#that head piece was such an eyesore but she made it look nice
philibetexcerpts · 1 year
On 1 July 1969, the investiture of Prince Charles as Prince of Wales took place at Caernarfon Castle in Wales.
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littlewestern · 7 months
what did the goddesses do at IRM before the arrival of Pilot?
Short answer: Not much! They arrived at the IRM the same year Pilot was purchased in 1968 but for Reasons, Pilot did not arrive on the IRM property until 1969.
Since they were purchased so close together, I think the intention was always to unite them. It wasn't a coincidence that two pieces of Zephyr ephemera were bought by the same proprietor within months of each other. I actually think the Goddesses being bought was part of the reason Pielet Bros was amenable to Pilot being allowed to leave the scrapyard in the first place. That the IRM had concrete, actionable plans for the engine meant that it wouldn't just be sitting around as a public eyesore. (That happened anyway, but it was due to a variety of reasons outside of anyone's control.)
Since the idea was always to have the full trainset with an engine to match, I think the Goddesses were probably told, "We're planning on making you one of our regular service trains, a proper Zephyr." and that would have made them very excited. That's good news if you're a beautiful, dignified train such as they are. I doubt they were told too many details because I think the common wisdom is to keep engines only as informed as they need to be, lest you compel them to cunt-dorkery, but the Goddesses have been around for a long time, and they're quite smart. They'd realize that if they were intended to be put into operation, but haven't been yet, that must mean they're waiting on a new engine. An engine designed especially to make them a proper Zephyr. A Burlington engine!
They probably sat outside for weeks speculating about who they might get and when and raising each others' expectations in the way that happens when you let excitement run rampant through a group of people unchecked. Venus, though, she might have had some lingering doubts, even if she never voiced them to the others. Venus is the head coach, the one with the most contact between the engine and the train. She'd probably have heard about any Zephyr engines being going into preservation or being restored to working order, but she hasn't gotten any news to that effect. Granted, she's been retired for three months and so has been totally out-of-the-loop, but it gives her just enough pause to be cautious.
Of course weeks turn into months with no word on their new engine so they're cranky and sore about it regardless. An engine in perfect condition could have rolled up to the IRM and still have been met with a cool reception. It's not nice to keep ladies waiting! That Pilot arrived at the IRM looking like something the cat dragged in... well, they got off to a rocky start, needless to say.
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dream (XD, maybe?) visits fundy in his dreams. it's the only thing making them bearable, and keeping him sane
Nobody [inspired by a mitski song]
Many make mistakes, Fundy was one of them. He just wanted to make sure Yoghurt was safe that night, what with more mobs emerging from the south. He just wanted to tuck his kid and make sure he slept better than him. With kiddish purrs becoming white noise, he should've stopped himself when he felt his lids flutter, when his bed dipped and he saw the house go black.
The fox-hybrid opened his eyes, already letting the horror sink in before opening the damn door. It was all over again, he thought he was getting better. No. He was a fool, still a foolish fox. Yoghurt was no longer by his side, and he already started to feel sweltering heat entering the home. Fundy's heart already ached, already sore. His breaths were heavy, weighted over him as he laid in the dreaded empty bed. Tears were beginning to form but he blinked and rubbed them harshly away. Just close your eyes, he thought. But he knew better, wishes could never be reality. He just wanted it to be over, so he had to do it himself. Fundy always had to do everything himself anyways, this was no different.
He got up and readjusted his black breton cap. Steady and stalwart, steps crept towards and stopped in front of the door. Twisting the knob, a final breath was heaved before the same scenery greeted the displeasured fox. He became familiar with the barren land, covered by only hot dry sand and tall cacti. The winds seemed to be strong that dream, dust clouds were choking the poor dreamer. He closed the door behind him, noticing his red tail hung low. First thing was first, he left the area of his house to find anything out of place. It was instinct to try and spot something that stuck out like a sore thumb, besides his little spruce wood cottage.
Fundy sank his naked feet into the sand, burning his padded paws. He trudged along in a random direction, which was wherever the barest clouds were drifting opposite from. That's all he did for a couple of minutes, maybe more than half an hour to him. Prime, he hated how the sun was bright, how the sunshine was a glaring spot above him. He hated to stare at the dull sky for any second longer. He hated winds dusting the sand into his eyes. All of it was n eyesore, metaphorically and litterally.
He just continued onward, awaiting any subtle and not-so-subtle ghostly remnants of his history coming back to haunt. To be reminded of why his life sucked, that was surely fun, right? He wanted a break, a detour from the disaster that was him. For not the first time, he wanted to be elsewhere. Not just in the dream but in reality. Yes, Las Nevadas was the haven he wanted it to be. But that came with the cost of having his dreadfully undead father closer to him. As if he wanted a chance to be mocked and haunted. Even more so, Tubbo and Ranboo causing a commotion with Quackity already had set him at unease. Threats towards a nation he called a home, a lovely return to the cycle. Like dirty water from the sea to acid rain in the clouds, it's become the same horrid cycle.
Speaking of clouds, the fox-hybrid looked up. The smallest gathering of clouds became a crowd of them all across a brighter baby blue canvas. The yucky yellow sand turned a grassier green. If he squinted, he could maybe see the blooms of other than cactus flowers. Finally, a reason for the feet under him to pick up their pace. Fundy kept running towards the green, faster and faster as he could taste them with his fingers. As soon as he was near enough, he dived right into the fresh field. A little mistake, per usual, as he began rolling down a knoll all of a sudden. Through the short wild grass into a taller field of lavender and peonies, the fox finally took a deep breath. A clean and relaxed breath-
"Hello, Fundy."
- before it hitched.
Fundy lifted his head up above the flowers to spot a cleared spot. In the patch of cornflowers and poppies, a naked area of just grass lay, with a figure. He knew it well, with the dirty blonde hair - though he never remembered it being at scruffy and shoulder length - and deadly smile-painted mask adorned. In a lime, white and black letterman jacket over a starkingly orange jumpsuit. He knew that man well, even by the soft humming. The blank eyes of the mask and the man behind to stared at the fox-hybrid. If it weren't a nightmare yet, Fundy figured it just started.
"How are you here?" The hoodied man asked
"Don't...don't even talk to me..." The overcoated fox snarled with teeth bared and tail puffed.
Dream huffed, toying with something in his hands.
"I just asked. The dreamscape is not normally so free reign. For you, you're the least I expected to be able to cross barriers of mind."
"What the fuck are you talking about. Why are you here? What, to haunt me? To mock me? To tell me I'm useless?"
"...To make flower crowns"
He held up said piece of rope strung with flower blooms. His was a cornflower and daisy crown.
"That...that's it?"
"Can you control your dreams?"
"That...it's none of your business, Dream."
"I'm assuming no. But you are willingly seeing me. So in that case, I suppose I can tell you. You know I was imprisoned, in that big ol' prison? Anyway, a being gave me a wish, or rather a gift. I could control my own dreams, I could lucid dream whenever I wanted to. So I could stay in prison while still feeling the grassy field. So I'm here."
"You don't...get nightmares? NOS Cary reminders of your past? Nothing scary?" *And while I do?*, Fundy doesn't add on. Dream pauses for a break. before he answers
"How could I? I control every aspect of my dream. Though you are certainly not part of it. I appreciate the company, kinda? But I'd rather not keep it. It's be nice if I just asked that dream being to remove you-"
"Excuse me?"
"P-Please...I-I don't wanna go back..."
He hated how his voice became frail at the drop of a hat, how his ears flattens and how shaky his hands became. Already begging to a tyrant, the same one who's destroyed everything in his life. What Fundy had begged was true, however, he didn't not want to go back to nightmares. This was the only time the dreams felt good. Albeit muddled by a lime menace, it was better than the frightening things ahead did him. The fox heard the man sigh.
"Sure, sure you can stay."
"Thank you..."
Fundy sat down in front of Dream, criss-cross legged. And the two were silent. The dreamer kept weaving in the flowers in the rope while the intruder simply watched. His clawed hands picked at the grass blades. Admittedly he enjoyed the scenery, if it weren't for the horror of a man in front of him. He noticed the excess rope tossed aside and something in Fundy urged him to use it too. He could tell eyes were on him again even from behind the unmoving mask.
"Yes, you can make flower crowns too. You know how to make one?"
"Y-yeah. Niki taught me how to make one with rope. I made hers with alliums. She gave me one made out to tulips" Fundy chuckled at the memory fondly.
Dream paid no mind just gave Fundy the extra rope and returned to his own project. After that, the quietness continued for much longer. But Fundy was never a fan of long silences.
"...Why a field? Out of flowers? I didn't know you were into this kind of stuff."
Dream paused for a minute, seemingly deliberating. He room a breath and spoke;
"It's just me wanting to relive old memories. Before settling in the SMP, me and George went to a flower field. We just spent half the say there doing jack all."
"It's always George is it?"
"... he's my friend. I'd do anything for him."
"Even terrorising a nation? Even threatening a kid? Even dethroning him?"
The silence spoke volumes. Fundy knew he overstepped, but it was hard for him to be sympathetic over it. He swore the surroundings looked dimmer for a second.
"I miss him. I'm no longer allowed visitors and even then, he never came by to visit."
"Who did?"
"Sapnap. Bad. Tommy, surely you know. Then Technoblade."
"Wait Techno visited you?"
"Less visit and more just made a new space in my jail cell. It's like a vacation to him. I'm not mad but...I like here better anyway."
"What's it like? In the jail cell."
"Tight. Closed. Hot. And I mean scorching. It's surrounded by lava. Barely much room to move around, not much there. I do have books to write in but so far I have started writing none."
"Someone hasn't been productive, I see?"
"I liked to write stuff. Just random things. But in a cramped space...I can't. I see why people are claustrophobic. It's feel like hell in there...for more than just the lava."
Fundy started to feel a twinge of a heat wave on his back as he stuck a flower into the rope. It died down shortly after.
"Since you're asking me questions. It should be fair I ask you."
"That's...yeah, that's fair."
"What were you doing, before you slept?"
"In bed. Just...alone in my cottage. Far away with no one else." Fundy lied, no matter the somewhat friendly tone, he wasn't ever going to risk Yoghurt.
"I thought you had Eret? Or Niki? I thought maybe you guys stay in at Least a neighbourhood."
"I...I haven't spoken to either in so long. I think they forgot about me. That's...fair"
Before I slept I was just building m stuff in Las Nevadas. It's...it's a thing Quackity built. I can't say more than that-"
A roar of something, not too loud but enough to be noticeable, came through. It spooked Fundy well enough.
"Dream what-"
"Let's...not talk about that."
"Well, what else is there to talk about me? I have nothing else. That...that palace is all I got going for me honestly."
"I thought you had more."
"No. After L'manburg, all of it gone, I don't have much else. By who, I wonder?I didn't care, that was fine by me until I did something different. I'm making sure I have a place, at least."
"Like a house?"
Fundy twisted the stalk gently, silently.
"Like a place of belonging. Where I can be remembered and people know where I am."
"I get that..."
"Of course you do, you tyrant. Your name is sure to be famous."
"Not the being remembered part. The belonging part."
The clouds seemed heavier at that moment.
"Find it hard to believe coming from the same guy that he cares for no one but a kid's discs."
"I know what I said, Fundy. But I don't care about the discs. I care about having control. Having everything in my hands. To take strings of the marionette and play them by my fingers. That's what I aim for, not just useless material discs."
"What does this have to do with belonging?"
The roar came back, a roar of thunder.
"The puppet master is not a puppet. He cannot be a puppet. When the puppets go free, he is left for dead..."
Dream's scarred hands clutch the half done green tulip crown. Down a drop goes from the petal. Then another, then another. Fundy looks up, to see the trickles. Down the drops of precipitation go to his face. Fundy's chest felt heavy, clebtched by something in a grip. He saw Dream looking up as well. From the angle he could partially see the bottom features under the mask. A pursed mouth with scars on his lips. Dottings of freckles across his cheeks. Streaks of not raindrops reaching down his chin. He heard the hiccups, the struggle to compose oneself. He knew that too well. Fundy found the part to care about as he stroked Dream's forearm carefully.
"I-I'm sorry, It's...I-I'm never like this. I'll just change-" the masked man's voice was breakable, cusp of falling apart.
"No. I like the rain."
Dream looked back to Fundy. It was true, the fox-hybrid liked rain. He used to play in the puddles as it drizzled even into adulthood, before more important things occupied his time. Like getting weapons for war or spying on a president. Fundy had on a solemn smile, a weak one in the likeable weather. His hair and fur became bristled whislt his tail wrapped unconsciously around him.
"I feel alone too. Everyone has left me
The people that I care about always hate me or leave. They leave me frightened in a place where everything so to survive. I'm barely staying alive as is. I don't have anyone."
"I don't have anyone either. I'm heartless, I pushed them away. Techno is with me, yeah. But what happens then? I'm too scared to find out. All I want is to just be free..."
Fundy laughed a bit. He tossed aside the half-effort flower crown and stood up. He opened his arms wide, further than his shoulders. He kept laughing, giggling, wheezing over. He raked a hand through ginger and snow white locks of his, knocking back his black breton cap.
"What's so funny?"
"Well, one, it's already crazy you're telling me all of this. This all feels like stuff you'd suppressed hard. Even in your dreams. And secondly...god, I wish we talked more sooner."
"You and me, both alone in this world. We're unlovable. Reckless bastards we are. I'm not the worst like you but by Prime, I'm just as lonely as you. I can't excuse reving Wilbur and the 16th...but maybe we could've been friends."
He knew dream was smiling, not from the mask but from the small line of daylight peeking through the clouds.
"Fundy, I could never be friends with you. I'd push you away too."
"Then don't push me away now. I'm desperate, man."
"...I wouldn't."
Fundy smiled a glint of the sun right back at Dream. For once in a dream, he was at ease. The pouring rain slowed s little down to a drizzle, enough fro him to avoid smelling of dog water. The clouds journeyed away from the meadow, and let the sun's smile through. He loved the rays of sunshine gracing his face above him. He loved he could stare at the cloud-scattered sky for almost hours. He loved the winnow through the grass that made them dance. He loved it there.
"Sorry about the rain. In my dreams, I rarely can talk to anyone. And techno is not exactly the most relatable with what I have. Outside, I keep it in. But where I am, where we are, is inside me already."
"Fun to know this is the inner machinations of the terror Dream."
"...I probably won't remember this happend. When I wake I won't have a clear thought of events. Just so you'd know."
"It's fine. I knew you wouldn't anyway. That's why I let most of it out. That and because, I feel like I can trust you. I can't leave my cell but maybe someday I'll find you again. And maybe-"
A click from behind Dream's head could be heard. He moved his hand latched onto the mask and pulled it down. There he was, gentle scarred smile with even gentler eyes, covered by dirty blonde turning silver white to the tips. Irises coloured almost like emerald and aqua ender eyes looked back to the fox. Finally, his black tipped ears lifted and twitched, and his tail was wagging slightly.
"-we could be alone together again?"
Fundy's heart ached, sore already.
"I'd like to. For now, let's just depend on dreams."
"I can work with that."
Dream tossed his mask aside, uncaring and apathetic to the piece of porcelain disguise. He gently pushed Fundy by the tip of his finger, to which the former feign to be toppled. He fell in the middle of the tall peonies and lavenders and tulips. Dream joined a second after, right next to Fundy. Bliss, this is what he Fundy would call it. He felt less tensed, less mangled on fear. He had spent sleeping hours just shaken, because his fears conquered him alone. Taunting him because he was alone. Preyed on every part of him alone. But now he had a chance, to dwell int eh shrot grass, be crowned royalty in a field of flowers and feel less on his own. Fundy closed his eyes, as the smell of morning dew hit him.
And he woke up, lied curled up next to Yoghurt. And with a flower in his palm. A rose. He already wants to sleep, no matter the chance of being in the desert again. He wants to see the sunshine in the field of flowers more than anything.
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ssamie · 3 years
suna rintaro x fem! mitsuri reader
(kny x hq)
warnings: spelling mistakes,  3k+ words, italicized words/ sentences are her thoughts, mitsuri’s hair+eye color was used.
gen masterlist.      sakura mochi.
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"why the hell is that brat crying?!" sanemi exclaimed in irritation as he threw a pillow at y/n's head
"ara~ dont be so insensitive, shinazugawa-kun" shinobu cooed at him "y/n-chan here had just been recently put into the 'friendzone', as she calls it" she said
"hah? that's it?" sanemi scoffed "i know someone who's been at it for years. atleast he's not bawling his eyes out like a child" 
"w-who is it, sanemi-kun?" she sniffled lightly as she raised her head from shinobu's lap "heh." sanemi sneered as he eyed obanai who has been glaring him down for the past few minutes "its that snake fucker-" 
oabani cut him off by quickly kicking him away, making sanemi's body hit the wall with a loud thud, leaving cracks onto the concrete upon contact. "you shouldn't listen to him." obanai said to her "he's just messing with you" 
obanai walked over to her side, taking her away from shinobu and situating her on his lap. 
"ara ara~ have fun you two" shinobu cooed at them as she walked away. but of course, not before sending a jab towards giyuu. "ara~ i bet you're wondering what that's like. right, tomioka-san?" she asked mockingly 
"well you better stop wondering since it's never gonna happen anyways" shinobu laughed "its not like anyone likes you here" 
giyuu didn't react, and simply stared stoicly at her. "im not disliked by people." he said. 
"whatever helps you sleep at night" shinobu cooed as she waved him off
"now.." obanai trailed off "who made you cry like this?" he asked "i'll kill them." he said, as kaburamaru hissed in agreement 
she sulked and slouched back onto his chest, playing with her hair as obanai rested his chin on her shoulders "well, i don't want you to kill suna-kun" she hummed 
"how would he become my husband if he dies?" 
silence. absolute silence. everyone in the room looked at each other before turning ghostly pale, looking nervously at obanai before innocently whistling and pretending to mind their own business. 
"your- your what?" obanai stammered as he let out a shaky laugh 
"my husband" she answered with a huff 
"i've been searching for so long, and who would've guessed i'd find him through highschool!" she squealed 
"ara ara~ b-but you said you were looking for a man stronger than you, y/n-chan" shinobu cooed out with a sheepish laugh 
"i doubt that suna person fits that description" giyuu commented 
she then suddenly perks up and shakes her head with a smile on her face. "nope! but suna-kun makes me so weak when he smiles or talks or blinks or sleeps or breath near me!!" she squeals 
"i feel like turning into a puddle when he talks! a puddle!!" she said 
she laid on the ground in a starfish position with a dreamy look on her face, "like this!" she said as to emphasise her point 
"i see! he sounds like a flamboyant man, indeed!" uzui exclaimed with a grin 
"w-well...i guess all you can do is hope he returns your feelings someday" obanai muttered "if he doesn't then im sure there's still someone out there who would happily love and care for you" he said 
"haha! simply marry one, two, or three flamboyant men you lay your eyes on!" uzui exclaimed with a laugh "im pretty sure you're the only one here who would want three lovers all at the same time" giyuu muttered 
"how unflamboyant of you, tomioka!" uzui sneered 
y/n looked back at obanai and curiously cocked her head to the side, "it's so weird.."
"how could you know so much about topics like these, obanai-kun?" she asked 
"how could i not." obanai mumbled bitterly as a gloomy aura surrounded his form. 
suddenly, a loud thumping of feet caught all the hashiras' attentions. the door slammed open, revealing a very frantic nezuko. she ran towards the love hashira and hid herself under her haori. 
"nezuko-chan?" y/n muttered curiously as she peeked under her haori to look down at the girl. "hmm" nezuko hummed back through her muzzle. 
suddenly, two sets of footsteps followed. as well as loud screaming. 
"nezuko-chaaannnn~" zenitsu cooed loudly "come here, nezuko-chan~" 
"zenitsu! leave her alone already!" tanjiro exclaimed in a frantic tone as he tried to hold zenitsu back "nezuk- aCK! WHAT IS THIS?! IS THIS HEAVEN?!" zenitsu shrieked as he caught sight of the hashira holding the girl in her arms 
"zenitsu! cut it out! let's go!" tanjiro scolded him as he dragged the blond away "NO NO! I WANNA SEE NEZUKO-CHAN AND Y/N-SENPAIII!!!" zenitsu wailed as tanjiro ushered him out of the room 
"leave it zenitsu! let's go eat so you can calm down" tanjiro said with a sigh 
"WAIT! I WANNA JOIN YOU!!" y/n yelled as she hurriedly ran after the two 
"wait-" obanai's words were ignored, seeing as she was already out the door, leaving a trail of dust behind her "i was gonna tell her she didn't have any money." obanai mumbled as he glanced at her bag, which was situated by the corner of the room. 
"hmm, mhhm" nezuko hummed as she sat herself beside sanemi 
"dont sit next to me, you eyesore" sanemi scowled "there's plenty of space there by tomioka!" 
"ara~ it seems even nezuko-chan doesn't like tomioka-san after all" shinobu cooed in pity "how sad." 
"shut up, woman." 
"ahhh, this is so good~" she said with a content sigh as she practically inhaled the bowl of ramen "tanjiro-kun, we should eat out together more often" she said "you seem to know a lot of good restaurants" 
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tanjiro smiled and waved his hands dismissively, nodding his head as he placed more food into her plate. "its no big deal, y/n-senpai. i used to come here with nezuko a lot" he said "and, we should definitely eat together more often!" he said with a smile as sparkles seemed to surround him 
'my god.' she breathed in and out 
'tanjiro is so cute! and so nice! he would definitely make a good husband!' she thought to herself 
'and zenitsu..' she trailed off, her eyes slowly averting towards the blond 
'zenitsu is so.. SCARY?! WHAT'S WITH THAT FACE?!' 
she smiled shakily as she caught sight of zenitsu's grim expression, paired along with a glare as he mumbled angrily to himself "what's bothering you zenitsu-kun?" she asked him 
"what's bothering me? what's bOTHERING ME?!?" he shrieked "I SHOULD BE THE ONE SITTING NEXT TO YOU, Y/N-SENPAI! BUT INSTEAD THAT FOREHEAD BOY TOOK MY SPOT!" zenitsu scowled 
"AND YOU!" tanjiro jumped as zenitsu pointed an accusing finger to his face "YOU'VE BEEN STEALING MY THUNDER, HAVEN'T YOU?! YOU'VE BEEN TALKING HER UP SO SHE WOULDN'T BE MY WIFE! YOU'RE SO CRUEL!!" zenitsu exclaimed 
tanjiro blinked in shock as he cluelessly shook his head in response "i wasn't doing anything like that!" he said 
"YES YOU WERE!!" zenitsu screamed in aggravation "now im definitely gonna be left alone. to die. to rot. to reencarnate as a miserable snail that never finds a mate!" 
tanjiro sweat dropped as he gave zenitsu a weirded out glare "what are you even talking about?" 
"ah, but look at it this way, zenitsu!" she chimed in "by sitting across from me, it's like we're on a date! that's usually how it goes with couples, you know?" she cooed as she placed her hands on top of his 
zenitsu paled as his eyes repeatedly dart from her and their hands. "a-a date?" he squeaked out 
"oh well... something like that" she chuckled nervously, not at all used to the blond being this quiet 
"i see." zenitsu stated in an unusually serious tone. "tanjiro." he turned to look at the burgundy-haired boy. "i can now die in peace. my life, dreams and goals are fulfilled. i can die a happy man." 
"what are you talking about?" tanjiro sweat dropped 
just then, a distinctive sound of a bell rang, signalling that a person had entered the doors. she looked back to see who has entered, all while still munching on a piece of meat and ignoring zenitsu, who was currently practicing his wedding vows. 
"suna-kun?" she subconsciously called out as she  recognised the person to be none other than suna rintarou himself
"oh, hey bunny" suna sent her a nod as he trudged into the restaurant, carrying a skateboard with him. 
"suna-kun!! hi! what are you doing here?" she asked him "im picking up some food for later" he answered mindlessly as he walked towards her table
"oh hey.." suna nodded at tanjiro and zenitsu.
"hi, are you a friend of y/n-senpai?" tanjiro asked with a kind smile "friend? more like a leech. he's interrupting my time with her!!" zenitsu whispered to tanjiro
"uh, yeah. she's also our manager" suna answered unbotheredly despite feeling zenitsu's glare on him
tanjiro looked at y/n, who seemed to be too immersed in suna's face at the moment, given that she was staring lovingly at him with lovesick eyes. "y/n-senpai, i think zenitsu and i need to go back to the dojo" tanjiro said with a soft laugh. he gripped zenitsu's haori as he forced the blond to stand and walk away despite his protests. 
"eh? really?" she asked them, "oh well.. okay.." 
"i guess i'll just pay for your guys' meals then!" she clasped her hands in delight as she pulled out a wallet from her pocket "oh no, it seems ive taken the wrong wallet" she hummed in feign innocence
she shrugged and made a shushing motion to the boys "oh well. don't tell giyuu-san~" she cooed 
"we won't!!" tanjiro exclaimed as he waved her goodbye. she waved them off, watching their figures disappear with a smile on her face. she laughed softly as she heard zenitsu's distant screams.
"that was cute" suna snickered "didn't know your friends were that nice. unlike that bandaged dude" 
she smiled apologetically at him and sighed "sorry about obanai-kun.. it takes a while to get on his good side, i suppose" she said "but hes a very nice person. you just gotta be patient with him" she said 
"i don't think i have the patience for that" suna yawned 
"anyways, sushi or tempura?" he asked "why are you asking me?" she asked 
"well, you're gonna be eating with me so might as well let you pick" he said with a nonchalant shrug. she blinked dumbly at him as she watched him start to skim through the menu "wait- why would i be eating with you??" 
"well usually, when guys take a girl out for dinner, they'd be eating right?" suna said with a chuckle 
'take me out.. ME?! AND HIM?!'  she panicked 
'DINNER?! but i already ate..' she looked down at her stomach, and sweat dropped upon feeling it rumble 
'nevermind.. im still hungry' she thought to herself 
"u-uhm.. sushi?" she answered with slight hesitance "sushi it is" suna said with a nod as he proceeded to order. 
'ahshhsjsj!!! is this a date?! am i out of the 'friendzone'?? ' she thought 
"good thing i have you with me. or else i'll have to invite tsumu out instead" suna gagged "that piss head's been testing me lately." he said "so i'd much rather spend time with my best friend" he said in a teasing tone, nudging her with his elbow as he laughed 
"a-ah.. yes.. right" she responded. she smiled blankly as she stared at the air before her, slowly feeling herself wither away into nothingness. 
"here you are, sir! takeout order for sushi!" the waitress announced as she placed the paper bag on the table "that was fast" suna mumbled as he paid her the amount
"ah thank you! sir and maam-" the waitress sweat dropped as she made eye contact with the pink and green haired girl. the lady was well aware that she had already eaten a full course meal a few moments prior. she had personally watched her inhale three bowls of ramen and two plates of pudding. though she still let her be. 
"anyways. i was heading to the skatepark, let's eat there" suna said "i didnt know you skate, suna-kun" she said with a soft smile as her eyes raked down his form 
'ahh, hes looking especially good with a sketeboard..' she thought to herself 
'he looks so cool' she squealed internally 
'calm down, calm down' she thought as she eased her erratic breathing down 
"its just a hobby i guess" suna shrugged as he stretched his arms over his head "i could even teach ya if ya want" suna said with a small smirk as he handed her the board 
her eyes landed on the board with a glimmer of curiosity. she smiled nervously and nodded "sure! though, I'd probably fall a lot.." she muttered 
"dont worry, i'll catch you" 
"y/n- y/n please just trust me" suna said with a grunt "it's not that bad!" 
"yes it is! it's so-wait suna-kun it's moving!!" she whined as the board skidded ever so lightly. "calm down" suna chuckled, with a strained smile as he felt her already deathly grip tighten even more around his arm 
"okay, how bout this" suna hummed out as he clasped her shoulders in his hands. "if you manage to learn atleast one trick tonight, we can go stargazing or whatever" 
'stargazing with suna.. stargazing.. suna..'  she chanted repeatedly in her head 
wordlessly, she snatched the board and placed it by the ramp, and skated down with ease. "..." suna stared at her from across the ramp as she landed with a flip. 
"so we've been going through hell and back for so long. when this whole time, you could do it all along" suna sighed "i was just motivated!" she exclaimed as she ran towards him 
"by what? stargazing?" suna chuckled as he ruffled her hair with his hand "exactly!" she replied with a bright grin 
suna shook his head with a smile as he led her to a bench, setting down his board on the ground and the bag of sushi between them  "you're just so adorable, aren't ya" suna said in a teasing tone as he playfully rolled his eyes at her 
'AM I?? AM I ADORABLE?!' she panicked 
"so." suna mused "how's your life going, bunny?" 
"ahm, it's nice.." she muttered back shyly as she took a bite of the sushi "how about you, suna-kun?" she asked him "how has your life been going?" suna shrugged and leaned back on the bench, eyes landing on the constellation of stars above them 
"its been normal. not much going on other than recording random fights at school" he said "but it's been fun having you around, bunny" he said as he turned to look at her
only to sweat drop upon seeing her mutter flusteredly to herself, all while her face burns a bright red color 
'he looks so cool and mysterious like that' she thought 
'he has such a pretty side profile!!' she fawned 
'his eyes are all sparkly from the moonlight and stars!!' she basically seethed as she screamed in her head
"hey, you okay?" suna chuckled as he taps on her forehead "uh im fine.." she muttered flusteredly as her eyes crossed to focus on his finger, which was still tapping on her forehead 
"heh, you better be or else im getting my ass beat by the twins" he said jokingly as he crossed his arms over his chest "the twins.." she mumbled, scratching her head as she pondered over a thought that seems to nag at her 
"the twins, the twins,, oh they're waiting for me at home!!" she frantically opened her phone and went to the messaging app. she smiled nervously as she was greeted with over a hundred texts from the two boys 
"ah.. i forgot about the movie night tsumu-kun proposed.." she chuckled sheepishly as she sunk down on the seat out of guilt "hm.. let's go then" suna said as he held his hand out for her to take 
"im in the mood to crash your guys' movie night" suna chuckled as he pulled her up to her feet
she looked at their loosely intertwined hands. his grip was quite loose, almost not even there in the first place. his fingers tangled nicely with hers as they walked. it was a cliche she had never thought she'd experience. walking hand in hand with the person you admire under the moon and stars. 
'he's so warm..' she thought as she felt the slightest bit of body heat getting transferred onto her 
"alright. get ready to run, bunny" suna teased as his hand moved to grip her wrist "if you're too slow, i won't be comin' back for you" he taunted playfully as he started running while dragging her along
"okay! i'll run in full speed!" she huffed back with a  smile of determination as she pried his hand off her wrist and went to grip his instead 
"wait wait. not full speed. y/n-" suna chuckled nervously as he tried to plant himself down on the ground with his feet 
he was well aware that her body was simply built different, if anything. her speed, stamina, and strength was enough to make a grown man cry, and frankly, he was in no mood to deal with that at the moment. 
"okay, suna-kun! let's go!" she exclaimed as she started running 
"wait waIT WAIT-" 
"welcome home, y/n" osamu greeted her with a small smile as he ushered the girl into the fort they had made 
"and goodbye suna" he said to the brunette before he could even step onto the porch "oi! let me in!" suna said with a grunt as he blocked the door from closing with his foot "i didnt go through all that for nothing" suna muttered as he waltzed inside their home uninvited 
"oi sunarin!! how dare you hog y/n-chan to yerself?!" atsumu snarled as he went to kick suna on the back "shut up you blond bitch" suna scowled as he threw a random pillow at atsumu's face 
"tch" atsumu scoffed childishly the blond then blinked curiously as a snicker went past his lips "oi sunarin, yer pussy bangs are looking worse than usual" atsumu laughed "what happened to ya?" 
"we ran so fast i think the wind split my skull open" suna groaned as he went to fix his hair "ara~ but i slowed down so you wouldn't be so tired, suna-kun" she said with a tone of concern 
"you slowed down? that was slow for you?" suna scoffed in disbelief 
"well anyways, i have something to tell ya, y/n-chan!" atsumu beamed as he slung his arm around her shoulder "i was supposed to tell you this, but that was before suna stole ya from me!!" atsumu hissed at the brunette 
suna didn't reply, but simply flipped the blond off in response. "what is it, tsumu-kun?" she asked him as she discarded herself of her haori "i want ya to meet a friend of mine tomorrow" he said 
"oh that's nice! i'd love to meet them!" she beamed happily "but one thing to consider" atsumu said in a warning tone. he threw a bottle of sanitizer at her and a pack of masks and latex gloves. 
"we gotta make sure yer clean"
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dettiot · 4 years
there was only one bunk
Amidst the blaster fire, Leia ran for the first ship she saw, a sleek little star yacht. She crouched by the boarding ramp to give cover fire for Han as he started to hotwire the controls to lower the ramp.
“Had to pick this pretty piece of shavit, Your Worshipfulness?” Han muttered. 
“Less talking, more getting away!” Leia snapped as she squeezed off three more shots. 
The ramp lowered and they both ran up into the yacht, hurrying for the cockpit. Moving in tandem, Han dropped into the pilot’s seat and started up the engines while Leia raised the ramp and checked for shielding and weapons. 
“Good shields--turbolasers will take too long to warm up,” Leia reported.
“Won’t matter,” Han said, his fingers flying over the controls. 
They worked well together, she had to admit. And Han was one of the best pilots she had ever seen. Perhaps there were ones who were better, more skilled, but Han . . . he had something special. 
Although he had nearly gotten them killed. She shouldn’t be thinking nice things about his flying. 
Han sent them into hyperspace and leaned back in the chair. “Should be about ten hours before we’re back to base. Might wanna get some sleep.” 
She opened her mouth to argue, but instead of words, a yawn escaped her. Now that the adrenaline of their escape was wearing off, she was feeling exhausted. 
The cocky smirk that bloomed on Han’s face made her want to slug him, but then he stretched and yawned, too. “Let’s see what kinda bunks they got on this bucket.” 
“I guess that’s a good idea,” Leia conceeded, standing up. 
“Don’t sound so enthusiastic, Your Highness,” Han said. “I am right a lotta the time.” 
That didn’t merit a response, so Leia just stalked out of the cockpit and started looking for the cabins. 
On a yacht like this, she expected there to be accomodations for the owner and then some crew bunks. They found the owner’s cabin, and what an eyesore it was, with nerfhide sofas and bright pink fabric everywhere. 
But there were no crew bunks. Just the one cabin, with the one bed. 
Leia stared at the gaudy bed, feeling the tension radiating off Han. Then, suddenly, he said, “Well, this is all yours, Princess. I’ll go sleep in the cockpit.” 
Sleep in the cockpit? In those uncomfortable chairs? 
“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard,” Leia said brusquely. “We’re adults. We can share the bed.” 
Han was older than her. Much more experienced. But when he looked at her, he seemed suddenly young. 
“No, no--I can take one of the sofas--” he said, only for Leia to roll her eyes and take his arm. 
“Stop being such a prude, Solo,” she said, unable to help her own cocky smirk. 
“Just tryin’ to protect you. Once you get in bed with me . . .” Han let his voice trail off while he waggled his eyebrows. 
Ugh, why did she put up with him? 
Not bothering to answer, Leia slipped off her boots and her vest, then slid under the covers. “I can’t wait until I can close my eyes and not see this monstrosity of a room.” 
Han snorted and toed off his boots, then undid his holster and laid down beside her. He was as stiff as a slab of durasteel and Leia blew out a breath. 
They laid there in silence for a few minutes, before Han finally relaxed a little. “Bet you never thought you’d end up here. With me.” 
That was where he was wrong. Leia had suspected, deep down, that they would end up in a bed together someday. Although she had thought it would be with a lot less clothes on.
Perhaps that was why he annoyed her so much. Because she could see where they were going to end up, and . . . 
And she both wanted it and didn’t want it. 
“No bet,” she said quietly. 
In the low light, it was easy to see Han’s surprised face. She looked at him for a long moment, then gave him a little smile. 
“Good night, Han,” she said, before rolling over and turning her back towards him. 
After a few moments of silence, he said, “Good night, Leia.” 
It was rare for him to say her name. Just her name. She replayed the sound of it in her head until she fell asleep.
Mmmmm . . . 
Leia couldn’t remember the last time she had been so warm. So comfortable. 
Wiggling a little, she tried to get closer to the source of that warmth and comfort, only for her to suddenly realize--she wasn’t alone. 
She tried to push him away, but Han’s arms tightened around her for a moment. In a sleep-roughened voice, he murmured, “Leia . . .” 
No. No no no. He was not allowed to do this! She tried to move back from him, but he wouldn’t let her go. 
A soft chime rang through the cabin--it must be the alert, warning about dropping out of hyperspace. 
And Han’s eyes popped open, meeting hers, making her heart pound. 
Because with his hair mussed and his eyes warm and soft . . . Leia felt herself melt. 
“Oh,” he said quietly. Then his arms loosened and he moved away from her. 
“We . . . we should get to the cockpit,” Leia said, her voice sounding strange to herself. 
“Yeah. Right,” Han said, not moving. 
They . . . they needed to move. They needed to pilot the ship, needed to put this strange event behind them, needed to put things back to normal. 
Leia sat up quickly and turned her back on him, shoving her feet in her boots. “I’ll see you in the cockpit,” she said quickly. 
“Wait--” he said, but she was already out of the cabin before he could say anything more. 
So maybe she wasn’t so comfortable with the idea of ending up with Han. Maybe right now, she didn’t want it more than she wanted it. 
And she wondered what would happen once all of her wanted it. Wanted him. 
My Star Wars Fic Masterlist
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whatabitchiam · 3 years
May I?
****DISCLAIMER: This is a modern oneshot about elucien,. nothing on the ship tho. I just love both of em.
She was a shy girl. Never talked about anything; certainly not about others. She was a girl of wonders and latent miracles then, he always thought. She looked like the queen of the day in her cute little outfits paired with a perfect hair. She was a not much of an attention seeker, but guys did talk about her and stared at her while she walked down the hallways. It made him angry-why? - he never knew, he just had a burning pang of jealousy. She had hidden potential and a strength he knew not how. She must be like the blazing sun on winter morning, a girl to warm even the coldest of glaciers, he always thought.
Lucien sighed.
“And what it is that made you sigh before the sday started when I didn’t even wake up to bring you trouble?” chimed Vassa as a greeting.
“Nothing. Im gonna get ready,” he added while pacing towards his room.
   Lucien was a good looking, handsome piece for girl too pine over in every way possible. He had a golden-brown skin paired with shoulder length russet hair and eyes, a muscular body every one wants. What made it better was his immaculate taste of dressing whether it was casual or fancy. Most of the girls of the high school had a fantasy to be the girl beside Lucien Vanserra but he never gave any signs to be interested in anyone. He was a guy of one-time hookups with girls he hadn’t found eyesore, which were few. He was excellently good with his grades and easily the best athlete of the year. But what made him nervous was his English class with Elain Archeron, the girl with sunshine smile. They never talked though, weird, he always thought. Because he always felt he knew her.
“Get your ass out of the car, sweetcakes. We are here,” Vassa broke his chain of thoughts.
“Okay. Should I wait for you?”
“No, you go ahead. There’s Jurian waiting for me,” Vassa waved to a figure at a distance.
Jurian and Vassa had been now dating for three years, a classic bickering turned into high school love. Lucien found it adorable though.
“Kayy, will meet you lot during lunch” and started towards the school.
The hallway was still a bit deserted. Students were yet to file the place. He reached for his locker when he heard some catcalls. He looked around to find out what’s going on, only to find a few girls meddling with Elain. He knew better than to simply interfere but it made him angry. It was Briallyn and her cronies, easily the meanest and most plastic girls he had known. He saw one shove Elain and she fell. They laughed at her and sashayed away.
Bitches, he thought and walked over to where Elain was arranging the things spilled from her bag.  
He offered her a hand and,
“May I?”
His first words to her and his heart made a jolt at the realization. She looked up and he met those lovely brown eyes.
“Sure,” her voice was a floral pathway. She took his hand and stood up. Her palm was as soft as marsh mellows.  
“Thank you so much,” she said and he was so absorbed in her face, he didn’t register what she said.
“Um, sorry, what did you say?”
“I said thank you, Lucien. Where are you lost?” she offered a sweet smile.
“Nowhere. You know my name?” the surprise in his voice was obvious because he thought she never noticed him.
“of course, I do. We have English together and we sit beside each other every day, you dummy,” she laughed, “Besides, who wouldn’t know Lucien Vanserra, huh?”
His cheeks were flustered and red, “Oh shut up,” he muttered.
“Why deny it, bud?” she only replied while answering a text on her phone.
“What do you have on first period?” he changed the topic. She was not as shy as he thought. She WAS full of surprises. An introvert with cute personality, ambivert, he thought.
“Boring, old chem. You?” she looked up.
“Boring, old history,” he imitated and she laughed.
“Okay, let’s not get late. And thank you again. See you at English,” she started off.
“Elain, wait up,” Lucien hollered and jogged up to her.
“What is it?
“Would you like to sit with us at lunch?” her eyes widened.
“Are you sure? B-but wouldn’t your friends mind?”
She sounded worried.
“No, they wouldn’t at all,” Lucien scuffed, Vassa loved new people, “Would you?”
“Sure. Nobody ever offered me before,” she mumbled.
“Well, its finally nice to meet you, Elain Archeron,” he offered a hand.
“You too, Vanserra,” she took his hand and shook it, smiling at him.
He never felt this contented while he headed to boring, old History.
Elain hadn’t felt this content for a long time. When Lucien Vanserra asked her to join her at lunch. She was very nervous but Lucien’s easy smile had made her feel better. He was a good guy, no, a great guy- she thought. After the day he had extended a hand, it felt like he had extended a hand to a new life. She was pleased with her quiet life but not happy. Vassa was quite pleasant too. She was way funnier than she appeared to be. She went to parties, went out and had been included in a group, she felt nice. And there was always a Lucien to help her with anything. Once she was distraught from a nightmare when she called him, and he was there all-night cracking jokes over phone. She felt a tug towards him, a feeling she couldn’t really explain. But not seeing him for a day now made her uneasy. She wasn’t closed off with him around, she only felt more braver and daring though.
And now she waited for him in front of her house while thinking how one extended hand had changed so many things.  
A car honked. There he is, looking handsome in his excellent choice of clothing.
“Hi” she said while climbing into the car.
“Hey, you look good today,”
“Thanks, bud,” she smiled to herself before adding, “Where are we going today? Where’s Vassa and Jurian?”
“Well, it’s just you and me today. They’ve gone to a date.”
“Oh. So, what are we doing today?”
“We’re going to the beach.”
“Now? But its way past the sunset,” she sounded a bit surprised.
“You’ve never been to the beach at night?” now he was the one to sound surprised.
“Let me be your first, then. My father owns a cottage on the shore. It’s beautiful, you’ll love it when you see the garden,” he gave her that smile. There were butterflies in her stomach. Oh fuck.
“I’m glad we are friends,” he was looking so flushed and adorable, she reached out and kissed his cheek.
His eyes widened.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Lucien, if it made you awkward-,” she started but he laughed it off.
He said, “You can do whatever you want to do with me. I’m at your service ma’am,”
She laughed and looked out the window. They were almost there and it was beautiful, as Lucien said.
 Lucien felt a bit nervous around Elain today. He couldn’t figure out why when he was always easy with her. She now surveyed the cottage and the view with her cute little exclaims.
They settled at the beach on a blanket and two bottles of beers. They were lying down and kind of leaning on to each other. Elain was laughing at something he had said and was leaning on her elbow when she looked up to him, directly into his eyes. It took all his self-control to restrain himself from kissing her.
All of a sudden, something shifted.
As if she heard his thought, felt it.
Because one moment she was beside him and then on top of him the next. And then, her lips met his.
He was shocked. But before he kissed back, she withdrew and said, “I’m so sorry. It’s okay if you don’t want it-”
But he wanted nothing more than this. So, he said nothing.
He just brought his mouth to hers and dived into the madness he had hidden for so long.
  Elain didn’t know what she was doing. She was just… doing. It felt so right to her. She just fit in with him in every way possible. Staring at his face while he was talking, a sound as deep as the ocean as well as a mere whisper. A look on his face made her sit on him and kiss like a maniac. He hadn’t kissed back and she regretted right away. She had ruined the friendship, now she’d be lonely again. She started to explain him.
His lips came to her, claimed her.
She didn’t have time to think. She kissed back as much as she could. He tasted of beer and autumn breeze. And so good, was so good. Oh god.
She slid her hands around hands his neck and snaked them into hair and grabbed it. She needed him closer, she wanted- needed- more.
She didn’t know when their tongue made their way to each other and caressed each other.
She pulled away first. They both panted as they stared at each other.
“I wasn’t anticipating this today,” Lucien murmured as he put his mouth on the pulse on her neck and sucked. She moaned again and whispered,
“Can we take this inside?” she swallowed before she added, “I need you closer.”
Lucien’s eyes shot up to her, bewildered.
“Are you sure, Elain? You don’t have to-” he started.
But she interrupted him by pulling his mouth to hers and placed a kissed and said, “I am surer than ever. Take me inside,” she commanded. She didn’t know where the courage came from. Certainly not, when she never kissed before.
Lucien carried her inside with feather soft kisses all over her which she returned generously. As Lucien placed her on the bed gently, she pulled him onto him and kissed him again, being needy.
“So greedy, huh?” he laughed again her lips.
“You will be for me, Lucien,” she replied as she pulled his shirt off, continuing to remove hers.
“You know you shouldn’t rush it,”
“I don’t want your cock in me so soon. I don’t give that satisfaction,” she didn’t know that she had it in herself to talk this way.
“oh really? Then what do you want?”
“Touch me. Taste me.”
“I’d love to,” he moaned as she pressed a hand down his length, “I never knew you were so dominating. Do you know how hot you sound?”
“You are yet to know me,” Elain brought her mouth to him again. Lucien’s hand made its way all the way down where he reached the lines of her underwear. He cupped her and swore at how drenched it was. She grinded against his hand and ordered, “Take them down, now.
He peeled those off and marveled at how beautiful she was, his eyes full of desire. He touched her and swore at the wetness. He continued to give her what she wanted, but not quite. She writhed and gasped when he slid a finger inside her while circling her clit. She was so close to the edge; she gripped the bedsheet to control. All of a sudden, he stopped and she writhed and rubbed at the emptiness. Lucien gave her a wicked smile and lowered his mouth to suck on her clit. He kept sucking and stroking with his tongue, and Elain, she couldn’t grasp the feeling. She was seeing stars and was swarming. She screamed his name as she came. The feeling, she couldn’t handle. She touched herself a few times, but this was just too much. She didn’t want him to stop yet she couldn’t handle anymore. Lucien kept it going again and again. She came again and again. After a long time, he finally removed his mouth and kissed her. Exhaustion dawned on her but she pulled him to her. He laid beside her and hugged her. She put her head on his chest and drank in the scent, drank his very existence as if an expensive bottle of wine.
“You don’t how much I wanted this, wanted you,”
“You don’t how much I yearned for you, either,”
“I wish I can have this with you every day,” he sighed”
“May I?” she looked up to him. His eyes shone.
A yes.
The words he gave her the very first time.
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ashalsdream · 4 years
When two elementalists meet
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Fandom: GW2 Characters: Tomomi - me, Eos - @fellis-world​, Aurora - @commander-luna​ Ao3 Link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26308450 
Summary:  Tomomi is dealing with the aftermath of losing a friend, worrying for his sisters, and wondering where his wayward boyfriend has disappeared to. Amongst this mess, he ends up meeting someone similar to him. Even becoming his teacher
in which Tomomi meets Eos and adopts him basically - unbeta’d so let me know if you spot any spelling mistakes! Spoilers for end of HoT! 
Vigil’s keep had been quiet for a while, Laranthir had recently returned back to the Grove as an attempt to help the pale mother which meant Tomomi was not only doing his own job but his superiors too, he didn’t mind much. The extra work meant that he could keep his mind off of… other things.
For one being that his sisters had not checked in with him since Mordremoth’s defeat and well. Trahearne’s death. It worried him but he also knew that they would be okay in the end. He became briefly distracted by picking up the letter that Canach had sent him, it was only a brief “hello, I’m alive” but for some reason, the weaver had kept it.
Sighing, he placed the letter back down and turned to go back to his paperwork when Aurora kicked open the door, walking in and hopping up to sit on his desk. “Boss!” She excitedly waved a piece of paper in front of his face until he snatched it away from her, “We’re heading out finally! I’ve already gathered the squad and we’re ready to head out!” Aurora exclaimed proudly, Tomomi smiled at her – ruffling her bright blue hair, it was still an eyesore to him, but he didn’t mind.
“Good job, Streike. Finish up here, we’re heading to Lake Doric'', he smiled as she jumped off his desk, getting up from where he was sitting, it was nice to be able to stretch his legs again. Get out of the keep even if it would be for a brief second.
“Oh! Before I go” Aurora turned around from where she had the door to his office open, turning to face him. “There’s a sylvari there, the name is Eos. He was close to Pact Marshall Trahearne, think you could talk to him? We all know you do not do well with talking but you’re the closest we have to the Marshall.” Her words seemed to make the weaver pause, he gave her a simple nod but there was more to it – Trahearne had been his mentor, taught him to control his abilities without letting his emotions get the better of him. It had hit him more than he’d like to admit had he learned of the firstborns death but he was letting it slide. Others grieved the firstborn more and Tomomi had a job to do.
Arriving at Lake Doric was a mess, there was destruction almost everywhere, from the mess of the sky to the falling debris. It was chaotic. A beautiful chaos that a certain someone would have loved but Tomomi was here alone. Dealing with this mess with his misfit squad that was currently talking to who Tomomi assumed was Logan Thackery – talking about what needed to be done here, by the looks of it – the white mantle had invaded and needed to be dealt with. With a gentle sigh, he walked over to where the rest of his squad was waiting for him.
“Well? What’s the situation?” he demanded, crossing his arms as he looked at Logan expectedly – right as the human was going to respond to him there was an explosion outside, one rather close but didn’t quite sound like a bloodstone explosion. Tomomi turned and waited, waiting for if there was going to be a second to follow but after a minute of silence it didn’t seem like it. Logan had gone back to talking however Tomomi seemed to be tuning him out, focusing on the sounds outside. In the middle of a sentence, Tomomi turned on his heels walking out of the tent. He could hear the humans muttering about how rude he was but that was the last thing on his mind.
Like he had expected there in front of him was an elementalist who reminded him a lot of himself – unstable and emotion-driven. As someone who had been the same, it was easy for him to spot.
The young sylvari seemed to have accidentally set fire to one of the tents and the humans didn’t seem pleased, gathering around him and throwing insults as if it had been the sylvari’s fault completely, Tomomi wasn’t quite sure why he suddenly felt defensive – maybe it had been because the same had happened to him when he was younger but either way. This sylvari was clearly young.
“HEY!” Tomomi’s yelling seemed to make the Seraph jump and stare up at him, backing away as he walked closer to stand between the sylvari and the humans. “Leave him alone.” He growled, his anger rising in the way that the fire around his wrists seemed to crackle in reaction to his own emotions. Upon recognizing Tomomi – or seeing the symbol on chest indicating that he was indeed a higher rank than any of these soldiers made them back up, muttering apologies and saluting him before scattering away like rats that had been caught stealing cheese.
Tomomi held his hand out to the sylvari, smiling softly down at him. “You okay, kid?” he asked as he helped the other to his feet, instantly he could feel the other’s emotions starting to simmer down at least to a controllable level. “You should be careful about your emotions there. Being an elementalist is dangerous when you can’t control them” Without waiting for a reply, Tomomi started to walk back towards where he had left Logan and the rest of his squadron.
“Wait!” He paused as he heard the other sylvari running over to him, Tomomi turned and gave a polite smile – not sure exactly how to react in situations like this. “My name is Eos, why did you defend me?” Eos tilted his head and Tomomi felt a wave of guilt – like Eos had never had someone on his side and it made him feel… sad? As if it would explain everything, Tomomi held out his hand, a burst of bright fire lit up his palm – illuminating them both, “I’m like you. I’ve been where you are, I know what it's like to have the world treat you like a danger… I… had a very trusting teacher”
As if expecting more, Eos looked at him with wide eyes, like he held the answer to secrets once hidden, “Will you teach me?” he asked hopefully. Tomomi’s eyes widened with panic, he was not the right person to teach others, but Eos looked at him as if he was his only hope and something inside of Tomomi cracked. “…Sure, kid. First though -”
Without hesitating, Tomomi swept Eos’ feet from under him – luckily using his actual leg instead of his metallic prosthetic. Hearing the slight ‘unf’ of Eos falling in front of him Tomomi cracked a smile, with a slight chuckle he finished with;
“You’ve got to learn to take a hit.”
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loruleanheart · 4 years
Desired Fate, Chapter 1
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Yiga footsoldiers bent the knee as the hooded man passed by. The seer held an ancient piece of Sheikah technology that resembled a crystal ball by its outer rings. He moved through the maze-like corridors deeper into the Yiga hideout, where his harbinger rested on an altar.
It would only be a short time before the Calamity would be at hand, for he knew this event would take place on the Princess of Hyrule’s seventeenth birthday.
“Happy Birthday, Princess ,” he said in a sardonic tone, laughing to himself.
Little did the seer know that miles away, that very princess was mirroring his actions as she made her way through the halls of the castle. She listened to the sound of her footsteps echoing on the stone floor, her burdens weighing heavy on her mind that morning, her gaze downcast.
Astor, the Prophet of Doom arrived at the inner sanctum of the Yiga hideout where the harbinger, a small Guardian possessed by Calamity Ganon, slept. Sometimes, though, it wandered off to some corner of the kingdom only to come back with a vision of what it wanted to impart to the seer. Malice rose off the dark egg-like Guardian, giving off a rippling, gurgling sound that had become familiar to the prophet.
Sitting at one end of a long table was Master Kohga, the leader of the Yiga Clan. Astor had allied with the clan somewhat recently, but in truth, he’d never seen the man’s real face, for every member of the Yiga Clan always wore a white mask painted with the inverted eye of the Sheikah. Next to Kohga stood his bodyguard, Sooga. Master Kohga was a rotund man, while Sooga was all muscle. Both men, however, towered over Astor, who was himself of a slender build and average stature. Neither of them seemed to acknowledge his arrival, at least not right away. Kohga was telling Sooga some sort of joke or story.
Astor held back a sigh of disapproval. The Yiga Clan itself was….serviceable, but the leadership…
There was an obscene amount of bananas in a decorative bowl in front of the altar, even more than the last time he was here. It was like they had put more in the bowl just to spite him.
“Hurry it up, Little Lord Malice, I’ve got naps to take!” Kohga finally acknowledged Astor’s presence.
Astor glared at him. “Could we PLEASE move those bananas off the altar! They’re an eyesore! What a baleful affront to Lord Ganon.”
“Watch yourself, seer. And do not disrespect the sacred fruit.” Sooga chided. The Yiga ate mighty bananas as if they were a gift from Lord Ganon himself.
“There’s nothing special about those disgusting bananas,” Astor said in an authoritative tone.
“Eh, shows what you know…” Kohga shrugged.
Astor resigned himself to dropping the subject, for there were more important matters at hand. He approached the altar and held out the ancient orb. The little black Guardian that housed the spirit of Calamity Ganon shrieked as embers of malice erupted, swirling above their heads. The orb then reacted, levitating as a barrier marked with constellations spread out before them.
The princess of Hyrule was in the vision, dressed in full royal regalia, appearing far more regal than how she looked when she was dressed to go out and do research. She wore a crown instead of her usual braid. The corseted area of her dress nicely accentuated her tiny waist. Her golden-blonde hair fell like a waterfall well past the small of her back. The princess appeared deep in thought, but her deep green eyes lit up when she greeted her Sheikah aide.
Disgusting …. Astor loathed just looking at her.
As he watched the vision presented to him by his harbinger, the prophet furrowed his brow. His lips parted slightly. “No…. no… This wasn’t part of the prophecy. What is the meaning of this?!
Kohga and Sooga craned their heads to get a better view, curious as to what earned the prophet’s ire.
“What is it?” Kohga asked.
“WHAT. IS. THAT?!” Astor said, pointing to a Guardian similar to the one that housed Calamity Ganon, except this one was white. It was being held by a young knight, apparently trying to hold it up and away from the Princess should it attack her.  
“Is... this a problem?” Kohga asked.
“No…. Nothing can stop the coming Calamity. It’s just that...” Astor didn’t want to admit he hadn’t been aware of this second little Guardian before and it honestly had soured his mood.
“Will you look at that, Sooga. Little Lord Malice and the princess have twins!” Kohga laughed. Even Sooga, who was usually serious to a fault, shared in a short burst of laughter.
Astor turned slowly, shooting Kohga an unamused look, trying to cover how flustered he felt.
Degenerate goon, may the Calamity strike him down, Astor thought and turned back to the vision, but the princess, the Sheikah aide, and the young knight were making their way into the castle.
Astor gave a frustrated growl and ended the vision. The ancient orb disappeared with a wave of his hand. The prophet held his arms out, beckoning the harbinger to come to him. The little guardian stood, moving its mechanical spider-like legs. It hopped down off the altar, barely acknowledging the prophet.
Sooga gave a pitying shake of his head, which didn’t go unnoticed by the prophet.
“I sense that you are envious of me,” Astor said in a matter of fact way, confronting the Yiga bodyguard. “You’re wondering why Lord Ganon would choose a Hylian to help bring about his resurrection over a member of the Yiga Clan. Of the countless souls that have lived the past 10,000 years, Lord Ganon selected me. The Calamity has given me this fate and I will gladly play it to see Hyrule burn.”
“Calamity Ganon is a tool for no one. And it certainly doesn’t care about your fate or what happens to you. The moment it’s done with you, it will toss you aside and I’m going to laugh my ass off,” said the Yiga second in command.
The light left his eyes, yet Astor sneered back, smiling. “We’ll see which one of us the Calamity decides to cast aside.”
The sun was setting over the Gerudo Highlands, harbinger at his side. It was a vastly different climate than Astor had grown up with or preferred, but he had made it his home for the same reason as the Yiga. It was there that one could feel most connected to the Calamity. Legend had it that in the distant past the Calamity was once a Gerudo male that was a great king to his people and a powerful sorcerer. That such terrifying entity could have once been mortal deeply inspired the prophet.
Stopping outside the network of caverns similar to the Yiga’s he’d claimed as his personal hideout, Astor looked up at the stars in the sky. They were easier to see from this altitude. It was the stars that he first used to prophesy the coming Calamity. It truly was fate that the harbinger would come to him.
And now this second Guardian…  Astor thought, trying to brush aside the creeping apprehension he felt at not having foreseen this. It looked a lot like the harbinger at his side. Same size, same design, but pearly white instead of black.
Astor materialized the ancient orb and held it towards his harbinger. “Show me the purpose of that Guardian.”
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A Fateful Meeting
[I'm so sorry I've been gone so long, schools kicking my ass right now! I am working on requests, I'll be able to get more out soon, I'm so sorry and thank you for your patients!]
Pairings: Romeo x Juliet
Word Count: 2,989
Warnings: Short Story, not a One Shot. Uhh I wrote this 3 years ago, it was technically for an assignment but I kinda went off. It kinda talks about Yandere themes and kinda Serial killer stuff so careful there. I've been working on a sort of part 2 so if you like this let me know.
Tragedy, a word to describe great loss, sadness, a mix of the two.  The life of Juliet was considered a tragedy, and it held every right to be called that.
Juliet Capulet, the only child of Lord Capulet, a young woman held in high regard, died far too young for anyone to be comfortable with the number.
Young Juliet was a love-struck fool, falling hard and fast, within the time scale of around 5 days, but she had loved him, she had loved Romeo Montague.
Young Juliet's love was her downfall, her utter and complete trust in Romeo became her undoing.
 Our story starts at a party, a place of mirth and mischief, the place of Juliet's believed salvation and Romeo's new fixation.
The party was in full swing, people mingling and dancing, servers bustling around, all talking louder than civilly welcome.  All of it had been planned out perfectly, everything was wondrous, the weather was without fault, the music was superb, but there was one piece missing, one-piece meant for the world to watch in wonder.  Juliet sat up in her room, watching herself in the mirror on her vanity.  The music that filtered from rooms away was still quite loud, none of it what she enjoyed, she could see the appeal of it, but not tonight.
It didn't matter what her Father or Mother, or Paris for the matter said, tonight was dreadful, everything wrong in feeling and aesthetics.  Her mother had chosen the dressing she would wear, the large garment sitting in the back of the equally large closet within her possession, but it wasn't something Juliet wanted to wear, let alone look at.
 Large, poofy, covered in many layers, and an atrocious shade of pink Juliet had promptly thrown it into the back of her closet once her Mother was out of sight.  Sadly it was still there.  It was like an insistent ich, always in the back of your mind no matter how much you try to ignore it, but Juliet had a backup plan.
Granted, it wasn't a good back up plan, but she had one, so she was doing better than most people.  With a sigh that was most definitely not ladylike, Juliet got up, grabbing the dress her Maid had set out earlier at the revelation of the hideous pink monstrosity taking up the majority of the closet.
This one was a pale blue with white flowers decorating it, it wasn't flashy, it wasn't eye-catching, but it was beautiful in a simplistic way, a way that appealed to Juliet more than the other one.  Without anyone she truly felt she needed to impress Juliet left her face bare of makeup, leaving her hair to fall over her shoulders in unkempt waves.
She didn't look important, she didn't look like someone born under a Lord, but that was what she wanted, she didn't wish to be noticed tonight.  Parties were something she dreaded, but her mother loved them, so there were always many gone and done and others planned for the future within a month's time.
The closer she got to the main ballroom the louder everything became, the more the sound grated on her nerves, the more she wished to disappear and never look back on the estate she called home.  People welcomed her warmly as she walked through the crowds, hands patting her back, mouths kissing the backs of her hands, false pleasantries passing from person to person.
"Juliet!" A shrill voice called out, the sound of it make the young woman's figure go rigid.  Her Mother was a menace, someone to avoid at all costs, but there was nothing that could be done. The taller woman promptly stomped up to her child, a pale hand finding its way to grip at the sleeve of the blue dress, hardly suppressed rage burning behind her eyes. 
"What are you wearing," she whispered harshly, or as much as someone could whisper over the swell of music and others speech.  This what was to be expected, Lady Capulet would take nothing except perfection, and Juliet had defied that.
"A dress," she replied simply, knowing that if she started to tell her Mother all of the things she didn't like about the pink dress the woman would start crying in front of everyone, and Juliet wouldn't wish that on anyone.
The older woman's eyebrows pinched in irritation, she could see the underlying rebellion Juliet was doing but said nothing, only shook her head in disappointment, removing her hand from Juliet's dress.  Wrapping her arm around her daughter's shoulders she started to direct her around, forcing her to face the music and be polite to the people that hadn't recognized her earlier.
The people this time talked to her softer, treated her differently as if she needed more respect and less danger.  She wasn't made of glass, but due to her lineage and Father she was treated as such; she was the special teacup only brought out for the best of guests.  Juliet smiled at everyone her Mother made her meet, she kept herself pleasant and calm, keeping up in the conversations that were started.  She could see her Mother's disapproving look from the corner of her eye, Lady Capulet heavily unhappy that she wasn't just nodding along.
Lady Capulet had tried her best at turning her daughter into the perfect woman, she had taught her to stand in the background, to be seen and not heard, but Juliet was talking, she was keeping up with the men and women she engaged conversation in.  A light smile graced Juliet's face, and it was like a spotlight, she was glowing, looking radiant compared to how she had looked earlier, but this was not as she was raised. 
 Lady Capulet hid her anger well, making sure her face didn't pinch with distaste as she tried to steer her daughter away.  Juliet acted as if she didn't feel the insistent tugging, planting her feet to keep herself within the circle of people she was conversing with.  Her Mother's anger fell in waves, much like the ones that beat on the rocks at the ocean, but those waves could be seen and felt, these could only be felt.
Soon her Mothers tugging became too much, causing young Juliet to bid farewell, being drug away without another word. "What was that about?" her mother hissed, rage seeping into her words.
Juliet lightly shook her head, eyes glued to the floor to make sure she didn't trip and make a fool of herself. The silence only fueled her Mother's silent rage, making her walk faster to force Juliet to keep up. A light prickling sensation fell upon Juliet at this moment, making her snap her head up. 
She glanced around quickly, trying to find the source of her discomfort, only for her eyes to lock with dark brown ones behind a silver mask. The male was of average height, brown hair to match his eyes, but Juliet had never seen him, even with the mask she could tell he was someone she had never met. 
Her steps faltered, making her stumbled and almost fall, her Mothers arm around her shoulders the only thing keeping her up. The only thing she got was a disappointed tut before being hauled back onto her feet, her Mother keeping the same pace as before, Juliet stumbling a bit before getting her footing right again.
Looking behind herself Juliet looked for those brown eyes with the silver mask, only to find they were gone. An odd mixture of sadness and desperation flowed through the young woman, making her pinch her eyebrows slightly, but quickly changed her facial expression to a blank, passive look, not wanting to draw her Mothers attention.
 Juliet was then paraded up a flight of steps by her Mother, people going out of their way to kiss her hands, to tell her how pretty she was, wanting to get all of the extra points with the lady of the party. Juliet held no enjoyment in making others feel less than and found it boring to peacock around in a dress that was uncomfortable, flashy, and in general an eyesore. Her Mother was the definition of that.
The older woman was dressed in a large, ridiculously large, red and gold dress. It drug along behind her for at least a meter, the mass of lace and fabric most likely ruined by people carelessly stepping on it and having been drug through spilled drinks and mud brought in from outside. The woman, despite the dress being so different from what everyone else was wearing, acted like it was best, strutting from wall to wall, up and down the stairs, making sure everyone saw the large mess of fabrics. She was peacocking, and with the way that her hair was put up in a large bun she looked the part.
 The dress Lady Capulet had picked out for Juliet wasn't much better. It wasn't as large, but it was definitely as long. It was layered on the sides, covered in bits of lace and ruffles, and if it wasn't such an alarming shade of pink it probably would have looked nice.
 Ripped from her thoughts Juliet struggled to grasp at what had forced her to focus, but that prickling feeling was back stronger this time. Another quick look around made her lock eyes with the brown ones again.
 The male was closer this time, but he made no move to advance, Juliet confused until her Mother delivered a pinch to her shoulder. Standing in front of her was Count Paris, cousin of the prince, and a man after her heart.
Paris was a handsome man, and with his amount of wealth he had women throwing themselves and their children at him from all angles, Juliet's Mother was not an exception to this. The older woman kept her arms around Juliet's shoulders as if she was making sure she wouldn't bolt like a frightened animal.
Juliet welcomed the thought of sighing dramatically before walking away, but that would lead to her Mother being in a worse mood and possibly bringing her Fathers mood down as well. She was in no mood to face the wrath of both parents.
Finally giving into her Mothers prompting Juliet curtsied and inclined her head to the County, who smiled lightly, nodding back at her as she stood tall. Juliet wasn't much of someone to be a pushover, forcing herself to stand tall, even if she was shorter than everyone around her. Juliet's Mother started to speak, quite animatedly, to be honest, keeping the Counties attention away from her distracted daughter. Juliet was thankful for what she was doing, knowing that the majority of her attention had gone to trying to find the male in the silver mask again. 
He was still there, mostly lurking in the shadows so not draw attention to himself, but Juliet could find him in a hoard of people she'd never seen. Those brown eyes narrowed a bit, and Juliet felt as if she was being judged, as if those very eyes were seeing everything she'd done in her life so far, weighing her very soul.
Quickly, Juliet turned back to Paris and her Mothers conversation, waiting a few seconds for the perfect timing. "I'm sorry," she started in this soft voice that would appease her Mother, "I need to excuse myself for a few minutes." Juliet could tell her Mother wasn't happy about being interrupted, but Paris nodded to her, letting her go from the conversation.
Moving quickly the young woman went down the stairs as fast as she could, rounding the corner only to step back when she ran into someone. Aborted apologies tried to soothe things over, all of them real but cut off only to introduce another. 
Stuttering off into silence Juliet looked up, her eyes widening as she looked at those brown eyes, this time without the silver mask. His skin was fair, a bit on the pale side, but it went well with the dark hair and dark eyes. Reaching out tentatively Juliet half expected him to ignore it, starting when a warm hand slid into her own. Romeo, at which she didn't know was his name at the time, pulled her onto the dance floor, his movements fluid and graceful, while Juliet moved with an awkward gait, nervous beyond her mind.
The two of them moved around until she was comfortable, keeping clear of Lady Capulet and Count Paris, keeping each other closer than someone should comfortably keep a stranger. Juliet kept her head down, making sure to not step on anyone's feet, the fear of embarrassing herself or her partner griping her heart in cold hands. Romeo then switched his stance a bit, enough to draw Juliet's attention, only for it to get drawn away when a shrill voice called for her. The young woman gasped lightly, looking up at those brown eyes, which held a bright twinge of mischief. Juliet gasped again when Romeo started to drag her away, bringing the two of them up a flight of stairs, away from the maid who had called out for her.
Despite not being on the dance floor Romeo continued to spin Juliet around, the blue of her dress looking like the waves of the ocean, calm and pleasant one second, large and crashing the next. Juliet giggled as the two of them danced to a beat of their own music, the songs the band playing being far to slow for the way they were dancing.
 Romeo then started to spin her again, bringing the two of them to the other side of the balcony so they could descend the other flight of stairs, giggling and panting as they ran away from Juliet's maid who had just managed to find them.
 The two of them danced, swaying or spinning, Romeo dipping Juliet down with an added flare of drama, but Juliet could care less. Romeo pulled Juliet close, making it so that they could talk normally, not needing to yell over the loud music and other party patrons.
"What is your name?" he questioned, which he followed up with a chaste kiss to her steadily reddening cheeks.
 Juliet stalled for a moment. Normally when she told someone her name they were confused, people constantly thinking she was younger or older, other mildly angry, some just plain happy. Though, it didn't matter how you felt, everyone she had met started to treat her like the finest of table wear, treating her like glass, like a teacup.
"Juliet," she said after a minute, keeping her last name to herself. Romeo nodded, pressing another kiss to her cheeks before looking down at her, a doped like grin resting on his face.
"Romeo," he said, mirth residing in his speech, "my name is Romeo." At the time Juliet had been too preoccupied to notice that both of them hadn't used their family names, neither knowing that they were on the wrong sides of the board.
The two giggled some more, Romeo pressing chaste kisses to reddened skin before placing a single, quick kiss to Juliet's lips. Juliet, who had never kissed anyone, hardly knew what to do, but it was over before her brain decided to help. The two of them blushed brightly, laughing like lunatics as they swayed out of beat with the music.
"Juliet!" an angry voice seethed, making the two of them freeze up, Romeo fixing himself sooner than Juliet.
Romeo grabbed Juliet's hands, dragging her with him, the two of them just hardly missing Lady Capulet and Paris. With barely stifled laughter Romeo pressed another kiss to Juliet before the two had to run off again, both of their faces wide with smiles that made their cheeks hurt.
Kissing and running and smiling and laughing, the two soon grew tired. Their kisses became more chaste, affectionate but quick, their running becoming sluggish, smiles falling due to the pain in their faces, and their laughs turning to wheezes. It was a miracle itself they weren't caught sooner, but Lady Capulet was like a well-timed thunderstorm.
Lady Capulet came stomping up to the two of them while Romeo towered over Juliet, helping her up from the ground which she had slipped on. The two were giggling a bit, but their happiness was shot down the second they noticed the older woman.
Reaching forward she gripped at Juliet's arms, pulling her daughter away. Juliet fought a bit, straining to look over her shoulder at Romeo, who looked at her like a lovesick puppy.
"Juliet," Lady Capulet hissed out, making her look away from Romeo, missing the flash of understanding go through his eyes. When she looked back she saw sadness, but also some hidden emotion she wished she'd realized was there sooner. The sudden mood change shocked her, forcing her to look up at her Mother.
"You mustn't talk to them," she hissed out again, confusing Juliet farther. "You can't talk to the Montagues, Juliet." It was like a puzzle, all of the pieces finally fitting together.
The mask was to hide his face, making it so he could enter the party, and his family name meant she had never seen him before. Rumors had it that all of the Montagues had dark eyes and equally as dark hair, and Romeo held up to that.
As Juliet was dragged away by her Mother she had a passing thought, a simple one, but it was there."What have I done?"
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hyuniins · 5 years
how to love your dragon.
part two.
omg people liked part one that makes me so happy!! i’m finally posting part two.. there’s so much to come we haven’t even hit the surface of this story yet.. i’m so excited to continue! i hope you enjoy! (づ。���‿‿◕。)づ
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part one - part two - part three
genre: skz’s hyunjin, royalty!au, dragonboy!au, fluff (female reader)
word count: 2.3k
you aimed your quest towards your kingdom’s market place. you threw your hood over your head in hopes of avoiding being recognized by the masses. hyunjin silently padded behind you. he was still naked and barefoot, while the silk sheet still wrapped around his figure, being held up by his fist bunching up the fabric together at the front.
hyunjin spoke up once the market place came into view. “why are we going towards all those humans-“
“hyunjin we have to get you-“
“is this a set up? are you turning me in?” he starts sputtering in panic, feet nailed to the ground, staring at you in disbelief.
you turned around, looking at him, not amused. “hyunjin, i can’t take you into the palace naked.”
he squinted his eyes. “what does that have to do with you handing me over to humans?”
“i’m just going to the market to buy you clothes.” you huffed.
“because if you’re coming with me to the castle, you have to seem at least a little human. that means you can’t walk around naked with wings hanging off your back.”
hyunjin gagged at the thought.
you sighed, and walked over to where the tree line started before the market, gesturing to the bushes. “sit over here while i get you some clothes. i’ll be back in a minute.”
he sighed dramatically, taking a seat on the ground. you chuckled to yourself, amazed at how the big bad dragon could act so stubborn sometimes.
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you looked around the plaza, looking at the colorful array of items and food that were brought by the many talented and hardworking commoners of your kingdom. the sight alone made you smile. you haven’t been out into the kingdom of levanter in so long, since your family always fears your safety, and keeps you caged in the palace. it was so refreshing to see the people you cared for in their everyday life.
you made your way to a small tent belonging to an elderly woman, whom offered you a sweet smile. you looked through the clothes she had to offer, trying to find the perfect selection for hyunjin. you knew he wouldn’t appreciate it, but for what it’s worth, you wanted to dress him up nicely. after all, he wasn’t an eyesore by any means.
you smiled at the woman as you made your purchase, giving her gold above her asking price, for how kind and helpful she was. she eyed the gold in her hand, as if she had never seen the real thing before. she looked back at you, stunned. you nodded your head slightly, and you pulled your hood a little lower.
“thank you, princess.” she said lowly, acknowledging your means of staying hidden.
you turned to her again, offering a bright smile, bringing a finger up to your lips.
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“finally.” hyunjin grumbling upon seeing you emerge from the market.
“here.” you said, shoving the new garments into his chest. “change.”
he gave you a distasteful glare, looking between the garments and your strict gaze.
“if you get changed quick, i can give you these.” you say, opening a sack filled with fresh salmon.
his eyes lit up at the sight. hyunjin then sighed as he let the sheet fall past his shoulders a bit, giving you a view of the other silk wrapped around his abdomen, spotted with dried blood.
“hyunjin!” you shouted. “no! tree-behind- get- now!” you stuttered.
“i really don’t know what you want from me anymore.” he breathed.
“get dressed behind the tree, humans don’t just undress in the open like that!” you say.
hyunjin began making his way on the other side of the tree. “are humans that lustful that they can’t even restrict themselves upon seeing each other nude?” he tsked. “but we’re the beasts.”
you rolled your eyes before you turned around from the tree, offering him more privacy. “it’s not about lust, it’s about public decency. do dragons not wear clothes when they’re in human form?” you asked, as hyunjin began undressing behind the tree.
“of course we do, but we also don’t lose our minds when one of us undergoes a change and reappears nude.” he says simply.
he steps out from the tree, sporting his new white turtle neck shirt tucked into scruffy taupe pants, which were also tucked into his new dark leather boots.
“fish. now.” he said, cheeks blushing red as you looked as his new outfit.
“i would say would look really handsome, if you didn’t run your mouth so much.” you say, letting a blush also paint itself onto your cheeks.
“i said, fish.” hyunjin said, turning impossibly redder, hand extended now.
you giggled, as you held the bag out to him to grab a raw salmon. he was quick to take a big bite, sinking his fangs into the fish before ripping off a piece. his cheeks filled cutely as he chewed.
“surely you must get told that by the other dragon girls.” you giggled.
“told what.”
“that you’re handsome.” you clarify.
he eyes shot up to meet yours in shock, panic evident on his face.
you looked at him questionably, prompting an answer.
his chewing slowed before he swallowed. “no, not exactly.”
“you’re not serious.” you gasp.
he cocked his head at you. “but i am serious.”
you looked at him in disbelief. “hyunjin, you’re so beautiful it’s unreal. it’s literally unearthly, i’ve never seen a person like you before.” you spout, suddenly stopping as you realized how bad you already humiliated yourself.
he kept his eyes on the fish in his hand, unknowing how to react.
“thank you..” he said in a small voice.
you smiled at this, and he spoke up again after a moment of silence.
“you are too.” he said, so lightly you couldn’t even hear it over the loud thumping in your chest.
“hm?” you question.
“i mean, you’re not ugly, like the other humans.” he corrected, shifting his position on the ground, and reaching for another salmon.
you smiled at his bashful state. you liked this hyunjin a lot more.
“i’ll take that as a compliment.” you chuckled.
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as the castle came into view, you were quick to pull hyunjin into nearby greenery, concealing yourselves from view.
“what was that for?” he grunted, after landing harshly on his bottom.
“we need a plan.” you state. “i can’t just bring a random person into the palace out of nowhere, especially because i was out in the woods without an escort.”
“sounds like a you problem.” he huffed.
“it will be a you problem when they wonder who you are, and find those wings on your back while they’re throwing you in the dungeon.” you replied.
he sighed. “how about, you tell them you got lost in the woods, and i brought you home. like a knight in shining armor.” he suggested, wiggling his eyebrows.
you smacked his shoulder and thought for a moment. “that could work, without the knight part. i can’t lie when i know you’re just a little lizard.”
“fine whatever let’s go.” hyunjin said rolling his eyes, standing up from the bushes and walking to the path that led to the castle.
the soldiers take notice of you along the path, eyes gazing between you and hyunjin as their grip tightens on the swords in their holsters.
“i’ve returned.” you say lightly, walking between the guards into the castle gates with hyunjin trailing behind, until one guard puts a hand in front of hyunjin, halting him.
you turn quickly to see hyunjin, staring at the mans arm, eyes widened. “civilians aren’t allowed into the kingdom without permission from the royal family.” the guard states.
you could see hyunjin’s eyes burning with anger, which was probably only noticed by you, as he tried to keep the rest of as body composed. he locked eyes with you, and then you could see the tension in his shoulders relax.
he knows i won’t let anyone hurt him here.
“as the princess, i request you let him through.” you say to the guard.
the guards don’t even flinch at your demand, arms still in hyunjin’s way.
hyunjin shot you a look of confusion.
you cleared your throat. “i said-“
“princess, you know we cannot listen to your orders, we can only heed the requests of the king himself or Prince Han.” the guards replied.
you scoffed at this, before you felt two arms wrap around your shoulders.
“welcome back princess, i was so worried.”
you turned around to see jisung, hugging you warmly, pulling away to reveal his eyes filled with concern. “why did you run off without a guard again?”
you turned back to hyunjin. “i got lost in the woods, and this man helped me and brought me back to the palace.” you said. “i wanted him to come have dinner with us as a thank you. can you please tell the guards to let him in?”
jisung’s gaze fell onto the boy. “if that’s what you’d like, princess. he helped you get home to me safely, so i don’t mind if he joins us.” jisung says with a smile.
the guards lowered their hands, and you saw hyunjin’s demeanor change in an instant. you saw his face contort to one of surprise, the skin between his eyes scrunching together at the sight of jisung. you took notice of this, and you were quick to grab hyunjin’s hand, ushering him him to trail behind you as you walked with jisung.
hyunjin felt a sharp pain through his chest as his hand held yours, panic bubbling within’ him.
“y/n, you won’t believe the action we’ve had this morning!” jisung exclaimed. “your father has been worried sick about your absence, and to top that off we found a black dragon flying around castle grounds! that sure did make your old man even more anxious. did you know black dragons are the rarest species to find? it means that-”
“y/n.”  hyunjin said in a serious tone.
you quickly looked back to hyunjin, his pupils fixated on jisung’s back, and his shaky hand still holding yours.
jisung looked back as well, and he cleared his throat as he took notice of your interlocking hands.
“alright princess, i’m going to go tell the king of your arrival.” he says, losing his enthusiasm. before he walks away, he kisses your cheek.
“and please don’t run off alone again, my princess.”
hyunjin’s eyes widen at this, his chest beginning to feel heavier.
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you keep hyunjin’s hand locked with yours as you made your way to your bedroom.
once there, you let go of hyunjin’s hand and ushered him inside, locking the door behind you.
“alright, we’re finally home.” you say exhausted. “now, let’s work on those wings.”
hyunjin remains silent, and starts pulling his shirt over his head, wincing at the pain in his back.
hyunjin was terrified on the inside, never feeling this way before. his body felt heavy, his chest tightening. the pain was excruciating, but he wasn’t hurting. he felt miserable, but he enjoyed it. he then soon realized he couldn’t look at you without the burning sensation in his chest blooming immensely.
you walked to your cupboard in your room, full of all your medicines, herbs, bandages, and ointments.
he is sitting at the foot of your bed, his head hung low as you walk over to him.
“does it hurt that bad?” you ask.
hyunjin just takes a deep breath, then shakes his head.
“are you alright hyunjin?” you ask.
“that guy, he is the one who shot at me.” hyunjin says.
you feel sick to your stomach. “that’s han jisung, the prince of the kingdom of miroh. miroh was the kingdom that birthed the idea of dragon defense and dragon hunting tactics. he’s the head of the dragon defense militia.”
“-and he kissed you.” hyunjin continues in a bitter tone, ignoring your explanation.
you take a deep breath. “yeah, he’s my fiancé.”
hyunjin looks back at you quickly, his gaze trying to search yours.
“if it wasn’t obvious by the guard incident earlier, i don’t get much say in anything around here.” you chuckle bitterly. “it’s an arranged marriage. jisung and i were childhood friends, but apparently we have to be married so he can join our kingdoms.. so he can rule my kingdom.”
“do you love him?” hyunjin asks suddenly.
you look at him quickly, surprised by the sudden question. “he’s very nice to me and is a good friend. but, no, not like that.”
“not in a marriage way? you don’t want to kiss him?” hyunjin stared at you.
you smiled and looked at the ground. “no, i don’t.”
“do you know what love feels like?” hyunjin asked.
“i know what family love is like, but not really romantic.” you reply, hands busy gathering your stitching supplies.
hyunjin then makes a realization it seems, he lets out a defeated sigh, a small, bitter smile on his lips.
he then looks at you with glassy eyes, the same unreadable smile upon his lips. “i’m sorry y/n.”
“awe, what do you have to be sorry for.” you giggle.
“i just realize now dragons aren’t the only ones who have humans as their enemy.” he says.
this sentence intrigued you. what does he mean by that?
you arched a brow in confusion. “humans aren’t my enemy-“
then you heard a faint sniffle from hyunjin.
“hyunjin, are you crying?”
he lets out a pathetic chuckle, tangled with a sob. “and dragons aren’t that nice either.”
you panic, hopping up to sit in front of him and face him on the bed.
“hey what’s wrong? what does that mean, jinnie? does something hurt?” you say, cupping his face gently with your hands, watching his tears trail down his milky cheeks.
he smiled at the nickname. he looks up at you through wet lashes. “jinnie.. i like that.. and yeah, it does. everything hurts, so bad.” he mumbles, his words beginning to slur.
you stayed silent, and watched with wide eyes as his big hands gently covered your own as they rested on the sides of his face.
“you know how you said that not all humans are bad.” he said.
“yes, but hyunjin what’s going on you’re-“
“you were right.” he says in a whisper.
you stared at the boy, wondering why he was saying all of this all of a sudden.
as you held his face in your hands, his arms fell to his sides. you watched his eyes get droopy, then his body fell limp in your lap.
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don’t worry, this isn’t the end, part three soon!
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queenjunoking · 3 years
Wolf Taming Pt 33
CW: Noncon - Shock Collar - Pain - Petplay - Drugs - Kidnapping  - Manipulation - Abuse - Spiders
Rayne’s home couldn’t be more stereotypical. It was a huge gothic eyesore. I knew that Rayne and Flora were one of the more powerful, and rich, couples in the region. I couldn’t imagine they used most of the space inside. It was a flex. Only by the Society’s influence could a place like this remain hidden.
It took a minute to finish the trip up their driveway and park by their front door. It took a lot to unsettle me. This house was one of the things that did. I knew all about the things that happened here. I was under no illusion about what I was to Rayne. She looked at new members that she saw as having some kind of potential and tried to push them. I was vaguely aware of some of the other people she attempted to take under her wing.
Mercy, an ironic name if I had ever heard one. I had seen her work, she worked mostly as a private breaker that just pushed her victims little by little until they broke. I had seen some videos, the childish glee she had as she told her victims they could “take just a little more” over and over. A few more inches. A few more hits. One more notch up on the shock collar. Of course if they could take that Mercy was sure they could take one more. She was to take the phrase “it’s too big” as a challenge. She wanted her victim to say something wasn’t possible.
Melinoë was one of the few people who climbed the ranks from the bottom. She broke people using their phobias. She kept rooms of snakes, spiders, rats and other common phobias and introduced them to people she had rendered immobile. I had seen one of her victims covered head to toe in webs from a swarm of spiders she let into the cell. The light in their eyes had died quickly. Unfortunately not everyone's phobias are so easy to manifest. She was more than happy to keep people in cycles of suffocation or waterboard those that had those fears. She had a technique for almost everything.
Her newest was some newly inducted girl. Apparently she was some serial killer that had killed dozens of low ranked members over the last year. Rayne’s intervention probably saved her a long torturous life at the bottom of one of the Society’s special prisons. I remember Eos making a fuss that the girl had left Rayne’s mansion gone underground a few weeks ago and no one had tracked her down yet. Eos had been on the council deciding the girls fate and had been very vocal about having her imprisoned for life.
I hated them all, none of them had the respect that I had for the people I worked on. I avoided being on that list of people taken under Rayne’s wing by virtue of Eos interacting with me as often as she did. She still left her mark on me though, something I was unable to get rid of, her epithet.
I composed myself as the doors to the limo opened. The driver bowed and helped the both of us out of the car. Once she shut the doors behind us the went up to the front door and rang the doorbell. She waited to the side, her head bowed lest she incur Rayne’s wrath when the door opened.
Everything was going… well perfect was a lie. Things never went perfectly. But with a minimum amount of punishments. I only had three other maids taken away while I waited for Z’s arrival. They’d make passable canvases.
I was growing irritated as the minutes slowly passed by. She was supposed to be here at four. It was now ten after four. Good driver’s were hard to come by, but I’d have to find a new one regardless. Perhaps she would make a good lawn ornament. If she wanted to go slow on the roads she may as well be stationary. At least she wouldn’t have to worry about winter for quite awhile.
Finally the doorbell rang, followed by some scattered screams throughout the mansion. The doorbell was wired to some random slaves. It gave them quite the nasty shock when it was pressed, it made sure we would always hear it ring. Our guests were here. Only fifteen minutes late. The two slaves I had left stationed by the front door saw me walk towards them and slowly opened the door.
The sight was… as to be expected. Z was dressed in what I was sure was the most expensive thing she owned. I was a bit upset to see Briar there. I hadn’t given Z a plus one. I’d have to figure out something for her to do, she was just going to make all my plans harder. I wanted Z, alone, without anyone to consult. Having Briar to talk to just made my goal harder.
"Good afternoon Z. I'm glad you could make it to this celebration." I gave her a smile. I tried to play the good host.
"Unfortunately, due to the last minute invitation, I was unable to bring Lady Flora a gift." She looked bored and it pissed me off. Its like she didn't care she didn't bring my darling Flora anything.
"That's alright Z, you're the gift. I'm sure Flora will enjoy meeting you. Follow me." We made our way through the mansion, heading towards the art room I knew my lovely lilac was busy in.
Maids stop and curtsied as we passed by. Flora and I would really have to converge on a design for them. She was in the midst of designing new outfits for them and had them wearing different prototypes. Some were clad in latex, others were dressed in what could only be generously called an outfit. Still others were in floor length outfits that only left their hands and faces uncovered. Different styles from English to French to Japanese. I didn't care much about which style she ultimately chose, I just wanted them to match.
We passed by many of Flora's projects on out walk. All stunningly beautiful. All works of genius. Yet Z looked bored and Briar looked away.
It pissed me off.
I stopped at the top of a staircase in front of a special wall Flora had installed. The renovations had cost a fortune but nothing was too expensive for my beloved buttercup.
"Perhaps you recognize this one, Z?"
The walk through the mansion was what I expected. Battered maids, tortured slaves, and all kinds of horrible art created by Flora.
I looked up at the newest exhibit. It was a resin block that was placed into the wall. There was a woman inside, immobile. Naked and on display. It took a bit for me to see the tubes connected to her inside. Most likely to give her air, water and Ambrosia to keep her alive. She stared out blankly at the room, I doubt she was mentally there anymore.
"I'm afraid I don't." I didn't really care about whatever Rayne was trying to show me. I respected the situation in a certain way. I'm sure the inability to move with no space to take anything more than shallow breaths would break anyone fairly quickly.
It was the same principle I took with Bridget.
"Flora was devastated when you closed up shop. She bought up many of those you broke for her own projects. They're quite magnificent for many purposes. Sometimes its fun to listen to them scream while you work, but you created slaves that simply don't react anymore." She smiled at me as she talked. I hated every word coming out of her mouth. I did this to stop their suffering, not make it worse.
"And the significance of this piece?" I tried pushing the annoyance out of my voice.
"This was the last person you broke. She was sold as a sex slave and was used like that for awhile. But Flora wanted to preserve your last piece. It's been injected with a concoction that should help preserve its beauty. The side effects are quite painful and debilitating, but its encased in resin so it doesn't matter if its debilitating. We believe she'll live another decade in the-"
"I believe you wanted us to meet with Lady Flora?" Briar cut Rayne off. I wasn't sure if it was for my benefit or hers, but I'm glad she did.
Rayne’s fave slipped for just a moment. From a warm and welcoming one to one of sheer annoyance. It only took a moment for her to slip back though. "Yes, we're almost there." She turned and began walking down the hall. I had long lost track of where we were. The house seemed alive with activity no matter where we went. Slaves where everywhere, I couldn't begin to fathom how many she must have.
Rayne opened a door and we could hear someone inside talking. She motioned for us to wait as she slipped inside.
"If I heard one more sob out of you I'll give you something to actually be sad about." I heard my gorgeous gardenia tell her canvas as she worked.
Flora's back was to me so I could see her canvas facing me. It was some small thing. It had short black hair, surprising as Flora preferred to claim slaves with long hair.
The canvas was covered in tattoos, new ones. Surprising designs. Flora loved to cover a few maids in tattoos, having some walking art around the mansions. Usually she didn't design tattoos so demonic though.
"What are you working on?" I asked her, giving her a bit of a start as I broke her concentration.
"Oh, raindrop. How many times do I have to tell you not to startle me when I'm working on a piece! I could have gotten a line out of place." She chided me playfully. If she had messed up she'd probably just dispose of it and get a new canvas, it was no big deal.
"My apologies, my sweet… saguaro." I stumbled, my mind was in other places.
She crossed her arms and puffed out her cheeks, looking a bit cross. "A cactus?"
I walked over to her and tip her head up, giving her a kiss. "I apologize, I was taken in by your art."
She smiled, her pout already forgotten. "This canvas was some poor church girl that was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I bought her with the intent of reselling her to The Pandemonium Club."
"Don't they give full body recoloring to all their imps? Won't that cover up your lovely art?" Servers at the club were modified to resemble imps. Horn mods were what their servers were known for. The size of their horns indicated their purpose. But they also underwent full body recoloring. Many were purple, blue, red or pink.
"Not at all. That guttersnipe that you brought in gave me one nice thing, a chemical added to this ink will make it glow under the body repainting. So she'll be purple with nice gold tattoos showing." She gave me a toothy grin.
I gave her another kiss. Longer. More passion. "You know I don't like you talking about her like that, she'll be giving us tons of fun to watch. But I'm glad she's helped you."
"Whatever you say. So, may I ask why you've come in? Just wanted to see my art?" Flora was beginning to catch on.
"Your birthday present finally arrived, Love." I smiled, knowing this would make her day.
"Oh?" She feigned an innocent look. "I had completely forgot. What did you get me?"
"I didn't find you a something to give you this year unfortunately." Her look turned sour and she stuck out her bottom lip. "But, I brought in someone you might enjoy meeting."
Nothing happened for a few seconds. I figured that had been an obvious enough of a clue.
"I brought in someone you might enjoy meeting!" I called a bit louder. This time Z and Briar entered the room.
"Z!" Her face lit up and she practically glided over the floor to her. She ignored Briar much as I had. "Its so lovely to have you visit. I am such a fan of your methods. Perhaps we can talk over dinner." I watched her look Z up and down. "And let's get you some nice clothes. Consider it my treat."
Z didn't get a moment to say anything before Flora pulled her out of the room. My present had gone over well so far. If things went my way I'd get rid of Z and make this the best birthday Flora's ever had.
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vgckwb · 4 years
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 35: Madarame’s Palace
The next day, Ren decided it was time to begin the assault on Madarame’s palace. She assembled the team immediately after school. Once they had met up, they made some last minute preparations. “Yusuke, are you ready for this?” Ann asked.
“Yeah, it might not be easy,” Ryuji said.
“Do you believe I lack faith in my convictions?” Yusuke asked.
“NO! Not at all!” Ryuji responded.
“It’s just…” Ann added, “what happened with Madarame’s shadow was only the beginning. Once we explore his palace fully, there might be more things that might be hard to swallow.”
“Yeah, some of the stuff in Kamoshida’s palace still sends chills down my spine” Ryuji continued. “And I never thought of that guy as my father.”
Yusuke looked at the rest of the group. He sighed. “While I can’t say I will be fully prepared for everything that might appear, I can say for certain that not doing this would betray everything I stand for. Besides, you’ve all helped me out so far. I believe that you all would help me if things get too much.”
Ren put her hand on his shoulder. “Of course. We’re a team after all.”
Yusuke smiled. “I thank you.” Sumire also smiled and blushed a little.
“Are we ready then?” Jose asked.
Ren nodded. “Let’s go.” The thieves headed out to Madarame’s shack to then slip into his palace.
The thieves looked at the museum. “Man, no matter how many times I look at this thing, it’s still as gaudy as ever” Ryuji chimed.
“Yeah” said Ann. “You’d think Madarame would have an eye for design.”
Sumire looked at it. “I’m guessing this is more of his sense of superiority talking.” Everyone looked at her. “I mean, if he thinks of himself as being on top of the art world, maybe he thinks he can put out anything, regardless of quality, and people will have to like it because it’s Madarame.”
“But that wouldn’t explain why he steals his student’s work” Morgana retorted.
“Well, it kind of does,” Ren said. “If he feels like he could put out anything, maybe he also feels like he could say anything and people would believe him.”
“I know that feeling firsthand,” Yusuke said.
Jose comforted him. “It’s OK. We’ll make sure everything goes right.”
“You’re right,” Yusuke said, standing up straight. “The sooner we get this done, the sooner this eyesore becomes no more.”
“That’s the spirit!” Ren said.
The thieves looked at the police tape on the outside of the museum. “I suppose the front door isn’t much of an option” Yusuke pondered.
“I wouldn’t think so,” Sumire pointed out. “Not many thieves specialize in walking through the front door to get what they want.”
“Exactly!” Ren said. She looked around. “I think we could get in over there,” she said, pointing to a wall.
Morgana nodded. “Good eye Joker! Let’s roll!” They began walking. “Oh, right, before I forget!” Everyone else stopped. Morgana pulled out some more grappling hooks. “For Violet, Sunshine, and Fox.”
The three of them picked them up and equipped them. “How marvelous!” Yusuke shouted.
“It’s very nice” Sumire said. Thank you, Mona-senapi!”
“Aw shucks” Morgana said, blushing.
“It’s very well made,” Jose said. “You’re really good at this.”
“Thank you,” Morgana said.
“Have you thought of attending Kosei as a craftsman?” Jose asked.
“Well…” Morgana said.
“I’m sure there would be several problems,” Yusuke said.
“Besides,” Ren interrupted, “he’s my right hand man. Wherever I go, he follows.”
“Oh” Jose noted. “Well, I don’t wish to intrude on that.”
“Apology accepted,” Ren said. “Now, let’s break into this museum!”
The thieves walked toward the wall. They hopped on a truck and then made their way over the wall to the garden. By hopping across some statues, they made their way to the roof of a section of the museum.
Once they got in, they noticed the paintings on the wall. “Are these people?” Ann shrieked.
“Why would Madarame have these portraits here?” Jose wondered.
“And considering how much he loves himself, why aren’t they of him?” Ryuji added.
“Hmm, maybe we’ll find the answer once we keep looking,” Sumire pointed out.
“Good idea,” Ren said. They turned to see a laser fence set up.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Ryuji said.
“Hang on,” Sumire said, observing it closed. “Some of these aren’t on. We can probably maneuver around them.”
“Good eye Violet,” Yusuke said.
“But wouldn’t he want better security?” Jose asked.
“Well, it’s complicated,” Ren said.
Jose looked inquisitive. “Complicated how?”
“Remember what I told you earlier?” Ryuji asked. “How Madarame is so proud that he won’t admit defeat even when threatened?” Jose nodded. “Well, this plays into that. Madarame is so panicked that he can’t keep a cool head and lets things slip through like this.”
“I see…” Jose thought on that. “So basically, he’s so distressed that cracks start to form him his means of protection.”
“You got it!” Ann said, congratulating him.
Jose nodded. “Now that that’s settled, let’s slip past this thing!” The thieves nodded and one by one, did as such.
On the other side, there were more portraits of people. Yusuke looked at them. “What is it Fox?” Ann asked.
“Something about these feels familiar…” Yusuke said. “Ugh. I can’t quite put my finger on it.”
“Well, let’s head in some more,” Ren said. “No use in standing still.”
“I agree,” Yusuke said. They made their way past some more of the lasers, as well as some of the shadows guarding the area.
As they continued and saw more portraits, they found one that shocked Ann. “Nakanohara?!”
Ryuji looked up. “Yeah! It IS him!”
“You know him?” Yusuke asked.
Ren nodded. “Someone asked us to change his heart.”
“When we did, he gave us the name ‘Madarame’” Morgana added.
“Hmmm” thought Yusuke. “Well, it is true that he was a student of Madarame…” He got a shocked look in his eye. “Ngh! Could it be?!”
“Be what?” Sumire asked.
“This… This is how Madarame views his pupils” Yusuke added.
“WHAT?!” Ryuji shrieked.
“So all those people…?” Ann asked.
Yusuke nodded. “They are all students of Madarame.”
“Wait!” Sumire said. “I’m thinking back… Didn’t Madarame’s shadow ask why Yusuke was ‘out here’?”
“You’re right. I think he did” Jose replied.
“Do you think he meant out of this place?” Sumire continued.
“It could very well be,” Yusuke said. “There’s only one way to be sure. Let’s go.” Yusuke continued on. The rest of the Phantom Thieves followed him.
After making their way past some more portraits, they found a particular portrait: Kosuke’s. However, unlike all of the other portraits, Kosuke’s had been altered. There were smudges of ink surrounding it, and Kosuke had taken the time to alter his portrait to look like his shadow-self. “Well, this seems to confirm that these ARE Madarame’s pupils” Ryuji said.
“But why only vandalize this one?” Jose asked.
“Well, if I had to guess,” Ren started, “it’s because to Madarame, these are all his students are. Pieces of art that he created to serve his own purposes. Kosuke probably respects them as people, so he didn’t vandalize them because that would be the same as admitting that they aren’t people. He felt comfortable doing this to his own because he had consent from the subject matter: himself.”
“Woah” Ryuji said.
Jose nodded. “Very astute, Joker.”
“Thanks,” Ren said, blushing.
Yusuke was listless. He turned around and found a portrait that captured his attention. He walked up towards it and stared at it. Ann noticed this and walked over. “Hey Fox? Are you OK?”
“Huh?” Yusuke said. “Oh. Sorry Panther.” He turned back toward the portrait. Ann took a look at it as well. It was of a beautiful, if frail, young woman. “It’s just… something about this portrait feels… familiar somehow. Although I don’t remember this specific pupil.”
Ann took a better look. “She IS beautiful…”
The rest of the thieves made their way over to Yusuke and Ann, and looked at the portrait as well. Ryuji looked to their right. “Wait, you’re telling me you noticed that one, and not that one?!” he asked, pointing to the mural on the far end.
The thieves all went to get a closer look. Sure enough, this was Yusuke’s portrait. “Huh” he said, in sheer disbelief.
“Are you OK?” Jose asked.
“Well…” Yusuke thought. “I’m not surprised I’m here… It’s still disheartening though.”
“Do…” Sumire stammered. “Do you wish to stop?”
Yusuke took a deep breath. “No. I think I’ll be fine. The sooner we steal the treasure, the sooner all of this goes away.”
“I see…” Sumire said.
“Ah, I’m sorry,” Yusuke said.
“No, you’re absolutely right,” Sumire said. “In fact, I admire that about you.”
“I beg your pardon?” Yusuke said, surprised.
“Well, it’s just…” Sumire began. “I keep finding that whenever I get really upset, I tend to run away from everything. Although I know that won’t solve anything. I want to be able to be confident in myself, and I want to be myself, but it’s hard sometimes.” She looked at Ren. “Still, with everyone by my side, I know I can do it. And seeing you want to push on after everything we’ve seen so far, I admire that. You’re facing your fears. I wish I had that kind of strength.”
“Ah, I see,” Yusuke said. “Well, to be honest, if I was doing this alone, I probably would have run away a lot sooner. But having everyone else with me helps me calm my nerves. I’m currently Madarame’s only pupil. And I probably would have stayed that way because I had nowhere else to go.” Yusuke cocked a grin. “But now? With the Phantom thieves? I finally feel like I have a home.”
Everyone smiled around him. Ren put her hand on his shoulder. “Thank you. For believing in us.”
“Hmhm. You’re quite welcome” Yusuke said. “Now let’s continue!” They turned their backs to Yusuke’s portrait and headed through the door across from it.
Once they had left, they noticed something. While the room full of portraits was mostly spotless, outside the portrait room was wall-to-wall ink splotches. “Holy shit” Ryuji remarked.
“Well, I guess that confirms your theory, Joker-senpai” Sumire said.
They continued to walk further and found the front desk. “Huh. I guess this is where we would end up if we were to take the front door” Ann said.
“It looks deserted,” Yusuke said.
“Well, I don’t know many museums that open just after a burglary has taken place” Ryuji snided.
“Ah, how delightful” Yusuke said. “You’ve learned the difference between ‘burglary’ and ‘robbery’.”
“Uh… yeah…” Ryuji said, weirded out.
“So, could we have come in through the front?” Jose asked.
Ren shook her head. “It wouldn’t be a safe idea. They’d probably be more alert. Who knows how many guards there are here? Taking them all on at the same time is a fool’s errand. Which is why we need to practice stealth and master the element of surprise.”
They heard a guard walk out. They checked, and the guard hadn’t noticed them. Ren adjusted her gloves. “Like so.”  She whipped around, and used her grappling hook to grapple onto the shadow guard to remove their mask. The rest of the thieves joined her in the fight soon after. The surprise grapple left the shadow dazed and confused, which made the fight go a lot easier. After the fight, Ren looked around the area. “I don’t think anyone else was with them.”
“How’d you do that?” Sumire asked.
Ren smiled. “I learned it from you.” Sumire was confused. “Well, more specifically, I thought about it when I went to ballet with you.”
“I see…” Sumire said, blushing.
“When you were performing just for me, I absolutely adored the way you wielded your ribbon. I figured I could try the same with my grappling hook” Ren continued.
“Oh”, Sumire said, blushing even harder. “Thank you.”
Morgana looked around. “Ah HA!” He lunged towards a stand. He grabbed something out of it. He looked it over. “Lucky for us, this wasn’t smudged with ink.”
Jose looked over. “What is it, Mona?”
Morgana turned and faced everyone else. “A map!”
They all looked at it. “Alright. I’m actually impressed” Ryuji said.
Yusuke looked it over. “It appears to only be for half of the museum though.”
“Yeah, it was like that for Kamoshida too,” Ann said.
“I wonder why that is?” Sumire pondered.
“Hmmmm” Jose thought. “Maybe it’s a symbol that they’re actually afraid.”
“Huh?” Ryuji asked.
“Well, you were teaching me that some people try to put on a brave face when confronted” Jose explained. “Maybe this is a sign that they aren’t as brave as they seem to be. If we don’t have the second half of the map, then maybe he’s hidden it because he’s not confident in himself to defend his palace if we had the whole map at this point.”
Ryuji was stunned. “Wow. I’m impressed. You learn fast, little guy!”
“Well, I’ve learned from the best, '' Jose said, returning the compliment, and successfully making Ryuji blush.
“What’s important is we have something,” Ren said. “And that’s better than nothing.” Ren glanced around. “I suggest we keep moving. Standing still is a death sentence.”
“What a marvelous suggestion, Joker” Yusuke said. The thieves continued onward. They walked past the desk. Soon after, they saw a giant gold sculpture. “What is this?!” Yusuke yelped.
The thieves approached it. Ann read the plaque beside it. “‘The Infinite Well: All students of the Master, Madarame, are the source of unlimited inspiration for him. Once a student has run out of inspiration, then they are no longer fit to serve the Master, Madarame. However, new students come along, and bring new inspiration to the Master, Madarame.’ WHAT?!”
“That PISSES me off!” Ryuji scowled.
“He is bleeding his students dry!” Sumire yelped.
“If this is at the front of his museum, I can only imagine that whatever’s inside is a lot more grotesque” Yusuke said, furious with the man who he called ‘father’.
“I couldn’t agree more!” shouted Kosuke from behind them. The thieves turned to see him. “Maybe we should do something about this particular installment.” He raised his right hand. A giant ball of ink started convalescing around it. He shot it, destroying “The Infinite Well”.
The thieves jumped out of the way. However, pieces of the statue were sent flying everywhere. To make matters worse, a fountain of ink started to burst where the statue’s base used to be. The thieves were panicked.
One of the pieces of the statue hit the wall above the door the thieves came from. Ryuji saw this and thought to hook onto it. “WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!” he shouted. Ann, Jose, and Yusuke followed suit.
Ren noticed another piece of the statue hit the wall above the door they were heading to. “Hm” she grunted. She latched onto that one. Sumire and Morgana followed her.
The thieves on the other side had just gotten up. Kosuke walked past them and made no attempt to attack them. Instead, he walked into the pool of ink he created. “Let this be a warning” he said, as he began sinking into the ink. “That was but a taste of my power. If you interrupt my vengeance against Madarame, you’ll get the full course meal.” He completely disappeared into the ink.
“Well, that was weird,” Ryuji said.
Ren noticed that while the fountain was still flowing, the pool of ink was no longer gaining any ground. The points where both teams were were safe. She looked out. “Skull! Panther! Sunshine! Fox!” They all looked up. “You can either walk around, or you can use your grappling hooks to get up here.”
“Well, you heard her,” Ryuji said. He grappled his way up.
“Is that really necessary?” Ann asked. “She did say we could walk.”
“There’s a saying that I think applies here,” Yusuke said. “When in Rome,” Yusuke started to grapple, “do as the Romans do.” He flew.
“You have to admit, it’s fun,” Jose pointed out. He used his grappling hook.
Ann smiled. “I guess you’re right.” She flew over as well.
Once they were over there, Ryuji asked “So, you think he’s going to try and interrupt us further?”
“Hmmm” Yusuke thought. “Well, I think we should be cautious just in case.”
Ren nodded. “And just a reminder, don’t touch the ink” she told them. “It will make you weaker, but unlike the shadows, it won’t take you out outright.
“Huh” Ryuji said. “And how did you figure this out?”
“We paid a visit to Dr. Maruki” Morgana answered.
“WHAT?!” Ryuji said.
“Well, he knows some things about this world,” Ren stated. “I figured it couldn’t hurt.”
“Oh. I see…” Ryuji said.
“What’s wrong?” Ann asked.
“AH, nothing,” Ryuji said. “Hmmm. Maybe I should pay him a visit.”
“You’re really thinking about it?!” Ann asked.
“Well, maybe…” Ryuji said. “I mean, if Joker’s fine enough with it… Besides, my teacher’s been nagging me to pretty much since the day he got here. So it all works out.”
Ann smiled. “I see…”
“Are we good then?” Ren asked. Everyone nodded. “Well then, let’s roll!” The thieves continued their infiltration. They continued noticing that areas with portraits of Madarame’s pupils had very little ink, if any, while places that didn’t were stained left and right.
Eventually, they got to a large hallway. In the middle of it was a giant gold vase. They approached it. “Hm” Yusuke said. “This seems odd. It feels like it belongs in the more Madarame-centric portion of the museum, but here it is in the middle of more portraits.”
“Yeah, I think something’s off about this treasure too” Morgana said. “Wait… could it be?...” Morgana hopped to grab it.
Ryuji was stunned. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU STUPID CAT?!”
As Morgana touched it, an alarm went off. “GAH!” Morgana groaned. Suddenly, he was surrounded by lasers. Soon after, lasers started to form around the rest of the hallway. Some barriers came down, but not before Ren could escape to one side, and Sumire could escape to the other.
Ryuji, who was trapped with Ann, chastised Morgana. “Look what you did!”
“Hey now” Yusuke said, who was trapped with Jose, “there’s no need to get upset right now. Let’s wait until we can get out of here. Then we’ll give Mona a good talking to.”
“OK, but how?” Ryuji asked.
“Leave it to us!” Sumire said. “I’m sure there’s a switch to undo all of this around here. Since Joker and I are free, we can look for it.”
“Good thinking Violet,” Ren said. The two began searching for the release buttons. Ren found her button first, with Sumire finding hers soon after. All that was left was freeing Morgana.
“Hmmm” Ann said. “I don’t think there’s any more buttons around here.”
“Maybe we should just leave him here” Ryuji joked.
“WHAT?!” Morgana yelped.
“Quiet down,” Yusuke said. “We don’t wish to alert the guards like this.”
“Relax, I was only kidding,” Ryuji said. “Gosh, you’re so easy to freak out.”
Ren looked over. “Maybe it’s in there.” She pointed to a control room.
“Good thinking Joker,” Sumire said. “Let’s investigate.”
Everyone, sans Morgana, headed towards the control room. “WAIT!” Morgana called out. Everyone turned to him. “...Um… I… I don’t like being alone…”
Everyone was stunned for a second. Then Jose nodded. “I’ll stay” he said. He walked back over to Morgana. “It’s OK to be lonely sometimes Mona.”
“I… Uh…” Morgana stammered.
Ren giggled. “It’s fine. We’re all friends here.”
Morgana nodded. “Now, could you hurry up and get rid of these lasers.” Ren giggled and nodded again. The rest of the team headed off.
They snuck into the control room. They found the computer that manages the lasers, but they needed a password, which they didn’t have. “Great, now what are we supposed to do?” Ryuji asked.
“Alright, my shift is over” they overheard a shadow say.
Ren smirked. “Maybe some good old fashioned eavesdropping might help.” The thieves snuck over to hear a conversation between two guards.
“So, do you have everything in order?” the retiring guard asked.
“I think so” the incoming guard answered. “But could you remind me of the password again?”
“The password?”
“Well, it’s just, there’s been a slew of infiltrators, recently” the new guard continued. “I just want to be sure of everything.”
“Ah, I see” the old guard said. “Well, it’s actually simple. ‘Hello’ upside down.”
“‘Hello’ upside down?”
“Yes” the outgoing guard said.
“But I thought we used numbers,” the new guard said.
“We do” the other guard answered. “01134. But to make it easier, we just say ‘Hello’ upside down.”
“Oh, I see” said the incoming guard.
“As do we,” Sumire said. She readied her grappling hook and latched onto the outgoing guard and confronted them in battle.
“What the?” said the new guard. Ren then did the same to them. The other thieves joined in. As soon as they were dealt with, they hurried back to the control room and input the code.
They looked over and saw Morgana was freed. “Yes!” The thieves rushed over to him. “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” Ren said.
“Great, so now that this has been settled, why’d you do that you stupid cat?!” Ryuji asked.
“Because…” Morgana answered. A shadow popped out of the vase. “That.”
The other thieves were surprised. “WHAT IS THAT?!”
“A treasure demon” Morgana explained. “They’re incredibly valuable. So if you find one, it’s good to fight.”
“Well then, what are we waiting for?” Ren said. “Let’s rock!” The thieves fought the treasure demon. Once it was knocked down, Ren took it for herself.
“Wow. So you can do that with treasure demons as well?” Morgana said, amazed.
Ren took a second to adjust herself. “Yeah, but I don’t think I can use it in combat.”
“Then what’s it good for?” Morgana asked.
Ren reminded herself of the guillotine stationed in the Velvet Room. “I have a few ideas.”
“Well, now that that’s settled, onward and outward,” Yusuke said. He began walking. The other followed.
Ren looked at Sumire. “By the way.” Sumire looked up at her. “What possessed you to fight those guards?”
“Well…” Sumire began, “I figured if they found out that we used the code, they’d know we’re close by, or at least we've past this point. So I just wanted to make sure that our trail remained hidden.”
Ren smirked. “That reporter’s right. You can be bold when you want to be.”
Sumire giggled. “Thanks senpai.” They continued through the museum.
A little while later, Morgana stopped in his tracks. “Wait,” he said.
“I thought staying still was dangerous,” Yusuke said.
“It is, but…” Morgana said. “It has to be.”
“What does?” Jose asked.
“One of Madarame’s Will Seeds!” Morgana explained.
“...Will ...Seed?” Yusuke inquired.
Ann nodded. “Basically, they’re little bonus treasures that a palace has.”
“And if we collect all three, we get a cool trinket,” Ryuji explained. “Plus, collecting them gives us some more energy.”
“And we get to learn more about why the palace ruler is the way they are,” Ren said. Ren sensed Yusuke’s hesitation. “We don’t have to get them, you know.”
Yusuke steeled himself. “No. I’ve decided to stand against Madarame. I must accept everything that comes with it.”
“Very well. Then let the hunt begin” Ren said. They searched all over the area. They found an area they could grapple to, and from there it was a hop, skip, and a jump to the Will Seed. The thieves entered, Ren picked it up, and again, they heard voices.
“Wow! This is excellent!”
“Ah, thank you” said Madarame.
“Wait, Madarame?” Ann asked.
The other voice continued. “It’s so masterfully done.”
“You’re too kind,” Madarame said.
“If this is what you have now, I can’t wait until your next big piece” the apparent patron said.
“Ah ha, yes, well… I’m looking forward to debuting it…” Madarame said, nervously.
“It’s been a pleasure,” the other voice said. They walked off.
There was a silence. Then they heard Madarame scream. “GAH! Why now? Why have I been cursed with artist’s block NOW?! People are expecting things from me.” A slew of other voices surrounded the room. All of them saying stuff along the lines of “I can’t wait until your next piece.”
“What have I done?” Madarame said, cursing the world. “I’ve done nothing but give beautiful art to the masses.” Another silence. “The masses. What would they know anyhow? All they care about is what’s trending. They don’t know the intricacies of art.” More silence. “I’ll just keep that at the back of my head for now…”
“Huh” Jose said.
“That was a lot different from what we heard with Kamoshida’s Will Seeds,” Ann said.
“How so?” Yusuke inquired.
“Well, Kamoshida’s didn’t feature himself so prevalently” Ryuji said. “It was all about what others thought of him.”
“Basically it sounded like he thought that by becoming a star athlete, he could get anything he wanted” Morgana said. “And when that wasn’t the case, and people put even more expectation on him, he decided to just take what he wanted.”
“Hm” Yusuke huffed. “While it’s true a certain level of prestige can get you things, it can only take you so far.”
“I’m glad we’re in agreement,” Ren said.
“Still, what Madarame is saying here…” Yusuke said. “It sounds like he’s starting to get disillusioned with art.”
“Yeah,” Sumire said. “I sort of felt the same way when Kasumi died. Although it was hard for me to find the point in anything. But I don’t think he should be blaming the public for it.”
“True,” Yusuke said. “Although I doubt he’d become like this if he was one to admit his own faults.”
“Well, whatever the case may be, that’s one down, and two to go” Ryuji exclaimed.
Yusuke grinned. “You’re right. We won’t get the answer just standing around. Come! Let’s sally forth!”
The thieves began walking out. “‘Sally forth’...?” Ryuji pondered. He just shrugged it off. The thieves pressed onward. Soon, they saw a grand hallway. Upon looking in, they say that it was more ink than solid surface, and there were a slew of broken machines. “Woah! What happened here?” Ryuji asked.
“Beats me,” Ann said.
Yusuke looked around. “I know it’s a bit hard to tell, what with all the ink everywhere, but this space looks kind of like the door to Madarame’s secret room.”
“Secret room?” Ren asked.
Yusuke nodded. “The one Kosuke broke into to steal the Sayuri.”
“Ah, that would explain it,” Morgana said. “If it was broken into like that, that would change the cognition of this space as well. I’m sure what was here originally has been altered by that event,”
“I see. How amusing” Yusuke said. The thieves walked in, careful to avoid the ink.
However, in the middle of the room, they were stopped by an elite guard. “Halt! Are you the ones who wish to kill Lord Madarame?”
“No,” Yusuke answered.
“Huh” the guard said. “Still, you are here without the proper authorization. Therefore, YOU MUST BE STOPPED!” The shadow became a powerful enemy.
“Alright, let’s stand our ground!” Ren instructed. The thieves engaged in combat with the powerful shadow. It was a hard-fought battle, but in the end, the thieves won.
“Man, that guy was annoyingly strong” Ryuji lamented.
“Yeah,” Sumire said. “Luckily, we’re all here together.”
“Indeed” Yusuke said. “Shall we carry on?” The thieves went onwards. However, after only a few feet, Yusuke stopped and looked at something. Huh.” He walked over to a stand and picked it up.
The others noticed this. Jose ran up to him. “What is it?”
Yusuke smirked. “I believe this is the other half of the map.”
Ren got a better look at it. “Why indeed it is. Nice catch.”
They all looked it over. “Huh. So we still have a little ways to go” Ryuji noted.
“Are we all feeling good?” Ren asked.
“Well, I’m a little tired, but I can go on,” Ann said.
“Me too!” Sumire said immediately afterwards.
“I can continue as well,” Yusuke added.
“I’m good,” Ryuji said.
“So am I” Morgana said.
“I’m feeling fine too,” Jose said.
“Very well then, let’s continue” Ren said. The thieves pressed on once more. They continued to sneak through the museum.
Soon after, they came across a fallen statue of Madarame. They could tell it was him because the first thing they saw was his head. They looked across the way to see crumbled bits of the statue strewn about. “Woah!” Ryuji shrieked.
“No doubt Kosuke did this,” Sumire lamented.
“While I detest his methods, I probably would do the same” Yusuke said. “I mean, one could hardly call it a statue. As an artist, I would be offended at such a sight. It does not evoke beauty. It does not evoke passion.”
“Um, correct me if I’m wrong,” Jose interrupted. “But isn’t there art that’s meant to evoke less good feelings as well?”
Yusuke closed his eyes. “While that’s true, that kind of art is still passionate, and evokes the beauty of madness. This is just a cry for attention.”
“I see…” Jose said. “I still have much to learn.” The thieves continued.
They made their way to another control booth. However, a strong-looking shadow was guarding it. They hid before the shadow could see it. “What do we do?” Ann asked.
“Well, I don’t think they’re leaving anytime soon,” Ren said. “And this is the only way we can go at the moment.”
“Looks like we have no choice but to fight it,” Morgana said.
“Are you all ready?” Ren asked. They all nodded. “Then let’s go.”
They stormed the guard. “What?! How?!”
“Does it matter?” Ren asked.
“I guess not,” the guard said. “However you managed to get to this point, your journey ends here!” They morphed into a powerful shadow. It was a bit of a struggle, but nothing the thieves couldn’t handle.
“Well, I’m glad that’s settled,” Ryuji said.
“Indeed” Yusuke said. He saw something on the ground where the shadow used to stand. “Hm?” He picked it up.
“What is it?” Ren asked.
“I’m not sure,” Yusuke said. “But it looks like it could be useful. Very artful too.”
“Hmmm” Morgana said, observing it. “This gives off the same energy as the spells our Personas use. Maybe it has something to do with that.”
Ren took a hold of it. “I think you’re right,” she said.
“Now that we know what it is, can we continue?” Ryuji asked.
Ren smiled. “Of course.” They continued into the control room itself. They found the computer. “What are the chances that the password’s the same?”
“Hmmmm. Probably high” Ann said. “I don’t know how much time they would have had to change it.”
“Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?” Ryuji asked.
“An even more powerful shadow comes and decimates us” Sumire answered.
“We get locked in and never get found,” Yusuke continued.
“The computer might blow up on us,” Morgana added.
“Woah, calm down,” Ryuji said. “I wasn’t asking literally.”
“Well, your pessimism wasn’t well founded, because it is the same” Ren said. “I just typed it in now, and unlocked a few things.”
“Cool!” Jose said.
“We should act fast,” Ren said. “Let’s not give them time to change the password.” The thieves nodded and continued on their way.
They soon came across a painting that wasn’t covered in ink, but was not of a student either. “Strange” Yusuke noted. He put his hand up to it, only to find that his arm went through. “Woah!” He took it out.
“Did you just go through the painting?” Ryuji asked.
“I believe I did,” Yusuke said.
Ren looked it over. “Hmm. Maybe we’re meant to go through here.”
“What do you mean?” Sumire asked.
“Well, according to the map, we need to head up there, but this looks like the only way” Ren clarified.
“The fact that there’s no ink here is also telling” Yusuke pointed out. “I’m sure if this was just an average painting, it would have been smothered by Kosuke’s ink.”
“Which means at least Kosuke needs it too” Ann surmised.
“So, I guess we’re going in,” Ryuji said. He walked through. The other thieves followed him in. “Boy, that was surreal.”
“Is someone trampling my bamboo garden?!” Madarame’s voice shouted.
“Is that Madarame?” Ann asked, worried.
“I think it’s just his mind,” Morgana said. “There’s no way Madarame would be here when both he and his treasure are in danger.”
“I guess you have a point,” Ann said.
“Bah! No matter” Madarame’s voice continued. “A bamboo garden is thick. Even if someone were in it, they wouldn’t be able to see through it to reach the truth. Such is the case with art and intention. No one bothers to see the deeper meaning of art. Just as no one can see through my intentions. Everyone sees what they want to see; whether it be a masterful work of art, or a kind old man who dominates the art world.”
“Ngh!” Yusuke said, reeling at those words. “Madarame has really lost himself. Just as I almost did…”
Everyone stood still for a second. Ryuji put his hand on Yusuke’ shoulder. “It’ll be OK buddy.”
Yusuke smiled. “Thank you. That means a lot to me.” They ran to the end of the painting and appeared in the one above. “Huh, so it goes to another painting.”
“This is quite remarkable,” Sumire said.
“Fascinating indeed” Jose added.
“This whole thing does remind me of a dream I had a few years ago” Yusuke said. “Although, instead of phasing through paintings, I was phasing through the TV.”
“Huh” Ryuji said.
“Interesting,” Sumire noted.
“Quite,” Yusuke said.
Ren jumped out of the painting. “Come on down, the museum is fine” she instructed. The thieves followed her out. They continued onwards and found more paintings.
“More paintings?!” Ryuji said, shocked.
Yusuke looked up. “Furthermore, some of them are empty frames.”
“Well, I think we should pursue this at least” Ann said “I mean, it worked out last time.”
“There’s no harm in trying,” Jose pointed out. They made their way to the first accessible painting.
Just like before, Madarame’s voice began blaring out. “The desert. A vast emptiness where most people cannot survive. Such is the world of art. If those who wish to traverse such dangerous terrains want to survive, they need to do as they’re told.”
“Pft!” Ryuji huffed. “It would probably be easier to traverse without dirtbags like you sabotaging people.”
“While it’s true there are risks to entering the art world” Yusuke said, “the same could be said about every career.”
“Madarame probably just feels special for being as successful as he is” Jose rationalized.
They continued on. The next painting was of a Shrine gate in the clouds. Madarame's voice took over. “The gods. People continually praise them and ask for guidance. They offer money and glory for goodness and well-being. Art is the same. People praise artists for bringing beauty to the world. Surely, continuous money and praise is the least I could ask for.”
“He’s comparing himself to a god?!” Ann shrieked. “How pathetic!”
“Indeed” Yusuke agreed. “If he is a deity, he’d be a lunatic of a god.”
“Or perhaps the constant praise went to his head” Sumire interjected. “To those who follow art closely, he might be a god.”
“Well then they’re also not all there” Ryuji rebutted. “If Madarame’s a god, he’s the god of a lunatic.”
“I see…” Sumire said.
“Do we just go on?” Jose said.
Ren looked around. “Hmmm. Ryuji, you go on ahead. I want to test something.”
“OK” Ryuji said. He walked off. A few moments later, he appeared behind the rest of them. “What the?”
“Ryuji? What happened?” Ann asked.
“I somehow ended up back in the desert painting.”
“Just as I thought,” Ren said.
“Wait, you KNEW?!” Ryuji said.
“Well, I had a hunch,” Ren said. Ren turned towards the gate. “Let’s try this.” They walked through the gate.
They ended up in a jungle area. Madarame’s thoughts persisted. “A sapling cannot grow if left to its own devices. It needs help; whether it be from the trees surrounding it, or a caretaker. And yet, a sapling’s ability to grow is fascinating in and of itself. Surely, harnessing such power to those who know how to wield it would make greater things.”
“What the?!” Morgana shrieked. “He’s just saying he’s jealous of young artists here. That’s hardly a justification for anything, let alone what Madarame is doing! I might have the body of a cat, but at least I’m trying.”
“Do we go up?” Yusuke asked.
“I don’t see why,” Ren said. There’s a button right here.” She jumped out of the painting. Everyone else followed her. She pushed it, and one of the empty frames filled up.
“So that’s how it works,” Yusuke said, stunned.
“Hmm, it looks like there’s another button up next to it,” Sumire observed.
“That probably unlocks the last painting” Ann said. “Nice catch Violet.”
“Thanks Panther-senpai,” Sumire said.
“Well then, let’s do the painting warp again” Ren said. They found their way back to the desert painting and trial and errored their way to the new painting.
Again, Madarame’s voice took over. “The job of a ship is to stay afloat on the water. If the ship feels like something will sink it, they go out of their way to make sure it doesn’t. Whether that be the creatures down below, or another ship. A ship’s only job is to stay afloat on the water.”
Sumire looked forlorn. “What’s wrong Violet?” Yusuke asked.
“Sorry” she said, tears forming in her eyes. “It’s just…I always felt like I was in the process of sinking Kasumi’s ship. Yet when I was close to sinking myself, Kasumi saved me… I can’t forgive someone so selfish!”
Yusuke looked at Sumire. “Well put. We shall use Kasumi’s kindness as a guide and show Madarame that ships can sail together and form a powerful armada strong enough to withstand any sea creature or tidal wave.”
Sumire laughed. “Thank you Fox-senpai.”
They jumped out and hit the button, revealing the last painting. “Alright, are we ready to go through this one last time?” Ren asked. They all nodded. “Good. Let’s go.”
Again, they made their way back to the desert painting and began the process once more. They eventually landed in the last painting, an ancient prestigious residence, and Madarame’s voice rang out once more. “No matter how many people love a piece of art, its state is always in flux. People will still deny its goodness. No one can agree. However, the things art can get you, no one can deny that. Because of art, I have enormous wealth. I have prestige. I’ve had countless mistresses willing to do anything for me, including putting their name on my actual home. I have a spot with the wealthy and elite. Everyone can agree that that’s good.”
“So he just wants security that what he does is right?” Ren said. “What a pathetic piece of shit.”
“Agreed” Yusuke said. “If a piece of art makes one person smile, that’s more than enough for a true artist.” They hopped out. “Finally, we’re out of that nightmare.” Yusuke looked at the paintings they were just in. “All those paintings, and not one mention of a love of art. Even with images in them, those frames are truly empty.”
“It’ll be OK Fox” Ren said, comforting him. “We’re on track to getting Madarame to confess everything.”
Yusuke calmed down. “Truly that will be a masterful work of art.” They continued onwards.
Morgana perked up again. “Another Will Seed!”
“Well then, let’s have a look around,” Ren said. They searched, and soon enough, they found the second Will Seed. Ren picked it up, and they began hearing more voices.
“I just can’t seem to get out of this rut!” they heard Madarame cry out.
“I’m sure you will eventually,” said a gentle female voice. “Remember, patience is a virtue.”
“I know, I know” Madarame continued. “It’s just hard. By the way, what are you working on?”
“Oh, just a little self-portrait” the woman said. “Nothing too spectacular.”
“May I see?” Madarame asked. There was a silence. Then a thud.
“What?!” Yusuke said.
“Are you alright?!” Madarame’s voice asked. No answer. “I better call an ambulance.”
A noise rang out to indicate that time had passed. “I’m sorry” said a different voice. “We tried everything we could, but there was nothing we could do.”
“I see,” Madarame said.
“She’s had experiences like this before, correct?” the other voice continued. There was a silence. “I see. I guess this one just got to her.”
There was another silence. “Thank you,” Madarame said.
“We’ll escort the body out of here” the other voice said. “I’m assuming you’ll make the funeral arrangements.”
“Of course” Madarame said. “Here’s my card.”
“Thank you. And I’m sorry” the other voice said. Footsteps were heard leaving.
“What were you working on?” Madarame wondered. He went over. “WHAT?! You make something so beautiful! So perfect! And you think I could have come out of my rut with something better?! Well, I guess she’s dead… There’s no point in taking it out on her… No one KNOWS it’s hers, right?... Perhaps I could just borrow it…”
“Wh-What was that?” Ann said, chills down her spine.
“Is he talking about the Sayuri?” Yusuke asked.
“So it IS stolen!” Ryuji shouted.
“Furthermore, the person who created it died,” Ren said. “Which is even more gross.”
Sumire was furious. “I almost want to let Kosuke get him now.”
“But you’re not going to let him, right?” Jose asked.
Sumire was shocked. “Oh, sorry. Yes Sunshine. I’m not going to let him. It’s just… the subject of death hits really close to me. I just got riled up a bit. I wouldn’t let Kouke do what he wants because it also involves death, and I’m firmly against that.”
“I see,” Jose said. “I’m sorry for asking. I’m also learning about humans and stuff.”
Sumire was stunned. She smiled and patted Jose on the head. “It’s OK. I forgive you.”
“We’re almost to the treasure” Morgana reminded them. The third Will Seed will probably be close to the treasure as well. Let’s roll out!” Morgana left, and the thieves followed out behind him. They continued going through the palace until they walked through a door. The sight they saw was confusing to say the least. “What the?!” Morgana yelped. “This… This wasn’t on the map!”
“This looks like an Escher painting if it were drowned out by Madarame’s gold fascination” Yusuke noted.
“OK, but ummm, how do we get through?” Ryuji asked.
“We could find another way around,” Ann pointed out.
“But the map made it look like this was the only way” Sumire interjected.
“I guess we just have to force our way through whatever this is,” Ren said.
“The only way to go is forward,” Yusuke said. The thieves began their trek through this madness. They soon found a row of copies of the Sayuri. “What?”
“What’s the meaning of this?” Ryuji wondered.
“Hmmmm” Jose thought. “Could it be?”
“Huh?” Ryuji said, turning to him. “Could it be what?”
“Well, I had heard some rumors at Kosei that there are a fair amount of forgeries of the Sayuri going around” Jose explained.
“Wait, are you suggesting that Madarame is making the copies?” Ann asked.
“Well, it would give a reason to fake the stealing of the Sayuri” Ren pondered. “If he pretends to have found the real one and sells it, he can make a lot of money off selling it. He could do that a lot even.”
“So he’s hustling the Sayuri?” Ryuji said.
“How truly vulgar!” Yusuke fumed.
“Still, why is this here though?” Sumire asked. “Between this place not being on the map and the various copies, what does it all mean?”
They thought for a moment. “Well, maybe all of these copies suggest that he’s unsure of what it’s supposed to look like,” Ren said. “And this whole area suggests that he’s lost his mind.”
“Of course he did,” Morgana said. “He wouldn’t have a palace otherwise.”
“No, I mean more in the sense that he himself is confused,” Ren explained. “There’s no map to this place because he can’t even navigate it.”
“So, you’re saying his mind is failing him?” Ann inquired. Ren nodded. “I see.”
“I guess if you’ve been so powermad for as long as Madarame has, it makes sense that his mind would start blurring fact and fiction” Ryuji said.
“How eloquent of you Skull” Yusuke said.
“So, I’m guessing we need to figure out which is the real one?” Sumire
“If that’s all, then it should be fairly easy,” Yusuke said.
“How can you be sure?” Ren asked.
“I’ve studied the Sayuri endlessly,” Yusuke said. “It is one of my favorite pieces of art. Or at least it was… With all this going on, I can’t be sure anymore.”
“If it helps, it doesn’t sound like Madarame made it anyhow” Sumire said.
“True, but he’s been corrupting it ever since its inception” Yusuke said. “Still, the masterful work, and the enticing subject matter itself might rise above whatever darkness is in Madarame’s heart.”
“That’s the spirit,” Ren said.
Yusuke looked at them. “It’s this one.” Once he selected the right one, a light showed up and guided them to a door.
“Alright!” Ryuji chered.
“If I may,” said a voice. The thieves turned to face Eris.
“What are you doing here?” Ann seethed.
“Who is she?” Yusuk asked.
“Eris” Ren answered, glaring at her.
“Forgive me, but chaos is my domain” Eris said. “And since this area is full of it, I feel at home.”
“What do you want?” Ryuji sniped.
“My, how rude” Eris said. “I’m only here to help.”
“Help how?” Sumire asked.
“Simple,” Eris said. “Once you open every door, I will consolidate everything and put it on your map, making it easier for you to traverse when you come back.”
“How can we trust you on this?” Morgana asked.
“Well, you don’t HAVE to,” Eris said. “But we both agree that something is happening to Madarame. Whether or not you wish that to be death or a confession.”
“Don’t you want Madarame to die?” Jose asked. “You gave Kosuke his abilities.”
“True, but I’m more interested in chaos” Eris reminded them. “Whether or not Madarame dies because of this is of no concern for me. Come what may, the impact this will have will surly cause a ruckus.”
Ren glared at her some more. She sighed. “She has a point. I guess there’s no harm in agreeing to this.”
“For real?!” Ryuji said.
“Glad you could see things my way” Eris said.
Ren stared down Eris again. “This doesn’t mean I’m agreeing with your methods. You’re just offering help and I’m taking it.”
“Ooooooo. Stunning” Eris said. “No matter. I’ll break you soon enough.”
Ren stood her ground. She turned around. “Team. Let’s move out.” She started walking to the door. After a few more challenges of finding the real Sayuri, they made it through this maze.
“My, you guys are good” Eris said. “As promised,” she snapped her fingers and the pathway became a straight line from the door they entered to the door they were at. “Eris OUT!” She vanished.
“What’s with her?” Ryuji asked.
“She appears to be playful, but I sense a strong danger behind that” Yusuke surmised.
“Yeah, that’s pretty much her in a nutshell” Ann said.
“She’s always going on about how right she is too” Ren snarked. “Truth is, I find her to be not all that different from the people we’re changing the hearts of.” “Does she have anything that makes her different?” Sumire asked.
Ren hesitated. She sighed. “I think she might be hitting on me as well.”
“Oh!” Sumire said, blushing. “Do… Do you not like that senpai?”
Ren blushed. “Well, it’s gotta come from the right person,” she explained. “And her constant threats, her blatant disdain for what I think, and her wanting wanton destruction, tells me that we would not be compatible.”
“I see,” Sumire said.
“Anyway, let’s press on,” Ren said, still embarrassed. They left through the door and appeared outside the treasure room.
“Is that Maarame?” Yusuke asked.
“And look!” Morgana pointed out. “Behind him is the treasure!”
“Hmmm. Let’s get a closer look” Rne said. They investigated.
“That’s the treasure alright!” Morgana said.
“So, we good?” Ryuji asked.
“Hmm, I don’t think so,” Jose said. “While we know where it is, it doesn’t look like we can grab it.”
“Sunshine’s right,” Morgana said. “There’s a bunch of guards there, as well as the lasers. Not to mention there’s a lot of ink. Kosuke could strike if we aren't ready. We need to figure out a better way to get to it.”
“We’ve come this far,” Ren said. “There’s no reason we can’t do that as well.” The thieves nodded. They looked around and found another control room. “Bingo!”
“We still have the password as well,” Ryuji said. “So we’re good to go.”
Ren looked over the three options. First she opened the shutters, which she noticed on the map the computer had opened up the remainder of the floor to them. Then she shut down the lasers. However, the thieves saw that the lasers didn’t go down. “Huh” she said. She looked at the computer. “‘Error. Only Lord Madarame can use this function.’”
“Well that’s a bit of a problem,” Yusuke said.
“Let’s keep trying things,” Jose said.
Ren pressed the shut down power option. The lights in the treasure room shut off. “What’s going on?” Madarame asked.
“It seems the power shut off” a shadow guard answered. “It should be on again soon.” The lights came back on. “See?”
“Hmmmm.” Madarame pondered. “Go investigate the control room.”
“Yes sir” the guard said. They left.
“Well they’re on their way here” Ryuji said.
“On the plus side, that’s all the options,” Ren said.
“How is that the plus side?” Ryuji asked.
“Because we can prepare for a sneak attack!” Ren answered.
“Oh.” Ryuji said, deflated. He reinflated and said “YEAH!”
“Plus we know what we can do here” Morgana said.
Ren nodded. “Now let’s lay in wait.” The thieves hid.
The guard showed up. “I guess it was nothing.”
“NOW!” Ren said.
“Huh?” the guard said. They got ambushed. Soon, they were soundly defeated by the Phantom Thives.
“We good?” Ren asked. The thieves affirmed her. “OK. We’re almost home free. Let’s see what we can do.” The thieves left the control room and went to the other hall. Soon, they came across the third and final Will Seed. Of course, there was a guard there as well.
“I feel like we can take them on!” Yusuke said.
“You heard the man,” Ren said. They approached the shadow and engaged in combat. While the battle was rough, the Phantom Thieves came out victorious in the end.
They entered the room. Ren picked up the final Will Seed. People could be heard applauding. “Excellent Madarame!”
“You really outdid yourself this time!”
“Thank you, thank you” Madarame said.
“Tell me. What is the title of this piece?”
There was some silence before Madaram answered “‘Sayuri’.”
“My, how marvelous. What a fittingly mysterious and elegant name.”
“This will surely be your magnum opus.”
“Ah ha, you’re too kind,” Madarame said. The thieves could sense the nervousness in his voice.
“Wait” Ryuji said. “Something just occurred to me. If the woman from before said it was a self-portrait, then was her name ‘Sayuri’?”
“Not bad,” Morgana said.
“I doubt it,” Yusuke said. “That would probably give it away.”
“Still, to do something this heinous,” Ann said, “it’s unforgivable!”
The Will Seeds fused into The Crystal of Vanity. The Crystal of Vanity projected an image. Madarame was by himself in the museum where he presented Sayuri for the first time. “No one can know. No one can ever know.” He stared at the painting. “People are calling you my greatest work ever. Yet your true artist didn’t think of you as anything but decent.” He stared at the painting some more.
A thought occurred to Madarame. “Of course. Art is subjective. People only see the things they want to see. Yet now, I have the ability to tip those scales. This is my out! This is how I became a household name! Playing things by the book wouldn’t have given me results like this. So why bother?
Heh. People will send me students. Those students will send me art. The art will send me prestige. What a beautiful cycle. So perfect. And the best part is, no one will believe them. For truth is also subjective. And people only see what they want to.” He looked at the painting once more. “Thank you. I would never have come up with such an idea on my own.” The image ends.
Everyone’s heartbeat was racing. “So this is when Madarame spiraled out of control, huh?” Yusuke said.
“What does he mean by ‘the truth is subjective’?” Jose asked. “Surely there can only be one truth.”
Sumire turned to him. “When he says ‘truth’ he means ‘what people will believe’ and not necessarily the actual truth.”
“Although when your beliefs are hard set in lies, they become the truth” Yusuke said. “Or at least feel like it…”
There was an uneasy silence among the group. Ren put her hand on his shoulder. “It’ll be alright. Most of us here have been lost in the fog of false beliefs before. What’s important now is that we deal with them and keep moving forward.”
Yusuke perked up. “You’re right,” he exclaimed. “I do not wish to get lost like Madarame or Kosuke. It is time for swift action!”
“That’s the spirit!” Ren cheered.
“Way to go Fox!” Ann exclaimed. They left the room.
They found their way to an area about the hall. They spotted a mechanism of some sort. “What’s this?” Yusuke asked.
“Hmm” Morgana observed. “It seems to be connected to something in the rafters.”
“Lucky for us, rafters and thieves go together like peanut butter and jelly” Ren said. “Let’s investigate.”
They did. “A crane?” Sumire said.
“Ah! Look!” Yusuke said. “That’s the treasure!”
“And there appear to be no lasers above it” Jose pointed out.
“Heh heh heh” Morgana chuckled. “This gives me an idea.” “Whatever it is, can we meet back inside?” Ryuji asked. “We don’t want to yell and alert Madarame.”
“Very well,” Morgana said. They moved back in. “So, the plan is as follows: We can use the crane to get the treasure!”
“Uh, they’ll notice if one of us drops down ya dumb cat” Ryuji chastized.
“Not if the lights are out!” Morgana retorted. “Which we can do!”
“The control room!” Ann said. “Wait, but they’re only out for a few seconds.”
Morgana nodded. “Which means we have to be precise. But I think we have enough people to make it work.”
“But what about Kosuke?” Sumire asked. “There’s a lot of ink splattered around. It’ll all be for not if he bursts out and strikes Madarame where he stands.”
“Huh. That’s a good point” Morgana said.
They all thought. “I’ve got it!” Jose said. “What if there’s a distraction?”
“What do you mean?” Ren asked.
“Well, if someone were to confront Madarame head on, surly the guards would escort him away” Jose explained. “We’re only after the treasure, so that’ll serve us twofold.”
“I guess that could work,” Ren said.
“Great! I’ll volunteer!” Jose said.
“What?!” Ren said.
“Uh, no offence, but I’m not sure you’re strong enough on your own” Ryuji said.
Jose shook his head. “I don’t have to be. I just need to be hard to catch.”
“But how will you regroup with us?” Yusuke asked.
“I could use my grappling hook to latch onto the crane as it’s going up in the darkness” Jose answered.
Ren looked him over. “Very well.”
“Alright, then everyone else’s parts are as follows:” Morgana instructed. “Skull, your job is to lure the security guard out of the control room if there is one. That way Panther can get in and shut the lights down. Joker, you operate the crane, which I will be on. Violet will watch the doorway for any intruders. Fox, you’re in the rafters when everything is ready, you give the signal to Joker and Panther to begin their parts. Once the lights come back on, we’ll meet up here and head out!” Everyone nodded.
“Good plan Mona” Ren said. “Well then, I think that’s everything. Let’s head home for the day.” The thieves snuck their way through the palace and headed outside.
Before they left, Ren felt an energy. She turned to find Lavenza. “Come with me for a moment.” She said Ren followed her. They ended up in the Velvet Room. Lavenza continued. “I am very impressed with the progress you’ve made.”
“Thank you,” Ren said. There was some silence. “Is that all?”
Lavenza shook her head. “Um… This is rather embarrassing. I am not familiar with life outside of the Velvet Room. However, I can come and go as I please, so long as you are on your journey. I wish to explore, but… I wouldn’t know how to.” Lavenza blushed.
Ren smiled. “You’re asking me for help?”
“If it wouldn’t be too much trouble…” Lavenza said.
“No trouble at all” Ren said.
“Very well,” Lavenza said. “Meet me outside the Velvet Room at night when you wish to escort me.” Ren nodded. She left the Velvet Room, and her and her team left the palace for the evening.
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Shine On, Bright: Chapter Thirty-Four
Table of Contents
For no real reason at all, Gil understood Malcolm somehow changed the Overlook Hotel. He sensed it the first time they met. Something about the walls surged with an energy he could feel no matter how far he moved from the hotel. It was all he could feel as he rushed toward it. The walls were full of such energy, they practically sang out to him, which helped seeing how little he could see as he sped forward in a snowstorm.
Snowflakes struck his vehicle so fast, it looked as if he distorted space and time like in Star Trek or Star Wars. In both, the good guys always won in the end. He was good. Malcolm was good. His father and mother and sister were probably all good, as well. But there was something evil crouched right over all of their lives and for whatever reason, Malcolm made it all so much worse.
He’d been sitting at a bar in town earlier in the night. Minding his own business as he caught up with the bartender there. The two lamenting about how they had nowhere to go on their holiday ‘breaks.’ But Malcolm yelled so loud for him over the Shining, it knocked him clear off his seat and he even blacked out a little. Everybody was so worried and wanted to stop him from running.
But run he did.
Gil’s car did its best to make its way upwards towards the swirling clouds above. They devoured the Overlook Hotel. All its lights were on, windows glared at him through the storm. Other than the eyes of the place, Gil couldn’t make out what was up there on the hill. But he knew where and how it stood.
Kid?! Gil tried to get back in contact with Malcolm. His brain was full of static though. Like the television set after a certain time at night when all programs go off the air and the steady buuuuuuuzz of nothing followed. Malcolm?
At least the roads weren’t too bad yet. The car continued forward, doing its best. The anxiety built up in his chest made his heart feel ready to pop, it was worse the closer he came to the hotel. Its body became more clear. It wasn’t only the eyes glaring down at him. Gil tried to push the car to go faster but it sputtered not wanting to do so. His brain was full of such white noise, there wasn’t any sign of Malcolm and no sign of the hotel other than its energy.
Almost there Mal. . . The message was mainly unsent though. The front of the car struck the ground, something pinned it they're forcing the back to fly up and he was sure, so sure he was about to somersault forward in the vehicle but at least it collapsed right back down. Glass shattered all around them letting the cold tangle with his body. Shards cut him all up and already bruises started to form underneath the seat belt. It did a number on him as well, the fabric did its best to sever him in half.
Dizziness won.
His ears rang and he was able to make out some movement, good timing, too. Gil struggled to free himself before throwing his full weight into the door. A topiary Irish elk from the hedge maze jammed its foot through his car. Metal bent around its branches as leaves exploded everywhere. Gil already tried his best to escape with an actual shoulder roll. A move that looked much better in the movies than in real life. His joint popped, so loud. For a split second, he thought it dislocated. Lying there he stared up as the Irish Elk struggled to free its leg from the car. Metal scraped bark off its leg, but it managed to fling the car off into some trees. All of it buckled in two. He was pretty close to death. The topiary creature moved onward, down the hill, away from the Overlook.
Once or twice he’d seen the topiary creatures move. It'd be something to make him do a double-take though. It didn't look like a lot of movement, maybe leaves trembling on the wind but a head would turn left or right to look at something else. In the end, he always end up blaming it up to too much alcohol even though he’d been sober on the one day. There was the occasional whispered complaint about them, but nothing like this. Gil rolled onto his stomach, he used his elbows and hands to drag himself off the side of the road and out of sight. The Overlook watched him and the world around it. Another topiary creature strutted after the first. A second Irish elk looking as majestic as the first but less menacing without its legs splitting metal and almost taking his life.
He’d have to walk the rest of the way.
Almost there kid! Gil called out.
He heard Malcolm that time around, but it was just Malcolm talking to Malcolm as some other panic overtook him. It wasn’t him screaming for help anymore but instead I stabbed. I stabbed somebody. I stabbed. I stabbed somebody. The somebody in question was a faded photograph Gil could almost make out from all of Malcolm’s fear and screaming. It was just ‘cause of the Shining he could sense such fear being channeled through the world.
Gil inhaled deeply, he counted a few seconds before he got up again ready to walk through the wooded area hoping tree trunks would protect him from the eyes of the Overlook. He took a few steps forward only to almost lose his balance all over again.
Malcolm screaming caused such searing pain, GIL! GIL!
“I’m trying to get there, kid,” Gil muttered to himself, still forcing himself to move forward. It was a pretty big walk he was about to take on.
Jessica arrived to the floor where she could’ve sworn she heard her daughter crying. She was a mother, weren’t mothers supposed to find their children no matter what? Weren’t mothers supposed to be attuned to the danger their kids faced? And yet, she had no idea how Malcolm got out of the hotel and how he ended up half-frozen out there with blood smeared across his hands and face. Martin was the only reason to why she knew something was wrong that something was off and now she couldn’t even find Ainsley as she started walking down a long hallway.
There weren’t any windows in the hallway and all of the doors were closed. It was what Martin demanded yet snow floated through the building. A few times she checked in an attempt to see if it came through the vents, but it was impossible to tell. First, and more important, was finding her daughter.
“Ainsley?” Jessica tried to shout a little louder while she walked a lot slower.
It was so cold. Apparently, she needed a winter coat to be on the inside of the hotel. Yet it’d been so warm downstairs, she felt dripping of sweat as if the boiler was all off. What did she know about such things? It was a mistake to come out all this way.
Snow continued to fall. It hung out in patches and she noticed red speckled in some. Jessica almost moved past it ignoring it because the floor was red, too. An eyesore that gave her a huge headache whenever she looked or thought about it. Never would she select such a hideous carpet for a place. And this was supposed to be a nice hotel? At first, she thought it was pieces of the carpet, threads hanging out in the snow patches but it dotted the ground in a different sort of way. Jessica paused looking at it.
Blood was on the floor.
Blood was on the wall.
Lines were spread across the walls as if somebody dipped their hand in red paint then dragged their fingers across it. Jessica turned feeling the presence of somebody else. She covered her mouth managing to stifle a scream. It was just Ainsley standing in front of her while staring at the ground. Ainsley glanced over her shoulder at Jessica and Jessica was at such a loss for words. Somebody took an ax and gave two girls forty whacks. Their broken bodies were crumpled up on the ground with blood everywhere. Of course, there was blood everywhere.
It was supposed to only be them at the hotel. Who were they? How did they get in? There weren't any homes around for Ainsley to meet friends to invite over. And Ainsley was so young, she probably wouldn't go far enough away from the hotel to find friends.
“What happened?” whispered Ainsley.
Jessica was stuck while she stared at the two dead girls. Somehow she found it in herself to move forward and put an arm around her daughter’s shoulders because the right thing would be to lead her away and protect her.
“They said we could play forever and ever and ever,” Ainsley continued.
What? What was she even talking about?
Jessica was able to guide Ainsley around. They were about to start walking in the opposite direction yet somehow the hallway look impossibly long. She’d come up the stairs to be here, it wasn’t that far of a walk yet the stairs were out of sight, there wasn’t even another sound of Martin and Malcolm downstairs.
“They promised!” Some anger buried in her voice and Ainsley stared back at the two dead girls. “THEY PROMISED!”
What? What was she even talking about? They were the only ones in the hotel. They were the only ones in the hotel! Yet somehow two girls snuck inside to play with her daughter only to die and if they were dead then maybe that meant whoever killed them was. . .
“MARTIN!” Jessica screamed but the hallway was so long.
Ainsley clawed at Jessica. “They promised! THEY PROMISED TO PLAY!”
Jessica grabbed Ainsley by both shoulders looking her in the eye. “Now is not the time for this! We are going and we are going downstairs! Your-Your brother is there!” Except Ainsley continued to wrestle with her trying to break free. She managed to do so after kicking at Jessica who lost her hold on her daughter for all of a second and just like that Ainsley was gone. She ran down the hallway screeching something her ears couldn’t make out. The frequency was too high. Ainsley threw open a door and disappeared on the inside.
“Ainsley!” Jessica followed managing to open the door. It wasn’t even locked but on the other side, there was nothing. No sign of Ainsley and when she turned around, the snow was gone along with the two dead girls. She stood there lost, so lost, very lost. Jessica looked in the direction she came again and started shouting, “MARTIN!”
“Wow, would you look at that.”
Malcolm stood right outside the kitchen area wearing the new clothes Martin brought him. It was much warmer in his white sweater, a positive. Helped him think clearer. But life was too weird for clear thought to have a purpose. In the time he was gone, Martin pushed some of the tables out of the way. There were a few people casually sitting around, legs crossed as they drank and watched the brand new game Martin played. He held onto a croquet mallet with little makeshift hoops to crash a ball through. A bright red one rolled across the floor, it made its way through not just one hoop, but two.
“Maybe I have the chance of being a croquet champion,” Martin continued.
Malcolm stood there watching him though without too many words to share. In reality, he didn’t know what words to share. Blood speckled Martin. Some of it was smeared across the backs of his hands and his fingers. Once again, his father hit the ball managing to get it through a third hoop. The surrounding ghosts applauded, the sounds of them were all so clear.
“Have you ever played?” Martin asked. He offered the mallet up for Malcolm to take. The blood no longer visible along any part of him. Whatever it was, it was a fleeting memory or a moment in the past. Malcolm didn’t budge while he stared at his father. “Is something wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“The boy knows too much,” one of the ghosts said and Martin glanced at her.
“The boy should die,” said another ghost but that time Martin looked at Malcolm. “We need him to stay here, forever.”
“No, no.” Martin hit the ball back through one of the hoops. “He’s too much like me.” Maybe Watkins was right about killing him.
“I stabbed him,” Malcolm didn’t mean to say those words out loud. The idea of cursing felt uncomfortable, but he was pretty sure it was the perfect moment to drop something like the F-bomb because those three words should’ve stayed wrapped up in his head.
“You stabbed him?” Martin straightened his back. The croquet mallet bounced off the side of his foot while he watched and the ghosts watched, as well. “What do you mean by you stabbed him?”
“Watkins, your friend.” Malcolm knew he needed to stop. The bouncing of the mallet grew faster as anxiety spiked within Martin. It was pretty clear. Somewhere upstairs Ainsley screamed. Her words were all broken up but they could almost make out promised. “He wanted to hurt me.”
“My friend?” The bounce stopped. Martin swung the mallet back letting it hang over his one shoulder. “What do you mean my friend wanted to hurt you? Why would he ever want to do that?” He really, really does know. He knows.
“I don’t know anything.” Wrong words all over again. Malcolm bit his lower lip so hard, it split.
Martin cocked his head to the side a bit as he studied Malcolm. The mallet continued to hang over his one shoulder. His fingers toyed with the handle and the ghosts simply watched. They already said what they wanted to say. Even the walls made it clear. Murder.
“You’re a smart boy,” Martin commented. He swung the mallet down whacking the red ball so hard. It went straight through some of the hoops before crashing straight out of the barroom. Maybe the kitchen would lead to a different exit. Maybe it was the only path Malcolm had ahead of him. Martin moved between him and the main exit. “Come on, let’s go have a chat. Maybe there’ll even be time for a quick game.”
Upstairs Jessica screamed for Martin’s attention. He flicked his focus in her direction, but not for long. He continued to stand between Malcolm and the doorway. He toyed with the croquet mallet, letting it bounce all around him. Malcolm tried to swallow some fear, but his mouth was too dry. This wasn’t fair. He wanted all four of them to sit down to a regular dinner in an unhaunted hotel and in a world where he never learned words like family annihilator and any others associated with such violence.
“Are you ok? You look upset.”
Malcolm turned too fast to run, his foot slid out from underneath him and he smacked chin first into the floor. His teeth clattered and maybe one of them even shattered. He tasted more blood in his mouth from the accident and the split lip. Malcolm’s whole body continued to ache with such pain. He couldn’t rid himself from the cold that sank in too deep earlier. Yet he pushed his palms into the floor attempting a haphazard pushup to get back up but Martin caught his one ankle pulling him backward. It sent him again chin first into the ground. Tears welled up in his eyes and he was sure he knocked a filling out because something crunched in between his teeth.
“Sorry, we need to have a quick and important family discussion.”
Pain was looped around Martin’s fingers. He held onto Malcolm, dragging him away toward Jessica screaming for his attention. The pain didn’t belong to Martin nor Malcolm. No, that wasn’t necessarily right. The pain did belong to Martin because it was pain he inflicted in the past, but not his own as in pain stemming from his own body. Malcolm had nothing to grab onto and the ghost continued to watch him. At least the walls were quieter and there was no loud banging outside. Instead, his fingers scraped the carpet while he eyed for anything or something to grab onto when he heard such a distant whisper:
Almost there kid!
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the-mad-starker · 5 years
Starker RP: Diamonds and Roses
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If you’ve seen this moodboard before, don’t worry, I’m just reposting cause I’m too lazy to make a new one.
BUT! @lovely-garnet​ and I have been teasing people with our prison AU rp... And we’ve finally starting posting it. Here’s chapter 1 and 2 together since we didn’t post chapter 1 previously. We’re hoping to update once a week.
AO3 Link: Chapter 1 (2359) | Chapter 2 (6101)
Summary:  Prime Alpha Tony Stark is sent to prison. He can get out in a second, but instead, he decides to play nice and bide his time. Do things the legal way, for now anyway. While incarcerated, a sweet faced omega wants his help but at what cost?
Notes: Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, Prime alpha Tony, Omega Peter, intersex omegas, prison AU, future smut including anal sex, vaginal sex, blow jobs, etcetcetc...
💗 💗 💗
Chapter 1: The Boss
When the news broke out, the public reactions were a mess.
Those who only knew him only as a kind benefactor cried out against his imprisonment. Those that worked in the shadows alongside him were either pleased or worried about the status quo. After all, Stark Industries was a big name that had its fingers in many pots. With its head cut off, or in this case, imprisoned, there would be an inevitable chain of events if SI couldn't remain on top.
Tony Stark didn't worry about that. Even though the great mafia boss Tony had ended up in prison, things weren’t that much different after all. He did what he always did. 
Walk in. 
Take control. 
By the end of Day One, he had most of the prisoners under his thumb, ruling over block B with everyone falling in line. It wasn't a complete takeover, of course, but the ones at the top of the food chain… Those people were his now.
It would've been easy to just buy out the compound. Tony could afford it but why get rid of all the excitement in his life? No, sometimes it was good to have fun.
Still, this whole prison thing was a bit of an inconvenience. He had to waste his time here when he could be out playing in the real world instead of having to eat sloppy food and sleep in a single creaking bed. But this was a necessity. There was a reason Tony was here and he'd sit tight and endure it.
The prison was a bit unusual, of course, as the prisoners here weren’t just common riff raff. It was huge and spacious with some amenities, but… It was still a prison.
There were beta guards everywhere, personnel trained specifically to go toe to toe with alphas. Supposedly, they could take an alpha down. 9/10, Tony heard they could subdue a raging alpha. It might take a couple of them to do it, but they did it nonetheless.
The prisoners had a rigid schedule. Specific times for sleep, showering and eating - filthy bathrooms and tiny cells. Violence was pretty common around here, not that Tony would know… If there was any violence going on around him, he was never the one on the receiving end.
Now, his prison sentence was set for as long as he would be able to sit still in this place - that was Pepper’s advice on the matter. But even though it had only been a week behind bars for Tony, the tension in the cell block was already quite high. 
For whatever reason, he had to share the cell block with another prime alpha, and that had lead to many of the other weaker alphas to choose sides and start up fights. And he was the one that had to keep the peace, somehow.
A lazy Sunday afternoon was coming to an end when his right-hand man passed through his open cell door. It seemed as if he was hesitant to disturb Tony for the laying man had his eyes closed. So for a moment, Happy waited to see if the other would notice him. But the matter was important so he decided to clear his throat before speaking to announce himself.
“Boss,” he greeted with a low voice.
Tony didn't give any indication that he heard the man, except for his eyes barely opening. His entire posture was that of a man relaxing but anyone smart enough knew who he was. What he was.
So the correct analogy to make would be a predator lying in wait. Not resting. Waiting. There was a glimmer in his eye that proved it, a sharp, brilliant gaze that belied the relaxed posture of his body.
He knew Happy wouldn't disrupt him for anything that wasn't essential. And for Tony, essential meant business. He didn't get to the very top by letting others handle his business, oh no, his gang was built from the ground up by his hands and molded to his liking by his every decision.
“Hmm?” Tony prompted.
“Ms. Potts has some news for you,” Happy told him, making sure to keep his voice a low murmur.
Tony heard it clearly. With a single fluid motion, the alpha sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He got up, stretching relaxed but powerful muscles.
“Does she now?” Tony smiled, a sharp grin that normally put others on guard. “How do you feel about taking a walk with me, Hap?”
It had only been a week, but Happy was still wary about the prison rules and their reward/punishment system.
“I think it's almost time for lights out, sir,” Happy hedged. Smart beta, not outright defying Tony but saying enough that he let the prime alpha know his concerns.
“Take a walk with me,” Tony said simply.
“Okay, boss.” Happy agreed despite his concerns. He knew better than to refuse such a simple request.
Tony led the way out with Happy following behind him like a shadow. He could feel the eyes of his fellow prison mates on him before they darted away. No one would be caught dead staring him down, not if they wanted to keep their eyes.
It was close to lights out. On a Sunday like this, they preferred to keep the inmates indoors. But as Tony had mentioned, he was in the mood for a walk.
The beta guarding the door leading to the yard outside didn't meet his eyes. He turned to the side, peering at something in the distance, pretending that he wasn't allowing Tony Stark to just wander outside as he pleased.
The air here was refreshing but the towering walls were an eyesore.
Tony ignored them and turned to the man behind him.
“What do you have for me?”
The yard was empty as the light of day was quickly fading, but even if no inmates were nearby, Happy was being extra careful to ensure that no one was listening. Happy turned behind him to check if anyone was around and then looked over at Tony again.
The night breeze chilled him to the bone but he didn't flinch. He was a tough guy but most importantly, he was standing face to face with Tony Stark. Keeping his stern and controlled appearance was crucial.
For a moment, Happy seemed to be conflicted, an attempt to speak that was delayed for reasons unknown. Then he reached in his pocket to pull out the smallest looking scroll that ever existed. It wasn't at all acceptable to make Tony wait so Happy let out a sigh and spoke.
“Ms. Potts sends word that there is some progress being made...” His voice trailed off and then stopped as he glanced at his closed fist where he was palming the tiny piece of paper. 
“...But I have something else that may be of interest to you. I was approached by a... kid... saying he needs to talk to you.” Happy crossed his arms in front of his chest as he recalled the weird encounter. “I told him to get lost but he was adamant.”
Happy shrugged in an indifferent manner but then his expression grew concerned, darker. “An omega.”
The information from Potts, Tony filed away for later. Happy was right that the second part was more interesting to him. Entertaining was maybe a better word.
Tony watched the expressions play out on his second's face as he talked about the omega. Happy was a beta so these things didn't really make much sense to him.
“An omega, hmm?” Tony watched Happy with hooded eyes. He folded his arms loosely, tilting his head at the beta.
“Who told you that you can have an opinion regarding who sees me and who doesn't?” Tony's pose was relaxed but his voice was icy with disapproval.
He looked away from the man, not bothering to wait for a reply. A lot of people came to see Tony when he got admitted to prison. Alphas, betas, omegas. Tony was proven to be the best of them, the strongest, the prime. Everyone gravitated to him for one reason or another, but whether or not he had a use for them, that was a different matter.
Happy making those decisions on his own without informing Tony first was a rookie mistake. So Tony made sure his displeasure was known.
“Hap, buddy,” Tony said casually, “we've known each other how long? Years. No one ever needs to talk to me. If there was ever a need, I'd get to them first. Tell me more about the omega.”
To try to make excuses now for his decision to dismiss the boy would only make his situation worse, so Happy stood in silence as Tony spoke. In truth, he didn't believe that there was a reason for his boss to waste his time with that... mousy omega. 
Of course, he didn't really understand what it all meant. He only knew in theory how things worked for alphas and omegas. What he knew first hand, though, was that Tony's displeasure could result in very unfortunate outcomes, so he noted to never repeat such a mistake again. 
Feeling intimidated but refraining from showing it, Happy nodded with a stern and collected expression. His opinion was that the omega was complete nonsense but decided not to share it. Tony didn't seem like he would appreciate it very much so he stuck with the facts.
“He gave me this,” Happy said, opening his palm to reveal the paper he was holding on to. “The letters are tiny but it writes the place and time that he wants to meet with you. Now, before you say it, I know this is...” He waved his hand and shook his head as to indicate how unacceptable this all was. 
“But I looked him up and found out why he doesn't want to meet you out in the open. Thing is, he is under Thanos.” Now the beta paused. 
His opinion was - again - to not bother with this but he kept it to himself. He glanced towards the back to make sure that no one was listening to their conversation and then his eyes returned to Tony, concerned and heavy. 
“I don't know what he has to offer, yet, but I can get him to talk,” Happy promised.
“Under Thanos,” Tony hissed, a tiny bit amused. 
He knew the guy. Big, beefy alpha that was always waxing on about the necessity of balance. They weren't at each other's throats, not yet anyway, but Tony wasn't entirely fond of the man.
Then again, the fact that Tony was sharing space with another prime alpha when he didn't choose to was probably the cause of that. It didn't matter that there was plenty of room for multiple alphas, there was something about Thanos that Tony didn't particularly like.
He waved away Happy's suggestion and plucked the piece of paper out of his hand. His eyes scanned the words, noting the time and place before he tore it to shreds and let the wind carry the tiny bits away.
“If he didn't talk to you then,” Tony said, “he's not going to talk to you now.”
He patted his second on the shoulder. “You did your job, Hap. I can take it from here.”
Then he smiled, a curving of his lips that was just a bit dark.
“Besides, it doesn't seem like I'm leaving this place anytime soon,” Tony sighed. He knew he was getting out, the question was when. “I may as well pick up a hobby or something.”
An omega. He had his pick of people to choose from to keep him company. But an omega that was under Thanos might just cause problems.
Why would Tony bother with that? And yet, the boredom was already setting in. He had sway over the prison, but even then, demanding a lab and whatever he needed to keep his mind entertained would either be too much or take too long.
He could use a bit of entertainment.
“I'll handle the omega,” Tony told Happy, “In the meantime, you can handle Thanos. Not directly, of course, but you can distract him or something.”
He glanced at Happy with a smirk. “I can trust you to do that, can't I, Happy?”
Happy was right to believe that this would pique Tony's interest. After so many years of knowing the man, he understood that he was easily bored. An omega would be entertaining for him, at least for a while. That's why he had brought this information in the first place even though it was against his better judgment. This omega could cause undesired complications, though, and he wasn't even really worth it in Happy's eyes. 
Such a small and young little thing, but he had fire burning in him to make such a bold request. Happy would give him that, at least. Or the omega was just stupid, that could always be the case.
Maybe Happy was wrong to worry that this situation could get out of hand. It was just one tiny omega that could be used to keep Tony occupied and not bored out of his mind while they do…
In truth, Happy wasn't sure what they were doing in the prison. He only knew that where his boss went, he followed.
It wasn't his place to think about it anyway, but despite knowing he should just shut up and obey, Happy said a hesitant, "Boss?"
Maybe the news of fresh entertainment had tempered Tony's mood since he gave a small, indulgent smile at the beta.
"Yes, Hap?"
"Why are we really here?" The beta asked, a hint of uncertainty in his tone.
That smile didn't fade even the slightest.
"Diamonds and roses," Tony Stark answered and that was all he said on the matter.
It didn't make sense to Happy but he had already dared as much as he could stomach for the evening. So, Happy nodded with obedience, “Boss.” 
That was enough to show that he would do anything that Tony asked of him - or rather, commanded.
Chapter 2: Deals in the Dark
(AO3 Link)
The time of the meeting had drawn near.
That was why Peter was pacing around in his cell unable to calm his nerves. Clenching his jaw in an attempt to control his fear, he finally gathered the courage that was needed to go along with this plan. There was no other way and he knew it. This was his only chance. 
He walked out of the cell and down the stairs, relieved that none of Thanos’ men were around. Weirdly enough, the guards didn't pay him any mind either.
It was late in the afternoon, and at this hour, the prisoners were free to use the common areas or rest in their cells. It was the only possible time to slip through the prison grounds unnoticed.
Light on his feet, he made it to the hallway that led far and away from the main living area and down to the boiler room. Peter had snatched away the keys to this place when he had first arrived a few months ago. 
It hadn't come in handy up until now, but this was a perfect spot for a secret meeting. It was secluded so his scent wouldn't draw any unwanted attention and it had only one entrance. One entrance, one exit. Safe and dangerous at the same time.
It could also be the perfect place for a trap, but Peter dismissed that thought with a shake of his head. If Tony Stark was to harm him... He could only hope that he wouldn't do that. That the prime would listen to him, that he would help him.
Perhaps, he was naive but there was so much riding on this meeting. Not to mention the very fact that his heart pounded at the thought of meeting the prime…
It was time.
He walked inside the room and it felt like he was entering the wolf's den. Peter shivered as anticipation and dread grew in equal measure. He was risking everything to be here in this tight and dim lit place. 
His lean and frail body was dressed in the standard prisoner’s uniform but around his neck, Peter had a makeshift, tight collar made out of bandages. It was so feeble that it could be ripped off by anyone, let alone an alpha that would want to mark him. Yet there it was, an attempt to shield oneself.
With his hands already covered in a thin layer of sweat, he walked to the back of the room next to the tubes and pipes that came out of the wall and hid in wait. 
Tony's footsteps made soft little clicks as he walked. The man could be quiet, of course, he could, but he didn't need to.
The guards didn't look at him, averting their eyes in respect. The prison uniforms were ghastly and ugly and even Tony couldn't get out of wearing them. But the way he walked, his strides confident, face forward, eyes unwavering, no one noticed the uniform.
He walked with a confidence that many tried to imitate. It wasn't exactly a strut, no, that was too arrogant and arrogance implied unworthiness. No, Tony was confident and that confidence played a big part in making others bow to him.
He caught the faint scent of omega as he grew nearer to the meeting point and here, he paused, inhaling and scenting the air to get more intel.
The omega was anxious, a distasteful note of bitterness that Tony could almost taste. It made his nose wrinkle but it did make him curious. Omegas were flighty things and briefly, Tony wondered if the omega would run after all.
It would displease him to have his time wasted, but as he continued walking to the destination, the omega's scent only strengthened. He was certainly there, a thought that pleased Tony's alpha side.
The boiler room, a particular choice. Tony wondered at the reasoning. Did the omega really trust Tony to let him go if things went wrong? What a peculiar thing to do.
And yet, as he stepped through, Tony felt a bit more entitled to be a gentleman. It wasn't every day that something caught his attention this much. And he hadn't even met the omega yet.
Time for that to change.
“An interesting place for a meeting,” Tony noted out loud.
His voice carried just enough to fill the room. He moved away from the entrance, leaving it free as a show of good faith.
Long before the prime spoke, Peter was already aware of his presence.
He had heard him come. Those confident steps were unmistakable but most importantly, he could smell him. And this wasn’t just any scent, it was a prime alpha’s and it flooded the room the moment he stepped inside. 
To the sensitive senses of the omega, it was deafening, overpowering. Peter needed time to adjust because his breath had been immediately cut off, his ears ringing, and he hadn’t even seen the man whose commanding presence it belonged to. 
Truth be told, he hadn’t expected the prime to show. Why would he? But now that he was here, Peter felt unbalanced, his resolve weakened.
“Come out, little jailbird,” Tony called out, “Let me see who has the balls to summon me, hmm?”
At once, Peter’s entire body urged him to obey, but the boy felt his knees tremble and stood frozen with a hand tight above his pounding heart. 
After only a few moments of mustering up the courage needed, Peter revealed himself. Not that he was ready, but he would never be. He had his fingers curled in tight little fists as he tried to appear in control and failing all the same. 
Nevertheless, he walked in small but steady steps out of his hiding spot to present himself to the man that had gone out of his way to meet him. The alpha had answered the request of a stray omega and as unexpected as that was, the boy had counted on it with all of his heart. 
Peter wasn’t stupid, he understood that Tony had shown him grace by being here. That was what he told himself, at least. He was trying desperately to not give in to the intimidation and fear he felt. 
His big brown eyes were fixated on the floor. He would never dare to plainly look at the prime alpha. That would be too bold, too disrespectful. But even with his eyes averted, his mouth was tight with determination. 
“This was the only place I could think of,” Peter replied, his voice steady for the time being. He dropped his gaze further down and to the side. “Thank you, alpha, for meeting me.”
There was a slight tremble in his muscles, a shiver as if the boy was cold. 
Glancing at Tony’s general direction, he realized that the man had stepped away from the entrance. That made the tightness in his chest ease a little, his body a bit more relaxed. And that had to be enough.
After days of watching from afar, finally, the prime's eyes were on him. His breath caught, heart stuttering as the prime alpha eyed him up and down.
Tony wasn't sure what he expected when the omega came out of his hiding place. Happy had no information to give him besides saying the omega was a kid. At least that much was true, the omega certainly was young compared to Tony.
Observing the boy, Tony couldn't help but wonder how he had gotten into this place, how he even survived. He looked so small and vulnerable that Tony's alpha side wanted to react in one of two ways.
It wanted to stalk forward and destroy. Something so weak seemed almost too pitiful to exist in these walls. Why even bother?
But a larger side overtook it. At first glance, the omega didn't seem like much but his actions spoke of a deeper depth that Tony found intriguing. It was already a good sign that the omega was seeking to talk to him. Tony could only imagine a few reasons why an omega would seek an alpha out.
That was just the way of things.
Truthfully, Tony wasn't surprised.
It was nature, really. The weak turning to the strong and Tony was the strongest of them all. And yet, despite knowing this, Tony still felt something when he looked at this omega. To his surprise, he felt more inclined to lure the omega in, to find out more about him. To protect him.
Such dangerous thoughts for an alpha like Tony Stark. He'd have to monitor himself to make sure none of these unexpected feelings turned into a weakness that could be exploited.
The alpha leaned against the wall, arms folded as he looked at the boy. He tilted his head in acknowledgment, not that the omega would see it.
“Your name, kid,” Tony said firmly, “You know mine, obviously. It'd be rude to speak otherwise. And that would be such a pity since you've tried so hard to be respectful.”
Peter lifted his gaze, curious, as he peeked at the alpha in front of him. The prime asking for his name had caught him off guard. In prison, hardly anyone had used his name, especially alphas.
It was an unexpected… surprise. A good one since the alpha was almost trying to be civil.
“I’m Peter... Parker,” he answered with a hint of excitement that he tried to push down while smiling gently at his feet. The prime’s presence was intimidating, yes, but also... soothing. 
“It's true, I know who you are,” Peter continued in a small voice with that smile lingering on his pink, hesitant lips.
He took another step towards the alpha and then stopped. The omega wouldn’t approach any further than this, even if the Stark’s demeanor and overall posture were relaxed. 
“Everyone knows who you are... You're kind of a big deal,” he said demurely. He nervously scratched his cheek, not knowing what to do with his restless hands.  
Tony smirked at the omega's words.
“Kinda a big deal, hmm?” Tony echoed, amused, “That's cute, Parker.”
At the alpha's casual response, Peter relaxed further. The gentle approach calmed his nerves. Maybe it would have been better for him to hold onto his fear- this was a prime alpha, after all. In this world, alphas like Stark were at the top of the food chain, the hunter, and the omega was at the very bottom. The prey. 
But then, as if Peter remembered the reason he had requested to meet with him, the boy’s expression turned serious. Unsettled even. 
“Alpha, sir, I–” he stuttered and got mad at himself for showing weakness in front of the alpha.
Clenching his jaw, Peter turned to the man and looked at him. The distress he was trying to hide was clear in his wide eyes. “I need to ask for your help if you would give it.”
Ah, Tony finally thought. 
He worried for a moment that the boy would beat around the bush. Essentially, that this Peter Parker would waste his time. It was good that he got to the point. 
The alpha watched and learned with keen eyes, taking in every quiet detail that gave him clues as to who he was dealing with.
Omega body. Omega gestures. Omega submissiveness. Everything about the kid was omega which was appealing to Tony's alpha nature.
A slight sniff to the air showed that Peter wasn't afraid of him though. That was good. Even though omegas were programmed to be the more submissive of the trio, Tony didn't want to bother with someone so weak.
He tilted his head in thought, listening with some interest.
Then the omega met his eyes and Tony's breath caught. The omega's eyes were so captivating, so determined. There was an edge of desperation there and it just made Tony so damn curious.
Lured in by those brown doe eyes, Tony pushed himself off the wall. The alpha prowled forward, eyes hooded as he came to a stop in front of his prey.
Peter didn’t waver, he stood his ground looking up at the alpha as he approached. Even if he felt his cheeks heating up, the redness spreading to the top of his ears, Peter stood still. 
Tony took the omega's chin between his fingers, making sure Peter wouldn't look away.
“Spit it out then, kid,” Tony said softly, “A man like me isn't just going to agree without hearing your offer. So, what is it, hmm? What has you in such a bind that you came to me?”
Then his lips quirked up into a wicked smirk.
“And more importantly, what are you willing to offer me?”
The boy’s lashes fluttered because of the alpha's proximity. Tony didn't seem affected, his gaze steady and smile, unfaltering. Was Peter the only one being affected? He couldn't shy away, even if that was the case.
It was pointless to try and hide. The alpha could surely scent him and hear the pounding in Peter's chest. And he could see the small flames dancing in the brown of his eyes. 
No matter the foolishness that was going on in his mind and heart since the first time he had gotten a glimpse of the prime... It was not the point of their meeting. And so, he pulled himself together, furrowing his eyebrows and tightening his fists.
“It’s Thanos,” Peter spoke and his muscles tensed, the mere mention of the name made him flinch. “He… promises one thing and does another. He makes himself out to be a… a savior but he lies. He's not what he seems... He's… a bad man.” 
In his strained voice, the hatred was evident. The things he had seen… he couldn't forget or forgive but he also couldn't go off on a rant no matter how easy it was to do so. Peter knew he had to be quick, concise, and as persuasive as he could.
 “I know I’m young and... But– Is it wrong to seek shelter away from him? He does as he pleases with omegas, with everyone that works for him, and–” Peter averted his eyes now, even if Tony was holding his chin up. He was embarrassed by his outburst but tried to push it all down. 
“He means to humiliate me, to take my suppressants away... That’s inhumane.” He gritted his teeth, looking down and to the side.
“So, I’m begging you to take me under your wing.” He turned back to Tony with wide, hopeful eyes. The omega’s scent unleashed in waves since the need and vulnerability had shone through. 
“And I’ll do anything you want,” Peter continued, voice steady and a fierce look in his eyes.
The scent made Tony's lip curl but besides that, there was no other reaction.
Every word, every sentence that came from the omega's mouth had conflicting emotions rioting inside the alpha. The information on Thanos caught his attention but it didn't matter. The gist of the matter was that this omega wanted to switch sides and while it could be done, it could be messy too. Would it be worth Tony's while?
The offer he dared to give the prime was what made the alpha's mind go quiet with dangerous intent.
“Now,” Tony purred, a low sound. In another world, it might've even been soothing, but here and now, it should've sent alarms ringing in anyone's mind. “That's a bold faced lie.”
The alpha smiled, but it was empty. A mean smile that held nothing back of what Tony was.
The hair at the back of Peter’s neck stood as the atmosphere in the room shifted. At once, uneasiness crept into the young one’s heart as an underlying fear made itself known. That Tony Stark was like any other alpha. That Tony Stark was another Thanos... 
“You can't– Or well, I suppose, you shouldn't be offering things like that, omega,” Tony said casually.
He rubbed his thumb across the other's cheek, playing up all the dangerous signs that omega mommies told their sweet faced omega children about alphas like him. He grazed his thumb against the soft swell of Peter's lips, eyes dropping to where he touched him.
“Is this what you promised Thanos? Anything?” Tony continued, “Why are you surprised he wants everything then?”
He pushed his thumb inside, ignoring the heat that started to swell in his own body. As much as he was down for a fuck, there was something more important for the omega to learn.
Paralyzed by his words and actions, Peter looked up at him with huge eyes. His breaths became shallow, one by one, before stopping altogether once the alpha’s thumb was pressed between his trembling lips. 
“You say something like that, you better deliver,” Tony said darkly. “And I know you can't, won't.”
He paused then removed his hands but continued to stare down at the boy.
“There are things people are willing to do and things they aren't so willing to do,” Tony scoffed. “When I said what are you offering me, I don't want some bullshit answer. You think you're willing to give me everything?”
Tony chuckled then jerked his head towards the wall. “Strip. Present for your alpha, omega.”
The omega was utterly shocked and frozen in place. Once the words made sense, he stepped forward, unwilling to let Tony’s accusations unanswered.
“I didn’t promise anything to him!” Peter cried out in protest. The insult was too cruel, too false to accept.
It couldn’t be true! Peter refused to accept it! That instead of finding a savior, he would be made to choose between whose hands he would suffer in. 
But the injustice and the heartless words were too much to keep quiet even if it was against his instincts to defy the prime in front of him. It hurt him deep down because the omega had been enamored by the alpha in the few days that had passed. Looking at him through shy eyes from a safe distance.
His young innocent love had been allowed to bloom deep within. Peter knew that he shouldn't have, that it was a road that led nowhere, but he couldn't stop himself from dreaming. 
This very dream flickered before his eyes, at this moment, as he stood before the man that threatened to crush Peter's heart in his palm.
“...So you think to humiliate me, as well?” He almost choked as tears burned at the corners of his eyes but there was no chance to back down now. If Thanos learned of this, he would strangle Peter to death with his bare hands. 
“I wasn’t lying,” he sobbed, lowering his head and tugging his uniform shirt over it, making his hair a mess. He let it slip through his fingers and drop to the floor. 
His chest was left covered in a white undershirt and the boy clenched the fabric, trying to silence the nerves that shook his body. 
He had to prove himself. He had to. While looking down, he lowered his pants and stepped out of them. 
But that was it. The boy couldn’t do anything more.
Paralyzed, he stood in his underwear and shirt, his hands close to his chest. His eyes were wet with tears but he didn't dare let them fall. He couldn't look the alpha in the eye, his face was burning with mortification. Instead, his eyes were pinned to the ground as he waited for the alpha’s judgement. This was far from the presenting that the alpha demanded of him, but Peter couldn’t find the strength to do it, not all the way.
Some alphas got off on the scent of fear. It smelled sickeningly sweet with just a hint of sourness underneath.
Tony had learned to tolerate it, but never cared for it much. He might even learn to detest it, especially with the small omega trembling in front of him. The scent of his fear was almost offensive compared to how it was before Tony revealed himself to be the monster he was.
Tony could even muster up a tiny bit of regret if he wanted to. Scaring the omega was his goal, but he hadn't expected– What a mess.
He sighed, a deep heavy sound before he ran a hand through his hair in frustration.
“Christ, kid,” Tony huffed, “The point was to be careful with what you're offering. You can't say you'll do anything then be surprised if they take as much as they can. Ever heard of give an inch, take a mile?”
He deliberated his choices. He could just walk away. The omega would probably count himself lucky. Maybe even avoid all alphas and primes in the future. Lesson learned and all that. 
Alphas were scum.
He could wash his hands of this. Maybe even keep an eye out for the boy as recompense for the rude awakening Tony had given him. But did he want to walk away…?
Tony could make this right. Walking away wouldn't solve the boy's issue with Thanos. Wouldn't save him from becoming a prison bitch. Not with that attitude and no protector.
Another sigh, but truly, there had never been another choice for Tony.
He stepped forward, knowing his actions might be read wrong but doing it anyway. He enveloped the omega in his arms, scenting him in the only thorough way an alpha can claim another without actually getting down and dirty.
The boy in his arms had been through a rollercoaster of emotions already and it didn’t seem like there was going to be an end to it any time soon. In his confusion, Peter tried to back away when Tony stepped closer, still too agitated, too unnerved to think clearly. 
“I'm not so heartless. I'm not so greedy or cruel,” Tony admitted reluctantly. “But others aren't that way. You can't trust anyone, kid. Better you learn that now.”
Peter flinched, barely able to listen to what the alpha was saying through the hammering of his heart.
In the next moment, however, the alpha’s scent bathed him in comfort, in warm and fuzzy feelings of protection that Peter had never known before. And that made his body relax, whether he wanted it or not. 
To be granted a prime’s protection in such a gentle and caring way made Peter’s knees weak, his body calm and pliant. He was young, inexperienced, never marked or claimed in his life and now he had been completely overwhelmed in the arms of the powerful prime. 
His instincts had risen within him, taking hold of his mind as Peter pressed his face against Tony’s strong chest. He lifted his head towards the man’s neck, taking in the scent that was even more intense there. 
Soon, Peter was so much calmer even though his heart was beating fast but that was for entirely different reasons. 
"What– what is this..." Peter murmured, dazed, scent drunk and barely fighting. "Why are you..." 
The alpha held him and he even felt fingers stroke through his hair. 
"I'm giving you what you want," Peter heard the alpha say, his voice so soothing that the omega felt like he was sinking into a soft cloud.
The scent tapped into Peter’s instincts, forcing his body in this more relaxed state. He felt how it soothed his mind, pushing aside his previous fear and almost leaving him in a drugged out state.
It felt good but… Alpha wasn't angry with him… His mind was in a haze and the clarity that he had before… When adrenaline made his heart pound and his mind skip a thousand thoughts a second of what he could do, had to do… It was gone, out of reach and he almost… almost didn't care to have it back.
Something about that was wrong.
Primes were dangerous, Peter always knew that but now, more than ever, he understood why. 
Their scents were potent and whether or not Tony only meant to soothe him, not steal away his mind, it was affecting Peter too much.
It was casting his inhibitions and logical thinking to the side. He didn't want that, not when so much was unclear between them. He needed clarity to not be tricked by the alpha if that was his intention. Tony could not be trusted. 
All this could still be a game, a farce, something to entertain this man for a few minutes… hours… days? The fear of being such a toy made his heart seize and where it was content and excited by being so close to the alpha, it now threatened to break. It was more than enough to clear his head.
Uncertainty made Peter's form stiffen and he pulled his nose away, seeking to escape the gravitational pull of the alpha. 
"But… Who's to say that…" he uttered. He was fearful, yes, but also determined. "That… you're not just like him? Just another alpha." Peter asked and glanced at the alpha with furrowed eyebrows.
Tony's eyebrows rose in surprise.
He has given the kid what he wanted. His scent would be on the omega and as soon as he walked out, the other inmates would know. They wouldn't touch Peter for fear of angering Tony Stark.
Once Thanos learned of it, surely there'll be a clash between the two primes. When confined in such tight spaces, it was always meant to happen but the omega in his arms would've been a catalyst.
Protection. He was giving Peter what he wanted... Or was he? Under his wing…
Tony was intrigued.
"That could almost be an insult," Tony said with a devil may care smile. "Just another alpha… Are you always so impulsive, sweetheart?"
He let the boy go, stepping away and looking around the small, dark room to gather his thoughts. Even if Tony had his equipment and toys right in front of him, his attention would still be captured by the omega waiting for him.
"Who's to say I am any different," Tony considered, not at all offended. Then with a sly smile, he turned back to the omega, settling his hands on the boy's slight shoulders. "Except you. You're the one saying that by coming to me. Have I proven you wrong then? Am I just… another alpha?"
His own conviction had saved him but the alpha pulling away had certainly helped. Even then, the powerful scent was pulling him in but he resisted. It was getting easier to manage through it the longer they talked.
They… They were truly engaging each other now, something Peter didn't think would happen. He needed his wits together to be on par with the prime.
Peter shook his head and his curls bounced around with the movement. Insulting the prime had not been his intention, of course, and he became flustered. Even so, he still would not back down. The scent coming from the man was not agitated which helped Peter continue.
An omega's place was not to judge or measure alphas, let alone primes. Unless they were asking for trouble... Which Peter did just by requesting this meeting.
"Alpha… seems different," he admitted, keeping the rest of his heart's secrets to himself. "I…" he swallowed, "I have seen you…" 
The boy had heard of Stark's ways within the prison. That he didn't mistreat those that were vulnerable and if there was ever a reason to fear an alpha… Stark's people feared him for the right reasons. But maybe he hadn't had enough time to show what he was capable of.
The boy’s admission made Tony wonder what exactly Peter had seen. What had Tony done to invite such curiosity and trust?
To his knowledge, he took over his side of the prison almost ruthlessly, all kinds of people bowing their heads to him.
The omega continued to speak though, so Tony put the thought aside for now.
"What if… Alpha promises…" Peter proposed shyly and bit his cheek. "No tricks or games…"
Tony raised a brow and stepped closer, their chests almost brushing. It pleased him when the omega continued to gaze up at him, expectantly and with such an unnerving gaze. 
"Did you learn nothing from what I did?" Tony murmured, not unkindly but curiously. "How can you trust me? You're asking me to promise something with no way of holding me accountable."
His smile turned almost sad then.
"No tricks, no games?" Tony repeated, "Don't you know who you're talking to? Ah, you shouldn't be in this hellhole, kid."
Peter tilted his head, while still looking up at the man. Young innocence flickered in his eyes, so easy to be extinguished at the hands of an alpha. He stared into Tony’s dark gaze, wishing he could see what went on in his head, his thoughts and desires, his motives and wishes.
The boy was guilty of his crimes… That was how he had landed himself in this mess. But even with the fear that one of the primes could take him apart, Peter wouldn’t change what he had done. He kept that to himself, however, since he truly believed that Tony had no idea. Tony didn’t even know he existed before this meeting, no doubt.
He shrugged his shoulders, but his eyebrows twitched upwards, making an arch. He recognized now that Tony called his bluff and hadn't expected Peter to actually go through with the request. To Peter, it told him that the prime hadn't had bad intentions… Stark just had a shocking way of doing things.
But what could Peter use that Tony would abide by…?
“I will hold you to your word,” he said and lines of distress formed across his smooth little forehead. 
“On a prime’s honor,” he continued with a stern expression. His scent was giving away, however, how intimidated he really was.
Would this boy ever stop surprising him? The alpha wondered.
"A prime's–" Tony ended up chuckling.
He couldn't even fathom– It was ridiculous. The omega was holding him to a promise based on such a fanciful thing. And yet, something stirred inside the prime and it… It didn't exactly ache, but it was bothersome.
Then that scent reached him… Sour… His nose twitched in agitation. Rather abruptly, the alpha decided that he didn't like that scent, not when it was previously so sweet and alluring. Before Tony had played his game, as the omega called it.
"Honor, huh?" Tony smiled indulgently, "That doesn't exist in this world, sweetheart. But…"
His chin dipped, just the slightest acknowledgment.
"If you want that promise, then you can have it," Tony relented with a careless shrug. "Is that enough? Or should I sweeten the deal… Add something nice to make up for what I did. Diamonds, perhaps?"
Peter smiled at first, a bit hopeful since the man gave him the promise. He shouldn't trust him fully, Tony had said it himself, but Peter did. He trusted that he would keep his word, even if it had been given to someone insignificant like him, a stray omega.
Then his eyebrows lifted at the alpha's curious proposal.
With a tilt of his head, Peter looked up at him, his expression softening in wonder. It was meant as a joke, he was certain. It couldn’t be that the prime would truly offer this to him. But even if he was, the omega had no use for precious stones. What good could they do… They were just for show, void of true meaning.
He smiled innocently.
"No… no need for diamonds," he said lightheartedly while shaking his head. The omega's defenses had fallen. He was exposed again, letting go of his reservations and fear. His smile turned tender and apologetic almost. 
"A rose would be nice, though," Peter gave back. His inner thoughts and emotions were bare for the alpha to witness in the vastness of his brown eyes.
Ironically, the request would be more difficult to fulfill. Diamonds, Tony could have smuggled in. They were tiny and easily hidden. Peter would perhaps have a hard time keeping them but anyone who knew they were a gift from the prime wouldn't dare touch them.
But a rose… Another fleeting thing. Something that wouldn't survive here. And yet, Tony wanted to get it for him.
Maybe it was because it was a challenge to do so. Maybe it was for some other reason…
Roses and diamonds… He thought wistfully. It didn't mean anything to the omega, but it did for Tony.
He dismissed the thought and instead gave the omega a charming smile.
"A rose… It would suit you," Tony told him. "A rose and a promise then, along with my… protection. What then are you giving me in return, hmm?"
Peter would not repeat the same mistake as before. Offering anything to the alpha was just not persuasive enough since he had already backed down from such claims. Yet the omega was determined and would go very far to have Tony as his protector. 
“I’m tough. I may not look it, but I am,” he said and gulped, his cheeks getting a bit rosy.
The words didn’t match with his softness, his vulnerability that was so obvious in his scent. 
“I can work for you, obey, and be devoted. I can… do the dirty work.” He glanced to the side, unsure. 
The omega knew that he didn’t seem like much, but this… he really meant it.
Tony hummed in response and gave the boy a look over.
Whoever heard of an omega doing dirty work? That'd be interesting, indeed. Tony couldn't even really think of what task he would give the omega, but then, having a potential piece is better than not having one at all.
He'd find a use for Peter eventually, he was sure of it. At least the boy learned quick.
"You want to be a grunt in my… organization?" Tony said thoughtfully but shook his head, "I don't need more grunts. I have those in spares, even here."
He gave another thoughtful hum and let his eyes linger on the omega's pretty features. He circled the waiting boy, considering… Considering…
No tricks or games was what he had just promised. He'll stick to it then.
The prime prowled forward, every step a confident stride. His chest pressed against Peter's back, firm and unyielding.
"I have a better idea and you can decide yourself," Tony purred as he curled an arm around the omega's neck. His lips brushed against Peter's ear, soft and intimate.
"How about you keep me company, hmm?" Tony suggested, "Be mine. My omega. I have business to take care of and a fickle heart can cause trouble. Keep all the other omegas from interfering and we have a deal."
It was such a minor thing but Tony's interest wasn't so easily won. It would be one less worry, one less quarrel that he could somehow get caught in.
Peter felt Tony’s chest rise and fall against his back, with the man’s steady breathing. He turned his head, for a moment, to look at him, before lowering it again. His chest raced, and how could it not, after this proposition.
Just business… a cold deal. Well… not for Peter, since being Tony’s omega was his heart’s deep desire. He wanted to be close to him, to accompany him… to talk to him… To stare up into those beautiful dark eyes… 
But it was not easy to say yes, even if it was what Peter wanted. It was risky, but the man had promised… And Peter believed him.  
“Then we have a deal.” Peter nodded, and his form stiffened. 
To belong to the most powerful man in prison was a serious matter. And yet the omega didn’t care as much for this as he cared for the fact that he would belong to Tony Stark and be his. Peter’s young love surged even greater with the possibilities. The omega tried to not fool himself and still, that hopeless dream of true love didn’t seem as unattainable… 
Or maybe… 
Maybe he was giving himself away for false hopes and empty promises. A flower cut off the garden, to be scented and of use until… deflowered. 
Even though Peter couldn't see it, Tony's smile grew once the deal was made. The omega also wasn't pulling away so Tony felt a bit... daring.
He turned his face, nudging his nose against the boy's ear. Peter's scent had turned sweet again, like honey on his tongue and the alpha breathed it in like it was a drug.
"Deal," Tony said, lips curved up in a devilish grin.
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ill-skillsgard · 5 years
Under the Stars - AU Mickey (preview)
Title: Under the Stars
Characters: AU Mickey x ambiguous fem OC
Warning: 18+ Mature language/adult themes/smut/teasing
Description: Mickey shows up with a new toy and takes his girl away on their first road trip.
Note: This was commissioned by a beautiful doll through my Ko-Fi. Right now, all commissions are 20% off until January 2020! If you would like a special piece of your own, head over there to grab up a commission slot. Slots are filling fast!
A lumbering grey van screeched up to the sidewalk. She peered over her sunglasses and took the blue lollipop out of her mouth. There was a dent in the bumper and a crack along the windshield. The web didn’t obscure much but was another eyesore among plenty. The paint chipped off the hood and sides, revealing past finishes of burgundy and white. Tinted window panels revealed nothing of the inside, but she suspected it might be worse than the exterior.
Mickey proved her theory correct the moment he threw open the side door.
“Ta-da! Ain’t she a beauty?” He made his best Steve Irwin impression but wasn’t winning any awards. She giggled at him. He was so painfully in love with his newest waste of money that it was cute. 
“I thought you said it was nice?” She recalled.
Mickey scoffed and put his hands on his hips. “Babe... This is nice. Look at it! Look at how much room there is! We can roll in it!” he motioned erratically and then quieted, darkening his glance a shade.  “We can fuck in it, too.”
All Patreon subs get early and exclusive access to special content and commissions for 1$
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areyouscarletcold · 5 years
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QPR!Goldenvibe, Canon Divergent Au
For my @dctvgen Bingo “Disability” Square and Day 2 of @flarrowverse-shipyard’s Rarepair Week: “Calming Each Other Down”. 
Now posted on Ao3!
The distant noise of something shattering jolted him awake first, a breathless gasp torn from his chest as sleep faded from his senses. He almost rolled out of bed to grab his gear, put on his suit and blast whoever the intruder was with a faceful of inter-dimensional energy, because that was what you got for disturbing a very nice, restful morning and -
Someone swore, low and unintelligible, and the sound was familiar enough to nag at the back of his mind and stop him in his tracks. It took a longer moment before Cisco realized the ceiling he was staring at wasn't his own.
At least he hadn't actually raced out of the bedroom and sprung into attack mode. Not that his rising migraine was any sign of this day getting better.
Cisco rolled out of bed at a slow, normal pace - he seriously envied Barry's speed sometimes, what he wouldn't give to be able to get ready faster than he could snap his fingers together and say, "Tada!" - and ran a hand through his hair, grimacing when he felt its greasiness. Right. He'd been planning on showering last night, hadn't he?
Well, that idea went out the window, huh, he couldn't help but think bitterly.
There was another curse - likely from the kitchen. Cisco pulled on some sweatpants so he didn't wander out in Star Wars boxers, gave his hair a much more vigorous tousle, and headed to see what disaster had befallen his poor apartment.
Not his, he corrected again, bracing himself as he stumbled into the kitchen. Dios mio, he really was scatter-brained today, and he hadn’t been awake for more than a few minutes.
Another pulse from his temples caused him to suck in his teeth. He shut his eyes and shook his head as if that would help him regain control of the leftover ache brought on by last night’s less-than-successful patrol.
“Didn’t mean to wake you,” Lisa said, and Cisco forced himself to grab the back of the nearest kitchen chair to steady himself as he eyed where Lisa was crouched on the floor. The jagged ceramic around her, pieces painted a yellow that was an eyesore for someone still half-awake, looked like a strange mockery of a salt circle in a horror movie. The only thing missing was a pentagram and someone chanting in Latin.
It was rare to see Lisa in such disarray. Not just with the mess before him, but the unruly bun perched atop her head, the leftover smudges from mascara and eyeliner staining bloodshot eyes. His chest twisted when he realized she was wearing his S.T.A.R. Labs sweatshirt, the one he’d thought he lost months ago.
Little thief.
“S’fine,” Cisco assured her, his voice a little hoarse. “You okay?”
Lisa shrugged. The dustpan in front of her was halfway full of pieces already but she didn’t look like she was in any rush to keep cleaning. “Dropped a plate. That’s all.”
He was tempted to brush by the incident, help her scoop up the remainder of the ceramic plate and leave it be, but there was a familiar tightness in her jaw, eyes glassy. “How’d you sleep?”
She smirked, but the corners of her mouth didn’t quite curl. “Well enough after last night.”
“I’m not talking about that, Lise.”
The smirk vanished and she turned away. “Don’t call me that.”
“Hey, I - ”
“I’m not in the mood, Cisco.”
“I thought we agreed to tell each other things like this. You know, be honest with one another?” He tried to keep his tone gentle without verging on patronizing.
Lisa gave a bitter laugh, picking up the nearest yellow shard and waving it at him. There was something in blue, maybe a word, scrawled across it, but he couldn’t make it out with how badly she was beginning to shake. “Yeah, well, honesty isn’t always the best policy. Besides, it’d be rather hypocritical to ask when we both know you didn’t sleep much either. Tell the fucking Flash to stop calling you out in the middle of the night, for god’s sake.”
Oh. So she hadn’t been asleep for that. “It was a street over, and I wasn’t sleeping anyway.”
“Don’t change the subject, though.” He rubbed his temples and crouched beside her. “What’s up? Talk to me.”
Lisa just stared back at him, fire in her eyes and hands trembling as she lowered the shard. Cisco fought back a sigh and reached out, grateful when she didn’t jerk away from his touch, taking the broken, garish piece from her grasp. 
It wasn’t a particularly sharp piece, aside from the large point on the left side, shaped like a toddler’s crude interpretation of a parallelogram. He turned it over in his hands, blue letters bright against the mustard yellow shard.
To Lenny.
“I didn’t realize what it was ’til I picked it up,” Lisa muttered. Something flickered in her gaze when he glanced up, the flames of her determination wavering and giving way to exhaustion. Cisco was all-too acquainted with that tired, defeated sense of grief. “Didn’t mean to wake you, I swear.”
“Lisa.” He set aside the piece and cupped her cheek. She didn’t attempt to pull away but she wasn’t quite relaxing into his palm. Cisco made a split-second decision and took one of her shaking hands in his, ignoring the urge to scrub at the migraine furiously pounding in his skull, remnants of vibing too often. “Hey. There’s nothing wrong with not being okay. Take it from someone who’s been hit by the proverbial bus one too many times.”
“I’m not - ” Lisa closed her eyes and made a noise that came off like a cross between a groan and a growl. “I’m not a child, this isn’t - it shouldn’t be new to me. It’s not new. I just...” She glanced at the shard and her nostrils flared. “He’s still fucking here after years but he’s also not and it’s not fair.”
His heart ached in sympathy and Cisco thumbed her cheek, light and slow. “I know, Lisa. I know.”
“Like he deserves to be after running off and leaving me alone, galavanting with a bunch of heroes and getting himself killed!” Lisa blinked hard, moisture gathering in her eyes. “Sonuvabitch. Always thinking about himself and dragging Mick into it, doesn’t even care if others get caught in - in the fallout.”
“I’m sure he didn’t think about it like that.”
“Never does! That’s the problem!” Lisa drew back from his touch, gritting her teeth as she glared at the shards around them. “He never fucking does! And then he leaves everyone else to pick up the pieces. For someone who claims to be so smart, god, he’s so fucking stupid and I hate him so much.”
“No, you don’t,” Cisco whispered.
Lisa whirled on him. “Don’t you dare claim to know him or me better than I do. That stupid, goddamn - ”
“I do know you, Lisa. And I know what this feels like.”
“No. You don’t.” She moved to stand, jerking away from some of the shards as her knees brushed them. “He left me, Cisco, like he always does, and I don’t need you to - ”
“Dante.” He had to swallow hard, the name quivering on his tongue, but it had the desired effect: Lisa paused, the haze of mingled fury and grief starting to disintegrate from her eyes. “You’re not the only one who’s lost a brother to some real time fuckery.”
“Right.” Her voice was quiet, nearly inaudible.
Cisco hesitated before reaching out once more, offering his hand to her. Lisa took it with hardly a moment of her own hesitation, still at war with the irritation boiling below her surface. He pressed her hand to his chest, right above his heart.
“I miss him every day.” She tried to pull back but he didn’t let her, pushing on with his words. “Sometimes I hate him for getting in that car, for not avoiding the driver even though I don’t know if he could’ve - maybe he could’ve swerved or sped out of the way or something, I don’t know. And it hurts. And all I want to do is punch him because he left me here. To pick up the pieces, as you said.” He nodded to the broken plate. “Maybe more literally than he intended.”
Or maybe there was no literal meaning, no hidden lesson he was supposed to learn by now. Maybe it was that pain was everywhere and every time you thought you were over it, the ache came roaring back, a metaphorical flood crowding you with the force of a hurricane. Maybe the simple answer was that life inherently sucked ass and the only way to get over it was to live it without a care in the world.
And with people who cared, he amended, stroking the back of Lisa’s knuckles. That perhaps was the most important part of the equation.
“Some days are harder than others," he murmured, holding her gaze. "Doesn't mean it won't hurt less, but... Well, it gets easier. To be happy. Like they would've wanted.”
“They left,” Lisa said, fighting every step of the way like she always did. This time, the tears broke free, trailing down the side of her face carving silent paths. “They left us.”
“I know.” Cisco could feel his own throat getting tight, throbbing alongside his migraine. “And it’s okay that it hurts, Lise.”
The nickname snapped something inside her, the fire extinguishing before his eyes as she sagged into him, burying her face in his chest. He didn’t comment on the dampening fabric of his t-shirt, smoothing her hair as he pulled her close. The stifled sobs shook against him and Cisco longed to tell her things would get better, that it wouldn’t hurt anymore.
But they’d agreed to be honest with each other when they started this.
Breakfast could wait. They had a mess to clean up.
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