#thank you so much for the ask and the excuse to be self-indulgent đŸ„°
acacia-may · 2 years
You love the Spatial Mage Brothers, so how about their playlist 💚💙
Thank you so much for such a self-indulgent ask, Anon! I feel very spoiled! 😁 I have a lot of songs for the Spatial Mage Brothers [on a really lengthy, somewhat chaotic playlist called "House Vaude Drama" that has close 100 songs on it and houses any & all songs I find that are remotely related to Finral or Langris 😅], but here are a few of my favorites (that actually make sense, I think😅). Obviously, any references or illusions to love in these songs is meant in a familial platonic sense but there aren't too many of those (or it's just one ignorable line or something). I tried to pick a pretty good mix of angsty and more upbeat songs, and I hope you like them! 😊 Maybe someday I'll feel up to circling back around for some discussion, but I hope these are straightforward enough to speak for themselves for now. Thank you so much! 💚💙
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If You Ever Leave, I'm Coming With You by The Wombats (YouTube Link)
Burning House by Tyler Sowards & Mass Anthem [Cover] (YouTube Link to the original version by Cam since I couldn't find the other one) [A/N: Out of all the songs on this list I think this one is the most of a "love song" in its original intent, but it's not necessarily a romantic love song. In this context, I obviously mean it in a platonic sense]
The Family Jewels by MARINA (YouTube Link)
Birthday by Maisie Peters (YouTube Link)
You're Not Stubborn by Two Door Cinema Club (YouTube Link) [A/N and Warning: this song has a bad word in it]
Two Birds by Regina Spektor (YouTube Link)
Bad Blood by Bastille (YouTube Link)
Forest Fire by Brighton (YouTube Link)
Break the Cycle by You+Me (YouTube Link) [A/N: Helped inspire my first story centric on the spatial brothers and inspired its title]
Two Princes by Spin Doctors (YouTube Link) [A/N: Just because I'm cheeky and amuse myself I have to include a song about the whole Finesse arranged marriage drama. This one is really just for kicks & giggles though, but Finral and Langris are, of course, the "two princes" here]
Thanks for playing my Mini-Playlist Ask Game! 😊
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lightlycareless · 1 month
Hey hope you're doing great ❀ I wanted to ask, how do you think Naoya would react if his beloved wife is infertile? I think it would be pretty interesting considering he's a traditionalist and heir and all đŸ€”
I am doing fine thank you đŸ„°!! I hope you're doing well too.
And omg this ask.... it was just what I needed, angst. Or at least that's what I wanted to take it as hahahahahahaaaaaa thank you so much for sending in this hehe. The perfect excuse to write down some thoughts I've been having for a while.
warnings: mentions of infertility, adultery, self doubt. Naoya is somewhat ooc I guess but he's your loving husband nontheless.
Happy reading!!!
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Discovering you were infertile quickly becomes one of your worst nightmares—and not simply because of that, which is severe by itself, but rather all of the things that ensued; notions that your mind convinced you of 
 the insecurities it awakens.
The moment you and Naoya decide to finally try out for a baby, you completely dedicate all your efforts to it. It was only all you ever wanted, after all: to have a family with the man of your dreams.
Thus, believing your prayers to be answered in just a matter of time, you and Naoya began to make all preparations, from buying clothes to choosing which room to transform into a nursery
 you were enthusiastic as enthusiastic could be! Your husband nothing but indulging to your desires.
But even with all your persistent attempts, those typical symptoms associated with pregnancy failed to present themselves. Weeks passed and you haven’t felt either nauseous or tired. No odd cravings, nor anything else

A part of you didn’t want to admit it; feared that doing so out loud might make it true, but perhaps
 perhaps you were one of the women that were fated to struggle when conceiving, regardless of how much you desired a baby; still hoping you’d be placed above such chances and have your dream conceded.
 it didn’t. And with much fear in your heart, you’ve decided to go to the doctor for a checkup. A second opinion, the reassurance that everything was fine, you were just bound to struggle a bit before becoming a mother.
Maybe there was something else you were failing to consider, skipping over when together with Naoya

Desperately hoping for literally anything else but the gut-wrenching revelation that soured your heart for the rest of your life.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, but the reason why you haven’t been able to get pregnant is because you’re—”
You knew exactly what was coming and yet, you didn’t want to hear it. Didn’t think yourself capable of—it just
 it just never occurred to you that it would happen. That it would be true.
But that awful word felt like it was being imprinted on your forehead, with bright red ink for the whole world to scrutinize, when she said it. When she sentenced your fate and marriage in more ways than you could possibly imagine.

So that’s why you weren’t able to have a child. That’s why no matter how much you tried, how much desired it, you weren’t seeing results.
Oh, what a simple solution.
“But that—that doesn’t mean there’s nothing we can do about it, right?” Naoya frets soon after, perhaps to give you hope, encourage you to seek solutions. Medicine has advanced so much in recent years, certainly there must be something to consider before closing this chapter!
Yet, to you
 his words unwittingly igniting a new insecurity in you as you’re reminded that you weren’t the only one who wanted a family as well, with Naoya seemingly having much more to lose if unaccomplished.
There was nothing, ever, in his actions to lead you down this path, but you couldn’t help but worry about it, especially the circumstances you were surrounded by.
If you weren’t able to conceive, then
 what was your purpose as his wife?
What kind of scrutiny awaited you once you returned to the Zen’in estate, once his family knew that you were unable to have children? They’d figure out in time, perhaps it wasn’t even necessary to tell them personally

Not that it mattered, this would only highlight what they already thought of you:
A failure.
“A woman that can’t have children is no woman at all.”
“It’s the only thing we had hopes she’d be able to do well, and not even that was she capable of. What a disgrace”
“Oh, poor Naoya-sama
 hopefully he’ll be able to deal with this issue before it’s too late.”
“Don’t listen to them, Y/N.” Your husband, all too aware of the inner workings of his family, was quick to defend you. Either by openly scolding them, punishing those he could, or removing you from those dire situations, away from the comments of people you really shouldn’t bother considering, and surround you with those that truly cared for you. “They don’t know what they’re saying.”
Clearly, for how could they even imply he was angry at you? Disappointed? Instead of worried given how dimmed you behaved nowadays, lacking the happiness that always accompanied you whenever doing your daily duties or talking with your staff and family!
Naoya worried, naturally. So much so that he decided to reassign all his missions and duties to someone else just so he could keep by your side, tend to you, let you know that you aren’t alone and that he understands what you’re going through—to the best of his ability.
Your husband hoped that his company would make you happy, it always did or so he supposed by the way you clung to him whenever around.
But not this time around. If anything, having him near proved worse than he anticipated, as if his presence was a constant reminder of whom you failed, and what you would have to sacrifice in order to fulfill your role.
“Y/N, my love
 you have to eat.” Naoya murmurs, kneeling to your level as he gently holds onto your hands, hoping that this gesture would be enough for you to raise your eyes to him and, well
 see him.
Acknowledge him. Like your husband, the man who swore to accompany you through thick and thin—instead of purposefully ignoring him, like he wasn’t even there.
Had he done something to bother you?
Or was there something else prickling at the back of your mind?
“I’m not hungry.”
I know.” He breathes, pressing his lips together and squeezing your hands. “But at least try to do it a bit. You can’t go on for hours without eating.”
You don’t respond, not even lifting your eyes to him.
“At least do it for me, please? I
 I worry for you, my love.”
Why?” You eventually respond, giving him a look of unprecedented anger that takes him by surprise. Though he was still able to see that deep within, you weren’t mad, rather
“What do you mean why?” he repeats, hurt by the implications behind your reaction. “You’re—you’re my wife. Obviously, I care for you.”
perhaps it would be better if I wasn’t. Then someone else could do the job.”
“Y/N?” Naoya blinks, frightened by your words. “What are you—"
“I’m not hungry.”
Naoya leaves with the conclusion that perhaps it’s best to not touch the subject anymore. Perhaps you just
 needed some time along to come to terms with this unwanted predicament, for his words seem to only make everything worse.
He won’t leave you unattended—never. Your husband would leave your care to your attentive staff, who had been nothing but amazing friends the moment they knew what happened at the doctor’s office.
“Please keep a close eye on her. And tell me if anything happens, please.” Naoya silently confides to Mariya before heading over to you, seconds away from his departure.
“I’ll be back before you know it.” Is what Naoya always says when deployed to those tedious, seemingly senseless missions he often questions why he even bothers. His family has enough money to support you and himself, so why does he have to keep on?

In moments like these you would’ve reassured him that it was all for his career; for the sake of proving himself to the clan and HQ that he’s a worthy sorcerer to guide the next generation—though you’d agree that him being away was just as dreadful as it sounded.
But not this time around. No, instead, you just keep quiet, demure as Naoya steps closer to press a kiss on your forehead, a good luck charm that was normally bestowed to him by you, yet given the circumstances, you needed it far more than him.
“Take care, I’ll bring your favorite, ok?”
Naoya presses his lips together before entering the car, disappearing into the horizon.
Your husband considered himself to be very focused when it came to his work, although he won’t deny that ever since he got married, he’s unable to keep you out of his mind—today was to be no exception, though not how he would’ve liked.
Ever since he left the estate, there has been a dreadful sensation gnawing at the back of his mind, the presumption that something bad was to happen, and yet, he was unsure whether it related to his missions, or worse, the estate—you.
Naoya anxiously checked his phone whenever he could, believing that whatever bad news he was to endure would come through there.
And he was right, for it rang during the times Naoya specifically asked to not be bothered unless it were an emergency, quickly taking it out of his pocket and reading the caller ID across the screen; heart sinking when realizing it was none other than the estate, or more like the line assigned for you.
“What is it? Is it Y/N? Is she ok?!” Naoya breathes against the speaker, not even muttering a hello.
“No, Naoya—she isn’t. I don’t even know how to begin to explain but she—she started packing her things.” It’s Mariya in the other side, with an unmistakable tone of fright that spirals Naoya even more.
“What?” Naoya breathes, heart thundering against his ears. “What do you mean she’s packing her things?!”
“I don’t know, but that’s what she’s doing! I tried to talk her out of it, or at least get her to tell me where she’s planning to go but she’s not saying anything!”
A million thoughts cross Naoya’s mind at that moment, but one perseveres above the rest:
Is she leaving me?
The mere notion of a separation is enough to make him mad.
“Stop her!” Naoya demands. “I don’t care how you do it but stop her!”
“I’ll try stalling her, but she’s—she’s very determined to leave, Naoya. You have to come back!”
And that’s exactly what Naoya does, careless with what happens on the mission, he drops everything on the spot and rushes his way back to you. He was lucky that his latest mission didn’t place him too far from the estate, so when he finally returned home you were still around.
Though it seemed that if he had taken just a few minutes later, you wouldn’t be there anymore, as you’d managed to escape your staff’s persistent attempts of stalling you, a small suitcase by your side, as you headed to the exit with them just right behind you.
“He—Hey, honey, what—what are you doing?” Naoya asks with a nervous chuckle, gesturing to the staff to leave the two alone, which they obliged soon after, elated that he was finally there—but worried he couldn’t be of much help.
“I’m leaving.”
“And where—where are you going, my love?” He goes on, his heart squeezing in pain as his worst fears seemed to materialize before him. Yet, Naoya still hopes to be wrong. “Did
 did your family need help with something? If so, maybe I could drive—"
No.” you say, not even looking back to him. But he was still able to hear the pain in your voice. “I don’t—I don’t need anything, because I’m never coming back.”
“What?” Naoya freezes, hands trembling as his mind tries to understand what you just uttered. “Y/N— you can’t—”
 I no longer have a place here.” You say. “After this I
 I realized I was never meant to be with you”
“That’s not true.” Naoya swiftly interjects. “None of the things you’re saying are true! I cannot envision anyone else to be my wife, less to share my life with! Where did you even get this idea?!”
“What do you mean where?” You frown, looking back at him. “Have you not been aware of what’s going on around?!”
“Y/N, I—I get that you’re upset because of what happened. I can only imagine, really, the pain you’re going through. You have no idea how much I wanted to have a family with you too but— but if it’s not meant to be then
 then I guess we just have to live with that!”
“That’s easy for you to say, isn’t it?” you hiss. “It’s just so easy for you to simply move on, because all you have to do is look for someone else to do the job!”
“And who told you I wanted to do that?! I never implied, not even once, that I was interested in having another woman just for the sake of having a family! I don’t want to! If it’s not with you, then I don’t want anything!”
“Then I guess you didn’t want it as much as I did.” You murmur, Naoya freezes.
 that supposed to mean?”
Nothing. I’m leaving.” You say, attempting to walk away. But before you were able to do as much as take the first step, Naoya grabs your hand, keeping you in place. “Naoya—”
“No, I can’t let you go. I won’t let you.”
“Let—let me go!” You tug at his arm. “You wouldn’t understand anyways!”
“Then help me understand.” Naoya pleads. “Please—please tell me; I’ll do anything you want, whatever you want, it’s done—but please don’t
 don’t leave me.”
This is why you wanted to leave before he came back, because you knew that at the sound of his trembling voice, and the teary-eyed look in his face, you’d succumb.
You’d crumble, wanting nothing more than to stay with him.
Because you wouldn’t take it. You couldn’t take the notion of hurting him even more than you already seemingly done.

 It is also why you took this abrupt decision. Why you needed to leave.
 I just—I just want to go home.”
 you —you are home.” Naoya says, a sad chuckle at the overwhelming pain of you not recognizing his company as home. “He—here, with me.”
“I can’t be here anymore.” You whisper, looking back at him. “I don’t think I—I can take this anymore.”
“Why?” Naoya laments, gently cupping your face and wiping your tears away. “What happened? Did something happen while I was gone?”
Always. The Zen’in could never keep to themselves.
I have failed you.” You eventually sob, Naoya taking you into his arms and chest as you let out the sorrows you’ve been dragging along. “As your wife I— I was supposed to give you children, a heir, but I—I couldn’t and that is going to—it’s going to— ruin your life.”
“Ruin my life?” Naoya asks, perplexed. It all becomes clear now, who was responsible of this misunderstanding

Just what kind of stupidities did his family plague you with?
“If I—I can’t have kids then you—you couldn’t be heir anymore.” You explain. “And I love you too much to do that to you.”
“I wouldn’t be heir—”
Were they truly that desperate that they resorted to doing this?
Intimidating you?
Naoya doesn’t even bother to ask who started this train of thought, knowing all too well where to look.
It probably began with his uncle, the man that never knew how to keep quiet, always commenting in other’s marriage because his was miserable. As if that gave him permission to do so. Always quick to bark first.
From there, the elders. His father too, probably. They probably thought the same as Ogi but kept quiet about it because they had other matters to tend too—or perhaps too drunk to care. But do not be fooled, they were the ones that once suggested him getting a lover, a concubine of sorts, to “secure” the bloodline long ago; way before this issue began. Naoya promptly dismissed them, calling their idea idiotic: but what gave him security that they wouldn’t insist again?
He could see how this happened too, scolded himself for not even considering it before!
Since Naoya was now out of the estate, it gave them the freedom to target the one they considered most vulnerable, and without holding back: you.
If done right, then you would essentially be intimidated into disappearing from their life, giving way for their plans to continue. Or so they hoped.

You were too good for this family, how could he claim to deserve you, when he’s allowed so much pain to befall you?
“If Naoya can’t bring himself to beget a child for his wife, then he might as well pass on the title to someone else.”
None of those words were true, not one bit. But how could he dismiss them if he’s never taken the time to say what he thought of this situation?
Of what he thought of you, and what it means to this marriage?
It was time that he did what he should’ve the moment you stepped out of the doctor’s office.
“I wanted a family with you, I won’t say that I didn’t; that I never found something enthralling about hearing the footsteps of our children running from one side of the estate to the other. To have kids that looked just like you, or maybe like me; though secretly hoped they looked more like you. Ever since I saw you interact with my cousins, that’s all I thought about. You being the mother of my children.” Naoya murmurs, holding you tightly against him. “But
 I’ve also accepted that some things are simply not meant to be. And if we are not meant to have a family, as long as I have you by my side, I am fine with it.
As long as we remain together, I will know what happiness is.”
“I—I don’t—” your lips tremble, overwhelmed by Naoya’s, regretful for the way you’ve behaved these past few days. “Naoya, I’m—"
“Whatever they said, it’s a lie. Nothing but things to get under your skin—hurt me.” He insists. “You know how my family is, how stupid they can be—"
“But they—they said things that could be true.” You fret. “If I’m unable to give you a child, then you—you might not be heir anymore—”
“Y/N.” Naoya sternly interjects, cutting through your spiraling mind as he cups your face, forcing you to look at him. “To be an heir is my birthright. It was decided way before you stumbled into my life. So, what happens after shouldn’t worry you.”
“But the Zen’in—”
“Like to antagonize people. Make up things to worry your pretty little mind just for the laughs of it.”
“And what if it is true? What if I do make you lose your title? I know how much you wanted to be leader! If that happens, I—I couldn’t—I couldn’t live with myself!”
“It won’t happen. I promise. I swear.” Naoya insists, kissing your tears away. “But please, please don’t ever think of yourself as expendable or replaceable, because you are not. Not to me.”
“I’m—I’m sorry.” You sob again, pressing your face against his chest. “I’m sorry for disappointing you—I’m sorry for not being able to give you children
“You’ve never disappointed me, never.” He murmurs, kissing the top of your head. “If anything, I’m sorry for disappointing you. I failed to be the husband you needed in these difficult moments. I
 let my fear get the best of me, giving you the impression you were less than enough.”
“Are you
 are you really ok with not having a family?” you dare to wonder, one last reassurance.
“It just means I’ll have more of you to myself.” He attempts to jest, successfully making you laugh, but not without a sniffle to follow. “
But we could always
 adopt if you want.”
 I guess I have to think about it.”
“You don’t have to make a decision now.” Naoya says. “Or ever. Just know that whatever you decide, I’ll agree with.”
I think I still need some space from here.” You murmur. “And see my family too.”
“You haven’t told your father, have you?” you shake your head, Naoya sighs. “Do you want me to be with you?”
“You already made your most to be here, I don’t want to distract you any further”
“This is a family emergency; I have to be there. What’s the use of being your husband if I won’t act like one?” He insists. “But if you don’t want me there, I won’t insist.”
“I want you to be there.” You confess. “Please”
“Of course, always.” Naoya promises, leaning to softly kiss your lips. “
Does this mean we’re still
You nod, another tear sliding down your cheek as you hug him tighter. “I can’t imagine my life with anyone else but you either. 
I’m sorry.”
“Don’t think about anything anymore; just focus on being with your family. It’s probably the best place for you to be right now.”
“Can you stay over there too? At least until I feel better?” you ask. “I mean, if it doesn’t affect your work.”
“I’ll make all the preparations, don’t worry your pretty little head about it. Do you also need me to send your staff?”
“I wouldn’t mind the company.” You say with a smile, making Naoya’s heart flutter.
“There’s my pretty girl.” He says, pinching your cheek. “I’ll see if I can make time for a holiday too; we could fly somewhere nice, cold to fight this horrible summer heat.”
“I want to take it easy for now.”
“Then that’s what we’ll do.” He nods, kissing your lips once more. “I’ll always be here when you need me. Don’t ever forget that.”
 I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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Little details to note: Naoya has always struck me as the type of guy that never really wanted a family, he just had no interest! That changes a bit when you come along, but the bottom line is that he isn't actively seeking it. Sure, he likes to play with the idea of breeding you, but you know, he had other priorities. (He loves your kids tho when you eventually have them, do not get me wrong)
And once again, the Zen'in estate is not a good place for you lol. Thankfully, I like to think that changes when Naoya eventually becomes leader :) but most of the time you're living somewhere else—and honestly, he prefers it that way too. More... privacy â˜ș
I just really wanted to write an argument between the two were both have their biggest insecurities exposed :) kind of extremist in Y/N's part but can't say I didn't enjoy the angst hehe I hope you enjoyed it too!!
Take care and hope to see you soon!!
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novemberthorne · 29 days
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love 💞
Thank you so much for the ask! 💕 What a fun idea! I'd love to share some of my favorites! đŸ„°
Something Lost, Something Found (90k, rated E)
I've obviously gotta include this one, because wow, what an absolutely amazing experience it was to write and post this and to get to see everyone's thoughts and comments through the whole story!! ❀
" Steve starts, like he's actually about to tell him. Oh God. He's about to tell him. Eddie's staring, and Steve sees how his hand is searching the seat behind himself for the remote, probably to kill the movie, because Steve's being so weird it's making him worried. He sighs again, breath trembling from stress and he buries his face in his hands. Leg still bouncing in place. The TV gets turned off and the room fills with silence, and he hears Eddie shuffling around next to him. "Steve—" "I have a pussy now."
The Train Fic (23k, rated E)
This story was written as a birthday gift for my beloved partner ❀ I worked on it for every single day for over two months. I was completely immersed in it, and despite the experience being very different than most my other fics, it's one of my favorite writing experiences ✹ever!✹
 hang out together on the train?” Steve asks to clarify, because it was a strange idea. "Yeah. Let's indulge in a little escapism together, and I'll show you what the journey is all about. Okay?" Steve feels baffled. “Are you
 high?” Eddie just laughs. “No, that’s not—” “Your thing?” “Exactly. Clever boy.” And Steve might just be the most naive guy on the planet, but he believes him. “It’s your choice, though. Trust your gut, alright?” “Right,” Steve says carefully, looking at Eddie with a careful look. At least he doesn’t look offended by Steve’s blatant hesitation. “It’s not a no, I’m just
” Eddie leans in a little, and he gives Steve’s arm a friendly nudge. “You don’t have to make excuses or explanations for being cautious, Steve. Think about it over the day, okay? You know where to find me.”
Who Embraces The Monsters (10k, rated M)
I love monster stories, and for some strange reason, this is the only one I've ever written! I need to change that...
"I'll never fucking forget you," Steve tells Eddie genuinely, letting himself feel all those vulnerable things he usually just swallows down. Eddie just looks. The black ink under his skin has spread into his face, and it's pulsing, shifting under the surface, moving like a living thing. It's seeped into his eyes, black bleeding into the white of them and starting to take over. Then Eddie smiles, and it's a monster's smile. "Go," he just says. And despite every cell in his body rioting against it, Steve leaves.
All I Do Is Want (11k, rated E)
The first fic I ever posted in the fandom 💕 and it got such a beautiful reception, it definitely sealed the deal for me to keep going!
"Eddie," he says quietly, because he doesn't trust his voice not to break right now. "Mhmm?" "Maybe we shouldn't. Tonight." He says carefully, and despite himself he shifts his hips back, depriving them both of the contact. It felt so nice, and he wants it so bad, but he thinks it would be a bad idea to have sex here. At least right now.
Secret Smile, Wistful Eyes (30k, rated M)
This fic was such an educational writing experience for me, and also such a personal, emotional journey. It was also my first chaptered fic I ever posted, very exciting!
"Seriously? You never even, like, suspected it?" "No?" Eddie says, feeling kind of like he's floating, maybe even dreaming. He's usually good at subtext, he can read between lines well enough to confidently put most things together. But this was something else entirely, another thing that would rock his entire understanding of the world, surreal to the point where he knows it's not actually going to sink in until Steve says it out loud.
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glorious-blackout · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
(Because I want to know your favourites!)
Awww thank you, this is such a sweet idea! đŸ„° I vaguely remember doing a variation of this already, so I'll stick to some more recent fics that I'm fond of:
1) I'll See You On The Dark Side of the Moon
Shadowmonkeys Big Bang my beloved 💖 I loved taking part in that project and thanks to the deadlines I ended up living with this story for months, constantly tweaking it and trying to get it right. It's rare that I get to spend that long with one particular fic, and even though I hit a wall a couple of times while writing this, I'm still very fond of how it turned out (and @rock-n-roll-fantasy's gorgeous art was an amazing bonus).
2) You've Always Been Here
It's been almost three years since I wrote this fic and I still often find myself thinking about it. It was a ridiculously fun, self-indulgent project that gave me an excuse to fall in love with 'Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino' and fall back in love with 'Simulation Theory', and my fondness for those albums will always be tied to my memories of writing this story. It was also my first AM-related fic and if I'd never taken that step, I would never have discovered so many amazing friends and writers in this fandom 💖
3) Is This What You Wanted
Technically cheating here because this is a sequel to 'You've Always Been Here', but they're different enough that I'm counting them separately 😅
4) This Is Going To Hurt
Proof that I probably shouldn't be allowed to write sickfics because my temptation is always to send my poor victim (in this case Alex) to hospital... As much as this one fought me every step of the way, I am fond of how it turned out and it gave me an excuse to be a medical geek for five whole chapters which is always fun (for me at least).
5) Hold Each Other Close the Whole Night Through
I stand by the opinion that fluff isn't my strength, but the response to this one was lovely and I did enjoy imagining the Baby Puppets living their best lives in France đŸ„°
Not sure who else has received this ask so I'll tag some amazing writers instead: @rock-n-roll-fantasy, @elorianna, @yellowloid, @alexturne, @lanatural-books, @reconciledviolence729 and anyone else who wants to do it! 💜
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jjungkookislife · 6 months
Another hfth drabble đŸ„łđŸ˜â˜ș I missed the gang and my main couple đŸ„° The return of Jinnie’s cursed playlist 😂 Idk but I actually wouldn’t mind a car ride with him but I guess I understand Jk just wanting alone time with MC 😏 And he’s also so cute sulking for not being the favorite anymore, i think it’s MC at this point with Jimin just being a close second lol 😂 The random petting!!! I also hate it when I see random people try to pet other people’s dogs without permission, like they’re entitled to it or something. And then when they get bitten or what, they act as if as if they’re a victim 🙄 It just irks me, sorry for the rant 😅 And I just love that Jk showed her his childhood diner (it’s a diner, right?) that their family always went to, cause he’s including her in another family tradition đŸ„ș And can I just say, I love how the drabbles are just how they spend different holidays. Just like how the title states, they’re always home for the holidays or atleast celebrating it together with friends and/or family. Just love that. Celebrating Easter like this always fascinated me cause in my country, it’s more of a traditional Christian holiday and not this egg-hunting one. Can I ask, if it’s alright, why you guys celebrate it? And is it just like a get-together where you hunt for these eggs? Sorry, the internet just gives so much info that I wanted to ask someone that actually celebrates it or atleast has firsthand experience on celebrating it like that. And excuse me, “almost-lovers”?!?!? I need more info on this 😳 And not Yoonie’s “These are mine!”, acting like a territorial greedy kitten đŸ€Ł I really miss him 😭
And I see you read a story from @/jimlingss, I really like their work too. I just remembered how much I loved their stories cause the story ideas were so unique â˜ș
Anyways, I really loved this update, thank you again for sharing it with us. I really love reading about this couple, the gang, and the Jeon family and the happenings after the main story. It’s fun to see all the shenanigans and the lovey-dovey scenes that it makes me always look forward to it every time you gift us a drabble from this story. I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your works and the effort you put in them đŸ„° I hope you are doing well and not overworking yourself 💜
I enjoyed writing them for Easter brought back a lot of good memories of my childhood. This one was very self-indulgent 😅
I’d be down for a road trip with them lmao we’d need a big van and lots of snacks and Jin on with his playlist. There’s a tiktok I saw ages ago of where the creator would put the boys and why and if I can find it I’ll link it here later on đŸ€Ł
But yeah I just wanted an excuse to write “egg-stra special” đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
I will eventually get JK and MC on his motorcycle at some point though! I needed him to have his car for the diner 👀 and definitely MC is the favorite now! Aera loves her and SaraĂ­ as daughters and Minji adores MC so much bc that’s her baby now đŸ„° I always imagined a loving family and in laws so again self indulgent 😅
The diner is something I went to growing up. My parents went there before they met and continued to do so after and I took my husband there as well. It’s also near the church I went to as a child and we’d head there for lunch after.
The part with Luna happened to me and we were both shocked. This random man came up to me 10 years ago and put his hand in my dog’s mouth and asked if she bites. When I tell you I was dumbfounded and so was my dog 💀
Ah the Easter thing, I called my mom/family holiday!catholics bc it was the only time we were in church 😅 for my family it was about getting together and the Easter egg hunt was for the kids. We’d either buy the eggs or go to my grandmother’s house to dye eggs and stuff them with confetti.
I hope I can sprinkle a little more taejin in the next one lol they fight like nobody’s business but they could be flirting 👀
I absolutely loved their story! I have to read more but I’ve been trying to balance reading fanfics and books and writing and video games and tv shows and it’s a lot lol I’ve been trying to read shorter fics for the past few months but I have a long lists of long fics I’d love to get into 👀
Thank you so much! I appreciate it and I always look forward to seeing your reaction 💜 I hope you’re doing well 💖
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quinloki · 11 months
kink anon (i guess i’ll just go by that now? lmao) back again, with a question! so, you got ocs too, right? like the one you drew with marco the other day (incredible art btw!). if you’d like, i’d like to hear a bit more abt them, whatever random thoughts you’d like (their story, or whatever they like to do most with the other characters, etc)
Oh goodness, ah - thank you ^_^ I’m glad you liked the art đŸ„°
I wasn’t expecting anyone to ask, but I will happily share a bit.
Quill is kind of maybe more of a self-insert than an OC, but also kind of reader-ish too for the fact that most everything I have planned for them is Isekai’d into the One Piece world for someone from Earth.
Most of it is just an indulgent excuse to write what if’s and alternative versions of the story. I really REALLY love the kind of Korean vibe “reborn into a novel as the x” or whatever and changing the story, and I want to pay homage to that with Quill.
So who Quill was before may never come up, and while their appearance is set, it’s not meant to be their actual appearance, it’s the body of the person they ended up in.
I just don’t think I’m going to use an actual OP character so much as create a catalyst that helps tell an alternative story.
I want to do one for Quill x Doffy that’s just gonna be very dark and the villains win kind of deal (maybe, it might go from that to a Quill x Law if Quill betrays Doffy at Dressrosa >.> )
I want to do a Quill x Eustass where she helps him become the King of Pirates, while still having it be as close to the canon final ending. (Whatever that ends up being).
And finally a Quill x Marco that’s just a fix it story so that Ace, Thatch, etc. don’t die. That one ends with a nice raunchy retirement on a quiet island and waking up to coffee and 8am after your pretty bird rails you to sleep the night before >.>
But I don’t really even want to start any of those until the series finishes, which works out nicely because I have at least a year’s worth of WIPs and book 2’s to get done before then.
Quill’s adventures might be the only thing I write that I won’t ever post, but we’ll see ^_^
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elizabeethan · 2 years
You Make Loving Fun: Part II
A collection of little Chrissy and Eddie moments that might turn a little smutty
Part II: i wanna be with you everywhere
The Wheelers get a pool.
A/N: More smut!! An excuse to indulge in the Walk Home Wheeler trope!! Also if anyone has suggestions for smutty stuff send me a message on here đŸ„°đŸ„° thank you for reading!!!!
Rated E- It’s smut my friends
Warning: Features very very brief and mild mentions of Chrissy’s ED.
Part I
~4700 words
Read on Ao3
Get added to my eddissy tag list
The Wheelers got a pool. 
 Nancy’s pissed, apparently, according to Steve. Why her parents would get an in-ground pool three months before she’s to move away for college is apparently beyond her, but Eddie finds it to be personally beneficial. It couldn’t be better timing, really, what with summer having started just a few weeks ago. The heat started to get out of control just after graduation, and Eddie and Wayne’s trailer doesn't have any air conditioning. He hasn’t been swimming in years, either, and he knows the Wheelers’ pool will be in pristine condition, much better than that damn public pool. 
 And, of course, it’s a perfect excuse to get his incredibly hot girlfriend in a bikini. 
 “I don’t know, Eddie,” she muses from his bathroom, the door shut tight. For someone who almost constantly has her hands on him, someone who initiates sex every chance she gets, she’s surprisingly self conscious. “I don’t think it fits.”
 “Chrissy Cunningham,” he calls back, his tone playfully disappointing. “We’ve come too far for you to panic now. What would your therapist say?” 
 She sighs, and he knows it’s because she knows he’s right, so he smirks to himself. 
 “I know you look hot as hell, babe. Just come on out so you can prove me right, okay?” 
 “ Eddie, ” she scolds. 
 “Come onnn,” he encourages playfully, heading towards the door and giving it a light knock. “Lemme see.” 
 She walks out, but she’s wearing his Metallica t-shirt and her denim shorts, and he groans loudly, his hands grabbing for her waist. “Alright, I’m ready.” 
“ Baby ,” he tries, tugging at the hem of her– his – shirt. “We don’t have to go. We can stay right here and I can bend you over the couch and–”
 “No,” she laughs. “We’re going. You promised. And you were the one begging me to come out of the bathroom so we could go.” 
 He did. He told her that she could officially meet his friends, that he would officially introduce her as his girlfriend despite the response he knew he would get from those immature turds– if she came to the pool with him. 
 Honestly, he didn’t think she’d agree. Now he has to officially introduce her to Mike “The Cockblock” Wheeler. As if getting walked in on by him almost every time he tries to get it on with her wasn’t bad enough, he has to look him in the eye and admit that it was Chrissy’s ass he saw that one time, one time too many. 
 Mike’s still a cockblock when they arrive at the pool. His exclamations of disgust, thinly veiled as shock, along with everyone else’s, seriously got in the way of his thought process as he watched her timidly take his shirt off and slip herself gracefully into the warm water. But, at the end of the day, Chrissy Cunningham is his girlfriend whether his friends want to believe it or not, and it really didn’t take all that much to convince her to hang out with them, all things considered.
 She doesn’t want to get her hair wet, so she keeps it tied in a high ponytail, her bangs still too short to be secured in with the rest of it. In fact, all she really wants to do is relax, so she lies on a pool float with her sunglasses on and lets her eyes drift shut, completely unbothered by the commotion around her. And she doesn’t want to get a sunburn, so she made sure to put lotion all over her body and to ask him for help reaching her back. And if the rest of his friends weren’t here, he would bring her into the small tiki bar the Wheelers installed and bend her over one of the stools.
 They were all stunned when he even mentioned bringing someone along to the small party Mike and the kids were throwing. At first, when he said he was going to bring his girlfriend, they were silent for a moment before bursting into a chorus of laughter that made him roll his eyes. It was too cliche, really, and just more proof that they all think that they’re living in a movie or something. So he just shrugged, rather than getting offended, and chose to simply prove them wrong. 
 And prove them wrong, he did, each of their mouths dropping to the ground as he walked in with Chrissy Cunningham on his arm. 
 Well, really, he was on her arm. She’s got him wrapped around her perfect, slender fingers. 
 Robin was the first to speak up, snapping her mouth shut once before opening it again and practically shouting, “What the hell?”
 “Robin,” he warned. 
 “What are you doing with him? ” 
 “ Robin!”   Nancy argued that time.
 Chrissy just laughed–she’s a good sport like that. She laughed and tightened her arm in his and leaned closer to him, resting her head on his bicep and gazing up at him dreamily. “I like him,” she said simply. 
 Now, he’s supposed to be playing volleyball or something, but he can’t seem to focus. Firstly, because he isn’t sure how they can call it volleyball when they’re using a beachball, and secondly, because Chrissy Cunningham is practically naked and very wet and all lotioned up and he finds it difficult to keep his shorts on. 
 He takes the ball to the side of his head when she slides off her pool float, her breasts bouncing with the momentum and his mouth watering with want. 
 “Jesus Christ, Eddie,” he hears, and he rolls his eyes because the sound isn’t coming from her and it’s not because she’s panting with a need for more. “Keep it in your pants, seriously.” 
 “It’s in my pants, Henderson,” he snaps back, picking up the ball and spiking it at Dustin.
 “How long has this been going on?” he asks, and Steve and Lucas both look up casually as if trying to pretend like they’re not burning with the same question. 
 “A while,” he shrugs. 
 “Like, at least three months,” Mike Wheeler mumbles under his breath, and Eddie forces his hand just beneath the surface of water to splash him as hard as he can. “Hey!” 
 “You knew?!” Dustin asks in horror.
 “I mentioned it already!”
 “We thought you were messing with us,” Lucas argued.
 “Yeah, and you all berated me for days after; why would I mention it again? Plus, it’s not like they’ve been hiding it! It’s like they’re humping each other every chance they get! I’ve seen way too much of
 the last few months!”
 “Ew, Mike!”
 “Why ew, me?! Eddie’s the horny one!”  
 “Don’t say horny,” Steve begs.
 “What a weird couple,” Dustin exclaims, shaking his head, and Eddie splashes him too. 
 Weird, indeed, he thinks. And that’s just the way he likes it. 
 Chrissy’s been really working on herself for the last couple of months. She didn’t want to come today because she’s never felt comfortable in a bathing suit, but then she reminded herself that she’s never been comfortable naked in front of anyone, either. Eddie makes her feel comfortable at every turn, to the point where she surprises herself almost daily, and today was no exception. 
 Because she decided to come to the pool party that Nancy Wheeler’s little brother was throwing, and she decided to wear her pink bikini, and she decided that if she’s going to work on herself, part of that has to include challenging herself, too. At least, that’s what her therapist has told her. 
 Eddie hasn't stopped telling her how proud of her he is, and she’s even starting to believe him. Getting away from her mother was bold enough, her decision to leave right after graduation solidified by the reaction she got from her mom upon finding out that she’s dating the freak. She was shocked when his uncle let her stay with them for the summer– mostly because she knows Wayne knows what they get up to when he’s at work– but Eddie wouldn’t stop telling him what a big deal it was for her to leave. And Wayne seems to believe in her too, almost as much as Eddie does, and she can see where he gets his spirit from.
 Then, when she started seeing her therapist, he was so excited for her that he picked her up and started spinning her around, praising her and telling her how happy he is to see her working on herself. And sure, getting praised by him is sexy and it helps her get off, but it also warms her heart and helps her sleep at night. So she finds herself working harder each day, and then she finds that she likes this healing version of herself, so she keeps working and the cycle continues.
 Plus, he promised she could put his hair in a bun.
 So she put on the bikini, and she fought against those thoughts that made her want to hunch over the toilet, and Eddie kissed every inch of her before they left to come to the pool. And then he grazed his hands over her back as he rubbed her suntan lotion in and she shivered, wanting to beg him to bring her inside but shaking it off to do the socially acceptable thing.
 “So,” Robin says, dragging her from her thoughts and making her open her eyes, doing a casual backstroke through the deep end of the pool and staring at Chrissy with her eyes wide and curious. “Eddie Munson. And Chrissy Cunningham.” 
 Chrissy can’t stop the smile, her cheeks going pink. She nods, “Mhmm.” 
 “It’s a very
 interesting pairing,” Robin continues. 
 “Robin,” Nancy warns. 
 “I’m just sayin! When Eddie said he pulled you out of Vecna’s curse, we all kind of thought you’d be going back to Jason eventually
 “Well,” Chrissy shrugs. She slips into the water, her feet not reaching the bottom of the pool, so she leans her upper body on the float and kicks her feet lightly. “I don’t know. After everything, I just kind of realized that Jason and I were
 wrong together.”
 “And you and Eddie are
 together?” Max asks, swimming up behind her and surprising her, leaning against the other side of the pool float with her.
 “Yeah,” she answers with a shy, soft smile. “We are.” 
 And they are. In fact, she never thought she would ever feel so right with someone. But when Eddie pulled her from Vecna’s curse and made sure that she was okay, made sure that she felt safe that night, made sure that she felt loved , she knew. She knew it was Eddie’s voice along with that Fleetwood Mac song playing over his stereo that pulled her from that nightmare, and she knew from that moment that she never wanted to go a day without hearing him say her name. 
 That was the first time she really put herself first, when she went to Jason soon after and told him they were through. And even with the horror and trauma of being under Vecna’s thumb, of fighting him and winning, she knows she’s never been happier than she has been every moment since that night in Eddie’s trailer. 
 “Hi, baby.”
 The sun is setting behind them, the sky pink like cotton candy and her bathing suit. They’re the only ones left in the pool aside from Mike and Lucas, still in the deep end and diving for weights. Everyone else is behind the tiki bar with Steve using the blender, making virgin daiquiris for the kids and spiked ones for everyone else. It’s been a perfect day.
 He kisses the skin behind her ear, sending a shiver down her spine despite the warmth from the waning sun. His voice is low, practically a growl. “Having fun?” 
 Aright, it’s been an almost perfect day.
 “Yeah,” she says breathily, pulling down her sunglasses and peering over them at him. When she sees his big, bright eyes like melted chocolate on a s’mores, she grins at him and shifts to face him, not even caring that her hair gets wet. “You?”
 “Lots,” he growls. He moves around her slightly so that he’s at her waist, his elbow leaning on the float and his other arm draped across her hips, squeezing where his hand lies. “Although, I think I’m in danger.”
 She sits up too quickly, sloshing water over herself even though her belly had been dry for a while. “What?” she asks in concern, and his smile grows impossibly wider. 
 He takes her hands, pulling her close to him and then softly encouraging her to lie back down on the float. “Can we both fit on here?” 
 “I don’t think so,” she laughs. 
 “Lemme try it. Spread your legs.” 
 “Eddie!” She shouts as he pushes her knees apart and jumps between them, the float failing and practically dunking the two of them. She almost goes under, but his hands land on her ass and catch her, pulling her close and wrapping her legs around his waist, his smile impish and mischievous as his hands slide up her back beneath the water. “Eddie,” she scolds. 
 “Chrissy,” he mimics, scrunching his nose at her and bumping it against her own. “I’m sorry, you just look so fucking sexy. I had to–” He cuts himself off, squeezing her ass playfully and bumping his hips against hers as he slaps her beneath the water, the action not having quite the desired effect, but it’s the thought that counts. 
 “You said you’re in danger?” she asks expectantly, her fingers pulling the hair at the back of his head that’s fallen from the loose bun he still wears. She likes how his bangs don’t stay in well, and she realizes that they kind of match in that regard, and she thinks it’s cute. 
 “Ah, yes,” he says seriously, nodding like he’s just remembered. “I’m in danger of drowning, I think. I’m bottom-heavy.” 
 “What?” she laughs.
 He leans forward, pulling her close to himself, one hand at the base of her neck and the other at the small of her back. His lips hover over the shell of her ear and he whispers, “My cock is so hard for you, it’s weighing–”
 “ Eddie! ” 
 “It’s true!” he laughs, and she laughs with him, but she gasps when he thrusts up against her again. “See?” 
 “I do,” she breathes. Her mouth is so close to his that she can feel the heat of his breath against her lips. “But we probably shouldn’t
 He hums, his tongue light against her neck as she lets out a soft moan, her eyes rolling back and her hips rolling against his. If she wasn’t in the pool already, she’d probably have soaked through her bikini by now, but she lets that thought pass her by. 
 “Where, then?” he asks in her ear before he bites it. “Where can I take you, baby? Or are you gonna let me put my fingers in you right here so I can see how perfect you look when you’re wet and hot and about to come?” 
 “Fuck,” she breathes. “No, not here, we’re at a party; everyone’s–”
 He slips his fingers over the material of her bikini, brushing her sensitive clit, kissing her when she bites out a moan. “Let’s leave, then,” he suggests.
 He always complains about Mike Wheeler, and she’s always yelling at him for it, trying to get him to be nice to the poor kid. He doesn’t deserve to be yelled at, she tells him. But then she finds herself in this position, and she realizes that the last thing she wants to hear right now is Mike Wheeler’s voice, and she kind of gets it. 
 “No funny business in the new pool!” 
 And, well, that pretty much convinces her. 
 “Sorry!” She calls, giggling softly and giving Eddie a quick kiss. “I’m gonna go change, probably in the upstairs bathroom,” she whispers in his ear. “Maybe you can come find me in a couple minutes.” 
 “What are you changing into?” 
 “I think you’re more interested in knowing what I’m changing out of.”
 If the flush to his cheeks and the wideness in his eyes and the tent in his swim trunks are any indication, she’s completely right. 
 All he can say is: thank god Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler are out of town, and thank god they brought their kid with them. 
 Otherwise, they would be in big trouble, what with them making out in the upstairs hallway and slamming into the bathroom door way too hard. 
 The door wasn’t latched, though. Chrissy falls into the room and he catches her, holding her against him before turning them around and pressing her back against the door once he closes it. “Fuck, baby,” he says against her, and she whimpers. “I couldn’t keep my eyes off you all damn day.” 
 “How come?” she asks, and it almost kills him, how much she loves when he talks to her like this. 
 “Because you’re so fucking hot,” he tells her, gripping her thigh so that her knee cradles his hip and pushing her more firmly into the door. “And god damn beautiful and perfect. This little pink thing you're wearing barely covers your perfect tits, baby.” 
 She giggles and moans somehow, her breath catching as he squeezes her breast. She turns her head, cheek against the door behind her, and he bites her neck and he earns a shocked gasp that he wasn’t expecting. But then she’s slapping her hand against his shoulder and he backs away quickly, eyes flying open in concern for her until he sees what she’s seeing. 
 A fucking Pamela Anderson poster. 
 They’re not in the bathroom. 
 “What,” he says. “Ew, fu- what the fuck!”
 “Eddie! You said the bathroom!”
 “I thought this was the bathroom!”
 “I think it’s Mike’s room.”
 “I can see that! God dammit, Wheeler! Leave it to that twerp to kill my boner for the second time this week.”
 “Eddie,” she scolds softly. 
 “I don’t wanna know why that is on the back of his door, across from his bed .”
 She laughs. “I think you already know.”
 “ Chrissyyy, ” he whines pathetically, and she brushes his unruly hair away from his eyes.
 “Come on,” she laughs, taking his hand and opening the door, peaking out into the hallway and smirking back at him as she squeezes his hand. The string that should hold her bikini top together is loose, about to fall open, and he wants to tug at the end of it so that she spills right out, but he holds back, still traumatized by Mike Wheeler. 
 But she pokes around the hall, a little more purposely this time now that she’s not dealing with the distraction of his hands all over her, and she finds the bathroom door, smirking back at him again as she opens it and pulls him inside. Then she presses his back to the door just like he had done to her, and she slides down onto her knees, and he’s done for. 
 “Do you taste like chlorine?” she asks, the question random enough to make him laugh and almost forget about the sight that made him want to bleach his eyes. 
 “I might,” he agrees. “Is that a massive turn off for you?” 
 She shrugs, too casually for the way she unties the small bow that holds his swim trunks up on his hips. “I guess we’ll find out.” 
 She isn’t shy as she drags her tongue flat along the underside of his cock, from the base all the way to the tip which she sucks between her lips and then releases. Even if he had softened slightly at the sight of Pamela Anderson on the back of Mike Wheeler’s door, she’s made up for it tenfold as she lightly grasps the base of him and wraps her lips around him once more. 
 He makes a sound that’s somewhere between a groan and a sigh, his head falling backwards against the posterless door behind him, and he can feel her soft giggle in the back of her throat. “Shit, baby,” he breathes, unable to stop himself from talking. In fact, he can never seem to shut up when he’s with her. “You’re so fucking good at that.” 
 She likes it when he says things like that to her. She likes it when he reaches down and cups her wide-open jaw, his thumb gently caressing her cheek while she fills her mouth with him. She likes it when he tells her what a good job she’s doing, what a good girl she’s being. And he’s fucking obsessed with doing those things for her. 
 They're a perfect match, honestly. 
 She moans as she pulls him deep into her throat, her eyes watering as she stares up at him, her fingernails sharp against his ass as she holds him close to her. “That’s it,” he praises, as if she isn’t the one who has him basically in a chokehold. “Such a good girl, aren’t you? You take me so well in your throat, don’t you baby?” 
 Her whine vibrates against his tip and he has to throw his head back again, although he wants nothing more than to keep watching her. But then he remembers they have to be quick, that they’re in the Wheeler’s upstairs bathroom and she’s supposed to be changing and he’s supposed to be having a smoke break, so he looks back down at her and holds her jaw still, giving her a smirk when she pouts up at him. 
 “Later,” he promises. “I need to fuck you.” 
 She releases him with a pop, grinning up at him like a vixen as she licks her lips, and he takes her hands and pulls her into a standing position, turning her so she’s back against the door again. “Quick and dirty?” she asks knowingly, and he pinches her hip. 
 “Maybe, if that’s what you deserve for making my mouth water all day long. I think you knew exactly what you were doing, sweetheart.” 
 “Of course I did,” she confirms as he pulls her swimsuit down, exposing her ass and her dripping core. 
 “Did that make you wet?” he asks, falling to his knees before her as if they have any time for this. “Did sucking my dick make you wet, too?” 
 “Always,” she breathes, whimpering when he licks a strip through her arousal and slamming her hand against the door when he sucks her clit between his lips. “Fuck, we dont–” 
 “I know,” he says against her, swirling his tongue over her once, twice, three more times before he’s on his feet again and lifting her knees to wrap her around his hips. He kisses her solidly, the taste of each of them mixing together perfectly on their tongues, and then he feels her small, deft hand reaching between them and lining him up perfectly to her entrance. “So perfect,” he breathes into her mouth, and she sighs softly. 
 “I know,” she repeats back to him with a nod, her forehead against his. He knows just what she means; while he was referring to every aspect of her, she’s referring to the fact that the connection they have to one another is perfect . 
 He almost tells her, with his forehead pressed to hers, the perfect pointed tip of her nose running along the bridge of his, that he loves her. It’s been on the tip of his tongue for so long, probably too long, because he fell for her practically the moment he saw her shaken and terrified in the woods that afternoon. Immediately he found himself wanting to scoop her into his arms and hold her until she felt better, and then, that’s exactly what he did that night when she fell from the ceiling with no broken bones and her eyes still intact in her skull. 
 He held back in the woods because of Jason. But later that night, nothing could have stopped him from holding her and crying with her and kissing her head, her nose, her cheeks, her lips. He’s loved her since then, but he can’t tell her. Not yet, anyway. She’s been through too much. The last thing he wants to do is overwhelm her, so he stays quiet.
 Instead, he plunges into her when she urges him to, practically begging him to take her, to thrust into her, to drive her against the door. She likes it like this, rough and soft all at once, his words harsh but loving, his thrusts forceful but tender. It’s when she clings to him the hardest and moans into his ears the loudest. 
 No loud moaning tonight, though, he reminds himself. He latches his lips to hers to keep her quiet, hips pistoning quickly to bring her to ecstasy before their absence is noticed. She cries out into his mouth when his fingers trace along her clit, his name falling from her lips in no time as she starts to squeeze around him and plummet off the edge of the cliff they’ve been on together all day long. 
 Hell, they’re always there together. They can’t get enough of one another. 
 They come together, both of them struggling to stay quiet as the pleasure takes over. She curses against him, and he loves the fact that she’s been cursing more and more these last few months, although still only when she’s turned on. She pulls his hair almost too much, but he doesn’t mind. Her strong thighs crush his hips between them and the pressure brings him along with her. 
 Her moans turn to sighs, soft pants against his sweat-slicked neck. She releases her nails from the back of his shoulders and he misses the sharp reminder of her, reveling in the indents she’ll leave behind. He almost says it. 
 “ God ,” she breathes, and he smirks, because Chrissy Cunningham would never have used the Lord’s name in vain three months ago. She’d say he’s corrupting her, and she’d say it with a grin on her face. “We have to get back.” 
 “Nooo,” he pleads, holding her tight, silently begging her not to drop her feet to the floor but letting her go anyway. “What if I get horny again?” 
 “There’s another bathroom in the basement,” she smirks as she bends for her small bag and pulls out her denim shorts.
 He punches up into the air and she laughs. “Chrissy Cunningham, you’re a freak.” 
 She giggles once his Metallica t-shirt covers her again and leans up to press a soft kiss to his lips, one that he’d be a fool not to return, and it strikes him that he still can’t even move to pull his trunks back up. 
 “I’m a freak for you, Eddie Munson.” 
 The glares they get when they return, Chrissy getting downstairs just a minute after he pretends to return from his van, are well earned. Even if their friends don’t know that they almost accidentally fucked in Mike’s room, and even if they don’t know that they did fuck in the Wheeler’s upstairs bathroom, they know they were up to something. Two people don’t just leave a party for 15 minutes at the same time and return with a post-sex glow. 
 Dustin glares the hardest. Mike gags. Steve and Robin exchange looks, and he passes her a five dollar bill. 
 But then they start a fire in the pit behind the pool deck and Nancy hands out blankets, and Chrissy curls up into his side because she wants to be close to him. She wants to feel his arm solid and warm around her as he holds her. She wants to nuzzle her cheek into his collarbone and grin against his sunburnt skin. She wants to laugh with his friends and roast marshmallows and actually eat one, and she wants to joke with Dustin about how Eddie talks in his sleep. 
 She wants to spend time with him, and what's more, she wants to spend time with his friends. And he loves her. Soon, he knows he’ll get to a point where he can’t hold it in anymore, but for now, he’ll keep holding her close and making her smile, making sure she can feel it. For now, he’ll ensure that she knows it as fact so that she believes him without a doubt when he finally says it.
Tiny Tag List:
@itsfabianadocarmo @klauscarolove
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cinnabun-faerie · 2 years
This is very self indulgent, so I apologize, but I couldn’t resist 😅 how would the Scions react to the WoL getting married to Aymeric? This can be during or after EW.
A/N: Ooh I love this. đŸ˜© Honestly who wouldn't want to marry Ser Aymeric. Y/N is one lucky person. Also please don't apologize, I compeletely understand. Thank you for this request đŸ„°
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yeah she was happy for you
but nothing better change too much now that you're married!
seriously, please don't abandon her now that you have a husband
she wasn't all that happy that you lived far away, but it gave her an excuse to come and visit
and she would visit often along with Alphinaud
no doubt she would threaten Aymeric
"If you do anything to hurt them, I will personally hunt you down!"
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he couldn't be more delighted
you did love each other very much
he would admit that married life seemed to be treating you quite nicely
you smiled a lot more whenever you were asked about Ser Aymeric or your relationship with him
he would be sure to visit you in Ishgard with Alisaie and Estinien
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Of course he would be happy
two people whom he was closest to were finally tying the knot
and since there's no big threats keeping you two apart, if's the perfect time
honestly the man was getting tired of the two of you whining about not being able to see each other
he would happily accept being best man
he was not one to brag, but just this once
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G'raha Tia
More than anything did he want to see you happy
and with Ser Aymeric, he finally did
he wished for your future to hold many happy memories with him
honestly he would be shocked to hear that you and Aymeric both wanted to join him and the other Scions on an adventure
he would be overjoyed
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Listen, Mr Thancred here would know that it was going to happen
just like he knew that Aymeric fancied you
Aymeric would have had to come and ask him for permission to marry you
cause Thancred considerd himself to be your honorary parental figure
and you accept him as such
"Well it's about time!"
go visit the man afterwards, he misses you dearly
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He would be overjoyed
you and Aymeric had been courting for quite some time already
and now you were wed
time surely does fly
he wishes you all the best in your married life
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Naturally she knew it was coming
she was so happy for you
and she and Tataru even helped you pick something to wear
she had even been the one to calm your nerves on the day of the ceremony
and the one to pull away Thancred and Urianger before they started to tease you
"I hope married life is treating you well, Y/N. Would you be so kind to bring Ser Aymeric next time? Thancred would rather wallow in self pity instead of asking you outright to visit."
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sugars-fluffy-escapes · 2 years
hi sugar! i love your fics so much. they never fail to put a smile on my face! just out of curiosity since you write both lee! and ler! reader, what percentage lee/ler do you headcanon the characters you write for to be? if any? iirc i think you mentioned harry being a lee-leaning switch, so i wonder how you would label the rest of the characters you currently have written for. have a great day/night and thank you for sharing your amazing work! <3
Awwww đŸ„ș Thank you so much anon!!! I'm so happy my fics have brought you so many smiles!!! /gen /p
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I'm so excited about this ask ahhsdhhfhf đŸ€­â˜ș Time for some hcs~! (Under the cut because I got super rambly /lh)
Harry Osborn (TASM) - I definitely see him as a lee-leaning switch. This sweet honeybun grew up with an awful father (Sending him off to boarding school at age 11? Sending him SCOTCH on his 16th birthday??? Fuck you Norman) and he didn't get to experience the joy he very much deserves to experience. A good 65-70 percent of the time, Harry just really needs a laugh and he finds tickling to be such a joyful, happy way to bond with his friends, especially because of how touch-starved he is (Peter was the one who first found out (and this is also when Harry found out) that he's ticklish).
I think as time goes on, the percentage would be a good 55% lee and 45% ler, because when Harry's friends are happy and giggly, he gets happy and giggly đŸ„ș He absolutely loves seeing you and Peter laugh and giggle. (As time goes on he becomes a wickedly skilled ler and it's a little scary LMAO /lh /hj) Harry is definitely a timid lee, and affection of any kind flusters him and gets him all blushy and giggly, but he also loves playfully provoking and insulting you and Peter because he knows you're gonna tickle him more for it. As a ler, Harry is a total. sweetie. pie. đŸ„° He loves playfully teasing and cutesy-talking lees and just acting like the most adorable tickle monster in existence. He's a sweetie, but he's also adorably petty, so he'll find any excuse to tickle you to bits.
On rare occasions, he'll be totally ruthless. I'm talking, if you and Peter spend a good week and a half provoking him, he'll be silently plotting revenge (be prepared to laugh for an HOUR- AHSJSHD) Don't worry though, Harry won't ever take it too far and although he's quite terrifying as a ruthless ler, he'll always stop when you want him to and he'll always make sure you're okay (he just wants you to laugh and be happy đŸ„ș he cares about you)
Peter 3 - This dork is definitely a ler-leaning switch. Total tickle monster. I'd say he's a ler about 65-70 percent of the time and a lee the other 35-30 percent. I do think that with Harry in particular, it's a good 50-50 split. His quips and sass just give off such ler energy (the "somebody's been a bad lizard" voice. He's gonna do that voice all the time) But he also just wants to be able to forget everything that stresses him in regards to being Spider-Man and getting tickled to bits works wonders for that. He's a super giggly lee. Super duper giggly. And he's weak to teasing of any kind. For some reason I hc that with Gwen, Peter becomes a lee a good 95 percent of the time. Gwen can tickle Peter to the floor effortlessly LMFAO 💀 Likes tickling, likes being tickled, Switch!Peter đŸ„°
Spencer Reid - Major ler (totally not self indulgent right here AHSJSHDJ) who occasionally gets tickled (By Morgan and Prentiss especially). He's just so... terrifyingly good at tickling??? Which really shouldn't be surprising but for some reason it is- He loves when his friends are laughing. I think that in a lot of ways, Spencer sees it as a good way to cheer them up when he can't necessarily find the words to, or perhaps, tickling and his infodumps in tandem are just such a flustering (but extremely comforting) combination. I feel like he's a good 90-95 percent ler and 10-5 percent lee. If he's being tickled by people he really trusts, I think he'd be more open to it. I can definitely also see him using tickling as payback for a prank (that one prank war between him and Morgan was so effing funny) because he is absolutely not gonna hold back on revenge, as is evident by this clip, and this one at the end LMFAO-
Emily Prentiss - Writing this particular section is sending me into complete and utter bi panic AHSJSHSHDJ đŸ€­ She's a ler. Straight up. Just absolute ler. 100 percent of the time. Emily Prentiss is the resident expert tickler at the BAU. (Hc that she has absolutely tickled Derek and Spencer to the floor more than once. At the same time) I feel like she's got a couple weak spots, but you'll barely be able to get one poke in before she's turned the tables and starts wrecking your shit. Emily knows how to tease and she's gonna use every single ounce of skill. She loves her friend's reactions to "ler Emily." All of them are precious. (I'm still not over that clip where she straight up tickled Spencer's side as she walked by- his reaction is so CUTE and her reaction to his reaction is also CUTE- Bi panic. Bi panic. I am bi panicking AHSHHS)
Peter Maximoff - I definitely feel like Peter is a lee-leaning switch, 59 percent lee, 41 percent ler. This dork loves to be silly. I hc him as a super sassy lee (lmfaooo "whip. laaaaaaash.") Tell me he wouldn't use his mutant powers to annoy the daylights outta someone until they tickled him (and clearly he could get away if he wanted to. Man makes a speeding bullet look like it's moving at a turtle's pace) He's the goofiest ler ever. I'm talking he's cracking jokes the whole time (I love this speedster idiot)
Bucky Barnes - For Bucky, I feel like he's a ler more often than not, but he does not mind being a lee at all with someone he trusts (Steve, Sam, you). It's a nice change of pace for Bucky to see that he's the reason behind someone's joyful giggles (especially because of all the pain and grief caused by The Winter Soldier). So a ler leaning switch. I'd say he's a ler 70-77 percent of the time, and a lee the other 30-23 percent of the time. Of course, if you're tickling him, he can turn the tables at any point, but he trusts you, and you trust him đŸ„ș
Loki - Oh my lawdy lawd. The only one who can tickle Loki and live to tell the tale is Thor. Very rarely would Loki allow someone else to tickle them. If Loki absolutely trusted you to the fullest extent, they'd let you test a spot or two, but they'd be very quick to put a halt to it and start tickling you instead AHDJDHDHF- 98 percent ler, 2 percent lee. Cause let's be honest, of course the trickster would rather be tickling you than getting tickled. Though, I do think that if they were feeling alright being a little more vulnerable in a moment, they'd be more open to the idea. You can bet they'll be game for tickle fights though (and unless Thor comes to your rescue, Loki always wins)
Anon, this was so much fun!!! I'm so sorry it took a while to answer this /gen đŸ„ș I wanted to do a little elaborating on why I think these lee/ler/switch labels would suit these characters đŸ–€ Thank you so much for the ask, anon!!! /gen /p
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hotmess-exe · 3 years
I'm asking you about your favourite OC😌 anything you wanna say!
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thank you 😔 my tummy has healed
his name is Eric and he's like genuinely, actually my oldest original character. i luv him very much
he was originally the older brother of my very first OC but that girl was scrapped for being boring af many years ago. i never let go of Eric, though, and he quickly became my absolute favorite
he is very kind, very compassionate, and among the sweetest characters i'll ever make. he's stupid pretty and wicked smart. he's the sort to make friends out of enemies without even trying.
he struggles with depression and will do so, so much for others in his quest to not let people down, to the point of self-neglect. ...i think i've always known that this is a manifestation of my own personal baggage 😂😂
i plan to make him a love interest in my second interactive fiction project! very excited to finally write him in full again. and like, properly fleshed out for the first time. so much nuance and depth to him 😭 i can't wait
i share a stupid number of coincidental, retrospective parallels with him. i realized this during the pandemic lol. i foisted a lot of concepts and things teen!me did not understand onto this character when i first wrote him... just to eventually look back at my own life and be like, 'holy shit, that's me' or 'holy shit, wait. i've done that.' i was 13 when i created him, so this still trips me out:
he is and has always been gay, even though i didn't have any grasp of what being LGBTQ+ is like outside of the facts that gay men and lesbians exist and people hate them for no good reason. that 'them' now very much includes me 😂 and all my friends lol
he is and has always been a sex worker, even though i did not have a proper understanding of sex work and how/when it differs from trafficking at ALL at that age. i wish i could say i barely understood sex either, but i'm p sure i had a porn addiction in hs, so no Fast forward to me at Eric's original age (19/early 20s) and I was, you guessed it, doing sex work.
i had a deeply problematic and frankly embarrassing portrayal of an abusive relationship with his older boyfriend/pimp as an integral part of his story. and... it turns out the ""friendship"" i had with the old guy who was finding me clients at one point was a lot less of a "friendship" and way more of an exploitative, possessive pimping situ sold to me as a partnership. like, honestly--i can't even begin to compare these dudes, the fictional bf and this real-life mf i knew, because the parallels between them, and even me and Eric during that time, are so many. you'd think i could have taken a step back and been like, 'oh shit. this is actually really similar to some of the more toxic elements of the abusive relationship i've been writing for literal years now' but. y'know what they about hindsight
i play every single interactive fiction game i touch as Eric, first and foremost. every. one.
consequently, i (and everyone else once that second project starts) have the choice of games title Drag Star to thank for the epiphany that Eric obviously had to be a drag queen. it just fit. I could picture him in every scene with such vividness that i just knew it was right. like a missing puzzle piece. ..........and hilariously enough, this was about 2 years after i got really, REALLY into make-up and drag. so that was like... the opposite of what usually happens with those parallels lol
i've been playing dress-up games since there was only ONE website for it 😂 so now i'm very, very happy that i get to rediscover my love for those silly things with the perfect excuse: drag looks for my favorite precious baby OC, Eric đŸ„°
i think that's prob more than enough, thank you so much for indulging me, anons!
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levi-supreme · 2 years
if u could only spend 24hrs with levi, what would u do ?
Anon pls this is such a harsh question. Only 24hrs with the dream husband!?!?!?! :(( but then, since we only have one day together, I'm gonna make full use of it!!! Also warning: very self-indulgent!!!!
So obviously our day begins in the morning, and I'll make him breakfast. I'll either prepare a full English breakfast for Levi, or I'll bring him out for dim sum. Nothing beats having piping hot dim sum for breakfast!!! If not, I will prepare my favourite Chinese breakfast dishes such as porridge and you tiao, coupled with a nice cup of warm soya milk.
Next, we'll go out!! I wanna bring him to the garden and look at the flora and fauna, I want to bring him to the reservoirs to hike. I also want to bring him to the beach just so I can see him topless. Maybe we can build a sandcastle together too. When he's tired or hungry, I'll bring Levi to a café and we'll have some cakes and tea together!
In the evening, I will find an excuse for us to either climb a small hill or take an evening walk along the beach, and we'll watch the sunset together. I'll whip out my phone and capture the beauty of the setting sun, and also of Levi's soft smile and how gorgeous he looks during the golden hour.
We'll go for a movie afterwards, and have dinner somewhere! I'll let Levi choose whatever movie he wants to watch EXCEPT for horror. We'll share some popcorn and nachos, and maybe, just maybe, our fingers might touch đŸ„°
When it's late at night, I will suggest to go for a night drive around the city. With the cool breeze, the glowing of the moonlight, and the serenity of the night, it will be the perfect opportunity to have small talk and just drown in each other's presence.
Once we reach home, I'll ask him to stay the night. We both take a shower and brush our teeth, and cuddle under the blankets before saying good night.
The next morning, when I open my eyes. Levi would probably be gone since 24 hours are up. However, there's a handwritten note on the bedside table. The handwriting is light and slightly cursive; Levi's handwriting.
"Hey, Rei," the letter begins.
"Yesterday was fun, and I enjoyed myself. Never had that 'har gow', 'lor mai kai', or dim sum before, but thanks to you, I discovered something new.
"The walk in the garden was fun, you seemed to be enjoying yourself even though you were busy taking pictures. The cakes were lovely too, I'm pleasantly surprised you enjoyed drinking black tea as much I do.
"And don't think I didn't realise you were trying to take photos of me while we were at the beach. You looked beautiful under the setting sun too. We should've taken more pictures together.
"Dinner was great, the movie was better. My only regret was that I didn't hold your hand sooner. It might have been too late when we went back to your place, but I believe in 'better late than never', and I hope our final hours together were memorable.
"I'm sorry I had to leave, but rest assured, I'll be back to see you soon.
"Levi A."
Ask me something on anon (or not)!
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acacia-may · 1 year
Some Blog Updates, My Apologies, and Words of Explanation of What Has Been Going On Around Here Lately...
I really am sorry for the sporadic way that things are having to be run around here. For everyone who has pending asks and requests from months ago, I am so sorry I can't fulfill them for you right now. I have not forgotten about you and still plan to respond to all the asks as soon as I am feeling better. In an ideal world, I would respond to all asks in the order they were received and wouldn't have so many promises still pending out there, but unfortunately, that isn't something I can do right now due to serious chronic health issues.
I have still been writing a few self-indulgent pieces as a form of escapism & coping when I can, if only to try to keep my spirits up during what has been an extremely difficult time for my health, and I hope you all understand that this isn't me ignoring you in favor of working on personal projects rather than on fulfilling my obligations. I do genuinely feel very guilty for leaving you & your asks/requests hanging, but honestly writing "self-indulgence" is generally all I even barely have the energy for at the moment when it comes to fic writing since it takes the pressure off of making something "perfect" for the one who requested it and I find a little extra energy in my own passion and self-indulgence for the topic.
That said, I started that new ask game with the song + heacanon because it was easy for me (and didn't require a lot of effort or writing on my part) so I thought it was something I could actually fulfill for you as a thank you for being patient while you all wait for the bigger, more time-consuming asks.
I really am sorry for not explaining this better before, and if anyone has been confused or hurt by this, I am very, very sorry. That was never my intention. I have included more details below the cut in case anyone wants a more detailed explanation. These are not excuses, just my attempts to explain where things are and what's going on since I understand how it may look out of context and I didn't want there to be confusion or hurt feelings.
Thank you all for being so kind and so patient and for sticking around through all of this chaos! Cheers & much love to you all, friends! Please take care of yourselves. đŸ„°
As I'm sure some of you know from previous posts, I have been on and off hiatus due to severe chronic health issues for the past several months. The flare of my illness plus accompanying debilitating fatigue has unfortunately forced me to give up most things in my life (both online & in the real world) while I go for treatment & try to recover. Please know that it has never been by choice that I haven’t been around.
All of that said, writing fanfiction has always been a sort of an escape for me and a way for me to cope when I’m dealing with these kinds of serious health problems, so I have still been writing a little bit whenever I am able as a sort of outlet & escapism, but it’s mostly only the most self-indulgent pieces--trying to keep up spirits during what has been a very difficult time. To be perfectly honest with you, I feel the writing I have been doing recently has not been my best work, and I know there have been lots of problems with it (i.e. continuity errors with the canon, dumb spelling mistakes, and grammatical errors ect.) which have been kindly and constructively pointed out by others or mortifyingly noticed by me then fixed--and I do feel a little insecure about the roughness of my recent work to tell you the absolutely truth. 😅 That said, since it is mostly all self-indulgent, I tell myself that it's okay that it’s not perfect because it’s just for me.
Which leads me to the matter of my inbox and all the pending asks. I am so sincerely sorry for all the delays, and I have felt so guilty for having to leave everyone hanging. However, as you have probably guessed from my bleeding heart for fictional overachieving perfectionists, I myself am an overachieving perfectionist, and I know I would feel much guiltier trying to fulfill my requests knowing that whatever I could come up wouldn’t be my best work (since I am unfortunately lacking the health and energy to do that at the moment). I always want to give my best work to everyone who writes into this blog, but this is especially true when you have already had to wait such a very long time for something I have promised. I spend a lot of time on all of my headcanon and fic requests and answers to asks because I really just want it to be perfect and good enough for the person who asked for it. Since I feel like I can’t do that right now, I have decided to put the majority of my asks on hold rather than trying to fulfill asks with what I know will be my roughest work. I promise if you do have an ask in my inbox right now, I see you and I love you. I have not been ignoring you or forgotten you. I just want to give you my best work, and I can't do that right now so I've been holding on to your ask until I feel that I can.
All of that said, I have felt so bad and so guilty for leaving you all hanging (especially while I've been working on personal projects) so I thought of that new game I made because it was something I felt I could actually fulfill and complete, since it didn't require as much effort or writing on my part. It mostly consisted of songs that I pulled from fandom, character, and ship playlists I had already made, and the headcanon tends to go with the song in such basic terms it almost writes itself: i.e. the song mentions going to the beach, so the headcanon is this character’s favorite beach activity is building sandcastles (or something like that). It’s honestly just kind of silly but I felt I owed everyone something I thought I could do (if that makes sense?). The writers ask game I reblogged is just personal questions about my writing process—easy, short answers and low pressure, so that’s kind of in the same “I can do this category.” I plan to wrap up the asks for both of these games, and I don't know what will happen after that. Maybe we'll have to keep playing easier games like that for a little while or (hopefully) I'll be feeling well enough to circle back to more serious, time-consuming asks. I honestly can't say.
In the meantime, I wanted to reiterate how sorry I am for all the delays and also if there has been any distress, disappointment, miscommunication, or hurt feelings for how things have been having to be run around here. I'm sorry this blog has not been run in the way I had hoped or planned, but please know I am still trying my best to make wholesome content for you all to enjoy.
Thank you so much to everyone who has stuck around during this chaotic and difficult time and for your continued support! Cheers & Much Love!! 💕
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