#that pose is meant to be platonic
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"Not looking down on me just yet Vahju~"
Childhood friends who went through a lot of suffering but found each other again and treasure each other's friendship save me...
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capybaraonabicycle · 4 months
Doctor: Huh, is that who I am now?
Donna: It was never that far from the surface, mate.
Doctor: frowns Yes, it was! You know I used to be a woman. And that made people... assume all sorts of stuff. And - and pretending to be Graham's wife for five minutes was bad enough but - Byron? That was torture. Does the man ever stop talking?
Donna: Takes one to know one
Doctor: Oi! I just mean, there were all these men people assumed I would be into and I - and I just - I just wanted -
Donna: I know, darling.
Doctor: softly I just wanted Yaz.
Donna: I know. - There was one man, though, remember?
Doctor: No, there wasn't! I don't fancy the Master!
Donna: ...
Doctor: Okay, fine. But the Master isn't a man. He's like me! Flexible - uh - timelord gender and stuff.
Donna: Sure.
Doctor: So, anyway, I have always been primarily into wom-
Donna: What about Jack Harkness?
Doctor: - Jack doesn't count, everyone fancies Jack.
Donna: ...fair enough.
#Donna: can we also talk about how you were literally married to a man in Gloucester?#Doctor: How is THAT something that stuck to your brain?#Donna: I met you there. Shaun and I did the walking tour.#Doctor: Huh. - Was I any good?#Wild blue yonder#Donna Noble#Sorry I am just still hung up on the 'is that who I am now' comment#Because I feel like what they actually meant to say was the Doctor going I AM QUEER?!?!#as if they didn't just spend three entire series making heart eyes at Yaz#So it makes more sense to interpret it as 'Hang on I like men too?' but honestly even that is such a stretch?#Yeah sure 13 is very much not into men#(except for the Master)#(maybe Astos)#(possibly Swarm)#(obviously Jack)#But any other incarnation has been very openly into men?#Like 12 kept name dropping guys he fancied/was fancied by? Like that algae king and stuff. Also the Master#(Let's not talk about 11)#10 had a very intense thing with Harold Saxon AND Jack#Plus the number of guys he flirted with - among them Shakespeare#And I don't even have to talk about 9 whose first kiss on screen was with a man#To be fair it is mostly off-screen/casual and the Master and Jack#So like if we interpret it as above we can make it work at least#(But. Yes. Also: Lee!! Literally married a man. Even if that was only for staying undercover there were definitely some deep feelings there#and I am quite sure had they been purely platonic they would not have posed as married. But as siblings or best friends or something)#If we are being completely real the sentence is probably about the Doctor discovering they can find people hot now#But that actually wasn't there before I think?#So then Donna's comment makes little sense#Or no hang on - 12 found the dinosaur hot and all of them the TARDIS obviously#So maybe that's what it's all about actually
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placesyoucallhome · 10 months
Size/Height difference poses
I love height differences aesthetically, but posing them can sometimes be a pain! So to cater to those that also struggle with posing smols and tols, I have a few options-
Meant for art of any type and ask memes, for drawing, writing, photography (like gpose!), ect. Gender nonspecific and for any sort of relationship type, romantic, platonic, and antagonistic!
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samwpmarleau · 2 years
lmao just saw the same person who said “keeley calls both jamie and phoebe ‘sweetheart,’ clearly she thinks of him as a child” say “aww r*y puts both keeley and phoebe over his shoulder, he loves his girls so much”
like pick a lane
do you believe words/actions can have different meanings depending on context or not
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gay-dorito-dust · 16 days
Hii! How’s ur day?^_^
My request is, what if the reader is nervous to confess to Stanford, and Mabel helps them?
If ur able to do this thank you, and I love ur fanfics!
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I decide to be a little mean here, whether it’ll be a misunderstanding on your part for Ford’s reaction or not, I’ll leave it up to fate. Hope you enjoy!
Part 2 right here
Mabel could tell immediately that you liked Ford but didn’t have the confidence to say anything to him in the slightest, and it disheartened the poor girl to see a potential romance that’ll never happen due to your fears of rejection.
So she decided that you needed the power of Mabel to gain the confidence to confess to Ford about how you truly felt because she knew deep down in her heart that Ford felt the same, he was just as awkward about as you were about his feelings.
(She may or may not have sneaked a peak inside his hours on his entry on you and felt as though she was reading a poem with how passionate he seemed to be about you, so much so it was enough to make her shed a tear)
‘But what if he meant all of that in a platonic way?’ You asked Mabel when she told you about the journal entry that she shouldn’t have read.
Mabel pouts and puts her bawled fists on her sides. ‘Is this the insecurities talking? You are amazing, fantastic, wonderful and a delight to have in someone’s life and Grunkle Ford would a stupid stupid head if he didn’t see the greatness you posses! Which he does and you should not let fear stand in the way of love!’ She exclaims as she dramatically posed, she really was Stanley’s grandniece that was for certain and undisputed.
‘Still, what would I even say to him?’ You asked as you sat down on the edge of your bed, holding your face in your hands. ‘I can’t just go up to him and say I like him, it’s too forward-‘
‘And totally not romantic nor memorable to tell your future descendants at all.’ Mabel adds which only made you flustered at the aspect that Mabel believed in your and Ford’s relationship that much, but Mabel always loved to look ahead to the future in an optimistic light, while taking great pride in having fun in the present with the people she cared about while she could before it was too late.
‘What if he finds me unbearable?’
‘Stop it with the what ifs!’ Mabel exclaimed as she walked over to you with a determined look in her eye, she had about enough of you looking down on yourself, and then using it as a scapegoat as to avoid confessing your burning feelings for her Grunkle Ford. ‘Ford likes you, I see it in his eyes when he looked at you, he looks at you as though you hung the stars in the sky! You take his breath away effortlessly and I see the way his cheeks get all pink when you compliment his turtleneck! What else could you probable want to be affirmed that he actually likes you!’
‘What’s going on in here, I could hear Mabel shouting from down the stairs, is everything okay?’ Ford asked when he opened the door to see you sat on the edge of your bed and Mabel looking as though her face couldn’t get any redder.
‘Yes every-‘ Mabel give you a pointed look and mouthed the words: tell him or I will.
You sighed and Ford only seems to grow more confused and worried about what he had walked in on by pure curiosity. ‘Y/n?’ He asked softly this time. ‘Is everything okay?’
‘I have something to tell you-‘ Mabel squeals ‘-alone.’ You finished all the while giving Mabel a pointed look as she pouted like a kicked puppy, she wanted to have a front row seat to the confession but she guessed outside the door would have to do for now as she shut the door behind her, leaving you and Ford alone like you wanted.
‘What’s wrong?’ Ford sat next to you, his beautiful eyes full of worry and concern as they flickered across your face as though he could see the things that were worrying you as though it was written across your forehead.
‘It’s nothing bad I promise it’s just that I…Ive been made aware of something that I fear might ruin our friendship.’ You said as you found yourself wanting to back away from actually confessing and leave it at that, but Mabel might as well have locked you both in the room for all you were aware until you actually did tell Ford that he tormented your heart in the best way possible.
‘I’m sure it won’t, there’s nothing that you could-‘
‘I really like you Ford, romantically.’ You blurted out as a silence befell the both of you that you swore you could hear a pin drop somewhere as you awaited the worst.
Ford looked at you for a prolonged period of time as though he was stuck in place and it only made your fears worsen when he had yet to say anything.
‘Ford? Say something please.’ You pleaded but what you weren’t expecting was for Ford to silently stand up and leave the room, closing the door behind him and soon enough you could hear your heart break as you heard him walk down the stairs, probably to go back to his lab for the rest of the day.
‘What happened.’ Mable asked as she walked back into the bedroom to see your broken state as you looked at her with a weak smile.
‘I lost him.’ You tell her before burrowing your head into your hands and for once Mabel didn’t know how to fix this…
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reverseexorcist · 7 months
❥ 𝐋𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ❥
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Man, I support women's rights and all, but women's wrongs is where it's at. Like, I get she's meant to be awful and all, but what if I was her favourite?
➲ Lute + !F!Reader
➲ Romantic ☒, Platonic ☐
➲ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 Count; 1,424 Words
➲ Warnings/notes; Female reader, spoilers for episode 8, mentions and brief depictions of gore, mostly fluff though, my god I wanna write so much more of Lute but my ideas only get so far
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➨ Okay, so first off, this woman is probably stoic as fuck - At least in the beginning of the relationship. Stiff and gruff because to her she's a warrior first and herself second. That's what she's had to be for the longest time ever, and it's gonna take a while for you to coax her out of her battle-hardened shell
➨ The kind've touch starved person that would rather die painfully than ever let someone touch her kind've vibe. Even when you're the exception, it's probably just better to ask before initiating anything just so you don't get socked in the face
➨ (She'll apologise, but probably wouldn't be able to stop because that's just her instinct)
➨ When she warms up to it though, oh boy
➨ "What is this?"
➨ "A hug?"
➨ "Disgusting… Do it again."
➨ (Gladly. Her wings are so soft and fluffy and perfect for hugging)
➨ Her wings will flutter softly, puffing up and getting extra fluffy at your touch as she practically melts into you. She'll deny it every single time, but you know the truth, especially when you hear her walk through the door after a long day at work only to be met with the audible 'poof' from the exorcist as her wings fluff up
➨ Speaking of, Lute takes pride in her wings. Very careful with them outside of battle and all, meticulously cleans and preens them at the beginning and end of every day and is a chronic stomach sleeper because of this. Probably has some expensive feather shampoo or cleaner or whatever that makes them smell like cedar. Whenever she ends up moulting, the floor of your apartment will be covered in black and white feathers
➨ (Don't tell her, but you've kept some of them)
➨ Oh buddy boy does this woman have muscles
➨ Like, yeah, she's the lieutenant of the exorcist army of course she's gonna be buff, but it doesn't mean it's any less hot
➨ (If you're lucky she might let you feel 'em)
➨ Lute is secretly so proud whenever you gawk over her. Will flare her wings and pose for you, but only you and only ever in private. There's no way in heaven or hell that Lute wants Adam on her case about her peacocking around her girlfriend
➨ (You think she's the type to ask you to sit on her back while she's doing push-ups? I do)
➨ She tries her damned hardest to keep you away from Adam. The dude is cool, but she's already worn thin keeping up with his energy and antics. Lute's aware of his antics, especially around women and she'd rather not make you go through that. You are hers, after all. She may be Adam's right hand man (woman), but you're her life partner first and foremost
➨ Can't talk about Lute without mentioning that the WOMAN HAS AN UNDERCUT? Sorry, but women with undercuts are my weakness
➨ Just imagining hugging her, wrapping your arms snuggly around her shoulders as she swaddles you in her broad wings, only to reach up and fluff the fuzz of her undercut
➨ I mean, her hair is probably just as soft as her wings. At least with her hair she'd probably let you comb it or something. Wing touching is something very intimate in heaven, so that probably won't happen for a while
➨ When it does happen however ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
➨ Nah, just kidding. Wings are sensitive, but, y'know, you probably already know this because everyone in heaven has wings. It'll probably just be you preening each other as you both devolve into flustered puddles
➨ Love language is probably something alone the lines of acts of service (giving and receiving) or words of affirmation (receiving).
➨ Likes hugs and kisses are cool and all and she'll probably never say no (unless it's in public), but getting told by you that you find her laugh adorable or that her wings look awesome or something like that (or even something even sappier), my god her brain with blue screen of death before you snap her out of it
➨ It honestly makes her so happy. I mean, no one else really compliments her like that. Sure, she and Adam hype each other up, and her subordinates respect her. But Adam's humour is far from clean and she gets the feeling the other exorcists are kind've scared of her
➨ After a few years and just settling into the relationship, it gets to a point where Lute realises she probably wants to spend the rest of her life (unlife? Afterlife? Does it count if she never died?) with you
➨ If you're just a regular citizen of heaven (i.e. someone Lute can't tell about the exterminations), she's probably more likely to baby you about literally everything. Like, she's extremely protective, but not necessarily jealous, but you're just so fluffy and soft and she just has the innate urge to protect you
➨ There's a part of her that just so damn tempted to tell you for the sole fact that it's another opportunity to flaunt how great she is. The bigger, more logical part of her knows that you're more likely to be absolutely horrified and would most likely want to break up in that very moment
➨ Which is the exact opposite of what she wants
➨ On the other hand, if you're a fellow exorcist like herself, chances are there will be some favouritism in the ranks
➨ Kind've loves you for it, because at least this way she knows you can take care of yourself without her having to mother you. And, while some part of her certainly does like the idea of having a partner that sort've contrasts her in an opposites attract kind've way, she also really likes the idea of a girlfriend that she can spar with
➨ (Insert cliché moment during a fight where one person lands on top of the other and they both blush)
➨ Exorcist or not, though, she still has her helmet just hanging around the apartment. If you're an exorcist too, sometimes the two of you will just sort've sit around and polish them whilst talking, making sure they shine for the next time you descend to hell.
➨ If you're not, well, Lute struggles to come up with an excuse for the first time you see it, eventually labelling it as an odd gift from Adam. It doesn't come up in conversation again till she comes home late from the office (curse the seraphims and Adam alike for giving her so much paperwork) only to find you curled up in your shared bed, clutching her helmet to your chest
➨ (It couldn't of been comfortable, but Lute's cold heart melted ever so slightly at the sight)
(Spoilers for the finale)
➨ My god, if you weren't an exorcist at the end of season 1 and you saw Lute come back in the state she did - Immediate heart attack
➨ At first you were confused, because, well, she told you she'd be gone for the entire day and wouldn't be back until midnight. And yet, when the commotion outside started only to be followed by horrified gasps, you couldn't help but get anxious
➨ Winding through the panicked streets, you finally managed to make it to the front, only to see Lute staggering toward the high seraphim. Her gaze glossed over you, eyes narrowed into slits that burned with raging fire
➨ Not only was she covered in crimson, but her clothes were also stained with the brilliant gold of her own blood. If that didn't freak you out, you couldn't help but let a strangled scream tear from your throat at the sight of her missing arm
➨ That seemed to snap her out of it. She glanced past the extremely tall form of Sera and gave you a mixed look, one filled with regret and despair, rage and fatigue, and the slightest hint of warmth as your very presence calmed her. Too much shit had happened in the past hour or so for her
➨ However, her bedraggled form covered in her own blood and the blood of sinners alike was bound to spark more questions from your anxious mind, and Lute had the idea that if you reacted like this about her returning early from an extermination, you probably weren't going to be so receptive to what her job actually was…
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Rules + Info,
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jinnie-ret · 1 month
stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
<---------- back to my youth
<---------- back to main masterlist
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chapter 5
genre: fluff, tiny angst content warnings: small mention of grief
word count: 1.2k
March 25th 2019
Lou couldn't thank the gods above enough that she had been transported two years prior to the world she was living in her home universe. It certainly benefitted her that she was already familiar with the Miroh choreography, and the fact she needed help with fine-tuning particular moves played to her advantage considering this version of her struggled with dance too. Maybe they weren't that different after all.
"Lou, you ready?" Minho asked softly, putting his hands on her shoulders and trying to capture her attention.
"Yeah! Yeah..." Lou nodded but the expression on her face didn't change.
"Don't think too much about the choreo, hm? It's automatic by now," he reminded her before guiding her to the group huddle.
He was right. Even though they had cheered each other on and hyped everyone up before finding their starting poses on stage with a 'hwaiting', the nerves still lingered. That was until the first notes of Miroh played and it was like a switch went off in her head, adrenaline suddenly flowing within her as she felt her face morph into exciting expressions, her body move sharply and softly when needed, and of course her gorgeous singing voice during the bridge of the song. It was when Chan normally sang, she noted to herself.
Stays cheered ecstatically after their performance, excited to see the boys and Sunny before their very eyes. Yes, she was Sunny here, and just Louisa back in her home universe. She was sure she even saw faint glimpses of her other self practising the Miroh choreography in her bedroom at home.
Thankfully that adrenaline was still present in her mind like autopilot, and that's what got her through the awkward backstage interviews. It was either that or Chan doing most of the talking as their leader.
She still found it crazy that Chan was her leader too.
A staff member came up to them as they sat down to recooperate, turning to Jeongin and Lou first.
"It was so fun, so it wasn't really hard at all," Jeongin grinned as usual to the camera for SKZ Talker.
"Speak for yourself," Lou said with her eyes squinting at the other maknae, whilst she was leant back against the wall.
"You didn't enjoy it?" Chan questioned intrigued, ruffling her hair.
"I'm joking, Bang Chan," Lou used an informal tone, exaggerating her voice weirdly, which got a laugh out of Seungmin and Stays in the future when they'd watch the vlog.
"Talker wake up," Changbin cooed at the camera sweetly.
"Just shout at them, I'm sure they'll hear your voice," Lou earnestly nodded, not one ounce of a mean tone present. She meant it as a compliment of course, it was truly impressive what the dwaekki could do with his voice. Yet the boys still thought she dissing Changbin and let out an 'ohhhhh' and clapped their hands laughing.
"Yahhh, why are you doing that I meant Changbin has a loud voice and knows how to use it!" Lou huffed, rolling her eyes, making Han pat her head and poke her cheek to get a smile out of her. He was quickly successful in his efforts, the aegi sun never not smiling for too long.
"Aish I knew Sunny wouldn't be mean to me," Changbin let out a cheer and did a little happy dance in front of her, wiggling his hips.
On the way back to the dorms, Lou was sat at the back of the car between her 'parents' Han and Minho, whilst Hyunjin and Felix were sat in the row in front of them. Chan, Changbin, Seungmin and Jeongin had taken another car back.
"Next time we ask you to provide the harmony stay," Minho pointed righteously towards the camera Hyunjin was holding to record the chaos of the car.
All it took was Han starting a note and then a nudge in the shoulder to Lou to gesture her to keep going. It made her jump but she nodded enthusiastically before a beautiful harmony filled the car. Amazingly, they both purposefully went out of tune at the same time making everyone burst into giggles.
"I got to host today with Seungminnie..." Felix began talking to the camera next to Hyunjin, but Lou was much more preoccupied with taking Han's snacks for herself and passing them to Minho at the same time.
Finally the cars arrived at the dorm, dropping the kids off, and with the reunion outside the cars came a race between the youngest two to the front door, Chan facepalming as he led the others more calmly.
When they all got there however, Lou and Jeongin were stood confused at the parcel with some orange flowers attached to it.
"Woah what's this?" Hyunjin picked it up curiously, Seungmin stood at his side as they scanned it for a label.
"Oh it's for Sunny," Seungmin voiced what he spotted.
That gave perfect opportunity for Hyunjin to use his height against the young girl and hold the parcel way above his own head so that there was no chance that she would be able to reach it herself.
"Hyunjin! Heyyy! I will vandalise your room again," Lou threatened him yet laughing as she did so.
"Okayyyy, okay," Hyunjin laughed, still taking the threat seriously as he gave her the parcel and they all entered the dorm, sitting around on the sofas and watching eagerly as Lou untied the flowers from the parcel.
"Wah, the flowers, so pretty. I wonder what they are," Felix tilted his head in wonder.
"Marigolds," Lou blinked and said, without even having time to process the thought that seemed to come out of her so quickly it couldn't of possibly been really her. How did she know that?
"How did you know that?" Jeongin seemed impressed.
"I actually don't know," Lou shrugged, feeling impressed herself as she placed the parcel onto her lap and began unwrapping it excitedly. Maybe it was a gift from family or a friend that would give her more information on who she actually had support from other than the boys and some staff in this universe.
Her excitement and curiosity soon dulled down when she realised what was inside the parcel. She felt her heart break, and her eyes welled up without her cognition, struggling to keep her cool as she had nowhere to hide.
"Hey, hey, what's the matter?" Chan sat up from his sunken spot on the sofa when he saw the tears in her eyes and Hyunjin and Seungmin looking shocked and appalled at the same time.
"Garfield..." Lou sadly trailed off shoving the open parcel on the table and rushing off to her room to try and make sense of her emotions.
"I'll go after her," Minho frowned at the contents of what once was the sentimental cat plushie gifted by Lou's dead mother.
The boys knew how much this would hit their sun. The toy that was the only thing she had left from her mother, and it had been cruelly ripped apart, stuffing hanging out and over the few seams that were still intact. Such effort and care to go into a meticulously wrapped parcel when there was a chaotic wreck inside.
<-- previous chapter next chapter -->
tagged: @akitfffr @aeinzzzketchup @linoalwaysknows @royal-shinigami @jolly04 @turtledove824 @yangbbokari @thisrandomgoofy15 @lieslab @hannamoon143
a/n so sorry it's been a long time since I've updated this series, but I feel like I've got a good direction for it now and I'm excited to share it with you all :)
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donut251155 · 29 days
The "Yugi twins situation" is NOT incestuous
I'll just analyze stuff people used to "prove" the opposite of this, as someone with a close (PLATONIC!!!) relationship with a sibling
I'll just get straight to the point
This scene is NOT incestuous. They hadn't seen each other for DECADES, it makes sense that Tsukasa reached out to touch Amane - usually if you can't believe you're seeing someone you reach for their face, no? And he just moved his head up (+ the つ (translated as "rub" could just be his hand moving and could be a translation error. Like the "ah…" from Amane, he says "つー" (Tsu) which would've probably been him calling out for Tsukasa)
Also Amane was blushing because he WAS ABOUT TO FUCKING CRY??? IT'S NORMAL TO GET RED WHEN YOU CRY??? That's basic knowledge I fear
I also think that if the scene was supposed to have some incestuous undertones, Tsukasa wouldn't have moved his thumb back.
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Someone said this
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I believe it doesn't have incestuous undertones for three reasons:
1. He had a dreamy and hopeful face in both cases. Usually, when characters dream of doing anything, even eating a cake or something like that, the artist adds blush to make the desire stronger. Tsukasa's desires were just having fun with his brother at a festival, something COMPLETELY PLATONIC, and knowing that his brother genuinely cares about him (another COMPLETELY PLATONIC thing driven by a sense of insecurity that he got because of how grumpy Amane was while sick. He wanted to hear his brother say "I love you" (PLATONICALLY) for the last time. It's less ambiguous in the Italian version because it's "Amane, tu mi vuoi bene?" which can only be seen as platonic (voler bene is platonic, amare romantic))
2. He looks cuter blushing. He's a child, children are supposed to be cute. He looks depressed without the blush in the first image 💀💀
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See? He's cuter with the blush
3. He blushes for like 90% of the time. It makes him cuter, more childlike, he's FOUR YEARS OLD. The blush disappears when the drawing is too small for it to be added, when he's supposed to be confused, scary/creepy or serious.
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This part fucking hell. Y'all do not know how four year olds think, do you?? Let me enlighten you
To the four year old Tsukasa, you either love or hate someone. No in between. He isn't talking about romantic love, he's talking about caring about someone, usually deeply. He means the platonic kind of love, it's all he knows. Nene reacted that way because she's 15, to her "love" is the romantic kind of love and she's in love with Hanako, same with Kou - they're teenagers who learnt that romantic and platonic love are different. Tsukasa doesn't know. He loves Amane in a platonic, brotherly way and thinks Nene loves his brother in the same exact way, like every other 4 year old would've assumed
(I reached the max of images :(( I meant the part where Tsukasa asks Nene if she loves Amane and says they're the same after she says she does, her mistaking it as romantic love and him taking it as platonic. Mb guys I'm new to Tumblr)
For the pose where the early manga showed us how Amane supposedly killed Tsukasa: it's not suggestive in any way. It just looks like Amane pushed Tsukasa down, stabbed him and that his knees gave out after he noticed he actually did what he did because of the wave of guilt and grief he felt (he even dropped the knife)
That's all I can think of atm :D
If you have any questions about this, ask ahead and I'll answer them!! I'm ready to answer
And sorry if I sounded a bit pissed off, but I am. I'm so sick of people misunderstanding sibling love lolol if you ship them go fuck yourself and do not talk to me, do not even breathe the same air as me I hate you and you're a disappointment to humanity
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asoiafcorner · 21 days
Is it okay to request a yandere platonic headcanons of Helaena Targaryen with modern reader who somehow isekai’d into the world of House of the Dragon? If not, then please ignore this request. Thank you and have a great day.
Hey, so these are just a few I could think of, I hope you like it.
platonic yandere!Helaena Targaryen x gn!Reader
You didn't exactly remember how it happened or why you were brought here
You were alien, you were strange, you were unfit for this world, it was so different from what you were used to
After ensuring that you posed no threat, you were kept af court as a curiosity
It wasn't a bad life, but it was different and lonely
During your first few weeks at court, you only heard whispers and rumours about peculiar Helaena was
One day, after escaping the bustle, you found yourself in the gardens, it was you sanctuary, the only place even remotely similar to your world
There, you saw Helaena for the first time
To her, you were like her bugs, intriguing and something to he studied and that's what she did
From now on, you two saw each other more often and you began to talk
It didn't take long, and your friendship began to blossom, where one of you was the other wasn't far
You treated each other like normal people, not like curiosities
At first, you wouldn't even notice her tendencies, she always seemed to have an explanation for them
Her clingy behaviour was because you were the only one who treated her normal and like a friend
Her sometimes lavish gifts, like jewellery or embroidered dresses, were a sign of her appreciation and so that you could fit in better at court
But the more time you spent with her, the more the rest of the people at court distanced themselves
Soon, Helaena was the only one even talking to you
Of course, she had an explanation for it as well: Attention at court was short-lived, and as soon as something more interesting appeared, you would be dropped
Helaena knew everything about you due to her observations, from your favourite colour to your favourite piece of jewellery
What she couldn't figure out, though, was where you came from or what you did before you came to court or why you knew so much about everything and everyone
Of course, you wouldn't tell her yet, but Helaena could wait as long as it meant that you stayed by her side, you were hers and only hers
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ts1m1kas · 2 months
Original Ask: I was gonna request a cute little Kimi Räikkönen one-shot (Any gender is fine!) in which they're both drivers (Team doesn't matter for me, go wild!) in 2007 and after Kimi wins his first WDC they go to Finland for a holiday he promised MC that he'd take them to if he wins. During the holiday he finally gathers enough confidence to confess his love to them! ( @anicega )
Word Count: 820 words
(author's note: i hope you enjoy my loves !! thank you for all the support on my other f1 fics 🫶)
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Throughout his years at Ferrari, Kimi Raikkonen had made many friends and curated a large collection of achievements and memories. But, his favourite was undoubtedly his friendship with Y/N.
Y/N L/N was the other Ferrari driver who was just as successful as Kimi. Their friendship blossomed as they spent more and more time together. However, one thing that came up all the time was a promise that Kimi made when he discovered Y/N would become his teammate.
“I’ve always wanted to go to Finland. I’m jealous that you’ve gotten to experience it,” Y/N said to Kimi.
The pair sat in the Ferrari garage, waiting for their instructions on how to pose for Y/N’s announcement photos. They had been talking and introducing themselves, which eventually led to them discussing their home countries.
“Tell you what, when I win a World Championship I’ll take you to Finland. So we can celebrate.”
“Really? You’re the best Kimi! I can’t wait to be your teammate.”
That was where their friendship began.
Now, many years later, they were inseparable. Wherever Kimi went Y/N followed and vice versa. The pair knew everything about each other from their favourite colours to their favourite childhood TV show. So naturally, when Kimi became World Champion in 2007, no one was more proud of him than Y/N.
Kimi was true to his word though and as soon as he could, the flights to his home country were booked. Y/N stood in the airport, a huge smile adorning her face the whole time she was there. Kimi could practically feel the excitement radiating off her.
The flight was short and before they knew it, they were leaving the plane and Y/N was getting her first sight of Finland.
“Thank you again for doing this Kimi, it really is a dream come true.”
“I’m a man of my word.”
For Y/N, the next couple of days were bliss. She spent them exploring with Kimi and finding out new things about the country she had longed to visit. However, for Kimi, they were torture. Having to spend so much time around Y/N alone meant he realised his feelings for her weren't completely platonic.
Seeing her smiling and laughing in his hometown sparked something in him and Kimi knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back his feelings for much longer.
Y/N had woken up early that morning to watch the sunrise. She had always found comfort in watching the sun come up from behind the early morning mist, giving her time to relax her mind and body for a little longer.
She sat cross-legged in front of the big bedroom windows, her eyes transfixed on the orange hues of the dawn sky. Her face was illuminated by the warm glow of the sun as it gently rose. Kimi stirred from his sleep as the light shone on his face too. He sat up slowly in the bed and stared ahead of him, except his eyes weren’t on the sunrise. Instead, he found himself staring at Y/N, unable to pull his eyes away from her.
“You know, you’ve always reminded me of the sunrise,” Kimi stated, breaking the silence.
Y/N jumped and turned around, “I didn’t even realise you were awake she said with a smile.”
As Y/N turned around, the light behind her enveloped her body, glimmering like a halo and Kimi swore he fell in love right then and there.
“You look beautiful.”
“You always do. I’ve always thought you were beautiful.”
Y/N’s face flushed red and Kimi smiled at her reaction.
“Y/N, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you and I don’t know how else to say it apart from that I’m in love with you. Since we met on your first day at Ferrari I’ve known that I would fall in love with you.”
“Kimi- I- I love you too.”
They stared at each other from across the room, both unsure of what to do or say. Kimi gestured for Y/N to come and sit with him and she followed his instruction. When she sat down, Kimi brushed her hair behind her ear and cupped her face with his hand.
Y/N let out a breath she didn’t realise she was holding as she leaned in to place a kiss on Kimi’s lips. They moved in sync and Kimi moved his hand to rest on Y/N’s waist.
When they broke apart, Kimi smiled softly at Y/N, “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to do that.”
As they sat in content silence, Y/N moved to cuddle into Kimi’s side. Her eyes flicked back over to the window where the sun was nearly at the top of the sky. All she could think about was how glad she was to be in Finland.
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anonymousewrites · 7 months
Nature of the Human Soul (Book 1) Chapter Two
Platonic! Hazbin Hotel x Teen! Reader
Father Figure! Alastor x Teen! Reader
Chapter Two: Commercial Problems
Summary: While Charlie goes to speak to Heaven, the hotel tries to put together a proper TV advertisement (with many interruptions)
            (Y/N) had decided they didn’t like the extermination. The screams, the explosions, the angels—it was frustrating. Luckily, in the Hotel, they were removed from the killing and could just sit and wait for things to finish. However, Alastor had gathered everyone together to “show them something” (which, as everyone had learned already, meant everyone was about to be made fun of).
            Alastor switched on the old-timey TV he had permitted in the hotel, and it turned on to reveal an…ad?
            “Well, hello there you wayward sinner!” said Alastor’s voice as it displayed him pointing at two fighting demons. “Do you like bloody, violence, and depravity of a sexual nature? Of course you do, that’s why you’re in Hell!” The camera zoomed out to reveal a destroyed quarter of Hell. “But what would you say if there was a place to stay that had none of that?” The camera switched to the hotel. “Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, a misguided path to redemption! Founded five days ago by Lucifer’s delusional daughter!”
            The camera faced Charlie, and she waved hesitantly. “Charlotte Morningstar! Come place your fate in her inexperienced hands as she tries to work through her daddy issues by fixing you! Here, we offer fun things! Such as a somewhat functional staff, and twenty-four-hour pest control! Custom rooms, and just look at this tacky parlor! Enjoy riveting conversations with our only two guests!” The camera faced Angel and (Y/N). Angel gave the middle finger, and (Y/N) narrowed their eyes, knowing something was up. “Wow! All this and more at the Hazbin Hotel! Your last desperate attempt at salvation starts here!”
            The video ended, and everyone stared while Alastor perked up, proud of himself.
            “So, what’d ya think?” he said.
            “I’m sorry, what the fuck was that?” said Vaggie angrily.
            “Uh, yeah, one note…” said Charlie awkwardly. “Alastor, I mean—First off, thank you so much for making this, it’s seriously amazing—but, um, maybe the tone is a bit off?” Alastor’s grin just darkened. “We want people to want to come here. This makes it look, um…”
            “Fucking depressing,” suggested (Y/N).
            “Funny. I was going for hilarious!” said Alastor.
            Vaggie narrowed her eyes. “It didn’t explain anything about how we’re trying to save demons from extermination, which is the whole fucking point.”
            “Vaggie is right, Alastor,” said Charlie. “The commercial was to let Sinners know we are trying to help them!”
            “Well, my dear, I haven’t been active in Hell for some time, and everyone remembers me from my radio show!” Alastor’s grin widened. “The proper medium to express oneself. But you insist on this: a noisy picture box advertisement. So I had a little fun with it.”
            “Oh, fun. You had a little fun with it?” said Vaggie. She crossed her arms. “Well, this is not what we want to represent us. When you showed up here a week ago, you told us you would help run this hotel. Instead, you’re mocking us! Nobody’s going to want to come to a place that a powerful Overlord like you thinks is a waste of time.”
            Angel raised his hand.
            “What?” said Vaggie.
            “If ya filmin’ a commercial, can I suggest you take better advantage of the talented celebrity you have right here?” said Angel, posing.
            “Ew,” said (Y/N), and Angel stuck out his tongue at them. Neither took it to heart. (Y/N) liked being able to speak their mind in Hell, and Angel would just give an equally witty retort when they did, so they both thrived in conversation.
            “Angel, you’re a porn star,” said Vaggie.
            “A famous porn star,” said Angel. “I’ll have the horniest sinners knockin’ these walls down to get in.”
            “I would really prefer not to have perverts in the hotel,” said (Y/N), making a face.
            “Yeah, no!” said Vaggie. “Not only do we have a kid here, but filming porn as the commercial is completely out of the question!”
            “Sex sells,” said Angel. “I swear, if you film me goin’ at it with Mr. Fancy-Talk-Creepy-Voice here, you’d be rollin’ in participants willin’ to stay at the tacky hotel.”
            Alastor looked unimpressed. “Haha! Never going to happen. Besides, like Vagatha said, we couldn’t create such an environment for an impressionable child. What would Charlie think?”
            “Yeah, it sounds like a bad idea…” said Charlie, looking at (Y/N).
            “Is everyone choosing to ignore the fact I killed people?” said (Y/N).
            “Angel, I appreciate you wanting to use your special skills to, um, attract folks to the hotel, but I really don’t want to exploit you in that way,” said Charlie, smiling.
            “Oh, please, baby. This body was made to be exploited,” said Angel. “I got the arms, I got the stamina, I got the legs, I got the lung capacity, I got the legs, the gag reflex, the holes, the chest fluff everyone thinks are tits—”
            “Should I just say ‘ew’ after everything you say to get you to stop?” said (Y/N).
            “Won’t stop me!” declared Angel.
            Charlie’s phone went off, and she hurriedly picked it up. “Uh, hold that thought. I’ll be right back!” She walked off to answer.
            “Hey, I have a question,” said Angel. He looked at Alastor. “If freaky face over there is so powerful, then why can’t he just make people stay here?”
            Alastor laughed. “Oh, trust me. I can.”
            “Why do you think I’m here?” said Husk. “You actually think I’d be cleaning bottles and listening to you fucks bitch and moan all the time if he wasn’t forcin’ me?”
            “What, you don’t love being here with me, Whiskers?” teased Angel.
            “Call me ‘Whiskers’ again, and I’ll jam that bottle down your throat,” threatened Husk.
            “Kinky! Come on, keep talkin’ dirty!” said Angel.
            “Until you let me have a drink, I’m not happy you’re here,” muttered (Y/N), glaring at Husk.
            “Princess over there says no, so no,” said Husk.
            “What the fuck is the point of being in Hell if I don’t get to do anything fun?” grumbled (Y/N).
            “I agree! Why not let the child have a good time? That’s what the hotel is for,” said Alastor.
            “See? He agrees,” said (Y/N), gesturing to Alastor.
            “That is a terrible argument,” said Vaggie. “He just wants you to get into trouble!”
            “I’m in Hell. What more could I do without making a deal with someone, which I’m not doing?” said (Y/N).
            “Indeed,” said Alastor, nodding. “Why not enjoy some entertainment and enjoy oneself?”
            “Stop it,” hissed Vaggie. “This is supposed to be about rehabilitation and redemption, people choosing to stay here.”
            “I’m choosing to stay here, and I think it’s all stupid,” said Angel. “We’re in Hell, toots. That’s kind of the end of the road, ain’t it?”
            “Well, maybe it doesn’t have to be,” said Vaggie. “Just because nobody has made it out before doesn’t mean it’s not possible.”
            “Hey, whatever means I can keep crashin’ here rent-free,” said Angel. “Crack is expensive.”
            “Haha! Yes!” cheered Charlie, bounding back into the room. “Vaggie! Holy shit!”
            “What?” asked Vaggie.
            Charlie gestured for her to come over, and Vaggie smiled fondly at her girlfriend before walking over. (Y/N) and Angel exchanged inquisitive looks. A moment later, Charlie slipped into song, which meant she was super excited.
(Charlie) “I can do this, Somehow, I know it, I’ll get Heaven behind my plan!”
            So she’s meeting with Heaven? thought (Y/N).
            “Charlie, hold on,” said Vaggie nervously.
(Charlie) “There’s just no way I could blow it! Not this once-in-a-lifetime chance.”
            “It’s just a meeting,” said Vaggie.
(Charlie) “To change their minds, And touch their hearts, Or whatever angels have.”
            “This could be bad,” said Vaggie.
(Charlie) “Cheer up, Vaggie! This could be swell! Something tells me that today will be a happy day, In Hell!”
            “Okay, but just…don’t sing to them,” advised Vaggie.
            “She’s gone,” said (Y/N).
            “That bitch is halfway down the street,” laughed Angel as everyone looked out the door to watch Charlie go.
            “Is she—”
            “She’s dancing, yeah,” confirmed (Y/N).
            Vaggie groaned. “Ugh, no.”
            “Is this going to go badly?” asked (Y/N).
            “It might go alright,” said Vaggie optimistically.
            “It’s going to be an absolute travesty,” said Alastor brightly.
            “In an entertaining way or in the way that we’re going to end up in trouble?” said (Y/N).
            “Both, hopefully!” said Alastor, looking forward for his own amusement.
            Vaggie groaned and put her head in her hands.
            “Well, I’m gonna go out and find something actually fun to do!” chirped Angel.
            “No, nope, nobody’s going anywhere!” said Vaggie. “We’re all sitting down and making a proper commercial that actually helps the hotel!”
            “Uh-oh, does that mean you expect me to be involved?” said (Y/N).
            “Yes,” said Vaggie.
            “I hate being told what to do,” said (Y/N).
            “Tough shit,” said Vaggie.
            “Okay, so Charlie is dealing with something very important,” said Vaggie once she had cornered everyone in one room. “So while she’s gone, we are making a new commercial. One that represents her vision and what we’re doing here. So, we need a camera. Alastor?”
            He snapped his finger, and an old-fashioned photographic camera appeared.
            Vaggie deadpanned. “A video camera.”
            “Hm.” Alastor was unimpressed with the idea, but he snapped his fingers nonetheless and let a video camera appear.
            “Alright, let’s do this!” said Vaggie.
            First up was a scene with Husk and Angel.
            “And…action!” said Vaggie, pointing the camera at them.
            “Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel,” said Husk, reading from the script. “Can I help you with anything?”
            “I’ve been a bad boy,” said Angel. “And I need a big strong daddy to put me in my place! On the path to redemption!”
            “Well, you’ve come—”
            “Oh, yes!” Angel cut off Husk.
            “To the right place,” finished Husk, rolling his eyes.
            “Cut,” said Vaggie, sighing. “Okay, Angel, I need you to be less horny, if possible. And Husk, can you maybe not have a script in front of your face?”
            “I ain’t no actor!” said Husk. “I can’t memorize this shit!”
            “Well, we could always improv this shit, Baby cakes,” purred Angel.
            Husk shoved him off the counter.
            Vaggie sighed and looked back at (Y/N) and Alastor.
            “This is going great,” said (Y/N) with a grin.
            “Oh, yes, splendidly!” said Alastor.
            Vaggie growled and was tempted to grab her spear as she was faced with shit-eating grins.
            Next was Niffty’s scene, but she was more interested in stabbing insects than she was the camera.
            “Stab, stab, stab!” said Niffty.
            “Alright, Niffty! Niffty!” said Vaggie, catching her attention. “Your line is ‘We have the cleanest rooms.’ Okay?”
            “Got it! I’m ready!” said Niffty.
            “Action.” Vaggie turned on the camera.
            Niffty’s smile fell, and she stared, wide-eyed, at the camera.
            “Uh…cut,” said Vaggie, slightly unnerved.
            “How was that?” said Niffty, smiling.
            “Well, Niffty, you actually have to say the line. Let’s roll again,” said Vaggie.
            “Okay!” said Niffty.
            “Action,” said Vaggie.
            Niffty once again just stared, empty-eyed.
            “You’re doing great, Vagina,” whispered Angel.
            “Cut!” shouted Vaggie. “Alright, um, maybe we can try to fix it in post.”
            “Do you even know what that means?” teased Angel.
            “I’ll figure it out!” snapped Vaggie. “(Y/N), Alastor, you’re up.”
            “No, I don’t get on camera,” said Alastor, dismissing the word “camera” distastefully.
            “I don’t want any attention,” said (Y/N), crossing their arms. They really weren’t a fan of having people stare at them, and a commercial would do that, especially for something as crazy as this.
            Vaggie glared. “This is for Charlie.”
            Alastor and (Y/N) remained unmoved and crossed their arms.
            Vaggie cursed under her breath.
            (Y/N) knocked on the door of the room Vaggie was using to rewatch the footage she’d managed to get.
            “What?” snapped Vaggie.
            “Listen, I don’t want to be on camera,” said (Y/N), holding up their hands. “I really don’t. But if I can help in some other way, I’ll do it.”
            Vaggie groaned and put her head on her hands. “I don’t know how you can help. It all sucks.”
            “Yes, seems like you’re having a bit of trouble there, hm?” said Alastor, popping out of the shadows.
            “Why are you even here?” snapped Vaggie.
            “For the entertainment!” said Alastor, shrugging. “I came here because I love seeing wasteful souls struggle to accomplish something meaningful and fail spectacularly!” He beamed at Vaggie. “Like you are doing now! Good job!”
            Vaggie narrowed her eyes and pointed the video camera at Alastor. “And here’s Alastor, the egocentric piece of shit that—” the camera buzzed with electricity, and Vaggie was forced to drop it as it sparked.
            “I wouldn’t try that, my dear,” said Alastor. “This face was made for radio.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened, and they were struck with Alastor’s intimidating presence once again. Holy hell, they wanted strength like that.
            “I don’t care who or what you are!” said Vaggie ferociously. “If you are staying here, you are going to make this work! Because it won’t be so ‘entertaining’ to watch over an empty hotel, will it, shitass?!”
            “Fair enough! I’ll tell you what,” said Alastor. “Let’s make a deal.”
            Vaggie scoffed. “Do you think I’m that stupid? Making a deal with a demon like you.”
            “Not for your soul,” scoffed Alastor. “Just a simple deal. I do this for you, and you never ask me to engage with this frivolous television technology ever again.”
            “You really hate tv,” said (Y/N).
            “It’s the worst medium for expressing oneself,” said Alastor distastefully. “So petty and uninspired.”
            “That’s all you want?” said Vaggie, furrowing her brow.
            “That, or Charlie can come back to absolutely nothing,” said Alastor brightly. “Your choice.”
            Vaggie sighed. “Fine.” She put the broken camera in Alastor’s hand, and it disappeared.
            Green light surrounded him, and he snapped his fingers. “Now, then!”
            Everyone appeared in the room and got 1920s themed outfits, and a camera crew of shadows appeared ready to serve.
            Vaggie smiled. “Alright, everyone! Let’s make a fucking commercial!”
            (Y/N) took a careful step back while Vaggie grabbed the others to film.
            “Still not interested?” said Alastor, amused.
            “I don’t want to be on camera,” said (Y/N), making a face and shaking their head.
            “What do you think of radio?” said Alastor.
            (Y/N) shrugged. “Better than podcasts.”
            Alastor’s grin widened, and he nodded in satisfaction. That was the correct answer.
            “Charlie!” Vaggie hugged her girlfriend as she finally returned to the hotel. “How’d it go? Did they listen?”
            “Oh, uh, they sure did hear it! But, uh…” Charlie trailed off nervously.
            “Oh, come here! We have something exciting to show you!” said Vaggie. “Alastor pulled some strings, and it’s about to air!”
            “I pulled a few limbs, too!” laughed Alastor. (Y/N) snickered.
            “Wait? The commercial?” said Charlie, eyes widening. “You all made a new one?”
            “Yeah, one of my better performances, if I do say so myself,” said Angel proudly.
            “That’s…that’s amazing!” Charlie’s eyes shone with emotion.
            “Shush, it’s starting!” said Angel.
            The TV showed them in their outfits. ((Y/N) had contributed by filming). “Welcome to the Hazbin Ho—”
            Vaggie’s lines were cut off as the TV switched to a “Breaking News” sign, and the residents and staff of Hazbin Hotel grumbled.
            “Breaking news in Hell today!” said Katie Killjoy as she came onscreen. “We have just received word from the Heaven Embassy that the next extermination is happening sooner than ever before. Do you know what that means, Tom?”
            “No, what does it mean, Katie?” asked Tom Trench.
            “It means we are all royally fucked,” cursed Katie.
            The camera switched to the countdown clock as it cut in half to 176 days.
            “Wait…what?! Why?!” cried Angel.
            “Holy shit,” said (Y/N), eyes widening. Their situation had just gotten worse. They were in more danger.
            And they still had no way to defend themself.
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kiame-sama · 3 months
The Hylian Zonai (Yandere!Ganondorf x Fem!Hybrid-Zonai!Reader) pt. 2
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Warnings; Yandere, yandere relationship, yandere temper, platonic yandere vs romantic yandere, reader insert, fem pronouned reader, Zonai-Hylian half-breed reader, slight ToTK spoilers, the word 'king' in reference to ganondorf is not capitalized in Rauru's view because he doesn't respect Ganondorf as a king but it is capitalized in Reader's view because she does respect him as a king, neither king nor queen are capitalized in Ganondorf's view because he respects neither Sonia or Rauru as royals but he does respect reader,
"King Rauru, please. I need a word with you and Queen Sonia. It's about Princess (Y/n)."
Rauru kept replaying those words over and over in his head as he waited for Zelda and Sonia to his study, the balcony giving a great vantage point to the gardens below where (Y/n) and that visiting king Ganondorf sat talking. His dearest daughter was keen to show the visiting king around her father's palace and kingdom, eager to spend time with the king despite having just returned home.
Though it burned him to admit it, it seemed his daughter was more than eager to be near the Gerudo king and focus her time on him instead of her parents. A dark part of his soul hated it with a deep and burning passion.
He wasted no time in approaching the two women as they arrived, guards outside of the room closing the door for privacy. Sonia looked worried and it set Rauru's heart fluttering with concern, never happy to see his beloved Queen upset. His family meant the world to him and likely held a place higher than his Kingdom in his heart despite how he cared for both.
"I'm sorry for calling you both away suddenly, but this cannot wait."
"Go ahead, Zelda. We are keen to hear what you need to tell us."
"Princess (Y/n)... She was there when Link and I went under the castle. She was wrapped in gloom and stuck in a kind of stasis entrapped in crystal. I know I have already told you both about the Demon King from my time, but her being there and arriving with the Gerudo king now can't be a coincidence. I believe she is in very real danger the more time she spends with him."
The revelation set pure and utter fear through the couple as they considered the possibility of their beloved daughter being pulled in by such a monstrous man. It was already obvious to both Rauru and Sonia that their beloved daughter was quite smitten with king Ganondorf. Zelda had not been false with them yet so they had reason to believe her recounting of their daughter's presence in the same chamber of the mummified demon king.
"And you are certain it was (Y/n)?"
"Yes. She looked as she does now. I don't know what sealed her in such a state, but I know it was her."
"This... Is most troubling. I will have to call upon Mineru to keep (Y/n) away from Ganondorf."
You smiled happily at the Gerudo King as you taught him about the various Zonai devices around you. Though it took energy cells to properly run the devices, you were happy to teach the visiting King about them and their intended use. The various Zonai automatons were content to bring you what you asked of them and provide you with however many devices you wanted.
It was during this demonstration of these devices that Ganondorf posed a question to you.
"And how do you secure them to one another?"
"Oh, that's easy for me. I inherited several abilities from my father and from my Zonai ancestors. Father calls it Ultrahand, but it is more like a building tool. I can make them attach to one another or even non-device objects and they will stay secure. Not sure how others get by though."
Before the King could ask another question or expand upon what you told him, someone cleared their throat behind you. The large Zonai ears atop your head angled back towards the sound instinctually despite hearing it clearly. When you turned you felt excitement run through you as you saw your aunt Mineru standing behind you, flanked by two automatons.
You couldn't help the growing joy within you as you turned on one heel, rushing into the open arms of your beloved aunt. Her gentle smile was a great comfort to you and you always appreciated visits from your only other Zonai relative. Her smile was warm and affectionate as she reciprocated the hug in kind.
"Hello, little one."
"Hello aunt Mineru, how goes things in the underground?"
"They continue on as expected. I heard you were showing a visiting king around?"
"Yes," a soft and almost nervous laugh escaped you as you led your aunt back to the handsome man, "King Ganondorf is a visiting King from the deserts of the Gerudo. King Ganondorf, I would like to introduce you to my Aunt, Mineru of the Zonai."
The tall King grinned a rather charming smile as he took her hand respectfully in greeting. You took extra note of the fact that- unlike the way he greeted you- he was almost cold and did not kiss the back of her hand. That simple fact made a certain level of giddiness build up in you as you realized the King had certainly shown some interest in you. Something about his devilish smile and quick wit was thrilling, especially when those beautiful golden eyes were locked on you.
"A pleasure to meet you. It seems I've met all the remaining Zonai now. What a marvel it must have been when there were more of you around. From the few I've seen," his gaze flicked to you for just a moment, a coy grin toying at his lips, "you all are rather magnificent. Godlike."
Mineru hummed, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly at the charming King of the sands. You were too busy looking away with a shy smile on your lips to notice the clear distrust your aunt held for the Gerudo King. His grin ever so slightly turned to a taunting sneer when you looked away, but smoothed back into that charming smile as you glanced back.
"You're far too kind, King Ganondorf."
Mineru's voice was clipped and she seemed far less pleased with the visiting King than you were. She could see how much you had fallen for him in the way you smiled at him and seemed so blind to the danger he posed to you. It was as if you were clueless to the genuine threat that was Ganondorf and far too blinded by your own affection for him to realize that he sought the ruin of Hyrule.
Mineru would have to try very hard to keep you from the Gerudo King.
"Your father does not seem overly pleased with my presence here."
Ganondorf stated with a casual tone, looking across the small garden table at the lovely Zonai-hybrid. Though his intent was originally to woo the trusting little Princess, he found himself more and more interested in keeping the sweet Hylian-Zonai by his side for his own comfort. His Gerudo warriors had also begun picking up on the language, seeming to become protective of the little Princess as well despite her being from another Kingdom.
"Well, Father can get over it. I certainly don't see why he is so unhappy with you, you've been cordial and polite with every interaction. I guess it could be because he's always been a bit protective of me. I understood why when I was younger, but he is still quite overprotective now."
Ganondorf hummed in response to your words, looking down at the small tea-cup that seemed even smaller in his large hands. He had half a mind just to take his little Princess prize and return to the Gerudo without the rest of the Kingdom under his control. However, he was reveling in taunting Rauru and still charming the sweet Princess at the same time. Mocking the king to his face and keeping the soft Princess on his arm all in one fell swoop was quite satisfying to the man's pride.
"Well, of course he is protecting you. I can only imagine the kind of people that follow your every step, hoping for a mere second of your attention. He needs to protect you because of how many others seek to claim you."
You seemed a little surprised by the visiting King's words, tilting your head slightly as your soft Zonai ears slightly angled back in embarrassment. His words made sense to you, but to some degree the idea of your father trying to keep the Gerudo King from you was a displeasing one. Your father wouldn't be able to keep you away from everything and you had a right to seek out companionship if you wanted it. Goodness, you were even expected to seek out someone to wed for the sake of Hyrule.
"But he is being too protective. It is my duty as the Princess of Hyrule to find a suitable spouse and lead Hyrule when my parents step-down. How am I expected to find someone to wed if I am never allowed to even look? It makes no sense that he would be so... So cruel."
"You think he is cruel?"
"In this case, yes. Is it not cruel to forbid a Rito from flying? Or a Zora from swimming?"
"... Do you think I am cruel?"
"No! Goodness, never! You have been kind to me since the moment we met in the sands. You have tolerated my endless questions and curiosity without a single complaint. You are not cruel. Not to me."
The slightest grin tugged at the corner of his lips as you spoke so highly of him, knowing he had quite easily won you over. To some degree he has fooled you as he was no kind and gentle ruler, instead he was considered to be brutal and cruel. Still, it was very sweet to hear how highly you viewed him despite his reputation and Rauru's clear dislike for him.
As you spoke, he reached up to catch one of your hands, bringing it to his lips once more. You fell silent as his large thumb stroked over the skin on your hand, his red beard feeling slightly rough against your fingers. Clearly the simple act was able to stop your racing thoughts as the King smiled warmly at you, those golden eyes burning with passion.
"And... Have you found anyone you consider a suitable spouse yet?"
"I..." You slowly intertwined your fingers with his seeing how large his hands were when compared to your own, "I think I have..."
Rauru glared angrily down at the sheltered little garden table where you and the visiting king sat, his hands gripping tightly to the metal railing and slightly bending the metal when he saw your hands intertwined. Mineru told Rauru how interested you were in the Gerudo king, but he could see for himself that you were absolutely smitten with him. It was a terrible thing to Rauru to know how easily the man had won you over, not wanting to give you up by any means to the violent and cruel king.
Though Rauru knew it would be better for your heart to dismiss the visiting king, he also knew you wouldn't be keen to say goodbye just yet. If he could only make you see how awful the man was for all living things, maybe then you would be willing to keep your distance. The only way he could get you to see it without it seeming like he was trying to defame the man was to get Ganondorf to reveal his true nature himself.
How Rauru planned to get that to happen, he didn't know, but what kind of father would he be if he let his beloved daughter fall into the clutches of a monster like Ganondorf?
Rauru needed to out the man and his monstrous behavior, or it would be his Kingdom and his daughter who suffer most.
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princessanonymous · 8 months
When Night Comes
Platonic Yandere Vampire
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First Chapter
20. 𝓢𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 (𝓞𝓻 𝓪𝓼 𝓛𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓪𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓝𝓮𝓮𝓭)
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As the days unfolded, (Y/n) found herself slowly embracing a sense of ease. It marked the third day away from the vampires, and Dorian had yet to find her. The sisters at the nunnery, though aware of little about her past, treated her with kindness. They likely assumed she was a noble child whose family had fallen victim to a vampire attack. While not entirely true, the fact remained: she was now an orphan. The idea of being sent to an orphanage lingered in the background, but for now, the sisters seemed to enjoy her presence, and she, in turn, appreciated theirs.
In the cozy living room, (Y/n) engaged in companionship with some of the nuns. Glancing outside on the sunny day, she made a face — too bright and too sunny. After months of living nocturnally, adapting to the daytime proved more challenging than (Y/n) expected.
Turning her attention elsewhere, she marveled at the beautiful handcrafts one nun was creating — a delicate handkerchief adorned with flowers and butterflies. "Does this take a lot of time?" she inquired, observing Sister Margaret's skilled embroidery.
Smiling, Sister Margaret shook her head. "Once you've mastered the basics, it becomes an easy, even pleasant task," she explained calmly.
A knock at the door disrupted their peaceful moment. Three men entered, one clad in religious garb and the other two resembling battle-hardened hunters. Knives and stakes adorned their brown leather belts. Father Thomas, a familiar face, led the group. The priest routinely visited the nunnery. The hunters, though, were completely unfamiliar to her.
"Hello, (Y/n)," Father Thomas greeted with a grandfatherly smile. "How are you today?"
"Good," she replied briefly.
The priest gestured to the hunters. "Allow me to introduce Archibald and Jonah Rowan. They are vampire hunters. They will help us track down the vampire that attacked you."
Vampire hunters? A shiver ran down her spine at the sight of their weaponry. "What will you do to him?" she asked hesitantly, trying to maintain composure.
Archibald stepped forward gruffly, "We'll track that beast down and send it back right where it's s'posed to be; in Hell."
She bit her lip, uncertain.
"We just need ya' to tell us everythin' you know 'bout this thing," added the other.
Reluctance crept inside her ; she was unsure if she wanted to do that. She couldn't bring herself to tell them anything she knew. Killian was with Dorian, which meant that if she sent the hunters to him, his partner would be attacked too. Even then, she didn't want to aid in killing Dorian. She knew she should, but she didn't want to. He hadn't hurt her that bad; he had treated her— no matter how he had treated her, he just didn't deserve such a fate.
Looking away, she clutched her doll, Clementine, close. Killian had put it in her bags and she had been relieved when she found it. It was like a souvenir of him. "I don't— I don't remember anything,” she gulped.
"Are you sure, (Y/n) ?" The priest questioned skeptically with a probing stare.
"I don't remember anything," she reiterated more fervently, hugging the doll defensively. "Why would I lie?"
They exchanged hesitant glances, some unconvinced, unsure why she'd conceal the vampire's identity. Opting not to disclose further information, (Y/n) focused on rearranging Clementine's dress, witnessing the frustration on the hunters' faces as they posed more questions unanswered. She simply chose silence.
⊱ ────── {⋆𖤐⋆} ────── ⊰
Someone knocked at the door to the room she had been staying in for the past five days. She stood up from her modest bed, a sense of routine settling into her life. 
"Good morning, dear. Why don't you come down to eat?" Sister Margaret invited, her voice gentle and reassuring. The girl nodded appreciatively, grateful for the sense of normalcy and compassion that surrounded her in this place. She followed the older woman, their footsteps echoing through the quiet corridors, a stark contrast to the oppressive silence of the estate she had left behind.
Together, they descended the stairs, arriving in the communal area where the other inhabitants of the house were already seated for breakfast. The atmosphere was a far cry from the gloomy estate she had escaped. Here, the air was filled with a calm and pleasant energy, a stark departure from the tension that had become the norm in her previous surroundings.
Breakfast unfolded as a tranquil, communal affair. The residents engaged in light conversation, sharing anecdotes and laughter that resonated with genuine warmth. The contrast to the heavy, stifling meals at the estate was stark. Here, the air was filled with a sense of camaraderie and acceptance.
(Y/n) appreciated the small talk, the mundane discussions that seemed almost magical in their simplicity. The nuns were welcoming, never pressuring her to conform to any expectations. It felt like a breath of fresh air, the light-hearted and carefree atmosphere she had been deprived of for far too long.
Seated at the table, (Y/n) chose to remain quiet, observing the interactions around her. She found solace in the light-hearted banter, relishing the newfound freedom to simply listen and be present. It was a stark departure from the oppressive silence that often accompanied her meals in the estate, and she savored the moments of normalcy.
The people around her in this new place seemed genuinely kind, their gestures and words motivated by a compassion that was almost foreign to her. Their warmth enveloped her without being overbearing, and she found solace in the genuine care that surrounded her. It was a stark contrast to the kind of love she had experienced in the gloomy estate.
As she sat at the breakfast table, her stomach twisted a bit. The contrast between the meals here and those at the vampire’s estate brought forth a mix of emotions. Dorian's way of caring, though vastly different and at times unsettling, lingered in her thoughts. In a strange, messed-up way, she found herself longing for it even in the midst of this newfound haven.
Her mind wandered to memories of hands brushing through her hair, the warmth of a kiss on her forehead, or the sensation of a hand holding her wrist with a vice-like, firm grip. These were nothing but fragments of the past, haunting her in the present. These were nothing but phantom touches, feelings that would most likely disappear eventually. For now, however, they felt comforting ; like she wasn't alone and he wouldn't leave. It was a thought that both terrified her and brought her a form of solace.
Was it normal to long for someone who had caused her so much pain? The question lingered, only troubling her more,
Five days.
Only five days and she already missed that place; her lavish prison. He must have done something to her, must have messed her up somehow, causing this inner turmoil to brew within her.
She flinched visibly, the sudden touch triggering an instinctive reaction that she couldn't control. The hand that had innocently rested on hers quickly retreated at her adverse response. Sister Gloria, with a heart full of concern, had a visibly worried expression on her face, having keenly observed the gloom that had settled over (Y/n). The girl gave her a strained smile, not knowing what else to do. The woman's expression softened slightly, but the creases of worry on her forehead remained.
After the meal, once she finished helping them clean up the place, Sister Glaria requested her help in feeding Pepper, the horse that had aided in her escape. While the nunnery didn't have a stable, they had set up a small temporary cabin to ensure the horse was well taken care of.
The girl readily agreed and followed Sister Gloria to the makeshift stable. As they entered, the familiar presence of Pepper greeted them, the horse's gentle eyes reflecting a sense of trust that had been forged during their shared journey through the forest.
(Y/n) petted the horse affectionately, expressing her gratitude for Pepper's assistance. The revelation that horses could be trained to navigate an entire trip on their own had been surprising to her. The journey through the dense forest had been long, and she hadn't arrived until the sun had set. It hadn’t been a linear path either, Pepper had trudged through the plants and trees masterfully, turning left or right at different points until they finally reached their destination.
"What is her name?" asked Sister Gloria with a soft smile, her curiosity evident. It was then that (Y/n) realized she had never shared the name of the mare with those at the nunnery.
Caught off guard, she blushed in embarrassment, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. "Pepper."
The nun's eyebrows rose in recognition, a light of realization in her eyes. "Oh, that must be why she looks so familiar."
(Y/n) furrowed her brows in confusion. "She does?"
"A brunette with long hair. He took strolls around here for the last month, practically every day, with the same precise path, and occasionally came to talk to us. That’s how we learned this mare’s name."
As the nun spoke, (Y/n)'s mind raced, trying to piece together the information. A gentleman with a familiar routine, someone who had taken the time to introduce Pepper to the nunnery. She smiled faintly; Killian.
The woman paused for an instant and placed a hand on her mouth. "Oh dear, he hasn't come here recently... Is he— was he... your father ?" 
The nun jumped to the unlikely and wrong conclusion that Killian could be her dead father, but (Y/n) shut that down quickly. She shook her head, "No, an... acquaintance. Someone that helped." Misunderstandings were quick to happen when she wasn’t telling them the whole truth, but she thought it was better that way. 
Sister Goria sighed in relief. There was a moment of silence as she fed a carrot to Pepper.
"Sister Gloria, what is going to happen to me now?" (Y/n) finally asked a question she dreaded the answer to.
The woman remained silent for sometime, before saying, "Word of mouth has already begun to circle around. Local villages have been informed. We will find a place for you. Maybe in an orphanage or a benevolent family."
Dread took hold of (Y/n). She didn't like the sound of those options, neither an orphanage nor being placed with a family she didn't know. However, the nun offered an alternative, a glimmer of hope in the form of staying here.
"But, you could also stay here if you wish to," she added with a warm smile. "We would love to have a young girl around here to liven up the mood. I am sure nobody would mind."
The idea of being part of a community that had shown her kindness and understanding felt less daunting. She mused at the possibility, imagining herself contributing to the lighthearted atmosphere she had grown to appreciate.
"You don't have to decide now," assured the nun.
That struck her in an odd way. 'You don't have to decide now'. She had a choice, didn't she? The realization sent butterflies fluttering in her stomach, a mixture of anxiety and anticipation.
"I like that," she managed to say, her voice cracking slightly, "I like that very much."
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psychicwavementality · 2 months
※ Ch149 WBK spoilers/leaks, endosaku/endochika talk. +my nickname for chika is chiitan btw
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Can't believe edsk neg diffed every sakura cp in 4 pages what the fukk
This is really fun for me to interpret...! in my view, i think that endo equates love to full-blown attention and bloodlust. since sakura is known to lock in on his opponents which was painted as a flaw (im unsure when, around keel arc was it? i rmb he realized he had to protect everyone and not just charge in by himself), this very flaw unfortunately pulled endo in
Like, endo practically spent less than 2 hours??? Face to face with sakura???? And then he's already calling him a man he "values from the bottom of his heart" before acknowledging he can never have the things he truly loves (chiitan and sakura standing side by side, and we already know his feelings for the former are Not merely platonic)
If chiitan is an unobtainable god of worship in a higher plane for endo, i suppose sakura would be the human embodiment of said god... and chiitan never gave endo the attention he categorized as love, but endo still fell first after seeing his bloodlust (the other part of his love)
When endo sees sakura with the same bloodlust, this time directed at him with full attention, he realizes for the first time in his life that he also wants to be desired by the person he's taken an interest in; i believe this was repressed after all those years with chiitan. even tho he was satisfied chasing after and worshipping chiitan, he was never truly happy because those pair of eyes would never look the same way as sakura had looked at him, with the same intense fervor.
Yet endo can't have both of them, his feelings will never be mutual. Sakura's whole spiel in the beginning was how he could never meet another person's eyes, but everyone (with "everyone" being the things sakura loves—the people who care for him) was looking at him—and now endo, who never had the eyes of the thing(s) he loves looking at him, experiences it for the first time, and sakura's gaze is trained fully on him. he's looking his way for the first time in his life, but at the same time, what endo wants will never be reciprocated. I think it's ... wow! Wow u make me HOME A PHONIC
Fucking hell this disaster gayfailure makes me insane. I am homophobic now. I hate him /lh
Edit: me and my friend talked a bit...
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I like how the image of endo embracing chiitan is religiously inclined (the title, the pose, the robes, the painting). It's the beginning of the chapter, the largest image. It's clearly depicting worship. Whereas sakura's one is in the middle of a chapter. It's mundane, it's human, it's something fleeting yet all-encompassing, a potential pedestal of worship and idolization. Endo's in normal clothes sitting in front of Sakura's bust. There could potentially be more people around him but the spotlight right now is on sakura, his attention has narrowed down to him and him only
I like how Sakura is also a bust and not a painting... he's more 3 dimensional, perhaps more nuanced even, more developed; he's observable from multiple angles and his features are more defined. But chiitan's a painting—and it kind of fits since we don't know much about him at all. We've only heard of him from tales and other potentially skewed perspectives like how religious paintings depict religious figures
My friend mentioned, Sakura being a bust on a mount could be because endo can topple it down and break him, similar to the panel how a sakura twig can be snapped. Paintings are meant to be hung and admired from afar.
Another friend of mine pointed out that the kanji for chiitan's name contains 焱, while the kanji for endo's has 棪. 木 = wood and 火 = fire... It's like he's firewood as fuel for chiitan's inferno, but at the same time, endo's hurting himself and turning into cinders
Fire (chiitan) is beautiful when admired but painful to touch, but endo's been shown to worship and grasp at it even if it almost kills him.
But Endo uses words like "submerge" and "bathe" when it comes to sakura... he's like water if chiitan is fire. I don't know about the JP originals but endo does mention feeling "joy" upon meeting chiitan (a brief spark) and sakura brings "happiness" (a more prolonged thing) if eng TLs are accurate
What I'm saying is... if chiitan is truly symbolized in the painting and endo is searing himself away through worship—i'd dare say that the best way to destroy a painting, too, is to burn it.
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johns-prince · 8 months
John was prone to extremes in thinking, feeling, and doing. Either you did or you didn't. Yes or no. You're with him on it 110% or you're out.
Paul wasn't, still isn't. I've always got the impression Paul is much more willing to compromise, especially if it meant he'd be getting his cake and eating it too. Which... Might be it's own extreme.
This isn't to say this is strict; Paul could be stubborn and uncompromising, and John could be much more willing and easy in making truces, if it still benefitted him. Two sides of the same coin, push and pull. There's always nuance.
I only think, Paul's much more particular about believing he can have what he wants, what he needs, without having to make any major compromise. As long as he can have his cake and eat it too.
This is part of what I think put an extra strain between him and John.
I've always believed John is the exception to Paul's sexuality. Paul does love women, he's only ever shown explicit attraction towards women. The only noticeable, explicit exception to this has been John.
What John means to Paul, and vice versa, has always been complex and indefinable. Their relationship is a spectrum of best friends, partners/collaborators, brothers, lovers, rivals, allies, husband and wife, divorcees, widowers, etc etc and the whole thing goes around and around. Subconsciously and consciously.
I think Paul was attracted to John, personally and physically. John was a force, and he came from a higher class, and he was very intelligent and very talented, despite being very lazy and quick to becoming bored. Paul seems to have a fondness for recalling John's hands, how he stood when playing, his nose.
Paul likened creating music to that of sex and orgies, though if done with the right person. John was that person. He'd been that person for Paul since he was a teenager, and for ten years, and then a haunting muse and inspiration years after.
Whether they were ever sexually intimate together, honestly, we'll never really know. There's very interesting, eye-brow raising, side-eyeing moments and interactions between them that suggests something happened (looking at you India)
What I do know is that Paul and John were a very, very strong partnership. Their chemistry was obvious, watching them work together was always fascinating to outsiders. Attached at the hip, Siamese twins. They did in fact love and care for each other.
To what extent this love went, maybe or maybe not the physical realm, but it surpassed the normal bounds of platonic and familial.
I just think, it would've been kind of delusional of Paul to think, he could have John, his soulmate, collaborator, and best friend, making music and other artistic ventures together; and, get to have his wife, along with kids, too.
Not when these two would describe their relationship akin to marriage, girlfriends and boyfriends, fiances, their creating music like an act of sex.
Why it worked with John having a wife, Cynthia, is because in all honestly, she wasn't a threat. She didn't threaten the Beatles, and she really didn't threaten Paul's relationship with John.
Why it wasn't working with Linda, and why it most certainly didn't work with Yoko, is because both women posed a threat to, maybe not exactly the Beatles as a band as they did to the relationship that was Lennon-McCartney. They were serious, the real deal, because they were much more involved (intentionally or not)
Linda could provide to Paul what he, apparently, couldn't get from John, their partnership.
Yoko was willing to give to John what he yearned for, that Cynthia apparently couldn't give, and that Paul might've refused to give, or in John's mind, rejected him.
But you have Paul wanting both his cake and to eat it too and you know what, I'd probably be frustrated too, if I was John, and if John really did hold deeper feelings for his partner and closest friend.
No one is owed anyone's feelings of affection, but I have to speculate how exactly it went, between Paul and John, when the whole group was coming up to crossroads and what decisions made there would determine what happened next.
Paul picking Linda, marrying her, probably felt like an affront to John, by how he acted and behaved. The fear of no longer being the Most Important Person in Paul's Life. Paul didn't love him like John wanted him too.
But Paul did, of course, he was heartbreakingly obvious of how he felt towards John during Get Back, and his attitude towards Yoko.
Paul probably found it very rational that he could have his wife (sexual partner) and have John (his... Pseudo sexual partner? Creative partner) and it'd be just fine and dandy. But that's only true if their relationship was a normal one to begin with, if their friendship was a rationally reasonable one.
John was always possessive over Paul, whether it be with new friends (Tara Browne) or all his little girlfriends. He never liked them, John and Jane were known for disliking each other outright. John wanted to do everything with Paul, like LSD. John didn't share his people, he just didn't.
He chose Paul, made the conscious decision to do so, and up until the end, he believed Paul chose him too.
Paul did, he very much did, but I think maybe he overestimated just how dependent John was of him, and just how insecure he was in the love that Paul had for him.
Though perhaps the same could be said about Paul, because once John made it obvious that Yoko was now his everything, his New Creative ""Soulmate'', Paul nearly broke in half. Can no longer rationalize the "have my cake and eat it too" as John was not willing to compartmentalize his relationships and feelings to two different people, like Paul was. That's just not him.
So Paul got none of him.
And I know this post is dragging on but, one more, super interesting thought.
John had a sexual attraction to both men and women. Okay. It's not like he couldn't just, go get his kicks with another man, if Paul wasn't biting, wasn't giving.
But their relationship was not that simple. Sexual intimacy was probably not all John wanted from Paul, if my theorizing is correct in the slightest. It was either the last step or last leap of them becoming everything to each other. John did put those he loved through tests of patient, loving resilience. Why wouldn't this be one? Not even just the sex but just, giving everything to each other knowingly, and without guards and blinders.
John made the conscious decision to love, and obsess, over Paul. He makes these decisions, just like he did with Yoko. He didn't have too. Paul really isn't the only beautiful, talented man in this world.
But to John, he was. No one compared, I guess. No one could replace Paul. That's love. Not just, physical attraction and the idea of satiating a curious sexual desire with your best friend.
On the other hand, Paul, in my opinion, really is set on women. John's just the exception, and he's always been his exception. Which is probably frightening to confront, at least back then, so I can't really blame him if he'd fumbled it with trying to compromise with whatever John might've wanted from him and their relationship. Or him even rejecting John, despite the fact.
What Linda said, "Paul is desperate to write with John... John is just desperate to write again." That sticks with me, because it's so THEM. It's what I've tried encapsulating in this post, which I've probably failed.
Paul and John could stand on their own two feet, outside of the Beatles, I'll agree. Very talented in their own rights.
But Paul wanted to write with John again, not just, some nobody. Desperate, he was desperate to be around John, and to bring back that (sexual) creative bond they once had. He's never been this deadset on another man he's worked with, he's never been desperate.
John wanted to write again. Thing is, John had made his choice, picking Yoko over Paul (for various reasons) just like he could, and did, pick her as his new wife/sexual partner, over Paul (in spite of Paul) but he couldn't ever let go of Paul. Clearly, from what we know, he never stopped thinking about Paul. It's known he wasn't getting from Yoko what he had gotten with Paul, though, in terms of creative partnership... And even general.
I believe he missed it just as bad as Paul did. He missed them.
Linda saw it, knew it, could probably feel it the few times Paul and John did get together. What Paul may have told her, revealed his true feelings about the band, about John, to her.
I can't really fault Paul or John from the course in life they chose, not really. I don't think either of them knew how to deal with what was going on between them, twin flames, soulmates. They dealt with it in different ways, two different extremes, which was part of why it all ended so bitterly and tragically like lovers falling out.
Paul couldn't have his cake and eat it too, not here. John couldn't get Paul fully, completely, totally, and because of that, Paul couldn't have any of John.
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kaziee2 · 10 months
A Day with Mama Nat
Summary: Natasha gets a new surprise with her day out with you Warning: None Pairs: [Wanda x Natasha] [mom!Wandanat x baby!reader] [platonic] Words: [1.7k] [Masterlist] [Chapt 1]
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It's been exactly 2-months since Natasha saved you from the Hydra facility and since her and Wanda have fully adopted you into the family. It was a rough start at first seeing that Natasha and Wanda didn’t even know how to care for an out-of-world baby. 
It seemed the first problem they had to face related to the newly adopted baby wasn’t even you being a handful, it was Tommy and Billy. Both of them were so happy to have another sibling, and upon learning that you weren’t human, they both fought one another for holding, playing, and trying to test out your cool abilities, they wanted their own time with you and grabbed you any chance they got. 
And those times meant hearing one of them always whining and the other snitching. 
“MAMA! Tommy took (Y/n) out in the backyard when you said not to!” Billy was known for being a snitch and betraying Tommy if it meant being able to play with you. Immediately Wanda called out for Tommy to get back inside.
And with his twin brother being scolded by Wanda, he took this opportunity to snag you and bring you upstairs to your room. With already getting used to this happening almost every other week. You just enjoyed being in any of their arms. 
The second problem that they encountered was the ever annoying bothersome S.H.I.E.L.D scientist. A nuisance they wished they could ignore, questions being asked, testing every ability they could find, prodding you every chance they get to look for any kind of violent reaction for as they call “research” purposes. 
One instance that made Wanda almost go Scarlet Witch on them was most definitely when they requested Fury to do a surgical dissection on you for them to study. They insisted that with more in-depth research they can learn what species you're from or planet/world you came from. And understand how your abilities work. 
Natasha had to physically hold Wanda back from literally pouncing on them, luckily Fury disagreed, he couldn’t fathom the thought of a baby (alien or not) to be treated like an object to study. And so S.H.I.E.L.D placed an agreement to conduct more thorough experiments when you are at an older age. Natasha and Wanda seemed apprehensive at first but soon relented if it meant you were not to be disturbed in your early years. 
They didn’t want your early memories with them always going to the doctors for “check ups”, they wanted you to live a normal life until you were ready to make your own choices. You were their baby, genetics be damned.
And now you’ve officially been with the Romanoffs-Maximoffs for 6-months and the family couldn’t be happier. 
Their lives seemed to have gotten brighter ever since you came along and the boys couldn’t be anymore happy to call you their sister. You spent day and night playing with them and just enjoying their company. 
Tommy loves when you would hold onto his back while he super speeds around the neighborhood, making sure you were hidden from any watchful eyes. 
Billy on the other hand loves to levitate you off the ground and make you fly around the house, he just loves to see you smile and laugh while thinking you were supergirl (who is your recent favorite after Tommy showed you his comic collections), always trying to pose like she would while she flies. 
Though recently Both boys had to go back to school and both of them couldn’t be any more sadder than you, when you couldn’t play with them as much as before since they spent half of the day in school and when coming back home, they would do their homework (with the exception of Tommy who skips it, to play with you), who is then forced to stop playing by Natasha. 
Now is another day and Natasha decides to bring you into the tower, since she can’t leave you alone in the house. It’s been at least an hour and you’ve been eerily quiet for a baby like you and to make sure you weren’t causing any trouble, she went out to check on you, only to find you… missing!? 
She bolts out of the room and starts calling out for you, “(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Where are you, honey?! Please come to mama,” 
Figuring you must’ve teleported your way out of the room since she didn’t notice you sneaking away. Now she was running around the compound main area like a mad-man trying to find you. She didn’t want to worry Wanda, she knew if she called her regarding you, she would instantly drop the mission she is currently on. 
“Sweetie, if you come out right now, I promise we can play your favorite game,” she hopes you actually don’t come out now, even when she was desperately trying to find you. She can’t handle another spontaneous game of millisecond teleports from you, which you define as “fun”. 
Not a second after her bidding request, she spotted you floating (?) near the ceiling. She looked around to see if this was Billy doing it, but it couldn’t be him, he was at school and wouldn’t be back for another hour. And now she feels terrified, not only would this mean you have another ability, it meant much worse– and not a second later does she see you floating away and going through THE GODDAMN WALL?! WHEN COULD YOU DO THAT?!!
Natasha feels undeniable dread come over her, only now realizing she lost you again! She bolts out of the room, practically pushing anyone in the way, she listens in to your cooing and giggling to follow where you’re floating about. 
“(Y/N)! Come to mama, honey, uhh..float to mama-…maybe? I know you can do it. You don’t want mommy to see you floating about do you? And you know mama definitely doesn’t want mommy to find out too!” Natasha desperately calls, she might have to sleep on the couch if Wanda sees the predicament she’s in. 
In a sad desperate attempt she calls you again, “You don’t want to see me sleeping on the couch do you?” but your giggles fade within the building walls, her ultimately losing you. It feels as though your giggles were evil– at least in her head it sounded evil. She stopped and slumped herself against the wall ‘Oh god! What am I going to do?! How am I going to find her?! OH WHAT IF SHE HURT HERSELF!!’ Natasha’s thoughts spiraled with scenarios. 
“Well isn’t this sad sestra(sister), you lost my favorite niece,” a teasing voice is heard.
Natasha looks to her left and sees Yelena, her annoying (loveable) sister staring down at her with a sly smile, “what do you want? Can’t you see I’m wallowing in pain right now,” Natasha grumbles pulling her knees to her chest. 
Yelena doesn’t say anything but stares into the hallway, whistling like she would call Fanny. Natasha recognizes it and chastises her, chastising her about how you are not a dog to be just called like that. Soon enough though, Natasha hears your giggling and cooing, she sees you floating towards her, she reaches her arms out ready to cradle you in her arms– until you completely went past her and landed on Yelena’s arms. You coo and grab her hair playing with it. 
Natasha stares at her sister –completely baffled by what just happened– but she couldn’t stay shocked forever, in that moment, she stood and plucked you out of Yelena’s arms faster than the speed of flight. Checking you over, making sure that you weren’t hurt anywhere while at the same time happy tears were cascading down her cheeks. 
“Oh my sweet baby, don't you ever do that again,” your mama scolded you softly, but even then you continued to coo and babble at her occasionally grabbing her hair and tugging at it (to which she grunts but smiles anyway), not really aware of what was going on, you were just happy to be with your mama. 
Natasha continues to envelope you in her loving embrace, giving butterfly kisses and hugging you ever so delicately (even though she knows you can massacre the whole team). She adjusts you cradling you in her arms, ready to put you back in her office, “We don’t want mommy to find out that I lost you alright? And you definitely don’t want mama sleeping on the couch,” she says in a baby voice, not realizing that Yelena had slipped away when she noticed a second shadow coming up behind her sister. 
“What don’t we want mommy from finding out, hm?”
“Eep!” Natasha squeaks, terrified of looking behind her. 
“Natalia? What don’t you want me to find out?” a sharp edge to her voice, very much a contrast from her usual sweet loving voice. 
‘Oh shit first name basis, she’s dead’, “You will be dead if you don’t start facing me!” tapping one foot impatiently.
Natasha finally finds the courage to turn around to face her wife, you still continue to babble not minding the shift in the atmosphere, “My sweet love, Wanda, you’ve returned from the mission, how are you?” she tries to ease her fuming wife (feeling sweaty from how nervous she is), “Would have been doing fine, if I didn’t hear from Stark about a floating baby,” Wanda glares daggers at her, “you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you?” she raises her eyebrow. 
Natasha thinks of trying to play like a fool, but she knows she'll never get away with it, “A floating baby? Hmm…not that I know of.” she’s dead, why did she still bother trying. 
Wanda looked at her incredulously and before she knew it, you were out of her arms and into her wife’s; she then walked away. She couldn’t tell if she got away with it or not, but on the look on Wanda’s face it seemed maybe she got a pass. So she walked up beside her, silently following her home.
It was not alright, coming home and getting ready for bed, she thought it was fine, but… it wasn’t the moment she tried to get into bed, Wanda told her to sleep on the couch before kissing her goodnight and closing the bedroom door…with her outside of the bedroom…
Tags: @leftbailiffpeachkid @fayhar @
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