#that I just see obstacles
career advice: do not ever listen to your parents suggestions under no circumstances whatsoever no fr are you listening to me cause I’ll repeat do n-
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lgbtlunaverse · 9 months
You know sometimes I think about that whole narrative tragedy around Huaisang where to get revenge for his brother on jgy he has to become more and more like jgy and turn into a person that his brother would hate. And yes the scheming and the lying and the making other people do your dirty work so you'll never get caught and have to face consequences for your actions is all very foils. Very tragedy. Love it.
But then I think back to nieyao in the fire palace and how it's not the spy thing Nie Mingjue is mad about, not really. He didn't know about it and changes his mind on trying to kill meng yao when xichen tells him but he's still mad and it's not the spy thing. However many cultivators he killed and tortured under Wen Ruohan's orders because he couldn't lose his cover are a factor but the crux of it? It's those last few. And specifically that Meng Yao had an out. A way for them to survive. And he used it. But only for Nie Mingjue. All the others got killed on the spot but Nie Mingjue got the out, got to live. And maybe (likely) if he'd tried to save the others Nie Mingjue would have needed to die but Nie Mingjue has been ready to die for his sect since he was 14 and if it meant defeating Wen Ruohan he'd be happy to. The fact is that those last deaths weren't to defeat Wen Ruohan but to keep Nie Mingjue alive and that is what he can't forgive. It's that after everything the thing he is so angry at Meng Yao for is choosing to value his life over that of his men.
And then I look back at Nie Huaisang who lied and schemed, yes, but who, most importantly, committed so hard to his headshaker persona that the Nie clan declined by the year, a shadow of its former self after only a decade of leadership.
And I realize that both Meng Yao and Nie Huaisang at one point looked at Nie Mingjue, and then looked at multitudes of Nie sect cultivators, and decided that Nie Mingjue was more important. And that's what he'd hate the most.
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mazzystar24 · 4 months
Am I the only one who low-key loved that they showed:
1. Lucy’s anxiety induced blabber and Tim’s 😳 in the background - because I feel like while ppl were being like “oh that rant was so annoying and over the top” but in reality that rant is literally so accurate as a stream of thought of anxiety and overthinking , not only that I think the fact that this rant was included is so telling of their relationship because as someone with anxiety I can confirm that those types of thoughts STAY inside thoughts unless we are super comfortable with the person because WE ARE AWARE HOW UNHINGED AND IRRATIONAL WE SOUND
2. The chenford fight- when you have two mentally ill people in a relationship spoiler alert they will sometimes say shit they don’t mean and will sometimes screw up AND THATS OKAY AND REALISTIC like any mentally ill person will tell you that when they are spiralling, almost always they will unintentionally take it out on the person closest to them or who is supporting them the most and that’s not because they actually want to it’s more so that their brain subconsciously knows that that’s a safe target that they can be a bit of a screw up with them and they won’t stop loving them, this is literally the most common example of displacement (trust me I’m a psych student🤓,jk jk fr tho this is an actual thing)
Like when I heard initially that chenford would have issues this season I was so worried the writers would pull that old cliche of making stupid out of character drama that made no sense and felt inorganic but THIS this is so good to see how anxiety can affect a relationship and eventually how they get over that obstacle and it came out in a way that felt very realistic and in character
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katyspersonal · 7 months
Okay, I am thinking of something...?
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Like, you could say that Sleep is a counter to Madness? Logically of course; Frenzy is a torture, excessive energy and.... well, frenzy, whereas Sleep is the opposite - tranqulity and rest. And visually? Not only status effect icons are mirroring one another, but also the color of one is opposite to another! Or more specifically, if you remove the yellow hue from FF, it will become cold purple!
I definitely believe theory that Trina has a connection to Miquella, in a similar form how Radagon was Marika's alter, but this could be similarly not a normal thing? I assumed that Radagon was the result of curse of the Giants inflicted on Marika but separating from her as maybe a way to defy it! Yet despite Giants not affiliating with GO (being in counters with it, actually), Radagon is very much a GO person. But what if a similar thing happened to Miquella? He got sick with Frenzy for one reason or another, but as a very powerful Demigod Empyrean super cool super strong person he of course could not "truly" go down for it, needless to mention that it is said to only make humans sick with it. But at the same time, Frenzied Flame does come from an outer God, and those can be a problem for Demigods- heck, his sister is the example of that! However, Miquella is also Unalloyed; his whole thing is being stuck in a "pure" state, countering Outer Gods successfully (and even not aging physically)! So instead, it resulted in an alter ego- at the same time, twisting the thing into basically an opposite element!
+ @val-of-the-north also suggested that maybe this is how Miquella became an Empyrean; not only being "Unalloyed" would not do for starting a new era so some sort of affiliation, even if in a roundabout way gave his potential more 'personality', but also he says being an Empyrean seems to be associated with femininity and that's why Trina is a she?
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Really just me speculating a little because apparently overthinking the fact there is a weird purple fire is a good activity for 3 AM dksdjsdfd I really think DLC should reveal more to us about both dreams and Miquella from the looks of it 🤔
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beaft · 1 month
i've been contemplating the cats' respective moralities and have come to the conclusion that kitten understands what crime is and will occasionally commit it, whereas pud has no concept of sin or indeed of anything beyond "want thing" and "want thing now"
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sugarcoatednightshade · 3 months
Tired of seeing fic on ao3 claiming to be based off dune the book series when it’s very obvious that the writer has only seen dune the movie(s).
Yes, it matters. Yes, these are very different works. You’re probably doing this for visibility; I don’t care. Archive Of Our Own is a fucking archive, stop labeling your works with a tag you know is factually incorrect. It makes it impossible for me to filter for fics I want to read.
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metatheatre · 3 months
Crowley has partial memory-loss this, Crowley is just pretending not to recognize people to be a jerk that. Consider: prosopagnosia. That man* is fucking faceblind.
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iidsch · 6 months
So I was editing this gif
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and it made me realize... doesn't this make Mizu colorblind when she's wearing her glasses? the crystal has a very strong orange tint, enough that even blues look white/grey while she's wearing them... and given that she rarely takes them off, especially in crowded places, that means everything either looks orange or grey to her, which functionally makes her colorblind
Maybe this will be used in the future as an obstacle? Like Mizu picking the wrong thing because she can't tell certain colors apart... that would be funny honestly
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totaleclipse573 · 1 month
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Putting this here too bc the Brainrot
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velvetjune · 4 months
extremely happy that Mr Door will be in more of the upcoming night springs dlc
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faceeeeee · 7 months
Jax is very gay to me but if they ever cave and give him a wife i hope shes really butch and stinky. You know. To contrast his twinkish charms. I hope shes the strongman of the circus too. Hes the side of a cell phone compared to her.
As much as I enjoy some of the different ships people come up with I always interpret them as alternate/ hypothetical situations and I don't really think he should have a canon partner (also given by the fact that goose herself said that there will be no romance in the series).So in regards to this hypothetical ship....
It's still kind of a funny thought but I don't think it would really work?? I would agree if Jax was a snobby know it all with an ego the size of the universe and that could make for some interesting interactions with a 3 meter titan of a gal that towers over him and grabs him around (think of "My girlfriend is an orc warlord" by Marko Raassina). Then I would be all for it but because I see Jax as a real piece of shit who craves for control I think this supposed gal would punch the ever living shit out of him.
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numberonepartyboy · 2 months
if you think of shuro as a 'misogynistic creep who gets in a way of farcille'. I do not trust you about poc characters.
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coquelicoq · 2 months
one important thing about work emails is that whoever you send them to can forward them to anyone else, or reply to you and copy other people. so if you're going to talk about a third party in your email, only say things you would be okay with the third party reading. because people can and will just suddenly CC brand new people on a long email chain, who will then be able to backread anything you've ever said in any of your previous responses that you were sending to only one person. word to the wise.
#i mention this because this just happened to me today BUT it was fine because i already do this#i was writing to client A and mentioned client B who has been making both of our lives harder#but because it's my policy never to trash talk one client to another client (they all know each other btw)#(and some of them are contractors for others of them)#the thing that i said about client B was not something i had to then regret a few days later#when client A for some fucking reason CC'd client B in her response to me#i worded it like 'i'm sorry this has been so hectic and last-minute. it took me a while to understand what client B wanted.'#which has the virtue of being true and also not denigrating client B in any way even though what i meant was#'client B has been so confusing in everything he has said to me that i couldn't give you any advance warning'#but i didn't SAY that. so we're golden#the thing is you will be SO tempted SO often to tell someone that something is a third party's fault#because it will often be a third party's fault!!!!! but you must resist every time. especially in writing#<-this is not universal advice bc sometimes you need to stand up for yourself or whatever. i just mean in venting situations#no venting to clients about other clients. sometimes you need to vent with them in order to build rapport and get them to see you as#an ally rather than an obstacle but you cannot vent ABOUT other people. they can do it but you can't. you have to find other things#to vent about#my posts
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sevenines · 16 days
i find how in fics i’ve read recently, writers (who clearly are normal-to-tall height) write in short characters’ povs sooo interesting. interestingly it’s mostly with peridot (rather than steven or amethyst) where shortness is a fixation. they’re constantly reminded of their shortness and “curse this tall world and tall people!!” when in reality short people don’t always think about being short because that’s just how they live.
#the reason i’m only calling out fics and not published works#is because published works just don’t have short people povs at all LOLLLL#well i mean there probably are if i look for them#but i’m no literary nut so i’ve found none#anyways in fics it’s clear the writing is in the perspective of a tall person#bc it makes me think of a video i saw that was like ‘this is the pov of a short person’#and for the first time i actually saw a video pov that looked normal to me#i just accepted that people filmed videos up high because that’s what i’m used to#and people in the comments were freaaaaking out#and it’s only then that i see how inconvenient being short is#like yeah i suppose i can’t really see what’s on even the bottommost shelf of a ceiling cabinet#and forget any shelves higher than that#but that’s just how cabinets are! they’re not like that because i’m short they’re just like that because /theyre/ tall#to put it more concisely the framing is less ‘i’m short’ and more ‘things are just tall’#and in the times where i have to say get a stool#i’m not thinking about how annoying it is that i need it#or at least direct that anger towards my own height#it’s the objects fault /obviously/#that doesn’t mean friends won’t make fun of me endlessly for being short though LOL#oh and when it ACTUALLY becomes an obstacle…#then yes it’s actually really annoying (rock climbing :/)#but hey i’m happy that being short is written at all if that makes sense??#like amen for su having an abnormally large cast of small characters
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clingylilhoneybee · 5 months
I feel like the hardest part about long distance that nobody seems to talk about is just how much of your life it has to consume and change to work out
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