#thanks for asking ☺
que-de-metal · 2 months
I know you have big akyuurei feelings but I also want to know like every character you might ship akyuu with too 🔍 (but if you also want to talk about why akyuurei's great I'm always all ears too...)
Trying to switch the AkyuuRei brain off for three seconds to answer this because they really are my favourite Touhou ship of all times so if I started talking about them I'd never get to the other ships 😭
I reread Forbidden Scrollery recently. It cemented the fact for me that while there's so many Akyuu/Kosuzu fanworks that I love, it's really one of these ships for me that's more appealing as one-sided (which is a compliment because unrequited love is my favourite type of romance 😅). Lately a configuration that has been on my mind is the "unrequited switcharoo" kind: Kosuzu having feelings for Akyuu for a very long time but Akyuu relegating it to friendship completely and closing herself off to relationships with normal humans due to her curse's nature > Forbidden Scrollery happens and Akyuu realizes Kosuzu is so much more than a fragile fleeting human and allows herself to see her more romantically > unfortunately Kosuzu has already moved on to other things (youkai).
I like stuff that juxtaposes AkyuuRei with YukaRei and I think it could work as a 3-way ship. There's also something interesting about Akyuu/Yukari in general. The Writer/Editor dynamic is something super intimate but the fact that the Editor is the one in power makes it really unique… It's always been my headcanon that when Yukari makes an edit to the Chronicles, it affects the memories of the next reincarnation, so there's an almost psychological horror feel to romancing someone whose memories you can rewrite at will… I don't really see this ship in a healthy and fluffy configuration but if I'm looking for toxicity that's where I would go.
Like I said before I'm interested in the consequences UDoALG could have on the curse of Are. Since while the hierarchy of Hell didn't care too much about Gensokyo Eiki was the one enforcing it, but now that Zanmu's eyes are on Reimu I feel like Akyuu's next death is being put in a completely different spotlight than the one she's used to. I think you could nicely pepper some Akyuu into ZanHisa in that context.
Kind of an older one because I haven't thought about this for a long time but I used to have some Akyuu/Yuuka feelings. They're related to the way fandom talks about Yuuka: I see a lot of discussion that's like "What are Yuuka's REAL powers? Her power is supposed to be flower manipulation but she's also canonically mega dangerous and mega powerful and violent. Truly there has to be something more" but the source of her being extremely dangerous is PMiSS, which is written by Akyuu, who has asked youkai to self-report their threat level. I've always been a "Yuuka is not actually that powerful, she exaggerates her abilities to be feared and left alone in a self-isolating way" truther, and that implies Akyuu having a front-row seat to that kind of self-destructive behaviour. So I'd love to see her react to it.
These are the big four I have thoughts about (well five since ZanHisa/Akyuu would be 3 people). But this is Touhou so you can always come up with more…
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da-proti-toku-grem · 2 months
a flower for your troubles 🌼
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MI SOLECITO 🥹🥹🥹🥹💛💛💛💛
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feketeribizli · 8 months
For the OC thingy:
thank youuuuu ill be sooo insufferable about them sorry
🎮 three favourite hobbies?
hosszú: its more like his lifes passion but he loves collection rocks and minerals and all that. an actual hobby of his would be gardening :-) he also does a bit of arts and crafts here and there, anything to do around the house
ficsúr: can cooking be considered a hobby lol they love doing that. they diy clothes in their free time and they also picked up beadwork recently, making jewels for themselves and friends
💯 three random facts
hosszú is ambidextrous, he did ballet when he was a little kid and his favourite musical artist is stevie nicks. ficsúr speaks fluent romanian and conversational french they picked up for shits and giggles, they have a "h*rry p*tter scar" on their forehead from the time they fell down a set of stairs lol and they are bad at winking
🌈 sexual orientation/gender identity and pronouns
hosszú is a homosexual man going by he/him pronouns and ficsúr is a bisexual nonbinary guy using they/them pronouns :-) theyre both very comfortable with their gender and sexuality
🤍 three neutral/questionable traits
hosszú: he has a bit of a saviour complex... not sure what else to say i dont even know what to consider a neutral trait if im being honest
ficsúr: theyre too neutral at times lol very dont care didnt ask L + ratio attitude going on here
🎂 whens their birthday, how old are they, signs, tarot cards etc etc
hosszú: june 29th! cancer sun, capricorn moon and aquarius rising. he was born in 1999 so hes twenty-four this year and apparently his birth cards are the moon and the hermit but idk what that means. this is fun so i looked it up and his planet is uranus. im not that big on astrology but i think he fits the typical traits of his signs
ficsúr: february 14th hehehe. aquarius sun, gemini moon and aquarius rising (gay as fuck for a man to be an aquarius). theyre a 2000 kid and apparently they have the same tarot cards? idk how that works lol their planet is mars whatever that means. i think they fit the general traits of their signs too but someone whos into astrology can chime off if they want to 😁👍
🤔 some quirks and mannerisms
hosszú picks at his skin when hes nervous/anxious/etc, he always tries to match his steps to ficsúrs and as a white noise hes often humming or murmuring to himself
ficsúr grinds their teeth 😐 theyre also a chronic arm/leg shaker, always in motion and always making some kind of sound like tapping with their fingers or said teeth grinding
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toxifoxx · 2 months
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evanezco · 5 months
Got any trivia about your OCs? How were they born if there's any train of thoughts that lead to their "birth"? Did you spontaneously get to drawing them, or were their designs drawn with a more methodical mindset?
Actually yes, there's a story of how they were created 😂
A couple of years ago (I think it was 2018) I had a small idea in mind for an oc, and in October I was like "uh let's do this adventuretover looks interesting" The promps fitted the story so 🤷🏻‍♀️ let's go. I started designing another oc for that "story" And while I did that I started adding more lore in my head for her, and more and more... So at the end basically my side character was way more interesting for me than the first one. I ended up not doing that challenge coz I got waaaay to many ideas and a whole world developed around her. I have some of the first sketches in my sketchbooks and it's fun seeing how much they have changed over the years. There's more of it but to sum I think this is pretty much it😂.
For the way they were created was like draw the face, Mmmmm needs something... moles... Uhhh a scar??? Yess the scar could be because of this and this... Nice nice and what if... This happened and....
The rest started to shape after I visualize the story and the world, some of them already have a very finished look in my head, and others I just visualize them more blurry.
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possiblemusic · 1 month
Origin of your url?
its a Brian Eno album! i had a big Eno/ambient phase (still ongoing) and when i needed a url reboot it felt right. the title is actually "Possible Musics" but that was taken already lmao
(also this used to be a strictly beatles blog but that's another story)
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amalia-uwu · 5 months
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This is not a question, but still...May you have a good new week, filled with successful and happy moments 👀🤲🧡🍊
Oh my Good Lord!
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Hello!!! Aaww thank you so very much!! 💕 It means a lot!
I wish that you have a wonderful week, month, next year and every year! I wish health and happiness for you!!
Thank you so much!!! 💙
(Yes, Yes I am happy!! Thank you for your wishes and asks!!) Have a great time!!
amalia <3
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Edit: OMG the cat is so adorable, I love it! 😁
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le-velo-pour-dru · 1 year
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HIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 AAAAAAAAAAUGH HE'S SO CUTE HELP- 🥰 Waaaaaaa thank you so much for these <33 He's so pretty aaaaaaaaa ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
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arachnidiots-a · 10 months
🐤 a tweet liam would make about captain nash
Send me a 🐤 for a Tweet my muse would make about yours.
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feketeribizli · 9 months
Oh? What do you dislike abt venxiao/cynari/kavetham? (What abt poly cynarikavetham👀) I also am annoyed by the portrayal of certain characters in fandom (for example Itto as a sexy fuckboy) but I decided to not let myself get stuff I like ruined by some dumb people 😅 if someone is being annoying they are just getting🙌that🤙block🙏
not saying you can't ship whatever else you want of course! in the end it is abt having fun, I just do end up shipping the popular ones usually since they have the most canon basis, and thats just my preference :3
There are also ones that I only enjoy in specific context (rosakae only if they are t4t for example) and I also consume whatever is nice bc I just like art
speaking of that canon basis, once you realize a billion dollar company is putting two hot characters together because itll make them money, not because they want to hint at queer representation, your life gets so much better 👍 never cared about stuff becoming canon but some people put way too much weight into whats "canon" in their arguments lmao
anyway most things just come down to my own personal preferences like eg to me tighnari is aroace and for once i do enjoy a healthy platonic relationship between men. and i dont see what people see in kavetham lmao if i want haitham in a bland relationship where argues with his partner ill just ship him with cyno cause thats more fun to me. personally 👍
and yeah at the end of the day it really is just about having fun! which is way easier for me now that im not on twitter lmao
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itlivesproject · 2 years
RAUGHAJSHS guys, i just looked at the progress tracker and omgggg !!! luvs, you work sooooo hard & fast. i hope you're taking care of yourselves & taking breaks from work <3 thank you for everything you're doing! love y'all !!!
We're powering through!
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angellayercake · 1 year
🧡 (for the ask game)
🧡 A colour you can’t stand? I think whatever this colour scheme is
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thelvadams · 11 months
Chris! Happy birthday!!!!!!!🎉🍻. I hope you have a real wonderful day! And also many more years to come in good health! You're a lovely person!!! And 26 is not that bad. I'll turn 30 this year ;-;.
this is so kind, thank you so much jeltje!! i can't thank you enough for being such a wonderful friend 🥰💚 i hope you have a fantastic day too! and at the end of the day, 26 and 30 are just numbers, nothing more 😂
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lulendrea · 2 years
eating and crunching and squeezing your art /pos
Oh, thank you!!!! <3 😊
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ykimhak01 · 2 years
Eh I don't know it was your bday so happy b'day sorry for the late lmao
oh is ok my brithday is 13th thank you so much 😄😄🥺🥺☺☺🙏🙏👏
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sketch-guardian · 1 year
Omg thank you so much!😳😭💜💛💖Reading such great compliments really fills me with joy,you're too sweet🙈☺💕✨I'm very happy about you liking the sketch with Kalim,Yuu and Grim, especially because I was pretty nervous about posting it😖
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