#that little omori pin is all i ever wanted
polaroid-petals · 4 months
Update to my day to day hip bag ✨
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vee-beeee · 4 months
Plant Shopping
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So I’ve essentially been dead and i apologize, lotta life stuff happening so that’s fun.
This isn’t a Connor x reader fic ;-; but ill get one out soon, but i wanted to try experimenting with another character and I’ve been playing omori recently so here this is
Basically: Set in a universe where Mari went to the hospital for a bit but was okay, and everyone’s doing good. You and Basil see that’s its a nice summer day outside, and decide to go plant shopping :)
A classic Basil x reader fic, both characters are 18 (reader has she/her pronouns)
Only other relationship mentioned is Mari x hero
This might be slightly out of character, as it’s my first time writing for these guys. This is also an au where Mari didn’t die so they main group is happier, and they got therapy 👍
Triggers: Panic attacks, but mostly happy and a comfort fic because these guys deserve it fr fr
It’s always a weird feeling when you wake up and the sun is drifting into your eyes. It’s like your lids are glowing with the sun itself, catching on your lashes.
Your dreamy haze is startle when you try to gently shift in bed, realizing to late how close you are to the edge.
And you then fall off the side in a mess of blankets.
A body shoots up on top of the bed, a mess of blonde hair and a slender frame all you can see from your spot on the floor. It turns around the room to survey the surroundings, before mumbling something and falling back onto the bed.
“Basiiiillllll” you call out, sleep laced in your voice as you claw to get out of the sheets.
“Whatttttt” he mumbles back, shifting in bed to roll over to look at you.
Before realizing you weren’t there.
“Oh honey!” He instantly wakes up, crawling over the bed to look at you, before leaning down to help undo the blankets. “How did you do this?” He asks when you’re finally free, looking over your body to check for any bruises.
“Maybe you shoved me close to the edge in your sleep again” You laugh, standing up and stretching. You reach your arms above your head and hear your bones creaking, causing you to sigh in relaxation. When your finished you swing your arms down and look at Basil, you was laying on the bed, looking at you with the most gentle, loving gaze you had ever seen. He was also laying upside down, the goober.
“What” you laugh, adjusting your sleep shorts as you walk over to the closet and start rooting through clothes.
“Nothing” he replies, “Just that you look like a flower, blooming in the sun” he chuckles, rolling off the bed to walk and hug you from behind.
Over the years, Basil had hit a growth spurt and went from the shortest to the third tallest. Kel had him beat, next to hero. Sunny was a “short king” as your group called him, but he was still almost as tall as Basil. His blond hair was cut almost the same, done up with some sparkly pins in a low pony, a product of your self care night you had. (You both put on face masks and needed his hair out of his face)
You guys gently swayed in his room for a minute, being careful of the plants that littered his room.
You gently turned your head to kiss his forehead, which had been resting on your shoulder “We should do something today” you whispered, stopping your swaying. When he didn’t answer, you turned to look at him more in question.
And then he started fake snoring.
It was so loud and obnoxious that you couldn’t help but laugh, especially when it turned into the “me me me” snore. Basil broke and started laughing to, and you both chuckled to your hearts content in your happy little bubble.
After that you both got dressed, you in a flowery summer dress and him in some shorts and white tee that said “flower power” showcasing a variety of different flower types on it.
You were currently making eggs and toast with some blueberry jam that you guys made together. That was a fun, albeit messy experiment.
Basil was leaning on the counter next to you, telling you about the others in your groups plan for that day.
“Mari and Hero are driving out to the city, Aubrey is going out with some friends, and Sunny and Kel are meeting up so Kel can try to teach him basketball.” Basil chuckled at the thought of poor sunny getting hit in the face with a ball.
“So we have the day to ourselves?” You questioned, looking outside the window to the beautiful sun shining down on the house. Polly was out doing errands, and Basils grandmother was sleeping in her room.
It really was just the two of you.
“Yep, the whole sunny day” he smiled at you, before jumping and letting out an “oh!” You looked at him with a questioning gaze, and he smiled shakily before running to his room. He came back shortly with a scrap piece of paper and he looked at you in excitement.
“Do you wanna go plant shopping with me?” He smiled so bright you had to squint to see him. You laughed and nodded your head.
“Of course i will! What planets do you need?” This caused Basils brilliant smile to falter, and he chuckled and scratched the back of his head, guilty look plastered on his face
“A lot”
You smirked and held your hand out, and he gently gave you his scrap piece of paper he was holding.
You nodded a thank you and looked down, and saw that the entire sheet of paper was filled out.
Your mouth dropped open as you read all the different kind of plants, a lot of which you couldn’t recognize.
“That’s my list, these ones do well in the summer” He pointed out on the list shyly, before laughing and shaking his head.
“We need to get started then” you winked, and Basil was once again beaming.
After you both got ready, eating and saying goodbye to basils grandmother, you were off to the green house outside of town.
You stood in the driveway, looking at your guys bikes leaned up on the house. You turned to look at basil with a scrunched up look and he bit his lip. You both knew one thing.
You were not gonna fit all the plants in a flimsy bike basket.
Your next option was to call Kel.
Basil and Kel talked on the phone while you undid the locks on your bikes, rolling them over to where your boyfriend was standing.
“….thank you Kel, i promise ill pay for gas” Basil nodded as Kel talked in his ear, and the blonde turned to you to give a thumbs up. You smiled as the plan was set in motion.
Basically the plan was this:
Kel had saved up months ago and bought a truck, while you and basil had chosen to stick with bikes, being the healthier option for you too. But at times like this, extra help was needed.
So you guys were going to bike to park, where Kel and sunny were, and borrow/ steal kels truck, while he and sunny took your bikes home when they were ready.
Perfect plan.
You and basil started to the park, enjoying the warm summer morning. Basil, like basil does, took his camera. He was fussing over it all the way to the park, making sure the strap was tight around his chest. You chuckled as he shakily tried adjusting, before yelping when he realized he was heading into the bushes.
You got to the park (mostly) unharmed. Basil did have a couple scratches, but you were always prepared and brought band-aids for accidents.
(And you were always willing to kiss it better)
When you got to the park, you both beelined for the court. Before you could even see it, you could hear Kel.
He was screaming his head off and whistling.
You and Basil slowly looked at each other, before bursting into laughter. You guys continued walking to the court while giggling, and saw quite the sight.
Kel was guarding sunny, and yelling into his ear. Sunny looked frustrated, but was clearly concentrating hard. You and basil smiled as you watched Kel suddenly make a grab for the ball, causing sunny to turn and shoot for the basket.
The ball flew right over the net, over the board, and before you could register, the ball flying righttt over your head.
You stood there in shock as the ball thudded into a tree, and you blinked as a very worried Basil came into your vision.
“Sweet Pea! Are you okay?” He checked you up and down, giggling gone. Kel was running over, yelling about that almost being the perfect hit, and sunny was walking over, rubbing his arm and looking at you with a guilty look.
The black haired boy tilted his head in apology, and one you recovered from your stunned state, you looked at him and gave him a shaky smile and thumbs up. That was a close one.
“Hey you guys! Sorry about that, he’s still learning distance of shooting the ball” Kel had retrieved the ball from the bushes, and was jogging back to your small circle. When he arrived, he slapped a hand on basils shoulder, sending the blonde forward a few steps. Basil just awkwardly chuckled, never fully getting used to be touched by surprise.
“So I hear you guys want to steal ol’ hector?” Kel laughed, spinning the ball on his finger.
“I’ll pay for gas don’t worry” Basil assured the boy, biting his lip once again, a nervous habit he had picked up when he was a kid.
“Im not to worried about it” Kel shrugged, tossing the ball hand to hand “Just don’t crash it” the boy laughed, punching basil on the arm. Basil chuckled and nodded, giving him a ‘yes sir’ before Kel suddenly threw him the keys. Basil struggled to catch it, the small jumble of metal bouncing from hand to hand before he caught it against his chest. Kel laughed at the antics, and finally gave you once last nod.
“Make sure he doesn’t get lost in there okay y/n?” The boy winked again and patted Sunny’s back, who gave you both a wave while they jogged back to the court. You giggled while Basil sputtered and went red, making an exaggerated frowny face, making you laugh harder.
After dropping the bikes in the lawn, where sunny and Kel could keep an eye on them, you both saw Kel truck parked on the street.
Basil carefully held your hand as you walked across the park to it. You swung your hands back and forth, your both starting to hum a Taylor swift song and laughing.
When you reached the car, Basil unlocked it, and ran around to your side to open the door for you, doing a little bow.
“For you my rose” He blushed and smiled, making you laugh and curtesy to him, thanking the boy before climbing into the tall car. He ran around and pulled open his door, sliding into the driver seat and familiarizing himself with the cars controls. The car was stick shift, and luckily Polly had taught Basil in his Grandmas old car, which also was a stick shift. So you were set.
Basil turned the key and the car roared to life, sputtering with its loud engine. Basil jumped and turned to you with his eyebrows raised, and you laughed at his expression.
Pulling out into the road, you changed the music into some classic road-trip goodies, and you were both off to drive to the plant store outside the town.
Basil was a pretty good driver, albeit a little anxious. After Maris tumble down the stairs that landed her with a broken leg in the hospital, Basils anxiety went through the roof. With a little encouragement from you and Polly, he saw a doctor and got some medication. Now, he was doing much better, but sometimes glimpses of the monster called anxiety crept through. He would get a little nervous when a truck was going to fast, if someone was honking, or if someone even passed him.
But he had you to calm him down. To cheer the blonde up when he got to stressed, you would jokingly yell “PERVERT” at people who were being a little to aggressive on the road, making basil laugh.
The current song was one of your favorites, “She Lit a Fire” by Lord Huron. You both were humming along on the peaceful trip.
About 30 minutes of singing and talking about nothing and everything, Basil smiled and informed you that you were close. He pulled into a dirt driveway and yelped as the road got a little bumpy. You giggled in joy, feeling like you were on a roller costar. Finally, Basil pulled into a clearing, where the road became pavement again.
And then you saw it.
A couple of huge greenhouses, people flocking around them. There were plants everywhere, and it smelt like heaven with all the flowers blooming, and some sprouting.
Basil pulled into a free spot, turning the noisy truck off. You put your hand on the door, ready to exit the truck, when you heard heavy breathing coming from the driver side of the car. You turned to Basil, about to ask him what that noise was, but saw the boy looking out the rear view mirror to a bunch of people.
You understood.
Basil never did good with crowds, and the blonde turned and looked to you in alarm.
“Touch or no touch?” You asked gently, always making sure he was comfortable with it before touching him. He nodded, so you reached out and grabbed his hand, gently rubbing it.
Basils breathing was getting more labored, so you started breathing with him.
“In and out flower” you repeated that mantra, rubbing the back of Basils hand until you noticed his breathing starting to go back to normal. You both took a couple seconds to regroup, before basil quietly leaned over the car and wrapped you in a hug. You breathed out a sigh into his chest, kissing it once before leaning into the hug.
You guys stayed like that for at least 5 minutes, before basil pulled away.
“Sorry ‘bout all that sweet pea” He gave you a shaky smile and you gently gave him one back.
“It’s okay basil” you nodded “Take all the time you need.”
He closed his eyes and breathed, before jokingly giving you a thumbs up. “Im ready, I’ve got you by my side to help me” he stuttered out, making you blush and aww. He went red and quickly got out of the car, walking to the other side to open your door. You hopped out, dusting yourself off before turning and seeing basil close the door and lock the car with a beep.
“Talk about your plants with me” you spoke up, turning to basil and holding your hand out. He gave you a soft look before taking it, explaing all the different kinds of plants as you guys walked through the crowds.
You finally got to the entranced, and in Basils eyes, he was in heaven. The nursery was filled top to bottom with plants. Hanging baskets to little sprouts. It was so colorful in the building, and there was barely any room to walk around in. The ceiling was completely glass, so the sun shone through to bring light into the painting that was the nursery.
“Im gonna live here now.” Basil announced, laughing in awe. You chuckled to him and bumped into his side, causing the both of you to giggle.
Basil picked up a basket and you guys got to shopping.
Basil wanted to look at all the vegetables he wanted to grow, and you followed the boy to make sure he didn’t go ham spending his money. Basil started picking up plants and explaining which one was which, the ones that looked healthy, if they’d do well with the weather we’ve been having, and all sorts of facts about the plants.
You followed him with an adoring look, happy to see your boyfriend so happy after the little hiccup in the car. You figured out since you’ve been with him that even if you had a hard moment, it can always go up from there.
You eventually started to wander off yourself, getting lost in the leaves of the plants and trees and walking to a quiet corner.
There, you found her.
The most beautiful flower you had ever seen, an orange lily plant, sun beam shining down at the perfect angle to illustrate the softness of the petals, the color popping. You gasped and quickly walked over, picking up the flower and putting it up to your nose, smelling the aroma the plant was giving off.
You were lost in a haze, until you heard a tell-tale click. You blinked and looked up, seeing basil holding his camera down the corridor of hanging plants, and vines spilling over table tops. You smiled at him while he fanned the picture he took, holding it up to the light, and grinning.
“This is a good one” he turns to you and waves you over, showing you the photo when you get close enough to see it. You move the lily to your waist, and take a look at the Polaroid.
It’s you, smelling the lily, framed by leaves and vines. The sun is shining on your hair, bringing out the color and showing the blush on your face.
You giggle and look at basil, whose eyes are trained on your face. He smiles and kisses your check, hanging the camera down by his neck, and tucking the picture into his pocket. He pecks your nose and finally your lips, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. You smile in the kiss, and put your free hand up on his cheek, squishing his face in the kiss, causing him to laugh and break away.
“You’re amazing my flower.” He bit his lip, blush finally creeping on his face as he closed his eyes and smiled. You blushed and slapped a hand on your face. You peeked your eyes through your hand and laughed a little.
“You are too, my delectable food garnish” Basil burst into laughter, and covered his mouth with his hands, shaking his head. He looked back up at you “Is that going to be my new nickname?” He asked, rolling his head to look up at the ceiling. You laughed and grabbed on of his free hands and rubbed it “Maybe” you just giggled.
After basil noticed you had a plant in your arms, he fawned over it, claiming it was “almost” as pretty as you.
That got you blushing.
As Basil continued around the nursery, he picked up more and more plants, until he had to get 2 carts. As he complained to you about the prices of maple tree saplings, you decided to name your lily “phoebe” .
Basil nodded his head and greeted phoebe by gently shaking one of her leaves like a hand. You and him burst into laughter, and you got some looks at the old folks peacefully shopping.
You and basil eventually got to the line, which went almost through the whole nursery. You were carrying all the pretty flowers, smelling each one.
Basil insisted on carrying the sprouts, because he wanted to make sure they did get to jostled. He was holding the whole basket at a specific angle, trying to make sure not one once of dirt spilled from their pots.
You and basil talked about the other plants you saw in line, and argued over who was going to pay for phoebe.
(Basil won)
As you were waiting, you got a text from Mari, asking how you were doing. She heard from Sunny that you guys had gone to the nursery, and you realized that you had been in there for at least a couple hours. You set down the basket and held your phone up, turning on the camera and pointing it to you and basil. You snapped the photo of you making a peace sign and silly face, while basil fussed over the flowers. You sent it to Mari, who sent laughing faces back and sent back a picture of her and hero, as they appeared to be at a coffe shop down town. Mari was making a thinking face, and hero, across the table, was making the smuggest face you’d ever seen.
You laughed and got basils attention, showing him the pictures. He blushed at the picture of him, and didn’t say anything but kiss your head.
You finally got to the checkout, basil talking to the kind old lady behind the counter. She commented on some of the sprouts, prompting basil to perk up and discuss flowers with her. When the lady was done typing in her computer, she announced the price and you blinked in alarm, looking at basil, who was surprisingly calm as he pulled out his wallet.
When everything was payed for, you grabbed a lollipop from the counters jar and picked up your share of flowers, sucker in your mouth as you walked out of the nursery, the afternoon heat washing over you.
Basil unlocked the truck, and you placed the planets in the backseat. You were about to climb into the car when basil grabbed your hand and squeezed it, causing you to look at him.
“I’ll be right back, I have to grab one thing.” He said and jogged away, leaving you confused.
You leaned on the truck and waited for a couple minutes, before you saw your boyfriend jogging back to the car,
With a full blown tree in his arms.
You gasped and ran to help him carry it, to which he thanked you. You both shoved it into the bed of the truck, basil putting a tarp down before hand to catch the dirt.
“Where did you acquire this?” You finally asked when basil started to secure the tree down so it wouldn’t fly out into the street.
“Well i payed for it, i wanted to surprise you” he awkwardly smiled, tugging on the ropes to make sure they were steady. You giggled and pat the leaves, trying to identify what tree it was.
“It’s a lemon tree” Basil announced after he saw you looking, and you gasped happily in surprise.
“I’ve always wanted a lemon tree!” You giggled, jumping into the car while Basil slid into the drivers side.
“I know, i thought maybe..” He mumbled the last part, at you smiled, looking at him in question. He looked at you and cleared his throat, sitting up straight
“I thought maybe we could plant it together, as a couple” he smiled and you gave him a happy look, quickly leaning over the dash to kiss his cheek. He went completely red and smiled, starting the car bringing your journey and outing to a close.
“Ill take that as a yes”
I hope you liked this and it wasn’t to out of character! Im working on a Connor x reader rn, but if you like this and want more omori gang x reader hit me up! I think I’ll write a Kel one soon, also set in a universe where Mari is a-okay.
Thanks for reading!
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ch3rr13zk1n · 8 months
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Alright its introduction time
Im CHERRIEZKIN! Please never fucking call me Chez ever EVER again. I dont wanna be associated with that oc anymore.
I mostly don't wanna actually smile IRL and just stay with a neutral expression. However i do like memes and things i enjoy. I just hate my emotions that's all! Also if you catch me being an awful person PLEASE tell me.
I tend to also get sorta uncomfortable with people being confused by my stuff or someone seemingly not in the same fandoms as me liking my stuff as it sorta makes my brain explode and PANIK!!! Not like you can't enjoy my stuff when you don't know shit about the stuff i like but it sorta makes me think some random adult or teenager just came across my stuff
And i occasionally make weird jokes about fictional characters (sorry about that I'm possibly hypersexual.) but i don't wanna see NSFW TOO often so purely NSFW accounts.... don't even like a single post of mine at all plz :3 (unless you make NSFW of characters i like like..... Heheh. Not really but really)
Also I'm a minor!!!!!!! Never forget that!
Sorry about the suggestive and NSFW jokes i have no idea why but sometimes i just have the urge to say that publicly on the internet. Maybe that furry fetish game i found when i was nine really did fuck me up badly. Also i password locked cherrysimpingtime for the sanity of the Wallter fans. D:
also here's the other apology for the suggestive and NSFW stuff
Anyways i got some interests like Solarballs, Shovelwares brain game (Ish since my intrest dried up a little), Captain underpants, The youtube shorts arg, Vocaloid (Ish), Undertale , SMG4, DHMIS, Alphabet lore, OMORI, FNF (Ish since the fandom sucked and a part of me refuses to go back there for my own mental health. However Vs Bob is here since its just my humor n stuff as an FNF mod), Bugbo (Ish since it got pushed aside by my other fixations), The amazing digital circus, Pretty blood, Art, BFDI, Object shows in general, Riddle school (Ish since the creator sucks and i only mentioned it here because i know what it is) REGRETEVATOR, Tally hall (ish), Vs Bob and etc
though i post about some fandoms more than others but it doesn't mean i don't like/don't know any fandom on this list that isn't mainly being posted about here
its just that i draw Wallter from REGRETEVATOR pregnant instead of talking about how Rinny from Pretty Blood is a fucking bitch because my fixations are in a constant war
i also have a Tiktok and a mostly abandoned Youtube account (don't look at certain posts on my tiktok you'll go blind)
Also this account is mostly full of shitposts, Memes, Reblogs and doodles so good luck finding high quality art here!! I don't put my own tags a majority of the time and don't even tag some of my posts with the art tag since I'm insecure and stuff. I do create a bunch of dumb shit like Wood Noise~ Bark Bark Dog Mannequins so maybe you can check stuff like that out if you like my shitposts.
Also Wallter is my favorite character and my heart cannot be put on a leash so i have a crush on that gayass
i respect the gay rep and its just that i got attracted because i don't fucking know (sorry)
I'm also a bit of a shipper and i ship Wallmark, Walljim/Jimwall, SlimJim, Skaterlight(maybe???) and etc. If you are uncomfy with any of the ships listed or literally want shippers of that stuff to get the fuck off your page then block me or tell to to leave your page
Also sometimes i don't read people's pinned posts and generally just reblog because that's sorta like a secondary more useful like button to me
i also had a bit of a tier list showing my opinions on the regret characters but that's kinda outdated and may not be fully reliable on my actual opinions on those characters however you should know that Wallter is.. According to my moots and other people... My comfort character, My favorite character and my fictional crush currently. He sorta means a bunch to me rn so don't potray them as a physical abuser or rapist.. Please. If you violate these boundaries then i may not hesitate to block you.
Actually.. Not just Wallter. ANY of my favorite characters.. Or maybe just any character in general unless its canon or smth and NOT romanticized. However i may not be able to tell which one is spreading awareness, a vent or just literal fetish/kink shit.
anyways that's all you need to know uhh have a weird image and stan Wallter on my page! (Not forcing dw)
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going-outside-enjoyer · 2 months
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this reblog was ages ago and not for just asking random questions BUT IM BORED SO IM GONNA RAID YOUR ASK BOX
whats your favourite colour
whos your favourite cryptonloid
whos your favourite vocaloid
whos your favourite character in project sekai (yes im making you chose mwahaha) (assuming shiho but i wanted to ask anyway)
which is the best unit in pjsk
best game on nintendo
favourite food
have you watched winnie the pooh AND WHICH IS YOUR FAVOURITE (i love eeyore and tiger :])
best icecream flavour (important judge of character)
hardest song you can play on piano (testing to see if i can make you learn the duet from the end of omori)
do you know any vocaloid fans irl?
do u play genshin and if you do, do you reccomend it? i want to play but my ipad storage 💔 i need encouragement if im gonna play
FAVOURITE EMOJI?? you dont seem like the type to use emojis but you never know 🫃🫃🫃
uhh yep thats it (feel free to not answer or skip half the questions or whatever you like 😭)
THAT IS A LONG ASK (I'm gonna have fun hehe >:) )
My fav color is anything from green to purple on the color wheel
My fav cryptonloid and vocaloid is len (flower and the MEIKAs are close seconds tho)
My fav pjsk character is indeed shiho she has my whole heart I even have a daily account for her in insta and 1000+ pins of her on pinterest
Other than shiho I love haruka and toya as well with 300+ pins on pinterest
Best unit in pjsk is leo/need (no surprises)
Best games on nintendo are miitopia and splatoon (I love 2 and 3 equally)
My fav food are instant noodles (kanade kinnie moment /j) and fried shrimp
I watched winnie the pooh when I was a kid and my fav at the time was piglet but now it's kanga or roo idk
The little prince is originally french so it's pretty famous where I live that's why I know it
My fav film is the dnd film (help I don't watch films) (also I'm extremely biaised towards fantasy)
Best ice cream flavor is lemon idc what everyone says (mint choco too it does NOT taste like toothpaste)
Uhm uuh I'm still learning it but meteor by john? I've been playing the piano for just 2 years and a half I can't play that much songs however you don't need to make me learn duet I'm already doing it rn hehe
Hardest chart I can fc on index is remote control master and that one chocolate pinochio p song expert but I can't play on index anymore so that's worthless
On thumbs it's sage expert (I didn't fc it yet but I know I can)
The closest I am from knowing a vocaloid fan irl is my dad because tiktok and myself kinda converted him to vocaloid music (crazy ik) other than that no :(
Yes I play genshin (cyno main) but I'm a lazy player and I play once every full moon (I'm still in the fandom tho) I do recommend you install it because I think hoyo released an update to lighten the storage genshin takes on mobile by a lot, also if you ever start playing hmu so we can play together :)
My fav emoji is 😔 and 😧 because I use them all the time (and yes I use emojis but not much in posts)
I hope I didn't skip a question on accident lol
Also do you want me to raid your ask box because I want to return the favor
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w0lfyfl00f · 5 months
I wanted to make a pin so here we are! W0lfyFl00f info :3
First off my current fandoms and if I have a blog for them I’ll attach it!
My ocs (mostly Pokémon)
The Explorers in Pokémon
Proton from Pokémon
Stardew (housed here)
Ramshackle (housed here)
Omori (if I ever post it it’ll be here)
Lackadaisy (same as omori)
Cut off so it’s not too long but take some art Ive made before the cut
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Now a few old fandoms I was in that I posted abt on tumblr
Dsmp (I know TwT)
Owl house
If you are here for nostalgia for any of those go ahead but people who still support the bad content creators on dsmp (People like Dream, Sapnap, George, Wilbur, HBomb, And anyone I’m missing) Are NOT allowed here But fans of Eret come here :D
Next up on the to do list is a little information about me
I’m 17 so a minor
I’m autistic and I have ADHD also I’m a system
Also i have IBD but that’s my body being stupid not my brain
My pronouns are He/Paw/Lux/Rawr
And my Preferred names are Hilbert, Timber, Chespin, and Solaris but you can also just call me my user or shorten my user (fun fact my acc is named after my favorite childhood plush named Wolfy)
I’m learning Japanese along with knowing English and Dutch and Spanish then some Portuguese also I wanna learn French eventually given words and languages are a special interest for me (I actually have a Japanese blog if y’all wanna check it out)
I write and draw and my ao3 is one of my favorite pages I have on social media and most popular
I play guitar
I love art fight it’s literally my second favorite time of the year simply to Halloween
I like making personality quizzes on quotev that no one proceeds to ever take TwT
I post more on twitter then Tumblr sadly it’s just easier to doom scroll on and I have more moots
I like creating discord servers often like the fandom server I made for Ramshackle or my server for My Original Pokémon Ship of Wally x Ruby x Gold x Silver or just my Server for Content Creation which is old and disorganized and dead but I do announce when I stream on it
Oh! I also stream on YouTube sometimes often games like Stardew and Omori :3
Also I can code with HTML and my Spacehey was coded by me!
That’s all I really have to say :3
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smolldust · 2 years
New & Improved Pinned Post!
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heya I’m smolldust but I also go by Dusty Boxington. You can also call me Bug if you want :]. I mostly post art and rambles about my ocs or hyperfixations. The name of my Splatoon Pool is gaygent3 if you wanna join.
Feel free to message me in by inbox or in DMs if you want to chat but just know that I am EXTREMELY socially anxious so if I don’t respond right away do not take it personally you have nothing to worry about. (This is mainly for my moots)
If you just wanna see my art check it all out in one nice and organized place @smolldustart
I also made a blog for my oc story, @thesecretsofthemarsfamily, so go check that out too!!!!
@dust-covered-reblogs is a blog I made in an attempt to make my main blog less cluttered by trying to put most of my Reblogs there. Just expect reblogged posts there.
My ask box is open if you wanna ask me anything. Whether it’s about my ocs, or a fandom I’m in, or how I draw, or literally any random thing as long as it’s safe for work.
Also sometimes I’ll do art requests BUT the requests will almost always be for small doodles that is either for a fandom IM in or for my ocs unless stated otherwise. Also the requests will be drawn traditionally, not digitally.
✧∘────────────────────∘✧ If you want to use my art for a banner or profile pic or other things of that nature all I ask is that you don’t do anything evil with it and credit me if you can.
here’s a link to my YouTube channel and only video lol. Don’t think I’ll ever post there but y’know ✧∘────────────────────∘✧
some fandoms and interests I have include:
Adventure Time
A Hat In Time
Carmen Sandiego
Dead End: Paranormal Park
Death Note
Fionna and Cake
Hollow Knight
Little Nightmares
Little Witch Academia
Murder Drones
Sky Children of the Light
Steven Universe
Studio Ghibli
The Amazing Digital Circus
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
The Legend of Zelda
The Little Prince
The Owl House
Wings of Fire
list of my tags
smolldust - something I posted. All my stuff that isn’t Reblogs
smolldust rambles, rambling - used for text posts/me just sayin stuff
my art, smolldust art - my art is used on any art I post, smolldust art is used exclusively on my art blog
smolldust archive, smolldust’s archive, Fav, favorite, save - usually used on posts I want to be able to find later
smolldust asks, smolldust answers, asks - used for asks
smolldust polls, polls - used for polls i made
yeah, me - usually used for relatable stuff
The Secrets of the Mars Family - the tag for my oc story
videos - posts with videos
srb - self reblog
tag game, ask game - used for tag & ask games respectively
moot tag - tags for posts with my mutuals
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this is my old meet the artist. The reason it’s still here is because I was too lazy to make new refs for my other sonas lol. I refer to the sona in the meet the artist at the top of my pinned post as my creaturesona, the one with the box head is my boxsona, and the one with the shadowy face is my shadowsona (how creative of me /s). I still use these sonas so that’s why this is here lol
✧∘────────────────────∘✧ If your blog is not customized or edited from the default in any way I will think you’re a bot and I will block you.
homophobes, transphobes, racists, antisemitic people, creeps, proshippers, pedos, and other people like this/people looking for stuff like this please DO NOT INTERACT
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sunflowergamer6 · 8 months
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Hello! I've decided to make a pinned post because I'm bored!!!!
So who am I? Well, online, I like to use the name Gamer(it was just bestowed upon me because of my username). I use he/him and I am a man enthusiast, and I'm a little bit silly and whimsical.
"Gamer, I have now become infatuated with you and want to know what you like." Thank you person reading this, I will now tell people what I like.
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Generally speaking, I like a lot of mythology and video games. Besides that I like a lot of horror and action media, and I also like watching some youtubers/streamers like Grian, Mithzan, Snapcube. Now onto actual fandoms.
Webtoons(I have phases where I just marathon read a bunch of webtoons I need to catch up on and then I basically dont read them for half a year, damn this is gettting a bit long, I'm gonna list them now):
- Hero Killer(episode 145)
- Surviving Romance(finished)
- Spicy Mints(episode 72)
- Jackson's Diary(season 2 finale)
- Omniscient Reader(episode 76)
- more but I'm not too much into them.
Books(unfortunately, I barely read at all and I'm trying to fix that):
- Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
- Splatoon 3
- Hades
- River City Girls 1 and 2
- Zelda botw/totk
- Bayonetta(mainly 1 and 2, I was so disappointed by 3's story)
- Persona 5
- Persona 5 Strikers
- Pokémon, but I've played moon, let's go eevee, sword, legends arceus, and violet.
- Animal crossing
- Danganronpa(I hate to say it but I do love them games)
- Omori
- Resident Evil 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8.
- Silent Hill 1 and 2
- fnaf
- God of War 2018 and Ragnarok
- PS4 Spiderman 2018 and Spiderman 2
- Doom 2016/Eternal
- There's definitely a lot more I'm forgetting
- Heathers
- Six
- Beetlejuice
- I mainly try to avoid some musicals until I can actually see them so that's it.
- SERIES ALSO PROBABLY INSPI- you get it, it's called Sparkle On Raven! The life of Drillgirl
- Yandere Highschool(Samgladiator)
- Heartstopper
- Komi Can't Comunicate
- Way of the House Husband
- Stranger Things
- The Spiderverse movies
- Jennifer's Body
- Heathers(the movie this time)
- the newer Godzilla movies( I do wanna soo some of the older ones though)
- yeah as you guessed it, there's probably more I'm forgetting
Music artists:
- Melanie Martinez
- Rina Sawayama
- Mitski
- Jazmin Bean
- Poppy
- DeathbyRomy
So, uh, yeah, that's about it. Uh, you can ask questions if you want, but beware, you might be cursed by the wizard.
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meetthetank · 11 months
I was possessed by demons in my brain to write priest!hero getting deflowered
Read here or Ao3
Henry is a good man. He is the leader of the local parish, the favorite ordained priest of the parishioners, always kind, always loved. He is pious, and humble, everything a priest should be. A model for the community and universally loved.
But he is a sinful, covetous man.
The woman with silky black hair has tempted him for months, seen outside of the chapel on frequent occasions. At the store, at the park, on the street, at college. Yes, he was fresh out of seminary, the youngest pastor in the archdiocese, and Mari, the black-haired woman’s name he learned, had also just graduated with a degree in music. Every time he saw her he swore the light of god shone down on her, placing a halo of light that reflected off her shining hair. Always dressed rather conservatively, but showing much more than most would dare without showing anything at all. Full chest and waist, slender legs, and soulful eyes that matched her hair. Only in direct sunlight could he see that they were the softest, kindest brown he’d ever seen.
It didn’t last long, their friendship. No, it progressed further than anticipated and faster. A touch of the wrist, a lingering hand on the shoulder, a cupped cheek, and suddenly their hands were in each other’s hair or crawling sinfully under clothes. Her body was taught, he found. She hurt her knee ages ago, yet she still played softball. She admired his body just the same, her hands wandered over the thin layer of fat that concealed his muscles.
They never dared to go further than groping each other in the halls where no one could find them after the parishioners had left and the janitors had locked all but Hero’s office door. Oh, they both knew how much they craved the other, but Hero had always remained true to his vows. His hands could love her, please her. Even his mouth could. But he never allowed her to let him finish. That was a line he wavered at day after day. The last bastion of his vows, and yet that line grew thinner and thinner every day.
Mari lies on top of him tonight. They didn’t make it to his office this time, and his resolve is destroyed to the point that he no longer cares that the crucifix hangs above him. She has him pinned to a pew in the front row, just in front of the altar.
“I brought something,” she says and sits up.
Her thighs are on either side of Henry’s hips. An erection already strains at his black pants. Thoughts of how he will service her tonight are halted by curiosity. “What?”
She gets up, leaving cold in her wake, and retrieves a bag much larger than her sensible purple purse. He didn’t even notice it before, such is her distractions. A contraption of belts and studs loops around her hand. His eyes widen at what follows.
“What do you think?” She asks, trailing a finger across the head of the purple phallus in her hand.
Mari traps his hands in hers and pulls them to her lips. “Remember? We talked about this if you’re still okay with it.”
“I am!” He answers a bit too quickly and a bit too loudly. “I just didn’t expect so… soon.”
“Oh, I’ll admit I got a little excited,” she giggles. With a grace only she could master, she slides off him and begins to remove her skirt and panties. “You know how I love to tease you.”
Mari’s words send a delightful shiver down his spine. God if this was so wrong, why did he want it so bad? “I know you do…”
He sits there staring dumbly as Mari affixes the dildo to the harness and slides it over her thighs. It only needs to be adjusted a little bit. The image of her standing proudly, hands on her hips, with an erection does something to his stomach he’s never experienced before. Is it fear? Or Arosal? Or some blasphemous mix of both.
The harsh echoing click of a plastic bottle opening snaps him out of his daze. She squeezes a healthy portion of lube onto her hand and begins stroking the fake cock.
“You should probably start taking your pants off.”
Her words aren’t a command, but Henry finds his body reacting as if it were. With enchanted precision, he unbuckles his belt and shimmies out of his uniform piece by piece, until he’s fully nude. She smiles at him and beckons him over to the altar.
“Over here?” He stammers, eyes wide yet dark. “But-”
“There’s pillows over here, you’ll need something for your knees.”
Henry shuts up as she slips her hand into his. It’s cold and slick. All he can stare at is the glistening, purple cock jiggling obscenely at her groin. He swallows and allows himself to be led into position.
Mari knows what she’s doing, he can tell by the confident way he’s moved. He’s on his hand and knees, ass in the air like a cat in heat. Or maybe he’s a dog; he has the collar for it. The idea of being Mari’s dog makes his cock twitch. How easily he’s debased.
“Tell me if it gets too much for you, okay?” Her gentle words pour into his ear like hot wax.
He nods, and her warmth is slowly removed from him. Once he works up the nerve to look behind him, he sees Mari kneel behind him and angle his hips down a little more. She is much smaller than him after all. The bottle of lube returns, this time poured onto two fingers. His eyes widen as they disappear past his hips.
The sensation is unlike anything he’s felt before. Henry winces and his breath hitches. Mari’s two fingers press gently inside him, working into places he didn’t know were as sensitive as they were.
“Did you know there are about as many nerves here as in your fingertips?” She asks him as she spreads her fingers apart. Henry can’t make any noise other than a choked hiss. “Just a fun fact I learned. I’m surprised most guys don’t know about it.”
Henry groans from a place deep in his chest. “I-I don’t think most guys are doing this.”
“Oh, you’d be surprised, Father.”
He can hear Mari giggle behind him as her fingers curl and press against something inside him that makes his vision turn white. When oxygen fills his chest once more, he looks back at her.
“Wh… at,” he pants, “was that?!”
“Something else most guys don’t know about. Or at least guys I’ve met.”
“D-Devil woman…”
Mari giggles and continues stretching him out. “Condemn me all you want, Father. But it’s part of your god’s design. Isn’t it? Why would he put it there and make it feel good if he didn’t want you to use it?”
Is this the correct place to have a crisis of faith? Probably not.
Soon Henry finds himself rocking back and forth against her hand, silently begging for her to hit that spot once again. Unfortunately, Mari seems to pick on this, and, with a giggle, she kisses the side of his face. She removes her fingers from his depths, and he keens like a puppy for her touch.
“Aww, poor boy.” she coos as she drags a fingernail across his spine. “All worked up?”
He shoots a look back at her. He doesn’t imagine it’s very intimidating while he’s flushed deep red and slick with sweat already.
Mari palms his ass, massaging the muscles beneath her touch. “You’ve treated me so well, so why don’t I return the favor?”
Henry shudders as he watches her line up the fake cock with his waiting hole. His aching neck forces him to drop his head, but the moment she does it begins to slide inside him. The ridges he never saw pull against his flesh, gently gliding inside under Mari’s heavenly touch. Any time he tenses too much, she slows down and allows him to adjust. He feels so full, and it’s only halfway inside. Bumps and divots press against sensitive unexplored parts that make him pant and moan, filling the church with the sounds of his defilement.
She bottoms out, her hips pressed flush against his ass. She’s inside him, deflowering him, and oh God it’s better than her tongue inside his mouth or the taste of her cum on his lips. God forgive him or condemn him. He couldn’t care less.
And Mari hasn’t even started moving yet.
The moment she does, rocking her hips outward, he moans and grips the plush carpet beneath him. His back arches when she slides back inside. They find a rhythm together that’s slow enough to allow Henry time to adjust to her cock, and fast enough to satisfy his carnal desire.
“I’m going to move faster now,” she says directly into the back of his neck. Her promise is fulfilled in tandem with her teeth in the skin of his nape.
He cries out to whoever will listen to his prayers. His vision flashes white every time she slams into the spot. Something dangerous tenses inside his stomach, a peak, or a point of no return. A threat.
And he dives headfirst into it.
Henry rocks with her bucking hips, and he can tell by her moans that she’s enjoying this as much as he is. They call each other’s names like psalms, and he doesn’t even care that her hand wraps around his cock.
The cliff approaches faster than he realizes as something releases inside his stomach. Henry’s entire body shudders with an onslaught of sinful electricity that ignites his brain. The decision to leave the cloth is cemented as he cries out the name of his new, black-haired goddess. Her fingers tighten around his cock and it happens again, this time with the spilling of seed against the off-pink carpet.
“Oh, Henry… Look at the mess you’ve made,” Mari says as her pace slows to a stop.
Henry twitches, his body no longer able to support itself. He flops to the side and pulls Mari with him. She slots into place behind him, spooning him on the floor behind the altar.
Her soft fingers brush the hair from his eyes, It’s sticky with sweat. “You okay? Was it too much.”
Henry looks at her with the adoration reserved for a higher power. “It was perfect. I’ll have to repay you too, for teaching me.”
“Oh, Father. You can study the book of Mari all night if you wish.”
He just laughs, a breathless sighing sound. “That was terrible.”
“Yes, but I made you laugh. So it’s okay.”
The following morning, the carpet at the altar is surprisingly spotless. As if it had just been cleaned.
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kedakirahei · 1 year
Woah. an actual, proper intro/pin post?
Hey! Yeah, I'm finally making one of these. about time, too! ALT ACC: @c4tt41l-the-stupid
I go by LITERALLY dozens of names, but four that I will always respond to are Zeph/Zephyr, C4TT41L, and Keda. im the guy who cant make up his mind when it comes to shipping characters haha, multishipping fun
I am not religious and never will be. When I swear to something or the like, i most likely will replace a word with 'Void' or 'The ancients', 'Three Moons', 'By the stars', 'In the name of THE DREAMER', etc...
I am a yucky little self-shipper (Thats right- I ship my ocs and self inserts with canon characters). If you don't like that, please do not bother me about it. I don't want to hear it. If it bothers you that much, you can just block my account or ignore me. Thank you.
Transmasculine! Please respect my pronouns- HE/THEY preferred!
I accept everyone and anyone, xenogenders, neopronouns, homoflexible, etc.
...well.. almost everyone..
....Except for you disgusting Pro/Com shippers, Ableist, "Super Straights", TERFS, Shota/Lolicons, "MAP"/Pedos, Zoos, Etc, Get off of my fucking blog, NOW. You are NOT welcome here, not now, and not EVER. That goes for all other problematic and disgusting-acting people. if you fall under the general DNI list, do not interact with me.
Despite being English (U.S.A), I tend to be really fuckin trash at speaking my own native tongue. I am trying to learn:
Sometimes, I project onto characters i like, so hope that doesn't bother you guys! I mostly project onto my OCs, though. Those posts will often be dark in theme, so be wary.
stupid extra words and information under cut
• I was diagnosed with ADHD and autism at a pretty young age, at around 2.
• I have a really bad time reading tone over text. Please try not to be too rude to me, it actually hits a lot harder than you think. Alternatively, use tone tags.
• I make AUs then drop it like a hot potato. please dont expect me to be consistent with anything, especially not AUs and art i make.
• If I like alot of your posts, its because i have no life and constantly check my dash every day. I am chronically online.
• i will have periods of complete inactivity, especially when it comes to my drawings.
• I struggle to control how i am feeling and tend to have outbursts of anger commonly, tending to take that out on my characters and sometimes others. Please know if i say something rude, i do not mean it, and PLEASE TELL ME WHEN IM GOING OVERBOARD.
• My askbox is ALWAYS open until i say otherwise! Don't be afraid to speak to me, i don't bite!
• I am a Multifandomic Mess. I might switch fandoms in a week, then go back or whatever.
• I use "Dude", "Bro", "Homie", etc in a gender neutral way. If you dont like these nicknames, Do tell me and I will stop calling you it!!
• i use "<3" platonically when i am talking to a person. My actual heart goes to my fictional characters aha
• Tag requests are okay, don't be shy!
• I am a big shipper of characters, and i mean BIG, i am SO INDECISIVE.... Artisaint, SolarFlare NIGHTSHADE/OREOSUNDAE, SHUTTERBOMB, and HOURGLASS/SPEEDRUN are my main ones. I do like all other non-problematic ships tho!
• I repeat things on occasion. Do tell if I have repeated something over and over multiple times.
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wonderhoyman · 2 years
edit: while im still alive i'll just like describe the omorbius thingy
yknow how basil goes never rlly fights? well in omorbius he does fight. BUT, the catch is, he fights along with the party!!!! after babil dude goes missing, lil man starts fighting and actually gains skills so like he's a few levels behind lmao- and with the post being pinned yall KNOW who takes basils role on headspace. at first in the prologue, the line order goes (omori, kel, aubrey, hero):
Little Man, Shuttle Man, Opheebop, Ron
But while renory is around it goes Shuttle Man (little man is on shuttle's head), Opheebop, Renory, Ron. opheebop is kinda in the middle cuz she wants absolutely NOTHING to do with ron and tiny man.
from the doodles i shared of omorbius, yeah meri is sweetheart. i've been imagining it like the moment you turn the electricity back on, when meri sees ron, she's all like "you... you're absolutely perfect!!!!!! marry me on this very stage, this instant!" and absolutely everyone in the party knows ron doesnt like that neon pink trash can but likes bob
then like dungeon. get dungeon'd losers!1!1! after escaping dungeon, it's cutscene time again lol! yes meri still pops out of the marriage cake, but instead of aubrey stopping the wedding, it's... drumroll
ya he stops the wedding and is like "meri pls stop you're taking this too far,,, only the most dumb person marries themselves! ik someone is out there for you ahshasjsjdwd" then meri goes like "oh STFU I BELIEVED THAT BEFORE THERE'S NO-" and as she's about to say no one, ron just pops up and goes "MERI STOP IT" meri spots ron and- "oh ron how i've longed for your melodic voice!!! i shall give you one last chance... marry me" we all know ron dont wanna and guess what? BOOM. ITS WAR TIME. MERI VS 4 PPL WHO'S GONNA WIN.
thats all u get to know for now
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kool-kat1324 · 3 years
Time Swap: Mu messes with the timepieces before her bossfight and whoopsie daisy now she's Hat Kid and Hat Kid is her Free Soul: Feral hat soul refuses to go back to her body but body keeps her on a leash Apocalypse: The Illness Has Spread but it's across the world and you have to stop it. (Inspired by the Prototype(?) version where there's like... a post-apocalyptic future option or something? I dunno man it feels like a fever dream to look back at) Dorma (fan-region): Have you ever wondered where the Prince came from? He can't be of Subcon royal lineage; that'd be just wrong. So now here's an explanation I made by myself, for myself! ...well, not all by myself... one of my friends helped a little bit, but I did most of the work. I do not remember the unnamed AU whoops
"Other Friends": Hikikomori route happens early but Omori leaves Basil to rot in Blackspace. Basil wants revenge. Stranger helps Basil get revenge. Blackspace begins to invade Headspace. Chaos ensues. Vengeance: I kind of just made this concept and never went back to it, but the gist of it is that Mari's soul is not as forgiving as she is in canon and wants revenge for real this time, so she creates Omori and an alternate Basil to attack Sunny and the real Basil, both in the real world and in their dreams. Not sure about anything else with it yet. Civil War: Omori is the king of Headspace. He has a castle where he and his friends live. Stranger is unhappy with Omori's rule and creates his own rebellion and kingdom in Blackspace. Stranger's rebellion starts small and quiet so it can grow unnoticed, but as soon as it's big enough, Stranger declares war on Omori, causing lots of problems for both Basil and Sunny. Not sure if these two count as AUs, but I also have Blackspace Buds as my ask blog, in which Blackspace exists and you get to talk to everyone there. Not much else. Oh yeah, I also have my comic I had in my post last night where Omori and Stranger become roommates. I kind of want to expand on it but I know it's gonna die anyway so I don't see a point. In fact, I don't see a point in any of this anymore, but I did it anyway.
So there you go. A bunch of random dumping. Sorry for wasting your time with this long-bass post.
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shemakesmusic-uk · 3 years
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INTERVIEW: Penelope Trappes.
Australian-born Brighton-based musician Penelope Trappes has shared a new single and accompanying short film directed by Agnes Haus, ‘Blood Moon,’ from her forthcoming album Penelope Three. The album will be released next Friday, May 28 on Houndstooth. Following singles ‘Fur & Feather’ and ‘Nervous,’ ‘Blood Moon’ is atmospheric and dreamlike; a song about repurposing the fear within.
"I consider the moon a temple, a mirror of our emotions,” elaborates Trappes. “The blood moon symbolically represents the beginning, the ending and a clean slate. ‘Blood Moon’ is about being uncompromisingly true to oneself despite societal expectations. Everyone should be free to express femininity in their own individual way. The burdens and expectations instilled in us at childhood weigh us down and hold us back. This song is about never giving in to this pressure and dismantling a system of oppression that is carried within our bodies. A metamorphosis." Commenting on the accompanying visual, she adds: "The short film ’Blood Moon’ is a modern take on the goddess Isis if she were around to face today’s world. Isis is the protector of women and children and the healer of the sick - but despite her powers, she would still be weighed down by societal expectations of what is expected of women."
We sat down with Penelope to discuss Penelope 3, being back on stage and what she has planned next. Read the full interview below.
Hi Penelope! How are you? How have you been coping with everything thats been happening this past year?
"Hello! I’m doing well, thanks. Keeping sane in a world gone a bit mad. I’m doing daily yoga and meditation, I’m vegan and very recently gluten-free, which has been great! I’m a bit of a bore with the health stuff...but I love taking care of my body. Also, after sometime of getting used to it, I am now embracing the slower pace of life, what with no travel, and less commuting places. It’s a bit like how I imagine things were in say Victorian times... but with internet."
You're gearing up to release your new album Penelope Three. In it you explore your metamorphosis through tales of motherhood, the divine feminine, anxiety, healing powers and their spiritual connections. What sparked the inspiration to write about these themes?
"I have always felt emotions deeply within my body, since I was a child, particularly ancestral trauma. I am not sure if there is a word for this, but it’s my reality and at times it has been quite hard to cope with. So as I have been going through a lot of physical changes in my own body in recent years, these have shifted and moved me on a much deeper level - emotionally and spiritually. On top of that there was the pending separation anxiety of my sole daughter leaving home, which turned out to be more emotional than I expected. Living overseas for all of my adult life has always been difficult in relation to my family back home in Australia.  My mother is getting older and more unwell, and with my not being able to visit her in Australia due to the pandemic, i had to dive deep to find coping mechanisms. All the imposed alone time and the isolation has led to a lot of introspection. I am thankful to be able to find healing in channeling these feelings through the power of writing."
Sonically, how is Penelope Three different (or similar) to your previous releases? Were there any musical influences or sounds that you were able to incorporate on this record that you hadn’t previously?
"For Penelope Three, I based most of the compositions around my voice and words telling more of a tale. In the past i chose to pause on that aspect of myself and let the space take the forefront. I also explored a few more elements of my voice that I had trained in when I first started doing music, including jazz, opera, and sacred music. It’s not to say this album doesn’t have space like the last two albums, it does, but perhaps the pieces might feel a little more like “songs” on this one."
What was the creative process like this time around? Did lockdown affect it at all?
"The album was actually finished before lockdown. I wish I could say I was creating music since the pandemic, but sadly no.  I was spending a lot of time during lockdown just trying to navigate life itself, though i did find the time to co-direct, film, and work on the visual side of Penelope Three. ‘Penelope Three’ actually falls into a strange world of before, during, and after. It has grown with the changing world. I think it sits well in all realms of past, present and future - which the visuals that accompany the album represent."
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What was your favourite part creating Penelope Three? And were there any parts you found particularly challenging?
"There were times during the initial creative process that I went way out there, right off on tangents. Sometimes quite dark. I really enjoyed exploring this side of me but sometimes it was a little bit too much. It was challenging to decide to put some of this off to the side and stay present in hope. I would say my favourite part of creating P3 was in making the final decision to embrace the many voices I carry within me, curating these into one cohesive album."
What do you hope fans will take away from the new album?
"Hopefully they have heard Penelope 1 and 2 and can feel the vision and the love now that I am at the end of the trilogy. Either way, a sense of strength versus vulnerability and the empowerment that comes from embracing both of these qualities is what I hope they find while listening."
You have some live dates lined up in September. I expect you’re excited to be back on stage. What have you missed the most about performing?
"I have missed sharing the music and the space with an audience. Those moments when you can hear a pin drop. Sharing these fragile moments together where anything could happen will be pure joy!"
Will there be any changes to your live show?
"I now have a cellist and keyboardist / backing vocalist on stage with me, two wonderful women, Maddie Cutter and Hinako Omori. The 3 of us sharing the stage together helps to communicate the elements of fragility and strength within P3.  It also frees me up to play guitar and really focus in on the vocals a bit more because in the past, I was multi-tasking on stage and had to rely on a holding down a lot of synths keys and chords the whole time."
Based on your musical journey so far, what’s been your biggest takeaway/piece of advice?
"Don’t ever stop creating no matter what family, friends or society tell you! Just keep evolving, changing and exploring everything that inspires you."
Finally, what else is next for you? Any non-musical goals?
"With Penelope Three, I have been working a lot on videos and I’m intending on exploring more aspects of filmmaking. I am particularly inspired by acting and the concept of story-telling and expressing all the emotions of life just through a delicate glance, the flick of the hand, or a tear. I am interested in telling tales with the body - with performance - but without music. I want to embrace the confrontational. I am also thinking a lot about musically what comes after this Trilogy. I have half of the music written already for a future album, but I just need to define what it’s all about before i continue on it."
Penelope 3 is out May 28 via Houndstooth.
Photo credit: Agnes Haus
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makbarnes · 3 years
Chapter 3
Sad Song
You woke in alone in your room and felt like you couldn’t move for what felt like hours. Hearing someone talking through the wall the voice sounded familiar but you couldn’t place it. Your mind was gone and all you felt was sadness flush over your system. You kept tears from falling from your eyes as you tried to hide away from the memories that now clouded your mind. Moments on a battlefield as you choked what looked to be a strong soldier with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. The blood that covered your hand and his lifeless body at your feet. You felt some kind of attachment to him but could not place what exactly it was. Before you could gather yourself you were being dragged out from your bed by Bucky.
“Wake up before they come in here.” He dropped you in the center of the hard concrete floor and walked away. You stood up and growled slowly at him.
“I’m not scared of them.” Huffing out those words before you saw two men in suits appear in front of you. One of them kneeled in front of you and gripped your wrist.
“Oh darling, you should be. For I control your every thought, breath and your very purpose for living. What you don’t seem to understand is I am your new brain. I control you and you do whatever I want you to.” You spat in his direction before feeling a hard hand go across your face.
“I could turn you into dust. Nobody controls me, Bitch.” You stood up ready to throw this stranger on the ground when Bucky all of a sudden slammed you into the concrete wall.
“You can’t hurt me. He’s trained to protect me at all costs, and soon you will be too.” He quickly left the room and you snarled towards Bucky wanting to rip out his voice box for slamming you into the wall.
“What the fuck was that Buck?” You shoved him out of your way and huffed off into your room. Bucky came chasing after you right as you blasted a purple orb into the concrete wall, leaving a dent. Your purple stone was glowing from your anger as you cried into your hands.
“This shouldn’t be my fucking life. I need to be out there with Steve and Tony and Natasha fighting people who want to control the world. Now I’ve been turned against all of them and I’m being used to battle them!” You looked up wincing at the sight of your new arm and leg. You noticed Bucky standing in your doorway looking as if he had seen a ghost.
“Steve....I know that name...the man from the bridge…HOW DO YOU KNOW STEVE ROGERS?!” Bucky gripped you by the shoulders in excitement. He had been wrestling with these thoughts since that event and had no idea.
“I work with him and the Avengers, we were on a mission to rescue you and I got hurt and captured. If I knew how long time had passed then I would know when we are getting out of this place.” Bucky gripped you tightly and you smiled noticing some relief showered over him, knowing that Steve was out there somewhere, hunting for him.
“Then we must get out of here...They can’t come here, if they get past the guards then they will use you and me against them and we won’t be able to stop until they are dead and bleeding at our feet.” Tears rose to your eyes and you turned into the wall, those weren’t nightmares you remember from this morning. They got you again, pushed that into your mind.
“Let’s escape. I don't know how yet but we will get out of here. I know all of the underground ways to get in touch with them.” You and Bucky shook hands and heard the door swing open to hit the wall. Seeing six guys in full black gear they shot you with a dart into your flesh arm and before your eyes closed you saw Bucky punching one of them in the face, making him fall to the ground lifeless.
(Soon After)
Back in the same room where you had demolished Bucky’s arm when you first got here. He stood in front of you, sadness filled his eyes as he darted towards you. This must be it, this is where he is going to kill you because HYDRA doesn’t think you are strong enough to be an ally for them. As you ducked and rolled out of Bucky's way you lit up your purple stone.
“Buck...I don’t want to hurt you. Snap out of it please!” You screamed before he pinned you to the ground, his hands were around your neck. You started to lose breath and hit him with a blast from your stone, hitting his face. He turned back to you filled with anger and blood dripped from the cut you had just given him. You looked around quickly and saw a group of people dressed in lab coats up in a little room watching you both. They were all writing things down on their clipboards and you saw Bucky coming up behind you. Flipping him over your body you heard loud clapping from the room up above you two. Thinking quickly you closed your eyes and began to focus up on the room. Being interrupted by Bucky slamming your head into the concrete floor you rolled over onto your back and kicked yourself to a standing position. You turned around and propelled Bucky into the back wall. WIthout hesitation you focused on the upper room again and all of a sudden you were standing in the middle of the room. You could see Bucky looking around the room below for you and you stayed silent. Sneaking up behind the one guard you threw him into the glass, shattering it. All of the scientists turned to you in horror.
“If ANY of you move an inch I will snap my fingers and turn you into dust.” You glared around the room and saw one person reaching for a red switch on the wall. Snapping your fingers he disintegrated into dust covering the floor.
“I dare you.” You were lost in what to do now, you had no plan and just looked at everyone with anger about everything they had done to you. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a black and white video of Steve flickering on an old computer. Your breath was caught in your throat and you approached the screen. Grazing the picture with your fingers you went dark. A scientist had snuck up behind you and injected you with a tranquilizer like before. You felt yourself being moved and laid against something cold and wet. Your eyes flickered open and you were bound to a black mat laying in the center of the floor. Hearing loud boots nearing, you struggled to get out, something was working against your powers and you couldn’t escape.
“That was quite a stunt you pulled in there, My Dear.” The man had an accent to his voice, like Bucky’s. Seeing Bucky standing behind him you jerked your shoulder to go to him. THe blood was still fresh from where you hit him with your power and you felt sick to your stomach because of it.
“Învață O lecție, dar nu o omori” (Teach her a lesson, but dont kill her) The man stepped away into the corner and Bucky leaned over you. Bucky brought his foot up and slammed it into your stomach. Crying out in pain he continued hitting your stomach and switching your face. Several blows hit your cheek and mouth. You felt your blood pouring out of you and knew he was being controlled to do this. No matter how much it hurt he was only being used to inflict the pain. You felt a pain come to your center and winced as BUcky continued to beat you. The man slowly walked out of the room and you wondered with this torture would end.
“Destul de soldat ... Șterge-l.” (Enough Solider, Erase him) Bucky stopped as he followed the man down the hallway. You laid there in unbearable pain and two guards carried you to your room. Throwing you down onto the concrete you rushed up to hit the door, screaming at them. You turned around to hear the distant screams of Bucky from somewhere near.
“I hear you. I’m sorry.” You whispered to yourself. You knew they would never make him remember that. It would ruin their plans that they had for the both of you. (The next day)
You had stayed on the couch all night waiting for Bucky to come back but he never did. Did HYDRA kill him? Did they think you were the better ally to keep around? Were those screams the last you would ever hear him? These thoughts keep you up all night. Eating whatever mush they gave you for breakfast you heard someone stumble into the room and peeked around your room entrance. It was Bucky, laying there on the floor lifeless. The guards laughed and walked away from the room just leaving him there. Making sure it was safe you helped him up and placed him onto his bed. There were new marks all over him. Blood was coming out of new wounds and he looked like he had died a million times over and they kept bringing him back to life.
“Buck...Buck….BUCKY?!” You finally got him to open his eyes and the corner of his lips tugged into a smile. Your wounds from him were still very visible and you hoped he wouldn’t notice.
“Come lay with me, Please Princess.” Bucky’s voice was very hoarse and you could hardly make out what he said. You left his side and looked around you. Nobody was there, then you checked the sheets on the wall. In big red letters it said, NO TRAINING. You smiled knowing you could lay with him all you wanted today. Lifting yourself over him you moved against the wall and had Bucky nuzzle into your chest. Petting his hair you felt him grip your waist and you kissed his forehead. He pressed his head deeper into your neck and you remembered a song from somewhere that felt calming to you. You and I, We’re like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky. With you I’m alive. Like all the missing pieces of my heart they finally collide. So stop time right here in the moonlight, cause I don't ever want to close my eyes. WIthout you, I feel broke like I’m half of a whole. Without you, I’ve got no hand to hold. WIthout you, I feel torn like a sail in a storm. Without you... I’m just a sad song. Gently going along his spine with your fingers you felt his full weight against you. He was asleep, and everything seemed so right. You had to find a way to get out of here, with him. You aren't going to be hurt anymore by anyone. Looking up at the camera in the corner of Bucky’s room you rolled your eyes.
(Somewhere in HYDRA)
Several people were gathered around the surveillance system watching you and Bucky together.
“Commander, It’s working, They love each other. They will be an unstoppable force to use at your disposal.” Someone spoke out of the crowd and everyone split to let their leader through. Red Skull smiled devilishly at the video and laughed.
“Looks like I have discovered the true power of Love. They will be sent out with our attack next week, and nothing will be able to stop them after tomorrow.” Laughing as he left the room.
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daniellethamasa · 5 years
Hey all, Dani here.
January is over, and it actually went by pretty quickly, which is a bit unusual because for me it often feels like January is the longest month of the entire year. But hey, I’m not going to complain too much, because it was a good month for reading and for blogging, so I’m pretty happy with it overall.
A lot happened in the first month of the year. It’s been a whirlwind of activity, honestly. I stepped in to help Flavia in running/hosting the monthly book event Calendar Girls, until hosts Katie and Adrienne are ready to jump back in action. Damian and I started our year off helping Colorworld Books at Ohayocon, an anime convention in Columbus, OH, and it was a wonderful weekend of geekery and a lot of work. I’ve also been adjusting to being on second shift again, a job move that is in place until I think around May. It’s thrown us for a little bit of a loop, as we try to plan our wedding and also our vacations. I’ve also reignited my Weekend Writer posts, as well as my Recommendation and Discussion posts. I love these blog series and I’m glad you all seem to like them as well. It takes a lot more work for them than it does to write up reviews, but it’s worth it.
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield — DNF
Ruthless Gods by Emily A Duncan — 5 stars (review coming February 4)
The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski — 4.5 stars
Steel Crow Saga by Paul Krueger — 4 stars (review coming February 13)
Don’t Read the Comments by Eric Smith — 5 stars
Black Clover Vol 19 by Yuki Tabata — 5 stars (review coming April 13)
The Never-Tilting World by Rin Chupeco — 5 stars
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde — 4 stars (review coming February 11)
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Vol 1 by Kuneida, Fujino Omori, and Suzuhio Yasuda — 4 stars (review coming February 10)
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Vol 2 by Kuneida, Fujino Omori, and Suzuhio Yasuda — 4.5 stars (review coming February 24)
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Vol 3 by Kuneida, Fujino Omori, and Suzuhio Yasuda — 4.5 stars (review coming March 9)
Would Like to Meet by Rachel Winters — 5 stars (review coming February 15)
Ashlords by Scott Reintgen — 4 stars (review to come February 8)
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo — 4 stars (review to come February 18)
A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer — 5 stars (review coming February 20)
Fruits Basket Collector’s Edition Vol 1 by Natsuki Takaya — 4 stars (review to come March 30)
Come Tumbling Down by Seanan McGuire — 5 stars (review coming February 22)
Reverie by Ryan La Sala — DNF
On Being Stuck by Laraine Herring — 4.5 stars
Crown of Coral and Pearl by Mara Rutherford — 4 stars
The Toll by Neal Shusterman — 5 stars
Fruits Basket Collector’s Edition Vol 2 by Natsuki Takaya — 4.5 stars
Next up is book haul/unhaul and OwlCrate unboxing, so let’s see what books joined my library and left my library in January. So yeah, I had another pretty good unhaul this month because it was all the books shown below plus some that had been sitting at my mom’s house for the past couple years. Most of these books are ones that I’m not likely to read again, and a few are because I picked up a different edition of the book, so I don’t always need to have multiple copies of books.
When it comes to the book haul portion of today’s post, I’m actually doing pretty good overall with keeping to my book buying restriction. I keep lengthy lists of books that I kind of want to pick up each month, but I’ve been going over those lists and marking off the 5-ish books that I *really* want and those are the ones I can buy. I’ve also been prioritizing buying books that I’m not being approved for on NetGalley, though there are many NetGalley books I do plan on picking up in the future. It’s just that I don’t need to pick them up immediately upon release if there’s another book I also want. There have been a few NetGalley reads that I’ve loved so much that I buy them on release day anyway. It happens. But I also had a few book purchase options from the last couple months thanks to a couple pretty big unhauls.
Oh, and fun fact about my book hauls: I don’t count manga in my 5 book limit, because Damian and I share the cost of buying all of our manga, and most of the time we wait for deals like buy 2 get the 3rd free to pick up a bunch.
I also feel like I need to admit this to all of you: I don’t think I’ve ever read Little Women. It’s possible I read it when I was a kid and just don’t remember it, but I’m just going to go with saying that I don’t think I’ve read it. Naturally I had to pick up a copy so I can finally read it. Also, wow, I’ve already read 8 of the books that I bought in January.
The OwlCrate box for January had the next mug in the series of Harry Potter mugs they’ve been doing, which I have loved all of them so far. It makes sense that Umbridge is on this mug, but I still don’t like her and will endeavor to just not look at all of her pink glory. I also find it funny that they started the mug collection with Chamber of Secrets, then Prisoner of Azkaban, then Goblet of Fire, and now Order of the Phoenix. Why did they skip Philosopher’s Stone? Or are they releasing that one last? They’ve said that it will be a 7 mug series, so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. And they gave us that Middle Earth map banner as a place to hang the OwlCrate pins, but I’m just going to have it as an art piece; I still have plenty of space on my other pin banner to hold this year’s pins. Why would I cover up Middle Earth with shiny pins?
As for what I’m hoping to read in February…well, some of my reading is going to be mood based, I think. However, it is also Fantastic February (a reading challenge created by Kathy @ Books and Munches), so…I think my fantasy plans are a little bit ambitious. Honestly when aren’t fantasy reading plans ambitious? I love reading fantasy, but so many of my faves write these immensely lengthy tomes. Don’t get me wrong: I LOVE long lush descriptive fantasy reads. But, when I’m trying to devour a whole lot of books, big tomes somewhat slow the process a bit. Oh well, it’s fine. There’s a lot of big fantasy reads I would love to read, so I have high hopes for February.
Also, if I’m being wholly honest, I’ve pretty much already picked out most of my TBR for March as well, because in March I host Middle Grade March, where I focus on reading and reviewing Middle Grade reads, because there are so many great ones out there.
All right, here’s my hopeful February TBR.
That huge Sam Sykes book is like 1300 pages, but it is an omnibus and contains three books, so I’m only planning on reading the first one for this month…unless I really get consumed by the story. But I have a lot of reading planned. Okay, now I’m curious; I need to figure out how many pages are on my February TBR. Whew, that took a few minutes, but if I include the entire omnibus since I don’t have it on hand to look at the table of contents, together these 17 (19?) books are 8,801 pages. That’s a lot of reading.
That is all from me for today, but I’ll be back soon with more bookish content.
January Wrap-Up and February TBR Hey all, Dani here. January is over, and it actually went by pretty quickly, which is a bit unusual because for me it often feels like January is the longest month of the entire year.
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