#thank you thank you THANK YOU alena this is so beautiful and lovely
eds6ngel · 1 year
another idea: reader going over to robin and vickie’s with steve for dinner one night, robin talks to reader about how good reader is for steve, little bonding moment with robin, and reader starts to feel deeper love, then fluff with steve and maybe a reciprocation of feelings? I think that’s it for now, but you don’t have to do any of them! thank you so much for writing the series, its soooo good and I can’t wait for any spin-offs!
hi my love!! i started off with this one as it goes in the order i'd like to tackle my asks in! i changed it up slightly (not too much), so i hope you enjoy!! ♡
warnings: dad!steve. singledad!steve. 90s!au. fem!reader. use of y/n. swearing. kissing. a lil bit of making out. allusions to sex. pet names. food mentions. r is mentioned as unlabeled (so you can assign the label according to your identity!!) r being an ally. fluff. comfort. love confessions!! [2.3k].
full 'when i kissed the teacher' masterlist.
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“Babe?” Steve asks you, currently attending to the dishes piled in the sink from your beautiful handmade soup the two of you had for lunch. Alena was currently staying with Jonathan and Nancy, having a sleepover with her friend Ashley, which meant you had the place to yourselves.
“Uh huh?” you reply, not tearing your eyes away from the very intriguing book about the psychology of the human mind.
“You’re accepting, right?”
The question draws you away from the paperback, looking behind you to where Steve was scrubbing away at a green bowl, placing it neatly on the drying rack. “Yeah, I would say I am. Why?” The question seemed out of the blue, almost unordinary for him. It’s not like you had an issue with said question, it was just the timing that was confusing.
“Just… I really hope she doesn’t kill me for this,” Steve mumbles to himself, just loud enough for you to catch the tail end of, “You know Robin, she’s uh… She’s a lesbian, had a girlfriend for nine years. That’s okay with you… right?”
You smile, “Of course it’s okay. It’s more than okay. People can love whoever they want to love.” You were very passionate about this topic. You hadn’t particularly labeled your own sexuality, but you were striving for the ones that didn’t fit into the heteronormative society to have as many rights as you did. You frankly thought it was stupid that they didn’t already, and that as long as relationships are consensual and healthy, anybody of age should be allowed to love and potentially have sex with whoever they wanted.
Steve sighs out, chuckling lightly, “Oh thank God. I was so scared for a second.”
“Babe, if I didn’t support gay people, I shouldn’t even be deserving of your time. Besides… I’ve been to a few protests in my life,” you smirk, quickly looking back down at your book to leave Steve standing there in shock.
“You’ve been to protests?”
“Mhmm,” you hum, “College is a wild ride babe. You end up doing things you never thought you would ever do.”
“Huh… Anyway,” he shakes his running thoughts off, “I was asking because I was wondering if you’d like to go on a double date with them. You know, me and you, Robin and her girlfriend Vickie, that sort of thing?”
“Of course!” you happily agree, “When were you thinking?”
“Well, I’ll have to check with the girls, but since Alena isn’t back until tomorrow evening, I was thinking we could grab lunch somewhere tomorrow afternoon?”
“That sounds great babe! I’m totally down.”
He puts the final dish on the rack, walking up behind you and placing a tender kiss on the crown of your head, “Great, let me just give them a call, see if they’re down too.”
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“There’s nothing good on this menu,” Robin whines, “You couldn’t have chosen a better restaurant, Steve?”
The four of you were squeezed into a booth of a small sandwich shop on the outskirts of Hawkins. Steve had his hand on your thigh as he scanned through the menu to the right of you, Robin and Vickie sat opposite.
Steve scoffs, “Just because you’re an extremely fussy eater, Robin. Everyone else here seems to be fine with the menu. The menu’s good, isn’t it, babe?” His question holds a slight waver of uncertainty, his best friend making his insecurities come out.
You take a quick look up at Robin over the top of your menu, smirking away as you pretend to cringe, “Well…”
Steve’s eyes open wide as he thinks he made the biggest mistake of his life, you having to quickly put a reassuring hand on your shoulder to calm him down, “I’m only kidding babe, it’s wonderful.”
“Well, according to someone it isn’t,” he narrows his eyes at Robin, her sticking her tongue out at him. You and Vickie give each other a look, as if you were both mothers parenting your immature children.
The waiter soon comes, Robin ordering a plain chicken sandwich, as suspected, Steve a ham and cheese toastie, Vickie a cheese and salad sandwich, and you deciding on a pulled pork sandwich.
“So,” you begin to start the conversation back up, “I’ve heard the two of you have been together for nine years. That’s incredible!”
Vickie holds Robin’s hand in hers on top of the table, the other leaning against her cheek, “Yeah. Almost at the nine year anniversary. You know, it took Robin two years to ask me out. She had a crush on me since the start of ‘86, took her until the Spring of ‘88 to make a move. We were both just blubbering messes up until that point. She finally asked me out, we had our first date, and then the rest is history I suppose.”
“So, just like me and Steve,” you giggle, Steve squeezing your thigh as he smiles down at you, Robin noticing how in love her best friend looks. “Always the whole mutual pining game, huh?”
“Apparently so. After the earthquake happened here a decade ago, we had to help out at the school for anyone affected,” Vickie explains, “Well, Robin and I got put on making PB&J’s, and I got so rambly and nervous in her presence that I buttered both pieces of bread with peanut butter.”
“Yeah, I was sorting clothes, watching the two of you be all cutesy and shit from across the room.”
Robin lets her mouth hang open, “You were watching that day?”
Steve nods with a grin on his face, “Uh, yeah? My best friend talking to her crush who she wouldn’t shut up about for months? And the two of you laughing and getting along? Of course I was watching.”
Vickie sighs happily, “I’m trying to think of some questions to ask the two of you, but I think we know every detail of your relationship.”
Robin raises her eyebrows with a smirk next to her girlfriend, “Oh yeah. Every goddamn time we saw him. ‘She called me handsome.’ ‘She’s just so pretty.’ ‘What am I supposed to do?’ Over and over again. It was constant reassurance, trying to encourage him to ask you out.”
“Just to let you know though,” Vickie points at you, “We did not encourage him to kiss you and therefore lose your job. We take absolutely no responsibility in that.”
You brush her off with a wave of your hand, “I mean, it didn’t end up so bad in the end. I mean, no insult to Hawkins or anything—”
“Babe,” Steve interrupts you, “We’ve all grown up here. You can insult this place however you like.”
“I don’t like to be rude though honey, you know that!” you laugh as Steve presses a kiss to your cheek, Robin and Vickie giving each other a knowing look, “Okay, fine. Just to preface, I loved the kids I taught, okay? Nothing wrong on their part. Just… some of the teachers were extremely mean in the staff room, some parents were just absolutely awful and the place itself was just… I dunno, something felt off.”
“Yeah, because it’s a piece of shit,” Robin truthfully states, Vickie jabbing her lightly in the ribs, Robin letting out an “Ow!”
You giggle, “Yeah, it kind of is, I guess. At least in comparison to Ernie Pyle. I suppose parents take their kids education a lot more seriously there. The student population is mostly made up of ethnic minorities from disadvantaged backgrounds, so the parents want to give their kids what they never had growing up. Plus, I think it’s around 90% of the teachers already have at least three years of prior teaching experience. It’s one of the reasons they took me on actually.”
“Well, I’m glad you got your happy ending. Perfect relationship and a perfect job,” Vickie points out, “Seems like a total win.”
“Yeah,” you look up at Steve lovingly, “It was.”
You had all enjoyed your meals, no matter how adventurous your selections were. Before you all got ready to leave, Steve excused himself to the bathroom, Robin sipping the final bits of her strawberry milkshake. “I’ve never seen dingus so in love before. I imagine you must get fed up with how much he says it.”
But, that’s the thing: he’d never said it. You weren’t gonna critique him on that, you were happy to take things as slow as possible, but there was that lingering thought in the back of your mind that maybe he wasn’t as in love as you were. And you didn’t want to scare him off by saying those three words if he didn’t feel that confident in the relationship yet.
“Actually, he hasn’t said it yet…” you let out.
“Are you kidding?”
The two girls sit there in shock as you shrug it off. “No, you have to be lying,” Robin says, “Dingus has been in love with you since… well, forever!“
“Yeah, my love’s not kidding,” Vickie adds on, “I’m pretty sure he told us after you two did the Christmas Fayre together.”
“Probably even alluded to it before that.” Robin looks you in the eye, “You do love him, don’t you?”
You nod, “Of course I love him, Robin! I just don’t want to say it, and then he doesn’t feel the same—“
“Y/N, I’m telling you,” Vickie interrupts you, “He is 100% definitely in love with you. I know that for a fact. We both do.”
Robin nods, making you lean back in your chair and pinch the bridge of your nose, “Why won’t he say it then?”
“Y/N,” Robin starts, “The first girl Steve ever said ‘I love you’ to was Nancy Wheeler two weeks into their relationship, and they broke up a year later. The second was Alena’s mother who walked out when her daughter was a few months old, leaving Steve alone with a child to raise by himself. I think he’s just scared to say it in case you leave, since that’s all he knows.”
Vickie nods along, “But, if you say it first… I think that he might calm down a little. Realise that you are the one taking initiative.”
“Just say it…” Robin says softly, “What else have you got left to lose?”
But, you could have a lot to lose. What if he was just saying it to Robin and Vickie and doesn’t properly mean it? What if you tell him and he doesn’t reciprocate? You’d lose your whole relationship.
You have no time to think as Steve re-appears, reaching for his denim jacket the other side of you, “Right, we ready to go?”
Robin and Vickie smile at you, giving you a look as they begin to stand, collecting their belongings as the four of you head out the main entrance of the shop.
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After bidding farewell to Robin and Vickie, Steve drove you back home, him having to clean the house for when Alena got home, and you having to prepare resources for your class tomorrow.
He pulls up to your apartment complex, leading you to the entrance as always, like the gentlemen he is.
You grab his hand, Steve noticing that it was slightly shaking wrapped around his, “Um… Steve? I just want to say something before you go.”
He simply stares back, you taking it as a sign to continue talking. You let out a breath. It was now or never.
“I understand that you’ve been wanting to take this entire thing slowly, and I get that. But, I just want to reassure you that I am in this for the long run. I love how you treat me, and care for me. I love the dates you take me on, they are so varied. I love how kind, and caring, and slightly stupid you can be sometimes. And I guess what I’m trying to say is that… I love you.”
You can audibly hear how his breath hitches in his throat, your brain instantly taking that as a mistake, “But, don’t feel as if you need to reciprocate or anything, because I don’t want to pressure you into doing that. I just needed to let it out—”
Your rambling is stopped by Steve’s lips crashing into yours. You can’t help but let the slight moan slip from your mouth as he deepens the kiss, your hands wrapped around his shoulders as he cups your cheeks. Before the kiss can escalate, Steve pulls apart from you, leaning his forehead against yours as he whispers back, “I love you too,” a goofy smile gracing his features. “Shit, I was just so scared to say anything in case it made you leave, as that’s what usually happens whenever I say those words—”
It’s now your time to interrupt him with a giggle, “I know baby, Robin kind of told me everything.”
He shakes his head, “God, I hate her. Always revealing secrets about me.”
“Damn,” you huff, “Maybe I should hang out with her more, get more juicy details about you.”
He leans back, raising his eyebrows at you, “Absolutely not. I’ve revealed way too much of my life to her.”
You both laugh, “You’re an idiot, Steve Harrington.”
“I love you too, Y/N L/N,” he replies, leaning in to kiss you once again. You melt into the kiss, Steve swiping his tongue across your lips, asking for permission to which you accept, opening your mouth and letting his tongue slip in, the lingering taste of his sandwich invading your senses. The two of you moan, you pulling back to catch your breath, realising the two of you were technically stood directly next to a busy road. “Amy’s out with her boyfriend today… So, I have the apartment to myself…”
Steve looks down at his watch, before turning his gaze back to you, smirking and seductively replying, “I think we have time.”
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i hope you enjoyed!! i will get to the rest of your asks (and everybody else's) tomorrow and during the course of next week!! ♡
taglist: @livsters @bakugouswh0r3 @nix-rose @ihatepeanutss @cats00089 @suitelif3 @clincallyonline17 @crowssixof @starkeylover @eris-rose-86 @frostandflamesfanfic
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steddiesupportpodcast · 11 months
Meet the Podcast Team!
It's about time that we introduce ourselves, we're the team behind the Steddie Support Group Podcast 👋 Big thanks to @glitterfang for the amazing portraits 🎨🖌️
ALENA aka @peter-pantomime
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Any Pronouns | Virgo | 30
I’m a veteran fan and amateur academic who loves analyzing individual characters and their interpersonal relationships, the plots, themes, symbols, and genre staples of pop culture media, and the dynamics between media fans and creators. I’m coming to Stranger Things from a long history of examining how fans participate in the process of making meaning through their interactions with media texts, and to Steddie from an even longer history of being emotionally devastated by blorbos and ships, the most notable being Destiel, Stucky, and Reddie. I love talking to people about all these ideas everywhere from Tik Tok comments to academic conferences, and so I’m super excited to have the opportunity to be a part of this podcast with so many wonderful people!
Guest & Host Appears on: Episode 4, 5, & 6
Twitter: @peterpantomime TikTok: peterpantomime Youtube: Peter-Pantomime
AMY aka @mojowitchcraft
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She/Her | Scorpio | 33
I’ve been a fan of Stranger Things since day one, but fell headfirst into the Steddie hole last summer. There is no way out, I’m trapped, I’m stuck in here with them. Before Steddie I’d been an avid fanfic reader but I was always too shy to write anything. Over the past year my confidence in my writing has grown so much and I’ve met so many amazing and wonderful people in this community. Very excited to be part of the podcast team and lend my voice to our discussions! 
Producer, Host, Guest & Promo Team Appears on: Episodes 1, 4, 6, 7, & 13
Ao3: weird_witchcraft Twitter: @mojowitchcraft TikTok: mojowitchcraft
ASH aka @steddiehands86
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They/He | Gemini | 37 
Joined the Steddie community around October and have been nonstop writing and cosplaying since. I have been writing on Ao3 since ‘09, but never so much as with this fandom. I’m so fortunate to be a part of this lovely group of people to talk about our brainrot in a safe, sane, consensual space… I’m also a Gemini, and like long walks in the woods. 
Guest, Mod Tech & Transcript Editor Appears on: Episode 1, 8, 11 & 12
Ao3: steddiehands86 Twitter: @steddiehands86 TikTok: steddiehands86 Instagram: steddiehands86
BECCA aka @glitterfang
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She/Her | Taurus | 35 
I was a casual fan of Stranger Things up until Season 4. Now the brainrot’s got a hold of me and won’t let go. I’ve spent most of my time in this fandom as a small potatoes fan artist but have recently started writing fic as well! I love our little Steddie family and community and I’m just happy to be here. 
Host, Guest & Resident Artist Appears on: Episode 3 & 9 
Ao3: pizzabones Twitter: @glitterfangart TikTok: glitterfang Instagram: glitterfangs
BECKS aka @beccichu
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They/She | Aquarius | 24
“Nope, you can’t start watching Stranger Things just because of him” were my thoughts last year after hundreds and hundreds of Stranger Things and Eddie Munson edits on tiktok. Well, after binge watching 4 whole seasons (the last one two times in a row) I fell head over heels for Steve and Eddie and into the Steddie hole pretty fast where I’ve been here ever since. I do write every now and then but my passion is cosplaying, talking about the blorbos nonstop and sharing my love for this community with others! 
Promo Team
Ao3: MsBecciChan Twitter: beccichuu TikTok: beccichu Instagram: beccichu
BIRDIE aka @audacityofbird
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She/Her | Leo | 39
Bird isn’t even her real name, but she wasn’t sure if going by ‘The Motherf*cking Lizard King’ would be appropriate. Bird has been a fan of Stranger Things since the start. The ensemble cast, nostalgia and the way the show wove music into it in such a beautiful way hooked her immediately. The brain rot didn’t set in firmly enough to scour Ao3 until  2022 at the release of Season 4 but then the rest was history. A fandom lover and fanfic reader/ writer at heart, but her favorite role in fandom spaces is cheerleading, beta reading and being a part of the community. The love for these characters and the stories run deep but her gratitude for the friendships she’s formed here runs deeper. 
Guest, Mod Tech & Audio Editor Appears on: Episode 3 & 10
Ao3: audacity_of_bluejays Twitter: @audacityofbird
CADY aka @lostinadmiration
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Any Prounouns | Capricorn | 33
Cady was a casual fan of Stranger Things until Eddie Munson flirted with Steve Harrington and then went and fucking died. She went online to cope with the grief, and stumbled onto Steddie art, which snowballed into discovering fanfiction, and landed her in a beautiful community of loving and supporting friends who love talking about those gay dudes! In the year of brain rot she completed two fics, has two neglected WIPs, and loves chugging out art. She also wants everyone to know she’s IYLO’s biggest fan and would love to discuss it with everyone and anyone!
Guest & Host Appears on: Episode 1, 9, 10, & 13
Ao3: lostnadmiration Twitter: @lostnadmiration TikTok: lostin_admiration  Tumblr: lostin_admiration
DAE aka @strawberryspence
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She/Her | Libra | 23
Dae has been watching Stranger Things from the beginning, falling in love with the friendships and found family tropes in its core. She has always had a soft spot for Steve Harrington, this only intensified when Eddie Munson was thrown in the mix. Dae spends her time writing Steddie fics (mostly angst), editing and having mental breakdowns about gay fictional characters. 
Guest, Graphics Creator & Promo Team Appears on: Episode 4
Ao3: strawberryspence Twitter: @strawberrysomin TikTok: strawberryspence
JESS aka @mydarkdevotion
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She/They | Pisces | 31
I’ve been watching Stranger Things since the beginning and fell in love so hard that I ended up getting Eleven’s 011 on my wrist in my cousin’s bedroom. I’ve been reading fanfiction way before stepping into Steddie and writing has grown more since then too. I guess you can say my friends see me as the person that would dive right into the danger (No tag reads/ No summaries) What can I say? I love surprises. Even if they end up in tears. Anyone who's seen my tiktok knows. But all in all just a real down-to-earth friendly person enjoying the thing I love.     
Guest | Appears on: Episode 5 & 11
Ao3: MyDarkDevotion Twitter: @mydarkdevotion TikTok: MyDarkDevotion
KAYLEE aka @sweetz059
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She/They | Libra | 24
Kaylee has loved watching Stranger Things since she was 16, reading cutesy Byler fics and appreciating all the found family the fandom had to offer, and always having a soft spot for Steve Harrington. They didn’t really dive in until Season 3, however, when she finally was given a character that they could see themselves in. One Robin Buckley. Which just intensified her love for Steve even more. Then Season 4 happened, and Eddie Munson happened, and Kaylee finally saw the perfect match for Steve. Now they’re one fic down, and who knows how many more to go, and she wouldn’t want it any other way.
Guest, Host & Producer Appears on: Episode 3, 6, 8, 11, & 12
Ao3: sweetz059 Twitter: @sweetz059 TikTok: sweetz059 Instagram: sweetz059
KK aka @knormalizeknitting
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Any Pronouns | Taurus | 39
KK is a genderless void who has been a nerd since time immemorial so naturally they’re obsessed with Stranger Things. They were a “normal” level of into the show, for a total geek that is, until Eddie Munson appeared and the Steddie ship set sail. Now KK spends all their time projecting Steddie onto every fictional pairing that has ever existed in media and finding new ways to torture Steve Harrington before letting him finally kiss Eddie. They’re extremely excited to be part of the podcast, make new friends on the server and talk Steddie / ST with so many lovely people when they’re not giving Steve even more trauma on ao3.
Guest, Host, Audio Editor & Mod Tech Appears on: Episode 2, 8, 12 & 13
Ao3: knormalizeknitting Twitter: @knormalknitting TikTok: knormalizeknittin Instagram: knormalizeknitting
KRIS aka @kwills91
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They/Them | Gemini | 32 
I’ve written and read fanfic for many, many years, but it had been a while since I existed in a particular fandom. Then Season 4 of Stranger Things came out and I fell in love with Steddie. After mass consuming as many fics as I could get my eyeballs on, I decided that there weren’t nearly enough Steve breakdowns in them and began writing my own, and I’ve been unable to stop writing since. Hundreds of thousands of words of writing and millions of words of reading later and the brainrot is showing no signs of dying. And hopefully never will. Which is why I’m so excited to be part of this podcast.
Guest, Host & Mod Tech Appears on: Episode 2, 3, 8 & 10
Ao3: Kwills91 Twitter: @k_wills91 TikTok: kwills91
MANON @transmascsteveharrington
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They/He | Aries | 26
“The binge watch format of Netflix shows hinders the growth and development of fandoms compared to linear released shows. Therefore it is unlikely that many viewers of Stranger Things will ever participate/form a fandom and read or write fanfiction-” is a sentence I once wrote in an essay in 2017 for my undergrad. Then the universe had a right laugh and several years, one gender crisis, and about 250k words of written steddie fics and countless words of read steddie fics later I am now here. I’m an avid writer and reader of stangst (Steve angst) and could talk about it for hours. That’s why I’m super excited to be part of this podcast. 
Guest, Host & Producer | Appears on: Episode 2, 6, 8, 10, & 13
Ao3: ChristinMKay Twitter: @t4teddiemunson TikTok: ger_manon
SAGE aka @miserablekingsteve
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They/Them | Virgo | 24
I watched Stranger Things back in 2016. Only because my mum was watching it in the other room, and I heard Joy Division’s ‘Atmosphere’ start playing. Causing me to come running out of my room and question what she was watching. Prior to that fateful moment, I was probably holed up, writing Torchwood fanfiction or listening to the audio dramas while live posting on tumblr. Safe to say I’ve been in fandom spaces for quite some time. Yet never had written anything with as much velocity as I did when Steddie quite literally dove into my periphery. What? Eddie Munson was doing Ketamine and being ridiculous, hard not to relate to that one. I’m super stoked to have had any opportunity to be involved in fandom this much and I’m excited to see where it continues to take me!  
Guest & Promo Team Appears on: Episode 6, 8, 11 & 12 
Ao3: miserablekings TikTok: miserablekings
SARA aka @3blackhearts
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She/Her | Leo | 36
I’ve been watching Stranger Things since the beginning. I loved how creative and nostalgia-driven the show is. The death (maybe, hopefully not, let me be delulu a little longer) of Eddie Munson is what drove me to read my first fanfiction ever. I hadn’t resonated with a character that much in a long time and having his ending be so unsatisfying on the show led me to want a world where that’s fixed or never happens (shout out to AUs). Since joining the fandom I’ve found my niche by making podfics, and now this podcast. In real life, I work for a local non-profit and am a visual artist.  President & Founder of the DILF Steve Harrington Fan Club.
Guest, Host, Producer, Mod Tech & Audio Editor Appears on Episodes: 3, 4, 5, 10, & 11
Ao3: 3blackhearts Twitter: @3_blackhearts TikTok: 3blackhearts
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angria · 2 months
Book lists are so fun! Albeit so hard to choose! Thank you for the tag lovely @chelseahotelntwo 💜💕 Tagging anyone who wants to do this!
Last book I read: Starling House by Alix E. Harrow (pretty decent gothic horror/fantasy, wouldn’t necessarily read again)
Book I would recommend: Tell the Wolves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Brunt (excellent and read multiple times. About a young girl and her relationship with her uncle who has AIDS. One of my faves)
Book I couldn’t put down: A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara (I devoured this once I got into it. Read at your best judgment and massive TWs. Still absolutely beautiful writing)
Book on my TBR: Ever Since by Alena Bruzas (I've already read this, but need to reread it because it was so good. TW for abuse).
A book I’ve put down: I’ve put down a lot recently…all super popular adult fiction that I am dumbfounded by their horrible writing. The latest was Circe by Madeline Miller (I do not understand the hype. Poorly written and average plot)
A book on my wishlist: The Glass Girl by Kathleen Glasgow (coming out in October! So excited!)
A favorite book from childhood: anything by Tamora Pierce as well as The Wrinkle in Time quartet by Madeline L'Engle
A book you would give to a friend: Loveless by Alice Oseman (this was the last book I gave a friend, who is aro/ace. I try to tailor any books I give to friends)
A book of poetry/lyrics you own: Pansy and You Better Be Lightning by Andrea Gibson (absolute faves)
A non-fiction book you own: Dust In The Blood: A Theology of Life with Depression by Jessica Coblentz (best theological text on mental health I have ever read. She debunks common Christian ablest arguments in a thoughtful, creative way that is not grounded in redemptive suffering)
Currently reading: Weyward by Emilia Hart (so far intriguing. Plot split across three time periods with three related women and generational magic)
Planning to read next: What Kind of Girl by Alyssa B. Sheinmel (her other book was well-done, so looking forward to this one)
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force-dyad · 5 months
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
I’ve been listening to this song on repeat for the past month… It’s sooo sad and beautiful…I love you too much to have you around and be second best 💔 “I want the freedom and I want the guile”
Pitchfork gave this album a good review and I listened to it and I’m obsessed with this song… Basically a “What Are We” (The whole thing is good if you like someone like Joanna Newsom or Kate Bush)
I watched No Doubt’s Coachella set so I’ve been listening to them again. This song is so fun.
Adore this song, always makes me feel happy when listening to it on my way home (or any time but I’ve listened to it while stuck in traffic so much that it’s tied to that part of my day lol)
This song is sooooooo crushing… Literally Charlie Brown level stuff… The lyric “Good days are coming… Not just to die” literally makes me feel like I’m suffocating omg this is so dramatic but it is just how it makes me feel.
Bummer list I think, but thanks for asking 💛
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alena-draws · 2 years
Hello Alena! i Love your loose sketchy but colorful art style! 😍 I'm a fellow artist but for years i've struggled with trying to just sketch and be loose. I'm always taking even just a post-it-note sketch so seriously and automatically try to be a perfectionist and add in all the details! it's frustrating since i also can't get all i want to sketch done because i'm being meticulous with each sketch. even with just a simple lineart sketch. you're so great and wonderful at what i'm trying to accomplish. do you please have any advice?? 😫😩😵🥴 I love how you do the smooth lineart and expressions for the Bnha characters btw!
Hi! First of all, thanks, I'm glad you like my stuff! <3 I actually have a friend who's quite similiar in that aspect, she can draw super well, putting hours of work into one drawing until it looks perfect. That's a dedication that I admire, because I'd never have the patience to spend so much energy for one artwork! On the other hand, I see how that could get in the way of wanting to work faster and looser. I've always scribbled and sketched a lot, so when I struggled it was always the other way round, having to learn not to rush things. But I'm sure it's something that can be learnt as it is with pretty much everything :) I'll try to give you advice of what I think might be helpful, but different people like to work in different ways, so some of that might end up just not working for you, while other stuff might. (I'll be putting this under a cut, this could get longer)
One thing that might be helpful could be the medium you draw on! When drawing in a new sketchbook or having a nice white sheet of paper in front of you, I tended to get intimidated and think that I need to fill this paper with something nice and beautiful, so as not to "waste" it. Especially with new sketchbooks, I think everybody knows that feeling...Now, nearly all drawings and sketches I do are done on left over paper from me and my partner, stuff that would have been thrown away otherwise because one side is already printed on. It takes away the pressure of having to give it your all, because, if it would land in the trash either way, I can't ruin or waste it by doing only sketches and little doodles.
While we're talking about mediums, you might try changing the pencil. I'd try something that won't give you such clean lines, so that simply by using this pen, you are already limited to how detailed you can get. I enjoy using coloured pencils now and then, like a red polychromo, they allow me to make light sketches and then, when I put more pressure on it, I can simply draw with the same pencil over the sketch, but making the newer lines stand out more and thus putting focus on special parts of the drawing. This is sometimes not that easy with a normal lead pencil, black will always stand out more than a light red for example. I also like to draw with 2B or 4B for sketches, and don't sharpen the pencil too often. :) Keeps the line a bit blurry sometimes, and I can put a quick shading on if I want.
Now, getting more to some actual drawing advice, learning to be quick with a drawing, without caring so much about how it might end up looking, this might be something you'll have to properly learn doing...like, for example, setting yourself time limits for a drawing. A classic, though still good way to do this, is by using figure drawing videos like this. It will show the person being in different poses for maybe 1, 2 minutes (later on it will get longer) and that's the time you have for one pose, not longer. It's tiresome and overwhelming at first because you won't know where to start, but it will actually give you a feeling for movement of the body, learning which lines to draw, and which you can leave out and still convey the body language and make it a convincing, realistic sketch. In a way, what you want to achieve with a sketch is often quickly show a scene, or a pose that you want the character to be in. It doesn't have to look beautiful or cleaned up, but it must be (or at least it would be nice if it were) convincing, using only a few lines, but conveying what a finished drawing will or could look like in the end. That's where figure drawing lessons are really helpful, because it will help you get a feeling for how you can quickly make a character look like they are e.g. sitting, or angry, or ready to jump in the air...and so on. Phew, I could talk a lot more about this, and I would eventually end back up at me advicing everybody to learn anatomy, but it's always a question of what you want to achieve in the end, and if that is really necessarry for you and where you want to go with your drawings :)
Hm, another small thing might be no try not using your eraser for sketches? Just put it out of reach, and if there's a line you don't like, either ignore it, draw over it, or start anew. I'm wondering if this is actually helpful or just stressful, but it might be worth trying out. It might help to get past the idea, that your sketches have to look good!
For now, that's kinda all I can think about. This topic is super interesting though! I might not be the best person to give advice here, so maybe ask different people too for their approaches. If I can think of any more stuff, I'll write that in another post, for now I hope this is someway helpful, even it's not that much! Good luck with your art!
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hikorzik · 11 months
Alright yesterday me and my friends CUBED using my fresh COMMANDER CUBE that I made!!! And it was... A lot of fun!
It went (first player to play to last) : Brago vs Ghave (me) vs Marchesa vs Halana & Alena. I won!
My friends didn't know the cube's list at all, nor the themes (they didn't wish to be told), and aren't big drafters either.
Big analysis below!
What I get from the draft part is that discovering cards and synergies was fun and engaging, and there were enough cards and strategies that everybody found his niche without stepping on the others' toes. There were still contested cards as several of us drafted some colors (3 on white, 2 on red, 2 on black) but with sufficiently different goals that it still let us get useful cards in our decks. The least contested color was blue (out of 35 blue cards seen, 22 went into a main deck, and only one player had blue), the most was probably red or black (all 4 of us picked red cards at first but only 2 players ended up on red). Black had the least % of card played Maindeck (34 cards seen, 15 maindecked, so 44%). Green had the most % of maindecked cards (31 cards seen, 25 Maindeck, which is 80%). The packs were seeded with 2 legends each, so we saw 24 legends out of 50 total. Out of those 24, NINE were 3 colors, NINE others were 2 colors, one was green, 2 were red, one black, one blue and one white. What I get from this is that I need more 1 colors legends to pad the 3 and 2 colors one out. Indeed, in my cube you can pair mono color legends as though they had partner so I would like more people to put them in the command zone instead. What happened here is 1st pack we opened 4 3 colors legends, I was able to draft Gahiji, Thantis and Ghave and see what colors were open or gave me the best options. I would like the draft to be a little less open to this.
One player had, like me with Ghave, Marchesa from the beginning and went with this plan early, he probably had the best deck. Brago pivoted early second pack. Halana and Alena forced gruul because that is where his heart is, and ended up with a good deck, but probably amongst the weakest overall unless he had very good draws (which he sadly hadn't, even tho he came very close to winning!)
Gameplay wise, the early turns were kind of durdly. 3 colors commanders without a lot of fixing can be hard to bring out on curve, but we kind of managed. Brago and Marchesa went off quickly compared to the 2 other decks, thanks to the great value they were able to leverage. At one point Marchesa was 6/4 haste vigilance deathtouch Trample first strike AND had akki battlesquad on the board which let him come very close to victory! Brago was very close too, generating tons of tokens with cloudpost ranger, deadeye navigator, and being able to recur her interactions with archaeomancer. As for me, I struggled with card draw and was stuck with a very unimpressive board for most of the game. That said, I was able to resolve and keep zulaport cutthroat and cruel celebrant, which my opponents underestimated. I was able to finish off the two giants with repeated sacrifices and keeping removal in hand (contraband livestock and despark). H&A was very close to winning too because he built a threatening board while Brago and Marchesa fought and when Marchesa killed Brago he left himself open to the clapback.
It was a lot of fun and I loved the experience! I am keeping a sheets with stats since I don't get how to make stuff work on cube cobra... Here they are bellow, in all it's frenglish beauty
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And here the cube's list!
Thanks for reading ✌️
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wisemindkids · 1 year
Hello Nature Explorer, Welcome to WiseMind Kids Channel🌟
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Welcome to WiseMind Kids Channel, a captivating world of animals, plants, and art, where curious minds embark on thrilling adventures right here in the United Kingdom! 🌿🐾🎨
🌸 I am Alena as a young explorer, I'm passionate about everything that nature has to offer, from the tiniest insects to the grandest trees. Join me as we delve into the captivating world of wildlife and flora, all while unleashing our creativity through art and crafts.
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🌟 Why We Do It:
Our mission is simple: to foster a love and appreciation for the natural world while nurturing our artistic talents. Nature is a playground of wonder and mystery, and together, we can make a positive impact by learning to appreciate and protect it. Through our shared passion for animals, plants, and art, we hope to build a close-knit community of young nature enthusiasts who can make a difference in the world.
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Case No. 142978
The State of North Carolina vs. David Abernathy
August 25, 1982
Interview with Father David Abernathy
Interviewer: Detective Ryan Scopel
PRE-INTERVIEW NOTES: Suspect is head Priest of the [redacted] Catholic Church and headmaster of the [redacted] which provides housing and schooling to orphaned girls. Suspect is being charged with first degree homicide of a sixteen year old named Alena, last name unknown. Cause of death: drowning. Interview is being conducted as a follow up to the statement presented at time of arrest.
Det. Scopel: Father Abernathy you are being recorded in this interview and this may be turned over to the courts to be used as evidence in your trial. Do you understand this?
Father Abernathy: I understand.
DS: Father Abernathy you have chosen to proceed with this interview without a lawyer present, can you please verbalize your consent?
FA: You have my consent to do this without a lawyer present.
DS: Thank you. To start the interview, do you know why you are here and what the charges are, Father?
FA: I am here because of the execution.
DS: Yes the hom…. Execution of Alena–
FA: Do not say her name!
DS: Excuse you?
FA: Do not say her name.
DS: Father Abernathy why do you not want me to say her name.
FA: The name gives the soul identity. She is a heretic. She is to be separated from God with no name to call for her attention.
DS: What sin defined her as a heretic?
FA: She questioned the will of our Lord. She defiled and defied it. She was vulgar in the temple of God to speak love to him when she was dancing with the devil.
DS: And so you believe she deserved to be stripped of her identity for this?
FA: Heresy is an unforgivable sin.
DS: Was this the reason you performed the execution?
FA: Heretics cannot be suffered
DS: Father Abernathy, you have been apprehended because of an anonymous tip sent in to the police station. Do you believe the person that turned you in is also a heretic to be executed?
FA: Yes. They went against the will of God and they brought one of His soldiers down.
DS: Do you mean yourself?
FA: Yes
DS: Am I to understand that you believe the execution was God’s will?
FA: The scripture says thou shall not suffer a witch to live.
DS: You stated earlier you executed her for heresy.
FA: She is married to the devil!
DS: Can you explain this for me, please?
FA: The witches. They lie down with the devil, they marry him, they take up his purpose. They become heretics questioning God and pushing back against him with arrogance and malice. They open their maws and spread beautiful lies to lead people astray and corrode faith. They are responsible for the lost souls.
DS: Do you believe all heretics are witches?
FA: No, but all witches become heretics.
DS: How do you know she was a witch
FA: I found a spellbook in her room during a sweep.
NOTE: As of this interview there is nothing in the case files recorded that a book has been processed.
DS: How long after the confiscation did the execution take place?
FA: A bit over a month
DS: Why did it take so long?
FA: I had to wait for a sign.
DS: According to the case file you killed-
FA: -executed.
DS: Executed Miss Alena
FA: Do not say her name!
DS: Deal with it!
FA: Dear God grant me the strength against those who would fight against your will.
DS: Are you done?
FA: Yes
DS: In your case file it says you executed Alena by tying her hands, blindfolding her forcing her by gunpoint to walk to the center of an icy lake, and shot at the ice until she fell in.
FA: Yes
DS: When you received the sign to move forward with the execution did you also receive instructions for this method?
FA: I was told to execute her in fear. One night, she comes to me and tells me that she had been having a recurring nightmare of walking the ice as it cracks beneath her. She said she always woke up before falling in.
DS: Was this the sign you were looking for?
FA: No, that came nearly two weeks before. Maybe ten, eleven days? Her shadow… [recording goes silent for 1:42 minutes] The sign came before the confession.
DS: What did her shadow do?
FA: It… it danced, while she stood perfectly still.
NOTE: At this point in the session the suspect’s body tensed and he looked around as though he was expecting an attack.
FA: Witches. They give up their humanity. She was more demon at that point.
DS: Going back to the method of execution. You said you were instructed to execute her in fear?
FA: Yes
DS: Why was this?
FA: Demons, when they are vanquished, spend their eternity repeating the moment leading up to their death.
DS: So you created her nightmares to trap her in them in the afterlife.
FA: She’ll be falling through the cracks in the ice forever now.
DS: And this is in the scripture?
FA: Exodus 22:18
DS: Yes. What sign did you receive to tell you to execute her in fear.
FA: God Himself told me.
DS: In a dream?
FA: No, directly.
DS: Uh huh. Does God speak to you often?
FA: He speaks to me all the time. I work for Him. I am his soldier.
DS: How does God speak to you?
FA: Thoughts.
DS: How can you distinguish God’s voice from your own thoughts?
FA: His voice is different.
DS: In what way?
FA: Heavenly.
DS: Can you elaborate?
FA: It is ineffable.
DS: Right. Did God tell you to search her room for contraband?
FA: Yes
DS: Why?
FA: He wanted to save her
DS: What steps did you take to try to save her, Father Abernathy?
FA: I gave her extra counsel. Everyday. Every night I prayed the devil be purged from her as I stood over her sleeping body.
DS: How did she respond to this?
FA: Initially she was cooperative. After a time she became hostile and rejected me –rejected my treatment.
DS: Did you notice anything wrong before God told you to conduct the sweep?
FA: Not to my recollection
DS: How long was she housed with your program?
FA: about six months.
DS: How did the other tenants respond to her?
FA: They liked her at first. By the end she had been completely shunned.
DS: And they all witnessed the execution?
FA: Some participated.
DS: Who were the participants?
FA: Ah, no. I am not going to give up His front line soldiers. They have an important battle to prepare for.
DS: And what battle is that?
FA: The End Times are drawing near.
DS: What does that entail?
FA: It will be hell on Earth and God’s chosen ones must battle the takeover of Satan’s minions. The dead will rise, the Mark of Cain will be spread and all except the chosen few will stand in line to take it. Then we will be taken to heaven before the old world is destroyed and the new world is created for us.
DS: Okay I think I’ve heard enough. This concludes the interview. I am Detective Ryan Scopel interviewing Father David Abernathy. Once again, Father, this is being recorded and may be submitted to the court for evidence. Do you understand?
FA: I understand.
End Tape
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eds6ngel · 1 year
I'll read anything you write for the teacher au. But yeah I need to know how their first date was and how Alena reacts to it <333 They just deserve to be happy :')
thank you so much nonnie! and they do :)) i hope you enjoy ♡
warnings: dad!steve. singledad!steve. 90s!au. fem!reader. mention of cleavage. swearing. food mentions. alcohol mentions. very fluffy. pet names. mutual pining. platonic stobin being my favourite duo in the world. rovickie being cute as always. alena being the biggest shipper on planet earth. it's just super cute and fluffy really! [2.8k].
full 'when i kissed the teacher' masterlist.
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If Steve was being honest with himself, he was scared shitless to go on a date with you.
He tried every possible way to come up with some crappy excuse to say he was busy, but Robin and Vickie egged him on to their heart’s content.
So, that’s where he was now. Robin and Vickie had picked up Alena just over an hour ago, huge purple backpack disproportionally sitting on her body, the seven-year-old toddling out the door with the couple to spend the night at theirs, Steve’s date with you ending past her bedtime.
He felt like he checked himself in the mirror over one hundred times, or maybe he did, he’d lost track at that point.
And once he arrived at your doorstep, he spent five minutes arranging every hair on his head in the rear view mirror, mumbling to himself, “Goddamn Farrah Fawcett, why aren’t you working?”
And from the other side of the door, you were just as nervous as him. Styled in a long, sequin-covered, dark blue dress that reached the floor, hair done up in a loose bun, you almost felt that you were overdressed.
But, with Steve taking you to Enzo’s, a very posh restaurant on the outskirts of Hawkins, you felt you had to look the part.
And thank God you did, because when you opened your front door to him, he was wearing a full-blown suit. White shirt, black tie, black blazer and trousers, he was the smartest you’d ever seen him.
“Jesus…” he mutters to himself, taking in how beautiful you looked. He thought you looked pretty in your modest, child-friendly uniform, but the dress you were wearing? The gorgeous slit up the leg and the v-neck that showed just the perfect about of cleavage? It was enough to make him fall head over heels in love.
You smile at him, replying with a giggle, “Hello to you too, handsome.”
“Shit, um… Yeah, you just… God, you look beautiful. Like… so beautiful.”
You place your hand to your chest, beaming back, “Thank you!” And that’s when he noticed your nails. The overall colour was a gorgeous cream, but the tips matched up perfectly with the colour of your dress. You had been planning this out all week.
“Um… shall we get going? Reservations at 7:30,” he asks.
You hum, “We shall. How far is Enzo’s?”
“Around thirty minutes. You good with that?”
He helps you into the car, making sure your dress doesn’t get caught or tangled, you replying, “I’m good with anything, Steve.”
The drive there had Steve panicking like crazy. Did he put his hand on your thigh? Or was that too soon? Maybe it was too soon. Hold your hand? No, both hands on the steering wheel, he doesn’t want to crash.
And if he wasn’t overthinking that enough, the choice of restaurant was freaking him out even more. Was it too formal? Did you want something more simplistic? Was it too much for a first date?
But, there was no time to worry as he turns left into the parking lot of the restaurant. After being a gentleman, taking your hand and helping you out of his car, you don’t seem to let go, letting your fingers interlace with his. His hands match the softness of when your lips first touched his, delicate and gentle.
“Hi. Um, two for Harrington?”
The waiting staff smiles, directly the two of them to a small, dainty table; covered with a red cloth decorated with golden flowers; in the back corner of the restaurant.
Steve pulls out your chair, you quickly thanking him as he sits opposite you, careful not to waste the woman’s time.
She lays the two menus on the table in front of you, “Here are your menus. Feel free to look at our wine list for the evening. Someone will be over in five to take your orders.”
You both thank her as you open the menus, Steve looking utterly confused at the very well described options.
“Okay, what the hell is an Ore— Orecchiette ai Cime di Rapa? Or a… Vermicelli Alla Puttane— Puttanesca?”
You giggle at him, “Pasta dishes, Steve. I can help you out if you want? I’m pretty accustomed to Italian names.”
He looks up at you in shock, “You speak Italian?”
You shake your head, sighing out, “I wish. I’ve been to Italy before though. So, I’ve done my research into the Italian names for pastas.”
He breathes out, smiling away, moving his hair out of his face with his hand, “I mean… I was thinking if you did, then…” He whistles, making you flirt back, “Better start taking some Italian language courses then.”
Before Steve gets the chance to reply, the waiter returns asking for your drinks. You tell her the fancy name of some simple red wine, Steve ordering the same, even if it wasn’t his drink of choice. He was trying to make you feel as comfortable as possible.
After explaining the different types of pastas they had on offer, he ends up ordering the Tagliatelle al Ragú Alla Bolognese, noticing the key words of foods he likes. You order the Pesto alla Genovese, deciding to add in some well-needed greens into your diet. It was very apparent that you and your roommate Amy had not been the healthiest as of late.
Once the waiter leaves, you lean your head on your hand, laughing to yourself as you ask, “God, this sounds so stupid… But, tell me about yourself, Steve. I mean, I sort of only know you as Alena’s dad, I would like to know about you as a whole.”
“Of course, yeah…” he pauses for a second, trying to make himself sound as interesting as possible. He doesn’t want to steer you away. But, what he doesn’t know is nothing could ever steer you away.
“I grew up here in Hawkins, went to Hawkins High and everything. Worked at an ice cream store and met my best friend Robin there, and then we moved onto working at a video rental store because the mall we worked at burnt down. Stayed there for a couple years until Alena was around two years old. Well, more than a couple… more like seven years,” he chuckles, “Then I moved onto being a bagger at Target, and have been ever since.” He smiles, before shrugging, “I know, I’m a pretty boring person with a pretty crappy job, but I am what I am.”
You reach out to rub your thumbs over the top of his hand, calming the boy, although he wasn’t presenting it on the outside. “I think you’re super interesting, Steve.”
He can’t help but let the smile creep onto his face, “Thank you. I’m sure your life is a lot more interesting that mine though.”
You wave your hand, brushing off his smooth compliment, “Oh please, you wish! Well, I grew up in Missouri, so not super far from here. Had a pretty average childhood, doing average childhood things. But, somehow, on a complete whim mind you, I got onto the education program at Perdue University. Still don’t know to this day how I did that, but nonetheless,” you smile, “Got my college degree and then worked at Hawkins Elementary. And, well… you know the rest of the story.”
He raises his eyebrows at you, “You wish, my ass. That is so much more interesting than mine!”
You open your mouth up in fake shock, “I guarantee you it is not! I’d rather work at Target than be studying 24/7.”
He snorts, “I’d rather do none.”
“Makes the two of us. I’m guessing you’re not much of an academic then?”
The mention of his academics bring back memories he forgot he even had stored in his brain. “You think an academic guy would be working as a bagger at Target?”
You hold your hands up in detest, “Hey, I’m not one to judge! It could’ve been your personal choice!”
“Definitely not.”
The rest of the date went amazingly well. A little too well for your liking. You were waiting for Steve to hate the way you eat, or for you to spill wine down your dress, or trip up on the way out of the restaurant. But, none of that happened. It went perfectly.
Your conversation points varied from favourite childhood memories, to favourite movies (which you judged immensely), to life goals and everything in between. And with each answer Steve gave, you fell more and more in love with him, as did he with you.
The car stops in front of your apartment block, Steve already getting out of the driver’s side and running around to your door, taking your hand and walking you up to the main entrance.
“I— Um, I had fun tonight,” he nervously says, looking down at his feet scuffing along the floor.
“I did too,” you smile, a small blush forming on your face as you grab his right hand, “And I was wondering if you’d like to go out again sometime.”
“Sure,” he blurts out a little too eagerly for his liking, “I’m pretty much free any night of the week. Just need to check with a friend if they can have Alena for the night first.”
“Of course,” you say, “Um… Do you have a pen or anything? I could write down my number and then you can let me know if whatever day we choose is fine? I was thinking maybe Wednesday? We can plan out the details on the phone.”
“Yeah, I do… At least I think. One second,” he pauses, sprinting back down the steps and to his car, leaning through the open window, you giggling at his rushed manner, obviously not wanting to leave you standing there alone for too long.
He returns, holding up a pen and smiling brightly, “Got it! Just, uh…” he pulls up the sleeve of his blazer, “Write it on my forearm.”
“Are you sure? Ink poisoning can be a dangerous thing.” Jesus, you were the cutest.
He brushes it off, “I’ll be fine. And if I do, I’ll happily let you nurse me back to health.”
With a messy scribble of numbers written in blue on the inside of his arm, a part of you was now etched into his skin. It felt like a connection, even if it would trickle right off in the shower he has later tonight.
“There you go!” you smile, clicking the pen off and passing it back to him. Biting your lip, you place a tender kiss to his left cheek, making the poor boy turn bright red. “Thank you for tonight, Steve. I’ll potentially see you Wednesday?”
“Yeah…” he breathes out, “Wednesday.”
And before he knows it, he’s left standing outside your apartment block with a blue pen loosely held in his hand, you leaving him to enter your home.
It was safe to say that you were not leaving his mind anytime soon.
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With three raps at the door, it swung open, Alena grinning at him, bouncing on her toes as Robin and Vickie stand tall above her.
“Daddy!” she beams, body-slamming herself into his leg with full force, looking up to him with bright eyes, “How was the date?”
He couldn’t help but tell his daughter the minute he got home from the grocery store earlier that week about his date with you. Let’s just say that he had a very happy child zooming around his house for the next five hours, slightly regretting sharing the news when it took her an extra two hours to fall asleep.
“It went well, pumpkin! Miss. L/N was super nice. She’s a very lovely woman.”
It felt strange calling you by your last name, but he felt you should be the one to share that information with Alena, not sure how quickly you wanted to move past the barrier of being her former teacher.
“Yay!” she bounces, shaking his leg all over the place, him ruffling her hair to calm her down.
“So, did you two kiss?” Robin asks, wiggling her eyebrows at her best friend with a smirk plastered on her face.
“Ew, gross Robin!” he grimaces.
“What?” she defends herself, “You’ve already kissed before! It’s not like I’m way off the mark with that or anything.”
He shakes his head, pinching the bridge between his brows, “No, Robin. She kissed my cheek, that’s it. You happy?”
She scrunches up her face, before blinking rapidly and shaking her head, “You straights are so weird. I kissed Vickie on the first date and we had our own apartment three months later.”
“That’s because you lesbians move exponentially fast!”
“Hey!” Vickie butts in, “I’m bisexual.”
“Fine,” Steve scoffs, the couple knowing that he was only joking with them, “You women… who love other women move exponentially fast!”
“I would just say the straights move exponentially slow…” Robin mumbles, scratching the back of her neck.
Steve shakes his head, “Anyway, we are planning another date next week, so I was wondering—”
“Yes,” both girls say in sync.
“You didn’t even know what I was gonna ask,” Steve asks with a look of confusion on his face.
“Yes, we can look after Alena,” Robin playfully rolls her eyes.
“There’s a second date?” Alena beams.
Steve chuckles, ruffling his daughter’s hair once again, “Yes, pumpkin. There’s a second date.”
“Yes!” she exclaims, clenching her fists together and jumping up and down. “I wanna know about this date, and the next date, and all the dates ever!”
“Of course sweetpea, I’ll tell you during the car ride home, okay?”
She simply giggles, squeezing her eyes tight and showing off all of her teeth, or at least the ones that were there. Her front two were currently missing, her reaching the age where her baby teeth had started to fall out, mysterious dollar notes appearing underneath her pillow every few weeks.
“Besides, I was going to ask because I thought Vickie had that work meeting next Wednesday?” Steve queries.
But, Vickie instantly brushes it off, “Yeah, but Robin can handle her for a few hours on her own, can’t you babe?”
“Of course my love, this little cupcake is the easiest to look after, unlike her father,” she looks up at Steve with a deadpan expression, him sticking his tongue out right back at her, the most age-appropriate gesture he could think of with his seven-year-old attached to his leg. “We’ve got her for the afternoon, overnight, two days, a whole month, however long you need.”
Steve replicates her deadpan expression as she shrugs, “What? If it took you two five years to suck each other’s faces off, I will raise your daughter for the rest of her childhood.”
“Robin!” he shouts at her, signalling down to his little girl, warning her of her more mature use of language.
“Sorry,” she holds her hands up, pursing her lips.
“What my beautiful wife is meaning to say is we will happily have your daughter over whenever you have a date with your girl,” Vickie steps in, taking a more adult approach, Robin’s immaturity still shining through after all these years.
“Thanks Vic,” he smiles, hoisting his daughter up onto his hip with an overexaggerated grunt, pretending she is much heavier than she is, making her giggle, “Right, I better get this toothache home, I’ll see you guys on Wednesday!” He begins to turn around, before looking back and pointing to Vickie, “And good luck with that meeting!”
“Thanks Steve! See you on Wednesday!” she waves at him, Robin smirking and yelling at the top of her lungs, “Bye dingus!”
He shakes his head as he opens the car door, placing Alena down in her car-seat as he makes his way around to the driver’s side. He barely makes it two inches off of Robin and Vickie’s driveway before Alena shouts, “Tell me everything!”
“All right, all right,” he replies, trying not to get too scared by his daughter’s outburst, “Let me get onto the road first and then I’ll give you every last detail, okay?”
“Okay!” she giggles, kicking her feet.
And not only did the questions last the car ride home, but they continued for the rest of the day. Alena wanted to know absolutely everything that went down, from the minute he saw you to the minute he bid farewell. But, he would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy it. It was you after all, and even if it was to his seven-year-old daughter, he would talk about you for the rest of his life.
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hope you enjoyed!! ♡
taglist: @livsters @bakugouswh0r3 @nix-rose @ihatepeanutss @cats00089 @suitelif3 @clincallyonline17 @crowssixof @starkeylover @eris-rose-86 let me know in the comments if you want to be added/removed from the series spinoffs!
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bollywood143114 · 1 year
Who is Alena Khalifah? Katrina-Aishwarya is pale in front of Salman Khan who proposed marriage!
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Alena Khalifah K, Alena Khalifah Recommended Salman Khan: Whenever Bollywood's Dabangg Bhaijaan Salman Khan goes anywhere, the talk of his marriage from his girlfriend also follows him. In such a scenario, Salman Khan recently arrived at the IIFA Awards function 2023 to be held in Abu Dhabi, where a video is increasingly going viral on social media. What's special is that in this video, Alina Khalfih is not only seen openly proposing to Salman Khan, but she is also declaring her love in front of the whole world. In this situation, questions have started to arise in everyone's mind about Alina Khalfih, who came to the headlines by proposing to Salman. Everyone wants to know who Alaina Khalfih is and what she does? Who is Alina Khalfeh? After proposing marriage to Salman Khan, social media is abuzz with Alina Khalfi. Everyone is interested in knowing who Alaina Khalfeh is? In such situation, we say that Alina Khalfih is a digital content creator and her popularity on social media is very high. Alina is very active on social media and shares her daily routine with her fans. Alina has 90.5 thousand followers on Instagram. Alina always entertains fans by sharing pictures of her daring and glamorous avatar on Instagram. Fans also showered a lot of love on Alina's beautiful style. Alina also runs her own show. Apart from this he also works with fame masterclass.com. Alina proposed to Salman People from all over the world have come to capture the IIFA 2023 event on their cameras. One of these names is Alina Khalfih. When Alina Khalfih reached in front of Salman Khan, she said I came from Hollywood just to pop the question, I fell in love with you from the moment I saw you. Now Salman Khan said - You are talking about Shah Rukh Khan, right...? What will Salman Khan say about Alina's proposal? Then Alina said to Salman - I am talking about Salman Khan. Will you marry me…? In response, Salman Khan is seen repeating his old answer and says - My wedding day is gone... Hearing Salman's answer, Alina asks why. So Salman said - You should have met me 20 years ago. Salman and Alina Khalfih's video is going viral on social media and fans are seen reacting differently. DISCLAIMER Thanks For Visit Our Site www.bollywoodofindia.com . We’ve taken all measures to insure that the information handed in this composition and on our social media platform is believable, vindicated and sourced from other Big media Houses. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at [email protected] Read the full article
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15 tags, 15 mutuals tag
I was tagged by @cherrybombfangirlwrites Thank you, Anna!
Rules: Answer these questions either with yourself or an OC.
I will be answering these as myself and for Fallon.
Are you named after anyone?
Not that I can remember. I know I asked my parents once like 9 years ago, but I can't remember what their answer was.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Uhhh, I'm not sure. I don't cry very often, so it's definitely been a while.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope, and I don't ever want them. Not my thing, and I also know I would be an awful parent.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Me? Never. ;)
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Probably their hair? Or maybe their clothing.
6. What's your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. Scary movies either don't scare me, or I hate them. And I personally write all my stories with happy endings, for the most part.
8. Any special talents?
Figuring out plot twists way before they happen / figuring out "surprise" endings. It's almost uncanny, to be honest.
9. Where were you born?
Somewhere in Michigan.
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, playing video games, playing D&D, watching Critical Role, and spending time with my cats.
11. Do you have any pets?
Yes! I have two cats. They are bonded brothers named Loki and Charlie. They're 4 years old. Loki is completely black nose-to-tail, and Charlie is completely grey nose-to-tail.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I don't play any currently, but I played soccer as as a little kid, against my will, and not really a sport (at least, I didn't compete), but I took riding lessons for several years on-and-off.
13. How tall are you?
5'10" :)
14. Favorite subject in school?
Graphic design. I took a lot of classes of it as electives in high school, and it was by far my favorite class.
15. Dream job?
Other than spending my days just having fun, then perhaps Enrichment Coordinator at a zoo.
I'll put my answers for Fallon under the cut!
Are you named after anyone?
No. No one else in my family has born the name Fallon.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I'm not certain. The most memorable time was at my mother's funeral, but it's likely I've shed a tear or two since then.
3. Do you have kids?
Not at the moment, but should I find a partner, I would love to have children with them. I'm expected to have an heir one way or another, and I genuinely do want children someday.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Not often. Sarcasm is not often expected from the Queen.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes. Not only do a person's eyes say a lot about them, but eyes are beautiful. After that, it's their demeanor.
6. What's your eye color?
Dark grey.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. I don't enjoy being frightened for "fun", though if others enjoy it, that is their choice.
8. Any special talents?
Not particularly. My mother always said I was a good dancer, but I believe I owe that to my dance teachers rather than talent.
9. Where were you born?
The royal palace of Anvia, a few miles outside of Carisfell.
10. What are your hobbies?
I don't have much free time to engage in hobbies, but in my rare free time, I enjoy reading, walking in the gardens, or riding through the countryside.
11. Do you have any pets?
Unless you consider my mare, Alena, to be a pet, then no. I've never truly had a pet.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I've never played any sports. It's not typical for nobles or their children to play sports in Anvia.
13. How tall are you?
5'6". A respectable height, if I must say so myself.
14. Favorite subject in school?
I enjoyed the more "artistic" parts of my education. Literature, dance, and so forth.
15. Dream job?
To be a Queen my mother could be proud of.
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figurelifeflirt · 2 years
Grand Prix France entry #12
Women free program
Alena Kostornaia(RUS)
Thoughts: this music was very delicate and haunting. Her choreography didn’t quite fit. Ugly swinging landing on the triple lutz. Weak transition on the triple flip combo. GOE on the triple lutz combo was more than a little generous. How wide her eyes are in the K&C, even after the big number. It’s easy to see she is petrified of Eteri.
Anna Shcherbakova(RUS)
Thoughts: I’m all for flexibility but the way she bent her neck at the end. That looked like it hurt, no thank you. Ugly landing on the quad flip, really wobbly. Double axel had crap air position. I feel sorry for her about the opening jump though. Take off falls always look so painful.
Free dance
Thoughts: me trying to let Jennifer’s hairstyle grow on me. Because she really is a beauty, one bad outfit doesn’t change that. The way Ben flexes his shoulders when he lifts. He looks really strong.
Thoughts: Loicia. She’s amazing. Was her character a little tentative at times, yes. But I like her a lot. I really hope this team can get their numbers up. I’m tried of P/C stealing all of the French ice dance love.
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honeysidesarchived · 3 years
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“Here you are, proving my point. Not a good girl at all, are you, Varya Astakhova?”
“No,” she replies playfully, “not in the least.”
incoherent screeching / taking a lap around my living room / staring at this for the rest of eternity etc etc and so on because @terlebarts did the most INCREDIBLE job bringing my evil, evil wretched babies to life!!!!! i cannot believe how lucky i was to have have gotten my first commission of these two dreadful creatures from someone so lovely and talented. if you get the chance, i can only highly recommend alëna; everything about this process was so easy and as y'all can see, the result is just stunning. anyway i'm going to go lay down and gaze at these two awful disgusting beautiful monsters forever. (ꈍᴗꈍ)
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marvelous-harry · 3 years
dad!harry doing a interview on facetime when his kid crashes the interview🥺🥺
Raisins Words: 685 Summary: Harry's doing a live interview when his 3 year old son needs a snack right now. A/N: Thinking of Dad!Harry makes me emotional. This was a true joy to write. Sorry it's so short!
“We are joined by Harry Styles on facetime! Harry! Welcome to Capital Breakfast!” Roman said excitedly as he looked into the camera.
“Hello! Good morning,” Harry smiled into his phone and did a little wave before adjusting his earphones.
“A huge congratulations on your new song, Blackcurrant Wine, becoming nr.1 on the charts and I have to say, the music video for it is amazing,” Roman said as he and the other two interviewers clapped.
“Thank you, it’s been an amazing week with the song coming out and the music video. We had so much fun shooting it. It was made at this beautiful vineyard, so much fun,” Harry nodded as he looked down. “And we got to drink a lot of wine, so that was a bonus,” he added with a little cough.
“I can imagine! And how was it working with your wife, Alena, on the music video?” Roman asked.
Harry coughed and chuckled. “Erm, it was fun. A first. No, it was really nice to share that experience with her, we ended up printing one of the stills from the video and put it up in the house. It was a lovely two days shooting. And Alena said that she wouldn’t not do it again so I wasn’t too bad to work with,” Harry replied.
Roman laughed loudly. “Wouldn’t not to it again. What a compliment and ringing endorsement,”
“Right? I was tempted to ask what I could’ve done to make it better but I have a long enough ‘honey do’ list as it is,” Harry cheekily replied before looking off camera and smiling.
“I’m doing an interview buddy, did you need something?” Harry asked watching as his son walked into the office.
“Daddy, I need a snack,” Chris whined, climbing up into his dad’s lap.
“Sorry, it seems we have a snack emergency,” Harry said at Roman as he made sure to angle his phone at himself and not show Chris.
“No worries at all, we all have those sometimes,” Roman replied, grinning at the camera.
“Did you ask your mummy for help?” Harry asked Chris as he looked at him. “No, she’s helping Alex burp. Who are you talking to? Come help me, please,” Chris rambled on.
Harry groaned quietly as Chris mentioned Alex. “I’m talking to Roman. Can you say hi?” “Hi, Roman!” Chris said excitedly and bounced on Harry’s lap.
“Hi, Chris!” Roman said just as excited back, waving even though Chris couldn’t see him.
“Can I have raisins now, daddy?” Chris stroking Harry’s slight stubble.
“Christopher! I told you not to bother daddy while he’s working! I’m so sorry, Harry,” Alena whispered loudly as she came jogging into the room, little Alex held tightly in her arms.
“But I was hungry, mummy!” Chris whined as he slid off Harry’s lap and ran over to Alena.
“It’s alright, I’ll come down when I’m done,” Harry smiled gently as Alena just looked apologetically over at him again before closing the door.
“So, uh, yeah. Sorry, it’s chaos around here sometimes,” Harry apologized as he moved his phone back so he could be seen more clearly again.
“Nothing to be sorry for, he seems like a very sweet kid,” Roman smiled as he looked down at his notes.
“Thank you, I think he is too,” Harry said proudly.
“I do also think he mentioned something about mummy burping Alex?” Roman asked and looked into the camera curiously.
Harry coughed again before doing a little laugh. “Erm, I was wondering if you’d pick up on that. Yes, he did say that” he replied looking sheepishly at his phone.
“So, who’s Alex?” Roman asked after a little pause.
Harry looked around the room as he smiled. “Alex is Alexandra. She’s uh three weeks old and the newest member of the family,” Harry said slowly, his smile growing for each word. He just kept grinning as he looked at his phone as Roman and the others clapped and cheered. It wasn’t exactly how he and Alena had planned on sharing the news but so far nothing had gone as planned this morning.
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emisue-khaleesi · 3 years
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Since the first second of the episode Sue's proud look for Emily and her fight for Emily's legacy still got me like this🥺💘 Sue Supremacy!🔥
Is just the way everyone is here talking about Emily without understand the sitution while Sue is knowing how important this visit was for Emily, and How proud She is of Emily..is Sue taking care of Emily's interests and legacy like the good wife and mentor that she IS! Just the added weight of Sue's full commitment to the legacy of the Dickinson family! FACTS! Its just the focus on Sue while it was discussed how it may take centuries for people to realize her genius, knowing that Sue has known from the start. Sue owns Emily, and we see her being supportive and proud of Emily, as only she can, cause she's the only one who gets her brilliance. The keeper of her legacy! So Yeah! Is SUE controlling everything. Is just Sue acting like she's the house wife of Emily, caring of her and her legacy with that energy and words she used to defend Emily just perfection! They're relationship really has matured. I Loved seeing this so much. Seeing Sue able to be that proud, protector and defensive with Emily.. it was clear, during the episode, that Sue will always play the biggest part in Emily's life (infact she is the one the camera focuses on before moving on to Emily's final scene). Everything was perfect. Each scene with the Higginson visit had a specific meaning: Sue IS and was always the only one Who hold Emily and the one Who truly understood her, her muse, confident, lover, mentor and the One who Kept her legacy! And We got It! It was clearly represented In this final episode! It was poetic justice!💫
No Emisue moment, but have you noticed how they stay in love despite not seeing each other? how Emily was worried when Higginson came and was not afraid to express her feelings in front of Betty and Maggie? And how Sue was so proud of Emily, and How was be so caring and protective cause she wants to keep safe the Emily's legacy?
What's so beautiful about Dickinson's finale regarding EmiSue was how even though they couldn't be together publically throughout their lives and may not always be able to be together physically, Sue trying to make the best impression possible to Higginson is a lovely example of how Sue fought through her life for keep Emily's poetry legacy safe and how they care for each other. It reminds us as their story goes on while they aren't always with each other how a traditional couple would be, they always care and look out for each other. And I think that's a beautiful reminder in the finale as we leave these amazing characters. Because the show ended in 3.09 for Emisue as Alena said it was their sacred space, but as we could see, everything they do has a touch for the other..this is love, this was their love. No presence was needed for their love to grow everyday for it was felt/seen in their actions. And We also saw Emily looking out at the horizon of all of the poems she hasn't written yet. And we know that those poems involve Sue. We saw it and it's a fact, the first poem Emily recited in that montage in her bedroom is "I have a bird in spring" that was a poem to Sue. I think there's this huge sense of hopefulness in that end pf the show, for Sue and Emily, and their real lifes.
**Alena Smith "Season three was my own kind of love letter to Emily and Sue so I hope that people will be happy. Dickinson is a really personal story for everyone and all I could do is be as truthful to how I feel about their relationship."**
Alena not only honored Emily and her legacy, she honored Sue Gilbert too giving her the praise she deserves not only as Emily's lover but also as inspiration of her poetry and as keeper of Emily's legacy. (In this last EP IS clear seen again..with all of the Sue's actions and with all of the shots with that dialogues!) THANKS! Poetic Justice!💫
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dis--parity · 3 years
Hi, everyone!
It’s nearly new year’s over here, as of writing this I have about... half an hour left until the clock turns over? In any case, I wanted to put out a small little impulsive statement while my brain still has the writing zoomies and I’m in between replies.
What a year it’s been for all of us, huh? I know I’ve definitely had something of a hard time this year myself - it’s had its ups and downs for me. I started HRT, I started presenting a bit more femme, my parents found out about it all and that led to a lot of complications, and I wasn’t really sure what to do with myself with university. But, now that the year’s gone by, I’ve found myself in my final year of university, in my own place, and it looks like my parents aren’t going to be bothering me any more! I got back on HRT a couple months ago, and today I bought my first ever dress which I’m wearing right now as I’m sitting at my desk!
A quick flick through my archive shows me that I’ve done... hoo, a lot of writing this year! It was actually just in December of 2020 that I started the Haemolife files, and I finished that up this year - and then I went on to write Miyabi’s story as well, which I also finished; and that inspired the addition of two new muses before the end of the year, who I’m absolutely delighted to be writing with and considering their position in the overarching story of this blog, which I hope to get started on this year!
And, let’s not forget the beautiful, wonderful people who really made this year! I’m not going to tag anyone because I don’t want to clog up anyone’s notifications, but Livita, Jayme, Soar, Mori, Jebus, Birb, Noji, Laura, Socc (thanks to those 3 for always liking my posts lmao), Em, Sophie, Spooks, Nui, Inc, Alena, Hal, and Kris are just a few of the people I’ve interacted with this year that have majorly made my year! And even the ones I haven’t spoken to or haven’t interacted with as much as I’d like to like Wus, Jackie, Deneca, Kala, and now Elli and Leo are all super sweet and a lovely lovely presence to see on my dash! I love y’all and I hope to get to know you all better in 2022!
I’ve also lost a lot of RP partners this year... but it’s no use looking back on all of that, right? We all have our reasons for dropping partners, and it’s not worth lingering too much on the topic. And, of course, how could I forget my beautiful, wonderful partner Moss! Ze’s been my major rock throughout this whole year, we’ve already been through so much and I’m so, so thankful to have zem in my life even if we’re miles apart! <3
Anyway, that’s all the rambling I had on the brain. I’ll see you all in 2022! Thank you all for sticking around and supporting my content whenever I manage to write it, every like and every comment means more to me than I can put into words! <3 <3 <3
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