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thedeafprophet · 2 years
what's this i hear about an imagined timeline for light fingers?? 👀
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this ended up being quite long lol. This is basically a summary of light fingers + my commentary, and a few places where i've made minor plot changes. had a lot of fun typing it up.
warnings for a) spoilers and b) this is about light fingers
under cut because of the length
My version of the story begins in 1898, when Alex, my light fingers PC descends to the neath alongside two of my other fl characters. (anyone who knows me, knows who Alex is lol), sometime in February. Imagine the general plot takes abouuuuut a year and a bit give or take. Alex doesn’t begin the Light fingers plot until after being in the neath for a month or two as well (shadowy myn)
Also gonna be upfront: Don’t like the beginning of Light Fingers lmao. Some parts of it are just unnecessary and never come up again esp in regards to the music hall singer. (The earlier stuff comes across to me like they had a few scenes written and then just mashed stuff together to connect them tbh). I ignore a fair bit of that stuff in my ponderings, since the plot didnt explore it and I don’t feel a need to.
( I think from a writing perspective it could have been neat to actually have the player meet up with the music hall singer sooner and cross notes instead of the long search. Have a text option of how much the player actually knew her on the surface, affecting a bit of the flavour text later on depending on the choice.  Talk more about Whats Going On, exchange info, and perhaps learn about her searching for Clara earlier? Before the lead up to her going missing at the violent scene and leading to the part with the bethlem? Though that part was also written weirdly like, what was going on with the manager, this seems like remnants before he was more established as a character- ok no no back on topic XD  Food for thought tho). Anyway, I think that part of the story probably takes a few weeks, maybe a month or so. The following time of tracking down Edward and all that nonsense in the lead up to the orphanage would be another two weeks. 
The actual process inside the orphanage and the searching would probably only be a few days…. But there’s the whole ‘buried alive section’, which makes it longer.  I’ve talked about my rewrite idea for that before. And then BOOM lighting the orphanage on fire. Still one of my favourite scenes. 
And then the situation of Clara being at the players house. I have a very vague idea for reworking Clarabelle’s parts of the story to actually have her be a character rather then a set piece. I think the Acquaintance and conversations system we have in newer plots now would have been a Great idea there. 
Letting her actually talk and do things would have been a major improvement without changing the plot. I think here would be a good first spot for a conversation- i don’t think the plot using the tea leaves as an excuse to not have a conversation is good. She would obviously be worried about her sister and clearly in a state of distress regardless. In my version Alex spends time talking to her and doing his best to help support before the bit of heading off to the university to the find the doctor.
The process of finding Dr Vaughan, zailing back and forth, bringing Clara, getting the items, etc. would be at least another few weeks if not months. And there’s the whole confrontation with Ed (Alex got some nasty bruises from that let me tell ya) and the ceiling part. Thankfully for me the story was already written when i got there, so i think in story the crew would only be there for a few weeks. This is another spot i think would be good to talk with Clara…. At least to establish more that she actually knows whats going on. 
And then the establishment of the basecamp. This is where that conversation idea really forms. Once the team is settled and one gear for preparations, in my timeline there’s a lot more general Talking between everyone. By now i think the timeline would be into later summer 
After that uhhhh well. The conversation with Fires is probably my favorite scene. What can I say but, Villains:™:. I’ve illustrated how that scene went on Alex’s part lmaooooo. 
Oh another thing i have with a headcanon is that edward goes immediately to the fingerkings after fires tells him to go away. This is because we get the uh. Gift. of the skin immediately following that conversation and i believe that since if you side with the fingerkings you tear off and get your own skin from that, its a similar situation with Ed here. 
Following that, the Hybrid is born in the fall (baby. My beloved child. I am so very fond of it.) Alex loved his kid immediately. I could say very much about the complexity of the situation for Alex, and the whole concept of breaking the cycle of abuse…..
I have less to say about the later plot stuff but also because I am getting tired lol. I think the time with the hybrids birth and raising it takes place over many months and takes the majority of time of the plot time tbh. All through the winter at the least. Introduce the baby to hanukkah. 
It’s into the spring when the whole Big Final Confrontation happens. And the wedding too I suppose. And of course, Catboy hours. There is no reason why siding with the cats *shouldn’t* give you cat ears. I mean, Edward gets snake eyes, it’s only fair. So Alex is a catboy in parabola. For fun. 
Now. You may wonder “Prophet, why would you choose to marry Poor Edward” and the answer is ‘because it was hilarious that it was an option’. And also I find yandere arcs in stories to be fun. We all know I have particular tastes lmao. 
In terms of in character justification ehhhhh its a little loose. Part of it the sway of the dream, but I suppose Alex found it the least violent end. (Wasn’t like he intended on getting married to anyone else lmao). And whilst i’m quite light on the topic in jest a lot I um.
Okay part of the thing I think isn’t talked about with Edward is that its entirely nonconsensual on his part, right? Like yea okay, he does the pursuing and stuff but its not like he’s actually attracted to the pc, its all because of a drug. And we SAW just how much that stuff fucks with people’s heads back at the orphanage, people literally would bash their heads in over being separated from the object of their affection. Like. Idk it just seems more serious to me then just ‘rejecting the advances’ of someone. This is mutually nonconsensual in a way. 
These are in no way his actual feelings. And like yea the dudes terrible and ‘deserves’ whatever is dealt to him or whatever, i’m not trying to woobify or anything, i dont care that much but.  Idk regardless the nonconsensual aspects make it quite weird.
This is a thing that bothers me with the moon milk stuff a lot. For obvious reasons. I often feel like I’m the only person reading it this way sometimes… i saw someone describe the Evil Light Fingers ending as ‘not that bad’ and ‘there’s worse things in the game’ and im just like ????? okay thats subjective whatever but uh???? anyway. yeah ive talked about my discomfort with the moon milk stuff before
Anyway suffice to say I have complex thoughts on the matter which is a whole other post in and of itself. 
So yeah anyway, end of spring, 1899 (the first one)  when the hybrid is freed to the ceiling and everyone says there farewells. I love that ending scene so much ngl,,,, I love the baby so much I’ve said so before but i will say it AGAIN. 
I still believe the team hangs out even after the plot. Alex goes to see Clara’s opera performances when he can, visits Heph in parabola when he’s doing silverer stuff (Alex becomes a silverer after LFs in response of all the weird dream stuff and wanting to have more control, and checks in on  Dr Vaughan at the uni from time to time (I chose for her to stay in London, I don’t care much for the starved men as a concept tbh) .
Annnnnyway yeah thats the whole timeline of lightfingers + my thoughts on it. If you actually read this whole thing thank you for paying attention to me I appreciate it <3
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tzarrz · 4 months
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i listen to fog lake too much
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Imagine your f/o placing reassuring hands on your shoulders, giving you a kind smile. "I just wanted to tell you that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I'd be lost without you."
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alilaro · 1 year
those damned anime weebs were right, Neon Genesis Evangelion really does go fucking hard
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meownotgood · 5 months
also while I'm on the topic of being off topic. this is my beloved durge tav moon. her wizard boyfriend sprays her with water when she tries to bite people
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is anyone able to send me any money for groceries? i feel so desperate and would deeply appreciate any help or signal boosting <3 my venmo is kaitlynlee55 and my paypal is kaitlynrickman <3
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garuye · 7 months
I'd like to get to a point where I can draw again and not be completely overwhelmed or underwhelmed by the attempt. I guess I'm just in a messed up place mentally, I miss drawing but any time I sit down to do it, it. Doesn't happen.
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coralsweep · 2 months
Orokapi eventually returns back to Tatsuno Yoriko her family.
500 words, gen, No Archive Warnings Apply. Written for Day 3 of @aftergodweek under the prompts for Tatsuno Yoriko and Minami Akio.
Yako retains unfamiliar permissions to the rest of those under Ahu'az.
700 words, gen, No Archive Warnings Apply. Written for Day 4 of After God week under the prompt IPO (gods).
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buttercupshands · 4 months
So... Ch 423 spoilers huh...?
Just read them... since, yeah, they just appeared and stuff
I... don't really have much to say other than.... I guess this is over? The battle, the arc... basically everything?
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I'm... glad that it is, since it was really slow from all of the breaks, but at the same time it's... a little sad, or, actually, just... nothing
I think it's time to... reflect on... whatever happened in this arc or just in general, so... a personal story tie ig
I've been following mha for almost 5 years since I first watched and read it as my first "real" anime and have been following stuff ever since ch 240-241 came out and I caught up with manga, so it was pretty obvious what characters were the most interesting ones
Ever since the volumes became available to buy in 2019 I've been collecting them all up to the very recent ones and it was fun to do even if calculating how to buy them was a challenge for 'I just graduated high school' kind of person. But it was worth it every time with how LoV appeared basically in every single volume since they used 2-in-1 way of publishing so since LoV appears ever so briefly sometimes every 2 volumes it was a win-win situation
I took a break from buying them last year after the exams and stuff and after chapters of Toga's death came out I just took a break from mha in general, focusing more on other stuff like hsr, genshin or just my life while helping with stuff
I still followed the spoilers every week they came out just to see how Horikoshi wants to end the LoV story or at least how would Izuku fight Tomura in the end
And... it's the last chapter of that. After 2 years since the Final arc started and a year since Tomura actually started fighting Izuku inst
It feels right in a way, even if I'm a bit sad how... this is it? AFO just dropped info in ch 419 for it to be irrelevant in the end just for AFO to have control for 4 chapters and Tomura yelling to say that he's still alive in there
It was odd to actually read the spoilers one by one this time since I sometimes wake up too late so I just go through them quickly and that's it
I wondered halfway into the chapter that Tomura would just die soon but I didn't expect it to happen this chapter even more so at the end of it
It's... really is over now?
Defeating LoV was literally just finding a way for them to self-destruct instead of making Class 1-A be the ones who kill them showing that they're still good in the end. It's not like I'm complaining - it's the way I wanted them to be defeated because them staying alive in the end felt unfair, especially when fans were the ones who wanted it. Just leaving them in Tartarus for a way to say that Izuku can't save villains or changing the story so the LoV is left alone is not the way this manga would deal with it, I thought
And I was right in a way, even if it took Toga's monologue to actually be more sure that this is where it's going
It felt too much like how Twice's death was done - without any regret from him
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Maybe it made me a bit... off from how other people wanted it to end with heroes "getting what they deserve" or something, but it would've stopped being MHA after something like that happened, especially in a final arc when all of the LoV (except maybe Compress who is not on the battlefield) is literally wearing death signs with Dabi being the most loud one with it - and we still haven't seen him have this "alright, goodbye" moment like Twice, Toga and Tomura now had
And I don't believe that Dabi will survive this arc - he's literally too far gone with his body less alive than before and with him living only to be angry at Endeavor I guess it's a matter of time we get a goodbye from him too
With how this chapter handled it it seems that Spinner might survive this arc after all, but again - it makes it all the more sad since Horikoshi did remind us that Tomura befriended Spinner, in a way making it... a bit sad that it means that Tomura didn't expect others to make it or at least since they were more focused on their own goals Spinner was caring more for Tomura's goal than for himself.
Which is... even more sad considering that Tomura literally tells Izuku to say that he was destroying until the end instead of telling how Tomura lost everything and couldn't do anything anymore even before dying from basically decaying from the quirk that AFO gave him
And that's... Not dissapointing, no. It just makes me sad that his arc ended like that after all those chapters ever since he debuted 10 years ago.
Is you want it to be correct, since Horikoshi based Tomura off his oneshot about Tenko - it's been 17 years since the concept of his character first gained form and only now he's gone
Like... really gone. Nothing else left.
You can probably tell that I didn't take it well even if I wanted this ending to be this way not the "everyone survives way", but it still hurts to see the character that clicked ever since first watching and reading MHA and the character who is basically responsible for me even trying to check first the anime then wiki and then manga just... dying like that
Granted Kurogiri was the one who showed up in the end and I'm just glad for this because ever since ch 419 came out and even before that I just hoped for it to matter in some way and it did
I remember reading some fics that dealt with this arc in a way that was satisfying for me, but I still crried a lot and I still am crying now from thinking that Horikoshi did in fact give LoV a break instead of leaving them in jail.
I do need a break tho. Not in a "I leave and no more sketches or anything from me", no
I need a break from this manga, thankfully next volume isn't close so I'm free to not buy it right after that, especially since it's Toga's volume and I'm not ready to read it again but this time as "read every volume" way
I also can't leave Ultra Impact since I suddenly became a leader for a club I was in alone after everyone left, it's now full with 30 people appearing from s7 starting ig, but it gave me some responsibility to support the new players who decided that a weird club which name I can't even change from what last leader called it, so I might continue playing just to, at least, have all or the LoV characters fully leveled up just for fun
But in a way a need a break from Tomura. I had one or two when it was becoming unberable with how manga was going and with how things are... yeah
I have some sketches ideas but other than that... it's a bit hard to touch something LoV related right now.
I also don't think that doing something like this again is a way I want to cope with what happened - it happened and I already have two different posts about both how depressing and hopeful ch 419 is, and in the end both were true.
Nothing changed what happened in ch 419, Tomura just decided to destroy AFO when the plot wanted with Izuku and OFA together which is definetely something that people made theories of
He didn't get time to get at least something before he's gone and whatever happened with Nana was happened off-screen so we might as well see it as Tomura dying with his life never meaning anything, never actually having any purpose and only by helping to destroy AFO did he do at least something that helped others and was his own choice, but was it? Did he ever have a choice at all?
As it is now and will be for the end for MHA Tenko Shimura or Tomura Shigaraki never really had a choice in anything he did, not in a "I didn't have a choice!!!" dramatic way of how Nana Shimura left Kotaro. No. He didn't have any choices to choose from to begin with.
But with how Kurogiri still wanted to protect Tomura and reminded him of his friends at least it's not just the first part of the post that was right, in the end last words that Tomura said were connected to LoV and what he wanted to do for them, not that AFO was to blame for everything which is true still, but that LoV, even as broken as it is, is still a priority in Tomura's head after all this time of having AFO's quirk twist his mind and anything Tomura said outside of that headspace should've been carefully checked since it could've been AFO who's talking
It's not the ending for Tomura that people were hoping he'll get nor is it something that everyone will agree on, I can feel people arguing from here even if I didn't check Twitter or tags here on Tumblr to be sure. I don't need to.
So... those are my thoughts, a bit emotional in some places a bit chaotic in other, since my head is a mess right now and this was a way to say "this is it... are you happy?" to myself and answering it.
And the answer is no. I'm not happy. This arc, Tomura's personal arc and the way Izuku "helped" Tomura is still some of the worst things, even if I'm glad that this is over and I'm not obligated by myself to wait every week nervous that Tomura would suffer, and he did suffer, a lot.
From how his only way of getting his memory back was to suffer again to the fact that he had to suffer to get rid of his hate that AFO so carefully nurtured for 16 years. It wasn't great, especially since I joined after MVA was over and nothing after that was good to LoV getting worse every chapter from Twice dying and Toga learning that she'll probably die too, to Tomura never actually meeting LoV again as himself after he got AFO's quirk basically making him oblivious to the fact that Dabi is Toya or that Spinner followed what AFO wanted just to be useful, that Toga gave away her blood to save Ochako or that Dabi burned himself to death probably and Mr. Compress compressing parts of his own body. And the only person he saw before talking to Izuku was Kurogiri who was literally melting away at that very moment.
It's... a bit unfair.
Yes, villains lose at the end since we're reading a manga even if the manga itself isn't sure if it wants to go "no this is REAL" or go the way every shonen goes with the main character getting what they want. LoV lost at the end just because the manga needed them to lose, even if the way it was shown wasn't disrespectful to their character arcs, all of them making sense in the end.
It's still unfair that their only choice was to die and in a way bring everyone with them if they can, it was the way Dabi almost did it, it was the way both Toga and Tomura did, only for their respective Heroes - Shouto (and Todoroki family as whole), Ochako and Izuku being saved from dying from something that would've worked ONLY there and then. While the villains are not in the My Villain Academia version of manga anymore, so they don't have a way to survive anything like they did in MVA. For Toga, Twice and Tomura it was the only way to survive, if they weren't the main characters of that arc they would've died.
So, in the end it's miracle that we even had that arc in the first place with how Horikoshi wasn't planning for the villains to become the sympathetic characters for the fans - they were supposed to be just scary, and it's clear when you read stuff before volume 23 comes with MVA - they were always just evil and scary without any hope for us to get something out of it. You may say that the chapter with Toga helping Twice and having Tomura talk to them after the conversation with Overhaul was the first sign of Horikoshi not just showing them as those evil villains, and in a way it's true.
Nothing from before that arc actually helped LoV aside from showing some poins of "Dabi might me Toya" or first points of AFO and Tomura talking face to face. In the end everything important was in Overhaul arc and MVA tightly connected to each other.
I'm glad that for the 5 years of my life I've been analysing LoV and took my time getting every volume, I'll still hold them dearly. But aside from couple of chapters at the end showing us what happened to others... it's really the end of it.
With how long this post is I don't expect for people to read everything, since it was mostly just me talking about the new chapter for an hour and a half, sharing my thoughts, feelings and... whatever else there might be.
Because it was important thing in my life for a long enough time that I would miss it.
I can talk for hours more and just loop around this topic, but this is long enough post and I'm tired, but thanks for reading
I'm happy that this is over
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deus-ex-mona · 5 months
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yurusanta: the ✨gift✨ that keeps on ✨giving✨
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madaraservingcunt · 2 years
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starlooove · 6 months
I rlly liked red hood the hill bc besides the gift it completely ignored everything else with the batfam which to meeee I’m taking it as the hill has been overlooked by the bats forever (see Orpheus rising) so yeah nobody there gives a fuck about those people and jason knows better than to bring that shit over there
#genuinely tho#I dislike the trend rn of simplifying Jason and Bruce’s issues and making it seem like Bruce was nice and accepting all along and Jason just#needs to get with the program#like the fanficication of that and the Damian Bruce issues or Damian tim issues or even Dick and bruce issues#where everything comes down to the kids being insecure and Bruce being bad at communicating#which has always been PART of the main issues but using that as the crux and lens through which a solution will be acheived is a stretch#a stretch only made in fix it fics that is picked up by ppl who dont read shit and then writers who dont read dont care and get a check#THIS IS MY ISSUE WITH WHERE IT SEEMS BATFAM IS GOING THAT IS NOT AN ISSUE I HAVE WITH RE#NOT ABOUT RED HOOD THE HILL#back to red hood the hill#i DO like them#playing off how jason has always been able to relax there#with a community that has eachothers back#and the flip from#his early red hood days to seeing dana go that path is soooo#what i find interesting tho as that he positions himself as support and backup more than a deterrant#like yes he does try to talk her down a lot but most of the time hes living his life with a worried eye on her#and i think it shows to how he reacted to ppl (bruce) being heavy handed with him#and u know i love the batfam repeating awful cycles shit i think its very interesting that this is one jason didnt repeat#maybe bc hes so close to the feeling or that dana isnt to him what he was to bruce or even that hes just relaxing and thinking clearly and#above all trusts her#most toxic fun future would be for her to break that trust and him to go crazy but thats a diff rant#anyways my entire summary for jasons character is that THAT is what good coochie does to a nigga#carmen thank you for your service another crazy off the street 🙏🏾#red hood and the hill#oh. still no Orpheus mention#no it doesn’t hurt less anytime 💔#Jason Todd
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carnagesaw · 1 year
i would really really really really Greatly like to hear your morikaze and takahashi headcanons so much that im willing to very briefly get over my fear of sending asks to people. I wanna hear it theyre both very dear to me
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mmnbvjklslm.........skl/./.....n starts cackling maniacally twisting twisting twsiting turning wriggling in the fdirst like an earthworm.
-SOMEWHERE IN HIS MID 30S-LATE 30S he seems like a really tired guy who just wants to do his job. the fact he gets to be a bitch is just a plus to it. workaholic maybe since he was kinda pushed into working for mdcr. stays hours after the workday is over to fix and look over stuff
-if i had to describe him itd be standoffish and loyal, even if he doesnt want to be. i think hes definitely a coward when it comes down to it though
-does not like working for mdcr too much, but the benefits are insaneee and also jungle makes it bearable
^-otherwise, morikaze doesnt like kirimi at all. they have a little work place rivalry but manage to keep it civil since theyre higher up. also because morikaze is petty as helllll
^^-morikaze resents working for someone so young, and is also oddly a little terrified of jeraldy just cause of his sheer anger. its what keeps him in line
-probably workplace besties with ven, and i use that term loosely. they have a sort of camaraderie. after ven leaves mdcr for good, he envies her escape from the company, but in the end sticks with mdcr cause where else would he go?
-jungles the executive, but morikaze mostly carries out jungles duties ( assistant executive ? ) for him since jungle gets bored working after like 5 minutes. hes definitely the backbone of the company, and he doesnt hate it since it makes him feel important to mindy
^-aside from ''assistant'' executive, i like to think he does tech ( diagnostics , etc. ) stuff and money management for the company
-when he was younger he learned how to master a ton of brass instruments. i dont think hed be the kind of guy to play in a band or live solo, but hes probably dreamt about it. trumpet was his favorite but i like to imagine he was also a big tuba and saxophone guy
-ive said this before but hes a big ska fan. jazz too but i think moreso noir jazz. i cant decide whether hed like fast paced stuff or slow so its a bit up there for me
-definitely a frequent to places that play jazz though, and even concerts
^-morikaze is fat mostly but hes definitely got a little muscle there
-CARES GREATLY for how he presents. 40 step skin care routine and he always irons out his clothing. has like insanely good hygiene its kinda scary
-hes def a real sour guy. if youre tryna have fun at a work outing with him youve gotta get some alcohol in him for him to start lightening up, otherwise hes not budging
-big fucking fan of spicy food.
-not a natural born ice elemental numa unlike koritora. he had to learn how to curate and harness ice himself. i imagine this took years and he only really got the hang of it by the time mo4 takes place, but hes pretty skilled with it regardless
^-as such, i think his body would have scars and visual damage from the ice depending on where and how hed use it. even if he can create ice from himself, it definitely takes a toll on his form after a while, especially in battle if he doesnt have his mech or a weapon. the more power and force he uses the more it kinda nips away at him
-wears makeup. not all too much, just stuff like eyeliner and mascara. i also think hed draw in his eyebrows since i feel like hair in the numa eye is a symbol to be respected
-i think even if he is a little cold, a lot of employees at mdcr still look to him for guidance
-obviously, he has a very hard time differentiating limerence and love, as he has not experienced the latter due to how much work he buries himself in
^-honestly i chalk this up to kirimi experimenting on him in several unethical ways without his consent or knowledge but this also could just be how he is its anyones guess but the former is more fun than the latter
-aware of jeraldy and kirimis corruption, but compared to the two, he cant do anything
-older than jeraldy ( only by a couple months id say maybe 18 at the time of mo4 ? but very freshly. imagine dying right after u turn 18 fuckkkkk ) , but also a bit more immature than him. while he tries to act like an adult, he always seems to fall flat
-whatever is the numa equivalent to being indigenous, jungle is that. the markings on his head and face are a family community tattoo. got them a couple years after the massacre to honor his family. each of his relatives had different tattoos, probably got the same as his ma when he was younger to honor her but probably stands for the natural process of life ( birth, growth, death )
-even for a numa hes terrifyingly skinny and tall ( about the same height as kashikin who stands at around 5'2" ) , doesnt eat a lot unless he needs to, oddly agile and freakily flexible, you put him in a tight space and he could easily be out in seconds
-often seen jumping around mdcr often. youll see him in one room one second and then 6 floors up he'll be there too somehow. hes probably wandered through mdcrs rafters a time or two lol
-he didnt like anyone at mdcr aside from jeraldy and kirimi for a very long time. i think hed have issues trusting people and feels like he can only rely on the two for anything
^-after vens recruitment i think hed slowly start backing away from the two out of concern, and morikaze talking about the two would just reaffirm what jungle feared to be happening. while he cared deeply for kirimi and jeraldy he realized the path they were going down wasnt exactly healthy or the solution. even with the space however, hed always remain loyal to jeraldy
-i think somehow he managed to avoid kirimis mistreatment, whether kirimi saw him as bait or just another thing to watch, he was definitely not a concern for him, so he got out of it by a hair
-minimal nocturnal ability, he cant see too far in front of him however. definitely needs glasses but refuses to even consider it in the end lol
-sees morikaze as more of the weird distant father, but its still the closest thing aside from kirimi and jeraldy he has to family. in a way i think he looks to morikaze for assistance ( bad idea ) but doesnt like to ask for it. as such it kinda comes off as jungle berating or using morikaze for his own profit, whatever that may be
-he has his own room in the mdcr building, as do jeraldy and kirimi. the closest he'll get again to having a home would also end up being the place hed be killed
-bare minimum of idea of what it means when it comes to self care and hygiene. also hes like the average guy on malelivingspcae when it comes to shit like that hesso bad at it i promise you. funny but also terribly sad to the point you can only give like a nervous chuckle before remembering
-the phone is a replica of his moms
^-hes very obviously a huge mommas boy
^^-any topic relating to parents or the such if you bring up or try and jestwith the guy he will breakdown. Angrily.
-tries to keep himself busy with a lot of stuff that isnt mdcr related, cause he gets super fuckin bored and eventually hell just start thinking about everything going on again. im saying he likes to try and remain blissfully unware but hes certainly very Painfully aware of the demise incoming
-worlds worst posture goes to jungle, even worse than sigkin and arakawas probably, but i think itd be a tie
-his puppies were a gift from jeraldy............ smiles
-got a little too attached to the robot of his mom. jeraldys probably walked in on jungle napping on it at some point beneath mdcr. hes never brought it up to jungle
-this guy will purposefully piss people off at mdcr to spar with them, doesnt matter in meeting, lunch room, etc etc always looking for a fight to dominate
^-despite this, hes definitely gotten his ass whooped by kirimi and morikaze, but thats because their moves can directly counter or overwhelm jungle, especially with how cocky he can be. only reason he fought kirimi was because kirimi likes to push buttons and knows exactly how to get jungle mad
^^-i dont think hed have the heart to try and spar jeraldy
-hes one of the rare cases of characters where i dont think he cares for music. regardless hes definitely a breakcore / noise guy. just any type of loud noise. hed listen to construction metal if it meant there was background noise
-his powers are wayyy too strong for him to fully control since hes not exactly using an object to try and concentrate the power ( ill compare this to how fukurou has the book and marikin has his cards, or how any other mo4 character has a weapon they can channel something into ) , which has led to a bit of destruction around the building
^-id also like to mention i think his powers revolve around raw energy. as such he can collect and transform the energy into anything ( those mostly being chemical, thermal, etc. ) he needs, unlike the other numa who can channel these into only one or two types of energy
-in conclusion, hes a big ball of ( potential ) energy that could go off at any second depending on the situation and hes always seeping energy from the surroundings
^-this would have been of use to kirimi theres no way to control it since even jungle cant. no way of using it, for good or bad, so there isnt a point in trying to harness it if the main user doesnt realize the potential ( and may never )
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toxiccaves · 8 months
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emblazons · 1 year
My week has been so damn stressful on the financial front I haven’t even wanted to make gifs or be online to analyze lmao but. I did start Heartstopper in an attempt to soothe myself with tooth-rotting fluff 😭😂
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fireflyoverpass · 2 years
Willow Tail perhaps??
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was willow tail utilizing girl power when she chose to frame cats for stealing prey in order to fan the flames of tension between clans ?!?
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