#thank youuuuu for this ask 🤍
marimayscarlett · 5 months
Found this old gem from 1999 and when Richard said a lot of bad things had happened to his family...yeah I can see that. His autobiography would be thiccc!
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Hi 😊
Thank you for this interview snippet!! Here Richard talks about a car crash which involved Till and his then-girlfriend as well as Richard's daughter Khira Li and her mother Mareike. They crashed into another vehicle and while they all of course survived, Till suffered from a torn ligament and a suspected concussion and Khira lost a tooth.
Richard even once mentioned here (I lost track of how many times I used this podcast as a source, it's just one of my faves ever and he talks so much and so open here) that he's really planning on releasing a biography some day. He expressed the need for someone (like an author who would then write the biography - Richard doesn't want to write it himself) to accompany him on his "journey" through his past, to keep the memories awake. He isn't aiming for a big success with this book or anything, but sees it as a thing he wants to accomplish and maybe a source about his life story for his kids.
Would love to read it one day, we'll see if he ever is going to follow up on his plan 🤞🏻😌
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jordanshenessy · 1 month
hiiiii tas 5, 12, 18, 35? love you🤍
Carmen hiii 🥰
5. What made you start your blog?
Art lmao like I wanted to follow artists and just stare at their beautiful art. It’s funny in high school I was too scared to make a tumblr account so I would like come home from school everyday and manually type in my fav artists blogs and scroll through them (I had like 5-6 that I would religiously go through in a certain order) and then as I got more comfortable with the whole tumblr thing I was like okay time to make an account and now here I am mentally unstable and making art 😄
12. What’s some good advice to share?
Get over it. You’ll be fine.
18. Do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
Not ghosts but I do believe in Jinn (there’s good ones and bad ones) and I’m pretty sure NASA confirmed aliens but we as a society were too depressed to care sjfjfjfh
35. Do you trust easily ?
No ma’am no sir no kind soul 🫡
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yuigadokson · 8 months
Random asks: Favorite snack? Do you like writing? If so do you have a favorite pen/color? If you could have any plushie right now what would it be? 💜
fav snack- i realize i have none haha usually i prefer drinking tea and eating biscuits with it as my evening snack but during summer i will have something cold like icecream and maybe potato chips/and stuff like that if i remember buying them haha i am the i never have snacks at home type haha (what are your fav snacks?😃)
About writing- i like the thought of writing haha i am weird like that i have soooo many dairies and cool looking notebooks which i bought thinking i will write daily stuff thoughts and feelings but i never do🙃🙃🙃even right now i am like i should write but lol
Fav pen- hmmmmm i like the frixion ball ones cause they come with erasable ink as for fav colors so harrd to choose all colors are so good but i do think blues and greens will be my most fav😁🩵💙💚 (what about you~?)
About the plushie, i also wanted pochita but hes so costly hahaha if i could just have one plushie in this life it would be this geto🥹🥹🥹🥹then i will have a gojo and geto pair but i wonder if i will ever find it😭😭😭(apart from pochita is there any plushie you wish to have?😃)
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I feel the need to inform you that as I never watched that tangled tv series I deadass thought much of your fic was from your own mind. MY mind was BLOWN when I found out Stalyan and Lance are actual characters upon looking up if Eugene is really a dark prince. This shot is literally CANON bro 😭😂 I’m so stupid. Anyway I love your fic!! It’s beautifully written!
oh my goodness 😂
well, I’m honored! of course, a lot of the plot of the fic was from my imagination, but the only original main (main side?) characters were charles and fallon, and of course a few super minor characters.
yes, eugene truly is a dark prince, which will be a huuuuuge plot point in Killing Me Slowly’s sequel! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the fic. <3
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davisbette · 2 years
1, 6 and 16 :)
1. First celebrity crush
Oh gosh i can't remember. Amh...probably some spanish actress???? 😭
6. Little thing that makes you extremely happy
Having a treat after going to the gym.
16. Does the way you laugh depends on who you’re with?
No, but it depends on the situation. I have my Witch Gillian-Like Laugh™️ when i find something incredibly funny, my shy laugh when i'm in an awkward situation, my (Laughing nervously) Wtf Laugh™️, my Wicked Stepmother Laugh™️ when i'm being a little mean (as a treat) and my Cute Girly Girl Laugh™️ which makes random appearances.
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hoesandnuggs · 1 year
It’s a Funny Story, Actually…
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Please be kind, this is my first imagine
When you had first got involved with Leah, you were both 15. You'd met at an England camp and became friends, soon becoming more as you both realised you cared for each other a little more than you did for others. By the time you'd both had your 23rd birthdays, you'd been together for 8 years, longer than some marriages last.
You knew from the moment you met her you wanted to be hers for life. So the conversations you had about marriage and your future life together weren't anything terrifying.
When Leah had been asked to do an interview about your relationship, she felt happy.
It's not like she didn't already share you with the world. She was so proud to be yours and never shied away from public affection. She'd happily post pictures of you both, as well as kissing you after games, or mentioning you in passing comments in interviews.
"Baby, I've been asked if we can talk about our wedding and stuff. Are you okay with that?" She'd asked you as soon as she'd found out what it was about.
"Yes my love, it's all okay. Just don't make me look bad," you joked, curling her into your arms even more.
"We've never really spoken about it before," she replied, a thoughtful look gracing her features.
"Its never been the right time I guess." You responded, kissing her cheek gently before finding her hand where her wedding band stood proudly.
"I never imagined getting married until I met you," she said, a smile forming on her lips as she looked down at you from her higher ground on your lap.
"Save all the nice things for the interview babe."
And she did.
She was upset that you weren't able to come with her as originally planned, but a meeting with your agent had sprung up last minute and you couldn't find a work around.
"Leah, great to finally meet you." The interviewer said, whilst the crew were setting up the cameras. She engaged in small talk, as a text from you finally came through.
Goodluck my love. I know you'll be just fine. I'll pick you up afterwards and we can go grab some dinner. You'll do fantastic as always. Miss you. Love youuuuu❤️❤️❤️
To: Lover🤍
Thank you love. Dinner sounds lovely, I'll hopefully be done by 7, but I'll text you as soon as I know anything. Miss you too. Love you toooooo🤍🤍🤍
Leah smiled as she put her phone away, waiting for the interview to start.
"So we're here today with Lioness Captain Leah Williamson, a different kind of interview than you're probably used to. Today we’re talking relationships."
"Yes so I've only ever had one relationship, the one I'm currently in. I met my wife when we were both 15 at an England camp, and we've never looked back since."
"So that's 10 years you've been together?"
"Yes, 10 years next month actually. "
"So you and your wife, Y/n Williamson, formerly Y/N L/N, got married 2 years ago?"
"We we're both 23, already been together for 8 years and we just knew it was the right next step. We got a lot of people commenting on it, saying we were to young to commit to the rest of our lives but when you've been with someone for that length of time, you just know, and we did."
"Did you propose or did she propose to you?"
"She proposed to me, although, it's a funny story actually."
You knew how close she was with her family. That was perhaps the only reason you stood outside the door of Leah's childhood home about to ask for her hand in marriage.
You were nervous, slightly. Amanda loved you, like her own, often telling everyone about her three kids, which brought a bit of confusion when they met you.
"Are you ever going to knock?" Amanda asked as she cracked open the front door. The smile on her lips wouldn't last long.
"No," her frown evident as she sat opposite you over the breakfast bar.
"We're ready." You tried, but you could tell that Amanda was stubborn with her choice.
"I won't deny that you are y/n, I know you're ready to take that next step, I just don't think Leah is. You're both only 23, you're still so young, you don't have to rush. Marriage is a big commitment, judt think about it some more," Amanda explained, but your heart had already shattered.
You weren't really expecting her to say no, and had the whole thing already planned out, the ring sat safely hidden away in your bedside draw, where you knew she'd never look. You knew Leah would love the date you had planned, and instead of wasting the cancellations you took her on it anyways.
Leah had butterflies from the moment you'd asked to take her out.
After your conversation in bed a month or two back, she'd been waiting for you to take her out and ask her to be yours forever.
The flowers that had arrived at her door were the first sign, the most beautiful bouquet of roses she'd ever seen.
And then you showed up at her door, dressed to the nines and a smile painted on your lips.
"God, you're so beautiful," you said with a smile, Leah's heart beating at a unknowing pace.
The compliments didn't stop there, and neither did the romance. Every stop in the journey, Leah waited for this to be the location you dropped to your knee and asked her you be yours.
But you never did.
As much as Leah loved the date, she'd also felt her heart break as it came to an end and she still didn't have a ring on her finger.
She didn't sleep that night, wondering if she hadn't been obvious enough in her approach. But you'd literally sat in bed on night and told each other that you were ready, that you'd only ever want each other. Maybe you just hadn't been ready just yet.
Her thought ran wild as she slept peacefully on her chest, her hand running through your hair.
"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Leah asked, hugging you from behind as you washed up the dishes you'd dirtied from breakfast.
"It's okay baby, I've got some things to take care of this afternoon. Maybe if you're still there at dinner I'll pop over." You smiled, giving her a kiss as she sighed.
It wasn't like you to miss family time. Especially when Amanda was making one of your favourites. Leah chalked it down to some of the stresses you'd had with your agent over the last few weeks, trying to cement a contract that you were worthy of at Arsenal, so you could stay with her.
"The pictures you sent me were lovely," Amanda said as she sat at the table with a tea in her hand, a juice for her daughter who still didn't drink hot drinks.
"Yeah it was amazing," Leah sighed, the frown that graced her forehead for a few seconds was not missed by her mother.
"Okay," she longed out, "that wasn't the reaction I was expecting."
"It was amazing, the most romantic date we've ever been on, and I thought she was going to propose, and she just-" Leah's heart sank, her head fell into her hands as she tried to contain her tears, therefore missing the reaction from her mother.
"She just what?" Amanda said, her hand squeezing lightly on her daughters shoulder in a weak attempt of comfort.
"She just didn't. We've literally spoken about it. I told her I only want her, that I'm ready. She said she was too and I guess I thought she meant she was ready now." Leah still hadn't been able to understand it, but seeing her mothers face made her question what she'd thought of you.
"Would you have said yes?" Amanda asked.
"Without a doubt. I don't want to wait another second." Leah replied.
Your phone buzzed a few seconds after your girlfriend had text you to let you know she was on her way home and that she'd pick up a Nandos for you both on her way back.
You assumed it would be Leah again, but was surprised when you saw Amanda's name on your screen.
"I'm sorry," she said before you even had chance to say hello.
"What have you got to be sorry for?" You laughed slightly, trying to hide your fear. What if she'd said something to Leah and she was coming back to end it.
"I said she wasn't ready and I was wrong, she is ready. You're both ready and I had no right to tell you otherwise. Go get the ring and do it." Amanda rushed down the phone, you could tell she was upset with herself.
"I've already got the ring, Amanda." You laughed.
"I'm home baby," Leah called, kicking off her shoes and heading straight to the kitchen to plate up your food.
"Babe?" She asked when you hadn't responded, only to find you stood in the garden, the fairy lights you'd hung up on the fence when you'd first moved in a-light.
"Darling, what's all this?" She asked as she made her way outside, confused by the roses in your hands.
"I love you," you started, as you handed her the roses. She gave them a sniff before she took in your nervous form. Placing them on the small outdoor table you had, she took your hands in hers, thanking you with a light kiss.
"I love you too." She said with a smile.
"This isn't what I had planned, but I can't wait another second." Still with your hands in hers, you dropped to one knee, only letting go to find the ring that was burning in your back pocket.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you. 8 years is not enough time to have loved you, and I want to have the opportunity to love every single year you spend on this earth. You are my everything Leah and I-" you stopped when you felt a wet drop on your hand and looked up to find her crying.
"Please don't cry gorgeous," using your thumb to wipe away the tears on her cheeks.
"They're happy tears, I promise," she spoke through a sob. "Ask me." She demanded.
"Leah, will you make me the happiest girl alive and be my wife?" You ask.
She nods her head, slowly at first, but it quickly turns into a vigorous shake.
"Yes! Yes, yes," she said as she gives you her hand and allows you to slip the ring onto her finger.
She smiled at it for a second, before throwing herself into your arms.
"I thought you were going to propose the other day," she said, calming down enough to speak.
"It's a funny story actually."
To: Mum
She did it🤍
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bbrissonn · 1 year
can I get a request where kylian is always being dramatic or protective whenever the reader is out partying with friends without him cause he have away games. He always say “where are you” or “who are you with” and cannot control himself from worrying and sometimes think the reader is with a guy if she doesn’t pick up his call immediately.. 🥺🥺
under the cut !
also, im sorry i haven't written in a long time, i've just been very busy with work and school :))
also i didn't do the full request, just mainly the part of kylian always wanting to know where the ready is. hope you enjoy !
warnings: not proofread
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your eyes rolled the back of your head as you felt your phone buzz in your pocket once again. this was probably the fifth time in the last minute it had done so, meaning Kylian finished watching his movie at home.
ky💕 : chérie where are youuuuu
ky💕 : the beds cold without you :(
ky💕 : you should leave your friends right now and come cuddle with me
ky💕 : pretty please
ky💕 : bébéééééé répond moi :((( [answer me]
instead of answering any of his messages, you decided on just calling him instead, hoping it'd be a better way of having him leave you alone.
"mon amour! thank god you called me! do you need me to come pick you up?" kylian asked as soon as he answered the phone, making you roll your eyes once again. you had barely been gone for two hours and he was already freaking out.
"kyky, love, you can't drive, and even if you could drive, i'm not leaving until tomorrow mor--"
"what!" he exclaimed loudly, making you quickly pull your phone away from your ear. you sent a look to your friends before stepping outside of your friend's house.
"kylian, i told you i'd be spending the night here like 2 weeks ago. and i reminded you before i left."
"i thought you were just joking with me." he said in a sad tone, making your heart ache a little. the two of you didn't get to spend much time together because of your busy schedules, but you had planned this night with your girls almost a full month ago, long before you knew if kylian was going to have a day off or not.
"i'm sorry, ky. but i promised the girls i'd be here." you whispered softly into the phone, your eyes looking at the city in front of you.
"it's okay, chérie. have fun, je t'aime."
"je t'aime."
a groan slipped past your lips as you slowly opened your eyes, the sound of your phone buzzing under the pillow waking you up. another groan was heard once you realized it was kylian texting you again.
ky💕: y/nnnnn
ky💕: i cant sleep chérie
ky💕: why did you have to leave me :(
ky💕: i feel so small in this giant bed
you rolled your eyes as another groan left your mouths before your fingers flew over your keyboard, quickly sending him a message before turning off your phone and putting in silent mode.
my y/n/n🤍 : kylian for the love of god, go to sleep it's 3 am !!
to no one's surprised you were met with almost 50 texts and missed calls from your boyfriend the next morning, something your friends were quick to tease you about.
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equallyshaw · 7 months
i get to call you mine | connor bedard.
oc singer x insta edit.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
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@sarasings: what an absolute dream .. thankyou for all the love and support and for choosing me to be the winner of the voice '23! s/out to the amazing @niall.horan couldn't have had asked for a better coach🫶🏻 1/2
233k likes, 17.8k comments
@niall.horan: thankyou for the best first season, incredibly proud of you cali girl! cant wait to work together soon xx
↳ @sarasings: thankyou for all the support and love, cheers x
@masonmctavish: there she goes !!! congrats buddy
↳ @sarasings: thanku mas-- see you soon!
@kentjohnson: couldn't have picked a better winner !! so stoked for ya (:
↳ @sarasings: thankyou kent!!
@adamfantilli: hot diggity dog congrats s!
↳ @sarasings: thankyou a!
@connorbedard: so incredibly proud of you, so glad i could be there
↳ @sarasings: best surprise ever i luv u 🥺
@madisenbedard: still crying
↳ @sarasings: luv u sissy
@coltondach: best. finale. ever.
↳ @niall.horan: couldn't agree more!
↳ @kirbydach: I think he's dead
↳ @connorbedard: I think so too
↳ @sarasings: ahh thanku col!
@blakeshelton: congrats girl, you deserved it !!! knew you'd win since wicked games
↳ @sarasings: thank you blake, appreciate all the advice and support you've given me!
@sarasbff: I love you so so much bestie, so proud of you x
↳ @sarasings: love youuuuu
@melaniebedard: so proud of you sweetie, see you soon!
↳ @sarasings: love you mama mel!
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@sarasings: had the absolute best support group cheering from afar, my biggest fan. love you to the moon and back c
301k likes, 33.4k comments.
@madisenbedard: cutie pies
@masonmctavish: sobbing
@adamfantilli: cats outta the bag
↳ @kevinkorchinski: our fav couple no longer a secret 😭
↳ @adamfantilli: I know :(
@connorbedard: only the best for the best
↳ @sarasings: 🤍
@niall.horan: thank goodness I never have to hear another ft from yall ever again...talk about annoying
↳ @sarasings: oh shush!
↳ @kellyclarkson: he's crying in singleness
↳ @sarasings: bahahah
↳ @niall.horan: thankyou for outing me k
@reginapats: congratulations sara, so happy for you!
↳ @sarasings: love you guys, thankyou for all the support!
@sarasbff: so cute
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@connorbedard: so incredibly proud of this amazing girl that i get to call mine, love you s
138k likes, 45.9k comments.
@madisenbedard: woah hard launch
@masonmctavish: alright alright alright, idk how you ever got her to say yes still
@kevinkorchinski: I guess y'all are cute
@sarasings: I love you so stinkin much -- thankyou for all the support in the world
↳ @connorbedard: love you babe
@adamfantilli: besties
↳ @kentjohnson: my besties
↳ @sarasings: woah dudes, calm down.
↳ @connorbedard: I dont like you guys enough to be considered 'besties'
↳ @kevinkorchinski: sobbing
@melaniebedard: love you guys!
↳ @connorbedard: thanks mum
↳ @sarasings: love you more!
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
hope you enjoyed!
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mishwanders · 9 months
Hiii! I Hope your day is going great.
I saw the requests were open and I was wondering if you could write about the Chain going to Wild's Gerudo desert and them having to beat the heat any way they can find, so Wild as as a good friend lends reader his vai clothes because and I quote "survival purposes" (he really just wanted Twi to suffer a little), and of course Twilight's mind goes blank because he has a huge crush on reader. And reader knows this, so she just enjoys flustering Twilight to death in the most trivial ways. It can be fluffy, suggestive, funny or pretty much whatever you want to make it.
Plus, I doubt that pelt is doing any good to him in that hellish desert heat.
Thank youuuuu and have a nice day. Btw I love your writing!! 🤍🤍🤍
This gave me the brilliant thought of Wild and a Riju being self proclaimed wingmen for Twilight and Reader and tossing them both into the Gerudo dating class.
A/N+Warnings: N/A, safe for everyone. Written by Mishwanders - pls do not repost.
“Do you think this is going to work?”
Riju whispered to her good friend Link - well, Wild, as the group he’d waltzed into town with kept referring to him as. She and him both were crouched behind a large potted plant, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible as they spied on you and Twilight at the Gerudo dating class.
Wild had known about Twilight's crush on you for the longest and had taken it upon himself to do everything in his power to put you two together. However, things always seemed to go wrong in his plans to help out. So, when Riju brought up the class - he thought it was the perfect opportunity to get the ball of love rolling in both of y’all’s favor.
“If this doesn’t work, I swear they’re hopeless.” Wild replied, peering over the plant a little more to get a better view.
He could see the back of your head in the Gerudo vai headdress, seeing you seated next to Twilight whom he forced into wearing the Voe fit so the poor guy wouldn’t pass out with that heavy bear pelt he always wore.
Wild could see that you two were talking - which was a good sign, but he didn’t get to see much else due the the distraction that was Sky and Wind coming up from behind, startling but him and Riju.
“What are you doing?” Sky asked, crouching down beside them.
“What does it look like we’re doing? We’re trying to set them up!” Wild whisper screamed.
“Really? I thought they were already together.” Wind commented
Wild shook his head in response. “No. Now, please keep your voice’s down, we don't want them to know we’re he-“
“You know we can hear every word you’re saying, right?”
Your voice reached and startled the entire group behind the potted plant as they fell backwards. You made sure your annoyance was obvious by the way you had your hands firmly placed on your hips. Twilight stood at the ready as well, arms crossed, an eyebrow arched, in need of an explanation.
Wild gave a shy oh-no-I’ve-been-caught-red-handed type of smile before he finally returned your question. “No, I did not realize that. How much did you hear?”
“Every word.” You replied
“And the ones before that with the other attempts you made at this.” Twilight chimed in
“Wait, so you knew?” Riju asked
“Of course we did, it’s not like he’s the most subtle all the time.” You replied, “Truly we’ve been playing into his little game of wingman to see how far he would take this.”
“And I see the answer is far.” Wind stated
“Hey this was plan L - I had plenty more ready at the draw.” Wild countered
Riju rolled her eyes at him. “Of course you did.”
“Alright, now that the cat is out of the bag, are you going to stop playing matchmaker now?” You asked, directing your attention to Wild.
“Fine, but how long have you two been dating and I didn’t know?!” Wild asked
“Few weeks now, since the river attempt.” Twilight replied
“Ah, so plan E then.” Wild nodded, “How in the world did you two keep this a secret for so long.”
“We have our ways.” You replied cheekily, eyeing Twilight’s dark crystal necklace.
Sky chuckled. “Rancher, you dirty dog.”
Twilight narrowed his eyes at Sky for a moment at that comment, but quickly let it go when he felt your hand reach for his. You tugged him away from the plant and towards the steps. “Alright you guys, let’s get out of here!”
When you all left the class, you and Twilight both watched as Wild and Riju ran towards their Zelda who was focused on her discussion of time travel with Warriors and Time (who were also dressed in their voe outfits). Wild was practically yelling “YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE IT - “ in relation to his plan to gain her attention.
You and Twilight both chuckled at his behavior as your friend was practically beaming in the presence of his princess, very proud of his strategy. You leaned your head on Twilight’s bicep for a second and whispered. “Should we get him back for all of that?”
“And set him up with his Zelda? Absolutely.” Twilight chuckled.
“Happy to know we’re both on the same page.”
You replied with a smile, “However, that can wait. Tonight I want it to be just about us.”
Twilight leaned down to kiss your temple, smiling widely at the thought of just having time to yourselves and not having to hide your little secret any more. He gently squeezed your hand, looking down at you with so much love and adoration, you could have sworn you would have heard Wind pretend barfing if he were watching this.
“We’ve got the whole night. Just the two of us.”
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k-tarotz · 10 days
hellooo!! ^^
i’m really sorry if ur not doing these anymore, i tried to look for anything on your account that said you closed requests for this, but i didn’t find anything. please don’t mind me asking if its not available anymore ㅜㅜ
i saw the fs reading candy did for sunghoon, and was wondering if you could do it for wonbin (riize)? i love tarot readings but there’s not much for anyone in riize currently (and i’m not into any other groups atm). thank youuuuu >.< 💗
I would loooove to do it sweetheart!
disc.; the format is a bit different because it’s been a few months already!
seven of cups reversed, three of coins, queen of coins
alright so his person’s energy feels very feminine yet powerful which was the very first thing that stands out to me. it reminds me of reds and blues, but especially the first one. (if you are thinking of femme fatal no, his person isn’t one. the energy here is much more soft and loving.) this person can stand on their own feet and is someone that is very independent. now, the thing I want to point out is that they also don’t mind relying on other people. they aren’t stuck up neither are they someone that feels weak when receiving help. they can accept help, and also give it. so they could very much likely be a mutable sign or cardinal sign, although the later is much more likely. (mutable = gemini, virgo, sagittarius & pisces, cardinal = aries, cancer, libra & capricorn) although they might sometimes run from their own problems even tho they know it’s not the right choice to do, so they could get scared about how serious life can get sometimes. though once they collected themselves they are very loving, powerful with words and giving. they seem like a very mature and friendly person who just happens to have anxiety. their personality could also be cutesy and child like in a natural way, rather than a forceful way. someone who doesn’t take things to heart and tries to understand situations even if it’s their first time experiencing something like that? their energy also seems very healthy, as in they take a lot of care of themselves in order to try to be their best self. Also, they could be very rational, but in a way it makes them a dreamy person? They can find the silver lining in any situation which could be a strength of theirs. No eggs while they try to bake? Oh well try to try out new recipes! Maybe they will be just as good, or even better. So they have a very unique personality, and can easily get along with many different kind of people!
- monolids
- pretty hands (elegant, thin! long nail beds)
- considered tanned in asia, very pale from a western stand point
- skinny, yet muscular (regardless of gender)
- cannot stress this enough but they look beautiful in red (maybe wonbin’s fave colour to see them in)
- really pretty, striking eyes, light in colour
- blond hair (probably dyed)
- possibly taller than average but not taller than him
that’s all! please remember these are my own interpretations. thank you for requesting and reading 🫶🏻🤍
- Candy
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afterglowkatie · 20 days
Just read the last part of pair of pests and i loved ittttt. And ngl the part where kcc gest angry at the player for hurting r made me feel some things, absolutely obsessed with it I need to see more of kyra getting angry and super protective 👀😍
thank youuuuu! that means a lot to me!!! 🫶🏻🤍
i had another ask wanting more angry and protective kyra with an idea, so looks like i’ll have to write more protective kyra. honestly though who wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end/being the one who kyra is protecting 🫠
super protective, angry kyra also makes r feel some things 👀🤭 kyra doesn’t like when someone hurts or upsets r. and when r and kyra finally get together kyra’s protectiveness over r doubles. god forbid someone even breathes in r’s direction 😭
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worldlxvlys · 27 days
I wish you the BEST birthday, that you could ever ask for. When you blow out the candles on this very day, I hope that all your dreams and wishes come true. I hope that you have a lovely day, and just know that we all love you very much! Keep doing your best at everything, and you will succeed in everything that you wish. WE LOVE YOU ANNAAAAA!!!
thank youuuuu <333
i love you 🤍🤍
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doodle17 · 4 months
*Cracks knuckles* alright Doodle, the day has come...🫵 YOU 🫴 GIVE 🤲 ME ✍️ ART TIPS/POINTERS
(Cuz ur art is amazing)
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I AM HERE (also thanks youuuuu)
AHEM okay, let me think for a sec....
Line of action. You might have heard of it, but the best way I can describe it is- well in the name! It's great for helping with poses n'stuff, the best way I can describe it is using some pictures below
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See how all the characters seem to follow in the shape of the line? That's basically what the line of action is! It's sort step one before you get into the blocking and details of sketching. It helps add fluidity. Of course this isn't to say you have to use the line of action all the time, but it's really handy when trying to draw something and you don't know where to start!
You also can use the line of action for limbs! Not everything is a straight line when building a skeleton/base. I wish I would've known this earlier, because almost allll of my how to draw books would have everything be perfectly straight, and while some poses and stuff require it, yes, it tends to make poses rather stiff.
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SKETCH LIGHTLY! This is mostly for traditional, but I find sketching lightly makes it easier to erase, as well as making the final drawing clearer. Also, sketch loosely! The random strands and sketches can help add some extra details and ideas as you work on the fianl peice, if you want.
I might get swarmed for this take, but I really don't think you need that deep of an understanding of anatomy. Now, you should still study and reference it, but I don't think you need to be able to name every bone or muscle in the body if you dont want to. Just have a basic understanding of it! It's good to know what areas can twist and bend, and knowing what's attached to what, and how it affects the pose. One thing that helps is 3D rigging videos. Here's one that explains it perfectly in a matter of seconds, and introduces so.ething called "skeleton hierarchy" or just hierarchy
Get out of your comfort zone!! It's scary yes, and 9 times out of 10, it's not gonna look good at a first attempt! BUT YOU GOTTA DO IT MAN ITS THE ONLY WAY TO IMPROVE!!
Thats all I've got!! I'm really tired because I got back from a family trip, but if you have anymore specific questions feel free to ask!
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jtl-fics · 2 months
Ash 🤍🙂
🤔 + ❤️
Ask game for procrastinating writers
Teehee <3 Thank youuuuu
9. What's a story you'd love to write but haven't even started yet?
More detail on the break-up fic I mentioned in the previous one but Andrew being self-sabotaging and putting a lot of the blame on the break-up with Neil on Neil during the convo. Resulting in Neil thinking he needs to 'fix' the fact that he only swings for Andrew.
Hence why I make myself incredibly sad every time I think about it OTL.
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feketeribizli · 8 months
For the OC thingy:
thank youuuuu ill be sooo insufferable about them sorry
🎮 three favourite hobbies?
hosszú: its more like his lifes passion but he loves collection rocks and minerals and all that. an actual hobby of his would be gardening :-) he also does a bit of arts and crafts here and there, anything to do around the house
ficsúr: can cooking be considered a hobby lol they love doing that. they diy clothes in their free time and they also picked up beadwork recently, making jewels for themselves and friends
💯 three random facts
hosszú is ambidextrous, he did ballet when he was a little kid and his favourite musical artist is stevie nicks. ficsúr speaks fluent romanian and conversational french they picked up for shits and giggles, they have a "h*rry p*tter scar" on their forehead from the time they fell down a set of stairs lol and they are bad at winking
🌈 sexual orientation/gender identity and pronouns
hosszú is a homosexual man going by he/him pronouns and ficsúr is a bisexual nonbinary guy using they/them pronouns :-) theyre both very comfortable with their gender and sexuality
🤍 three neutral/questionable traits
hosszú: he has a bit of a saviour complex... not sure what else to say i dont even know what to consider a neutral trait if im being honest
ficsúr: theyre too neutral at times lol very dont care didnt ask L + ratio attitude going on here
🎂 whens their birthday, how old are they, signs, tarot cards etc etc
hosszú: june 29th! cancer sun, capricorn moon and aquarius rising. he was born in 1999 so hes twenty-four this year and apparently his birth cards are the moon and the hermit but idk what that means. this is fun so i looked it up and his planet is uranus. im not that big on astrology but i think he fits the typical traits of his signs
ficsúr: february 14th hehehe. aquarius sun, gemini moon and aquarius rising (gay as fuck for a man to be an aquarius). theyre a 2000 kid and apparently they have the same tarot cards? idk how that works lol their planet is mars whatever that means. i think they fit the general traits of their signs too but someone whos into astrology can chime off if they want to 😁👍
🤔 some quirks and mannerisms
hosszú picks at his skin when hes nervous/anxious/etc, he always tries to match his steps to ficsúrs and as a white noise hes often humming or murmuring to himself
ficsúr grinds their teeth 😐 theyre also a chronic arm/leg shaker, always in motion and always making some kind of sound like tapping with their fingers or said teeth grinding
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mixedstyles · 2 years
As Long as You Are: Blurb #3(ish)
Harry slowly realizing his feelings for y/n (and being jealous)
Author's Note: holy shit, I'm back for a moment! I realized I had this in my drafts and never posted it. I'm surprised I even still have followers after how long I've been gone.
Warnings: these aren't really warnings but... incredibly short, use of google translated Korean, slight ateex x reader (completely platonic) to fulfill my own personal agenda, poor photoshop job (on the third photo), and bad formatting
NOTE: Harry is in italics, reader is in bold
Dividers made by: @firefly-graphics!!
ALaYA Masterlist | Main Masterlist | ask box!
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@ynupdates Y/N recently posted a new YouTube video of her reacting to, and breaking down, the @ATEEZofficial song ‘Guerrilla’ watch here! ⬇︎
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@.ateezofficial [#홍중] @.areyoulistening 리액션 영상 감사합니다. 당신의 더 많은 것을 기대합니다! #ATEEZ (Thank you for the reaction video. I look forward to seeing more of you!)
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19.5K Retweets 2,550 Quote Tweets 89.5K Likes
@.ateezofficial [#윤호] @.areyoulistening 정말 재미있는 비디오! 고마워요~~ #ATEEZ (What a fun video! Thank youuuuu)
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17.6K Retweets 3,471 Quote Tweets 98.5K Likes
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jobros15 i want photos of yn and ateez in the same room. asap.
ateeeez pleaseeeee why does this feel more iconic than the whole harry situation🫣
user007 YN is literally making friends with every possible singer out there. We love that for her 🤍
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@.areyoulistening 윤호야!!??!!?? i love you guys so much. i may or may not be crying. yunho… ur my bias 🧍🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ 4.6K Retweets 2,510 Quote Tweets 78.2K Likes
atinytinyfan girl same
atinynation not YN being ATINY
↳ areyoulistening HES JUST SUCH A BIG PUPPY AND I LOVE HIM SM 😵‍💫😵‍💫
↳ atinynation and you’re valid for that 😌 @.areyoulistening
auden_png can confirm she’s crying
↳ areyoulistening please don’t expose me like this
↳ auden_png you literally said you’re crying in your tweet
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@.harrystyles Isn’t he a little old for you?? 3K Retweets 3,571 Quote Tweets 84.6K Likes
↳ areyoulistening he’s 2 years younger than me but okay
↳ harrystyles I don’t get jealous. I’m too busy for that.
↳ areyoulistening hey, are you a tabloid because all i’m reading are lies
adoreuclub not “he’s 2 years younger than me but okay” and “are you a tabloid because all I’m reading are lies” 💀💀💀 how is yn so quick with the comebacks??? what an absolute icon
“Is it weird I miss y/n?” “You literally saw her yesterday.” “I didn’t get to see her for long though.” “My goodness you are whipped for that girl.” “Hey! Who wouldn’t though? Let’s be honest, she’s pretty damn great.”
“I really wish y/n was here to see this. She said that when she finally got out of grad school she wanted to come here to travel.” “And they were ~best friends~” "Shut up, that's really all we are." "You just keep telling yourself that"
“I’m so exhausted and overworked I might cry. I’m going to take a nap on the couch. Goodnight for now.” “y/n.” “…” “y/n.” “What? I just said I’m taking a nap.” “Let’s get you some food and then head home instead. It’s incredibly late and you’ve only gotten 6 hours of sleep within the past two days. Please, let’s head home.” “Hmph. My feet won’t carry me.” “Okay, okay, okay. How about this, you tell me what you want to eat and then I’ll go and grab food while you take a nap. We’ll eat and then take you home for some actual rest that’s not in the studio.” “Mmmm… kay. You can just go to Tony’s and get what we got last time.” “Okay… sounds good” *he’ll probably reach over to where she’s laying with her eyes still closed, and move her hair out of her face before he heads out of the room… I’m giggling* “I’ll be right back.”
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