#that particular ‘adult standard’ brand of love
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holdharmonysacred · 1 year
So, you wanna prep for Lostbelt 6 by reading a bunch of fairy lore for background information. Luckily for you, I’m a turbo nerd when it comes to this particular brand of folklore. In this post I’ll be compiling links to assorted text and audio sources of information and entertainment related to all the real-world fairy lore that pops up throughout the chapter. I’m gonna try to avoid just wikipedia links as much as possible, so some of the text sources are gonna be a little dense, but that’s ye olde texts for you. This will be semi-ongoing as things pop up, so you can keep an eye out if you want!
Note: I’ll try to keep the spoilers to a minimum, but there will be possible spoilers as to what’s in the chapter ahead, so watch out!
Without further ado, here’s the list under the cut:
HUGE MASSIVE CONTENT WARNING: Many of these texts are going to have adult themes and triggering content, particularly sexual assault, rape, and general non-consent in romantic or sexual relationships. I’m going to start including individual warnings for texts where I know it comes up, but even if I don’t note it, please proceed with caution and take care!
A Dictionary of Fairies: Hobgoblins, Brownies, Bogies, and Other Supernatural Creatures by Katharine Mary Briggs - Exactly what it sounds like on the tin. Here’s where you can read about all the different fairies and creatures that tend to be more in short folktales, from baobhan sith to barghests to Ainsel and beyond, all in alphabetical order. If you find a fairy name you want to look up, it’s probably going to be in here somewhere.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare - I mean c’mon man. C’mon. There could always be a first for someone though, so if you are that someone - this is the most famous work featuring Oberon the fairy king, and the big one that F/GO and basically all other post-Billy Shakes media works pulls from. If you’d rather watch a staging of the play instead of read a script, here are some performances by Rice University and the Palm Beach Shakespeare Festival, and if those two in particular aren’t your jam I guarantee you there’s going to be a staging somewhere you can watch. As a bonus, here’s an absolutely lovely musical arrangement of “Philomel, With Melody” (AKA the lullaby Titania’s fairy servants sing to her) by the band Caprice. It’s not the most relevant, I just want to share it because it’s nice. WARNING: The crux of the play revolves around a love potion plot, so there will be themes of manipulation, non-consent, and potential sexual assault played for laughs and romance. It’s arguably mild compared to some of the other texts on here, but I would still be careful!
Translations of Melusina (Melusine) stories by D. L. Ashliman - D. L. Ashliman’s got a massive online treasure trove of folktales and folktexts, it’s always a fun time to go on a rabbit hole through his(their?) site. If you want stuff specifically relevant to Melusine though, here’s the page for her.
Versions of the Tam Lin ballad compiled at Tam Lin Balladry - this one’s going to be relevant because of the extremely high likelihood that NA will follow the JP merch labels and localize the “Fairy Knight” title as Tam Lin. Because it’s a ballad, there’s plenty of audio versions put to song, the most textually accurate one I can currently find being by Bob Hay & The Jolly Beggars. Besides that however, there are also versions by Steeleye Span, Fairport Convention, Tricky Pixie, and my personal favorite, the one by Anaïs Mitchell of Hadestown fame and Jefferson Hamer. If you want a more standard audio adaptation, the Tales of Britain and Ireland podcast will have you covered. WARNING: The start of the ballad is explicitly about sexual assault, with Tam Lin having been a rapist prior to meeting Janet. Janet’s own encounter is usually portrayed as consensual, she’s apparently a weirdo who heard the warnings and went “So that means FREE SEX?”, but some later versions do change her encounter into rape as a bizarre way of censoring her having sex out of wedlock. In addition, the ballad deals with themes of abortion. Basically, if any of this stuff is a trigger for you, I would proceed with extreme caution if you choose to listen or read.
Habetrot and Scantlie Mab - an archived version of a fairy tale about Habetrot. For similar stories, search for stuff under the Aarne-Thompson-Uther index type 501, “The Three Spinning Old Women”.
Historia Regum Britanniae (The History of the Kings of Britain) by Geoffrey of Monmouth - Now this one may not seem immediately obvious in its relevance outside of “hey look, Arthuriana!”, but trust me, This Is A Surprise Tool That Will Help Us Later. The relevant parts are going to start at Book 6, with Vortigern’s shenanigans. There’s also a podcast audio adaptation by Myths & Legends, split into part A, part B, and part C, if you would prefer that.
Official website for Knocknarea, or Cnoc na Riabh - Knocknarea is a big ol’ hill in Ireland with a bunch of Neolithic cairns on it, the most famous of which is claimed to be Queen Medb’s tomb. For anything else related to Medb, go read the Tain.
The Wikipedia page for Cernunnos - this is the point where I have to give up on not linking wikipedia, alas, as the sources here are little too tiny and scattered. Cernunnos is a Celtic god from Gaul, he’s got horns, we’ve got his name and some archaeological depictions of him, and that’s basically it, because unfortunately no stories about him survived. If I can find a better source about him to link, I’ll drop it here.
Le Morte d’Arthur by Sir Thomas Mallory, Volume I and Volume II - Not including this initially was a huge oversight on my part, but this is pretty much The text for general Arthuriana and one of the really big ones that Fate takes influence from. You can read this for stuff about Morgause and Morgan, but it’s also just good to have on hand for anything with the Round Table in general.
I’ve also got a bunch of podcast episodes that don’t really fit in with any of the above that I’ll list here if anyone wants more dank audio content:
Robin Goodfellow: His Mad Pranks and Merry Jests by Tales of Britain and Ireland - Relevant if you want some alternative tales of Puck and Oberon. WARNING: The episode itself covers its warnings pretty good, but before you click - there’s a lot of adult content in this one, including the thumbnail image. Most of the stories adapted are going to get pretty bawdy even at best, and there’s one that explicitly involves an attempted rape that the titular character thwarts. Proceed with caution, and also maybe don’t listen in public.
Black Dogs and Englishmen: Black Shuck in English Folklore and The Barguest: Demon Dog, Silly Sprite or Spectral Hound?, both by Fabulous Folklore with Icy - Listen to these two if you want more info on barghests.
Scottish Halloween & Vampire Fairy Witches by Stories of Scotland - Listen to this if you want a retelling of a story involving the baobhan sith along with other Scottish traditions!
And that’s all I’ve got for right now! If I find any more relevant sources, or if someone directs me to said sources, I’ll be sure to add links to this post. Until then, happy reading and listening, and I hope everyone has fun with LB6!
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starfallcity · 3 months
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Brought to you by Starfall's longest-running magazine, providing you with quality content about the latest news, trends, and high life of Starfall's elites.
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This season is all about love- whether it's romantic or not, this issue of THE ECLIPSE has something for everyone, starring the heartthrob taking social media by storm. Founder and CEO of Dr. Love, and runner of the newest late-night show with a 'zine of his own on the way: everyone, welcome Cupid Amoré!
Interviewer: Thank you, Mr. Amoré for taking the time to sit with us. We know you must be busy.
Cupid: It's no problem at all! I'm honored you thought I was important enough to interview- the email startled me so bad I had to step away from my laptop! It was a little embarrassing...
I: Well I'm glad you found it so exciting! Getting straight into it, what are the basics of what you'd want the readers to know?
C: Hm. [pause] Obviously, there's my name, but that's likely been plastered all over the page by now. [chuckles] I guess from there it'd be my age, and so on- 34, as of right now. I'm a huge romantic- if you couldn't tell already. Mmn... [another pause] I don't really have a lot of nicknames- most people usually call me by my first name. Either that or my last. My favorite of all of them is 'squish', though. My sister gave it to me when I was younger.
I: 34? Wow! You seemed a lot younger- I wouldn't have guessed from your socials. And "Squish"- is there a particular reason behind it?
C: My sister would just say it's because my face was so fat. [sigh, a tired smile spreads on his face] She wasn't wrong, but I still want to whack her for it.
I: Siblings, am I right? Moving on, would you mind explaining the whole deal on your company, Dr. Love? It feels like it sprung up out of nowhere!
C: Well, I've actually run Dr. Love as a small online business for a while now, but only in recent months have we actually expanded into a "real" company. We sell products- mostly themed around couples, though our products can be bought by and gifted to anyone. Candies, cards, bouquets, etcetera. We even have a matchmaking service, and- ahem- 'items' for our older clients to enjoy on sale. Those ones are part of a...slightly different brand, though- the same one used for our late night show.
I: I see...it's nice to see you've taken the time to separate your adult and general brands. What inspired you to take this route? The type of business, I mean.
C: Love, of course! [chuckles] To be more specific, my love of love. I've lived in this city all my life- seen a manner of nasty things come about. I think if people took the time to slow down, and really take the time to appreciate themselves and the people around them- to interact without judgement, that Starfall can become a much better place. Too many people are on edge; trust is low- kindness to strangers is seen as some sort of novelty. If my company can help open hearts and change minds, well, I'd find that just wonderful.
I: An altruistic approach- don't you feel that's a bit naïve? With all the conflicts between humans and non-humans, not to mention the looming possibility of....well, I'm sure you've gotten your fair share of concerning fanmail yourself.
C: I have, and really, both of those issues are tragic to me, in a way. People are averse to change- I can see why someone with no experience would find the sudden appearance of non-humans jarring. Except, they aren't sudden- not in Starfall. They've been a long-standing part of our history. To try and push them out because of some sort of purity complex is, pardon my harsh words, stupid. Stupid and ignorant.
C: And yes, that 'possibility' you've mentioned. I can't judge those people too harshly. At the end of the day, that type of behavior is more than your standard pushy fan. It's a sign of something deeper- it's something innate in that person. [frowns] I can't help but feel sad thinking about it. There are people who need help in this city. Real help. They're disturbed, but they're still people. I doubt they actively choose to be the way they are- it's unfortunate.
I: ...Of course. How genuine of you, Mr. Amoré. Aside from your business career, what can we come to expect from you? Publicity wise.
C: Of course there's the show- thinking about it is still nerve wracking, but I'll live. It's a late night show, nothing explicit, but I suggest streaming it after the young'ins have gone to bed. [winks] For our younger fluttering hearts, though, our magazine is all-ages, with an advice column for those struggling hearts in our community. We've been considering featuring some local stories in our magazine as well- meet cutes, self love stories...just things that make you feel fuzzy inside, you know?
I: Looks like we may have a bit of competition, eh? We're looking forward to its official release! Wrapping up now, any final words you have or our readers?
C: I am too. As for final words, not many, surprisingly. I just wish to thank those who have supported me up until this point, and welcome all those who decide to join the little community we've crafted. I wouldn't have gotten as far as I have without your help. Other than that, continue to spread as much love as you can- you never know who really needs it.
I: A touching message. Thank you again, Mr. Amoré, we appreciate you coming in and answering our questions. For our readers who want more of Starfall's newest star, be sure to check out the information listed below about his upcoming projects. Thank you for your time, and stay tuned for the next issue of THE ECLIPSE!
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the-elusive-soleil · 1 year
Yes, "Reptile Boy" can be about the inherent awesomeness of being a teenage girl beating up creepy frat boys, and yes, it can also be about the inherent creepiness of said teenage girl being there in the first place, and yes, it can also be a jumping-off point for all kinds of rambling discussion about Angel and his own brand of creepiness and the state of his and Buffy's relationship and the fact that he actually is relatively useful in this episode...
...but for me, right now at least, it's about Giles, and how he's pushing Buffy to train harder, fight better, be more dedicated - something that is driving her up the wall right now, but which he explains as "I drive you too hard, because I know what you have to face."
Which forms an interesting parallel to S6, where Giles is also trying to get Buffy to do something she doesn't want to do (in that instance, function as an adult on her own) because he thinks that's the best way to help her survive. In S6, that's the exact opposite of what she needs, and it's debatable whether his tactics here are what she needs either, but I think it's fair to say that both instances are coming from a place of genuine caring.
In a lot of ways, Giles is starting from way behind the line when it comes to being able to care for and take care of Buffy. Standard Watcher training doesn't seem to leave a lot of room for treating one's Potential/Slayer as a whole person, or as anything but a killing machine. Buffy in particular is, by nature and nurture, about as far from a "textbook" Slayer as it's possible to be. She hasn't even been working with Giles for a full year yet, against decades on his part of a much more traditional mindset. On top of this, they have distinctly opposite personalities, which probably doesn't make it any easier for him to get a handle on what she might need mentally/emotionally/socially/etc.
But he does try, here and in other places. I'm not saying he's perfect, and I'm really not getting into the good parent/bad parent discourse surrounding him, Joyce, or anyone else. Just saying, sometimes love is stored in the questionable, played-for-laughs attempt to make sure your Slayer can handle a monster trying to whack her from behind.
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houseofem5blog · 5 months
Woody Notes: A Perfect Option in the World of Men's Perfumes
Do you ever feel that the fragrance was made just for you after smelling a perfume or mist? Maybe we all have experienced it at some point. Do you know a particular type of smell suits every individual? Men and women prefer and pick different fragrances. The notes that fit their gender and beliefs differ severely. Women love fruity, flowery, and soothing scents. Therefore, perfumes and their notes for females revolve particularly around those notes. On the other hand, branded perfume for men is entirely different.
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Notes that Suit Men: Men do love feminine fragrances. But when choosing a perfume for themselves, they need something that reflects manly character. A standard note you may find in every other man's perfumes is a woody note. Woody notes suit men and their personalities so well that men prefer perfumes with such notes only. Reasons Why Men Love Woody Notes: No Age Restrictions: Young boys, teenagers, adults, and elders! Everyone can use perfumes with woody notes. Young men can choose perfumes with fruity notes and wood as the base notes as they bring freshness. For formal settings, men can choose perfumes with leather as the heart note and wood as the base notes. All these combinations with woody notes go very well. They are worth giving a try. The best branded perfume in India for men adds a woody texture to the fragrance. They are worth giving a try. Versatility: Woody notes go well with almost every other note. It gives perfumers an edge to twist and try different combinations and textures. Woody notes are perfect with flowery and fruity smells. Or it can be blended with spicy fragrances, vanilla, musk, etc. Woody notes can play any role. They can be the top, heart, or base note. At every position, the smell of wood plays perfectly. It gives the fragrance a refreshing, manly, natural, and enchanting essence. Therefore, men have been biased toward woody perfumes over other options in the market. They are a safe option as well. About House of EM5: House of EM5 brings a collection of perfumes for all those men who love woody notes in their perfume a bit extra. The vast collection is worth taking a look at. You can also find unisex perfumes at this store. Along with this, House of EM5 has a lot of options for you. Check them out now https://www.houseofem5.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3wgJhSo
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evolutionmmachi-blog · 8 months
The Evolution MMA Review results of the Elite Muay Thai pads are in! Check it!
When it comes to MMA training, the importance of quality equipment cannot be overstated. As athletes push their bodies to the limit, they need gear that can withstand the intense demands of their training sessions.
Whether it's gloves, shin guards, or training equipment, investing in high-quality gear is essential for both safety and performance.
At Evolution MMA, a premier martial arts training facility, the commitment to recommending the best training gear is at the forefront.
The team understands that the right equipment can make all the difference in an athlete's journey. That's why we tested the 'ELITE BORN TOUGH,' a brand known for its durable and reliable combat sports products.
Evolution MMA's Commitment to Providing Elite Training Gear
Evolution MMA prides itself on offering the best training experience possible.
From world-class coaches to state-of-the-art facilities, every aspect of the gym is designed to help athletes reach their full potential. And that includes the equipment we use.
With a focus on functionality and durability, Evolution MMA's review with 'ELITE BORN TOUGH' is a testament to their dedication to quality.
By carefully selecting gear that meets their rigorous standards, they ensure that their students and coaches have access to the best equipment available.
the products we are testing
We will be testing a almost full setup for Muay Thai class minus there gloves :(
Testing Process for 'ELITE BORN TOUGH' Products
To ensure that 'ELITE BORN TOUGH' products live up to their reputation, Evolution MMA has put them through a rigorous testing process.
This involves real-life scenarios where the gear is subjected to the demands of intense training sessions. From sparring sessions to bag work, the products are tested for durability, comfort, and performance.
By simulating the wear and tear that occurs during training, Evolution MMA can provide an honest and unbiased assessment of the 'ELITE BORN TOUGH' products.
Feedback from Evolution MMA's Students and Coaches
There Honest Review:
The Coaches and Students Loved them!
“ Build with quality to last!'“
“ How Much are those?”
“Wait till those bad boys are broke in!”
One of the most valuable aspects of testing equipment at Evolution MMA is the feedback received from their students and coaches.
These champions rely on the gear day in and day out, making them the perfect judges of its quality.
Initial feedback from Evolution MMA's students and coaches has been overwhelmingly positive.
They appreciate the durability of the 'ELITE BORN TOUGH' products, noting that even after months of regular use, the gear shows minimal signs of wear and tear. The gloves and shin guards, in particular, have received rave reviews for their comfort and protection.
Benefits of Using High-Quality Training Equipment
Using high-quality training equipment offers numerous benefits for MMA athletes.
Firstly, it ensures their safety during training. Inferior gear can lead to injuries, which not only hinders progress but also poses long-term health risks.
Secondly, high-quality gear enhances performance.
Whether it's gloves that provide a secure grip or shin guards that allow for effective strikes, the right equipment can make a noticeable difference in an athlete's performance.
The durability of Muay Thai Gear means athletes can push themselves to their limits without worrying about their gear failing them.
1 year review update coming 2/1/2024
We know equipment also takes time and training to go through to see the real results!
So our coach will continue to use these Elite Muay Thai pads throughout the year and we will update the 1 year review here.
The 1 year review will review the following:
Comparison with detailed photos from new to 1 year, before and after.
Comfort over time and after break in.
And full out review from our Muay Thia Coach.
First arrival of the Elite Sports Muay Thai Pads
Where to Purchase 'ELITE BORN TOUGH' Products
If you wish to jump in with all 8 limbs with these pads they can be purchased below:
Evolution MMA's knowledgeable staff can guide customers in selecting the right equipment based on their training goals and preferences.
Whether it's gloves, shin guards, or training equipment, athletes can trust that they are purchasing authentic 'ELITE BORN TOUGH' products that have been thoroughly tested and approved by Evolution MMA.
Muay Thai cool down: The Importance of Investing in Quality Gear for MMA Training
In the world of MMA, investing in quality gear is non-negotiable. The demands of the sport require athletes to push their bodies to the limit, and they need equipment that can keep up. This review between Evolution MMA and 'ELITE BORN TOUGH' ensures that athletes have access to the best gear available.
Through a rigorous testing process and feedback from students and coaches, Evolution MMA has determined that 'ELITE BORN TOUGH' products truly live up to their reputation. The durability, comfort, and performance of the gear make it a top choice for athletes of all levels.
When it comes to your MMA training, don't settle for anything less than the best.
The 'ELITE BORN TOUGH' Shin guards and Muay Thai Kick pads will last! Experience the difference for yourself.
Evolution MMA is ready to equip you with the gear you need to take your training to the next level.
Own some Elite sports gear?
Let us know how you like them in the comments below
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atharv8 · 10 months
Unveiling the Barnshenn Dinosaur Dynasty: A Journey into Timeless Toys
In the vast realm of toys, few captivate the imagination quite like dinosaurs. These prehistoric giants have roared their way into the hearts of children and adults alike, sparking wonder and fascination across generations. Among the myriad brands offering dinosaur-themed toys, one name stands tall – Barnshenn Dinosaur Dynasty.
A Legacy Unearthed
For decades, Barnshenn has been synonymous with quality, innovation, and sheer delight in the world of toys. The Dinosaur Dynasty series, in particular, has carved its place as a hallmark of excellence. What makes these toys extraordinary? Let's embark on a journey through time and delve into the fascinating world of Barnshenn's dinosaur dynasty toys.
Unraveling the Collection
The Dinosaur Dynasty collection from Barnshenn is a treasure trove of diversity. From the ferocious Tyrannosaurus Rex to the graceful Brachiosaurus, each toy is meticulously crafted, capturing the essence of these ancient creatures with stunning accuracy. The attention to detail is awe-inspiring – scales, claws, and teeth intricately designed to replicate the majesty of these extinct beings.
The Science Behind the Craft
What sets Barnshenn's toys apart is their commitment to scientific accuracy. Collaborating with paleontologists and researchers, each dinosaur in the Dynasty series is painstakingly recreated based on the latest scientific discoveries. This dedication not only ensures educational value but also sparks curiosity and learning among young enthusiasts.
Imagination Knows No Bounds
The beauty of Barnshenn's Dinosaur Dynasty lies in its ability to ignite imaginative play. These toys transcend mere replicas; they become portals to a bygone era, where young adventurers explore prehistoric landscapes and create their narratives. Whether staging epic battles or embarking on daring expeditions, these toys fuel creativity and storytelling.
A Tapestry of Learning
Toys are more than just playthings – they are invaluable tools for learning. The Dinosaur Dynasty series acts as a gateway to understanding the natural world and history. As children engage with these toys, they absorb information about species, habitats, and the principles of evolution, all while having a roaring good time.
Quality and Safety – A Pledge
Barnshenn takes pride in its commitment to safety and quality. Every toy undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets stringent safety standards. The materials used are durable and environmentally friendly, promising longevity while being kind to the planet – a crucial aspect in today's world.
Beyond Playtime
The impact of Barnshenn's Dinosaur Dynasty extends far beyond playrooms. These toys serve as catalysts for family bonding, fostering moments of shared exploration and discovery. Parents and children come together, exchanging knowledge and forging connections through a mutual love for these magnificent creatures.
Community and Engagement
The Barnshenn Dinosaur Dynasty isn’t just about toys; it's a thriving community. Online forums, social media groups, and events bring together enthusiasts from around the world. Here, conversations flow, experiences are shared, and a vibrant community of dinosaur aficionados flourishes.
The Future Unveiled
As technology evolves, so do these timeless toys. Barnshenn embraces innovation, teasing augmented reality experiences and interactive elements that promise to revolutionize playtime. Imagine bringing dinosaurs to life in your living room through a smartphone app – a thrilling possibility on the horizon!
Legacy of Endurance
In a world of fleeting trends, Barnshenn's Dinosaur Dynasty stands as a testament to enduring fascination. Generation after generation, these toys continue to captivate, educate, and inspire. They transcend age barriers, weaving a legacy that spans time itself.
Evolution of Play
The evolution of play is evident in the Barnshenn Dinosaur Dynasty. These toys transcend traditional boundaries, offering a multifaceted experience. From action figures to detailed dioramas, the collection caters to various preferences, ensuring there's something for every dinosaur enthusiast.
Educational Adventures
Imagine a child's delight as they uncover the mysteries of the Mesozoic era through these toys. The educational value extends beyond the toys themselves. Barnshenn supplements the collection with educational materials – books, online resources, and engaging content – enriching the play experience with knowledge.
Inspiring Future Paleontologists
For some, these toys serve as the first step toward a lifelong passion for paleontology. Sparking an interest in the natural sciences, they inspire young minds to delve deeper into the world of fossils, excavation, and the study of ancient life – laying the foundation for potential future scientists.
Embracing Diversity
Barnshenn's commitment to diversity is reflected not only in the range of species within the Dinosaur Dynasty but also in their efforts to ensure representation. Inclusivity in toy design, showcasing lesser-known species, and highlighting the contributions of diverse paleontologists are part of the brand's ethos.
Sustainability and Responsibility
In an era focused on sustainability, Barnshenn takes a responsible stance. From eco-friendly packaging to sourcing materials with minimal environmental impact, the brand is dedicated to reducing its carbon footprint. This commitment resonates with environmentally conscious consumers seeking responsible toy choices.
The Magic of Collectibles
Beyond being playthings, Barnshenn's Dinosaur Dynasty toys hold the allure of collectibles. For enthusiasts of all ages, these toys become cherished pieces, adorned on shelves or displayed in curated collections, celebrating the marvels of prehistory in meticulously crafted forms.
The Power of Play Therapy
The impact of toys on child development is profound. In therapeutic settings, these dinosaur toys play a vital role in play therapy. They aid in communication, emotional expression, and overcoming challenges, offering a safe avenue for children to explore and understand their emotions.
Unleashing Creativity
The versatility of Barnshenn's Dinosaur Dynasty toys fuels imaginative play. Whether constructing elaborate habitats or creating fictional scenarios, these toys empower children to think creatively, problem-solve, and weave narratives that traverse the realms of fantasy and reality.
A Beacon of Innovation
As technology advances, so does the potential for innovation in toy design. Barnshenn's Dinosaur Dynasty continually evolves, embracing technological advancements to create immersive experiences. Imagine holographic displays or interactive features that blur the lines between the past and the present.
Continuing the Legacy
Looking ahead, the Barnshenn Dinosaur Dynasty stands poised to continue its legacy. Through collaborations, community engagement, and a dedication to excellence, the brand remains committed to fostering a love for dinosaurs and education for generations to come.
Adding these aspects delves deeper into the educational, societal, and emotional impact of the Barnshenn Dinosaur Dynasty. If you have any specific angles or details you'd like to emphasize further, let me know!
Empowering Through Play
The Barnshenn Dinosaur Dynasty transcends entertainment; it empowers. These toys encourage role-playing, allowing children to embody scientists, adventurers, or even dinosaurs themselves. This imaginative freedom fosters confidence, empathy, and a sense of agency in young minds.
Interactive Learning Experiences
The future holds promise for interactive learning with Barnshenn's Dinosaur Dynasty. Imagine augmented reality applications that enable users to explore prehistoric landscapes, interact with virtual dinosaurs, and engage in immersive educational experiences, making learning truly come alive.
Legacy of Inspiration
The impact of these toys extends beyond childhood. Many professionals in the fields of paleontology, biology, and even creative arts credit their early exposure to dinosaur toys like those from Barnshenn as sparking their career paths and nurturing their imaginative faculties.
Cultural Significance
Dinosaurs are not just scientific marvels; they're cultural icons. The Barnshenn Dinosaur Dynasty serves as a cultural touchstone, connecting generations through a shared fascination with these magnificent creatures, inspiring art, literature, and even scientific pursuits.
Educational Partnerships
Barnshenn actively engages in partnerships with educational institutions. These collaborations result in curriculum-aligned resources, workshops, and outreach programs that supplement formal education, bridging the gap between classroom learning and hands-on exploration.
Sensory Development
From textures to colors, Barnshenn's toys stimulate sensory development in young children. Tactile experiences, vibrant hues, and varying sizes of the dinosaur toys aid in sensory exploration, fostering cognitive development and enhancing fine motor skills.
Parent-Child Bonding
The Barnshenn Dinosaur Dynasty serves as a catalyst for meaningful interactions between parents and children. Through joint exploration, storytelling, and creative play, these toys facilitate bonding moments that create lasting memories and strengthen familial ties.
Celebrating Diversity in STEM
The representation of diverse species in the Dinosaur Dynasty series also promotes inclusivity in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). By showcasing a wide array of dinosaurs, Barnshenn celebrates diversity, encouraging inclusivity in scientific pursuits.
Nurturing Resilience
Immersing oneself in the world of dinosaurs fosters resilience in children. Exploring the concept of extinction and the survival instincts of these ancient creatures instills resilience as children learn about adaptation, change, and the resilience needed to overcome challenges.
Community Impact
Barnshenn's commitment to social responsibility extends to community initiatives. Through outreach programs, and collaborations with charitable organizations, the brand supports causes that promote education, conservation, and the well-being of children worldwide.
These additional layers delve into the social, developmental, and cultural impacts of the Barnshenn Dinosaur Dynasty, showcasing its multifaceted influence. If you have any specific angles or themes you'd like to emphasize further, feel free to share!
Conclusion – A Roaring Success
The Barnshenn Dinosaur Dynasty toys aren't just playthings; they are windows to an ancient world, bridges between generations, and catalysts for curiosity. They instill a sense of wonder and adventure, nurturing young minds and fostering a love for learning.
In a fast-paced world, where trends come and go, these toys remain stalwart, embodying the timeless allure of dinosaurs. Barnshenn's commitment to quality, education, and imagination ensures that the Dinosaur Dynasty will continue to reign supreme in the hearts of enthusiasts, both young and old.
So, grab your hat, pack your imagination, and join the Barnshenn Dinosaur Dynasty for an adventure through time – where the past meets playtime, and the roar of excitement never fades.
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theccrafttree · 2 years
Actual Reasons Behind the Popularity of Custom Gift Boxes
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Expressing your feelings to your loved ones is quite important to live a happy and healthy life. Gifting is the most common and effective way to convey your happiness in a subtle way. You may select some custom gift boxes and amazing gifts for your relatives and friends. An addition of attractive and meaningful gift boxes wholesale from an authentic gift box provider can complete your gifting style quite easily. In this way, you will be able to show real concern for those people. They will be happy to notice your care for them.
Sometimes, you need to maintain formalities for official purposes. You need to bring gifts to different parties as well. With the help of a wholesale gift basket from any renowned gift box-making company, you can increase the standard of your gift. Along with this, you will be able to upgrade your status as an invited guest instantly. Here are some of the crucial and necessary positive sides of using gift boxes to realize the popularity of famous gift box providers nowadays.
Advantages of containing gifts in Custom Gift BoxesTime saving:
Earlier, people usually wrapped any particular gift in designer wrapping paper. They also added some beautiful gift bows to make it more cute and attractive at the same time. However, you will not be able to complete the whole task of wrapping your gifts after facing a tight schedule that is full of mental stress. This is why people prefer to collect useful and customized gift boxes to save time in a smarter way.
All time savior:
The massive collection of bulk gift baskets of The CCRAFT TREE helps people to receive various gift boxes of different sizes. In this way, you can easily buy something good for any sudden invitation party and can contain it in any of your collected gift boxes. Thus, you do not need to face any unwanted situation by bringing a gift without a gift box at the end moment.
Good way to select appropriate color:
Several attractive colors of customized mdf boxes can impress children as well as adults quite easily. You need to select a proper color according to the recipient’s choice. However, professionals should go for neutral colors to provide a better appearance to their products. You can also go for minor designs to provide extra beauty instantly.
Express your feelings:
You can easily express your care and concern to your loved ones by gifting them memorable gifts. A proper and appropriate gift box can leave a good impression on the recipient for sure. This is how you will be able to show your affection toward the recipient in a smarter way. Besides, some people keep these kinds of gift boxes to make the gifting moments memorable for many years.
Amazing tool for marketing:
Sending random gifts to regular clients is a good way of marketing. According to this idea, many people select wholesale corporate gifts to go for a smart choice. They usually send useful and promotional gifts to their clients on special occasions. This is how your customers will feel precious for sure. They will also recommend other people for your products.
Make people know your brand:
You can also add your company’s brand logo to your customized gift box. Thus, you will be able to expand your business without investing a huge amount of money. In this scenario, the gift hamper box for the wholesale option of any renowned gift packaging company will help you a lot. You should order your required gift boxes online according to your convenience.
Ultimate protection:
You can also deliver expensive products to your customers in a nice and amazing gift box to show your care to the customers. Apart from this, the appearance of the delivered product will improve instantly with the help of beautifully designed wholesale gift baskets. Your clients will surely receive their products without facing any minor damage for sure.
Many well-known gift box-making companies are using waste plastic or other materials to make amazing packaging boxes. In this way, they are recycling to save the environment for sure. However, you can use environmentally friendly materials for fruit and flower packaging. In this way, you can reduce pollution in a smarter way.
Some more advantages to follow
People can use these customized gift boxes many times to provide a proper worth to this work. You can invest your valuable money in this idea according to your convenience for sure. Thus, not only bigger but also smaller business people can adopt this smart idea to improve their brand.
Buying separate gift boxes for various gifts of different sizes can make you pay a massive bill for sure. According to this point of view, you should buy bulk gift baskets to deliver various gifts at a time. Thus, you will be able to get famous without facing any financial damage. You will definitely get a good deal while buying gift boxes in bulk.
Many of your clients may complain about receiving defective products due to many reasons. You can easily look into this matter by pouring you’re your products into durable and better gift boxes. Thus, your clients will always receive their purchased goods in a better manner.
For Full Blog Visit : —  https://www.theccrafttree.com/reasons-behind-the-popularity-of-custom-gift-boxes/
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belle-et-inspirante · 2 years
Greatest Personals Advertisement Options in 2021
Greatest Personals Advertisement Options in 2021
A long time ago, singles would distribute individual advertisements from inside the regional report whenever they wished to satisfy some one brand-new. The classified offer could review something such as “unmarried man pursuing a lady exactly who loves to camp and take in beer” or “Single woman getting a person thinking about Jeopardy marathons and weekend getaways.”
However, the newspapers have historically reasonable blood supply prices, therefore singles can find local sex few day possibilities with its pages. Nevertheless, neighborhood dating sites can fill that gap and provide the intimate avenues as soon as available in the classified listings and personals section.
Versus creating a categorized ad into the depressed hearts column, singles can create a free of charge ad on adult dating sites and apps that attract a varied and international matchmaking swimming pool. We’ve detailed several of the most popular modern-day options to dating personal ads to obtain nowadays making one thing take place.
Navigate This Particular Article:
We are going to focus on the very best of the number one from inside the internet dating scene. No matter your age, direction, or background, the next conventional adult dating sites appeal to everyone else. And, additionally, these websites are free to join, so that they’re a cost-friendly option to having to pay to put an individual advertising when you look at the paper.
Complement is actually the number 1 select for singles seeking a nearby date. This dating internet site has been around since 1995, as well as the group features enhanced their matchmaking system by learning just how individuals connect on the internet and traditional.
Creating an internet dating profile on complement is much like creating your own advertisement since you have a lot of room to describe yourself in your words. The Summary part allows singles discuss something they want, even though the Topics section supplies much more pointed prompts, including “For fun i love to” and “nowadays i’m reading.”
Singles also can fill in demographic information on on their own in addition to their perfect spouse. Including, in case you are a never-married grad pupil seeking a well-educated and liberal atheist, you’ll be able to place all of that details down in your fit profile.
Lots of single specialists have picked out Elite Singles because their go-to dating site given that it preserves a top-quality personal ad part chock-full of career-driven and relationship-minded singles.
Elite Singles may be the premiere dating website for discerning and attractive online daters available to you. Over 85per cent of their user base have finished from college, and over 90per cent seek a significant dedication as opposed to everyday sex.
Consider the top-notch Singles overview to get more facts about how dating internet site works and how it may improve the standard online dating experience.
In 2007, Zoosk established as a Facebook-integrated dating site aimed toward 20-somethings and 30-somethings. Now, this Backpage alternative features over 40 million people, also it sees over 3 million emails traded each day.
Zoosk provides extensive interaction attributes, such as digital presents, wants, winks, pre-written greetings, and immediate messaging, and lots of of them are free to all month-to-month website visitors. Additionally provides look tools and match referrals to help singles discover suitable times.
Numerous Zoosk couples have shared their particular tales and expressed appreciation into the internet site and application for exposing them. “we married the girl of my ambitions,” said Philip in a testimonial. “we need to thank Zoosk for bringing us together, therefore we wish every person about dating website discovers their particular true love!”
Every 14 mins, somebody discovers really love on eharmony. This time-tested dating website has become inspiring deep relationships and marriages since 2000, and possesses over 2 million success stories to its title.
The building blocks of eharmony’s success is based on its Compatibility Quiz, which includes questions about your everyday routines, nature, household prices, connection goals, and a lot more. The purpose of this detailed questionnaire is to find on the heart of who you are and what you want.
The Compatibility Quiz is actually optional and takes about half-hour to accomplish. Once finished, it types the crux of eharmony’s match formula. In the event that you answer the concerns actually, you’ll find the match guidelines and being compatible scores will end up a lot more precise consequently.
One of the biggest advantages of online dating sites is singles can go after this forms of times they truly are enthusiastic about and discover niche communities built on provided values and common interest. ChristianMingle is a great example of that.
ChristianMingle is perhaps one of the most common Christian adult dating sites about, and it sees over 3.5 million monthly opinions. Our very own relationship professionals have actually trained with 4.3 movie stars given that it satisfies its guarantee to connect Christians online and generate meaningful suits.
“we understood immediately, he is unique,” mentioned Katheryn, a Yorker whom fell so in love with men she found on ChristianMingle. “it could take a while before you decide to meet that special individual on here, but, if you find yourself diligent, if are going to be worth every penny.”
Since 2002, BlackPeopleMeet has generated the planet’s biggest social networks of African-American singles, and it continues growing each and every day.
BlackPeopleMeet’s purpose is pretty simple — it presents black colored and biracial singles to each other and encourages genuine interactions according to typical prices, experiences, and objectives.
Some singles may suffer hesitant to state their inclination for black times on an over-all dating site or even in a personals offer, but that is standard on BlackPeopleMeet. People in this niche dating website wish get a hold of a dark-skinned cutie to flirt with online and go out off-line.
As a totally free dating website, many Fish can reach a great deal further than a papers individual and gives singles virtually limitless chances to link. Many seafood has over 150 million members, and it sees over 4 million everyday views.
The POF community is actually a great, varied, and flirtatious place to meet new-people. As long as you proceed with the policies and behave in a sincere fashion, it is possible to content any person about dating site and construct an on-line rapport before meeting in-person.
If you prefer evidence that POF actually works, have a look at its heartwarming success tales, including many newlyweds beginning a life together after satisfying on enough Fish.
OkCupid is a forever complimentary dating internet site and app in which relationships and relationships can blossom normally.
The OkCupid system contains advanced level search filters (by age, ethnicity, direction, passions, and various other key factors) and a swiping section also known as DoubleTake where customers can look at and match with extremely compatible users.
Since launching in 2004, OkCupid provides accumulated thousands of achievements tales, and it presently boasts creating 91 million fits every year. Its free to join OkCupid and send communications to anyone you like, and you will usually upgrade your membership to appear higher searching effects and watch that’s liked the profile.
Tinder made a huge splash into the dating scene in 2012 if it produced common coordinating and swiping methods to simply help singles discover dates more quickly than in the past.
Versus checking out extended sentences of dried out details, singles can merely look at an image and determine if they see a future with that individual. Only if two people swipe close to one another can they trade emails and organize a romantic date.
Today, Tinder accounts for over 30 billion suits in 190 countries, and talks regarding the app cause over 1 million times weekly.
Established in 2014, Bumble is relatively new from inside the online dating sites world, nonetheless it has recently made a reputation for itself once the very first feminist dating application.
Entrepreneur Whitney Wolfe-Herd founded Bumble as a female-friendly answer to the superficial hookup culture perpetuated by some swiping apps. She wanted to shield females from unwanted dick pictures and scary messages, and she desired to save men the stress of sending messages to unresponsive women.
Bumble empowers women to transmit the first message to your guys they match with (either gender can content first-in a same-sex match), plus it places a 24-hour time period about discussion, so they have an additional inducement to say hi.
In a current survey, 85percent of Bumble people stated they would like to discover a critical union, and just over 25% of customers said they had gone on a Bumble time within the last thirty days.
Some seniors have happy recollections of newsprint individual advertisements, drive-in flick dates, and pencil friend romances, but these traditional relationship tropes miss the tag for the 21st century. Based on a 2017 survey of newlyweds, brides meet their unique partners on the web more often than they are doing through buddies or at the office.
Internet dating has become an unbeatable force in the resides of singles of every age group, and we also’d promote seniors to give it a-try if they are experiencing lonely and would like to find special someone.
SilverSingles provides earned the depend on of numerous singles inside their 50s, 1960s, seventies, as well as 80s. The elderly dating site serves an older crowd and streamlines the online dating procedure to create newcomers feel close to residence.
From fast signup process on the straightforward coordinating, SilverSingles makes it easy to jump on board, make your own digital private ad, and commence flirting with individuals just who show similar principles and life experiences.
SilverSingles prioritizes online safety and customer care. Everyone can use the Assistance Center to obtain their bearings, additionally the dating internet site features a paywall set-up to be certain just verified website subscribers can send messages and view photographs.
OurTime is yet another advanced dating website made to provide seniors for the online dating world. The free of charge standard account contains limitless flirting and researching, and you will in addition revise your own personal advertising and publish pictures to your individual gallery.
As a folks Media site, OurTime features a considerable individual base that grows by very nearly 20,000 people every week. The group helps on the web suits and additionally real time members-only events to aid seniors emerge from their own shell.
Quite a few of OurTime’s members are separated or widowed and make use of the dating site to start out new in another commitment. “i recommend website to any or all and any individual,” mentioned a 70-year-old girl which discovered love on OurTime. “Thank you so much for giving me personally a guy in the world.”
When you’ve got a dating site like SeniorMatch in your corner, there is day leads, pen friends, and brand-new pals within certain ticks. The dating website’s motto is “you do not have to end up being by yourself,” also it life doing that by fostering a thriving senior-friendly neighborhood.
SeniorMatch has actually over one million people, all who currently verified as over 50, and it also encourages over 1.6 million discussions each month. Furthermore, the dating site features more than 36,600 success tales to the name. You can rest assured you’ll have plenty of choices about this busy dating individual system.
“We found on the wonderful site, and it also ended up being actually love at first web site — or picture,” stated a SeniorMatch member in a recommendation.
Back in the occasions with the paper’s individual ads area, gay and lesbian singles cannot truly get involved in the enjoyment since it will mean outing by themselves and risking harassment from homophobic men and women. Versus a totally free advertisement during the magazine, residents needed to create belowground spaces (gay bars, softball leagues, etc.) where in actuality the LGBTQ+ society could prosper.
Online dating sites has offered a much less public and a lot more specific solution to meet LGBTQ+ singles in the city, and many queer singles have hopped upon it. Today, 65% of gay partners satisfy using the internet, therefore the following dating sites and applications help singles over the sexuality range with no-cost categorized advertisements.
With more than 98 million users, MenNation features announced it self the largest homosexual relationship and hookup site available. This all-male casual matchmaking system is prepared for gay, bi, and questioning men from all walks of life.
MenNation views over 70,000 month-to-month website visitors, so that it ought to be the go-to Backpage choice or Craigslist alternative to gay males seeking everyday gender.
Whether you are one seeking a hookup or several getting a threesome, you are able to pursue your needs easily on MenNation web site. All it takes is a message target to begin with. You are able to choose exclusive login name, browse anonymously, and grab times that into no-strings-attached relationships.
LesbianPersonals is actually a frisky dating site where women can operate crazy and release their particular inhibitions. The sex-positive room promotes singles, couples, and teams to set up informal activities that fulfill their unique deepest fantasies.
Lovers whom give consideration to themselves unicorn hunters will take pleasure in this unrestricted dating area. LebianPersonals is full of sensuous playmates who would like to experiment and press the borders.
A saucy flirtation may turn with a few texts on LesbianPersonals, nevertheless could soon escalate to trading raunchy images, creating videos telephone call, and organizing a steamy hookup with some one in your area.
Designed by a queer woman on the behalf of queer womxn, HER is less about facilitating hookups and about building interactions. The dating software provides over 4 million users global, and 100per cent of its users are feminine. HER confirms its individual base through Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media marketing platforms so phony ads are not problems right here.
HER supplies a secure, dude-free region for lesbian, bisexual, queer, and trans womxn looking for new pals, hot dates, and potential partners. The Community recommendations desire people as supporting, inclusive, and loving throughout the online dating sites knowledge.
The HER community develops positivity by discussing tales, posting pictures, and producing local occasions geared toward LGBTQ+ singles. You can view HER’s influence by seeing #WeMetOnHER Instagram articles and Twitter stories developed by couples that happen to be blissfully crazy.
And finally, Grindr will be the best gay relationship app known for the powerful location-based coordinating. The app can help homosexual singles come across times who happen to be in the same bar or for a passing fancy block as one another and want to delight in casual activities.
Grindr’s real-time coordinating and talking often trigger a casual hookup, but we have now also heard of multiple Grindr connections which have gone the exact distance. In reality, about 84percent of Grindr users have fallen obsessed about a person they found about software, and 56.5% state they think love is achievable here.
“My boyfriend and I also found on Grindr while he was actually checking out on a break,” mentioned a Reddit user. “connection is still fresh and long-distance is hard, but we have been writing about the long run.”
Online dating sites aimed toward relationships is generally a major pull for singles just who just want to trick around and also an informal hookup. Everyday daters and significant daters often have various objectives concerning intimacy and lasting obligations, which can lead to a rocky relationship experience in which neither celebration is pleased.
Any time you’d somewhat miss the small talk and obtain as a result of business, subsequently a hookup web site — perhaps not a dating internet site — will be the right place for your needs. We have detailed a few of all of our leading choices for singles and swingers interested in discovering a Craigslist personals option and examining the smutty part of internet dating.
As a casual hookup site, BeNaughty helps to keep circumstances informal and empowers singles to flirt outside the outlines. A person can browse by get older, sex, and location whenever they need to scope for times and everyday activities.
Highly discerning singles also can make use of advanced look details for positioning, ethnicity, frame, hair tone, and vision color. We would advise sorting the online dating users by appeal or final task for the reason that it’ll mean the quintessential earnestly month-to-month visitors show up on top of your list.
If you want to have the ball running easily, you are able to deliver a size text message to everyone exactly who comes inside your look parameters. BeNaughty can suggest a flirty message that features shown to work, you can also create one thing flattering, funny, and original yourself.
Since 1996, Adult Friend Finder has generated worldwide’s largest intercourse and swinger area and developed over 4.6 million associations using the internet.
The AFF neighborhood consists of solitary men, unmarried women, directly lovers, gay partners, trans people, and swinger teams who would like to take pleasure in adult activity and informal intercourse.
If they’re sharing sexual stories or delivering X-rated private emails through the hookup software and internet site, AFF users is generally themselves and express their intimate dreams without concern about judgment or censure.
FriendFinder-X could be the hookup web site “where great girls perform bad circumstances.” If that seems attractive, you’ll be able to establish the profile within minutes and begin chatting these angels associated with the evening. You certainly do not need a Facebook or social media account generate a free of charge advertising about private system.
Much like the dating personal offer area in a papers, FriendFinder-X has free of charge categorized ads created by regional singles getting dates. However, the everyday dating site’s users may also integrate nude pictures and nasty material, and possesses a two-way video chat selection for any individual desperate to get some face time with that someone special.
No, Craigslist no longer is into the relationship online game. The Craigslist personals section shuttered some time ago in order to avoid getting held responsible for any measures of unsavory individuals obtaining intercourse on the internet site.
In 2018, U.S. law enforcement companies cracked down on classified ads web sites with dating personal parts, maintaining that these types of unregulated places were being used for prostitution and real trafficking. After a 93-count indictment, Backpage’s CEO pled responsible to gender trafficking, while the Backpage categorized offer website ended up being turn off for good.
For the aftermath of the advancements, Craigslist shut its matchmaking personals section. “Any tool or solution could be misused,” the Craigslist staff stated in the official declaration. “we cannot take these danger without jeopardizing all our different services, therefore we have actually regretfully taken Craigslist personal traditional.”
Craigslist matchmaking is something of the past, but singles can count on renewable web pages to convey equivalent major and informal dating experience with complimentary classified advertisements.
Exactly what are individual Sites Like Craigslist individual That are Free?
many dating personal sites have the methods to develop quick associations the same as Craigslist private and Backpage used to. A few good alternatives have a comparable setup and user base to that particular of Craigslist, several may also provide a lot more matchmaking energy and {security|sa
un nuovo post è stato publicato su https://online-wine-shop.com/greatest-personals-advertisement-options-in-2021/
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Greatest Personals Advertisement Options in 2021
Greatest Personals Advertisement Options in 2021
A long time ago, singles would distribute individual advertisements from inside the regional report whenever they wished to satisfy some one brand-new. The classified offer could review something such as “unmarried man pursuing a lady exactly who loves to camp and take in beer” or “Single woman getting a person thinking about Jeopardy marathons and weekend getaways.”
However, the newspapers have historically reasonable blood supply prices, therefore singles can find local sex few day possibilities with its pages. Nevertheless, neighborhood dating sites can fill that gap and provide the intimate avenues as soon as available in the classified listings and personals section.
Versus creating a categorized ad into the depressed hearts column, singles can create a free of charge ad on adult dating sites and apps that attract a varied and international matchmaking swimming pool. We’ve detailed several of the most popular modern-day options to dating personal ads to obtain nowadays making one thing take place.
Navigate This Particular Article:
We are going to focus on the very best of the number one from inside the internet dating scene. No matter your age, direction, or background, the next conventional adult dating sites appeal to everyone else. And, additionally, these websites are free to join, so that they’re a cost-friendly option to having to pay to put an individual advertising when you look at the paper.
Complement is actually the number 1 select for singles seeking a nearby date. This dating internet site has been around since 1995, as well as the group features enhanced their matchmaking system by learning just how individuals connect on the internet and traditional.
Creating an internet dating profile on complement is much like creating your own advertisement since you have a lot of room to describe yourself in your words. The Summary part allows singles discuss something they want, even though the Topics section supplies much more pointed prompts, including “For fun i love to” and “nowadays i’m reading.”
Singles also can fill in demographic information on on their own in addition to their perfect spouse. Including, in case you are a never-married grad pupil seeking a well-educated and liberal atheist, you’ll be able to place all of that details down in your fit profile.
Lots of single specialists have picked out Elite Singles because their go-to dating site given that it preserves a top-quality personal ad part chock-full of career-driven and relationship-minded singles.
Elite Singles may be the premiere dating website for discerning and attractive online daters available to you. Over 85per cent of their user base have finished from college, and over 90per cent seek a significant dedication as opposed to everyday sex.
Consider the top-notch Singles overview to get more facts about how dating internet site works and how it may improve the standard online dating experience.
In 2007, Zoosk established as a Facebook-integrated dating site aimed toward 20-somethings and 30-somethings. Now, this Backpage alternative features over 40 million people, also it sees over 3 million emails traded each day.
Zoosk provides extensive interaction attributes, such as digital presents, wants, winks, pre-written greetings, and immediate messaging, and lots of of them are free to all month-to-month website visitors. Additionally provides look tools and match referrals to help singles discover suitable times.
Numerous Zoosk couples have shared their particular tales and expressed appreciation into the internet site and application for exposing them. “we married the girl of my ambitions,” said Philip in a testimonial. “we need to thank Zoosk for bringing us together, therefore we wish every person about dating website discovers their particular true love!”
Every 14 mins, somebody discovers really love on eharmony. This time-tested dating website has become inspiring deep relationships and marriages since 2000, and possesses over 2 million success stories to its title.
The building blocks of eharmony’s success is based on its Compatibility Quiz, which includes questions about your everyday routines, nature, household prices, connection goals, and a lot more. The purpose of this detailed questionnaire is to find on the heart of who you are and what you want.
The Compatibility Quiz is actually optional and takes about half-hour to accomplish. Once finished, it types the crux of eharmony’s match formula. In the event that you answer the concerns actually, you’ll find the match guidelines and being compatible scores will end up a lot more precise consequently.
One of the biggest advantages of online dating sites is singles can go after this forms of times they truly are enthusiastic about and discover niche communities built on provided values and common interest. ChristianMingle is a great example of that.
ChristianMingle is perhaps one of the most common Christian adult dating sites about, and it sees over 3.5 million monthly opinions. Our very own relationship professionals have actually trained with 4.3 movie stars given that it satisfies its guarantee to connect Christians online and generate meaningful suits.
“we understood immediately, he is unique,” mentioned Katheryn, a Yorker whom fell so in love with men she found on ChristianMingle. “it could take a while before you decide to meet that special individual on here, but, if you find yourself diligent, if are going to be worth every penny.”
Since 2002, BlackPeopleMeet has generated the planet’s biggest social networks of African-American singles, and it continues growing each and every day.
BlackPeopleMeet’s purpose is pretty simple — it presents black colored and biracial singles to each other and encourages genuine interactions according to typical prices, experiences, and objectives.
Some singles may suffer hesitant to state their inclination for black times on an over-all dating site or even in a personals offer, but that is standard on BlackPeopleMeet. People in this niche dating website wish get a hold of a dark-skinned cutie to flirt with online and go out off-line.
As a totally free dating website, many Fish can reach a great deal further than a papers individual and gives singles virtually limitless chances to link. Many seafood has over 150 million members, and it sees over 4 million everyday views.
The POF community is actually a great, varied, and flirtatious place to meet new-people. As long as you proceed with the policies and behave in a sincere fashion, it is possible to content any person about dating site and construct an on-line rapport before meeting in-person.
If you prefer evidence that POF actually works, have a look at its heartwarming success tales, including many newlyweds beginning a life together after satisfying on enough Fish.
OkCupid is a forever complimentary dating internet site and app in which relationships and relationships can blossom normally.
The OkCupid system contains advanced level search filters (by age, ethnicity, direction, passions, and various other key factors) and a swiping section also known as DoubleTake where customers can look at and match with extremely compatible users.
Since launching in 2004, OkCupid provides accumulated thousands of achievements tales, and it presently boasts creating 91 million fits every year. Its free to join OkCupid and send communications to anyone you like, and you will usually upgrade your membership to appear higher searching effects and watch that’s liked the profile.
Tinder made a huge splash into the dating scene in 2012 if it produced common coordinating and swiping methods to simply help singles discover dates more quickly than in the past.
Versus checking out extended sentences of dried out details, singles can merely look at an image and determine if they see a future with that individual. Only if two people swipe close to one another can they trade emails and organize a romantic date.
Today, Tinder accounts for over 30 billion suits in 190 countries, and talks regarding the app cause over 1 million times weekly.
Established in 2014, Bumble is relatively new from inside the online dating sites world, nonetheless it has recently made a reputation for itself once the very first feminist dating application.
Entrepreneur Whitney Wolfe-Herd founded Bumble as a female-friendly answer to the superficial hookup culture perpetuated by some swiping apps. She wanted to shield females from unwanted dick pictures and scary messages, and she desired to save men the stress of sending messages to unresponsive women.
Bumble empowers women to transmit the first message to your guys they match with (either gender can content first-in a same-sex match), plus it places a 24-hour time period about discussion, so they have an additional inducement to say hi.
In a current survey, 85percent of Bumble people stated they would like to discover a critical union, and just over 25% of customers said they had gone on a Bumble time within the last thirty days.
Some seniors have happy recollections of newsprint individual advertisements, drive-in flick dates, and pencil friend romances, but these traditional relationship tropes miss the tag for the 21st century. Based on a 2017 survey of newlyweds, brides meet their unique partners on the web more often than they are doing through buddies or at the office.
Internet dating has become an unbeatable force in the resides of singles of every age group, and we also’d promote seniors to give it a-try if they are experiencing lonely and would like to find special someone.
SilverSingles provides earned the depend on of numerous singles inside their 50s, 1960s, seventies, as well as 80s. The elderly dating site serves an older crowd and streamlines the online dating procedure to create newcomers feel close to residence.
From fast signup process on the straightforward coordinating, SilverSingles makes it easy to jump on board, make your own digital private ad, and commence flirting with individuals just who show similar principles and life experiences.
SilverSingles prioritizes online safety and customer care. Everyone can use the Assistance Center to obtain their bearings, additionally the dating internet site features a paywall set-up to be certain just verified website subscribers can send messages and view photographs.
OurTime is yet another advanced dating website made to provide seniors for the online dating world. The free of charge standard account contains limitless flirting and researching, and you will in addition revise your own personal advertising and publish pictures to your individual gallery.
As a folks Media site, OurTime features a considerable individual base that grows by very nearly 20,000 people every week. The group helps on the web suits and additionally real time members-only events to aid seniors emerge from their own shell.
Quite a few of OurTime’s members are separated or widowed and make use of the dating site to start out new in another commitment. “i recommend website to any or all and any individual,” mentioned a 70-year-old girl which discovered love on OurTime. “Thank you so much for giving me personally a guy in the world.”
When you’ve got a dating site like SeniorMatch in your corner, there is day leads, pen friends, and brand-new pals within certain ticks. The dating website’s motto is “you do not have to end up being by yourself,” also it life doing that by fostering a thriving senior-friendly neighborhood.
SeniorMatch has actually over one million people, all who currently verified as over 50, and it also encourages over 1.6 million discussions each month. Furthermore, the dating site features more than 36,600 success tales to the name. You can rest assured you’ll have plenty of choices about this busy dating individual system.
“We found on the wonderful site, and it also ended up being actually love at first web site — or picture,” stated a SeniorMatch member in a recommendation.
Back in the occasions with the paper’s individual ads area, gay and lesbian singles cannot truly get involved in the enjoyment since it will mean outing by themselves and risking harassment from homophobic men and women. Versus a totally free advertisement during the magazine, residents needed to create belowground spaces (gay bars, softball leagues, etc.) where in actuality the LGBTQ+ society could prosper.
Online dating sites has offered a much less public and a lot more specific solution to meet LGBTQ+ singles in the city, and many queer singles have hopped upon it. Today, 65% of gay partners satisfy using the internet, therefore the following dating sites and applications help singles over the sexuality range with no-cost categorized advertisements.
With more than 98 million users, MenNation features announced it self the largest homosexual relationship and hookup site available. This all-male casual matchmaking system is prepared for gay, bi, and questioning men from all walks of life.
MenNation views over 70,000 month-to-month website visitors, so that it ought to be the go-to Backpage choice or Craigslist alternative to gay males seeking everyday gender.
Whether you are one seeking a hookup or several getting a threesome, you are able to pursue your needs easily on MenNation web site. All it takes is a message target to begin with. You are able to choose exclusive login name, browse anonymously, and grab times that into no-strings-attached relationships.
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Lovers whom give consideration to themselves unicorn hunters will take pleasure in this unrestricted dating area. LebianPersonals is full of sensuous playmates who would like to experiment and press the borders.
A saucy flirtation may turn with a few texts on LesbianPersonals, nevertheless could soon escalate to trading raunchy images, creating videos telephone call, and organizing a steamy hookup with some one in your area.
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And finally, Grindr will be the best gay relationship app known for the powerful location-based coordinating. The app can help homosexual singles come across times who happen to be in the same bar or for a passing fancy block as one another and want to delight in casual activities.
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“My boyfriend and I also found on Grindr while he was actually checking out on a break,” mentioned a Reddit user. “connection is still fresh and long-distance is hard, but we have been writing about the long run.”
Online dating sites aimed toward relationships is generally a major pull for singles just who just want to trick around and also an informal hookup. Everyday daters and significant daters often have various objectives concerning intimacy and lasting obligations, which can lead to a rocky relationship experience in which neither celebration is pleased.
Any time you’d somewhat miss the small talk and obtain as a result of business, subsequently a hookup web site — perhaps not a dating internet site — will be the right place for your needs. We have detailed a few of all of our leading choices for singles and swingers interested in discovering a Craigslist personals option and examining the smutty part of internet dating.
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Since 1996, Adult Friend Finder has generated worldwide’s largest intercourse and swinger area and developed over 4.6 million associations using the internet.
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No, Craigslist no longer is into the relationship online game. The Craigslist personals section shuttered some time ago in order to avoid getting held responsible for any measures of unsavory individuals obtaining intercourse on the internet site.
In 2018, U.S. law enforcement companies cracked down on classified ads web sites with dating personal parts, maintaining that these types of unregulated places were being used for prostitution and real trafficking. After a 93-count indictment, Backpage’s CEO pled responsible to gender trafficking, while the Backpage categorized offer website ended up being turn off for good.
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0 notes
taking-thyme · 3 years
A Guide to Changelings
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The term "Changeling" refers to two varieties of Faerie-related creatures. A Changeling can either be a Fae adopted by Humans, or a Human adopted by Fae.
If a person is adopted by Fae, this essentially means that a Fae has taken a particular liking for a Human and claimed them. It’s like the Fae is adopting the Human, but the bond doesn’t necessarily have to be a parental one (although it certainly can be). It can be a Mentor/Student bond, a Friendship bond, or even a bond between Lovers! It’s most often done at Birth, but sometimes a Fae will take a Human Lover and claim them as an adult. The claim marks them as belonging to that Fae, like a brand. It creates a magical bond and also lets other Fae know not to mess with that human. (Information sourced from the marvelous @generalwitchery who has a great comic on this subject)
If a person is a Fae adopted by Humans, this likely refers to the phenomenon of Fae swapping a child with a human, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Because this Fae is now expected to function in the Human World, they can often feel out of place among other humans, as well as exhibit other strange and unexplained behavior. It's said that some folk practices may entice the Fae into taking the child back, though these practices are often horrible abusive.
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Some Tell-tale Signs of a Changeling include:
🌱 Often times, in my experience, Changelings can be categorized under names such as "Highly Sensitive Person" or Autistic. In fact, the myth of Changelings may stem from people's reactions to Disabled and Autistic children before science could explain their conditions.
🌱 Feeling unusual, out of place, or underdeveloped compared to your peers. Changelings may often be bullied for seeming "strange"
🌱 Having a deep, unexplained connection to Nature or the Supernatural. They may seek out nature-based jobs and be restless or unhappy if they're not around nature, and they may dabble in spirituality and witchcraft.
🌱 Having unusual birthmarks or disfigurements. Again, this leads back to the 'Changeling as Disabled Kid' theory.
🌱 Being Left-handed
🌱 Particularly Mischievous, Intelligent, Mature, Wise, Withdrawn, Introverted, Antisocial or Strange compared to others their age
🌱 Feeling unusually cold to the touch, or having an abnormally low body temperature
🌱 Having unusual sleep patterns, such as sleeping too much, too little, or having habits like sleep talking or walking
🌱 Children and Animals seem to like them for seemingly no reason. They seem to have "good energy"
🌱 "Hearing" white noise even when its quiet
🌱 Having a higher sensitivity to Electric, Electromagnetic or Magnetic Fields, as well as having heightened sensitivity to Sunlight
🌱 Having a high frequency of supernatural encounters and interactions with the Fair Folk
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Types of Changelings
🌙 Celtic Changelings: Usually sickly and small by human standards, these changelings sometimes never speak and often have strange eating habits. Some of them are described as strikingly beautiful and immensely talented, particularly in the arts.
🌙 Germanic Changeling: These folks don’t live as long as other changelings, typically leaving around young adulthood, at which time they either die, return to their Faerie home, or even both. These changelings are insatiably hungry and notably strong, much stronger than humans could ever hope to be.
🌙 Troll Changeling: Insatiably hungry, these changelings are cheerful, noisy and disruptive. They are often very strong and tall compared to others. Troll changelings love to have fun, throw parties and steal. However, they are far from actively malicious, and are instead just a wily handful at worst. Like their name suggests, these changelings are specifically the product of trolls swapping one of their children in place for a human, or alternatively, a human adopted into a troll family.
🌙 Log Changeling: Unique from the other varieties, these changelings are the result of trolls carving a human child out of an old log and giving it life. The exact opposite of the troll changeling on paper, log changelings are sedate and quiet, preferring to be alone and laze about the woods all day.
There are many, such as Dwarf Changelings who are known for their short stature and wizened personality. These are just a few examples I could find in my books and across the internet.
🍄 Remember to respect the Fair Folk, Be Kind and Never say Thank You!! 🍄
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theothin · 3 years
Looking back at my two weeks of binging various media. Sort of builds on my previous post about genderweird stories due to a lot of overlap.
Wayward Children (book 7) - As always, really fun and disturbing in new ways. I enjoyed having Cora as the protagonist this time, as well as bringing Regan into the larger story.
High Guardian Spice - Still baffled by the hatedom that’s sprung up around this show. I guess there’s that many people allergic to trans characters and/or adorable shows about girls in magic school?
Fabiniku - Ongoing and still fucking hilarious.
Zombieland Saga - First season starts a bit weak but gets really fun after a few episodes. The second is a bit stranger - I liked it, but I preferred the first.
Miss Kuroitsu from the Monster Development Department - Watched one episode and was not impressed. It’s funny, at least? Checked it out for the promise of genderbending monsters but the implementation is not exactly what I’m looking for.
Sailor Moon - Checked it out since @lilietsblog​ compared it to High Guardian Spice, tried a second episode because I’ve heard so much about it but... honestly, I can’t stand it. Don’t like the characters, don’t like the writing style, don’t like the episode structure.
Ranma 1/2 (season 1A) - The Hulu subscription I got for Sailor Moon turned out to include some other fun old shows. I loved the first arc (although there’s definitely some dicey stuff), but then at episode 14 the show’s style changes completely. Seems like it tries to get too fancy and elaborate, and ends up undermining its goofy brand of humor in the process. I couldn’t keep watching from there.
W.I.T.C.H. (season 2) - Sailor Moon also got me interested in revisiting a different magical girl show. Went back to the beginning of the season, since I last watched it years ago with Liliet and didn’t remember much. Its quality is a bit inconsistent, but it’s a fun show.
A Memory Called Empire - Currently working my way through the audiobook. Five chapters in so far, and the mysteries are certainly piling up. Three Seagrass is wonderful, and the empire has one hell of a name structure.
Misfile (books 14-18) - I remembered it being really slow when read serially and I remembered that my interest in it had been based on my lower standards of over a decade ago, but I had not remembered how much... uncomfortable stuff is in it. Picked it up a bit before where I’d left off and read a ways from there, still planning on finishing it eventually but for now I’m setting it aside in favor of better stories.
Sister Claire - Another recommendation from Liliet, this time a webcomic about magic nuns. I’ve caught up on the main story, and am currently working my way through the bonus section. One neat thing it does with that structure is that the main story includes several trans characters without putting much attention on that fact while the bonus section’s backstories explore it a lot further. Another one for the list of stories I’d recommend that feature major trans characters.
Mask of Shadows (book 2) - Only about halfway through the book so far, and quite enjoying it. Compared to the first one, it’s putting a lot more focus on the main character’s genderfluidity and on examining trans and otherwise queer topics in the setting. Turns out a team of elite assassins can be a magnet for queer folks.
The Legend of Vox Machina - Only three episodes out so far, but it’s already great. Definitely recommend it even if you’ve never watched the main Critical Role show. It covers some ground that seems to be lacking in adult animation at present, and I’m hoping it paves the way for others.
Evangelion (Rebuild #4) - As usual for the series, it’s a very strange movie, but I liked it. Seems like the most coherent ending Evangelion has had, however little that may say. The biggest oddity continues to be Mari - in particular, I feel like it undermines the other pilots’ stories for anyone to take so well to the job. Now I want to rewatch Rebuild #3 sometime in hopes of actually following it now, since the one time I saw it was ten years ago while I was half-asleep.
Slayers - Started this one today, Liliet’s fourth contribution to this list. I’ve gotten fond of this sort of goofy and simplistic style of fight scenes, and Lina Inverse is a delightful murderhobo disaster.
Apparently this is what can happen when you set up one-time subscriptions to multiple streaming services over a vacation. No regrets, mind.
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I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog and that I'm having the time of my life scrolling through your book reactions.
I found you because of ACOTAR and you then inspired / convinced me to read FAAB and The plated prisoner series.
For that I wanted to thank you 😊🥰
I feel like I can completely trust your judgment as we seem to have the exact same taste in books and fictional men 😏
Do you have any other recs up that particular adult-fantasy-romance ally? 😁
Hi!! Thankyou, this is so nice!!! I'm glad you enjoyed FBAA and TPP they're two of my faves obviously haha so I love to hear when others love them too! I can suggest a few off the top of my head! (I recommend some of these every time someone asks me for recs lol but it's just because I love them)
Ok first The Bridge kingdom and The Traitor Queen by Danielle L Jenson. I loveee this duology, it's up there with FBAA as one of my absolute faves. It's an arranged marriage, enemies to lovers and it's so good!!! And the main male character is another hot dark haired man/King so very on brand
A Deal with the Elf King and A Dance with a Fae prince by Elise Kova These are both part of a series called Married to Magic. Each book is a stand alone romance about a different couple but they're all connected in the same fantasy world. And If you're a sucker for a elven/faerie romance like I am I think you'll enjoy these books. They're quite a light, easy read too.
The Winner's Trilogy by Marie Rutkoski I recommend this series everytime someone asks me for books recs. It's a wonderful series, that is wildly underrated and is beautifully written and I love the two main characters.
Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco. This is sort of a murder mystery, enemies to lovers romance with a cool 1800's Sicily setting. There's magic, witches, deals with the devil, this book has a bit of everything, and is a really good start to a series. But I think it's gonna get even better and really heat up in the next book Kingdom of the Cursed which is coming out soon. And if you loved Casteel and Rip you will definitely love Wrath!
The Four Horsemen series by Laura Thalassa. This is 4 books, 3 so far, and the fourth comes out soon. And each book is based on one of the horsemen of the apocalypse, Pestilence, War, Famine and Death (which isn't out yet) who are sent to earth to wipe out humanity but *gasp* start to develop feelings and are brought to their knees by love. These books are really true enemies to lovers romance.
And a couple of others, that aren't up to the standard of the books above but are still an easy, enjoyable enough read are The Faceless Mage and The unseen Heir by Kenley Davidson and Promise of Darkness by Bec Mcmaster
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centrally-unplanned · 3 years
Allocating Your Aesthetic Budget: Sailor Moon Edition
Sailor Moon is a show that undoubtedly built a powerhouse of a visual brand. Should I even bother posting a screenshot of the sailor scouts, given that I am 100% confident anyone reading this can recall them instantly? I guess it won’t hurt: 
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Anime is often really good at creating iconic designs like this, through repetition of the visuals. It is awkward in live action shows if characters just wear the same outfit every scene (what, they only own one outfit? Are they homeless/work in the tech industry?), but animation gives us enough aesthetic “distance”, an awareness that this isn’t accurate to real life, that you can buy into the conceit. By wearing the same outfit every time, it just becomes the character. Not to mention a studio can really save quite a few bucks by streamlining production with neat tricks like having only one character design to animate - when you are on a shoe-string budget, like pretty much every anime in the 90’s was, every cut corner counts.
What is interesting about Sailor Moon is that most of the time it doesn’t really use this conceit at all.
Episode 15 of Sailor Moon’s first season has, in its opening act, this shot of all of the Senshi (at the time) talking to the plot-of-the-day character, who clearly trains rock Pokemon in 16-bit caves in his off hours:
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If you knew nothing about these three characters, you could probably infer about 80% of their personality just from their outfits. Usagi (the blond one in the middle, if that's necessary) is wearing:
Light pastel colours, with pink on top of that: girly, feminine, bubbly and breezy
Short-but-not-too-short of a skirt, and red heels: cares about fashion, wants to project an image of being a woman with a romantic hint to it
Long-twin tails w/ buns: Contrasting the shoes, she is still immature and childish. It also means she is the protagonist of an anime 
Rei (far right) rocks a very different look:
T-shirt and jean shorts, shoes over heels: sensible, practical, a bit sporty
Very short shorts, long black hair: Confident, a bit aggressive, and suggestive of a more overt sexuality
Ami (far left) settles into a more restrained vibe with:
Full, long, but sleeveless dress, bob-cut hair: Chaste, more conservative, but not to the point of prudishness; particularly with the length (and the hand posture, shielding her body) probably a bit shy
Monochrome blue colour in outfit & hair: reserved, serene, possessing a calm demeanor
I know I have seen the show already, but really none of these details are a stretch - this is just the language of fashion. And all of these outfits are outfits that the characters have never (or rarely) worn before up until this point. The cast of Sailor Moon, far from that animation conceit of “standard outfits”, change clothes all…
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     I just randomly clicked on episodes to find these, it requires no hunting
And while it isn’t always as spot on as the top picture, they all in some way embody the language of visual design to speak to the personality of the characters. If you want to see more, check out one of the multiple tumblrs dedicated to the everyday clothing the Sailor Senshi wear, because of course those exist.
If this was a 2010’s Kyoto Animation show, pointing this out would be the end of it - every one of their shows has this level of impeccable detail. Sailor Moon is notable in that it is not at all that kind of show; the animation and designs in Sailor Moon take perpetual shortcuts to get the job done. I don’t think the transformation sequences need to be belabored - the way they permitted the team to recycle identical animation sequences, multiple times per episode, was surely a godsend to the production schedule. Yet not all of the budget limitations are so prettily masked:
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     I’m sure they finished the background art in the...VHS release?
The show is filled with dirty animation, unfinished backgrounds, backgrounds that are a simple color gradient for no clear reason, and so on. It is clear that the Sailor Moon team did not have the resources for every detail - which is why the decision of what details they did choose to prioritize is so interesting.
What is the point of Sailor Moon? I do believe that shows have “points”; and by that I don’t mean a message or theme but a core appeal to an audience, something specific that they will get out of the show. Almost every show appeals along multiple axes, and Sailor Moon is no exception, but I want to focus on one: aesthetic identification.
If you learn someone is a Sailor Moon fan, there is the obvious follow-up question you have to ask, namely “which Sailor Senshi are you?” It’s the which-Harry-Potter-house-are-you question of anime, a horoscope where you can choose your sign (in this case literally). The premise of this concept is not hard for media to execute on - it is just personality traits and aesthetics grouped together under a label, a basic building block of media and clickbait internet quizzes. Harry Potter, ironically, raised up its memetic question almost by accident, as its focus is so squarely on House Gryffindor that the others are almost forgotten; it was just so mind-bogglingly popular that it didn’t matter. 
Sailor Moon, however, takes this concept and allocates so much of its aesthetic budget into making it a centerpiece of the show. Sailor Moon herself is a klutzy, lazy romantic, Sailor Mercury is a shy, earnest bookworm, and so on, with none of them ever really becoming very complex characters. However, the show devotes itself to making you *feel* these archetypes as strongly and intricately as possible. All of those outfit changes are chosen because not only do real girls care about their outfits and can therefore identify more strongly with characters who do the same, but so they can constantly emulate their archetype in diverse, different ways. The show doesn't have the budget for intense action scenes, so after Sailor Moon engages in her hyper-serious transformation sequences, she proceeds to, nearly every time, bumble through the combat scenes like this:
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Oh sure, the scenes are done this way because it is funny (and good comedy can be done on any budget - these shots are frequently still frames with motion lines!), but it is also done this way because Sailor Moon is a total screw-up, and if you identify with that it is validating to see someone “just like you” able to pull off wins despite it all. The transformation sequences are not only beautiful animation that showcases aspirational power, but are also crafted to highlight the personalities of the Senshi in question - unless you think aggressive, combative Rei got fire powers by coincidence. Half of the run-time of every episode is spent, not on the plot du-jour, but on light-hearted personal squabbles between the cast because those scenes are not just funny, but also allow for far more moments of character expression. 
All of that work pays off in building with the audience, not a connection with a character who reflects their identity in total, but a connection that reflects one aspect of their identity in an extremely deep (dare I say multifaceted?) way. I think if you were to describe Sailor Moon as a “shallow” show, you would actually be right to say so, in a sense. These characters will never have the true depth of personality, themes and so on of a more ‘adult’ show. But those adult shows have to spend their effort somewhere - for all that the themes of say Evangelion or Paranoia Agent are pristinely detailed and impactful, you aren’t ever going to be memorizing the moves of their transformation sequences. The way Sailor Moon committed so strongly to fleshing out the archetypes the Senshi stood for is, I think, one of the keys to how this cast of five became so iconic.
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     Not even their school uniforms match! They had to spend time in-universe *justifying* this!
A Final Note:
At least, everything I’ve said here applies to Sailor Moon at its peaks. The show, however, is not one without its stumbles, even in Season 1. This section doesn’t flow into the core essay too well, but I wanted to note it because if you were to watch Sailor Moon today, you might struggle to feel the dynamic outlined above. The biggest culprit here is the length - Season 1 is 46 episodes long, and sections of it most certainly drag. They also take a startlingly long time to introduce the cast - this choice builds tension around their arrival, but it also means the later Senshi get a lot less time to establish themselves. Sailor Venus in particular gets hamstrung by this - she is introduced and then immediately arc plot elements sweep the narrative, and so she is left as a hollow shell for some time. The pacing of the show is undoubtedly flawed.
I think Sailor Moon is a show that you do have to keep its time and place in mind for - namely, middle schoolers and anime nerds watching it on broadcast TV in the 90’s. As an adult you “get” the point of the show pretty quickly, and get satiated on it almost as fast. Watching it all in a few sittings only heightens this problem. For a younger audience, and one that is waiting for a week between episodes with no internet for plot reminders, all that extra time is needed to jog memories and build connections. And younger audiences just have that limitless commitment to the things they love! If you think no one could actually enjoy seeing the same transformation sequence for the 30th time, watch it with someone who would have died for this show when they were 10 and you will be disabused of that notion *very* quickly. 
Still, we can’t travel back in time - Sailor Moon is a show of its era. There are “filler-reduced” guides out there, though I caution that the plot of Sailor Moon is absolutely not the point of the show in comparison to the character dynamics, and so sometimes the filler is the best part (Cat-Rhett Butler is the best character in the show YOU KNOW I’M RIGHT). Certainly, however, some method must be used to cut down on its length. If you are going to be a first time viewer in adulthood, that reality should be kept in mind, and if you do accept it for what it is you can really appreciate its core appeal - and don’t forget to finish it off with a 1990′s era internet personality quiz to really wrap it up!
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itsapapisongo · 3 years
Soul Nemeses! | WINWIN
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Starring: Winwin ft. Hendery
Genre: Comedy | Superhero
Concept: Supervillain!Winwin (The Lobe) | Superhero!Hendery (Freakazoid)
Word Count: 2,786
Prompts: “Stop screaming, it’s just me.” + “I don’t think that’s legal, but we can work around it.”
Notes: The following is (1) an absurd short-story for the @ficscafe’s dialogue prompt event and (2) a writing exercise to get into a headspace where I can be as silly as possible. Freak Out! is a story I’m very excited for and this was a way to explore the characters and their dynamic. So, without further ado, I genuinely hope you enjoy this VERY SPECIAL EPISODE of Freak Out!
Taglist: @stayinzencity @mother-hyucker @lebrookestore @doievoir @du0tine @naptaemed
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All is well in Way City.
Which is to say it’s really not and something is about to happen to disrupt that all-is-well feeling across town. Because a day can’t go by without some burglar, mad scientist, or supervillain indulging in their burglary, mad science, or super-evil shenanigans.
Thus we turn our attention to a deserted, discolored, and depressing city landmark: The Daebak Fair. Once it used to be the kind of place that burst with laughter and excitement, where money flowed every weekend and kept the owners’ pockets heavy and full. People couldn’t get enough of it until, well, they got enough of it.
So much so that it became free real estate for any villain that felt like using the abandoned fair as their lair. This changed, however, when Winwin decided he didn’t feel like sharing. He bought the place, and officially made it his holiday lair. And it’s here that our story takes place.
What once used to be a house of mirrors is now a workplace where a plethora of patented inventions specifically designed for destruction are built, reserved-engineered, dismantled, and kept out of his rivals’ hands.
With all the bells and whistles removed, the lair is quite spacious. Having decorated the place himself, Winwin has hung stolen paintings all over the walls and set tables for dissection, welding, engineering, and even, if he was ever in the mood, arts and crafts. The whole thing has Mad Scientist meets Bob Ross vibes and it’s both odd and endearing.
Winwin is currently dismantling his latest invention—a large crane-looking thingie fitted on the roof a modified golf-cart—out of boredom and frustration after being foiled once again by that red-wearing, annoying, ne’er-do-well freak of a nemesis.
“I can’t believe him,” Winwin grumbles, shaking his head for the nth time. Seeing as he’s alone, he says this to no one in particular. “I craft the perfect plan and he finds a way to thwart it!”
Who would have thought that Freakazoid would have convinced him that creating a gas capable of turning people into clown zombies to do his bidding would be the stupidest  masterplan ever? Winwin felt like he was failing as a villain, not challenging his nemesis enough. He had wondered then and still wonders now if he’s losing it, if he’s gone soft yet he knows he’s not, knows he hasn’t.
So why does this recent defeat grind his gears? Why has Freakazoid gotten to him? Though Winwin knew not to take their rivalry seriously, he sometimes did. It’s standard hero-villain stuff—to hurl insults and humiliate one another—yet something felt off.
He stops working and thinks back to their encounter.
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“Well, if you don’t mind me saying so,” Freakazoid had said, hanging off the side of a snowy cliff, for their confrontation had taken place in a cold, tall, and vaguely European mountain. With an impressive leap and a landing, he stood in front of Winwin and pointed a finger at him. “That’s the stupidest plan I’ve ever heard of! People don’t like clowns, dummy! People are terrified of clowns! Ever heard of It?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about—’tis a good plan!”
Freakazoid rolled his eyes, scoffing.“Nuh-huh.”
“Uh-huh,” Winwin replied, feeling instant regret for lowering himself to his nemesis’ childish argumentative skills. “It’s a brilliant plan!”
“No, it’s dumb, dumb, dumb!”
And then they debated like adults for a minute or two—
—until Freakazoid clicked his tongue and tapped him on the shoulder.
“Pack it up, big brain,” he told him, not unkindly but definitely disappointed.
“Why should I? I already have a small zombie army at my disposal.”
“Small clown zombie army at your disposal.”
Winwin groaned in exasperation. “Yes, yes, that.”
“You’re doing this out here in the middle of nowhere. There aren’t even that many people around so I wouldn’t call it an army. I’d call it a small terrifying crowd.”
Freakazoid nodded and crossed his arms, tilting his head to the side. “Did you even think this through?”
Winwin suddenly found himself speechless. Genuinely and anxiously speechless. He didn’t have an answer other than “I don’t know” and he hated resorting to admitting he didn’t know anything. He was the most brilliant supervillain in all of Way City—the Lobe, some called him—and admitting ignorance was (1) not on brand for him and (2) his worst nightmare.
“I don’t—I’m not sure—I—”
“Alright, you.” Freakazoid shook his head and gently guided him away by his elbow. “Pack it up. Get out of here.”
“No butts, not tiddies, not ding-a-lings,” said the hero, his pout a judgemental feature in his face. “I expected a lot more from you. Clown zombies? Aiya.”
“I—” Winwin’s eyes widened and he felt them welling up with tears. “You’re right. I think I’m overdoing it. I might be overtired. It’s the best I could do on such short notice.”
“Turn off the cloud.”
And so he did. Winwin turned to see Freakazoid—lean, clad in red, black domino mask concealing his identity, his insignia that of F and an exclamation point on his chest, his black hair, slicked back as always, haswhite streak in the shape of a bolt across it—grimacing back at him. For a second, Winwin thought he could hear the world’s tiniest violin play a sad tune for himself as he pouted and got on the modified golf-cart he’d driven around the mountain to spread the gas around.
“Hey, big brain,” he heard Freakazoid call after him, the hero’s voice distant. He noticed it had softened somewhat. “It’s a dumb plan but I know you can do better.”
“Thanks, Freakazoid,” Winwin mumbled as his nemesis gave him a thumbs-up.
The moment was ruined the moment the idiot in red opened his mouth again—
“Now, git!”
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“Can’t believe I cried in front of him,” Winwin says, cringing.
“Yeah, me neither,” says a familiar voice.
Startled, Winwin squeals then yelps. A wrench flies off his hand as he falls off four feet to the ground and lands squarely on his bottom. He groans, and feels the back of his head throbbing. Opening his eyes, he blinks once, twice, thrice until he makes out the unmistakable silhouette of his nemesis looking down at him. Freakazoid couches and leans in so close, Winwin can feel his breath against his forehead.
“Stop screaming,” the hero says, “it’s just me.”
“Stop scream—are you serious? You nearly gave me a heart attack, you imbecile!”
“I know but that’s no reason to scream your lungs out.” Freakazoid offers his right hand and a half-smile. “Time to go upsies, big brain.”
Winwin glares, refusing the offer for help. “I don’t need your—” he begins but is cut off when he’s lifted off the floor. It’s both rough and gentle, in that he feels he’s taken several tight turns in a roller coaster without whiplash and is suddenly standing upright without imbalance. “Thank you.”
Freakazoid waves a dismissive hand. “Don’t mention it.”
“I won’t.” Winwin scoffs then wags a firm finger in a gesture of warning. “Nor shall you mention that I cried all the way up there in those cold, tall, and vaguely European mountains.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Freakazoid raises a hand, making a gesture that’s supposed to imply his discretion. He frowns then tilts his head with a shrug. “I mean I would dream of it so I might come up. Like, cards on the table, I might tell some of my dream friends about it.”
A beat as Winwin glares, turns to a camera that’s not there, and rolls his eyes.
“Are you quite finished?”
“No, not really—”
Winwin sighs and turns, picking up the wrench he dropped and returning to his work. “Why are you here, Freakazoid?” he asks, his voice laced with despondency.
“Oh,” is all Freakazoid manages to say. Winwin hears him clear his throat and take a step forward. “About that. I came to apologize, big brain. Didn’t mean to be, well, mean to you. It’s just that—” he pauses and the villain can practically see him shrugging. “—I think I’ve been a bit overworked too.”
“Was it your idea to apologize or was it Sgt. Qian’s?”
“That’s neither near or far.”
Winwin groans, doing his best to not roll his eyes or rub his face. “Neither here or there,” he corrects him.
“Did you come here to aggravate me?”
Freakazoid deflates, looking forlorn for a second before he clears his throat and the usual and insufferable aura of confidence that encompasses his very being returns. He smiles sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck.
“Come on, big brain, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. It’s just that—” Freakazoid groans, throwing his head back like a teeanger not wanting to admit he’s responsible for some wrongdoing. “—it was such a good plan!”
Winwin’s eyes widen as he takes a step forward and squeezes Freakazoid’s shoulders. “Come again?” he queries. “It was a good plan?”
“I mean—duh!—zombies I can handle but clowns? Geez. Ugh. No. Nightmare fuel.”
“So you did like it?”
“Like it? No, bud, I absolutely, definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, love it. Let me tell you, Lobe, it’s—” Freakazoid motions he’s kissing his fingers then wiggles his left hand as if to say mamma mia. “— diabolical.”
Winwin feels warmth spread across his cheeks and immediately clears his throat, looking away to avoid giving Freakazoid any satisfaction or a glimpse at his embarrassment. He laser-focuses on taking apart a component from the machine, cautious not to tinker much with the cylinder that contains the clown zombie gas, and pretends he’s not giddy with excitement and validation.
Then, just as he’s going to turn and give him his thanks, Freakazoid open his mouth and yet again ruins the moment—
“It’s diabolical, but stupid.”
Winwin mutters angrily under his breath, every fiber of his being urging him to reach for that knock-out gas he’d been working on for the past few days—or, perhaps, that disintegrating rifle that has been gathering dust for God knows how long—yet relents when he sees the look of concentration in Freakazoid’s face. The hero looks like he’s seriously considering why he feels Winwin’s plan was, in his words, diabolical but stupid.
And the villain, overwhelmed with both anger and vile curiosity, crosses his arms, taps his foot, and grits his teeth.
“Go on . . .”
“It’s—how to put this lightly?—immensely stupid yet awesomely evil in that you didn’t think it through but it has potential to really ruin my day if done correctly.” Freakazoid throws his arm around Winwin’s shoulder, pulling him close. “See what I mean, old chump?”
“You and I are not chumps.”
Freakazoid gasps and pouts, dramatically putting a hand on his chest. “And here I was thinking you were my nemesis,” he whispers in a low, wheezing voice. “I thought we were soul-nemeses.”
“I mean—” Winwin blushes again and his eyes widen the second he realizes Freakazoid notices his blushing. “We are nemeses, yes, but we are definitely not chumps.”
“Could we ever be chumps?”
Winwin sighs, rolling his eyes. “I believe so.”
“Ah, big brain, I knew you cared!”
“Yes, yes, caring.” The villain nods and pushes his nemesis off himself, “You’ve apologized, insulted me yet again, and tried to be my, as you say, chump. I believe that’s enough banter for a day.”
“Touché.” Freakazoid smiles. “I’ve made plenty of shameless jokes at your expense today.”
“And I’m certain they won’t be the last.”
“You know me,” the hero blinks, pointing a thumb at himself. He glances at the contraption built on the roof of the modified golf-cart and a glint of curiosity and mischief appears in his eyes. Despite wearing a domino mask, Freakazoid could be inexplicably expressive. “Whatcha up to?”
“Dismantling this heap of scrap metal.” Winwin turns so fast that it’s impossible for Freakazoid not to notice the frustration apparent in his face. He smacks the wrench against the roof of the cart and winces when it slips out of his hand. “Damn it.”
“Here, let me help,” Freakazoid offers, guiding Winwin away from the cart. “I need some space.”
Before Winwin can protest, a gust of wind pushes him back. He blinks to see nothing but a blur of motion and a shower of white sparks moving around the golf cart. It’s so fast that he glimpses at Freakazoid’s silhouette twice before the hero stands next to him, wiping his hands with a dirty rag. It reminds Winwin of a mechanic finishing up a check-up on a car in desperate need of maintenance.
“There.” The hero throws the rag over his shoulder. “Doneso.”
“How did you—” Winwin blabbers, flabbergasted at how thorough Freakazoid had been. Every piece is laid on a table that hadn’t previously been there, each component perfectly classified, and all the parts that were supposed to be tossed away neatly put on a trash bag. “How’s that possible?”
“Come on, brainy,” Freakzaoid scoffs, clapping Winwin in the back and making him yelp and glare at him. “We’ve been at this for a while now. If I can think of it, I can do it.”
“That’s not a very reassuring thought.”
For a second, Freakazoid’s smile disappears and a haunted look passes through his eyes. “I know,” he whispers ominously. Then he’s flashing that bright and infuriating smile of his as nothing has happened. “Anyways, I gots to get going.”
That stops Winwin dead on his tracks. Usually, after some crime-spree or being foiled and getting away, Freakazoid would burst in wherever Winwin was currently laying low on, say his cheesy heroic lines, and promptly deliver him to the authorities—which was always, without fail, to Sgt. Qian—and they would call it a night.
Here he is, apologizing, acting like Winwin hadn’t enacted yet another brilliant and evil plan—even though he had deemed it dumb—and being overall far more obnoxious than usual. Yeah, something’s definitely off tonight.
“Whoa, whoa, aren’t you going to take me in?” Winwin protests and instantly groans when he notices his hand on Freakazoid’s forearm, like a lover begging their other half not to leave. He lets go and sheepishly clears his throat. “You might have thwarted me today but I still turned a couple of people into clown zombies. That has to be a crime somewhere.”
“Definitely a crime somewhere, but they’re all good now. All they needed was some fresh-air. No harm, no foul.” Freakazoid shrugs then grimaces. “Although, no, not really. A couple of people were traumatized so there was some harm involved.”
“You see?” Winwin cackles and offers his hand, waiting to be handcuffed. “Take me in!”
“Not tonight, brainy. I’m all tuckered out and Kun invented me out for ice-cream. We can do that tomorrow, though.”
Winwin opens his mouth then closes it, narrowing his eyes in disbelief. “That seems awfully irresponsible.”
“Oh, it is.” Freakazoid snorts, turning to leave. “But I’m getting some ice-cream and Kun’s paying.”
“If you don’t take me in now, Freakazoid, I’ll come up with a worse plan tomorrow and enact it without mercy.” Winwin poses, raising his hands above to display his collection of inventions and devices solely designed for destruction and chaos. “For I live to oppose you. So it is written. So it shall be done.”
The hero blinks, holds his chin, looking pensive for a second, hums, then shrugs with an impassive expression. “I don’t think that’s legal, but we can work around it.”
“I—” Winwin raises and lowers a finger, deflated.
He could reschedule, postpone some things, advance others before he unleashed absolute chaos on the city. He knows can make it work. It would be business as usual.
With a mental note to not start his rampage before dinner time, he slowly and painfully rolls his eyes and huffs, “Fine. We’ll do it tomorrow then.”
“Goodie!” Freakazoid claps, pulling Winwin close for a hug. “Ice cream today. Possible disaster tomorrow.”
“Sure,” Winwin replies through gritted teeth.
“Okey-doke, brainy. See you tomorrow.”
One second, Freakazoid is there. The other, he’s gone in a blinding flash of light and a gust of wind that vaguely smells of chocolate. Winwin is left alone, despondent, and secretly impressed. He sighs and rubs the back of his head, feeling the area bruised and sensitive to touch.
Giving his lair the once-over, he slumps on a chair and pops his lips.
“This is my most humiliating defeat,” he grumbles.
A minute later, he decides to call it a night.
And, for the first time this week, all remains well in Way City.
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itspapisongo | © 2020-2021 | All Rights Reserved
Freakazoid! is a Warner Bros. property, all rights reserved to them and the show's creators (Paul Dini & Bruce Timm).
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theelvenhaven · 3 years
I don’t mean this to be rude, but why do you stress so heavily on why you won’t abuse? I was looking through your blog and also said you won’t even write for yandere. Its fanfiction and just pretend right?
-sigh- I can’t add an undercut so big warning literally:
Trigger warning: Talks of Abuse
Okay, so you wouldn’t believe the amount requests I have received in the past that basically ask me things like;
“I want to request Reader x Character where he almost hits reader and apologizes.”
“Do a Reader x Character where he does hit reader and apologizes.”
Or other requests essentially asking me to write character gaslighting reader or saying threatening things.
This romanticizes abuse and it is not okay EVER. A man or woman or non-binary or trans person should NEVER EVER EVER lay their hands on you ever. Unless it is absolutely out of self defense because you attacked them and that’s it.
In this particular case it is not sweet when a man apologizes after, it’s not a grand display of good masculinity and showing his “mature” side because he can apologize for almost hurting you or hurting you.
It is deeply disturbing and the epitome of toxic masculinity. It is not manly, it is not good or romantic or wholesome. It should never occur no matter how angry someone is with you.
And while I am marked as an 18+ blog my fics generally are not 18+, it’s the confessions that motivated me to mark it as 18+. Not the fics or headcanons. So when people are reblogging my fics if younger people were to read them, being as impressionable or naive (which isn’t a bad thing) could very much assume that is normal behavior. And I refuse to contribute to that in anyway shape or form.
It’s bad enough there are people who write YA targeted books that have included darker themes like r@p3 and abuse with heavy misogynistic themes branded as “romance”. Someone who’s impressionable and will read that and think that’s the standard or have that expectation of what a relationship should be all because he’s “hot” or “pretty” and he’s in a position of power. Him being in a position of power makes it even worse.
A friend of mine who is an author and works in preventing or stopping human trafficking, and helping abuse victims read a few of these books and did an analysis and said the content is ridiculous.
I’ve got deep feelings about it if you can’t tell.
And I refuse contribute to that very toxic theme that’s floating around and you wouldn’t believe the amount of adults and fans that defend these books as romance. As acceptable romance.
Not to mention, themes of abuse is extremely triggering for me. Not in a “I’m just throwing the word around because I can.” I’m a victim of abuse because I was the young and impressionable teenager and was under the assumption that’s what love should look like. It continued for a year.
I was lucky I was never hit, but there were constant threats and while he never hit me there were times he put hands on me to threaten me. There were times he’d threaten to kill me if I did x or x.
I’ve also been abused my “best friend” granted I wasn’t a teenager anymore and it wasn’t romantic. But still it stands that I was vulnerable when it occurred and it wasn’t okay. There were texts that made me uncomfortable and constant gaslighting even when we RPed the romantic character she put me with would gaslight me.
It’s why I can’t write Yandere and romanticized abuse. Aside from the fact that while my blog is 18+ the fics can absolutely be for much younger audiences and I won’t contribute to desensitizing younger more impressionable people. As well as people who are extremely kind or lonely and impressionable.
It is a huge trigger for me.
I also want my blog to be a very safe space for not just those that are young, but those who have been abused romantically/platonically/etc. I want for it to be an escape from those harsh realities.
I want people to read my fics and feel loved and warm and safe. And I never ever want to contribute to any confusion or normalization of being hurt.
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