#thanks @turbomun!
rafedraws · 1 year
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This is my art done for the 10 Years of Wrecking event last month, in celebration of Wreck-it Ralph’s 10 year anniversary! I’m suuuper late posting this, but I promise I did... most of these on time. I did good with weeks 1-4, okay?! Besides, it’s kinda poetic to have this post today, considering my wife @turbomun & I first spoke on Dec 23, 2012. 
Week 1 - Felix & Ralph. Week 2 - Ralph & Vanellope Week 3 - Hero’s Cuties Week 4 - the Core Four Week 5 - Free space, turned into Ghostboy! Turbo week, in honor of the fanfic that changed my life forever!
Not entirely satisfied - could use some tweaks here & there. Ralph’s hair always gave me trouble, facial proportions are off here & there, Sarge’s eyes are a bit too big... But overall, I’m satisfied. Especially since I was drawing A LOT through November. 
Thank you, @bashfulgnome, @sgtcalhouns, and @ask-icancraft-it for the prompts & acknowledgement of this wonderful movie!
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mrxcreepypastamadness · 3 months
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It's my 9 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
It's been awile, I think I'm ready to show my colorless + 1 finished colored showcase teasers for my own world of madness taking place at the D-Sides universe.
D-SIDES Sugar Rush Madness:
Teaser #1:
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Referenced to Vanelope Von Schweetz (Turbomun version) and Virtual.ROM (FNF: D-Sides)
Teaser #2 (Current Concept):
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Referenced to Waluigi (Mario franchise) and The Peculiar Purple Pieman (Strawberry Shortcake franchise)
Early Concept:
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Wanellope.ZIP (Early D-Side Horror Vanellope)
Original Concept reference of the old design of Waluigi.ZIP but with a twist mix of the original Vanellope
Teaser #3:
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I HATE YOU Tafftyta (D-Side)
Referenced to Strawberry Shortcake (2009 version), and the official D-Sides I HATE YOU Luigi design teaser
Teaser #4:
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GV (D-Side)
Referenced to Alastor the Radio Demon, The rich salesman (or saleswoman in this case), and the semi-official D-Sides GB by Marco Antonio
Teaser #5:
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WC-CX (D-Side JB-BX)
Referenced to Johnny Depp's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory version of Willy Wonka, plus with a twist mix of Harley Quinn (DC Universe) & WX (Official D-Side MX based on Wario)
Thank you for your time. ^^
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avidoro · 1 year
A few days ago I posted screenshots of this bizarre glitch. I began a pre-release run of Security Breach and a viewer redeemed a Moon spawn from my point redemption. Moon spawned normally but then suddenly shifted into Chica's textures. I shared this on the Technical FNaF Discord server (where pre-release can be downloaded) and no one had ever seen this happen. I have been attempting to replicate this but so far have been unsuccessful. Now that I know he shifted after I walked away and then returned I am going to try again. Thanks to @turbomun for these clips Security Breach streams every Sunday night on my channel!
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dead-malls · 6 years
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“Collin Creek Mall in Plano, TX. Built 1981. Used to have five anchor stores, now has two; one of the empty spaces has been converted to an indoor playland called Amazing Jake’s.
I used to come here fairly often when I was in middle school/high school, and it was always doing all right, if not as well as some other malls in the area. Now it’s clearly on its last legs. According to Dallas News, it really went downhill after Dillard’s left in 2014, and the land may be redeveloped soon: https://www.dallasnews.com/business/retail/2017/06/27/planos-collin-creek-lewisvilles-vista-ridge-malls-may-soon-new-owners“
Photos taken by @turbomun 1/16/18.
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andyfire122 · 2 years
The cat and the Jester
(Hello @turbomun I was your undertale secret santa. I hope I did these two some justice. I’m a little sorry the audio I was working on didn’t work out but this too was also really fun. Thanks again to @undertalesecretsanta for hosting the event. It was nice to be back doing gifts this year.)
“I’m so happy for you my boy.”
Seam just smiled as the newly appointed court jester was beaming with excitement. The energy Jevil gave off was enough to make anyone happy. He knew how much work his friend put into fulfilling his dream.
Jevil just grinned as he finally stopped running around. “Aww, is the big cat getting tired out?”
He teases me now. Yet he complained about how tired he was after helping me with my shop.
“You have enough energy for the both of us, and you know it." Seam just ruffled the jester's hat. Both of them are going to be very busy. It would also mean less time to see each other so freely like this.
Jevil giggled before jumping up to the cat's height. "You know I can always see you anytime you want. You’re just a silly big cat."
The future seemed to look bright for years. Then one night, Jevil appeared back at Seam's doorstep. Normally when the jester visits him, he's so full of energy trying to recount every moment of the things that occurred while they were apart.
Now he just seemed empty.
“Jevil, what has happened to you?” Seam tried to reach out to him but, it was met with resistance. All he could do was invite him into his house.
Something must have happened at the castle today. I heard the king was being more aggressive lately. Maybe that’s what happened.
Jevil just sat on the couch in silence. It took what seemed like ages before he decided to say something. "Seam, what if you learned something bad. You can tell people, but you are told that no one will believe you. I just...really don't know what to do about any of this."
The cat caught on with what his friend was trying to say. Someone told Jevil something recently, and it scared the jester. It scared him so bad he wasn't sure what to do about it. He couldn't even imagine what it could be, but he was determined to get his old friend feeling like himself again.
“If it were me, I suppose I would find a way that would get people to believe me. If telling people isn't an option, then there is always a different way."
Jevil perked up at that and gave him a big hug. “I knew going to you for advice was a great idea. Your the best, big cat.”
He’s always let his actions speak more for him. I’m sure whatever he decides it will work out for the best.
He was wrong in so many ways.
Never in all his years did he ever imagine facing his friend in a battle like this. Everything just turned into chaos. If he didn't do something fast, the king will have Jevil killed for what he's done. He paused as he stood in front of his friend.
“Awww, if it isn’t Seam. Here to tell me how insane I am.” The jester twirled his tail as he prepared his next attack.
Seam just sighed. "All I know is that I don't want the king to hurt you. What caused you to do this?"
The laugh Jevil made shook Seam to his core. "What happened you say. I tried telling people the truth. This is all just some elaborate prison. A twisted game made by someone else to have fun with. I tried. I did try and tell others. I thought I could get people to fight back."
The attack was raised in all directions as tears went down Jevils face.
“No one listens and I can't even prove any of this. Then I realized, I don't have to. If this world is fake then all I need to do is break it. In other words, I can do anything."
I know he doesn't want to hurt anyone. I just need him to calm down long enough to get him out of here.
Seam defected some of the bullets with his yarn before turning back to Jevil. "You know I always listen. Let's just go home, and then we can find a plan to help everyone."
Just as it seemed like Jevil was about to reach out to him. One of the king’s spades attacked. That was the trigger as the energy seemed to radiate off of him.
“You all have no idea. I’M DOING ALL OF THIS FOR YOU!”
The blast of energy exploded and the king was knocked to the ground. That wasn't where the blast was focused though. Blinding pain shot through Seam as all he could do was lay there. The worst part was what he could still see with his remaining eye.
Jevil was crying.
“I didn't...you weren't supposed to get hurt. You were the one who was supposed to be safe."
He tried reaching out to him. The decision was made with no hesitation. Seam focused the last of his remaining magic and flung Jevil into the deepest prison. As much as he wanted to still believe in his friend, things were past the point of no return.
“Goodbye, my silly jester.”
No matter how many years passed, he couldn't quite forget Jevil. He tried his best to move one, but sometimes all it took was something small to remind him. They were pleasant memories that were muffled by the pain.
It only hurts now that I finally understand. That thing knew what would happen if they told Jevil that truth. He felt so lost. I can only feel numb.
He never visited Jevil’s prison until now.
He could hear the cackling from behind the prison door. It wasn't as chilling as it had been during their fight. It almost sounded like the old Jevil.
“I can hear you kitty. So what do I owe this visit? I know it’s not for the food.”
Seam could almost laugh as old patterns seemed to fall back into place. Still, he was here for a reason. He had to tell him what he knows.
“That being told me everything. I just stopped caring to do much about it."
The silence from behind the door almost prompted Seam to leave. Then he heard shuffling as Jevil was right against the door. "He just waited to hurt you more. Not that I can say I didn't."
It’s so bold of him to think I don’t have an idea about it.
“Someday, a controlled vessel will show up. It's possible that a true will can break our prison once and for all."
As he walked away, he could hear the laughing one last time. It was almost hopeful and bright. "I’ll make sure to great them well then. Just make sure to hide my key well. I don’t want to make players think it’s too easy.”
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rafespeaks · 4 years
Hey Rafe! I just wanted to say I've been following Smeet Adrift/Discarded and it is fantastic stuff! I love the takes on the characters and all the thought y'all put into details like Miyuki's continued reign, GIR's origin, and the whys of rken!Membrane's presence! Really delivering there
Ah, thanks!! Turbomun told me about your message to her as I was headed to boot up my laptop, but I didn’t expect one, too!!
If you like the Megadoomer & Irken!Membrane stuff, that’s a constant in our ‘mainverse’ AU, too, tho Zim is still very much Irken Invader Zim in that iteration. As for this AU... I just had baby feels & suggested the basis of this. XP
Tbh, a lot of this AU really took me by surprise. At least, the part we’re on now where the kids are show-age. Dib’s stayed kinda predictable, but he’s had a partner-in-crime since day one now & doesn’t really have to deal with the rejection & betrayal of his dad shooting down his interests all the time. But Zim and Gaz? I TOTALLY expected Zim to be pissed when he found out he was a defect sent to die. But instead, he just... completely fell apart. & I wasn’t expecting him to pull out a panic attack while he was connected to the Control Brains either. Zim is so much softer in this, & I didn’t anticipate the extent of it at all. Muses can be funny like that sometimes.
Meanwhile, I expected Gaz to have reduced patience b/c she doesn’t have to deal with Dib’s rambling NEARLY as much, but I DIDN’T expect her complete hostility towards her dad. They’ve always had a pretty okay relationship before in the show, Florpus, & our main threads. But in the Discarded AU, she’s pretty much on her own. And yeah, that’s the way she likes it most days, but she realizes how messed up it is for Membrane to just not be there. Coupled with the fact that she realizes most of Zim’s feelings & reasons for leaving are directly the fault of her dad, and she cares about that dumb bug dammit, she’s NOT a happy camper right now.
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starlitskvaderart · 5 years
Bunnikkila’s Commissions!
Hey everyone! I’m doing some small commissions - both for myself to help out with bills and keep my car running, and for my friend @turbomun, who is recovering financially after a car accident! (Details here.)
On Offer:
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Will Do:
OCs/FCs (I can work from description!)
Most fandoms
Simple splash BGs for icons
Anthro or human characters
Will Not Do:
Hateful or bigoted material
Heavily detailed mechs/robots 
To commission:
Email me at [email protected] with ‘Commission’ in the subject line
Specify what type you’d like, and link references if you have any
Specify whether this is Nikki Fund or Turbo Fund
Wait for me to send you the correct Paypal link
Commission will be started once paid!
And if it’s more your speed, I’m also signed up at Pencils In The Margin, so check that out as well, along with Turbo’s own commission sheet here!
Thanks for looking, and reblogs are appreciated as well!
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turbomun · 5 years
The Other Side is now a webcomic: how & why the fuck did this happen
Of all my works of original fiction, I’m probably the most proud of my novel The Other Side. (You can click that link to read it for free!) It’s a story designed to expose the inner workings of some of my favorite and least favorite tropes, including stuff I grew up with that popped up in many of my stories when I was younger. It is a story, though, not just a deconstruction, and I worked really hard on the plot and characters. One of my longest surviving OCs, Chuva (she’ll be ten this year!) is the star, among a cast of characters mainly inspired by those of Kirby: Right Back At Ya! Yes, really. (Technically it’s inspired by the Japanese version, Hoshi no Kaabii, but I digress.)
Several people have read and enjoyed The Other Side, and I’m really grateful for that. Since it is my favorite story I’ve written, I really want to share it with more people, and my hope is that making it a webcomic will make it more accessible to everyone. That’s not really the main reason why I’m doing this, though.
The thing is: The Other Side was never meant to be a novel in the first place. It was meant to be an animated TV series.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with me or my work: I have a Bachelor’s Degree in animation. The Other Side was developed from an old Kirby fanfic I wrote, and I worked on it almost entirely while in college. Except I worked on it visually, not through writing. That was how I always pictured it: as, well, pictures. I always assumed that once I got into the animation industry, I’d be able to make it a show.
That...is probably not going to happen, at least not anytime soon, but eventually I had the story burning in my head and I had to articulate it in some way. Some might say that a webcomic would be the obvious choice -- the closest way for one person to quickly get across the idea of an animated story. But 1) I was in college and didn’t have a ton of free time, and 2) I wasn’t very confident in my art skills. The novel, for me, was basically a way to get the story on paper; I can write way faster than I can draw.
I’m still not sure how much confidence I have in my art skills, but having found myself in a non-art-related job that gives me a decent amount of free time, and also having come out of a yearlong depressive episode, I’m going to try doing this anyway.
The key word being try.
Q&A with a straw man
1. turbomun, are you actually going to fucking finish this?
I’m going to make an honest attempt. It’ll depend on how I feel about working on it after a while, and also what kind of reception it gets, so we’ll see.
2. What is the update schedule going to be?
I don’t know yet. I have to finish a few more pages first to get a better idea of how long it takes me to complete them. Maybe one page a week -- maybe.
3. Aren’t there supposed to be two sequels to the Other Side? what’s going on with those?
I have the plot of Book 2 (The Broken Pantheon) mostly finished, and I know the broad strokes of Book 3 (The Children of the Universe). Neither one has been written, beyond just some jottings about the stories. If this webcomic brings more attention to The Other Side, I’ll probably start writing Book 2 (which I plan to do at some point, anyway) or, shit, maybe I’ll even do a webcomic of it first. I have no idea, it really depends on how this endeavor plans out.
4. I, a hypothetical straw man, have more questions
Please ask them, preferably at @thebooksofdivinity, but I won’t eat you if you ask them on my personal blog. I love to talk about myself and my bullshit stories so I welcome all queries.
For those of you who are planning to follow this crazy shit I’m doing: welcome. Thank you. Spread the word if you’re impressed. if you’re not, I don’t blame you.
Join me at @thebooksofdivinity.
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Apparently not one, but TWO Disney animatronics malfunctioned spectacularly this weekend, and I couldn’t resist sharing.
Thanks @turbomun! I know this happened a while back but it’s still hilarious and terrifying. 
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sparkler-v · 6 years
turbomun replied to your post “Heads Up”
I will make sure Rafe sees this when she gets off work; we both had our own thoughts on WIR2, and idk, maybe we can hash something out together.
(( Thank you! I’d really love to have the chance to rp with you again, and I’m really excited to rp with Rafe here again if she’d like to. I’d love to share ideas, I’m open to plotting out a thread and to improv ones. As I said before, I’m not going to be incredibly active until next Thursday, but if either of you send me any messages I promise I’ll reply as soon as I’m able to. 
Thank you again! :) ))
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Hello! I was watching this video about abandoned Disney park effects, and while the whole thing is very interesting, my attention was seriously grabbed when the narrator says (at about 9:30) that the infamous Disco Yeti had a brief stint in “A-minus mode” during 2009. They don’t elaborate on it, but I was wondering if anyone else had heard about this, and if there are any videos or even just descriptions of what “A-minus mode” actually was? (btw I love your blog and I’ve learned a lot about animatronics from it!) 
Hi @turbomun ! thank you so much, glad you like the blog :) ah yes I’ve seen that video, really interesting stuff.
Just so everyone knows A Mode is when the yeti moves like it originally was supposed to and B Mode is when the yeti stays stationary and strobe lights flash to make the yeti look like its moving. So I guess A- minus mode would be somewhere inbetween the two modes. 
There’s a few comments on this video saying this is A- minus mode (about 3:30)
and I also found a comment on this website
Yep, A minus mode really exists. This is when there is extremely little motion and even less lighting
That’s all I could find about it. Does anyone want to add anything? 
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turbomun · 7 years
“I’m the Bad Guy” arranged for piano, with the melody in the right hand! Because a few people have done covers but for some reason no one has bothered to make sheets.
Special thanks to this transcription Level: Intermediate to advanced Sheets below the cut (contact me for PDF, MIDI, MUS, or XML files)
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If you notice any errors, please let me know -- it seemed completely playable when I tested it, but I’m not infallible, and I want to make sure that this music is as comprehensible as I can get it. And if you actually play it, let me know -- I’d love to hear you!
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dead-malls · 6 years
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“Plano Market Square Mall in Plano, TX. I don’t know much about this place, but I do know that it has been a dying mall for at least 15 years. It used to be kept alive by a Garden Ridge, which was replaced two years ago by a similar store called At Home, but now that’s gone too. The main retailer is an antique mall.”
Photos taken by @turbomun January 11, 2018. 
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