#thanks for the laugh misha <3 XD
incorrectspnforfun · 3 years
I would love to read your answer for 23 of the fandoms asks. Bloopers and behind the scenes moments are some of my favourite parts of the show.
Getting to this a million years late, but I actually did a Top 15 series on my Facebook (inspired by one of my SPN groups) when Season 15 was about to air, and one of the things on there was my Top 15 Blooper Moments, so I might as well share that here!! :D
On Facebook, I did it from 1 to 15, but Tumblr is only gonna let me do 10 images, so I'll just do pictures/gifs for my top 10. Also, for this countdown, let's go backwards!
Enjoy! ;)
15) Jared: That was like a bad impression of somebody doing a bad impression. (Season 3)
14) When you're trying to be dramatic, but a leaf ruins it. (Season 5)
13) J2 and their "oh my god" mouths. XD (Season 4)
12) Misha: I'm not gonna eat it, that's disgusting. I'm gonna wear it as a wormstache. (Season 6)
11) Jensen, to Misha: Stop pulling my face towards your crotch! (Season 8)
10) J2M slowly trying to keep Alex from ever getting a job again. XD (Season 14)
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9) Misha: Jared's not saying his line right. (Season 12)
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8) Jensen, about Jared: If you could see his face...I can't. I can't look at him. (Season 7)
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7) Jared: He went to drama school. J2: *laugh hysterically* (Season 9)
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6) Jared: When did you forget how to act? Jensen: Season 2. (Season 11)
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5) Jensen: I broke it. (Season 2)
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4) J2 just CANNOT seem to shut those car doors at the same time. XD (Season 1)
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3) Similar Situations (Two for One Special XD) Picture Included: Jared: *making lots of sound effects of kitchen crashing* Jensen: I've got a line you moron. (Season 3) Picture Not Included: Jared: *making lots of sound effects of falling down* Jensen: I've got dialogue. (Season 11)
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2) Alex: It's getting worse, not better. That's the problem. Misha: Hey. It never gets better. (Season 13)
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And my all time favorite...1) Jared: Why did you come after me with a hammer? Jensen: Because I was gonna nail you. (Season 10)
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(It makes me burst out laughing every. freaking. time. XD XD)
Ahhh...I love this cast so freaking much. I'm so glad they gave us so much amazing behind-the-scenes content for so long, and I really wish we could see more of it. I hope we can see something similar someday in the near future. <3
I hope that answers your question, even though it's super delayed!
This was a fun one to answer, so thank you so much for asking!!
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
ROSE I AM FREAKING OUT HAVE YOU SEEN THE PREQUEL STUFF???? WHAT IS GOING ON, my god... I was literally about to go to sleep, decided to check Tumblr one last time and see this.... what WHAT!! WHATTTT!!!!!! I don't even know if this is good bad or what but just JENSEN IS PRODUCING A SUPERNATURAL PREQUEL AND DEAN'S GONNA BE THE NARRATOR OR Sth LIKE???? -🐸
YEAH i am normal about this <3 (jk i am also freaking out) welcome to: people screaming to me in my inbox about prequelgate ft. j/2 fallout theory. let's goooo!
Another copypasta and suddenly chaos machine is full on gay I love this prophecy
you know whats funny i just checked the j/2 tag and i feel like for the first time in a long time they are starting to realise that maybe THEY should be the ones who are "gutted" *sips tea*
Nevermind just read prequel and well good luck I guess but just you know kind of bleh who wants to watch John Winchester well let’s have hope anyways
i know a lot of people are bummed out but i am kind of very excited actually?? i trust robbie and even though yeah j*hn winchester turned into a nasty abusive bastard, it can be interesting to explore how it all started (imo). it's just the first of many stories they can tell.
I can only accept this circus if it’s Dean telling the stories to his and Cas’ kids and then we have a revival to show that the whole finale was in fact the end Chuck wanted there Jensen I fixed it
i would not say no to this
heyloo bee anon here
um- wtf is happening?
jackles prequel series?? why? i want to be excited about this but sheesh im scared
because supernatural is never dead <3
okay, but, jensen... john winchester ≠ jdm, you don’t have to go /that/ hard for him 🙃
true true... though i am waiting for jdm to comment on this, please i need it
Rose you really picked the worst time to sleep for real
bestie it was literally 4 in the morning, what do you expect from me sdfjsfhsf
I can’t literally can’t we were all right LMAO j2 fallout theory is real and cockles (Misha supporting Jensen) is [gunshots] I’m just laughing cause what the hell is this timeline we’re living LMAOOOOOOOOOO
we would always end up here <3
Do we have the copypaste anons to thank for JP basically confirming the J2 fallout? lol 🦚
yes, everybody say 'thanks annoying idiots!'
Anticipating that there's going to be a lot of yelling about the prequel on here: I am cackling, but also, I mean, the first time Dean got a look into his parent's past, Cas was the catalyst: literally entered Dean's mind and catapulted him to the 70s. So idk, it's not completely unreasonable to expect some Cas cameos, maybe setting up a parallel timeline since Dean is narrating. What I'm saying is, this is Jackles, he's getting JDM and Misha in on this lmao -Honeymoon Anon
you were right lmfaooo also i fully agree. misha's tweet further cemented that thought for me. he knew about this prequel and i dont think he is cas-baiting us, i think he'll be involved. i'd also be obsessed to see jensen and jdm act together again (though idk who jdm could play seeing as it's a prequel and he is way too old to play young j*hn)
longlivethetribbles heeft gevraagd:
Heyyyyyy bestie, are you SEEING the absolute madness going on right now holy shit
well a little late but I SURE AM BESTIE
bestie wake up pls s16 finale just dropped.
- 🍯
and WHAT a great one it was
I love coming home from work to see all of the chaos unfolding on Tumblr and Twitter. I'm absolutely buzzing right now. I'll probably still be here by the time you wake up and check tumblr 😂 - 🐢
lmaooo and were you still awake?? did you see my freak out??
Oooh bestie wake the fuck up, I know you’re gonna be excited for this one jsnsjsj
god i had SUCH a morning like. it's 12:00 now and all i did since i woke up is check tumblr rip
short summary: jen and dee gain the rights, they post on ig/twitter about a prequel ft john and mary that no one asked for, the fandom loses its everloving shit as usual, they trend on twitter thanks to the beloved twt intern who missed us, misha qt’s jen about cas possibly benefiting from being in the prequel, then j*red qt’s jensen abt how his feelings got hurt by him not being told about a prequel his character as no involvement in & he initially throws a tantrum, and the rest is history - 🦋 anon (ps: i hope this helps a little, i’ve been scattered brained trying to keep up with it all night lmao so pls let me know if i missed anything, bug crew !!)
thank you so much darling i figured it out eventually but this is a helpful summary!!!
I hope you enjoyed waking up to all of this XD -🐢
i sure did!!! also that answers my question about you being awake lmao
well the party was still going strong this morning so im not TOO "gutted" see what i did there lmaooo
Now that you are caught up with the news... So idk if you remember this but...didn't jarpad tell jackles he was up for a reboot in an online panel? And jackles answered that this was news to him??
yeah i think you are right but he was clearly joking and didnt expect jackles to actually be working on something already
J2 anon spare more of those anons let's finish this - tea anon
please, we're having a ball in this bitch
I saw a post on tumblr where someone said now that Kripke gave J&D the rights, maybe they’re starting with a prequel just to end on a reboot in years time and honestly ? I wanna believe that so badly. This is tinhatty but what if this is all calculated in a way that makes it so that Jensen is slowly starting to fix everything that was wrong with spn - now that he has the rights and he’s slowly making spn his own story ?! I mean he did say in his ig post he wants to ‘fill in the rest’ - and maybe Mary and John’s story is only the beginning of spn related content from J&D to come ??? Maybe he wants to give spn the justice it deserves ?? Thoughts ??
i dont think this is tinhatty at all i think this is very possible and not that much of a reach. i could see this happening yeah for sure
want to hear something funny. I found out I had a ruptured blood vessel in my eye because I was sending my friend a video freaking out when the prequel news dropped and I noticed the corner of my eye was red af. and when I got back online jared had tweeted.
rose.. bestie... how are you feeling about The News? nsfshsf being european is a curse </3 🐞
i feel GREAT im living for it i feel on top of the world tbh (and yeah it really is dsjfhs)
What am I waking up to I can't WHAT I rested my eyes for like 5 minutes help *hits reblog button* - anon anon
yep yep essentially djfhs
“Jensen and Misha are Co workers who barley talk”
I can’t be sure of course but I’m fairly certain that this is the copypasta that brought the j/2 fallout theory back to life. Who’s apparently ‘barely talking’ now? skansjsjsj. It’s almost prophetic, these j/2 anons have superpowers I’m telling ya.
-poker face anon
next time we get one of them we should be thanking them lmaooo
ok, but are we gonna talk about the "When Daneel and I formed Chaos Machine Productions, we knew that the first story we wanted to tell was the story of John and Mary Winchester [...]"-quote because the way this is phrased implies they formed CHAOS MACHINE Productions with the intent of telling this story (first), i haven't been in this dumpster long enough but the name just tickles me in that Misha way, isn't it so sus??? am i missing something???? i mean with this announcement they SURE lived up to that name... 🧩-anon
you are absolutely right, chaos machine SCREAMS misha and we are all here for it!!
hey hey hey. joining the clownverse, there's no way THEE cas girl danneel doesn't know just how much the fandom loves misha and cas. so 2 + 2 = misha in the spn prequel!
So I think I finally managed to catch up on wtf happened while I was asleep and my brain melted. What a shit show to wake up to.
Anyway thoughts.
I don't hate the idea of a Mary&John sequel. I think it has the potential to be good (It has the potential to be really bad too, so I'm kind scared).
🕯️🕯️🕯️ manifesting Mary being badass and John being kinda useless🕯️🕯️🕯️
As for the Jensen and J*red thing.
I can see Jensen not telling J*red even if they are still friends, because J*red is kinda good at accidentally telling Secrets. He could have told him right before he announced it so, so that J*red didn't have to find out from twitter. He was on the show for 15 years, he is bound to get asked about it. The public twitter meltdown was really unprofessional so. Like you have Jensen's number J*red. You could have sorted that out in private like a normal person, but instead you choose to act like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
Is it weird that I'm actually going to be kinda that for them if the actually had a falling out, even tho I don't like J*red all that much. They seemed to be really important to each other and while I thought before that the might have triefted apart a bit, I didn't think that the where actively fighting.
- 🐌 anon
the thing is, the polite/normal thing for jensen to do was text him before announcing it on twitter. it's weird he didn't, and that makes me believe that maybe yeah they did have a falling out. especially with the way j*red responded to it on twitter. if he had no other reason to be this upset (no prior beef or falling out) you'd think that he wouldn't be responding like this. on the other hand, the man is a mysterie to me so who the hell knows. i'm not gonna mourn about it if they did/do grow apart because j*red is just.... awful imo.
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roninhunt0987 · 3 years
Sushi Time Night
Sushi Time Night
By: Roninhunt0987
X3 an idea Nekorockstarninja told me on,.. X3 the premise is that Suzuki takes everyone out to a sushi place that she knows of with a small prize contest if ya eat 5 plates of sushi ya get a small prize... Suzuki once attempted to do it on her but couldn't it but this time she brought back up which happens to be the ragtag Cast members of mine that will be aiding Suzuki to get what she needs... XD hilarity will ensue
Characters(C)belongs to their rightful owners
-that night in town-
Suzuki: -opens the doors to the Sushi place as she heads inside with the others- ^^ this is the Sushi place I spoke of... ^^; where I ate like 40 plates of Sushi and got some small prizes out of it... I tried to do it alone but couldn't do it... ^^ so yea Merrick: hehe -sniffs the air of the place- ^^ heh reminds me the time when I was a lil kid Espio's uncle Seraph brought my siblings and I with Espio to a Sushi place similar to this one
Espio: heh... brings back memories doesn't it?? Merrick: it really does
Espio: to this very day I still miss my uncle but he did raise ya well
Suzuki: wait wha
Jared: when Merrick's village got attacked Uncle Yamato told them to find a person named Seraph who happens to be Espio's uncle... Both Merrick and Espio grew up as kids so they're pretty close
Suzuki: oh wow I had no idea
Espio: now ya know Suzuki
Merrick: soon after Espio's uncle passed we split ways on our own.. we didn't get back together until the meterex war happened and worked together with tails and the others on the war effort I was just glad to See Espio again but hanging with Vector and Charmy,, ^^; dunno how he ended up with them but they're an okay sort when I met them I was quite unsure at the time but sometime after the war I accepted them as friends... any friend of Espio is my friend those were my words when I accepted them... ^^; well as for Espio paying rent I usually see him at the door delivering pizza...
Espio: uhm.... ya back when... uhhh Tails broke his arm and leg at the time when Miss Marine was around at the time... I wonder whatever happened to that girl?? Shadow: heh... who knows Marine The Raccoon: O.o there was a girl after my name
Tails: mmhmm when I had that extreme gear mishap I got badly injured both of em got me home and had me patched up
Espio: she was the one who greeted me at the door at the time when I delivered the pizza... told her why that I had to pay rent because Vector kept going broke
Merrick: this was way before I got my cybernetic enhancements at the time btw
Waitress: -sees Suzuki is here again and sees the big crowd thats with her- O.o oh wow I never knew I am seeing this the ragtag band of the Katos and Prowers and also others also... uhh follow me to the big room for a huge crowd and we'll be with ya shortly
Suzuki: alrighty
Roberto: -walks on over as he also owns this sushi place also- ahhh.. Merrick good to see you again -insert borderlands 3 character introduction of his full name which is Roberto Jaime Scott: Martial Artist, Bodyguard of Yuri Niko and Japanese Restaurant related business man-
Merrick: ahh Roberto didn't know ya own this sushi place also besides the main ones
Roberto: mmhmm I might say Suzuki really loves this place specially the idea that every 5 plates of sushi ya get a small prize and seems like she wants to get more prizes and for y'all to have a chance also Jared: thats why were here Roberto
Connor The Wolf: -walks on in- Oh hey Dad -insert borderlands 3 character introduction of his name Connor the Wolf: adopted son of merrick and Kimiko, Bodyguard of Yuri Niko, Warrior, Marksman, Mage and with a heart of gold- What ya guys doing here??
Merrick: wondering the same thing kiddo
Shiro The Floofyshark: I can answer that -insert borderlands 3 introduction of his name Shiro The Floofyshark: main bodyguard of Yuri Niko, second husband of Yuri Niko and boss of Roberto and Connor- remember that chat I had with ya sir?? if ya remember ya Son and his friend Roberto have now officially been sworn in as Yuri Niko's bodyguards
Misha: wait.. if ya here... ^^ that also means Yuri and Her family is here
Shiro The Floofyshark: ^^ correct Misha she is in the same room that ya guys are heading into
Misha: X3 awesome
Suzuki: wait hold up whos Yuri Niko Misha: X3 one of my best friends and also neighborhood hehe Claretta will be glad to see me too
Suzuki: wait oh so thats who it was thats outside a lot with a cute unique colored Eevee and another floofyshark enjoying the summer weather each time I come by to visit
Misha: ^^ get this Yuri is a J-pop singer and I know how ya love J-pop Suzuki
Suzuki: ^^ awesome can't wait to meet her
-in the big room- Claretta Niko: -at the table and ears perks up as she is wearing her eevee hoodie and sees Misha- OwO
Yuri Niko: hu?? ^^ Misha whatcha doin here??? Misha: ^^ got invited by my friend suzuki
Claretta Niko: -runs to misha and hugs her and sees Suzuki and gets shy as she gets behind Misha-
Suzuki: ^^ hey its alright I don't bite
Misha: -does sign language with her to let her know Suzuki is a friend of hers-
Claretta Niko: -nods yes and does sign language of saying okay-
Suzuki: -watches carefully-
Mikey: .w. uhhh whats she doing
Raph: sigh... its called Sign language ya idiot
Suzuki: ohhh... Born deaf or born mute??
Misha: ^^ born mute... O.o she also has Autism/ADD and has panic attacks hence she has her eevee a lot... her Eevee is her service pokemon... ^^ its a special program for the disabled to have pokemon with them as their service pet... kinda like the service animals ya see around new york so yea
Suzuki: wow -smiles cutely and giggles- ^^ love ya eevee hoodie
Claretta Niko: -does sign language of saying thank you- ^^
Misha: ^^ she says thank you
Suzuki: ^^ your welcome
Yuri Niko: -walks on over- ^^ so ya must be Suzuki Misha told me a lot about ya and also into J-pop
Suzuki: ^^ hehe guilty as charged nice to meet ya
Yuri Niko: ^^ likewise
-as they got to the table-
Jessica Niko: ^^ so ya must be Suzuki I heard so much about.. ^^ my names Jessica Niko and this is my husband Raymond Niko.. Ray for short... ^^ we own a coffee shop in town... Misha is one of locals that comes by same goes with Misha The Coyote
Raymond Niko: ^^ well met
Jessica Niko: ^^ I see ya met Claretta already... over there is my son Harvey -mumbles to Suzuki so that Harvey won't hear- just be careful around him he has a bad habit of raiding girls undergarments and such don't worry his siblings always get to him on that
Suzuki: oof noted but don't worry my brothers will help
Yuri Niko: brothers???
Mikey: ^^ sup
Yuri Niko: O.o oh wow is that-
Misha: ^^ yup Suzuki's brothers is the TMNT... Janic was the first to meet them and we later on met them... ^^ the orange mask there is Mikey, the red mask is Raph
Yuri Niko: XD the hothead of the bunch
Raph: .w. ya she ain't kidding on that one
Yuri Niko: and the blue mask there is Leo which is the leader and the one in purple is the brainaic of the bunch Donnie
Leo: heh good guess
Donnie: ^^ yup brains of the bunch
Gen'ichi: names Gen'ichi, this is my wife Ninjara
Ninjara: -bows- hello
Yuri Niko: ohh the one Raph used to hang with
Raph: -blushes- uhhh ya
Ninjara: ^^ ya correct on that one
Gen'ichi: kids front in center
Ran, Rei, Reiko, Rika, Miwa, Nori, Gen'ichi Jr and Lil Geni: -lines up sideways-
Ninjara: ^^ thats Ran, Rei, Reiko, Rika, Miwa, Nori, Gen'ichi jr and Lil Geni
Ran: ^^ Hoi
Rei: X3 heya
Reiko: ^^ hi
Rika: X3 heya
Miwa: ^^ hoi
Nori: ^^ heya
Gen'ichi Jr: ^^ hi hi
Lil Geni: ^^ hoi -sticks out her tongue cutely like a small blep while she is holding Suzuki's old plush-
Yuri Niko: ^^ so cute
Harvey Niko: ^^ hi my names Harvey Niko and-
Yuri Niko: .w. don't even try to ask her about that knucklehead ya know we get on ya behind on that right?? Harvey Niko: .w. darn it
Keira Niko: -rolls eyes- oi... ^^ hi my names Keira good to meet ya
Hayato Niko: my names Hayato well met
Ryu Niko: my name is Ryu Niko I'm Jessica's older brother heh and also Yuri and her siblings uncle ya probably can tell we have a japanese background
Suzuki: ^^ I can tell hehe
Yuri Niko: ^^ I see ya already met Shiro, Connor and Roberto who are my bodyguards when I go on tour for my J-pop... ^^ also for a fact Connor and Roberto recently got sworn in as bodyguards to help Shiro out
Laurence: ^^ my names Laurence i'm Yuri's husband and this kiddo of mine is Zoey
Zoey Niko: hi
Suzuki: ^^ so cute
Waitresses: -gets green tea for everyone and such-
Waiters: -got everyones sushi plates for everyone to choose from-
Roberto: ^^ hehe the key of this if ya finish 5 plates of sushi ya get a small prize so enjoy
Honey The Rat/Zebra: hehe awesome -proceeds to use her chopsticks and such as she uses the Wasabi on her sushi and eats it and etc as she has extreme high tolerence from eating anything spice as she is immune to any spicy kick-
Mikey: O_O wha how... Wasabi supposed to light ya mouth on fire its called spicy mustard for a reason
Shadow: .w. mikey.... that because she has a unique extreme high tolerance to anything spice
Mikey: No way
Amber: ^^ way hehe
Mikey: .w.;;;; -thinking of a crazy idea-
Raph: .w. Mikey what are ya planning
Mikey: oh nothing just want to attempt something
Raph: .w. ya know any idea ya think of doing usually backfires in some bad way ya know that
Suzuki: .w. Raph whats mikey planning
Raph: .w. who knows... he's probably gonna attempt to eat a whole mouthful of wasabi
Mikey: :3
Raph: O_o oh no... he is isn't he
Mikey: -attempts it as he gets a mouthful of Wasabi in his mouth and swallows-
Raph, Suzuki, Leo and Donnie: .w. 3, 2, 1
Mikey: -randomly screams- AHHHHHHHHH!!! -runs around like an idiot as he flails his arms anime style in panic- AHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHH OMG AHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Everyone: -facepalms-
Yuri Niko: don't tell me this is one of his dumb moments isn't it
Everyone: -in unison- Yes
Ran, Rei, Reiko, Rika, Miwa, Nori, Gen'ichi Jr and Lil Geni: -laughing at their uncle mikey as this was a funny moment and such-
Suzuki: ugh Mikey drink this
Mikey: -drinks it- uggh what is this...
Suzuki: its green tea it-
Mikey: oh hey my mouth is not on fire anymore
Suzuki: .w. exactly it helps with defusing the burns of the wasabi
Mikey: .w. ohhh
Suzuki: -looks to Ran, Rei, Reiko, Rika, Miwa, Nori, Gen'ichi Jr and Lil Geni- ^^ remember not to do that or in this case don't pull an Uncle Mikey moment
Mikey: >< HEY!!! Ran, Rei, Reiko, Rika, Miwa, Nori, Gen'ichi Jr and Lil Geni: -laughs-
Mikey: -chuckles- ya okay that was on me honestly
Raph: -gibbs slaps Mikey for it- .w. ya think Genius its no wonder ya being called a knucklehead at times
Shadow: .w. ya mean like knuckles
Tails: .w. uhm Knuckles remember that time ya got tricked for the first time by eggman when he yoinked the master emerald from ya when Sonic and I met ya the first time
Sonic: .w. ya dude ya even suckerpunched me while I was in super form
Knuckles: .w. sigh okay okay ya have a fair point there
Sonic: mmmhmm -drinks a lil bit of his Green tea-
Tails: -eating his sushi-
The others: -same-
-45 minutes later-
Everyone: -each got a prize thats given to Suzuki as for helping her out and such-
Roberto: ^^ well I do have to admit that was a wise decision to bring friends and family with ya to help eating the sushi and the prizes needed so when in doubt always have family and friends to help instead of taking it on alone
Suzuki: ^^ heh thanks
Merrick: ^^ the usual account that I usually pay for here Roberto and congrats to joining in helping Shiro with the bodyguard detail and uhh also my boy good on you of joining with Shiro on that detail also... ^^ so ya can get out more and such whenever Yuri goes on tour
Connor The Wolf: heh... thanks dad
Merrick: ^^ keep in mind when Yuri's band is in town expect us to be there so we can listen and watch
Yuri Niko: ^^ hehe count on it ya son will do a great job I just know he will
Merrick: ^^ of course and make sure he stays out of trouble also and make sure to have a calm mind and such... ^^; the boy has ADHD and Autism go figure
Connor The Wolf: ^^; ya pops has a point on that Yuri heh but don't worry Roberto will make sure I am kept in check hehe and Shiro also
Shiro The Floofyshark: heh ya damn right i'll make sure to do that
Roberto: indeed
Misha: ^^ so when ya tour
Yuri Niko: ^^ sometime around august or so however I do plan on coming here in town around october as the final spot before I go on break from my tour run so basically Megaville city is the final destination of my Tour around October and well... ^^ its gonna be on Your Birthday Misha
Misha: X3 Awesome I can't wait hehe
Yuri Niko: ^^ hehe yup
Shiro: -looks to Roberto and Connor- that means you two we got few weeks until august starts up... when August 1st starts up you two better be ready and also in gear got it.. our job is to make sure no one makes a move on Yuri or well in this case some random jackass decides to flirt on her... use of force is needed if the said person doesn't cooperate
Yuri Niko: .w. oh in this case if SP Vector decides to butt and such use of force is basically immediate
Roberto: ugggh ya mean the same jackass I had to ban last week from this establishment along with the other japanese places I own and etc
Connor The Wolf: =w= and the same numbskull who blew up my damn truck that my adopted parents got for me when I first got adopted
Yuri Niko: yup the very same cheap knock off of Vector who is also his sonic paradox counterpart if ya watched the sonic shorts collab series
Roberto: ohhh looking forward to it good thing I been practicing some new martial arts moves I can use on him
Connor The Wolf: and also the new Blade that Gladio gave me when he first fought against Giglamesh and passed it on to me since he wishes to keep using one of his older blades and such
Jared: wait what
Squall: gigalmesh... yes I know the guy when Odin went down he came into the picture and resumed doing Odin's job didn't know his name at the time but he seems to be obsessed with a certain sword... I think it was the Excalibur or somethin he didn't say
Cloud: wait Gladio fought him
Gladio: yup and also his pet also... seems the big guy really loves to fight on bridges
Jared: according to legend its considered tradition for him... huhn that explains why when I dueled Stupid Mario at the time thats also a bridge over some lava and etc
Merrick: and its also a wonder why we sometimes tell ya it was from too much video games that has him in it
Jared: .w. ya that explains it
Jennifer The Fox: -close to Yuri as she misses her parents as this was the go to place when she was a lil kid as her parents and herself went here a lot-
Yuri Niko: whats wrong??
Jennifer The Fox: I remember my parents and I went here in this very area
Roberto: ahhh I thought I recognize ya... my grandfather knew ya parents and you at the time... its a shame they been killed by a drive by shooter
Jennifer The Fox: uhm about that... he's already dead.. ^^ Misha took him out
Misha: .w. turned out it was the jackhole who participated the fall of my family's clan go figure
Roberto: ahh I thought so hence reason the streets near the coffee shop is quiet a lot now and also explains why my grandfather placed a memoriam shrine to honor them as their best customers...
Jennifer The Fox: is he still around
Roberto: ^^ as a matter of fact he is yes he's the one who got me to be who I am today on as I took of his job as he is retired now and still strong as an ox
Jennifer: ^^ can ya tell him I said hello and well... also thank you for doing the memorium shrines for them...
Roberto: ^^ i'll make sure to do that count on it
Suzuki: one more thing whos is gonna maintain the restaurants while ya away on bodyguard duty
Eos The Floofyshark: ^^ I can answer that... ^^ you see two metabots requested by Roberto will take over for a bit until october who also happens to make sure Claretta remains calm as those two happens to be her Metabots to protect her while Yuri is away
Roberto: ^^ yes that would be Foxsword and Foxuno they seem to have a nack of maintaining stuff besides what they do a lot at a delay basis they're gonna start doing my tasks sometime when Yuri begins her tour run and don't worry I already told Gramps on that detail already as he is aware that I am a sworn in Bodyguard for Yuri Niko during her tour he is actually proud of me after I told him
Eos The Floofyshark: ^^ mmhmm
Suzuki: ^^ good to know
Eos The Floofyshark: .w. they'll also make sure that SP Vector don't enter the building as they will use force if needed as a last resort
Roberto: oh ya and my grandfather knows about it too
Suzuki: thats good
Roberto: indeed
SP vector: -breaks through wall like the Kool-aid man- OH YA!!!
Roberto: ._.;;;;; SP Vector ya paying for the damage for that
SP Vector: .w. or else what
Shiro: .w. -gets out his desert eagle and shoots SP Vector in the balls- BLAM!!! SP Vector: OUGH!!! -on the floor- >< my overies
Claretta Niko: -sighs and does sign language of saying ya don't have any ya dingbat-
SP Vector: .w. what she say?? Raph: -facepalm- She said You don't any ya dingbat... what did ya fail sign language 101 or somethin punk
SP Vector: WHY DON'T YA SAY THAT TO MY FACE HOTSHOT!!! Raph: =w= oh its on...
Frenchie: 1 hour of pain later
SP Vector: -broken teeth and etc and in a dentist office- uggggh
TF2 Medic: :3 Next
SP Vector: AHHHHHHHHHH!!! -crashes through wall as he runs away-
TF2 Medic: -scratches the back of his head in confusion on why he did that and shrugs and calls the next patient in-
Scene: -does a smart fart noise of blacking out-
TFS Nappa: .w. the end
@otakuneko-lotus XD enjoy neko
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i just wanted to say that whenever i see a post of yours, i always read your url before your post AS the post without meaning to and i almost always die laughing bc of it.
for example:
you can't spell subtext without [insert crazy insane cursed misha picture here]
(also re the example, I mean *technically* you can't xD)
<3 thank you for the giggle!
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spnreactions · 4 years
15x15: Gimme Shelter
Alright guys! It’s time! 
Just a heads up, in case you haven’t figured it out yet, these posts usually come out later in the day, because even if I watch it live, I tend to do my reactions live, but then write up the full review later. In case you were wondering why the posts don’t usually come right away. 
Anyways! Let’s get down to it! 
Oof. Yep. We’re definitely on the serious track now, with a then like this. 
Also, I didn’t say this before, but I really love the “then” and “now” openings for this season. It’s beautiful with the Impala like that. <3 
Oof. Interesting flashback to Jack breaking out of the Ma’lak Box. 
...ew. Maybe it doesn’t taste as gross as it looks, but it looks gross. 
Jesus girls, chill. 
Okay, I already like the pastor. 
I’m watching live this week, and I’m in a FB group that’s commenting as we watch, and someone just pointed out that the pastor is Dr. Sexy MD!! Man I love when actors return like that. 
Ope. Connor’s gonna die. Poor kid. He seemed nice. 
...that teddy bear definitely wasn’t there when he was walking over before, but okay. 
Hmmm...gotta be honest, I’m not sure how I’m feeling about Cohen’s directing on this one. :/
It had a talking teddy bear. I bet it is. 
Darkness. Nice pun. 
“He’s not that funny.” XD XD 
Dean you just want to go to Atlantic City whether Amara’s there or not don’t even deny it. XD 
Cas’s confused face will always be one of the cutest things ever. <3 
I love the way they’re all walking down the hallway together. It’s such a simple thing, but I like the way they’re positioned and everything. Point: Matt Cohen. 
Sure they can. 
“She and I used to have a thing” DEAN!! XD XD 
HIIIII JACK!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
Dude, let me tell you, I am so ready for some quality Cas and Jack content. 
I love all the different reactions here. Dean is trying to get Cas and Jack out of the house, which Jack is super excited about, and Cas is very not into. XD 
...wait, did they not tell him about Mrs. Butters? Or did they just not mention her name? 
Cas looking at Sam like “help me out here” and Sam being like “sorry but no”. XD 
Oh come on Cas. Look how excited Jack is! I love how enthusiastic he gets over every hunt. It’s adorable and I love him. (Yeah you’re gonna be hearing that a lot. XD)
Cas is like “you’re kidding me right?” 
“Highway to Heaven” XD XD 
No matter how Cas is against going to deal with something so small fry when they’re in the middle of something so huge, he will still smile affectionately at his son, because he loves him. <3 <3 <3 
“Blue’s a good color on you.” XD XD <3 <3 
“Agent Swift.” XD XD XD XD 
A BABY YODA REFERENCE?! This show oh my god. XD XD XD 
“I just graduated from CSI.” JACK OH MY GOD YOU ADORABLE LITTLE BEAN!!! XD XD <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
Okay, I love watching Cas and Jack together, and I love watching them go on a hunt, but guys, could you at least TRY to be subtle? “Did you find tiny bags with chicken bones? Smell any sulfur? Feel cold?” Like, NO you two. XD XD 
The cop lady is just like “what the heck is wrong with these two?”
Oh. “Liar” isn’t a seven deadly sin thing. Maybe I was wrong about that. 
“For my stepson, Ronald.” JACK!! XD XD XD <3 <3 <3 I love him so much oh my god. 
For someone who’s new to hunting, that was actually an awesome cover. <3 <3 
Wait...speakers? Maybe it isn’t something supernatural after all? 
“Almost demonic.” Okay so that was a little more subtle. 
Okay Cohen, I take back what I said about your directing. That was a good shot of the stop sign. 
I love the way Jack’s sitting in the back of the truck. <3 <3 
Learning from Sam. <3 <3 <3 
Cas, there is no such thing as too many cats. His face when he says that though. XD 
That was both the cutest and funniest thing ever and I just...I LOVE THEM AHHHH!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 
I feel like Cas is upset though. Like, he’s extra frustrated with the whole Amara and God thing. Not that I blame him of course. He’s just got a certain...coldness to him in this episode. But I like how it disappears whenever he’s talking to Jack. <3 <3 Good acting on Misha’s part. 
For example, that little soft smile when he looks over at Jack logging in to the social media account is so sweet and so cute and so undeniably fatherly. <3 <3 
Okay, gotta be honest: British demon? Totally hot. 
"Why is he talking like that?” he whispers, very loudly in a way that the party he is speaking of can definitely hear him. XD XD <3 <3 
“Because Zack has style.” 
He’s not ACTUALLY British??!! 
Oh my god that shouldn’t have made me laugh, but it TOTALLY did. 
AND he made the “Highway to Heaven” reference just like Dean did! 
I love this demon holy frick. XD XD 
Cas’s and Jack’s confused expressions at his sudden change. XD 
“I would watch that show.” XD XD 
How this show manages to introduce a new character, however brief, and give him so much personality when we’re six episodes from the end is beyond my understanding, but man, it is one of the many reasons I love this show. <3 
Ha! “Demons are get, humans are just crazy” ring a bell? 
Ha! Of course Rowena has that philosophy. God I miss her. 
“You’re a deviant soul corrupted by Hell.” Ah, Cas, ever quick with the logical wit. XD 
Cas’s “and we’re done”. XD 
Zack is so desperate. 
And now, Zack is all of us during COVID. XD 
I love Zack. Take him with you. XD <3 
Oof. Too true, Cas. Too true. 
AWWW! Cas!!! Knowing his son wanted to be busy and help people. I LOVE THEM!!! 
She’s gonna steal the money. 
Yep. Classy lady. *eye roll* 
Ope. And now she’s gonna die. 
My mom and I both screamed jesus christ. 
“Focused.” Interesting phrasing, but okay. 
I like the way this phone call is happening. The back and forth is cool, and I like their easy talk with each other. 
Dean can’t just give straight advice. Ever. “Drink the Kool-Aid and sign up.” XD 
Oof. Jesus. 
Clearly Dean wasn’t talk about the Amara thing. 
Wait, this was over a two-day timeline? Huh. Okay then. 
Dean that doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect you stop. 
“Messengers of God’s Destruction”. 
No, but did any of us? 
“Least this time it’s not you or me.” Yeah, yet. 
That look Sam gives him means he had the same thought I did. 
Okay sorry, I am super not religious, and the God speak makes me want to barf. 
See, this is why you have to give straight advice, Dean. I know that’s hard for you, being your chaotic bi self and all, but angels tend to take things literally, bud. XD 
Jack you dork. XD <3 
Geez girl. Be nice. 
Jack whispering again to try to be sneaky I love him. <3 
So that’s a yes then. 
Jesus. She’s a b***h. I don’t like her. 
That little head nod OMG!! <3 <3 
Oh. That was a sweet hug. 
My Mom: It’s him. It’s the pastor. He’s the bad guy. 
Oh! Greed! So this is a seven deadly sins thing! 
Ummm....that’s a little weird. Maybe this is as monster after all, with the tech working like that? 
But if it was a monster, why is she set up like that? 
Okay no, I take that back. I watch Criminal Minds, and this totally looks like something a serial killer would do. Especially the timer thing. 
“The new guy’s hot.” MEEEEE. That girl is me. XD <3 <3 <3 
Boyfriend and girlfriend, I’m guessing? 
Awww...baby. :( 
Awww...Jack. :( :( 
Okay but, like, we’ve learned now, right? Don’t give her your whole story please and thank you. 
Oh okay. That’s okay. 
This girl is...off. Is it the acting, or is the character actually weird? I honestly can’t tell. 
Oof. Daddy issues alert. 
“I have more dads than most.” AWWW!!! XD XD XD <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
Wait baby no, you’re not letting them down stop that. :( :( :( 
Ew. “Put your trust in God, not people.” Now I hate her. Trust me honey, the last person Jack--or anybody, for that matter--should be putting his faith in is God. 
Oh okay then. 
Ha! I love Cas’s subtle little sass with the “faith-based community”. 
Oh. A.V. and tech. TV screen. Bingo. 
Yeah I don’t think it’s the pastor. He seems too innocent. 
...except he’s definitely not getting any father-of-the-year awards. But what else is new with this show. 
“It’s complicated.” What are you talking about?? Just say yes, Cas. 
Awww...soft side of Cas. <3 
Yeah no. It’s not the pastor. There’s no way. It must be that Brother Rudy dude. 
Ha! Awkward. XD 
That’s actually really nice. I like that idea, having a church community (sorry--faith-based community) helping other people like that. It’s sweet. 
Oh. Connor was gay. That honestly totally makes sense. Poor guy. :( 
I’m glad the pastor was accepting of him though! <3 <3 
Awww...that’s a good line. “A saint is a sinner who keeps trying.” 
I really hope it’s not the pastor. I like him. 
My Mom: Wait, have we just never seen them put gas in the car before? I had no idea it was behind the license plate! 
I’m thinking back and I didn’t know that either, so this must be the first time we’ve actually seen them, like, open it, and that’s HILARIOUS to me. XD 
OOOOH WAIT!! This is where they see Amara, according to the promo photos!! 
Oh heeeey girl. 
Wow she looks really pretty with that snow in her hair. 
She...she...smelled them? 
“You have a very distinctive musk.” “Thank you.” ARE THESE TWO STILL PINING FOR EACH OTHER? XD XD XD 
I like this Amara. She’s fun. 
My family and I always make kielbasa with our pierogis (I had no idea that that was how that was spelled, btw), so pierogis without the kielbasa feels wrong. XD 
Jensen’s facial expressions say so much all the time and I love it. XD 
Oh boy. 
Okay, WHO is the timer for?? Like, is it just some form of slow torture?? Because it’s not like it’s being shown to anyone other than her. 
Ooh. I like that he’s listing off all of the different names for God. Good pastor. Please don’t be a bad guy. 
...oof. Ummm....
Awww.... Poor baby. :( :( :( 
AWWW!! Dad Cas to the rescue!! <3 <3 <3 
Jack looking at his dad omg. <3 <3 
I already like this speech from Cas. I can tell it’s gonna be good. 
“I guess I found a family.” <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
“And I became a father.” THERE IT IS!!! THERE. IT. IS!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
AWWWW!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
Awww...I really like this pastor. <3 
Oh sh**. There’s the time for everyone else. 
Yeah okay. This is 100% a human being’s doing. A monster wouldn’t bother. 
Jack running over to turn it off right away. Ever the hero. <3 <3 
The pastor seemed too surprised to have done it, which, for me, puts pastor in the clear. Thank goodness. 
True, but also he sucks, so help us out Amara. 
Okay, I’m sorry, but quick side note. Everyone keeps saying he’s “very nearly done”, but when Dean looked in the telescope, he didn’t see anything. I thought that meant he was done. Unless it only reaches so far? I guess it probably only reaches so far in terms of other dimensions. 
Sure there is. 
“Our pal Jack.” That’s such a weird thing to hear him say, but okay. XD 
Also I’m not sure how I feel about them telling Amara about Jack. Like, I like her, and I feel like she’s gonna help, but what if she doesn’t? She could, whether intentionally or unintentionally, wind up seeing Chuck and mentioning Jack to him, and if she does, that ruins the whole plan. But, on the other hand, I guess they have to earn her trust, and keeping details from her would definitely make that harder. But I still don’t like it. It puts my baby in danger. Again. But anyways. 
Oh. Just like that? 
“I get he’s your brother” Dean says oh so casually, as if he hasn’t literally moved heaven and hell to protect and save his own brother. 
“Squirrely weirdo” XD XD 
Oh. The Big Bang. New theory. I like it. XD 
Sure he can. 
Ummm...yeah, Amara. You’re a fool. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself. Maybe he cares about you a little, but definitely not as much as you’re giving him credit for. Not right now anyways. 
Wait...she actually said no? No way. I thought they were gonna be able to convince her. Guess my initial theory was wrong... What does that mean though? Like...what now? 
Jack’s gonna come slamming through that door, according to the promo. 
Called it! 
Wait...why did Jack slam through it while Cas is just...casually standing there? You’re an angel, Castiel. XD 
“Lust” It is based on “Seven”! I love it! 
Welp...guess it’s not him. 
Wait, so we are walking away with a no? That never happens to us! 
THERE we go. Go get her Dean. 
Is it just me, or has Sam been, like, really not involved this episode?? Jared’s had, like, six lines. XD 
OH! Okay, the “then” makes sense now. 
Oof. You tell her, Dean. 
That she sucks. That’s what she wanted. Because she does. 
Wait NO WAY! That’s what I said! Kind of, anyways. 
Woooow. That’s actually pretty messed up, Amara. But it makes sense for why Mary was such a terrible character and why I hated her so much. She is only human. A sucky human, too. 
Is it, though? 
“That you could finally start to accept your life.” Okay, that’s actually kind of cool, and that’s awesome on the writers’ part for adding in that explanation of why everything went the way it did. Nice. 
But also, that’s pretty messed up Amara. 
Oooh. We’re about to get some awesome Jensen acting, aren’t we? 
Jensen’s trying not to cry face is so incredible wow. 
Awww....poor Dean. 
Jesus Amara. A little sympathy? 
OOF. I love that quiet fury that Dean has. 
OOH! He got her! 
“Well now who’s living in a dreamworld?” ...ouch. But true. 
...oh boy. That was a bold-faced lie. But so brilliantly told, Dean. 
After ALL THAT, you’re going to THINK ABOUT IT? Really??!! 
But hey! I KNEW IT!! BEAUTIIFUL acting moment on Jensen’s part!! AWESOME scene. <3 <3 <3 <3 
Oh! It’s the girl. I’m calling it. 
Yep. Daughter. 
See?! Super religious people are crazy!! 
Go Cas and Jack go! 
Ope. Cas is gonna heal, and Jack is gonna attack. Go boys go! 
Cas is gonna heal in front of all those people oof. 
Girl has ISSUES. 
Wow, this girl is WAAAAY too religious. Chill. 
Yeah, cause you need help. 
Oof. Yeah nice try, but that’s not gonna work. 
I love how Jack just takes it and then heals all bada** like “yeah sorry but no”, but then he still looks up with the kindest and most innocent expression and I love it. <3 
Meanwhile Cas is like “yeah I’m not having any of this.” XD XD 
Does...does he always have to say sleep when he does it? Cause he didn’t used to, and for some reason, that was hilarious. XD 
Jack’s little nod. So cute. <3 <3 
Fixed her fingers, but couldn’t wash the blood off. XD 
Yeah ummm...how you gonna explain that one, Cas? 
At least pastor dude seems nice. And, like, being the good kind of religious, he’ll probably be totally cool with the angel thing. 
Wait, pastor dude is still processing this when morning hits? Okay then. 
“Not a very good one.” WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! You are literally the BEST angel, thank you very much. 
Man that girl is MESSED UP. 
And Jack still feels sorry for her, my baby. :( <3 <3 
Ah. Nothing like your daughter becoming a murderer for you to finally step into a proper role of fatherhood. 
Dude waaait. What does that mean?? That’s, like, a really random thing. Does that mean she’s gonna come back? Or that Zack is gonna come back? I’m not sure what that means. That seems so random! I DEMAND ANSWERS SUPERNATURAL! 
The way Cas looks at Jack after the pastor says that about looking after her better. Cas I don’t know what you’re thinking, but you’re the best father Jack could’ve asked for, okay? 
Awww! Cas and Jack talk time!! <3 <3 
Cas is trying so hard to help him I love him. <3 
NO YOU DON’T STOP!! THIS IS WHAT FAMILY IS FOR!! WHHHHYYY are all you Winchesters like this. 
Wait. WAIT! He was hiding something?! I hate it when Sam’s right. 
Wait WHAT?! 
Wait wait wait. A bomb?? Like, just like S11?? Because no. No no no. We’re not doing this again. JACK YOU ARE NOT GONNA DIE WTF??!! 
WE JUST GOT YOU BACK!!! WE CAN’T LOSE YOU AGAIN!!! :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( :’(
Cas’s face is all of my emotional screeching right now. 
Me too, Cas!!! 
Cas tell Sam and Dean. Please.
Oh WAIT! We have, like, two minutes left craaap. This is the scene from the promo. Cas is gonna say Sam and Dean need to know something and then it’s gonna end. I’m calling it right now. 
Yep. Here it is. It’s gonna cut off. 
If I deny it ever happened, then it didn’t happen, right? Jack and Cas solved the case, Sam and Dean got Amara’s help, and they all went home and had family dinner, okay? New ending. There we go. Problem solved. Because NO! 
Well...f**k. I guess it’s review time?? But JESUS CHRIST!!! Okay, okay, I need a minute. Please hold. 
(Several Hours Later)
Okay. I’m back. Let me start with something kind of amusing. Several minutes after the episode ended, while I was still trying to process everything, this interaction happened: 
Me, breathing heavily and dying inside: Mom, you do not seem as distressed about this as I am. 
My Mom: I am never as distressed as you are about anything in this show. It’s impossible for me to reach that level of distress. I don’t know how you do it. 
So...if you didn’t already realize how emotionally connected to this show I am, now you do. XD 
That said, let’s get down to it. 
God, there is soooo much to unpack with that episode, and even crazier, it honestly all comes from that last five minutes. Let me start with this: 
I really enjoyed this episode! It can’t quite beat last week’s episode--but, honestly, I don’t know if any of the other episodes will be able to, except for maybe the finale--but it was good! I had a few qualms about Matt Cohen’s directing, but he definitely had some strong moments, so it wasn’t bad. And, admittedly, at first, I felt like the pacing of the episode was kind of slow, and switching back and forth between the Winchesters and Cas and Jack felt kind of choppy for a bit, but as the episode played out, I realized why. This was a full-on set-up episode. While last week gave us a chance to be silly with the boys and see some beautiful family bonding, this was the one that set us up for what’s sure to be heavy and plot-filled coming up. (And yes, I know next week’s episode is much more of a monster-of-the-week, but 15x17 is when things will likely really get down to it, so I’m sure there’ll still be some important plot stuff next week--especially since we need a resolution to the Cas and Dean talk). Between the boys having to find and trick Amara, and Cas and Jack bonding and working with each other again, plus that big reveal at the end, it’s setting up the next string of episodes to be fast-paced and intense as they finally start to take on God. 
With that said, I really loved being able to see Jack and Cas together again. It’s been so long since we’ve seen them really spend time together and bond, and watching them play off each other and be father and son was adorable and hilarious. Plus, I just love Jack with every fiber of my being, so that makes everything better. XD <3 
I also really loved Dean’s interactions with Amara. I mentioned this already, but that scene, where he’s talking about Mary...that was some INCREDIBLE acting on Jensen’s part. He’s always been really good at that subtle rage, especially when it’s also filled with sadness, and this scene was no different. And I’m glad that they did finally get Amara on board; however, I’m a little concerned with what she’s going to do when she finds out he lied. Especially after how worried she seemed to be. AND SPEAKING OF LYING!!
Okay, so I’ve had some time to think about this and talk it out with some people, so I’m just gonna roll with the thoughts as they go through my brain. First of all, that is a big no a thousand times over. Jack, you cannot die. Second of all, that reveal was very well done on the writer’s part. After such a nonchalant episode--in terms of pace, that is--to have that in the last five minutes, AND to end with that cliffhanger, was a beautiful way to keep us fans guessing, invested, and wanting more. But also, SCREW YOU! 
That said, as freaked out as I was--and honestly, I’m still pretty worried--I really don’t think Jack’s going to die. There’s no way. Initially, my theory left Cas and Jack standing at the end of all of this. After CW said that thing about one of the main characters not surviving to the end, I thought it was gonna be Dean, but I can also see how it could be both Sam and Dean. However, in any case, Cas and Jack, in my various theories, always end up on top. So Jack saying he’s going to die in order to kill Chuck and Amara TOTALLY threw me. BUT! After talking it through with someone else, I seriously doubt it’s going to happen. 
First of all, Cas is about to go look for another way, and, as we’ve seen in the past, they always find another way. After all, this is the Winchesters (and yes, Cas counts, obviously). 
Second of all, they’re telling us this five episodes before the end, but Jack is, supposedly, completing his final ritual in 15x17. That leaves three episodes of unaccounted time, and if Jack is really going to die to kill Chuck and Amara, there’s no way they can stretch that over three episodes. Therefore, his dads are bound to stop it. To FURTHER that, 15x17 has Jack and Dean heading out together to complete Jack’s final ritual while Sam and Cas stay behind, which means that, once Jack does whatever he’s supposed to do, Dean is bound to find out what Billie’s true intentions are, and I’m convinced that he’s not going to be okay with it. Because here’s the thing. Between Sam and Dean, Jack is the one that Dean still needs the most forgiveness from. And, kind of like what happened in Last Holiday, the second Dean realizes Jack is in actual danger, he’s not going to let anything happen to him. And I’m hoping that the resulting protectiveness will give Dean the chance to tell Jack that he does forgive him, which will hopefully release some of Jack’s guilt complex and give them the ability to find another way. 
THIRD of all, (and I mentioned this in my reactions), this whole “becoming the bomb to kill the cosmic entities” is an exact mirror of what Dean tried to do in S11, and we saw how that went. But the thing is, why would the writers play the exact same storyline again unless they were intending to parallel it and connect it to Jack and Dean’s relationship now? When Dean didn’t detonate in S11, he got his mom back, but then Jack killed her. Now, Jack is ready to detonate himself as a bomb because of having killed Mary, and Dean’s bound to stop him, especially after that conversation with Amara. Maybe this is all wishful thinking, but I really, sincerely feel like (and hope) that Jack isn’t going to make that sacrifice. Because, on top of all of that, while I love the family that is Team Free Will 2.0, this show still is, as it always has been, about Sam and Dean, and, as such, it should end with them too. So the odds of Jack being the “be all end all” without Sam and Dean’s help? Super slim. 
So, to sum that up, as worried as I am about my baby, I really really really think (and god I hope I’m right) that that’s not the way this story will end. There has to be more to it. 
With all of that addressed, let’s talk about WHATEVER it is that Cas is about to tell Dean. For me, there are two things it could be:
First, there’s the obvious answer based on the episode itself. Cas is about to tell Dean that Jack has to die in order to kill Chuck and Amara. However, I don’t think that’s it, because that seems too easy and unrealistic. If Cas tells Dean that now, then why would Dean take him to do his final ritual in 15x17 (I guess this is what happens when you read too much promotional material lol)? And even if he does, the next episode seems to be very Sam and Dean centric, and Cas dropping a bomb like that would not allow for a Sam and Dean centric episode, at least not when it’s putting their whole big mission in a different light. Plus, on top of all of that, that Cas and Jack conversation is an exact parallel of the conversation the two of them had about Cas making his deal with the Empty back in Season 14. Cas told Jack not to tell Sam and Dean, and Jack never did, even though his life is at risk. So Cas telling Sam and Dean about Jack now, knowing that Jack kept that secret for him, might break a certain level of trust between the two of them, and I don’t think Cas would do that. Which brings me to my second and, in my opinion, more likely theory. 
Cas is about to tell Dean about his deal with the Empty. While this would also be a huge bomb to drop in the middle of this big fight, and in the middle of all this chaos, it technically doesn’t directly correlate with their fight with Chuck. However, if something does happen to Cas, that’s something that Sam and Dean do need to know, because it’ll affect how they handle things and what they do, in a lot of ways. At the same time, I feel like, if Cas is gonna do a whole “go it alone” thing, it’s important that he tells them before he leaves, because there’s no telling what could happen, to any of them, when they’re not all together, and being as open as possible before separating like that tends to be a good idea. It seems like Cas might finally be learning. 
That said, I could be wrong all around. It could be neither of those things. It could be both of those things. Honestly, there’s no way to know for sure until we get to next week. However, after a crazy ending like that, I am definitely looking forward to seeing what Supernatural has in store for us next. 
My Rating: 8/10
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I was tagged by @peanutbutterandgrapejelly. Thank you for the tag, Peanut, this seems pretty loaded, but in a good way, so here goes!!
1. Name 4 fictional characters who showcase your personality the best, with explanations if you want.
Sue Heck! I don't think I let all of it out, but on the inside, I constantly feel like I'm extremely Sue Heck-y, :')
Amy Santiago, in a lot of regards, I'll say. Uh, cares a lot about her friends, ambitious, and would basically die/murder for organization, but also socially awkward and, uh, mostly percepted as a goody-two-shoes. Also, true nerd™.
Mindy Lahiri! (I mean, again, this seems more of a who I feel like I am, and not who I come across as, cause those two things tend to differ on a variety of levels?)
Sam Winchester (you know I had to) Basically, we're both INFJs. I'm not even close to his level, but my brain officially ran out of characters so uh, empathetic, constantly interpreted as "boring" and the "brains", patient, *yearns to settle down with someone they love*, believes in second chances. The whole nine, but toned down XD
2. Aesthetic:
I'd usually have a hard time with this one, but I recently did a long thing about my aesthetic, so! I'm going to say, soft pastel, beige, and shades of white!! A tinge of light academia, but mostly unassumingly modern, and faded rainbows as watermarks.
3. Favorite musical/play? If you've never seen a musical or play, one you'd be interested in seeing?
You got me ~ never seen any. (I mean, school plays don't count, right?) I honestly have a bunch of musicals I want to see, recommendations from friends online, but somehow it always slips my mind. But, off the top of my head, @spot-the-brooklyn-pirate wanted me to check this one out, and I am looking forward to actually doing it sometime: Book of Mormon.
4. What's the best compliment you've ever received?
Mostly, anyone who says I, in any way, made them happy, literally gives me the best compliment ever. And uh, my sister called me inspiring once, and it stuck. When I nagged her into elaborating, she said she thought I was functional in spite of all my flailings, and self-analytic, and it didn't make sense to me, but I still think about that.
And a few people, over the course of time, have named some of my fics as their favorites, and those stay with me for a very long time.
5. How many times have you been in love?
Hardly once. She's still one of the most important people in the world to me, but as somebody great once said, if you don't fight for it, it doesn't count. And we didn't.
6. Embarrassing story or fact about yourself which now makes you laugh?
By far the most embarrassing thing I've ever done, is written a fic on wattpad which revolved around my own life, except for the fact that it really, really didn't. Long story shortened, I was in sixth grade, and had a surface-level-y crush on this guy, and it seemed like a brilliant idea at the time. In the story, we're all in senior year, though the authoress forgot pretty much all the real things about school XD it's not just cringy, but also extremely sixth-grade-y written, and it astounds me to this day that it went on to have like 18,000 views? (I managed to block the entire shtick out, until a few months back, when I randomly remembered and rushed to unpublish the work. *facepalm* it even had all our real names)
7. Favorite Disney/Pixar movie?
This one's so hard. Uh. Ratatouille, maybe?
8. Favorite flower/plant?
I regret having to confess that I probably don't have one :( but hey, my go-to answer for these ones is daisies, because they remind me of the lovely @daisy-jeon <3
9. What's your favorite holiday?
Holi :')
(I miss it being like the older times, though? Somehow it always clashes with my final exams these last few years, and Shelley is often not home, but it still really makes me happy, so just imagine how perfect it used to be, when I was a kid!!)
10. Name three things that made you smile/laugh this past week.
Rewatching The French Mistake!! A really great decision, haha!
The lovely comments an older fic of mine received, (about old Destiel, uwu) since a couple of big blogs happened to reblog it 🙈🙈🙈 and my activity started blowing up!!
A full-blown coffee high, which resulted in me being hilarious through a 98-message monologue to dish, eeeeee!!
11. What song would you play to introduce yourself to someone?
I'd been dreading this question the most, because I'm horrible at remembering good songs when I - need to be. Oofsies.
But I guess I could wing it with 'What About Us' by P!nk.
12. Name something that truly makes you peaceful even at your most stressful moments.
Writing about Character A of a ship going through said stressful moment, and Character B being the best possible responder to all of it. Projection's the key to functionality, kids.
13. What do you, did you, or would you study at college?
Would you, and will you, sound unfortunately like different questions to me, so I'm going to answer the one which is asked. I'd like to major in History, with a minor in English. (And to be crude for a bit, as my sister calls it, thus successfully be left solely employable as a teacher.)
14. This is kind of a weird one, but which outfit of yours makes you feel most like yourself?
My black Avenger's logo t-shirt, with this pink hooded, kinda-down-past-my-hips, not-warm-at-all jacket and any one of my numerous, mwuahaha, grey shorts.
I never said I'd go out of the house in that outfit, did I?
15. What is a quote you live by?
I don't think there aren't any. I'm just here, faking it till I make it. Still, if I had to choose? Misha's "Be Kind to Yourself so You can be Happy enough to Be Kind to Others" is something I aspire to live by.
16. Name the funniest playlist name you have.
I'm sad that I don't have any funnily named ones now. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm hoping that it counts a teensy bit that I have like seven playlists just for background shtuff when I'm working, and they're all named *extremely* similarly, with variations of the word "study" basically, but all have exceptionally different vibes.
But I really am sorry, and I'm going to try and up my playlist-humor-game.
17. Make a reference to an inside joke you have with someone you love with zero context.
'Time for tapwater'.
18. What is a message you'd give your younger self if given a chance?
Don't build your sense of self-worth over the people whose opinions you think matter. You don't have to get everybody to like you. (Oh, and probably don't switch between multiple first-person-pov's, even though you're just writing the most unrealistic self-indulgent fiction EVER.)
19. Who is your favorite family member? (If you have no good blood family members, feel free to mention someone in your found family)
Hands down, my sister. Shelley, didi, @iamcharliebradburylevelperfect, you're like the best part of my life, and you're probably going to be the longest part of it, too. Cause we might not have the best record for funny titles to call each other by, but we still nail the cheesy till the end of the line moments, ;)
20. What's a secret dream of yours?
I, uh. Want to run a completely-revolutionalizing-the-concept-of-education-style school ~ a boarding school actually, with my best friend dish. And as a means to acquire funds for it? We're going to do a whole lotta stand-up. :D
(Oh, and since i've already rambled for at least a thousand words, so what's the harm in a few more? At some point, probably on my birthday, I want to do a YouTube livestream, a pre-planned one of course, and everybody I've ever been frens with, on this dumb, wholesome hellsite???? They're all sent an invitation to join!! And there's nothing to do, really, we just talk and everyone's enjoying themselves, and I dunno, I had a dream about this once, and I've been so ridiculously smitten with the idea since!
Huh, maybe I could rally forces starting now, to make this possible by my eighteenth!!)
If anyone would like to play, these are really awesome questions! @3dg310rdsupreme @mystybloo @thotfordean @bcozwhythefuknot @theninthdutchessofhell @awkward-penguin-in-a-trenchcoat @quicksilver-ships @all-or-nothing-baby @screamatthescreen @telefunkies @elvenlicht @facepalmmylifeu @specialagentrin @noemithenephilim @but-for-the-gods-three-days
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3. 3 fears: I’m scared of zombies (Like not OF them, but of the IDEA of them becoming real. Gives me the heebie jeebies thinking about it,) Clowns (This isn’t a big fear but if it’s night time at Six Flags and I’m there with my family on halloween, you will see me running away from the clowns. My sibling finds it funny, I hate her,) and last but not least, mirrors in the dark. (If I look at myself in the mirror at night, I will be scared out of my wits.) 
4. 3 things I love: I love laughter (Being able to make anyone laugh is just plain amazing to me,) I love a new book and the yellow pages of an old one (There's just some secrets in every page that pulls you into your own world, and its fun,) and lastly I love dancing (Thinking about each move next and flowing with the music just makes me relax and calm, there's nothing in the world I would rather do then dance. . . . but sadly I never have anyone to dance with, so it’s a party of one when I dance. It’s still better then nothing. XD) 
13.  Favorite color: Green. All the way green. I have loved this color for many years and I still like anything I see that is green. Specifically forest green, makes me happy. 
15. Favorite quote: (This one I really had to think about. . I have so many!) Well I can’t just choose one so here's two: 
1. “I want to live in a world where the word ‘normal’ is an insult.” -Misha Collins
2. “Freedom is a length of rope. And God wants you to hang yourself with it.” -Castiel 
@moderatelypanickedbisexual Thank you for asking me things again! You make my day, you amazing person! Now it’s your turn? Yes, yes it is. Your turn. ; )
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vinylackles · 5 years
heyy hope you reach your follower goal soon!! i love your blog rate format so much skdjdd. question: is there something you want to do that if given the opportunity, you would drop everything at that second and do it? (idk if this makes sense xD)
hi love! thank you!!! and hmmm.... I would probably drop everything to be able to get a good job at a hospital doing occupational therapy, but alas, I have to stay in school two more years to make that a reality haha 
blog rate:
url: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | jensen’s laugh
icon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | misha’s smile
desktop theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | jared’s smirk
mobile theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | jensen’s freckles
posts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | misha’s nose scrunch
overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | jared’s s14 scruff
following: no, sorry | I am now | yes❤️ | forever and always
blog/personal compliment:
ash you’re one of the few multifandom blogs that I follow cause ily and you run a quality, balanced blog. you’re too kind and I love how you always manage to use colors in your edits cause I suck at that and you inspire me haha. ily!!
want one?
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staykids9 · 6 years
85 Questions
I was tagged by @najaemiq thank youuuu!
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
1. drink - water
2. phone call - my dad
3. text message - my friend @vxvxznnz
4. song you listened to - Lucky One by EXO
5. time you cried - yesterday because Jae was graduating ASC and Kevin sent that video message
6. dated someone twice? - no
7. kissed someone and regretted it - nope
8. been cheated on - no
9. lost someone special - yes
10. been depressed - yep all the time
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - nope but almost
fave colors
13. uuh...turquois
14. ehmmm white?
in the last year have you...
15. made new friends - yep
16. fallen out of love - not really
17. laughed until you cried - yes all the time
18. found out someone talking about you - yes
19. met someone who changed you - yes
20. found out who your friends are - YES
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - no
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - I think everyone idk I wasn’t on facebook for quite a long time
23. do you have any pets - yES, 4 dogs
24. do you want to change your name - idk...this may seem funny but I can’t really say my name I have difficulties pronouncing it XD so maybe just because of that...?
25. what did you do for your last birthday - I HAD A SWEET 16 PARTY!!! Okay this may seem weird for Americans but in Europe we don’t really have sweet 16 parties (well I just can talk about where I live so let’s say for my friends and family) so it was something special for me because a) I was in the US and b) I turned 16 :3
26. what time did you wake up today  - 11 am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - I looked at tumblr posts about the 3 new SMRookies
28. what is something you can’t wait for - all the comebacks there are now sdiuhsusdvisu I will die and maybe going on a Stray Kids (or any other Kpop group I stan) fansign or concert
29. there was no number 29
30. what are you listening to right now - Holup by Bobby
31. have you ever talked to a person named Tom - hmmm don’t think so?
32. something that gets on your nerves - uuGH so much. But mostly people that are disgusting like poke their nose in public and then eat it eW or people that won’t shut tf up even if you tell them to shut up ugh omg I could continue this forever
33. most visited website - probably tumblr and youtube at the moment
34. hair color - brunette but depends in summertime i’m more blonde and in winter I’m more brown-ish
35. long or short hair - I have now short hair like Felix but idk if I want it to be longer..XD
36. do you have a crush on someone - yes and no not just famous people/Kpop idols uuugh Klara has a crush this is something very new to all of you but no I won’t talk about my crush don’t ask me questions
37. what do you like about yourself - I like my eyes and sometimes even my hair when it does what I say and doesn’t look like a bird’s nest
38. want any piercings - yES i want a helix and also 2 upper lopes on one side and 1 upper lope on the other...but I would love to have an industrial, an orbital and a tragus ok Klara stop your poor ears
39. blood type - I have no idea...but I think A why does everybody know their blood type
40. nicknames - Froschki (I explained that in another post I think but basically my dad calls me like this because when I was a baby I looked like a frog while I was sleeping), Duša (by my grandma and it means soul...it’s weird in English but it makes sense in Croatian)...I have some more but I can’t remember any more XD
41. relationship status -  single too busy with Kpop for a relationship 
42. zodiac - pisces
43. pronouns - she/her
44. fave tv show - TOO MUCH but I like:
Teen Wolf
American Horror Story
Attack on Titan
Shadowhunters (but I like the books more)
and some Korean TV Shows and Kdramas
45. tattoos - I don’t have any but I rly want some
46. right or left handed - right handed but I used to be left handed but the dumb teacher forced me to write with my right hand and now I can write only with my right hand
47. ever had surgery - nope
48. piercings - I have standard lobes on both sides
49. sport - I did zumba and dancing for a year, horse riding for 2 years and kickboxing for 3 years and now I dance but more at home and not professionally
50. vacation - I was in Germany (well it wasn’t rly vacation but then again it was), Czech Republic (the same as Germany), Slovakia (same as the two before), Austria, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia (almost every year), Bosnia (every year I basically spend the whole summer there every year) and America (the same as Germany etc. I was there with school but it was kinda a vacation for me) I was in England but just for like 5h I didn’t leave the airport so I didn’t list it here XD
I want to go to Korea, Japan, Australia, Thailand and some cities in the US
51. trainers - I think I have 3 pairs...but not sure
more general
52. eating - I LOVE CHICKEN especially fried chicken or smth like KFC but I also like pizza and seafood
53. drinking - I like ice tea (the one in America is sweeter btw I don’t like those) and normal tea but also water OH and coffee
54. I’m about to watch - nothing ig
55. waiting for - the night when no one is awake except me and it’s quiet 
56. want - to meet my friends again and spend some time with them because I miss them .-.
57. get married - well it would be nice but I don’t really have to
58. career - I want to do something with music so musician/singer something like that or anything related to languages/English (maybe teacher or something like that)
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs
60. lips or eyes - eyes
61. shorter or taller - well for boyfriend taller (that’s not that hard because I’m short) and for friends/girlfriend else shorter
62. older or younger - older
63. nice arms or stomach - hmm probably stomach but arms isn’t bad either
64. hookup or relationship - relationship
65. troublemaer or hesitant - troublemaker
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - nope
67. drank hard liquor - yep
68. lost glasses - no
69. turned someone down - yeah
70. sex on first date - nope
71. broken someone’s heart - yeah and I’m so sry
72. had your heart broken - idk not rly
73. been arrested - haha no
74. cried when someone died - yes
75. fallen for a friend - yup
do you believe in
76. yourself - pffft nope
77. miracles - not really
78. love at first sight - not rly
79. santa claus - nope
80. kiss on a first date - idk but yeah why not depends on the person
81. angels - hmm yeah kinda
82. best friend’s name - Vici (hi @vxctxriauniverse) and also Vivi (hi @vxvxznnz)
83. eye color - blue and a little bit of green
84. fave movie - too much but those I would think of rn are Finding Nemo, the Lion King, Infinity War if we leave out the end, Forrest Gump, Black Panther and Spider Man Homecoming
85. fave actor - Park Seojoon, Gong Yoo, Park Hyungsik, Lee Dongwook, Dylan O’Brien, Tyler Posey, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Jamie Campbell Bower, Lilly Collins, Matthew Daddario, Harry Shum Jr., Tom Holland, Benedict Cumerbatch, Daniel Sherman, Tyler Hoechlin, Ian Nelson, Evan Peters ok I’ll stop now
I’ll tag @clearlyaemae @felixthekoala @seungmin-jpeg @vxvxznnz @vxctxriauniverse @salty-hun @dibidibiday6 @the-official-pentacorn @swoontaekwoon @jeongshine @uwulix @lovholland @wowed-by-ace @spearbin @jeongin @gem360 @straymemes @strgaykids @jaeminizer and @prince-hyunjin you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to!
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sassyreads · 7 years
I’m getting tagged a lot by you Vera XD but I love it so thanks <3 @aelingalathynius-fireheart
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people or you know just a couple
— What was your last…
1. Drink: 7UP
2. Phone call: I was actually trying to call the radio and trying to win a Samsung s9 lol
3. Text message: my sister
4. Song you listened to: Dusk till dawn on the radio (a lot of songs I love are played on repeat on the radio and I’m getting sick of them)
5. Time you cried: last week at school, my dog just died
6. Dated someone twice: I haven't even had a first date foreveralone
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no (guys let me just say I’ve never even kissed)
8. Been cheated on: since that’s not possible the answer is a solid no XD
9. Lost someone special: my dog :(
10. Been depressed: not really; I mean I have moments where I just feel down but not depressed
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
— Fave colours
12. Purple
13. Black
14. Navy blue
— in the last year have you…
15. Made new friends: YES (mostly Tumblr friends but that counts right?!)
16. Fallen out of love: never really been in love so no
17. Laughed until you cried: I don't think so? 
18. Found out someone was talking about you: I have had moments where I thought someone’s talking about me, but I was never sure
19. Met someone who changed you: no, but I'm waiting for you
20. Found out who your friends are: ??? As in something dramatic happened in my life and people abandoned me and I found out who my real friends were? weird questions, I’m going with no
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list: what no XD
— General
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl: when I had Facebook all of them 
23. Do you have any pets: NOT ANYMORE OKAY?! *cries*
24. Do you want to change your name: I mean do I want to be named Aelin or Feyre? Sure, but otherwise no XD
25. What did you do for your last birthday: can’t remember... probably just with family
26. What time did you wake up today: maybe at 11.45
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: listening to the podcast of @kbmritchie (YOU GUYS READ THEIR BOOKS THEY’RE AMAZING)
28. What is something you can’t wait for: tog7 definitely
30. What are you listening to right now: the radio, it’s a Spanish/English song? something with culpa and solamente, don’t know what it’s called XD
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: sure lots of em
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves: waiting a year for the next book
33. Most visited website: I have no life so tumblr
34. Hair colour: dark brown
35. Long or short hair: long
36. Do you have a crush on someone: I have a lot of crushes right now, I’m so overwhelmed @villainsreadtoo Alice you gotta help me with this XD (I have a hard time accepting that I have a crush and don’t want to admit it, but the Internet can keep a secret right)
37. What do you like about yourself:  my lips
38. Want any piercings: nope
39. Blood type: SERiously? no idea 
40. Nicknames: Sas (almost everyone call me this), sassie (my little sister calls me this)
41. Relationship status: single and never ready to mingle
42. Sign: gemini (but I promise I'm not a two-faced bitch)
43. Pronouns: she/her
44. Fave tv show: Supernatural and Brooklyn 99
45. Tattoos: no, but I really want a few
46. Right or left handed: left
47: Ever had surgery: yeah when I was little they removed my tonsils
48. Piercings: don’t have any
49. Sport: being lazy is a sport I excel at
50. Vacation: I really want to see Australia and Scotland 
51. Trainers: ?? please someone explain these questions to me before I make a fool of myself (oh wait)
— More general
52. Eating: pancakes
53. Drinking: bitter lemon
54. I’m about to watch: nothing, I have exams coming up
55. Waiting for: the movies, I'm going to see game night with my sister tonight
56. Want: the ‘wolf scout’ t-shirt of the like us series so bad (but I gotta wait till my next pay check)
57. Get married: definitely
58. Career: I'm secretly hoping I have amazing writing skills, and otherwise an editor or a job in a publishing house
— Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses: haven’t experienced any kissed but they sound amazing
60. Lips or eyes: EYES!
61. Shorter or taller: taller
62. Older or younger: older
63. Nice arms or stomach: ummm arms duh!
64. Hookup or relationships: Relationships
65. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant (it’s my greatest flaw)
— Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger: nooo
67. Drank hard liquor: never, probably never will
68.Turned someone down: nope
69. Sex on first date: no
70: Broken someone’s heart: I really hope not
71. Had your heart broken: many times, cause of death: fictional characters
72. Been arrested: no XD
73. Cried when someone died: yes again my dog (never experienced another death)
74. Fallen for a friend: no
— Do you believe in
75. Yourself: the ‘you can do it girl’ then yes
76. Miracles: absolutely
77. Love at first sight: I like to believe in it but I think it really is lust at first sight
78. Santa Claus: sadly I found out he’s not real so no
79. Angels: yup
— Misc
80. Eye colour: brown
81. Best friends name: Shiewanie aka someone who never uses her Tumblr @xwaantje and my sister Shila
83. Favourite actor: Oh man why you gotta ask me this XD I'm gonna go with Misha Collins
84. Favourite cartoon: avatar
85. Favourite teacher’s name: all teacher suck! I’m kidding I don't have a favourite
I’m tagging: @villainsreadtoo (you saw that one coming XD) @rayonfrozenwings and others who want to do this (I’m sorry but in my experience everyone I tag doesn’t end up doing it, so I'm giving up)
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princessgyucutie · 7 years
tagged by: @my--greed (thank you for including me btw, also, I copied and paste the Qs too ^^;;)
tag 9 people who you think are awesome and want to get to know better [even tho you’ve never actually talked with them or only had limited contact] 
Nariman, but I go by nana
Star sign: 
168cm probably..Idk
What’s your middle name:
don't have one :3
Put your music library on shuffle, what are the first 6 songs that popped up? [i’ll try to add links just in case ya’ll might want to hear the songs]
1- ain't it fun by Paramore - which I forgot that it was on my compute.. this song is special to me when I was at the beginning of high school. the lyrics helped to be realized a lot of things that I need it...
 2-HOME by Tablo Ft. Lee Sora- I used to listen to this when I was 8th grader. and I cried a lot. it was like a button to release all my depression...but know I feel kinda bittersweet while listening to it. it is just too beautifully sad...
3- light by kim jaejoong- this also gives me memories (I don't get why my computer keep giving me old music that brings my weird childhood)... just listen to it and you will know how I felt back there
4- I need you by kim sunggyu- now that!! that is something y’all need to know. because of this song I stan sunggyu and infinite. I used to put it on repeat and loved his honey voice..it was sooo sweet I got obsessed. without sunggyu’s debute, I would never become inspirit and I’m so grateful for this song a lot.
5- 함께 by infinite- do I even to say anything in this matter. this song means a lot to me when the seven were together. infinite’s songs always find a way to make me smile and escape reality
6-Kontol by sunggyu- just one of my fav song ever!!
(I just love the fact that my computer went from realization of my reality to depression to finding sunggyu and stan infinite more everytime. lol story of my music life XD)
Grab a book nearest you and turn to page 23. what is line 17? 
“I turned, and there was officer babs, she jerked a thumb, ‘you got a visitor’“ form a song for the dying. I stalled this books for years, I have never finished it -_-
Ever had a poem or song written about you?
not that I remember of.
When was the last time you played air guitar?
I dont think I did it before. but I played air piano and air drummed too
Who is your celebrity crush?
KIM SUNGGYU!! no question about it (and I love woohyun a lot more than I think)
but there are other ppl can qualify too like all the member of infinite, Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins.. just saying XD
What is a sound you hate? love?
a sound I hate? well I dont think I have one but maybe a very high noted sound or my voice
a sound I love is the rain, it eases me down (also infinite laughing, singing and talking in general)
Do you believe in ghosts/aliens?
ghost? no, I don't, but I do believe in spirits. aliens? probably. I mean we do live in a massive universe, and there are a lot of planets and other galaxies BUT I do NOT believe with the bullshit that the news says about the ufos or ” the flying plates” 
Do you drive? And if so, have you ever crashed? 
nope. I would not have an accident if I never drive *insert meme here*
What was the last movie you saw?
Maze Runner: The Death Cure.....newt.....TTATT
What’s the worst injury you’ve had?
gee... I don't know which one to pick...the only one that stuck in my head was an almost look small piece of metal stabbed me under the nails (hand) like you know the top part of the nails (the tip of the fingers). it got inside like it was a bag. but it hurts like hell. the worst thing is I was at school and the nurse refused to call my parents and force me to wait and go by the bus.there was a filthy metal shoved in my hand. I needed to go the hospital but noooooooooooooooooo...anyway that was it and I got yelled here and there 
Do you have any obsessions right now?
I shamelessly admit I do I have quite a lot like as if Y'all know Kim sunggyu is my number 1 of all the time alongside infinite.
also I I’m obsessed with the supernatural and some animes/mangas that I’m a little embarrassed to say it out loud. soon tho
Do you tend to hold grudges against ppl who have done you wrong?
I remember one time my English teacher was asking us if you forgive and forget other who hurts you. and my answer was “I do forget but I never forgive” I remember I said it with my most serious voice ever, but everyone laughed at that moment. I’m that kind of person that if I’m forced to be with ppl who hurts me. I pretend that I forget but I never said that I forgive, and waits for the moments when they need me and do the same thing, or the moment when I can cut the ties with them. it is either my revenge or forget about them forever. (I think I’m mean person...my bad?)
so answer that, yes I hold grudges unless you are the person who I love unconditionally. so you are off the hook.
Are you in a relationship?
never was, and probably never will, I mean according to my personality and who I am. I don't think anyone who would love the real me. and I don't want to be in a relationship with someone that I have to fake myself. I have abandonment issue, almost everyone comes for the fake me, either to manipulate me or whatever, but no one stays for the real me, which I do not even care about them, and then maybe they feel the same thing. the only thing I wanted was to be loved for the best and the worst of me, especially and just the worst
tag: you don't have to do it if you don't want to, and I apologize if you've already done it and I haven't notice
@kimvtuan @kingfinite @kmsngyu @luna-cream @infinite7loves @gyu-geegee @ little-piece-of-woohyun @chin-gyus @eyes-on-gyu
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I was tagged by @starsinursa. Thank you!
Rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. last drink: Coffee
2: last phone call: My husband
3. last text message: My tumblr two step activation code. Cause my laptop crashed and burned and I had to reinstall and re-sign into everything.
4. last song you listened to: Whatever was last at the superbowl halftime show.
5. last time you cried: I don’t remember, probably some sappy commercial.
6. dated someone twice: Kinda? He refused to call it dating until well after we were reunited, so I don’t know if the breakup was ever technically a breakup? Relationships are weird. Rest under the cut.
7. kissed someone and regretted it?: Not kissing specifically, no...
8. been cheated on?: Nope.
9. lost someone special?: Unfortunately.
10. been depressed?: Yes. I technically scored as mildly depressed about a year ago, but it wasn’t severe enough for medication. 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up?: Ugh, yes. Tequila is evil.
fave colors
12. Blue
13. Teal
14. Purple
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends?: Not really. I have within the last two years though.
16: fallen out of love?: Not in the least.
17. laughed until you cried?: Yep. We have had a few game nights that ended up at this point.
18. found out someone was talking about you?: Considering I applied for a different position in my company, I know for a fact they were talking about me. If you mean in a backstabbing way, then no.
19. met someone who changed you?: Nope.
20. found out who your friends are?: I already knew. ;)
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list?: Well. Yeah. My husband. This list was definitely made for teens, wasn’t it?
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl?: All but three, and I’m pretty damn close with them, too.
23. do you have any pets?: Two kitties.
24. do you want to change your name?: I used to want to really bad. Got over it at some point.
25. what did you do for your last birthday?: Played games and chilled with my hubby. My next birthday is about three weeks away and I plan on playing more Artemis. So much fun.
26. What time did you wake up today? Uhhhh.... Noon. I work from home, and with a downed laptop, I just didn’t care.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night?: Reading in bed. Probably on my phone, articles and stuff, before switching to my Kindle.
28. what is something you can’t wait for?: Seeing my sister again. She moved across the country last year and I miss her.
29. What are you listening to right now?: Grey’s Anatomy is on in the background.
30. have you ever talked to a person named tom?: Yessss? What a weird question. My BF’s friend’s dad is named Tom. Actually, I know a lot of Toms from that generation.
31. something that’s getting on your nerves?: STUPID LAPTOPS THAT COST A FORTUNE AND ARE SHIT
32. most visited website: *sigh* The honest answer to this is riptidepublishing.com. It’s the company I work for.
33. hair color: That nebulous shade that no one can decide if it’s dark blonde or light brown, with red undertones.
34. long or short hair: Medium. Shoulder length right now, then I let it grow to my boobs before I cut it again.
35. do you have a crush on someone?: Only if my husband or actors count.
36. what do you like about yourself?: My brain. My mbti test tells me I’m good at dreaming up ideas and equally good at having the logic, organization, and critical thinking to see those ideas through. This is incredibly true.
37. want any piercings?: No. My ears are enough.
38. blood type: I have no idea. XD
39. nicknames: Kel.
40. relationship status: Married. 
41. zodiac: Pisces, first zodiac. Meaning I have a hint of Aquarius to me. (And I do.)
42. pronouns: She/ her
43. fave tv shows: Out of the current lineup? Supernatural, Game of Thrones, Grey’s Anatomy, Lucifer, Archer. I also watch a ton of ice figure skating.
44. tattoos: No.
45. right or left handed: Right.
46. ever had surgery?: Yeah, I had a cyst on my right ovary the size of a small watermelon. That was fun.
47. piercings?: Just ears.
48. sport: As I said, I watch a ton of figure skating. As for playing something, I’ll pass.
49. vacation: My dream vacation is Paris. But I love everywhere we go. The beach, the mountains, Vegas, other cities... I like a little bit of it all.
50. trainers: …I assume you mean sneakers/tennis shoes and are British, but I’m still confused why anyone would find that interesting. Asics, currently. New Balance usually.
more general:
51. eating: We’re having burrito bowls for dinner?
52. drinking: Water right now. Coke Vanilla zero with dinner.
53. i’m about to watch: Currently watching Grey’s Anatomy. We’ll probably watch Supernatural or X-Files with dinner.
54. waiting for: My laptop to get its head out of its ass.
55. want: More cats. All the cats. And all the money. And this job with my work.
56. get married: Already am, and I love it. Helps that I love him to bits.
57. career: I work for an LGBTQ publisher and it is truly, in nearly every way possible, the perfect job for me.
which is better:
58. hugs or kisses: Hugs, cause they are easier and more socially acceptable to share.
59. lips or eyes: Eyes.
60. shorter or taller: Taller. Says the 5′ 0″ chick.
61. older or younger: Older? Hubby is four years older than me anyway.
62. nice arms or stomach: Legs.
63. hookup or relationship: Relationship. I would be horrible at hookups.
64. troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant. My mom never worried an ounce about me when I was a teen.
have you ever:
65. kissed a stranger: No.
66. drank hard liquor: Yep. Crown Apple is the bomb.
67. lost glasses: I “lost” a pair in the sense that I left them in a drawer of a nightstand in Vegas. Ugh, so mad about that.
68. turned someone down: Yeah, actually. Don’t know how that ever happened.
69. sex on first date: Lol. I’ve only ever been with my husband (life just worked out that way) and he didn’t want to do it until we were married. He cracked a two years. (Though given that he wouldn’t say we were dating, that might still count? lol)
70. broken someones heart: No.
71. had your heart broken: Oh yeah.
72. been arrested: Nope. See statement about being so “good” that my mom never worried about me.
73. cried when someone died: Ridiculous amounts. Every time.
74. fallen for a friend: Not really.
do you believe in:
75. yourself: Some days.
76. miracles: Yeah.
77. love at first sight: I believe it happens, yes. It’s just rare.
78. santa clause: I believe in the magic of Santa.
79. kiss on a first date: Yeah, why not? As long as both want it.
80. angels: Not really, I’m a fairly strong atheist-agnostic.
80.5. Ghosts: Yes. I’ve heard too many stories to doubt that. One came from my mom and the hospital she works at, and she is not prone to fancy or fantasy.
81. best friend’s name: Tammy. Wow, I guess some things never change. I’ve known her since I was 5.
82. eye color: Blue.
83. favorite movie: The Princess Bride.
84. fave actor: Misha Collins. Obvs.
This legit did not have 85 questions, so I added one under the “believe” section. You’re welcome.
And I legit can not think of people to tag right now, other than the one or two I always tag. (You know who you are...) So feel free to say I tagged you if you want.
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pineapplegirl123 · 7 years
Random Tags Rules: Always post the rules. Answer the 11 random questions posted for you. Create 11 new ones and tag 11 people. Let the person who tagged you know that you answered.
I was tagged by the wonderful @b-oota !! Thank you love! And also really good questions!!
1) if you could play any character in any movie, musical, show, or book being turned into any of those, who would you be and why?
Hmmm, I have no idea. I probably should’ve thought about this before lol maybe if they did a reboot (because I love all the original actors/actresses haha) of princess bride, I would want to play as buttercup lol idk that movie is too good tho i don’t think they’ll need a reboot XD
2) favorite song lyrics?
I have a lot but right now it’s from the song Brave by Skillet
My feet were made to march like thunder My lips to praise in all and wonder My hands hold power and my lungs breath fire Holy spirit fire, holy spirit fire
3) you’re in a hot air balloon, sailing over any city in the world with the 3 people of your choice, where are you and who are you with?
omg um i’d be in england or ireland withhhh my 3 closest friends. i know im cheesy but seriously im picturing that rn and we’d have so much fun
4) if you were a sticky note on someone’s fridge, what color would you be, what would you say, and whose fridge would you be on?
lime green hands down, um, i’d probably have a Bible verse on me (either Philippians 4:13 or Isaiah 41:13), and I dunno who’s fridge i’d be on. my own? lol
5) a stranger walks up to you and claims to be a famous person, asking you for a favor. You recognize the name, but they still look completely foreign to you. Who is it, and how embarrassed are you? Would you do the favor?
it really depends on what the favor is. if for example some guy claiming to be misha collins walks up and asks me to do something for him  but it doesn’t look like misha collins, i don’t think i would be embarrassed. I’d want to help whoever it is as best i can, but like i said it depends on the favor hahaha
6) you see your least favorite teacher on the news for receiving an award for being an amazing teacher. Your reaction?
i was homeschooled so my favorite teacher and my least favorite teacher are the same person, my mom, lol but seriously i would likely just be like oh hey cool for them maybe they’ve improved themselves or something like that
7) what’s one line from a book, movie, tv show, etc. that means a lot to you, and why? It can be funny, serious, made you cry, be a joke among your friends, etc.
8) if you eat donuts, what’s your favorite? If not, tell me about your favorite sweet!
the custard filled ones with chocolate frosting. i think they’re boston cream pie donuts or something but they the best i could eat a whole dozen of them probably
9) do you like lotion? Why or why not?
i know lotion is good for you, like mosturizing and stuff, but i hate the feel of it. like feet lotion i hate cuz then you can’t walk anywhere until it dries or else you’re a fuzz magnet. its extra hard when you have pets agh.
10) what is one show/movie you would reboot and why? Pretend like it’ll live up to it’s name and hype.
hah i was kinda just talking about this on that other question. a princess bride reboot if it lived up to its name and hype would be pretty cool.with maybe even a nod to the original one. i think an emergency (old show from the 70s) would be an awesome idea for a reboot. they dont have shows like that on tv anymore
11) favorite vine or video you think is funny?
dan: *looks into camera like he’s on the office*
this and every other version of this makes me laugh every time haha
My questions:
1. what is the silliest thing you have ever done in your life
2. can you remember the last time someone complimented you? when was it and what was it for?
3. if you were to meet your all time favorite celebrity, who would it be and why are they your favorite?
4. do you like rainy days? what are some things you like to do during rainy days?
5. the answer to your life’s biggest question is now solved. what do you do now?
6. have you ever been out of your home country? if you have, where did you go? if not, where would you like to go?
7. if given the opportunity, would you go skydiving?
8. do you play any video games? what’s your favorite one and why?
9. do you like answering these questions? XD
10. is there a part of your life that you wish you could relive again?
11. are you a shy person or an outgoing person? what do you think your life would be like if you were the opposite?
I don’t have anyone specific to tag, unless @b-oota if you want to answer my questions! hahaha if anyone wants to do this, be sure to tag me so i can see your answers! :)
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roninhunt0987 · 5 years
Krystal, Melody, Kotone and Misty's Sleepover party
Krystal, Melody, Kotone and Misty's Sleepover party
By: Roninhunt0987
X3 another cute story thats focused with Krystal, Melody, Kotone and Misty at the house on their own while their family is going on their one last and final ski lodge trip before they close for the entire summer... =3 this takes place in my cannon of m.e.g.a chronicles 3 which takes place a month later after the agons came home finally and such and meeting their new siblings who is at the ski lodge with them... X3 however the idiots will be unavailable at this time as this is a cute story and such.. X3 special for Krystaliaproductions on tumblr which will go there of course... X3 enjoy folks
Characters(C)belongs to their rightful owners
-at the house after everyone left the house leaving krystal, melody, kotone and misty for their furrified fun-
Melody, Kotone and Misty: -furrified and also waiting for krystal to come out-
Krystal: -comes on out furrified and also without worry of anyone seeing her furrified in the house and such- hehe
Melody, Kotone and misty: X3 hehehe -glomps krystal and and nuzzles on her- Krystal: -giggles- alright what should we do today??? Melody, Kotone and Misty: X3 Cartoons first
Krystal: X3 alright then next we'll get our swimsuits on and head for the beach for some fun and then come home for lunch and be furrified again and play some video games and then movies, k?? all 3: X3 alright hehe
-in the living room-
krystal: -watching tv-
Melody, kotone and Misty: -cuddled close to krystal watching tv furrified-
Krystal: -laughs at the part of inuyasha had the sit commanded on upon him-
Melody, Kotone and Misty: X3 hehehehehehehhehe
Krystal: XD ahhh always a classic -hears the phone ring and answers hello- X3 oh hey dad whats up?? X3 you were fine alright were planning to go to the beach soon as we finish our cartoons, k?? X3 alright hehe bye -hangs up-
melody: =3 what dad want?? Krystal: X3 he's just checking in on us like always
Melody: X3 k??
-a lil later- Krystal: -in her swimwear in her car driving and smiles to all 3 in the backseat in their swimwear-
Melody, Kotone and Misty: X3 hehehehe
Krystal: -smiles-
Melody: X3 hey I heard Aunt Misha is a lifeguard at the beach were going to maybe we'll see her there along with aunt kit
Kotone and Misty: X3 yea
Krystal: X3 well dad did tell me both got the lifeguard job for the summer and such so yea
-as they arrive-
Kotone, Misty and Melody: -at the beach ready for some fun- Krystal: -sets the umbrella and etc and feels 3 skye blue tails around her eyes and such- XD Aunt Misha really ya know I am an adult now right
Misha: -giggles- ya I know hehehe whatcha doin here
Krystal: X3 melody, kotone, misty and I are gonna be at the beach and we go back home and furrify again
Misha: X3 ohh can I join I get off my shift with kit after lunch
Krystal: =3 alright hehe
Kit Prower: -smiles talking with Melody, Kotone and Misty and comes on over- X3 hey whatcha girls talkin about??? Misha: =3 Krystal, Melody, Kotone and Misty are at the house furrified earlier this morning... =3 you and I are gonna be there too
Kit Prower: X3 oh wow I never knew ya were the type to be furrifed krystal
Krystal: ^^; I know I sometimes do it but i'mma doing it for my sisters though hehe.. =3 but only one days when I have the house to myself with my sisters so yea
Kit Prower: X3 awesome hehe
-as they are under the umbrella- Melody, Kotone and Misty: -getting their suntan on-
Krystal: -same thing as she relaxes at the beach while all 3 plays-
all 3: -goes to play- Misha and Kit: -at their lifeguard post using their binoculars to see for any incoming threat-
melody: -sees a shark and not amused as she uppercuts the shark in the air- WHANG!!!
Shark: YEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!! -goes into space-
Krystal: O_O;;;; WHAT THE-
Misha and Kit Prower: O_o F**K!!!!
Melody: -comes on over with Kotone and Misty and sees Krystal with the look of wtf- :? what??
Krystal: O.o melody.. how did ya learn how to do that???
Melody: -blinks twice- Uncle Yomoto taught me
Misty and Kotone: X3 hehe
Krystal: O.o ohh??
Misha: -walks on over as she is now off her shift finally as its lunch time- O.o uncle Yomoto punched a shark in space for trying to bite him plus it looked at him weirdly like it wants to eat him melody learned quickly by watching
Krystal: O.o dang
Melody: X3 yup
Kit Prower: -comes on over- XD MELODY THAT WAS TOTALLY WICKED!!!!
Melody: X3 hee
Krystal: O.o if I were to guess you practiced that move on the 9 idiots right??
Melody: :3 yup
Krystal: so uh... what happened to the shark when it came back to the planet
Shark: -dead and on the sand now cooked- X_x
beachgoers: XD FOOD!!! -jumps at the cooked shark as they got eat it-
melody: .w. that happens
Krystal: O_o;;;;;;; ooookay lets go home girls... X3 remember what we planned and seems like we have our aunts joining us
-as they are now at home- Misha and Kit Prower: -both furrified-
Melody, Kotone and Misty: -waits for krystal to come out-
Krystal: -comes out furrfiied-
Misha and Kit: X3 awwwwww
Krystal: -blushes shyly and smiles shyly- promise me you won't tell anyone of this
Misha: X3 we promise
Kit Prower: X3 yea hehe
Krystal: =3 thanks
-as they are playing video games-
krystal: -watching Kotone, Misty and Melody play halo 3 on capture the flag mode with all 3 against Misha and Kit Prower-
Kit Prower and Misha: X3 hehe -playing-
Krystal: -smiles while watching as she is playing on her 3DS playing pokemon sun as she is in a middle of a pokemon battle on there and such and giggles as she won-
doorbell: -ding dong-
Misha: X3 ahh pizza's here -goes to pay for it-
Espio: -sees misha open the door-
Misha: O.o Espio what are doing here??
Espio: -groans- yea... chaotix agency needs to pay some bills and uhh yea vector got me into a pizza job so yea...
Misha: O.o oookay then.... ^^; tell vector we said hi okay...
Espio: right -gets the cash from misha and gives her the pizza and heads on out like he always does-
Misha: -closes door and comes in with the pizza- O.o huhn
Krystal: whats up??
Misha: O.o that was espio he got the pizza job and it appears that Vector's chaotix agency has to pay bills so uh yea
Krystal: owch poor espio
Misha: well considering he's merrick's best friend so no big surprise
Kit Prower: gets me wondering why he still hangs out with Charmy and Vector
Krystal: O.o simple they're teammates
Melody, Kotone and Misty: X3 yea hehe
-a lil way later on that night-
Misha and Kit: -in their bedroom asleep as they're next shift is tomorrow-
Melody, Kotone and Misty: -watching a movie with Krystal-
Krystal: -same-
-at the end of the movie-
Krystal, Melody, Kotone and Misty: -all 4 fell asleep on the couch while the bowl that had the popcorn is on the floor and etc- zzzz
Kit Prower: -smiles and chuckles-
-next day as the entire family is home-
Merrick: -walks on in with everyone-
everyone: -goes to their rooms to unpack-
Merrick: -walks on into Krystal's room and sees that all 4 girls is asleep furrified as he tucks all 4 in and smiles and leaves them for their nap and such because they had some fun in the morning before he and the family returned home for this afternoon which is now as he closes the door quietly-
Krystal, Melody, Kotone and Misty: -all 4 in krystal's bed asleep furrified taking a nap after some morning of fun and such- zzz
Ceiling fan: -on high quietly-
floor fan: -heard quietly-
Picture frame: -camera pans to a picture of Krystal, Melody, Kotone and Misty when they were younger-
Scene: -fades to black slowly-
-RH0987 Productions 2019-
(  @krystalia-productions  X3 enjoy as this featured Misha Ishiyama Kato and Kit Prower and also Espio cameos for this one of course delivering the pizza hehe)
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tinkdw · 7 years
It sucks getting hateful comments. I don't know how frequent it is for you, but in case you got any that upset you, just know that that people have pom poms ready to cheer you on because you are awesome! Your optimism and willingness to respond to people as nicely as you do is something I admire. I'm not the nicest person, but you inspire me to be less pissy XD
Aw thank you! I’m also not perfect of course, I feel likeI’m being more salty than usual the last couple of days and have less patience with anons, especially if they’re moronic antis like that but I am also struggling with the worriers, who I know don’t mean to be a pain and are genuinely worried and upset so I try to answer kindly but I just feel like I’m repeating myself incessantly about how Cas isn’t going to be replaced with Jack/AU Cas/this time Cas’ death IS different, they’ve SAID so, Dean IS going to grieve harder and face things more deeply or whatever the issue is that I’ve talked about til i’m blue in the face already…
I SO want to be patient but it’s so hard when as soon as I post one answer like this I get 3 more on the same topic that I do end up having to ignore so as not to make my blog just a wank fest, in case anyone is wondering why I don’t answer their asks, I can’t answer them all esp in these situations… and I can’t link posts so well on mobile so they do get left sometimes I’m sorry…
(Re: antis tho my favourite theory tho was on a bibro blog that Misha is only coming back because he sucks up to Dabb and Jensen hates him so he’s coming back as Jimmy to go be Jody’s love interest on Wayward Sisters…. that one kept me laughing for WEEKS!)
Thank you so much for the comment though I really appreciate it :)
Normal flailing and excitement and huge positivity is still here, that’s still who I am, that’s still what I’m feeling for the show! I’ve just had way loads of worrying / salty asks recently but I’m still loving everything and man the spoilers just basically confirm or further my speculation since the finale so I’m super hyped for season 13!
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spnreactions · 4 years
Season 15 Featurettes/BTS
Hey all! 
Two videos to react to today! One is a little featurette from Jensen and Jared that looks like it’ll be pretty funny, and the other is the “Inside” from “Gimme Shelter”, which, I think, comes mostly from Misha and Alex. 
So let’s get started! 
Like a Slingshot
Oh I lied. It’s all of them lol. BUT THAT’S EVEN COOLER! 
I love how they say they have fun on the set and joke around with each other like this is news to any of us. We’ve seen the blooper reels, guys. We’ve seen the prank videos. We know. XD 
But, side note, I’m so glad they have fun on set. I mean, the fact that they’re all such good buds in real life just makes their on screen chemistry even better, and it makes me so happy for them that they were able to make these friendships. Honestly, that was likely the hardest part for them about saying goodbye to the show, was saying goodbye to each other. But I have faith that they’ll all remain friends. :) 
Misha OMG. XD It’s not really your fault. Blame J2 (like you usually do). XD 
“Like a slingshot” HA! Now the name of the video makes sense lol. I love it. XD XD <3 <3 
“We have so many of those moments.” That’s so awesome ahhh!! I LOVE THIS CAST SO MUCH!! <3 <3 
Also, I love that they can bounce back and forth between those emotions so quickly. Like, “ah, yes, we’re so sad” and then just lose it, but also, they can be totally dying of laughter and then lock it up to play it serious when they have to and I love that about them. 
Have I mentioned that I love this cast? Because I love this cast. <3 <3
I love watching all the title cards cycle through at the end of these little featurettes. <3  
Okay! That’s it for that one! Not much to say other than, to reiterate, I freaking love the Supernatural cast. They have fun doing what they do, and they’re not afraid to show it. And I’m so glad that they’ve grown so close and made such great friendships, because it shows both on screen and off and it’s beautiful. Also, while they’re good at their jobs, sometimes, I do seriously wonder how in the world they get anything done on this show. XD 
Inside: Gimme Shelter
Oh sorry, that’s just my immediate reaction to see Jack on the screen. 
*screams louder* 
And...that would be my reaction to seeing Alex on the screen. XD <3 
I love him and his character so much. <3 
Also, I liked Cohen’s directing overall, but I’ll admit that I wasn’t as impressed as I was hoping to be. However, he made up for all of that with his little goodbye pictures and videos on his Instagram. What a sweetheart (who also broke my heart in two :’( :’( ). <3 <3 
“Shenanigans” XD <3 
I still can’t get over how so-not-subtle they both are. XD <3 
“Subtle nods?” Dude those were flat-out REFERENCES lol. But yeah, they were awesome. Good choice for your favorite thing, Alex. <3 
The baby yoda reference. Still can’t get over that either. XD 
And that’s it for that one! This basically just reminded me how much I loved the Cas and Jack moments in that episode, because they were AMAZING! <3 <3 <3  Also, in general, it’s just really nice to see so many moments from the cast commenting on these videos and on these episodes. It really shows that they’re trying to make these final episodes count for the fans (and themselves) as much as possible, and I love that. <3 
Thanks for listening! I hope you enjoyed these little featurettes and behind-the-scenes videos! I know I did!
I’ll tackle the promo photos once I can find a good link to them! :D <3 
Until next time! <3 
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