#that it was pmd blue instead!!!
darkdragon768 · 9 months
R-resist. To play- to play the same games you've already... already played WAY MORE THAN ONCE!
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pinkalliums · 5 months
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ok so there were a bunch of wonderful pmd eos palettes that a user made: here and it gave me the perfect opportunity to redraw a thing i made with my hero and partner almost 8 years ago now (wow)
and @aurum-orre hi sorry for the tag but i saw on the post u wanted ppl to tag you if they used the palette so here!!
jsyk my hero (riolu) is named austen and my partner (skitty) is named wisteria!! i treat them more like ocs than self inserts personally (i might post about them more im so normal abt pmd eos)
first rendition is under the cut lmao
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bluecrowwings · 1 year
From this post. I want to show everyone my Darkrai in Twisted Wonderland! This is some of my plot and idea about that!
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....Yeah, I just turned a maniac pokemon into a cinnamorole boy who full of anxious-
I know that PMD Darkrai isn't a shiny, but his sprite used these colors so I used it too. If you wonder why his eyes color before/after came to Twisted Wonderland are different, I'm gonna tell you later.
Anyway, from what I said in the last post. After he (because in PMD used he/him, so I will use it accordingly) got attack by Palkia while he trying to escape, Darkrai losing his memories and end up in Twisted Wonderland as a human.
By the words "losing his memories", it's mean almost everything. It's like how Player end up as a Pokemon with no memory in the game, they know what is Pokemon, what is human and many things, but still can't remember many things either. In Darkrai's case, he can't remember his name or his old life, but still can remember what is pokemon. He knows that he was a Pokemon not a human. He just can't remember which one of Pokemon is he or how he turned into a human. His memory and his personality was reset almost to the zero.
Darkrai woke up in a dark and cramped coffin, a feeling of discomfort and pain spread throughout his body.
Why is he in the coffin??? Who put him in the coffin!? -wait- is that a flame!?
This poor amnesic boy started panicking when he saw blue flames emanating from the coffin lid, he immediately kicked the coffin lid out with all his strength.
Grim was an unlucky one who standing in front of the coffin in that moment.
The first thing Darkrai thought when he met Grim was: What kind of pokemon is this kid? (Meowth? Espurr?? Litten???).
But after the first encounter between Grim and Darkrai, it was followed by death threats from Grim. Darkrai run away and Grim chasing him for the robe which he was wearing right now-but he can't remember how he got it.
Darkrai accidentally used his power to cross the shadows when dodging Grim's flames for the first time, and he didn't even notice.
Darkrai, who had just escaped from the angry cat-like pokemon(?), gasping for breath while confused what just happened, and realized something when he saw his reflection.
He is human...
But he not supposed to be human
He don't know how, but he knew that he shouldn't be a human. He was a pokemon!
...He might not sure which species he was, but he sure that he was a pokemon before.
Time for panic and fear when he realized he had no memory and was now being chased in a strange place.
Darkrai met headmage Crowley, he saved him from Grim and tried to take him to the orientation ceremony.
It didn't help him so much when he tried to explain his situation to Crowley, and of course! he doesn't listen...
And when Darkrai standing before the mirror of darkness, in the eyes of many people who were staring at him at that moment. This happened.
'State your name'
"I-I can't..."
"I'm sorry! I can't remember my name!"
Sounds of confusion and question sounded around him. Darkrai was really uncomfortable with all of this. But the Dark Mirror still read his soul to assigned him in some dorm.
...if that can happen.
'The nature of your soul is...' '.........unclear to me' 'It's so dark...this soul is too dark for me to read it. I can't sense magical power from this one. Soundless. Colorless. Shapeless. Utterly vacant. Therefore, no dorm would be appropriate.'
Crowley began to cry out in disbelief that the black carriage receive a person who cannot even use magic (but Darkrai didn't came here by the black carriage...). Grim demanded that he can be a student here instead Darkrai.
Annnnd You know what happened next.
The Chamber of Mirror set on fire. One student had flames on his robe. Now everything is in chaos and out of control.
Darkrai was stressed, he feel not safe, he had a headache, he wanted to get out of here right now.
'I don't know if I thought of it or not... But I felt that the pain on my body was growing more and more as my headache....'
After they manage to capturing Grim, it wasn't long before Darkrai can given Crowley any excuses or clarifications. He collapsed to the ground and fainted in front of everyone.
And when Riddle go to check on him…
"Headmage! He's bleeding right now!"
It was the time for everyone's turn to panic as they rushed to take him to the infirmary. We have a no-magical student who is bleeding and seriously injured right here! Get out of the way!
(I don't belive that being thrown across dimensions from the attacked of God of Space-Time would not left anything behind. Of course, he must have suffered some injuries, and it's not just a little wound too.)
Grim still here with Crowley with Riddle's collar on his neck. The only reason he hasn't been throw out is because our headmage still believes that he is Darkrai's familliar.
What a messy ceremony.
This poor boy is very confused and panicked, his stress will only get worse because of all the Overblots and his own problems in the future.
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asimplearchivist · 10 months
A Proposition for Potential PMD: Explorers Remakes
If and when Nintendo remakes PMD: Explorers (preferably optimized/combined as they did with Sky versus Time/Darkness, like they did with Red/Blue Rescue Team into DX), I think it could work as an open-world game like Legends: Arceus.
Hear me out.
We don't exactly know the context of the hero being brought to the world in the first place: in PMD lore humans apparently exist in the world but are exceedingly rare to come across, like unicorns it seems like to me. What if the reason for this is because humans can only exist in the PMD world if they're brought there?
It's implied that a higher power than Dialga returned the hero after they disappeared from the timeline, and who is above Dialga?
Who brought a modern human into the world of Hisui?
More thoughts below:
I want, more than anything for the reboots, for there to be an elaboration on what it was like in the future between the hero and Grovyle (and the other members of the investigation team, whoever they were besides Celebi), but this would require a certain amount of personalization for the human!player due to the implementation of character customization in most of the recent games.
The solution? Present it like Legends: Arceus.
Show Arceus approaching the hero to help save this world from time (minus the phone, obviously). Whether or not he wipes the hero's memory of their time in their world is debatable, but I think that would be an interesting dynamic to see the hero willing to sacrifice all knowledge of their life prior to being sent there—it would give a similar feeling to the mystery of the base game, and limit the hero's knowledge to match new players' for plot polishing.
Your main question might be, 'Fisara, the whole point of these games are the mystery dungeons! How can you have an open-world game like Legends: Arceus, which has a set map, and use it this way?'
I propose to you the concept of labyrinths.
Hypothetically, one could construct a basic structure of a map of any given dungeon, sort of like Legend of Zelda dungeons, but have the individual rooms/pathways randomized like normal. That way you have an entrance and an exit, but if you don't make your way through the mystery dungeon correctly, as normal, it spits you back out at the beginning.
I say this because the concept of having 'floors' can pose immersion issues since this format would have to be more realistic—having random staircases littered throughout the place wouldn't make very much sense.
However, one could break down the dungeons into levels, especially since many of them are located either in caves or mountainous regions; like switching between main rooms in LoZ dungeons, again, just sealing them off so you can't go back—more of a gradual descent.
For plains/forests/et cetera, it could simply be the winding trail through these places on the same vertical plane, presented as zones or sections instead.
Items and Pokemon could still be randomly generated like Sword/Shield and Scarlet/Violet, as well.
While the idea isn't perfect and definitely would need some refining to make it feasible, I feel that it would work.
So now that the player as a human is established, the 'modernization' of mystery dungeons solved for the most part, what about the story?
I think the reboot's plot could be the same as the base games, perhaps with added scenes in the time gaps to fill out the plot more—you wake up as a Pokemon, save the world, go through the post-game, you know the drill.
I definitely want them to bring forward the Special Episodes, likewise, and maybe add some more! I'd like to know how Chatot and Wigglytuff met, more about Wigglytuff and Armaldo/Team Charm, and some of the other Guildmembers and side characters that didn't get spotlights.
Where I propose that it differs is my own personal canon, but I'll try to keep it general.
It would be required that the team reaches Guildmaster Rank before this could happen, and that Darkrai's situation has been settled. (Whether or not there's an implied time skip or not, I don't know.) But one day your partner asks you if there's anything you wonder about regarding your past, and you could be presented with two options:
'I wish I could get my memories back,' or, 'I wish I knew if Grovyle is okay.'
This choice doesn't really divert any changes, just the order they take place in, if that makes sense.
Your partner agrees with you, whatever you say, and it falls to the back of your minds until you happen to learn from Bidoof (or the other Guildmembers, since they were there) that Jirachi grants wishes—and that his came true since the team joined the Guild.
I know you can visit Star Cave and receive a wish from Jirachi, in Red/Blue Rescue Team/DX, and he's featured in Bidoof's Wish, but I don't recall if you as the hero can get a wish granted from him—which is where this plot point comes into play.
Your partner proposes that you two travel to Star Cave to see if Jirachi could answer your wishes, and should you go it proceeds as normal: dungeon layout has changed like the base game, you have to fight Jirachi, and he offers you the same options as in Bidoof's Wish: to become rich (lots of money), to be the strongest Pokemon (power-up items), to be the best explorer (perhaps a map to an unexplored/undiscovered dungeon?), to eat lots of yummy food (gummis), to get lots of items (from the dungeon), to rule the world (which I think would prompt a repeat question, since it's a rather silly answer)...
...Or 'something else'.
You have the choice to select any of the former options, but picking 'something else' will instigate a new conversation after confirming that it is truly and that you are absolutely sure that it's what you want. This relates directly to the conversation you had with your partner earlier, so the player's choice will be their wish—however, you don't have to worry about which one you pick, because your partner will share the one you didn't, so the dialogue would be switched around a little bit to accommodate for that.
Hero: (Something else.) Partner: ...Oh, [Player], you mean...what we talked about earlier? Hero: (Nods) Partner: Okay. {Turns to Jirachi} [Player] is originally from the future, and lost his/her memories during an accident while traveling back through time. We wanted to know if you could...well, if you could grant his/her wish to restore them! Jirachi: Hmm...that is not an easy wish to grant, as I don't normally have the power to influence anyone's memory. Partner, downtrodden: ...Oh. Jirachi: ...But, since you and [Player] have worked so hard and one so much...I will make [Player]'s wish come true. Partner, excited: R-really? You'll do that, Jirachi? Jirachi: Yes. And as a personal favor for you saving the world twice over...I'll grant your wish, too, [Partner]. Partner: O-oh! My wish? I didn't even think about it...I was so caught up with [Player]'s that I haven't even considered what I would ask for... Jirachi: It's all right. That you were so concerned for [Player] says a lot about you. You're a good Pokemon, [Partner]. So if you don't have a wish now... Partner: W-wait! I do think I have one, if that's all right! Jirachi: Go on. Partner: We have some friends in the future, and we're not sure if they're okay. We would really like to know if they're all right, Jirachi, if that's at all possible. Jirachi: Hmm...that isn't exactly easier, either, but...it will happen. You'll be able to find out soon if your friends are alive and well, [Player] and [Partner]. It may not happen today, or tomorrow, but...one day. Partner: Thank you, Jirachi! You don't know how much this means to us! Jirachi: I'm glad. Consider it my thanks for your efforts in saving our world.
Jirachi grants the wishes and disappears to go back to sleep. Nothing changes at first, so they worry a little, but partner has hope that Jirachi's word is true.
Hero and partner return home, and during the night while the player is dreaming, the hero starts to have dreams of snippets of their life before—mostly dialogue with some images, like their dimensional scream flashes.
This unlocks a new section, similar to the Special Episodes, of the pre-story—where the aforementioned plot of the player being chosen and deposited into the PMD world occurs.
I think it should focus on the player getting through a first dungeon by themselves to learn combat—and, again, you might wonder 'how in the world would that work, Fisara?' but I say to that: the proliferation of items littering the place.
It never really made sense to me why Pokemon would use items, particularly those for attacks, when they have moves (other than a mechanical sense, of course, for the game's sake), but it would make perfect sense for a human who has no abilities to use them: Gravelrocks/Geo-Pebbles, Sticks/Iron and Silver Thorns, various Seeds and Orbs...the human would not be defenseless, and this would explain why Grovyle uses them with such familiarity, also.
Then the player meets Grovyle (though I'd honestly prefer it if they met him as a Treecko and they 'grew up' together a bit, although other than some magic with the evolutionary spring I don't know how he'd evolve in-lore unless they sought a special item or something. They get connected with the investigation society and—for the main plot of this extension—you and Grovyle explore the Grass Continent as it stands in the corrupted future.
This would give so many opportunities to see how the ecology/environment changes, the names that future Pokemon give the locations, and while it would follow a similar path to the main game it would be a refreshing view of it since this is where all of the hero's flashbacks originate. Having to discover old maps and texts to figure out the locations of the Time Gears, maybe even tracking down Uxie/Mesprit/Azelf if they're still around/haven't been driven mad by the planet's paralysis (maybe Uxie is the only one who remembers since his specialty is in memory, idk). Then we would have the opportunity to introduce the danger that Dusknoir poses, trying to track them down to stop them. I'd also like to see at least some background indications of Darkrai's meddling, because there is so much potential to bring the plot full circle with more exploration.
They would somehow need to be able to travel to the Hidden Land (now, canonically, Dusk Forest) to find Celebi, so I don't know if the Relic Fragment and Lapras would come into play, or if Celebi just travels around the continent (in the case of there being more than one time portal). Anyway, Dusknoir and his Sableye finally almost catch them, Celebi sends them back, and then Grovyle and the hero are attacked during the time stream by Darkrai (which I'd really like to see a glimpse/indication of him, even if he's in the shadows).
Once this is completed, when you go back to the main game (after a day, so the following night), you explain to your partner that you received your memory back and explain everything that happened. They're ecstatic, and they ask you about Grovyle and Celebi and your adventures that you remembered. Then they get a little down, asking if you miss them now, and you're able to respond.
Small time skip (bc this post is already way too long), and one day Celebi shows up at the guild looking for you! She explains that the time portal has been repaired now that time has evened back out, and says that you can come to the future again. The player decides to go, but the partner decides to stay because they belong there, and the player truly belongs in the future. Cue tearful goodbye (pls animate a hug also that'd be great), and player travels to the Hidden Land with Celebi to find it (opening up another section like the memories one so the player can still hang out in the present and do missions and stuff—no obligation to go forward).
They travel back to the future, and while it would hypothetically look the same as the past since the paralysis is gone, I think it'd be great to show the passage of time with the ruins being a little more decayed and overgrown w/ vegetation/etc. Maybe Dialga visits them and bids them hello.
Celebi takes them back to the mainland where the others have settled, maybe Treasure Town but I think it would be nice to see anew settlement instead. Cue tearful reunion with Grovyle (another animated hug pls), but then gasp! Dusknoir's there too!
I want there to be full explanations on how everything's going on—did they form an exploration team? Are they managing their town? How are they adjusting to non-post-apocalyptic life? (With a whole story arc on learning to trust Dusknoir again since he's been redeemed, I will accept no other option, Nintendo. Give me wholesomeness with that old man.) I want them to go on adventures again with the hero and them all be happy. Then I want them to go visit Treasure Town to find out that your partner has become the Guildmaster since Wigglytuff decided to retire/go exploring on his own again (with or without Chatot, maybe depending on how severely his wounds from Kabutops/Omanytes limited his exploration abilities, idk). Wrap it all up in a nice little bow.
I'd love it if you also had the option to return the player to a human or not, too, but I don't really know how you'd execute that other than another wish from Jirachi maybe—but we never really got an explanation on how the player was turned into a human in the first place (which I would absolutely want—did Arceus do it to protect them?), so I think it would potentially work, though I'm sure some people wouldn't be a fan of that idea since being a Pokemon is one of the main premises of the games.
Anyway...you can tell I spent far too much time thinking about this. Feel free to add any more ideas with reblogs or comments, I'd love to hear what y'all think! :)
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spyderlondon · 2 months
The Amazing Pokemon Circus Chapter One
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Art by @mangotangerinepastry
A/N: Normally in PMD games, the protagonist is thrown in as a baby Pokemon but, uh, since I wanna include romance- that won't be happening.
There was a groan as a pokemon woke up in a daze and slowly sat up, "Ugh..." She put a hand to her head as she tried to to stop being so dizzy. She took breaths before pausing as she finally processed the... creaminess? of her head, "Wha...-?" She questioned quietly as she lowered her hand and saw how her hands weren't exactly... hands anymore. They were yellowish with a creamy like texture and how had three goopy fingers. She tensed, this wasn't normal.
She looked around frantically around the area she was in, it looked as if she was in some sort of cave but more importantly, there was a small pool of water near her. She rushed over to it and immediately knelt down next to it as she looked at her reflection in the water, her eyes widened as she took in what she saw.
Most of her body was the same yellow color as her hands; she observed how she didn't have legs but instead a round lower torso that was seemingly a little melted and was partially a light blue color; her head contained dark blue eyes with two blue accessories that looked like a trio of blueberries on either side of her head as well as a small swirl above her head that appeared to be like her hair with a very light pink at the top of it along with two blobs of cream underneath the blueberry accessories that had a little darker yellow at the bottom of them; and all around her body were dark yellow stripes.
The Alcremie, as she remembered this pokemon was called, stared at the pool of water for a few more seconds as her mind caught up with her eyes before suddenly yelling out loudly, "AM I A FUCKING POKEMON?!?" She frantically touched her face and tried pinching her cheek to wake herself up- to no avail. Her breathing quickened in her panicked state, not picking up on the footsteps approaching her from behind.
"We already got the item that that Nidoran requested from us, Kinger, why didn't you want to just teleport out?" An Indeedee questioned the Slowking she was partnered with for this mission, "There's not even that many rooms left nor will this dungeon give us as much experience as we need to level up." She reasoned.
The Slowking, named Kinger apparently, seemed to be looking around with his eyes appearing vacant but somehow still seemed to be searching for something. What? Even he wasn't entirely sure, "We just need to keep going, Ragatha." Was all he responded with, sounding a bit unsure but sure all at the same time. Somehow.
Ragatha stared at him dumbfounded, she could never understand how the psychic type pokemon could sound so wise but then forget everything he said a second later. She frowned a bit but accepted what he told her- even though he was forgetful, he did know what he was talking about usually. She sighed, "Alright- let's find what is still here." She waved off as they got to the area with the stairs.
"Find what?" Kinger questioned as his apparently forgot what he told his younger partner.
She rolled her eyes as she simply led her elder down the stairs. Once they got to the bottom, they heard a scream and a loud pokemon cry that sounded like they were about to attack, "Oh no-" Ragatha gasped before rushing off with the Slowking in tow.
A large Ice Shard was thrown at the Alcremie with telekinesis by a Mr. Rime that had a reddish tint than a normal one. He didn't speak, only crying out his name as he attacked her as if he had forgotten how to speak normally.
The fairy-type was quick enough to dodge the attack but had no idea how to fight back so she just continually dodged the shards of ice that were being thrown at her one after another. That was until she finally got hit hard in the torso which caused her to which the ground with her eyes wide in fear, "Definitely not a dream..." She mumbled as she realized the pain was far too real to just be a simple dream. She froze as she saw the Mr. Rime create another Ice Shard to attack her once again. She held her arms up to defend herself as much as possible.
But the Ice Shard sounded like it crashed to the ground instead and her attacker fell to the ground with a thud alongside another pokemon.
She looked up in fear as she saw a Slowking steadying himself after hitting the ground next to the Mr. Rime that attacked her. The pink psychic type had some type of band around his wrist that had a dimming glow from when he attacked the opponent.
She stared with wide eyes at the two pokemon fighting for a moment before suddenly yelping in shock as her wounds to vanish almost out of nowhere. At least she thought it was out of nowhere until she noticed an Indeedee with a scarf around her neck using some type of healing move on her as a way to ease her pain.
"Are you alright, hun?" She asked her softly as to not startle the Alcremie even further, "Kinger will take care of Kauf-..." She turned away as her features turned sad before looking back at the fairy-type with the same smile from before, "I mean, the feral Mr. Rime over there." She reassured her.
"I-I... I'm alright-" The younger girl stuttered, "Just confused and-... where are we? Why am I a pokemon? I was a human not too long ago..." Her blue eyes turned into scriggles as she began to panic again, "WHY DON'T I REMEMBER MY NAME OR WHAT MY FACE LOOKED LIKE?!?" She cried out as she began to pull at her creamy skin, thankfully unable to hurt herself.
The Indeedee blinked in surprise as she looked at the Slowking who was standing by the, now fainted, Mr. Rime, "Kinger, we have a new human over here!" She called over to him, getting him to head on over.
The Alcremie stared at the two, "'New human'?" She repeated in shock, "D-Does that mean you two are...?" She trailed off, still in complete shock.
"Humans?" The Slowking finished her sentence, "Absolutely. Or... we were at least." He nodded at the fainted pokemon nearby, "So was he. Until he went insane and turned feral." He explained as the Indeedee healed him up, "Thank you." He smiled at her.
She smiled and gave a nod to say your welcome before the Alcremie spoke up again, "If his name is Kinger... who are you?" She questioned, "And why do you two know your names???"
The ram pokemon used her front hooves to gesture for the new girl to calm down a bit, "My name's Ragatha." She introduced herself, "And we don't know our *actual* names, only the ones we gave ourselves after we got to this world. Why don't you make a name for yourself? Better than just going by 'Alcremie', I'd think." She smiled.
The new pokemon stared at the two in front of her as she unexpectedly used Calm Mind on herself which got her to almost instantaneously relax and think clearly, "...Pomni. I'll go by Pomni." She answered quietly.
Kinger and Ragatha grinned as the Slowking held out his hands to the two girls, "Pomni, it is!" Ragatha cheered lightly to try and help bring up Pomni's mood a bit. She took out two badges, giving one to the new girl, while Kinger got out his, "Let's head on back to the circus. Caine should be able to help her out!" She told her partner.
Kinger gave a nod, helping Pomni put on her badge before pressing on his and hers together with Ragatha not far behind. The badges glowed before, in an instant, all three of them were teleported by a bright light.
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alphyadventures · 11 months
Wait I got a an idea to help me make a Loomian Legacy Mystery Dungeon without upsetting that balance with my pmd rival gates story
Bella is an old oc of mine who's just literally cowgirl vulpix. I could use her instead of Blue for LLMD but idk what Loomian she would be
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legrandefungus · 4 months
The 4 in the morning fugus thoughts:
I wonder what would happen if the premise I attached to my EoS AU was given to the other PMD games? Where someone with knowledge on the game enters it and takes it VERY poorly, everything somewhat getting worse from there. The story deviating more and more as the Hero changes things.
I'm thinking it's an interesting thought!
I'm not too well-versed on Red and Blue Rescue Team, but! Gengar's a time bomb, A.C.T. is a time bomb. Everyone around them could lead to that triggering event where the Hero and the Partner are hunted down by everyone. At the same time, they would have to befriend Gengar enough without tipping him off that they know the truth. Though, at least the plan is simple: Get Rayquaza to deal with the meteor whilst having an exit plan from the netherworld. Of course, with how things are, it's always better to have a backup plan. Even if they get a bit dangerous, they just need to get to Rayquaza.
Now, admittedly, I barely have any knowledge of Gates to infinity. However, reading a plot synopsis gives a few braincells. Struggling on whether to dance around the main point. But most of all? Being so completely unphased by the effects of Bittercold on everyone. It's not like humans act much different on a day to day basis. I'm sure Hydreigon would be quite confused about the Hero. Being unaffected by the increasing hostility through the mundanity of normal life. The horrors will come along, people will fight and layoffs will happen. But that will pass, and time continues going; food still needs to be made, and the dishes still need to be cleaned.
Now, Super Mystery Dungeon is something I've played to completion. Therefore, I can say with 100% confidence that it would be an extreme tightrope of information management. The Hero knows who all the players are and is split on what to do. It's not like there's a safety net, the game opens with Nuzleaf and the Beheeyem. The Hero lives in the same house with him for the first part of the game. There's actually a bit of an opposite issue here than with Explorers of Sky: There's too many options on where to go. Theoretically, the Hero could go straight for the Tree of Life, as they would know exactly where Dark Matter is. Of course, this is unfeasible, as it's instead locked behind several conditions here and there. At the same time, they already know that everyone around them is a lie. Their friend is Mew and will be the one to disappear; Nuzleaf and Espurr will betray them, the former returning for a difficult fight. Not to mention how many more Pokémon there are in PSMD. There're missions where they talk to Pokémon or meet someone in a cafe, can't let anything slip. At the same time, they have to convince Ampharos of things, and go to as many lategame dungeons as possible for high quality items. Sparkling tiles galore leads to high amounts of stat-boosting items, which means a greater chance that the both of them can make it to Dark Matter at the end.
I'm sure there's more to this, but am a bit eepy so I'm stoppin it there.
Apologies for the rambling format. It's nearly 5 in the morning as I'm about to post this.
Also if yall got anything to add, feel free to reblog this and attach some braincells of yer own!
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sakuramoussy · 1 year
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I honestly can't remember if my earliest Pokemon game was Pokemon Heartgold or if it was Blue Rescue Team, but the mystery dungeon series will be forever one of my favorite game series in existence.
I mostly remember my playthrough where I played a Skitty named Mittens with her partner, Charmander (unnamed, I think), though I decided to use my first ever team for this artwork instead. I remember the first time I played; imagine me as a little girl doing the PMD quiz to decide what pokemon I am and getting... Machop. LOL.
Little kid me REALLY loved Pikachu, like I had a Pikachu pillow from ToysRUs that was very well loved. That said, my bestie and I both reset our games to get ourselves to both play as Pikachu. Her partner, Bulbasaur, and mine, Charmander.
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axewchao · 1 year
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In This World, There's Only Monsters
Ended up thinking of this either shortly before or shortly after I posted the pic of Rockruff!Dal and Sawk. Basically it's a weird mesh of Undertale and PMD. Less of a crossover and more Undertale borrowing various elements from PMD. No Pocket Monsters anywhere, only UT Monsters.
...So at that point it's more of a basic dungeon-crawler RPG than anything else =w="
Dal is a human that was somehow sent to this world, and is found by Toriel in the Ancient Ruins, a place that was once a normal area before one day transforming into a Mystery Dungeon, or as they're called in this world, a Labyrinth. Labyrinths are dangerous, packed with all kinds of puzzles, traps, Monsters that are sliiightly more feral, and folks are known to get lost/stuck in them if they're not careful. Or if they're just adventure-hungry/treasure hunting idiots.
Dal follows the usual PMD protag formula of having amnesia this time around, unlike Rockruff!Dal. Can't remember anything other than his name, his age, general facts/knowledge and that he's a human. But while his personal memories are gone, the emotions linked to those memories still remain, and he eventually starts recalling things if current events mimic them well enough. Toriel's motherly behavior towards him is a good example; one bite of her cooking, clearly done with love and care, is enough to trigger Dal's memories of his own mother, albeit faintly. He doesn't remember Celeste's face, voice, or even her name, but what little he does recall is enough to drive him to silent tears.
And while Toriel isn't going to stop him from finding other ways to jog his memory, she is quick to warn him of one very important thing: Never let anyone find out he's a human. His very SOUL could give him away, as it's still the right side-up heart shape and instead of being pure white, it's a deep blue, shining strong with Integrity. And unlike normal Monsters who are made of magic and dust, Moomore is still made of flesh and bone, has a heartbeat alongside his SOULbeat, and bleeds when injured.
And speaking of magic... monsters can't seem to use theirs lately. Huh. No time to wonder why, since Dal can evidently use magic himself. Maybe he's got a surplus since he doesn't need any magic to... y'know. Make up his body n' stuff...
Why keep his humanity hidden? Because the humans that appeared in the Monster world before Dal were seen as bad omens, and all of them were killed before too long. It has been a long time since a human last arrived in the Monster world, so most people wouldn't notice a thing, but Moomore isn't the type to take such a risk, especially if his life would literally be on the line. Which it is.
But the questions remain... Why is Dalex here? Why'd he lose his memory? How much has he really forgotten? Why do Monsters see humans as "bad omens?" Why are humans even appearing in this world at all, when it's clear that Monsters don't want them around? Can Dal really trust anyone in this world? Will Dal be able to hide in plain sight, or will he be caught and inevitably killed?
And most importantly... if we're throwing PMD aspects into this adventure, that means Dal's the Hero... so who's the Partner? :3c
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madohomurat · 2 years
things im gonna do when tax season is over:
-draw! i miss drawing...
-get a second monitor and tbh? probably gonna build a new gaming PC
-watch anime particularly pokemon
-i also wanna watch bluey
-finish botw for god sake
-METROID PRIME REMASTER! also i should definitely play dread
-more splatoon 3!
-pikmin 3 and eventually 4
-how could i forget fire emblem engage lmfao
-ive been wanting to replay pmd rescue team dx but also tempted to just play blue rescue team instead lol
-finish sacred stones and also finally start the tellius games
-draw. again. i miss drawing
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saguaropokevariants · 2 years
(@ask-professor-cedar-pmd) Thievul: The Thievul looks up at Saguaro, before bowing their head. "Greetings. I am Professor Thievul, and I am researching humans. Where I come from, we call variant Pokemon by their types, such as 'Ice Vulpix' or 'Poison Slowking'. Why do humans use location names instead?"
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"Azu, az zuma. mari ri."
Ah... Hmm. That's a very good question.
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Well, from what I know, it's due to Pokemon like Slowpoke. We can't call Galarian Slowpoke 'Psychic Slowpoke' because, well, normal Slowpoke are ALSO Psychic type! It's just that Galarian Slowpoke lost their Water typing.
"Coa! Coal coal!"
Oh? Well, perfect timing, another great example.
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Red-Striped Basculin and Blue-Striped Basculin hatched from the eggs!
We can't exactly call these two by their typing. They're the same Pokemon, but they behave differently. So we call them 'Red-Stripe' and 'Blue-stripe'. There's also the White-Stripe from Hisui, which I have available to study compared to these two.
I think, mostly, us humans use where they live instead of their typing so that it's easier to identify where they originated, and it helps in our studies on how these Pokemon change their typing like this.
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pixlostinatos · 2 years
okay i have brainthoughts for like. what pokemon each of the empires characters would have but thats not what this post is about
this post is "if they were pokemon, in like a pmd au or something, what would they be"
-Pixl - Copperajah (fairly self-explanatory)
-fWhip - Dragapult (dragon, bc of his wings and so hed share a type with gem! also rockets, sort of)
-Sausage - Bisharp (his assassins guild!!)
-Gem - Flapple (dragon! also theyre not ill-natured like most dragon-types are said to be)
-Joey - Scrafty (relatively unassuming, but scarily strong)
-Joel - Claydol (its literally made of terracotta. the man lived in a mesa)
-Jimmy - Basculin (the salmon-cod war vs the rivalry between red and blue striped basculin)
-Lizzie - Tapu Fini (i wanted to avoid putting legendaries on this list specifically but its really the best fit, as an ocean guardian deity)
-Katherine - Mawile (its a fairy type. it will also attack without hesitation, which makes me think of her head collection)
-Scott - Alolan Ninetales (fairly self-explanatory)
-Shrub - Dusk Lycanroc (wolf spirit)
-Pearl - Liligant (pretty and kind flower pokemon. but also was pretty strong in the meta for a bit)
-Xornoth - Kantonian Ninetales (matchy with scott, but fire type instead of ice/fairy, and kantonian ninetales are spiteful. a good alternative option could be houndoom)
-Pixl - Sigilyph (hes studying the Ancient Capital. sigilyph come from ancient civilizations)
-fWhip - Sableye (mischievous and eats rocks)
-Sausage - Lucario (strong senses of justice. can communicate with humans, mirroring e2!sausages ability to talk with animals)
-Gem - Volcarona (sun butterfly! okay technically its a moth but shhhhh)
-Joey - Sharpedo ("This Pokémon is known as the Bully of the Sea". no further comment)
-Joel - Unfeazant (good fliers, but egotistical. sound familiar?)
-Jimmy - Banette (banette is an abandoned doll that came to life out of spite. i think it would fit with him insisting hes not a toy)
-Lizzie - Liepard (cat. steals things and lies and is kind of cruel)
-Katherine - Absol (shes said to be cursed. absol was seen as an omen of disaster)
-Scott - Roserade (colors and flowers!! also the only llama pokemon as of yet is arceus and sorry scott but you dont get to be pokemon god)
-Shubble - Hattrem (a witch! but still in training. also shell kick ur ass)
-False - Klinklang (cogs!! also its a steel type which i feel suits her)
-Oli - Jigglypuff (known for its singing and distinctly unthreatening)
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cheemken · 1 year
pls share mre abt the champs pmd au
Okay so technically the same intro of every pmd game where the hero gets transformed to a pkmn and all that yeah, that but w the champions hahah
Lance - Dragonite
Steven - Metagross
Wallace - Milotic
Cynthia - Garchomp
Iris - Axew
Diantha - Gardevoir
Hau - Rowlet
Leon - Charizard
Geeta - Kingambit
Yes I'm not making Geeta a Glimmora bc honest to God this is the first time I ever truly hated a Champion's team so I changed her team a bit in my aus so her ace is Kingambit now, and yeah the Alola champion in my aus is Hau bc I think he deserves it really
Anyways yeah, they all got separated when they got transported to the digital pokemon world or smth and ofc like I said this is very Diantha centric so yeah Dia met this spunky Gabite named Gus and he's like a bundle of energy, asking her a lot of questions and yeah they ended up forming an exploration team bc he always wanted to find a lot of treasures but no one every wants to join him
So yeah, Dia and Gus go on adventures w Dia having random memories abt her past, like how that one time during a thunderstorm she sees this boy donning blue clothes instead of Gus, but damn they're just so similar man and she always had this need to protect the young dragon
Dia kinda became his guardian and yeah he's really happy being w her bc someone finally joined him on his adventures and even listens to him
They're kinda like treasure hunters really, so they go from dungeon to dungeon finding special treasures there and keeping it to themselves hahah
And yeah they meet up w the rest of the champions one by one and Dia's all "oh, they're kinda familiar.."
And yeah some more angsty shit happens hahaha
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abyssembraced · 1 year
Get to know the mun!
What's your phone wallpaper?: All of my backgrounds are video game characters! On my phone, I'm using fanart of Amaterasu from Ōkami, though unfortunately I don't know where I originally got it from. And on my tablet, I'm using this fanart of Edelgard from FE3H!
Currently reading: I'm keeping up with a couple of PMD webcomics, but other than that... Nothing, really! I've been spending most of my free time drawing and writing instead (...though I. Haven't been writing my owed replies. I should really get to those now that I'm on summer break, oops)
Last movie: Honestly? No clue. I hardly ever watch movies, so whatever it was probably happened months ago lmao
What are you wearing: Just some pyjamas! I have nowhere to go today and I am comfy :)
Piercings/Tattoos?: My ears were pierced when I was young, so I've got earrings that I wear pretty much permanently! Basically the only jewellery I really wear lmao. Other than that, nothing!
Glasses, Contacts, Both, or Neither?: Just glasses! Contact lenses make me nervous,,, dgshshf
Last thing you ate: Had some cereal for breakfast a couple hours ago! Might go eat something else soon, though
Favourite colour(s): Light pinks and light blues!
Current obsession: Deltarune is definitely one of the Big Ones right now, but my old Undertale obsession from like 2015-2017 has also been back with a vengeance lately. Hollow Knight is still stickin' around though, albeit maybe a little less than it was a couple months ago, but it's still there! And I fully expect my Ace Attorney obsession to be back in full force once my friend and I can start playing (replaying for me) TGAA.
Do you have a crush?: Nope! And I plan on keeping it that way dgdgshs. I'm not interested in romance at the moment
Favourite fictional character?: No. Bad. This question is bad I don't like it ASGSGSHDS. I have So Many beloveds, how can I pick just one!? Give me an individual game or series and I can pick out my favourite from there easily enough, but picking my favourite among my faves? Impossible. I don't even wanna start a list here because I'll probably forget someone and then feel bad about it dgdgdsh
Tagged by: Stolen from @ofeggies
Tagging: @tazmilyxfamily, @trxvelingnightmxre, @voidedheart, @legalbrats, @xmfxne, and anyone else reading this who wants to! I'd love to read it :)
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nvelworlds · 1 year
🖊️ + ketsuban?
ooh good choice! ketsuban (ketsu for short, it/they) is my pokesona, or at least something very similar.
it's a missingno, and named after the japanese name that missingno gets. instead of just being one, they're able to swap between missingno forms: red/blue, ghost, aerodactyl fossil, kabutops fossil, and yellow
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red/blue form is the most common, kind of default state, though it's more accurate to say that it's the form that doesn't require energy to maintain. the ghost and the fossils are useful for interacting with the world (sometimes) and the yellow form only pops up when they're distressed or overwhelmed
on top of these forms though, they can also poorly mimic other pokemon. far worse than a ditto could, no matter what the surface looks like a cheap injection molded toy and the movements are unsettlingly puppet-like, but normally from a distance that's not an issue.
it can alter or read some low forms of game data, things like character location/metadata is pretty easy for it to see. i've also written up a handful of weird moves for the pmd rp i put them in for a bit of light crunch:
superposition: swaps between bird/normal and normal/999 typing
wild magic: rolls on the modified wild surge 5e table (https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Wild_Magic_Surge_Table,_Variant_(5e_Variant_Rule))
nullpointer_mo??: 90% (2-19) chance to perform random basegame move; 5% (20) chance to perform random gigantimax move; 5% (1) chance to perform random shadow move (https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_moves)
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artidoesthings · 2 years
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I posted 6,210 times in 2022
That's 5,462 more posts than 2021!
3,330 posts created (54%)
2,880 posts reblogged (46%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,340 of my posts in 2022
Only 14% of my posts had no tags
#kirby - 534 posts
#aeon hero meta au - 252 posts
#cookie run - 228 posts
#better end au - 180 posts
#arti says things - 169 posts
#timeskip au - 166 posts
#aforementioned crossover au - 121 posts
#small meta shenanigans - 115 posts
#aeon hero meta au asks - 95 posts
#splatoon - 88 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#morpho knight’s appearance in star allies isn’t technically canon but it’s not relevant in this au unless if you wanna make things real sad
My Top Posts in 2022:
I had a very fucking stupid thought.
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I’m sorry to both fandoms for this
75 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
Fact of the day: this
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zan par isn’t just mean to your frame rate. She’s mean to several other characters!
83 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
I wish the Nier Automata, Persona series, and portal series fans a very happy Switch Port Announcement Day.
88 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
Au where instead of being in Hisui Ingo ends up in the pmd universe
102 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So you know how people draw Dedede giving Meta pebbles because it's a courting habit for penguins. Well, I ended up looking up bat courting habits and while it's different from species to species, there were two I really liked: One is for bats to show off their acrobatic flying skills to impress the other. Another is to wrap their wings around their potential mate and nuzzle them. So just image Meta doing that to Dedede before either of them confessed. This couple has so much cute potential!
OH,,,, o h,,, oh my god,,,,
dude. the Potential here,,,
171 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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