culprit and the method. And the only thing left to find out…
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And Kate remembers that they discussed their mission. And then she said they needed to find "evidence of a crime".
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They look for evidence and find nothing. So… Alfons suggests looking for clues elsewhere…
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I couldn't have put it better. He's an idiot! But brilliant.
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Oh, no, I just realized… She's not the lady in red anymore… (sad)
As soon as Alfons agreed that they would like to hear her story, all the signs of a poltergeist appeared. The temperature has dropped, everything is vibrating…
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Look at that face and you won't doubt his determination… My overprotective monster...
That's how the lady in red (I'll call her that) expressed her excitement, because no one ever wanted to listen to her.
Well… it happened 50 years ago. She was one of those people with unusual abilities who took part in the experiment. I must add, it was very ethically questionable experiment. Yes, she was one of the cursed. And this old "non-ghost" was appointed her partner. She fell for him very hard, but it wasn't mutual. And at some point, that bastard killed her by pushing her off a cliff. The woman looked pretty happy telling them about it, and Kate decided to ask...
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So they're both stuck. She is in her weird adoration, which has no reasonable limits. He's stuck with an obsession with guilt that makes him search for something that doesn't exist.
This concludes chapter 2. Unfortunately, I use too many screenshots and have reached the limit, so I will post the endings separately. I've finished everything, but I need time to clean up the text a bit. If I don't fall asleep in the process… then a bit later. If I fall asleep… tomorrow. Long story, long summary…
@judesmoonbeauty as promised
🔝 Start page 🔝
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bakersgrief · 11 days
Cock piercing headcanons?
I'm gonna be honest I really don't know much about the different types of piercings and the internet is not being helpful.
So I'm just gonna say who I think has cock piercings and who doesn't!
Leon: He's thought about it but never ended up doing it.
Yves: No, thank you! His multiple ear piercings are quite enough! (He can't bear to let someone stab him there of all places)
Licht: No. Doesn't see a point in piercings.
Jin: Yeah. The ladies love it ;)
Chevalier: No. Once again. What purpose would it serve?
Clavis: Maaaybe ;) (he's thought about it but always finds a reason not to, such as: OW)
Nokto: Yes but it was the worst decision of his life. Not doing that ever again. Ow.
Luke: Piercings are for nobility. He doesn't care about that kind of stuff.
Rio: Yes. Body piercings are common in Benitoite and he got one just to feel something. (Ow.)
Sariel: No. His stomach already hurts enough as is.
Silvio: Yes, he has multiple. Count on him to always be decked out no matter where it is.
Keith: Nope. He's tried, but every time He wakes up and runs away.
Gilbert: No. He isn't going to let someone handle his cock like that.
Kagari: Why would he pay someone to stab him when he can walk outside and get it done for free?
Matthias: No. The first person to see his cock will be his future spouse.
Azel: The living god could not possibly been seen going to a piercing parlor to have his cock pierced. (Kinda wants one though)
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 10 months
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Beauty & the Beast's Christmas
This is simply a fan translation and is not intended as a replacement for the game. Expect grammatical errors. Not proofread.
Silvio's story (JP) from the last collection event.
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~ Christmas and a Surprise Party on Board ~
Silvio invited me onto a ship and guided me to the open sea on a snowy Christmas night.
Emma: "The ocean looks amazing on a snowy night!"
Emma: "This is my first time spending Christmas on a ship!"
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Silvio: "Yeah? You were so antsy to get out on deck that you were fidgeting even during dinner."
(Just spending time at the sea is so nice.)
(He even prepared a lot of food and a cute Christmas cake with shell-shaped candies on it.)
Emma: "Sure, I was restless, but I was also happy with the meal and the cookies!"
Silvio: "When I gave you one for Christmas before, you got so excited and stuffed your face like a kid."
Emma: "Hehe, that's true."
Emma: "Someone told me that those cookies were made for sailors to enjoy during Christmas."
Emma: "By eating them on board, I feel like I can understand how the sailors felt back then."
A smile naturally spread across my lips, remembering the sweetness of the cookies in my mouth.
Unable to contain my excitement, I peered over the railing to look at the sea, wanting to see more.
Emma: "But the way the snow melts into the waves is really beautiful."
Silvio: "Hey, careful! Don't lean out so much. You might fall into the sea."
Though he looked exasperated, he gently smiled and watched over me. Eventually, he pulled my arm, perhaps unable to watch any longer.
(It's my first Christmas at sea. I'm so happy to be with him that I can't help but be excited.)
(Oh, I have an idea!)
Emma: "Prince Silvio, wanna dance with me?"
Silvio: "Ha? Why would we dance in this freezing weather?"
Emma: "Today is Christmas. Even though it's just the two of us here, it's still a party!"
Emma: "Plus, dancing with someone you love is a must!"
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(It's a completely illogical argument, but I really feel like dancing with him no matter what.)
I took his hand pleadingly, and he put his hand on my waist, his ears turning red.
Silvio: "Tch, fine! Let's go."
Feeling the snow and the sound of the waves, I stepped to his lead, and a sense of happiness enveloped me as if I were in a dream.
Emma: "This is so much fun."
Silvio: "We don't even have any music. I should've brought an orchestra or something."
Emma: "To me, the sound of the waves is the most romantic music."
Silvio: "Well, if that's how you feel."
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Silvio: "Next time, I'll make sure to prepare an orchestra. It'll be easier for you to dance that way."
Emma: "Hehe, thank you so much. Prince Silvio, I love you!"
Silvio: "........."
Blushing, he lightly stepped to the rhythm of the swaying ship.
I also stepped forward, feeling content, but my foot slipped on the deck covered in snow.
Just as my vision was about to flip, Silvio instinctively supported my back and caught me.
Emma: "Waah! S-Sorry!"
Silvio: "See? You're getting too carried away."
His nose was dangerously close, causing my heart to race.
I couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed in response to his mocking laughter.
Silvio: "Your nose is all red."
He grabbed my chin and roughly pressed his lips against mine.
Emma: "Nn... Prince Silvio!"
Silvio: "Even your lips are this cold."
His kiss was so intense that it felt like it was trying to steal everything from me.
With each change in the angle of our lips, feverish sighs escaped through them and melted into the snow.
When he finally pulled away, he blushed and forcefully pulled me closer by the waist.
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Silvio: "Party's over."
Emma: "Huh, already? I'm still not satisfied!"
Silvio: "Shut up. I've reached my limit."
Emma: "What do you mean by 'limit'?"
Silvio: "You're too cute. I've reached my limit."
Emma: "........."
Silvio: "Let's go inside. I'll warm you up in bed."
Emma: "I-If you put it that way, I guess I'll call it a night."
My body and heart, both completely on fire from the kiss earlier, longed for him.
On Christmas night, Silvio and I were alone on this sea.
Thinking about the love that would be given to me by the person I love, my heart raced even more.
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➟ Ikepri Translation Masterlist
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writer-akihiko · 2 years
Hi, this is the first time doing this but may I ask for one for Ikeprince where Belle was the childhood friend for the princes but they lost contact after many years and only meet again during the prologue. Thank you.
Rekindled Connection: IkePri Princes
I've officially returned! Thank you to everyone who's waited honestly. Also, I assume that you don't want me to spoil any content, so a few characters are omitted from the ask such as Gilbert, Silvio and Keith. Contains spoilers for Leon's and Luke's route mainly, but the rest are route spoilers inclined.
"The new Belle of Rholodite, YN." Sariel announced.
Jin Grandet
Even before the meeting, he dreaded the day to meet the new Belle. He was careful to hide his discontent from someone like Sariel and his younger brothers, promising to never involve himself with Belle
Your careful entrance to the hall where the princes gathered was expected, but Jin didn't expect… you. His princely seductive smile faltered, his face drawn to a harsh scowl instead
He knew who you were. He didn't know if the rest did,  but it didn't cross his mind as his fist slammed against the table
Leon and Chevalier stopped their welcoming greetings, the princes' eyes on their eldest. Jin stormed out, clutching you by the arm, before glowering at Sariel. "She was never supposed to be a part of this."
Your soft protests rang in his ears down the hallway, before Jin pulled you tight to his chest
"YN… Why did you become the Belle?" His voice near breaking, he'd never wish such a fate upon you, even if it was your way of reconnecting with him
The guards slowly closed on him, however, with Jin as your shield, the common guards couldn't bear the thought of harming the first Prince Jin Grandet
Nearing the gardens, you struggled enough to pull away from the prince who suddenly seized you. The frenzy of the day got to you, unable to even lift your head in front of the country's princes… The fear rushed to your head that one of the princes wanted to take you immediately
All panic fled once you saw the man with the brown hair who you met oh so long ago. "Jin…?"
He stopped, regretfully turning to you. "I'll explain more later," He said, glancing back at the advancing guards. "Trust me one more time, YN."
Chevalier Michel
Oh, how he wanted to curse his deceased father from beyond the grave… There was a note of familiarity when he first saw you
As much as he wanted to be delighted, his position was too fragile. He couldn't protect you definitely from those corrupt nobles
He let a few days past, before he heard a knock to his office door. You were there, as he predicted. You would've seeked him out, one way or another
He allowed Clavis and Nokto to be in the same room, so he wasn't surprised when your smiles and clumsy behaviour turned solemn upon meeting him
"I didn't mean to, Chev." You began. The other princes wondered how were you so bold to address the prince without title, much less a nickname
He hushed his brothers, before turning to Clavis. Whispers of preparations filled the room, before Chevalier got up, exiting the room just before whispering in your ear to follow Clavis' words
The first emotions that go through his head were of fondness towards you. There were many things he kept buried behind his aloof personality, you included
He had left, not sparing much of a glance to you. He's been pissed off the entire week due to you being Belle. He read your letters of your explanation before, remembering that it was tucked with the past writings he kept from you since you both were children
Of course things wouldn't go smoothly, with how cunning Sariel was. Nokto and Luke getting drunk with their older brother Jin was as much proof as he needed, and soon you were kept from him
Clavis and you weren't oblivious to the situation. Being forbidden from leaving the palace until you made your decision made your and Chevalier's life ever more difficult. It wasn't something you expected, but sooner it became more comfortable even with the sudden addition of secret lessons of queendom here and there as Chevalier wrote that it was for you
Your lives were still as separated as before, but the letters were ever so warm as you both hid behind the guise of your titles. It was not time yet to be reunited with your childhood lover, so all Chevalier could do was send you a rose from afar…
Clavis Lelouch
The first emotions that go through his head were of fondness towards you. There were many things he kept buried behind his aloof personality, you included
He couldn't believe that you were that person oh so long ago, and neither can you. Clavis now was unlike before, perhaps it was better to focus on the task at hand
He stumbled over you upon the first meeting, but you made an effort to avoid him afterwards… but gosh darn was this man persistent
Bringing up things of the past, wondering if you had him in your heart… How were you supposed to know that he was a prince all those years ago? The time it was only nailed into your head was when the soldiers showed up was to threaten your loved ones
All these years and he wasn't a prince who'd comply to such rules. The opportunity given by Sariel was a way to make things better at home, so you insisted to follow them by the book
Somehow someway, Clavis Lelouch finds a way where it was just a moment between you two. The aloof prince gone, and a glimpse of perhaps the shy prince you once fell for
"Back then, maybe I did care, Clavis," You said. "It's not the time for me to be nice to you anymore. I ask you do not address me as if I were your friend."
He held on to you, stating how he never forgot your kindness towards him and how he too was forced to throw you away. "Just once, may we begin anew?"
Multiple instances of his pleas and your wavering heart finally was his. The pace was by your terms as there were clearly rules against your relationship Not like Clavis cared much for the rules anyway…
He got a kick out of giving a few nobles a heart attack after oh so kindly threatening them to denounce his title if they deny your marriage…
Leon Dompteur
He doesn't mention it at first, as he wanted to confirm his suspicions. Back then, you were the young girl who would secretly hand them off food when your family bakery was near its closing
He remembered how you still continued such, even after his adoption. For years he had to find you once again after news of your family migrating to Obsidian. You being Belle is simply another part of you that would give him the pleasure of getting to know you once more
How you returned, he'd never knew. His other brothers must've realised how much you piqued the interest of Leon so much so that he invited you often for small talks
From a few moments of conversing, he doubted that you remembered him. Nonetheless, he wanted to know more about the one who saved him back then
The sliver of friendship back then began to grow into companionship. You were someone that Leon could visibly relax around, and Leon was someone you could forget your duties with
It wasn't until Yves found that you had a knack for baking, and soon your goodies were presented to Leon's faction Your good friend takes nothing but a loaf of bread, not even the sweets you laboured over…
It made you quite curious, yet you couldn’t help but giggle from the adorable Leon's face stuffed with bread
As you stare longer at his stuffed face, the roundness of his cheek and his glinting smile… It was a moment of dejavu. Particularly the small boy back then who would always smile after you gave him bread…
Shaking off the connection, you excused yourself as you tried to recount any memories of the boy and Leon. It was uncanny for sure, but the conclusions drawn up in your head were too close to be ignored
"I had a feeling you figured it out," The voice belonging to none other than Leon emerged next to you. "Hello YN, I've missed you."
Yves Kloss
He was… surprised to say the least. He was silent the entire meeting, not moving from his chair even at your personal introduction to him
He at first, was unsure if you recognised him. Everything that you knew of him back then… he’s a different Yves now. The childish promises weren’t something that he should believe in again
Back then, he was a hopeless child, wishing to the little girl in his eyes who was his princess with a promise of marriage. “YN… pwease marry me when… when I’m bigger!”
The mortifying scenarios that repeated back in his head only served to push him away from you. It’s best if you forgot about him really, as much as he feels inclined to uphold his promise…
Jealousy did not catch him when he saw you amongst his brothers, but the irritation of some of them to pursue you so recklessly made him want to jump in at the chance
He wasn’t being demanding, was he? It was only a simple invitation to a tea party… with just him involved. Well, anything to get you away from Nokto really
He noticed you carried with you a flower ring, usually of any strays from the gardeners. You’d keep it around your ring finger ever so tightly, being frightened if it were to fall off
Oh… what an idiotic child Yves was. He proposed to you with a flower ring. All these years, you’d waited for him
His constant glances at your finger, particularly the flower, made you laugh. “Belle… YN… You knew it was me didn’t you?”
You picked up one of his favourite tarts, holding it to his face. “And if I said yes, would you finally replace this flower ring on my finger with a real one?”
Licht Klein
He wasn’t someone that would attract too much attention, especially with how boisterous and loud the others were. Yet, he couldn’t shake your gaze off of him. Why were you so attentive to him?
There was some note of familiarity to how you acted. There was no air of nobility about you, instead a comfort that was akin to a friend that kept his attention
It… began to be distracting for him. Not an annoyance like Clavis, but distracting enough to be a constant reminder throughout his day. It was… a welcomed distraction, if he was fully honest with himself
The day where you observed your duties as Belle could make him care less, however the times where you were scheduled to visit made him much more active. His brothers saw his much more vocal participation in such meetings
Much to Licht’s own detriment, Clavis and Leon of all people, always informed where your location was. Leon much less, but he’d always find a way to give Licht a heads up. Clavis was much more of an annoyance, but Jin was the worst, giving Licht money to buy ‘nicer clothes to impress YN’
It was not until you gifted him a woven bracelet did he remember you. Unable to deny the flood of memories that struck him, he pulled you into a soft embrace, sniffling tears that stained your dress. Murmurs of ‘why didn’t you tell me’ and apologies spilled from him
All you did was reply, saying how much you missed him as you stroked his back gently. Yes, you were the little girl who always played with him and Nokto, constantly comforted Licht’s lonely moments until you were forcefully taken away from him
By law, the land you resided in belonged to Jade instead, and all form of contact lost except for a woven bracelet you last left when you played together. He kept it with him, treasuring it even to its last threads
As he thought about it, your predicament only angered him. You did not deserve to be thrown into a castle of beasts, surrounded by only those who wish to use you
His trajectory as a prince now included you, to free you from any burdens as Belle. He acts in secret, just as his feelings towards you. It is not the right time to tell you, so locked shall his affections be
Nokto Klein
He doesn’t recall you. None of it really. He truly made a fool of himself when it came to you. An honest fool in fact…
Nothing to you clicked for him. Really, it’s not his fault, given that you two were about the age of toddlers when you played with each other. You didn’t know it was him either, continuing on your days as normal
Nokto regardless was a flirtatious man to you. His affections did not cease, yet he’s drawn to you for your utter perseverance to refuse him. The person who really comforted you was none other that Licht, his own brother. Nokto found his twin embracing you in joy one day, and he was utterly confused
He trailed you and his twin, until the point he reached the servant’s quarters. What were you two doing there? Surely, Nokto thought that you were in a secret relationship with his own brother! One of the princes… It frustrated him so, realising that the flirtations turned to genuine love for you
He was being cynical, wanting to catch you and use such information against you but he stopped when Licht took out a beaded necklace to give to you. One that belonged to their mother’s loyal maid…
“How dare you?!” He stormed the room, ready to draw his sword to his own brother and you. Licht knew how much such memories meant to Nokto. The loyal maid in question was one who cared for them in the absence of their mother, in happier times…
“How dare I? How dare you!” You argued back, clutching the necklace. “This was my mother’s!” You ran out the door, leaving the two princes in shock
Licht simply looked at his brother in distaste, “I don’t have to spell everything out for you.” Heeding the words of his twin, he searched for you. It was not difficult, considering your limitations and boundaries within the castle walls.
For once in his life, he apologised. With full sincerity. “I didn’t realise you were… her. It all makes sense,” He added. “Your mother... she meant a lot to me.”
The comforting silence that hung between you two was enough for Nokto. His feelings would come after another apology, one for his jealousy and another for confessing his feelings. He would hope you waited, just as he did
Luke Randolph
He didn’t want to meet you personally, since any past connections would ruin his purpose being there. It would hurt to explain anything and everything that happened after you left
He was a silent observer, going out of his way to make sure your adjustment to the castle was as well as it could be. You were still surrounded by the beasts he called as his brothers after all
Despite his refusal to meet you, you find a way to surprise him regardless. He was often the consumer for your sweets, especially your honeyed cookies. It was too hard to pass up!
The differences in your schedules lead to your once childish exchange of letters. Small notes of ‘We’re meeting up right?’ or ‘Remember to bring some snacks…’ passed between you, reigniting the cheerful friendship once again
He often thinks to skip his missions and meetings that aren’t in the palace. He knew he was getting attached, and that was dangerous. Yet… seeing you innocently reading in the garden makes him want to abandon everything he’s worked for
He doesn’t end up skipping work due to your persistence, but regardless he is skipping if it involves escorting you anywhere. It’s just another hangout, with fancier clothes and food
Ah… he’s going crazy. The second time he’s escorting you, it hits him. It hits him hard how much he cares for you. It’s dangerous really, but he’s a beast. Danger often follows the beast…
Afterwards, he’s more forward, especially with his brothers that you’re his. Some understand, some intend to tease while others have the intention to pry you from his hands. They’ll have to deal with his bared fangs first
It’s a stupid decision to tell you everything, but many nights with a burden would bring anyone’s shoulders down. Those in the past, how much they mean to him… To him, you matter the most, when you hug your bear, allowing him to weep
Some things are left in the dark, but as they are brought to light, he hopes you’re able to face it with him together. “YN… if anything… put yourself first before me okay? Just like last time…”
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Ikeprinces Ranked By How Well They Park
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God Tier
CHEVALIER . He parks so well that it’s unfair even having him on the list. He can mentally visualize and predict where all the empty spots in any parking facility are long before ever going in. He knows local parking customs no matter where he goes. There is no style of parking he cannot flawlessly execute just from reading about it. Legend has it he never even took his driving exam; they just gave his license to him.
SARIEL . There’s never been a parking space that’s looked Sariel in the eye and lived to tell the tale. His side-parking alone makes you want to squeeze your thighs together while biting back lewd cries. As he shifts the gears to park, he looks at you out of the corner of his eye, gives you that devilish smirk and tells you he hopes you're ready to show him what you've learned.
JIN . Watching Jin park one-handed while casually sucking on a lollipop is like watching a 3-star Michelin chef prepare a world-class dinner right in front of you. You can’t help but want to thank him for the visual food. He keeps it classy and casual at the same time, and being in a car with him at all makes you feel like seat-belts and air-bags are totally unnecessary.
Valet Tier
RIO . His parking is already outstanding, but it’s the added customer service you get on top that truly makes him shine. You find yourself talking to him as if you’ve been friends for years, and it’s only once the conversation is over that you realize you’ve been sitting parked for over half-an-hour.
NOKTO . It’s almost surprising how good of a parker this Klein is. But it’s not like you can regularly show up to foreign embassies and expect to be treated with respect if you butcher their parking area. He's probably the prince you see drive/park the most because of his fondness for long, aimless late-night drives.
LICHT . He’s also a Klein that parks well. Must run in the family. His back muscles flex beautifully underneath his shirt when he reaches through the window to get parking tickets. He still does the awkward open-the-door-a-crack-to-double-check thing, but he's never, not once, had to readjust his parking.
Heart Attack Tier
ALTER-KEITH . It’s simply erotic how confidently he parks. He surprises you with unexpected maneuvers every now and then, mostly to tease you, but always so he can study your reactions. And the way he uses his free hand to entwine his fingers with yours; and then how he moves your connected hands to shift the gears instead of letting your hand go to do so... *clutches chest in pain*
LEON . Makes you feel like you’re riding along with a golden-age movie star, what with his flashy maneuvering. If High-Octane Parking were a thing, Leon would be the posterchild. Half the time your heart is all the way up your throat, but It. Is. Fun. As. Hell. You almost don’t want to get out of the car, and you can tell just how much fun he has showing off as his laughter coasts atop every rev of the engine.
SILVIO . It’s impossible to fully judge Silvio’s parking or even driving capabilities while also nursing a nosebleed (because you can’t stop staring at his sexy forearms when his hands are on the steering wheel). His wealth, connections and status give him access to the best parking spots, so it’s safe to assume he’s not burning bridges by parking like an animal. Also, he’s Silvio! Why would he be bad at parking? Unless he happens to catch you staring like that and then oh fuck oh fuck oh fu—
GILBERT . Prefers to let you drive, but he gets so unbelievably jealous when you interact with parking meters and ticket-dispensers, that he either shoots the offending device on sight or cleverly manipulates you into parking elsewhere. If that ‘elsewhere’ has an excruciating walking-distance to your destination, he’ll manipulate the situation and then somehow you’re both back home, on his bed, doing kissy-bitey things. So instead of letting him boss you around, be sure to put your foot down on the brakes and tell him he needs to suck it up (he will). If he’s driving, he’s a god-tier parker.
CLAVIS . He has made it a personal goal to invent a new type of parking every two weeks. He’s never been able to beat Chev at those silly parking mobile apps, or even Tetris, so he’s decided to one-up him in the most ridiculous, real-life way using cars. Clavis parks the way you can sometimes find two or three jigsaw puzzle pieces stuck together in unholy ways. Every sound that comes out of a car operated by Clavis Lelouch is symphonic chaos in the best and worst ways. No one has a higher monthly car-insurance premium than Clavis fucking Lelouch. Except for Yves.
LUKE . He parks diagonally, taking up multiple parking spaces. His backseat is an amateur’s collection of unpaid parking ticket stubs. A wave of honey-scents floods out whenever he opens his car door. He unironically listens to Nickelback, so the combination of Nickelback and honey smells coming out of a parking lot can only mean one thing.
RIP Tier
KEITH . (After finally arriving at the parking location two days late) It’s not that he’s a poor-parker, he’s just one that overthinks the hell out of it. Is he going too fast? Is he going too slow? Is there enough of a gap on your side for you to get out? Is there enough of a gap that people can comfortably get into their cars on either side of his? Is his car so tall, I mean big, that it creates an eyesore when someone’s looking down the line? Should he just park directly inside that ditch?
YVES . He’s not the one bumping into cars, they’re the ones bumping into him!! Ranking him this low for something beyond his control is SLANDER!! Though this is largely only the case when he's driving by himself or with people who aren't you. If you're in the car, his Luck Stat goes through the roof, which makes it easier for him to show off just how much of a careful and dexterous parker he is. And his bangs do a cute little forward-backward swish just as he finishes (in sync with his ear ring).
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