#thanks for coming to my ted talk i just wanted to list music i like listening to bc im drowning with work but talking abt music
lunatic-pudge · 5 months
TF2 Mercs Green Flags (except it's very biased)
I love my boys. Yes, this is biased and questionable. But this is meant to be cute and fun.
-Silly little goober, great person to be around when you need cheering up
-Golden retreiver boyfriend
-Can easily make you laugh without even trying
-Artsy fartsy
-Cutie patootie who makes the cutest drawings of you two together
-Owns an Easy Bake Oven
-Master at baking, never-ending supply of sweets for you to indulge in
-Your biggest supporter. Would literally cheer for you if you rob a bank
-Also your biggest supporter, will demand that other adore you as well
-Will let you own any pet you want no matter what the animal is
-Speeches of why you're the best thing to ever exist and how America is blessed to have such a beauty like you live there
-Will give you anything and everything you could ever want, like human ears. Definitely a good person to be if you like collecting weird stuff
-Precious baby boy is a major cuddle bug
-Def knows how to knit/crochet, will make you whatever you want
-Baby man likes learning about folklore/mythology
-He's essentially a big walking teddy bear. Perfect for cuddles, especially on a cold or rainy day
-Protective baby boy, big scary dog privleges
-Bookworm, can recommend a good book if you don't know what to read
-Perfect person to lay around and cuddle with, he can smother me any day. Dates at home are TOP TIER
-Smart boy, can make you stuff that helps with day to day activities which is helpful if you can't do certain things to having a disability or something
-Dad bod, dad bod, dad bod, dad bod, dad bod, can't get enough of it
-Voice of an angel, will sing for you if you'd like. Can def sing you to sleep
-NERD, he's an adorable nerd! Let him ramble about his hyperfixations!
-Def a good pet owner, would kill someone if they don't take proper care of their pets
-Would make sure you take care of yourself, he's kinda like a dad that cares
-He's such a maniac. I can see him just secretly being up to no good all the time. And he's also very girlypop
-Putting an extra for him cause I can: Medic boobs. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
-Sweet, precious baby boy who can do no wrong. He strikes me as someone who listens to EVERYTHING when it comes to music. He ain't genrephobic
-Also a collector of weird things. Likes making bone jewlery. Bone boy
-I just love the concept of him being feral? This is probably the weirdest thing on the list. Like there's the golden retreiver boyfriend (Scout), and then there's the feral boyfriend (Sniper). Literally acts like a cat, hiding away from people, hissing when people that aren't you tries to touch him, will demand attention/affection from you, ect. I need to make a more detailed idea of a feral boyfriend so work with me plz
-He would absolutely let you wear his clothes, thinking about how adorable you look. He'd do the same with your clothes if they're big enough for his lanky body. You two swap jackets in the winter time so you guys always have a piece of each other when you two are busy and aren't able to see each other
-I know a running joke is that Spy is a smelly French asshole, but I really do think that he wears some of the nicest smelling cologne out there. Expensive af colonge, but damn, it's addicting
-Smarty pants. Not just anyone can be a spy, it takes quite a bit of intellect for it. And not to mentions he knows multiple languages? Love it, even if I hate the French language with a burning passion
-Him having a good taste in fashion? He's gotta know what he's doing by wearing suits all the time. Not only does he look fresh af, but people always look so good in a suit, especially when it fits them. But please also picture him dressed in a more romantic goth aesthetic plz, okay I'll stop now
-Is good at paying attention to even the littlest of details about his partners. Even if you're trying to be cryptic or subtle about things, he'll always find out. He's def a protective type too
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darklordsauron · 2 years
I will list all the bad things and the good things of the first episode. Fair warning, I am right and those articles which calls this piece of steaming shit a masterpiece is wrong.
The acting is sub par and so uncaring that it literally didn't feel like a real, just under a billion dollar, fantasy show based off of the legendary writing of J.R.R Tolkien.(Rest in peace, you deserve the world.)
Galadriel is a Mary-Sue (the perfect person. Everybody wants to be her, she is so 'cool' Rawr XD Uwu) and she is short despite being described in the books as taller than most elvish women and almost half of elvish men.
Elrond seems to have a crush on her and that just makes me nauseated.
Galadriel, if I should even call her that, wears the fëanorian star on every wardrobe item she owns it seems.
Actually, all the elves are the same height or even under it when compared to the humans.
The music sounds more like Game of Thrones than anything even remotely associated with LOTR.
The costume design in terrible. The material is cheap and plastic, they don't even try to conceal it. In one scene you can see that one of the background characters is wearing a black T-shirt underneath the clothes.
They barely say any of the characters' names (except Galadriel, which they repeat almost constantly). I had to google their names.
Brondir is the edgy warrior who is in love with the single mother (already forgot her name) who tries to help everyone around her.
The Harfoots, I also forgot all of their names, are the Hobbits of the second age and I hate the other main character whom comes from them. She is the relatable, clumsy character who is super curious. In other words, the most over used and predictable trope in all of film history.
They bring in new monsters/creatures that Tolkien never, ever wrote about. They probably needed these cliches to make the first episode more interesting.
The CGI sucks especially when Galadriel is climbing the glacier, icy, mounting thingy. The water is jelly and a piece of Valinor's sky literally clips out if you look really closely.
They jump locations every two minutes which gave me a headache and somehow the series is both fast and slow...AT THE SAME TIME!
There is really no heart in it. The entire thing was apathetic and simply lacked soul (because they sold their souls for money).
Gil-galad, his character actually looks canon and the actor is putting his heart into the performance thus making him the best.
The make-up of the orcs is simply beautiful. If only the rest of the series was.
Any scene with Sauron and the mentions of Morgoth is cool as it feels as if they have actual power in the otherwise boring show.
So far it sucks (no surprise there). I wanted to break my TV simply because their disrespect towards the source material is so obvious. Tomorrow my brain will have recovered enough to watch episode 2: Shit becomes shitier.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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sundewhasaudhd · 12 days
Sometimes I have these moments of clarity where I’m like “Wow, I’m really projecting on c!Wilbur while writing this fic” or “Damn, this headcanon for c!Wilbur is just like me fr” Like I have fucking list: 1) The way I write c!MAD duo in my main AU. A bit context for this point. My main AU is just my first DSMP AU and it’s doesn’t have a main motif, and since it’s the main AU I write, I just really call it my main AU. And c!MAD duo is c!Wilbur and c!Dream. So onto the projection part. So Wilbur was alone in limbo for a fucking WHILE, and then Dream revived and interacted with him and was “friendly” with him, so he hyperfixated on him and developed a really unhealthy romantic attraction to him. And Dream sometimes uses that attraction to get him to be what he wants. And, yeah, Wilbur kind of knows that Dream’s a bad person, but kinda “justifies” it a little like “oh, maybe they deserved it”, or “maybe I just don’t have enough context”, or “maybe it’s not that serious, and that’s just their dynamic”. 2) How he responds to accidentally hurting and realizing he hurt people he cares about. He berates himself for ever doing something like that, and thinks he deserves to die or feel pain, leading into my next point,
3) The SH that follows after that. He hurt someone he cared about didn’t he? There were so many other things he could’ve done, but instead he hurt someone that didn’t deserve it. Regardless of whether it was an accident or not, that doesn’t really matter right now. So he makes himself hurt too. And he doesn’t really understand how unhealthy this is either.
4) Abandonment issues out the shitter. With the anxious attachment style. Now, 1-4 are all projection, but just more extreme. There rest are just up projections, with no added to it. 5) AuDHD. No further elaboration needed.
6) Being a gothic horror fan.
7) Being into the same niche ass musical I’m into.
And those are all the ways I project onto c!Wilbur. Thank you for coming to my Ted-Talk. *jazz hands 🙌*
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masterqwertster · 1 year
18. "I need to change that bandage" and 8. "Can you sing for me" for Opal and Dorian if you can please?
Oh, all Crown Keepers. Let's go! Also, I'm tapped out on this prompt list. I'll finish what I've already received, but that'll be it for now. I mean, I'll have done nearly 20 of these little monsters when I finish those.
"Come on, Opal. I need to change your bandages," Dorian coaxes.
Or you could let him or Dariax heal you. Like a reasonable person, Ted chimes in, heard only by Opal.
"Shut up, Ted," Opal snaps back. Then, quieter, "I hurt my friends. You can't just magic that away."
"Well, no. But that doesn't mean you need to be hurting too," Dorian reasons, sitting down beside her with the healer's kit. "And it really would be easier if you'd just let me heal it with magic instead of this whole rigmarole with changing the bandages."
See? You're making him feel bad when he already feels bad, Ted points out.
What do you mean? Opal asks back, mentally, for once.
Oh my gods. He's a fucking bard and he hasn't sung or played anything in days. Doesn't that tell you that something is wrong?
And Opal takes a moment to think back on it. Ted is right. Dorian hasn't done any music since he hustled them all into this hidden space.
On orders from Orym.
Oh fuck. Dorian's got the magic talking stone to Orym, but Opal doesn't think he's heard back from the brave little halfling since he got the order. And Dorian is such a worrywart anyways, especially when it comes to how Orym (and Fearne and the other friends they'd made) was doing.
And that isn't even getting into the mess she'd made of things recently.
Opal bites her lip, considering what would actually make their current situation better.
"Um. You can... y'know, heal my arm? If you want to. But, you've got to sing too, okay? You haven't lately, and you're a bard. Aren't bards supposed to sing magic anyways?" Opal ends up rambling.
"Oh," Dorian softly says, something... sad, Opal thinks, flitting across his face. "Okay. It's, uh, nice that you're finally willing to be properly healed. And I can sing a song. ...Just, uh, give me moment to pick one?"
"Of course," Opal agrees.
Dorian retrieves the mandolin he got from Dariax when he came back from Marquet and starts tuning it.
Opal notices that the others are stilling as they notice Dorian is preparing to perform. She guesses Ted wasn't the only one to pick up on Dorian's recent silence.
A breath taken in the anticipatory silence, and Dorian begins.
The song is beautiful. And lonesome. Pining, not-yet-mourning. When he sings, it's with the voice of a wind on an empty plain with nothing to catch on save the waving stalks of grass. Yet there should be someone there. Someone whose hair can be tousled by the wind, whose clothes can flutter in the breeze. But they're not there. Not anymore. Or is it not yet?
Opal can't understand a word Dorian sings, but she gathers it must be a genasi language, because Cyrus and Fy'ra Rai are paying close attention. Cyrus even mouths along to some of the lyrics.
Eventually, the song comes to an end. They always do.
And Opal is almost startled to realize her arm is fully healed with the song's conclusion. Sure, it's what she'd asked for, but she had been so caught up in the music...
"Thanks, Dorian."
"You're welcome."
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Where are Our Million Voices?
Though I do like Tattoo, I honestly don't get the hype around it. It's a good song, and an amazing performance, but compared to a lot of the other ESC entries this year it sounds dated. My mum has an expression we've applied to a lot of the mello songs this year: 'kindergarten pop'. While Tattoo certainly sounds a lot more mature than most of the other songs, it still has those schlager derivative mello-pop undertones we've heard develop and flourish over the past quarter century. And therein lies the problem: "quarter century".
One of the main drawing points of Hold Me Closer last year was, for me at least, the fact that it didn't sound so distinctly mello. It felt fresh. I'd say the main reason for this is that it wasn't written by Jokerdebb Gjansson, but rather by newer talent who (I presume) viewed mello as a springboard to move further, not as a factory floor where they hoped to find full-time employment.
The entry I've most felt this energy from this year is Six Feet Under, and looking at its writers we once again find that three of them are members of the band itself, and two of them completely new to the competition. These two are the first ones listed, which I assume means they're the main contributors. But like I've mentioned on here before, I find the refrain of this entry too simple and way too tame. Since I'm not familiar with the band's music from before I can't say if this is their usual style or a deviation from it, but my feeling is that this is where the mello producers have poked their fingers in the cookie jar.
I don't recall the entire process for selecting which entries get to participate, but I think I remember it involving communication between the contest producers and the song writers. The producers will send notes to the writers about things they want tweaked (and idk, maybe attach new writers to rework parts of submitted songs?), and I suspect this is a big reason why every mello song sounds like an alternate assembly of the same lego set.
My point: we need to invest in more and new toys to play with, and trust different people to play with them. More genres, different writers and performers—less repetition, more humanity. Genres exist for a reason: to speak to different aspects of the human condition. Each one has its own thesis, but by always walking the tightrope between them mello waters genres down until they lose their core appeal. Jack of all trades; master of none.
True diversity or representation isn't about finding the narrow overlap between every genre and making yourself cosy within that least offensive, widest appeal, marketing friendly corridor; let's throw open the doors! Give me entries I can love with all my heart, or despise with a burning passion. Lord knows I'm the furthest thing from a music snob—radio-friendly pop is my bread and butter—but I'm tired of shrugging every entry off as a more or less favourable variation of 'meh'—that is the opposite of entertainment.
Mello's greatest asset is the often spectacular staging of its entries, especially since this is the part where a lot of other countries end up letting their performers down. Although I'm the first to point out that Eurovision is about an entire performance and not just the song, mello has now reached the point where the music is the bottleneck holding back the quality of the performances—in a music competition. I hope Tattoo wins mello this year and that it goes on to do well at ESC, because Loreen and her performance deserve it. But an ESC winner? Personally I don't think so.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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carolinemathildes · 4 months
thank you for tagging me, @onehelluvamarine 🩵
A band you don’t like that many others do: I cannot think of any bands right now but there are so many solo artists like the entirety of the current Top 20 Billboard Hot 100, I do not keep up with new music in any way.
A childhood memory that you remember vividly: riding a scooter down the front steps at my grandmother’s house for some reason.
Least favorite animal and why: gonna say it and be honest and take the hate, dogs. I think there are some nice individual dogs but overall I find them loud, annoying, messy, too needy, too disruptive. I refuse to ever live with one. I do have a phobia of another animal I won’t say because I don’t want people to send me pictures of it lol so I probably hate them more but I encounter dogs more so they’re on my nerves more often.
Hot fandom take: Aragorn is not THAT hot. there were hotter guys in those movies.
Do you wear any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece: I don’t. I wish I did! I have a nice ring and a nice necklace but I don’t really wear them. I wish I had a like, a signature piece or something.
A movie others liked but you didn’t: recently, which I know I’ve mentioned, Past Lives is so well-reviewed and god I just really hated it, I’m sorry but I did.
Three things you love about yourself: I was once bold enough to sing Let No Man Steal Your Thyme a cappella in front of a group of strangers at a hostel. I once took an 18-hour bus ride just to see a movie (and then another 18-hours back). I’ve read all the Hercule Poirot books.
A place you hope to visit in the future and why: Wales. I think it just looks lovely. I was supposed to do a semester abroad there once but couldn’t swing it financially. I’ve been to England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland so I’ve got to go to Wales. I wrote a story that is set so much there! I need to see it for myself.
An actor that gets on your nerves and why: RDJ because he made terrible comments about Alejandro González Iñárritu, he defends the worst Chris, and he’s going to win an undeserved Oscar this year.
Things you’re excited for in the nearby future? I’m almost done the first draft of a novel/story I’m working on, so I am excited so have a first draft and then I’m excited to start the second draft.
Least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in: I never shipped Ted/Rebecca from Ted Lasso, never once even for a second.
What’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in? I never wrote in it, just read and observed, but The Old Guard by far by faaaaaaaaar.
List three things you find beautiful about life: my nephew’s wavy red hair, when a cat comes over to you for pets, and watching someone hit a home run.
Any dreams for the future? I’d like to see my favourite football club, Man City, play live someday. I doubt I’ll get to Manchester maybe ever, but they’ll be playing in the US soon-ish so it will probably be a lot easier to see them there.
How are you really feeling today? I genuinely struggle with life every day. I wish it was in a cool way that made me stronger on the other side but it’s not. today was okay because I got to talk to a coworker I like (I WFH so I don’t talk to people a lot) and I went to the cinema that has the best popcorn in the world but I also am never actually happy and am always lonely which is a tiring existence.
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
My toxic trait is believing that alot of sappy country love songs, when looked at in a certain context, can either be seen from the point of view of someone absolutely adoring their horse and sees them as a platonic/familial life partner, or from the point of view of a horse with human-like intelligence that loves their human with all their heart and willing to do anything for them, and there's nothing that can change my mind.
Some examples:
5 foot 9 by Tyler Hubbard (this one reminds me of a horse just basically listing all the things he loves about his human and how lucky he is to have her)
Wild as you by Cody Johnson (this one reads as a cowboy wanting to tame a wild mustang and slowly gaining its trust to the point that the horse is comfortable with him, but he knows in his heart that the horse deserves to stay wild and free)
Home to me by Tenille Townes (I personally see this one as a horse going on a cross-country 'homeward bound' esc adventure to reunite with its rider, or a wild horse that bonds with a human and comes to see them as home and keeps returning to them, no matter how far it travels)
Beautiful Crazy by Luke Combs (same reason as 5 foot 9. Just a horse adoring how crazy his human is and how much he adores her for it.)
My Girl by Dylan Scott (this one's a bit iffy, but again, I can see it as being a horse (possibly even a rescue, by the 'she saved me' line) just adoring his human and knowing that she's his girl, she's his human, and no other human will take that away)
Hard to Love by Lee Brice (this one can kinda have two different ideas depending on how you look at it. If you look at it coming from the humans pov, it could be a guy trying to train and work with a mare with less abrasive methods than what he's been taught to use, but he messes up and slips back into these abrasive methods at times. But even then, the mare still comes back and wants to work with him cause she recognizes that he's trying and is willing to forgive. From a horse pov, this could be a horse that has behavioral issues due to a bad past, which causes him to lash out at his human, but despite this, she continues to work with him and love him, despite him having problems and being hard to love)
The Good Ones by Gabby Barrett (this one works except the one t-shirt line, but if you ignore that and look at it from the horses perspective, it's reads like a mare that previously been abused and mistreated until a kind cowboy takes her in and treats her with kindness and love for the first time, and she realizes she's finally found one of the good humans who genuinley cares about her and loves her)
Run to You by Lady Antebellum ((yes I know the shit they've tried to pull and fuck them for that, but I still need to bring this up cause this is what started this weird obsession of mine) this one always felt like a horse and rider who find comfort in eachothers company and use their bond as an escape from the stress of the world)
Somebody like You by Keith Urban (this one I have a very specific story for. This gives me the vibes of a lesson horse/lease horse that finds a human that they love and they feels is their person, and how they wants to love somebody like them cause they push them to be the best it can be.)
Some of these have their flaws, but Im willing to look past those to make a point. There's definitely more, and I'm currently working on a playlist. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
I've been listening to country music all my actual life including while riding horses and I shit you not a whole world just opened up. This is fantastic. Thank you for this.
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digitaldollsworld · 24 days
what hobbies do your ocs enjoy??
Hiiii friend !! First of all I will try to keep this So Short second of all I love you forever for asking me this . I’ll just run thru the guys I used for rps with my friends!
Ariana: a super Normal average girl with Normal Average hobbies—> she likes listening to music and she sews rlly well! She actually wanted to go to school for Fashion Design but well. Whomp whomp … I figure she would also looove 2 cook
Elijah: well he’s my Ultimate Rollerskater so that one’s on the list! He can also rollerblade and ice skate and likes to do those too. He also likes to embroider and to garden. He likes to bake too!!
Gillian: Giju my ultimate fashion diva that I derived one of my names from is dramatic and likes Many Things. He’s my Ultimate Ventriloquist so puppets are His Thing and he makes them all himself, sewing, gluing, wiring, rooting (hair), etc. etc.
He also canonically loooves poetry and will Recite Some Shit for you (in the rp he was straight up soliloquizing shhdnsjs). He also is canonically into tarot and as he gets older gets even more in depth into it
He also is a True Crime girly (unfortunate) and he makes a lot of his own clothes! Ohh and he knits!
Leilani: My dancing queen (who is not 17 she was 33) is a holistic girly and outside of aerials she likes to do yoga and exercise. Loves the outdoors and I figure she would love to hike I know she would love it here and all the trails we have. RIP girly you would’ve loved Tarot Time With Giju
Frankie: Oh This Bastard ok the Wonderful Handsome etc etc Dr. Wo is also a guy of Many Hobbies as they’ll tell you. They LOVE motorcycles, like to ride and tinker with them! They’re just a Car Guy in general. If you got any problems or questions they Got You
They’re my Blacksmith so they love making weapons. They canonically like to crochet and also paint! (Can’t wait for our friend Doom’s bday party in rp bc of this… teehee 😁) they’re also a horror girly so talk shop with them abt horror movies alll day!
Okay if you made it to the end thank you so much for coming to my TED talk
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Five comfort characters, five tags
Well, who would've thought I'd be tagged in something like this... not me 😂
Thanks @kindaconfusingme for thinking of me. Though I have to admit this task turned out to be rather hard for me, especially since I approached it with an "easy peasy lemon squeazy" kind of attitude. Turns out I got a lot of comfort things: books, movies, music, food, clothing... but comfort characters? A character that gives me comfort solely by existing and not as part of a story? Surprisingly, I had trouble naming even one character, let alone five...
Now, enough whining about my sorrows concerning this tag game. Please, enjoy this list of comfort(-ish) characters I compiled in no particular order.
Luke Skywalker (Star Wars) - he was actually the first to pop up in my mind when thinking of a comfort character. A few years ago this would have surprised even myself since I've always enjoyed Anakin and his dynamics with other characters far more than Luke. But since Disney keeps shitting out new material Luke made his appearance again and I have to admit that I was deeply moved by his appearance, it had a feeling similar to coming home after a long journey. It just felt good and comforting for some reason. So congratulations Luke, you earned yourself a place in this tag game.
Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce and B.J. Hunnicut (MASH) - I simply adore this series for several reasons but these two are clearly one of them. I love how they use jokes and pranks to make their lives in a war more bearable, their sharp and biting sarcasm, but how they still know when to be serious and show vulnerability, their humanity, which sometimes is hard to maintain in a war. The way they take care of themselves and their friends when they are about to break and shatter from what's happening all around them is very moving for me.
Alicia Gris and Juan Manuel Vargas (The Labyrinth of the Spirits) - not sure whether these two (who count as one by the way) really fit the term "comfort" character but at least they have lived rent free in my head ever since I read the book. Regarding all the pain and unhealed trauma they just ignore and never talk about the "comfort" part might not be fitting but I love them and their dynamic so incredibly much that they earned their spotlight here. (My fave BroTP/OTP... can't decide which is better (Both. Both is good))
Ezio Auditore da Firenze (Assassin's Creed II, Brotherhood and Relations) - my video game husband. Do I need to add more? The Prince Charming is cute, funny and knows how to stab people. What else would you want??
Erend (Horizon Zero Dawn) - this might be my latest hyperfixation speaking but so what.. big, tough guy strong enough to swing a battle axe as if it were a toothpick who is actually kind of a cinnamon roll and a sweet dumbass trying his best? (He's a little confused, but he's got the spirit) Sign me up! Also a fan of whatever is going on with the hair and the beard.
This took and turned out way longer than I thought, so thanks for coming to my Ted talk, I guess.
As for the tagging: everyone who reads this and wants to do this as well, feel tagged. Apart from that, @book-full-of-dreams have fun.
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wehatejulietsimms · 1 year
TED Talk anon here again I also wanted to bring back the interview that Juliet did during Disrupt Festival cause there are so many damn things wrong with it that just shows how misogynistic and pick-me Juliet really is. Since I don't want this to be too long I'm just going to list off the shitty things she said.
Said that she was the 'only female' on the Disrupt bill but she wasn't, Meg & Dia were on the bill as well (billed one spot higher than her too) and they're a female rock duo so that's bullshit and misogynistic of her to erase another female's presence for her own sake. She also did this in a recent LC interview where she said that her first Warped Tour was only herself and Paramore but Katy Perry, Against Me!, Horrorpops, Oreska, etc. were also there and she somehow forgot the Shiragirl stage that was created by a female specifically for queer and female artists to perform. How erasing of her. Oh and somehow forgetting that her own own drummer is female and not mentioning her which is what she did during Trinity of Terror as well.
She said that you have to 'learn to be more of a guy' when performing and traveling with many men like 'learning to stink, not showering every day, and not having your girly comfort things' so not only the definition of pick-me girl and sinking into feminine/masculine stereotypes that men smell bad and don't shower and have bad hygiene and are always tough and women are girly and sensitive with 'girly comfort things' and always smell good and have good hygiene while men don't but how are you going to say you want better for women and female artists and then tell people that you have to act like a man to get farther in your career? Which is literally what the lyrics to King are all about- being a man to succeed. But seriously her making fun of female artists for having 'girly comfort things' which there's nothing wrong with is the most fucked up and misogynistic shit ever like what the hell. She also said something similar in an old print Automatic Loveletter interview where she said that 'guys are just better' to tour and hang out with. I'll try to find it but it just shows how misogynistic she is.
At first in the interview she says that she's used to touring with only/mostly men and that it's no big deal and doesn't bother her (meaning the lack of females doesn't bother her) but only once the MALE interviewer asks her about the amount of female representation in the music industry she changes her narrative and says she wants more women included and wonders why they aren't. So ONLY approaching a feminist narrative because the interviewer brought it up and changing the misogynistic narrative she previously had because she realized the feminist narrative would look better for her.
Called the rock scene a 'man's world'. It's not a man's world it's a scene created for and built up by anyone of any gender and you'd think a self-proclaimed, so-called 'feminist' would know that. Good to note that Disrupt Fest was when she started writing King so THIS is what the lyrics to King are about. Not empowering females. Not being strong and fighting the patriarchy. But submitting to the idea of men ruling and preaching at women to act like men to succeed. And rather than fight against a 'man's world' basically just giving up and letting them have it and acting like them to get farther in life. The lyrics are literally 'Men have it better so act like a man so you can have it better too' and not the 'Men have it better but women should have it the same as they do' narrative that real feminism is. Also here are the links to the Insta posts I posted that shows the proof of the fake replicas and Juliet selling the real ones for much higher that I talked about in the last ask:
And the link to the Disrupt Fest interview:
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk ✌🏽
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hiiiiii hieeee so. danganronpa was my special interest for a solid six years and i still have a Lot of that knowledge locked in my brain. and i wanna talk about it again, you starting this blog may have rekindled my hyperfixation. please. tell me all ur music headcanons. i have singing headcanons for the sdr2 cast that i still think fit pretty well
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teehee... a lot of my music taste hcs are either me projecting or for funnies but i feel like most of them fit pretty well...
anyway here they are in alphabetical order (under a cut bc this will be a long ass post otherwise):
Akane - she like the kind of dubstep and edm that was popular in the early 2010s. skrillex and similar. bangarang in particular gives me akane vibes
Chiaki - in true Gamer fashion, Chiaki likes a lot of game soundtracks, but in addition to that, she likes hyperpop, a plethora of vocaloid artists, and crystal castles
Fuyuhiko - he's very secretive about his music tastes but only because he doesn't want anyone to know he likes the music he does. i haven't decided if he likes disco or ska (or both), but it's one of those two for sure. I think at this point i'm leaning more towards ska...
Gundham - Gundham likes the wizard-esque doom metal. The stuff about necromancers and shit. Slow tempo music is usually his go-to. He also likes some new romantic bands like the cure and others, and listens to type o negative as well. Another band that appears often in his mixes is muse.
Hajime - despite his 'everyman' appearance he likes 'weird' music. He enjoys breakcore and bands that defy genre. At the top of his list is Machine Girl, this song (and album) in particular reminding me of him. He also listens to a lot of death grips.
Hiyoko - she doesn't listen to a lot of music outside of practicing for her dance routines, but when she does it's the most disgusting (complimentary) death metal you've ever heard.
Ibuki - NU METAL. and some other metal of course. Korn, Disturbed, Kittie, Slipknot.... she also likes three days grace and mcr. and death metal as well and she actively seeks out death metal bands with women vocalists.
Imposter - as Byakuya, he says he listens to classical music to sound refined and stuff, but in reality they love bubblegum pop and boy bands
Izuru - he's the only person on earth who says they listen to 'all genres' and actually does. It's a new genre every week with Izuru. His favs are usually the genre mash-ups, and also music that just plain sounds bad <3
Kazuichi - pop punk. a tiny bit of grunge in the mix too. green day
Mahiru - Spice Girls and 80s pop bands with women vocalists.
Mikan - Lana Del Rey and similar 'indie' women singers that were popular mid 2010s
Nagito - he says he 'doesn't listen to music', but then if you push it he'll say he listens to a bit of emo stuff and some pop punk. blink 182 and similar. but THEN he'll say he was lying and actually only listens to news podcasts. in reality it's just the pop punk.
Nekomaru - dad rock. AC/DC :^)
Peko - babymetal, nine inch nails, a perfect circle, and a lot of things in-between
Sonia - true to her name and country of origin, she listens to nirvana, but they AREN'T her fav grunge band. Her fav grunge band is Alice in Chains. She also dips into nu metal every once in a while, particularly deftones.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk... <3
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say-al0e · 2 years
I’m sorry you cannot just say that and then GO TO BED??????? I love this concept????????? Go off!!!!!! Maybe I’m saying that bc I am biased wearing all black w tattoos, dyed hair, and cute piercings but my GOD it makes me happy that someone else even CONSIDERS that Steve might like a punk moody goth girl!!! God damn!!!!
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk bc I sure was happy going to yours
I lied I was on TikTok but like. Same, though. My wardrobe outside of work is 98% black and I’m a wimp so I don’t have any tattoos or piercings but like. Ugh. I want them.
Anyway. Back to the conversation. I think it would shock him to his core, being into someone like that, but only initially. Because Steve appreciates a pretty face regardless. And I think he’d dig the attitude (plus he’d have so much fun with the banter because you know he’d get shit for his music taste just as soon as he’d give her shit for hers).
I don’t need more fics on my list. However. Maybe a blurb of Steve realizing he’s got the hots for the punk chick???
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narrie · 2 months
even renaissance deserved aoty more than hs3, there was no good reason for it
I have a theory on why Beyoncé’s never won AOTY! I think the reason Harry beat her is because out of all the nominees, he had the smallest team who worked on his album, whereas Beyoncé had such a huge list of writers and producers!! Like didn’t she have a song that had 14 writers on it?! I feel like the Grammys respect artists who have a smaller number of writers/producers like Harry, and they probably didn’t want to hand out thousands of Grammys to Beyoncé’s team… anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk 🫡
bc they didn't wanna hand out loads of grammys is sending me bc it could really just come down to shit like that which just shows how meaningless it all is lmao especially a dumb fucking reason bc beyoncé's team is DIVERSE which is such a big aspect of her music and art, meanwhile harry's ass bringing the same 2 white men everywhere...
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
1/2 3x08! ‘This better start with them fucking! I miss-(the ep starts with someone saying they have a tight ass)nevermind..why is that dude’s hat red but everything is in black and white? Oh they are workers of the street’ ‘ITS JUSTIN! Why is his head in a lamp? Dude it was just a harp player with a dumb goatee, its not that deep. Daph feels the same as i do, seriously what was so special about him that you cant stop thinki-(Justin says hes talking about Brian) HELL YEAH BABY! THATS FUCKING RIGHT! TEAM BRIAN! DAPHNE IS ALSO HAPPY! EXACTLY MISTAKE! (Daph reveals her plan) OH DAPHNE YOU BEAUTIFUL EVIL GENIUS, I KNEW I COULD COUNT ON YOU! *pauses tv and runs to the piece of paper he taped on the wall and points* I FUCKING CALLED IT! IM PSYCHIC! RAVEN MOVE OVER BECAUSE THATS SO (his name) IS HERE *looks at his list* okay so I was off a little but it’s still close, but her working with Bri Bri would be dope as fuck! *keeps looking at his list* i wonder what else I’m right about’ ‘anyway we are going back to season 1 stalker era!’ Mel and Linds come on ‘oh come on! Nobody cares about you. We have a hot man to stalk!’ *waves at the tv* ‘hi brian! You wont guess what Blondie told me’ (Ted hurts his back) ‘oh this is just NOT his season, is it?’ THE INTERN SCENE IS UP!! ‘Bri Bri! (Justin is introduced as the intern) OH MY FUCKING GOD! LOOK AT BRIANS FACE! HE IS LITERALLY SPEECHLESS! MR KINNEY?! OH HE LIKED THAT. (The office scene is currently happening and he is smiling so big) HE IS HERE TO SUCK DICK WHILE YOU LEVITATE! OH YOU WANNA SEE HIS FACE EVERY DAY! YOU LITERALLY GOT A LOOKALIKE SEX WORKER! YOU IMAGINED HIM IN THAT ONE EPISODE! (Justin starts being amazing with his pettiness) now THAT is the Justin I missed and love! THAT YOURE PAYING FOR! HA! Got you! *pauses tv and starts fake praying* oh please big guy, give me Brian and Justin working together! Late nights and bonding back together! PLEASE BIG GUY DO ME A SOLID’ Ted takes his pills and he grabs his pills and shakes them ‘TWINSIES!’ ‘JUSTIN IS AT BABYLON AGAIN! Oh he missed this for sure! I just know he felt like he could breathe again. THIS *waves to tv* is where you belong baby boy. BRIAN! JUSTIN! THEY BROKE UP! THATS RIGHT BRI BRI YOUR MAN IS SINGLE AND HE WANTS YOU BACK! YOUR love will last for eternity! Yeah, its kinda hard to dance to violin music. See? You MISSED this! OH BRIAN IS ACTING HARD TO GET!‘ ‘is this kid gonna be a thing? Is this another way to make Ben less boring? Mike feels about kids the same way as me’ ‘ITS BRIAN! AND JUSTIN! Oh sorry mr KINNEY! THEY ARE WORKING TOGETHER! *justin memorizes Brians order and he pauses tv* SEE HOW FAST HIS IQ CAME BACK THE SECOND THAT FUCKER WAS GONE! Thank god Blondie remembered who the fuck he was! Oh Brian likes calling him Taylor. HE IS SUCKING UP TO HIM! I know another thing he could suck.’ He is now smiling so fucking hard and he looks insane with the way his hair is all over the place bc he keeps pulling them. The scene where Emmett comes home and Ted is drugged up on the floor came up ‘look its us! Except I don’t lay on the floor (i remind him of yesterday where he was laying on the grass) Hey! That was different! I already told you i wanted to look at clouds and accidentally took a nap. Leave us *points to him and ted* alone!’ He just groaned out of nowhere ‘im so so happy for Emmett BUT COME ON GIVE ME BRIAN AND JUSTIN! This is why I’m here! This is why I suffered through all *waves one of his hands* crap with that fucker!‘ Brian popped up on the screen and he literally fist pumped ‘NO DONT FIRE HIM! YOU HAVE TO FUCK HIM! (Justin says Mr Kinney) what did the hot priest say in fleabag about being turned on by calling him priest? That applies for Mr Kinney thing. But i think my man likes it more than Blondie (thee scene is on)Paganini junior, funny. LOOK HOW HES LOOKING AT HIM! YOU SHOULDVE TOLD HIM YOU LOVED HIM! take it from Nike and JUST DO IT! HE DID LOVE YOU WHEN YOU WERE GONE (kiss happens)HE HAS BALLS! AND HE STUMBLED! This is his first kiss since Justin left, i know he felt like he came up air again’
anyway we are going back to season 1 stalker era! EXACTLY
Sassy intern Justin is everything. I am so happy your brother is living for this!
Oohhhh your brother is so not twins with Ted with his pills. Yikes.
hot priest say in fleabag about being turned on by calling him priest? That applies for Mr Kinney thing I love how your brother constantly references Hot Priest from Fleabag. I love this man.
This is his first kiss since Justin left, i know he felt like he came up air again (brb sobbing about how this is exactly it)
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theonlywayisinward · 10 months
May your life be an act of love: 30 ways to date yourself
As I'm about to turn 30, I thought it would be a really fun idea to list 30 ways to date yourself, all of which I've been doing this year.
To keep it nice and brief (or not 😉), I'll just dive in:
Meditating. Devoting time to centering and grounding yourself on the daily is maybe one of most productive, yet relaxing ways to love yourself. It has become one of the most crucial aspects of my life and a non-negotiable. If you've never tried it, do it like yesterday. You go into it as one person and leave as another. It's life-changing.
Reading. Read uplifting and inspirational books. I personally recommend any book by Brianna Wiest, who has honestly inspired me to start writing again. I think the best thing you can do to really date yourself is stimulate your mind through books.
Taking your supplements. I think this one is completely underrated and often overlooked. But really dating yourself involves paying attention to what your body and your mind need and the best way to really ensure this in addition to your diet is through supplements.
Eating nutritious foods and staying hydrated. What you put in your body DIRECTLY affects the way you feel. What you eat will affect your mental health as much as it will your physical health. Focus on prioritizing a wide variety of vegetables to help increase diversity in your gut microbiome, which will ultimately lead to a healthier, happier you. The staying hydrated aspect of it is a no-brainer. Drink your eight cups. Just do it.
Exercising. Particularly strength training. It not only helps you feel good and look good, but exerting physical strength also stimulates your mind as it promotes mental strength as well. The whole "your body will only go to where your mind will let it" thing is real. It's all connected.
Going for walks. Yes, the term "hot girl walks" is a thing. Aside from the fact that you're being active, walking is huge for mental health benefits, and it's primarily why I do it.
Following a skincare and oral hygiene routine. Taking care of your skin is so crucial for feeling good. After all, you have to look at yourself in the mirror everyday for the rest of your life-- don't you want the face staring back at you to look vibrant, hydrated and supple? I also highly suggest that in addition to maintaining proper oral hygiene, you whiten your teeth. Your smile will thank you.
Listening to podcasts and audiobooks. Where do I even begin, you can find a podcast or an audiobook for absolutely anything. If you need inspiration or motivation-- go to audible, listen to a Ted Talk, go on Spotify, etc. You'll thank me later.
Making playlists. This one in particular has been a game changer. I don't know where I would be without music. I have a playlist for everything. From breakup bops, to work playlists, to non-sentimental, groovy mixes, to cooking music, you name it.
Buying flowers and burning candles. I personally think everyone should buy themselves flowers. I mean Miley didn't write that song for nothing. My personal bliss is coming home with flowers from the market, lighting a candle, and just taking in the beauty of doing something romantic for myself. I've done it while in a relationship, I've done it while single. And I'll do it forever.
Shopping for new clothes. Simple-- A hot, new wardrobe to channel your inner Goddess? Say less.
Getting massages. This one is self-explanatory but what better way to date yourself than giving yourself the gift of relaxation? If you have some money to spend, I can't think of anyone more deserving of being spoiled by you than you.
Solo beach dates. All you need is a blanket, the cute playlists you've made, headphones and yourself. Wine sold separately.
Writing in a journal. It doesn't have to be a journal either, it can be a random piece of paper, your planner, or even Tumblr (yup, shout out to this platform), but writing out your feelings doesn't only work as a sounding board to help give structure to all the mumbo jumbo in your brain, but it gives you relief and clarity.
Practicing gratitude. Write down at least 3 things you're grateful for everyday and watch your life change.
Cooking. If you like to cook like me, you will find taking the time out of your day to try out new recipes incredibly therapeutic. If you don't know how to cook, what better time to start than now?
Taking up a new hobby. For me it's writing. But for you it can be anything from learning how to crochet, paint, taking up tennis, swimming, etc. Diving into a hobby keeps your mind and body focused; it keeps you entertained, and it opens you up to more creative thinking.
Dressing up and getting dolled up. Maybe get a nice blowout or curl your hair, put on some perfume & try out a new lipstick that catches everyone's eye and just step out of the house. Studies show that your Queen era starts with a solid makeover. I don't make the rules.
Watching uplifting tv shows. If you're currently single, you will never have as much time as you do today to do literally whatever you want, so binge some cute tv shows. I suggest Sweet Magnolias, Firefly Lane, New Girl, etc.
Taking fitness classes. Self-explanatory. Try yoga, pilates, cycling, maybe Crossfit? Whatever it is you want to try, now is the time. And who knows, you might just meet some new people, form a new friend group, meet the love of your life? Maybe, maybe not. But you'll get hot either way.
Feeling your feelings. In my personal experience, when any feelings arise, I allow them. Resisting prolongs them. No better way to date yourself than allowing every emotion into your space and accepting it as part of your human experience. You heal faster this way.
Spending time with friends. Nothing better than being around great energy to really make you feel your best. A good support system is everything.
Affirmations. Changing your inner dialogue at a subconscious level will subsequently change your entire life. Pick some positive affirmations and repeat them everyday, multiple times a day.
Dancing. Go out dancing with friends, take a Zumba class or any other dancing class of your choice. I personally think dancing is one of the most liberating forms of self-expression, so I do it as much as I can and I always feel amazing afterwards-- highly suggest it.
Traveling. Nothing better to help expand your perspective and broaden your horizons than experiencing new cultures, a change of scenery, and trying new food (if you're a foodie like me).
Spending time with family. Family over everything. Feel the love all around you when you're with the people who truly care about you most and revel in it.
Diving into work. Simple, excel at what you're already good at. Take on that extra project, work harder for that promotion, get a side hustle, etc. Not only will you be occupied, but you will increase your finances which will allow you to keep spoiling yourself.
Painting. Another form of therapy. If you don't want to write or talk about how you're feeling, paint it. Abstract art can help you get your feelings out while keeping the privacy component. If you want to be the only one who knows what your masterpieces really mean, learn to make abstract art.
Prioritizing sleep. Sleep hygiene is SO crucial to well-being. Buy the luxurious bed sheets, put your phone away 1 hour before bed, starfish in your bed to your heart's content, and get those 8 hours of sleep. Your body will love you, and your mental health will thrive.
And last but not least-- Cutting off ties with people and situations that don't contribute to your growth. This one's maybe the hardest one but walking away from what no longer serves you is top tier. Nothing more empowering than saying "no" to whatever situation or person is not bringing out the best version of you. Trust me. You will feel peace, relief, and pride. Thus entering your Queen era.
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ten · 6 years
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