#thanks again anon you are the literal sweetest
samisnotlegend · 2 years
same anon with the broke boys headcanons, anyways, I'm feeling broke boys withdrawal and need to satiate my addiction
please feed us some crumbs by responding to more of my cutesy headcanons/predictions/random thoughts/ideas about the story. (note: I'm not forcing you to write any of these ideas, but if you felt *ahem* inspired, it's free real estate)
okay so when I first started reading the fic, around the time when bkdk went to costco(?) together and were trying free samples, I have never been able to stop imagining bkg getting invited to a high school reunion and then recruiting deku to go with him soley so they can steal the snacks. And when they show up, they split up to cover more ground. A few members of class A notice him and talk with him and they get along, and they get around to asking him who he's with and deku says he's w/ bkg....cue slow blinking form whoever he's talking to. Meanwhile Bkg is trying to sneakily stuff snacks into a bag at the food table and Uraraka happens to be nearby and being a fellow broke girl(tm) herself growing up, she clocks what he's doing immediately and feigns indifference to seeing him while they talk, but also helps him steal more snacks no questions asked
2. a prediction I've always had was that somehow, a huge battle happens, like Camino Ward levels of fighting) and Bkg is the hero that defeats the villain but ends up in the hospital. And the press is going wild, like, "he was supposed to be evil?? But he did something okay?" and is being skeptical. But as reporters are reporting outside the hospital, a giant group of people shows up, passing by the cameras which are broadcasting live. They all have platters of food, or other gifts. And Izuku comes outside and invites them with him because....its the neighborhood! Some of the newcasters ask the neighbors why they're there and they explain how much their community has blossomed because of dynamight (let's be honest they'd call him kacchan) and his husband. Which is how bkg gets some positive press for once!
3. headcanon of mine is that, once the dynamight hero agency becomes successful, Izuku starts a charity
4. another headcanon is that the neighborhood helps deku and bkg paint the walls of their agency building, kinda like they helped out with the community garden
5. Eventually katsuki discovers the terms aromantic and asexual and a few years down the line does an interview with a queer magazine about it to raise awareness about being aroace and to help other people like him (i'm aroace so this would be amazing). Maybe he starts wearing an ace and aro ring on a chain around his neck? (he would've worn them, but he didn't want his wedding ring to stand out less)
6. when they have enough money, deku finds a cat on the street and takes it home and adopts it and katsuki looks at deku's big doe eyes and agrees
anywho, just wanted to let you know this story lives in my head rent free and thought this might brighten up your day!
Hello my dear friend <3
I am truly sorry it took me so long to reply to this! Honestly, everything about this is so wonderful and I wanted to write something specifically for it, but I haven't been able to (yet!) but here are my thoughts on all your wonderful headcanons.
my jaw legit dropped when I read this one. I cannot spoil anything atm, but... there has literally been a *very* similar scene planned since basically the beginning. A few more UA characters will be introduced as we go through, and yep, Izuku is going to get to meet them, and yep, some slow blinking will occur. ;)
Again!!!! My friend you understand the vibes of BB SO WELL its insane. Something.... similar.... is planned.... I assure you. Now, I'll credit you completely for the hospital idea though, because I hadn't thought of that, but I LOVE IT!! I'll do my best to work something like this into the story. <3 <3 <3
I love this one so much. I'm not sure if I'll be able to work it into the actual story, but its canon for you!
Yes! The ace/aro rings!! So, tbh the reason why I gave Deku and Katsuki black rings is because to me, they ARE ace and aro rings! I actually debated having the ring fit better on Katsuki's middle finger, but decided to go ahead and just have them wear them on their ring fingers. I own several ace rings myself, and I just adore them. (makes me feel all warm and fuzzy whenever I look at mine!) Down the line, Katsuki especially will do some more exploring with his identity. (Izuku is already very content with his) I'm not sure if I'll give Katsuki a totally separate ring, but he'll spread the ace/aro colors in other ways. ;)
Oh gosh a kitty!!! Well, they've already adopted half of the neighborhood kids (and several of the adults) so what is one furry friend to mix? Anon, what do you think I should name the kitty?
Overall, my friend, this ask totally blew me away. You really understand where I'm going and what I want to do with this story.
To me, Broke Boys has always been an incredibly personal story. So many of the themes and experiences (and even stories!) are just thoughts and things that I've taken from my own life. So the fact that it resonates with other people means the world to me.
Sometimes the world sucks, anon! Sometimes life doesn't take you where you want to go, or even where you deserve to go! But its also still wonderful! There will always be happy days ahead of you! There will be people in it who love you! And that's so awesome!!
In the future, I hope that this story will continue to bring you happiness. You deserve it.
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2aceofspades · 9 months
u know, I'm just gonna take this opportunity while Ace is stuck in that hole they dug themselves into and therefore cant stop me from just....
*takes deep breath*
Hey did yall know that Ace is so amazing and talented and they deserve so much love and appreciation because theyre the bestest and nicest and devious lil goon we couldve ever asked for and if the universe is ever mean to Ace I will rally the troops and fistfight the universe myself because they deserve nice things dammit
~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
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Staaaaaawp- 🥺🥹😭
Morse anon!!! I can't explain how grateful I am to you, my lovely morse anon. You are a ~literal angel~
*Crawls out of the metaphorical hole I dug myself to slide you a metaphorical uno reverse card* mehehe~
Oh stars, I was not expecting that but may I just say, you have impeccable timing. You never fail to cheer me up in the best way and bring a big ol' goofy smile to this lil' goon's face. I am so fortunate to know you and have such heartwarming and fun interactions with you. Thank you from the bottom of my lil' goon heart, my dear morse anon 💙✨
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ghostforwhat · 1 year
Yesterday i found out there there is not one, but two chapters of the smoking fic
I had only seen the first chapter on here and love it so much!! I quite literally read it everyday for weeks. AND THEN I FOUND THE SECOND CHAPTER AND I THINK I LITERALLY DIED AND CAME BACK
thank you so much for sharing your writing with us!
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ssprayberrythings · 6 months
our little secret | CL16
charles x female!reader / smau fic 
this was a request so thank you anon for providing the idea, i changed some of the detailing ever slightly to fit it more into the social media format but overall i followed the request so i hope i did it justice! 
as a bit of a background: you and charles have been together for a few years now, but nobody knows because they’ve kept their relationship secret from the f1 community and private from anyone who follows you. everything is going great until photos of you and charles on vacation get leaked. normally you’d deny it or ignore it but it was very obviously charles in the pictures which cause fans to go crazy, wanting to know everything ultimately resulting in you and charles deciding to go public and hoping for the best. oh and the request included having other drivers on the grid having gone through recent breakups which was another reason charles liked that your relationship was private. 
warnings: none, just pure fluff and charles being a simp for his girlfriend !! 
yourusername posted on their instagram   
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yourbestfriend, yoursister, user23 & others liked 
life recently ⭐️🫶🌸
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user1: y/n i still cant believe we haven’t figured out who your partner is, its been atleast a couple years 
user2: at this point, i don’t even care who it is, as long as she’s happy 
yoursister: awe the flowers, he’s the sweetest 
╰ yourusername: i know ! 
user22: one day we’ll find out…i hope 
╰ user17: we can only hope 
yourbestfriend: i love that youre happy but i don’t enjoy third wheeling, does he have any single friends he can atleast bring along 🥲
╰ yourusername: sorry..pretty sure all his close friends are in relationships 🫣
charles_leclerc posted on their instagram 
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f1fan, pierregasly, landonorris, fanofleclerc & others liked 
who do i give these flowers too 
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fanofleclerc: YOU CAN GIVE THEM TO ME 
user30: how is this man single ???? he’s so boyfriendcoded 
landonorris: i’d prefer literally anything else but i guess you can give them to me 
╰ charles_leclerc: ill pass 
f1: we’ll take them for you charles, im sure someone in the paddock would like them 
yourusername posted on their story  
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caption: he loves me i swear..😉
*replies disabled*
charles_leclerc posted on their instagram 
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pierregasly, landonorris, f1, f1fan, charlesleclercfan_ & others liked 
enjoying the sun whenever i can 
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fanofcharles: hes so beautiful wow 
charlesleclercfan_: imagine running into charles leclerc while he’s shirtless? id pass away
pierregasly: photo creds would be nice..
╰ charles_leclerc: you didn’t take the photo ? 
╰ pierregasly: yes but i was behind the camera offering support, its basically the same thing 
f1fan: pierre and charles’ friendship is top tier
╰ liked by f1
yourusername posted on their instagram   
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yoursister, yourbestfriend, user20 & others liked 
me and everyone’s favourite man hit the town 🍸
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yourbestfriend: its giving old money, i love it 
╰ liked by yourusername 
user20: im sure whoever he is, is a gorgeous man 
user12: i may not know who he is but i aspire for these vibes 
yoursister: the hand placement is everything 
╰ liked by yourusername & yourbestfriend 
user44: whoever he is, he was raised right, that hand placement says everything and him holding y/n’s heels, god has favourites 
charles_leclerc posted on instagram 
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charlesleclercfan_, f1, f1fan, landonorris & others liked 
hikes at sunset > 
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charlesleclercfan_: omg charles 
charlesleclercfan_: i think my heart just stopped 
f1fan: he knows what he’s doing, he has to 
user33: brb finding the strength cause this photo makes me weak 
user2: he looks so happy 
yourusername posted on their instagram   
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yourbestfriend, user22, user14, user7 & others liked 
my two favourite people 🫶
tagged: @yourbestfriend 
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user2: mystery man once again
user14: the way they go on runs together 
yourbestfriend: the only time i’ll gladly be a third wheel..i love a good walk/run at sunset 
╰ yourusername: i know how much you love your sunset runs 
user12: couples that run together, stay together 
╰ liked by yourusername 
yourusername posted on their story  
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caption: my whole 🌎 
*replies disabled*
yourbestfriend posted on their story
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caption: i once again find myself third wheeling..@yourusername
╰ yourusername: atleast you could walk away when you wanted..
╰ yourbestfriend: not the point..but tell charles thank you for paying for me aswell
╰ yourusername: will do 😅
charles_leclerc posted on their story
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caption: enjoying some local art before racing starts again  
*replies disabled* 
yourusername posted on their instagram  
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yoursister, yourbestfriend, user3, user15 & others liked 
gonna miss watching the sunrise in the morning and the sunset in the evening with you 🥺
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user3: wait where is he going 
user23: awe, i hope everything’s okay and they haven’t broken up
╰ user4: i think mystery man has to leave, but they’re still together 
yourbestfriend: mom and dad..fr 
╰ liked by yourusername 
user44: wherever mystery man has to go, i hope he comes back soon 
“Merci mon amour” You smiled as he situated himself next to you in bed. Having been dating now for almost 3 years, you had picked up on french terms and were able to have small conversations only speaking French with Charles 
“I posted you on instagram” you told him as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders pulling you closer into him but being careful not to spill the drink in your hands 
“Oh what did you post? My phones charging” he explained as you unlocked your phone and showed him the post you made for him “You’re now being referred to as mystery man” you chuckled. 
Out of all the names people had given him throughout the years, this was definitely your favourite. Charles also chuckled when he heard the name that was given to him 
“Can I ask you something?” Charles asked after a few seconds of comfortable silence passed between the two of you 
“Of course, what’s up?” you asked after taking a small sip of your tea “Do you ever think about going public with our relationship?” He followed up 
You turned to face him fully “Of course, mon amour but we both agreed it was better this way” You reiterated the promise you made early on in your relationship 
“I know but I hate that I cant comment on your posts or even post you myself” he sighed “I want to keep you safe but I also want the whole world to know you’re mine and I’m yours” he finished. 
“I know it’s not fair” you exclaimed while running your fingers through his hair, something you did for him when he was stressed or feeling anxious “I love you all the time though regardless if you post me or not you know that. Right?” You asked him 
“Of course I do” he told you in response closing his eyes feeling relaxed “One day we’ll go public. Im making you that promise” he told you opening his eyes again 
You smiled at him “Sounds like a beautiful promise” you responded, leaning in to kiss his cheek “As much as I would love to spend the rest of the night talking with you, you have to be at the airport early tomorrow” you reminded him as you stopped playing with his hair, to turn and put your mug on the bedside table next to your side of the bed, Charles putting his own mug on the table next to his side 
“Im gonna miss you” he told you when you were both situated in bed, the only source of light coming from the evening sky outside “Not as much as I’m gonna miss you” you told him, snuggling into his side while his arm pulled you closer to him. 
Even if you had been dating for awhile, the start of the race season was always a struggle, neither of you wanting to be apart for long periods of time but it was moments like these that you held close and savoured until the next time you could be this close again. 
yourusername posted on their story  
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caption: my happy place 🎨
╰ charles_leclerc: babe i miss you already and its only been a few days 
╰ yourusername: i know but soon you’ll be busy with media events, qualifying, racing and the time will go by quicker, i promise my love 
╰ charles_leclerc: facetime tonight so i can see your beautiful face ? 
╰ yourusername: of course ❤️ 
yourusername posted on their story  
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caption: now whose third wheeling..😠 @yourbestfriend 
╰ yourbestfriend: oh hush up, this was only one time compared to how many times i third wheeled you and driver boy 
╰ yourusername: okay fair point…also driver boy? wait till i tell charles that one 😂
more replies..
╰ charles_leclerc: omg since when did y/bf/n get a boyfriend? i want all the details 
╰ yourusername: i’ll tell you everything on our facetime call, its a pretty cute story of how they met 
╰ charles_leclerc: okay but not as cute as when we met? right? 
╰ yourusername: oh never, we have the ultimate cutest first meet story 🤭
charles_leclerc posted on their instagram  
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f1, carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari, landonorris & others liked 
feels good to be back 🏎️ 
tagged: @scuderiaferrari 
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scuderiaferrari: looking forward to a great season ! 
╰ liked by charles_leclerc 
f1: as if we weren’t already excited for the new season !!
╰ liked by charles_leclerc 
charlesleclercfan_: IM SO EXCITED 
charlesleclercupdates: THIS IS HIS SEASON, I CAN ALREADY FEEL IT 
Charles was standing with the other drivers, whenever the new season started they always had to do a bunch of media and although some drivers may hate how childish some of the antics were, overall it’s always a nice time getting to be in the same place as everyone and not be competing for once. 
Charles turned to George and Pierre who were in conversation with Carlos and Lando. Somehow they had gotten on the topics of relationships, Lando having told everyone that the girl he was seeing at the end of the previous season before the break, wasn’t in the picture anymore. 
“Aw mate I’m sorry” Charles told him “Its okay, we weren’t anything serious” Lando told him, seeming to be completely fine with the outcome. “Carlos how are you and your lady?” Lando asked Carlos taking the attention off of him 
“Ehh, its alright” Charles’ teammate answered the question directed at him “We barely talk and now with racing starting, I don’t see her sticking around much longer” he explained his current situation. 
To Charles it seemed as though everyone who had been relationships or atleast talking to someone, now had no one which made him a feel a bit guilty as he had been in a 2 year long relationship that none of them knew of. 
Later in the day, the guilt in Charles stomach only grew when he somehow found out 3 more drivers on the grids long term relationships had ended. He was feeling unnerved because it seemed as if there was some sort of relationship ruiner going through the paddock and he didn’t want to be the next victim. 
That night, he called you up, for a moment forgetting about the time change but remembering its only a small change. You answered after a few rings, you had your painting scrubs on indicating you had been working on a new piece of art 
“Hi mon amour” you exclaimed happy to see your boyfriend “I was just in the middle of painting, let me just take my scrubs off so I can move to the couch” You explained, Charles nodded his head acknowledging you
“Okay tell me how everything went today, I want to hear it all” you started talking again once you were situated on your couch. Charles started telling you about his day making sure to include what he learned about his fellow racers, which only caused you both to feel content keeping your relationship to yourselves. 
yourusername posted on their instagram 
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caption: disconnecting to enjoy the serenity of camping 🏕️
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f1updates posted on their instagram  
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old photos of charles leclerc with an unknown female leaked. reports say this was last year during the summer break, which brings up the questions of who is she? were they dating here? if yes, are they still dating? everyone wants to know. 
*comments disabled* 
charlesleclerc_updates posted on their instagram  
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f1fan, f1updates, wagupdates & others liked 
more leaked photos of charles with this mystery woman. who is she? i know im not the only one dying to know 
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user11: OH MY 
f1updates: does anyone have any idea on who she is 
╰ user15: no clue 
user3: she’s pretty from what ive seen 
user22: i need to know everything 
ferrarifan: what i would give to have been a fly on the wall when charles found out these got leaked 
Charles was resting in his drivers room. He was trying to mediate which meant he had his phone silenced. This was something you started doing with him when he would get in his head about racing and it helped him regain his focus especially during the moments when he was to hard on himself.
He had been in here for probably 30 minutes before there was a rapid knock on the door “Charles, its Carlos can I come in?” his teammate asked from the other side 
“Yeah” Charles answered. Carlos opened the door and stepped into the room “Have you been on instagram?” Carlos asked holding his phone in his hand 
“No why?” Charles was confused, what was so important on there that had Carlos wondering of his activity on the app “You should see this” Carlos told him while passing him his opened phone. 
When Charles looked down and saw what he saw, he felt his heart stop. There you and him were on his boat, last summer. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He scrolled through his tagged and it was flooded with the same pictures posted by various accounts 
“This isn’t good” he mumbled to himself as he passed Carlos his phone back so he could pick up his own phone. He went to go text you immediately when he remembered you had told him, you and your best friend were going camping for a few days which meant you wouldn’t have reception until you got back home. 
He opted to still text you something rather than nothing, that way you would see his message once you turned your phone back on and would give him a call. 
“Can I ask who she is?” Carlos asked after a few moments of silence “Shes my girlfriend. We’ve been together now for almost 3 years” Charles answered his friends question, figuring the secret was out now and there was no point in lying. 
“Oh wow, you’ve kept this going for that long and its just now coming to light. Thats impressive” Carlos told him 
“Yeah we decided early on to keep it between us” Charles sighed “We were planning on going public eventually but I guess the public beat us to it” 
Carlos just gave his teammate a sympathetic nod, there wasn’t anything he could say in the moment but he could still be there for his friend. 
A few days after this, when you were on the drive back to your place, you turned your phone back on, having a few texts from Charles. One that stood out, read ‘Babe give me a call when you can. I have to talk to you about something’ the text from Charles read. 
You weren’t sure what this could be about so you didn’t wait to dial his number once you were in the comfort of your apartment. After a few rings, Charles answered, asking you how camping was and catching up before moving on to talk about what happened while you were offline. 
That night you and Charles had a long conversation on what you both wanted to do in this situation and after some back and forth, finally came to a decision regarding your relationship that you both hoped you wouldn’t regret down the line. 
yourusername posted on their story  
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caption: he’s back ♥️
╰ yourbestfriend: happy anniversary to you two:)
charles_leclerc posted on their story  
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caption: when she makes you breakfast 😍
╰ maxverstappen1: WAIT ‘SHE’ ?? 
╰ carlossainz55: AW
╰ landonorris: soft launch? 
yourusername posted on their instagram   
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yourbestfriend, charles_leclerc, landonorris, pierregasly & others liked 
i guess after 3 years, my mystery man isn’t a mystery anymore. 
happy 3 years mon amour 😘 
tagged: @charles_leclerc
comments have been limited 
charles_leclerc: i love our love 
charles_leclerc: 3 years into it, a lifetime to go 
╰ liked by yourusername 
yourbestfriend: so happy for you both 🥹
╰ liked by yourusername
pierregasly: oh wait this is actually cute 
╰ landonorris: agreed !!!!
charles_leclerc posted on their instagram    
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yourusername, yourbestfriend, f1, landonorris, maxverstappen1 & others liked 
hard launching because i’ve wanted to post my girl since i met her 
joyeux anniversaire, ma chérie 💌 
tagged: @yourusername 
comments have been limited
yourusername: i love you 
yourusername: falling asleep on you > falling asleep on the bed 
╰ liked by charles_leclerc
f1: we’re happy for you:)
maxverstappen1: 3 YEARS? WOW 
maxverstappen1: happy for you dude 
carlossainz55: bring her to the races so we can all meet her !! 
╰ liked by yourusername & charles_leclerc 
i hope you enjoyed this one. im trying to get more into including actual pieces of writing so hopefully for this one, everything made sense. as always feel free to leave any comments or you can make your own request, up to you! ♥️
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nouvxllev · 1 month
Jenna x Reader
Summary: R gets high off their ass after an argument w J, J gets home (xtra tired) w R drunkkkafff, but even in a drunken state, R still treats J like a literal princess, no matter the circumstance they're in cuz R loves J sm
i (do)nt care!
Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Gn!Reader
Summary: request!! ^^
Words: 3.5k
Warnings: literally drinking tears away, on the verge of an alcoholic and stressed out reader, readers the sweetest but also dorkiest, bittersweet stuff but the author is trying to sound funny above most of it
a/n: one of my recognizable anons, thank you for requesting!!! APPRECIATE YOU SMMM
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You're a shitty person at times, like having quips come flying out of your mouth like a 7th grade asshole. You don't know where they come from, but they came from something like maybe a stressful week.
Like people not knowing when and how to shut the fuck up, angry customers with blonde hair and a penchant for that pixie-cut hairstyle pestering you all day because you allegedly forgot their order as if you weren't new to the whole running a coffee shop thing while on a minimum wage!
The internet seriously romanticized it too much, it's becoming a hassle to know which job to take when all you want is something relaxing and pays well.
Job hunting was a pain in the ass more than you are.
But then there's that lovely and caring girlfriend of all that makes it all bearable even if you're on the brink of insanity. The one who makes everything okay with literally just her presence. If there were a worldwide contest for the best and most understanding girlfriend, you knew Jenna would win it hands down.
You'd sooner try to stop a bullet train with your bare hands than even hurt her in the slightest. You loved her all too much to even do so.
But somehow in your own fucked up, seriously-like-actually-what-the-actual-fuck-were-you-thinking way, you managed to mess that up too.
You had an argument with Jenna as soon as you walked through the door the both of you shared. (It was because she accidentally broke your Minecraft bed and now it wasn't placed beside her. Again, you were stressed, and everything piled up. Even if it's dumb ones.)
You still remember the sound of her voice, heartbreaking is all you could say. (Again, dumb argument. Why did you even bring it up as if it was some huge problem?)
So now you're here. Drinking all your sorrows away like it would magically bring Jenna close and sing some we are the world shit for the rest of your living lives and kiss.
It was moments like these when you question if you were dropped on your head as a baby multiple times and no one even bothered to tell you.
I mean, arguing over a Minecraft bed? Seriously? Maybe you should take up lobotomy without anesthesia.
You still remember saying, 'Fine! Go away and see if I fucking care!' like something out of a bad soap opera and then she actually went away.
And you do care. Very much so.
It's safe to say you spent 30 minutes crying on the floor before picking your ass up to get a cab and come up with a dangerous coping mechanism before you eventually spotted a bar and decided you'd start drinking.
And of course, being that one person who never drank before in their entire life without having to chase it all down with water the soon it hits your tongue, it tasted bitter.
The bar was quiet with a hint of peoples voices going up and down alot, screaming alot, and the occasional drunkard barging in with their work attire.
You'd like to think that you're none of these people, but your the person who argued with literally the love of your life that you vowed to never hurt over something so dumb and tried drinking it all away.
"Ffffuck..." you murmured to yourself. Your eyes burned like hell, that was a nice addition to a headache.
Your head was down on the counter, your fingers gripping the shot glass as if it was your last moment on earth.
"You've ordered two bottles of whiskey and a fuck ton of tequila shots in the past hour, something wrong?"
Let's see, I've been fighting sleep as if I've disrespected my ancestors, job hunting is literally chewing me like I'm flavored bubblegum, tired, stressed, and most importantly, I managed to upset my one and only girlfriend who only gave me nothing but pure happiness and love! So, I'm fucking not, thanks so much for asking!
But you can't say that to someone who's also working minimum wage at a bar in New York. Living in New York is hell enough, dealing with fucked up customers like you is already going to be the next problem.
Because what can you really say to someone who's just trying to do their job? They don't need to hear about your self-inflicted drama.
You hear the bartender sigh. Not unlikely because you've probably been groaning and whining for the past few minutes.
"Let me guess, gotten to a fight with your significant other?"
How in the hell did he know that!?
Your eyes widened, immediately sitting up straight. "Holy shit, you're a wizard!" By the way your voice slurred and literally no one on earth would have that as their first thought, you're drunk.
The bartender chuckled, cleaning off another class and chucking it in the sink. "Not quite. Just seen my fair share of broken hearts. Kind of comes with the job."
You shake your head, "Nope," you popped the P, "definitely a wizard."
"Wanna tell me about them?" He placed another shot glass your way, "On the house, juice, though. You shouldn't be drinking anymore."
Taking the glass of juice, you swirl it around absentmindedly with your hand perched on top of the table and carrying the weight of your head. People say don't talk to strangers, but they never really said to spill your guts over to them.
With a sigh you down it all.
"Her name's…" Oh, right. She's an actress.
You really shouldn't be going around telling people you're literally with America's Idol when you kept your relationship with her private until she's ready to go public.
"Her name is, uhm, Jenny." Fuck, she's gonna kill you if you tell her this story. But it does put a very stupid smile on your face.
"Pretty name."
Your eyes lit up like never before. You were passionate for her, how could you not? "She's pretty, very pretty—you wouldn't know how to describe it yourself, you'd have to write verses upon verses to."
"Have you?"
"I'm still writing. Everyday."
The bartender nodded with a slight smile to his lips.
You stand up straighter. "She's this—talented person with one of the most dangerously charming brown eyes that resembles a nebula. Her smile, oh—her smile is one of the most incredible things to witness. She could make a devil weep and laugh with her, it'll make them regret their sins in an instant." Your voice was warm, clear, not even a trace of drunkenness whenever you're talking about her.
"It's not just her looks, or her smile, or whatever, she has a brilliant mind you could never dissect. Tears were never a challenge for her, she's brave, braver than anyone I've ever seen. She's a kind and romantic soul, an old one at that, but romantic nonetheless. Not just to me, but to everyone around her. She cares for everyone around her." You didn't notice you started crying halfway through.
"Dreaming was never a problem when I'm around her, though it felt like reality was greater than anything I've ever slept in. She's just the most gorgeous and incredible girl. She sees right through me, through everything, but she still loves me despite all my flaws and fuck-ups."
You pause. "But tonight, I got us into an argument so stupid, like so stupid and then I burdened everything I was feeling on her. Before I knew it, I yelled some things at her that I didn't really mean and she was out the door."
You'd think you'd be fine after literally spilling everything out, but no, you just slump back again in defeat like some pathetic hopeless romantic loser.
You facepalm yourself. "Give me a bottle."
"You shouldn't be—"
"I'll pay you 100$ no change needed, just please give me a bottle." You were acting like one of those drunkards you see on TV shows where the character gets horrendously fucked over.
One of the all time low for you, you've really outdid yourself.
You hear the bartender sigh and place another bottle of whiskey. "Business is business."
In one go, or maybe one shot glass, you were back to words stumbling and your brain feeling like fizz.
"All I know is I screwed up big time, and now I'm sitting here feeling like the world's biggest idiot for doing something like that to literally the love of my life!"
"Well, is she—"
It happened in a flash.
Or rather it happened in a second by how fast your mood changed to serious to straight up bawling your eyes out and gripping the bartenders collar.
"What the hell do I do, John!? Is your name even John!?" You cried, even breaking down and making a mess of yourself in front of the population of this bar.
"ImessedthefuckupandIdon'tevenknowifshesgonnaforgivemeohmanwhatthehelldoIdo!?" You swayed him back and forth, it's amazing how he isn't calling for security and escorting you out.
"OKAY, OKAY! Calm down, shit!" He immediately grabs your hands and gently pries your fingers from his shirt and sits you back down.
"I feel like the—" you hic "—worlds biggest asshole and my girlfriend thinks that too!
"I still love her with all my heart! I'll do anything to be with her again, I'm so fucking serious, anything I—!"
"She's right behind you, man!"
You stop.
You turn around.
"Oh, shit."
You murmured. It was like your brain was stumbling on a delicate thread of soberness and drunkenness. Jenna looked like the most finest pair of blobs.
Jenna looks tired, exhausted, stressed. Her eyes are glistening with tears, and her nose carries a reddish tint to it. You didn't even notice that she was wearing your shirts with one of your jackets.
"Oh, love!" You come crashing down on her as you stood up, embracing Jenna into a warm hug.
"Y/n, you're crushing me—"
Jenna used to love your hugs, even if they were totally crushing her. Oh, you were so fucked.
"Sorry, sorry," you mumble, stepping back slightly but your hands lingered on her shoulders, offering a small massage to her stress. "Is that you, Jenna?"
She looks up at you. There were visible dark circles under her eyes and glint of past tears that trickled down her face.
"I'm... I'm so sorry, Jennaaaaauuhh!" you cry out, her name stretching as you bawled your eyes out in front of her, words tumbling out of you before you can even stop them.
"I didn't mean anything, or any of it! I was stressed, people were so mean to me, but that isn't a valid excuse for me to just..." you blew a raspberry for dramatic effect, "blow it up on you. Please don't ignore my hugs, you always adored my hugs! Oh, God, Jenna, I'm so sorry!"
You were still talking before Jenna could even get one word out, "I love you literally sooo so so much I was a fool for even—hey, how'd you know I was here? Fuck, you shouldn't be here! I can't let you know that I was drinking, turn around!"
"Y/n," she sighs, reaching up to cup your cheek in her hand, "Let's just go home. You've been here for an hour."
You nod frantically, not knowing if that was meant to be as an I forgive you gesture or an I will tear your limbs from muscle to tendon and taxidermy you into the most horrendous positions after we get home gesture.
"I'll get the door for you!" You shout while stumbling over your own feet as you rush to get the door.
By the time the two of you got home safely without you trying to insist taking over the steering wheel when you're completely blacked out of your mind, you're still clinging onto Jenna as if she was the one going to fall on her own feet.
"Y/n, what are you doing?"
Jenna looks up at you, your whole figure sprawled out in front of her like a starfish.
You turn around at her like some superhero who came to save the day, vision blurry from the light. "The moon looks suuuper close tonight. What if you'll get burnt!?"
"That's the porch lamp, Y/n."
"No, it is not—!" You look up. Oh, shit it is.
"Oh." You take Jenna's hand, giggling away your blatant stupidity with a goofy grin, "God, you're so smart, can't believe you're my girlfriend."
But Jenna just laughs. It's everything to you, a sweet symphony blessed with those close with her.
"I like 'ur laugh, Jenna." You whisper to her, hands in your pockets while you watch her struggle with the keys.
She doesn't respond but with a nod. Your heart sinks for her—she's that exhausted and it's all because of you!
Finally, she manages to get the door open with your heart stuck in your throat while Jenna leads the both of you inside. The house was warm, toasty, but it left remnants of your argument with her.
You steel a glance at her, her eyes cast downward while she struggles with her own jacket.
"Oh—here! I'll get your coat," you offer, your hands trembling slightly with your own coat hanging from your forearm. "Annnd I'll take care of your clothes—wait, did you have dinner yet? I can whip up something for you!"
Without Jenna's judgement, you hurry up with a tail stuck between your own two feet to Jenna's closet, throwing everything out and getting some nice and comfy clothes for her. Not knowing you went to your closet instead of hers.
"Jenna!" You run towards her, pretty fast for a drunkard without falling over, "Shit everything looks like hell for me—anyway, what do you want for dinner? I can literally make anything, just say the word!"
Jenna still stands in the doorway, looking up at you. "You can't cook dinner, love, you're drunk."
She called you love! Yes!!
"I'm not drunk. I don't have my hiccups anymore, my vision is not that impaired and I can walk perfectly fine. You just saw me run!"
"You mistook a porch lamp for a moon and tried to protect me, Y/n."
Noooo! Back to the first name basis already!?
"You're sweating even if the air condition is turned on, your eyes look red so is your face."
"Okay, maybe—"
All you heard was a sigh before Jenna's lips met yours. Soft and delicate, it was the effect she had on you. You can melt like winter bathed in sunlight for the first time by the touch of her lips on yours.
"Earth to Y/n?"
Your eyes were still closed even after she pulled away, what an idiot you must've looked like.
You blink.
"Oh—oh, that's me. I'm Y/n." You cleared your throat. "Here, your clothes!" You bounced back almost immediately, but you swear your heart is still fluttering like crazy.
Jenna took the neatly folded pile of clothes on your hands, "Let's just take a shower, okay—"
You're practically bouncing with energy and utmost passion to help out your girlfriend with a simple sentence coming out of her mouth. "I'll draw a bath for you! Even scented candles and bubbles—wait, let's get you on the couch first."
Jenna smiles at you. Oh, how you've missed her. "You know, you don't have to do this, baby." She murmurs as she makes her way to the couch with your hand between hers, sinking into the soft cushions with a relieved sigh like she was a plushie.
"But I want to," you respond softly, handing her a bottle of water and arranging pillows for extra comfort. "It's the least I can do."
Fuck, she's too adorable. How in the hell did you manage to get into an argument with this perfect girl?
"I'll be right back, baby. Just relax, okay?" You reassure her, giving her a quick peck on the forehead before eagerly skipping to the bathroom like your life depended on giving your girlfriend the most luxurious bath of all.
It took a long while before you got everything in place. It was all 50% work and 50% taking a rest because you almost tripped and fell into the bathtub, eaten shit on the floor and the bath bomb, mistook rose petals for blood, almost dropped your phone into the water, and took numerous breaks to calm your vision and heartrate down.
Returning to the living room, you find Jenna lying down with her eyes shut, looking cozy and content.
Yet she was still tired.
Visible traces of exhaustion were etched on her face, her eyebrows are slightly creased even in her REM cycle, and her hand is curled into a fist as she constantly twists and turns in her sleep.
You wince at the sight.
You approach her quietly, gently brushing a strand of hair away from Jenna's face. You watch her breathing even out, her chest rising to her breaths. She looked dangerously ethereal.
How long have you been staring at her for?
You smiled, getting into the couch with her, wrapping your arms around her soft body, hoping that it felt like comfort to her like how she felt like undeniable solace to you. She was cold, very cold, but you couldn't help wrap your arms around her.
"Hey." You murmur, planting a soft kiss to her neck, "You okay? I drew a bath for you."
"Just for me?"
"Mhmm, why?"
"Aren't you going to take one? You reek of alcohol, baby."
She laughs at you, sitting up and pulling you along with her. "Take a shower with me, there's enough space for two."
You smirk at her, "Ooooh, sexy."
Jenna could almost burn holes in your face, rolling her eyes with the same smile as yours, "We are not having sex, baby."
"Oh." You wince as you get up, taking Jenna along with you, "But seriously?"
"Seriously, you reek."
"And I thought you love me!"
"I do, just not the smell."
By the time you both got into the shower, you were marveling at Jenna's figure.
She seemed almost too flawless, simply too gorgeous not to appreciate fully. You could almost cry at the sight (which you did). She was too perfect not to.
Jenna turned to you, her wet hair cascading from her shoulders as you sat behind her, massaging her shoulders to relieve any stress and tension in her body. "You alright, baby? You're... crying."
"Sorry," You wiped your tears away with a light laugh, "You're too perfect, how could I not!?"
Jenna leaned into your touch, letting the warm water and scented candles warm her spirit as well as heart, the tension melting away under your gentle touch. "You're pretty perfect yourself, Y/n."
"Compared to you, I'm no one."
"Now that's the dumbest thing you've ever said."
You paused in your ministrations. "I made you cry, Jenna. Over something so stupid." You let your arms fall to her waist, wrapping them in a tight hug as you bring her closer to you, burying your head on the crook of her neck. "'M sorry. I shouldn't have blown up everything on you. I didn't mean anything."
Jenna sighed, her hands finding yours cuddled around her and intertwining each finger with hers. "I know you're just tired—"
"You are too. More tired than me but you never harmed me like how I harmed you." You whisper to her, your breath shaking, "I'll do better, Jenna. I'm sorry."
She hummed, turning her head to plant a delicate kiss on your cheeks. "I forgive you, Y/n. We all have our moments, you aren't any out of the ordinary."
You hummed softly against her skin.
"Also, please don't go out drinking again, okay? It's gonna turn out a bad habit for you."
"You smoke, Jenna. We aren't that different."
Jenna narrowed her eyes, "I will drown you, Y/n."
You laugh, placing a kiss on the corners of her lips. "I'm just joking!"
You continued to massage Jenna's shoulders, feeling your own stress and tension melt away as you kiss every patch of her skin.
"How come you still treat me so well even when you're drunk?" Jenna adjusted her position as she nestled between your legs, her own drawing up to her chin.
You scoff, "For the second time, I'm not drunk and I love you too much not to."
"That's a stupid reason."
"Excuse me?"
"What were exactly your exact words... Oh, 'Go away and see if I fucking care?'"
"You know I didn't mean it!"
"I do. But I wanna hear you say it."
You couldn't see Jenna's exact face, but you know she's wearing a shit-eating grin with the most stupidest and cutest dimples around her smile.
"I do care for you, Jenna. So much. I was a dumbass for saying that, a dick, even."
Jenna laughed, leaning in to rest on your shoulder, her hand gently guiding your head to face towards her.
She pressed a soft kiss to your lips. "I love you."
"Well, I care for you." You kissed her back.
a/n: im surprised that this was so short also im back! my schedule is hectic and very stressful but im still alive for the most part
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ghost-recs · 2 months
OF COURSE!! and why not both? my favorite liberos getting much deserved love💕
Nishinoya Recs
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when you go away, i still see you by @kisskawa
synopsis: summer after graduation meant new beginnings, but it also meant goodbyes. however, you hope that some things never change.
i love the way this is written sm, fluffy oneshot with a tinge of angst.
thinking started feeling like burning by Grae_Coltrane [ao3]
synopsis: you had always thought you knew what would grant you happiness in life. but six years after graduation, you find yourself in front of your ex's house without a thought or feeling left in your body.
ngl, i was a little skeptical about this one, but it turned out to be so so cute! i love the way this is written, and noya is literally the sweetest little tornado! (thank you lovely anon for the recommendation!)
Bruises by Emocean (orphan_account) [ao3]
synopsis: you decided that soulmates are overrated, as yet another deep dark bruise appears on your body.
soulmate au in which the injuries your soulmate gets appears on your body as well, cute little oneshot!
Split Lives by GhostiMoth [ao3]
synopsis: you hate to think how slow and boring your life has gotten. after living a day in the body of your soulmate, hopefully that will change.
soulmate au where you and your soulmate switch bodies for the day, wholesome oneshot living the life of nishinoya.
Your Biggest Fan by queenofhyrule [ao3]
synopsis: being late to one of the most important games in nishinoya's career was not ideal, but the reason why was worth it.
best friends that obviously simp for each other, warning it gets spicier throughout (not totally sure how i feel about the ending, but still cute)
Strawberry Cream by skeletiddies [ao3]
synopsis: nishinoya takes tanaka's advice on how to confess to you, but things go horribly wrong.
crack oneshot, but a happy ending! this took me off guard, but made me laugh.
Bad Sleeping Habits by @oreosmama
synopsis: you and noya never know what to expect from each other before going to sleep.
just some short drabbles of the weird things you and noya do in your sleep, crack.
Yaku Recs
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untitled: cloud 9 by @writingbymoonlight
synopsis: yaku shouldn't be held accountable for the way he acts around you.
coffee shop au, adorable oneshot that made fall for flustered yaku.
another untitled oneshot by @shoulmate
synopsis: yaku will take the disses if it means you will reveal what you truly think.
cute lil oneshot that i frequently occasionally think about.
Begin Again by hyuniebaby [ao3]
synopsis: after a toxic relationship, you're not used to being treated in the way you deserve.
Burnt Out by 3rdgymmanager [ao3]
synopsis: yaku will respect your decision to quit volleyball, but not without some effort to persuade you otherwise.
oneshot that is purely yaku being the best supporter
If Only I Were Selfish by ThisNoodleWrites [ao3]
synopsis: yaku's biggest regret is that he wasn't selfish when it came to you, but time has given him a second chance.
timeskip oneshot with some reflections back to yaku's high school days, sweet happy ending.
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓★ Seven Wonders ‧͙⁺˚*・༓★
{Ellie Williams x Reader}
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Summary: They say to beware of the woman who sings within the seven seas…but what if Ellie just can’t help herself?
an: okay, so this request was so good I literally couldn’t even respond to the ask, I just had to jump on and start writing it. So! This is for the sweet anon who asked for a mermaid/siren!reader x Ellie fic! Ellie is a sweet little sailor in this one because I said so. I took inspo from the little mermaid and aquamarine! Thank you again to the anon for this request!! I hope you enjoy baby 🖤 (not proofread apologies for an errors)
Warnings: 18+!! Smut!! Angst! Reader grows legs when she’s on land, oral (ellie and r!receiving), lots of kissing, spanking, reader is a mermaid/siren, sailor!ellie, mentions of drowning, sad towards the end im sorryyyy. Let me know if I missed anything pleaseee.
Ellie's favorite place was the water.
Ever since she had been a little girl, she would follow her father onto the docks as he loaded up his boat, and there wasn't a trip that he made that she wasn't going on when she turned old enough to join him. Her father even called her his little fish for quite a while, until the nickname made her groan in annoyance.
She loved it so much, that she followed in her fathers footsteps the second she got her first job. Sure, taking the fish that the guys pulled in from the docks to the local markets wasn't the best job, but she was officially in line to become a great sailor herself.
And that was exactly what she did. She worked her way up all the way until she had her very own boat, and she was her very own boss.
Ellie's father was a sailor, his father was a sailor, and his father's father was a sailor. She practically had salt water running through her veins.
She enjoyed the calmer months, when there weren't many fish to catch and she was able to spend the entire day on her boat, drifting along in the warm waters until it became too dark and she had no choice but to haul ass back to the docks.
And that's exactly how she found herself here, her boat slowly bobbing from side to side along with the calm waves of the ocean, the shore miles away from her, the closest human being too far away to bother Ellie for any favors or to borrow her precious boat. She was resting on the bow, her hands resting underneath her head as she hummed a gentle tune to herself, drifting in an out of a light sleep.
But then Ellie realized, she wasn't humming...that noise wasn't coming from her.
She frowned as she sat up, the warm sun slowly setting, making the world grow darker and darker around her. She blinked her eyes a few times, adjusting to the sudden change in brightness. For a moment, she almost thought she had drifted back to shore, the sound of a woman humming so clear she'd swear there was someone on the boat with her.
But Ellie was so far from the shore, she could barely even see it.
She sighed, figuring that it was merely her mind playing tricks on her. She brought her wrist up to check the time, settling on staying out on her boat for an hour or two more before she had to go back in. She laid back once more, resting her head against one of the pillows she had and closing her eyes.
And then she heard it again.
This time, it was closer, clearer, and Ellie knew she wasn't losing her mind this time. She heard it, clear as day, the soft melody of a woman humming, followed by a soft giggle.
And Ellie was sure it was the sweetest melody she had ever heard.
As if in a trance, Ellie was standing up from her spot on the bow, and moving to stand near the railing of her boat, searching the dark waters for what it was that she heard. Had someone been swimming? She didn't recall hearing any splashing from the shore, perhaps they were coming from a nearby boat? Only, Ellie was the only one out on the water this late in the day.
She continued to scan the waters with her eyes, searching for any clues to what it could have been that she heard. Suddenly, a flash of silver rippled through the water.
Her eyes widened when she saw it, and she felt her boat wobble a bit, paired with the sound of something hitting it from underneath, and she heard the giggling from the other side.
Ellie rushed towards it to see what it was, only to see another flash of silver thrash through the waves a bit more harshly this times. She quickly reached into her bag, grabbing her flashlight and shining it into the water.
"Hello? Is..is someone out there? I..I can help you! Do you need a raft??" She called out, but here was no answer. The only thing she was able to hear were the waves crashing against themselves.
Ellie frowned as she looked around, realizing that it had only grown darker and darker with each passing second that she was out on the water. She gave the open waters one last look before she decided it was time to pack up and get back to the shore.
That night, the only thing Ellie dreamt about was that song.
The melody played in her head over and over again, making her toss and turn in her bed. She could see the ocean, dark and grey as the clouds above her swirled, thunder and lightning casting over her as the wind blew on her face. She stood at the shore, her eyes searching for the melody that grew louder and louder the longer she was there.
She began calling out, for help, for the person to show themselves, for anything…
And suddenly, the voice that had been plaguing her mind had a face to match with it.
Emerging from the ocean was the most beautiful woman Ellie had ever seen, her body dripping with water, the droplets on her body sparkling like diamonds. As she slowly walked towards Ellie, the beautiful song continued, and Ellie felt like she couldn’t move. Because suddenly, the beautiful woman had her naked body pressed up against Ellie’s, her arms wrapping around her neck before she was pressing a cold, wet kiss to Ellie’s lips.
Ellie woke up in a panic, gasping for air as she sat up in her bed, her hands gripping her chest and her loose t shirt, trying to find something that could help her ground herself, help her remember where it was that she was.
When she calmed down a bit, she looked over at her window, the harsh sound of hard rain rapping on her window like pellets of metal. She frowned further, because the clouds in the sky looked identical to the ones in her dream.
She sighed softly, her hands rubbing over her face. It wasn’t until she tried getting up from her bed that she realized her pussy was soaking wet.
The following day, Ellie was determined to find answers.
She was rummaging through her grand fathers old chest, the one her father had insisted she take in with her when she moved into her current house. She almost refused it, knowing that it wouldn’t do anything but clutter her space and create more of a mess, however her grand father had quite the collection of books on anything she could think of when it came to being a sailor. From how to train yourself for diving, to the mystical creatures that plagued the waters.
Ellie was really fucking glad her dad made her keep the chest.
She was sat on her couch, a large stack of books surrounding her as she flipped through quickly, her eyes scanning for specific words that could help her.
Giant squid, kraken, serpents…
The word made Ellie freeze, her eyes scanning over it multiple times. She could practically feel the chill running up her spine. Her fingers delicately traced over the word, her lips parting gently before she uttered. “Siren…” softly.
And as soon as she said it, a loud crack of thunder practically shook through her entire house, making her flinch.
She swallowed nervously before she brought her attention back to the book, eyes scanning over the description of the sea creature.
When Ellie was a kid, she remembered sitting on the floor of her grandparents house on days much like the one she was experiencing today. Dark and stormy, the waters too rough to go out on and explore. She had no choice but to get in her comfiest pajamas and let her grand father bring the stories of the sea to her.
He would tell her everything, and at the time Ellie wasn’t totally sure which were stories he’d experienced himself, or if they were fairytales passed on throughout generations of her family. As she grew older, she has just written them all off as just that, stories passed down for the enjoyment of the children that were around.
But as she sat in her living room, staring down at the description of a siren, she couldn’t help but recall the story of the beautiful sea women that her grand father told her about.
He told her they’d first come to you in the ocean, never revealing themselves to you until they were ready. It would be followed by vivid dreams of these beautiful women, using their powers to keep you connected to them long enough until they could come to you once again in the real world.
And finally…they would lure you into the ocean, and you’d become another one of their prey.
Ellie’s grand father warned her and her cousins to never fall prey to these women. To cover their ears and close their eyes if they ever heard mysterious humming. Of course, Ellie never believed in any of that stuff. Her grand father was simply trying to scare them enough into never going out on the waters alone or staying out too late.
However, her she was, a fully grown woman, going against the wishes of her grandfather. She was packing up her bags and willingly walking out into the storm.
The storm that you had caused.
Ellie had never seen a storm as bad as this one.
Not a single soul was outside, let alone out on the docks. The boats lined up were rocking back and forth, and Ellie had to put her hand up to her face to shield it from the harsh wind and rain that was hitting her body, making it hard to walk forward. It was almost like it was pushing her back towards her house, begging her to go back home.
But she couldn’t, all she could think about was that song, and that face. She couldn’t let it go.
She finally made it out to her boat, cursing under her breath as she struggled to bring her rope and anchor. Once she did, she was moving inside her boat, starting up the engine and driving out of the dockside onto the water.
And as soon as she was, the waves were crashing against her boat. Ellie was quite the experienced sailor, having made her way through several storms. However, she had never made her way through anything like this. The sky almost looked like it was caving in on itself, but Ellie couldn’t even come to her senses to care, the only think playing over in her mind was the beautiful face she saw and the sweet melody she heard.
She kept going, her boat making its way out further and further into the water, her eyes searching for any trace of silver that she had saw the night before. She frowned, pushing the lever on her boat and forcing it to go faster.
Her boat climbed over the waves like they were mountains, forcing it to crash down every time she toppled over one. Ellie could hear multiple things inside of her boat falling, even a few things breaking, but she couldn’t stop.
Especially not when she saw that familiar glimmer of silver in the sea again.
When she saw it, she was laughing like a woman gone mad, and she was pushing her lever higher to go faster regardless of the fact that it was already at the highest setting. She was on a high speed chase now, trying to follow the rippling figure she saw speeding ahead of her.
She almost lost her mind when the creature jumped out of the water, large sparkling tale on full display for her before it dove down.
A particularly sharp turn from her boat to follow it was her first mistake, because going against the harsh waters so abruptly almost made her boat tip over, but she didn’t seem to notice, because she continued with her erratic movements. She continued driving her boat at full speed to follow the figure.
It wasn’t until her view was blocked by a large wave, swallowing up her boat completely and submerging her underwater that her intense gaze on the creature finally broke.
“Oh fuck!” She screamed out before she was completely consumed by the cold, harsh, salty waters around her.
She tried to swim, to keep herself alive long enough that she could make it onto shore. But she was too far, and she knew that. She could feel herself slipping as she thrashed about in the cold waters.
Her eyes grew heavy, and her lungs grew tired, and the last thing she felt before she passed out were arms wrapping around her waist, and the beautiful face she had seen in her dreams looking down at her.
You knew you shouldn’t have done it. You knew you should have left her alone. You could have just gone for any other fisherman along the coast, one that was harassing the poor orcas or polluting the water with their big stupid boats.
You could have gone for someone who deserved it…but you just couldn’t stay away from her.
The pretty sailor had caught your eye from you were but a small mermaid. Watching her with her father, learning how to sail and how to tell the fish apart. He taught her to appreciate the ocean with so much care and love, it brought you to tears multiple times.
It’s why you stayed within these specific waters for so long, to stay close to her. You learned early on that her name was Ellie, and that she loved the water just as much as you did. You both grew together, watching as the girl turned into a beautiful woman right before your very eyes.
Before you knew it, it was your time to begin hunting. Hunting for unsuspecting sailors and fisherman on the docks, using your powers to lure them into your underwater home and ravage them, forcing them to stay with you forever.
But you couldn’t, not when Ellie was so pretty to look at.
You had gone on quite some time without interacting with her at all, knowing just what your song would do to her. As much as you wanted her, wanted her attention, you didn’t dare use it on her in fear of what it would do to her.
But one day…you just couldn’t ignore your urges any longer.
You just…wanted to play with her, only for a little bit. You knew your Ellie was strong, you knew your song wouldn’t do much to her. You knew she’d be able to fight it. You just needed to see those green eyes staring into your own, looking for you, searching for you, wanting you.
Oh how you regretted it now.
Because the ocean was rough, and you could see the girl making her way into her boat and rushing through the rough waters to make her way to you.
She was putting herself in harms way because of you.
You knew she wouldn’t stop, not unless something made her stop. So, you lured her out to the sea, as far as she had to go until the waves would gobble her up and force her unconscious, giving you enough time to dive into her boat and save her, and pull her onto shore to a spot where someone would find her once the storm passed.
And that you did, you pulled her onto shore, grabbing her face and making sure she had enough air in her lungs to keep her alive until it was over.
Before you could leave her though, you couldn’t stop yourself from staring, only for a little bit. Your fingers delicately traced her face, smiling softly as they traced along her pretty lips. You’d never seen her this close, you had never been able to touch her like this, and you knew this was your only chance.
So you leaned in, pressing the most gentle kiss to her lips before pulling back..
What you didn’t expect, where for her hazy green eyes to be lazily blinking at you, still out of it, but there.
It shocked you a bit, but you simply pressed your hand against her eyes to close them before she could see you any further. You leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her ear before you whispered.
“You’ll be home soon…I’m sorry Ellie…” you mumbled, and with that, you made your way back into the ocean, leaving her on the shore.
When the storm passed, the people of Ellie’s town slowly emerged from their homes. It didn’t take long for someone to catch sight of her body washed up on the shore. They were quick to take her in, bringing her back to her home after a doctor made sure she was okay, cleaning her up and getting her into bed.
She was extremely out of it, only mumbling a few words to the people that brought her in.
She was exhausted, and her mind was filled with this overwhelming fog that she couldn’t sense. Like she had experienced something that she couldn’t remember, something that she was waiting for had happened, but she couldn’t fucking remember it.
She couldn’t get out of bed, the girl far too tired to get up and go out on the water. She hoped that getting more sleep would help her remember what the fuck had happened after she drowned, how the fuck she had ended up on the shore…
She huffed softly as she tossed in her bed, when suddenly she heard something rummage in her house.
She frowned, sitting up a bit as she looked towards her door, staring for a moment to see if she heard something else. But she didn’t, and she figured something bad just fallen over. She groaned, rolling over and tugging her sheets further over her body.
But then, she heard the knob to her bedroom door jiggle.
And then open.
And when Ellie sat up once more to look towards her door as it opened. She felt like she was dreaming again, because there she was. The sea woman from her dreams was walking into her room, fully naked, dripping from head to toe with water. Only this time, her face had an expression of worry instead of one of mischief.
You were there, standing in her doorway. You were the woman Ellie was dreaming of. You were the woman that Ellie was chasing in the ocean…
You were the woman that she saw when she drowned, and you were the woman that had pulled her onto shore and kissed her when she had barely enough air in her lungs to survive.
You saved her. You saved Ellie’s life.
Ellie stared at you for a long time, and for a moment you realized that this was a bad idea. You realized that you had shaken Ellie up far too much within the passed few days. You belonged in the water, and she belonged on land and you had no right to mess that up.
Ellie almost died because of you, and now you were at her house and you didn’t know why because you were only fucking her life up further.
You were turning around to leave, but Ellie was already up on her feet, towering over you as her large hands grabbed your wrist without another thought.
“You…it’s you. You’re real…you’re fucking real” she mumbles almost mindlessly. You open your mouth to say something, to explain to her what happened and why she did what she did.
But before you can even do that, her lips are on yours.
Because all Ellie can think about now, is how good your lips felt pressed up against hers in her dream, and she wants more of it. Her strong hands grip your naked hips, pulling your wet body so it’s pressed up against her own, and she groans at the feeling of your hardened nipples pressing into her t shirt.
You moan softly, and Ellie is over the moon because not only is your voice just as sweet as it was when you were singing for her, but it’s even sweeter when you’re moaning for her.
And she’s all you’ve ever wanted. From the moment you set eyes on her when you were both children, you knew she was the one for you.
Ellie moans into your mouth, and you’re gently pressing your hands against her chest to push her back towards her bed. The back of her knees hit her bed, forcing her to sit down. She spreads her legs a bit, just enough for you to stand between as you continue kissing her passionately, your hands lacing through her hair and keeping her close to you.
Her hands roam your body, feeling and squeezing your soft skin. She brings them to your ass, giving it a firm squeeze before she forces you to straddle her lap. You moan softly, pushing her back to lay down as your body lays on top of hers.
“I’ve wanted you for so long Ellie…” you sigh out, and Ellie doesn’t for a moment wonder how you even know her name, because she’s too caught up with how good you feel against her. It’s like you’re the only thing she’s ever wanted, and she had no idea that she did.
You’re kissing down her body, soft lips pressing against her neck and her chest, pushing to her t shirt so you can kiss her rib cage. You hum once you settle between her legs, tugging at her boxers and leaving her bottom half naked, and Ellie is sure she’s died at this point, because you start lapping at her soaked cunt and she feels like she’s going to cry.
Her bottom lip is tugged between her teeth, and your naked body as dried off from rolling around in her bed. Your soft hands are gripping her thighs and she has to prop herself up on her elbows to watch you, your lips wrapping around her clit and sucking harshly, your skilled tongue eating her up completely.
“Fuuuuck….such a good fuckin’ mouth you’ve got on you baby…that’s it…suck on my fuckin’ clit” she moans out, her voice rasping and dripping with lust. You whine against her, flicking your tongue faster against her clit as your hips desperately rut against her mattress, searching for some sort of friction that you desperately need.
Ellie’s head falls back, and you swear you’ve never seen something prettier. Her lips are red and swollen from all the biting, and her tattooed hand is laced between your hair as she keeps you close, practically grinding onto your face, her abs flexing as she grows closer and closer to her release.
“Fuck yeah…so fuckin pretty with your face between my legs baby…my pretty fuckin girl…fuck I’m gonna fucking cum…you’re gonna make me…ahh fuuuuck” she cries out, her words so filthy they make your cheeks burn red.
You can’t even focus on how vulgar shes being, or the fact that she’s claiming you as her own…as her girl. Because her pussy is weeping onto your tongue and you’re whining into her because you’re realizing that this all was really worth it.
Ellie breaths hard as she watches you between her legs, eyes zeroing in on you as you give her slow and lazy licks, cleaning her up and helping her ride out her orgasm.
Ellie groans, her strong hands reaching down and pulling you up with ease. She has you on her lap again, her lips kissing you slowly and passionately, tongue lapping against your own, keeping you close.
Shes warming you up so much, your insides burning in a way they never have as her tongue works against your own. She lays down, keeping your body pressed against hers. Just as you’re enjoying the kiss, your hips rutting against her own, she’s pushing your body up her own, causing you to frown in confusion.
She pushes you up so your legs are hovering over her mouth, your thighs on either side of her head, and you realize what it is that she’s doing.
Ellie flattens her tongue out onto her chin, gripping your hips and pulling you down so that your soaked core is pressed against her. The second she tastes you she’s groaning, and her strong hands are forcing you to grind down on her wet tongue.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, and you feel like you’ll explored the second her tongue is working against your pussy.
“Ellieeee….f-feels so good…mmm…h-ahhh! Don’t stop” you moan out for her, your back arching, head hanging back as you roll your hips, your pussy humping against her tongue.
A harsh spank lands on your ass, and Ellie is massaging the skin to soothe the burn her handprint leaves. You moan loudly at the feeling, your eyes opening and looking down. You nearly gasp because Ellie’s eyes sparkle like the ocean, they’re so green and bright and they’re staring up at you like her life depends on it.
And you know you won’t last long.
“Mmmm yeah…right there Ellie…right…there…oh!” You moan loudly, and it’s the last thing you say before your back is arching almost painfully, and you’re cumming all over her tongue.
Ellie moans with you, her own pussy throbbing as she stares up at you. Her hand is gripping your ass and your waist as she forces you to ride her face slow and hard, wanting you to feel every little flick of her tongue that she gives to your cunt.
You whine, and Ellie knows it’s too much. She sighs softly before she pulls you off of her face and back down to lay with her on the bed.
You both lay there in silence, Ellie’s hand tracing small shapes into your naked back as she pulls you close, the both of you tangled up underneath her soft blankets. They smell like sea breeze and pine, and you can’t help but smile as you cuddle into her.
Ellie isn’t sure what to make of the situation. Because the siren that she had been following for the last few days was in her bed, the two of you slowly drifting in and out of sleep as you lazily kiss one another, giggling and laughing together as if you’d know each other for your entire lives, and she doesn’t question it.
Because she feels like she has known you for her entire life. She feels like you’re the missing piece to her puzzle. And everything just feels right when you’re pressed up against her in her bed.
The day goes on that way. The two of you in bed enjoying each others company, and before Ellie even realizes it, the sky is growing darker, and she realizes she’s spent the entire day in bed with you.
Your eyes are closed, and your breathing has evened out and Ellie figures you’ve finally fallen asleep. It doesn’t surprise her since you two had gone many rounds after. She smirks softly to herself at the fact that she’s tired you out.
But she can’t help but frown, because she doesn’t know what any of this means.
She leans in gently, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. “Please stay…don’t go…” she mumbles, pulling away and eyeing you for a moment longer before she presses another kiss to your lips, pulling you closer and closing her eyes to fall asleep.
And you’re not asleep, once you realize she’s asleep you’re crying, because you know how this has to go, and despite Ellie knowing barely anything about you, she knows too.
The next morning, Ellie wakes up to an empty bed.
She frowns as she gets up, looking around her bedroom before she looks around her house, thinking you might be in her bathroom, or in her shower or her kitchen.
But you’re not, you’re nowhere to be found. And Ellie’s heart sinks.
She knew you’d be gone, she knew deep down that it was all too good to be true. She knew that this was a crazy, fucked up situation that she had almost no power in finding her way around, to keep you there with her, to keep the feeling that you gave her.
When she returns to her bedroom, she finds a note on her bedside table. Written on the front is her name, so neat and delicate she’s sure it must have taken hours for it to be written.
When she opens the letter, she can’t stop herself from frowning once again.
‘My Dearest Ellie.
Im sorry our time together was short, I do wish you and I were more similar. I wish we came from the same worlds, and perhaps we did in another life. One where we were the same and could be together.
I will cherish the times that we had together for the rest of my days, and I do hope you’ll never forget me.
I will always be close by, my dear Ellie. I always have been’
At the end of the note, your name was signed. And Ellie mumbled it so softly, it was as it it were a secret. She frowned softly as her eyes scanned over the note over and over again, and she looked into the envelope again, noticing that it wasn’t empty.
Inside, there was a small pearl necklace. The pearl was in the faint shape of a star, and her thumb traced over the delicate piece of jewelry before she sighed, looking out onto the clam waters, searching for any trace of you.
But she found nothing. You were gone, and you left a small piece of you with her to remind her that it was all real.
That you were real.
Not a day went by where Ellie didn’t think about you.
Not on the days where she met her father for dinner, not on the days she went on dates with other girls, hell, she even thought about you on her fucking wedding day.
She has continued looking for you for some time, believing that you would one day return to her, and there was some way for you both to be together. But she never found you, she never saw the pretty ripples of silver thrashing through the water again.
She tried moving on. She found a wife, got married, they even had a kid together. A little boy who was Ellie’s clone. He loved the water so much, begged his mom to take him out on her boat early in the mornings before school and in the warm summer afternoons.
But it was all done with you in mind, the pretty siren that had stolen her heart and never returned to give it back. She kept you with her wherever she went, your pearl necklace resting against her collar bones from the day you had left it with her.
Ellie had truly lost hope that you’d never come back, hoping for simply a glimpse of you to remind her of the girl she loved dearly.
It wasn’t until one day that her small son came rushing into the house, tugging on Ellie’s flannel shirt as she washed the dishes, eager to bring her outside….
To see the pretty woman in the sea.
Ellie almost dropped the plates on the floor with how quickly she moved to go outside.
And as soon as she was there, she saw your pretty eyes peeking at her from behind one of the large rocks, giving her a sweet smile and a small wave.
And all she could was wave back, smiling happily as her eyes welled up with tears.
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northsoulss · 6 months
I don’t know if you request are still open but imagine Elisa de Almeida with S/O that’s really pretty but has a resting B face, always look tired or about to say something rude BUT she has the kindest soul, she always has a nice attitude, and is basically unable so say rude things to son because she’ll feel bad. ( my friend is like this she literally is the nicest human I’ve ever met)
softie - elisa de almeida
(a/n : hi anon! thanks for the request! this is actually my first request so i hope i did it justice! xoxo)
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all your life, you have been told that you looked like a bitch by those who don’t know you very well. it did affect you when you were younger, not understanding why people thought of you that way even though you never acted like one. eventually, as you grew up, you stopped caring and instead, you started to embrace it.
you stopped trying to smile more, to look more “friendly”. you started to relax your face, and occasionally get thrown judgmental stares by the general public when you are out and about. especially since you play football, word spreads fast that psg is housing a cold-hearted striker.
that’s what you were known as. “cold”. your friends know better though. they know you were fearlessly loyal, and literally the nicest, and sweetest person alive.
you were known to be powerful and ruthless on the pitch, not taking shit from anyone. however, what the media and the fans didn’t see were the fond smiles shown to your teammates after each game, the gentle acts of services that you always provided; helping your teammates get coffee, being the first the volunteer when people needed help with something. too bad the fans didn’t see you that way.
the day rumours did start to spread like wild fire that you were dating the well known charismatic defender marked the start of your reputation crashing down. there were comments from fans like, “oh my god, how do they even work?”, and you gotta admit that sometimes it does hurt.
whenever you post your usual content on instagram and elisa comments on it with her usual “❤️”, your comment section gets real messy.
it’s easy to say that people just didn’t get why or how you two worked. you, the ruthless, cold-hearted woman, dating elisa, who was charming and bubbly, and to say the least, very smiley.
however, a few months ago, sakina posted on her instagram story a video of elisa just talking, but there you were in the background, staring with a love sick smile. needless to say, you thought the unsolicited comments would start to dial down now that your fans have seen the other side of you, but that was not the case.
“hi baby!” your voice sounds out from the hallway, sitting down to untie your shoes when you feel elisa looming over you. you look up at her with an awkward smile, seeing her with an amused smile with hands on her hips.
“hi.?” you are now confused, and elisa only laughs, taking out her phone and typing something before showing it to you. it was an edit of you, which you were shocked that she watched.
“you watch edits of me baby?” you question, brow raised trying to see her reaction, but she only shakes her head, pointing at the caption instead.
“has our fierce striker turned soft.? what?” you read out, face scrunched up into a frown as you start looking through the comment section. aside from the usual thirsty comments, one in particular caught your eye.
“oh i knew she was a big softie.. what the hell do you mean you knew?!” you practically yell at her phone, utterly shocked. you watch the edit again to see what they meant and you saw it. the clip of you staring at elisa, with eyes practically forming hearts with a fond grin.
“so.. not so cold anymore eh?” she takes the phone back and leans down so that her nose touches yours. she stares into your eyes with her piercing gaze, and you immediately shove her away, obviously flustered. you mumble a “no..” under your breath, trying to continue with what you were doing before elisa interrupted you.
“well, softie. i think things are about to get alot more interesting at our next match.” she hoists you up from the hallway bench and kisses you, lips searingly hot. you only kiss back with just as much energy, groaning when she presses you against the wall. at least now people know you aren’t just some bitch.
©️northsoulss 2023, all rights reserved.
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dstxrgirl · 1 year
heyy, could you do a social media au where the reader and charles have been soft launching their relationship for a long time so by the time they post a photo of them together making it official, no one is surprised?
social media au. charles leclerc x fem!reader
fluff. no warnings.
author’s note: thank you so much for the request, anon! really really love this suggestion :)) i hope you enjoy reading it!
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liked by charles_leclerc and 250,040 others
y/n.l/n life recently ❤️‍🔥
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vroomvroom16 what is charles doing here??
leclercloverrrr what if 🤭
yourbestiesuser ahhhh you and me in miami soon?
y/n.l/n definitely! looking forward to it 💋💋
carlossainz55 Can’t wait to see you around in the paddock again!
ferrarigirl4ever CARLOS WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??!!!!
user1655 what is going on?!&@^*\$=+_€
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Liked by y/n.l/n and 804,336 others
charles_leclerc Always doing better when you're around ❤️ Very motivated for the next race. We'll keep pushing like always.
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leclercccc mystery girl reveal when? 😭
vroomvroom16 THE CAPTION OMG 🥹
leclercloverr y/n, what are you doing here?
playerhater why yalls assuming they're dating or something?? y/n could literally just be a fan of charles. yalls delusional asf
y/nismother y/n if you really are the girl in the picture, please, let's talk about this. the kids miss you.
user1655 imagine if the girl wasn't y/n though. what would the real girl be feeling rn 😭💔💀
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Liked by charles_leclerc and 1,027,016 others
y/n.l/n one year with you has been a blast, my sharl lecler! am very grateful for all the laughs, the hugs, the kisses, and most of all, i’m so very grateful for you. you always know how to brighten up my day and make me happy. you always know the right words to say to make me feel oh so loved. looking forward to more years with you and me together. happy anniversary, mon amour! i love you so much @charles_leclerc 💗
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charles_leclerc Je t’aime, mon cheri ❤️ Happy anniversary!
y/n.l/n i love youuuu
charles_leclerc i love you moreeee
carlossainz55 Wow, a year already! Happy anniversary you two ❤️
y/n.l/n thank you, carlos 💕
yourbestiesusername the cutest! happy anniversary love birds!! 💖
y/n.l/n thank you babes <33
arthur_leclerc happy anniversary you two!! looking forward to more dumb and dumber moments from the both of you!
y/n.l/n thank you, arthur! 💖 yes yes, more dumb and dumber to come!
y/nismother happy anniversary mom and dad! ADOPT ME PLEASE 🙇‍♀️
playerhater y/n was in fact, not just a fan. i take it back yall ✌️
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Liked by y/n.l/n and 940,049 others
charles_leclerc An appreciation post for the sweetest, kindest, smartest, and most beautiful woman that I love so much. I really am the luckiest man on the world for having the opportunity to be with someone as amazing as you. Happy one year to us, mon amour. Je t’aime @y/n.l/n ❤️
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y/n.l/n i love you so much, charlessss 🥹 happy 1st birthday to our relationship 💗 many more to come!
charles_leclerc Definitely lots more to come! I love you, ma belle ❤️
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the-lonelybarricade · 2 months
LB my dear dear! I have devoured all yours and MB's ao3 works till date ❤️🤌 and I am feeling pathetically ravenous for more 🫠. Although my question is- since I have seen people asking you for suggestions as to which blog and which writer to look to for more feysand/elucien content I would like to request the same only and only if you are comfortable and have the time for this pressing request. And thank you even if you couldn't for some reason im only scared since you are busy and wouldnt want to burden you with such an exigent task. . I'm sorry to bother you That would be it 🥺 👉👈
You want blog suggestions for Elucien/Feysand authors? And you think you're bothering me??? Anon, this happens to be my exact area of exertise and there is nothing love more than hyping up my friends!
To kick us off my lovely friend @velidewrites is an extraordinarily talented writer and artist, and also just an all-around ray of sunshine whose blog I cannot recommend enough.
There's also @writtenonreceipts who's every work is literal potery. Pick any of her stroies and you will come undone.
@belabellissima has a beautiful Feysand/Elucien series called the State of Grace and is also one of my favorite people 🥺💝
@azrielshadowssing also regularly feeds us with delciioiusly sinful Feysand and Elucien stories 🥰 hehehe definitely read the tags though!
Among a host of other incredible fics, @damedechance has an onlyfans series that will make you feral - Playgirl (Elucien) and darling.exe (Feysand) 👀👀 Come back to me once you finish losing your mind
@xtaketwox and @itsthedoodle come as Feysand/Elucien pair hehe. @xtaketwox has treated us to lots of goodies, but I wanted to highlight her modern soulmate AU which has a dedicated work for Feysand, Elucien, and Nessian! @itsthedoodle has written so many beautiful feysand oneshots and is the sweetest, most unhinged person you'll ever have the pleasure of knowing.
@asnowfern is so talented and writes for a lot of different pairings, including Feysand and Elucien! Right now she's working on a stunning Feysand AU inspired by a chinese legend called Till Forever Falls Apart
if you're a fan of next-gen, @areyoudreaminof has lots of adorable fics and headcanons centering around Elucien and Feysand as parents!
@witch-and-her-witcher again writes for many couples, including Feysand and Elucien! She recently wrote a Feysand and Nyx oneshot, The Little Tiger, that completely fractured my heart and put it back together.
@thegloweringcastle is another extremely talented writer who has a wealth of feysand and elucien fics! One I really love is the The Law of the Land which is a Feysand western AU with background Elucien 🤠
@darling-archeron has been in this fandom since 2016 and in that time has blessed us with so much wonderful Feysand and Elucien content!! (One day you really need to sit us all down and tell us the fandom lore we all missed out on from the acomaf/acowar releases 👀)
@iambutmortal has a lot of delicious Feysand and Elucien stories! For Elucienweek last year she wrote a really addicting story called The Honeymooners
@labellefleur-sauvage has written so many incredible Elucien fics! As well as a very delicious monster!Feyre fic called Meet Me In the Woods hehehe 👀
@foundress0fnothing always blows me away with her writing. For Elucienweek last year she wrote an Elucien sex cult fic titled Both Forever and Rather Die that lives in my head rent free.
@howlingcaptaincommando is working on a really amazing pirate AU, Never Shall I Die, centering around Elucien, Nessian, and Feysand!
@vulpes-fennec has so many lovely stories, including her Prythian Fantasia WIP which centers on the Archeron sisters and their mates 😍
@popjunkie42 has yet to dip her toes into writing Elucien but maybe one day we can convince her 👀👀 That said she has so many amazing Feysand works such as Hate Me Instead and her current WIP Blossoming In Winter.
Likewise my dearest friend @wilde-knight has only written Elucien and Nessian, but I can't recommend her works and blog enough!! She's working on an amazing Princess Bride AU called Burnished Gold
@captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship is a die-hard Feysand, Elucien, Gwynriel, and Nessian! Currently they're working on a Feysand fic Five Minutes to Midnight which also features background Elucien!
@octobers-veryown creates so many wonderful moodboards for variuos ships and characters! I cannot recommend following them enough💕
And finally @rosanna-writer, @reverie-tales, @thesistersarcheron, and @starfall-spirit are my multishipping queens �� On their blogs you'll find wonderful content for Feysand, Elriel, Elucien, and other ships as well!
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planetdream · 10 months
I don't know if you're taking asks right now so if you aren't, don't need to answer :) I'm here mainly to say I appreciate your writing and I'm a bit biased by.. no, I'm in a Lee Know fever lately and I've seen a lot of thoughts and things about being sub, bratty sub and stuff but I don't think I could be it, since I'm inexperienced lol so I thought of Lino with a flirty s/o on the outside but shy and inexperienced on the inside. She just wants to please him and be good for him but she doesn't know how :(( I wonder how Minho would react to a very subby s/o, who just wants to love him and shower him with love but it's too shy to do it by herself:(((
(again, you don't need to answer if you don't feel alright by anything and no hurries <3)
I don't know if I'll be here often but you can call me anon spring 🌼 :)))
Stay well and healthy 💪
Love you writing , bye bye:)))
hiii <3 hehe thank u sm for sending this!! ur ask rlly inspired me so i wrote something short and sweet and i really hope it's a little similar to what you asked for 🥺
warnings [implied smut + d/s dynamics. shy/inexperienced!reader. possible typos.] 747 words
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Minho isn’t used to this. He doesn’t let you notice that, though. You’re on your knees for him, peering up at him with wide, interested eyes, ready for Minho to lead you. It’s not innocence behind your glossy eyes, but rather, inexperience; a hesitation that you’re biting down on, a rising fever of heat within making you want to pounce on Minho—but you don’t. You stay just as you are, hands on your thighs, blinking up at Minho. 
“C’mon pretty,” Minho whispers, hand caressing the flesh of your face. “Told you I can’t do anything unless you tell me what you want.” 
He pouts, blinking back down at you all prettily. This isn’t the first time in your relationship that you and Minho have been physical—he’s eaten you out and fingered you before—but you want to go further. You want to experience all that Minho has to offer, and more, you want to be able to please Minho. Provide him with a euphoric type of pleasure that he’s never experienced. But you’re stuck, unable to find the courage, let alone, the words to explain to Minho the plethora of thoughts that are running through your head. 
He’s careful in his approach to get you to speak. “Baby? What’s in that pretty little head of yours?”
You speak. “I don’t know.” Your thoughts are speaking to you all at once, it’s practically impossible to get anything comprehensible out. 
“You don’t know?” Minho frowns—it’s fake, though, behind it rests a smirk—then continues. “Can’t do anything if you don’t know.” 
“No,” You stall, trying to search for the best possible way to explain what’s on your mind without embarrassing yourself. Though Minho constantly assures you that you can tell him anything, embarrassing or not. Minho’s brow raises, encouraging you to speak your mind. His hand comes back to your face, thumb stroking beneath your cheekbone; an attempt to soothe you, to clear your mind. “Want to…” 
You trail off again. Fear and embarrassment making a home within the pit of your stomach. You know Minho wouldn’t judge you—after all, he did once make an offhand comment about how he’s into some very strange kinks himself—and he might even enjoy what you have to say, indulging in whatever you truly want to do. You’re in safe hands, literally. 
You speak again, in a whisper at first, until the volume of your voice rises. “Want to make you feel good… and I want to be good for you. To you.”
Minho’s heart could shatter into a million tiny pieces. To you, vocalizing it all felt equally as awkward as it felt freeing; you’ve never really had to express what you wanted, causing you to pick your words carefully, fearing that you might be perceived differently. However, from Minho’s perspective, you’re a complete angel; unaware of how alluring and enchanting you are. The sweetest words said in what Minho views as the sweetest possible way of saying them. The way you said it, the small dip in your tone—almost as if you were begging him to let you please him—the way your lips curl into a small smile as you try your best not to hide within yourself. All of it drives Minho so crazy that he could devour you. But he holds back. He has to play it safely, for now. 
“You’re always good to me. For me. Always making me feel good.” Minho whispers. 
“Want to make you feel even better,” You respond, some of your nervousness now behind you. 
“And how do you want to do that?” Minho pushes. You are yet to respond though, fingers picking at whatever they can reach, avoiding the burning gaze of his big brown eyes. 
Minho persists, taking the lead. “Maybe I’ll let you use your hands,” Minho reaches for your hand, the tips of his fingers pressing against yours before he clasps his hand to yours. “Or maybe you can take me in this pretty little mouth of yours.” Minho’s thumb runs from your top lip, dipping into your mouth where your tongue eagerly swirls around the flesh, wanting to suck him in, before said thumb drops down to your bottom lip. 
His eyes trail up from your lips to gaze into your eyes. Minho has the softest chocolate brown eyes but his stare is rather piercing, dominant, like he could force anything out of you if you look into them for too long. “Hmm… Think I want your mouth on me.”
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midnightmayhem13 · 10 months
Hi lovely! Could I request giving the marvel ladies the silent treatment plsss <33
I just want it back the way it was before
i feel like being sad girl today😔 so you guys are gonna do it with me🩶❕ thank you lovely anon
carol danvers
first carol thinks you're playing a joke on her. but when she tells you you're favorite joke or pickup line, and you don't giggle the way you usually, carol literally has a panic attack. she freaks out and thinks if everything she might've done to puss you off. she'll then forget about it and just try to apologize. she'll buy you flowers and set up a date. if you still ignore her gesture she'll literally get on her knees and start freaking out, begging you to forgive her. when you do she'll hold you close and plead you to talk to her next time.
sharon carter
first of all she gets a little pissy herself. cmon you two are adults and capable of talking it out. but then she'll realize, you love her to pieces, you're the sweetest person ever, she definitely did something. she'd leave you alone for a little, let you cool down. then she'd want to talk about it. "what's going on baby?" and she'll sit there and wait until you're ready to confess. and if you're not she'll reassure it's okay and apologize for anything she might've done. she'll wait until you're ready.
darcy lewis
when the love of her life gives her the silent treatment, darcy definitely has a breakdown. she'll start spiraling and wondering if you're gonna end things. she'll blame herself, even if it's not her fault and you're just going through things. her smile would fade so fast when she realized what was happening. she'll be asking so many, which you do not respond you, and will freak out when you just walk away. when you're asleep that night, she stroke her hair and silently beg for you to forgive her. if it takes a while she'll back off and might get a little mad. but ultimately she'll be so relieved when you speak to her again. you two both apologize and yk make up;)
nebula will be confused asf. she'll ask if you have been silenced by some sort of spell or something. when you don't respond she'll leave you alone. then when she tries to talk to you again and you don't respond, she'll try to ply the answer out of you. you have to speak to her again at some point. when that doesn't work, she resorts to her expertise. she'll corner you and ask you why you aren't speaking to her, she might get mad but wouldn't hurt you out of her anger. if you say it's bc of something she did she'll apologize and hold you close. "i am sorry my love".
maria hill
first maria will chuckle. "what's going on babe?" then when you turn and walk away she'll get confused. okay? she'll follow you and watch you from afar. watching you live you're life in silence. she'll ask a simple question of what happened. when you don't respond she'll get more specific asking if something happened on a mission or if someone said something. when you stay silent she'll come close and force you in a hug. you don't push, but don't say anything. she'll hold you close and try to sooth any anger or sadness she may have caused. "was it me baby?" if you don't respond she'll leave it alone and just hold you. if you nod she'll nod back and promise to do better and make it up.
kate bishop
when you walk away and ignore kate when she says something to you she'll go wide eyed and give you a suprised puppy look. she'll scramble to get to you. she'll grab you by the shoulder and stare into youre eyes. questioning what she did, it doesn't come out smoothly, she stutters it out. she definitely follows you like a desperate dog begging you to explain. was it her? "princess did i do something?" then she'll give you a moment. but she won't leave youre side. you could sit for hours ignoring her presence but she wouldn't leave you for a second, not until you talk it out.
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jungwnies · 2 years
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⋅ ⎯ ✈︎ stray kids | s. the first morning after having sex with them for the first time ! | g. headcanon, romance, smut, fluff ! | p. gn!reader x bf!skz ! | r. requested by anon ! | wc. ~0.9k !
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방찬 ‘ bangchan
boyfriend material 100%
he probably woke up after you considering he sleeps really late
this is the one time he is able to stay asleep for a little bit
uses that to his advantage and when you try to get up
this mf pulls you back down into his arms and kisses you like...
okay chan... thanks for making me a little delulu while writing this
bc i don't remember asking ?!!?
asks how it was making sure you were pleased
this mf knew you were pleased though
he just wants to hear it
kisses you and convinces you to stay in bed a little longer
이민호 ‘ lee minho
if chan is boyfriend material then minho is husband material
wakes up way earlier than you
prepares you a whole meal
and this mf runs you a bath after?
during breakfast you two talk about how the night was
makes sure that you enjoyed last night
eventually wants to cuddle so you guys end up back in bed
and who knows maybe he'll fuck you again till you can't walk
but i guess that's up to interpretation
do what you must with this info guys
서창빈 ‘ seo changbin
the moment you two wake up he's already arms open hugging you
hugs you so tight that the air literally leaves your lungs
asks how the night was and if you slept well
is so worried about your wellbeing
also makes sure to check if you're hungry or not because he may or may not have already ordered food
he wanted to surprise you what can i say
he was trying to be a romantic
황형진 ‘ hwang hyunjin
okay okay so maybe changbin wasn't too romantic
but let's cue to that video of that guy talking about what hyunjin would be best at
hyunjin is a romantic 100%
wakes up and greets you with sweet kisses
definitely implies that he wants to go again, saying it would be an amazing experience to having morning... yeah
asks if you had an amazing time and makes sure that you did because if you didn't he would be down to try again haha
but anyways, back on track
he kisses you when you wake up, literally hands all over your body telling you how much he enjoyed last night
asks you to shower with him and takes you to a cafe
literally so romantic and sweet
한지성 ‘ han jisung
shy shy shy he is so shy
wakes up all flustered n shit like he didn't just make you incapable of walking
asks if you enjoyed last night because he would feel literally so ashamed if you didn't
like i said he's just a flustered shy mess when you two wake up
asks if you're hungry because he would make you ramen
but eventually agree on buying delivery breakfast because even though it's tempting to eat ramen in the early morning, it is better to have pancakes or waffles
or whatever floats your boat
피릭스 ‘ lee felix
must i say anything
out of everyone felix is the sweetest and most romantic
scratch hyunjin being a romantic
felix is THE romantic
you can't out romantic the romantic
but anyways this mf wakes up and makes you pancakes
and then gets back in bed and waits for you to wake up
he wants everything to be a surprise
when you wake up he looks at you with such love in his eyes
kisses you, moves hair out of your face, whatever you want
felix is so domestic and you can NOT change my mind
asks if you've enjoyed the night and then takes your hand and brings you to the kitchen
he's set up the sweetest little breakfast ever
김승민 ‘ kim seungmin
likes to act cold af but in reality we know he's a softy
wakes up next to you and he just immediately pulls you into a hug
except he's spooning you so you can't see his morning face
literally says nothing and just holds you there
you should probably force yourself to turn around and face him and once you do
this man is a flustered mess
he's so flustered about last night and he asks you if you've had a good time
like who would've known this man who acts "normal" would be shy about asking you if you enjoyed last night LMFAO
영정인 ‘ yang jeongin
oh sweet lord
he is so sweet
but he is also a flustered mess along with the rest of skz
offers to get mcdonald's for breakfast and honestly
it's hard to disagree
while you two waited for the breakfast to be delivered he asked you how last night was
held you in his arms
pls pls pls
i can imagine y/n drawing circles on his bare chest as they spoke about whatever
the way he would 100% enjoy if you played with his hair in bed
the laughs that would be shared when you guys first woke up
funny moments that happened while you guys were tryna fuck
like omg !?!?!
kisses you and tells you how cute you look as if he also isn't cute af
ok so maybe i've gone a little overboard but what can i see
he's my bias -.-
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2022 © jungwnies
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harus-simp · 1 year
Eyes on me
-Ricky x reader-
Requested: The Junhyeon x planet master!reader was awesome. Could you do one with Ricky x planet master!reader aswell? (Anonymous)
Author's note: hey there anon, thanks so much for requesting!!! I hope you really like how it came out :))
The eliminations brought nothing but anxiety and nervousness to all contestants, including ricky. But seeing who the planet master was brought nothing but a smile to his face and to his heart.
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Going into the 3rd elimination felt specially hard for the trainees as they were further into the competition, everyone was really tired and they all had gotten quite close to each other. So it was really hard already to fight with them for a spot on the finale.
As ricky and the rest of the trainees entered the well known by now place where they had been fighting for their dream the crippling anxiety and nervousness started to appear inside of them. Just the thought of their debut opportunity slipping through their hands was heartbreaking.
They did their little intros and headed to their assigned places to wait patiently for their new planet master to start as soon as possible.
"Who do you guys think will be the planet master"asked jeonghyeon
"I honestly don't know, they've even managed to brought Key sunbaenim, so it could be literally anybody"answered zhang hao
"Yeah"said ricky
As music started playing and the lights turned black everyone immediately went silent seeing a silhouette approaching the main stage.
"OMG isn't that y/n sunbaenim?"shouted junhyeon as you got closer to the trainees view finding their reaction adorable and heart-warming as you saw their eyes shine in excitement. But you were specially curious to see someone's particular reaction.
As you bowed to all the trainees your eyes lingered a little bit longer on a blond haired guy that was watching you with an ambiguous expression, somewhere in between shock and thrill to have you right in front of him.
As you got your microphone to your mouth in order to speak you grabbed everyone's attention making the room silent on the process.
"Hello everyone, I'm actress y/n, also known as (your group name) shining princess " your last words being accompanied with the here I am signature gesture (you know, the nan binnaaaa)
You and ricky exchanged little glances at each other shortly before continuing your speech.
Ricky felt your eyes on him and flashed you the sweetest smile someone could have dedicated you ever, this not being unnoticed by ricky's team mates, as they literally saw their friend shining and sparkling once you entered the room.
As you explained the dynamics of the elimination ricky couldn't help but look at you with admiration and appreciation, a caring look present on his face and a feeling of comfort, like carresing your pet after a long day of work or watching your favourite show for the 20th time.
After some time announcing the survivors ricky started to get quite anxious, he was scared because the highest rankings had been taken up already and the only ones left were the lower ones, although if he actually got there he would still be honoured because the star creators would have given him another opportunities to show his multiple talents on stage.
He felt somehow relieved to have you near him, as he could have someone to go to righ after the surviving announcement finished. But still, it was pretty hard to handle.
You got a little break due to the outdoor activities video that they put to reduce the tension in the room, there when all the trainees were watching the clips laughing at the funny moments and commenting things between everyone you and ricky locked eyes again making you both smile unconsciously at the sight of each other.
Looking at both sides to see if anyone noticed you started to communicate with ricky throughout signs and reading lips. You also used little gestures to get your message across as at a distance was harder to understand each other.
How you doing? you mouthed
Pretty nervous tbh
Don't be, you've got this you murmur as you made a fighting hand gesture
Right after it you proceeded to continue announcing rankings, but this time they were on the top 9. You won't lie, you were pretty nervous as well, not having called for ricky's name had surprised you as much as it has given hope, he may be one of the top 9 trainees!
As you prepared to read the number 8 you felt your heart accelerate as you tried really hard not to smile widely and just run into your boyfriend's arms.
"Congratulations for the 8th place for...Ricky!"you announced with a smile on your face
He felt his whole world being brightened up as he resisted the urge to leave everything behind and give you the biggest hug you could ever get.
He stepped into the stage and as he thanked star creators for all the support he gave you a timid look to which you responded by looking at him with a sweet smile that could be infected to almost everyone.
The eliminations had officially finished,and although it was sad to see their friends part ways he couldn't help but feel so greatful for the position he got as an 8th rank.
As he saw you going off stage he somehow managed to sneek off following you backstage where you were waiting for him with your script still in hand.
"Congratulations for making it into the top 9 babyyyy"you said opening your arms to welcome him in a bear hug.
"Thanks"he reciprocated your action giggling softly
"You worked so hard to get there, I'm so proud"
Right in that moment he swore you could notice how his eyes literally sparkled with adoration and gratitude for your words, he saw how you looked back with the same expression,making it very hard for him to not be heels over you.
So he just went for it and leaned for a kiss, it literally made you feel fireworks as you put your arms around his shoulders and wrapped his hands around your waist. The comfort and the softness that the kiss made him feel was something he couldn't explain with words, it was purely sweet and an act of love he found so endearing.
As you separated after lingering on his lips for longer than expected you joined your foreheads together while you recovered from your beating hearts and your heavy breathes.
"Well as much as I'd love to stay here like this you've got to go ricky"
"What if I don't want to?"he asked in hopes you didn't ushered him out of the room.
"Rickyyyy"you whined.
"Alright, alright I'll get going"he said letting you go and asking for another kiss on his cheek before stepping out of the room.
You threw him an annoyed look as you gave him what he wanted.
Coming back to his team he was met with all smug grins and raised eyebrows, making him confused.
"What?"he asked
"Where were you?"
"Umm in the bathroom"he answered making up an excuse for his absence.
"Well unless you went to the second floor one the closest bathroom is at the other direction sherlock"said jay
Shit, he had been caught.
"And I think the lipstick mark you've got there says otherwise" answered uninterested zhang hao
He immediately wiped off the pretty mark he had on the corner of his lips watching them embarrassed.
"Well, how long has it been?"
"A-a couple months now"he said accepting his fate
"Well we've got plenty to catch up on so you better get started"
Yeah, he had a long way till they released him...
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loser-fics · 1 year
Head-canons about how growing up with Carl was like and how you guys became friends to lover with a Fem!reader please?
• You and Carl met on the way to The City, where everyone thought it would be safer
• He was actually really happy to have someone his age to spend time with
• and quickly the two to you became best friends
• Playing together at the camp and whatnot
• You were so worried for him when he got shot in the woods (and of course relived that the Greene’s farm was close-by)
• You two spent a lot more time together for comfort when Sophia died what with all of you being so close
• Sneaking to each other’s ‘rooms’ in the prison to read comics together
• Helping him through his mom’s death was a tough time :( but no matter what, you where there if he needed you
• Carl and you came impossibly closer after more time at the prison
• but after getting separated because of The Governor’s attack… it was hell
• Carl didn’t want to believe you had died, deep down he did think you were gone forever but tried to push it away
• Honestly that’s when he realised he had really fallen for you
• He missed you so much…
• till you came back
• At the door, with Michonne
• He was overjoyed
• and so where you
• He confessed his love on the walk to Terminus
• He was flustered and rambling a little till you told him you loved him too
• and you two shared the sweetest little kiss <3
• Michonne thought you two were adorable
• fast forward to alexandria
• When enid showed you how easy it was to get out the walls you and carl started doing it
• There wasn’t too much privacy in Alexandria to be honest
• so it was nice to have some time alone to talk, read comics, etc etc
• And then his eye accident happened
• Everything went so fast
• one minute Sam and Jessie died
• the next, Ron was holding up a gun
• Michonne stabbed him, causing him to lose control over the gun and…
• Carl looked up for a second at his dad before falling to the ground
• You were close to tears as you ran to the house
• First you thanked Denise over and over again for saving him
• and then you assured Carl over and over again that you still loved him
• that nothing was going to change and it was all gonna be ok
• You stayed by his side and you both comforted each other so much after literally every negan incident
• especially all his near death experiences, all yours, and everyone else’s real death experiences
• every now and again (especially after all the shit Negan said) you still comfort him about his scar
• poor boy
• Overall your relationship over the years would be the sweetest <3
• even Negan agrees to an extent
• but anyways, lots of love and lots of affection is really what I think a relationship with Carl would be like <3
A/N: anddddddd I’m stopping here, thank you for the request anon and I’m so sorry for how late this was- been having some real bad sleep problems and have been writing mostly at night where my creativity isn’t flowing the best.
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warmerstranger · 1 year
Hii I loved that recent enstars writing you did so much! If I may request something like Mayoi and/or Koga going to try desserts with y/n? I have so much brain rot of these dorks lol ♡
- 🍰 anon
Piece of Bites
ft. Koga Oogami, Mayoi Ayase
alriighht, here's ur order thank you for waiting !! aha, sorry it took like a week, the procrastinating hit me so bad ...
°°``Marked as and included with: fluff! Mayoi being kind of obsessive tho, he means well <3 um is the favoritism too obv here...
[Koga Oogami]
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🐺 The moment word 'desserts' are mentioned to him, his face would slightly scrunch like they're something repulsive to him. You must've picked the wrong person...
🐺 Yes, he just come up with the sweetest and cutest desserts imaginable especially if you talk about it and give them to him. He would have his tongue out in a disgust, flat-out refusing without any whiny complains before having you to enjoy it yourself instead. He would still keep you company by getting his own snacks to eat with, though.
🐺 Really, Koga doesn't have a particular grudge or some shitty memories going on against it, he won't go through the sweet aftertaste of eating them or feeling the soft texture melting on his tongue it's yucky. Those type of desserts aren't just for him. Just consider it, do you even think those things suit him? He literally keeps up a wild and rough image as his whole part of identity!
🐺 ...okay, since he's the tougher man and if you have begged enough or use the most effective puppy eyes at him, he would brave through them, the texture and taste be goddamned. They're nothing for him, he's no coward (in actuality if you bought them for him too, it would leave a more bitter taste in his mouth when he just refuse and let you give them to another person). He could sit down and wolf them down try a few bites all the while growling out of spite he has towards the poor desserts. In return you must have some grilled meat or something alike in advance to wash the taste off, especially along with some genuine acknowledgement from your own mouth.
🐺 If they are desserts that aren't sweet or fruity taste and more within a savory level... now they might be a whole different thing going on for him.
🐺 He would eat them and leave no crumbs (literal), expressing his satisfaction and all be referring them 'this rocks' or as 'the good shit'.
🐺 Just be prepared to face the next time he would share some meat with you to eat together. All a steak or barbeque session you're in for...
[Mayoi Ayase]
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🦝 Crying, shaking, sobbing, he can't believe you're willing to be in precious moments like this with him..! It's as if he has gone knocking the heaven's door from how much bliss he's feeling he might just die happily.
🦝 While he might have some preferences, it doesn't matter much about how they taste, all that matters is the fact he and you eat them together! Especially if you pick them specifically for him, not even the delicious taste of desserts can outmatch his pleasure of your kind thoughts for someone as revolting as him...
🦝 Mayoi might offer to spoon-feed you or alternately taking turns trying your part while you try his. He's going feral just imagining the indirect kiss when you offer using your own or his spoon..!!
🦝 He's enjoying the experience overall with a bashful smile plastered and humming delightfully the whole time you would think it's because of the desserts since he's eating them happily when he's mostly focused on watching you eat or appreciating your company.
🦝 His rambling would be amplified, driven as the fuel by the desserts if they particularly leave him a satisfying taste. He feels like he can open up more to you.
🦝 He would make sure to let you know he's thankful and he would cherish this moment dearly for the time to come.
🦝 Mayoi wouldn't mind having desserts together with you again sometime! Very soon, preferably, he might even pick and bring your favorites next time.
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