#thank you zuppi
a-very-sparkly-nerd · 2 months
anti-'stachers gathering tonight like
@blutopaz15 @tategaminu @ripple-rapple @ok12857 HOLD THEM DOWN, BOYS
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zuppizup · 6 months
⌛ and ✍ for the writing ask game!
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
Oof, how long is a piece of string? 😬
It honestly depends on so many factors, for me. When I’m hyped and in the zone, I’ve smashed a fic out. I think I wrote the bulk of Reunions and Reconciliations over a weekend in the lead up to season 4 release.
Similarly, Rumour has it… almost wrote itself. I was having such a blast writing it and, as often happens, three chapters turned into many more.
Conversely, I’ve been ticking away at my dark magic AU for over three years now! Part of that has been evolving world building, character dynamics and just generally idea generation that comes with long fic.
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
Na, I feel to bad to inflict what I tentatively refer to as a “process” on another human. I like to bounce ideas off others and a lot of my writing and idea generation comes from shooting the breeze in general conversation, but I don’t have a formal beta.
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
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captainjamba · 3 years
Reputation ask - Jamba, you are an absolute marshmallow person. So lovely and kind and supportive. Its been a joy getting to know you better.
Aww thank you zuppi! It’s comforting to know that I’m not the only marshmallow on here lmaooo. Although, you took so long to write the zoommates kiss chapter that when you finally did, I was like, “oh thank god 🙄 FINALLY.” Hehe. :)
You truly are one of the reasons I stayed in the fandom when I was so close to leaving. I hope you know that you too are a kind and supportive and wonderful person overall! Appreciate you sm! :)
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numptypylon · 4 years
I'm not greedy, I swear. I'm helping you procrastinate, Numpty. Because I'm selfless like that... I'm going to also pick 38 (because I know you have some truly wonderful comments and you fear the notions too much to share randomly) but also may I pose 15? (Either, both or none as well!)
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Oooh, interesting! Because this wouldn’t be the same as my FAVORITE fic (Mess of Things) because I like that partly BECAUSE I like how I used specifically the written medium to tell a different story than canon could have and I don’t feel it would work as well in film. So, I would go with one with a lot of fun banter or cool visuals, that I really want to see played out. Would go with Down to Earth. I had really strong visuals for some of the moments, like Callum alone on the island when the bird touches him, the Claudia and Rayla confrontation on the cliff, or Janai, Amaya and Zubeia facing off in the field, and I’d love to see them.
38. Talk about a review that made your day
I’ve gotten amaaaazing reviews! I appreciate them all so much, like, you guys it means so much. And you guys, you don’t just make my DAY, you make my WRITING evolve. The amazing people who encourage my narrative experiments, from the first one in Downtime in Wartime dark magic, to drunk Callum and Rayla in limbo, it really means a lot, because I have no point of comparison for these, to know how they work. And the people who encourage my OCs, because I’m worried every time I introduce OCs and always try to write them to serve the narrative and story but also be entertaining, and the amount of people who have liked them in their own right has really blown me away. And the lovely and personal comments I’ve gotten on Mess of Things have really warmed my heart, that my writing have affected people like that ❤️
One of my favorite reviews of yours, zuppi, that I still remember, was on chapter 4.9 of Down to Earth where most other people in the comment section was rightfully condemning me for earning that spiky leather jacket, but you were actively encouraging dragging out the pain and it was an awesome feeling! And like, you’ve left so many wonderful and thoughtful comments, but that one... I felt so understood in my writer sadism 😆
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gingerbreadfrosting · 2 years
can you dooooo robot pets :) like sony aibo or zoomer zuppies or wappy dogs etc!!! thank you much if you can!!! i love your blog:)
Did some n I'll try to queue more ^_^
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arnieb95 · 3 years
For the association ask: frogs, RWBY, ridiculously cold temperatures, and Elf Callum:)
This all fits.
Frogs have been a staple of my fandom life since Zoom-mates (thank you Zuppi)
RWBY is a great obsession of mine (gotta convince my mutuals they all need to watch it
Cold temperatures, yup, it's cold here where I live
Elf Callum is someone I relate to on a very deep level (I just want to strap sticks to my head and use a funny accent)
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2020 Year in Review
Rules: Answer some questions about 2020 and tag some people!
I was tagged by the wonderful @anneoftheshire . Thank you!!
Top Five Films you watched in 2020:
Princess Mononoke, and a slew of other Studio Ghibli movies (before this year, the only one I’d seen had been Kiki’s Delivery Service, years ago when I was like 8. This has since been rectified.)
The Secret of Roan Inish
Star Trek: The Voyage Home (A rewatch; it’s just. A classic. I love it so much.)
…That’s honestly all I can think of? Other than my go-to rewatch movies
Top Five TV Shows in 2020:
The Dragon Prince (Through the Moon came out this year, which counts, right? At any rate I’ve rewatched it countless times)
The Witcher (“hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm—well fuck”: a mood)
The Mandalorian (obviously)
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Criminal Minds (my sisters’ obsession that they got me hooked on; I binged so much of it during quarantine ahaha)
Top Five Songs/Albums in 2020:
Folklore (album) by Taylor Swift
Wolf by First Aid Kit
Lightning in a Bottle by Eli Lieb
Destiny (album) by Celtic Woman
Here’s to Us by Kevin Rudolf
Top Five Books of 2020
The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill (a stunningly gorgeous fairytale with lovely imagery and characters who feel so real)
Becoming by Michelle Obama
Six of Crows and its sequel Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly (I haven’t seen the movie though)
The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
(Bonus: I’m still working on Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson, and so far it is, as expected, phenomenal.)
Top Five Fanfictions of 2020:
Downtime in Wartime by numptypylon (along with Down to Earth, Upside Downtime and pretty much everything else)—The Dragon Prince, Rayllum
Purgatory and And They Were Zoommates by zuppi—The Dragon Prince, Rayllum
Peace is a Journey by spontaneite—The Dragon Prince, Rayllum, and a very intriguing Amaya subplot
looking for a way to break in by spiritypowers and wordswithdragons—The Dragon Prince, Rayllum
(yes, I’m absolute Rayllum trash, what can I say)
The Trouble with Ghosts by Lynse—Danny Phantom, I’m getting some GrayGhost vibes
Five good/positive things that happened to you in 2020:
Well, I got a tumblr this fall, thanks to the convincing of the aforementioned anneoftheshire!
Started writing fanfiction this summer. So far I’ve had a blast!
Switched departments at work, which in addition to being a better pace for me, also allowed me to switch from night shift to day shift. I knew being on nights was really starting to affect me, but I had noooooo idea just how much until I made the switch. (Where did all this energy come from??)
As one of the good consequences of social distancing, spent a lot more time exploring the outdoors! I finally visited some lovely landmarks relatively close to where I live that I’ve been meaning to see for like, ever. And went on an overnight hiking trip for the first time in yearsJ
Despite the odds, had one of the best Christmases I can remember
I don’t have anyone to tag because I am afraid of seeming Presumptuous but anyone who sees this is welcome to try it! ❤
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iwillhaveamoonbase · 4 years
#10 for love at first bite for the ask game, please!
10. What are some facts readers may not know about [title]?
Thank you for the ask!  
So, Love at First Bite was inspired by Kitchen Nightmares and Hell’s Kitchen as well as the start of my parents’ relationship.  There’s an episode in Kitchen Nightmares where the chef’s wife says ‘I fell in love with his food.  It was love at first bite’ and then she dated him after meeting him.  As for my parents; my mom would joke that she cooked for my dad once in college and he kept coming back so....yeah, it’s a bit of a tribute to that.
I have a love of combining Korean spices with Italian food, so some of it is my personal taste, but I did look up how professional chefs are doing fusion with those two food traditions to make sure I didn’t just have weird taste buds.
If you are not familiar with my YouTuber AU, I heavily headcanon that Sarai and Amaya are half-East Asian and half-South Asian (for specificity, Korean and Thai) and that Callum’s father was mostly Irish and German while Harrow is half Afro-Jamaican and half African-American  while Janai and Khessa are Congolese and when Callum said he ‘grew up with a lot of food cultures’ that was a reference to the backgrounds I have thought long and hard about and are now part-and-parcel with all of my real-world AUs.  
Finally, the fic came into being because @zuppizup got pissed that I told her ANOTHER AU idea with zero indication that I was going to write it.  I tease her a lot with AU ideas, I guess.  I’m sorry I have plentiful ideas and zero time, Zuppi.  Find me someone who will let me be a trophy wife so I can fulfill my destiny and I can write fic all day long. (I say this as a commemorative plaque)  
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lobstermobster-95 · 4 years
Secret and Forbidden is *chef kiss* but "That's What Makes Her Rayla"... perfection!
Thank you so much, Zuppi!! ❤️I think I stayed up until like 4 a.m. the night I wrote “That’s What Makes Her Rayla” I had such a desperate need to write that scene after watching season three. I’m so glad you liked it!
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uneryx · 4 years
Infiltrating Nonny from Zuppi's page here. -Looks around- Salt, art and witchcraft? Elf Hell you say? Shit dreadbeasts, that's all you had to say. Got room for a hammock? This place looks mighty fun.
Heh, thanks Nonny! Welcome to my corner of this blue site - find a spot you like and hang up your hammock!  Feel free to drop me a line when you like :D
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rose-tico · 5 years
oh my god i’m listening to the song at the end of today’s clip: “Chori Chori Chupke Chupke - Alka Yagnik” (thank you @zuppis for the name) and wow, it’s so beautiful and dramatic and very shakespearean and god, if druck uses this song to start friday’s clip i’ll practically melt. i am loving the use of powerful and stunning nonenglish songs in amira’s season (the song in last week’s friday clip at the soliparty anyone?) that really illustrate amira’s lovely, passionate, and soulful character and personality.
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 4 months
Ok! Thanks to Zuppi for easing my very on-edge nerves and reassuring me! I'm very delicate lol.
TDP 6x08 episode title speculation below the cut, because it's long and got away from me. You don't have to have read it to understand this, but I had some speculation here about 6x07 that would tie into my thoughts about this episode.
Given that the prev episode's title is "The Red Wedding," and a lot of us are speculating it'll be about Janaya's wedding (Sunfire, something to keep in mind), and it cuts off right before the "we all fall down," leaving "ashes" the last word said, "Ashes" will likely be the title of 6x08, presumably about the aftermath of the wedding.
Additionally, given the wilted flower, and we know that Dark Magic has that exact effect of draining life, it will also contain some flashbacks to Claudia's childhood other than what we've seen in Puzzle House. "Ring Around the Rosie" is a song typically sung by kids, hence leading to that train of thought. The rose appears to be a dark red. While red roses represent love and admiration, a burgundy shade it could also be seen as symbolizing devotion. If it's red, given that it's dead, it might be Claudia losing her love for, or even killing someone she previously cared about (if it's Terry or Soren, so help me...). I'd say dead devotion means she finally stops trying to help Viren, but... nah. Too easy. But I would love to see what happens if or when she moves on from Viren, what happens to her intelligence and drive when she's lost the outlet that lasted for years. Would she get better? Get worse? Become a hermit in the woods with Terry? Spin-off, please and thank you.
BUT. "Ring Around the Rosie" is a song about the Bubonic Plague. Based on that, a lot of people (around the amount who died in "The Red Wedding," I'm guessing) will likely die. I'm personally neutral on the idea of a plague sweeping the continent (and getting COVID flashbacks lol), but any reasoning arguing for it is perfectly justified, given how many characters (Claudia, Karim + Miyana + Pharos, Callum...) are screwing around and finding out. If so, I for some reason have a feeling Sol Regem will be involved (don't ask me to explain, it's just a Feeling with no grounds, so feel free to completely ignore that bit).
To conclude: I think the title will be "Ashes," and it will be about the aftermath of 6x07, Claudia-centric, and contain lots of death and/or destruction. Also cremation somewhere in there because ofc.
(These are just my opinions like 10 minutes after finally sitting my butt down, getting myself together, and watching it. I don't work for or on the show, I'm not psychic, and I don't have an English degree. I will, however, get attached to these hc's and then be proven so wrong lol)
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zuppizup · 1 month
Hi zuppi! This is absolutely not meant to put pressure on you or anything of the sort, but out of strictly curiosity, is there any reason why you have halted posting the last chapter of zoom mates? I just recently came across it again after literally like 2 years and will probably reread the whole thing, but I tried looking around here for an answer and I didn't find one, so just curious, and I love all of your fics and writing!
A reason? Em, not exactly 😅
My brain kinda just won't Zoom-mates at the moment, tbh. Or for some time now.
I think I'm just finding it really daunting wrapping the whole thing up. That fic became way bigger than I'd ever planned (no-one "three chaprers" at me ��) and the response to it still blows my mind, so if I pretend it doesn't exist then I don't have to deal with... all of that. 😃
I'm not saying there's any logic involved here.
I am going to be kinda sequestered for 2 weeks early September so I've unofficially pencilled that time in as Zoom-mates time.
The frustrating thing is 80% of the final chapter is written, but the final 20% is not playing ball.
More than anything, I want to finish it because I commissioned the absolutely amazingly talented @numptypylon to do artwork for the final chapter, and it's so stunning that I desperately want to share it.
So, in summary, there's no real reason, other than the human brain is dumb and uncooperative at times. I absolutely do want to finish the fic and tick that "complete" box on AO3.
In penance, my I offer a sneak peek of the art I asked Numpty to draw?
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See? It's beautiful, and that's only a wee crop of it! You should see the whole thing! And hopefully, in a few weeks you will!
Thanks so much for your kind words and patience, and I hope you enjoy the final chapter once I post it.
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zupcia · 5 years
Thank you @rubber-duckie-your-the-one for tagging me and I’m so sorry I’m doing it so late aaaaaaa 🙈😖
Nicknames? Some made from my name: Magda, Madzia; but also other like Zupa/Zupcia/Zuppie (added recently), Haru, Squish Gender? Dumbass. Uuuh nonbinary dumbass- Star sign? Aries 💪🏻 Sexuality? Bi Hogwarts house? Hufflepuff! :D 💛🖤 Favourite animal? Anything that didn’t just come straight out of hell (hornets, slugs and such) Number of blankets? I own... 5 Dream trip? Tbh I’d like to travel around the world but mostly South Korea and Japan When I made this blog and why? I made it on May 19th, 2014. I think I did so because I forgot the password to my previous tumblr (which wasn’t much older) so 😅
I wanna tag @sunsmileyeol @baekberrie @kooksona @missys-messymargins @kimwowjin @vernooope @celestial-whale-journeys and @gluthor if u wanna ^-^
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numptypylon · 4 years
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Little illustration from @zuppizup’s wonderful canon divergence fanfic, Purgatory
I don’t wanna say anything else because of spoilers, go read the fanfic if you haven’t, it’s all the soft rayllum you could want with an intriguing depth of character exploration and plot underneath.
Thank you for sharing your amazing writing with us, Zuppi ❤️
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arnieb95 · 3 years
For the colour thing, very torn between strawberry lemonade and buttercup. ☺️
Thank you Zuppi!! I do try to be happy and friendly, so I'm glad it comes through! Also, I like to think I give great hugs, usually of the bear variety. 
Also you're definitely cinnamon. Like, what the heck, where did you get all that talent?!
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