#that being said it's still nice work but oh my god I'm so tired so scared
hamburgirlbulge · 25 days
A girl wants to go back to bed so badly
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anonymousewrites · 3 months
Nature of the Human Soul (Book 1) Chapter Fourteen
Platonic! Hazbin Hotel x Teen! Reader
Father Figure! Alastor x Teen! Reader
Chapter Fourteen: Show Goes On
Summary: The Hotel rebuilds and moves on from the fight.
Mouse Note: Thank you for reading Nature of the Human Soul (Book 1)! I hope you all enjoyed because I loved writing this. I'm so excited for Hazbin Hotel to return because I have a lot of ideas for this series, and I'm excited to continue. But for now, thank you for everything! If you like my writing, please check out my other Father Figure series!
           “Noooo!” screamed Lute as Adam fell. She ran to Adam’s side, and (Y/N) backed off, narrowing their eyes in case she tried anything. “Sir! Stay with me, sir! Adam!” He was gone.
           “It’s over,” said Charlie, holding Vaggie to her side protectively.
           Lucifer loomed over Lute, and her eyes widened in fright. “Take your little friends and go home! Please.”
           Lute narrowed her eyes and picked up Adam’s halo. Furious at having no other choice, she glared at the demons before calling out to the exorcists. “Retreat. All exorcists fall back.”
           The angels rose into the air, fleeing back through the portal to heaven.
           Lucifer, pleased, turned to the hotel group. “So…who’s up for pancakes?”
           Everyone, bloody and tired, stared at him.
            “Good evening, I’m Katie Killjoy,” said the news report later that night.
            “And I’m—”
            “No one gives a shit who you are, Tom,” said Katie. “Breaking news: extermination day is canceled! Charlie Morningstar managed to fend off the angelic attack with more than just nice words. In an unseen turn of events, our demonic head honcho Lucifer stepped in to save his daughter’s ass in the last moment. We’re also hearing reports that Adam, leader of the Angelic Legions, first man, and totally fuckable bad boy, has been slain by a filthy gardening demon or some shit like that. The kid said, quote, ‘I hate cameras, and TV here sucks, go away’ before threatening our crew! What an asshole! Anyway, congrats to Charlie and her crew for not being totally fucking useless for once.”
            Charlie held Keekee as she looked over the rubble that used to be the Hazbin Hotel. They’d lost so much, so many people. “Oh, there, there, it’s…” She sighed. “It’s okay.” She tried to believe it herself, but it was difficult.
            Angel smiled at her as he held Fat Nuggets. Charlie managed to smile back and took a step towards him. She found herself in front of the “Happy First Week!” sign she’d made for Pentious. Her heart ached at his loss. Vaggie put her hands on Charlie’s shoulders comfortingly.
(Charlie) “He did it for us, The ultimate sacrifice. He gave me his trust, And look how we pay the prince.”
            Tears gathered in her eyes. She had failed her friends. Because she hadn’t been strong enough, they had gotten hurt, killed.
(Charlie) “This bloodshed could have been avoided, If I convinced heaven to work together. I took a hotel, and I destroyed it, I know I could have done better, better, Instead of letting you down.”
            Lucifer put a hand on his daughter’s shoulder and smiled at her.
(Lucifer) “Come on little lady, why the frown? In the last ten thousand years, you’re the first one to change this town, You can do this, Now I know it, For your story has just begun, You can’t quit now, Hell, you owe it, There’s still damage to be undone, You’ve changed my mind, You’ve touched their hearts.”
            Charlie looked around as her friends approached with a smile.
(Lucifer) “Found the good in souls gone bad, The stage is wrecked, the crowd is gone, But by God Charlie, The show it must go on!”
            Her friends gathered around Charlie.
(Vaggie, Cherri, (Y/N), Angel, Husk, Niffty) “We can do this, We can build it! Best hotel that you’ve ever seen! Twice the bedrooms, We can fill it!” (Lucifer) “With more sinners than you can dream!” (Lucifer and Vaggie) “It starts with you!” (Vaggie, Cherri, (Y/N), Lucifer, Angel, Husk, Niffty) “You know it’s true, Fulfill your destiny!”
            They reached out their hands. Wiping her tears and smiling, Charlie stood and took her father’s hand as the group came together for a hug.
(Charlie) “So long as I’ve got all of you with me!”
            And so, the cleanup and work began. It was tough going, but everyone pitched in, and the hotel began to come together better than before.
(Niffty) “To build a hotel, I think we need some brick and lumber!” (Lucifer) “Good thing we’re in Hell, check out this little magic number.”
            He snapped his fingers, and the supplies appeared.
(Angel) “Start with foundation.” (Lucifer) “A remedial creation for me.”
            The foundation came together in a single spell.
(Niffty, Angel, Lucifer) “It’s as easy as can be!”
            Soon, the hotel was getting decorated, rooms ready to be stayed in.
(Charlie) “No time for cryin’, We got a lot of work to do and, We gotta try and make the best of what’s in ruins.” (Vaggie) “New coat of paint!” (Husk) “New lights across the marquee!” ((Y/N)) “With a little sorcery!”
            They waved a hand, and plants grew up around the hotel, decorating it with nature amongst the barren city that Pride usually was.
            Finally, the hotel was put back together, with a statue of Dazzle outside. Charlie smiled at the painting of Pentious and the Egg Bois going up in the foyer to honor his memory. The memories of who they lost would never be forgotten as a new era of the Hazbin Hotel approached.
(All) “We can do this!” (Charlie) “We can do this!” (All) “We’ll be better!” (Charlie) “We’ll be better!” (All) “Though redemption may take a while.” (Charlie) “Though it may take a while.” (All) “Wayward sinners, clear their ledger!”
            They came together for a hug, and a familiar face popped out of the shadows.
(Alastor) “And we’re doing it with a smile!”
            (Y/N) grinned. He was healed and back with them. He had survived, too.
(Charlie) “We’ll make a difference, wait and see.” (Charlie and Vaggie) “We’re gonna do this, you and me.” (All) “And then tomorrow it will be, A fuckin’ happy day in Hell!”
            The Hazbin Hotel was open for business.
            (Y/N) walked through the hotel to the new wing dedicated to Alastor’s broadcasts. Obviously, it was placed on the opposite side from Lucifer’s apple-themed wing. They paused at the door of the radio and knocked.
            “Alastor?” they called out.
            The door was opened by a shadow, and (Y/N) stepped inside. Alastor was standing over the controls of the new radio, examining everything.
            “Do you like it?” asked (Y/N), slightly nervous.
           Yes, they had faced Adam, but this was…different. It was a different type of encounter. With a fight, (Y/N) knew what it felt like to suffer, to go through pain, so they could handle that. With friendship, (Y/N) had very little experience, so they weren’t sure how to deal with it.
           Alastor turned to face them. “It seems Charlie did a good job ensuring this was up to my standards. My broadcasts will be quality, as usual.”
           “Charlie didn’t make it. Well, she helped, but I, uh, I did it,” said (Y/N).
           Alastor paused, and his grin, unbidden, widened. “You did?”
           (Y/N) nodded. “I saw your tower was affected when Adam hurt you, so when we rebuilt the hotel, I made sure there was something for you to come back to.”
           “I hadn’t expected to have a broadcast tower at the hotel,” said Alastor.
           “Do you like it?” asked (Y/N).
           “I do,” said Alastor honestly.
           (Y/N) brightened. “I’m glad! And I’m glad you’re alright. Adam did a lot of damage to the hotel, killed Pentious, and hurt you pretty badly.”
           “It will take more than that to kill the Radio Demon,” said Alastor, but the unfortunate truth was that he had nearly died.
           “I faced him,” said (Y/N) suddenly.
           Alastor paused. “Oh?”
           “Yeah, I fought Adam. It didn’t go that well for me, either.” They grinned at him. “But I killed him. In the end, I killed him.” They stood proud in their strength and determination. Yes, (Y/N) had nearly fallen to Adam and Lucifer had really defeated him, but dealing the killing blow had given (Y/N) so much satisfaction.
           Alastor looked at (Y/N), and he cursed every part of him that still had some humanity since he felt something as they smiled at him. It wasn’t what he felt when Rosie laughed alongside him and teased him, but it held a familiar warmth. Although he had begun by seeing something in (Y/N) that reminded him of himself from oh-so long ago, Alastor couldn’t help but look at (Y/N) and just see them, now. It wasn’t them being like him, even if it still began there, but it was more.
           “I wouldn’t expect anything less of my protégé,” said Alastor, unable to keep the fondness completely out of his voice.
           Alastor was falling victim to all of the weaknesses he wanted to eliminate within himself.
           And (Y/N)? Well, the Nature Demon stood tall. They were growing into all the strength they had ever wished for.
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oliverstarksbae · 6 months
Picked up pieces
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♡ hi, this is my first ever one shot, so this might be bad, but I hope you enjoy 😉
♡ summary: in which they realize they are made to pick each other pieces
Evan buckley was a player but that was before he met (y/n) she very much was the complete opposite "the ray of sunshine type of girl" So why did she fall in love with him beacuse behind the bad boy act was someone who was hurt and needed some one .
Now it was a normal Saturday he was at work she was at home doing some house work at there shared home made some food read a book and catch up on her favorite show
It had now hit 11pm Evans shift does not finish till 2 so she went to the living room and saw the news.
When she click channel 8 she heard "this is a live broadcast of a horrific hotel fire so far many firefighters are having a though time helping." said a red hair woman
(Y/n's) mind spiraled of what she heard but then took a worried breath beacus the first thing the she thought was ok maybe this is a different firehouse in the 118 area beacuse they were busy
She tried and tried to belive that but then she saw the 118 written on the firetruck that's when she panicked and started to pace around the house with her mind full of worry but it was still not his time to get off so she decided to look at her phone every 5 seconds for the time he gets off.
Evan buckley was stressed to say the least first he was trapped where there was a huge fire which he got out of beacuse he thought of who he cause the most for and how if he did not get out how many people would have been devastated
Then he was not able to save someone today which hurt worst then he thought it would.
He went on his phone and called (y/n) by pressing the contact lover girl <3 ❤️
Then the first thing he heard was, "OH MY GOD EVAN ARE YOU OK I WAS SO WORRIED I SAW ON THE NEW-"
"I'm fine" he replied with not so nice but not that serious tone still in shock on what happen
"Ok let me know when you get home E I love you" said (y/n)
" Yeah see you bye" he said not realizing that he did not say I love you back
(Y/n) on the other hand was confused but decided not to think much beacuse maybe he was tired?
*A few minutes later *
A knock sounded on the door she rushed up to it and ran to evan the give him a hug
"Oh my god, evan, I was so worried. I'm so glad you're ok." she pulled him into a hug, but then he started shaking, and it lok like he was going to cry?
"Evan are you ok? Ok-i-I- need you to calm down fallow my breathing ok?" He agreed while shaking and tears slowing coming down his face
"Baby, I need you to tell me why you are crying. Are you hurt-" he gulped and said, "No-no im-not"
"Ok did something happen?" She asked
"Yes-yes-some-thing-did," he said
"Ok, what happened? I need you to tell me when you're ready, ok?"
"I w-as g-etting some-one an-d we put h-Im on the gurny and in the amb-ul-an-ce he cod-ed" he said it while it replaying in his mind what happened
" E oh my God it's ok you did the best you can and you saved many people ok I love you I want you to know that"
"B-ut I didn't save them I ki-lled hi-m"
"Evan buckley do not think that way you did the best you can and your ability to risk your life every day for strangers now I think you should go take a shower and get ready for bed"
He replied with a happy gentle smile
After everyone was done they both hopped
Onto bad a cuddled she being to big spoon
And slowly he fell asleep but before he said.
"I love you so much and thank you for being there for me"
"Of course I am there for you now I'm tried so goodnight"
"Good night"
Before she fell asleep she thought about what she said and she knew he was hurt plot but she really didn't think it was bad enough for this to happen but she realizedThey were made for each to pick up the pieces other people broke
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talaok · 11 months
Can you please write a pedro×reader where they are fighting really seriously and suddenly kisses the reader and things get spicy...
And if it's no bother can you please make it long
Pairing: Pedro pascal x reader
Warnings: angst and allusion to smut
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11:32 pm
Another day, and another night alone.
Something was playing on the tv, but you had stopped paying attention a while ago.
The streetlamp across the street felt more interesting than anything a screen had to offer.
The road was deserted, and the house across from yours had all the lights off,
It's a Friday night, they're probably out. You can almost picture them at that cute bar in town, holding each other's hands while talking about their respective days. 
It must be nice, to be a perfect couple, to have someone to go home to every day, to not wake up and go to sleep in an empty bed.
But there you were.
Yes, you knew what you had gotten yourself into, you knew about the long hours, the need to move every six months, the hectic lifestyle, you knew about all of it... but still, nothing could have ever prepared you for the loneliness that came with it.
And what angered you was that maybe it wouldn't have been that bad, if he only talked to you once in a while, a real talk, a conversation starting with a simple "how are you doing?"
So that you could tell him how you were really doing.
But no, every time you were together now, you either had sex or both of you were too tired to finally have that conversation.
It had been a whole month now of that god-awful routine, and you were sick of it.
Tonight you were gonna talk, whether he wanted to or not
A click sounded to your left as the door opened.
"Hi," he said more like a question, a clear hint of his confusion.
You were never awake when he got home.
"what are you doing up?"
You stood from the couch, as he took off his jacket and tossed it on the hanger.
"I was waiting for you"
"yeah?" he smirked, his eyes glinting with a suggestive tint.
"We need to talk"
"oh" he breathed, clearly disappointed "about what?"
You were now in front of him, taking in the scruffy beard that had just recently gotten some streaks of white matching his hair. 
The evidence of the years passed could be seen all across his face, except his eyes, of course, the same big hazel ones you fell in love with.
"Scarily expressive" you had told him the first time you met, and never a day had gone by that you hadn't stood by it.
You were sure that he could stop talking any day and his eyes would do the rest without any problems whatsoever.
And now, now what they conveyed was tiredness, mixed with confusion.
"You're never home Pedro" 
there, plain and simple.
He sighed now, getting where this was heading, he could have acted clueless all he wanted, but he too, knew this conversation was long overdue.
"Y/n I'm tired, can we do this another time?"
"When?" you scoffed "We never see each other! It's like I live alone Pedro, how do you think that makes me feel?"
"Listen it's not my decision, I have to work" he muttered, walking to the bedroom and leaving you behind like a useless piece of trash.
"I know it's not, but do you even try? How long has it been since you've taken a day off? Hell, even a morning off?" You trailed behind him.
Once again: You were gonna talk today.
"What would you rather I do? Stop working?" he asked, condescending as ever, turning to face you as he took his shoes off.
"No! I'm just saying you could try a little harder to be home more often"
"I was home yesterday!"
"Yeah at 5:30 pm and you invited Mike over"
"what's wrong with Mike being here?"
"Nothing just- we never have a moment to ourselves anymore"
"Well I'm sorry if I want to see my friends too"
"I'm not saying that you shouldn't, just- God, you never listen to me!" you snapped, throwing your hands to your sides
"When was the last time that we had breakfast together? Or that we went on a date, huh?"
This time he stayed silent
"exactly" you sighed "We're supposed to spend time together Pedro, for fuck's sake we're a couple!"
"Once again y/n, I have to work"
"Are you kidding me!?" you closed your fists by your side as you shut your eyes trying to calm down "Pedro have you listened to a fucking word I sai-"
What the fuck?
His lips were on yours.
"what are you doing?"
"Did you know you're really hot when you're mad?" he smirked, holding your waist
"shut up. I'm trying to have a serious conversation"
"nobody's stopping you" he murmured sultry, his mouth founding your neck.
God, you hated the whimper leaving your mouth
"A-All I'm trying to say is that you could try to be home more o-often"
"Mh-mh" he hummed against your neck, his beard scratching it ever so deliciously.
"Y-you're not-" you let out a sigh as he began sucking the skin beneath your ear "You're not listening to me"
"I am. go on" he urged, biting at your earlobe and causing a gasp to your throat.
"fuck-Pedro..." you warned 
"What sweetheart?" 
"I know what you're doing, t-this is not going to work"
And at that, the bastard chuckled, the vibrations of his voice going straight to your core.
"Funny you say that, baby," a wicked grin pulled at his lips as your eyes met his "'cause I think it already has"
"No it hasn't"
"no?" he whispered "Then how do you explain this?" he asked as his fingers reached the wet patch on your panties.
"God you're really..." you gritted, a mixture of anger and arousal coursing through you.
"What angel?" he ghosted your mouth "What am I?"
"you're an asshole"
A huffed laugh fled his mouth "And yet, you're gonna let me fuck you"
You bit your lip, trying to clear your mind
"We're still gonna talk later"
"Sure, sweetheart, whatever you want"
(I just proof-read this and I realized I might have interpreted the request kind of wrong. You meant an enemies to lovers kinda thing didn't you? If you did I'm genuinely sorry)
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A picture-Perfect Hello.
Spencer Reid picture-perfect.
Spencer Reid had no idea when he came home from a long case that his new neighbor would be the love of his life. And together they would create the picture-perfect life.
A four-part series.
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Warning Contains spoilers for Season 13 as well as Season 12. Post prison Spencer Reid.
Ages 18 and over. Contains oral sex. Penetrative sex. Reader on birth control pills.
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Spencer came home from a long case. A six Day one to be exact. He was surprised to see a pile of boxes sitting in the hallway in front of an apartment building that he assumed was still to be empty when he came back home. It's not that he didn't want new neighbors. He just didn't expect there to be any, given that that apartment has been vacant for the past seven months.
he was So exhausted from the trip back home that he really just wanted to go to sleep. But he knows that that would be rude not to even try to offer Any help to his new neighbor. So he unlocked his door and put his satchel inside. Going over to the refrigerator to grab something to drink, leaving the front door open So he could see if the new neighbor passed by. After a few minutes, he decided to shut the front door and go stand out in the hall. He made it to the front of his sofa before he saw a pile of boxes walking by his door.
"Oh, here, let me help you" he said, running out of his door.
" Oh my gosh, thank you so much that this so kind of you." He heard a woman's voice coming from behind the pile of boxes.
" Sure, no problem. Let me just grab these" he said, pulling two boxes off the top of the pile.
Spencer couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the woman that was behind the box. a Brunette with Short hair. And blue eyes.
" Hello" he managed to get out. " My name is Spencer, Spencer Reid. I live in this apartment right here". He told her, using his thumb to point back at the door.
" Hello my name is y/n It's so nice to meet you. I didn't know if anybody lived in this apartment. I've been moving in for the past two days and I haven't seen you."
" I was at work. I.. I'm, I'm an FBI agent, so I wasn't home for six days."
" Ohh wow. An FBI agent? That must be really exciting."
" It can be. It has its moments that it's exciting. Yes, I, you know, I I definitely enjoy the work that I do, putting away the bad guys and all that. Definitely rewarding, yes. Kind of tiring though as well if I'm being honest. But still, it's.. it's really nice work." Spencer began to ramble.
" Would you like to come in and put those boxes down?"
" Boxes? Ohh yes yes. But I would love to put the boxes down" Spencer answered, not even realizing anymore that he was holding boxes.
" Just try to find a place to put them down at. I'm sorry I haven't really officially moved in yet. I'm staying with a friend of mine while I get everything out of my dirtbag ex boyfriend's apartment." She explained to Spencer she was waving her finger around the room with her other hand on her hip.
"Oh, sure, no problem. It it's going to take some time to move in. I'm sorry about your boyfriend."
" Oh, don't be. He was a lousy piece of crap that wasn't even any good in bed. I mean, it is seriously Exhausting having to fake orgasms all the time. It would have been nice if I could have had a real one during the two years we were together." She huffed out angrily.
Spencer's face must have lost all color or the opposite turned as red as a strawberry when she was saying this. As she stopped right in her tracks and they started apologizing.
" Oh my God, I am so sorry. I don't know why I said that. I mean, I just met you like what, 5 minutes ago if that. And here I am already talking like this. Please forgive me. I understand if you don't want to help me bring in any more boxes and if you want to pretend that I don't even live here, I completely understand. Have a tendency to over share my feelings when I'm angry and Needless to say, I'm angry."
" no need to apologize. I understand you being angry and you know, I hear a lot of stuff being an FBI agent. Plus I do have three women on our team, so, you know, I I hear things."
"Wow. Three women on your team. That's impressive. I just assumed that the FBI thought that that was men's work. You know? Good to see that we're making a little progress in the world."
" Ohh no. The FBI is full of women. You really have made a lot of progress in the work world. You know, it's been statistically proven that women are more effective at catching serial killers than men in some cases." He Explained to her.
" Really? well. I guess if you piss us off enough, we'll hunt you down."
" I guess you could say that, yes. Uh, there's three agents that I work with that are women. And then there's our technical analyst, Penelope Garcia. She's wonderful as well."
" Well, that's good. Got to get rid of those bad guys, right? And bad ladies, I'm sure as well."
"Yep" He said, rocking back and forth from his toes to his heels. Kind of uncomfortable now that the conversation has ended.
" So do you have more boxes you need me to help you bring in or?" He asked, waving his hands around nervously.
" Yes, I do. I have five more boxes out in the car."
" OK, well here let me help you with that."
"So does you being an agent mean that I'm not going to see you much? Because that would be really sad. I think you're really cute. And you obviously are smart."
"OH no. I'm home when I can be most of the time. And if I'm not home or out on a case, I spent a lot of time on a jet too. You know, going to the crime scenes. It's a lot easier for me when it's local because then I get to come back home. It gets a little tiring having to be in hotels all the time. Sometimes it's really nice to just come home to the comfort of your own apartment and bed, you know?"
"It is."
After Spencer helped her bring in the rest of her boxes, she went over to a box marked kitchen and pulled out a coffee pot.
" Would you like some coffee? I love coffee and I can't live without it." Asked, holding up her pink coffee maker.
" Really. I love coffee too. Yes, I.. I.. I would love some. My friends always put me down. Well, my my coworkers. But they're like my friends. Actually. They're like my family. They make fun of me sometimes for loving coffee so much."
" Why would they Make fun of you for that?. Oh well. Between you and me, we could probably empty out the entire state of coffee beans."
" Yeah, we probably could." He said with a big grin on his face.
" So how long have you lived here?" She asked him.
" 14 years."
"Wow, 14 years. That's amazing. Must be really nice here. Well, for the amount of time that you hear, I guess you couldn't really judge."
" Well, I've been here long enough, yeah, to know that. That's. It really is nice. Yeah, but you're right, the amount of time that I'm actually here for. Really can't judge, but sometimes I am here for a week at a time."
She walks into the kitchen and plugs in the coffee pot.
" I know exactly where my coffee beans are. They're in that box over there marked coffee."
" Spencer Looks over at the box. "Ohh here let me get it for you."
" Thank you. You're such a gentleman. I mean, not only helping me move in, but also helping me make coffee. You'll find mugs in that same box, by the way."
When Spencer opens the box, he sees 5 bags of coffee and seven mugs.
" Ohh wow my friend Penelope. She would love your mugs. She's the queen of coffee mugs. Although in her case sometimes it's also hot tea, so mugs in general."
" I think I'd really get along with this, Penelope."
" She is wonderful." Spencer tells her where the chuckle.
Spencer hands her a bag of coffee, a pack of coffee filters and two mugs. A pink mug with a rainbow on it and a black mug that says I love coffee.
" I think this will be my favorite mug" he told her, holding up the one that says I love coffee.
" Well then, we will make that your special mug for when you come over, and that is if you want to ever come back."
" I want to come back. I I look forward to it."
Spencer Reid being a man of science, never really believed in love at first sight. But there's something about her he feels that he could spend the rest of his life with, even though he's only known her for about an hour tops at this point.
"You know, if you come back tomorrow, I have been known to make some pretty good muffins. By then I should be able to find my baking stuff. But that is only if you would like to. I understand. If you don't want to, it's. Completely understandable."
" No, not at all. I would love to come over. Muffins sound really good. Muffins and coffee? That's. That's really good. Yeah." He said with a chuckle, so happy that she would like for him to come back.
" OK then uh 8:00 be OK?"
" That'd be great. I don't start teaching until 10:00, so. 8:00 would be good."
" I thought you were an FBI agent".
"Ohh. Well, yeah, I ...I am. I am an FBI agent. But I also teach sometimes because I'm not Fully on the team at the moment, but that's a that's a long story for. Another time so". Spencer said nervously. What was she going to think if she asked him why he wasn't on the team full time? What if she doesn't like that he was in prison even though he didn't really commit the crime he was arrested for?
" OK, well, another time it is."
" So I can be here at 8:00." Spencer asked, wringing his hands.
" Unless 7:30 would be better for you."
" 7:30 would be great. That would be great. That would give me half hour more to be able to get ready to go and teach my class."
" OK, 7:30 it is. I should already be started by the muffins, by then"
" Great" Spencer said.
" Do you take your coffee?"
"Black with sugar." Spencer answered, placing the two Mugs next to the coffee maker that was just about done.
" Black with sugar, You got it."
There was a little bit of awkward silence as the coffee finished brewing. Before y/n Poured 2 mugs of it, adding the sugar into both mugs and going over to the refrigerator to get some Creamer.
" I know it's strange. I already have Creamer in my refrigerator, but says I said I've been moving in for a few days, so I don't really know why I have Creamer in my refrigerator. Didn't even have my coffee maker yet, but I'm a weird one. "
" Not at all. " Spencer said.
After the coffees had been made, the two of them sat down at her little kitchen table.
" You know, this table was actually left behind from the previous renter. I don't know why, but hey, I was happy to have it. " y/n said.
" Yes, well left behind furniture is always good. Unfortunately, nothing came with my apartment. "
" Wow. Usually somebody leaves something behind. " she says taking a sip of coffee.
" So can I ask what you do? Or do you not have a job yet in between jobs?"
" Ohh yes, I'm a Blogger."
" Spencer said, not really knowing what that was.
"Do you know what that is?" She asked him. Putting down her mug.
"No, not really. I'm sorry."
"No problem. I have a blog. It's a computer thing. It's on the Internet. It's a page Where I show you how to do things like highlight your hair and things I used to do. I also show a lot of cooking things, like how to make the muffins I'm going to make tomorrow, along with other things that I make."
" Oh, so you teach people how to do things via the Internet?"
" Yes, exactly."
" Ohh like life's important things like faking orgasms." He said with a chuckle as he took his first sip of coffee.
y/n Almost spit her coffee out at his response.
" Yes, exactly. I I really did do one of those. It was my most popular video to date, actually." She told him, laughing.
" Well, at least you're helping people with the important things in the world. Ohh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I really need to be getting to work. Umm, so I can come back tomorrow, right?"
"Absolutely. I look forward to it."
After Spencer went to teach another class, knowing that people really weren't going to be paying him any attention anyway. He was just kind of going through the motions. His mind, even though he was trying to teach about serial killers, just kept going back to His beautiful new neighbor and how he couldn't wait to get back to her apartment tomorrow.
Once class was over and he stopped at the grocery store to pick up something for him to eat for dinner. He went back home. He was so tempted to knock on his neighbor's door to see how she was doing. Or really just to see her face again. To ask her if she would like to come over and share his dinner, but he didn't want to be too forward, she said. I'll see you tomorrow morning, so tomorrow morning it would be.
He ate his dinner, took his shower, got in his pajamas, brushed his teeth and went to bed. Unfortunately though, for Spencer, sleep did not come easily to him. He just kept thinking about the beautiful woman next door. But was she doing? Was she sleeping? Was she lying awake, thinking about him, The way he was laying awake? Thinking about her?
He really needs to stop these Thoughts that are running through his head and try to get some sleep morning would come soon enough and he would be at her front door again, tapping on the wood, waiting to get inside.
Eventually, morning came and he did just the thing that he said he was going to do, ran out his front door before smoothening out any wrinkles that may be on his sweater. Before knocking lightly on her wooden front door.
" I'm coming, he heard being shouted from The other side of the door. He waited for a few seconds before he heard the deadbolt on lock the door opening, revealing the woman that he's awaiting all night to see. Wearing a light pink tank top and a purple apron. That had some baking flour stuck to it.
In all honesty, she was so beautiful and the fact that she was making muffins for him, it took all he had not to drop to one knee right now and ask her to marry him. It wasn't just because she would serve him muffins. It was because no one was willing to make anything like this for Spencer and his entire life. And even though he had only met this woman one day prior, he knew he was in love with her. He knew that this was the woman that he was destined to spend the rest of his life with.
" Hi, come on in. I'm so sorry I had to run to the store. So I'm a little bit later making the muffins and I thought I was going to be. I didn't have any flower. I forgot that I threw it at my ex when he told me that he didn't need my cooking anymore. It was juvenile, I know. But it was in the heat of the moment. So I just threw it at him."
" Oh, wow. OK, no problem. Take your time. If if you don't have the time to make the muffins right now, it's OK. I can come back tomorrow."
" Ohh no no, she cut him off. I have the flour, I'm just measuring it out now."
"OK, sure, can I help you make the muffins? I've never really baked anything before."
" Really. You would like to help me make muffins? OH my gosh yes. Thank you so much. I would love for you to do that. You know my boyfriend Will, my ex sorry-ass boyfriend never would have offered to help cook with me. He thought that cooking and baking was stupid and that it was just. Useless hobby."
" Well, that's not nice. Baking is a wonderful hobby. Cooking. We all need to eat to survive, right? So he didn't have any right to pick on you for that. I'm so sorry that he was like that to you. I promise I will never be that way to you. I mean, not that we're a couple. You know, I'm not presuming that you would want to be in a relationship with me. I'm just saying if it should ever come to that, I wouldn't be that kind of boyfriend. I'd be loving and supportive and help you with anything that you wanted." He began rambling.
" That would be wonderful, you know, if we ended up being together and cooked together, married one day. Just think. We would tell our children how we met and they would think it was so sweet."
Now Spencer's mind was really racing again. She's considering a life with him. She's actually thinking about a life with him and having children with him and telling them about how they met one day.
" Spencer?" He heard her saying.
"yes?" he answered.
" Would you like to come into the kitchen and help me?"
"Oh, Oh my gosh. Yes, yes, I would love to. OK, umm, So what do you need me to do?"
" Well, unfortunately I don't have a spare apron. And if you're planning on wearing this Sweater. You may not want to mess with the flour, but you can wash off the blueberries for me.
"Oh yes, of course." Spencer said, opening up the pints of blueberries and pouring them into a pink strainer to wash them off.
" I'm so sorry that you have to wait longer for the muffins because I forgot to get flour.
" It's OK. I'm actually happy that it happened because now I get to be a part of the muffin making process." Her as he finished straining the rest of the water off of the blueberries.
" That's so sweet, you can take and dump them into the bowl right there with the sugar."
The two of them stood side-by-side preparing muffin batter.
Before placing the batter into baking cups and putting them in the oven. y/n Pouring some coffee for them while they wait.
" So how did you sleep last night?" She asked, putting the two mugs of coffee down.
How did I sleep? OH my gosh how can I tell her that I couldn't sleep? Because all I could think about was her. How much I wanted to come back over here and see her. How I know she's the love of my life. How can I tell her that without her thinking that I'm crazy? Spencer thought to himself.
" I slept rather well, thank you." He told her he feels so bad about lying to her, but how can he tell her about his true feelings without scaring her away?
Once the muffins were done and they started eating them, it was the most delicious blueberry muffin Spencer had ever had.
" These are incredible" he told her before stuffing and other piece into his mouth.
" Thank you so much. I'm so glad that you like them. You know, I also make coffee cakes and strudels and stuff like that, so, you know, I could keep feeding you if you're interested."
If Spencer could have his way, he would make breakfast with her every day for the rest of his life.
" I would like that. he told her with a smile.
The next two weeks went on like this, meeting every day. Went to teach, unfortunately his teacher. Come to an end and he was forced to go back to the station.
" I'm back on FBI time now, so I may be gone for a little while. I'll let you know if I have a case. That way you don't start making something for me and I'm not here to get it." Told her, looking down at his thumbs that he was twiddling.
" OK, well, I'm going to miss you if you have a case, but I have a lot of muffins leftover. Would your team like some?" She asked him.
" I I think they would, yes, they're amazing. And if they don't want them, well, I'll gladly eat them."
" OK, great. I'll pack some up for you."
Spencer reluctantly left her apartment to go to the station, carrying with him a large basket of blueberry muffins. They placed them on the table of the round table room.
Luke came into the room and saw the basket of muffins along with Spencer sitting in his usual chair.
" Hey, welcome back Reid" Luke said to him.
" Hey, Luke. Thanks. It's nice to be back."
" Muffins. Are those for anybody or are they just for you?" Luke asked.
" There For anyone. My new neighbor Likes to bake, so she sent me to work with some muffins for you guys."
" She Ohh. I'm I'm not prying just is she someone that You might be interested in. I'm. I'm not meaning to pry. I just. I worry about you. You know, you go back to your apartment all by yourself and you don't really get any visitors. It would just be nice for you to have someone."
" I really like her, Luke. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know how to tell her. You know, I know that I'm the age that I am, but I don't have much experience with women. The only girlfriend long term that I really had got murdered in front of me. So I don't know how to talk to women." Spencer said sadly.
" Well reid. I can honestly tell you if a woman is willing to make you muffin's. And allow you into her apartment, I'm assuming."
" She did. I helped her move in."
" Then yes, she likes you." Luke told him before taking a bite of muffin.
" Really?" Spencer asked.
" Yes, really. And if she makes muffins like this my God man, go back home now and ask her to marry you. These are delicious."
Unfortunately for Spencer, he was going to have to wait to see his ladylove again. he had to go away on a case. The next three months' time continued to go this way. He would be home for a day or two enjoying the baked Goods with Her before having to go away on another case. They really didn't get to spend much time together anymore. They were both afraid that the feelings that they had for each other would fizzle away. But maybe, just maybe, people were right. Time apart does make the heart grow fonder. It left them both wondering though. Feel this way about each other. They're just neighbors, and they've never even kissed. Just enjoying talking about things over coffee and baked goods that Spencer often helped make. He really enjoyed the baking process and the fact that it gave him more time to spend with y/n but all of that changed quickly after Spencer finally had some time off since he was teaching again. So she invited him to come over and watch a movie. That was for the best, considering that Spencer really didn't have any movies that weren't foreign films.
"She picked (your favorite movie) To watch She Thought that Spencer would really enjoy it.
" I can't believe you've never seen this movie. I've seen it about 1000 times and can say just about every line with it". She told him.
" Well, I haven't seen very many movies that aren't in foreign languages, so this will be a fun to experience for me."
That night was a turning point in their relationship. As they sat on the sofa together, they realized neither one of them was really interested in the movie. They were more interested in each other. They've been away from each other for too long, and tonight was the night they were finally going to kiss.
However, Spencer Reid being amazing at everything was also in the world's greatest kisser. We've got turned on so much by the kissing that it wasn't long before Spencer was asking against her lips. "Can we take this to the bedroom?"
y/n Moaned a Yes, against his lips.
If Spencer picked her up off the couch and carried her into her bedroom, he knew exactly where it was. Not because he's been to her apartment so many times, but because the layout of her apartment was exactly the same as his own. Before he knew it, he was peeling off her clothes and kissing her passionately.
Shouldn't she was doing the same to him with the same urgency.
However, before Spencer removed her underwear. He asked if it was OK for him to do so.
y/n Couldn't get the word "yes" out fast enough. As soon as she was bare to him, he looked up into her eyes to make sure that She was OK with what he was about to do.
She panted out a yes before he licked right up her center. Causing her to moan out his name. Something that, if he was being honest with himself, was something that he was dying to hear over the past 3 1/2 months.
He took his time with her, loving the way that her fingers felt running through his hair. After he gave her two mind-blowing orgasms, he couldn't wait anymore. He needed to be inside of her. 
"Do you have any protection?" He asked her, praying to the gods, anyone of them that she would have something. 
"I'm on the pill and I'm clean". She panted out
 the smile on his face, almost taking up his entire face at this point. 
"Good" he panted out. Before slowly pushing inside of her. They both moaned out at the feeling. Something that they were both longing for, for so long. As he slowly moved inside of her, his fingers intertwining with hers.
The only sounds in the apartment at this point was the sounds of their moans and lips smacking.
" Where do you want me?" Spencer asked y/n Feeling that he was close told him.
" Inside, inside Spencer, I want to feel all of you."
And be more thrilled at these words. They both orgasm together and it was like pure heaven.
Spencer helped her ride out her high, and as he did, he couldn't help but stare into her eyes, seeing how beautiful she is.
Spencer eventually had to pull out. So sad for both of them since they both waited for so long. Both of them hoping that it would happen again.
They laid in her bed. Spencer's arms, holding her tightly to his body.
" Are you sorry that it happened?" Spencer asked sadly. As y/n Hasn't said anything since they orgasmed.
" No, not at all. Are you?" She asked with full of worry.
" No, absolutely not. I was worried that you were going to be sorry. I mean, it's been silence for a little bit." Spencer said with a gulp.
" No, I'm so happy that it happened. I waited for so long, you know, Honestly, I wanted you from the very first time I saw you, but I didn't want you to think that I was Trashy." She told him, running her hand up and down his bare chest.
" I would never think that, and honestly, I was the same way about you." Spencer told her with a smile.
"Who would have ever thought that me walking by with a stack of boxes would have led to this? that just a simple hello would have led to where we are today."
" I know. I guess you could say it was a picture-Perfect Hello." Spencer said before kissing her again.
Thank you so much for reading. Comments will be greatly appreciated and I look forward to writing the rest of this story. there should be another chapter out by the summer.
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felice-jaganshi · 3 months
My Fallen Apple
Lucifer X Reader
Chapter 5
He seemed distant all day, and you didn't know why. “Hey, Lucifer, what's wrong? You don't seem like yourself.” He had been looking out a window at the city, it seemed more on fire than usual.
“Hm? Oh, nothing nothing, everything's fine!” He tried to smile at you, but it felt fake.
“Does it have to do with whatever that ‘extermination’ thing was last week? What even was that? And why couldn't I visit?”
“Wait, you… you don't know about the exterminations?” He was shocked. “The yearly massacre heaven conducts on Hell.”
“The what?!” You look shocked and horrified. “No, no one's ever said anything about that!”
“Oh fuck. So they just keep all the rest of you in the dark when Adam runs his little slaughter brigade every year?”
“Adam runs it?! Oh God, that makes so much sense. That fucking dickbag. I've got to tell everyone! They have to know what he's been doing!”
Lucifer suddenly grabs your shoulders, “whoa, whoa! Slow your roll there. That's not a good idea! You could get actually kicked out of heaven for telling anyone! Then… then you'd be stuck here with me. Forever.” His eyes filled with hurt, “I could never do that to you.”
You take his hands from your shoulders into yours, “What if I wanted to stay here with you?”
A blush spread across his face, “wha- Becca, I'm married, remember?”
“And she's been gone for seven years without a word! Is she really coming back? Besides, you need a friend you can rely on. Someone who's got your back no matter what.” You held his hands a little tighter. He sighed and squeezed back.
“I should push you away for your own good… while I still can. But… honestly I'm tired of being alone. So if you really want to stay as a friend , you can. I'll take responsibility for you and you can stay here in my palace.”
“Thank you. I'll just have to go back once more and get all my stuff. Next week, I'll move in, and our weekly hangouts can be daily.” You smile and he can't help but smile back, 
“yeah, that sounds… that sounds nice.” 
Suddenly, his phone rang and he pulled away, “augh, that ringtone.. sorry this one's important. Work stuff.” He looked at his phone contact and grimaced at it. “Hooo, okay… you can do this, just the biggest idiot you've ever met, and your eternal beloath-ed.” He took a deep breath and answered the call. “Adam. What? You literally just finished. What could you possibly- a fucking meeting? You can't just say what your ugly- HE HUNG UP ON ME?!! THAT BITCH!!” Suddenly Lucifer grew horns and a tail, a little fire lighting above his head. You squeak and jump back a bit. His devil form was out and… you know… the more you looked at it, the less scary and the more… attractive it actually was.
After he was done cursing the phone, he turned and looked at you, confused by your staring till he realized his horns were out. “Ah… uh, sorry. This happens when I get too angry.” He returned to his normal form. “I didn't scare you, did I? I promise, I'd never hurt you, I'm not that kinda guy.” He held his hands out in front of himself, pleading with you.
You shook off the shock and stepped closer, taking one of his hands. “No, no, I'm fine. I just… that form looks really nice.” You're blushing, you can feel it. And he sees it too.
“Oh! Oh. A heh… Well, thank you for thinking I look nice! That's a nice ego boost coming from someone as pretty as you.” He then realized he said that out loud! “I mean I um, hey excuse me a minute while i call my daughter!” He then ran off to hide from you in the palace.
You roll your eyes, well, at least he thinks you're pretty. That's a good first step. Probably the most important step will be getting him to accept Lilith's not coming back… but that would be a hard one. Ten thousand years they were together for… just taking 7 years apart for a break was a drop in the bucket for that long of a marriage. 
Regardless, the next step was to move in and act naturally. Get him comfortable around you, enough to introduce you to his daughter. That was something you only do when fully committed to keeping someone in your life. Plus, maybe Charlie will help with the “get over lilith” campaign you were going to eventually need to run.
You decide to wander the palace and see if you could find where Lucifer had disappeared to.
It took an hour before you found him curled up in his bed.
“Lucifer? What's wrong?”
“I- I'm a bad father…” He was trying not to sob, tears in his eyes as his head peeked out from a burrito of blankets.
“Hey now, what makes you say that?” You walk over and sit on the edge of his bed.
“I called her and asked her to talk to Adam for me! I can't even take care of my own shit!” You sigh and lay next to him, pulling him into a tight hug. “Oh you silly burrito… there, there.” You pull the blankets back enough to free his hair and play with it. Eventually the waterworks stop and he starts to calm down, looking sleepy. You can't help but giggle a little, “Uh oh, is it nap time for hell's king? Come on, let's get you back up on the pillows at least.” You adjust him back up with ease and get him comfy before draping one of your own wings over him. He actually starts purring as his eyes close.
“Hm… you'd make a great mother.” He said sleepily, and your eyes tear up. You can't help it, and you keep playing with his hair. 
“Thank you… I tried very hard in life.” His eyes open back up, and he looks at you in a moment of wonder and curiosity, but decides not to bring up something that might cause you more pain. You two just enjoy a peaceful moment in each others company till you both fall asleep. 
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kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
1000th Post Special!
Back by popular demand...
Dad/Dilf!Katsuki Bakugou Headcanons
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₰ pairing: Dad!Dilf!Katsuki Bakugou x f!Reader
₰ wc: fuck, idek
₰ cw/an: my 1000th post (yay)!, katsuki is aged up (as per usual), dad/sfw section first, dilf/nsfw section last, mdni, tbh i'm so fucking exhausted rn so kindly let me know if you see something that i should include here and i'll be happy to do so, hold onto your ovaries my fellow bakuhoes!
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₰ Dad!Katsuki (sfw)…
…chuckles when his kids wrap their tiny arms around his thick ones yelling “lift us up, Daddy!” He proceeds to do bicep curls with a kid hanging off each arm while they laugh and squeal. Lifting kids is a great workout for his arms, back, and chest.
…whose baby daughter’s first laugh was at him yelling at you to please help him because she’d had a blowout and baby shit was leaking out the legs of her diaper onto his arms and chest. “Oh my fucking god, baby! Fucking help me!” he cried with his face twisted in disgust. You gingerly took her in your outstretched arms, giggling along with her as he slowly got up to go clean himself up, bitching the whole way up the stairs about how fucking gross babies can be. “Jesus fucking Christ what the fuck are you feeding her?!”
…loves your body even more after having his babies.
...sees your cellulite and stretch marks as reminders of what you and your body went through to carry and deliver the lives he helped to create. Literally all he had to do was cum. You bore the full brunt of the trauma a mother’s body naturally takes on then fucking smiled and cried tears of joy after being literally ripped apart (in one of the most awful places he might add).
...tried and failed to choke back the tears when you thanked him while breastfeeding for the first time.
...shook his head and pushed your hair back before planting a long kiss to your forehead, his wet cheeks pressed against your glowing face. You’d never looked more beautiful and he couldn’t stop telling you he loved you. And all those little imperfections on your body still remind him of the things you’ve put yourself through because you love him so much.
…LOVES grilling out. Has a really nice built-in grill on your large backyard patio with a sink on one side and a mini fridge on the other.
…had a large, detached shed built in the backyard for all his tools and work-related gear.
...keeps it under lock and key to keep the kids out when he’s not in there to make sure they don’t hurt themselves.
…also had a custom safe added onto the back of your master closet in which to store his “battle suits” (refuses to call it a costume. “It’s not a fuckin costume! Do I look like a goddamn clown to you?! Tch, this isn’t ‘dress-up’! It’s purely functional and just so happens to also look fuckin cool as shit!”) The safe is huge too, like an additional closet with a combination lock. Gotta keep his brats away from his grenades, gauntlets, and grenadier bracers.
…has the Dad Look™️ when the kids start getting out of line.
...usually doesn’t even have to say anything because they know all too well how loud he can get when they don’t listen.
...just has to clear his throat a certain way and they’ll stop whatever they’re doing to find him staring at them with his crimson eyes narrowed at them. Most of the time they get the message that Daddy is gettin’ real tired of their shit and is not in the mood to be trifled with.
…had never laid a finger on any of his kids until his teenage son bowed up to him ONCE, thinking he was man enough to challenge his father’s authority. The teenager had broken his curfew one night so Katsuki told him to give him his car keys. “Nah, fuck that, I’m out! I’m not a kid anymore, old man,” your son said and started towards the door with his keys in hand.
…moved faster than it took you to register what was happening.
…got right up in his son’s face, so close that the breath coming out of his flaring nostrils made the boy’s hair flutter. “Give me the keys,” the older Bakugou growled. “Now!” Your son, who got his build from his dad, put his hands up and tried to shove him out of the way. You gasped, knowing things were about to get really bad really fast. Sure enough you saw the anger flash in your husband’s eyes and the fear in your son’s, but he didn’t back down. “Katsuki!” you cried, afraid he was about to rage.
...grabbed his son by the collar and shoved him against the wall so hard it knocked the breath out of the boy as his keys hit the floor with a clamor. “You think you’re a man now, hah? Is that it? You think you’re man enough to throw hands with me? Well then let’s step the fuck outside, boy, cuz I’d love to see you try!” Katsuki said with that vicious grin of his. Your son surrendered, his open hands up by his head, his heart trying to pound its way out of his heaving chest and run to safety. “Katsu. Baby, let him go!” With a wild look in his eyes Katsuki harshly released his son. “Get out of my sight,” he hissed. “‘Fore i fuckin hurt you…BOY.” That was the first and last time your son tried his father.
…wow, that last one got away from me a bit. 😬
…made his son the proudest kid in the school when he showed up for his 4th grade class’s Parent Career Day. The other kids gawked and exchanged words of excitement when the cool and famous Dynamight walked through their classroom door. They were all so engaged with him as he talked, and asked him loads of questions. They all got his autograph and took a class photo with him that they later all got signed copies of. Your son beamed brighter than the Sun that day, and his friends went on and on about how cool it was that the pro hero was his dad.
…whose daughter is a card-carrying daddy’s girl. She clings to him and went through a terrible separation anxiety phase when she was a toddler. Almost inconsolable every time he had to leave. It didn’t matter how many times he kissed her forehead and promised he’d come back as soon as he could, after he walked out the door she would cry for what seemed like an eternity saying “Daddy” over and over as if chanting his name would make him reappear. It was AWFUL. Whenever he had to be gone for days at a time on missions, he would talk to her on the phone or FaceTime with her whenever he could, which helped immensely. And when he finally did come home? Oh watch the fuck out because she would barrel through the house, running as fast as her little legs would carry her to fling herself into her daddy’s arms. For the next couple of days she would cling to him every chance she got. It was comical sometimes the way your husband would walk around with a toddler glued to his hip. And the times he couldn’t hold her bc he was cooking or taking a piss, she’d stay as close to him as he’d let her.
...would look down to see her little fingers slide underneath the bathroom door saying “Daddy go peepee?”
...just shook his head and groaned. “Not a moment’s peace, huh sparkler?” What really took the cake though was the jealous phase she went through with you! The first time she pushed you away when your husband leaned in to kiss you, it hurt your feelings so bad you had to go cry in your bedroom.
...scolded her and put her down, refusing to pick her up again until she stopped wailing and reaching for him. “I love Mommy very much and wanna hold her too, sparkler,” he told her. “I don’t want you to ever push her away like that again. That hurt her feelins. And mine too.” Oh her little carmine eyes went wide at that. She never wanted to feel her father’s disappointment ever again. “M’sowwy, Daddy. I don’wanna huwt feewings anymore,” she said while shaking her cute little head.
...picked her up and hugged her saying “That’s my girl. Let’s go apologize to Mommy now, okay?” With her head tucked neatly against his neck, she nodded, sniffling. “‘Kay.”
...carried her to your shared bedroom and slowly opened the door. When she saw your tear-streaked face she made grabby hands at you. Katsuki put her down on the bed and she crawled into your arms to hug you. “M’sowwy, Mommy. I won’t make you cwy again,” she said, which made you smile against her hair. “Thank you, baby,” you cooed before looking up at Katsuki.
...sat down on the bed next you and said, “Now, I’m gettin that kiss” before pressing his lips to yours, smiling. “Love you, babe.”
…(while we’re on the subject of kisses) was mortified the first time his little girl kissed him on the lips. It was just a quick peck, but Katsuki.exe stopped working for 20 whole seconds.
...had no idea how to react, just sat there with his eyes as big as saucers. You started giggling at his dumbfounded expression.
...was so confused. “I-is that…even legal?” he whispered to you. “Wh-what do I do, (Y/n)?” You shrugged. “I legitimately don’t know?” you mouthed. Both of you were trying not to react the wrong way. “Fucking Google it!” he whisper-yelled.
...sat her down and told her to keep playing while you and he went to talk for a few minutes. After a little bit of research and a quick conversation about it, y’all went back into the living room and sat down with her.
...never dreamed he’d be having a talk with his 3-year-old daughter about kissing. This is gonna be interesting if not entertaining, you thought to yourself. You’d both agreed that Katsuki should be the one to talk to her. It was ultimately his decision after all, and it wouldn’t be right for you to set his boundaries with her. “Hey, sparkler, c’mere a minute.” He patted his thigh and she happily crawled into his lap. “I wanna talk to ya about that kiss ya gave me.” She looked up at him with those sweet doe eyes and nodded. “Why’d ya do that?” “S’cuz I love you, Daddy.”
...gave her a crooked smile and said, “I love you too, baby girl. More than you’ll ever know…but…” He looked over at you with a nervous look in his eye. You grimaced a little, not envying his precarious position one bit. Since high school, he’d gotten much better at having delicate conversations, especially after you two started dating. But this was uncharted territory for both of you and would put his communication skills to their most challenging test yet. “…but I uhh-let’s just stick with cheek and head kisses, alright?” “But why?” she whined. Oh boy. “Well, because that’s what I like more.” “But Mommy kisses you on the lips all the time!” “Yeah, but…she’s my spouse. When people get married they’re the only ones allowed to kiss each other on the lips.” “I wanna marry you too, Daddy!”
...shook his head slowly. “I’m sorry, sparkler, but parents aren’t allowed to marry their kids.” “But why?” This hole just kept getting deeper. You rubbed Katsuki’s arm, silently communicating to him that he was doing great, encouraging him to keep going as he looked at you with desperation in his eyes. This was by far the most painfully uncomfortable conversation he’d ever had. “It’s a little hard to explain and it’ll make a lot more sense when you’re older, so for now all I can say is that it’s wrong. Do you trust me enough to believe me for now until you’re a little older?” “Yes, I twust you, Daddy. I bewieve you,” she said with a sad, downcast face.
...hugged her tight and kissed her on the top of her head. “I love you so much, baby doll. Thank you for understandin.” With her arms still wrapped around her daddy’s neck she looked at you and said, “You awe so wucky, Mommy.” You covered your mouth, trying not to cry as you nodded. “I know, baby. I love your daddy more than any other man in the whole world and I’m very lucky to be married to him.”
...smirked at you, the love that exploded in his warm chest spreading all the way to the tips of his ears.
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₰ Dilf!Katsuki (nsfw)…
…is still buff as fuck well into his 40s. Like, his scowl smile lines are deeper, and you catch the occasional silver hair when it glints in the light just so. But he’s always taken great care of his body and it shows. The padding over his thick muscles has grown fleshier, and maybe he's got a 6-pack now instead of an 8-pack, but he’s stronger than he’s ever been and just as easy on the eyes.
…has always had a high sex drive and that didn’t change one bit after your first child was born. As soon as you were cleared to start having sex again, Katsuki sighed in relief and you both eased back into it. So once your first infant became a toddler who could turn doorknobs, you and Katsuki learned the hard way that you had to start locking doors during sexy time.
…was balls deep in your pussy, wet hips clapping against your ass as he pounded into you while holding onto the headboard. Your desperate whimper turned into a shriek when you heard a familiar little voice behind you. “Daddy? Is Mommy okay?” your son cried out as he hugged his favorite plushie before sticking his thumb back in his mouth.
...let out a string of curses as he threw the covers over your naked bodies before pulling out. You kept your face buried in the pillow, mortified that your innocent little boy just caught an eyeful of his dad’s bare ass popping and flexing and ksnbxjsjjdnn you didn’t even want to think about what else he probably saw. “Yeah haha, Mommy’s fine! Right, Mommy?”
...put his mouth right up next to your ear and hissed, “Help me the fuck out here! It doesn’t look like you’re okay when you’re suffocatin yourself with the damn pillow!” You turned over and pulled the sheet up to your chin. “Yes, sweetie, I’m perfectly okay!” you promised with something between a cringe and a big smile on your face. My gods, you couldn’t even look him in the eye. “We were just…uhh-umm…” “…playing a game!” Katsuki chimed in. “Wif no clothes on?”
...sighed and nodded. “Yeah. Grownups play some really weird ass games sometimes.” Your little boy just stood there, staring at both of you while sucking his thumb, almost like he wasn’t buying it. “Sweetheart?” you sang, “Why don’t you go wake up your other plushies so Mommy and Daddy can get dressed and make breakfast, okay?” “Okay, Mommy.” He gave his father one more suspicious look before slowly walking out of your bedroom.
...looked over at you and lost it, falling back against the headboard while roaring with laughter. “Katsu, stop it!” You slapped his arm. “This is not fucking funny!” But your husband was in literal tears, his loud ass cackle echoing off the bedroom walls. “Ah fuck!” he wiped his eyes. “I ain’t even mad that I’m gonna have blue balls after this!” he howled before sobbing with laughter again. It took you a few days, but eventually you were able to laugh about it too. You're just grateful that your sweet little boy was too young to have formed any long-term memory of that horrifying event.
…smiles and swings his squealing daughter up around after scooping her up in his arms when he comes home from a long mission.
...takes one look at you though and immediately his loins begin to stir.
...props his little girl on his hip and watches as you prance towards him, telling him how happy you are that he's finally home before yanking you up against his side and laying a long, wet kiss on your mouth.
...drags his teeth over his pouty bottom lip while heat spreads across your pretty face.
...kisses and hugs and squeezes and cherishes his daughter before setting her down, explaining that he’s gotta go to the bathroom. And no, it can’t wait. Not if he doesn’t wanna have to explain the long, hardening bulge in his pants.
...winks at you with a daring smirk as he heads back toward the bedroom. You sit your daughter back down at the table to continue coloring, explaining that you've gotta go use the bathroom too before padding after Katsuki.
...is waiting for you behind the door, shutting (and locking!) it before backing you up against the nearest wall and consuming your lips with his. Hands groping at body parts, fingers squeezing flesh, clothes flying every which way. "Mmfuck, missed you so fuckin much, baby," he growls against your neck before sucking your skin between his teeth. You try to keep your whines and moans to a minimum while reaching between his legs for his hot erection. "Missed you too, Katsu," you say before biting his bottom lip. "Need your cock so bad, baby." "Fuck," he hisses when you squeeze the swollen head of his thick cock.
...practically smacks your hand away, grabs the back of your thighs and picks you up. Your arms wrap securely around the back of his thick neck, tongues plunging into each other's mouths as he pushes you up the wall.
...frantically reaches under you to bring the tip of his drooling cock to your entrance and pushes past your tight ring of moist flesh with a soft pop. Your fingernails dig into his back, and you bite down on his shoulder to keep from crying out as he slowly buries his hard length deep inside you. A quiet whimper escapes Katsuki's lips when he bottoms out, stilling to keep from cumming prematurely as your walls flutter around him.
...slowly pulls out until just the angry red tip is all that's left inside you. His breath is hot against the side of your face when he thrusts his shaft back inside you, faster this time. Harder. With your ankles locked around his butt you meet his movements, rutting your clit against the tight, glistening honey-colored curls around the base of his cock.
...whose heavy balls draw up closer to his body with every deep thrust, so full of cum he can already feel the beginning of his orgasm pooling, burning up the base of his spine. Time and again he slowly pulls out just to spear you with his aching cock. Over and over. "Shit, (Y/n)," he breathes into your mouth. "I'm gettin so fuckin close already. Want you ta cum on my cock, sweetheart." "Faster, Katsu...oh god!"
...whose blunt fingernails create red crescent moons in the plush flesh of your hips as he pulls you down into his thrusts at a bruising pace. "Yeah baby, keep fucking me just like thahhhh god! Gonna cum, Katsuki! Please!" "That's it, pretty girl, cum for me," he groans, teeth raking over your exposed throat. Your fists pull at his ash blond hair as ecstasy sets every nerve ending in your body on fire. "Oh fuck, baby yeah. Milk my cock with that sweet pussy...mmfffuuuck." With a loud grunt, your husband's legs tremble and his hips slam into yours one last time before coming to a dead stop, unloading almost a week's worth of his sticky hot semen into your throbbing cunt.
...is still cumming when it starts to leak out and drip out of you, his full length still nestled all the way inside you as his nut drips into a small, white puddle on the hardwood floor beneath you.
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sorry, that's all i have time to write atm. i'm super sleepy and gotta eat something before getting ready for bed so gotta quickly stick this in the queue. i'll write more dilf!katsuki content soon! my pretty little head is so empty from all the katsuki brainrot today. i'm grinning like an idiot tho. this was fun.
more dilf!katsuki hcs here
reblogs always appreciated! ❤️
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ddejavvu · 2 years
We're engraved in each other's hearts with Aaron my love :")
imagine bau!reader and everyone in the team just knowing that hotch has a soft spot for the reader 🥺🥺 so everyone always pushes reader to take permission and everything
and oh my god the teasingssss!! well with reader but rossi does tease Aaron for being soft for reader AHHH
have a good day x
come celebrate 5.7k with me!
We're engraved in each other's hearts - send me a scenario and a character and i’ll write about what it would be like! (ex. going to an art museum with spencer reid)
thank you thank you thank you!! you really know the way to my heart, it's soft!aaron <33
"I'm sorry to interrupt," You grimace at your intrusion into whatever Hotch and Rossi had been talking about, poking your head into his office, "But the team has a.. proposal.. of sorts for you, sir."
"A proposal?" Hotch leans across his desk, folding his hands on top of the paperwork there, "Go on."
"Reid's really tired from this last case," You hit him with a guilt trip first, "And Prentiss has some sort of weekend getaway that she can't get a refund on," Then you reluctantly admit Derek's reservations, "Morgan said he was planning on checking out the new bar that just opened," But you don't bother stating that he'll actually be checking out the patrons, finally narrowing in on the kill, "And.. and I was hoping for a quiet weekend."
"Are you asking for a mandated vacation, Y/L/N?" Hotch's expression is stern, but amusement peeks out in his dark eyes.
"If that's at all possible, sir! I understand if we have cases or something, or- or if there's extra paperwork that needs finishing," You fiddle with your hands in front of you, missing the knowing look Rossi shoots to Hotch, "But.. but we think it would be really nice."
Hotch stays silent, but stands. Anxiety spikes in your chest, his presence domineering after you'd just asked him for a rather large favor, but he pulls open his door from in front of you, slipping out past you and setting a hand on your lower back as he brushes by.
"Did you all make Y/L/N ask me for a vacation?" He eyes his team suspiciously, and they all continue looking 'casual'. Reid is buried in a book, Prentiss is stirring her coffee, Morgan is whisling, and JJ busies herself flipping through pictures of her kids.
Hotch has his answer, scoffing exasperatedly and turning to you with a sympathetic smile.
"You don't need to be their puppet, you know. Although I admit, it worked."
You let a soft smile grace your face, a light heat rising to your cheeks as Hotch figures out their plan.
"Does this mean we get a vacation?" Reid pipes up, glancing curiously over at you two where you stand in Hotch's doorway.
"Yes." He answers curtly, letting out a near-inaudible, breathy laugh at the blinding grin that you let out. He realizes that his hand is still pressed to your back and he moves it, trailing it up your shoulders and dropping it with a soft pat there. He steps back into his office and immediately Dave's eyes are on him, an amused glint in them.
He barely waits for Aaron to shut the door, "Softie."
"I'm tired too." He protests weakly, sitting back behind his desk and watching you subtly as you rush to your desk, gathering your things, "Y/L/N made a good point."
"They've got you wrapped around their finger and they doesn't even know it." Rossi marvels, "You're pathetic."
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wonillaa · 1 year
save me — heeseung one shot
summary . the first time you see your boyfriend in weeks is by facetime call of him sick and asleep on the floor. his members call you for help. genre . fluff!!!!
heeseung x fem reader (girlfriend and she/her pronouns used!)
notes . realizing i don’t post as much solo content for the hyung line oopsie i will work on that hehe thank for the request anon!!
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deep down heeseung knew he was making the wrong decision, his brain feels like it's on fire, his everything feels like it's on fire. he also knows the members have noticed his suffering, still he just purses his lips and looks the other way.
you've been on enhypen dorm ban for the past two weeks due to their heavy focus on comeback preparations. they've been so busy you haven't seen heeseungs face in you don't even know how long. at the same time you've been busy with your own work, getting home two hours later than usual and finally starting dinner. then a facetime call from jay. you look down at your pajamas and sigh, propping the phone up and accepting the call.
"yn, please look at this mess." a sleeping heeseung in their practice room fills your screen. "that's my mess," you frown in endearment, "what'd you do to him?" he scoffs and puts the phone up close to his face. only then you notice his droopy eyes, tired face, snot above his lip- "oh god"
"yeah that's what i said. you're off dorm ban now so please come resurrect this man." you look back at your pot of water that just started to boil and weighed your options. help your dying boyfriend or have your long awaited dinner... "i'll come get him. will he even wake up?" a new foot comes into the frame and nudges him a little, heeseungs eyes open slowly as he looks straight at the camera. "why are you filming me- shoo." he says sleepily and rolls over, sighing when his hot face is cooled by the floor. "i'm not filming you, your girlfriends on the phone." jay rolls his eyes and puts you up to heeseungs face for him to see.
"my girlfriend," he smiles and takes his phone, pushing him and niki away. "hi baby, how are you?" you shake your head in disbelief. "hi. you look like death so i'm not doing too well." you turn your stove off and walk to your room to change. "that's so nice of you to say, you look really good in your stained t-shirt honey." he smirks and flips onto his other side to cool his other cheek. "i'll leave you to suffer on that floor." you frown and he sighs. "i'm not suffering, don't listen to jay he's just being a mother-" he swallows his words at your tilted head and raised eyebrows.
"ok, how about i finish this practice and i'll definitely go home and take some medicine." he bats his eyelashes as best as he can. "your eyes are crusty it isn't working on me, just let me come take care of you." you beg. "come onnn i promise i'm ok baby, we need to get this choreography down." he sits up and blinks to make his vision less fuzzy. "i'm putting my foot down heeseung, you are sick please get some rest," jungwon points at him and puts his head into the camera. "please yn help me!" he puts his hands together and begs you. "you're making her think i'm dying! really, i'm fine." he attempts to stand up and tumbles into jungwon.
the whole way back to his bed he complained about how he just misstepped and it was unlucky timing. you laid him down and felt his forehead. "you're burning up! how do you feel?" you frown and pull his hair from his sweaty forehead. "...not good” he covers his face with his hands and groans. “it’s not a crime to tell me you feel sick baby” you say softly. “can i get you anything?” he bats his crusty eyelashes at you once again, “cuddle me to health pretty please.” you motion for him to move over, only for him to shake his head. “i was kidding, i can’t get you sick.” you sigh. “everyone knows loves ones don’t count, now scooch.”
you lay next to him and he turns to his side facing away from you. “come on honey, spoon me.” smirking to himself in victory. you roll your eyes at his complete 180 in attitude and lean in to hug him. “thank you for taking care of me, i love you” he whispers as he falls in and out of sleep. “i love you too sweaty.” “hey…you can’t be mean to me, i’m sick.” he says before throwing his leg over yours.
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esmedelacroix · 7 months
Coffee Shop Love Pt.5
pairing: miguel o'hara x f!reader
summary: He's as stern and cold as the snow falling from the sky blanketing the bustling streets of Nueva York, Miguel O'Hara stumbles upon a hidden gem of a coffee shop just around the corner from Alchemax. Only problem is the annoying-as-shit smiley-ass barista.
contents: slow burn, no use of y/n, fluffy, not proofread
author's note: Hi lovies, exams are done! I'm starting vacation soon so I'll be writing a lot more. Hope you like this chapter I had fun writing it. Let me know what you think, and comment to be added to the taglist for this series, enjoy...
word count: 1.4k
Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4, Pt. 5, Pt.6, Pt.7, Sequel: Sweet Tooth
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Your eyes fluttered open as bright morning lights glared through your curtains. There was something strange about this morning, but it was a good kind of strange. You felt a strange warmth, it wasn’t your blanket or heater, it was—Miguel?! Memories of last night resurfaced in your brain and you felt your cheek and ears flush, and Oh my god, Miguel is cuddling me right now, you thought to yourself as you looked down and saw his huge arms wrapped around you. He was holding your hands delicately, sharing his warmth with you. You could feel his soft breaths fanning your forehead, slow and tranquil, in and out. You fit perfectly against him, like the last puzzle piece of a Ravensburger jigsaw puzzle.
Despite your tangled legs, having Miguel this close was perfect. He began to stir in his sleep and soon woke up himself. He immediately pulled away from you frantically. “Sorry, I just, you were cold and I-“ he started. The familiar chill encapsulated your body the second Miguel let you go leaving you a bit disappointed. “It’s fine, I don’t mind at all," you reassured, placing a hand on his forearm.
"It was nice," you muttered looking away hoping he didn't hear you. Your sudden soft shyness sent butterflies to his chest. Your bedhead made your change in demeanor even cuter. Not to mention those reindeer onesies you were wearing. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" you questioned feeling his laser glaze burning through your figure.
"No, it's nothing," he said as he dragged himself out of your bed.
You followed, and put some coffee on in the kitchen. Miguel freshened up and sat on the couch with his laptop in hand and glasses on his nose. Although the storm was still happening his job kept him busy. You heard him typing away and finished making him a hot black coffee. Making him coffee as he worked reminded you of being in the shop late at night.
Miguel honed in on his work, you, taking your time cleaning up the shop before closing so that Miguel could have more time to work. The little peeks you took at him while he worked. As you watched him you learned many things about him. You noticed that he chews on his pens when he seems stuck or stressed. He runs his hand through his hair when he is tired, and he enjoys the Frank Sinatra songs that you play. He thought you didn't hear him singing Girl From Ipanema in the shower. His voice was amazing; it was deep, rich, and flowed like honey.
Miguel could smell the coffee you were brewing for him from the couch. The scent was strong, he could tell you were using different beans than you use in the shop. Miguel couldn't deny that he felt the same deja vu. He felt like he was back in your shop doing his "work". Half of the time he was sitting there on his laptop, he was typing gibberish into the Google search bar. When he wasn't doing work, he was looking at you. Watching, memorizing, because every movement you made beguiled him.
He took notice of the subtle sway of your hips to the music, the gentle tilt of your head matching the slow melodies. Your movements seemed to encapsulate a suppressed passion and excitement. Unbeknownst to you, Miguel watched as you slipped into the kitchen, believing you were unobserved, dancing exuberantly to the music just because you could.
Miguel never overlooked those instances when you sang along or hummed certain parts of the songs; each detail etched into his awareness.
So as you stood before him waiting for some kind of reaction to the coffee that you had made, he was fully aware of your anxiousness. He took a slow sip, swallowed, and then looked up at you. You fiddled with your fingers awaiting his reaction. But nothing. He just sat there and drank, showing absolutely no reaction. "So, what do you think?" you squeaked trying to get anything out of him. You watched him duck his head down suppressing laughter.
"You stinker! You're making fun of me!" you laughed, placing your hands on your hips.
"Sorry I just can't help myself, your reactions are so cute," he chuckled putting his reading glasses at the top of his head.
"Seriously though, do you like your coffee?" you asked softly.
"No, I love it, Baby," this might be the best coffee I have ever had," he revealed.
"Oh, wait till you discover cream and sugar," you quipped sarcastically. To which he gave you a playful eye roll.
The day went by very quickly. The shop was closed due to the blizzard so you worked on the holiday decorations for the store. With Miguel upstairs on business Zoom calls. His coworkers saw the festivity and warmness of your home in the background and immediately drilled him with questions. Asking if he was at his girlfriend's house, and revealing that Miguel has no love life.
You walked back up to your apartment after all of the work was done in the shop. You came back to Miguel surprisingly watching a Christmas movie. "Hey wanna come join?" he asked motioning for you to come over.
"What a pleasant surprise, you? Watching holiday films? Hell has officially frozen over," you teased as you plopped down next to him.
"Oh, stop it," he rebutted as wrapped an arm around you pulling you into his side. To say you were taken aback by this sudden gesture was an understatement. You looked up at him with a puzzled face hoping your flustered expression wasn't too visible. He looked down at you with a small smirk. You felt a million jingle bells go off in your stomach at that very moment.
You snuggled against him enjoying the film he put on, and the warmth he radiated. Without realizing it, you had both fallen asleep on the couch together. You were both softly snoring, your head resting on his chest. Your arms wrapped around him like he was a giant teddy bear. Amid your rest, both of your phones began to buzz uncontrollably. Miguel woke up and shook you awake. "The storms are over," he said softly. You groaned, too comfortable to get up.
"C'mon Baby, I have to get up," he chuckled.
The two of you finally got up. Miguel got his things together and you both headed down into the shop. You were going to see him out of the shop when you forgot that you prepared a special something for him while he was working.
As he began to walk out the door, you heard the bells jangle and called out to him, "Wait!"
You caught up with him outside and you handed him a brown paper bag that had gingerbread man cookies decorated to look like him. "I made these for you," you huffed shivering a bit as the frigid air hit your face.
"Thank you, Baby, now get inside, and get warm, you're shivering," he said, ushering you to get your freezing butt in your warm shop.
You waved goodbye to Miguel and watched him get into his car before opening up the shop. The day went by well. Loads of customers came in excited to try out the new holiday menu you made. The grumpy(Miguel-themed) gingerbread man cookies were a hit.
As the customers all left and the clock hit 9:30 pm you wondered where Miguel was. He was usually there by this time. But there was no sign of him at all. It was unusual but you decided to shake it off and lock up since he obviously wasn't coming that night.
You were more disappointed than you would've imagined you'd be. I guess I've gotten too used to his company, it's like routine now, you thought to yourself. You slept that night hoping to see Miguel the next morning.
Next Pt.6...
@iite-cool @jewelz-teehe @br0-please @thesilenthill @d1lf-loverrr @corpsebridenightamare @laysmt @bitchystrawberrystudent @lotionlamp @local-mr-frog @scaleniusrm @migueloharastruelove @thedevax @veyveys @amber-content
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humanpurposes · 1 year
My Heart Belongs to Daddy, part iv, modern!Aemond
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Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist // For fear that you'll find out, how I'm imagining you
modern!Aemond x step-daughter
Warnings: 18+, smut, cursed dinner party, toxic family dynamics, Targaryen men being the worst
Words: 5700
A/n: Also available to read on AO3. And I made a Series Playlist :)
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Over the last two months, finishing her thesis, taking exams, sending off masters applications and keeping track of a boyfriend has left little room in her mind for Aemond Targaryen.
For the last month or so she’s hardly even seen him. On the weekdays she gets up early and spends all day in the library. On the weekends she goes to Cregan’s place in central. He goes to the gym with Jace on Saturday morning and on Sundays he usually has a rugby match. Between that they watch movies in his room, go for drinks with his friends and sometimes she drags him around her favourite museums. 
The sex is good. For a bulky guy with a nose piercing and sleeve tattoos of wolves and weirwood trees, Cregan is surprisingly gentle. He makes her cum on his tongue, then he leans over to fuck her with his hands pressed into the mattress, looking between her eyes and the space where their bodies meet. He doesn’t say much, a few strained “oh Gods” and a grunted “fuck” when he comes. When they’re done he falls into the bed beside her, throwing an arm around her while he rambles about whatever happens to be on his mind, exams, internships, summer plans…
She’s happy to rest her head against him, listening to the humming of his chest as he speaks, letting it lull her as she slips into her own mind. Sometimes she still feels a little empty when it’s over and doesn’t have the energy to go for another round. She puts it down to stress. Or hormones. Or something. 
Now, being on the other side of everything she realises time is passing too quickly for her liking. 
Joan Jett blasts through the car speakers while Alys and Cregan go on about the season finale of some drama series she’s not kept up with.
Alys loves Cregan. Everyone loves Cregan because he’s a people person. He speaks to everyone he meets like they’re already lifelong friends and he has a remarkable talent for finding common interests. If she were cynical she would say he’s palatable.
The weather has been perfect so far, bright and sunny but with enough of a breeze that the heat isn’t unbearable. Ideal for the graduation ceremony.
She looks through the recent photos in her phone. She took a few nice ones of the Sept, the nave lined with columns and towering statues of the Seven watching over the cohort of students in red and black robes. She keeps swiping through photos of her and some of her classmates on the front steps tossing their hats in the air, a few of her and Joanna, one of her and Cregan, and one of her and Alys. 
Sometimes she thinks she looks nothing like her mother, but when they smile they look strikingly similar.
Everything had paid off in the end, the study dates with Joanna, the all-nighters, the last minute breakdowns crying over the kitchen counter with Alys. But she’s proud that she did it all on her own. Especially given how helpful Aemond had been last year. Just thinking about it makes her heart sink.
He’d been living with them for a few months by then. They were comfortable with each other, existing in the same spaces, eating dinner and watching movies together when Alys was out or working late. 
Sometimes he’d put his arm around the back of the sofa, letting her lean into him while they watched 90s thrillers, leaning into her every so often to make a joke or a profound observation. They could analyse movies forever, staying up late until their eyes were tired, leaning in closer and closer and never really realising it.
And then when exams came around, the stress just got to her. “It’s half the suffering,” Alys insisted, “you’re not doing yourself any favours, so don’t do it.” Easier said than done. 
There was one particular module on Conflicts in the Modern Era that was chipping away at her sanity. It was her last exam of the year and every time she went over her notes she just felt hopeless.
Aemond offered to help her study. He had loads of notes and old assignments on his laptop from his undergrad and his masters. They spent hours in the dining room, going over readings and practice questions.
He would sit next to her, leaning over every so often to read through what she was working on. Every hand on her shoulder, every reassuring “hmm,” or utterance of “good girl,” when she got something right sent shivers down her spine.
She knew it was wrong, but she didn’t exactly want it to stop.
The exam ended up going a lot better than she anticipated. She opened the paper and instantly saw that, by some miracle, there were a few questions similar to the ones she had done with Aemond.
She came home ecstatic. Alys was at work but Aemond was home, loitering in the kitchen. She practically leapt into his arms when she saw him, telling him every detail she could think of with a huge smile on her face.
Aemond’s hands settled on her waist. He leaned into her until all she could see were his bright, blue eyes. “I’m so proud of you baby,” he said in a voice that made her breathless.
He leaned in further until his lips were on hers, soft and warm, kissing her tentatively. She thought it might be over quickly, until she reached up, teasing her fingertips over the nape of his neck while his grip on her waist tightened, pulling her closer, kissing her deeper.
When they pulled away, both a little breathless, he rested his forehead against her and smiled. She smiled back.
But she snaps out of that trance when she realises they’re pulling into the driveway.
She looks across at Alys for a moment, laughing at something Cregan just said.
Her chest feels like it might crush under the weight of it all, but time presses on and things seem to be moving forward for the better. She’s happy with Cregan. Who wouldn’t be? He’s funny, smart, maybe a little over confident at times but she can forgive that. And she’s got the whole summer before she starts her masters. With Cregan in the picture she figured she might as well stay at KLU. He’s been trying to convince her to move in the flat with him. There’s no reason not to, it’s close to campus, his flatmates are nice and they seem to keep the place clean. She keeps saying she’ll think about it.
He reaches for her hand as Alys leads them through the front door.
The house looks immaculate and it fills her with dread. 
Alys has decided to use her graduation as an opportunity to host a family dinner. Maybe she’s intending it to be a grand offering of peace, maybe she just wants to show off, or maybe she’s just lost her mind because putting two halves of a warring family in the same room seems like a disaster waiting to happen. Not to mention she’ll have to introduce everyone to Cregan. 
The dreamy rhythm of a Mazzy Star song drifts from the kitchen. Aemond is leaning over the counter, in a black shirt with his sleeves rolled up, prepping a rack of lamb. She tries not to look at his hands as he takes pinches of salt, pepper and spices between his fingers.
Alys heads straight for the vodka, offering a round of martinis before the dreaded guests arrive.
She and Cregan both decline politely, and when Alys turns to Aemond he purses his lips. “I don’t drink vodka martinis.”
Alys rolls her eyes. “Thinks he’s so sophisticated,” she says to Cregan. 
Cregan chuckles and plants a light kiss to her cheek, muttering about taking a shower and disappears down the hall.
Her eyes meet Aemond’s for a moment. He smiles sincerely. He’s playing one of her favourite songs.
She tells her mother she’s going to get dressed, and feels Aemond’s eyes following her as she heads upstairs.
When she gets to her room she puts her graduation robes on a hanger and lies on the bed in the black slip dress she wore underneath. Something’s pressing awkwardly into her back, Cregan’s jeans and t-shirt. She tosses them across the room and falls back against the mattress, staring at the ceiling and listening to the hum of the shower.
Is it unfair to hate someone for listening to a song? Did he remember it was her favourite or was it a lucky guess? Maybe he was trying to tease her, or else it could have just been a coincidence, but that doesn’t seem like him. Aemond rarely does anything accidentally.
Cregan saunters in with a towel around his hips. He looks down at his clothes on the floor in front of the door. “Not where I left them,” he mutters.
She pretends not to hear him.
He gets dressed quickly, all he has to do is put on his jeans and clean white shirt. 
“How many people are coming tonight?” He asks, spraying some perfume on his pulse points.
She keeps her eyes on the ceiling. “Viserys, Alicent, Rhaenyra, Daemon, Jace, Baela, Aegon and Helaena.” Luke and Rhaena were going to stay home with Joffrey, and Daeron would still be in Sunspear until the end of the month. Just as well, there would already be too many people to keep track of.
“I hear some of the family stuff from Jace,” Cregan says, “sounds like a mess.”
She hums to herself. “Oh, you have no idea.”
She takes her hair out of its low bun and fixes it into a more casual look, leaving it mostly loose but out of her face. Her makeup has managed to survive the day pretty well. She touches up her blush and wipes away her lipstick, applying a sweet tasting cherry lipbalm instead.
When they reappear in the kitchen Alys is nowhere to be found but Aegon and Helaena have already arrived. 
Aegon and Cregan pair up nicely, swigging bottles of beer while Aemond pours out three gin and tonics.
She compliments Helaena’s patterned skirt and red boots. In return she admires her dress. “You two are matching,” she says, as Aemond hands them both their drinks.
He raises his eyebrows and the corners of his mouth are tight. “Happy coincidence.”
“Black’s not exactly a fashion statement,” she adds, taking a sip. 
Aemond hums in agreement.
She takes a breath to relieve the tension in her shoulders. “How are you doing?” She asks Helaena, “didn’t get much of a chance to talk to you at the wedding.”
Helaena’s doing a PhD in Etymology at Highgarden, between that and her various art projects she seems happy, but something’s off. She’s never exactly been outgoing but she seems particularly timid, wide eyes darting constantly to Aemond and Aegon. She’s nervous, but in all fairness they all are. Or they should be.
While Helaena goes on about species of butterflies, she finds her attention almost completely on Aemond, his hand gripping his glass in the corner of her eye, the sound of his breath, those well timed hums and the smell of his aftershave. She takes another sip of her drink to steady her nerves, hoping neither of them notice her hand trembling as she brings the glass to her lips. 
Eventually Alys waltzes in with Rhaenyra, Daemon, Baela and Jace following behind her. That seems like a good opportunity to escape. She goes to hug Jace and Baela, and follows them when they go to stand with Aegon and Cregan. 
The tension is palpable, Alys having a stiff conversation with Rhaenyra, Daemon lurking at the edge of the room with a glass of whisky, and Jace stealing glances over her shoulder, at Aemond and Helaena.
She catches whispers of their conversation but nothing tangible. 
“What’s your problem?” Baela hisses to Jace. 
He tuts. “He’s staring daggers at me, fuck’s sake.”
Aegon’s lips thin. He excuses himself curtly and joins his siblings by the glass doors to the garden. 
Their little group falls to an uneasy silence. 
“Well done, dickhead,” Baela says, rolling her eyes.
Cregan gives her a confused look. She puts her hand on his shoulder and comes onto her tiptoes to whisper in his ear. “I’ll show you the powerpoint presentation later.”
Somehow the mood only gets colder when Viserys and Alicent walk through the door. It’s almost pitiful, watching Rhaenyra and Daemon trying to win his attention while Alicent keeps her hand on her husband’s shoulder, muttering into his ear whenever she can.
Not speaking to Aemond has meant she’s mostly been out of the loop, but she can guess they’ve not moved past the dispute over Viserys’ will.
Helaena and Aegon both go to greet their parents. It’s cordial at best, light hugs and pecks on the cheek, and Viserys shakes Aegon’s hand like this is the first time they’ve met. Aemond doesn’t go near them.
The lack of warmth is only more noticeable when Viserys greets Jace and Baela with open arms and a pleasant smile. He hugs her too, congratulating her— after all that is why they’re here— and shakes Cregan’s hand firmly.
She catches Aegon’s eye over his father’s shoulder. He frowns, almost comically and goes to find another bottle of beer.
Before long Alys ushers them all into the dining room.
Alys and Viserys sit at the two heads of the table and the others fill in around them. When they see Alicent has taken the seat to Viserys’ right, Rhaenyra and Daemon move to the other end of the table. Helaena sits next to her dad and they both smile vaguely. Aemond, rather diplomatically, takes a central seat between Aegon and Rhaenyra. 
In an attempt to avoid sitting across from either of his uncles, Jace settles next to Alys, and once Cregan sits next to him, the only free seat is directly opposite Aemond. She sits down without a fuss.
Once everyone is a bit more settled, Aemond and Alys go back to the kitchen to bring in small plates of salad and seared tuna.
It starts off with smalltalk. Cregan and Jace are muttering to each other on her left, while Baela and Helaena have a friendly catch up to her right, leaving her to prod at her starter, waiting for an appetite to appear.
She doesn’t dare to look up past the space in front of her plate, or the pair of eyes she can feel burning into her.
Once they’re finished, the plates are whisked away and Aemond presents them with lamb chops, fondant potatoes and summer greens, while Alys pours out glasses of red wine. 
Viserys’ knife scratches against his plate as he carves into the meat. “Really excellent lamb, Alys.”
“Aemond did the food,” she says.
He pauses, looks down at his plate and carries on eating.
She hears Jace whispering something into Cregan’s ear and they both grunt in amusement.
“Something funny?” Aegon asks sharply, reaching for his glass.
She finally looks across the table. Aegon’s face is a dangerous mix of anger and anticipation.
“Just admiring Aemond’s culinary skills,” Jace muses, spearing a cut of lamb on his fork, “didn’t realise he’d gone domestic.”
“Jacaerys,” Rhaenyra hisses.
Aegon huffs but keeps his mouth shut with a stern look from Aemond.
Viserys’ attention suddenly latches onto his grandson. The rest of the table falls quiet while he asks Jace about his exam results. 65 average. Just a few marks off a first.
Aegon nudges his brother but Aemond doesn’t react. 
Their father seems to notice. “Jacaerys is shadowing me for the summer,” he says pointedly. 
Aegon finishes off his glass and immediately refills it.
“Not coming to Dragonstone, then?” Helaena pipes up in a brighter tone, leaning to look at Jace.
The ancestral home of the Targaryen family, a beautiful estate along the coast outside the city. It’s more of a castle than a house really, passed down the generations over centuries. They use it as a holiday home now.
She went with the Strongs one summer. Ten weeks of beach trips, reading by the pool and fresh seafood for dinner every evening. It was the first time she really remembers meeting the Targaryen siblings. Aemond seemed so quiet then, always with his nose in a book. It feels like a lifetime ago now. 
Cregan’s voice in her ear takes her by surprise. “You alright?” He asks, stroking his hand along the silky black fabric on her thigh. “You looked a bit lost there for a moment.”
She can see Aemond looking at her in the corner of her eye. “I’m fine,” she says, pushing Cregan’s hand away.
“We’re just a little busy at the moment,” Rhaenyra says, “work is… hectic.”
Alicent visibly bristles. 
“Might make it down for a few weeks, if the boss lets me off,” Jace says.
“I’m excited to have you,” Viserys says, “good to get him used to the order of things nice and early.”
“Yeah, amazing what you can do when you have everything handed to you on a silver fucking platter,” Aegon says, casually taking a long draw from his glass.
Alicent and Rhaenyra look horrified. Daemon and Viserys are both clenching their fists. 
“He says as if Otto Hightower didn’t have to buy him a place at KLU,” Jace retorts.
Aegon shrugs. “So what if he did? Got the degree, didn’t I?”
“And what have you done with it?” Viserys says in a scathing voice, “bought a flat with my money. Drank and screwed your way through life with no concern for your career or your family.”
Aegon tuts. “The fuck does that mean, family?”
“Leave it,” Aemond mutters and the table settles into an uncomfortable quiet.
“At least Jace has some direction,” Viserys says, breaking the silence. For a moment his eyes dart to his wife.
Alicent’s brown eyes are wide and glassy. “And my children don’t?”
She watches Aemond’s lips flicker into a sneer before he composes himself and goes back to staring vacantly at his untouched glass.
“That’s not what I meant, love–”
Daemon chuckles quietly. “And yet…”
Alicent slams her knife against the table with a jarring clatter. “Maybe they would have amounted to something more if you had shown even the slightest bit of interest in your own children!”
A chair scrapes against the floor and Helaena’s silver hair billows behind her as she leaves the dining room.
Baela grabs her wrist and pulls her to stand. “Excuse us,” she says sweetly. Not that anyone will hear her over the shouting match brewing between Alicent and Daemon.
They find Helaena in the lounge, on the sofa, picking at her nails.
“Hey,” Baela whispers, coming to hold her hands so she stops.
Helaena looks up at them with glistening blue eyes and a trembling lip. It’s the first time she’s really seen the resemblance between her and Alicent.
Raised voices echo from down the hall. By the sounds of things Aegon and Viserys have joined in too.
Helaena releases her hands from Baela’s and presses her palms to her forehead. “I’m sorry,” she says, taking a few shallow gasps. “I just don’t know how much more of this I can take.”
Baela hums in agreement.
Tears start to trickle from her eyes. “I used to love hanging out with you and Jace and everyone. I don’t understand… what did we do wrong?”
She isn’t sure what to do. She feels so helpless just watching Helaena as she starts to cry. Baela sits next to her and puts her arm around her shoulders.
And while the arguing persists, Helaena eventually starts to calm down a little, wiping her tears on her sleeve and leaning into Baela. “We missed dessert,” she sighs.
“We have ice-cream in the freezer,” she says, “strawberry or vanilla?”
And just like that her face lights up. “Both.”
“Noted. Baela?”
Baela smiles sympathetically. “Strawberry please.”
She catches fragments of the insults being thrown around the dining room as she walks past. “Hightower leech”, “spoiled cunt”.
She sees a figure in a black shirt through the frosted glass door to the kitchen. She holds her breath as she opens the door.
Aemond is leaning over the counter, fiddling with a packet of cigarettes. He looks up as soon as he hears the door. She lets it close behind her and leans against it.
He stares at her with a tight jaw, a sad little pout on his lips and a slight scrunch in his nose. Despite everything she can’t help but feel sorry for him. 
She tuts to herself and goes to place two bowls and two spoons on the counter, avoiding Aemond’s gaze.
Not my problem.
She goes towards the freezer and hears Aemond sigh heavily behind her. She hovers her hand over the handle.
Not my problem. Not my problem. Not my problem.
“Is it stupid of me to ask if you’re alright?” She asks, turning to fave him.
One of his wide plams is pressed against the counter, his legs crossed casually at the ankle. “No.” 
“And are you alright?”
His nostrils flare as he takes a slow breath. “I told her this would be a bad idea,” he says, tapping the box against the counter. “But what do I know, it’s only my fucking family.”
The way the light shines on his face makes the scar over his left eye seem like a shadow. She’s never asked about the details of what happened, but then he doesn’t like to talk about it. 
Two months ago she would have held his hand or pulled him into her arms when he was this anxious.
But things have changed now.
“Aemond, I–”
She whips her head round to see Cregan and Jace standing in the doorway. Guilt twinges in her chest and she doesn’t know why. A conversation is nothing to be ashamed of, surely? She hadn’t even heard the door open. 
“Baela and Helaena are in the lounge, right?” Cregan asks.
“Yeah,” she says, “I’ll be there in a minute.”
They both glare at Aemond before they leave. When she turns to face him, he’s looking back with a cold indifference.
“He seems nice,” Aemond says once they're gone. “Palatable.”
She starts to drag her teeth over her bottom lip but stops herself. Aemond’s eyes are so intense, glaring from across the room with a dangerous look of fury and sadness. That’s exactly how he looked at her, the night of the wedding, when they were in her hotel room. When he asked her about Cregan then she liked how it made him jealous. 
Her blood starts to simmer, a feeling that cuts deeper and hurts more than hate. “Is this it then?” She says.
His brows scrunch into a frown, but his wide eyes seem more bewildered than anything. “What do you mean?”
It’s like a switch clicks in her brain and something in her heart dies. These last few weeks, even with things going so well with Cregan, she’s carried Aemond with her, hoping that one day she’d wake up and things would have worked out differently. It’s what she’s been doing for the last year anyway, she just never managed to break the habit.
It has to end somewhere, the lying, the guilt, and the naivety that she meant something more to him than a pretty face and a convenient fuck. 
She needs to let go and she’s known that for a long time.
“Forget it. You’ve made your side of things clear,” she says, her voice starting to tremble. “This was never going to end well and I should have thought about that before I led myself on.”
She takes a step towards the door but he’s in front of her, keeping her between the freezer and the counter.
“Do you love him?” Aemond mutters, quickly and quietly.
She can feel her heart beating in her throat.
“Do I… what?”
He takes advantage of her hesitation. His hand clamps around her wrist as he moves to the door. It takes a few moments to realise he’s dragging her with him.
The door to the lounge is shut. She hears Cregan’s booming laugh on the other side as Aemond leads her further along the hallway.
And suddenly they’re in the downstairs bathroom. She stands in front of the sink, staring at her own reflection as the lock clicks.
She watches Aemond in the mirror. The room is small and narrow, even when he’s standing by the door he’s close. Then he starts to close the distance between them with slow, taunting steps until he’s standing over her.
She can feel him and smell his aftershave, the bitterness of gin and the sweetness of red wine.
There’s that dark look in his eye again, determined, and hungry.
“Did you really think I’d let you keep up this pathetic little act?” He murmurs, eyes fixed on hers through the glass.
“What act?” 
She lets out a little gasp when he places a hand on her hip and pushes his hips against her, grinding a growing hardness against her so subtly he might not be moving at all.
He leans into her but no part of him makes contact with her skin. She shudders at the heat of his breath running over her ear, neck and shoulders. “I said you were needy, didn’t I?”
Her shoulders flinch when a single fingertip touches the nape of her neck. He draws it gradually along her spine as she desperately resists the urge to cry out at the tingling sensation it brings, arching against him because her body has nowhere else to go.
“And so sensitive,” he says and stops just as he reaches her lower back. “It was all for me, wasn’t it? The crop tops, the staring, even Stark, you just wanted a reaction.”
She’s always been a good liar but when she opens her mouth to reply she finds she just can’t do it. She doesn’t want to, not when he places his hand on her side and traces over the curves of her waist, her hips, the pouch of her stomach and her thighs. It’s been so long since they’ve been this close, and it’s not close enough.
“You stopped wanting me,” she breathes.
“Stupid little slut,” he says, leaning his chin over her shoulder. He starts dragging both hands down her thighs, taking the hem of her dress with him as he moves back up. “How could I ever stop wanting you?” His voice is harsh and hypnotic all at once. Cold and unforgiving. It sets her skin alight and leaves her wanting more.
But it doesn’t make sense. He was the one who left the hotel room. 
“I don’t understand… this isn’t fair.”
“But you and I both know you don’t like to play fair,” he rasps, tracing circles over the tops of her thighs, occasionally brushing over the hem of her panties.“I just know these last couple of months have been fucking unbearable without you.”
She bites down on her lip to stop herself whimpering at his touch.
He groans as his head falls against her neck, hands still pawing at her legs and the dress hitched around her waist. “Let me fuck you,” he utters in that low voice that means it’s taking every ounce of effort to hold himself back. “I know what you need. Just be a good girl and let me fuck you.”
Anticipation floods her body. She can feel her self-control slipping. She can’t think straight, can’t think past him or a world beyond this moment.
She wants it too much to feel guilty, for now at least.
“Please,” she utters.
“Please what?”
“Fuck me.”
Suddenly his soft touches are gone and he yanks her panties down to her knees. One hand slides between her legs, prying them open enough so he can circle her clit with the pads of his fingers. The other snakes up her body and takes a gentle hold of her throat.
He finally brings his lips to her cheek. They graze over her skin as he mutters, “you said something to me, that night. What was it?”
She scoffs. “You’re such a cunt.” She can hear how weak her voice is as she says it.
“Mouth on you, baby,” he coos, “come on, I know you remember.”
She shakes her head fervently, hoping she can focus on the movements of his fingers, the pleasure building and building inside her. 
“I want to hear you say it, baby.”
She lets herself melt against him, clinging desperately on his arms, breathless but defiant as she meets his eyes in the mirror.
With a short huff he withdraws his hand, but keeps her against him by her neck. He easily undoes the buckle on his belt, bringing his trousers down just enough to free his cock.
She bucks her hips on instinct as he slides the tip through her folds, gathering her wetness, and smiling when he realises responsive she is to him.
“Have you always been this restless? Or have you just missed me?”
Her head hangs slightly as he teases between her entrance and her clit. She can feel how thick his cock is, how hard he is and she already knows it’s going to make her feel so fucking good.
The grip on her neck becomes firmer, demanding her attention back to the mirror. He holds her gaze as he slides into her tight, slick cunt.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he says, “look at how well you take that.”
He’s right. The sight of her pleading face and parted lips as he holds her and pushes deeper inside of her only adds to her arousal. 
He fucks her slowly, precisely, placing a hand on her stomach and pressing into her while the impact of his thrusts are muffled by fabric. 
“Can you feel that?” He whispers, “can you feel how tight you are? Can you feel how deep that is?”
“Ah— fuck, yes…” she chokes, savouring the burn and the stretch of his cock as he drags through her walls and hits her sweet spot. When his fingers come back to circle her clit it all becomes so light and perfect and deliciously overwhelming.
“I knew you still wanted me,” he pants between the gentle kisses to her cheek. “Say it.”
“No,” she manages to whimper.
“Say it.”
Her orgasm comes as a sudden burst of warmth and Aemond isn’t far behind, suppressing a grunt as his hips still and his cock throbs inside her.
A few moments pass and he turns her head towards him, keeping his eyes on her lips. He leans in to kiss her and she twists her head to the other side.
“Fucking brat.” 
Suddenly he brings her to face him fully, effortlessly lifting her by her thighs to rest her against the edge of the sink. 
There’s no teasing this time, no pretence, just need. He pushes himself into her in one cruel snap of his hips.
He’s too impatient to give her time to adjust before he starts to fuck her, fiercely and without mercy, hands digging into the flesh of her rear, pulling her in over and over again. He brings his forehead against hers, glaring into her eyes like he hates her.
But like this she can wrap her arms around his neck, hold him even closer and lose herself in just him.
“All you need to remember is you’re mine. You’re fucking mine and you know it.”
Tears well in her eyes and she can only take what he gives her. “Fuck… Aemond...”
Her climax builds until it’s almost excruciating, and then it tears through her, a release unlike anything she’s known for months. She keeps her arms tight around him, burying her face into his neck as her thighs shake and her whole body tenses and trembles.
Aemond doesn’t stop, fucking her through it until she’s writhing with the overstimulation.
“Too much,” she whines, “fuck it’s too much!”
He clasps a hand over her mouth to muffle her protest, dangerously echoing on the tiled walls and floors. He comes again, gnawing at his lip to keep himself quiet and spilling deep inside her as tears stream from her cheeks.
He admires the mess they’ve made as he pulls out, her cream on his cock and his cum leaking from her quivering cunt. His eyes flicker back to her face, his expression softening and his lips curling into a half smile.
Dazed and still desperate she leans into him, but her lips barely get to  graze his before he pulls away.
“Oh now you want to kiss me?”
She frowns, which only seems to amuse him.
By the way he grabs her jaw she doesn’t need to be told what to do. She offers him her tongue and swallows when he spits into her mouth.
A satisfied groan rumbles in his chest and her belly flutters in anticipation, as if he hasn’t just made her come twice, as if she can’t feel his spend starting to drip down her thighs.
He slips her off the sink and kneels down to pull her panties up her legs. Then he fixes her skirt, smoothing down the fabric with his palms.
“You’re going to be civil,” he murmurs, one of his hands coming to fix her hair. “You’re going to go back out there, kiss your boyfriend on the cheek, but I want you to think about me. Think about how good I make you feel. Do you understand?”
She nods.
“Words, baby,” he says as his hand comes to cup her jaw, stroking his thumb over her flushed cheek.
“Yes what?”
“Yes, daddy.”
“That’s my good girl,” he says softly, leaning in to plant an almost chaste kiss to her lips.
She tries for more but he steps away, eyes roaming over her to make sure she’s presentable.
With a vague “hmm,” he carefully unlocks the door and slowly steps out. He shoots her a quick wink before he closes the door, his footsteps fading down the hallway back towards the kitchen.
Her legs almost give out underneath her and she clutches the sink to keep herself standing. 
That certainly wasn’t how she was expecting this evening to go.
She’s not sure how she’s supposed to show her face and go about pretending like nothing’s happened in front of their families. Maybe she’ll rediscover her ability to lie, kiss Cregan on the cheek and play the part of the sweet girlfriend, but what kind of person will that make her?
She looks at her reflection, at the glimmer of blissful tears and sweat on her face. 
A familiar laugh drifts down the hall.
How is she ever going to look her mother in the eye again?
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General Taglist: @randomdragonfires @jamespotterismydaddy
Series Taglist: @marthawrites @urmomsgirlfriend1 @aaaaaamond @boundlessfantasy @sahvlran @tinykryptonitewerewolf @arcielee @tssf-imagines @aemondsfavouritebastard @skikikikiikhhjuuh @queenofshinigamis @lost-and-founds @izzydlb @dc-marvel-girl96 @xcinnamonmalfoyx @padfooteyes @castellomargot @pet1t3
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vader-anakin · 10 months
Not Just Ken - Ken x f!Reader
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Alright so I'm still thinking about the whole story behind the last post I made, trying to give a chance to a new story and I'm fascinated by Ryan Gosling as Ken. Still giving it a shot, at least for now it's only some fluffy stuff!!.
Word count: 2.1k
It was a very hot and dry day, you got your favorite iced coffee from the shop and headed back to work. You had just had lunch and enjoyed the rest of your work break, in the midst of a tireless routine of clients who would still visit your office that day. Walking faster, among countless people who were also running through the streets of Los Angeles, you bump into a man who you hadn't noticed in your field of vision. The blonde, who you thought had just stepped out of a Calvin Klein shoot, dropped grotesquely and almost "hard" to the floor, letting out an "ouch." You quickly reach out his hand to help him up, and only then do you notice how his eyes are deep blue, his teeth perfectly aligned, and his muscular body exuding sensuality.
"Oh my God, I am so sorry! Did I hurt you?", you said as soon as he stood up, smiling at you even though you just dropped him on the floor.
"Hey, it's not broken!", he exclaimed excitedly, checking his left arm, twirling the limb that was still in place. "Hi, I'm Ken," he said, reaching out to shake your hand.
Wondering the way the guy kept a good mood even after being bumped into and falling to the ground in the middle of hundreds of people, you accepted to greet him. "I'm (y/n). I'm really sorry I didn't see you, I'm getting back to work and I'm in a rush".
"That's alright, wow you're so pretty!", said the blonde, still keeping a wide smile on his face. You smirked, getting lost in that impeccable, almost unreal face, forgetting you were rushing to get back to work.
"Well thank you Ken, it was nice meeting you", you said and turned on your back to keep doing your way to work. Even though it would be a good chance to meet someone, you weren't sure it was the right way, maybe it was just a coincidence, and it wasn't supposed to be like that. You reached the sidewalk and as you were about to cross the street looking at both ways, the man was there standing behind you, with a playful smile still. Well that's kinda creepy, maybe he's just going the same way you are and that's all. You crossed the street and turned your left as you're approaching your building as you come back to your office. Looking back, you realize he was still following you. Ok, this is beyond creepy.
"Uh, do you work here?", you asked and raised a brow, watching him shake his head no. "Then why are you following me?".
"I thought you were nice and I don't know anybody here, maybe we could hang out!", he replied. Was that a fucking joke? Why the hell would someone you only know for about 10 minutes wanna "hang out" with you at your work? "I can't right now, I have to work and my schedule is really busy. But maybe some other time". You tried to sound nice and not one tiny bit mas and sort of scared, but he frowned and your head turned into a giant question mark.
"OK, I can wait", Ken said, and gave you a side smile, showing he understood you. You had no idea what to say so you just waved at him and entered the building. That was so awkward and not to mention very random to happen, but the guy seemed nice. Maybe he had a disease, maybe he was autistic and you didn't know, maybe maybe maybe.
Hours after you finished with your last client, you let out a loud sigh as you were really tired and just wanted to go home, take a shower and get some rest. At the ground floor, as soon as you got out of the elevator you saw a bleached hair sitting in a chair reading a magazine about horses and country stuff. I can't deal with this again right now, you thought. Even you tried making a different way to the exit he would probably see you, so that's why you sat next to him.
"Hey, (y/n), I've been sitting here all day waiting for you!", the tall guy lowered the magazine and stared at you with a cherished smile still on his face. HE WHAT?
"What? Why?", as confused as you were, you thought it might be better if you called someone and tell them there's a guy out there who may be lost. Everything was so weird.
"I left Barbie Land and I don't know anybody here. I tried to make friends but they seem scared of me", he replied and your brain flipped at the sound of "Barbie Land".
"AH okay, Barbie Land? Where is that?", you asked but you weren't sure where this conversation was headed. You heard him sigh, closing the paper on his hand before looking at you.
"You have to take this trip with a car, a spaceship, a boat and rollerblades before getting here, so if you wanna be there you do all of that but in reverse". He explained it with so much conviction that you couldn't tell if he really was a person with some condition, in which the parents could have lost him. That could only be it, nothing made sense in your head. Okay, he really looked like a doll, but that story sounded really bizarre. "You don't believe me", he let a sad gaze as you were still trying to follow what he said. Ken lowered his head and let out a noticeable noise of disappointment..
"I- uh... it's not that. It's just... a very weird story". You looked at your smartwatch as the clock hit almost 6:30 PM. "What about your parents?". You know by the look of his face he was an adult, but you were in denial as to what the hell he was talking about. "I don't have any parents. In Barbie Land we only have Barbies and Ken's. Some Allan's too".
Well ok, he sounds so serious about that story, maybe you should give him a chance and talk to the guy. You invited him for a walk to the same coffee shop, sat in front of him as he was looking at the menu. "So you like horses?", you asked and he stared at you, smiling. This man is always so smily and happy. "They're my favorite animals. I would love to have one of them. How about you?".
"Cats and dogs I guess, but turtles, specially sea turtles are cute", you grinned when he made an "aww" face. Everything was still a little tumultuous, the whole conversation seemed out of touch with reality, but you were trying to keep your sanity and trying hard not to get paranoid about the whole thing. "So tell me about you, Ken. You're from Barbie Land, that means you're a doll right?".
"Yes, I am. I can show you if you want. I have all the genitals". Okay, what? You laughed at the way he said it, but the look on his face showed he would like it to be true. Probably he really didn't have any genitals. "I can also stand on tiptoe and if you notice I don't have body hair". Yeah alright, not having any hair on your body doesn't mean much, but we all have some hair. And he was always walking on his tiptoes which is hardly something people do unless they're doing ballet. Still, it was too weird. "I also don't have a heart". He said like it wasn't a big deal, but when he grabbed your hand and pulled it on his chest, you couldn't feel a pulse. And then you knew it.
Holy fucking shit what the actual hell was that? You tried not to show you were definitely surprised by the fact you were actually talking to a doll, but you squeezed his skin and he didn't flinch a little. Ken never stopped smiling, unless the subject was Barbie, who you learned, wasn't in love with him. You also learned that even though he didn't have a heart and didn't know what feelings were, he was always jealous of the other Ken's and felt sad about Barbie, that was why he decided to left Barbie Land.
You got home about almost two hours later, took off your shoes and left your purse by the counter, giving space for the blond man to get in the house. You both agreed he would sleep on the couch until you figure out what to do with him, who made sure he wouldn't leave the real world until he finds out how to bring the patriarchy to the other world.
"Thank you for making me company today. I'm still upset Barbie shot me down", he said as he sat on the couch, getting rid of his cowboy boots, the bandana and the hat. The look on his face explained why he decided he would leave their Land and stay in Los Angeles.
"Hey it's okay. We don't need to depend on someone to live our life", you sat next to him and held his chin, this chilling energy traveling through your body while he kept his gaze at you. "You're gonna survive, but for now I think it's best you get some rest. I'm gonna shower, you can shower after I'm done too".
"We don't sleep and we don't take showers either", he grinned. Ok, that makes sense. Dolls don't need to sleep and neither take a shower. Might as well don't eat either, since he didn't drink the coffee, but couldn't hurt to offer him something to try out.
"That's right, I'm sorry. I know you usually don't eat either, but are you willing to try and find out how to eat? As long as you're staying here maybe you could learn some human stuff". You smiled and headed to the kitchen, you quickly made a chicken and ham sandwich for him, handing him the place. He spent a good whole minute looking at the slice bread until he realizes he didn't know how to swallow the food, and then when he could finally do it Ken made a sound.
"That's really good, (y/n), thank you so much". With a smile, you left him enjoying the food and hoped in the shower. After a few minutes, you put on your pajamas and went to the kitchen to grab some food, watching him lying on the couch singing some tune you had no idea which one. The man ate his whole sandwich, you saw as the plate was sitting empty on the table in your living room. This man is something else. While you were heating your food you were trying to figure out which clothes to offer him to wear since you're a woman and didn't have any good clothes for the giant man in your couch. "Uhm, I'm going to find you some clothes but they might look pretty short on you", you sat on a chair close to the TV and looked at him, while he was still singing the song and "playing drums" in the air.
"It's okay, (y/n). I can lay on my underwear, it's not cold for me anyway", Ken smiled. You thought if he wasn't a fucking doll he would definitely be teasing you, but ever since you met him you've come to realize everything he does is just plain innocent. You two spent a few hours watching TV together, you were trying to explain what a TV show was when you told him you liked to watch some of them. He tried to understand the best he could, but he wasn't so sure he got the idea. Before you went to bed, you brushed your teeth and walked to the living room to say goodnight to Ken, who was already on his underwear, looking at your book shelf. The strap read "Ken" around it and you blushed at the sight of his sculptural body.
"G-Good night, Ken", nice. You were already acting like some teenage girl with erupting hormones. Never saw a man naked before? Many times, but they weren't that good looking.
"Oh, good night (y/n). I hope you have a good night of sleep", he turned around smiling and you wish the lights were off as the man's bulge was definitely getting all of your attention. His eyes are a little up above you pervert. And after all, he does have a genital. At least in this world. Maybe he just doesn't know he does and maybe it's for the best of both of you.
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storytowrite · 10 months
|Meeting by chance ~ Seo Changbin|
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Paring: Seo Changbin x reader
Genre: smut
Word Count: 2672
Summary: Who know that after one random meeting can be the beginning of quite nice relationship between to people?
“Aggh… I’m tired. Hey hyung, let’s finish for today and go to the dorms.” Changbin said looking at Bang Chan, who was still working on their new song.
“No Bin. I have to finish it… But you can go home if you want.” Chan answered not even looking at him. His sight was focused on the screen of his laptop.
“Are you sure man?” Changbin asked.
“Yeah, yeah… go. I’ll finish it and come after.” Bang Chan said. “Besides, tomorrow is a pretty hard day, so you need rest.”
“Yeah, like all of us, including you, hyung.” Changbin yawned. “But okay, you stay here, but please, don’t overwork yourself again. We need you, leader.”
“Yeah, don't worry mate. I’m good.” Chan smiled at Changbin.
Changbin said his goodbyes to Bang Chan and went out of the JYPE building. He put on his headphones and started playing one of his favourite songs and started walking towards the dorms. The way wasn’t long, and he always enjoyed the little walk.
The late evening was warm. A lot of people gathered on the streets or in nearby cafes. Changbin enjoyed the weather. It was nice. He put on a cap and a mask, so nobody could recognise him. He decided to take the longer route and walk through the park.
He was looking for inspiration. The park was full of people. He looked at them with curiosity. There was a cute couple, sitting on a blanket under the tree. He smiled at this view. The boy was feeding his girlfriend some strawberries. They laughed and looked happy. Changbin wished to have someone to love.
On the other side there was a girl sitting at one of the tables. She was doing something in her notebook. Changbin looked at her for a while. She was just beautiful. He smiled at himself. She looked so peaceful and pretty. Her hair had fallen out of a clumsy bun, and now she was pinching it back and forth.
He was watching her when he noticed two, quite older men, who stood over her. The girl immediately straightened up. He could tell from her body language that she didn't enjoy the company. One of the men leaned over her. The girl cringed slightly and looked around looking for a safe spot probably, where the men won’t bother her. They started talking to her and didn’t care that she didn’t want them to be around.
One of them put an arm around her shoulders and sat next to her. She didn’t like that and for Changbin, who was very observant, that was enough. He stepped closer to them.
“Look baby. We just want to have some fun. Come with us.” One of the men wanted to persuade her.
“But I said no. Why don’t you understand that?” She huffed. “Leave me alone.”
“We promise, it will be fun.” The other man spoke.
“Love! I'm so sorry for being so late. You know, work… Uh, hello? Who are they? Are they bothering you, baby?” Changbin suddenly appeared next to them and winked at the girl.
“Honey, I was waiting for you.” She replied and he could see the relief on her face.
“Excuse me, can you take your fucking hands off my girl?” He didn’t sound polite. “She said that she doesn't want your company, so leave.”
“Sorry man, we didn’t know that she had someone…” One of the men spoke, and the other took his arm from her shoulder. She sighed with relief. The men left, leaving Changbin and the girl alone.
“Thank you so much. I’m Y/N.” You smiled, introducing yourself. “I don’t even want to imagine what would happen if you didn’t save me.”
“The pleasure is mine.” He winked. “Y/N, such a beautiful name… I’m Seo Changbin.” He took off his mask and she looked at him shocked.
“Oh my God. You are THE Seo Changbin, from Stray Kids?!” You couldn’t believe your eyes.
“Shush.” He put a finger on his lips to show her to be quieter. “Yup, that’s me. Are you a Stay?” He asked, smiling at her.
“Well, yes. I really love your music.” You said shyly. “Thank you once again… I…”
“No need to thank me Y/N. If you want I can walk you home. I think that as your fake boyfriend I even should.” He laughed.
“Huh, you are right.” You smiled at him. “But you are probably busy and…”
“Nuh-uh. I’m not. And I want to walk you home, please?” He didn't even let you finish the sentence. But you couldn’t say no to him. Little did he know that he was your bias.
“Fine… But on the way home let me buy you a coffee… Just to thank you.” You said.
“Okay, but I pay.” he grinned.
“What? No! I’m paying!” You disagreed.
“But you are my fake girlfriend! So I should pay.” He started to argue.
“But you saved me so I should…”
“Okay, let’s settle it when we get to the coffee shop.” He finally sad and gave you an arm. “Shall we?”
“Oh, what a gentleman.” You grinned and took the arm. Both of you started going towards the coffee shop. All the way you laughed at each other. He was fun. And your anxiety connected with the fact that he was your actual bias from Stray Kids quickly disappeared. You felt like you knew him your whole life. Little did you know that he felt that way too.
You spent a really great time with Changbin. The both of you went to the coffee shop and took away coffee. He walked you home. You felt safe with him. He made you laugh and was comfortable with you. You didn’t feel as if because of being an idol, he treated you differently. He gave you his phone number when you were at your house, and asked you to text him whenever you wanted to talk or meet .
A few weeks passed and you and Changbin chatted almost everyday. He couldn’t focus on his work, neither did you. It was like an addiction for both of you. You started every day with a smile on your face and a message from him, which made your mood brighter.
“Hey, Changbin hyung, who are you writing to so passionately?” Seungmin asked, seeing his friend once again engrossed in the phone.
“Leave him, Seungmin. He met a girl a few weeks ago and now they are chatting all the time.” Han rolled his eyes.
“Oh, really? Who is the girlfriend then?” Seungmin didn’t let go.
“It’s not my girlfriend… I mean, not official, yet.” Changbin answered with a smile on his face and texted you back.
“When are we going to meet her, hyung?” Jeongin, who was sitting next to him, asked.
“Well… I was thinking of inviting her to one of our concerts. She’s a Stay though…” Changnin said. “Do you mind guys if I invite her?”
“No, we don’t.” Han grinned at him.
“Yeah, we don’t mind.” Hyunjin added with a mischievous smile. “I’m curious, who…”
“Ya! If you want to live, don’t even finish!” Changbin didn’t let him say the whole sentence. Hyunjin raised his hands in defence but grinned at him.
“Okay guys, don’t tease our Changbin that much. We have practice, come on.” Chan said and all of the Stray Kids went to practice. All, apart from Changbin, who was too absorbed texting you. “Changbin! You too!” Chan shouted.
“Ya! I’m coming!” Changibn shouted back and went to the practice room with the rest.
Every time you thought about Changbin, you couldn’t help but smile. Your energies matched perfectly. You felt as if he knew you for such a long time. Due to his work, you couldn’t see each other often, but at least you could text him. You enjoyed every second spent with him.
“So… I have a proposition for you, baby.” He started when you met in the café near JYPE building.
“What is it?” You asked curiously.
“Well, on Friday, there’s a concert we are having here in Seoul, and I thought that maybe you want to come?” He asked shyly.
“OMG, are you sure?” You asked happily. “Of course I want to come! Like hello, I will be able to see all the Kids on the stage and…” You started to fangirling a little and he just smiled.
“Baby, slow down…” Changbin chuckled. “I’m glad that you are that happy though.”
“I mean… that was my dream, you know?” You answered shyly. “Can I go backstage with you?”
“Of course you can. And you have to, because I’ll need you backstage.” He said and smiled at you.
“So… I’m going to meet others…”
“Yes, you are. But don’t worry, you’ll like them.” He said and took your hand in his. “And they are going to like you too.” He winked.
The date of the concert came quickly. You couldn’t wait till this day came. You were going to meet Stray Kids in real life, this was something that you couldn’t even dream of. All day you were smiling at yourself and thinking about the event.
You had an appointment with Changbin to meet in front of the JYPE building from where you were supposed to go to the arena together. You showed up fifteen minutes early, but Changbin was already waiting for you. He grinned at you when he spotted you.
“Y/N, you look beautiful.” Was the first thing that came out of his mouth.
“Thank you Binnie.” You smiled at him.
“Come, the car is waiting. Boys are already there.” He grabbed your hand gently and took you to the car. You just nodded.
The way to the arena was quiet, but you enjoyed it. You were sitting next to Changbin at the back of the car. He put his hand on your thigh and gently squeezed it. You weren’t sure if he was aware of that. But you liked his touch.
Since the day you two met, you felt like he was a part of you, a soulmate. You were comfortable with him and you knew that you could tell him everything. He was such a kind hearted soul. Being with him, in his presence, made you happier than you could feel ever before.
The car stopped in front of the arena where the rest of Stray Kids were preparing backstage. Changbin led you through the back door to them. He introduced you to all of the boys and showed you how everything looked from the inside.
Everyone was kind towards you. The boys talked to you freely and you felt like you already knew them well. In fact you knew them as a Stay and also Changbin told you a lot about the others. So now everything you knew just confirmed.
You didn’t have much interaction though because they had to go on a stage. You were waiting backstage and watching them. You decided that you didn’t want to go among people, because you weren’t sure if you would find a way to backstage again. Also it was easier to wait for Changbin and the rest there.
The staff offered you something to drink as you were waiting for the boys to come back. You enjoyed the concert observing them from the spot where their manager was standing, so you were covered from the fans’ eyes, but also you were able to see the stage and the boys.
Your sight landed on Changbin during ‘Maniac’. His hips were moving pretty harshly during the ‘popping part’. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him. He was so hot.
You bit your lips unknowingly. Changbin spotted you from the stage and you could swear he licked his lips and winked at you. Your cheeks turned red and you smiled shyly. The both of you started flirting with your mimics.
“Thank you for coming, Stays!” Was the last thing Bang Chan said before the show ended. The boys went backstage. Changbin instantly spotted you and came towards you to hug you tightly.
“Ugh, Binnie! You are sweaty!” You whined but hugged him back. “It was a really good stage though.” You added. “I like Maniac the most.” You whispered to his ear.
“Yeah, I know that sweetheart.” He smiled brightly. “Will you wait for me? I’ll take a quick shower and then I'll take you for dinner.”
“Yes I’ll wait, but aren’t you tired?” You asked, looking at him.
“For you I will never be tired.” He said and kissed you lightly. “Be right back!” Then he went straight to take a shower.
You were surprised that he actually kissed you. Even if it wasn’t a long kiss you didn’t expect him to do that. You were waiting patiently for him. The boys asked if you wanted to go out with them and wait at the dorms as they decided to go back but you refused.
You just waited for Changbin in the waiting room. You were alone. Everyone left. It felt a little bit scary and you were uneasy. Changbin took a really long shower.
You started to fall asleep on the couch when suddenly the door opened and Changbin entered the room. You looked at him with eyes wide open. He was wearing nothing but a towel that was wrapped around his hips.
You swallowed hard as your sight followed the droplet that went through his body. Your cheeks started to redden as you couldn’t take your eyes off of him.
“You like the view, baby girl?” He asked, licking his lips.
“Y-yes.” You stuttered as he walked towards you.
“Do you want more?” He asked, leaning over you.
“Y-yes.” You nodded.
“Can I kiss you?”
“I like when you agree.” He smiled at you and kissed you strongly and passionately.
You moaned into the kiss and put your hands all over his body. He smiled lightly and took his lips away to attack your neck which he covered with hickeys.
His hand moved on your inner thigh drawing some circles. You bit your lower lip as Changbin moved his hand towards your clit and inserted the finger inside. He started moving his hand slowly and gently.
You moaned loudly out of pleasure and tried to make him move his hand faster.
“Patience little girl. Don’t rush it.” He said, lowering his voice a little.
“Bin please. I need to feel you.” You cried out.
“How much do you want it, baby girl? Beg for it.”
“Changbin please!” You moaned when he added another finger. “I want to feel you.”
“As you wish sweetheart.” He said and took his hand out of you. Then he took the towel off. You could see his erection. Changbin was big. You swallowed the gulp looking at him. You weren’t sure if he would fit.
He slowly went between your legs and gently slid inside you. You let out a loud moan when you felt him. He waited a short while for you to get used to it and then he started moving his hips.
You put your hands on his back and dig your nails into his skin. He hissed a little into your ear and bit your earlobe. You moaned again when his movement started to be faster. Your hips also were working, setting into his pace. The both of you were close.
“Cum for me baby.” Changbin moaned. “Please, cum.”
And you in fact cum. He could feel your pussy clenching onto him buried deep into your body. He let out another moan as he cum inside you. The both of you fell onto the couch breathing heavily and looking at each other happy.
“I think I’m in love with you.” Changbin broke the silence between you.
“That’s good because I also love you.” You smiled back and kissed him softly.
“Be my girlfriend?”
“I thought I already was…”
“Yes, you were. And will be.” He said and kissed you passionately. “Are you ready for round two?”
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smutinlove · 10 months
You were my light
Carl Grimes x Reader
Warnings: A little angsty, mentions of death, slight torture (not really), mentions of blood, slight small description of blood, carl grimes being a jackass (sorry baes), a little violence, gun mentions, use of knife (chill y'all), mentions of character death, ugh sad sad sad, depressing shit ig, kidnapping (it's.... hot... if carl does it), sadness (????) 🤨
☽ Author's note☾ I'm writing this for fun cause I'm bored. Oh, my God! How shocking! I know. Right?? Tell me how it is. PLEASE. Anyway. Show some love by reblogging and liking it. <3 This is made by me just like all my other fics are. DO NOT STEAL, COPY, OR TRANSLATE MY WORK.
Thank you to everyone who reads this!
[I think I might even make this into a small little series.]
Part 2 is here
Part 3 is here
Part 4 is here
Part 5 is here
Summary - The daughter of the now dead Negan Smith is walking in the woods. She thought she was alone. But she wasn't.
❝ There's things I wanna say to you But I'll just let you live Like if you hold me without hurting me You'll be the first who ever did ❞
Lucille Smith used to say, "You can find light in the darkest places." It wasn't a lie, it was a bit complicated for you, Y/N Smith, to understand. "Mom, what does that even mean?" You asked.
"Oh, sweetheart, why don't you go upstairs and find that book you like? We could read it together." Lucille, your mother, suggested.
"Okay," You gave a sweet smile before rushing upstairs.
There was a box full of books. After almost an hour of searching, you finally found it.
You ran downstairs, "Mom, I found it—"
You walked through the woods, in desperate need of some fresh air. After Rick killed Negan, your father, you were so tired of everything. Hell, you almost thought of 'offing yourself.'
Negan, no matter how cruel he could be, he was still your father, you still cried almost every time you thought about him. It had been six years since your father died. Shit...
You were alone like always. It was peaceful but it could be sad sometimes.
As you were walking through the woods, you heard a twig snap.
You took out your gun and pointed it in every possible direction. It was a walker. Instead of shooting, you unsheathed your knife and jammed it into the skull of a walker. You took the knife out, and a bit of Walker blood got on your white t-shirt, but, hey, who would care anyway?
"Nice, what are you? A fucking dumbass? Wandering by yourself? All happy and shit." A voice said from behind you. "What?" You raised your gun and turned around. "Who the hell—"
And now you found yourself with a bag over your head. You couldn't breathe, it felt like the world had ended. Maybe, you were in hell. You killed so many innocent people. Maybe, it was them who took you away. Maybe they were gonna torture you and then slowly kill you.
The bag over your head was taken off. Your hands were tied behind your back. A familiar-looking boy was standing in front of you.
The boy was wearing a cowboy hat, which was the first thing you noticed when you first saw him in the lineup.
He had one eye, which you already knew. But it was unknown to you how he lost it. "You're pretty. What's your name?" He asked.
But you remained silent. This boy was familiar. He...
He was Rick Grimes' son. Carl Grimes.
Carl smiled. "Not a talker, 'ey?" He chuckled. "That's fine until I beat it outta you." He laughed.
To him, you looked familiar. But he couldn't figure out who you were exactly.
Carl laughed, "God, you are so cute, ain't ya?" He placed a hand on your cheek. "Look at me, sweetheart. Oh, you are a pretty little thing, aren't ya?"
You looked away. You didn't know this man well. Why? Why would he talk to you like you were his lover or whatever?
"Talk." He demanded. You wouldn't budge.
He slapped you, "Talk, now." He demanded.
Carl turned around, "Daryl will be rougher. And right now, I'm just being nice. Very nice. Now, what's your name, sweetheart?" He asked once again.
"Y/N," you reluctantly answered. Then, it hit him. He figured out who you were and now had an angry expression on his face. Why did your dad have to kill so many people, especially those two men?
"Cute. Why were you out there?" He asked. "Stop," you muttered. "Why should I stop, hm? Scared, sweetie?" He taunted. You looked up at him and tilted your head, "No. But you should be. 'Cause after I get free, I will kill you, you motherless son of a bitch!" He chuckled and grabbed you by your shirt. "Oh, sweet. A girl is threatening me." His laugh sent shivers down your spine. It was as if he didn't even care about your threats or how annoying and uncooperative you had been. It was as if he was used to this. "You know what?" "What?" "I'll be back, and you better start talking. Otherwise, you'll never see the sun ever again. But," of course, there was a 'but.' "Maybe, you'll join your daddy in hell, Y/N Smith." He smirked and left. It felt horrible. God, it was one of the most hurtful things he had said. And now, you promised yourself that you would kill Carl Grimes. No matter what, you will kill him.
Part 2?
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blueysobssesions · 1 year
:Requested: ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Actor's Manager ˎˊ˗
- Ahh it's finally done !1! I didn't post that frequently because I'm being a good student... For now.
˗ˏˋ 𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝 𝚃𝚘 𝚂𝚖𝚞𝚝 ˎˊ˗
"Cut!" a shout was heard from the assistant director "Alright! That's all for today! Comeback on Monday!"
Leon stretched his arms groaning. He's tired and wants to sleep. He was having difficulty from the script because it wasn't that organized and some of the words he had to pronounce was hard. Sighing, he look around to find his manager which is you.
Seeing you talking to the Assistant Director "Yeah, I think we need to-" "Did...I did great?" hearing his voice you turned to your side. He was wearing a brown coat for his character which was kinda damn hot. "Y-yeah, you always do...A-anyways! I'll talk to you later Lacey" Lacey, your best friend which was the assistant director. She was the only one who knows about your relationship, for the past 7 years she still didn't ditch on the both of you. She nodded and giggled, walking away and went somewhere else. "Oh, Really? That's the 40th time you said that" he chuckled while fixing his messy hair. You always notice his mistakes but he'll always manages to make it right. He didn't even care when you keep telling him to back out because he wasn't capable at some scenes... That only makes him laugh, get ready to get mind-blowing because oh he'll do it. He doesn't care if explosions are included.
"Y/n! You got a message from one of the Talk shows!" the both of you heard Rebecca's voice. Last month, Leon got his first Oscar. Both of you got interviewed a lot on talk shows. Topics about the movie, life and other. "Well... I don't have any schedules today so... Might as well go!" you know how Leon gets quiet on talk shows and you do all the answers. He doesn't really mind going as long your going with him. "Yea, sure. I'm just hoping it won't take long"
"Today's guest are none other than... Leon Kennedy and Y/n L/n!" the audience clapped with their hands and some of them screaming not that loud. Both of you walking towards the stage, waving at the audience. The both of your greeted the audience and the host. Sitting down at the couch next to where the host is. "Well if it isn't the iconic duo" the host laughed. 'Iconic duo', that nickname was made when some of your fans saw some pictures of you two hanging out every day and always seemed to be not separate able. "How you two doin'?" the host asked. You smiled "Oh were doing great! How about you?" you asked the host nicely. Leon isn't really a fan of getting interviewed, so expect him to be quiet. "I'm doing great too! Thank you for asking but... Is Leon alright there?" the host then focused on Leon who's seems to be staring of to space. You nudge his shoulder "oh- what- ... Ah... Sorry, I've been really hella tired from the making of the movie" the host then let out a frown "Oh... Really? Shoot, I didn't know you two were still on work... I'm really sorry if i bothe-" "No, no, no! It's okay! Were on a break anyways!" You apologized to him and then turned to Leon glaring at him but, he only let out a chuckle. "Oh... Is that so? Well, alright then! So, uhmm, let's start first with some questions from your fans" Oh god- this isn't good. Look, some of you fans have been asking really weird questions! "Alrighty, the first question is for... Leon!" You sighed in relief but also nervous about the question for Leon. Leon then turned his head towards the host waiting for the question "Leon, are You and Ada are in a relationship?" Suddenly the audience started to clap, scream and some of them getting flustered. Leon didn't really react about it. The audience didn't seem to notice the sad expression on your face. Your relationship between Leon has been in private for more than a year...
"Ada? Ada Wong? Pfft, no. She isn't my woman, you can see the both of us interacting in every scene of the movie but that doesn't mean we're dating. She hates me and I'm not her type" Leon wants to get this over with, he can see your face in a sad expression. Some of the audience frowned at his answer. You tried to laugh so it wouldn't be obvious that your saddened. You couldn't handle it anymore... You want your relationship to be public! But your sure there'll be something going bad to happen.
After the interview was done, finally the both of you can rest and have some alone time in your shared apartment. You sat on the couch with your head low. "Dinner should be done in... 6 minutes" Leon said, wiping his wet hands onto the handkerchief. He then saw you sitting ln the couch, your face in a sad expression "Hey? Everything okay?" walking towards you, he then sat besides you and put his hand on your shoulder "Hey, talk to me..." You turned your head to look at him. "We... We should stop this..." Your hands were shaking and your eyes almost filled with tears. Leon got confused on what your saying "w-what? What are you talking about?" " I m-mean... that we should end our relationship!" now tears were rolling down your cheek. Leon's eyes widen, confused "End it? W-why? Did I do something wrong? Tell me! and I'll fix it! I p-promise!" He begged. What were you saying? Why end it? Did he do something wrong? "Y/n... Please give me a reason?" He said, holding the both of your shaking hands in his. "I want our relationship to be known! I'm sick of everybody thinking that You and Ada are in a relationship which isn't true! But... Everyone can possibly hate me, them expecting that it should be Ada your dating not me-" you tried to talk but Leon interrupted you by putting his lips onto yours. He doesn't want any negative sentence coming from your mouth. His hand reaching up to your cheek caressing it. After that kiss, you couldn't help but kiss him again. The worries were disappearing, wrapping your arms around his neck. You pulled away from the kiss to catch a breath and admire him. A yelp then came out from your mouth when he suddenly picked you up, bridal style "Let's continue this to the bedroom" you giggled.
Throwing you to the bed. Leon undressing himself and his clothes placed somewhere else. He slowly crawl towards you with his eyes lock onto yours. "Let me take care of you..." He said, he was now on top of you. His head dip down to your neck kissing it making you moan. "Open your legs for me pretty... Let me show that your way better than that Ada" and so, you did. Your legs open just for him. His hand slowly pulling down your short pants, the cold air making contact to your skin. "Oh~? What's this?" You feel his fingers touching the sides of your panties "Isn't this the panties that i bought you~?" You immediately nodded, he chuckled and got even more horny than ever. You look beautiful and hot wearing it <3 maybe he should take a picture? "It's just for you L-leon..." You whispered. He smiled, of course it was just for him. "It is... I'm going to make you scream my name over and over again..." This... Is going to be a longgg night.
Falling down from the bed. The sound of Heavy breathes filling up the room. "Your killing me woman..." He joked, looking at you at his side still breathing heavily. "Did I go too hard on you?" Gosh, you love his aftercare's... It makes your heart feel warmer than ever. You shook your head "You know how I love it when you go rough" you tease him making him chuckle. You then felt him shuffle from the bed, looking to your right he seems to be getting something from the night stand. "Leon? What's that?" you ask him but he didn't respond but continue to search something from the night stand. "Leon?" He was holding something... It's a small red box- wait- He then turned around to you still laying at the bed. "Y/n... We've been together for more than 5 years an I enjoyed it so much. You mean so much to me. Your the last thing that I want to lose... I'd look forward to every little surprise and laughter I can give you. I love you so much Y/n, will you mary me?" Your heart was beating fast, and tears slowly starts to pour down to your cheeks... You don't know what to do... But can only let out a 'Yes!'. Letting him touch your fingers, he slid the ring to your index finger. You couldn't help but launch yourself to him hugging his naked body. "Woah, thare!" He laughed and that made you laugh too. He wrap his arms around your waist, his next mission was to plan the marriage.
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hirsheyskisses · 2 years
I found your page and I really love your works! Anw, May I request for taking a bath together with Mysta Rias—lil bit of spicy 👀—after a long day? Thank you!
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°⌜Mysta Rias x Reader⌟°
Spicy! But. not too spicy! Hope you enjoy-
#2: wellll my brain didnt have the capacity to write full blown-smut but its still spicy-
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"Ughhhh.. I am sore all over."
Mysta complained, setting his bag on the ground, and flopping himself next to you.
It didn't surprise you: seven days. With who knows how much sleep he'd gotten. Mysta had been one of the chosen to crack a murder case. Just from the few texts Mysta had sent to you, you could tell it had taken a large toll on your poor boyfriend.
"Well.. you're home now." You replied, and as Mysta placed his head against your shoulder with a groan, your hands moved to his shoulders, massaging gently. "Oh.. god.. fuck yeah, im.. home." Mysta groaned, body stretching and leaning further into your touch. Purposely allowing his head to slide down a bit to rest on your chest.
A few content moments passed before you had an idea.
"..How about a bath? I've got some nice smelling bath bombs, and then after i can make you your favorite."
His eyes finally opened, showing some peaked interest. But call it the childish brat in him, because,
"One condition." "And that would be?" "...You gotta bathe with me."
That mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Lord, why could you never say no to this damn fox?
So, that led you here.
In a warm, bubbly bath tub, with your boyfriend's back resting against your chest. In all honesty, you weren't complaining. Your hands massaging the tight muscles in his shoulders, surprisingly, your boyfriend hadn't said a single flirty remark. That was about what told you just how tired he was.
God, your hands felt so good. Mysta was melting to your touch, his breath coming out in soft pants and groans.
"Mmm.. damn babe.." Mysta finally spoke, opening one eye to look up at you.
"Feel good?" "Almost too good.." He slowly turned around, so he had you pinned to the tub. Before you could even open your mouth to question him, Mysta caught your lips in a rather heated kiss. Your soapy hands running up his bare back and into his hair.
His tongue, exploring your mouth; one hand now with you pinned, the other sneaking under the water to rub your thigh. Slowly breaking away, your chest heaved gently, staring up at Mysta with soft, starry eyes. "Mysta.."
His gorgeous eyes staring right back into your own. "Heh.. Can i?"
Knowing exactly what he meant, you nodded your head.
It only took Mysta a few seconds to get both your bodies situated. Now, you on top of him, slowly sinking onto his hardened cock, him groaning softly.
Yeah, you were about at the same page. Mysta filled you so good, his hands sending shivers down your spine as they rubbed up and down your sides.
"I could stay like this forever, (Name).."
The soap from the bath bomb was, thankfully, hiding the more shameful parts of your body. But- this was relaxing. No real goal besides being close as possible to each other.
"....I'm glad to be back." Mysta whispered.
"..So am i."
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