#thank you so much for the ask!! >:3c
capn-twitchery · 5 months
Putting in an ask to make up for the ten ghost ones, hi hello hi, tapping gently on the glass of your enclosure
Digs around in my bag of Questions. What is...Twitch's favourite food?
~ @peliginspeaks
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WAIT THIS ASK MADE THE GHOSTS COME BACK oh my god look out tumblr user @peliginspeaks the ghosts are in there with you!!!!!
ok for your actual question:
twitch has godawful taste in food, bc they have been eating a zailor diet of jellied eels, other tinned assorted horrors, ship biscuits, and the occasional hunted zee monster and crew member for Years now
they've been doing this for so long i think most Nice Food would honestly taste weird to them at this point. why does this have flavour, where is all the salt!!! so i guess their favourite is miscellaneous zee meats, whatever that means
( @that-giorgione 's cooking is the exception to the rule, of course. the only nice food they will seek out instead of just begrudgingly eating!!)
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zaacoy · 1 year
Also i just saw the request thingamagik, can i request
Some child!mk with dadsy and tangdad, like them being wholesome and stuff, maybe a lil pigsy angst abt not being a good dad and tang looks at him and holds the most speech ever abt how hes the best person tang knows
and pigsy realizes right there and then "omg i love this fugging idiot holy shit" cause omg theyre family, theyre family af look at how good they can be as a family
Ask and it shall be delivered :3 saw your other message too btw!! Thank you!!! Ur so nice!!! Can't believe Lego made gay people real wowow
Bit of a long one, hope this matches what you were looking for, enjoy! :D
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and i think to myself: augh what a wonderful world
(commission by @radrezi )
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diamondsheep · 4 days
Hi Rammm do you mind showing off your first Sanji fan art vs your most recent? 🙏 Please it would be so cool
Hiii Leoooon !!! Sure 😄✨️ i can show you my Sanji drawings !!!
This is the first fanart that i made of him !
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It is interesting that it was a profile drawing, bc i really enjoy drawing him like that !
I have changed a little bit how i draw his profile and now i like to give him a hooked nose ! ( many artists also draw him with that nose and i LOVE IT !! I'm a fan of those types of noses 💛)
Here are some drawings that show that c: !!
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I also wanted to share my second fanart of Sanji ! ( the one on the left / the one that has pink accents ) bc it can be compared with the drawing of old Sanji that i made for his birthday, since both have a similar pose lol
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And these are my most recent drawings of Sanji !!! Asgjslf soon I'll post them ! When i finish a ZoSan compilation that I've been working on lol
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( pls ignore the marimo creature that is next to him in most of the pictures adjfksjf )
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loopscereal · 9 months
heyss may i ask what inspired your onnie design? im really curious. ive seen it and from what ive gathered it looks as if onnie had no face besides from the eyes, orr that the rest of his face is blacked out (thats what i got from it at least)
I assume you mean the onnies from the drawing of him on the swing-tire, and possibly during the toddy and bon story-boarding thing i did.
I dont know if I’ve actually posted any drawings of him outside of those two instances, but yes. i have depicted him as faceless/ with his face obscured with darkness.
Nothing in partiiicular inspired this decision? My friend dis it first and i just stole his thing,
These! Are. That is not his current self!
Now, what do i mean by that? Uh, okay so in me and my friends AU for fnafhs, Onnie, Malva (Usagi, we renamed her) and Bon are all siblings. Onnie was the oldest.
Both his home and school life were rough as hell, and it all comes to a boiling point where shit happens and he runs off until he finds the nightmares. (Grossly summerized)
Anyways, that version of him I’ve drawn, is how he looked when he was living with Malva and Bon. That what people remebered him looking like. His head was down, his hair a choppy mess, always in his face casting a shadow over his eyes.
Though i will say, that dark face is not a representation of shadow, that would just be on the eyes and features of his would like the mouth and nose still be visible. The darkness is both just because it looks pretty cool, but also because people like Toddy (a long time family friend of them all) Malva and Bon all hardly remember his face. Its been four years since he left, and in the years leadings ip to before he ran away, his face was pretty obscured.
The only thing they remember with burning clarity is how his eyes looked.
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Long story short: mostly just looks really cool, his face is a faint memory.
Also fun fact: all the characters are part animals, and have a variety of animal traits that may ir may not present themselves. Much as Malva and Bon having human ears, and Onnie having rabbit ears.
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merrigelblogs · 3 months
8, 21, 35, annnd 60, for Miss Aveline!
YAYY thank you for indulging me >:3c
8. What location encountered in the campaign has your character felt the most “at home” in, or just generally liked the most?
Ohh this is a really good question... The thing about Av and her whole sorta Deal this campaign is that, by and large, because of (mumble mumble secrets), she's spent most of it feeling IMMENSELY out of place! Like... An island infested with crystal zombies! A MERMAID KINGDOM?? But all things considered, where she's at currently... Even though she was WAY on edge when she first stepped on board, I think she's always relieved to be back on the crew's ship, the Triumph. Started as an ~untrustworthy place full of dangerous people~, but now! How the turns have tabled!
21. Does your character have any noticeable scars? If so, what are their stories?
LMAO okay wait I'm digging up an old sketch for this
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AS OF THE END OF ARC ONE (crystal zombie island), Av had been:
Grazed by a bullet from the captain's shithead ex-boyfriend (right arm)
Bitten by a horrifying crystal zombie, resulting in crystals growing from the wound (left shoulder, temporarily cost her full control of said arm)
Bitten by a crystalized crocodile (right leg- not the croc pictured Snapper is innocent)
Bitten by crewmate Tiller (right forearm; she was crystal-possessed at the time)
I only let the shoulder incident leave a scar, but the list was too funny not to mention LMAO (plus if you add in a bonus massive shark bite to her midsection in the second arc, Aveline would very much like if Everyone Would Stop Fucking Biting Her For A Second?? Please???)
35. Why is your character’s lowest stat their lowest (the in-character reason, not “because there’s no reason for a wizard to have 16 strength, duh”)?
Oh easy- her lowest score is a 10 in wisdom because if she was any wiser than this she would not be in this situation at all. Very smart lady but, as much as she considers herself to be The Only Normal And Sane Person Here most of the time, she's startlingly lacking in common sense when it comes to like... Hmmm how do I say this without spoilers... Stuff like, Hey Aveline You're Really Not Good At Lying, Are You Seriously Signing Up To Spend A Potentially Very Long Time Doing Extremely A Lot Of Lying? Shit like that XD
60. What decision would the party have to make in order for your character to consider splitting off from the group?
Anything that would endanger/kill innocent people, which is so baseline that I'm struggling to think of something more interesting?? Av is incredibly principled (hello Miss Lawful Alignment), but she's also kinda stuck with the party on several levels (first her duty to carry out the mission, then plain emotional attachment), so she's far more likely to argue HARD until the party sees things her way.
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dimension20stuff · 2 months
Do you have any system you'd love to see a D20 game run in?
Ooh I'm so not well versed in different systems lol but Monster of the Week would be fun! Tbh I would love if they just did a bunch of really loose one shots with a bunch of random indie ttrpgs that have like never been played on an actual play. Just stuff from itchio that have like 10 sales. It would be very good for me specifically.
Tbh I just want them to try SOME other systems. I think that Neverafter could have been much more horror if they'd gone with an actual system designed to be horrifying rather than homebrewing stuff for dnd. Would just love some variety
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capn-twitchery · 5 months
what are twitch's favorite ports to zail to and from? (the-dye-stained-socialite)
( @the-dye-stained-socialite )
OHHH this is an interesting question!! for places in FL itself:
the corsair's forest/gaider's mourn! basically their second home next to wolfstack--it's full of other weird, thrill-seeking zailors. how could they not? the zee is dangerous around it, but they think that just makes it more exciting to visit (their poor crew)
venderbight/tomb colonies too, of course. this is also basically a second home, but only because they keep getting exiled. it's fine, though, the parties here are fun and they have friends there!
if i branch out into sunless sea there's also
aestival! the little island with real sunlight from the hole in the neath-roof above it. most ships don't even know it exists, so it's peaceful there. they like to zail down and just sit on the beach for a while. (and sometimes catch the sunlight in mirrorcatch boxes to sell in london. gotta pay the crew somehow)
nook! probably their absolute favourite place to be: underwater civilisation nestled in the throat of a giant sea monster. the water is breathable, but it does really weird things to your brain, and every trip makes it harder to leave. everyone is naked, wildly hallucinating, weirdly horny, y'know, wild zee party things.
hallucinogenic seaweed made twitch eat at least one person and almost chew their own arm off. they barely remember it, though, so they have a great time here!
(their crew tries to avoid it at any cost, understandably. it's really hard to get them to leave.)
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the-timeline-owner · 3 months
Favorite places in chicago to visit? :3c
For me personally I'm kind of a basic bitch lmao
So I would have to say museum of science and industry or the field museum are easily a 10/10
But honestly doing something as simple as walking along either the lakefront trail or the Riverwalk are always a really fun thing to do as well as visiting any historic things like the old water tower from pre-Chicago fire Days
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touhoutivations · 11 months
ghost anon here - thank you again for the reassurance, i appreciate it. writing in again because i've got a crow tengu friend who's moving to an entirely new place and theyve been crazy stressed out about it - maybe a fellow reporter could weigh in about changing surroundings?
"Ayayaya, a new place hm?  That's always a tricky thing, whether you planned it or not- at least with me, I know I've had a few times where I've gotten my cove torched and had to…rebrand as it were, aha~" "I guess it comes down to how you feel about old and new stuff. Some need to cling to the time you have, some feel like it's some…doomsday clock- some throw themselves into the new, or some feel like it's invasive. It's hard to determine whether you're ready or what works. Whatever it is, I want you to know that whatever you feel- even if it's a contradictory whirlwind, is okay."  
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"Depending on how convenient it is- I think what would be helpful is to find homes away from your house. Whether that's near your future place, or near a workspace or somewhere else you frequent- try finding places that make you feel cozy and comfortable. Bonus points if they have flexible hours or they're public services that you don't have to spend money with."
"You have a nice tea place nearby? Try that item you always think about but never get- even if it's not that great, opening yourself up to change on your own terms can be helpful. Get comfortable, and ease yourself into experimentation and investigation! "
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"I sometimes think back to an old case I had with the doll on Nameless Hill. Where I offered her a soapbox about her whole 'doll liberation' thing. The results were as varied as they were catastrophic. Humans were devastated and tried to get their old dolls back, even if they got poisoned, some kids felt scared to let things go because they didn’t want to hurt them or get hurt if they became tsukumogami, some relived nice times, some painful scars… I got into a bunch of trouble up top for it. And Miss Melancholy wasn't happy because both doll and human felt chained to each other…
But oddly enough, the one that fixed the issue was the Misfortune Goddess. She wanted to try 'update' the old Nagashi festival, since the yamawaro were getting frustrated that dolls kept stockpiling- which, yeah- if I was a doll I'd be sad about if I got chucked in a river. So…Hina suggested 'recycling' that misfortune into fortune, transferring the memories and care you felt to another child- who would make something special with that doll, to so on and so forth. Thanking it for the time and company that it occupied, allowing a civil dismissal, and not feeling all gloomy and weighty.
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…Miss Melancholy hated it at first. She thought it was just 'shoving the problem onto someone else- and why am I seen as a problem anyway-' but…seeing a girl get an older doll from an elder, seeing the two of them stitch new clothes for her and repaint her faded eyes…I never knew dolls could cry but…yeah. And writing that article with Kagiyama's assistance…yes, it truly was one of my prouder moments as a journalist. …It really was, and I yearn for another masterpiece like that…ah-"
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"I'm getting off track here, but I mean that everyone has their own thoughts, feelings and journey about change- and it's going to take some time, even if you know the 'perfect' way to handle it. Be patient with yourself, that's the one thing you'll always be travelling with- ahaha~ But being able to find little gaps of happiness, a fantastical scoop anywhere you go- even if it's a lone autumn leaf on the road- you'll find many more homes to report to!"
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princekirijo · 6 months
What is the big difference between regular Riku and black mask Riku? Like what changed in his story to change his motivations and methods?
Thanks for the ask :]
So Black Mask AU (or Black Captain/Dark Captain I haven't entirely settled on a name) is a new game plus AU and that's important to explain the changes in his motivations!
The AU starts exactly the same as Captain, Riku moves to Tokyo, Hatanaka is a piece of shit to him, he meets the thieves and they start investigating her palace. However this time round, something in the palace goes wrong and the thieves end up failing the deadline. And failing the deadline for Hatanaka's palace... results in Riku's death :] (putting it shortly Riku is more useful to her dead than alive so she has him killed)
That should have been the end of him, however he wakes up immediately after getting shot. After being understandably disorientated he realizes he's somehow been transported to 2/3 years prior to the events of Captain (a couple of months before he was due to move to Tokyo) and he has all his memories intact, right up until the point he was shot.
This understandably messes him up a lot because he went through hell and on top of that he remembers everything he learnt during Hatanaka's palace (I won't go into much of that as its spoilers for the main AU). He also decides to go into the Metaverse in Port Island because he still has access to it, and its here he awakens to his black mask persona (Mordred who I ADORE lmao) and where he first kills someone (albeit by accident).
As for his motivations someone put it really well once, spite in general is a huge motivator for Riku in both AUs! Black Mask Riku basically takes the idea of him being motivated by spite to a whole new level, as his main goal in the AU is to get revenge on those who wronged him and who caused his death in the original timeline. He's here and alive in spite of these people and he is sure as hell going to make their life hell.
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caramelmochacrow · 3 months
hmmmmmMMMM love live?
pffftt-- ok. i'll do it. (i have not started sunshine or the other ones so the characters are coming from the first anime, speaking of i should watch sunshine soon wahhh--)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
ooooh a character i think of the most from LL hmmm. uh. siighhhhh. um. ok. it's eli...... yeah, it's eli. eli ayase haunts me every time i think of it. second is rin.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
it's rin, actually! she's soooouuuuper duper ultra cute to me, i love her little side ponytail at her second practice outfit! (it's so small and cute wahhh!!!!) also her little kitty mouth??? whhh!!!!! oh and her cat hoodie in the movie! (second in scrunkly-ness is hanayo tho. wahhh little silly <3)
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
oooh, this is hard, but..... hmmm. it's those three girls that helped honoka, umi and kotori at the beginning until the end! i love those girls.... <3 (also yukiho and alisa maybe i know what they are--) because they were soooo fricking supportive of u's..... like. wow i wish i had friends like them.....
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
poor little meow meow in the sense they're pathetic, it's eiiiitherrrr maki or umi. both of them are pathetic in their own way lmao. (umi especially when i watched the movie, poor thing....)
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
nico. bc she's kinda an asshole but i get her reasons. i would torment her in the sense of teasing her but not to nozomi levels (i would never do what nozomi has done....)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
hmmmm..... no one! (as of right now) a character i would send to superhell (AS A JOKE) and for a few minutes is nozomi tho. girlie dont grab another girl's boobs.....
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dravencore · 10 months
Bc I'm self indulgent and I wanna know... Milly and Knives for the blorbo game
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not a lot here unfortunately, because a lot of these spaces are way too unhinged/aggressive. my deep love for milly is calm and peaceful like a lake.
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starleska · 1 year
hey TTTE fandom!! do you have any recommendations for where a new fan should start, if they wanted to delve into the media? there's so much and it's dizzying 😭💖
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numetaljackdog · 11 months
..my chemical romance, asking alexandria, alexisonfire black veil brides, pierce the veil, bring me the horizon, hawthorne heights, motionless in white, the wod alive?????
????? hi why are you putting scene boys in my askbox. i mean i'm not mad about it but what do i do.... do i rate these. sure i do why not
mcr: overexposed but still goated
asking: not as good as you remember them
alexisonfire: goated especially bc they're willing to actually change
bvb: pussy shit
ptv: pretty cool
bmth: fav of mine especially bc they're willing to change
hh: pussy shit but i haven't actually listened to them much so whatever
miw: realistically just okay but willing to change and also i love them
twa: boring but i like that one song a lot (2012)
bonus - of mice & men: overrated; attack attack!: a lot of fun but the comeback is so disappointing
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emmetrain · 11 months
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted.
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^This man healing from the trauma of losing Ingo for all those years. If you met him after Ingo was found, you do not know who he used to be, and how... different and kind of bizarre Emmet is acting.
This man had been cold, reserved, self-confident beast of a trainer who was seeking thrills in form of wins. He was immature, yes, and he was rude and blunt to a fault. But he had been in a happy state—he was still euphoric over building a new identity, getting a job, being "Emmet".
The Emmet after the day Ingo had gone missing is... More friendly, sure, but his happy state is shattered into million pieces. His confidence falters, his voice shakes. He is RECKLESS. This train conductor who prided himself on being all about safety DO NOT CARE about his own safety anymore. His sense of self is distorted, and he doubts himself to the point he stops all his operations.
Ideal outcome for Emmet through interactions is to see him learn how to accept himself again. His perfectionist nature killed his joy and confidence—he made a terrible mistake by failing to protect Ingo after all. The guilt is still eating him alive. He will never be the same person he used to be, but this Emmet does not have to be constantly guilty, sad one who does not value himself.
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