#thank youuuuu this was actually fun to write out
vicsy · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @pitconfirm and @boxboxbrioche. Thank you <3
1. How many works do you have on ao3
Currently I have 20 posted works (and 1 on anon, we don't talk about it)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
198,413 - not that many!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Formula 1. I used to write for wrestling fandom, too.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
green light, red wine (and i don't feel fine) – 571 kudos, Fernando/Lance (ongoing).
wish you away in my dreams – 412 kudos, Daniel/Max.
shatter my life apart (see me for somebody else) – 334 kudos, Fernando/Lance.
your smile, so bright (i want to save that light) – 294 kudos, Daniel/Max.
guess my future and map it onto your fantasy – 290 kudos, Fernando/Lance.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to EVERY comment I receive. It is very important to me because I really value people choosing to spend some time to write a comment that will definitely brighten my mood and inspire me. I have to thank them and that's out of question.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, I'd say it would be my piarles magical realism au fic – bless my darkness; bless my light. I think it's more of an open ending but I intend to expand on that fic one day, so it makes more sense and what I have in mind for it is very sad (but it gets better).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhhh. I feel like most of my fics read as "happy for now" or maybe it's just my perception. If I had to choose, then evocatio and aforementioned your smile, so bright (i want to save that light).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, never. Hope it stays this way.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! All kind?? I am not sure how to answer ahaha but tbh I tend to write the smut that "fits" my personal view. It is easy to fall into the "everyone reads fics with smut more than without smut" hole but I won't force something just to be more appealing.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not a big fan of crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. If somebody steals my fic, better run.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, back in wrestling fandom. I also translated some of the fics I read and wrote (also for wrestling fandom).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, with @boxboxbrioche! We have something else cooking together but our existing baby is, in my very humble opinion, fucking amazing – sink your teeth, Fernando/Lance vampire au with a twist.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh, tough one. I'd say, as of today, Strollonso and Maxiel.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have some fics marinating in my gdocs that I came up with a long time ago and some things have changed since then. Like a major werewolf au, vampire piarles fic and an a/b/o fic that will get me in fandom jail if I ever get it done (it's very ambitious).
16. What are your writing strengths?
This feels like bragging lmao... I write action well. And introspection, character study. Metaphors are my best friends and boy or boy do I love to use them. I want to say... the plot in general? I feel like that and pace in general is something I can write well. I rely a lot on "mic drops" and always make sure they hit the spot.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I OVEREXPLAIN EVERYTHING. THIS WON'T GIVE ME PEACE. and also dialogues. I do not know how humans communicate apparently. Smut isn't my biggest forte and it always feels like a convoluted strategy I need to play out.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't mind it. I sneak a couple of phrases or words of endearment for characters whose primary language isn't english. It's always tricky to write someone who isn't a native english speaker solely in english. You kinda walk the fine line between keeping it as close as possible to the way the character speaks in real life and how you would interpret them speaking in english.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
God......... anime fandom when I was 12.... bye.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Well, I gotta give it to my first love – green light, red wine (and i don't feel fine). Beloved mafia au <3 it brings me joy.
this was fun! I'm gonna tag @mysticalbreadcollective @leclercenjoyer @flawlessassholes @wolfiemcwolferson @lil-shiro @pinkierre <3
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kemendin · 7 months
9, 12, 15, and 31; relationships ask for dhamari & gale <3
Tumblr media
9. If there weren't enough seats, how would they sit? One on the other's lap? One on the armrest? One on the floor in front of them?
On the assumption of only one chair, Gale would definitely be sitting and Dhamari wouldn't be sitting at all. For whatever reason the Dhamari in my brain is telling me he doesn't like sitting in SEATS much; he either stands, or sits on the floor. In this scenario he'd most likely be just standing behind Gale, resting his arms on the back of the chair if it had a back, or possibly draping his arms over Gale's shoulders from behind. If he's feeling particularly fidgety - which, honestly, happens a fair bit - and the sitting goes on long enough, there's a high chance that Dhamari will start braiding Gale's hair in the back, just for something to do (no guarantees on the results, sorry Gale).
12. What is something their S/O does that makes them flustered?
For Dhamari, it's compliments. Gale is VERY complimentary, and Dhamari doesn't know how to deal with it. He's not used to praise, being told he's any sort of positive unless there's an ulterior motive involved, so he becomes very bashful and tries to shrug it off. Often Gale has to take a few moments to convince Dhamari that he does, in fact, mean every word.
On Gale's end, it's forwardness. Through the early stages of their 'is this a relationship or...?' situation, he was very much the 'active' party, openly if tactfully expressing his growing admiration and attraction to Dhamari, while Dhamari was much slower about admitting his feelings - even just to himself, never mind to Gale. Even when it's out in the open, Dhamari tends to not be too demonstrative in public. So Gale is definitely caught off guard any time Dhamari blatantly makes a move on him, physically or verbally (bonus points if Dhamari's blood-spattered and dishevelled, because he is NOT letting Gale forget that particular comment)
15. How do they comfort one another when the other is upset?
Dhamari: Ehhh poorly. He's not great at comforting, mostly he'll stand there awkwardly, not knowing what to do, and then see if holding Gale's hand will magically make the other man feel better.
Gale: A lot of calming words. Asking what the problem is, if and how he can help, and some soothing physical gestures if Dhamari will allow it - stroking the drow's face or hair, or just hugging him firmly.
31. How would they describe one another?
Dhamari: "Gale is... I don't know. So - different - from anyone I've known before. I never knew it was possible for one person to hold such ambition and such compassion and not see one of those snuffed out by the other. He knows so many things, commands so much magic, but he only ever offers a helping hand, not a tyrant's fist. And the way he smiles... it's like he uses more than his face to do it. His heart is in it. His soul. It's... beautiful."
Gale: "Who would have thought that the unceremonious slap of a hand could be the start of such a remarkable relationship? I admit I had my qualms when I saw I'd been pulled free of that portal by a drow - and quite the wild-looking one, at that. They say appearances are deceptive - not in this instance, however. Dhamari is every bit as chaotic a creature as he appears. Spiteful, suspicious, quick to anger and even quicker to reach for his blades. Or a bolt of lightning. He is not well-acquainted with the workings of surface society, and quite honestly I'm not sure he even knows the meaning of the word 'subtlety', which has made our adventures together a rather more combative experience than I would like.
"And yet, despite all of that... I have seen who he is, who he can be, if he is given the freedom to choose. There is a tempest of fear and fury inside him, but concealed within the eye of the storm, there is also a heart. I hesitate to call it a good one - not in the least because I can well picture the look he would give me if I did so - but the fact is, he almost invariably does what he believes is right. His motivations can be... questionable, and certainly selfish at times, but more often than not his actions are, intentionally or otherwise, good. And when one accounts for where he comes from, and all that he has survived... I consider that to be a most impressive feat of character. I am both astonished and humbled that he would choose me, of all men, to be the one he allows into that hidden heart."
OC Relationship Asks
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merakiui · 5 months
I loved the ebb and flow!!! Floyb being down bad and pining for the reader is so.. ( ´ཀ` ) anyway, I hope your pillow is cold on both sides tonight! You deserve it ❀˖°
Now... what if Floyd got more bold with his actions and maybe does something in front of Azul to tell that he's better than him and that he should back the fuck up.
(Floyd knocking reader up accidentally and now It's too late to do anything? Lol, baby gets born and it starts looking like Floyd day after day. And while papa Leech and mama Leech are angry at Floyd, Jade gets to business and tries to knock reader up himself ⍢)
(♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈) thank youuuuu!!! I hope your pillow sides are also cold! Floyb being down bad is always so fun to write. I actually just wanted to write awkward first time sex with Floyb, but then I realized I didn't write anything to celebrate 4/20 and so I knew I had to write a small scene where you and the twins take edibles and cuddle while listening to bossa nova. <3 the pining paired with stepcest flavoring makes for a very delicious meal.
I believe in punk Jade supremacy!!! Jade who is something of the poster child for the family because he's the "good twin," and so he goes out of his way to reverse that preconceived notion by getting piercings and tattoos in his own rebellious ways. I think Floyd (and also Jade) being a menace to his step-sibling is very fun. The three of you may bicker sometimes and be utter pains to one another, but at the end of the day you love them (they love you a little too much, though... ;;;;).
Aaaaa I love the idea of Floyd trying to assert his dominance over Azul. The original idea for the prom scene was for Floyd to kiss you in front of Azul. >:D he's such a brat!!!! Maybe he'll do that instead just to remind Azul that, while he's allowed to be close, he's not nearly as close as you and Floyd. ദ്ദി´▽`) but Azul grew up with the three of you, so maybe he knows the twins are freaks. (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
(Omg Jade knocking you up next...... it's only fair, isn't it? You gave Floyd a child and now he wants one, too. You can make him a father as well, can't you? 🥺 all with those pleading eyes of his....... your step-brothers are so troublesome. >_<)
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
That new fic is beautiful. Its so beautiful to see how much you've grown and how much your writing has improved. you have such a way with words and every time i read something of you, i have to take a break to think to myself how proud i am and how much i love the stuff that you make.
ps: i absolutely love the recent art youve been sharing. its so amazing to visually see your own perspective and imagination of your own writing
- 👾
(idk why i still use an anon emoji even though you already know who i am lmao)
this means so much to me ohhh my gosh. thank you so much for saying this-- i can't believe how lucky i am to have people who read me enough to notice improvements over time holy crap. and you're proud of me??? 🥹 i'm actually crying. I LOVE YOUUUUU RAHHHHHHHh <333333333333333333333333333 oh my goddd
(also thank u so much! i've been trying to practice digital art more! it's been sooo fun figuring out and experimenting with, it's so versatile! and i've loved making little comics/scenes from some of the sev stories i have here!! it's a different kind of fun to draw a scene vs. write it, i love it hahah)
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triggerlil · 3 months
find the word
thank youuuuu for the tag @johnslittlespoon and @hauntingcontradiction for the tag!!! this is very exciting n fun although I only have like 3 mota fics and 1 wip so we'll see how much I can actually find... I'm so bad at knowing who to tag buuuuut @thebuckys @alienoresimagines @valstarsandgalaxies @anachilles
rules: Share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you (optional addition: if you can't find the word in your WIPs, or you simply don't have any WIPs, you can just write a sentence around the word).
my words: heart, choke, teeth, sun / need, ghost, warmth, tears
your words: follows, truth, stroke, palm
in my tree-house of memories
He remembers Marge’s tree-house so well he can run his hands over it in his mind and get a splinter, feel the grooves of the heart he’d carved around their initials.
choke (didn't find it so just wrote a lil sentence)
The confession comes out strangled, Bucky choking on every word he's desperate to say.
my wip
For the first time since they’ve seen each other again, they smile and in an instant John’s teeth are on Gale’s throat, hands in each other’s hair. Gale bites John’s lip and tastes blood, it’s amazing and cathartic and ugly and wonderful.
i bet God heard you coming
When he'd returned home from the war and the horses at the Spencers' stables still nuzzled into his palm, when Marge died and the sun still set pink over the cottonwoods across the fields. 
take me, for luck
You couldn’t send letters back home when home was sat across from you in the mess hall, lay one bunk over from yours breathing deeply with sleep while you tried to make out his profile in the dark (needing to remind yourself he was still here, still alive, that you still had more time). 
i bet God heard you coming
The dark sweep of curls across John's forehead, the crooked part of his nose from an unclean break, the small scars and marks that pepper his skin (which only ever made him more handsome), long still eyelashes the ghosts of which seemed to flutter now against Gale’s cheek. 
my wip
“Thank you,” he murmured against the warmth of her skin. Tried not to think about the other shoulder he often leaned on.
i bet God heard you coming
He absentmindedly brushes the sensation away, the raw skin under his eyes stinging, and his hand comes away wet with tears.
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simp4wom3n · 2 years
Hey!! I was wondering if you could do a Wednesday or Jenna fic where the reader is like Gwen's height and maybe if it's a Jenna fic, r and Jenna are in an interview. Maybe it could be they are watching thirst videos and fans r thirsting over r or Jenna . But if it's a Wednesday fic maybe people at nevermore find it funny that R always rests on Wednesday w their forearm or something everywhere they go and Wednesday is just used to it, and if you want to do angst, maybe R is a vamp and they get like stabbed or hurt somehow ? I'm not sure how camps r hurt. But anyway, maybe Wednesday finds out she was hurt and gets emotional idk. Sorry this is really long. I just love your writing
THE CHOICES?!? idk how im gonna choose oh lord.
I guess it’ll depend what im vibin with when i actually get to writing it but either way im sure it will be fun <3
also thank youuuuu
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lilithsaga · 7 months
15 Questions for 15 Friends
Tagged by @emery-matsushita-vt (Thank youuuuu~!)
Are you named after anyone?
Yes, I am named after the first and most well-known succubus, Lilith. It is a common name among succubi, as I also have a great grandmother with the same name.
When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday. I've always been a crybaby. But at least it was a good cry yesterday... from someone unexpected complimenting my writing ability. 🥹
Do you have kids?
Hell no! I can't even take care of myself, let alone a kid. I'm not putting children through that.
What sports do/have you played?
Fencing... at least in University. Who doesn't want to stab people with swords? And the fencing community itself is actually really supportive and friendly. I actually met my current partner through fencing. (If you love someone, stab them with an epee) 🤺
Do you use sarcasm?
On occasion, but I don't think I use it often enough. When I was younger, I had a hard time understanding sarcasm and still struggle with it today every once in a while. It's just hard to tell sometimes whether a person is joking or being genuine/passive aggressive. When I use sarcasm, I try to go over the top with inflection to try and make it obvious I'm joking. Just want to make it easier for others.
What is the first thing you notice about people?
How they make me feel. I get this is supposed to be a physical description thing, but I usually won't pay attention to someone unless they have something that gets a reaction out of me. If they wear a shirt I like, I notice. If they successfully throw a ball of paper in the trash while yelling "Michael Jordan," I notice. If they like one of my comments online, I notice. All of those things make me feel joy and help me notice the person who did the thing. 😊
What's your eye color?
Purple 🟣
Scary movies, or happy endings?
Happy endings. Yeah, it's cliche, but I feel bad for people who don't reach a satisfying conclusion. And scary movies can be fun, but I watch them more for the story than the jump scares and grotesque aesthetics. It's great if a movie makes me uncomfortable with it's writing, but being uncomfy isn't something I like feeling.
Any talents?
None that I feel confident enough in to be deemed "Ultimate" or "Super High School Level" but I am able to write words on a page... so that's a thing, right?
Where were you born?
The American Underworld. To compare it to somewhere in the Overworld, I guess you could say I live in the Midwestern United States.
What are your hobbies?
Writing, video editing, gaming, listening to video essays, watching vtubers, reading fanfiction, daydreaming about random nonsensical things.
Do you have any pets?
Nope, never grew up with any and never felt comfortable taking care of one for the longest time. But my partner has a cat that I would protecc with my last dying breath.
How tall are you?
I am 5' 6" which is about average female height I think?
Favorite subject in school?
Creative writing. No surprise huh? English was okay, but other students made it disruptive and teachers focused more on sentence diagrams than actual storytelling.
Dream job?
I would love to do vtubing full-time, but don't think it will ever be realistic. I wish I had more time to write and create fictional worlds. But if I can't find the words, I also wouldn't mind video editing and slicing segments in a timeline to create a story that way.
Uhhh... oh shit! Now I have to tag 15 friends? Hmmmm... well Emery already tagged Tor and Axo... among others I know... *realizes I don't have a big friend group at all* uhhhhhh okay okay. I call upon the power of friends and mutuals!!
@yuzu-adagio @drakamut @azure-shades-of-blue @marvellovelacevt @draconick @slash-gallagher @vchuuberyl @overlord-jarvis @aurumatom @itsdracool @maidgamerclaire @saliferousanimations @moonfeatherblue @sisallacertavt @hatenayuri
Sorry if you've already been tagged or are not interested in doing these kinds of things! Totally allowed to ignore this! But I just think y'all are cool and deserve to let others know more about you if you wanna.
Thank you for reading!!
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dabisbratz · 1 year
Since you are thinking about making a pt 2 on streamer Eren, I wanna share some thoughts..
this one photo of xqc’s streaming set up in 2017 is what I think his set up looks like. Tbh I think it looks way more messier than that bc he doesn't seem like the type to clean often…
The way he would dress makes me think of moistcr1tikal. Nothing but basic tees though I think he would wear nicer pants than basketball shorts
like I said in an earlier anon text, he reminds me of jboysx especially the mic & camera quality. His streams definitely are just as chaotic as him
He seems like one of thos really weird v tuber fans that have a shirt and a few posters of em 😭
he definitely uses the default server in discord for his fans… OBVIOUSLY he has moderation and mods set up but he for sure asked someone to do it for him. He’s just a lazy guy mane
anyways that’s all I can think of rn :3 love your fics and love how you write hope you think this is silly and fun!!
THE ARM ON THEBCHAIR IS KININGLE?/$:? imaginin eren leanin on it by accident n fallin right offievsushshsg (also the coke cans??!?!), i feel like there’s always a really big mountain of clothes somewhere in the background of his facecam, but it’s placed somewhere different every stream. kinda like a runnin joke but it’s completely unintentional.
jboysx is literally him!!!! eren’s constantly arguin with his chat, cussin people out on valorant, makes the most outta pocket comments on stream. s’actually kinda rare for an entire vod to stay up cause he’s always sayin somethin that has to get deleted. for some reason i wanna say he’s had a big cyber-bullying scandal?$)?
streamer!eren gives me real mysta rias fan vibes, msure he has an unlicensed tapestry of him somewhere in his room that he’s always randomly pullin out n usin as a blanket durin stream. also! unrelated! but cause he has like. two irl friends (armin n mikasa). who are pretty busy, i think he’d host a lot of vcs and movie nights with his viewers!! his poor kids have to do so much damage control cause he’ll interact with his fans, jus won’t do any heavy liftinsgjehsjs
yea he’d definitely dress pretty plain n casual!! specially cause he spends all his dono money on video games n food (he has a really bad habit of burping into his mic…. he actually broke an old one cause his burp blew it out, yet he refuses to learn his lesson &/)/&/)/)
thank youuuuu!!! this was real fun to think about, gives him a lot more personality ໒꒰ྀི◜ ཅ ◝ ꒱ྀི১
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preordainedplace · 7 months
tagged by coolest awesomest guy ever @wereoz thank youuuuu <3 havent done one of these before but i love talking about my self forever
last song: mediocrity rules by le tigre (from the desk of mr lady is a great album. go listen to it)
currently watching: finally got around to watching the good place it’s been so so so good so far i love dysfunctional groups of morally corrupt people in inescapable scenarios (iasip and succession enjoyer) so i’m having a lot of fun with it :) also been rewatching my beautiful wife severance and my other slightly worse beautiful wife nbc hannibal. i watch tv shows in normal ways like a normal guy
currently reading: william shakespeare’s othello for my lit class (it’s dense. first year of sixth form so haven’t grasped shakespearean era language yet and i keep having to look things up it’s rough i’m sorry william) + wolf in white van by john darnielle (john is my #1 writerguy his stuff’s always fun to read. so sure i’m biased but wolf in white van’s been super fun so far and in terms of themes and such it really reminds me of tsn especially in its handling of time. so been enjoying it!) + the accidental billionaires by ben mezrich (autism is a real thing. bought her on a second hand books site for 3 bucks and its actually been a really fun read it’s written entirely like a novel so reading it post-social network it just feels like a deeply canon compliant piece of fanfiction. tsn nation get a copy it’s a good time) + they can’t kill us until they kill us by hanif abdurraqib (doesn’t really count because i’ve kind of been skipping around but his prose is absolutely wonderful he’s one of my favourite writers ever :) his essay fall out boy forever is an absolute joy. go read it it’s brilliant he’s brilliant)
current favourites: jacob geller video essays + saying ‘beautiful world that we live in’ in conversation + clothes with so so much unnecessary metal attached to them + writing analytical essays + the power of the human spirit + hats + bright clear days + leafy greens (especially pea shoots. i love pea shoots forever) + annotating books + slogan t shirts + playing and having fun + wearing the same outfit every day + cds + free admission at art galleries + publicly admitting to having a blog + fuckener’s tsn fanfiction + the sound of my wallet chain when i walk + trent reznor and atticus ross soundtracks + the new fall out boy music video + the busy beaver button museum + tunnel vision jewellery + winning ebay auctions + most importantly my beautiful girlfriend the social network 2010 dir. fincher and its accompanying content <3
tagging @viixeon @endingofdramamines @hereticpridemp3 @jokeryuri @scoobydooisgay and any of my other lovely nicey mutuals who see this (u may not know that we’re mutuals because this is a sideblog but you’re all like brothers to me. kisses <3)
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magpiefngrl · 7 months
8, 14 & a wildcard of your choice for the love your fandom asks, pls and thank youuuuu!! if those do not spark joy for any reason or you've done them, feel free to swap out for anything you like!! xox
Hello, hello! Thanks for the ask xx
8. you hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
I wrote a Voldemort Wins AU (The Boy Who Died) four years ago and I'd love to see more stories or art exploring that AU. There are so many juicy directions one can take it and I love me some angst. (I think there's been a few fics featuring a Voldemort Wins AU since I wrote TBWD, I should prob go track them down.) I know Voldemort Wins AU is a hard-sell, dystopian settings aren't what drarry fans tend to flock to, but I'm very much here for it.
14. the ship that always makes you smile
Oh that's actually a hard one, because drarry authors explore so many combinations of ships and rarepairs and it's very tough to choose. Also, although I love some rarepairs a normal amount, they often don't make me smile as such (prongsfoot is mostly about the angst and the sex, for example).
But you know who makes me smile, even now as I'm thinking about them? Luna and Neville. He's incredibly shy and awkward and she doesn't give a fuck about conventions: they're the cutest.
Wildcard! I used a random generator:
24. how has fandom positively impacted your life?
Oh thank you, random generator, awesome question!
Fandom has made a huge, real life difference to my life. I know I'm a bit absent now because I've learned that less is more (for me) regarding the time I spend on fandom, but the benefits have been immense.
First and foremost, I've made some very good friends. I've met several of them in real life too. I spent 4 days in Bologna with a fandom pal. I have people I chat to fairly regularly and I know I can rely on them for writing advice or just to be there when I need to vent.
Second, before fandom, I'd been writing original for a long time. Although I'd written a few short stories, I struggled with finishing a longer fic. I thought I'd never be able to do it. And lo and behold, when I fell into drarry, I completed a 36k fic! The longest completed work I'd managed back then. It gave me the confidence to know that I can finish longer works, I'm not incapable of it. I also learned what kind of writer I am. When I wrote original, I was inexperienced and I consulted a lot of websites about writing advice which is all SHIT (ask me about it) and it was one of the main reasons I'd struggled. But fanfic took the pressure of this-will-be-seen-by-agents-so-it'd-better-be-perfect. I wrote for fun and discovered my writing process along the way. This was an invaluable gift.
Third and equally important, being in fandom and writing fanfic in the heyday of a super popular ship gave me the recognition I was starved for. Writing alone in a solitary room can make one doubt whether she's any good or whether she's kidding herself. But receiving comments on my stories, knowing hundreds of eyes have seen them, possibly thousands, gave me the warmth and joy and reassurance that perhaps, if I am lucky and try hard, I can touch some people's hearts. That my writing isn't ridiculous or a waste of time or that I'm kidding myself. Again: an invaluable gift.
love your fandom asks
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domjaehyun · 2 months
hi so ive never sent in an ask for any writer before during my years of time on tumblr but ur works are so good that i just needed to let you know!!! i usually read stuff with only my bias but when it comes to you i read works with other members as well 😭😭 ur writing is sososo good and as a fellow writer i cant fathom how anyone can come up with ur plots AND manage to actually bring those ideas to life 😆 im very much enjoying tbim but i noticed that the genre was angst and was wondering if the story would have a happy, sad, or bittersweet ending (if it’s not too much of a spoiler !)?? in a perfect universe id rlly want for hyuck and yn to be able to be in a relationship without having to face any repercussions, but thats probably too idealistic of me 🥲 nkneeways this is getting longer than i expected so i just want to say one more time that u are soso talented and im excited for any future writings to come 🤍!!!!
my bottom lip trembling rn ngl to you…..IM YOUR FIRST ASK TO A WRITER !!! ME!!!!!! i’m feeling special thank you for taking the time to write this out and for summoning the energy and courage (bc sending asks can make me nervous tbh so if this is your first i hope you weren’t nervous bc i do not bite (that hard hehe . kidding) but i would understand if you were) to message me!!!! omg you read for not your bias bc it’s me 🥹🥹🥹 who IS your bias?? if i can ask!!
as for how i make it come to life….i let the ideas for fics marinate in my head like a crockpot and add seasoning (details) and then serve over rice thank you so much :’) i actually don’t have a detailed explanation for how i make my fics the way they are ……. i just love details i think they are soooooo important and virtually everything i write is dripping with intention like i choose my words Very carefully when i write !! but like a crockpot it takes a lot of time for me to make fics like these like the longer ones bc . there’s just so much I could include yknow?
tee bee ayche i could spoil it but i don’t think that’d be as much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will say that it’s not heavy angst at all if that makes sense like . i don’t think there’s very much crying or stuff like that!!! i also wanted that (a perfectly happy ending) but given the nature of the origin of the relationship ………………. that was not possible :/ someone’s gotta be upset yknow?
you could write me a 5 page essay in my asks abt my fic and i would cherish every word i love hearing that ppl enjoy what i do!!
THANK YOUUUUU UP NEXT IS A JAEMIN FIC SO STAY TUNED :3 not too soon though but like ideally this month or the next depending on how TBIM posting will work out !!!
thank you SO much again and i hope to see you in my inbox again soon!!!
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dollarstoreartsupplies · 10 months
I impulsively clicked on your npmd from teds perspective fic 9:30 PM, thinking it would be a fun, relatively quick read. Y'know, since it's only two chapters?
WELL I WAS WRONG. BOY WAS I WRONG. It was not a fun read (I mean it was but not in the way I was expecting) it was a soul crushing read. You seriously cemented Ted as one of my favorite hatchetfield characters. In a two chapter fic. Genuinely one of my favorite fanfics of all time now. The way you wrote Pete and Ted's relationship is my canon. Eating that shit up om nom nom, nom nom, nom. IT'S SO GOOD. Also I can't explain it but like...how you write Pete's reaction to the crazy shit that happens to him? That he just has to ignore for the greater good or whatever? The stuff he can finally truly deal with now that he doesn't have to be worried about getting murdered tonight? That shits golden.
I'm so very tempted to draw fan art, so ig hang on until I figure out how to draw Pete and Ted
ohhhhh mannnn OHHHH man this ask had me on the brink of tears in the break room at work this is SO KIND I'm OBSESSED with you!!
I feel... I should apologize for trapping you with this ABSOLUTELY Not-a-9:30-PM-pre-bed-time-quick-read, I laughed so hard when I read that like OH NO-- but thank you so so so much I'm honored to cement this horrible little jerk man onto more people's best of starkid character rankings. He SUCKS and i LOVE him!!!
God....,.,..,. this is such a non coherent response I'm sorry, I just keep stopping to reread this ask, I'm having a category five autism moment here like MAN-- god, I love writing Pete dealing with Situations, he's such a specimen of a kid (and, as established, we love ted) but it's not like he's the pillar of open and honest communication, so it's SO fun to explore how Pete is dealing with this shit and what eventually makes him snap into actual vulnerability (because man it's repression CITY over here in Spankoffski town) and Ted's sort of like oh shit, oh fuck reaction to it... I love them... your honor I love them, they're both trying SO hard--
man if you drew fan art I think I might die... like actually pass away... in the best way possible,,.,,.,. godspeed on ur drawing ted and Pete journey my advice is they are Long
Once again thank you thank you thank you thank youuuuu <3<3<3
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lettherebemonsters · 4 months
🥇 - I think you’ve done a brilliant job with your muse.
🎯 - Your portrayal is on point!
💡 - The plot ideas you give out are amazing.
🔮 - I can see us rping in the future and I can’t wait to get started.
💛 - You’re a dear friend to me.
📽 - I can see your muse in your portrayal, your writing is so perfect.
🎬 - I wish your canon was actual canon.
🌟 - I love seeing you on the dash!
🍋 - Life might be giving you lemons at the moment, but just remember you’re my lemonade!
🦄 - Your AUs are so much fun and well thought out.
🌞 - You are such a bright and lovely person OOC.
🤣 - You are hilarious!
🤞 - I’m always wishing to spot you online to improve my dash experience.
{@helluva-hazbins} shoves @ you and all of your muses that you've shared with mine!{endearing}
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( GAAAAAAH! SO MUCH LOVE!!!!! Thank youuuuu! LOL we need to do more angst plotting lol. Maybe with Lute this time???? :3)
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merakiui · 1 year
A fic I didnt expect to like so much was codependent bf azul!! Im not an azul fan (i know i KNOW) but he was so yummy in that! I love his desperation and how reader slowly became aware of how batshit crazy he was. I think thats also the most vivid fic i remember too! I remember the repetition and azul spiraling and how he'd repeat to himself affirmations (both positive and negative) and the scene with his parents where he was just downright INSANE
A fic i havent read but want to is 'Mother' i think its called? but the scara fic! (And to be cheeky i want to read this but havent, only bc it hasnt come out yet but that alpha vil wip! Im looking forward to it whenever it comes out and im also looking forward to tmdg!) I also NEED to get around to reading that last fem riddle fic bc *MOANS* lolol
(ask game)
👠 anon, thank youuuuu!!!! >w< I’m so happy to know you enjoyed clingy, codependent bf Azul. He’s so crazy. ;;;; it was an idea that popped into my mind while I was watching true crime, so I’m glad he can be both enjoyed and feared. It’s an Azul who is so far gone and unhinged that it’s terrifying to read! I’m glad you could like it despite not being an Azul fan!! :D
I actually have something in my drafts for him. I should get around to editing and posting it because he’s so terrible. Clingy, codependent bf Azul will always be the most eerie Azul to me. He might not be too scary in this excerpt, but he’s still just as determined to have you to himself.
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Ooo yes yes!! ‘Mother’ is indeed the Scara fic, specifically when he’s in his Kabukimono era. >:D thank you for looking forward to alpha!Vil and tmdg!!!!! I hope you’ll enjoy them when they’re inevitably published hehe!! They are both very delicious concepts. <3 and the fem!Riddle fic!!!! lol she has that effect. It’s another fic I hope you’ll have fun reading because I had lots of fun writing it!
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briwates · 4 months
hello hello, i liked questions 3, 24, and 28 from the writer asks game so much that i'm flipping them over to you! i hope you're doing okay!
Hellaur again, I'm doing alright, I hope all is good on your end as well !! Thank youuuuu for the questions
3- What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
Writing on my 45 mins commute. Somehow it's when ideas work together best, writing on google docs on my phone rather than properly on the computer...I guess it is also cursed because people can look over my shoulder on the bus/train etc and it makes me a bit self conscious lol
24- How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
honestly ? not much at all. i find writing fanfic fun but i thnk i go about it very much the same way I would doodle on random pieces of paper or notebooks. sketching out a scene and then if i like it enough and if i have some conversations with mutuals, it might bloom into a little scenario, then into something that actually stands on its legs. I think it's how I enjoy the process, even if it is not very structured !
28- Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
I haven't written much so far but while crafting the canon divergent story where Sunah lives and exiles to another country, I found her to be quite fun to write.
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01zfan · 4 months
hiiiii i just wanted to say that i have a writing blog and i’ve recently started making actual longer pieces, but i hadn’t written narratives since college 😭 i almost forgot how to do it but i have absorbed so much from hearing you talk about your process and the way you think about writing and scene setting. it’s so refreshing to have someone write with such quality on this site. anyways i think you’re phenomenal and thank you for inspiring me !!
YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY i'm so happy you're writing again! i'm glad me explaining my process was able to help you, writing is so much fun and there's literally nothing else like it in this world. thank you for complimenting my writing, i truly don't think i'm all that great but i'm improving everyday thanks to the writing i'm able to do here. THANK YOUUUUU for taking the time out of your day to message me, i'm really grateful for it!!
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