#that fkin cowboy
gothiccmothie · 6 months
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I'm pretty sure he can do it himself.. But she insisted. 🐱🇺🇸
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hatchet-boy · 13 days
Maybe I'm just sleep deprived and off my head but I am fkin SOBBING laughing at this comment thread I just found on tiktok
(Context- it's a Cordell Walker cowboy edit)
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'oh !' I actually cannot
Anyway whoever tiktok user 'miru' is I hope you're having a fantastic day and I salute your bravery 🫡
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koolades-world · 2 months
Hihihihi, in case ya remember me, im the Pain-sensitive anon, and in case i will request again remember me as BigS, because my requests are as big as my S, but enough about that.
Poor you, so many requests. Drink water, be stronger that those 637181 requests, don't let them kill you!!!
But im here to torture you with another one~
So i have an album with 3814 Asmodeus screenshots(I FKIN LOVE MY BOYFRIEND!!!), and i had an idea "dam, if Asmo became real, it would be very hard to explain why i have 4k pics with him... " So here is request!
Brothers, finding out that MC's new hyperfixation is... them?
Apparently MC is neurodivergent or something like that, and as many neurodivergent ppl, they have a hyperfixation! They just randomly becoming very interested in something specific and collect stuff with it, talk with everyone about it, and remember every single detail about it! Like Levi with TSL.
But one day, brothers realise that MC stopped talking about their past fixation and was less interested with it. They think that "Oh, they probably just found something new!". But one day, they take MC's phone just to find that... They have a giant album in their gallery that is dedicated only to him????
The album has every photo he posted on Devilgram, every photo that he send MC, some unique photos that MC shooted themselves, even some chat screenshots with times when he said something cute to them! They even was photographing thigs that "reminds of him". Like some cheeseburger with "Beel vibes", Blue flower that "Looks like Luci" or gorgeous mannequin that "feels like Asmo".
If its someone like Asmo, he would also notice thta MC started buying their fanclub's merch! Like "Asmo lover #1" shirt or "Lucifer best man!!"cup(Luci is very popular, he probably also has some fanclubs! i hate this guy tho)
I think Levi and Mammon would die from embarrassment. Asmo would die out of happiness and Satan with Luci will try to pretend like thay never saw that. and idk about other ones. :P
I think that would make a cute fluff and a very scary situation if it was real uwu
Thats all
Have a nice dayyyyyyyyyyyy~~~
-BigS aka.AlgophobicDude
hey! great to hear from you again :)
haha thank you! been slowly knocking out requests one at a time and let me tell you it's a lot more fun than it might look haha
i wrote this while wearing a pink cowboy hat. i just wanted to share that
you got it! enjoy!!
Mc with a hyperfixation on the brothers
is this a human thing?
he's happy to indulge you as long as you're not too loud about it out in public
especially please don't share those pictures with anyone, like mammon. he will sell those, especially the ones he only intends for you. please
he's happy you don't hate him, actually. you make this old man very happy haha
he would never tell you, but he's also got a photo album dedicated to you
also has a note on his D.D.D. full of all the things he never said to you but hopes to be brave enough to one day to tell you
he doesn't tell you he's got that though, not in a million years
he really loves that you're hyperfixated on him because that just means you care about him just as much as he cares about you
as expected, he's very flustered
he knows what it's like to have a little blorbo and he would give anything to be able to see them daily in person and live with them
he's over the moon once he realizes this and despite his embarrassment, he pushed through to spend more time with you
he's so dedicated <3
he's probably the most puzzled
he's always learning new things about humans even when he thought he knew everything
he knows and trusts you so from time to time, he'll take a picture with you in mind that he knows will remind you of him
all in all, he does think it's a little strange but won't stop you since he's never seen you happier
like they said, you're literally about to become the number one member of his fanclub!
lucky for you, once he finds your asmo photo album, he's feeding into your hyperfixation
you get lots of exclusive privileges, such as early morning selfies and all his merch for free, including prototypes
he's always ready to pose for a picture for you. every side is his good side!
he's a little confused but he's happy to make you happy
he listened to you talk about your hyperfixations the most beside levi so he's quick to pick up on this shift
to make you happy, he decides to make a handmade adult bib just for you haha and at first he's a little sad but then he finds it while digging for your snack stash
you've never worn it once because it's hanging in your closet next to your fancy outfits <3
you what? is his initial reaction
from the outside, it seems like it doesn't bother him or that he could care less
but, on the inside, he's elated since he thought after how he tricked you, you'd never want to be close to him again
now, you're the very thing that makes you excited to wake up every morning by his side
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eemcintyre · 9 months
"Timecop 2: The Berlin Decision" (2003) review
DO NOT read this if you enjoyed the movie because it's just going to really piss you off pls and thank you :))
Within 5 minutes, I already knew that this was going to be a nearly unwatchable mess- and it was almost literally unwatchable because the opening scenes use that stupid "let's turn down the brightness to make it look dark out instead of just waiting to film at night" 🤡😑
But anyway, this movie perhaps holds the record for "shortest amount of time that I held out hope it was going to be good" 🫡😬
We get a small silver lining in the form of Thomas' gorgeous white hair and tuxedo and him speaking German 🫠
These special effects are truly painful to look at; absolutely abysmal; mom come get me I'm scared 👀
MPK I can't believe they got you too; how and why did y'all do this?? Did u owe someone a favor?
At least she and Thomas, as usual, both really put their all into what they were given
The "romance" with Jason Scott Lee and her was so manufactured and unnecessary tho
The amount that everyone is fucking with the timeline is stressing me out way too much 👀👀
Thomas sure does make a handsome evil cowboy in his black hat outfit though; wish he would buy *this* pretty little girl a drink 👆🏻🥃 (love that none of the wild west pioneers question his 00s sunglasses tho)
By the middle of the movie, I just completely stopped caring; only other thing of note to mention is that he looked hot in the climactic scene where he was threatening to kill a child with a gun and we got some high kicks
The ending is basically that everything goes back to the way it was at the beginning, aka the most boring possible thing that has you wondering what the point of all of your suffering was
I genuinely haven't a clue where the raving reviews on IMDb are from because there's **no way** we were watching the same movie. Can safely say this is one of the worst I've ever seen, 3/10 and that's all only for Thomas and MPK
yikes 🙃🔥
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tobibius · 4 years
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h......... thinking about Them
(characters from @toonhlvrai, which is just a real treat of a blog)
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thatgirlinskullz · 3 years
and it doesn't even look all that good 🤣🤣😭😭
but i just got so fkin emotional i can't help it. i am so happy he get his own figure, he deserves it so fkin much omg i am so emotional
what is wrong with me 😭😭😭
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nicestdynamite · 5 years
yeehaw, bruther
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yharnamopossum · 5 years
honestly one of my fave things in the world is the fact that all my friends have their own impressions of who shimon is as a person and they’re all v different aND YET ALSO SOMEHOW ALL COMPLETELY ACCURATE HGJGHJKSD
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pancakemolybdenum · 3 years
hey there!! I hope you're doing well! I just recently found your jojo art and am trying to pace myself in reblogging it, I just love it all! I read one of your tags about how you'd post ref sheets for the part 4 and 6 madoka designs if there was interest, and I'd really like to see those if you draw them!! my favs are definitely okuyasu (I love his helmet, gives kamen rider/super sentai vibes!), koichi (tiny man thing is fkin balling), and foo (denim cutie!!) I hope you have a great day!!
thank you!!! ive had a bit of a hard time deciding what do focus on next so this is great! (also nice bc it feels so silly and embarrassing to make refs for things if nobody wants it lol)
and im glad u like the designs!! i think theyre getting less and less magical girl but im having so much fun making them. next up might be some villains if i dont get some very sudden inspiration for cowboys yeehaw. but i only got one of the villain squad done (its pooch lol. my gfs fave. always simping) so it might still be a while. but itll be nice to have some refs to go back to when i struggle haha
pray for me so i dont play minecraft for the rest of my life instead of drawing lol
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liesofasilvertongue · 3 years
Just realized Trevor fkin Zegras was wearing COWBOY BOOTS in this pic I’m gonna scream
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tobesolonely · 3 years
🌹 <33333
we cowboy like me stans have to stick together.... I think u are fkin awesome and i love your aesthetic your blog is lovely <3
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memyselfandyoutube · 7 years
I have made mistakes
And we’re jumping straight to Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles because I am too good at making cocktails
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fictionalabyss · 5 years
Do 'em all 🤣🤣
You jerk rofl. Okay, this is gonna take a while..
also under a readmore cuz long.
1. describe yourself.- Mel, 32, mom of two, mental health issues, and no idea of who I am or ever was.. lover, fighter, spiteful, friendlier than I’d care to admit. I think that about does it?
2. if you could go anywhere for a week all expenses paid where would it be? I’d be willing to go to a lot of places, honestly. Scotland is top of the list if I can count a wedding as an expense haha.
3. do you have siblings? On my mothers side, no, I’m an only child. On my fathers side, I have a half brother, and two step brothers.  I haven’t seen them since I was 11 though, but they’ve been added to my fb and now ignore my existence there.
4. what is your favorite constellation, why? Don’t think I have a favourite.
5. favorite color. Don’t have one. I like different colours for different things, and even that can change with my mood.
6. what kind of music do you listen to? Pretty much everything. My workout music (basically the only time i have time for music) ranges from the 50′s cowboy and love songs all the way to more current EDM and some metal. You introduced me to Mongolian metal, and I’ve come across and Indian metal band that has a song about fighting depression, and I love them so much. I’m still sad to have missed both Babymetal and Alestorm (Scottish pirate metal) when they came to town. Alestorm actually offered me free tickets if they could name Matrim when I was pregnant rofl.
7. favorite flower. (you can name as many as you want cause flowers are awesome)  Wild flowers. I have violets that grow wild in my back yard and I love them.
8. if you could do magic, what is the first spell you would learn? I think at most, I’d like to learn minor healing, or something that would attract goodness to people.
9. favorite childhood memory.The memory of Pat getting in the baby swing and yelling “push me on the swing, mommy!” and me pushing him as high as I could and leaving him there when he got stuck roflrofl. We were 9, and it’s basically how this relationship started. I was annoyed, he was in love. I’m still annoyed but now we’re both in love.
10. have you ever been cheated on? Not that I’m aware of, but that might not have been for a lack of trying. WORD ON THE STREET WAS one of my ex’s was trying to get with someone else while with me and was turned down.
11. if you could describe your perfect room, what would it be? Big and spacious. Super comfy bed, plenty of pillows. But also a little corner with a fort that I can be little in. Close proximity to both bathroom and kitchen for obvious reasons. Big window with cute curtains. and all the thing my current room has, but less unfolded laundry rofl.
12. favorite animal. Don’t have one, but it for sure isn’t a fkin slug I’ll tell you that. Pete the peeper ruined that for all slugs.
13. what was the last photo you took of? Luke’s new pokemon cards so I could show Pat while he was at work.
14. do you believe in soul mates? I do. I believe that soulmates aren’t just lovers, but that you can have many people that your soul resonates with. I had one, or thought I did, until I was dropped like hot garbage and shit was said behind my back like I’d never find out. The fucked up part, if I got an apology, I’d probably believe them and let them back into my life like I did last time. Because I’m a fucking sucker and a slave to my heart. But the more you hurt me, the harder you have to work for my trust so I’ll probably never get one. Too much work.
15. do you hang toilet paper over or under? I have a toddler, so under so he can’t just unravel the whole fucking thing into the toilet by slapping his hand on it.
16. your go to place to eat & your favorite thing to get there. Greenstop and Poutine. They have this killer brown gravy omg.
17. do you believe everything happens for a reason? yeah. Everything is either a consequence to our actions, or a lesson to be learned. Karma, my friend. And sometimes, bad shit just happens so you have room in your life for better things. That’s how I got you and Kay.
18. guilty pressures? You mean other than 80′s and 90′s one hit wonders?
19. favorite mythical creature, why? Dragon. Cuz...dragon?
20. something most people don’t know about you. Uh.. not everyone knows me to be as friendly as you tumblr peeps do. Truth is, I’m kind of known as a bitch in person. I don’t socialize well because of my crippling anxiety, and have RBF, so people just assume. Others know it as fact because I treat people the way they treat me.
21. where did you grow up, what was it like? at 8, I moved across the street from where I live now. Before that, I lived in ‘The Point’ but most of my childhood memories are of here. A lot of my neighbours are the same people. I grew up in the 90′s, so we use to play in the street day and night and there were no worries. I’d go from park to park, house to house, just wandering from place to place with my friends. No parents, just us, as long as I got everyone back out front by the time the street lights came on, and then it was hide and seek in the dark while all the parents drank on one of the balconies and watched. It’s not like that here anymore.
22. do you believe aliens exist? You’d be an idiot to think that we are the only lifeforms anywhere.
23. what was your last google search? Big Iron by Marty Robbins.
24. what did your last relationship teach you? You really wanna get into that? It taught me that no matter what I know about a person, I don’t know them. If they talk shit about other people to me, they are talking shit about me to other people. It taught me that just because they earned my trust once, doesn’t mean they should get a free pass on it for life, that I should make them keep earning it. And finally, than when they say “I’ll understand if it doesn’t work out” it’s bullshit. I’ll end up tossed aside and forgotten while I break. And when I realize I deserve better and move on, everything becomes my fault.
25. would you relocate for love? depends where. Example : I love Kay, but I ain’t moving to Florida roflrofl.
26. do you hold grudges or forgive easy? Forgive far too easily the first few times. After that, fuck you.
27. favorite book. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
28. do you consider yourself an extrovert or introvert? Introvert.
29. have you ever kept a journal, do you now? I have attempted to a few times. Didn’t work out. so no.
30. top 5 favorite movies. Porky’s trilogy. Ginger Snaps trilogy. uhhhhhhm.. fuck.. idk, why do you do this to me, I can’t pick favourites.
31. do you believe that everything happens for a reason? We already went over this.
32. what is your greatest fear? Falling.
33. favorite alcoholic beverage. Jack, disarono, Fluffed marshmallow vodka. UPPERCUT. legit, go into a bar and order an uppercut.
34. most embarrassing thing you’ve done. If i could think of something, I wouldn’t tell you guys muahahha.
35. do you believe in ghosts? not sure.
36. what is the best and worst part of your personality? That I’m nicer than I’d like to be. I’m mush. I’m forgiving and kind, and loving and sometimes I hate it.
37. should you split the dinner bill? Who am I at dinner with?
38. are you a good liar? Fuck no roflroflrofl. I’m the worst at it.
39. what keeps you up at night? these days, story ideas.
40. would you rather go without your phone or music? bye bye music.
41. do you believe in god? Nope.
42. how do you relax when frustrated? Mindless game on my phone, nap, or binge something.
43. what’s something that offends you? people. People offend me.
44. favorite food I’m a sucker for a good lasagne. but also cheesecake. I can never have too much cheesecake. I mean, I can, I’m lactose intolerant, but shush. Something are worth it.
45. if you were on a 10 hour flight and could sit and talk to any person the entire time, who would it be? If there’s booze on the flight, anyone. if not, literally no one. I’ll just pound back some Oxazepam and nap. wake me up when we get there.
46. when do you feel the most confident? never. ROFL.
47. what do you do on your free time? What is free time?
48. is there anyone who has completely lost your respect Oh yeah. If you’ve read this far, you might have an idea.
49. have you ever broken someone’s heart? Probably not, no.
50. did/do you play sports in school? In gym class. Oh, and I did that one summer to Tball and hated it.
51. when are you happiest? when I'm asleep.
52. coffee or tea? Tea. fuck your coffee.
53. what is one possession you own you wouldn’t want to live without? internet.
54. what is the first thing you notice about a person? Height.
55. what is your favorite season, why? I love winter, because I love everything looking so white and clean when the snow is fresh. But I also love spring because of the rain, and summer for storms and fall for colors and good weather.
56. what makes you laugh? What doesn’t.
57. are you a clean or messy person? I was given the nickname ‘Messy’ at 10 for a reason. It still applies.
58. what is important for a successful relationship? Be it friendship or romantic relationship, my answer is the same. Trust and Honesty.
59. what was your upcoming like? Do you mean upbringing? I had a single mom who worked all the time. I was pretty independent.
60. favorite holiday? Christmas.
61. what is the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery? pay off debts.
62. what’s the best pizza topping combination? Bacon crumble and cheese. Not bacon bits, fuck that shit. Bacon fucking crumble. its like, little balls of bacon or something and not many places have it anymore *sad panda*
63. favorite outdoor activity. meditation. Does that count? I just like to be barefoot outside.
64. how are you? honestly. It’s 9 am, and I’m already getting frustrated with kids. And I have a soccer game and medal ceremony coming up soooooooooooo.
65. would you rather go camping in the woods or stay at a beach resort? how about cabin in the woods, ooooor a beach resort with woods backing it. yeah.
66. what is the most beautiful thing in nature? everything.
67. favorite type of candy? Don’t got one.
68. if your life was a book, what would be the title? something super depressing, I’m sure.
69. what movie quotes do you use of a regular bases? “Later masturbater” (The Pest)
70. what was cool when you were young but not cool now? Frosted tips, mesh shirts, and snap away track pants on men HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,. Oh, them early 00′s. I legit saw someone wearing them a few years ago and almost died.
71. what’s the craziest conversation you have ever eves dropped on? dunno hombre.
72. what’s the most interesting documentary you’ve ever watched? uhhhhhhh
73. what’s the worst hairstyle you’ve had? again, 90′s. Mushroom cut with a nike check saved in the back HAHAHAHAHA. Oh man, everyone had that way back when.
74. what do you like to cook? most things.
75. what’s the coolest animal you’ve seen in the wild? wild beavers make me happy.
76. what’s the funniest tv show you’ve ever seen? Japanese game shows. nothing is as funny as japanese games shows. Human Tetris for example is fucking hilarious.
77. do you usually follow your heart or your head? Heart. Unfortunately.
78. what is your favorite quote? I’m not sure these days.
79. what’s the weirdest crush you have ever had? I’m not sure..
80. what’s your love language? I dunno. I legit just had to google what they were, and I’m not sure which.
81. do you ever feel alone? Always.
82. ever been bullied? Far too many times.
83. are you usually early or late? Early, thanks anxiety.
84. what kind of art do you enjoy most? these days, written. But I love paintings the most, i think.
85. what do you wish you knew more about? Everything. If I could, I’d go to school and learn everything that interests me even the slightest.
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babydxhl · 5 years
the body is just a shell to the soul / aesthetics .
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BODY  long legs. short legs. average legs. slender thighs. thick thighs. muscular thighs. skinny arms. soft arms. muscular arms. toned stomach. flat stomach. flabby stomach. soft stomach. six pack. beer belly. lean frame. slender frame. muscular frame. voluptuous frame. petite frame. lanky frame. short nails. long nails. manicured nails. dirty nails. flat butt. toned ass. bubble butt. thick butt. small waist. thick waist. narrow hips.average hips. wide hips. big feet. average feet. small feet. soft feet. slender feet. calloused feet.calloused hands. soft hands. big hands. average hands. small hands. long fingers. short fingers. average fingers. broad shoulders. underweight. average weight. overweight.
HEIGHT         shorter than 140 cm. 141 cm to 150 cm. 151 cm to 160 cm. 161 cm to 170 cm. 171 cm to 180cm. 181 cm to 190 cm. 191 cm to 2m. Taller than 2 m.
SKIN           pale. fair. rosy. tan. olive. dark. tanned. blotchy. smooth. acne. dry. greasy. freckled. scarred.
EYES          small. large. average. grey. brown. black. blue. red. green. gold amber. hazel. violet. doe-eyed. almond. close-set. wide-set. squinty. monolid. heavy eyelids. upturned. downturned.
HAIR       thin. thick. fine. normal. greasy. dry. soft. shiny. scruffy. frizzy. curly. wild. unruly. straight.smooth. wavy. floppy. cropped. pixie-cut. short. shoulder length. back length. waist length. floor length.buzz cut.bald. jaw length. vermilion. mohawk. white. platinum blonde. golden blonde. dirty blonde. ombre. light brown.mouse brown. chestnut brown. golden brown. chocolate brown. dark brown. jet black. ginger. grey. auburn. dyed red. dyed any “ unnatural color ”. streaked. thin eyebrows. average eyebrows. thick eyebrows.
TATTOOS / PIERCINGS           full sleeve. thigh tattoo. shin tattoo. wrist tattoo. lower back tattoo.hand / finger tattoo. foot tattoo. neck tattoo. face tattoo. chest tattoo. one tattoo. a few here and there.multiple. no tattoo. monroe piercing. nose piercing. septum. nipple piercing . genital piercing. industrial piercings. earlobe piercing. prince albert piercing. eyebrow piercing. tongue piercing. lip piercing . tragus piercing. angel bites. labret. stretches out ears. navel piercing. inverse navel piercing. cheek piercing. smiley. nape piercing . no piercings.
COSMETICS             light eyeliner. heavy eyeliner. cat eyes. mascara. fake eyelashes. matte lipstick.regular lipstick. lip gloss. red lips. pink lips. dark lips. bronzer. highlighter. eyeshadow. neutral eyeshadow.smoky eyes. colorful eyeshadow. blush. lipliner. light contouring. heavy contouring. powder. matte foundation. shiny foundation. concealer. wears make up regularly. wears makeup from time to time. never wears make-up.
SCENT         floral. fruity. perfumes. aftershave. cocoa. moisturizer. natural soap. shampoo. cigarettes.leather. sweat. food. incense. marijuana. cheap deodorant. cologne. whiskey. wine. fried food. blood. fire. metal. rain. grass. ocean. autumn leaves. baked bread. freshly baked cookies. smoke. campfire. lavender. trees. pumpkin pie. musk. rose. gingerbread. peppermint. oak. honey. lemon. vanilla. coffee cake. mint. raw hide.chemicals.
CLOTHES            jeans. tight pants. overknee socks. tights. leggings. yoga pants. pencil skirt. tight skirt. loose skirt. tight /formfitting dress. cardigans. blouse. button up shirt. band t-shirt. sports t-shirt.sweatpants. tanktop. cut off t-shirt. designer. high street. online stores. thrift. lingerie. long skirt. miniskirt. maxidress. sun dress. tie. tuxedo. cocktail dress. highslit dress/skirt. t-shirt. loose clothing. tight clothing. jean shorts. sweater. sweater vest. khaki pants. suit. hoodie. harem pants. basketball shorts. boxers. briefs.thong. hotpants. hipster panties. bra. sports bra. crop top. corset. ballerina skirt. leotard. polka dot. stripes. glitter. silk. lace. leather. velvet. chemise. patterns. florals. neon colors. pastels. plaid. black. dark colors. fur. faux fur.
SHOES              sneakers. slip-ons. flats. slippers. sandals. high heels. kitten heels. ankle boots. combat boots. boots. cowboy boots. knee-high. platforms. stripper heels. bare feet. loafers.
tagged by fkin yoink
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kawaisu · 7 years
opinion on smoking? its alright......a bit attractive. i smoked for a bit when i was like 15 do you go to college? nooooo what is your dream job? something in beauty. or a patisserieeieirie would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? rurruruual pls do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? no do you have freckles? no :( do you smile for pictures? if i force a smile it looks bad and crooked so no how many pictures do you have on your phone? 188....most are pictures of my cat have you ever peed in the woods? nopeee do you still watch cartoons? i watch anime does that count do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? uhhhh......i usually get chicken nuggets from bk since theyre 1.50 for 10....a steal Favorite dipping sauce? if i have to have a dipping sauce i usually go with ranch but im fine without it what do you wear to bed? my clothes?? have you ever won a spelling bee? ya.......2 good what are your hobbies? anime....video games......crying can you draw? no :( do you play an instrument? i played the marimba in 5th grade what was the last concert you saw? fak........probably the cowboy bebop concert at anime expo last year tea or coffee? im a tea boy Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? dunkin donuts isnt around here so starbucks do you want to get married? possibly what is your crush’s first and last initial? uhhh...... i dont know his last name now that i think abt it are you going to change your last name when you get married? idk man what color looks best on you? black do you miss anyone right now? yeahhhhhhh do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed do you believe in ghosts? a little bit i think what is your biggest pet peeve? most things actually last person you called` my mom is the only person i ever call favorite ice cream flavor? cookies n cream or cookie dough regular oreos or golden oreos? wtf is a golden oreo chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? rainbow sprinkles always what shirt are you wearing? some shitty league shirt what is your phone background? lockscreen is my waifu homescreen is rohan in a maid outfit are you outgoing or shy? shy probs do you like it when people play with your hair? idk no ones ever done that do you like your neighbors? yes do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? sweats have you ever been high? yes have you ever been drunk? no last thing you ate? fkin.....spaghetti favorite lyrics right now >lyrics in 2017 summer or winter? winter day or night? night dark, milk, or white chocolate? milk and white choc are both prety good favorite month? february.....valentines day + prime winter month what is your zodiac sign gemini who was the last person you cried in front of? my mum
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thatgirlinskullz · 3 years
The Bad Batch S01E08 Reunion **spoilers**
yes it's the reunion you think. 😍
no it doesn't go the way you would want it to go.. 💔
Crosshair's back.. and he's still brainwashed. poor baby. tho he did commit some serious murder in previous episodes so idk how i feel about him. would be cool to give him a proper redemption tho..
also, ouch. when he got hit with the engine fire i thought we'd see him burn to a crisp, so that was horrific.. but he's fiiine. he'll be fiine. but maybe the burn/radiation/hit to his head will affect his chip? idk. just hoping here 😅
Wrecker is still baby. love how he's teaching Omega about bombs and shit xD
Tech still doesn't know how to deal with kids xD
Hunter is a proper father now.
Echo regrets not going with Rex. what a surprise.
also, Kaminoans are behind the bounty hunters, what a surprise. but i was very curious who else we'd see.. maybe Boba? Fennec again? Aurra Sing? Boskk? IG-88? someone new? i was NOT expecting Cad fkin Bane! 😍 (though he died in the meantime, idk)
YES. CAD FKIN BANE IS BACK!!! yess please. and the fans are happy. i know they are XD
that cowboy staredown was everything! loved loved loved it!! 💖💖
maybe now that the Kaminoans have Omega back, we'll learn a bit more about them? who's clone they are, their origins, etc? idk. reeally curious.. or maybe Cad Bane will get a better offer in the meantime and not even deliver Omega? or just our clone family will catch up and rescue Omega.. idk. but i am very excited 😁
ps. the entire episode i was kinda sorta hoping for some Fallen Order/ Cal Kestis references, maaaybe even a young Cal just hiding out somewhere. or maybe even Brauf showing up.. but nope. i don't even know if Cal's on Bracca at this point already. should be i think.. still, would've been cool.
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