#thanks for sending these i always wanna talk about Silas
aymerictheblue · 6 months
How about 76+78+82 for your WoL? :3 76. What does your OC/WoL do in their free time? 78. If your OC/WoL came with a warning label, what would it say? 82. How old is your OC/WoL in ARR? How old are they in the current patch?
76. What does your OC/WoL do in their free time?
Silas loves reading. At any given time he probably has 6 different piles of books around his house about various topics but mostly about history and culture. He also is an alchemist by trade, so if he’s not adventuring he will usually be working.
78. If your OC/WoL came with a warning label, what would it say?
I had to think about this one for a while but probably something along the lines of “Do Not Disturb While Reading”
82. How old is your OC/WoL in ARR? How old are they in the current patch?
The timeline in my brain from ARR-post EDW is about 5.5-6 years. Silas is 27 in post EDW (as of patch 6.55) so he would have been about 21-22 in ARR.
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Reasons Why I Think TFP Jack is Underrated:
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Welcome to my organized bullet list of why I think Jack is cool. I used to think he was boring too, but now I think he's the goat and here's why:
-He has Main Character Energy, but he's more snarky than most cliche main characters
In fact, he is a petty king:
-He doesn't wanna be on Team Prime at first, but eventually accepts it...
...He then proceeds to BURN Airachnid's ship to the GROUND with a stupid survival kit for babies
-Plus he tricked Silas by pretending to beg for mercy, when really, he was stealing his walkie talkie.
-Jack is boring, BUT the fact that Jack has nothing special about him IS his superpower; Miko has the Apex Armor and her brave personality, Raf has genius level computer smarts, and Jack has PURE SPITE. It's beautiful.
-He has zero skills, but he'll figure out how to defeat his enemies anyway, SOLEY because he's tired and doesn't get paid enough for this shit.
-For example, in one of the Titan Magazine comics, Jack literally kicks Silus in the balls
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Apex armor? Cybertronian technology?
Screw that. How about I KICK you in the balls?l
-A true legend
-He's also a mess though, and I relate so hard
-He's so petty he talked two aliens into helping him cheat at street racing to piss off his classmate
-His romantic subplot is treated like a complete joke, and I love that. Normally, the Main Character✨ is awkward, but gets the girl in the end. Not Jack, though. Nope. He just constantly looks stupid in front of Sierra, nothing ever happens between them, and Arcee is just watching with popcorn as his life falls apart. It's hilarious.
Also, if I'm correct, isn't the last time we see Sierra when she sees Arcee's homoform, and thinks Jack has a girlfriend, and then Jack is like "She's my mom😅." And Sierra's all like: "Your mom looks good in leather😐...on your bike😐😐😐😐..." Maybe I'm wrong, but if that's the case, it's funny. Jack is a simp and it gets him nowhere.
-His sarcasm works perfectly with Arcee's sarcastic attitude.
-Also Tailgate is voiced by Josh Keaton (Jack's voice actor) in the flashbacks, so I headcanon that Jack reminds Arcee of Tailgate, and that's why she has such a soft spot for him.
Tailgate and Arcee's dialogue had the same vibe as her and Jack's
Also, it gives more context to why she was so scared to lose him when Airachnid showed up. It would've literally been like losing Tailgate all over again.
-Jack is Team Prime's designated Good Ideas Guy
It was Jack's idea to hijack the spacebridge to send him to Cybertron
It was also his idea to drain the dark energon out of The Nemesis when it came alive and froze everyone
-I'm probably just projecting, he has generalized anxiety disorder vibes
-I feel like he prefers a comfortable, predictable life because he gets nervous easily
-He's always the first to freak out, and overthink, and Arcee always has to calm him down
-And she's so patient with him it's so sweet😱
-I agree the writing behind his existence is meh, and a lot of the cool stuff about him is probably unintentional, but I don't care, so take that!
Anyway, the moral of the story is:
Jack is just an angry little harmonica boy. Leave him alone. He's trying his best😭
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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the-ellia-west · 5 months
You can rant all your incoherent ideas to me. So, whatcha thinking of? Stories? Characters? WIPS? Let’s hear ‘em! ✨
YOU ASKED FOR THIS @goldencomet69
YOU'VE FALLEN FOR MY TRAP! (Thank you by the way, this made my day and was very kind! Love youu!!!)
I'm going to talk about ALL THE STUFF I WANNA TALK ABOUT!!!! >:]
First - J&R to get it out of the way (My side WIP if y'all don't know)
So, I've decided I'm gonna kill off Morena because I want to ABSOLUTELY FUCKING WRECK JAK AGAIN
I got inspired from videos analyzing clips from some shows I watch, where the characters I love more than anything react to the death of their teammates and I never noticed it while watching and it's really fascinating.
But anyway, I'm stealing the idea. (I'm probably gonna have to watch that clip again)
So here's my plan:
Morena is a mother figure and secondary leader of the crew, and alongside Jak is the only other character who is of high class and uses formal speech when neutral around others.
They're also very similar in general, Top tier Sass, have lost family, Morena's always drinking Tea, Jak is always drinking alchohol. Morena always wears dresses, Jak always wears suits. They both enjoy civil conversation over small topics where there's no snide comments or dropping shade.
These two are the only pair who'd almost always polite to one another. They are on good terms.
Morena makes Jak tea in the mornings, and he cooks her breakfast in return.
These two enjoy each other's company as teammates and coworkers, trying to help and support each other in small ways even though they rarely ever get into deep personal conversation, mostly talking about work, herbs, flowers, other people, weather, drinks, ect.
Then Morena dies. I'm not sure how it's gonna happen yet, but It will. I'm gonna kill her off, just as Jak is starting to have slight hope for the future and getting better in his efforts to change.
But watching her die destroys EVERYTHING about his progress and sends him crashing right back to the start, with a few more shitty events cracking the base of the mountain and pushing him even further down.
This is Jak at his absolute lowest.
This is Jak after Eveny died, after he came home from the Cannibalism incident.
This is Jak where any hope he had for the future is dead.
Because Morena's death not only reminded Jak that death is an ever-present threat to those he loves, it also reminded him that he can be hurt, and it brought back every single memory of corpses and loss he has ever experienced.
After that, Eynalis takes him aside and tortures him.
A fire gets set on accident and threatens Pherun
Rose tries to cheer Jak up, and other works for a little while, but things go downhill again
Light bloody horror sequence which heavily involves Jak
Silas gets kidnapped and Jak is at the front lines to get him back, but volunteers to be the distraction of a fight that will obviously be lost by anyone, and fights a 1v8 against well-trained soldiers.
Then Magic activates again and he hurts Rose
Then I gave him a disease, (you'll pick up what it is when I show you)
Jak gets tortured again
They go on a mission where Jak almost loses Pherun and ends up killing someone to protect him
And he reaches his lowest a few days after that
There's a couple moments after Jak getting tortured the second time where Finn tries to get Rose and Jak to forgive one another.
They desperately want to, but both are too proud to admit how they truly feels, and the one time Rose tries, Jak is too out of it to pay attention and she gives up.
But when Jak reaches his lowest, Rose hasn't seen him all the previous day and goes to find him, that's when she sees what happened.
But spoilersssss!!! So y'all will have to wait!
If you haven't seen, you can check this WIP out over on @jakkon-and-rose-topic
Now some TCOT things :]
After Marril gets a bit of a break is gonna be the absolute sweetest and most mundane moment ever.
Because of his curse he hasn't been able to get any more sleep than about 4 hours every night. But when he gets a break, he wakes up late, for once in his life, not tired, and you know that kind of morning where you wake up with creases on your face and it feels like you just hit the restart button on life.
That's what happens after he gets rid of the curse, and putting the pieces together, he gets so hopeful he almost literally rips the fabric of the shirt he's wearing to see if it's gone.
And then after this point, another character comes in and he just hugs her, and starts crying because it's finally over.
Anyyyywayyyyyy I hoped you liked my rambling
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jackienautism · 2 years
In the prologue when Max and Laura and checking the car and talking about "curling up next to a big ol firepit" you get a very brief five second shot of someone watching them from behind a tree and if you listen really closely you can hear them breathing. It's implied the thing on the road was Silas so I assume he must've dipped after almost dying for the nth time and probably wanted to check if they were okay before leaving. But it's 12 AM in-game + Eliza has no reason to sound out of breath so can Silas just not kill people for six hours? Doesn't this completely shatter the whole "we need to cure X tonight" bs if the werewolves can do that? It'd explain why we don't hear shit about skinny bears with albinism killing people at night but it's still odd given that everyone turns immediately after being fully infected. (Maybe it's cuz he's the only NPC with critical thinking skills)
yeaaah i always took that the like. whole little intro thing where we're going through all the trees and forest and stuff? i always took that as being from silas' (or at the very least. another werewolf) pov due to how erratic the camera movements were. meaning yeah, that definitely was silas checking laura and max out from behind a tree. why he didn't straight up attack them though, i dont know
i believe silas mustve been already turned by the time they almost hit him? because for the full moon in august (where the bulk of the game takes place) its a bit after 9:00 when abi and nick encounter the first werewolf. and since it was a full moon when laura nd max went to camp, 12 AM is definitely well past the transforming point i suppose
and just like. based on that and the following confrontations, it SEEMS that werewolves attack without second thought. so, you're right, why doesnt silas attack them in the prologue as theyre checking out the van's damage? why does it take chris so long to actually attack max in the storm shelter? why didn't he go for laura instead, seeing that he was constantly closer to her? so many things contradict one another and just. man. id ont know fjkdgdg
i think they say we need to cure whoever tonight due to what the poem told them (whose information also comes out of nowhere, i dont understand why we're supposed to just accept that the poem appeared out of travis' asshole). i dont know why exactly but it MUST be a full moon to successfully cure someone infected, meaning they can't do it during the day or on another night. and i assume they wanna cure X that night because if not they'd have to wait another whole month and i assume it'd be a bit unpleasant knowing that you'll turn into a mindless deadly creature once more
im terribly sorry if this is FAR from what you were telling me, im tired rn and a little dense nd stupid. so if you wanna clarify if i didn't really answer what you were saying, please feel free! im always down to talk and stuff, thank you for sending something in in the first place though :]
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maxellminidisc · 1 year
No More Stories Are Told Today by Mew ^_^ really wanna get my own place specifically to listen to blast this album
Mew is one of those bands that I also keep putting a pin in and honestly really really glad I listened to this, its fucking amazing. Like truly talk about welding genres together seamlessly. Also, god what I would give to be able to blast the richest tunes imaginable in the comfort of MY home, I feel you!! Anyway my 3 faves are:
New Terrain- sucker for the classic move of using backwards tracking to give an eerie experimental flair and this is next level! It works forwards AND backwards, I figured they had to have done something wild to achieve that goopy reverse sound effect on the totally comprehensible vocal melody and sure enough learning they did this so you could "unlock" a bonus song within a song is insane, I love it. I always give props to playing endless with music, especially to achieve the musical equivalent of a Droste effect lol
Silas the Magic Car- this album as a whole is definitely more so upbeat than I sort of imagined it could be, which is a pleasant surprise, but I think this track is gorgeous despite it being one of the calmer ones. Sparkling and mellow. But my favorite thing about it is, again, the vocal layering!! I love when it hits the chorus bits of "I wanted you to be home" and the higher part of the harmony/backing vocal is placed like one beat behind the rest of the vocal mix. It makes the song feel like one of those seemingly "mundane" dreams that reads like a sort of heavy day in your waking life, only theres something hard to place as off that your brain hasn't quite grasped IS very much because it's a dream.
Sometimes Life Isn't Easy- this shit feels so so cinematic, technicolor on so many levels!! What's interesting to note too is that it achieves this whilst being the song that has the least bass boost than the others, the undertone has more of an increased treble cause nothing feels beefy or heafty. Even the drums and that kind vibrating bassline synth feel more muted, with more emphasis on the crashing cymbal sounds to evoke waves crashing into rocks, claps that leap, saxophones that evoke falling stars, etc. That's saying something too cause usually "cinematic" denotes very rich or dense arrangements to give a song emotional weight. But this feels like BRIGHT, even sharp colors exploding into the sky in clear daylight. Fucking gorgeous!
Thanks so much for sending this one in!!! 🥰
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
Hellloo Panda!! One more ask from me for your lovely 160 follower event. Could we please do the “Party” prompt for canon-verse Allen60?
I wanna read about these two getting together at a DPD houseparty. It could be one of Gavin and Tina’s frat-style ragers or it could be one of Fowler’s awkward dinner party/ wine appreciation sessions - whichever is sillier in your opinion hehehe
Thank youuuu✨✨✨
//I love this idea thank you. Also! You can send as many as you would like
Allen found himself watching Sixty quite often. At the precinct or compound he had the ruse of being his superior and he wanted to be sure Sixty didn’t break or break anything else. Now, at a New Years party for the Station there was no reason to be staring at him. Keeping an eye on him maybe, he had a penchant for getting into trouble and he and Gavin liked to fight, but not staring, not like this. Allen didn’t know Sixty’s thoughts on the matter, but liked to consider them friends. They talked often, and while Sixty’s mind tended to focus on work he would indulge Allen in other conversations as well. It was nice. It didn’t explain the staring though. The one thing he could find to blame it on was the change. He was used to seeing Sixty in his Kevlar or his work blacks. He had never seen him in a suit it was unusual. That wasn’t to say that Sixty wasn’t usually put together. Honestly he almost always was. He was the only person who would come out of a raid without a hair out of place; which he supposed was easy when your hair wasn’t much more than a projection. It was just odd to see him trying Allen supposed. Sixty did what made sense, as all androids tended to do he supposed, and usually that meant staying in his work blacks. When the announcement had said work attire was allowed, Allen had been expecting to see him in those, not a full three piece.
The worst of it though was he had been talking with Jeff, he was the host after all, and then had just stopped dead when Sixty had come in and now he was only half paying attention to what was being said. They had gotten work talk out of the way so he was mostly coasting by on small talk, which probably wasn’t a good plan in the long run. He pulled his eyes away from Sixty and turned his attention back to Jeff; he was not inclined to express how much effort that took; only to find his fellow captain looking at him with a knowing expression. “Your neck would probably have a better night if you went over and actually talked to him you know.” He remarked dryly. “Try as you might, its pretty clear he’s a favorite of yours. Tonight isn’t so much a work function as a social one, talking to him won’t hurt anything. “Jeff, I can’t.” Allen protested, “This is different then at the compound. If he’s branching out finally it would be rude to but in.” “Do it or I will. There are three androids in a building with Gavin, how do you think tonight is going to go?” Jeff said dryly, “I would like it better if one of the events wasn’t a goddamn fist fight.” “So you want me to make a fool of myself to break the tension?” Allen pressed.
“I want you to talk to your friend and maybe circumvent a fight in the process.” Jeff replied, “I never said you had to be honest with him. What you tell him is your business not mine.” “Very helpful Jeff.” Allen remarked, “What I am going to do instead is go outside and have a smoke.” “I thought you quit.” Jeff said as Allen turned for the back deck. “I’m trying to, but it comes and goes.” Allen replied before he stepped outside. He lit his cigarette and leaned back against the house and took a drag as he looked out into the yard. He thought about talking to Sixty, but he didn’t know what to talk about outside of work. Their two weeks always matched up and he didn’t know what Sixty did outside of work, if he did anything at all. It was odd to consider them close without knowing much about him, but someone could only save your life so many times before you felt something, be it a connection or awe. Allen’s issue was that he didn’t know which he was feeling. He knew he enjoyed Sixty’s company, but he didn’t know if it was out of respect or because he liked him on some level more than he should of. At risk of sounding like the android consuming his thoughts, there was just too much unaccounted for to come to a conclusion. Why was it the suit instead of his work blacks that had him questioning this? Was it even the suit, or had that just been the tipping point? He didn’t have answers to any of those and it was infuriating. He should be enjoying the party, not overthinking this, but he couldn’t bring himself to go back inside without some kind of answer to his question.
“So this is where you wandered off to.” Allen startled at the sound of Sixty’s voice. He and Connor sounded very similar, Sixty’s voice just had more of a sarcastic lilt to it than Connor’s did. “I was looking for you.” “The crowd was getting to me and a needed to step out for a bit.” Allen lied, well it wasn’t quite a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth either. “Captain Fowler said you wanted to talk to me about something?” Sixty continued and Allen wanted to back in there and start a fight himself. “Did he?” Allen took another drag from his cigarette, “And he said it was a private matter as well didn’t he.” “He did.” Sixty agreed and Allen saw him nod out of the corner of his eye, “Are we supposed to be investigating someone? Did I miss the briefing, I know I was late but I didn’t think that two minutes and fifteen sec-” “Its a personal matter Six, you didn’t miss anything.” Allen said before he could spiral out of control. “Have I done something wrong?” He sat down and Allen turned to face him letting out another puff of smoke as he did. “No Six. Jeff is just meddling like he always does.” Allen said, “Part of it is because he delights in seeing me miserable and the other part is that he doesn’t want you and Gavin getting into another fight.” Sixty laughed, “That’s fair. We broke something last time. So what’s bothering you?” “Its not so much that something is bothering me, its more that I’m stuck.” Allen elaborated, not missing the way Sixty looked him over for a moment before it dawned on him that Allen hadn’t meant it literally.
“How do you mean?” He asked, “What is it?” “I’ve been thinking about how I really don’t know anything about you outside of work.” Allen admitted, “I consider us friends, but I don’t really know all that much about you.” “There isn’t that much to know. I live at the compound and if I’m not on my two weeks I’m usually in stasis.” Sixty replied without hesitating, “Sometimes I meet up with Nine Hundred and Connor, but most of the time they would rather be with their detectives. But for what its worth I consider us friends as well.” Allen had a lot to unpack in what Sixty said, but he found himself smiling, “So you just stay at the compound? There’s nothing you would rather go do?” “Its easier if I’m there to respond if I’m needed.” Sixty replied, “Not particularly. All the Station events are for social appearances only, and a lot of your culture seems to have that air of just doing it to be observed about it, and that doesn’t interest me.” “So there’s nothing you’ve been curious about?” Allen pushed. “There are somethings, but I can usually learn them from Nine Hundred or Connor.” He replied, “Though I find there is a pleasant hum in my systems whenever you tell me about what you do on your weeks off rotation.” Allen laughed, “My life is nothing glamorous.” “But that’s exactly it. I am unable to get the same rush of survival that you do from working this job as you do so it’s nice to hear how much you enjoyed marathoning a show or catching up on a book.” Sixty explained, “I don’t have a reason to or a way to enjoy the mundane in that same sense because this job isn’t a risk to me. Its something I only get from you and its nice.”
Allen was staring and he knew it. Maybe Jeff had a point, what happened tonight didn’t have to be official. No one outside of them needed to know. He had also come to the conclusion that the suit had only been the breaking point. What he liked was Sixty, and apparently his mouth decided he needed to know that. “I love that about you, you know.” Silas looked at him for a moment, his LED blinked yellow a few times before he smiled, “You do? Here I thought it was the suit. You were staring at me all night.” Allen became aware of several things at once. One of them the blatant reminder that Silas was a top of the line android, and therefor would know if someone was staring at him. He probably heard Jeff talking to him; and perhaps Allen himself hadn’t been as subtle as he would have liked. “Humans have a tradition of kissing the person they plan to spend the year with correct?” Sixty asked, “Do you think the powers at be would be upset if we did that a little early?” “No.” Allen said with a smile, “I don’t think they will.”
(Prompt from this list)
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Bat Outta Hell
Text-session today so yay. Can look at my sheets peacefully.
Still in the cave, about to go through new door.
Courage ready, Aleris ready, Silas ready! (Imogen might drop in but she's battling fire currently.)
Grim landscape stretches out with a city in the middle, obviously we must go to the city.
We emerge from the cave, maybe, from a cliff and can climb down safely.
Aleris turns into a bat! Whoooo!
Courage climbs down normally though is worried about Silas getting down but ehh, he has his boyfriend
Silas climbs down as well
I'm expecting some dex saves or something.... (It never happens.)
Bat Aleris is trying to guide us down to stop us falling
Drusten and Link also get down okay
See an aarokokra and two goliath guards approaching us as we reach the bottom
Bat Aleris is hiding behind one of Courage's horns
Friendly bird-man welcomes us and offers some food and drink but Courage says no.
Bird insists as the guard behind him shakes his head, holding out a tray to Silas.
Silas just asks what the pastries are made of.
"Just some puff pastry and roasted vegetables grown locally, folded up and baked with some salt." -Yeah, not suspicious at all.
Silas asks about if it contains mushrooms. Good question.
Offers Drusten one, he takes it. (also says it contains no mushrooms.)
Silas takes one and Aleris wants to try one as a bat so takes a little of Silas'
The aarokokra starts cooing Aleris
"Is this your pet bat, good sir?" - To Silas.
Aleris hides in one of Silas' pockets to escape the bird man who is scaring her
Silas is amazing! - "um,, well, the bat is certainly our companion, though I don't think they're fond of being called a pet..I apologise, but we are in a bit of a hurry, so we must be off. Thank you for the sample."
Heads off but gives an extra pastry 'for your stern friend'-Courage.
Finally the goliath guards approach and ask what we're here for
Bat Aleris pokes her head out to hear better
The guards ask about the bat hiding anything on their person and Courage says it's just a bat
"Also, is that bat hiding anything on their person? Any seeds, plants, etc.?"/You don't want to know what we've found inside bat ear canals."
Aleris gets nervous because she's carrying a LOT of fruit, nuts and stuff
(thought the guards wouldn't.. bat an eye) - Thank you Griff. Never change because you are perfect.
Calls us rich and tells us to go back to the caves
*face palm* Silas actually explains the situation and then Aleris turns back into herself and demands to see druids
The guards are surprised as Aleris keeps demanding to see druids
Silas says 'Aleris' in a warning voice
"...What is your business here? Our boss told us not to let anyone in unless they had a note from him." - Great.
Aleris is being very blunt but I suppose it's understandable, she's kind of close to finally seeing who might have abandoned her.
"I don't think so, small druid. If you'll stay here, we can send a messenger out to the city and bring our boss back and he'll tell us if you can be let through." - About Aleris entering the city.
oooh, threats from Aleris as she says, 'Or you'll learn not to call me small."
Aleris tries to look scary and a thunder sound back up her scary-ness
Silas is done with this group and wants to see the guard's boss.
The say it will take an hour and are scared of Aleris, one looks at the pastries
"I strongly suggest you throw those out at the nearest opportunity."
Aleris eats one in stubbornness. (I really like her.) While Courage asks why
"Nobody's healing you if you get ill from that pastry." - Silas to Aleris
'Aleris, you've eaten your fair share of foul-tasting things in your life, as anyone who's been on the road before and has eaten from sketchy street vendors has, and this is one of them. It tastes like some unholy combination of bitter and sweet and salty.'
Power move! - Though not how Si would put it
Guard is scared of Aleris, yay
Silas asks a lot of questions about where they are, anything th guards might recommend about this place, who the guard's boss is.
"Our boss is a man named Doneld Gray Old. He runs the city you see back there. Honestly, in terms of places I'd recommend, it would probably be going back to the surface."
Silas asks about 'why the surface?'
"Because you're enemies of the truth?" - Aleris
"Aleris you're being rude." - Silas
"Well, it's just a bit gloomy here, isn't it? I mean look around you. No sun, nothing taller than a bush, those rivers have mosquito larvae in it..." He turns very deliberately towards Silas and away from Aleris. "It's not a nice place down here. That city, for example...", he gestures to the city, "is full of zombies if you're in there at the wrong time."
Well...that's good to know. Always handy
"So is the surface, I don't see the difference." - Aleris laying down the facts as she ignores Silas purposefully.
Silas says pros and cons
"The surface has the sun, at least." He grumbles. "I don't see any pros to living down here. I have to deal with that damned aaracokra and his attempts to make puff pastry with crushed leaves."
Aleris suggests kicking the bird out then
Silas laying down the logic on Aleris' head. (Stop Si, you might make her shorter.)
so on, so on. The talk continues about stuff.
HOLD IT! The Aarokokra has been alone down here...all this time? ALONE!?
Silas suggest getting the bird coupons for a cookery course
Courage asks what they mean by him being alone here.
"He was the original guardian of the gate before we came along and he picked up baking. Before that he'd be the one doing what we did. With significantly less professionalism, may I add."
Aleris asks about how much longer they have to wait, she might be able to teach the bird the basics.
"It'll probably be another while. If you can get him to accept your help, may the gods rain blessings down on you, because I couldn't and I've been subjected to shitty pastries for the past three months now."
So Aleris goes to see the bird
Courage asks their names because I've been wondering for a while.
Might ask the bird his name as well...
"M'name's Edar. Edar Helhein. The other guard is Sam, and the Aaracokra is Griss." (Opps, they actually didn't have names.)
Hear a shout and a large ploom of smoke comes out of Griss' house.
"I suggest you go teach him to cook before he burns his house down."
I open the door and say to Griss If you're try to kill them so you can have your old job back you're doing if the wrong way - Aww, Aleris you sweet murderer. No one suspects you.
Griss tells her not to come in because it's smoky and jogs out
Aleris asks if her 'murder' hunch is true and if she can help.
Griss thinks he's good at baking. (oh baby nooo.)
Aleris tells him the truth
Aww, Griss is learning from his mistakes. No...he's not.
"I can learn myself, thank you very much. Also, when did you get here? You need to check in with the guards." - I think..he might have memory problems
He goes back in his house which is still kind of full of smoke
Aleris accepts it and starts cooking in front of his house. (she's making a plant-based bread.)
Griss realizes it's too smoky and asks 'our names' but...Only Aleris is there at his house.
Aleris tells him her name while making dough.
Drusten also tells him his name. Griss then asks Silas' and Courage's. (strange.)
Courage states her name and asks how old Griss is
He's twenty four. Cool.
He holds out a sooty wing and I couldn't help but make Courage slowly raise her weapon and stare
He stares at your weapon for a bit. "Huh. I'm...gonna assume you don't wanna take my wing off as a trophy?"
"N-no... I wanted to shake your hand...as I did with Drusten...?" Drusten is trying to silence and hide his chuckles behind his hand.
Courage does lower her weapon but still doesn't shake his wing. (just be thankful Griss, the last person to hold out his arm got it half removed...)
Finally Silas introduces himself as just some bard. (still hiding from being hunted then.)
Griss asks about the taste of the pastries
Silas says he's never tasted anything like it, which is true, and says they were great, which is a lie.
Aleris mutters that she's surrounded by liars
"YOU HEAR THAT?" He suddenly yells across the field to the guard. "PRETTY GOOD, HE SAID! THEY'RE GOOD!"
Courage says Silas would probably eat a bird
Griss tries to argue but nope, Courage is having none of it
Silas apparently has friends who are bakers. Big suprise right there, for Courage
Griss doesn't trust falconmail and looks at Aleris' vegan-bread
Aleris continues baking and Griss is suprised by flowers and flour.
poor bird but Aleris offers that he can help if his feathers are clean.
Oh no, Aleris is turning to the bird's leafy ways! (leaves are probably what made his food so bad.)
Griss goes to get leaves and Drusten sits down to have lunch
Courage finally has jerky, courtesy of Drusten.
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voidslept-a · 6 years
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*kicks down the door* MOM HOLY FUCK --
but for real, i can’t believe it’s been one whole year since i first started writing shiro.  it’s not this blog’s one year, but my first blog for shiro was made april 25th, 2017, back when my url was commandier before i moved.  i know i haven’t been very active as of late, because of school and general stress of the fandom, but i did wanna make this post as a shout out to some of the great friends i’ve made over this last year.  because for all the bullshit that i’ve dealt with in this fandom, my friends are amazing and more than make up for that.
@fatereign: lena !!  i love you and i hope the rest of your finals go well !!  i love talking to you and everyone in the group chat because it’s just !!  so easy to talk to you and i love that and i love the passion you bring to all of your muses !!  and i also look forward to all that good clint/steve content ♥ !!
@ritatekina: em !!  i love you !!  and i love how much life you bring to tadashi !!  like big hero 6 writers who ??  they’re fake the only real tadashi is right here.  i love that i can talk to you about everything and you always manage to cheer me up and make me feel loved when i’m feeling like shit !!  the best !!
@cryptied: danny !!  my love !!  i love just throwing around ideas and plotting with you !!  we’ve thrown the most random muses together sometimes and just tossed out ideas and i love doing that !!  i don’t even have to know shit about any of your muses and i love them !!  because i love you !!  and i hope life is treating you well !!
and to all of my followers who don’t need a special mention, thank you for sticking with me through this long-ass hiatus, and i promise that once school lets up and i have more time, i’m gonna try and be active here !!  but until then, i wish all of you the best and send you my love !!
here’s to ( hopefully ) another year of good times !!
-- silas ♥
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cbg-eja · 4 years
Friday - September 4 - Day 7
BIEN: 3:00 am nagising ako then nag text ako sayo about sa pag lipat ko around 3:41 am alam mo naman na yung sinabi ko na ang laking pag babago sakin to and I want you to know and be part of it. You’re very special kaya sakin kung gusto mong balikan text ko ito yun:
“Hi d, good morning! I just want you to know that I’m moving na sa San Ildefonso, Bulacan on September 14, sinabi ni Boss Rene to kahapon at gustong gusto ko na sabihin na sayo and ikaw ang unang makaalam the moment na sinabi nya yun but nahihiya talaga ako mag text or mag chat cause of our situation, ngayon lang ako nag karon ng lakas ng loob. Nag pahanap na ako ng apartment dun and mag lilipat na ako on September 13 ihahatid naman ako ni papa. Hindi pa naman ako SMFI but pinapadeploy na ako dun until maturnover si Tarlac Production sa SMFI dun palang effectivity na magiging SMFI ako basta sabi ni Boss Rene pag may kailangan sya na hindi nila kaya pabalikin nya daw ako Hahaha yun lang naman, naisip ko lang kasi parang ang laking pag babago sakin to and I just want you to know and to be part of it. I really miss you. This is just an update no need to reply.
PS: dadalhin ko yung binigay mong kape sa Bulacan ah pero di pa napunta si Sir Buen e kaya hindi ko pa nakukuha”
Nagulat lang ako kasi nag reply ka agad tas kinamusta kita then nag send ka ng link ng Tumblr alam mo naman my thoughts on that ito yun kung gusto mo balikan d, tas nakakarelate din ako sa mga nakalagay dun yung ayaw pa mag basa ng convo sa Viber dahil masasad, nag work out din ako Hahaha 😂
“Binabasa ko yung mga nakalagay sa sinend mong link sa tumblr and hindi ko maiwasang ma sad, maluha and matuwa. I hate na hindi kita macomfort when you having a hard time lalo na sa work. Di naman natin maiiwasan sa work yun d turo sakin ni Boss and yun naman ginawa mo na nag sabi ka kila Ate Jess and Ate Carol but mas maganda siguro if sa immediate superior mo ikaw mag sabi, pag nahihirapan na ako wag na wag kong kikimkimin, ipaalam ko daw sakanya agad kasi kapag kinimkim ko daw yun at nag ka problema mas lalo daw ako mapapahamak so mas maganda na sabihin na may problema or nahihirapan ako para maaga palang magagawan na ng paraan pero syempre gawin muna natin lahat ng makakaya natin before telling our higher ups maiintindihan din naman nila yun because nanggaling rin naman rin sila jan. Alam kong kayang kaya mo yan d. I believe in you, you can do it! Wag kalang mag paapekto sa ibang tao, just do you and wag ka mahiya mag sabi sa mga higher ups mo oke? Wag ka mag alala sakin inaalagan ko sarili ko ne ikaw jan mag iingat ka lagi at pansin ko late kana umuuwi from work basta mag iingat ka lagi sa pag uwi and don’t forget to wear your glasses. I can’t stop thinking about you. Miss you ulit d. Kung may gusto ka namang ipaalam or itanong kagaya nung bracelet idaan mo sa story sa ig di ba may pool dun Hahaha
”Super sad nung IDK You Yet na song d nakakaiyak Hahaha tas di na pala ako nakatulog nun simula nung nagising ako then shinare ko din yung Day 1 sa diary ko. Your thoughts please Hahaha
Saw your ig story yung convo nyo ni Pau yung may video ka na parang minimiddle finger mo sya Hahaha sabi ko ano kaya pinag uusapan nitong mga murit na to Hahaha 😂 then yung story mong parepareho kayong naka black and yung note sayo ni Ate Carol which is relatable Hahaha basta lagi ko inaabangan kung ano ganap sayo d para di kita masyadong mamiss
Nag email ka pala today sakin regarding additional quotation sa Sumilao. Lagi ako napapangiti pag nakikita ko pangalan mo sa email ko hayyss kakamiss ka
Finished S5 today S6 naaaaa balak ko simulan pag nakalipat na akong Bulacan para iwas mabaliw Hahaha 😂
Ayun nag post ka sa tumbler na late kana nakauwi then yung na feefeel mo yung parang 1st week of ecq, yung song na Tryng My Best grabe nakakaiyak di ko kayang pakinggan ng paulit ulit and as always I wanna hear your stories and comfort you pero di ko magawa hays nakakasad ☹ namimiss talaga kita sobra
Nag text ka ng 10:44 pm na gusto mo makipag usap and we talked more than 4hrs. 10:49 pm up to 3:00 am and sinabi ko narin sayo my thoughts on this ito yun d:
“Nag papasalamat talaga ako at nakapag usap tayo. I really needed that to survive. Sana naman wag ka masyado mag pa stress sa work d para hindi ka nahihirapan, alam mo namang nahihirapan din ako pag nakikita kang nahihirapan. As always, alam kong kayang kaya mo yan, you can do it! fight fight fight lang tayo neee. Osige na good night d!
”Gusto ko lang din sana sabihin sayo na naiintindihan ko yung sinabi mong iniisip mo rin mararamdaman ng ex ko pag agad nating tinuloy to kaya din natin ginagawa tong one month and ugali mo naman talaga yun d and turo din ni mama mo yun kaya I’m patiently waiting lang talaga until such time na di mo na iisipin yun and don’t worry about me moving on sakanya alam mo naman kwento namin d, hindi naman sa mabilis or madali but wala naman na talaga ako nararamdaman para sakanya.
Sobrang saya and thankful ako at nakapag usap tayo d namiss ko boses mo tawa mo pang aasar mo lahat!! Thank you talaga sana lagi ka pagod para makapag usap tayo Hahaha 😂 jk basta wag ka masyado mag pa stress sa work neee gisingin nalang kita bukassss wag mo silent phone mo muriiittt
DIANE: 10:09// Jgh potek, biglang nagPR for swab site ng Bataan at 5:30 kakastress. Friday pa. Nakakapagod nanaman. Ganto ung feeling ko nung 1st weeks of ecq, the stress in consuming me and I’m dead tired. Thank God for ate carol and ate jess, ang hirap ng walang boss haha. At the end of the day iniisip ko na lang you’re cheering me up. Read your message again kaninang umaga and somehow I felt okay. Thanks for messaging me b, my heart is full and I really appreciate it. I wanna hear your voice but i gotta deal with my own shit hayyy i wanna breathe
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parakayeja · 4 years
• September 24-25, 2020 Nung nastress ako sa work sis Hahaha
Di ko alam if nakita mo na message ko sa tumblr. Pero send ko na lang din here 🤗 no need to reply. Magpahinga ka muna ne.
I had a feeling that something was up and I had a guess na its about your work na baka nabugbog ka nanaman. Nung nagstory ka nung tuesday tapos it was almost 10 na. Sabi ko “pagod siguro to kawawa naman” pero wow if you could just see my reaction that day para akong teary-eyed na ewan dahil sobrang proud ko sayo, sabi ko pa “that’s my baby” hahaha. Pero ayun, don’t be too hard on yourself b, its okay too feel tired dahil you’re just human. We get exhausted from time to time because its too much. The beginnings are always the hardest but one thing’s for sure — it will get better. Di naman tayo nilalagay ni God sa isang posisyon na hindi natin kaya. Malaki tiwala sa’yo ni God and take it as a complement. We always make through it and you can make it through. Small steps are still progress, you’re on your way to greatness and you’re gonna be someone amazing. You don’t know how proud I am that you have this vision for yourself. Its a good thing also that you let this one out, diba nga one thing we learned is that we should not hide how we truly feel. You’re not doing that again. This time, share your feelings with me and I’ll share mine. I wont let you do this alone. Asking for help is strength. Iiyak mo lang yan when you talk to your mom. You will feel good after kasi our moms are the best. Breakdown lang saglit, tapos laban ulit! Oki??? Just breathe. Magpahinga. Prioritize what should be done first. Then prove to them why you’re there. Alagaan mo sarili mo pag ako tinopak baka puntahan kita para ako mag-alaga sayo jan hahahaha jk. Don’t let your emotions eat you out. Kayang kaya mo yan!! Sabi nga ni Athena “go sexy! Go sexy sexy loveee!” Hahahahahaha pinapatawa lang kita. Wag na masyado malungkot ah 😘 miss u
After mag usap September 25, 2020:
Hi d! Good morning 😊 ganda ng gising ko kahit na kulang tulog Hahaha 😂 nag alarm kanina ng 5:30 yung cp ko di ba, ay nako d hindi ko nakayanan sizz ginawa kong 6:00 natulog pa ako Hahaha 😂 parang nahihilo ako na ewan eh but pag gising ko ng 6:00 oks naman naaa binilisan ko naman ang pag ligo Hahaha 😂 oy pero mabango to no amuyin mo pa eh Hahaha jk tas nag dala ako ng apat na Essenso tignan natin kung maubos ko Hahaha 😂
I just wanna thank you my dd kagabi, thank you for being there for me, thank you and you made me feel okay, much much better (nasan na mga trabaho?! Bigay nyo sakin lahat yan Haha jk), thank you for reminding me na hindi ako nag iisa, na nandyan ka, thank you for reminding me also na we should not hide our feelings na dapat ishare iyun to one another,  thank you for your time, sa pakikinig, sa mga advise, thank you din sa kilig moments and sweetness overload kagabi Hahaha sorry landeee 😂 I'll cherish that for the rest of my life, thank you talaga. Hindi ko na alam siguro gagawin ko pag wala ka dd. Jan kalang ah wag kanang aalis!! 😘😘😘 aray!!
Good morning b! Grabe magcoconstruct pa lang sana ako ng message, inunhahan pa ako haha pangmuni muni ko sana to eh hahaha. Hirap dumilat ne 😂 inaantok pa din ako pero kelangan natin bumangon. Paamoy nga ng bbb ko kung mabango!! Hahahaha jk. I wanna smell your neckkkk uugghh. Maliligo na din ako after neto. Office na ako magbreakfast and oy kalmahan mo ang kape mo jan at gawin mo na dapat mo gawin para di ka na mastress. Basic naman sayo yan hahaha 😝
Ganito ginawa mo sakin nung nakaraan b. That’s exactly how I felt. Kaya wala lang to. You eased my worries that night and I’m happy I made you feel okay kanina. Wag ka masyado magpasalamat dadami utang mo sige ka, aaray ako ng madami hahahah. I’m always here for you oki? Nandito ako whenever and whatever. I always liked the last parts of our conversations pag madaling araw. We say our hearts out na parang mga lasing but in reality hindi talaga.. we’re just being too honest til our voices become too soft and we can express how we feel deeply. I want you to claim me all the time, gustong gusto ko marinig sayo yun. Kaya thank you din for these kind of nights. I liked our nights like these, yung naglalandian lang magdamag hahahhaa.
Through your highest and your lowest, I’ll be here 😘 di ako aalis. Dapat laging may aray ah hahaha jk Enjoy your day!!
Paamoy nga din ng ddd ko pag tapossss Hahaha 😜 ikaw talaga mahilig sa neck nee yaan mo yung neck mo sisiguraduhin kong magiging sagana sa aray yan Hahaha lagot talaga yan.
Eto na nga po nag wowork na Hahaha kainis dd isa nalang natira sa Essenso 🙁 humingi sila Hahaha bili nalang ako sa canteen mamaya
Yung last parts of our conversations pag nag uusap tayo is my favorite talaga! Parang lasing nga tayo Haha but that is the time na naeexpress natin yung feelings natin sa isa't isa and sobra sobra sarap sa feeling and heart dapat lagi tayong ganon ah! mag landian lang tayo Hahaha
Okay lang na mag thank you ako ng mag thank you at umaray kalang ng umaray jan ako bahala sayo Hahaha makakabawi din ako for sure hintay kalang nee
Through your push and pull, nandito lang din ako for you, always. Wag ka mag alala ako bahala sa aray lagot ka talaga sakin Hahaha 😜 ingat ka sa pag pasok neeeee 😘😘
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melone-rebooted · 7 years
Okay so. I’m almost at 300 followers and I can’t do another giveaway, so imma just do some shout outs! It’s 11 PM and I feel sappy so it’s the perfect time for it. I’ll probably end up adding more people tomorrow but! Here’s this for now. And I wanna thank y’all for sticking around, even during my inactivity <3 Warning that this is probably gonna get super sappy, mostly just me praising people. But all are super quality, so check em out <3
@moltomelone SILAS!!!!! God I love you so much okay??? If y’all want an A+++ Melone, go follow Si. Si is super duper sweet and the reason this blog is still around! I love him so much it’s ridiculous god. Such a good person who I am trying not to aggressively fawn over. You got a lot goin on, but I hope it’s not too stressful for you! I’ll always love you with all of my heart, kay? You do so much to help me, so that’s the least I can do for you. Plus ur super duper cute 11/10 boi. What did I do to deserve u. @askfashionistaham MORMOR! i lov you!!!! An A+++ ham, amazing mun, such a sweet person and god, I would die for u. Amazing characterizations and art and just everything in general tbh. A total joy to talk to and just goof around with <3 Deserves so much good. @askmamabruno My wife. Ily. But yea, listen. Kemo here? A huge nerd. God bless your soul for putting up with my bs Kemo you’re a saint I swear. A perfect Brubru <3 And just??? Super cute and funny. Tolerates my flirting so that’s a bonus <3 @nawanciaghiwga ODD! Ur smelly and gross. Kidding, ily so much. You’re goin through a lot and you deserve a lot more than you think babe. You’re such a nice person and help me out a lot, I appreciate it. Even if you’re the vore boy. @poorlydrawnitalianham LU!!! Guess what. Ily too. Another great ham!! And another great mun! Goofy and fun and talks about skeleton with me. Plus??? Makes a bunch of neat designs and concepts. IS AN ENABLER. In the best way possible <3 @dailycherryboi MEGA!!!! Ur so good holy shit. A total blessing, so is your Kak. I hope things start easin up for you, you deserve a good break from all of that. You’re such a supportive person and I lov u dearly ^^ @inconsistentitalianice G h i a  I will die for you jfc. You’re so sweet and talented and kinda and just??? The fact that you check up on me so often means a lot to me. Plus your Ghiaccio is so much fun! But mun is such a good person like. God. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me @io-sono-risotto-nero KIT!!!! We need to talk more hhhh, I always have a lot of fun when we do! Seems like you haven’t been doin too well, so I hope everything clears up. You’re super nice and talented and just??? I admire u okay. Accept my love pleas. @mirror-inconvenience Maya! Amazing Illuso, amazing mun. Sends me cool bugs!!!! And pretty pics of la squad. Same state buddy. Super nice and goofy and fun!! Rad friend @fugionara B! U! G! Ily. A++++++ blog with adorable content. U got me super invested in a new game, and I always have fun talkin to you! Esp about OCs and AUs, you got so many unique ideas! A fantastic friend. @messily-drawn-dopp SOLI BABY!!! Ilysm, and I wish you luck on your exams!!! We don’t talk much, but I have such a good time when we do <3 You’re so talented and I’m so, so so proud of you!!! Plus your characterization is amazing hun @inconsistentmelone HEY YOU! We need to talk more man- I hope your classes are goin well!!! Another amazing melon who I would die for <3 Also super duper talented, love u @occasionally-photographer-bruno Listen, short and simple version; Amazing mun, muse and art. So much fun and creative and just!!!!! I lov u man, you’re a blessing. Aaaand now for some people that I don’t really talk to/haven’t talked to for a while, but that I admire and recommend because they’re all great! @badlydrawnghiaccio @kiddyshizukajoestar @minigiogio @dailyboss @bd-jobin @badlydrawngangstartrish @oneadayfugo @occasionalpoliziaabbachio @weeklycuppadoppio @badlydrawnyuyafungami @badlydrawndanieldarby @poorqualityaisho @hairnado-deluxe @weeklyboss @moderndays-kishitbe
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yukiwrites · 8 years
Where Your Loyalty Lies [7/??]
Summary:  Kamui’s kidnapping didn’t go as planned – She managed to get away and ended up at Silas’ doorstep. They were raised as siblings, but she has always felt different; her fangs and red eyes and urges to run amok, what did they all mean? Will going to the castle as the Crown Prince’s retainer help her find more clues? Will the war between Nohr and Hoshido be the answer to everything?  
Previous chapter <=> AO3 <=> Next chapter
Chapter 7: Her own agenda
The night sky was cloudy, as though resonating with her inner turmoil.
Sitting on the grass, soon she found herself overwhelmed by the depth of her choices. At first, Kamui had chosen to be a knight just so the training could tire her enough in order to keep her inner beast at bay. Then, after learning more about war, the then-squire realized that she could hone her skills to not kill but incapacitate her enemies so as to end the war without bloodshed.
So she could finally have all the means necessary to find out what she really was.
And now... Where should she place herself into? Even though she still had the mindset of not killing if it could be helped, she knew she would still need to kill. Could she do it, knowing that the battle might be against someone from her past?
“Da’s a depressin’ face yer makin’.”
Surprised, Kamui looked over her shoulder to see her Sir Gallahard towering behind her, holding a wooden mug with one hand and a round wine bottle with the other. He passed her the tankard, giving the young woman little choice but to accept as he sat beside her.
Silently he poured the wine onto her mug before chugging it down directly from the bottle right after. “Ya wanna talk ‘bout that family meeting ye just had? Ya were all shining-eyed after hearin’ bout the royal invitation an’ all.”
Kamui woefully looked at the dark liquid before placing it beside her and holding her legs close to her chest. “I’m hoshidan, Master.”
There was a moment of silence before the knight burst into laughter. “Bahahaha!! Isn’t that great, girlie?!” He had to dry a tear that almost fell from the mirth. Kamui jumped in surprise, her eyes as wide as they could.
Gallahard chugged down another big gulp of wine before turning to his apprentice, a frown and a smile painting his face at the same time. “Why, one less mystery ‘bout yer roots, right?” He nodded and Kamui could only follow suit, her brow furrowed in confusion. “’s ‘nother reason for ye to finish this war quickly AND peacefully like ye wanted, right?” He leaned one arm on the grass and looked up to the shy moon, behind all those clouds, “’cause, y’know’, before ye just didn’t wanna kill for the sake of winning, but now yer got a REAL reason not kill -- though offa course you’ll still have to do it.”
“But that’s exactly--” She finally caught ahold of herself and meant to retort, but he raised his index as he held up the bottle, making her obediently shut up.
“People’re gonna die at war, Kamui; regardless of side you choose to fight for. Even if yer commanding yer soldiers not ta kill, the enemy might not be as kind and ya’ll lose people. Bein’ hoshidan, nohrian, chevois or whatever means nothin’ if yer heart’s not on the right place.” The mention of her name instead of the alias he usually used made the knight-to-be widen her eyes and take his words to heart. He looked right into her eyes and pointed to her chest. “An’ I know yer’s is. What does blood matter for if yer marching to end all wars?! Bahahah! It even makes it more poetic! Imagine: ‘honorary nohrian soldier reveals being from Hoshido after endin’ the war; peace was inside our borders all along!’” He mimicked a herald making a public announcement, finally stealing a giggle out of Kamui.
“Do you really think so, Master?” She whispered more to herself after she stopped laughing, her eyes trailing down to the mug beside her. Finally finding it appetizing, she took a sip before drinking it down in one go. “No, that’s right.” She said after wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, “as long as I have my own personal goal in mind, I won’t need to fear.”
“Now da’s my girlie.” He hit her on the back, almost making her lose grasp of the mug.
“Thank you, Master. For teaching me yet another lesson.” She gave him a half bow as she got up on her feet. “I’ll keep on trailing the same path I chose for myself as a child, but I still have one thing to do before the Knighting Ceremony.”
He raised an eyebrow. “And what’s that?” He asked as she slapped the dust out of her pants. She offered her hand to him, but he didn’t plan on getting up.
“I need to pay my respects to a very dear friend.”
After saying that, the young woman once again bowed to her master and headed back to the mansion. It hasn’t been long since she left, so she found the tea room almost the same way as before.
All three nobles straightened their backs with her return, the air suddenly thick with anticipation. Her complexion, however, betrayed the atmosphere: It was resolute. With one glance, Silas could see that both of them would indeed continue on their paths as knights.
“I have returned,” she said after entering, heading to her mother and crouching beside her. “Mother, can I see the golden hairpin?”
Confused, Eleonore looked from her husband to the table onto which lay the ornament’s box. “Of course, my dear,” she hesitantly picked the box and handed it to Kamui, “but, my daughter…”
“Thank you, Mother. And don’t worry.” The young woman contemplated the pin: it was as thin as her finger and as long as her hand, two golden butterflies resting on each tip of it, each of them decorated with small, blue and silver stones. She closed the box and brought it closer to her chest. “I’ll follow the path to knighthood as planned.”
Silas sighed in relief, his shoulders sagging visibly; he knew his sister well, after all. Leopold was in the middle of doing the same as Eleonore stiffened. “Is that really what you’ll choose, Kamui? I shall respect your decision regardless, but perhaps you could think for a bit more.” The Lady said, putting a stray strand of hair behind her daughter’s pointy ear.
Kamui closed her eyes and slightly shook her head. “I am certain, Mother. Master’s helped me see that, no matter the side of the war I choose, my goal will remain unchanged. Since I already have more chances of crawling my way into the heart of the nohrian army, I’ll do so from here.”
Finally did the Lady’s shoulders sag. “I see. Then I have at least one thing to thank Sir Gallahard for.” She said with a bittersweet smile. Eleonore’s never hidden her dislike for her children’s master, but she had to admit that he was one of the reasons Kamui could face her life so headstrongly.
“Yes, we all do,” the young noble concurred, then looked at her family one by one. “Before following that path, however, I want to visit Kaze,” she gripped the box on her chest, “and deliver this to him; so he can know that he managed to protect me until I could do so myself.”
Eleonore’s eyes immediately itched with tears; Leopold breathed in with effort as Silas lowered his head. Finally his friend could rest.
“That is a noble goal, Kamui,” Lord Lantanoir said, securely holding his wife’s shoulder as she struggled not to cry, “but I’m afraid you will not be able to visit him now and arrive in time for the Knighting Ceremony.”
As soon as the words were out of her father’s mouth, realization sank in. “Oh, no…” She took the free hand to her mouth. She and Kaze had been found on the Lantanoir Summer House, which was at least 15 days away by carriage. Even if Kamui hurried and only stayed for a day or two, it would still take over a month for her to be back – and the ceremony was less than 20 days away.
Silence stilled the room as they tried to think of a way. Before they could even bring up going after the ceremony, Kamui herself whispered an “and the Royal Ball will take place seven days after our ceremony.”
“They will send a carriage to get us and everything.” Silas added, his heart heavy and frown deep. Would Kaze have to wait, after all?
Unknowingly, Kamui had sat over her legs as she hadn’t done in years – the hoshidan style of sitting Eleonore only recognized after studying about the country’s customs – and took one hand to her chin, in thought. Her heart bled for her no-longer forgotten friend. She finally felt not accomplished, but at least a bit more whole: her past was revealed and her savior, treated with respect, at least after what that Hans fellow did.
Hans, Kamui thought with an angry frown (Silas could swear seeing her eyes glow momentarily and almost panicked). There was at least one person Kamui wouldn’t mind not showing mercy to, but even that would have its time.
“It’s okay, Father, Silas.” Kamui raised her head to meet both men’s eyes. “I’ll just need to go after the ball. We’ll be closer to the summer house at the capital, anyway.” She closed her eyes, both hands holding the hairpin’s box. “Don’t get me wrong; I still want to go more than anything – but I also can’t afford to let Kaze’s sacrifice go to waste by losing these opportunities.”
Silas acknowledged with a sad smile. “Yeah. I’m sure he won’t mind. Besides, I’ll be with you to fulfill my promise with him.”
Kamui’s smile mirrored Silas’. “Thank you, Brother. Now, more than ever.” She gave him a formal hoshidan bow, then turned to the older noblewoman. “Mother, would it be alright if I kept this? I want to go to Kaze right after the ball.”
Finally stopping the urge to cry, Eleonore gave her daughter an uncertain nod. “Of course, my dear. But is it wise? You will be going to the heart of Nohr carrying such expensive and rare hoshidan adornment…”
“It will be okay, Mother. I shall never needlessly take it out of my luggage.”
That seemed to have calmed the mother’s worrying heart as she sighed in relief. “Very well. Do be careful, my dear. I couldn’t bear to lose either of you.” She caressed the young woman’s face, looking from her to Silas.
“I will, though not right now. We still have much to rehearse for the ceremony, right, Brother?”
“Yeah, the Master’s not going to let us off until the very last day.”
The ceremony would consist of three parts: The hunt, the swordplay and the vows. Both knights-to-be would need to prove themselves in front of their elder chevaliers in order to receive their blessings at the document Sir Gallahard would forward to the castle on the next day.
The first part, during the early morning, they both would set out to hunt at the neighboring forest to catch the guests’ and, by consequence, the entire party’s, lunch. If they would choose to team up or no, that would depend on them. During late morning, while the game they caught would be prepared, the second part would occur: The swordplay, would, as the name suggests, consist of a mock battle between both squires with their preferred weapons -- Kamui with an axe and Silas with a lance.  
After witnessing their prowess in both managing weapons and ability to survive in less than ideal conditions, both siblings would change to sets of decorative armors and kneel before their master so as to say their vow in order to abide to the chivalry code.
And, lastly, there would be a commemorative dance at the ballroom at night. The chevaliers would sign both Silas’ and Kamui’s pledges on the next day, when it would be immediately sent to the castle.
Their days preceding the ceremony were filled with practice: weapon, dance and speech practice. They went back to the wooden swords so as to prevent any serious injuries and, at night, they would train their step coordination. Not two days after receiving Kamui’s reply of her life choice, Eleonore sent for the famous dressmaker Miss Margaretta: it would be her daughter’s first ball out in society and she needed to give a good impression on the Prince.
Similarly, the best tailor, Mister Mountcroix, would design Silas’ outfit for the occasion. Both of them stayed for a week in order to come up with designs that would fit the pair of siblings before leaving with the promise of delivering the complete set in time.
Two days before the ceremony, Master and apprentices sat as such for the last time -- starting from the next morning, the chevaliers and their families would start to arrive and there would be no more time for lessons. The three of them sat around a campfire, each holding a wine bottle in hand: Kamui’s was half-way done, as was Gallahard’s. Silas’ was untouched (he shared that trait with Eleonore, who didn’t enjoy much drinking).
“I’m not even worried ‘bout yer gig, y’know? I just know that ya’ll gon just go an’ make me even prouder than I a’ready am.” The knight said, raising his bottle over the fire, followed suit by both squires.
“Despite knowing the truth behind my past, I’ll remain loyal to my own convictions and to myself -- I’ll honor my vow and fight until I see the last of this war.” Kamui proclaimed, looking at the fire’s reflection on her bottle. Silas shared her proud smile as he nodded.
“I’ll uphold my vow and protect those in need so we can see the last of this war -- and so I can finally fulfill my promise.” He was the one who clinked his bottle on the other two before bringing it to his lips, prompting sister and master to follow. They spent the night in the wilds one last time.
The next day, as expected, Gallahard’s friends and acquaintances started to arrive with their families -- wives, husbands and daughters (strangely, none of them had sons) -- and were allocated accordingly. Kamui and Silas spent the entire day entertaining and receiving the guests, a total of fifteen families arrived until the late hours of the night.
Kamui barely slept, finding herself in front of her brother’s room after a few hours of shifting on her sheets -- the itch had happened sometime last week, so she needn’t to burn energy, but wanted to talk. “Brother? You’re awake, right?” She whispered by his door, doing one of their secret set of knocks.
“I am, Kamui. Come in.” His voice sounded distant and when the young woman opened the door, she found out why: he was writing by his desk, illuminated only by the moonlight.
“What’re you doing?”
He glanced at his sister before going back to his paper -- it was actually a drawing of the forest at night. “It’s just an old habit of mine.” He rested his back on the chair and stretched his arms. “Ever since the first night I saw you entering the woods, I started looking out of my window every night. After a while, I began drawing what I saw.”
“Whoa, Brother,” she gasped, placing both hands over the chair’s backrest, looking from above Silas’ head to the wonderful black-ink drawing of the scenery immediately in front of them. “If you didn’t want to be a knight, you could as well go into art or something. This is great!”
Silas blushed. “Really? Everyone who saw my drawings just said I committed a crime against humanity or nature or something.”
Kamui clearly didn’t understand of art, but to call that a monstrosity? Outrageous! “Surely you showed it to the wrong people. It looks amazing to me, Brother.” She nodded, glancing down at him.
Little did she know that the sight she was seeing was being distorted by the moon’s faint light -- her brother indeed didn’t have the hand for art; but they wouldn’t find out about that in the forseeable future: in the next break of dawn, they would be ready in front of the forest so as to set out to hunt, the fifteen chevaliers plus their Master there to witness their entry.
“It’s finally tomorrow, Kamui.” He said after a while of silence. From above him, his sister smiled.
“No, Brother. Tomorrow is only the beginning.”
“May your hunt be bountiful and the gods watch over you.” Gallahard announced after all knights were present to watch as both apprentices went in together. The rest of the morning would be spent in their getting ready to wait for Kamui and Silas’ return outside of the main mansion, at the site prepared exclusively for the festivities: an outdoors long dinning table right beside a fenced arena and an open kitchen; all leading to the side entrance that had a direct path to the ballroom into which the vows and the dance would happen.
Both knights-to-be came back in the late morning and all could see how they decided to team up: they carried a large elk between them (all four legs tied onto a long branch they used to share its weight). Kamui also had three hares tied to her belt.
“Bahahaah! They’re tryin’ to fatten us, mates!” Gallahard guffawed after seeing the size of the game. “Yer were THAT ‘fraid we’d starve, lad an’ lass?”
They put the prey down with a thud as two cooking assistants from Gallahard’s Power Attachés effortlessly took it away to start immediately working on it at the open kitchen (a third one came to get Kamui’s hares). “You can never be too sure, right, Master?” Kamui huffed as Silas nodded.
“Aight, now go wash up -- I want yer swordplay to happen while yer still winded because of the hunt. Show me yer stamina, kids!”
“Yes, Master!” They acknowledged in unison, running to the back in order to freshen up and catch their weapons. Their score was even for once, but Kamui hadn’t forgotten how Silas got the upper hand at The Pit.
She would win that one!
They fought with real weapons -- an axe and a lance -- though not their custom-made ones. It would be game over if either Kamui managed to break Silas’ spear or if he got his tip in a deadly spot of her body. They almost danced with the rhythm of knowing each other’s movements, the young woman used to twirling her axe around despite not being her own weapon; the man doing the side steps he learned so as to avoid his sister’s powerful thrusts.
The band was instructed to keep silent during the fight, making the audience’s anticipation even higher: knights and family were distributed around the long table in front of the fenced arena, all of them too focused on the deadly dance to worry about the scrumptious smell coming from the open kitchen.
In one of Silas’ side steps, Kamui found an opening and quickly sneaked in front of him, using not her axe, but her elbow in an upwards thrust on his lance to destabilize his balance. It was a matter of a split-of-second reaction, but before he could think, the weapon was shaking on his hand and his feet were tripping due to Kamui’s sudden approach..
The wives, husband and daughters gasped while the knights nodded in agreement as Silas fell and Kamui put her axe in front of his face, his lance rolling beside them.
Huffing, Kamui smiled with the victory. “Now we’re even, Brother!”
Silas laughed, extending his hand as Kamui put the axe away to help him up. “Technically, you’re winning from 34 to 33, but yes; we’re even.” He agreed, knowing that she was referring to the Pit battle.
The siblings couldn’t talk much for their master came running after jumping the fence, quickly slapping them both on their backs. “Congrats, girlie! Da’s one more lesson for ya to learn, boy!” He looked from one to the other, then turned around to the audience and spoke as loud as he could, making the no-longer-squires flinch. “And now tha’s this is done with, we gotta finally fill our bellies!” He raised one arm, and all of his Attachés followed suit.
“Aye!” They yelled back, swiftly bringing the food in.
Indeed they would have leftovers from the party -- the elk and rabbits were more than enough to feed all guests as well as the servants after cleaning up -- Kamui and Silas sat side by side in the middle of the table, their Master in front of them. They had the time of their lives.
Sir Savoy, for example, knew a lot of folk songs and almost danced over the table while asking for the band to accompany his singing. His brother-in-arms, Sir Stenham, had to maul his friend back to his room before he brought dishonor to his family in his mirth. Both sat right beside Kamui, who only raised her mug in approval.
Dusk slowly covered them like a blanket, signaling that the last and most important part of the ceremony was about to begin: The reading of the Vows.
After seeing everyone in, the knights-to-be excused themselves so they could change to their decorative armor -- Silas’ a replica of a Great Knight’s and Kamui’s one of a Hero’s. Sir Savoy still had the rosy cheeks of a drunk, but managed to stay on his feet and, most of all, silent while the Lantanoir siblings entered the ballroom.
Side by side, they took step after step towards the leftmost corner of the room, where their master waited with a silver rapier in hand. Kamui and Silas, despite the nervousness inside their chests, smiled proudly. The day had been bright, fun and fulfilling; they knew that all chevaliers around them already considered both youths as fellow knights, but they needed to solidify their vows.
As they approached the three steps separating them and their master, Sir Gallahard nodded in acknowledgement to each of them: He was wearing his old battle armor, polished to perfection -- at that moment he truly looked like a seasoned knight, the weight of his scars and eyepatch filling both siblings’ hearts with pride for training under such a great warrior.
Kamui and Silas took the knee, as they rehearsed, and lowered their heads. Gallahard’s deep and loud voice reverberated throughout the ballroom and inside their chests. “Silas Lantanoir and Kamui Lantanoir. You both are here to pledge your loyalty to the Nohrian Army. However, to do so, you must vow to follow the chivalry code.” The knight started, his usual accent nowhere to be found.
“I am aware.” The siblings said at the same time.
Gallahard smirked and raised his chin. “What do you vow?”
Kamui raised her head, one hand over her chest same as her brother. “I vow to always defend the honor of someone in need.”
“I vow to always speak the truth and be loyal to my lord,” Silas accompanied, both of them talking in unison.
“I will always be brave and will never run from a challenge nor avoid a treacherous path,” Kamui continued, looking right into her Master’s eye, her smile growing as she spoke.
“I will be charitable and will defend any helpless I find in my path.” Silas finished.
“I vow to protect the honor of my lord and my land until the battle’s won or my blood’s spent.” They said with a louder voice, receiving a proud nod from their master before he touched the tip of the rapier on their shoulders.
“It is here, by witness of Dame Ahelissa, Dame Aphra, Sir Berold, Dame Betsy, Sir Brianus the Selfish,” as he said each name, the knights ackonwledged with a step forward, “Sir Everard, Dame Gussalen, Sir Isambard, Sir Meraud, Sir Raluf, Sir Reimond, Sir Savoy, Sir Stenham, Dame Theffania and Sir Thibaud the Bodyguard that I, Sir Gallahard the Watchful dub thee, Silas Lantanoir and thee, Kamui Lantanoir, rightful Knights of Nohr.”
The newly knighted duo rose after their Master had put the rapier away and turned to the guests. Eleonore couldn’t help but sob, a handkerchief over her face; Leopold shed silent and proud tears, his chin raised up. The siblings looked at each other and saluted the nohrian way, with a closed fist by their chests.
“It will be an honor to serve beside you, Sir Silas.” Kamui smiled proudly, as did her brother. 
“Likewise, Dame Kamui.” He flicked his head towards her and they both walked towards their chevalier elders as Sir Gallahard stayed behind.
Claude swiftly helped his lord take off the armor – Gallhard didn’t mind a skirmish or two, but putting on that armor again always brought back memories from the days he lost his loved ones. The butler worked quickly and by the time Kamui and Silas were done thanking the veteran knights, Gallahard was back with his smile, wearing the simple garment he had on underneath the armor.
“Blargh,” he massaged his jaw, approaching the duo, “I dunno how ye both can talk all proper like that all the time, lad and lass. I think my tongue’s numb.”
“You were very dashing, Master.” Silas bobbed his head in respect as Kamui put both arms on her waist.
“It felt weird, like a different person. But so cool!”
“Ya, nuff flattery from yer both. You still gotta open the ball, go ‘n.” He pointed his chin to the middle of the room, prompting both siblings to exchange looks and smile. Silas bowed extravagantly, raising one hand to his sister, the other one behind his back.
“Would you give me the honor to share your first dance as a knight, Dame Kamui, ma’am?”
The young woman giggled, giving her hand to Silas. “Why, yes, I would, Sir Silas.” She replied in the same manner, being led to the center. They held each other at the waltz’s characteristic closed position and waited for the band to start the song.
The decorative armors didn’t get in the way as they treated through the dance floor, their synchrony inviting the bolder chevaliers to dance alongside them. Eleonore and Leopold followed, and soon the ballroom was filled with swirling couples, painting it with a wide array of colors.
The festivities were scheduled to break through the night towards dawn, but it came to a close as exhaustion filled the wives and husbands (as well as the manor’s Lord and Lady) of the knights. Even after seeing everyone off, Kamui felt too giddy to turn in for the night.
She had done it.
She gave the first step towards her goal.
Even if she felt accomplished at the moment, she knew that there was a whole life of fighting ahead of her; of servitude and loyalty. She didn’t want to break the vow she painfully acquired if the worst came to pass and she discovered some dark truth about her past, but she wasn’t going to stop following her own convictions.
Once again Kamui found herself at the clearing, watching the now starry sky – it truly looked like it was responding to her state of mind. Twenty days ago, it was cloudy as her heart, but now – now it was open, like the path ahead.
No matter what the Crown Prince had in store for her (she would try not to have high expectations, though her Master constant mentioning of the retainer issue made that very hard to accomplish), Kamui would face him head on and comply.
The ball was only seven days away, but the carriage would come to pick them up in two days. Their written pledge and arrival at the castle would happen almost at the same time, and Kamui wondered if it would take long for the army’s officials to process their paperwork. She planned on visiting Kaze, but the trip would take twenty days at the earliest and she worried that she would have to straight to the job after coming back.
Which was why she was taking her customized axe with her, alongside the sword her parents gave her after the party was done; a matching pair with Silas’, with the family crest on the hilt and their names carved on the blade.
A new day was about to dawn, as well as a new life for the mostly-secluded noble. She would meet many people and, despite the positivity she felt from her family and friends about her outward appearance, she knew she had to be on her toes. Especially because she still had no clue about what she was.
Kamui nodded to herself, getting up from the grass and slapping the dirt away from her pants. “Don’t let it get to you, Kamui. You lived your entire life thinking short of yourself because of these,” she touched her pointy ears, “but stay strong, no matter what they say!”
The next day was as busy as the previous one: The chevaliers signed the pledge during the morning, and some were already prepared to leave by the time the mid-day meal was served. A courier from the castle had been summoned to take the paper a week previous, so he immediately set out after the end of the signatures.
Kamui and Silas hadn’t time to rest, though: Apart from entertaining the rest of the guests, they still had to take the last fitting for their new clothes for the ball as well as to prepare their luggage for the voyage. Kamui made hers significantly bigger due to her side-trip (they came to an agreement that Silas would remain in case they needed to explain why Kamui wasn’t home if their paperwork was done before her return), and wondered if she should take at least Clara with her.
“Hmm,” Silas crossed his arms, deep in thought, “but they said that we shouldn’t bring our own servants since we’ll be ‘appropriately attended’, as they worded.”
“Yes,” Kamui leaned her cheek on her palm, tired of packing, “but I’ll go to the summer house straight from the ball; I’ll need Clara with me, if not for helping in and out of the dress, at least to aid me during the trip.”
“Ya, but no servants from outside’re allowed in the castle, girlie. Even if ya bring her, she’ll hafta stay in an inn or somethin’ till the ball’s done an’ gone.” Gallahard said from the door. He took two steps inside, “’s not easy to enter the castle, an’ I don’t mean literally, since there’re all those ‘open castle days’ n’ stuff.” He crouched beside the kneeling young woman as she turned around from the bed to him. “’s hard to be summoned to work there an’ even harder to leave. I managed to leave His Majestyfulness’ side ‘cause I saved his neck durin’ a battle an’ he granted me a royal favor n’ all that malarkey.”
Kamui sat over her legs so as to face her master, glad to be taken away from packing. “Yeah, you’ve told us something about that battle before.”
Silas crouched down to complete the three kneeling nobles beside a bed with hundreds of clothes scattered around, a frown painted across his face. “But does that mean that we’ll never be able to leave?”
“Bahahah!” Gallahard threw his head back in laughter, “yer not even in yet an’re already thinkin’ ‘bout leavin’? Relax, boy!” He slapped Silas’ back, making him choke, “survive yer first dozen o’ battles ‘fore ya think ‘bout that.”
The young man glanced at his sister, worried about her future condition. However, he slowly breathed in. It was her own choice; he just needed to be there for her. “You’re right, Master, as always. Let’s get this packing over with quickly – we don’t know at what time the carriage will come to pick us up tomorrow.”
Kamui groaned and complied. A month of travelling with that much luggage and no attachés. Great.
Their goodbye was a fast, though heartfelt one. Eleonore felt light for finally telling the truth to her daughter, and seeing her follow her own path without the burden of her past – or at least with the burden lighter – made the mother that much relieved. Leopold never erased his proud smile for the ceremony had been beautiful and the pledge was already on its way to the castle. Two knight children.
“Try not to be overwhelmed about the palace, you two.” He warned, squeezing both siblings’ shoulders. “It’s a big and foreign place, but I have faith that, as long as you’re together, you can do well on your first ball out in society.”
Eleonore hesitated in reaching out for her daughter. “Kamui, about our talk…”
The young woman turned to her mother. “Hm? About what, Mother?”
“Your suitors, my dear.” Eleonore glanced from her husband to her daughter.
The night before, they had talked about finding a husband or a wife for Kamui. She complied, but of course told her mother to keep in mind that they should know about her job being a dangerous one and her motive a secret until they were ready to listen.
“If it’s a woman, Mother, we will need to know each other first, so it might be complicated…” She took a sip of her tea. Marriage has always been a common topic ever since she was a child, so she didn’t mind her mother choosing a suitor for her. But for the lineage to continue in a same-sex marriage, the spouse’s bonds would have to be very strong for a Bond child to be born unto them.
And Kamui was sure no lady would have time nor patience to court a newly knighted full of work, dangerous missions and little time off such as herself.
“Of course, dear. I shall keep that in mind when selecting someone. We will speak through letters, hm?” Lady Lantanoir caressed Kamui’s face before turning to her son. “And you, my child? May I also look for suitors for you? Do you also have a preference?”
Silas choked on the tea he was sipping and unambiguously glanced at Kamui before hiding his face under the handkerchief so as to dry his mouth and chin. “I, uh, haven’t thought about marriage yet, Mother. Forgive me, I need a bit more time.”
Eleonore’s words by the gates brought these memories back to Silas, his eyes woefully looking at his sister as she smiled at her mother.
“Worry not, Mother. I shall wear my hair up on the ball, so you can be certain that they all will know that I am available for marriage.” The young woman squeezed her mother’s hands before kissing them with respect. “Now we have to go. Goodbye, Mother; Father. Thank you for everything.”
Silas bowed, blinking to take himself away from the trance of last night’s memories and bowed. “Goodbye, Father; Mother. See you when I come back.”
“Safe travels, children.” The parents replied at the same time, watching as both young nobles turned around to get inside the royal carriage.
The coachman treated them with the utmost respect, like they were his masters. It’s made the trip less awkward since they felt welcomed by at least one person from the castle – even if it was one of such low echelon.
The first four days passed without much trouble (Kamui’s itch was scheduled to happen sometime next week, so she was at least in peace regarding that) and, on the day of the ball, both nobles had to stop at a high-class inn so as to use the help of its servants to put them inside their party garments.
At Strömborg, the western castle, the ball started as soon as dusk fell, though that was a manner of speaking since the capital has always been darker than the rest of the kingdom. While Kamui and Silas were getting ready at the inn, half of the invitees occupied the large, almost gargantuan, ballroom.
It was of a grandiosity without equal: the dark marble floor contrasted with the yellow and purple lighting, magically extended with the Second Prince’s own signature on the formulae. The main entrance led directly to the room, through a long, red-carpeted corridor. Since the castle had been built inside the stone, it had many lower levels, and the ballroom was one of them: as soon as someone entered, they would be greeted by two flights of U-shaped stairs that would meet again in the middle at an intermediate landing before going further down at a bullnose as the last step, its railing a beautifully carved volute.
And, for as far as the eye could see, the extravagant decorations shone at each step as the band played a soft and peppy tune.
The ball was in commemoration of the vernal equinox and festivities held in honor of the gods of harvest were being held throughout the kingdom – since nohrian soil lacked many nutrients and its sky was rarely blessed with much sunlight, the people relied heavily on what they could plant in these conditions. Trading with neighboring countries was also an essential part of Nohr’s economy, and keeping a good relationship with them through the news of the bounty festivals were crucial for the dark kingdom’s survival.
At the party, hosted at the castle where the Royal Family made its residence, two of its members marking their presence in it: the Crown Prince Lord Xander and the First Princess Lady Camilla. Second Prince Leo and Youngest Princess Elise still weren’t of age to attend to formal events in court and were kept in the royal wing for the duration of the ball.
King Garon had excused himself from the commemorations entirely due to focusing himself on the war at the military’s central command located at the main Castle, Krakenburg.
Xander and Camilla shared a dance, using the opportunity to be on their own for as long as the song lasted to talk, virtually the only way they could do so without either being bothered or spied.
The prince had his hair slicked back, the crown given by his father nowhere to be seen to hide his perpetual frown. He wore a black, double-breasted frock coat with a red velvet cravat, almost as though he had agreed with Camilla to match the color of her dress: a vibrant burgundy and black taffeta long gown with an open back and a scandalous cleavage. Their gloved hands – his white and hers, black – worked in harmony with the beat of the song as their eyes ever so watchfully scanned the ballroom.
“According to schedule, they must have arrived already, Xander.” Camilla turned her head to accompany the beat after a backward walk followed by a quick turn.
“Indeed. If everything goes well, they should reach the palace at any moment.” He concurred, leading his sister to a left turning box with inside turn, catching her hand again as their eyes met.
“Will you really entrust the boy’s judgment to me? I am flattered with the honor, but there is still time to rethink.”
Xander’s lips curved up to something akin to a smile. “I am certain, my sister. After me, only you know of our circumstances well enough to rate a retainer’s worth. Whatever you decide after this ball is over, shall be done.”
Camilla laughed, her fluffy hair fluttering behind her as they did a series of turns. “Then I will not have mercy in my decision.” She huffed after they stopped spinning and Xander pressed her back to lead her to a slower set of steps. “Everything is in accordance with the band, mind. As soon as we both choose our next partners, they shall start the melody you requested.”
“Good,” he praised, something at the top of the stairs catching his attention. “And the song must play for as long as our talk lasts. Alas, Camilla,” he pointed his chin up, turning with the rhythm so his sister could look at the newly arrived duo, “they have come.”
“Dame Kamui and Sir Silas from the Lantanoir Household have arrived!” The Court Marshal and Master of Ceremonies Lord Abbington announced both young nobles’ arrival to the ballroom. It remained mostly unaffected, since the last half of the guests were still coming. Kamui tried not to stare, but ever since she’s been shown in, everything has been overwhelming: There were all kinds of people, from every color, race and even species (she could’ve sworn she saw a wolfskin somewhere, but it could have been a kind of laguz as well; she only noticed a foreign tail).
Not to mention the pressure of simply being there, surrounded by so many new people with her hair up in a bun with only a thick lock of hair twirling down to her shoulder. She was glad that at least her dress didn’t fall short to the palace: A navy blue, sleeveless jacquard brocaded corset with boning imbued with a poly lace up bodice and a long, black tiered ruffle skirt at the back, the front sewn with sparse silver brocades; long, dark gloves covered her arms.
Silas wore a dark grey tailcoat, his hair obediently slicked to the side for once. They parted ways as each one took one flight of the U-shaped stairs so as to meet again at the intermediate landing, immediately locking arms and taking deep breaths before slowly descending the last staircase.
The song continued, however some couples stopped dancing to watch as the Royal siblings themselves came to greet the Lantanoir nobles; Xander to Kamui and Camilla to Silas.
“It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Dame Kamui,” Xander gave her a slight bow as she curtsied, “I thank you for accepting the invitation. I am Xander, the Crown Prince of Nohr. And this is Camilla, the Eldest Princess.”
The first time their eyes met, Kamui felt something bristle at the nape of her neck. Xander allowed himself a small smile as he paid attention to the young woman’s feline eyes. Kitten, he thought with warmth, making Kamui’s heart skip a beat. The pressure of royalty could be seen on every fiber of his body, contrary to his smiling sister. His burgundy eyes carried a conviction as deep as, if not deeper than hers, and she could already discern from that first glance that his extended hand, disguised as a request for a dance, meant business.
Her heart pounded in her chest – the first test had started. She managed to smile shyly and curtsied once more. “I am most flattered to be greeted by Your Highness himself.” She replied, glancing from one royal to the other, nodding at the tall princess. “It is an honor to be able to enjoy a tradition as important as this one in Your Highnesses presences.” Entranced by his seriousness, the knight slid her hand over his, silently accepting the implied invitation for the dance.
As soon as their hands touched, the song changed. It was the complete opposite of the one that was being played previously – it was intense and fast-paced. Its name was War and Peace.
“We have much to discuss, my lady,” Xander said, bidding farewell to Silas and Camilla with a nod before escorting Kamui to the middle of the ballroom; every couple they passed by opening way for them. Soon they were isolated in the middle, with room to spare to dance – and to talk. The song was not only passionate, but also loud.
Kamui held her dress with her left hand, the same Xander held, and, when they arrived at the desired spot, she slid her right one to his shoulder, feeling his right hand press her shoulder blade. Immediately they started moving to accompany the rhythm, getting used to each other before trying any difficult movements.
The prince’s hand on her back guided her with a precision she had never felt before; not with her father, not with her instructor and certainly not with her brother. No; Xander had a strong grip followed by a smooth movement, making her role as his dance partner the easiest in the world – his leading was clear and straightforward -- soon they were doing complicated spins and leg works.
After the first left turning box with outside turn, as they raised their free arms up for the split of second – Kamui saw how intently he was looking at her. “Now that we are alone,” his voice rumbled through her chest when they went back to each other’s arms, “we can speak freely. You must know why I summoned you here, my lady.”
A stubborn lock of hair left the prince’s hairdo, dangling beside his right eye – but it only made Kamui less intent on taking her eyes off of him. “Indeed I do, my Lord. My Master uncovered Your Highness��� intention with the letter.”
“Ah, yes, Sir Gallahard the Watchful.” Xander mused, quickly turning his head around to show Kamui the next side they were going to spin to. “Then I can come to the conclusion that, by accepting this invitation, you also have your sights on assuming the position of my retainer?”
So Master was right after all, Kamui thought, pressing her lips into a thin line. The first test! “If my Lord thinks me worthy, then I shall abide to it.”
“I have witnessed your prowess in battle, against that young man you call brother,” he glanced to his sister’s direction – she was also speaking with Silas during a dance – and then turned back to Kamui, “which have left me no doubts about your physical abilities.”
Kamui licked her lips, the tension making her throat dry, “however?”
Xander’s frown lightened in a not-quite smile, in a less serious face. He liked that she was quick to catch up. “That is all I know about you.”
Ah, of course, Kamui thought, he wouldn’t call just anyone to be his retainer without digging up the past. But it seems he hasn’t found anything regarding Hoshido. “It is all that I am, my Lord,” she started, huffing after a series of twirls, “as Your Highness must know, I am an orphan from the Battle of Cheve. I was lucky enough to have Mo—that is to say, Lady Lantanoir to take pity of me and take me in after those dreadful days.”
“Indeed?” He contemplated, pulling up her body as they started a series of progressive outside steps, without missing a beat. “And why did you choose the way of the knight after receiving the chance of staying forever as a noblewoman?”
Is he perhaps concerned about me not looking like a chevois – or normal human, for that matter – and is testing me? She fixed her gaze on his, the memories of her painful past and her friend’s sacrifice ever present in the back of her mind. “I wish nothing more than to end the war, my Lord, so no other children have to go through what I did – the medics speculated that I have blocked the memories from before the Battle of Cheve because I most likely witnessed my parent’s deaths.”
Xander’s frown flickered with concern. “Forgive me. I should not have pressed the issue that further; it was thoughtless of me to remind you of such terrible memories.”
Kamui closed her eyes, dismissing his apology. “Worry not, Your Highness. It is your duty to ascertain yourself about the people you will be working with in the future.” She replied, being led to a back to back sequence, her eyes never focused on the crowd for they were always led back to the prince. After they were back on the original position, she pursed her lips. “However, before we enter in an agreement, I assume you will want to talk about my outward appearance.”
The prince spared a glance at the knight’s pointy ears and his lips curved down in a shrug. “From what I have gathered, you have never made a public transformation nor do you have any other physical differences apart from your ears. I see little point in pressing the matter further as long as you can assure me you have control over your inner beast.”
“You seem used to dealing with shape-shifters,” she blurted out, surprised. Then, quickly added his title. “Ah, my Lord.”
The Prince gave a half-smile for her blunder, “you must have noticed when you were shown in, my lady, that we do not discriminate anyone in the castle. As long as they fulfill their role, the species or skin color of the person matters not. The same can be said about you.”
Acceptance in the least place she thought she would find. Warmth and conflict inside her heart – suddenly she noticed how calm she was, as though the Prince was shouldering her worries. “Alas, Your Highness. I have never shifted before, despite being always in possession of a beaststone.” She meekly looked up at him, finding understanding in his eyes. “I feel the need to be honest with my Lord due to the role you have offered me: I can indeed control the beast inside of me, though I know not what it is for it has not surfaced yet.”
“A late bloomer; not a rare case.” He turned his head to the right, guiding her to a fast set of box steps. “We will have time to work on this once you start.”
Kamui’s stomach turned. “Have I passed the test, my Lord?”
“I have ascertained that you are not an enemy of Nohr; have good reflexes and has no issues with being led on. You are also sincere and your eyes truly are focused on the end of the war. Tell me, Kamui, have you brought your weapon?”
The unexpected turn of his speech made Kamui open and close her mouth before replying, “I have, my Lord. It is stationed at the guest room they have prepared for myself alongside my luggage.” She glanced down to her leg, “if it is a question of whether I am armed at the moment or not, well…”
The prince chuckled, his body trembling with mirth. She had brought a hidden knife to a royal ball! The audacity! “Splendid.” He turned with vigor, making her hold her breath and almost miss the step, “you have everything I look for in someone to serve under my immediate command. Do you accept to be my retainer, Dame Kamui? I am in need of your services.”
Kamui squeezed her hand on his, nodding in acceptance. “I do, my Lord, if you will have me.”
Xander glanced to something or someone over Kamui’s head before continuing with the twirls he had started. The song started its last section. “Wonderful. You have no qualms in starting tomorrow, then? I have received your written pledge and, as far as the army is concerned, you are already part of it.”
Kaze, forgive me, Kamui pressed her lips as they started their last step: a combination of open twinkles.
The song ended; Prince and knight in the middle of the ballroom with their hands connected and their opposing arms extended to the air. Huffing, Kamui took a step towards him as he gave his arm to escort her to a table. “I have no objections, my Lord. I look forward to working with you from now on.”
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tobiaskswitch · 5 years
Scene week - Maverick/Tobias
Summary: Tobias tries out some things he’s learned in his humiliation class with a very willing participant.
Warnings: verbal humiliation
“Hey Mav, come on in,” Tobias said as he opened the door of his suite.  He had been hoping to get another chance to scene with Maverick, because honestly, the boy was one hell of a submissive.  And Tobias found it easy to scene with him.  He was okay with almost anything, so Toby didn’t worry that he was about to cross a boundary or hurt him.  And he had been thinking about how much Maverick loved humiliation.  “Strip and leave your clothes by the door,” he instructed with a grin.  “I have ideas.  I have a list, actually.  So, I’m in the humiliation class.  Have you taken it?”
Mav had been kneeling at the door, and he smiled as soon as Tobias opened it. He hurried inside, and grinned at the order he was given. “Yes Sir,” he smiled, as he stripped without a moment’s hesitation and folded his clothes by the door. He looked curiously over at Tobias as he got back down on his knees, and shook his head. “No Sir, but I’m definitely liking the direction this conversation is heading,” he teased with a happy expression on his face. “Gonna humiliate me, Sir?”
He watched how Maverick undressed, already grinning.  He was so damn eager, this sub.  It made it so much easier not to doubt himself.  Toby still was twisted up in his head about some of the kinks he saw going on here, but here in the privacy of his room, with a sub like Mav who was obviously excited about this, he felt safe to explore without worrying that he was doing something bad.  “Come on over to the couch with me,” he said once Mav was back on his knees.  “You’re crawling today, I dunno if I mentioned that.  You’re gonna be my little slut again, and sluts have to stay on the floor in my room.  And naked.  No furniture, ‘less I tell you specifically that you can.  And you gotta ask permission if you need to leave the room, like to go to the bathroom or something.”  He sat on the couch and looked at Mav.  “Is that all okay?  This is still the negotiation part, you can tell me if I say something you don’t like.”
Mav immediately began to move over to the couch, and grinned as the Switch began to speak. He knelt at the couch, listening to everything Tobias was telling him, and he slowly nodded. “Is it okay? Lord, Sir, remind me to send your Humiliation teacher a fruit basket,” Mav teased softly. “That’s all real, real good with me, I promise,” he nodded, before pausing a little. “In, uh, in moments like this, negotiating, and talking and stuff, I like it if I can touch? Just like, holding onto your leg, or hold your hand, or something like that. If that’s okay, Sir.”
Toby laughed out loud and shook his head at Mav.  “You’re too much, Maverick,” he chuckled.  He quieted, though, when Maverick paused, because clearly Mav was thinking about something, and that was the closest to nervous that Toby had seen him yet.  “Yeah, of course,” he said, automatically reaching to brush Maverick’s hair out of his face.  “Yeah, you can touch me or lean on me, that’s fine.  That’s always fine, unless I tell you not to for some reason.  Um, let’s make it a rule, actually, to make it clear.  Only thing you can’t touch without asking permission is my cock.  You can touch or lean on or kiss the rest of me whenever you want.  Well, right now you can’t reach anything from the knees up because you’re kneeling for me, but I think you know what I mean.”
Maverick grinned as Toby laughed. He loved making people laugh or smile because of something he’d said or done, and with someone as relatively new to him as Tobias was, that meant even more. He smiled softly as Tobias brushed his hair from his face. He listened carefully to everything Tobias was saying, and by the end of it, his smile was stretching from ear to ear. “I do know what you mean, Sir, thank you,” Maverick nodded, “you’re real sweet,” he added gently. He’d caught what Tobias had said about kissing whenever he wanted too, so he gently lowered himself down and pressed soft kisses to the Switch’s feet. “Thank you again, Sir,” he said, before getting back up on his knees.
Toby’s breath caught when Maverick bent down to kiss his feet without even being asked.  “Look at you,” he murmured.  “That’s right, good boy.  Good slut.”  He reached out to run his fingers through Maverick’s hair when he sat back up.  “Such a good boy, remembering where you belong.  You like kissing my feet?”  He smiled at Maverick, clearly enamored of the sub’s behavior.  “That’s something we talked about in class.  They called it body worship.  I didn’t know people did it with other body parts too, but apparently that’s a thing…  But I like it when you kiss my feet.”
Maverick lived for the moments when he could really impress a Dom or a Switch. He had a soft, gentle smile on his face as Tobias praised him and played with his hair. “Thank you, Sir,” he murmured, as he inched a little closer so he could wrap his arms around Tobias’s leg, making sure to stay below the knee like he’d been told. He actually blushed a little when Tobias asked him if he liked kissing his feet. It was one of the few areas Maverick had almost no experience with, outside of fantasies, and he nodded slowly. “I do, Sir. I, uh...you have real nice feet, and it makes me feel so submissive,” Maverick tried to explain, clearly a little embarrassed for the first time in front of Tobias.
Toby’s smile tuned soft and fond when Maverick wrapped his arms around his leg.  “God, you’re so cute,” he murmured as he continued to toy with his hair.  What a sweet, incredible sub.  Toby still couldn’t believe Maverick wanted to do all this with him.  It surprised him a little to see Maverick embarrassed, after all the things he’d seen Maverick do with a grin.  And weirdly, Toby found he liked seeing Mav embarrassed.  It concerned him a little, too, and made him wonder if he’d gone a bit too far.  “Good boy,” he said softly, because he had seen how Maverick responded to being told he was good.  “Do you not like talking about it?  It’s okay if you don’t wanna talk about it.  But since you like doing it, we’ll definitely do it more.  Maybe now, maybe some other day.  Maybe I’ll make you kiss my feet to thank me after I give you things you like, like a spanking, or my cock.  How does that sound?”
Maverick beamed happily and squeezed his arms around Tobias’s leg softly. “Thank ya, Sir,” he grinned, his accent deepening a little. He smiled even more as Tobias told him he was a good boy, which Mav was convinced were the two best words in the English language. He frowned a little as Tobias spoke. Had he done something wrong to make the Switch feel like he didn’t like talking about it? Then it clicked. This was the first time Tobias was seeing him embarrassed. “That sounds real perfect, Sir,” Maverick nodded. “I’ll talk about any kink, any fetish, for as long as you want, it’s just that...I guess this is the first time I’ve ever done anything with feet, and there was maybe some...uh, not so nice teasing about subs doing that, back home. Just in this one club I used to go to, like Doms would really look down on subs for doing it, and not in a fun humiliation-then-aftercare way,” he shrugged.
God, this boy was perfect.  He had to have Doms lining up at his door to spend time with him. Once again, Tobias wondered why Mav was at all interested in scening with him, who didn't know what he was doing and wasn't a real Dom. But he wasn't gonna say that when they were having such a nice time.  “Okay, we'll make that a rule. You kiss my feet whenever you think you should thank me, 'specially after I give you something.” He frowned when Maverick explained why he was more embarrassed about it than other things. “I don't think it's that weird… is it? It's nothing crazy… just some little kisses. Not that much different than if I had you kiss my hand or something.” But his mind returned to his reaction to Silas’ public scene, and he reminded himself that what was crazy to him was normal to some people, so the reverse must probably be true too.  “Well, I'm not gonna say anything bad about you, 'cause I think you're cute and I like seeing you submit like that, like it's an honor or something.  But I won't say anything about it to anyone else, okay? You don't have to worry about anyone teasing you.”
Maverick nodded, and smiled gently. “And I’m gonna be real happy to do that for ya, Sir,” he promised, as he held onto Tobias’s leg. He shook his head. “It’s not weird, nothing here is...weird. It’s just stuff you like, or stuff you don’t like,” he said, with a shrug of his shoulders. “Like I don’t really understand people being turned on by knife play, but I’d never say they were weird for wanting it, or try to stop them from doing it,” he tried to explain himself. He grinned softly as Tobias called him cute. “First of all Sir, it’s not like its an honour. It is an honour, especially since you’re so new here,” Maverick smiled up at Tobias. “And I don’t mind who you tell. Nobody here is going to tease me in ways I don’t like, and even if they did, I have people who’ll back me up.”
Tobias grinned and petted Maverick's hair gently, though he made a face at the mention of knife play. “Yeah… there are definitely things people do here that I'm not too comfortable with. But as long as no one feels like they can't back out… I'm trying to be okay with things.” He laughed at the way Maverick corrected him, especially at the tone he used, like it was so obvious.  “Alright, well… I wouldn't think me being new would make it any more of an honor, since it just means I don't know what I'm doing, but if you think it's an honor to submit to me, then I'm not gonna tell you otherwise.  Personally I think I'm the lucky one that a sub like you wants to do this with me, but whatever.  Anyway. I'm glad people don't make fun of you here. I'm not gonna tell people about this anyway, though, just because I don't think I'm the kind of guy to go brag about this publicly.”
Maverick smiled as his hair was petted so gently, and he pushed his head against Tobias’s hand softly. “I don’t think people feel like that here, Sir. At least not about sexual things, which is really important,” he said quietly. He grinned as Tobias laughed, and nodded. “I think it is, because you could have anyone, Sir. You’re real, real handsome,” Maverick grinned. He shrugged his shoulders a little. “I’m just a sub with some training behind him, Sir. There’s a lot of us around,” he said nonchalantly. “You don’t have to talk about it at all, Sir. It’s nice to just have private things.”
Toby shook his head and laughed. “No, there's no way this is just training, or I'd have met a sub like you before.” He scratched Mav's scalp lightly and grinned at him. “Okay, so, I've been getting ideas in my class.  I'm gonna run them past you, and I wanna know what you think of them. I only wanna do the ones you really think sound fun. Oh, and remind me what your safeword was?  Not that I won't stop just cause you say stop, but you know, it's how this works and all.”
Mav grinned happily under Tobias’s praise, and light scratching. “Thank you Sir, you’re real sweet,” he said sweetly. He listened excitedly to Tobias, and nodded slowly. “Okay, that sounds good, I’m real eager to hear what you wanna try out, Sir,” Mav admitted. “It’s Mary Poppins, Sir,” he reaffirmed.
“Right, Mary Poppins,” he said, and he had to purposely not laugh, because that still seemed a strange choice for a safeword to him, but he didn't want to make Mav self conscious. “Okay, so firstly, toys. We talked a bunch in class the other day about how some people find it humiliating to have a dildo or something used on them. Not so humiliating to do it by themselves, but with a partner, it was like I could be using my cock on you, but all you get is a toy.  Plus, I really like the idea of getting you all worked up and needy before even letting you touch my cock.  You gotta earn it, you know. I like the idea of you being all horny and begging when I'm barely even bothered yet.”
Maverick listened intently, and smiled as Tobias began to talk about toys. His eyes lit up as he explained the humiliation angle of it and he could definitely imagine himself begging Tobias for a fake cock to be used on him. “That class is teaching you some fun things, Sir,” Maverick grinned excitedly. “I can’t wait to beg you to use a toy on me,” he admitted.
Toby grinned big at  Mav’s response.  “Perfect.  I thought that’s how you’d feel about it.  I borrowed some toys we’re gonna try.  Nothing crazy.  Oh, and you just reminded me, begging!  Begging was on my list.  Because last time we did this, and you begged for my cock and to be spanked and stuff, fuck that was hot.  So I already know you’re cool with that one.  Definitely feel free to beg for whatever you want, at any point.  I love it.”  He paused for a second to think.  “What am I missing.  We talked about the kissing the feet thing, begging, toys… Oh, right, names.”  He brightened again.  “I had this idea that we could pick a name for you, for tonight.  So for our scene, you’re not Maverick, you’re… slut, or whatever name we pick.”
Maverick was quiet as Tobias spoke, but he was clearly loving every moment. He had a big grin plastered on his face, but he was more focused on Tobias himself than what he was actually saying. “You’re so adorable, Sir, you’re loving every moment of this,” he chuckled as he squeezed Tobias’s leg lightly. “I like it all. The begging, the toys, the name. Slut’s a good name, but if you feel like giving me a different name, like whore, or bitch, or something like that, I’m good with that too, Sir.”
Toby laughed softly and scratched his fingers along Mav’s scalp again.  “Hush.  But yes, I am enjoying this.”  He tilted his head to the side, considering.  “Slut is good, but it feels really general.  We could go with cocksucker, since I know how much you like to do that.  Or cumslut, that seems accurate.  What do you think?”
Mav closed his eyes for a moment, so he could really enjoy the feeling of Tobias scratching at his scalp. He smiled up at him once he opened his eyes, and nodded. “I like cumslut more than cocksucker, Sir. Or Cumdump, that’s good too,” he offered. “Or I can totally answer to, ‘Hey, whore, get on your knees’,” he grinned.
Tobias laughed again at that.  “I mean, that one is a bit of a mouthful.”  Just for fun, he tugged a bit on Maverick’s hair, knowing that he liked it.  “But I like Cumslut, I think.  We’ll go with that one.  That’s what you answer to, now, until the end of the scene.”  He tightened his hand in Mav’s hair and pulled back, tipping Maverick’s head back and exposing his throat.  “Got it?  Tell me your name, so I know you know.”
Maverick smiled at Tobias’s laughter, and gasped softly as his hair was tugged on. He licked his lips for a moment, and looked up at the Switch. He really loved that Tobias was learning more and more about humiliation, and had chosen him to work on it with. He gasped again as his hair was pulled and his head tipped back. “My name is Cumslut, Sir, I won’t answer to anything else,” he said quickly.
“That’s right,” Toby said with a big grin.  “Good slut.  Okay, we’re gonna head into my bedroom.  Don’t forget you’re not allowed to stand up unless I tell you.  Sluts belong on the floor, right, Cumslut?”  He sent Maverick another smile and gave him another soft tug of the hair before letting go and making a shooing gesture so he’d have space to stand up.  “Alright, come on, the toys are in my room.”  He led the way to his bedroom, where he had a few toys waiting on the dresser, along with a bottle of lube.  “Up on the bed, Cumslut.  I want you down here by the end where it’s easy for me to reach you.  On your hands and knees, show me your needy ass.”
“Sluts definitely belong on the floor, Sir,” Maverick nodded, smiling as his hair was tugged. “Sluts deserve the most humiliating option in every choice,” he added, before he hurried into the bedroom once he was shooed away. He followed Tobias into the bedroom, and made a show of climbing onto the bed without standing up. Mav stayed on all fours, and stuck his ass out into the air, smiling happily. “I bet Cumslut can take your biggest toy, Sir.”
“That’s right, Cumslut,” Toby said with a laugh, thoroughly enjoying watching Maverick debase himself.  “Yeah, I bet you can,” he agreed when Maverick was up on the bed.  “Because I didn’t borrow any of the scary looking ones.”  He picked one up and showed it to Maverick.  “See?  Normal dildo.  There were some, ah, interesting ones in the supply room.  I’m gonna stick with normal for now.”  He brought the lube and the dildo over to Maverick and ran a hand over his backside.  “Such a pretty little ass, Cumslut.  Do you remember what we said about begging?”
“You thought there were scary ones, Sir? I can take big ones, I promise,” Mav said eagerly, before looking at the one Tobias picked up and showed him. “Oh, you mean like different shapes and stuff? Okay, that’s totally understandable,” he grinned, before wiggling his ass at the other man. “Um, that you really like it and I should do it a lot, Sir?”
“Uh, yeah, there was one this big around.”  He made a circle with both of his hands.  “And ones that were, I gotta say, at least twice the length of any man’s dick.  I’m not trying to probe your lower intestines here.”  He opened up the lube and squirted some onto his fingers.  “Yeah, you’re right, that is what we said about begging.  But I don’t hear any, so I guess that means you don’t actually want this dildo in your ass?”
Mav’s eyes widened a little, and he grinned a little sheepishly. “So, uh, not to freak you out, Sir, and...maybe I’d need my Master around for it, but I could definitely at least try to take something that big,” Mav suggested, before pausing. “No, no maybe about it. I’d need my Master,” he added firmly. He smiled up at Tobias, and shook his head quickly. “Nuh uh, Sir! I do! I want it so badly, please!” Mav begged as he tried spread his knees apart as much as he could while keeping his ass in the air. “Please, Sir? I really, really need it!”
Toby got a bit of a weird look on his face at the word ‘Master.’  “So… who, um… who’s your master?  You’re not claimed, right?”  He looked back down at Mav’s ass now that he was begging, and suddenly wasn’t excited about this.  He moved to try to make sure Maverick couldn’t see his face as he slid a finger into Mav’s hole.  
Mav frowned a little, and then realised what the misunderstanding was. “No Sir, but there’s a Dom I’m real close to, and we’re trying to work out if we’re compatible like that,” Maverick explained softly. He gasped softly as Tobias slid a finger into him, and whimpered. “Is...is that okay, Sir? Did I make a mistake?”
“Oh, got it,” Toby said as he twisted the finger in Mav.  “No, no, you didn’t, it’s me.  I, uh… well, this isn’t the time to talk about it.  We can talk about it later if you want, but not when I’ve got a finger in your ass.”  He punctuated his sentence by pulling his finger out, and then replacing it with two fingers.  “I still wanna play with you, Cumslut.  But I’m still on the fence about whether you actually wanted this dildo.  Maybe I shouldn’t put anything in your ass at all.”  He smiled a little, sure that the teasing would get Maverick to beg again.
Mav whimpered softly, as he felt Tobias’s finger being twisted inside him. “O...okay, Sir, we can talk later,” he nodded quickly, before yelping as he felt two fingers inside him suddenly. “No, no, Sir, please, I do want it! I need it! You can’t...you can’t not play with my ass, please!” Mav pleaded needily. “Please, tell me what I gotta do? Please? I’ll do anything you tell me!”
Toby grinned when Mav started begging again.  “There’s my desperate slut.  Shh, you’re gonna get your ass filled, it’s okay.  I wouldn’t leave a good slut like you all empty and sad.  Just give me a second to lube it up.”  He pulled his fingers off and wiped them on the bed, then squirted some lube on the dildo and rubbed it around.  “Now stick your ass up nice and high for me, Cumslut.”  He pushed the head in gently, taking his time.  “There you go.  Good little slut.  You want more of this in your ass?  You gotta show me.  Rock your hips, try to fuck yourself on it.”
“You’re so good to me, Sir,” Mav smiled happily, and nodded as he watched Tobias squirt lube onto the dildo. He did exactly as he was told and stuck his ass up in the air as high as possible, his thighs practically quivering with his need to get the toy inside him. “Please, Sir, I need it, please,” he whined, and then did as he was told once more, and pushed himself back against the toy to take more into himself.
It was nothing short of ridiculously hot, the way Maverick looked so desperate and eager, and the way he tried so hard to get the dildo into his ass.  “Pretty slut is so needy,” Toby teased as he started to pump the dildo in and out. “Is this what you need? You need to be filled up so bad that you'll beg for a fake cock when I won't give you my real one?”
Mav nodded quickly as soon as Tobias began to pump the dildo in and out of him. “Oh Lord, yes Sir, its what I need, I’ll beg for a fake cock as much as you want, I swear,” he gasped out, his dick hardening against his stomach. He panted as worked to keep his ass in the air.
Toby had planned to tease Mav until he was a mess, but… well, he was getting hard already. He pushed the dildo into Maverick particularly hard just to watch his reaction.  “That's right, Cumslut. I know you need it, I've got you.” He spent a while pumping the dildo in and out, twisting it, generally making sure that Mav was stretched nice and open. Eventually, after several minutes of this, he slowed, and then pulled the dildo out without warning.
Mav cried out loudly as the dildo was pushed into him so hard, his dick beginning to leak against his stomach needily. “Sir!” he cried out desperately, and yelled again and again as the dildo was pushed in and out of him, feeling it twist and turn inside of him. He was in piggy heaven as he was fucked with the fake cock over and over, but all too soon it was roughly pulled from him. “Siiir!”
Tobias grinned when Maverick whined at him, just like he'd expected the sub to do. “Yes?” he asked sweetly, feigning innocence as he set the dildo down and opened his jeans and pulled out his cock to start lubing it up.
“Sir, pleeeease!” Maverick whined loudly, as he tried to push his ass back, even though there was nothing for to push against. “Please, I’ve been good, right? I’ve been a good boy for you?” he asked desperately.
“Hmm, I dunno…” he teased, but he only let the sentence hang for half a second before going on.  “Yes, you’re a very good slut, and I’m going to give you what you really want now.”  He lined himself up with one hand and put the other on Mav’s hip and pushed the head of his cock past Mav’s tight little ring of muscle.  “Oh, fuck, you feel great.”
Mav whined at the teasing, not feeling sure he could handle being denied a good fucking right now. “Oh thank the Lord,” he gasped out once he was told he was a good slut, and felt Tobias getting into position. “Siiir, oh god, your cock feels so much better than the toy, I love it I love it, oh Lord!”
Toby almost laughed at how relieved Maverick was, but he was too busy having his mind blown by how good his ass felt. He pushed into Maverick harder, knowing that the sub could take it.  He started to rock his hips back and forth, and very quickly he’d built up a rhythm.  “You feel so good around my cock, Cumslut,” he moaned.  “This ass was made for cock, wasn’t it?”
Maverick nodded quickly. “Yes Sir! I was built for cock, any cock that wants it!” he babbled as he pushed back against Tobias’s cock, desperate to get him as deep inside him as possible. “Thank you, Sir, thank you so much,” he cried.
Tobias didn’t think there was anything hotter than seeing Maverick so desperately grateful for his cock.  He thrust into him harder, spurred on by his cries.  “Oh, fuck, you feel so good, so… fuck, such a good slut…”  He was slamming into him now, abandoned in the pursuit of his orgasm.
“You’re...so fucking good, Sir, so good, thank you, thank you for your cock,” Mav babbled loudly, losing himself in the feeling of being fucked so soundly. He was loving every moment of what was happening, and he never wanted it to end.
It only took a few minutes before Tobias felt his nerves light up with pleasure and he emptied himself in Maverick’s ass.  “Oh, fuck,” he moaned as he came, thrusting into Maverick one more time.  He stayed there, fully buried, until his orgasm faded and left him feeling light and out of breath.  “Oh, god,” he groaned, much more softly.  He slipped out of Mav’s hole.  “Fuck, you’re amazing.  Stay right there, I got something for you.”  He gave himself a minute to recover, then went to the dresser and took out a medium-sized black plug.  He didn’t bother to lube it up first, since Mav was plenty stretched and lubed, he just pushed it right into his hole.  “There, that’ll keep my cum inside for you.”
Maverick loved the feeling of a Dom cumming inside him, it was the best feeling in the world according to him. He cried out as Tobias came, and panted softly to himself. His own erection was ignored, which he loved, and he waited eagerly as Tobias slipped away. “Oh, Sir, thank you,” he moaned deeply, as a plug was pushed into him. “Love...love that.”
Toby grinned and came around to Maverick’s front to pet his hair.  “You did so good, my little slut.  A perfect Cumslut, and now you get to keep my cum in you all evening to remind you what you’re for and why you have that name.”  He tipped Mav’s chin up and kissed him deeply for a long moment.  “You don’t get to come today, because sluts’ cocks aren’t important.  And you’re going to stay naked and plugged the rest of the night.  But you were so, so good, and I want to reward you with all the cuddles you want, and anything else you want.  You just tell me what would make you feel good, okay?”
Mav smiled happily up at Tobias, and groaned as the man kissed him. He nodded quickly. “Yes Sir, only my ass is important,” he said softly and giggled gently. “Can I have cuddles and a story, please? Any story. I like it when people read things to me,” Mav admitted, as he looked up at the other man.
Toby was a little surprised by the request for a story, but sure, he could do that.  “Yeah, of course,” he said as he leaned in to kiss Maverick’s forehead.  “Come here, we can cuddle right here in bed, and I’ll read you something off my phone.”  He pulled Maverick with him to lay down, resting against the pillows, and then pulled a soft fleece blanket over the naked sub, then pulled out his phone to find a story.
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one month of practice teaching
actually i would most likely just break down ya kno if my hair isn't this short i'd consider getting a haircut again, why do my kids have to be so rowdy what the actual fuck???????????????/ i've walked out on two of my classes already which is super Not a good notch on my performance but jesus fuckin christ no one ever said it would be this hard (maybe except that one senior who advised me to shift courses when i was a sophomore)
i'm saying this so often these days but i've never been this Tired in my entire goodamn life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ya know how yoi outgays itself in every episode?? it's like that for me except each day outstresses the previous one time to die
ya i'm sorry it's just ughughhuhuhuhguhughughuhuhuhguhughuhuhuhughu teaching is fun and all but? i thought i'd stop getting stressed once i get adjusted to the environment but holy fuck it seems everyday that passes reduces my tolerance for my kids' antics
i'm a pretty chill teacher in general i let them have free reign in my time as long as they submit their outputs on time. we start the class late up to 20mins to wait for the latecomers!!!!!!!!!!! they can like eat and play music and even walk around or do stuff for other subjects and even fucking sleep!!!! (they even played 'stupid love' and 'kalimutan mo na yan' and 'titibo-tibo' in my class and i never judged them for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) they can easily gain my permission when they want to excuse their whole class to practice for their mapeh cheerdance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i joke around with them!!!! i treat them all like i personally ejected them outta my damn womb & raised them for 16 or so years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm a pretty chill teacher in lectures too i try to be as jolly as possible!!!!!!!! i try to make discussions interactive!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm generous with recitation chips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (u can get chips just by sweeping the floor and erasing the board!!!!!!!!!!!!) i spend all night designing lesson-related games so that my kids wouldn't get bored!!!!!!! i give them plenty of time before the deadline!!!!!!!!!!!!! (like we spend a whole week for each output!!!) i go around the room during hands-on activities to make sure they're all doing their work properly!!!!!!!!! i even lent them my drafting stuff & provided them with bond paper bc i know how broke they are!!!!!!!!! you should come & sit in one of my classes they'll be the best thing you'll ever witness. i swear. i'm the best B-)
so holy mother of fuck why can't they give me the 1 ounce of respect i deserve? i'm so kind to them is it so hard to be kind back???? why are they all after my blood??????//
being strict's not my thing because strict teachers get less respect and u know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sinasaway ko sila + nagtataray ako minsan pero sandaling-sandali lang then back to bibo hotdog na aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i'm so sorry for this rant i know i'm not supposed to be complaining to you i just. can't bring myself to tell my co-teachers bc they just tell me to be strict. and i can't for the life of me be strict. i literally forget which kids were noisy and rowdy after a maximum of 10 seconds!!!!!!!!!!! i easily forget which classes i'm supposed to be angry with and treat them well again the next day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uhuhhuhuhuhuhuhuuuhhuhughughghuhuhuhuhuhhghugh kahihiyan ako
which is why i walked out of two of my classes; i feel like i've done everything to deserve their respect and it turns out i still don't. and idk what to do with them anymore honestly
i'm so stressed na bimb. minura ko na yung lower sections na hawak ko legit if my advisor/cooperating teacher(CT) finds out i'll get a bad rating for sure (and if i get a bad rating, laude is cancelledt) (super bigat na batas sa high school teachers na bawal magmura). i told them verbatim; guys kayo di ko kayo ginagago kaya pwede ba ako huwag niyo ring gaguhin? (which sounds light but not when coming from a hs teacher ok? some of them audibly gasped wow high schoolers are so soft) but even that didn't seem to have an effect on my raucous kids hanunah
anyway i just feel so weak now?? i forgive too easily specially especially after they've apologized or stopped being dicks + they make me smile so easily bc they're mostly so sweet & funny??????? why don’t i have the ability to stay mad & hold grudges & be strict hahahahhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuetangina
some 'anonymous feedback' i got was that, para raw akong baliw, one minute galit then the other bati-bati na ulit, tas parang be-babyhin ko pa yung mga sinita ko. inexplain ko nalang na di ko kayang magalit then my CT said kailangan kong maging consistent - kung galit, galit talaga, or else magmumukha talaga akong baliw. or di na ako susundin kasi parang joke lang ako magalit
b i h
iyak na c acoe
i'm sorry this is so long i feel like we haven't talked in years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm writing this in the faculty room actually haha i feel like i'd stop functioning if i don't type these out, my head is such a wreck rn bc i keep getting bad feedback about my teaching strategy, sorry for all the exclamation points :(((((((
yung CT ko pa, he's always insisting that my lower-sectioners are just a bunch of assholes, KSPs, and lazy fucks, but they're not!!!!!!!! they're actually really sweet, they can be competitive when motivated properly, and they have so much potential???? their grades might be mostly seven-liners – (yung isa kong anak aNG SAYA-SAYA NIYA NUNG BINIGYAN KO SIYA NG 79 LIKE ?????) (pinaulit ko yung gawa niya btw tinuro ko ulit sa kanya kung alin yung mga mali niya hahahahaha then naging 103/100 pa yun) (may +5 kasi pag nagpasa before the deadline so ayun) – but they're the ones who are maparaan/madiskarte; i know they're the ones who's most likely to succeed in real life. they're also the ones who greet me on the corridors & off-campus with those cheerful "hi ma'am"s!!! ma'am buhatin ko na gamit mo!! ma'am ako na magwawalis!! idk if i’m a fool but i only see kindness & initiative in their actions?? these pabibos are gonna go far, i believe in them so much, i really go
the top-sectioners my CT puts on such a high pedestal are mostly GCs and self-entitled, always have their noses in the air & think they're better than everyone including me. always competing with their "Friends", crab mentality, always memorizing my material even if i always tell them to Understand instead of memorize bc they'll never learn shit that way????
i'm so dismayed bc there's a very specific mould that determines whether you're a 'good teacher' or not. and that mould is so, so different from what my shape is. that mould goes against my beliefs and principles; that mould is nearly everything i've been wanting to fight against when i decided to be a teacher and holy shit it looks like i have to fit in that stupid, ugly mould if i want to graduate. nevermind cum laude; i'd never graduate unless i fit in that bullshit mould
shet bes magpapakain ako sa sistema makakuha lang ng diploma
ily so much baks thanks for listening to my stupid rants. i don't know who to turn to, everyone else is like 'ganun talaga' or some other bs i wanna jump off a cliff, pls i'd rather disappear than magpalamon sa sistema. tangina ng sistema
why do i have to be so stubborn why am i like this?????
ang sama pala maging weird
tanggap ko na nga sarili ko eh minamahal ko na nga yung pagiging weird ko pero hindi pala pwede; not in this profession; shet bes i need to become normal 2 survive. no fun allowed
now i just want to go home & send u thing whole novel can u believe i've been here since 5:30am!!!!!!! every!!! single!!!! weekday!!!!!! it's 5pm now but i can't go home yet bc i have to check tons of student outputs and write 5 semi-detailed lesson plans so that i can actually rest at home. someone take me out, the footbridge in sandigan is really tempting sometimes you know? the one that crosses over the underpass and u can see all the trucks passing underneath the bridge, plus theres a bunch of electric cables too. and when you're standing on that spot on the footbridge, the view of the sky is super pretty too. (you know what, maybe i'll take a photo when i pass by later. if it's there's still daylight out, that is.) it's so tempting sometimes,, sadly i'll never hear jung hoseok's contagious laughter if i pull any shit
do u think i should drop out now and just. i dunno work as a farmer in pangasinan or somewhere farther, like in visayas or maybe even cambodia where so much myths and folklore thrive, at least that sounds a lot less mentally taxing. i have backpain now anyway; i won't have to complain about that when i'm actually farming
i can't even listen to all the older songs i like bc they make me nostalgic about the past sjhkjhkjdhfkshdk i've told you how much i hate this nostalgia already, it hasn't stopped yet, gods help me!! i keep saying, "sana thesis na lang, thesis na lang ulit" and it's not even funny anymore
i'm so sorry for telling you all this :((( i'm sure you're stressed with school too, i hope i'm not adding to that. don't worry about me, okay? i'm probably not as stressed as i seem anyway, i tend to overact a lot then be perfectly fine after drying my tear ducts and then an 8-hour sleep and like a hot meal that isn't just reheated for the 5th time. i'm so sorry for making you read all this, this is like 5 whole pages i'm sorry :'((((
there's another lower-sectioner i wanna tell you about but this is getting ridiculously long, ask me about patricia sometime ok? it's kind of long-ish hahahaha
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yellow-flicker · 7 years
Kanina or should I say, sa maghapon pala eh masaya ako. My parents are not around kaya natapos ko yung kdrama na pinapanuod ko. Pero eto, dumating yung gabi. Dumating sila (okay ako nung umpisa) pero nakailang ulit yung tanong sa akin ni mama kung di ba daw sila (parents) hinahanap nung nagdala dito ng pagkain yung inaanak ko na may birthday. Nakailang sagot na ko ng "hindi kayo hinahanap kasi aware sila na ako lang mag-isa dito sa bahay" pero shet, ilang beses sa akin inulit na hindi ba daw sila hinahanap. Syempre nabadtrip nako, paulit-ulit eh. Kaya medyo napataas yung boses ko na halata mong pissed off na ko. Oo, mali yun alam ko. Pero ewan ko. Di ko alam bakit lagi akong inis kay mama kahit wala naman siyang ginagawa. I don't know! I think I have anger issues. Pero hindi eh, kay mama lang ako madali mainis. Di ko alam kung bakit. Pero siguro merong dahilan, di ko lang maassess kung ano yun. I am really trying my best not to get easily pissed off towards her and put my chill together everytime we talk pero it always end up not good. We still end up getting mad at each other. I know I hurt her and still continue to hurt her with the words I say and just by how I talk to her but I don't know. I wanna get rid of it. I wanted to talk to her and settle things with my mom but I don't know how. Now, she ended up ignoring me and my papa. I made her cry (always) with the words I say. Siguro I am just disappointed with the things that has happened in our family. Our family now is no longer considered a family. You could feel that there's this invisible distance among the three of us. We are now living in the same house that no longer feels like home. Our relationship as a family grew apart and it saddened me like literally. As I am typing this, I can't help but cry. Aware ako na wala na yung happiness sa bahay namin. Like mas gusto ko na lang na mag-isa ako or I am with the company of my friends o kaya kasama ko mga pinsan ko or si papa. My family grew apart because of my mom. She always tell things that shouldn't be told. She nags at us (me and my father) and rants about how much she sacrificed just to send me to school. Lagi nyang sinasabi na makikipaghiwalay na siya kay papa tutal wala namang silbi. It irks me to hear those words coming out of my mother's mouth. I wanted to defend my father because my dad is so good and really has done a lot of things for me and my mom. Lahat na lang din isinumbat nya sakin. Yung pagkapanganak sakin (which I am grateful though), yung pagpapaaral sakin, yung pagpapalaki at pagbigay ng lahat ng kailangan ko. I know that I should be thankful for that and yes, I am thankful for it. Pero yung iparamdam sayo na wala kang kwentang anak, na wala kang pangarap, na sinisisi ako bakit daw di pa agad ako nag-board exam, na wala akong mararating, na dapat magtrabaho na ako para maibalik na yung pinampaaral sakin. Alam ko naman yun. I just wanna get rid of this. I know only God could help me. I am just sad and frustrated, that's all.
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parakayeja · 4 years
Friday, September 4 Day 7
3:00 am nagising ako then nag text ako sayo about sa pag lipat ko around 3:41 am alam mo naman na yung sinabi ko na ang laking pag babago sakin to and I want you to know and be part of it. You're very special kaya sakin kung gusto mong balikan text ko ito yun:
"Hi d, good morning! I just want you to know that I'm moving na sa San Ildefonso, Bulacan on September 14, sinabi ni Boss Rene to kahapon at gustong gusto ko na sabihin na sayo and ikaw ang unang makaalam the moment na sinabi nya yun but nahihiya talaga ako mag text or mag chat cause of our situation, ngayon lang ako nag karon ng lakas ng loob. Nag pahanap na ako ng apartment dun and mag lilipat na ako on September 13 ihahatid naman ako ni papa. Hindi pa naman ako SMFI but pinapadeploy na ako dun until maturnover si Tarlac Production sa SMFI dun palang effectivity na magiging SMFI ako basta sabi ni Boss Rene pag may kailangan sya na hindi nila kaya pabalikin nya daw ako Hahaha yun lang naman, naisip ko lang kasi parang ang laking pag babago sakin to and I just want you to know and to be part of it. I really miss you. This is just an update no need to reply.
PS: dadalhin ko yung binigay mong kape sa Bulacan ah pero di pa napunta si Sir Buen e kaya hindi ko pa nakukuha"
Nagulat lang ako kasi nag reply ka agad tas kinamusta kita then nag send ka ng link ng Tumblr alam mo naman my thoughts on that ito yun kung gusto mo balikan d, tas nakakarelate din ako sa mga nakalagay dun yung ayaw pa mag basa ng convo sa Viber dahil masasad, nag work out din ako Hahaha 😂
"Binabasa ko yung mga nakalagay sa sinend mong link sa tumblr and hindi ko maiwasang ma sad, maluha and matuwa. I hate na hindi kita macomfort when you having a hard time lalo na sa work. Di naman natin maiiwasan sa work yun d turo sakin ni Boss and yun naman ginawa mo na nag sabi ka kila Ate Jess and Ate Carol but mas maganda siguro if sa immediate superior mo ikaw mag sabi, pag nahihirapan na ako wag na wag kong kikimkimin, ipaalam ko daw sakanya agad kasi kapag kinimkim ko daw yun at nag ka problema mas lalo daw ako mapapahamak so mas maganda na sabihin na may problema or nahihirapan ako para maaga palang magagawan na ng paraan pero syempre gawin muna natin lahat ng makakaya natin before telling our higher ups maiintindihan din naman nila yun because nanggaling rin naman rin sila jan. Alam kong kayang kaya mo yan d. I believe in you, you can do it! Wag kalang mag paapekto sa ibang tao, just do you and wag ka mahiya mag sabi sa mga higher ups mo oke? Wag ka mag alala sakin inaalagan ko sarili ko ne ikaw jan mag iingat ka lagi at pansin ko late kana umuuwi from work basta mag iingat ka lagi sa pag uwi and don't forget to wear your glasses. I can't stop thinking about you. Miss you ulit d. Kung may gusto ka namang ipaalam or itanong kagaya nung bracelet idaan mo sa story sa ig di ba may pool dun Hahaha"
Super sad nung IDK You Yet na song d nakakaiyak Hahaha tas di na pala ako nakatulog nun simula nung nagising ako then shinare ko din yung Day 1 sa diary ko. Your thoughts please Hahaha
Saw your ig story yung convo nyo ni Pau yung may video ka na parang minimiddle finger mo sya Hahaha sabi ko ano kaya pinag uusapan nitong mga murit na to Hahaha 😂 then yung story mong parepareho kayong naka black and yung note sayo ni Ate Carol which is relatable Hahaha basta lagi ko inaabangan kung ano ganap sayo d para di kita masyadong mamiss
Nag email ka pala today sakin regarding additional quotation sa Sumilao. Lagi ako napapangiti pag nakikita ko pangalan mo sa email ko hayyss kakamiss ka
Finished S5 today S6 naaaaa balak ko simulan pag nakalipat na akong Bulacan para iwas mabaliw Hahaha 😂
Ayun nag post ka sa tumbler na late kana nakauwi then yung na feefeel mo yung parang 1st week of ecq, yung song na Tryng My Best grabe nakakaiyak di ko kayang pakinggan ng paulit ulit and as always I wanna hear your stories and comfort you pero di ko magawa hays nakakasad ☹ namimiss talaga kita sobra
Nag text ka ng 10:44 pm na gusto mo makipag usap and we talked more than 4hrs. 10:49 pm up to 3:00 am and sinabi ko narin sayo my thoughts on this ito yun d:
"Nag papasalamat talaga ako at nakapag usap tayo. I really needed that to survive. Sana naman wag ka masyado mag pa stress sa work d para hindi ka nahihirapan, alam mo namang nahihirapan din ako pag nakikita kang nahihirapan. As always, alam kong kayang kaya mo yan, you can do it! fight fight fight lang tayo neee. Osige na good night d!"
Gusto ko lang din sana sabihin sayo na naiintindihan ko yung sinabi mong iniisip mo rin mararamdaman ng ex ko pag agad nating tinuloy to kaya din natin ginagawa tong one month and ugali mo naman talaga yun d and turo din ni mama mo yun kaya I'm patiently waiting lang talaga until such time na di mo na iisipin yun and don't worry about me moving on sakanya alam mo naman kwento namin d, hindi naman sa mabilis or madali but wala naman na talaga ako nararamdaman para sakanya.
Sobrang saya and thankful ako at nakapag usap tayo d namiss ko boses mo tawa mo pang aasar mo lahat!! Thank you talaga sana lagi ka pagod para makapag usap tayo Hahaha 😂 jk basta wag ka masyado mag pa stress sa work neee gisingin nalang kita bukassss wag mo silent phone mo muriiittt
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