#thanks for tagging me yasemin!
enypneon · 6 months
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NAME : yasemin / jasmin / şenay (shehnai) ─ there's no preference honestly, i love all three of them equally.
PRONOUNS : she/her.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : discord, although ims is fine as well. i used to prefer discord and it is still more comfortable for me to read/write things there but i won't ignore you or urge you to add me on discord when we talk here.
NAME OF MUSE(S) : thyme, anouar, evren, lucien, foenix, rawiya, hands, slavoj, songbird, nero, cynrik, rude, vincent, heimdall, thanatos and olgierd <3
BEST EXPERIENCE : when i meet new friends! finding people whose ooc chats end up bigger than all the threads we have combined asdfds because of my schedule it's hard for me to develop dynamics naturally over threads. my time is often limited and i get the best inspo from our ooc gushing and planning their world domination.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : excluding ocs from your interactions. to this day i don't understand where this preference comes from. some canon characters used to be original as well? until they become part of the canon.
MUSE PREFERENCES : oh they must have a speck of horror or mystery about them. i'm usually not drawn to the overly sweet ones (without any bitterness to them)? it's not that i actively dismiss them, i just have a hard(er) time portraying them/thinking like them?
PLOTS OR MEMES : plots for something long-term and memes for ice breakers or as a snippet into another reality/scenario. both are appreciated and valid in their own ways!
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : long and short are fine with me! though i just physically can't continue one-liners, they never stay one-liners ─ i can't even start them as one-liners i just end up writing more anyway.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : phew that's a tough one ... i believe i usually get more things done in the morning. when the dash is quiet and my mind is not yet tired out. in the evening i tend to get distracted easily by everything but my drafts.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : hA ... nooooooo ... i mean i don't think so. perhaps some pieces are kinda like me, in some way, i must relate to them one way or another, i guess.
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tagged by: @sungracd (thank you so much!! 🥰✨) tagging: @mindsmade / @zendatsu / @valkyrd / @blitzrod / @devotedhero / @lasraichean / @volegne / @saintsdawn / @demonstigma / @goldenfists / @spakona / @linament / @amcryllis / @prvtocol / @asteritm / @torntruth / @vilestblood / @lrdvyke / @crue11 / @moonsworn & any other mutual who'd love to do this ─ feel free to tag me :)c
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risingsh0t · 1 year
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🐾📚 yasemin "yaz" scarlet //🔮🌶️ cosima scarlet
tagged by @chuckhansen to use this scarlet hollow picrew, thank you airika!! here are my (for now) two scarlets. i'm not sure who all has an oc for this (besides @indorilnerevarine ❤️) but please tag me if you want to do this!
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elizmanderson · 1 year
WIP title ask game (send me asks!)
thanks to @anulithots for the tag!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I have separate folders for novels, short stories, poetry, and nsfw lol, so this is a shot of the titles in my novels folder.
(two are redacted because we're very early in the process and I'm not ready to talk about them yet. so on the off chance anyone sends me asks about any of these, I didn't want to have to be like "sorry lol not telling you about that one.")
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send me asks if you want to know about any of these!
no pressure tags for: @victoriacbooks @amarajlynn @vcaudley @rachaellawrites @averyames @yasemin-writes
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
10 Questions
i was tagged by the always amazing yasemin @study-van 💕💕💕
(btw i know someone else tagged me to do this challenge with other questions but it got lost in my notifications and i can’t find it now! i’m very sorry if it was you!) 
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag ten people with ten new questions
1. What would you sing at karaoke and why?
probably something from taylor swift because it’s in my vocal range perfectly and i know all the words inside out and backwards. if i was feeling a bit more confident i might sing some carrier Underwood sons but i would probably murder it (not in a good way). if i was with my friends, i would probably do a group performance of Disney songs and/or hamilton
2. Do you listen to ASMR? (If you do pls tell me your favourite asmrists bc I’ve an obsession)
i don’t listen to it
3. How would you describe the playlist to your life?
honestly i don’t know how to describe this at all cause my music taste is all over the place. it would probably cover pretty much all genres, be in multiple languages. the biggest focus would be on the lyrics 
4. If you were a mythical/fantastical creature, what would you be and what would you look like?
i had no clue what i would be for this so i took a Buzzfeed tests and apparently i am a dragon! i would probably want to be red cause that's my favourite colour 
5. What is one skill you’d like to have with no effort?
i think playing the piano cause i’ve always loved music but i can’t play it 
6. If you were given a thousand dollars and you had to spend it on something frivolous for yourself, what would it be?
it would probably be something for my room, like a piece of furniture or some art stuff, but i’m not really sure what exactly
7. Do you have a good luck charm? What is it?
i don't have a good luck charm but i have a lucky number: 8! because the way i was taught to write it, you write an s first
8. When you were little, what did you think you’d be when you grew up? Is your reality close to that?
when i was in primary school i wanted to be a tv producer (literally no idea why) and then in my early years of high school i wanted to be a forensic scientist and study chemistry. i now do not want to study either
9. What is your favorite animated movie and why?
probably the little mermaid just cause that's my favourite Disney movie 
10. If you were in the Avatar universe, what would you bend and why? (I feel compelled to answer this, for me it’s earth)
fire - cause its badass 
here are my questions:
1. What mystery do you wish you knew the answer to?
2. What dumb accomplishment are you most proud of?
3. What was the most memorable gift you’ve received?
4. What do you spend the most time thinking about?
5. What do you strongly suspect but have no proof of?
6. What blows your mind every time you think about it?
7. If you had a personal flag, what would be on it?
8. If your life was a book, what would its title be?
9. As the only human left on Earth, what would you do?
10. What’s the dumbest thing you’ve done that actually turned out pretty well?
i am tagging @redlitmusbluelitmus @chazza-studies-alevels @bulletnotestudies @peachblossomstudy @nabasynth @lattesandlearning @captainofstudies @elleandhermione @studywithprincess
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notes-by-saher · 3 years
Thank you @study-van for tagging me. This surely sounds fun!
Light colors or dark colors
Long nails or short nails
Boots or sneakers
Cold weather or hot weather
High waisted jeans or low waisted jeans
Crop tops or band tshirts
Cool showers or hot showers
Kpop or pop
Day or night
Sunset or sunrise
Singing or rapping
Chocolate or candy
Apples or banana
Writing or reading
Coffee or tea
Strawberries or raspberries
Roses or tulips
Tattoos or no tattoos
Piercings or no piercings
Night drives or evening walks
Long hair or short hair
Chokers or necklace
Soda or energy drinks
Hot sandwiches or cold sandwiches
Stay late or sleep early
Dogs or cats
Horses or sheeps
Pasta or rice
Bubble tea or banana milk
Nude lipstick or red lipstick
Dyed hair or natural hair
Texting or calling
Tagging: @sleepinmoons @star-studyblr @chandaniyaan @patientlystudying @rylie-studies @museeofmoon <3
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bulletnotestudies · 4 years
@study-van tagged me in this roughly 3 million years ago, so i guess it’s time to get to it lol
2020 has been a pretty… distressful/unexpected/boring year… and it may have been bad but it is not possible that nothing good happened to you, right? (...) share the “good” things that happened to you in 2020.
ngl, the fact that i had to call my best friend to remember most of these is... unfortunate, to say the least; but i’m glad most tag games going around recently have been very positively oriented, so here’s some good things i did this (technically last) year:
got my driver’s license
passed all my exams and finished my 1st year of med school
shadowed a surgeon & assisted in multiple surgeries during the summer
got approved for further receiving my scholarship
since we couldn’t go on vacation, i went for a couple day trips with my parents (haven’t really spent time with them like this in years and it was nice:))
spent a couple days at the seaside with my best friend
read a couple great books (red, white & royal blue was the best 2020 read)
met so. many. wonderful people both on studyblr and through my other blogs and became friends<3 - truly thank you for making my 2020 a little bit easier to trudge through !!
i tag @kkul-bee @museeofmoon @kindastudyingstuff @coralstudiies if you guys want to x
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study-van · 5 years
Tag game!!
I was tagged by lovely @sonderstudy and @personalacademic 💕
pale blue or pale pink * cottage in the forest or cottage by the beach * kittens or puppies * tea or coffee * france or italy * cardinal or blue jay  * apple pie or blueberry pie * summer or winter * relaxing vacation or adventurous vacation* stars or the moon * roses or lavender * Harry Potter books or harry potter movies * dress or skirt * walk or bike * bubble tea or iced coffee * roller coaster or carousel * cotton candy or funnel cake * gold or silver * going for a picnic or having lunch in a fancy cafe
I tag: @summit-studies @ash-trological @fahmidas-world @rylie-studies @einstetic @the-smart-blonde @juliesdesk @merakietudier
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museeofmoon · 4 years
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𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲,4 𝐧𝐨𝐯• your girl has returned! In the last week of Oct I had so many exams scheduled and I wasn't well either as I cought bad cold and viral, so for that reason I basically failed to complete the challenge or skipped the days but I'll be covering the remaining prompts in this post and hopefully I'd go back to the normal posting!!✨
tag someone who gives good advice
@study-van I think Yasemin is a great person to ask for advice, she'll deeply go into the situation and would give you the best ans!!✨
@jeonchemstudy our daph! I personally have asked her about things a few times and she always gives practical and honest opinion/advice and I also love the way she supports like ik she'll be here for me if something goes wrong 💜
tag someone who you would like to get to know
aha finally @divinity-infinity @bulletnotestudies @serendistudy @rylie-studies @saherrizvisblog @studying-engineering @notebookist there's so many more sjjsjsjsjs!!
tag someone who makes you laugh
this tag goes to my two fav ppl @redlitmusbluelitmus and @creativithee our convos and always wholesome and I really really enjoy talking to both of you!💜
tag someone who you think everyone should follow
@notebookist @lattesandlearning @myhoneststudyblr always so consistent with posting and content on fleek!!!
what are the three things you're proud of?
•my mental health got better! that is a huge achivement for me I struggled for two years badly and it affected me in the worst terms it could but now I'm recovering and I'm really happy that I'm able to make even the slightest difference
•my progress on this community!! I'm really proud to say that I'm a part of studyblr I have met beautiful people on here and made really good frends to whom I can reach out anytime without any hesitation!!
•my hardwork-ing nature , as in the year 2020 it's not the best but I'm kinda proud of myself that I'm still going like online school is like straight up bullying but I'm keeping my grades consistent and hopefully I'll get them up!
what are the three things about yourself you love?
•my dedication, ik what I what in life and how to get it I love how passionate I'm about my dreams!
•my ability to feel things v deeply, it is however both a blessing and a curse but I'm really happy I can understand and feel the emotions of others in their words
•that I don't judge. i often find myself thinking about this issue, as someone who lives in a very toxic and judgemental society I think some part of it comes into me, and that is wrong! now I'm very happy that I have unlearned it, it makes me feel like a better person and inshallah I'll continue to improve myself!
what are the three things that inspire you?
•this community: also push me to do more and the whole concept of romanticising study helps me a lot
•my family and friend: my parents always have supported my dreams and they really inspire me to do the best I can! (as for frens I only have only have online frens lol)
•my dreams, I simply want to do medical there's nothing very new in that but it's a great position to be as it will allow me to help people :)
if you read the whole thing thank you so much 💕 have a great day/night!✨
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ancientmariner13 · 4 years
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Applications of Integrals from this morning.
I'm not much for such study videos.. But today's release of this Namkook ASMR by joonpiter was just unmissable!
Day 23 - Tag someone whose blog you always check 
Can I just tag everyone I follow?
@rylie-studies Rylie!! The whole blog is sooo full of positivity that just scrolling through it is enough to make me smile!
@study-van I'm not sure how or why.. But I always somehow end up at Yasemin's blog and I have no regrets.
@philology-studies Violet's aesthetic is what I'm living for.
Day 24 - Tag someone who posts the best text posts
This has to go to @etherealacademia! Those text posts are literally so relatable and it's such a pleasure to read them!
Day 25 - Tag someone who gives good advice
@eintsein! Of course, the community owes you a lot!
And @fivestarstudying! Thank you.
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huitingreads · 3 years
thanks yasemin for tagging me! @study-van
RULES: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people.
my playlists are organised by genre/language so i'm just going to go through them one by one and shuffle
baby boy by kevin abstract
gone gone gone by honne
luv note by chloe moriondo
skeletons by keshi
across the universe by baek yerin
still broke by samm henshaw and keyon harrold
pop tarts by easy life
jam and butterfly by dpr live, crush and eaj
bad habit by gsoul
somehow by day6
i'm tagging @dayllights @jeonchemstudy @selunelog @caffeinatedpies @myhoneststudyblr and anyone who wants to give it a shot! recommend us some music hehehe
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mernoir-e · 3 years
Thank youu for tagging me yasemin !! <3 @study-van
Rules: Answer the questions and tag some people you want to get to know better/catch up with.
Three ships - nygmobblepot, ladynoir, trobed (+victuuri)
Last song - baby i’m yours (arctic monkeys)
Last movie - nobody
Currently watching - the good doctor and the community
Currently reading - do lectures still count :,)
Currently craving - my bf (again.. long distance sucks)
I’m tagging @asteristudy @notesbyquinn @sweaterstudyblr @larupe :)
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rylie-studies · 4 years
tag game! 🤍✨
Rules: Look up the top definition of your name in Urban Dictionary and paste the picture here! 
Thank you to the lovely Violet @philology-studies and the sweetest angel Yasemin @study-van for tagging me in this! 
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Okay, first of all, I think this is actually really accurate like how’s that even possible fkfjksjf but honestly okay wow it’s midnight right now but perhaps we stan urban dictionary now bcs I mean like look at all those compliments!! My heart can’t help but feel soft wow ✨
I’m gonna go ahead and tag @serendistudy, @spharus, @celin18, @voyagenotes, @lattestudies, @elleandhermione, @beginagxin​, @headgirlstudy​, @mistymoon​, @katistudies​, and @pyperkite​!! Remember that y’all are not obligated to do it!! 🤍
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
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Find 9 pictures and make a moodboard after searching “my name + core + aesthetic” on Pinterest.
 i was tagged by yasemin <3 @study-van 
again I've already done this but i enjoyed it so much last time im doing it again and i actually got loads of really different pictures this time including A LOT of mamma mia photos (i almost included one for the lols but decided against it)
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notes-by-saher · 4 years
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Introducing my own hashtag✨, properly this time.
As per @study-van 's advice to properly announce it. I decided to do it again, with a seperate post just about it.
Also, there was some problem with it earlier. It wasn't working or something but now its perfectly fine. Thanks to Yasemin ly :)))
Because, just as I want to involve other studyblrs in my student life and let them know how I am doing, I want other studyblrs and amazing people to let me know how their student life is going. Seeing other people progress and succeed might help me stay on tracks and study consistently. If you know what i mean. ;)
I started my studyblr last year (i dont remember the month lol) but I wasn't regular here at all. BUT I have been using it everyday since four months I guess. So it might be a little early for me to start a tag. But as they say: “The sooner, the better”
Isn't heysaher original? The sole reason for this was that I wanted it to be my name and i couldn't match any otherwords to make it more original. So i decided to go basic. :)
Any studyblr or anyone who posts about their studies. Or even those who post studymemes lol.
So tag me in your study journeys and I'll track it down. 💫💞
Have a good day <3
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bulletnotestudies · 4 years
tag game ~ get to know me better
Thanks so much yasemin @study-van for tagging me in this, i’ve done this exact tag multiple times over my years on tumblr and it’s always so exciting to see how things change :) *the most recent addition being that i can drive a stick-shift this time around, how ‘bout that?*
[Appearance]: I’m over 5′5′’. I wear glasses/contacts. I have blonde hair. I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing (but it really depends on the outfit tbh) . I have one or more piercings. I have at least one tattoo. I have blue/green eyes. I have dyed or highlighted my hair. I have gotten plastic surgery. I have or had braces. I sunburn easily. I have freckles. I paint my nails. I typically wear makeup (minimal makeup though). I don’t often smile. I am pleased with how I look. I prefer Nike to Adidas. I wear baseball hats backwards.
[Hobbies/talents]: I play a sport. I can play an instrument. I am artistic. I know more than one language. I have won a trophy in some sort of competition. I can cook or bake without a recipe. I know how to swim. I enjoy writing. I can do origami. I prefer movies to tv shows. I can execute a perfect somersault. I enjoy singing. I could survive in the wild on my own (i hope) . I have read a new book series this year. I enjoy spending time with friends. I travel during school or work breaks. I can do a handstand.
[Aesthetics]: I have heard the ocean in a conch shell. I have watched the sunrise. I enjoy rainy days. I have slept under the stars. I meditate outside. The sound of chirping calms me. I enjoy the smell of the beach. I know what snow tastes like. I listen to music to fall asleep. I enjoy thunderstorms (immensely) . I enjoy cloud watching. I have attended a bonfire. I pay close attention to colors. I find mystery in the ocean. I enjoy hiking on nature paths. Autumn is my favorite season. I enjoy gazing into the forest canopy.
[Miscellaneous]: I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle. I am the mom friend. I live by a thousand quotes. I like the smell of sharpies. I am involved in extracurricular activities. I enjoy Mexican food. I can drive a stick-shift. I believe in true love. I make up scenarios to fall asleep. I sing in the shower (i perform but you know, whatever). I wish I lived in a video game. I have a canopy above my bed. I am multiracial. I am a redhead. I own at least three dogs. I am most calm in nature (this is like halfway true).
tagging @mistymoon @sonderstudy @serendistudy and @rylie-studies ; bold the statements that apply to you (if you want ofc 🤍)
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study-van · 4 years
yasemin!! i just saw your tags on my stationery post and i wanted to tell you that i got them from amazon!! they were like i think $6 (in fact, i’m ordering a new set bcs i just can’t get enough) and you can probably find them just typing in “vintage travel stickers” or “vintage country stickers” !! i hope you do get them, they’re absolutely adorable and sticks really well!! i hope you’re having a beautiful day today and say hello to france for me, please!! 🤍🤍
Thank you Rylie!!! Lemme see if they ship to France too, they were seriously so cute. Also I hope you’re having a good day/night too💕
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