#that one kind of light gore that isn't really gore but is probably meant to be that
snowthedemonfox · 1 month
So we got some screenshots for Ep 3, and I'm going to talk about some things I've noticed + some theories
I went off for over an hour in the bunnydoll burrow's VC talking about everything I noticed, but I'm realising writing it all down would be a smarter move, cause I know I'd forget it. If I've missed anything you think is important, let me know! I'll edit this post with new notes.
Let's start with the first screenshot, because that just makes the most sense:
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The elephant in the room is the realistic human hand. I don't doubt this is the scene that has some level of blood and gore in it. We can't see what the hand is connected to, but whatever it is, it seems to be taller than Pomni and Kinger. They're both looking up, and the camera angle is facing down towards them both.
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We can see 2 heads hanging from the wall behind Kinger, and what we can assume to be a 3rd behind the desk behind the hand.
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One of these heads, as many have pointed out, seems to resemble Pomni. The face is entirely white, what I can assume is an eye seems to be the same size as Pomni's, and you can see that familiar looking hair on the side.
Even the other two things we see look like other members of the cast!
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The head to the right of Kinger looks like Ragatha. It's got the hair, and even the face looks to be made of actual fabric, like a real doll. It seems whatever these things are, they're meant to look like more 'horror' versions of the characters.
(Side note, but if I had to guess, if Glitch releases a 3rd sticker sheet for episode 3, I wouldn't surprised if we got a new set of icon variations for the main cast. But instead of candy, we get these horror versions instead. I think that'd be cool, and I really hope that's what happens.)
You could even go as far to say the 'human' hand we're seeing is from the horror version of Kinger. Like I said before, the camera is looking down at them. Why would it be looking down? Because whatever's looking at them, is attached to the wall.
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Moving onto other details in the room, we can see there's a chair behind Pomni with some kind of light on it. At first, I thought this might have been the tape recorder from the February trailer, but you can see the tape recorder is on a desk, not a chair.
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And while there is a desk in the room, whatever is on there doesn't look like a tape recorder. It looks more like a photo, or some kind of radio.
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The giant 'M' on the rug. We know the ghost lady's name is Martha Mildenhall, so this probably implies she owns the mansion the gang are exploring. Why would she need their help, though? Maybe whatever force is moving the hand in the screenshot, is some kind of 'evil' ghost, and that's why Pomni and the others are there to help. There's evil ghosts inhabitating the mansion, and Martha needs help to get rid of them. It's simple, it's your basic video game quest, it seems like a normal adventure plot that Caine would come up with.
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There seems to be something behind the chair, but I can't make out if it's a door, some curtains, or some kind of closet. The lighting isn't doing me any favours. Either way, I doubt it's important to the episode, probably just background decoration.
As for my other thoughts that aren't as related to the screenshot itself, I do believe that everyone is going to be split up. Obviously Kinger and Pomni are working together, but I'm still not sure if Jax would be hanging with Ragatha & Gangle, or if he'd be off doing his own thing. As for Zooble, I'll get to them later.
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And this might just be me looking into things too much, but it almost looks like one of Kinger's eyes is focused entirely on whatever is behind the camera, while the other isn't focused at all. Like he's half paying attention to the 'danger' he and Pomni are in.
But that's really all I have to say about the first screenshot. Let's move onto the main event:
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Again, let's get the obvious out of the way: new Zooble design! They've got some new parts, like the arms, unicorn horn, and the blocky yellow and pink thing, but also some old parts, like the bluish-green ring, and their classic black and white antenna. So far, I like this design! I'm happy to see that they've decided to mix things up a bit. Not my favourite design, but still decent. They've got good taste.
Before I talk about Zooble and Caine, I first want to talk about the location they're in. At first, I thought this might've been Zooble's room, but looking closer, it's obviously not. Then I thought it was that little desk area at the end of the dorm hallway.
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But nope, the hallway has different plants, picture frames, wallpaper, and no chairs to be seen. The plants we can see look similar to those seen in Caine's resturant realm from Ep 1, so I think I can safely guess that this is a new location, made specifically for him and Zooble to chat.
Speaking of that, I think that's going to be the driving point of Zooble's character development this episode. Something is going to convince them to join the future adventures, and it seems this will be that something. We know thanks to the AMA, that Zooble not going on adventures is important to their character, so having their episode focus on this topic makes sense.
What I can assume happened to lead up to this interaction is this:
Caine announced the adventure, and just like in both Ep 1&2, Zooble immediately expresses that they are not interested, and walks off. Caine can't really do anything about it yet, so he focuses on everyone else. Explains the rest of the adventure to them, and sends them on their way.
He then catches up to Zooble before they reach wherever they planned on going, and teleports them both to this new room. It looks almost like some kind of waiting room, or a room where they're both supposed to talk things out. It's got the comfy chairs, wall art, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a little table between them.
Zooble, obviously, is not impressed. They don't care about Caine's adventures, and want nothing to do with whatever he has planned for them in the meantime. Caine, on the other hand, just wants to figure out why Zooble doesn't want to go on his adventures. He spends so much time figuring them out! Just for the humans! Why won't Zooble participate!?
This very likely evolves into an argument between the two. I like how Caine is clearly angry in this screenshot. It's nice to see him show some more variety when it comes to emotion!! Zooble doesn't care for whatever Caine is saying, and Caine just wants to understand why they don't care.
Something happens, maybe they do talk it out, maybe something else, but by the end of the episode, Zooble decides that maybe going on a few adventures isn't that bad. I think it's way too early to guess what happens in that huge timeskip, but for now, this is the best I've got.
I feel Zooble's arc in this episode might touch on a few topics, like how while they might think staying by themselves all day and doing their own thing is better for them, isolating themselves isn't doing anyone any favours, and that, for lack of a better term, going 'outside' every once in a while can't hurt.
... and that's pretty much all I can think of to say regarding these two screenshots! I'm sure we'll get to learn more as the episode release gets closer, but I'm excited to see how things turn out!! :3
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
I was tagged by @simolemons, @satellite-sims, and @spaceapples98. Omg I feel so lovedddd 🥺🥺🥺🥺 thank you!
Are you named after anyone? Yep! I'm named after Laura Ingalls-Wilder, the writer of the Little House on the Prairie books. My mom was obsessed with the books and the 70s TV show for some ungodly reason. Fun fact, I hate LHotP with every fiber of my being. I'm fine with my name though.
When was the last time you cried? Oh God, it's been a turbulent few weeks. Pick a time, I've probably cried. 🙈
Do you have kids? No. Wait, let me rephrase that. GOD NO!!!!
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I feel like this question is a trap. I want to speak to my lawyer.
What sports do you play/have you played? I am not a sports person. I guess I have dabbled in the sweaty arts for fun every so often when I've lost my mind, but I've never really played on a team or a in a league or understood most sports on a basic level. Is the Sims a sport?
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? Probably their voice and their tone and the way they ask me what I'm doing in their house.
Scary movies or happy endings? It really depends on what is meant by "scary movies" because I don't do gore at all. Like Saw and shit? Absolutely not. Absolutely. not. But I do like suspenseful supernatural horror movies as long as there isn't much gore involved. I think I prefer movies with happy endings given a choice between only these two but I wouldn't say no to a good old fashioned bittersweet ending.
Any special talents? I can whistle really well. I practice a lot when I'm alone. I don't whistle for other people often because, funnily enough, despite your skill level, people find it incredibly annoying. Actually maybe being annoying is my special talent? 🤷‍♀️ Also I can do this thing where I can vibrate my right face cheek (I have to specify for you freaks) and make a sound like a horse. It's only the right face cheek, not the left. I don't know why.
Where were you born? Virginia! We didn't live there long after I was born so I don't really remember it but I've also lived in North Carolina, Georgia, and South Carolina. Southern through and through!
What are your hobbies? Sims, writing, writing for my Sims, Sim-themed writing, procrastinating writing Sims stories, miscellaneous video games, crafts, complaining, jewelry making (I'm not good at it, don't get excited), researching cults, and fashion doll collecting.
Do you have any pets? Sadly, no. It's kind of a struggle taking care of one person on my income but I'm hoping to save enough to where I can get a kitty or two and be reasonably comfortable with vet bills. I really, really, really love cats. I'm an orphaned cat lady at the moment.
How tall are you? 5'2" (roughly 159 cm). Smol, but not too smol, right at shin-kicking height.
Fave subject in school? English. Honestly liking any subject in school was a struggle because I was homeschooled and my mother is The Worst™ but English and Vocabulary and Creative Writing were my jam despite her best efforts.
Dream job? Are we talking realistic dreams or unrealistic-obviously-never-going-to-happen-but-I-like-to-fantasize dreams? If it's the former, I'd like to be an editor. If it's the latter, I'd like to be a professional kitten-cuddler.
Eye colour? Light green, bordering on light blue, but still obviously green if you look close. Kind of sea green, I guess. I've always struggled to describe my eye color and other people do, too. It's weirdly in between green and blue. If I were to remove my glasses and stare at you like 👁👁 you could very clearly see they're green, but otherwise, with my glasses on just looking at me like a normal person, you would be forgiven for thinking they're light blue. I'm not trying to be ✨unique✨ or anything; this is just what happens when your mom has blue eyes and your dad has hazel eyes and genetics just gives the fuck up.
I think most people have done this tag while I'm on semi-hiatus but let's just throw some names out there and see what sticks. 😈 @happy-lemon @monets-pixels @hurricanesims @moyokeansimblr @oasislandingresident @hazely-sims @treason-and-plot @ts3strayastray @miss-may-i @ktarsims @sharssims @amphoraeus @brannewjoint @autonomousllama @nocturnalazure
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the perseverance of hope in BSD
I have always loved Kyouka and Yosano's backstories the most in all of BSD (sorry, not sorry Dazai) And I recently noticed a few parallels between them, and ended up linking them back to hope.
Even though hope isn't one of the most emphasized themes of BSD, I think it's something that's portrayed really beautifully, both animated and by Harukawa-sensei's art. I'm going to be focusing on Kyouka and Yosano for this one (manga spoilers for Yosano!) But many other characters have a similar aspect of 'hope' too!
#1. Kyouka's Arc
Before Kyouka's parents died - we can assume she lived a happy and normal life.
But after their deaths, her life became a living hell.
She was left with a murderous ability she hates, no one left who loves her, and no place to call home. The PM took her in under Akutagawa because they value Demon Snow, not her. Forced to kill, living in constant terror under Akutagawa, Kyouka was fully submerged in the dark.
A true flower of darkness.
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Look at her eyes. There's a kind of emptiness in them like she truly has no purpose. She's just a killing machine. The last time Kyouka was ever truly 'happy' was close to four years ago with her parents. The thing about living in constant unhappiness is that you find it very hard to believe you were ever happy at all.
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Kyouka always has a little gasp of surprise on her face before she feels true happiness. It's because, after so many years of cruelty, hope is still an emotion novel to her. In the outing she and Atsushi had, you can see that there's a little happiness there because she finally feels a little lighter and a little freer. At least she isn't with the Port Mafia...right?
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"Please...don't ever show me the light again."
But after the Guild takes Atsushi away from her, she falls back into the trap of death and killing. Hope hurts too much - so she wanted to turn away, go back into the comfort of the darkness and death and killing. It's reminiscent of how we often grow close to the things that hurt us because there is a certain comfort to it. A familiarity.
Who was Kyouka if not a murderer? If not a killing machine?
Her time in the airship prison was probably the lowest point in her arc. But Dazai - Dazai, of all people - gave her hope again. Even though there was a chance she would die - Kyouka had found hope. Her eyes aren't filled with despair anymore. It was more of a resigned kind of hope, because even tied down in a prison cell, she had found purpose. A chance to save the people she loves.
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When she returns, alive and unharmed, she realises that despite the pain of having hope shattered and taken away from you, the 'light' was worth it. Because she had Atsushi and the ADA, and people who loved her.
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And I think that's really beautiful.
#2. The Angel of Death arc
~manga spoilers~
Yosano goes from working in a candy shop to a literal warzone when she was 11 - but there's a fire and determination in her that keeps her going. She wants to save people's lives, and protect her country. It drives her to live even through a warzone - and she's pretty thick-skinned and strong, but even then. She doesn't let the blood and gore faze her from healing people. All she wants is to make sure that people can go back to their families, that this war wouldn't be their final stand.
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"Thank you...miss angel."
Look at how happy she is - there's so much light and hope in her eyes. Because she is saving lives, spreading happiness, a harbinger of hope, and the lives waiting for the soldiers after the war.
Yosano arrived on the battlefield as a true angel.
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As the war takes a darker turn, Yosano realizes her ability is robbing the soldiers of their right to lose. She's caught in the middle of a situation that has no good outcome. She's just a kid trying to save lives. Her ability was meant to save lives, not turn them into hell. It is impossible to hold onto hope, when the lives of those around you are worthless. They go through incredible pain day after day because of you.
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"You...are too correct."
Tachihara's brother's death is the tipping point. Yosano loses all hope in righteousness and believes herself to be a curse upon humanity.
The kind of pain in her eyes is awful, and it destroys her. After the war, she spends years alone in an isolating facility, with no hope in anything. She turned stagnant and empty...like the world had frozen around her.
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She's alive, but her eyes are empty. She's just a shell of a person.
But then hope arrives.
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The ADA wanted her for her kindness. They didn't want her ability, they wanted her. Just like with Kyouka, hope came to her in the form of the detective agency.
Kwkjfkf I hope you enjoyed this ramble - I truly adore how beautifully this theme is woven into the story and I will never be over these two and how much they've suffered and still find the strength to smile again.
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crystalkleure · 3 years
well then, how about gronny? how undone would one end up after facing his spintop inhabitant?
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Oh boy! Regalia Genesis isn't even MADE specifically for physical combat, because this thing is such a Superior Being that there's no reason for it to throw a punch when it can just dematerialize your ass in a beam of light. It's one of those things that's so fucking OP that just touching it would probably immediately unmake any human who is not Gwyn.
That being said, let's pretend we even have the opportunity to be Physically Smacked by this thing before we are reduced to atomic dust by it:
It is a giant dragon. Huge. Approximately the size of a small house.
It has claws.
It has claws on its wings.
It does not have actual teeth, it has a hooked beak instead.
It has a pointy, heavy-looking club thing on the end of its tail.
It does not quite appear to have flesh. Its "body" is entirely heavily-armored, with only small bits of what's underneath being visible through the gaps in that armor. And what's underneath appears to be nothing more than solid bright blue-white light coalesced into the approximate shape of the beast. Touching this thing would burn you. That armor has to be being heated up dramatically from the inside out. Making physical contact with any part of this entity would absolutely incinerate your flesh off your bones. And then it would incinerate your bones.
Its wings...do not appear structurally sound enough to support any weight, even their own weight. Look at how they connect to its shoulders, the massive main silver parts of those wings are very, very flimsily stuck to the very edge of the little mock-feathers-shaped golden parts sticking out of its back. They're just kind of clamped to the corners, I suppose. They look as though they should just snap right off. It's just a small detail, but this incredible anatomical infeasibility alone sheds a bright light on the fact that this creature is something that exists wholly outside the confines of our normal Laws Of Being. Regalia Genesis is above the need for the physical support of bone and muscle structures. Physics are its bitch. Regalia Genesis just levitates at will. And that means that it is capable of moving any part of its body with the exact same amount of incredible force, having no implicit muscle/bone/mechanical/etc. structure dictating which parts of it are stronger and sturdier than others. It apparently really is just a mass of immaterial white-hot light stuffing itself inside a dragon-shaped suit of armor.
So, to summarize...
Regalia Genesis can rip you apart with its claws [inefficient]
Regalia Genesis can rip you apart with its beak [inefficient]
Regalia Genesis can impale you, or club you into paste with its tail [at least it'd be over quick but it COULD kill you even quicker than this]
Regalia Genesis' wings are meant to clamp together in a shell shape around it. Regalia Genesis can mangle you between the claws on the edges of its wings, crushing you as it locks them shut. [Inefficient but crunchy]
Any wound physically inflicted upon you by Regalia Genesis will be cauterized immediately, because Regalia Genesis' entire "body" is absolutely just incredibly searing hot, so you are being burned on top of being gored
Regalia Genesis can just...hold you. Physically touching it for any amount of time will burn you up into ash and then burn that ash into nothing. [Slowest possible way out. Insanely painful. Still probably only takes just a couple moments, though.]
Regalia Genesis can just sit on you. It is massive. [Instantaneous but insulting]
Regalia Genesis can vaporize you just by looking at you so all of this speculation is entirely pointless because it ultimately does not even need to touch you at all in the first place. You Will Simply Burn Up In The Light.
Conclusion: Your body will never be identified because there will be no body left to retrieve.
Thoroughness-of-unaliveness scale: ∞/10
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aboatist · 7 years
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a vent piece
depression can go fuck itself royally
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