#thank you to all landoscar writers out there
ipleadbritney · 2 months
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📱 love you, bye
Lando/Oscar, T, 1.7K social media au, relationship reveal read here on ao3
𝗿𝗼𝗮𝗱 | 𝗴𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗶𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗲 ‘𝟮𝟰 @quadrantnondriverau the video won't load for me i’m getting fomo please someone describe it for me what is happening > 𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗮 @childofdivorce644 lando was streaming and someone called him. we don't know who's on the other line but lando ended the call with “i love you, bye” 
This is the quickest I've ever written a fic, which makes a lot of sense because it's a Social Media AU, but also the AO3 formatting took ten years off of my life.
This also has a bunch of references to landoscar fics I love so happy hunting all of them!
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freeuselandonorris · 20 days
how do you deal with overwhelm while writing?? i think i’ve bitten off more than i can chew in regards to how long my current wip is going to have to be to actually play out the way i want it to (depth, character development, build up etc). i can’t even come up with scenes anymore, because the scope of the whole story just paralyses me - especially now, given all the things that have been happening irl (landoscar insanity fuel/lando’s win/hug etc) that i want/feel make sense to include, my brain is scrambling to figure out how to make it all fit.
i really enjoy writing when i can get into the kinda flow state but i haven’t been able to do that. have you ever had this happen and what did you do??
xoxox an adoring fan
heyyyy sweet anon thank you so much for messaging and i'm sorry you're having a frustrating time with your piece!
i have absolutely experienced this many many times before (especially with longer pieces) and so i can tell you with some confidence that the reason you can't get into your usual flow state is because you're freaking yourself out by trying to look at the entire piece rather than what you need to write next.
under the cut because i ramble like fuck when i'm talking about writing~
the writer anne lamott has this great technique she calls the 'one inch picture frame' which i find invaluable. basically, when you are sitting there spiralling like, oh god i have so much to write and i need to make sure the middle is snappy and the ending builds appropriately and i get all the characterisation in and oh god what about the world-building... you just tell your brain to shut up, and then you pretend that your story is a huge elaborately painted canvas or a view from a window or whatever, and you think about what you could see of that painting/view through a one-inch picture frame. then you describe that.
in practical terms, here's what that looks like for me. i'll use monday as an example. around the beginning, i wrote myself a vague season outline up to that point - key races, key moments i knew i wanted to include, etc. i added dates, locations and so on in brackets. i put this in a section at the top of my gdoc and then started a new section (i recommend using the title formatting on gdocs so it gives you a clickable link in the outline area) so it was there for easy reference but wasn't like, staring me in the face the whole time. if you're really freaked out though, you might want to put it in an entirely different document. then, as i wrote those bits, i would cross them out using strikethrough so i had a vague idea of where i was at. otherwise, i would IGNORE THAT OUTLINE.
(side note in reference to the overwhelm you feel just coming up with an outline: this thing can be basic as fuck. the good thing about writing motorsport RPF is that we already essentially have a structure in place, i.e. that of the season. that's what i used for monday: i listed all the races, then removed the ones where nothing interesting happened landoscar-wise (the race reports on the mclaren site are invaluable for this!). then i went through the mclaren socials/youtube and slotted in all the insane moments i wanted to capture in roughly the right place in the timeline. and honestly, there were loads of bits i'd put in the outline that i didn't end up using and vice versa. don't worry about being too beholden to the overall shape of the narrative just yet.)
every morning (i write in the morning) i would open the document to my last bit of writing and reread the last paragraph or so to remind myself where i was up to, and i would think about what i could see through the one-inch frame. so for instance, in the chapter where they have the argument in the hotel room after monza, i knew i wanted that argument to happen but where/how/when? i'd written them in the debrief, but i didn't want the argument to happen at the track. so, okay, they're in the corridor of the hotel. they're tentatively speaking to each other. write that. now what? move the frame over a little. now they're in the room, but they're still pissed. write that. now oscar's realising he doesn't want to argue, but he doesn't know how to say what he does want. write that. etc.
this is all a mental game you play with yourself. you go and look at your outline and you look at what scene or plot beat comes next, and then you put on your blinkers and ignore the fact that you're trying to write a long piece. it's not happening, la la la. you're writing one scene. you're writing the next sentence. you're not thinking about what comes after that. i mean, obviously if you know you want to reference x thing in chapter 2 so it can play a bigger part in chapter 3, you can think about that! but you're not thinking about it in the sense of OH GOD THERE IS STILL SO MUCH TO WRITE AND I AM JUST ONE PERSON.
a final tip i find useful to force myself not to overthink and get back into that flow state is timed writing sessions. set a timer for 25 minutes and put your phone on silent, and write as much as you can without stopping to edit. (if you want to carry on after that, knock yourself out. but don't stop to fiddle about with it.)
good luck anon! you haven't bitten off more than you can chew, you just need to take smaller bites 😘
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golden-fairylights · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @espithewarlock and @your-littlesecret for atgging me to answer these 20 questions. ❤️
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
14 at the moment
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I hav eonly written Formula 1 RPF for now, but who knows what the future brings. For now there is no other fandom I am as invested in though.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
no take backs (Lasdoscar)
the start of the rest of our lives (Landoscar)
to the love that you share (Landoscar)
The one where Lando is calling Carlos (Carlando and the first fic I've ever posted)
all I ever wanted (Piarles)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I really try to but I'm so bad at it. So, I'm sorry if anyone is still missing an answer, I'll get to it as soon as I have the mental capacity to formulate something that doesn't sound indifferent (because I promise I am truely not, I'm just really bad at formulating it).
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well, I think that will have to be A graveyard dance.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have no clue to be honest. All of my fics, except 'A graveyard dance', have a happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not unitl now and I hope it stays that way. I truely don't understand how someone can take time out of their day to leave hate on something they didn't like.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've written two different smut fics, one of them is already posted, the other one is deep in my finished works folder and I don't know if I'll ever post it.
But it's both kinky, never without concent though. In both of the fics they are in relationships and have previously talked about what they are doing. Oh and then I guess there are also some scenes in my longer fics.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think I have.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I didn't
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Actually I have. They are only my top three most liked fics, so thank you again Kit for writing with me.😊I really think we should get back to that.
I've also started writing something together with Immy after we've both been in a bit of a slump. 🥰
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Piarles is definitely up there at the top, but Landoscar is there as well, even though I don't write that often.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I would say I'm good at finishing my wips but then the eight works I have in my wips foulder would probably come crowding me at night and won't let me sleep.
No but I've got a College fic that I started in Febuary and it's constantly growing. I started it as a oneshot and it just grew from there. I don't have a plan for it and I don't know where it's going to go. I don't even know an end for it so, I'd say that one for now.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have no clue to be honest. I have times where I'm kind of confident in what I write and then there are times where I hate every single word. I think that I can just start writing without planing it out is kind of a strength, right? But then that has also been a problem for me at some point, but i guess thats my answer for now.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Similar to the one before, I don't know. I feel like I've not written for long enough to really figure all of that out.
It somehow depends on what I am writing and on my day in general I think. For example, on some days I love writing dialogue and on other days I hate it and everything feels wrong.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
As long as I can understand what the person in the fic is trying to say I'm okay with it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Forumla 1 RPF
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I like most of the fics I've posted so far but A graveyard dance holds a special place in my heart. I can't even explain why but it just felt right while I wrote it.
Thank you again for tagging me, it's been so much fun answering those questions.
I don't have any clue who has already answered these so I'm tagging @gaslybottoms @hrhgeorgerussell @leclercenjoyer @chaesonghwas and anyone else who wants to participate. ❤️
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lattesqueeze · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @wanderingblindly I love love LOVE answering these!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Just five! I haven’t actually published very many (obviously) but maybe I will in the future :-)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
40,450 apparently!!
3. Which fandoms do you write for?
These days, just F1 RPF. I used to write for other fandoms (the other published fics on my AO3 are for The Arcana, if any of y’all know that lol)
4. Which are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Given that I literally have five published…
- fallingforyou (random Lestappen word vomit)
- Enchanted (Lando’s Version) (little Landoscar drabble thing)
- The Magician (The Arcana - I wrote this one unemployed summer, mostly while wine drunk, aged maybe 22)
- Grimoire (The Arcana)
- Eridanus (The Arcana - this had potential but I never finished it teehee)
5. Do you reply to your comments? Why or why not?
YES! I don’t get very many, and appreciate each and every one! It makes me feel validated ngl 😅 i love engaging with other people who have things to say about something I create. Like, that’s so cool right?!
6. Which of your fics has the angstiest ending?
Honestly, none of them. I’m a sucker for a happy ending, so I will be tying up all loose ends to finish my fics. Maybe I’ll say Enchanted (Lando’s Version) purely because it doesn’t really have an ending - just a “perhaps”.
7. Which of your fics has the happiest ending?
I guess fallingforyou. I think it ends on a fairly hopeful note.
8. Do you get hate on your fics?
Not so far! I don’t think I have enough of an audience to generate hate comments, so I’m grateful for that lol
9. Do you write smut?
I do! Not necessarily very well, mind. It’s not often very dirty, more romantic smut. Is that a thing? It is now.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nope. That’s some big brained behaviour and simply is not for me. I can’t keep up with one fandom, let alone multiple lmao much respect to those of y’all who manage it!!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. Like I say, I don’t think I have enough reach.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope - for reasons above!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not really. Although I help out my beloved Lola ( @twinkodium ) on hers, if that counts
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
LAWD i do not have one 💀 currently Lestappen or Brocedes (thanks to @like-pilot-lights for that one hehe)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but probably never will?
Like In Karting, my Lestappen passage of time daydream. Will I ever get to the end? Probably not! Do I love it dearly? Absolutely!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Openings. Like, first lines. I can introduce a scene like nobody’s business. Just don’t ask me to finish it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Pacing. I desperately want to just get to the point, which makes my fics feel rushed. Pls help me fix this.
18. What are your thoughts on writing in other languages in fics?
Besties i don’t even write well in English 💀 I feel like a lot of the time, it serves no great purpose. Especially if it’s randomly inserted google translate phrases that nobody speaking that language would ever actually use.
19. What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
I guess like Harry Potter or One Direction, circa 2010 lol
20. What’s your favourite fic that you’ve written?
One that I published anonymously of the Dead Dove: Do Not Eat variety. I love it so much - it’s genuinely the only fic of mine that I read back and actually enjoy. I usually just publish my work and leave it there.
Of the fics actually associated with me, I suppose fallingforyou? I dunno. I actually hate both of my recent ones soooo
I don’t know who hasn’t been tagged yet, so I’m tagging @twinkodium and @lestappenforever because I love you both and I love your work and I wanna hear everything y’all have to say :’)
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wanderingblindly · 15 days
Hi (buff) liquid!! How's it going? For the fanfiction writing game: 20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics?
49. What fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer? 55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics?  Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
(I hope you have a good day!! <3)
God I wish I was buff, I’m just vaguely arthritic and trying to help it lmaooooo. But thank you for asking love!
20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics?
Ahhhhhh yes my polls the other day were because I was thinking about this. I tend to have way more AU ideas, but it’s not that I necessarily prefer writing them over canon concepts. If I had an equal number of ideas, I’d write a more equal distribution.
That said, my need to theorize on how drivers would respond in different obscure settings gets the best of me. I fucking love AUs lol
49. What fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer?
I answered this one here, but the tldr is that I’m… not entirely sure. My tone and subject matter is so varied nowadays, that I’m welcoming any and all opinions on the matter.
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics?  Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
Lima pointed out that I tend to focus a lot on weather, especially rain and storms. She’s entirely right — I love setting the atmosphere by having the weather, temperature, natural scenery, etc. reflect the mood!
Another expression I’ve noticed myself accidentally doing often, in my WIPs and recently published fics, is something like “he smiles, smiles harder when…”. I just… I’m so weak for how landoscar look at each other, it’s rotting my brain.
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lost-decade · 3 months
A, U & W for the fic writer asks!
Heyyy, thank you for asking! 🙂
A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
Okay it took me ages to reply to this because I actually went back and started reading some of them lol. Turns out there's a lot I'd forgotten about. And tbh my favourites are quite fluid.
So I think I've answered this before at some stage and gone for some that are very popular (and that I do love a lot) so this time I've picked a different one. I have gotten into the habit of writing a new year's eve fic featuring my beloveds André Lotterer and James Rossiter and I have a soft spot for those stories, particularly an empty hollow hunger
Not very much happens in this fic, no sex, just a lot of introspection and self reflection and longing, which are some of my favourite things to write about. Reading it again now I think it really stands up, and I love some of the language/imagery, especially this bit:
"In New York, in the morning--" Daylight almost, the Brooklyn dawn threatening to fully expose his hangover, the thickness of regret coating his tongue, sweet retching sadness that had nothing at all to do with the rum. Regret that he'd pulled them apart even though it was Jev's fault at the heart of it, regret that in no time at all their names too would be pulled apart and rearranged with new teammates and of course Jev and Antonio's would be in imitation of a fucking saint.
U: Is there a pairing you would like to write, but haven’t tried yet.
Hmm, maybe galex, I like their vibe a lot. There's no one I massively ship in F1 atm, which is most annoying tbh, I'm finding myself drawn to rare pairs and obsolete ships.
W: What is your favorite pairing to write?  Favorite pairing to read?
To write - I feel like I have adopted James Rossiter, so any pairing with him. James/André is a perennial favourite because of their long history. I also loved shipping him with Jev, specifically when James was practically living at his flat during lockdown
Brocedes is also an old fave to write, and one that I went back to earlier this year, which was as much of a surprise to me as to anyone else lol! And jeandre, but I miss the days when they were insanely into each other, it's not quite the same now.
To read? This is a bit more complex because I'm not that into any specific ship right now (apart from my beloved destroyed Maserati FE ship). I'll read any pairing if it's well written, and I tend to go by recs from friends. I've read, and enjoyed, a lot of landoscar despite not shipping them at all. I wish there were more Mark/Oscar fics out there, and Toto/George because I am actually a bit feral about both of those. Also quite into Mick/Toto and Mick/Seb. As I'm typing this it's becoming clear I have a thing for age difference and power dynamics in fics lmao.
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gaslybottoms · 10 months
hello darling! 💞 for the knowing your writer thing: 26 and 54? i don’t remember what they were, i just memorised the numbers lmao.
Hello baby!
26. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
I think my wildest ride for the reader is probably if it weren't for the everything (or as you may remember it: coffin) because of the way I managed to nail the whole peel back reveal of everything going on.
The wildest ride for me, at least in terms of me losing my mind, is the landoscar I posted like three days ago that is the biggest smash hit I've ever written. I genuinely cannot believe the response I got on it
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
My favourite part at the moment is fic writing community style. Whether it's writing in sprints with other people, or going into someone's DM's and going "so you know [x]? what if this..." and having them there to play off and build with. Lke yeah, sure, I love putting the end product out there for everyone else, but it's about the journey, and I get to share that with all of you!
Thank you my love! 😘🥰
get to know your fic writer
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leclercsbf · 8 months
hello!! i know you posted about this a while back but i just wanted to tell you that i honestly would love to see you write that charlos + landoscar fic (the roommates au) i just know for sure that the entire fic would be CHAOTIC because they’re all oblivious lovesick idiots at the end of the day (pls feel free to add in a splash of maxiel as well if you would like too)
and the amnesia au!! YES YES YES. i love the fact that they’re husbands too, i think it’ll be really interesting to see the dynamic between them and that like whole ‘oh’ moment charles would get when he gets his memory back (pls tell me he does gets his memory back because i cannot handle pure angst in this context)
i am so on board with the idea of the set it up au as well, i haven’t watch the film but i did watch the trailer and small parts of it and i feel like it would just make perfect sense to have lando and oscar in that context. and also the idea of having charlos and maxiel as their bosses *chefs kiss* you’re an absolute mastermind
and that line from pierre in the “woke up with lady parts” au is EVERYTHING. it’s just so pierre coded and typically like charles said there’s always an element of “fucking the other person back to normal” so i cant wait to see the direction you’re going to go in with this fic
and of course the whole jack frost and pitch idea is literally so intriguing i love your mind so much
im so sorry if this feels like added pressure i really don’t mean for it to come off that way!!
i just absolutely adore your ideas and your whole thought process and if you do plan to write these fics i hope this gives you somewhat of a motivating boost :)
sending you so much love <33
hi there! please don’t apologize. you’re free to send me asks about whatever, whenever, because asks are generally appreciated. thank you so, so much for letting me know that the ideas i mentioned piqued your interest! if anything, i’m probably going to start with the roommates fic because it seems like the lightest fic overall, but we’ll see how it goes because i haven’t written up a proper outline for either pairing. your boy has unfortunately been too busy to write. i miss it. looks off.
to be honest, i haven’t really figured out whether or not charles is getting his memory back, but angst isn’t currently on the roadmap for the amnesia au. that might change once i start writing it, but i’m not planning on any tears for now! i feel like i owe my ao3 account a bit of joy after the last charlos fic i wrote.
set it up is a very good movie, and i’m not just saying this because i have a massive crush on zoey deutch. i’m not really a romcom kind of guy but this had me very entertained, so i definitely recommend checking it out if you’re in a romcom kind of mood. that said, i don’t plan on following the movie to the letter. i’ll basically just be taking the general premise and maybe a few details here and there, because the kiss cam scene? actual genius.
you know i just had to make pierre say it, anon. i absolutely had to, because it’s a very pierre thing to say. the direction for that fic is basically homosexuality (as per usual) and i’m very excited to write it! the question of when i’ll be able to write it is an entirely different matter, but the motivation is there. believe it. i’m similarly intrigued by my own brain because i feel like it was onto something with that jack frost and pitch thing… i just wish i knew what my brain was cooking because i completely forgot. HELP. glad to know that it sounds interesting to you as well, though!
and don’t worry, it doesn’t seem like you’re pressuring me in the slightest. i really appreciate that you went out of your way to express your enthusiasm for the ideas i’ve got lying around. fic writers do what they do because it’s fun, but it always helps to know that people enjoy reading our work, too. gives us a much-needed boost. sending you just as much love, anon! i’m wishing you the best day. ♥️
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celientjeee · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love 💞
Dear anon,
But okay okay, I will try... 💕
1. You Belong With Me (lestappen)
This one has a really special place in my heart because it was one of the first ideas I had for a f1 fanfiction, but I only wrote it after finishing my first three fics. It's just so cute and wholesome, and kitten Percy has my whole heart.
I also kind of still want to write a sequel for this one. Maybe one day..
2. Kiss It Goodbye (Your Little Panic Attack) (lestappen)
This one hit close to home while writing, but I really really love how it turned out. I actually feel proud of this one.
3. Rescue You (galex)
My first galex fic was soooo much fun! I loved writing these two a lot and I also just love love love writing animal fics.
4. Speeding Through Red Lights (Into Paradise) (norlestappen pt2.)
Part two of my Good Things Come In Threes, has to be next! While I also really loved writing part one, this one had even more feelings and more fluff and I just love it when everything falls together nicely.
5. Your Plans (And Those Slow Hands) (landoscar)
While my favorite landoscar i've written so far isn't even online (or finished) yet, I also REALLY enjoyed writing this one. It was fun and sexy and I loved exploring the very very very light choking in this. 🤭
Thank you sweet anon for making me think of all my fics, it was actually really nice to go through them again. I never really stand still by how much I already wrote this year and how much I actually enjoyed the process.
I'm so so thankful for this fandom, for these crazy fast boys, for all of you! It's what got me back into writing and I am enjoying every minute of it all 🧡
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freeuselandonorris · 7 months
4, 11 and 20 pleeease 🙏
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
i almost exclusively write RPF, and so my inspiration for fics comes, 99% of the time, from real-life interactions (which is why i have written so very much landoscar recently, because WOW is there a lot of inspiration). the sterling work of the gif-makers, rippers, and fandom archivists on here does a lot of the heavy lifting for me! for instance, i wrote tell me where it hurts and i’ll make it hurt better having never previously considered fernando alonso in a sexual light because of the post-podium photos and because, frankly, i had taken half a gram of MDMA the night previous and needed something to distract myself while my brain chemistry sorted itself out 🤷‍♂️
following neatly on from that, i also have an absolutely fetid little swamp brain and spend about 75% of any given day thinking about truly disgusting sex stuff, and fic is an outlet for that. often i’ll have ideas floating around my mind for a while before i get round to them or even decide on a pairing, for instance a lot like life which features boot worship and fisting, two kinks i’d wanted to write for ages.
i have a pretty big backlog of horrendous ideas: charles/pierre knifeplay! toto and susie have a terrible toxic threesome with george (not sure i can write this one without accidentally turning it into toto x susie x reader ngl) (it’s me, i am reader)! fernando/lando follow-up with added oscar! toto forces christian to choke him! free use bimbofication lando norris!
i also get inspiration from other writers! whether it’s the line in @lost-decade’s fic you will find me if you let go that inspired me to write born and raised for the job, or all the incredible rule 63 fics like ego death by @beechersnope, trade offer by anon, and first by @flawlessassholes that inspired me to write girl!lando.
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
oh man. just three???
adagio by @theory81 - landoscar ballet AU! i don’t fuck with AUs very often but i’ve been waiting for a ballet AU in the F1 tag for a while and this is more than i could have hoped for. sweet, funny slowburn with a gorgeously camp, smart-dumb-brat lando POV.
jump right in by @strawberry-daiquiris - girl!lando/oscar WIP, theeeeee most perfect escapist slowburn, basically a shot of dopamine direct to the cerebral cortex. i finish every chapter grinning like an idiot.
climb up to your lips by @scenetocause - girl!oscar/lando WIP, soft femdom oscar, sweet and soft, feels like a slowburn even though they’re fucking increasingly nasty, perfect mixture of simping without being cloying, regularly melts my brain with the sex scenes.
god i could easily have made this a top ten this was HARD.
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
oh absolutely. i am but a simple goblin. most of my fics explore uneven power dynamics, wet and messy kinks, sadomasochistic leanings, or poor communication.
i use way too many adverbs (stuff like definitely, absolutely, probably) and I have to CTRL+F for “seem” and “feel” before i post anything because i will use them every other sentence if i don’t pay attention.
most of my fics are set in hotel rooms or cooldown rooms. you know that post about hotel rooms being the liminal space in which sublimated desires are realised in sports RPF? yeah, that. i also write a lot about food? i like planning little details about scenes, like what they’re eating and drinking, and i often research restaurants in the area i’m writing about.
thanks for asking anonnie!! 🤍
get to know your fic writer!
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nyoomfruits · 1 year
Waaaah hello, I don't really use Tumblr all that much anymore, haven't properly in years frankly, but I thought I'd get in a word with you because I've been really enjoying your Lando x Oscar stuff on AO3 coming from someone who's also pumped out a couple for them <3
It's funny because 'What You Do To Me' is also the name of a song I have on my public Landoscar playlist that I have on Spotify which I listen to for inspiration sometimes and the coincidence really endeared me more to the fic! Just wanted you to realize from a stranger that you may just be my fave writer of the two so far and I'm looking forward to seeing more from you :')
oh my god thank you this is so sweet <3 <3 <3
also uuuuuh. if your playlist is called 'pov: you are a rookie falling for your teammate' it might not be that much of a coincidence actually because i am OBSESSED with that playlist, listened to it while writing both of my norstri fics and did actively pick the name for my recent fic from there so lmao
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wisteriagoesvroom · 3 months
I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT I'M ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE W YOUR FLORIST/AD AGENCY LANDOSCAR FIC <33 you are an incredible writer and i've thoroughly enjoyed reading all of your works :) so glad to see even more carcar content too omg like !!!! the writers in this fandom are so top-tier and you are among the best of them!!!
i hope your day gets at least marginally better, even if it's just a little bit. even just seeing a neat flower or getting a sip of water that tastes extra good.
anon. i am holding u like a precious lil flower. I am dipping you in cold clear water. i am arranging ur lovely petals. thank u for the nicest words 🥺 i can’t express how much it means that you enjoyed the florist au (and all the random other shit i spat out of my id?!) because sometimes i get very weirdly in my head about writing so this is… 🥲💛 thank u
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f1-giuki · 3 months
For the ask game thing ❄️ and 📚
Hi sweet anon!!! Thank you for asking these!!!💖💖
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best? I am a sucker for small towns/neighbourhood aus, the vibes they have and the stories they can tell are so good. my favourite ever fics have this trope and they're bts fics, they're let the light in by sharpa and Petals and Ink by SugarAndMint.
These have altered my brain chemistry, I'm not the same person I was before reading these, so yeah... But in terms of who would execute them better, I'm so lucky and spoiled to have many talented writer friends and they would all write the perfect au, with their peculiar traits and style!! @nyoomfruits wrote a landoscar fic which is incredible, and it matches that elite (imo) vibe completely!!!!!!!
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? Last night I wrote down this thing before falling asleep!!
“Look, it’s Charles’ castle!” Yuki shouts, looking out of the window, spotting in the mountains the shadow of a big moving house, some light smoke quietly flowing out its chimneys.
“Charles? Where!? I've never seen it so close!” Liam asks, pushing Yuki to the side to take a better look at the mountaintop. A mixture of fog and clouds covers the peak, hiding the green meadows from their sight. “Oh, he's gone!”
“Do you think Charles will go into town?” Yuki mumbles, unsure.
“Maybe he’s hiding from the planes!” Alex suggests, convincing the other two.
“Did you hear what happened to that boy, Marcus, in the south of town?” He continues.
Liam and Yuki shake their heads.
“They say Charles has torn his heart out…” Alex whispers, wiggling his brows.
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freeuselandonorris · 6 months
41, 43 and 50 please! xoxo
thank you angel!! 💕
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
ohhh fuck there are SO many. i am so continually inspired by the incredible writers in fandom. i count myself even more lucky that some of my favourite writers (you included!) are actually my irl friends now. completely wild to me.
all that said, the fic i consider the most well-written, exquisitely plotted and just all-round inspirational is the funny business series by arbitrarily@ao3. it's taskmaster RPF, charlotte ritchie/mike wozniak, and reads like a lost mary gaitskill work. i return to it over and over again. i'd like to hope that the old mindset that fic-writing isn't "real" writing is less prevalent now than it used to be, but i would defy anyone to read that series and still make that argument.
43. If you take/write prompts: what’s your favorite prompt fic that you’ve written?
oh, this is an easy one - playboy in the grotto, the landoscar piss kink fic that launched my current all-encompassing brain rot. emptyhalf@ao3 could not have requested a more pleasing concept.
i also really like this max/dan short fill i wrote absolutely years ago, for the prompt 'throne'. i don't usually write in such a heavily descriptive style (it's hard to sustain in a longer piece without getting very annoying) but i like what i was able to do with it over a couple hundred words.
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
oooh a dealer's choice!
i’ve been thinking a lot lately about what fandom and fic-writing has brought to my life. i am on the older side by fandom standards (mid-30s) and i think as a teen/younger person i always just assumed it was something i would grow out of? but i haven’t, and i think that’s a good thing.
fic sometimes gets a bad rap as being “not real writing”, i guess because it’s playing around in existing universes and using existing characters (and of course RPF gets its own share of snootiness, some of which i understand and some of which i reject utterly). but it’s brought SO MUCH to my life. it has improved my writing exponentially. it has pushed me out of my comfort zone in writing. it’s helped me work through break-ups, get-togethers; it’s helped me become more at peace with my sexuality and gender identity, it’s helped me express my sexuality and kinkiness. and it’s given me so many FRIENDS! like i mentioned above, i’m so lucky that i actually get to hang out with some of my favourite writers irl but i’ve also met so many great people just through the screen. and i’ve made so many incredible memories (jaguar garage klaxon) that i never would have were it not for fic.
the past few months have fucking sucked for me on a personal/real world level, and fic/fandom spaces have been such a gorgeous distraction and escape. so i just feel — lucky, i guess, to have it.
questions for fic writers!
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freeuselandonorris · 6 months
Okay for the 'director's cut' ask - I still maintain that this is the hottest fic I've ever read and I would love to hear more about it - You won't know what you like better
oh man, a throwback!! so much fun to get to revisit this fic. so, you won’t know what you like better is my foray into threesome fic, jev/andré/james, with DP. i can’t remember exactly why, but i really struggled with writing it. i think i originally wanted it to be something sweeter and lighter, but it kept growing teeth and trying to bite me.
i do remember that i was very deliberate about writing it from james’ POV, because i wanted it to be written from the outsider’s perspective to jev and andré’s relationship. a lot of people reading this probably weren’t in the formula E fandom back in 2018, but let me tell you all: jeandre was INTENSE. you think landoscar and maxiel are a lot? nah. jev and andré were a whole other ball game. jev once livestreamed them sharing a hotel bed. it was nuts and yet somehow nobody was surprised in the least.
anyway. so they were super intense, and there was this sense that jev was EXTREMELY into andré in quite a sincere way whereas andré was sort of playing up to the idea of it more? and then james was andré’s friend from way back, had sort of been drafted into techeetah by him, and gradually insinuated himself into their dynamic to an extent. and i was never sure how much jev really liked james, or how much he just wanted james to like him so that andré would either be jealous or be pleased? pre-marriage jev was a LOT. he was visibly needy and wanted reassurance and he just — had this air about him, like there was a hunger inside him that would swallow the whole fucking world if he let it.
soooo because, as we have established, i love me some kink-based character study, i thought, well. what’s the sexual expression of that? it’s wanting more. it’s one cock not being enough. it’s wanting to be stretched to your limit, stuffed so full of love you can’t possibly fit any more in (conflating love and fucking, which again feels like a very jev thing to have done back then). SO i wanted this to be from james’ POV because i wanted him to be sort of aware of this, that he’s essentially being used as an accoutrement to jev and andré’s not-100%-healthy psychological games, but he goes along with it anyway because well — he’s only human, isn’t he.
that’s also why i had andré speak for jev a lot in this fic. it’s partly a loving, kind thing: they’re so attuned, andré knows what jev wants and can verbalise it for him in a way that jev might struggle with (you’ll notice this trope pops up a lot in my fics, partners just intuiting the other’s desires without having to talk about it, and it’s probably the most toxic straight-up fantasy trope i indulge in consistently lmao. people, talk to your partners! use your words! every day i try to take my own advice and largely fail!) but it’s also got an edge of control to it, of andré not really giving jev the space to figure out what he wants or the agency to ask for it himself. and again, james’ inner monologue shows that he’s aware of this dichotomy and doesn’t quite know what to do with it.
i did try to end it on a happier note, because i didn’t want it to get too bleak and angsty, but it’s definitely ambiguous as a fic, i think. thank you for your sweet words about it and for asking about it, it was nice to revisit an old one!
fanfic writers: director’s cut
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lost-decade · 7 months
Heyyy!!! So the fic questions!!
1 / 11 / 16 / 22 / 23 / 39 / 40
(I hope is not too much tho)
Hey! Thank you so much for asking, and sorry this took me so long.
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
This is a good question. I do enjoy both but I tend to gravitate towards one-shots purely because I'm not a particularly fast writer and I find it much easier to write fics that are around the 5K words mark.
Also I don't think my stories have a great deal of structure and I don't tend to do much plotting most of the time, which I think is something that you need to do with longer fics.
When I do hit on an idea though and manage to work out an end point, that's when I can really get into writing longer fics. A couple of my WIPs at the moment are multi-chaptered and I'm loving working on those.
I think as well, I worry that I won't be able to finish multi-chaptered fics, like I'll eventually lose interest. Which is why I don't generally post fics until they're complete. Although the James/Max I posted the first chapter of this weekend will definitely be finished, even if no one is interested lol.
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
This is hard as there are a lot of great fics out there but I'm lazy and don't go into the ao3 tags very often, instead I rely on recs from friends and I'm also guilty of rereading a lot of my old faves multiple times.
Looking at my history/bookmarks, these are three that I've recently read and loved:
that one from work can come over on monday night - Lovely Landoscar getting together WIP from @verycoolwearsleather. This is the kind of slow burn that I absolutely adore.
last chance saloon - Lewis/Jenson on the night of Jenson's retirement
Ode to a conversation stuck in your throat - Gorgeously written galex set across the 2022 season
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
At the moment there's just a couple. Tbh there's not a lot of pairings I'm very enthusiastic about atm. There are pairings I enjoy reading if the writing is good but that I wouldn't write myself.
I've probably written Max/James to death this year and as there won't be any new interactions between them going forward I think that will fizzle out for me soon. I would dearly love to be into an F1 pairing enough to write it but there isn't one that I'm into enough or would feel confident enough to write. I enjoy writing Max G because he's so private and that provides a lot of scope for character building because you only have the basics to work from.
I'm rambling so much lol sorry. Anyway, back to the question. At the moment there's a James/André fic I'm working on set in 2033 where André gets divorced, has a breakdown, goes to therapy and realises he's been in love with James for years while they do a classic car rally in Italy.
Also the concluding part in my Max/James series, where they split up and then work through some shit. And that's about it really. I mean, there's also a lot of random bits and pieces that I've abandoned.
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
I wouldn't say there's anything I'm dead set against writing, but ones that spring to mind that just don't interest me are a/b/o dynamics, high school AUs, fics with many multiple pairings. Actually mpreg is a very big no. Anything involving pregnancy majorly squicks me, regardless of gender.
I'm crap at writing anything technical about actual racing either. I tend to swerve that and concentrate on shippy stuff.
Also I generally don't have a lot of interest in writing established relationships. What I really love is the getting together, the figuring each other out and working through the obstacles. Once those things have been resolved and it's all plain sailing then it's mission accomplished for me from a writing point of view. Unless we're talking horny one-shots/PWPs and then how long they've been together is often inconsequential.
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
Don't get too tied up in worrying about how whatever you're writing is going to be received. Also, I find what is a huge help with motivation and confidence is having someone you can bounce ideas off and go to for advice if you're not sure if a certain scene/idea is working. Shoutout to @zeraparker, and @verycoolwearsleather for this.
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
From my André/James 2033 roadtrip fic:
Andre leans back against the sink vanity, marble cool beneath his palms. For a moment he’s half jealous, but more curious; him and James never talk about relationships though, unless you count the excruciating attempts the other night to discuss Ania. James is a catch, the type of guy Andre would have expected to be married with a kid by now, yet instead he’s here in Gordes with Andre, dressed like some new romantic popstar in leather pants and pale silk shirt. He gets away with it in a way that Andre isn’t sure he himself does. Surely there's someone.
They don’t talk to each other about that sort of thing, not in a serious way.
“Just wondering who's bed you’re going to end up in at the end of the night.” He gestures to James’ outfit. “This suits you mate.”
James smiles but there’s something in his expression that Andre can’t read, there then gone.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Ooh this is hard. I'd be honoured with anything tbh! A couple of thoughts having scrolled through my fics: Daniel and Cyril kissing in the hotel corridor from Only Memories
The jeandre bedsharing from Protège-moi (although we do have the actual video from that lol)
And ahem, well. Max G in lingerie, from satin sheets and luxuries so fine
Get to know your fic writer!
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