#that fucking slaps so hard
starrymarii · 11 months
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Happy halloweeeeeen
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sophies-junkyard · 1 year
SO excited to see how Marceline is gonna react to Simon’s decision. Like. Simon is so deep in his own shit he has NO IDEA how angry she would be if she knew his plan. And there have been a lot of nods to this. I think it’s very intentional that we the audience saw little Frozen Marcy, but Simon didn’t. He’s not thinking about her right now. Her absence in these universes feels so pointed, ya know?
I mean think about Farm World. We know that in the Farm World universe Marcy guarded Simon’s body for a THOUSAND YEARS. She never left his side, lest the crown fall into someone else’s hands. She went mad with only the memory of his voice to keep her company… but he doesn’t know that. He doesn’t seem to fully understand what his transformation did to her.
It’s not super clear how much they’ve talked about it, but knowing both their characters I’m wondering how open Marceline was about her experience with the Ice King. How she could never get through to him even when she cried and pleaded. That she held onto Hambo for a thousand years. That she constantly watched him hurt the people she loved. That she was such a stranger to him that he tried to KISS HER??? Did they REALLY talk about it? Would he be throwing away his second chance if he knew how badly it would hurt her?
“All Simon ever wanted was to see Betty again”. And all Marceline ever wanted was to have Simon back. It’s what Betty wanted too.
I cannot WAIT for the reckoning.
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lovecolibri · 7 months
Brennan: *narrating* ...and third he gave him a sword named Wavebreaker.
Aabria: *gasp* SHUT UP! sorrysorrysorry
🤣🤣🤣 I love when the cast has the exact same reaction I do. What an exciting moment!
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reyadawn · 3 months
Foolish Games
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*image not mine, credit goes to owner*
Summary: Reader is a reporter who has been following Noah Sebastian, the most notorious leader of the Bad Omens Mafia. Heavy metal rock group by day, deadly cartel by night. Reader gets much more than she bargained for when she accidently stumbles onto their territory...
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x OFC
Warnings: 🔞+, violence, heavy smut (kissing, choking, hair pulling, degredation, fingering, oral, unprotected sex, creampie), kidnapping
Word Count: 🤷‍♀️😅
Shout out to @darling-millicent-aubrey for helping me find the right photo 😅
Enjoy! 😉✌️
Red Door. The sign on the outside of the old brick building glowed a dull red, softly illuminating the damp asphalt of the parking lot. A cool breeze drifted through the air, rustling nearby trees and random pieces of trash. The low sound of jazz could be faintly heard as I parked my black Mazda around the back of the building by the dumpster.
I stepped out of the car, adjusting my black blazer and slipping my badge between the lapels. I threw my messenger back across my shoulder and made my way around the side of the building, slipping in through the side door. The narrow hallway was thankfully empty as I passed a series of doors on either side, the jazz music growing louder and the acrid smell of burnt cigarettes hung in the air.
The end of the hall gave way to a massive lounge, complete with red carpet, polished wooden chairs and tables with white lit candles in the center. There was a full bar along the right side of the room, the glass shelves lined with liquor bottles of various shapes, heights and colored liquid.
I sat down roughly at one of the bar stools, heavily tossing my bag on the counter. My best friend Baylan sauntered over to me after serving a Gin and Tonic to the businessman she was waiting on.
"Rough day, bestie?", she asked, tossing a white rag over her shoulder, her other hand resting on the bar. I sighed, putting my head in my hands.
"These fucking reporters in the office have no idea how to properly chase after a story. It's like, run in guns blazing instead of being discreet", I replied irritably. A shot glass filled with clear liquid came into view and I smiled.
"Always good looking out, bestie", I said, taking the reprieve. Baylan chuckled, tossing her hair over her shoulder. "Where's Tan?", I added, looking around.
"She's doing inventory but should be up here momentarily", Bay replied. No sooner than she spoke, Tan emerged from the back, pencil in her mouth as she held a clipboard in her hands. She looked up and smiled, the pencil dropping to the clipboard.
"Hey, lady, how goes it?", she asked. I briefly smiled at my two best friends before shaking my head. "You don't wanna' know". Tan shot Bay a quizzical look.
"In a word? Rookies", Bay chuckled.
"Dear God, if I had a dime", Tan said, rolling her dark eyes. "I swear, these people...", she trailed off.
"Tan?", I asked, following her line of vision but I couldn't see much at the back of the room as she turned back to me.
"You need to leave, bestie, now. It's not safe for you here. He's watching you", Tan whispered to me harshly, grabbing my hand. I had no clue what she was going on about.
'He' who? Who did she see? Before I could say or do anything, a hand on my shoulder had me jumping in my seat. Turning, I looked up into the face of a very attractive man. Long dark brown hair, dark eyes, dressed in a black suit with a solid white t-shirt underneath, a silver chain around his neck.
"You've been summoned", the man said softly, his slight Sweedish accent sending shivers down my spine.
"Summoned? What is this, Magic the Gathering? Summoned by whom?", I snapped, crossing my arms under my breasts. The man blinked once before hauling me off the stool, hand gripping my upper arm to drag me in his wake. I tried prying his hand off me but it was no use. The back of the room housed a long couch, no tables and an overhead light that shrouded a dark figure in light green. Despite the lack of brightness, this had to have been the most beautiful man I had ever encountered. Short dark hair fell into dark eyes and his full lips looked almost as decadent as the rest of his muscular body that was covered in tattoos up to his neck. Black leather gloves encased long fingers and large palms and his legs were spread. Jesus fucking Christ.
"As ordered, Mr. Sebastian", the man beside me stated. This Adonis of a man stood and rose to full height, my head tilting back just to make eye contact. He had to be 6'3 at least. My body chose that very moment to betray me as liquid heat filled my panties. I shifted from one foot to the other, thighs pressing together. The man before me raised an eyebrow, the corners of his lips curled ever so slightly.
"Mr. Sebastian, huh? You got a problem manhandling people", I said defiantly. He chuckled darkly before a gloved hand shot out, long fingers wrapping around my throat. Turning us from the light, he pressed me against the wall, a muscular thigh pressing between my own. The pressure to my clit through the thin material of my pants had me moaning involuntarily. He chuckled once more.
"Listen, pretty girl. Listen very carefully. I don't take kindly to nosy reporters inserting themselves where they don't belong. You've been on my ass for months now. Why is that? Want an autograph? Or perhaps there's something else you're after?", he said, his voice caressing my senses as he pressed his thigh tighter against my clit. My eyes rolled back, hips grinding down on the thick muscle as his fingers squeezed ever so slightly around my neck.
"Jolly. Give her and her friends VIP tickets to the show tonight...but I want hers to be backstage", he said. Before I could say or do anything there were loud screams erupting from the front of the lounge followed by heavy gunfire. Arms encircled my waist and my body was roughly tossed to the floor as Mr. Sebastian's body covered my own protectively. Shots ricocheted off the walls, wood splintering and snapping. Chunks of drywall exploded as each bullet hit.
Bay! Tan!
I prayed to whoever was listening they were okay.
"Noah, we need to get out of here! Take her!", a man screamed, pulling us up on our feet. Cool air met my lungs as I was hauled outside and shoved unceremoniously into an already moving limo.
"Nick, status report", Noah barked, hauling me into his lap. I was shaking so hard I couldn't sit still.
"Demons. Marcus sent them. There's gotta' be a leak somewhere because no one even knows we own the bar. Operations are all underground. Don't worry, show is still on. Told Matt to be ready but we need to get you both cleaned up first", Nick explained from across the seat, fingers flying over the keys of a Visio laptop.
Noah's grip tightened around my waist as my thoughts drifted to Bay and Tan.
"My best friends...", I trailed. Noah pressed his lips to my temple as the limo drove through darkened streets, landscape changing from city to rural.
"Jolly got them out, pretty girl. They're okay. You'll see them later tonight. First things first though", Noah whispered in my ear. Hot tears of fear and adrenaline ran down my cheeks. Noah's hand came up to my face, dark eyes roaming my features. His full lips softly descended upon mine, tongue tracing my bottom lip and I silently complied. He tasted like rich cream...and bad decisions.
The limo came to a sudden stop, breaking us apart but Noah's hold never wavered. Nick's fingers continued to fly over the keys to his laptop, head raising to nod once to the driver, a long haired man with bright eyes and large gauges in his ears.
The door opened and Noah and I stepped out, his arm going back around me as we made our way up to the front door of a rather large house with enormous windows. Once inside, I barely got time to look around the place, not that I could see much because no one turned on any lights as I followed Noah up the stairs, down a hallway and into a bedroom.
Noah walked over to the window, peeking through blackout curtains before turning back to me.
"You're the head of Bad Omens...lead singer by day, murderer by night", I spat, crossing my arms over my breasts.
"Let's get a few things straight here, pretty girl. First of all, you work for me now. I can't have you running your mouth to the papers about what you saw. Second of all, you go absolutely fucking nowhere without me. Got it?", Noah said, coming to stand in front of me.
"I'm sorry, what? You fucking manhandle me, I almost get shot, you kidnap me, acost me and drive me to God knows where and expect me to just do what you say? You got your fucking wires crossed, dude", I snapped. Noah suddenly grabbed me, hauling me roughly to his chest, a gloved hand fisting a handful of my hair and forcing my head back to look up at him.
"You have a serious attitude problem, pretty girl. Let's see if we can't bring it down a notch", Noah said darkly, lips forming into a sinister smile. "Strip".
I stared at him in shock as he stepped back far enough for me to undress. I fucked up. Royally. I trembled as I did what I was told, hot tears of humiliation filling my vision. Noah reached out to me, his hand gently slipping around my neck as he brought his lips to mine. I moaned into the kiss as he lifted me and layed me down on the bed.
I tried covering myself up and Noah's gaze hardened as he looked down at me. He pulled my arms away from my body, holding my hands above my head with one hand. Using perfectly white teeth, he pulled the leather glove off his right hand to display even more tattoos, including his fingers.
"Now, spread those pretty thighs for me", Noah whispered as I slowly spread my legs. Noah's long fingers swiped between my folds, gathering the slick on his fingers to draw slow figure eight's around my clit. My breathing was becoming labored, hips shifting and tilting to meet his fingers, searching for more.
"Noah, please", I begged. He laughed darkly.
"What a wanton little slut you are. Begging for me to fill you and I've barely touched you", Noah said, before thrusting two long fingers inside me to his knckles. My back ached off the bed as his thumb rubbed slow circles over my clit while his fingers thrust in and out of my dripping pussy.
"God, you're fucking tight, holy shit", Noah all but moaned, scissoring his fingers inside me to stretch me open. I could see the huge outline of his cock through his joggers and my mouth watered.
Pulling his fingers from my body, he scoot down so his face was eye level between my thighs. My body was trembling in anticipation, heart beating rapidly in my chest, my clit throbbing for his touch. Noah looked up at me once before extending his tongue to taste between my folds, the tip curling around my clit. Noah's eyes rolled back in his head as he let out a filthy pornographic moan. Two fingers plunged back inside my pussy as full lips latched onto my clit, sucking hard. I threw my head back and screamed as my orgasm hit me out of nowhere, my release coating Noah's chin, fingers and hand. Raising his head, Noah crawled up my body, his dark eyes devouring me.
"Now, pretty girl...let's see if you can take just a little more", Noah said. Crawling up my body, he planted open mouthed kisses everywhere he could reach before sealing his lips over mine as he started working his cock inside me. He was huge. I could tell just by the head of his cock as it stretched me beyond anything I had ever felt. I was no virgin but none of the other men I had been with were this endowed. I shook my head, his hand momentarily releasing me.
"Noah...stop...please...it's too much...I can't--it won't fit, please!", I cried out. Noah lifted my leg up over his hip as he surged forward, his hips forcing my thighs open even wider, the remaining inches thrusting home to hit my cervix. I opened my mouth to scream but Noah slapped a hand over my mouth.
"Yes, pretty girl, it will...and it does. This tight cunt is mine. Mine to use, to fuck, anyway I want. You're my own personal cock sleeve...", Noah replied, thrusting harder and deeper as his hand covered my mouth again. The muscles in my legs and thighs grew taught with another orgasm. My nails clawed down his muscular shoulders and arms as I tried to breathe in as much air through my nose. Harder, deeper, harder. It was too much...my body was on the verge of snapping, my muscles were screaming, the coil that was building was getting ready to break and Noah could sense it as he kept pile driving his cock in and out of my overstimulated pussy, all but fucking me into the mattress.
"That's right...come for me...come on this cock...tell me you're fucking mine...tell me everything is mine...", Noah taunted. I could only whimper and moan. The English language all but left my body. "What's the matter, pretty girl? I fuck you that stupid? Nothing left in that empty head of yours?", he added.
Tears ran down my cheeks, no doubt taking traces of mascara with it. Noah chuckled darkly above me, still pummeling my cervix.
"God, look at you...I love seeing your make up running down your face", he whispered as he gave a final thrust, coming white hot inside me. I screamed behind his hand, my eyes rolling back as the orgasm that had been building finally let loose so powerfully I damn near blacked out.
Noah's cock was burried inside me to the hilt when a loud knock came at the bedroom door.
"They're here, boss", a voice called from the other side.
Noah grinned.
@concreteemo @lolitasangel @concreteangel92 @doomhands-jr @dsireland86 @darling-millicent-aubrey @exitwoundsx @amagentarose8 @amourtoken @starsomens @amourtoken @alloraiona @lma1986 @lilhobgobbler @lovexsleepyhead @like-a-omen @livingdeceasedgirl @bloodylullaby @bluestdai @yarasdead @thatchickwiththecamera @tikosblogg @collidewiththesavannah @sacredthefran
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bittsandpieces · 2 months
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tamagoneko · 5 months
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perfect for me 💕
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anarchy-and-piglins · 5 months
I'm done arguing about oldest or middle child Techno, this is a safe space for youngest!Techno truthers only
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casualavocados · 2 months
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Chen Yi & Ai Di + the respect they command leading Yiyun Meng: North Hall
Chen Bowen as CHEN YI & Chiang Tien as AI DI KISEKI: DEAR TO ME (2023)
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athinga · 9 months
I've seen like a million interpretations of this but I gotta add to the pile cuz you can bet my ass laughed my lungs off at that scene
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Translation of my awful handwriting to English:
["Yuuji having a breakdown bcs of how many people Sukuna killed" "Specialz starts playing"]
Thank you, that is all
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weebannihilator · 1 year
Lets be honest, Miles' mom woulda beat the FUCK outta Miguel bro😭😭😭😭
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theriverbeyond · 2 years
while we all love Ianthe’s vileness it is important we not forget that Coronabeth is also a freak (affectionate). Ianthe might have bit chunks off of Naberius but at least she did it bc she needed the thanergy, Corona bit him literally just for fun and/or as a personal emotional outlet. sir this is my emotional support chewboytoy. and we cannot leave out how juicy she thought Gideon’s extremely megadead corse was while she&Cam&Judith were BOE prisoners. there is a reason why Ianthe thinks necrophilia is pasé and imo that reason is Coronabeth. not to mention how she canonically only falls in love with people who are somehow incapable of returning her affections: corpses. Judith. third house boys with a special interest in shuttles. she had a mental breakdown bc her sister did not murder and eat her.
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immortal-enemies · 3 months
You vs the guy she tells you not to worry about
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theplantbish · 5 months
Traffic @ Böle after party
📹 mine
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simplykorra · 1 year
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nothing surprises me now
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sealpup9 · 11 months
Ok Inertia came in swinging with a beat that slaps so hard I forgot to duck and was knocked on my ass by the force that is the last two verses.
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tricoufamily · 8 months
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1st draft of some ocs i've been thinking about writing or doing some art of. 1920s. moderately religious professor/single father and his very sickly from birth son. things start getting really bad for the son. he's going to die, and nothing can save him. dad goes crazy and becomes a serial killer for human parts to make these black magic remedies that keep him alive.
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