#that guy is definitely a dog and you cannot change my mind
jonny-b-meowborn · 4 months
Okay so Laios is a dog therian for sure. Or wolf. Definitely some kind of canine. I think he's a dog but wishes he was a wolf
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auroralwriting · 3 months
Hi love! I’d like to request a mob!bucky fic where he is the man that runs New York and the reader is his wife who convinces him to let her start opening hospitals and homes for people in need etc. one of his rivals tries to take her while at a charity thing and calls Bucky weak and losing his touch so he literally destroys him to protect his woman.
I understand if you are too busy but would love ya forever if you could write what has been in my head!
guard dog
mob!bucky barnes x wife!reader
bucky doesn't take too kindly to people hurting his wife.
word count: 1.7k | warnings: violence, cursing, bucky having a sweet spot for his doll ♡
i wrote this one so fast. thank you for this amazing request!! i hope i did your vision justice!
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Everyone knew of Mr. James Barnes. He practically ran New York with every politician pressed under his palm, along with every rich business man and woman wrapped around his little finger.
The one thing you needed to understand about James, Bucky, as his wife called him, was that you were never to be messed with.
To Bucky, you were the epitome of innocence. No one was allowed to lay a finger on you or say anything that could even potentially upset you. You were his world, and he made sure it was protected.
Of course, he was absolutely right. You were truly an angel on earth, the truest definition of kind. Little did everyone know, while they were wrapped around Bucky's finger, he was wrapped around yours.
"Bucky, you cannot kill someone on a Sunday," You'd gripe. "Sunday's are holy days, and the days I make my cannoli. You don't want cannoli?" Bucky would give in, rescheduling to fit your needs. "And see if that guy wants a cannoli, too. If I were gonna die, I'd sure as hell want a nice, homemade cannoli."
You practically controlled his every little move. You kept Bucky somewhat grounded for a mobster. You also made sure to keep him from disappearing off the face of the earth.
"Hun, you mom's coming over for dinner tomorrow- No, I don't want to hear it! Anyone who had the guts to raise you and not lose their mind deserves a nice, home cooked meal with her family. Dinner, six o'clock, be there."
Your latest topic, though, was helping people. You didn't give too much mind to the people Bucky worked with, but your mind was set on the homeless. Some news report on CNN had utterly convinced you that you needed to be the change in the world.
"Buck, please!" You begged, latching your hands onto your husbands arm. "This is my calling!"
A small grin formed on Bucky's face, "I thought your calling was to foster little orphans. Or was it to start an animal rescue. Oh, maybe-"
"James, I'm serious!" Use of Bucky's real name was a sign you wanted him to take you seriously. "Please, I just want to help the innocent people out there who don't have anything or anyone."
With your puppy dog eyes gleaming at him, Bucky knew he couldn't say no. "Alright, alright. But I get to choose the place since I'm buying."
A large smile erupted on your face as you leaped to hug Bucky. "Oh, thank you! Thank you so much, baby!"
Bucky's wide palms rubbed your back softly as he kissed your head. "Anything for my precious world."
And so, the hunt for the perfect shelter was in place. Immediately, you called some friends to bounce ideas back and forth off them. Eventually, you decided on the name Feast. Food, emergency aid, shelter, and training. It was everything anyone could ever need. It was perfection.
Even Bucky had to agree, it sounded pretty solid. He was amused at the acronym, enjoying the excitement your project gave you.
After a few months, Feast was nearly up and running. To gather attention, you decided to host a gala. Bucky helped you invite anyone and everyone important. You needed to get Feast's name out there, and the big people were who would do it. Secretly, Bucky only agreed because he knew he could.. convince the ones who denied to lend a hand.
The night of the gala approached. You sat with Natasha, as she finished putting on her makeup. "Natty, you look so pretty already."
"Yeah, but you know Steve likes the shimmer. I just want to add a little bit more," Natasha replied, referring to her husband, aka Bucky's best friend. It helped a lot that your best friend was married to Bucky's best friend. Natasha and you did almost everything together.
"Steve would like you if you wore a cardboard box," You groaned. "Come on, we're going to be late!"
Natasha laughed as she stood up, "Alright, alright! You, Mrs. Barnes, are going to have a wonderful outcome I hear."
Your heart leaped at her words. "Really?"
"Yeah, I heard anyone's who's anyone is coming." You squealed at Natasha's words and lead her down to the limo where Bucky and Steve were waiting.
The moment Bucky laid eyes on you, he felt like he was falling in love all over again. "Doll," He breathed out, holding your waist carefully with both hands. "You're an angel,"
You blushed at his words, "You always know just what to say to me,"
"That's why you married me," Bucky teased, knowing all too well there were too many reasons to name as to why you married him. He still felt so lucky.
"You both look amazing," Steve complimented. "But if we don't get going soon, we'll be late."
Quickly, the four of you shimmed into the limo, having some champagne and listening to soft music while you made your way to the gala. You'd left all the interior planning up to Natasha, who's taste was the best in all of New York. You trusted her with your life. After making your way into the hall, it was solidified once more that Natasha was incredible.
The hall was beaming with gold and silver, a soft jazz band playing and a bustling bar full of the most appealing looking drinks you'd seen in a long time. You gave Natasha a thankful look as Bucky began to softly pull you away. He'd spotted the Mayor, and he was itching to make conversation.
It was probably two hours of chit chat later and you found your feet aching from your insanely high heels. You leaned up to Bucky's ear, "Hun, I'm going to go grab a drink. Want anything?"
"Rum?" Bucky muttered back as you gave an eager smile.
You sat at the bar, ordering yours and Bucky's drink. After a moment or so, you noticed the presence of someone in the seat beside you who wasn't there previously.
"Mrs. Barnes," You looked over to see Brock Rumlow. He, too, was a mobster. However, he wasn't one Bucky or Steve were particularly fond of. You didn't even know he was invited tonight. "What a lovely event this is."
"Oh, Mr. Rumlow," You said with surprise laced in your voice. "Thank you, it took a lot of preparation."
"I'm just surprised," Rumlow hummed. "Such a.. charitable thing your husband is endorsing."
You shook your head, "It was all my idea."
"Of course it was," Rumlow bitterly responded. "Barnes' pretty little play thing wanted a new passion project to occupy herself. How expected."
You felt your heart pang at his words. "Oh," You stuttered, losing any sense of confidence.
"I got you at a loss for words?" Rumlow's voice was low as he began to lean over your figure. It felt daunting rather than sultry. It felt dangerous.
"Rumlow, please back up a little bit," You pleaded as Rumlow's smirk grew. "I don't have any space."
"That's the point, baby girl." He continued to prowl over you like a hungry beast, ready to pounce on its prey. For a moment, you felt overcome with fear. The way Rumlow eyed you made you wish you had worn a more conservative dress.
Before you could blink, Rumlow was pushed back harshly. It caused you to jump up and into someones arms. You didn't even need to question who it was; you knew Bucky's touch anywhere.
"What the fuck were you doing with my girl?" Bucky growled as Rumlow shook himself out of shock.
"Just making conversation," Rumlow dryly responded. "She's a joy to talk to."
Bucky scoffed, "It looked like you were about to drag her out of here."
"And so what if I was?" Rumlow challenged. "What would you do, huh, Barnes? You've gone weak, she's making you lose your touch. You're just her silly little guard dog. No one's scared of you when everyone knows that you'd never do anything to upset your precious-"
Before Rumlow could even finish his sentence, Bucky was on top of him, punches pushing his head back and forth, left and right. The sickening sounds of skin against skin was too much for you to bare, but luckily, Steve had come right on time. He was quick to pull you behind him where Natasha was waiting to hold you in her arms.
"Don't you dare call me fuckin' weak!" Bucky yelled. All eyes were on the scene unfolding.
The crack of Rumlow's jaw was not to be missed as Bucky's fist collided with it so hard you could've sworn Bucky broke some of his teeth. "You think you can come here to my wife's gala and try me?"
You wanted to stop Bucky, but you could tell that with his anger, thee was no stopping him until he was done. More sounds of cracking, Rumlow's howls of pain, and the blow's of Bucky's beatings were all that echoed in the hall.
After a few minutes, Bucky slowly stopped, panting as he leaned over Rumlow breathlessly. It was then you stepped in, running behind Bucky and putting your hands on his shoulders. "Buck, c'mon. Let me get you cleaned up." Blood was splattered on Bucky's face, his fists drenched in it. You nodded to Steve who, once Bucky was standing, picked Rumlow over his shoulder and took him out of the building. Natasha waved the band who began playing, and everyone fell back into conversation almost as if nothing happened.
Bucky and you were silent as the bartender handed you some towels to clean Bucky up. "Did you see any of that?" Bucky asked softly, his tone much different than a few minutes beforehand.
"Steve pulled me behind him," You answered, wiping off Bucky's knuckles. They were already bruising due to the beatings on them.
"Good man," He nodded, knowing that he would have done the same for Natasha. They protected each other's girls, always. "I'm sorry this happened tonight. I didn't mean to ruin the gala."
You chuckled, forcing Bucky to look up and around. "Look, nothing's ruined. You don't think these people are used to this stuff?"
Bucky gave a soft smile in return as his fingers fell across your cheek, softly rubbing it. "What did I do to deserve you?"
"Endlessly protect and love me, to start." You cheekily replied.
"Yeah," Bucky nodded, kissing you softly. "Always." He added as he pulled away. "Now, come on. I don't think we spoke to the Stark's yet."
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nagitoshopejar · 8 months
How's how I think the characters would be from my hazbin hotel TK hide in seek scenario
Sorry it's not a lot lol
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- As a hider I think it would be very easy to find her as she would probably be almost constantly giggling.
- If she is found before anyone else she would definitely help the seeker.
- you CANNOT hide with her. Her giggles will either give away your guys' hiding spot.
- she's not very good at hiding anyways she always hides kind of in an obvious spot but not out in the open.
- will find everyone no exceptions.
- will play the TK monster thing to the point of calling herself the TK monster.
- Husker(who is canonically tkish) is terrified of her in this mood.
- knows everyone's spot
- also knows everyone's point and changes on how she tks someone based on how they react or feel about it.
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- very good hider.
- will help you if you ask nicely.
- mostly plays to make Charlie happy and will stay with Charlie as a seeker.
- Charlie is mostly the reason she's found.
- she will hitch her breath when she hears footsteps.
- secretly enjoys it because of Charlie and will always be not so secretive if Charlie is the seeker
- very good at finding
- she is always very gentle on everyone unless someone makes a comment
- I feel like it's not something she particularly gets into it's just she wants to make Charlie happy
- kind of makes it a battlefield
Angel Dust
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- not really into this but he's like deathly tkish so he goes along with the hiding
- it's not that he hates it he just has a reputation to keep
- the type of guy to constantly keep moving and hiding in different spots so he's not found.
- playing it makes him forget about his problems with the studio for a moment
- bro is going to find you no matter what
- like this guy will use Fat Nuggets as a sniffer dog and will have him sniff you out
- you know he's near if he's saying some teasy stuff
- always sneaks up on people
- will go for Husker first just to mess with him
- doesn't exactly have a whole process just kind of goes with it
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- he is canonically tkish and will screech if you find him
- makes sure to hide well and to try and camouflage or protect himself with his wings.
- will not hide with anyone he is terrified they will give away his position
- will kinda cling on the ceiling like a cat
- he's very careful
- thinks this kind of thing is stupid but he has to do it and he ain't got anything better to do lol
- always uses his tail and wings to help him
- he's a cat so he's got like enhanced smell and finds them easily sometimes
- will handle Angel with care
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- she can't hide at all she's got to much energy to stay in one spot
- not that she has anything to worry about anyways she ain't tkish at all
- but she will go around and scare all the other demons bc we all know she would lol
- would openly help the seeker
- dont
- she takes it to far so she has to supervised because everyone's worried but Charlie wants her to be apart of it so she doesn't feel excluded
- she's a very good finder
-like very good
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- he's the best
- he could actually hide but won't because he made a deal
- he's not to tkish but if he can be caught in a laughing fit of static radio noises if you try
- he hides the best he can without poofing away once someone is near.
- will exploit every tkish spot that he can
- smiles sadistically and will always find you
- broadcasts your laughs for the other residents to hear as a warning
- it's the closest thing he can get without hurting anyone
- knows everyone's worst spot as well immediately
Sir Pentious
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- tries but his snake tail always gives him away
- that and his eggs
- he's not even that bad at hiding
- he actually loves tks so he doesn't mind
- uses his eggs and they all go off in different directions to look for the other residents
- doesn't use his eggs when he does find someone because he doesn't want to torture anyone
- very gentle and careful does not want to hurt anyone he is a sweetheart when he wants to be. But only when he wants to
- enjoys it a lot actually
It's 12 am and I'm tired as ffff
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ambassadorarlert · 1 year
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a compilation of some of my personal armin head canons. lmk if i should do another. this is kinda long, sorry not sorry. <33 NSFW 18+ ONLY MDNI
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scorpio sun, virgo moon, capricorn rising.
- sun in scorpio: emotional and compassionate / intense and mysterious
- moon in virgo: service minded and shy / analytical and judgmental
- rising in capricorn: loyal and ambitious / unfulfillment and drudgerous
armin is the sweetest person to exist ever
- treats you the way he wants to be treated and more than you ever thought you could ever deserve.
- would rather die first than to hurt your feelings
- and when he does it’s never on purpose and it’s always sorry for it and will try to make up anyway he can
- always goes out of his way to make things easier for you
- his love languages are acts of service, physical touch, and quality time
- if your space is kinda messy he’ll do his best to reorganize and clean up for you
- needs to live in your skin. hugs often. holds your hand any chance he can. plays with your hair. lays in your lap. touchy touchy touchy
- date nights ever weekend, or every other weekend. tries to go somewhere nice and do something grand once in a while.
- he’s too embarrassed for full fledged PDA, but chaste kissing and holding hands is okay.
- might be on the spectrum. you kinda gotta squint.
- has some kind of sleep disorder like insomnia or parasomnia.
- prone to nightmares
- also has depression, ptsd, anxiety
- does not take medication, like an antidepressant, even though he should
- he tries not to lay around too much when he’s around you or staying at your place, but when he’s alone in his own home he can stay in bed for literal days.
- his grandfather is getting older and his parents died when he was young so he has looming anxiety of death and losing people he loves.
- also has separation anxiety. he’s like one of those howling cats when their owner leaves for work.
- is kind of a picky eater. goes out and orders either alfredo pasta or chicken tenders.
- will stay up rlly rlly late until he can’t stand it
- drools in his sleep so if he’s laying on you, there’s a little wet spot lmao gross
anxious attachment style
- you remind him every single day that you love him, that he’s the only one for you, and that you’re happy in your relationship
- but he just can’t help not feeling adequate and good enough so sometimes his insecurities bleed out into other things.
- it gives him peace of mind that your location is on and he can see where you are.
- he goes through your following almost every day to see if anything has changed.
- will sometimes ask “do you know this guy?” when he sees you’ve gotten a new follower or if someone leaves a comment on one of your pics.
- super cyber stalker. if somebody leaves a nasty comment he can find their full name, place of employment, where they went to school, and their grandma’s facebook.
- he definitely screenshots the ugly stuff and sends it to their family. and says “this is how your offspring talks to people online” and that he “doesn’t appreciate you being treated this way.”
- other ppl would think he’s doing too much and sometimes it is but you know and understand him better than most people ever would.
- goes through your stuff when you’re not there
- he’s not looking for anything in particular, he just likes looking through things and seeing what you have
- smells everything. lotions and body washes. perfumes and hair products. reads the ingredients in your skin care. doesn’t know what any of it does.
- wears your house robe when you’re not there either. walks through the halls like a student at hogwarts.
cares for your animals when you’re gone or need help
- befriends whatever pet you have.
- your aloof and distant cat adores him and crawls in his lap.
- your dog follows him in every room and waits for him outside the bathroom. he cannot escape.
- if the litter box needs to be cleaned, he’ll do it.
- he’ll walk your dog and pick up your yard. might try to teach your dog a few new things.
- he’ll feed whatever you got in your cages or tank and refills all bowls and water
- gives them extra treats and snacks just because
passionate and sensual
- sex isn’t just sex for him. it’s like another way to connect emotionally with one another and be completely vulnerable and experiment with things.
- always has his mind in the gutter and is always down to jump your bones. or have you jump his bones.
- is a switch, equally enjoys being dominant and submissive.
- when he’s being dominant he wants to consume every piece of you. he kisses you everywhere, touches you everywhere, reminds you that you’re his and no one else’s.
- whispers to you about how good you feel around him. how tight you are. he loves the way you sound. he wants to stuff you full of his cock. likes to bend you over and watch how wet you get and watches his cum dripping out of you.
- wants to breed you so bad but alas. birth control.
- tries to convince you to get off of it. that you don’t need it and whatever happens, happens, and that he can support you.
- when he’s submissive, he whines and mews. he’s begging for more, harder, faster, uses his manners and says please and thank you like a good boy <33
- he turns you down most of the time when you wanna suck his dick, but he can never get enough of eating you out.
- his favorite positions are prone bone, doggy, missionary ofc, and when you ride him
- once he’s in sub-space there’s no coming out of it until he cums.
- his bookmarks on twitter is literally all porn, and he likes some weird stuff.
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2023. do not copy or repost any work by arlertwitch on any other platform. violators will be prosecuted.
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rc-imagines · 9 months
Hellooo, Could I request some Ada Wong content? I Love your writing!!! Perhaps some headcanons on relationship style or being paired with her in a mission?
A/n: I'll do you one better and do both! They're done in seperate sections but they can absolutely go hand in hand (as in you're in a relationship with her and are her partner for missions as well) I have been having immense RE4r brainrot so I watched the cutscenes for Seperate ways recently- Thought they were good, and I could tell Wesker was a bad guy because he had no pores. Fight me.
Ada took "One of us has to wear the pants and it's me" joke seriously
She takes care of you in every sense of the word
I also feel like she's a bit on the softer affection side…As in like she'd like to just lay with you on the couch or in bed and just enjoy being with you. (Either with a movie playing in the background or she's reading)
She would also try to allow PDA, but I really feel like with her line of work, she'd have some paranoia about being watched so she's always careful
She'd ease into PDA over time, because it just happened naturally She can cook- She just looks like the type that can absolutely make a gourmet meal and say, "Ah, no biggie. It was easy." as if it didn't take two hours to make
Speaking of cooking, you're always put on cutting veggies duty. She taught you how to perfectly dice the vegetables purely for that purpose
Loves gives you kisses. Especially on the lips or forehead. Just the most tender, soft kisses
Would get you a promise ring, 1000%
Now, I don't mean this in a sugar mommy way, I mean this in a financially secure (and probably rich) way, but Ada would absolutely not hesitate to buy you whatever you wanted or needed
Her love languages are acts of service and gift giving, change my mind- Plot twist: You can't
Ada would definitely crave a quiet, domestic life, so she'd really cherish every moment with you.
I feel like she really likes baking? She loves the smell of sweets in the oven whether it be a pie or a cake
So you can expect her to always have some sort of treat made for you
Cat and dog mom, you can pick, but she gives me like orange cat and yorkie vibes and I cannot explain why
Overall, a relationship with her would be fairly peaceful whenever peace decides to pay a visit
On a Mission:
100000000% acts like the boss of you nonstop
"Don't get too ahead of yourself." and other slightly playful warnings are a constant
Would try to stick with you as much as possible to ensure that nothing went awry
Isn't the type to really act that she cares outwardly, but it definitely shows (accidentally on purpose)
She's only able to relax once she know the end of the mission is near
Definitely surprises you a bit by using that specific tone of voice (you know the one- "Very smooth.") and asks if you'd like to go out for drinks after everything is said and done
Of course you say yes because who would ever say no to Ada? So you know how she put tracks on Leon and Luis? You're getting the same thing done to you (without you knowing)
You can't help but chuckle once you notice it- You'd even make a light, joking conversation about it
"Next time, don't put a bright, red light on it."
"Fair enough."
Ada would also share resources with you, and only you, no matter how scarce or limited her supply might be
If you get hurt, even the tiniest amount, Ada swears that there will be Hell to pay
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animewhoree2 · 2 years
MW2 Boys & Their Kinks
mmmm. yea. that's it. female reader bc i love boobs, but do lmk if anyone wants any other kind of reader i'm open to that!! i wanted this to be better but its kind of trash because your girl doesnt know how to write snippets. 
i’m down to write a part 2 just lmk ig?
length: 1k
content warning: knife play!, daddy kink!, bondage!, choking, p-in-v (duh), grinding, riding, dominant reader in rudy's section, slight exhibitionism(?), car sex... hehe
spanish translations: "dilo de nuevo"- say it again
Simon "GHOST" Riley
mans is into knife play
cannot change my mind
definitely was scared to bring it up because he didn't want to scare you away
was utterly shocked when you got excited
it's not an everyday practice but you both do it every now and again
i know damn well if he ever cuts any clothes off he'll immediately say "i'll buy you a new one"
"Simon-" You groaned after he sliced through your panties. He rolled his eyes before diving in, your brain quickly forgetting about the destroyed article of clothing.
He was lapping at your pussy, eating you out like he's never had anything so good in his life. The mask was barely off as he had just gotten home, so you struggled to grab onto something. Your hands fisted the bedsheets while your back arched off the mattress.
"I'm close-" You whispered before he pulled away leaving you whining. He pulled his combat knife out of his pocket, putting the dull side to your neck.
"Good girls don't complain when they're about to get fucked," He said roughly, only pulling his pants down far enough to get his cock out. You nodded against the blade, feeling yourself get wetter. He pushed in slowly, causing him to groan. You bit your lip, throwing your head back at the feeling.
"Careful sweetheart, don't wanna cut yourself." He snickered before deliviering a hard thrust.
Johnny "SOAP" MacTavish
not full-on exhibitionist but has tendencies
likes everyone to know your his
everyone knows you're off limits but like-
will give you hickies and hide all ur makeup and make sure you can't cover them up if you wanted to
definitely makes you scream so everyone can hear
You, Johnny, and the task force were out for drinks. It was supposed to be a night in but last minute the boys wanted to go out and poor Johnny could have one too many sometimes. But you were planning to get your brains fucked out until it was late as hell and you were sitting in a booth bored out of your mind. You loved seeing him have fun but you also wanted your time with him. And you were extremely horny. He was busy all week, leaving you by yourself, which after him, was hard to finish the job. He had his phone in front of him while chatting about something with the guys, so you shot him a text.
I'm horny.
That's all you said. All you needed to say, actually. Because he looked down and immediately looked at you, with a raised eyebrow. You gave him puppy dog eyes to try and persuade him, and that's exactly what you did.
"S'cuse me lads, gotta take care of something really quick," He winked at them before grabbing your wrist and leading you out to the car. You were in the backseat, making out in no time, as he slid your jeans off far enough. You unbuckled his pants, stroking his cock as soon as you could get your hands inside his boxers.
"'m sorry, didn't even cross my mind. I'll make it up to you," He whispered, breaking away from the kiss. He kissed down your neck before pushing you back so he could be between your thighs.
Let's just say it was not "really quick". The whole squad stared at the fogged-up car when they left the bar, placing bets on what went down.
Alejandro "DADDY" Vargas (thats all i got)
daddy kink 110%
also would love you tied up?
begging him?
"please daddy please"
You guys were at some fancy banquet to get intel. So naturally, Alejandro wore a suit and you wore an evening dress. With a slit. That showed off cleavage. You just looked so gorgeous it was hard for him to remember why you both were here.
But a couple hours later, your wrists were tied to the hotel bed frame with his tie from tonight as he stood over you. He had just stopped going down on you after you came three times. You were already losing your mind, your brain practically mush. He wasn't much older than you but something in you just made it slip out.
"You ready princessa?"
"Yes daddy," He paused, dick in hand, right at your entrance before slowly looking up at you.
"Dilo de nuevo." He said firmly. You just looked up at him, through your lidded eyes, already fucked out,
"Please, fuck me daddy," You practically whined out. If you had any sense of self left you might be embarassed. But he groaned and thrust into you hard when he heard that fall from your lips.
Rodolfo "RUDY" Parra
you can't tell me this man isn't a full on switch
like he can be firm with you but some days...
he just wants to be the little bottom baby he is
and we love that
we love a man who lets his partner TREAT HIM RIGHT!!!
he loves praise too...
"Who's my good boy?" You asked, pausing from the rocking of your hips to grab his chin and lean down. His expression was unforgetable and his noises egged you on. He nodded, trying to find the words.
"Words honey, I need to hear you." You said softly, kissing down his neck.
"M-me. I am. I'm your good boy-" He stuttered. You could tell edging him all night was taking a toll on him. But you couldn't help it. His whines and moans had you dripping.
You picked up your pace again, bouncing on his cock while your hands held on to his shoulders. You could tell he was becoming impatient with the way his hips would buck into yours.
"You close?" He nodded again, trying to speak but only moaning instead. You leaned down and nibbled on his ear before telling him to cum inside you. His eyes shot open and looked at you with bewilderment. You continued your rapid pace, while he was still trying to process what you said. But you felt his dick twitch and you smiled to yourself before he painted your walls white.
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maponyo · 1 year
tw: this is my first time actually posting anything i’ve written. i made these pretty late at night so i’m sorry if they’re bad i just wanted to write something. probably some spelling mistakes and stuff i didn’t feel like checking it throughly.
a/n: please be nice
* i’ve mentioned this before but baji absolutely LOVES the yakuza game
* favorite one is yakuza 0 (definitely not because this is the only one i’ve watched so far🌚)
* john cena fanboy for absolutely no reason. has his theme as his ringtone
* number 1 baby metal fan. owns their merch and goes to every concert
* his favorite season is summer for obvious reasons but his favorite holiday is definitely christmas because he and mikey ride around with shin
* HATES horror movies. like nothing can convince this man to watch them. even the kiddie ones like goosebumps or scary stories to tell in the dark will have him act like the devil just touched his soul
* definitely the kind of guy to walk around with one lens in his glasses after a fight
* purposely named his bike cockroach knowing pah is afraid of them
* he used to hate his fangs when he was little because kids used to tease him and say he was a dog
* that was until he started saying he’d bite and give them rabies if they kept messing with him
* cannot grow facial hair to save his life
* judges people on how they interact with animals, specifically cats
* despite popular belief, i don’t think he would get any tattoos. he seems like a piercing guy and definitely cannot sit that long for a tattoo
* gave himself the alias edward because he used to watch twilight with his mom
* he even had a phase when he acted like a vampire but will vehemently deny and threaten anyone who dares to bring it up
* is lactose intolerant and just like many of us will eat dairy and instantly regret it as soon as it hits his stomach
* sometimes he feels insecure about the fact he was held back, all of his friends moving up while he’s left behind
* even though he has a reputation for committing arson and slightly unprovoked violence, keisuke is truly a model citizen☝🏽
* volunteers at shelters, helps the elderly, feeds the homeless, solves climate change. he truly is a saint and can do no wrong!
home life
* i like the idea that his mom was a teen mom and that his father was never really around and just stopped coming one day
* due to her job, his mom sometimes works really late or super early so over the years he’s learned to cook (the only good thing he can cook is yakisoba)
* on the nights he knows his mom will be back late he cooks her food and despite it not being the best she still loves it
* even though she works a lot the two of them are still very close and their favorite thing to do is read manga and watch mystery dramas whenever she’s off
* despite not knowing his dad(he only visited when he was a baby) he never felt insecure about it
* he’s a total mamas boy, and will fight anyone who says something about her
* when ryoko was younger, she wanted to have a lot of kids but after having keisuke she changed her mind. she felt it would be selfish to have so many kids when she works so much and after realizing how much of a handful he can be.
* despite that and having him at such a young age, keisuke was the best thing to ever happen to her and wouldn’t trade him or his wildness for the world.
* back on the yakuza point, whenever you’re sad he’ll grab a hair brush, turn up the radio and start singing 24-hour cinderella to you until his voice is gone
* when you guys get in a fight he’ll act like he’s in a 2000’s r&b mv and start singing bakamitai. chifuyu gets the hose to spray water above him, kazutora plays the music, and ryusei records the whole thing so baji can send it to you
* a biter, like what’s the point of him having those sharp ass teeth if he don’t try to take a chunk out of you
* whatever your favorite animal is, he’s gonna buy every single book about them so he can share little facts about it with you
* if you’re into a specific artist or group, he’ll listen to their whole discography and learn everything in the fandom
* becomes a horanghae enthusiast and will force you to be one as well
* just like he’s loyal to his friends and toman, he’s loyal to you
* like foreva togetha foreva LOCKED IN 🤞🏽
* a girl tries flirting with him and all of a sudden he’s hellen keller
* the type of boyfriend to say you’re too spoiled whoever you ask for something while doing said thing you requested
* will literally lift his ass off the seat while you’re sitting next to him and fart on you then blame it on you
* talm bout some ‘ew the hell did you eat’ like his diet doesn’t consist of yakisoba, monster energy drinks, and beef glizzies
* speaking of farts😸 keisuke will send pics of his shit to you asking if it looks normal
* will make fun of you if you’re lactose intolerant as if he don’t be upside down on the toilet fighting for his life
* is constantly in your personal space. like he’ll be standing behind you while you play like candy crush or best fiends mumbling about moves you can make. sometimes he’ll snatch your phone and play it himself
* what’s yours is his. mid chew on something he wants? he’s opening your mouth and popping it in his, no matter if it’s soggy
* absolutely loves giving and receiving hugs, being in your arms makes him feel safe and gives reassurance that despite all of his flaws you still love him
* stares at you with his mouth open, no matter what you’re doing or how you look his eyes are on you 24/7
* takes the absolute worst pictures of you on facetime and puts each one in his favorites until the end of time
* throws rocks at your window at like 4 in the morning knowing you both have school just so you can ride around with him until the sun comes up
* i feel like he’d totally like mellow down on the things he does. he doesn’t want to worry you while he’s away
* constantly checks up with you so you know he’s okay and not lying on the ground somewhere and dying 🌚
this is so scary bye 😭
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soullust · 2 years
dead poets and pets headcanons! their childhood/family pets, favourite animals, and what pets i think they would actually 'end up' with
neil perry
have you seen thomas perry? have you heard him speak? neil did not have a childhood pet. i think he really wanted a dog as a kid, but after a while of his father refusing, he would resort to asking for a fish or a hamster. his father's answer did not change absolutely adores the welton dog and always tries to sneak him treats and headpats and hugs and kisses and- he's just full of love yk he also seems like a fan of rodents? like guinea pig, hamsters and such,, he absolutely gets a dog after welton [more in todd's section]
todd anderson
the andersons bought jeffrey a cat for his fourteenth birthday it's a korat, his name is benjamin and he's a huge jerk -to everyone but todd. so it's more of todd's cat than anyone else's. todd loves cats overall, he enjoys how they just are, and finds their presence calming. once he moves out he takes benjamin with him and literally no one tries to fight him on this. also i think later in life he and neil would get a therapy dog to help todd deal with his anxiety, and neil with his trauma/depression. every once in a while one of the poets might feel down too, and todd's more than happy to let them 'borrow' the dog i feel like he would find arachnids fun, but his parents find them gross, and neil's is afrad of them, so he wouldn't ever have one
knox overstreet
idk why, but overstreets just feel like a crusty white dog named coco family. also his younger sisters have a rabbit! also i think him and charlie both used to do horseback riding as kids, as some sort of summer extracurricular?? anyways, yes, his family bought him a horse,, which is a totally standard thing to buy your child. he's not all that into horseback riding anymore and would let his siblings have the horse knox definitely loves dogs, and would have a golden retriver methinks just has that vibe
charlie dalton
his family have a bengal cat which he loves. he manhandles the shit out of that bastard and the cat doesn't really mind. the cat's name is orion, but really? it's Bastard. also his family owns horses and there's at least one that charlie dumbass-proofed (basically got it used to tolerating him as he does increasingly dangerous things around it) (idk if that's actually possible, i don't know anything about horses other than they look kinda cool) (idk why but the visual of charlie riding a horse like a skateboard cannot escape my mind i simply had to share). definitely a dog person, though he doesn't strike me as a guy that would actually have a dog? at least just on his own, he could have one with someone (a bf maybe? a bf named steven meeks even?,) he loves dogs, but having a whole creature depending solely on him is not a good idea.
gerard pitts
dog person. obviously he just seems like a guy that would enjoy going on long runs it's bc he's tall with long legs and what can make a run better? a dog he had a childhood dog that was already pretty old when he was born.. anyways! they got a him a german shorthair to celebrate him graduating middle school totally not bc he was heartbroken he probably wouldn't try and relocate the dog once he moves out just to not stress him out he might get a turtle though, he looks like a turtle guy
steven meeks
meeks' family has a miniature poodle. she's very well trained and steven deff treats her very politely. like- 'hello, would you like a treat, ma'am? of course, just do a spin first please?,, there you go, thank you :)' <- no babytalk or anything like that, he seems like a guy who just talks to animals like they're human all the time overall, but he's extra polite to her he feels like a,, calm dog person. like he enjoys their energy and likes having an excitible furry friend, but doesn't run around them or like match their general chaoticness also i feel he might get a gecko <3 just a lil' guy to sit on his shoulder while he studies/works <3
richard cameron
my lifelong hc for cameron's family is that he has some grandparents and cousins living on a farm, that he spends half of every summer with, doing typical farm things,, like caring for farm animals,, like cows,, and with that comes 'cow person' cameron headcanon he has his favourite in the herd for sure that he's just best friends with :) she has huge eyes and she listens to him rant, she's the best obviously one cannot simply own a cow as a pet, and since they're his favs he would probably opt out to not have any pets. scratch that i just thought about him having a chicken as a pet and am endlessly amused by it. he has a pet chicken
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formaggios0onlyone · 2 years
Types of Boyfriends La squadra would be..
A/N: hey hello this is my first headcanon list so please don’t attack me
This man may seem tough but I see him as a total goofball when he’s around his s/o
He’s the type to have such a loud deep laugh scary at first but later you come to love and just wanna make him laugh every day.(please do he deserves it ;) )
Also this Sicilian man makes the greatest food ever?? Such a good cook and will legit pick you up throw you onto a couch and hands you a plate of food after a long hard day :)))
He’s a cat person and hates dogs, you cannot change my mind
He would definitely prank you at any chance he gets somewhat of a prank war guy
This mf istg….
Jk I love him
Him and his cat are like obsessed with you
Mf when you’re sleeping he has a death grip on you and the cats sitting on your face💀
When you least expect it he comes up grabs your chin and pulls you in for a deep kiss🤯
His kisses are the best
He whimpers, trust me I know
He’s also very overprotective but in a good way?
Will show you off to La squadra
He is an asshole.
A hot one
Will not let you touch his hair but will beg you to let him play with yours
Actually great at braiding?…
He gets jealous instantly
If he sees a man talking to you he instantly grabs you and jumps into the mirror world smothering you with kisses
He has a fear that you would leave him for someone else
Please tell him you love him🙏🙏
He has a complex hair and and skin routine
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cocozydiaries · 3 months
more mha dr asks!!!!!!!!!!
do u have any ideas for your hero costume etc.
anyone you're excited to meet??
any sort of idea on what you look like (physical description ig)
YESS MORE ASKS!! love these sm coz i gotta dig through the depths of my mind to answer them.
question when you guys ask me stuff do you like the overly long answers or should i keep it short? coz like the original answers were wayy longer this is literally me tryna keep it short😭 i actually have a problem
Hero costume:
tbh like most things i’m leaving this one for when i shift there but unlike most things it isn’t coz i want my subconscious to decide. Honestly i do not have the sense of style needed to come up with a good hero fit HOWEVER my drself does!!
i definitely want smth either pink or blue. me and uraraka are gonna be twinin🤭!!
i also know that i want smth kinda flowy. i loooove dresses and i mean i feel like smth flowy would just match my water based quirk yk?
i don’t have any inspo but honestly i’m probably not gonna look very hero like😭
anyways might be kinda odd but i looooove magical girl type of outfits sm! and before y’all go “but that’s so impractical for hero work!” not for me it’s isn’t 🙄
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i genuinely did script i have a magical girl type of concept tho but still sorta practical to work in😭
Who i’m excited to meet:
i already know ik them in my dr but i cannot wait to meet my dr family! might be kinda cringe but i actually just might like my family??
i scripted in my cr sibling’s because idk🧍‍♀️. tbh i just can’t imagine being anywhere without them😭
i also can’t wait to meet my cat!! My family adopted a ton of pets because rich people but I specifically ended up with a stray cat i found at the pharmacy.
funnily enough that’s actually smth that happened to me here! except my mumsies said i can’t have the cat so instead the pharmacy took her in but i still get to visit her whenever i go there (she’s so lovely i love her sm!) anyways in my dr i ended up getting to adopt her instead. happy ending yippee.
AND I CANT WAIT TO SEE HER SHES LITERALLY MY BBY☹️ i also scripted (for my own mental health) that pets live wayyy longer now by like 10-20 whole more yrs coz i cannot imagine any of my kids dying before me
if you were wondering the total amount of pets we got a cat, dog, snake, and duck. and like random bird feeder thingies my parents added to the garden. the whole food chain ong
ig i’m also excited to meet up with some old childhood friends? Genuinely asking tho would it be weird to meet up with someone you used to be really close friends with but haven’t seen in a few years😭? Me and my drself are both baffed.
AND OCHAKO ML🫶🫶 i’m gonna meet her at UA probably BUT I HOPE I MEET HER BEFORE THAT TBH😭 but trust we’re gonna be besties
i scripted i’m super good at baking coz she mentioned she likes sweet stuff so i’m gonna spoil her with all sweet stuff i make😈 devious plan
Appearance stuff:
since this is a safe space… i feel i should share that i did in fact change my appearance. I don’t have a specific face claim (i wanna be surprised tbh) but mostly i just changed some of my facial features to their best version. looksmaxxingcore unironically i fear💔
i scripted that my face looks pretty and whatnot (in a very like unique way coz ugh she’s so different and quirky and unique🙄) but i still look and feel familiar to myself.
Also idk if you guys have heard that theory but like apparently after spending enough time with someone you start to look like them? Ik that theory generally means like clothes and aesthetic rather than actual facial features but i did script that even tho me and my siblings are adopted we somehow look similar to each other and our parents.
But the biggest change is probably my hair. in a reality where i can have any hair colour and you think i’m not going pink?
anyways i scripted that i have like pink streaks of hair in my otherwise black hair!! gonna match so well with my hero outfit!
smth like this!!
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tbh it doesn’t matter coz i do dye my hair often so i’m probably gonna end up with a ton of different hair colours anyways
aside from that my hair is still its lovely curly self! i love my curls and never wanna get rid of them but i did script if i like straighten my hair that it STAYS straight even if i sweat and whatnot. i haaaaate when you get those curly little wisps peeking through coz of that😭
anyways that’s all for now! i love answering asks sm so this was real fun but i also love hearing about ur mha drs SO TAG ME IF YOU POST ABOUT THOSE
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NEVER apologize for all caps and excitement!!!! in this house we lose our minds over found family dynamics TOGETHER and we are NOT calm about it lmao
under the read more because spoilers and also i got long winded (shocker)
ugh but literally. i need to do a rewatch because fallout is definitely one of those "watch once to get your brain blasted, watch a second time to catch all the little hints you missed the first time around" kind of shows, and also i just. NEED to watch this again with the full knowledge that cooper's been hunting down his family this whole time. yeah we knew cooper was a dad from the beginning but for us, at first, the logical assumption is that his wife and daughter must be long gone by now! it's been 219 years! it's not until the last episode or two that we start realizing that a lot of people from Before are still kicking around, and that cooper KNOWS that, and that the one thing keeping him going for longer than anyone else is the fact that he wants to see his wife and daughter again. the angst potential of this has me foaming at the mouth, by the way, and that's without even considering lucy yet
like, what's his plan? find janey and barb and... pick up where they left off? maybe two centuries of nuclear fallout will patch up his relationship with his ex-wife? how does he even know they weren't both unfrozen and lived their whole lives without him and died already? (i'll argue that he has not even considered that possibility, and will not, because that'll break him.) and say he does find them, and they're alive. maybe they haven't even been unfrozen yet and he can be the one to wake them up. ideal scenario, right? but will they even recognize him anymore? not just by his physical appearance, either! he is not the same person he was before the bombs fell, not by a longshot! janey's dad wasn't a ruthless mercenary bounty hunter who does what he has to do to survive and makes jerky out of human meat and sells random women to organ harvesters to get drugs! he was a guy who loved his dog and loved his family and who was so morally upright that he didn't even want to fake shoot a guy in a movie, because he believes that's not who his character is. and don't even get me STARTED on the fact that The Ghoul is a character to begin with, it's an act, because he's an actor who fell into this role because i guess it was easiest to survive that way, which means that at heart The Ghoul is also not someone who should be shooting guys. the kindheartedness is there under about 219 years of irradiated, decaying skin. but it's there
and then we get lucy, who's very deliberately written as his echo, a kindhearted morally upright person who doesn't want to let the wasteland change her, and i'll bet MONEY that as the series progresses cooper's gonna have to watch as it really doesn't change her. sure, she'll bite a guy's finger off in self defense, and yeah, she'll mercy kill a ghoul that's way past saving. but through it all she's going to try so hard to do the right thing, every single time, and i'm TELLING you, it's not so much that cooper's gonna get dragged back kicking and screaming into being a good person again, but it's more like he's gonna just start being better. it'll be kickstarted by lucy's influence and the fact that he cannot suppress the dad instincts to save his life, but the reason it'll really stick is because that's his natural setting! whether he wants to admit it or not!
anyway. uh. i ranted about this more than i meant to LOL but please always feel free to shout at me about grumpy morally gray old men allowing fatherhood to gently tug them closer and closer to the neutral good square on a dnd alignment chart. gets me every time
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takekawa · 6 months
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expanding on this while sick off my tits to give me something else to focus on
i love when bitches are CRAZY and/or pathetic which is admittedly funny thinking about my favorite beautiful lovely obeyme wife Solomon who is you know. not THAT crazy and not pathetic in the way i like. like he’s competent and his blustering social incompetence is in the “he just doesn’t know he’s kinda weird and mildly ominous at times” way not the “pathetic whimpering animal” (mammon) (leviathan) way i usually go for
although admittedly im just a sucker for the ‘jovial wizard who is definitely threatening’ trope. merlin fate. shahmat dirtycrown. in hindsight it’s funny all of these guys have white hair. would all be fluffy long white hair if Solomon didn’t have that fuckass cut
obey me in general is such a funny series for me to be into bc like. No one in it is THAT crazy due to the medium/target audience (except belphie I respect whatever the fuck is wrong with him) but they all still enchant me so bad. admittedly im reinterpreting them a teensy bit in my head to be bigger creeps because i have a rare disease where if i don’t make every character a little bit of a yandere stalker ill die. whatever. my vision is true
off the top of my head like
lucifer ok I can’t actually fuck this one bc he lives in my head and regularly talks to me but he’s still moe moe kyun. exhausted brat-tamer father is inherently crack cocaine to me. Cannot say more and still look that alter in the eye. my bad peepaw
satan HATER NATION REPRESENT 💥💥💃 also him being such a stuffy serious nerd gushing about cats is moe. Meow for me boy
beel definitely the least interested in him bc of how aggressively normal he is but it’s fine he’s smexy. and presumably built like a chubbier laios. Sultry little whore body type
belphie gotta love a guy who fakes being your friend to turbo murder you then goes back to being your friend with the limpest apology ever as if the attempted murder and false friendship wasn’t even that big a deal. love you casual psychopath. also a siscon so bonus points
mammon pathetic dog who would wear a leash if you asked him too and act really indignant the whole time like this is SUCH an ordeal UGH he’s so above this (he’s been nuclear levels of wet the entire time)
asmo see appearance wise im not interested. But. not a clue if im bastardizing his character but ive been assuming his total obsession (the like… measuring your body and pointing out tiny traits of yours that are cute/changed scene comes to mind) is in the “he’s definitely stalking you” vindictive possessive way. throwing dead birds at the window whenever you’re hanging out with someone else. starting shit on his fifth alternate instagram account so it doesn’t look like it’s HIM stirring the pot every time you don’t respond to his texts immediately. I like to think he’s very petty and pissy but that’s admittedly my debilitating stalker kink talking
levi pathetic ass neet nerd with zero game you enchant me. bend over while watching mid harem anime boy
the extraneous cast (outside of Solomon) i am woefully less knowledgeable on but at a glance i do like all of them. simeon is obscenely hot and also motherly-but-ominous (sexy). mephi seems like a raging cunt which i respect but he is a devoted cuck so we can’t fuck. diavolo is married to lucifer but i do respect the whole ‘outwardly jovial but will use his status to make you do what he says’ schebang. he’d aggravate the fuck out of me but i can’t diss the hustle
who the fuck else is there. barbatos is also a devoted cuck but i like how cunty and rude he is. luke does not hit the notes i like in that way but he’s a funny little guy i enjoy him. no fucking clue what the one woman with a number name im forgetting does but i like her fit and vibe
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televinita · 13 days
I am halfway through A Good Girl's Guide to Murder, and the way somebody might want to murder Pipsqueak just to get her to knock it off and stop annoying people has been apparent since episode 2.
(also I know media has warped my perception of teenage appearance but seriously she looks 14?? she looks like the little sister of her friend group) (edit: what do you MEAN she was twenty (21?) when filming this. ???????)
+ One more rant about Pippa: I didn't SUPER love her but I don't remember finding her this bad in the books until at least the second one. However, her obnoxiousness plus the fact I've never seen this actress in anything else has put said actress immediately on the I Don't Like Her Face, Stop Casting Her In Stuff list.
+ The rest of her friend group, however, is very charming and charismatic! Love them. Her two female friends were my least favorite book characters but I love and possibly ship them already here. Also the white guy (I truly cannot remember names) is charming and funny and needs more screentime.
+ I also love her stepfather & brother, just as in the book, and cherish every scene with them. (Her mother is roughly as colorless and forgettable as I remember in the book; I'm not sure if that's good or bad)
+ The sleaze dripping off Max Hastings - while also somehow still retaining enough magnetism that I can understand how he's popular - is incredible; superb casting.
+ A+ casting on the Singh brothers, they are both as charming and different-yet-similar-looking as I imagined them to be in the book.
+ I feel absolute zero romantic chemistry between Pip & Ravi, mostly on account of her being 12 (age downgraded since she's just fully cosplaying Harriet the Spy at this point), but I like them as friends/investigative partners and am really enjoying their scenes.
+ I'm sorry, the sisters' English-teacher dad is THOMAS FROM "GHOSTS"????????? INCREDIBLE.
+ The music is trash.
+ I don't have any specific standout scenes yet but I do wanna say the silver-star cater-waiter costumes were incredible, lmao.
+ So far I feel like it's sticking pretty closely to the book's arc? I haven't looked up for certain, and I definitely wouldn't mind at least one thing being changed** but also, familiarity good so I kind of hope that's true. I love looking at certain characters like, "I know what you are." (rapist. murderer. all that good stuff)
**i swear to god if this show doesn't fix the one book mistake it absolutely MUST improve upon... (leave her dog alone!!)
+ I also feel, so far, that if I wasn't having so much fun watching the book come to life (not least because I read the dumb Americanized version and it's nice seeing how it is actually supposed to play out, school-and-law-enforcement-wise), I don't know if I'd find this the most scintillating show. Despite the shock opening scene, it's kinda slow? While I did give the book series a solid 4 stars, half the book's appeal is its mixed media formatting, I'm sure of that now.
+ However, I remain very pumped that for ONCE, television has adapted a book I not only know but have read and really liked, and with the power of that knowledge I do think this is a solid adaptation overall. We'll see how the second half plays out!
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panda-noosh · 1 year
my battle with creative joy
hi everyone!
so here i am actually making a blog post. not a fic (sorry...) but an actual, real life blog post where i will just ramble and probably make no sense. i hope you guys don’t mind. i would also like to think you’re used to it by now.
i’ve had a lot on my mind recently when it comes to my creative process, and my creative life in general. from the age i could pick up a pen, i have used writing as an escape, and it has always been a fun thing for me to do (obviously). i remember spending the entire night working on a fic, or having pieces that were over 200k long because i just got in these moments where i couldn’t stop myself from saying more, writing more, creating more. it was an addiction. a good one, but an addiction nonetheless.
the thing that has been playing on my mind, however, is how sad i am that i’ve lost that side of myself.
there are many reasons for this that i cannot beat myself up over; work, life, being an adult. i now have a fiance, and a dog, and a house i have to take care of, because it is my own. i now have a full time job in health care, where the hours are endless and the stress is endless, and it really leaves no room whatsoever to process anything but what you have just seen, or endured, or had to deal with. these are all things out of my control, because as hard as it is to come to terms with it, life is more than just. . . doing what you want.
trust me, i cried over this too. many times.
i get asks on the daily about whether i’m still active, or if i plan on writing anymore (insert fandom here) fics, and i always, always say yes, because i think speaking it into existence will potentially benefit me in the long run. saying no just feels like i’m giving in, and i don’t want to do that, because i would genuinely love to revive this blog, run it the way i used to, interact with you guys in the way i used to. but it’s difficult. it’s impossible some days, because life doesn’t accommodate. it just. . . throws you tasks that you have to deal with whilst keeping yourself sane at the same time.
creative joy is something i’ve been trying to find again for a while now, and it definitely is a work in progress. i still love writing - i know that. but in the same breath, i’m at that age now where i want to make writing my full time job, and that means the dynamic between myself and my creative joy has changed drastically. i no longer sit at my computer with a burst of inspiration and ideas flooding to my head. i sit at my computer now because i have a future in mind that i need to reach. that means word count goals, and schedules, and self doubt. that means getting frustrated with my own capabilities. that means writing for thirty minutes before getting worn down - such a change from the teenager who could sit at her laptop all night without even batting an eye.
it’s sad to think about sometimes, and sometimes i do beat myself up over it. that’s why i’m trying to find that joy again. i’m not being difficult on myself any more - if i want to ditch a project and write something else, that’s what i’ll do. if i want to flesh out a character that has no story to fit into, i’ll do that. if work has exhausted me, i’m going to go to bed without stressing about how behind i’ll be on this imaginary deadline for a novel i’ve set in my head. i’m going to chill out.
i’ve actually really started focusing on self care in this way for a few months now, and it has left me feeling very enlightened, i won’t lie. you don’t realise how harsh you are to yourself until you actually start putting the measures in place to be kind to your mind and body. just putting yourself first, really, and knowing that you should always be your own first priority - for your sake, and everybody else’s.
i don’t know. i just had a lot on my mind in regards to this topic, and i wanted to share it somewhere. i’ll probably do more of these, even if nobody cares to read them lol. they’re just therapeutic to me, so if you’ve read this far, thank you. i’d love to hear your thoughts on this whole thing, and maybe we can help each other out. make a little self-improvement, self-care thing here at case de aticus. 
love you all! 
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ask-artsy-oncie · 1 year
Do you have some behind the scenes or development info about Jules? Since you talked about designing Yy 😊
Sorry for answering this one so late anon! I've been very sporadically online the past couple of days. I know you sent this today but like still.
I just wanted to make sure I answered this proper cos I like talking about behind the scenes stuff a lot ;w;
Hmmm. So Julio. Let's see...
Well, originally their name was going to be José, since that's the first half of my name. It was definitely something I teetered back and forth on because I know José Carioca is not only already a Disney character but literally in Ducktales 2017. I mean... we have two Disney Afternoon characters named Louie.... but still. Ultimately I decided on Julio. I actually have a cousin named Julio, though we don't live in the same country and haven't seen each other since we were kids. It was more because I was born in July hahaha.
Ah, yes! "Starleta"! I actually came up with the character's surname before changing my pseudonym! Because I loved it so so so much and it really vibes with me so well I decided to have it for myself, too :) what's interesting about that is that my older pseudonym, Artsy LaVerne, is also based on an OC - it's the deoncelerized version of my askblog onceler (since LaVerne means "born in spring" and it was fanon that the Onceler's birthday was on Earth Day!) Starleta just felt appropriately magical and fictional! And it's a play on my own last name!
I figured their nickname would be "Jules" - I imagine that in their "original" Talespin incarnation it'd be their whole name because DT17 did a lot to Latin-ize characters and I kinda wanted to play into that, like literally (retroactively) Latin-ize a character I made up lol, just so it felt a little more immersive. But I also wanted this DT17 version of them to have a nickname, preferably one syllable, that Kit could call them, because Kit is the kind of guy who would lean towards giving people/calling people by their nicknames rather than their full names.
They were originally going to go by he/him pronouns! This was because I was feeling massively dysphoric when I was designing them and very much wanted to feel like a man. What made me change my mind is the massive amount of euphoria I felt seeing an androgynous they/them character already on Disney - Raine Whispers :) and I knew then that I wanted to change Jules's pronouns.
Their two most important magical elements are their broom and their tarot deck - their broom, because I've yearned to have the power of flight for literally as long as I can remember, and their tarot deck because I actually read tarot IRL and practice witchcraft! I imagine that in the cartoon world where magic is literally real, tarot works more like the Alethiometer in the Golden Compass movie, where if you know how to read it, the answer appears to you as clear as day, with little to infer or guess at - that's why they always get a little piece of information they don't know the context to, like their deck is almost being snide with them by giving them a riddle rather than a straight answer. It obviously wouldn't be that way in a real tarot deck.
Their broom is also their comfort item, and inferred to be kind of alive in its own right for a reason! I wanted an analog to my dog, who is very much someone who keeps me calm, who essentially functions as my emotional support net, who understands me and is as inseparable as we can be (she is not a registered service animal so I cannot take her everywhere). Jules very much emotionally depends on their broom, and feels better when they're actively holding it or can at least see it. I they made it themself, much like how I raised Cali from a puppy, literally just old enough to be removed from her mother, there's a lot of care and love involved. I've pondered, but I honestly don't think they'd be able to handle if it ever got broken.
I decided, in order to help myself develop them, to try also developing an "original" Talespin incarnation of them that could potentially be rebooted. I imagined them like a side character in one of the comics (one, because those inconsequential side characters were the kinds of characters I used to fixate on, so it felt fitting, and two, because it would also be easier to keep them androgynous without ever having to confront their gender - they wouldn't have enough of a presence for it to matter lol) kinda like the daughter of Baloo's old boss, or the homeless folk who raised Kit - major players in the specific issues they appeared in, but essentially nonexistent outside of that particular comic. I almost even wrote and drew the hypothetical Talespin-style comic that I imagined them coming from, until I realized I was too exhausted to do all that hahahahahaha.
I believe the plot was about H4H being hired to deliver magically significant jewels (under the guise of it being "jewelry") from the island that Jules and their family live on - who in this 'verse are all witches, no real "not believing in magic" issues present, though they're not very open about it because magic can be dangerous in the wrong hands, of course, which is why they claim the cargo they're sending out is just jewelry. But H4H gets ambushed by Karnage and his crew as they're leaving, motivated by the precious jewels, causing them to be trapped on the island. The adults are all tied up by the pirates, but the kids get away (Jules is an only child in this 'verse, or maybe perhaps only has much older siblings, they're meant to be the youngest of their family, and a late bloomer in developing their magic). As Jules cannot use magic yet, they lament that they, Kit, and Molly, are powerless to save their families, but Kit comes up with an idea to trick Karnage rather than overpower him. Jules confronts Karnage "alone", proclaiming themself to be a powerful witch who will make him pay for imprisoning their family. Karnage amusedly dares them to prove it, to which Jules pretends to cast spells on him while Kit and Molly, unseen by the pirates, play tricks as though to make it seem like spells are actually being cast (hooking a fishing line to one of the pirates and lifting them to make it look like Jules is levitating them, discreetely setting one of the pirates' hats on fire to make it look like a fireball had been thrown, releasing a basket of snakes to make it look like they were magically manifested) and it scares the pirates off, the kids having saved the day :)
Hahahahahaha I know it's very simple and rather dumb, but I felt like it was rather on par with the way Talespin comics are written (and that's no shade, I do love them, but they're often very simple like that.) Maybe someday I'll be able to draw it! Maybe. There was also absolutely (and adamantly!) no romance between Talespin!Jules and Kit, because I just don't feel comfortable shipping a self-insert with a child character, even though the insert character would also be a kid. Just feels wrong. Talespin!Kit is my blorbo, it's DT17!Kit who is my husband, ha. Talespin!Jules and Kit are strictly platonic.
That's all I can think of, for now. Sorry I don't have any pictures for this one like I do for Ty. I'm typing this on my phone and don't have the energy to pull up my computer to find early sketches - I did all their visual development digitally. But honestly most of what I've posted of them is all there is, even their Talespin version is in my introductory post for them. Hope you liked this, thanks for the distraction ;w;
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fangirlies · 2 years
Hi, bestie~ it's me :^) how are you doing?
I'm relieved that you understand my dilemma with time. I swear it seems like I just recently enrolled into college and now I'm soon graduating it... wtf... you're so right about habits, but it has to be so hard :( it's like, you know that going for a walk is good for you and you'll be happy after it, but you still can't lift your ass up and go. But I'm going to try, start small and then see how it goes. I just hope that this time I'll achieve something with it.
Oof... The infamous Coleen Hoover... I don't want to bash anyone. Okay, take it with a grain of salt and see it for yourself, but honestly I wouldn't recommend it to you. Her books, for some unknown reason that I cannot fathom, got so overhyped on booktook that it really makes me question things and my taste. But at the same time so much shit gets popular on tiktok, so I don't question it. I tried reading them, but they're so not for me: her storytelling, her characters and their actions. It's all just soooo questionable. I'd rather recommend you Pattie Smith, if you haven't read anything by her. She is great. But really, see it for yourself with Coleen Hoover, maybe she is just not my cup of tea. BESTIE THE BOOKSHELVES. I long abandoned them and now live like a chaotic academy character, suits me right. The books lie everywhere...
SEE! 2 is already a party! I suggest you join our ksavje team - it sounds cooler and like a name for an artist😎💅. Our version screams taste hahaha. No shade to exzavier dog lovers - you do you guys😇 But honestly no shit this dude is a tortured brooding lone wolf of an artist - I would be to with the way people pronounce his name💀 AND ksavie sounds cuter!! Team ksavje on god🤘
- elliot anon
Hi hi! I’m doing good! I woke up, chose chaos, made an edit and did some writing and now I’m on my way to splurge and buy some more house decor. How are u doing lovely?
I’m rooting for you bestie! You can do anything you put your mind to! I, too, wish I were a ‘im going on a hot girl walk’ type of girly lol.
AH you see, that’s why I haven’t started any of the Coleen Hoovers books. I’ve seen it all over booktok and was like hm maybe I should give it a try. But the people I actually know who enjoy reading say it’s mid. But then I saw they’re making one into a movie and I was like damn maybe I should jump on the hype before the movie. Now you’ve confirmed it. I won’t even waste my time. I’ll definitely look into Pattie Smith! & LOL I was living like a chaotic academy character for so long that I had to change my ways!
It does sound like a cool, bad ass, mysterious name not going to lie. I just can’t say it 😅 I think it’s my Spanish accent that won’t allow me to actually pronounce it. The tana mongeau reference at the end 💀 I’m crying.
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