#thanks regal!
ranger-ribbons · 4 months
Can you pls right a Casey x theo soft one shot of them flirting while working
Uhhhhh, I can't promise the flirting will be good. Also, I apologize for it being short. I had nothing for them.
"Theo, pass me the sugar?" Casey asks.
Theo complies without looking up. "Sure, honey."
"Thanks, darlin'," Casey returns. He then gets a mischievous grins and waves the sugar shaker side to side right under Theo's noise to get his attention. "Not nearly as sweet as you," he teases with a broad, fond, smile.
Theo flushes, but catches on quick. "Nothing in this entire pizza shop is as sweet as your are though, Case," he says back.
Casey opens his mouth to retort, but just then RJ appears at the top of the stairs up into the loft. "Trouble," he says. He starts to go back up, then pauses and turns back. "And if you're going to flirt in my store, please wait until the pizzas are out of the oven."
Casey and Theo look at each other with twins looks of mortification and shock as RJ disappears back up the steps. Casey turns, hurriedly gets the pizza out of the over as Theo pops his head out the doors to call for Fran. Then, together, they share a smile and bolt up the stairs to meet whatever trouble RJ says awaits them.
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eschercaine · 2 years
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Okay, Alicent. The last shred of sympathy I have for you is GONE. Yes, Alicent is a victim of her father’s abuse but she is now doing the abuse herself.
Rhaenyra just gave birth in this scene yet Alicent only cares about her own agenda; to humiliate Rhaenyra by forcing the princess to present the child to her in a fragile state. Why not see the child for herself? Jeez. Rhaenyra didn’t do this kind of thing to Alicent while she was pregnant with Aegon nor Helaena nor her other children.
I like that Laenor is there for Rhaenyra, but I wish Daemon was there to punch Alicent in the face or raise some hell. Seriously.
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pain-in-the-butler · 10 months
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A compilation of art for my Dadbastian fanfic Coattails that I commissioned from the incredibly talented @tomoyoo! They went above and beyond with the details... Each picture feels as cozy and warm as a storybook, right? I'm so delighted with how they turned out!! Thank you for making each one so beautiful! 🥹🥹🥹
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you-taste-likewhiskey · 4 months
Okay but hear me out:
Regina Mills.
That’s it. That’s the post.
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shkika · 9 months
I love the way you draw Big Sis Moon! She looks so regal!
Thank you! Actually this is a fun time to mention how much I wanted Suns and Moon to be the opposite types of regal in their designs.
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Suns is sharp top heavy and imposing. Their antenna are supposed to semi resemble a crown along with their fancy neck fluff. Their colors against red backgrounds are eye catching and bold. They're more so supposed to demand respect than give any comfort which fits what their colony is all about. They are "in charge" after all.
Moon is the opposite! Her design is more bottom heavy with a streamline elegant figure, fewer edges, nit many details and a long robe that constantly sways around her. It makes her look big, but gentle. She's comforting and welcoming with a pleasant and easy on the eye with her color scheme focusing on gentle blues and purples. Her colony finds her comforting, she's not authority she's the ever present Looks to the Moon who's taken care of them for countless generations.
They're opposites in many ways. Which makes it easy to see why Pebbles went after Suns as company. Someone different in literally every meaningful way. Freedom from the sister he was attached to.
Which leads to another fun detail. Part of what makes Moon look so elegant and regal is her robe.
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So when you remove it, it's like ridding her of her godhood in a way. That part of her dies with her collapse and is only barely restored in a very tattered and shadow of it's former self way with her post-Rivulet design.
So anyway. Ahem.
I just wanted to gush about Moon as always. And I wanted to tell you about my thought process about her design as it looks deceptively simple, but I've put a lot of thought into it.
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selenevassos · 11 months
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my passenger princess
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sirguyofdykesborn · 1 year
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regal hitting his weed pen. as requested
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lilybug-02 · 7 months
Greetings, it is I, a 13-year-old who, for lack of anything better to do, have decided to ask you, the Chara Timeline lady, for some life advice you think may serve me well, or at least not actively damage me. also you have a fantastic design for Kris, really captured their Kris essence.
Greetings 13 year old child. I thank you for your sweet Kris comments <3.
My 3 Tips of Advice For You <3
Be extremely careful with how much time you spend online. Like less than 1-3 hours a day. I became super addicted in Middle school and it worries me how much time I've spent online since then. Plus, as you get older, you are more likely to stay up late. It will be easier to use your tech at this time, so try not to get too into that habit! Read, watch t.v, build legos, count pennies, text friends, try to diversify :)
Be careful who you talk with online :) I know Stranger Danger is chiseled into most peoples heads, but if someone is older than you, is giving you the creeps, guilt tripping you into anything(drawing, roleplay, etc.), and/or trying to keep you on the app as long as possible. Ghost them or strait up block <3. You may feel guilty, but know you are never in the wrong. I had to go to the police one time regarding this. Talk with people you trust about the situation. It helps.
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY! If you feel comfortable and safe with your parents or legal guardians, talk with them about your day! :))) I'm sure I don't have to tell you why that is so special <3
Bonus: I hope you enjoy school! :) It do be kinda wild sometimes, but it's fun to learn!
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empty-dream · 6 days
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spohkh · 7 months
i...... seo do young doing everything he can fucking think of to get dong soo hooked on him so that he changes his mind about wanting to leave do young is making me CRAAAAZZZYYYYYYY..... maybe if i offer him even more revenge...maybe if i give him a car... he wont run away from me he'll let me keep him without a fuss.... do young doesnt even seem to question his fixation on dong soo hes just rolling with it ... "i see it i like it i want it i got it" type mentality
and hes so used to actualizing his desires that i feel even though hes having some fun with dong soo pushing back right now, if the time comes when it seems like he may for real for real have to give dong soo up, its ABSOLUTELY gonna b a "everything i let go of had claw marks on it" moment...cant wait❤️
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thecryptidart1st · 7 months
So I am claiming ownership over FNAF now
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simgerale · 7 months
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The End Beginning
luca: Am I poisoned again?
magdalena: You are not. Dame Sheridan claimed that we would not be disturbed this way. [tugs on her gloves] I am truly in a wedding dress, attempting to propose to you in a derelict greenhouse.
l: So you do care for me. It... It was not an act on your part, either? I was not imagining things?
m: No, you were not imagining things. To be frank with you, though, I did not realize my feelings until you were on your deathbed.
l: [smirks] Better late than never.
[waves crash in the distance]
m: Do... Would you like to... Will you...
l: [he takes her hand and kisses it softly] Yes. Not for Eden. Not for Volais. Only for us, Magdalena.
m: For us.
[she envelops his lips, intending to pull away after a few moments, but he pulls her closer and kisses her like she is the air he breathes]
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samssims · 2 months
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the princess and the pirate stable boy
Inspired by the world of Regal by @simgerale
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busaikuknee · 2 years
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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9x02 | The Bridge
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andsotheuniverseended · 5 months
Orimar Vale sir if you happen to be free any night this week i would love to discuss sensory overload and the pursuit of escaping the limits of humanity to become a story that will never die with you
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