#that remains the same lel
knightyoomyoui · 2 years
NaMoChaeng (Nayeon, Momo, & Chaeyoung) x M Reader- “Hello”
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Happy 22K reads! Another new type of one-shot has made its debut in Set 4! Unlike all the previous TWICE member x Reader works including my OT9 TWICE x Reader series, this one will be different because it features multiple members but in units or duos/ships still alongside with you as the reader.
Btw, hope you all enjoy however I think this is just the same ugly story again made by your boy, Knight lels.
---------- START ----------
"Let me repeat your orders again ma'am, for double-check," you said, looking at the notepad in your palm, your other hand holding the ballpen you just used to write down all of the customer's orders. "Two chimaek and a large bowl of jjangmyeon. All good, maam?"
"Yes," said the lady customer, who was seated with three other individuals at the table.
"Okay, just wait patiently for your orders to be served later, maam," you bowed respectfully as they said "thank you" for your service.
You went over the counter and passed the note to your coworker, the restaurant's cashier, to inform her of the newly taken order.
"Order from Table 36 there," you said, pointing to the table you had just approached.
"Here, take this next to-" your coworker was about to finish what she was about to say when she froze in her place and stared into the distance with the rest.
You were perplexed as to what had happened to her while you waited for the cashier to finish her remaining words.
"Uhh hey, you still there?" you clicked your fingers in an attempt to reawaken her senses, but it was unnecessary when she responded immediately after you spoke again.
"Where will I bring-"
"SSSHHHH!!!," she warned, gesturing you to be silent which effectively closing your lips with a mix of confusion and intimidation.
"Why, what-"
You turned around to see why she was still staring at the glass door behind him. As you did so, you realized what had made your coworker, as well as everyone else in the restaurant, silent and halt at their movements.
There are 3 women who just entered the restaurant from being assisted by the guards through opening the door for them quickly.
Based from what you can see, they are all looking very fabulous and eye-catching, even their outfits matches them all with the same color,  style and design of clothing.
Every step they make felt like they are moving slower and slower the more they approach closer towards you as they make their way inside.
And when they did, you noticed that this woman with long black hair added with blonde highlights smirked as she got a glance of you before looking away and searched for seats for theirselves as the other 2 women follows her from behind and also looked briefly at you too.
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"C-Chaewon?", you called the name of your closest fellow waiter who just appeared beside you in the edge of the counter.
Your eyes are still watching the back of these three ladies who snatched the "RESERVED" sign at the top of the table and thrown it away on the floor. They all began to sit as they pulled their own respective chairs.
"Who are they?", your eyes remained focused on the girls who are now located their own spot. The janitor just picked the RESERVED sign on the floor and returned it back to our manager.
You didn't quite understand how weren't they affected much by it that they just stole someone's other bought position in the restaurant yet everyone around here seems to be unbothered for what they did.
Chaewon looked at you as she clunched her forehead and look at you with a little shock. "Wait, you don't know th-", her mouth then formed an "o" in realization as she remembered something right away. "Oh, I forgot you're just new to this place right?"
You simply nodded and apologetically gritted your teeth as you took it like its your fault. "Sorry."
"It's fine.", Chaewon assured, pushing her knuckled playfully right at your right shoulder.
You just moved to another city from Gangnam to Seocho still being part of Seoul, the capital of South Korea because the life you're living in there keeps on getting worse as you became desperate to successfully find a job that will help yourself survive everyday with your own daily needs after being financially troubled.
The rent owner of your previous apartment had you got kicked out of her place, thus leading you to sleep on the streets until you decided to try moving to another city for starting a new, much better life that will save you asay from worries and stress regarding financial issues.
Sometimes it got you thinking, wouldn't you end up in this current scenario if your parents didn't die on that fire accident occured in the public market they once had their fish selling business there?
After many attempts and maintaining yourself to stay positive and never give up on searching for a job position, you finally got employed as a waiter in a fast food chain.
Your performance so far during all these months since you got hired was pretty average, the same with the salary you're getting but enough to make you satisfy because you aren't the type of person who complains and gets ungrateful with what he receives.
"Well, those three ladies are the mayor's daughters, and they're also the richest people in our community," Chaewon said, explaining how well-known these people are among Seocho residents and what distinguishes them from the others.
"Everyone pays respect for them because of everything they've done here, and for sure we don't want to mess with them.", she continued as both of you are now secretly looking sideways at the three girls who are now having their orders taken by one of their  fellow waiters.
Chaewon narrowed her space between you and her and leaned her head aside closer to you as she covered her face while whispering to you. "I heard a rumor that a guy went missing for half a year now because he threw a stone at the mayor's car.",
You looked at her, dumbfounded written all over your face. "Oh... wow... really?", she nodded in confirmation. "Well, that's terrifying.", you shook your body from the goosebumps.
"I just noticed, they never visited here before unlike today so it kinda shocks me a bit that they chose to eat here since they're you know, expensive.", she Chaewon shrugged her shoulders.
"I mean, maybe they wanted to try it out here?", you guessed.
"You may be right.", she took your point well. She moves away her back from being pressed at the cold marble counter and grabbed her freshly cooked order in a tray brought by the staff. "Oh, well we should just continue and do our work well to avoid getting scolded by them now. Just act normally, okay?", she patted your shoulder and you nodded in response.
You resumed on serving other customers, going through their tablrs and courteously greeting them before receiving their preferred orders.
Little did you know that while you're busy on your duty, the three ladies kept on watching your moves everywhere as you do your own thing around the restaurant.
"God I'm so hungry. There's mac and cheese at the fridge though but... I never tasted real food for weeks now.", you mumbled to yourself, caressing your stomach when exactly at the same time it growled in hunger while walking at the sidewalk.
You are on your way back to your  rented home after your shift ended, resturant closed and seperating ways with Chaewon.
You unexpectedly bumped into several gangsters who had just gone out after loitering around their spot as you were going to pass through an alley in the neighborhood, which caught their attention.
"Yo, asshole, watch where you're going!" he said after catching his deliquent friend who got pushed away from colliding with your body.
"I- I'm sorry I didn't notice you guys come out," you hastily apologized after sensing their annoyance at your presence.
You realized this wasn't going to end well, so you jumped at the chance to get out of this risky situation. "Please excuse me, but I have to g-go home."
You could only take one step before the gangster blocked your path, preventing you from completing your walk. You came to a halt once more as you noticed the other three thugs begin to circle you and had you all encircled.
"Woah woah hold on there, we aren't done yet," the gangster who appears to be the leader of their group said as he grabbed your sleeve and squeezed it along with your shoulder, fingers buried down to your skin that's enough to leave some bruises.
You stayed still, but your body shivered with terror. "Stay precisely where you are, just for a minute, okay?"
"Look at him, don't wet your pants boy," gang #1 said as he catched your scared face and trembling body from their intimidating and merciless agenda they're putting up against you.
"Please... I don't mean no trouble," you began to beg as you still stood up with your own argument that you didn't meant to raise a commotion with them.
"Yeah, I know you do... as long as you give us all the money you're keeping there in your pretty wallet," gang #2 said, looking at the bulging pocket of your pants in the form of your wallet inside.
"B-but... it's all I have left, and I need this-"
"Well, we need it more now! You will give it, or... we will take it from you in a hard way and make you regret dealing with us." He then grabbed your collar and crumpled it, pulling your body forward towards him and speaking very closely to your face, the smell of alcohol and cigarette is present at this guy.
"No, please let me go, this is all I have left," you said.
"Too stubborn, aren't we?"
"Goddamnit, you know what? Let's kick his ass," gang #1 grumbled irritatingly. it didn't take long for them to interpret it as a demand w hen gang #3 kneed your midsection, bending your body in agony from the impact,
They started attacking you, violently kicking and punching all over your body until they were interrupted by a loud car horn.
They stared eagerly to see where the light originated from because it was so bright and it was getting noisier too.
A roofless pink Lamborghini with three hot women seated in a sassy style along to the hip-hop music they're playing aloud in the background was slowly coming through the white smoke streaming around, being exposed with the postlights of a very silent street.
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They ran outside and stood in front of the automobile, confronting the three thugs to avoid them from nearly killing you.
"Hello," says the well-built lady standing in the center.
"Well... well... well... look what we have here," thug #1 said, extending his arms in awe. "If it isn't us being so lucky tonight. What are you three fine looking girls doing here and slacking off in the middle of the night?"
"We run up this city ya'll, that's why," she said confidently. This is the same girl who smirked at you previously since she has long hair with blonde highlights.
"So let him go, we'll take care of him ourselves," her sibling with brown long wavy hair standing on her right spoke next.
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"I know who you are, Miss Hot Stuff, but you must stop meddling with our business here; not everything is about you three," gangster #2 said, chuckling with his friends as he pointed to his back, where your weakened body laying down on the road. "We've got this just fine."
"Really? Then show us."
"Excuse me?" he said, his brow furrowed in complexion.
"From what we saw a few minutes ago, your hits appear to be far less painful than what we can give," remarked the woman with long wavy black hair standing on the left side with her sisters, the smallest of the three.
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"Oh, you want to put us to the test?" ooohed gangster #3 with interest. "I'm sorry, sweetheart; as much as I want to avoid ruining your lovely faces and... hell... even to enjoy your delici-"
The brown haired lady launched a side kick right to his midsection, causing his body to shift backwards, preventing gang #1 from finishing what he was about to say while looking at her with lustful eyes.
"Keep your dirty words away from us.", she hissed at them as a warning.
"So, anyone want to try?" said the woman with black and blonde highlights on her hair, issuing an open challenge to these gangsters.
They all agreed as they tried to assault them. The small woman rolled back and snatched their baton inside the car while her two sisters easily fought off the three gangsters with their impressive fighting skills until she butted in and began whacking one of the gangsters' hand with her baton as he was about to shoot her blonde haired sister with a gun.
"Run while you can, but you'll never escape us," the blonde streak lady yelled into the distance, as the three progressively faded out of sight as they ran longer.
"They'll still be destroyed," the brown haired woman replied solemnly while pounding and clutching the baton with her hand and palm.
"You got a trace of their faces, right unnie?" the smallest of their group asked.
"Of course, little cub. No need to ask that question," she replied smugly, earning only an eyeroll and a playful pretend of being super done over her sister's prideful attitude for her photographic memory gift from the gods.
The two then walked to approach their sister and the girl you first encountered kneeling in front of your unconscious body. They saw some bruises and a bit of blood splattered in your face and staining your uniform.
"Girls, he's down.", she said to her two siblings and they all exchanged similar nod of head as a part of the signal on what should they do next for you.
You woke up in an unfamiliar room as you heard an alarmed loudly rang to do its purpose.
Slowly rubbling your eyes and releasing a last heavy yawn, you looked around and noticed that some of the parts of your body like the face, arms, midsection and legs were covered in bandage and gauze. You were checking all the things inside and just as when you returned back at the medium-sized comfy bed, a maid appeared on the door.
"Good morning, it seems you're now awake, sir.", the middle-aged looking maid greeted you with her hands clasped at each other.
"Uhh good morning. Where am I?", you asked while stretching your body.
"Come downstairs, seek the answer by yourself. They want to see you anyways, sir.", the maid only answered like that and left the front of the room you are in.
"Who's we?", you muttered to himself. You went out of the bedroom and followed what the maid says.
As you reached the ground floor, what surrounds you took you out in awe. The place definitely looks like a magnificent and shimmering interior of a huge mansion.
"This way, sir.", he followed the maid from behind asthey walked througg outside of what it seems like a wide garden with a fountain can be seen in the middle and some mini maze along with bunch of flowers arranged perfectly.
He roamed his gaze around until he saw something that got him very nervous and shy to respond.
"Oh my god... why are they here- W-wait, am I in their... oh no.", you panickedly asked yourself inside your mind.
"You can now go-"
"S-sorry lady, but where is the entrance door here?" you said hesitantly, turning your body over. The maid merely looked at you befuddled, as to why you appear so afraid of her bosses, "I c-can't-..."
"Just don't, YN. We know what you're trying to do." said a feminine voice next to you. You sighed and closed your eyes, preparing to meet them again, but this time... You'll have to do it alone.
You slowly rotated your body around and walked towards the three women you first saw yesterday, who were sitting in metal chairs with various foods on top of their rounded shaped table.
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"We just want you to join us for breakfast, relax," said the woman, who, if you're not mistaken, gave you that intriguing smirk before heading her way to their dining spot.
"And we hate repeating ourselves, so mind if you don't piss us off early in the morning, would ya?" the small girl said as her demeanor and tone imbued with angst. You took a deep breath in response to what she had just said.
"O-okay... I'm sorry," you said, nodding your head. You took a step closer to them and only stood alongside them when the brown haired woman denied the notion of you remaining like that for the rest of the conversation.
"No need for that, come here and sit with us," she said, motioning you to follow and sit very close to these ladies.
"Don't be scared, okay, we won't bite... unless you like," said the woman who gave you the same exact smirk last night as she noticed you getting tense just being around them. She laughed as your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as you caught the lip bite she performed after her joke.
"Momo-unnie, will you be grateful? There's food in front of you," said the girl with a mole beneath her small red lips as she sliced the croissant bread in her plate.
"You act like you don't know me well, little cub. I always crave for more and more especially if I found it... delicious.",  this woman who keeps teasing you which you learned that her name is Momo based from what her sister called her traced you with by her eyes up and down. A blush crept up on your cheeks after hearing what she just said.
"Stop it, you two.",the brown bunny looking girl warned her chaotic and playful sisters. "Anyways. You must be wondering where the hell you are today.", she continued talking without looking at you as her eyes still focused on her meal. "You're in our property and no you didn't trespassed."
"We're the ones who took you here.", the small girl followed up.
"And you must thank us for that, we saved your ass from being squashed out there last night," Momo said, explaining why you ended up in here after having no idea what happened after the beating you received from those gangsters.
It also makes sense now why you got treated and thus preserving the stinging pain from the affected areas of your body to prevent hurting you further.
If it weren't for them, you may have been left as a dead body laying down the street when your breath degraded from the number of strikes you received. You owe them your life.
"T-Thank you, Miss..."
"Nayeon, Im Nayeon.", the brown haired bunny finally introduces herself by revealing her name.  "I forgot we haven't got to introduce ourselves, our apologies."
"Hirai Momo," you already knew her name, but you were relieved to learn that you now also knew her full name, which was somewhat... distinctive and unmistakably non-Korean You predicted that Momo might be of a different nationality based on her appearance, accent, and name.
"Son Chaeyoung," the third sister and, it appears, the youngest, also shared her given name.
"We all may have different surnames, but that's just their way of bringing on the name of their bloodline after they were abandoned due to some... unfortunate events," Nayeon clarified to alleviate any confusion that may have emerged after hearing why they don't share the same surname despite them being siblings. They don't appear to have husbands yet, so that possibility was ruled out.
"And my family took them both to make us be as one. A little unfair, what's your name then, pretty boy?", Nayeon gave you the freedom to also introduce yourselves just like what they did.
"Y/N. L/N Y/N."
"Cute name. Now I know what I'll be moan-"
Chaeyoung dropped her fork and spoon to her plate, causing it to create a loud glass banging sound. "UNNIE!", she aggressively scolded her older sister although that wasn't her mostly rights to do so. Your eyes widened when you heard that suspicious word from Nayeon.
" Aish, zip it cub. As if you don't think the same way.", Momo rolled her eyes out and cross her arms below her chest.
Chaeyoung's face flared with some heat of guilt and embarassment as she caught with that. "D-damn you, unnie."
Nayeon returned to being serious as she engaged you more in conversation about some specific topic regarding the reason for being an outsider who doesn't belong at all in this kind of place. "Anyway, when we first saw you back at the restaurant... you seemed fascinating, and we thought of a plan to have you because we all have the same views," she began to explain. "Of course, it worked because..."
"We always get what we want," Momo boasted with a smug grin on her face. "We kept our eyes on you till we eventually decided to come back and locate you, and there you go. We spotted you there getting targeted by those scums, and we just lured them away," she added, amazed that they not only saved you but also made those gangsters threaten them.
"Mind if we ask, how's your job? Do you like it?" Chaeyoung queried as she sipped her hot tea.
"Honestly speaking, I do not. Things would turn out different if only my boss gets to be fair and treat us properly.", you said with a disappointing tone before you finally get your hands in your utensils to help yourself eat your own breakfast that was made exclusively for you.
"What does your boss do to you and your fellow employees?"
"Well he mostly give us overtime, scolds us that much, hell he doesn't even value our hardwork well and only gives us such small amount of salary. He's simply bad, if I must say.", you described as those moments replayed back inside your head.
"Alright then, let's go to my next question if that so.", Chaeyoung said, looking at you intently. "What if we tell you we got something to offer for you."
"W-what is it, Miss Chaeyoung?", you stuttered, curious as to what is it they have reserved for you.
"We want you become our companion. Pure basics, that's all.", Nayeon said.
"W-wait... what does this mean?"
"It means you'll stay with us and keep us company; let's say that's also your job," Momo clarified.
"We'd also want to meet some new friends to... get together with, where we could invite for some fun too," Chaeyoung added, snickering at the last words since she knew she purposely made it double-meaning, but luckily you didn't get it totally as naivety seized control of you.
"And we tell you that once you say yes, you won't regret it. As long as you convince us that you're worth it. We are always loyal to our words."
"About the salary also, leave it to us. It's way better than what your boss can give you. You want to get satisfied, so as we and both of us can get what we want. Win-win situation.", Momo assured you.
"So, what do you say?"
"O-ofcourse, yes! I'll take it.", you immediately accepted their offer, stopping from eating to state your answer at these ladies who were anticipating to hear it from you. "I need it so bad to survive and pay all my debts please."
"I knew it would be that easy," Nayeon said casually, leaning back in her chair, relieved and pleased with your decision. She shared a smile with her step-sisters, who were feeling the same way she was. "Your duty begins as soon as you are fully recovered; for the time being, take a break, and we'll keep you in our care."
You quickly stood up and bowed your head in gratitude and appreciation for their assistance.
As of now, you can consider yourself lucky because you never imagined that from what these kind-hearted people saw and heard about your situation and how you act in the eyes of everyone would prompt them to lend you the assistance you will undoubtedly require and are likely expecting you to use it wisely.
"Thank you again, Miss Nayeon, Miss Momo, and Miss Chaeyoung; I will do my best never to let you down."
As you bent your head in gratitude, smiling and tearing up in delight at their wonderful gesture of blessing, the three of them glanced at each other and sneered in triumph that they now have you in their possession.
They have kept their word weeks later. The girls were treating you well, providing you with food and proper clothing, as well as converting the guest room you used to sleep in when they brought you into their mansion into your own temporary large bedroom only for yourself and many more.
You also resigned to your workplace for good.
You reasoned that all of this was insufficient for a simple thank you. That's why you kept reminding yourself every day that you needed to do something in return for them to match the value of what they were giving you.
You're also gradually and steadily impressing the females with your abilities to correctly execute your position as their butler/ companion.
Still, not at all times during your stay with them were calm and peaceful. Sometimes you also got to endure all the scoldings then proceeded by a little teasing and seducing you receive from the girls which you quietly admit; you do found it intimidating yet sexy and alluring for him that had you perturbed and troubled by it.
Momo appearing behind YN who is cooking their dinner with her freshly new bathed body only covered in towel, Chaeyoung commanding to help her spread sunblock all over her body while wearing swimsuit and all of them teasing him while they're swimming in their pool.
"Hey, after this breakfast... would you join me to exercise?", she requested after swallowing a spoonful of java rice and bits of bacon from her plate. "Wait, have you already taken a bath?"
"Not yet, Miss.", you said, shaking your head. "Sure, why not Miss Nayeon. I could use it to wind up before starting my day."
Nayeon nodded and beamed a smile. "Good, we can sweat off before getting into shower...
... unless you wanna join me to save water?"
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You nearly got choked from drinking your orange juice after Nayeon said that. That didn't left unnoticed by Nayeon as she constantly laughed at your astounded reaction.
You became silent as you felt awkward, nervous and embarassed with your cheeks blushing intensely.
"Just kidding.", she cutely laughed and clapped her hand in amusement. She saw you slowly stood up from your seat, bring your empty plate with you to the kitchen just to release the uneasiness you felt being with her on the table.
"Hey wait for me then let's change after.", you just simply nodded as you have no more words to say for her next.
Now geared up with your workout attire, some simple sweatpants, clean gray t-shirt and your own mid-looking sneakers, you entered Nayeon's own gym and took the treadmill first while she went performing pilates.
And, yeah, you weren't safe enough from the teaseful bunny when it's very evident while you're running on the treadmill that she's purposefully bending her body with her curves all presented to you, especially her backdoor pointing straight at you and her head tilting with a menacing grin, causing you to only shake your head for mercy.
"What are you cooking at, YN?", you heard Momo asked from behind while you're focused cooking the food you chose for you and them to eat for tonight.
"Oh, uhh Miss Hirai tonight's dinner is-", you placed down the spatula at the container where you placed some ingredients a while ago and turned around.
Only to have your eyes met with the figure of Momo standing... with her body barely covered in white towel. Just as when your vision accidentally dropped to that cleavage peeking out from the fabric, you leaned your face away to avoid yourself get misunderstood as a pervert.
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"OH MY GOD.... S-SORRY, I DIDN'T KNOW Y-YOU'RE... FRESH OUT OF BATH...", you frantically apologized  but that only resulted with a giggle from her.
"You're cute, YN. Get used to it, you're living here with us now.", she said. You returned back from cooking, grabbing some bowl to place the food once it is done. "Maybe someday, you'll be seeing more than this.", your ears flared at the possible hidden meaning behind it.
"Can I see how's your cooking so far?", you sensed her walking closer to your side. Her scent was so refreshing and undeniably pleasant. An aroma of jasmine and lavender is present withing her.
She stood beside you and grabbed your shoulder randomly as she peeked at the overview of the meal and inspecting it closer, her chest kinda pressing against your arm as you tried to endure the awkwardness and uncomfiness you feel. You don’t know whether she’s doing this on purpose or not but even if you want to tell her about this, it may sound too weird so you have no other choice but to just let it be. She hummed in satisfaction from her judgement. "Looks delicious, can't wait taste you-", she elicited a soft yet seducing voice when she said that, gulping heavily at her attempt.
"Oops I meant the food.", she fakely realized her mistake, poking the tip of your nose.
Before she walked away, she leaned closer one more to you another ear. "But it wasn't a joke either.", she giggled. What she said caused you to get stunned and left blushing intensely at how daring this Japanese woman is.
"Call us if its ready now.", she reminded you before she went upstairs to go to her room and wear her new clothes.
"Y-yes, Miss Hirai."
"YN, come here.", Chaeyoung gestured at you to get near to her.
"Yes, Miss Son?", you asked as you stood beside her, both hands locked at back.
"Would you help me apply sunscreen to my body?", she asked after placing the magazine she's reading back at the table. She grabbed the bottle of sunscreen below her chair and gave it to you
"Do I have the permission, Miss?", you repeated for assurance nervously because you're knew you're about to go to touch her entire body to spread lotion all over it.
"If it's you, then yes.", Chaeyoung said, bouncing her head once. " You're free to touch and feel me anytime, boy.", she crept up a wide curve at one edge of her lips and once again, you had the same reaction to what Nayeon and Momo's teaseful words they have in her pockets.
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You took the bottle away from Chaeyoung's grip as she repositioned her posture on the folding beach chair, her front body pressed below and exposing her entire back and perfect sculptured body shape to you.
"Now hurry up and start."
Aside from these, you also found their cute and soft side that adds to the effectiveness that there is starting to grow some strange and deep feelings you're having from the girls.
For Nayeon, it started when you watched a movie together with her on her bedroom. Right when the movie rolled its credits, Nayeon fell asleep in your shoulder and her cute plump cheeks squished at your collarbone.
You stared at her adorable looks before helping her to lay down on the bed and make her sleep comfortable.
Next, for Momo, it began with some fundamental teachings to slowly learn how to battle and combat with your opponents effortlessly. She is your instructor because she is the most skilled in this zone, having won multiple jiu-jitsu, karate taekwondo, and other martial arts tournaments.
She demonstrates you how to trap someone on the ground so he couldn't dodge your attacks. With her posing as your opponent, you got her trapped in your arms just to set yourself up in an extremely uneasy and fluttering deep eye to eye contact. It allowed you to take some time to appreciate how much more stunning she is up close before breaking up the moment with a false cough and removing yourself on top of her.
And lastly on Chaeyoung, it started when you accompanied her to visit some vintage shops, fashion markets and even having a picnic with her.
You enjoyed it so much with her that even your admiration towards her increased because of how she's the most easiest one for you to get along with since your humor matches with her during your talk with her and not to mention, her own style and definition of beauty got you in awe.
However, this only makes you confused on knowing who is the first one responsible for making you become like this because you believe that you must only choose one of them.
On the other hand, you didn't know that due to your own personal attractive looks and kind personality too by treating the girls respectfully and with pure gentle, it add to the points of each one of them to fall in love with you at the same time.
It's been 3 months since you were assigned by the three sisters, right now you joined the girls outside to attend an occasion celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the foundation of their municipality of Seocho.
Standing at the same stage behind Lim Jihoon, the mayor of the city, Nayeon's beloved biological father and Momo and Chaeyoung's step-father who took the lead of the ceremony by delivering his speech to the citizens and the media.
"Today, as we commemorate and celebrate another historic milestone of our city with love and respect, let us not always forget every hardship, dedication and sacrifice that ouf forefathers has put into our municipality.", Mayor Lim spoke to the microphone, moving his head back and forth to watch the crowd in front of him attentively listening to his speech.
"From what I can see for the future of our city as long as we'll stay committed and love what we're doing, I believe our city could improve more as time progresses. Thank you and once again, Happy 70th Anniversary to Seocho!", everyone clapped their hands as he finished.
As he bowed after placing down his microphone and stepped away from the podium, you quickly saw someone from the crowd just standing at the first row from the left pulling out his knife.
He stood from his seat and rushed through the stage, not tsking even the staircase at the side just to charge through the Mayor.
"MAYOR LIM!", the suspect got near to the Mayor and the knife was buried down to the flesh. As he slowly gets up from his feet, he met a low blow and a smooth roundhouse kick coming from Momo herself, effectively knocking him out to the ground for the guards and other guests to arrest this stranger.
He may have successfully hurt someone, but he had no idea that he actually failed because the target was left unharmed.
Instead, it got you when you quickly tackled the Mayor aside but the blade of the knife hits your left stomach.
"A-are you okay, Mayor?", you asked Mayor Lim who is lying down beneath you.
" I-I am.", he nodded while breathing heavily. He felt something wet was dripping to his hand. As he take a look at it, he was taken aback that it was actually blood coming out of your wounded stomach.
"Hey, wait... y-you're bleeding.", just as when the Mayor shouted including the girls to ask for emergency, you collapsed beside him and fell unconscious on the stage.
You slowly opened your eyes and met by a strong struck of bright white lighting from the ceiling.
Recovering your vision from blurry back to normal, you felt your left arm hravy as if a weight was compressing it. Looking below you, it was Momo's head laid on your arm as she sounded asleep.
You also saw Chaeyoung sleeping on the couch and there's Nayeon whose legs are being used by the younger as a pillow while sitting and typing focusedly on her phone.
You cleared your throat as you prepared to speak to grab the other awake person in the room. "N-Nayeon."
She heard it quickly, dragging down her phone away as she slightly raised her sight to see you now fully awake. Her eyes largened and immediately shook Chaeyoung's sleeping body followed by Momo.
" YN!", they all shouted your name simultaneously. Momo hugged you right away while Nayeon and Chaeyoung rushed to your other side.
"Finally you're awake.", Nayeon said as she patted your leg.
"How are you feeling?", Momo asked.
"We got so worried about you.", Chaeyoung said.
"Wait wait, girls please calm down.", you calmed them down to ease theirselves from rapid firing the questions they want to ask regarding your condition worriedly. "I'm fine... it's just my stomach... kinda stings a little.", you winced as another finger-pinch like level of pain just irritatingly appeared.
"That was such a crazy idea what you did back there earlier.", Momo said, slapping your arm gently in a slight frustration before her lips went formed into a frown afterwards. " You took the stab instead of my father who was suppose to receive it."
"But... we would like to thank you so much for saving our father, YN.", Nayeon said, warm smile in her face.
"He could've died after the speech but thanks to you, you selflessly risked yourself to protect our father.", Momo said.
"Not a problem at all. That's what I need to do, I can't let the girls I'm keeping company with to get emotional damaged if I just let and watch their own father die athough I knew something like it could happen which I can prevent with.", you humbly appreciated their pleasing remarks, softly smiling in return for them.
The door of your hospital room then opened, revealing Mayor Lim along with his two bodyguards carrying a basket of fruits and a paper bag.
"Oh, you're now up I see.", Mayor Lim said after he walked near at your bed.
"Mayor.", you acknowledged him.
"So you're YN.", Mayor Lim hummed interestingly, glaring at her three daughter with a tightlipped smile. "My daughters told me about you. You're their new found friend who's serving also a butler for these three."
"I am, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you.", you and him handshaked.
"Same as I, especially now that I know this man in front of me saved my life in front of the public not for fame but as by your own will for my protection.", he smiled.
"I wanted to face you personally and send my deepest gratitude for what you did. I owe you a lot, how could I repay you?"
"Uhm, sorry sir but it's fine... you can k-", you were then interrupted by him to decline ahead what you're about to say.
"No, take it.", he waved his head and arms to persuade you. "Fine, I'll be the one who'll decide in your behalf. Go spend a vacation with my daughters.", your mouth parted as you gasped in shock. Meanwhile the girls silently celebrated in excitement from what they heard to their father.
"Leave to me everything, rest assured that it'll be all sorted out quickly. And don't you dare decline, YN.", he jokingly threatened you. "In our family, we always get what we want.", he said exactly the sentence his daughters also mentioned months ago when you had your first conversation with them.
You guessed that maybe it was their family's main catchphrase or whatsoever, but you know they meant it for real because if it isn't, you weren't be sharing the same space with them as of the moment.
"O-okay... thank you so much for that, Mayor Lim even though that wasn't needed.", you chuckled awkwardly.
"There you go.", he impressively reacted. He looked at his silver wristwatch and fixed his suit. "I have to go now, I still have to meet the press and state the update.", he said, moving his head around to look at you and his daughters.
"Take care my daughters and also you YN, get well soon."
"Be safe, Mayor Lim."
"Bye dad.", they group hugged their father and was returned with a pat on each of their crowns before he exits the room and closed the door.
All four of you looked at each other with a wide smile.
"Well, what more we could say, let's spend together your reward well YN.", Nayeon said and you nodded understandably back to her.
Based on what you four discussed about where you should all go for vacation, it was decided that you will go to Hawaii with them based on how Nayeon started the recommendation, which was followed by Momo and Chaeyoung's desire to visit that place.
You didn't argued about it and just followed what they wanted because technically, the money given to you by their father still belongs to them, so you can't just take full control of the vacation plan.
Spending for a week being in there, all of you explored every tourist spots in Hawaii and captured your precious moments having them throughout the whole tour. All you can tell about it was that it might be the happiest days you've ever had in your entire life so far. Never thought you'll be meeting such people like them and gain connection and closeness with Nayeon, Momo and Chaeyoung despite of the huge diversity between each of your social statuses.
Now returned back to South Korea a week later, you are now sitting inside the car with Momo and Chaeyoung on each of your sides. Nayeon is operating the wheels as she drives you all to this unknown destination they've been saying that you must be in there for you to learn why do they have to keep this as a surprise.
Nayeon slowed down the speed of the car and parked it. She informed you three in the passenger's seat that you four have reached the place. Getting off the car, you followed the three step-sisters as all of you slowly heads onto a structure that is almost near from being completely constructed.
It has been painted now that contributes design and decoration to attract people who could see this. The structure is pretty wide and tall and as what you can see on how it was stylized, it looks like a newly soon to be opened expensive restaurant serving Korean and Japanese dishes which you can't surely afford based on how the artistic representation of cultures were perfectly mixed and balanced and ofcourse, you never entered such restaurant like how this will suppose to be.
As your jaw dropped in amazement at how magnificent it looks, still looking up and staring at the exterior being shined by the bright postlights, Nayeon asked you something.
"How was it?"
"Stupendous and amazing.", you said it with awe, not letting the gap of your mouth to sealed out of astonishment.
"Do you like it?", Momo asked you, crossing her arms as she smiled at your flabbergasted reaction.
"Yeah, all of it looks so cool.", you nodded.
"Great..." Chaeyoung responded.
... because that's all yours. Even the suit you're wearing and the car we brought with us."
You went into utter disbelief after hearing it from Chaeyoung. Furrowing your eyebrows in an immense confusion, you turned your head fast at Chaeyoung to ask if your hearing functioned properly when she said it: "E-excuse me? What?"
" You heard me. I hate repeating myself remember?", Chaeyoung blurted lazily.
You ditched your act as you let go of the overwhelming sensation you're experiencing right now. "S-seriously?" they all asked, smiling as they nodded. You choked on your breath at how unreal this is. "O-oh God, sorry but no I... can't accept this."
Nayeon went closer to you and tilted her head sideways to glance at you ridiculously. "Why not?"
"I just don't feel like I deserve so much of these.", you shrugged, sighing heavily on your negative comment regarding on the perspective you have to yourself when it comes to them.
"You girls have been providing me everything, spending luxurious and costly foods, attires, allowing me to reside in your mansion, and now I'll find out that I also have my own business and car now?" you enumerated. "T-this is enough, girls... I feel like you three are turning into my sugar mommies or something, so I think we should stop here," you said, your head bowed in shame.
"No, we want to do it that's why and you don't even have to worry it about it. We don't care if we are spending money too much on you that makes us your sugar mommies because... well, we actually like the sound of it huh.", Nayeon said, sniggering at the idea of them keeping it real as their roles in your life now since it was the truth anyways.
" We don't mind it and we have no problem being like that to you... and atleast we know it wasn't getting wasted and is in good hands."
"Unnie's right.", Momo seconded. "As what you said too that you don't deserve any of this, if that was true then why haven't we get you kicked out of the house yet?", she questioned you about the logic, which you remained silent because she's making a point you can't deny. She took your silence as the answer to prove her reason.
"Exactly, because you impressed us and earned our respect and trust after everything you've done for us on allowing yourself to accompany us, showing your good-hearted personality, work to serve and most importantly, saving our father's life."
"We don't know anymore if thats ain't enough for the proofs, YN.", Chaeyoung joined her sisters to assure  you that you weren't being such a burden to them leading you to overthink too much.
"So, don't you dare say it to our face that you don't deserve any of this because you are worth it. And not only actually from all of what Momo-unnie said, you got another thing from us that we don't have a problem dealing with it no longer.", Chaeyoung then blushed as she knew that she just changed the topic and knows where is this gonna go. Momo and Nayeon noticed it but you didn't due to how oblivious you are. They took it as a signal for them to begin.
"You're worthy to receive everything for us because we... we love you, YN.", Nayeon said it seriously in front of your face, trying her best to keep her composure.
"E-ehh? W-what?", you exclaimed, too bewildered at what's happenin now that the very unexpected revelation was just started by Nayeon herself. "N-not... no way, wait all of you... love me?", you asked once again with your crumpled face expression.
"Ever since we saw back at the restaurant you were previously working on, our interest got pinned at that time on you", Momo took the honors to explain what's gotten into them falling in love with some broke-ass, less than average, unattractive stranger like you.
"And when we got you, it increased more with admiration by just how better you are than those stupid rich men who can't provide what we're looking for and what we want from them."
"You made yourself differ from them.", Chaeyoung pinpointed. "We know that you must chose one, and so as we. We did try to compete against each other on who could stole your heart... but the further we go, we came up with a better idea.", she nailed exactly what she mentioned about  your thoughts when you developed the same romantic fond and strong feelings to your heart whenever you're with them.
"So, YN... answer us honestly first, who do you secretly hold strong feelings among the three of us?", Nayeon inquired curiously as well as Momo and Chaeyoung who are now expecting for your answer.
"I don't...", their heart skipped.
"I actually do like all of you too.", you declared, all of them slightly surprised by it because they knew no one can compare to them. They were quite looking forward to it already that they will successful enchant and hypnotize you with their dizzying and attracting combined charms one day... which was already arrived at this moment.
They can see it also in your face all along even if you hide it.
It made them felt relived that they made you broke out from your innocence and unsuspecting trait.
"And I admit, I started to grow feelings for all three of you from how you girls treat me and changed my horrible life back from being peaceful after that single hello before when we all first talked together.", you recalled, smiling at that memory that you never thought would led you in this situation. "I tried to decide at first on who would I pick but these days it makes it even more complicated."
"So does that mean you love all three of us?", Chaeyoung asked for clarification althought it seems like it actually what she's thinking along with her sisters.
"I-I do.", you rubbed your arm nervously. All othree of them smiled sweetly at your response that felt so soothing for them to hear.
Momo went closer to you, grabbing your hand from clutching at your arm as her touch helps you to calm down and throw away your uneasiness about the confession you made.
She tangled her own hand against yours and softly smiled at how great it looks and feels holding hands with a beautiful woman like Momo. "Then love us together.", she suggested.
Nayeon walked behind you and wrapped her arms around your waist. "You're ours and we're all yours anyways, YN. What do you say?", she said it near at your right ear, feeling her breath tickling you a little from it's contact to your skin. She snuggled her face at the crook of your neck after, inhaling your intoxicating manly perfume scent.
"I-I could do that.", you nodded in assurance. " I promise I will love all three of you by doubling my efforts to do my best on giving all my attention and to pour all my love and care on each one of you equally and with fairness just to be a good boyfriend for you three.", you sweared to your words, smiling at Momo in front of you, Chaeyoung at your side and Nayeon at your back.
Chaeyoung then locked your arms with hers and cuddled with it adorably just like the little small but terrible cub she is.
"And that's all we need to know.", Chaeyoung then leaned her face closer, placing a peck of kiss to your left cheek. Nayeon followed afterwards by kissing your right cheek and finally Momo took the jackpot by hitting the bullseye with her lips connecting with yours.
She saw Nayeon and Chaeyoung pouting, as they felt like they got robbed of the opportunity. "Sorry girls.", she said as poked her lips twice teasing them more. You just blushed at her actions.
"We love you, YN.", they expressed their heartwarming love for you.
"I love you girls too.", you reciprocated. They all grinned widely before they had you encased in a tight group hug. You gave another kiss to each top of their heads once more to show your warm  affection towards them as their new boyfriend.
"As long as you're with us, your life will always change for the better.", Momo guaranteed you. You know that will happen so you just let them do it while you also do yours by being passionate and committed on having them as your lovers.
"Let's go back to our home now, we can continue to celebrate there.", Nayeon insisted. "I bought us some wine to drink and maybe... increase our level of fun there tonight if we could.", they all smirked mischieviously which made you stunned and gulp tensefully at their seducive expressions. You remained speechless as they giggled at their teasing at you again.
Back at the red and black colored convertible Ford Mustang car which is now all yours, all of you hopped in with you now taking the lead on driving it for the first time as the owner.
During the drive across the towering overpass bridge , they all vibed and sang along to their favorite music in this moment above the open city as their own fanfare with their hands up in the air along the overflowing joy they feel of successfully establishing a new relationship with you, with these three hottest and baddest chicks now officially your girlfriends and presumably now joining them on running the whole city too.
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---------- END ---------- -🐰🦝🐯-
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What’s Your Favourite Scary Movie, Eddie?
Edward Nashton (The Riddler) x Ghostface!Trans!M!Reader
Last Edited: 06/04/2023
TW: gore, blood, murder, stalking, dead bodies, transphobia, foul language, body dysphoria, phone harassment
Requested: no
Word Count: 2,381
Notes: literally rewatching the batman 2022 as i make this lel. also, kinda think of the ghosftface from dead by daylight as i love that costume/look so the outfit that’s described. i finished this shit on 1 hour of sleep btw so hope u enjoy
He’s an odd man. His schedule used to remain constant until it didn’t. You’re unsure of what changed. He’s still a forensic account by all means. He forged those documents to get the job so of course he wouldn’t simply just quit. That part stayed the same. It’s after work when he deviates from his original schedule. Going out at night, spying on people, and getting odd information. There’s also his online presence getting stronger. You see him on his computer more and more. Sometimes he’s typing, other times he has some sort of outfit on to do live streams.
No matter what, he’s always busy with something. That something has gotten more and more odd these past few weeks. He’s obsessing over a vigilante. A man dressed in black who goes around beating people down until they cannot get up to fight anymore. A “Batman” is what they call him. For someone so many fear, little ol’ Eddie surely loves him. It makes your stomach twist in disgust. How can this man obsess over this random vigilante? Sure, he fights crime but he’s not going for the bigger people. He lets cops run around, nabbing the criminals only to let them go after a bit of bribing. Some saviour he is. Plus, to see this somewhat nerdy and dainty-looking man go for a man who appears to be jacked screws with your head.
You can’t help but want to maul your own skin at this observation. The mousey man wanting the dark, mysterious, and bulky body type makes you think of your own figure. You don’t have the exact body type so may want after all the struggles to so much as get the medicine you needed for your transition. It takes time, ranging from months to years. And the first man you see him obsess over is the usual “jacked” and “hot” man makes you angry. That original figure you had has changed over time, into something you’re more comfortable with. While some changes haven’t been made yet due to the lack of money, you feel better; like you can actually live in your own skin now after so long of feeling like your body was out to destroy you.
But that feeling does fade now and then, especially when you see someone you’ve been watching and pinning over for months wanting the one thing you feel like you can’t be at times. Sometimes it’s your mind, other times it's old words from people you knew. The majority is the people you see online spouting nasty things, all ranging from hatred to fetishizing; there are even times when it’s a mixture of the two. A “real” man is what they want. For some reason as well, a “real” man isn’t someone who takes hormones or changes their body. A “real” man isn’t someone who says they are a man, even if they don’t transition. If they don’t pass their assessments, they’re not a “real man”. But how can they be one? How do they know what a “real” man is? They call those bulky hunks in bars real men. They’ll call the men from the army real men. The men from the gym are real men. But the moment a man so much as acts, looks, sounds different or doesn’t have the “right” body, they’re fake. And to you, it’s all bullshit. No one has any right to tell someone they’re not a “real” man, especially when they themselves know nothing about you or others in the same boat.
So to suddenly see such people in his streams? You can feel yourself losing it. While you wouldn’t kill them for such a thing unless they preached or even tried to kill people for being different or “unreal”, it’s the fact that so many were actual shitbags added to it. From people who wanted to simply kill innocent people, to people wanting to do awful acts to those they hate, you can’t allow that. Spying from the rooftops and alleyways turns into watching him from his very own streams.
Your username on the streams is Gh0stFac3, read as GhostFace, is usually caught in the streams, never saying a word. You let yourself lurk while he’s online, letting out passionate rants about Gotham and some sort of “renewal plan”. You don’t necessarily watch him on these streams. You do listen though, taking down notes on his words. You do have other people to watch and kill later on, of course. Some from his streams, others from night outs. A few are even from your times at bars, hearing their nasty talking or genuine disgust about certain groups of people who’ve done nothing but live their lives.
Another name is jotted down in your notebook, a multitude of pictures clipped to the page with the target. You scratch at your neck from under the mask, sighing. It’s just another asshole really. This one is from one of Edward’s streams. From what you found out, the guy had been sending nasty messages to a coworker who rejected him. Pathetic in your case. But you can feel that itchy feeling creeping up under your skin. You’ll have to kill again soon. It’s like a drug and it makes you feel powerful in a way. From people seeing you as some dainty girl back in the day, nothing more than something to be used for bearing kids and eye candy to look at, to feeling like a man after treatment, meds, and eye-opening articles; along with blogs talking about their own experiences, you feel like you can actually feel and do the things you felt you deserved to do. The people who looked down on you or disowned you disappeared in just a blink. All you needed was time away to find yourself, who you truly are, before returning and dealing out the same amount of pain to them they forced you to go through for so many years.
You snap the notebook closed, rubbing at the face under your mask. All this thinking about how your body is, alongside was, is giving you a headache. It doesn’t help that you have more than just that man as the next victim either. You’re not sure who to choose just yet. Or, well, you do. However, all the constant thinking, together with your inner voice reminding you of all the transphobia you’ve faced thus far, is killing your mood. A snort leaves you. Killing your mood. You’re truly a riot with your own jokes.
You grab the flip phone closest to you, flicking it open. It’s a burner you picked up a bit ago. There were plenty of others but the satisfaction of snapping the phone shut after a call is enough for you to keep it around. You look at Edward’s stream; he’s still going. You give a sharp grin under your scream mask before dialling his number.
You can hear it ring from the stream. Seeing him go silent immediately is satisfying. He looks like a mouse again; a confused one at that. He starts up his rant again, seemingly going to ignore it. Narrowing your eyes, you end the call before texting him. The ding he gets is ignored. Another ding. Another. Another. His hands are shaking, eyes wide and crazed. Finally, you type in chat.
> Hello, Mouse.
The chat, usually fast, stops for a moment. They seem to notice something is off.
> Will you answer your phone?
> I’m calling.
> I’m texting you, Mouse.
People in the chat start to type, sending in a multitude of messages. Some are asking Edward if he knows you. Others are asking if you know him. You don’t answer them at all.
> Answer. I won’t stop calling.
He looks mad, grabbing his computer. “Who do you think you are? You know nothing! You’ve said nothing until now! You’re just someone trying to bring me down aren’t you?! You’re trying to destroy everything I’ve been working for to help Gotham!”
> Answer the phone, Eddie.
Everything stops. It’s like the entire chat froze as well as Edward. You know no one has any idea what his name is. The fact that you know it and suddenly type it with no hesitation only shows you know more than does. With shaking hands, he lets go of the computer and sits back in his chair. “I’m sorry everyone… But it looks like we have a leak. I’ll be making sure to get rid of the mole and that they are dealt with accordingly. I’ll host another stream next week after all of this is fixed.” His voice is eerily blank, almost like he’s bored or in shock. With those final words, the entire stream ends. You sit for a moment before calling him once more. Edwards finally picks up this time.
“Oh, Eddie… Did you really have to take that long?” The voice changer in your mask disguises your voice. From what you’ve been told by many victims before, you sound like a very attractive young man.
“Who are you?” His question, asked in a cold way, makes you hum.
“Ghostface. What about you, Eddie? Are you Edward Nashton? The Riddler? Who are you?” His breathing has changed; he’s panicked. You’ve heard that type of breathing so much that you don’t do much beside coo at him. “Don’t worry, Dear Eddie. I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to destroy all that you’ve been working on. After all, you’ve changed your schedule to fit this odd thing now…” You sigh, leaning forwards in your chair. You prop your masked head on your gloved hand. “After all, you spent so much time and resources on it. It’s honestly been the most interesting thing I’ve seen in years.”
“Why are you calling, Ghostface?” He asks, wanting to get this call over with. You don’t want that though. You like how he sounds in your ear. You like how you can make his breathing change with just a few words.
“What’s Your Favourite Scary Movie, Eddie?” The teasing way you say it only adds character, or that’s what you tell yourself. You want Eddie to like you. You want him to obsess over you as he does Batman. You want him.
“I’m not playing your games!” He’s stressed, practically about to cry from the frustration. You’ve ruined his stream, teased him over the phone, and called him Eddie in front of people who don’t know his name. In his eyes, you’re out to destroy him.
“Eddie…” You feel slightly bad. You really do want him to like you and this is the only thing you had thought of. It’s clearly not working. “I like you, Eddie. You’re doing what others can’t or won’t… How about a deal?” The idea of a deal to possibly end this talk seems to get to him.
“What’s the deal, then? Or are you going to keep talking to me in circles and messing with me?”
“I wasn’t trying to mess with you. As I said before. I like you. You’re the only person who went from a possible victim to something else entirely… You should be proud! No one has ever gotten that far! Usually, I’d be in their home by now, hiding and waiting for the right moment to strike…” As you talk, it seems he’s intently listening to you with genuine intrigue. “The fighting is always hard but so, so fun. And the moment my knife meets their flesh and blood spills? It’s beautiful.” You let out a sigh, one could almost call it dreamy with how you talk about your deadly hobby. “The screams are a bit much, not going to lie there, Eddie. They’re so loud.. But the moment the life is gone from those shitbags, I can make them oh so pretty.” You’re out of your chair, pacing around your apartment. Your combat boots are heavy against the wooden floors of your home. One of your hands moves as you ramble, giving more passion despite the other man unable to see it. “A few more cuts, maybe some mutilation, a bit of stabbing.. Then I have to set them up how I want and take a few selfies. The selfies are always fun… I can send you a few if you’d like. They always turn out great, I make sure of it.”
The silence on the other end snaps you out of whatever state you had been in when talking about your hobby. You don’t hear anything, not even Edward’s breathing. Your hidden lips pull into a frown. Here you are, pouring your heart out and he’s said nothing! No congratulations. No good job. Nothing. The squeaking of your gloves is heard as you tighten your grip on the burner.
“How does this help me? How are you going to help me with some pictures of your pinned-up dead bodies?” You grit your teeth, hating this call more and more.
“I’m saying that I can be your blade, dammit! You can sit in your messy lil’ apartment, talking, coding, streaming! I’ll hunt down whoever you want! I’ll mutilate them! I’ll leave clues or riddles, I don’t care!” You’re yelling into the receiver, finally tired of listening to the man’s complaining. Taking a deep breath, you try to calm yourself. “I do all the killing and you continue doing whatever it is your doing.”
“But what are you looking for? What do you get out of it?” A hum leaves you, letting all that rage go. A nasty smirk crawls over your features.
“I get to watch you work… I love seeing you put your pretty lil’ head to use after all, Baby.” You practically purr, the distorted warmth filling you. It’s unhealthy how much you like him paired with how much you want him to like you. Unhealthy or not, you don’t care. If he can have unhealthy views and plans, so can you.
You hear the end of his line go dead, having hung up on you. You give a mocking put from behind the scream mask. Quickly, you let your thumb fly over the numbers. You snap the phone closed, happy to see that this is the start of something very exciting.
> Can’t wait to work with you, Sweetheart ;))
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Oh Gray Warden.
DraxAna and Leliana have a moment to catch up in Skyhold's rookery.
Leliana’s tower was a noisy place, full of the sounds of cawing ravens and echoed voices from the library down below and occasionally the far louder chatter of the main hall whenever the downstairs door was open.
Yet it was where Leliana had her altar to Andraste, where she prayed and sat in contemplation.
DraxAna watched quietly, she used to mock the spymaster about her religion, perhaps a bit too much in retrospect, but the chantry and the Dalish were not known for getting along, together they had found the urn of sacred ashes, the supposed remains of Andraste, Even DraxAna felt something otherworldly in that place, and she refused to taint them, she didn’t regret that, even if it meant fighting a entire cult.
At least they didn’t set the dragon on them.
“Maker, forgive them for their sins and welcome them at your side, know it was all for the greater good..”
Those words stood out, the idea of the greater good, in DraxAna’s opinion had never lead anywhere good, wasn’t that Loghain’s excuse for allowing Callian and the wardens to die at Ostogar?
Leliana had changed, she was colder than she used to be, didn’t smile as much and amongst all the scouting reports, books and ravens there wasn’t a single lute or instrument. 
The chantry sister she knew was always full of music, always had a smile on her face.
But then again, that had been a mask hadn’t it? She was hiding in the chantry to escape her abuser.
DraxAna had killed Marjolaine to protect her, and Leliana shed no tears over her former lover, that was a glimpse into the future, to the woman kneeling before her, this Leliana knew how to hide her emotions.
A decade had passed, neither of them were the same.
“I apologize…You came here to talk to me, not watch me pray.” Her voice was still as soft, but had matured “Is there anything particular you wished to speak about?”
“Just checking on you, as a friend, not The Warden-Commander.”
“The title suits you.”
DraxAna shrugged “I have had little choice…” She laughed, “That shall be the name of my life story.”
“Your life story has already been written by many.”
“Not all of it..Not one person has ever asked me about my childhood.” 
“I have heard a few stories that omit the part you’re even an elf.”
“Don’t let that happen to Lavellan…don’t let the stories erase her.”
“I shall try my best.”
“No, you promise me.”
Leliana looked surprised, her eyebrows raising ever so slightly.
“I promise you, DraxAna..”
“Thank you.” 
DraxAna walked towards the rookery’s outer door “Come, I bet there’s a gorgeous view from up here.”
“It is quite breathtaking.”
They both reached for the handle of the door, Leliana’s arm brushed against DraxAna’s, lifting the sleeve ever so slightly, revealing the blackened veins snaking their way up her forearm.
DraxAna pulled it back down before Leliana noticed, but it was too late, the nightingale see’s everything
“Its nothing.”
“Is it the taint?”
“There’s a reason you never see an old gray warden, you know that.”
“But its too soon..”
There was a hint of panic in Leliana’s voice, she cleared her throat
“Do you think Corypheus could be causing it?” Already she was back to her cold self.
“I doubt it, I caught the blight before becoming a warden, perhaps it's something to do with that.”
“You don’t seem very concerned.”
Then DraxAna was a better actress than she thought, she was terrified, half insane with despair at the idea of turning into a ghoul, of becoming like Tamlen.
“There’s a glowing hole in the fucking sky, Lel…I won’t die until I know its not going to destroy everything and everyone I love.” 
“Promise me.”
They met eyes and Leliana was a decade younger, the chantry sister who stepped in to stop a fight when she had no reason, who invited herself on a hopeless quest because the Maker had told her too.
“I promise.”
Leliana nodded, curt and quick, somehow DraxAna knew that not even death would touch her now.
The Sister’s arrows always hit their mark.
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randomnameless · 10 months
How do you think Cyril's negative character development would have been like if his being recruitable to CF hadn't been cut from the game?
Even for non recruitable to the BESF characters, we still see some negative character development (Seteth putting his daughter's safety over Fodlan's and the world when he accepts to fight for Fodlan in the other routes even if it might cost him Flayn, Catherine's reaction to Rhea wanting a Bernie Charcoal Grill in Firdhiad - Of course she has reservations and that's a good thing! But SS Catherine knows what to use her sword for, if crazed!Rhea wants (?) to demolish Garreg Mach, Catherine will stop her suffering instead of helping the white Beasts doing what they do! The end of CF Rhea isn't the Rhea Catherine knew, followed and loved - sure I wouldn't want her to betray Rhea at this point because Rhea lost everything (even herself!), but Catherine doubting her (when she put her full trust in her because she knew Rhea is a kind and caring person!) feels imo like negative character development - and yet, given how Tru Piss plays, is there any solution or alternative? Maybe Catherine could have sort of disobeyed, like she wouldn't have torched the city, but let civilians evacuate (only to end up like the ones who ran away from Garreg Mach lel) because making innocent people suffer to protect her isn't a thing the Lady Rhea she knows would have done, but she will still protect her until the end?) so in a way, Catherine's negative character development could be listening to a Rhea who lost her way, even if she doubts her - but yeah under no circumstances I could see her pack her things away and leave (as Seteth planned to do if he survived) or straight up ditching her.
As for Cyril...
Well, we don't see him that much in Tru Piss, but even if it's a bit of a stretch, I can think his death quote would be one?
Cyril thanks her - for everything she's done for him, but his character development, in FE16, is all about him moving forward and wanting to live for himself, do the things he wants beside repaying his debt and remaining by her side, aka, Rhea wants him to live and do things he wants, even if it means leaving the Monastery (Nopes added that Rhea also doesn't want him to die!) - and Cyril's development finally kicks in reading his ending cards, he leaves the Monastery (even if he often still affiliated to the church!) and either becomes an advisor (who can advise a Count!), a Knight or a Priest/Ambassador!
So in a way, Cyril's negative character growth on CF is him dying before reaching his full potential and aspirations!
Now, if both were somehow able to ditch Rhea to join the BESF...
Cyril canon thinks leaving Rhea and doing more than repaying her - even if it's to live somewhere else - would be akin to betraying her (Seteth assures him it's not the case lol) - and we know Cyril really adopted the definitely non almyran (at least non dagdan?) value of gratitude, so if by some weirdness he had to ditch Rhea, I'll see him feeling as well as Ashe in Supreme Bullshit, or being really despondent and not valuing his life anymore, maybe comparing his situation with the BESF to the one he had in Goneril (without the food shortages!) or before, in Almyra.
Wow, that's hard to even imagine, but I'd guess a Catherine who takes the same route as Felix, who only wants to fight strong people, and die.
(they'd totally pull a Jill and join the other side if they are talked to/talk to Rhea or the other members of the CoS, or basically are fielded against them lol)
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pickmeforjesus · 1 year
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"the Word of God tells the world of man that you are inferior to them"
VERY curious to know WHERE in the Bible it is established the woman is inferior to man, but ok.
Actually, Galatians 3:28 explicitly states that God makes no difference regardless of race, social class and gender (and is pretty much a verse rebuking racism, classism and sexism within the Church).
"Their deities are men"
YHWH is the Father but transcends males/female boundaries as we know them. God being identified as Male (e.g the Father) has literally no impact whatsoever in His relationship with female believers. Women aren't anymore "dominated" by God because He's male, than male believers. Actually, I've always found pretty sweet how the Church (so both men and women lumped together) was metaphorically represented as a bride, and Jesus as the groom. That's because, as I said, the relationship each believer (regardless of their gender) has with God transcends earthly comprehension of sex. Otherwise this would imply that men of the Church have homosexual relationship with the groom Jesus? 🤔
"Their prophets are men"
That's how I know you people have no idea what you're talking about.... The Bible actually have plentiful of female prophetess : Deborah, Huldah, Anne, Mary..... Just because the Bible doesn't have entire books featuring their names, doesn't mean they aren't acknowledged as such. You people don't read the Bible, and it shows.
Otherwise you'd know it specifically talks about sons and DAUGHTERS prophesizing in the end times (Acts 2:17). Spiritual gifts -of which prophecy is one of them- can be acquired regardless of sex.
"Their teachers are men"
Christian women can be teacher actually - just to not teach men (1 Timothy 2:12). If anything, Christian education seems to withhold sex segregated education (which I'm personally a proponent of). I also think female separatists would also agree with me on that lel
"these are men dominated cult, run by men and advocated by men to perpetuate their control"
God dominates the Church - not men. Actually the Bible makes a big deal of showing that men will eventually *always* fall short of God holiness, and that believer should only rely on God Himself.
You people have such a reductive vision of Christianism that you can't remotely comprehend that many of us live our faith outside of church communities, without a (male) church leader.
I will never get how comfortable so many of you are to erase female's role in Christian communities ("run by men") when women's ministry have a whole part in the body of Christ. Just because Christian women aren't called to have a "leading" position when interacting with men, that they are not important or should be dismissed as insignificant. There's something pretty ironic with feminists being uncapable of divesting from men and are so obsessed in competing with them they are downplaying women's achievements or 'calling' if they are not the same as men...
"Stop trying to carve out a space for yourself in a religion designed to subjugate you"
This doesn't make any sense. If the Church was seeking to subjugate women, it wouldn't compel them to remain celibate instead of seeking for companionship (= free from any male dominance = husband) e.g Paul letters.
Your entire narrative relies on a misconstrued tunnel vision of Christianism that fails the test of reality. Christian women's existence isn't to "carve out a space" into anything. It's a DIRECT RELATIONSHIP with God.
Christian women could never attend any (male-led) church or Christian community one single time in their life and still be Christian.
I'm sure you people can't even grasp the difference between the church (little c - buildings), and the Church (capital C - the body of Christ).
I have no idea why you're so obsessive in overestimating male influence in Christian women. Almost the entirety of biblical teaching are regardless gender (but also age, race, language, culture, time frame...). There's a reason why places where Christian influence is the strongest have the fairest life condition for women - but you conveniently ignore it and paint every abrahamic religion with the same brush. Sorry but Christians are different.
Jesus is the way the Truth and the Life.
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
I feel like talking about the ending to IBS so here we go (spoilers below obviously)
So I think we can all agree that the IBS ending was... pretty lackluster all things considered. It felt like they just went "our research has now suddenly shown we can now solve this problem" and then we solved it. Now the proposed solution makes sense in principal, being that dragons are creatures driven by their hunger for magic, and if cut off from all other possible sources they'll be forced to feed on each other.
However, they didn't really do enough to set this up. They didn't show that Jormag, despite their protestations, hungers for magic just as much as their brother (and one angry rant does not a magic hungry creature make). Nor did they adequately explain how the dragons were going to be cut off from magic beyond Aurene vaguely waving her claws and going "PRISMS BABY!" I need more than that arenanet!
And that not even going into the final fight being mostly the dragons staring at each other and firing off the occasional blast. I get that they don't want to fight but could nothing else have been done?
Won't talk much about after the fight because that was pretty good, no comments there.
So with all that said, how would I change it? Going to try and keep changes in the same scope because I otherwise I could just say 'restore the original scope of the story lel'.
So the main thing to ask is 'how do we get the dragons, who don't want to fight, to kill each other?' The way I'd explain it would be by exploiting their connections to their champions. They could have Aurene go
"you know being disconnected from your champion is a pretty brutal thing, the sudden absence of a connection kind of sends you into a berzerk state. I know it did when Balthazar killed you! We could use that to put the dragons in the right mindset to kill each other."
and then any prisms bs is for disconnecting the champions non-lethally since we like Braham and, i dunno, want Ryland to suffer more?
And the good thing about this alternate solution is dragonstorm can pretty much remain intact. The dragons are sitting there watching because they still don't want to fight and we're mostly fighting champions because that's our goal.
However this solution doesn't account for bringing the dragons together in the first place, which was solved in the original story by Aurene 'tugging on the ley-lines'. My solution would be to have Aurene get one up on Jormag, deceive the deceiver by pretending to submit to Jormag by offering to kill Primordus but only if they meet face to face first. At which point Aurene sucker punches Jormag through a mists portal straight onto wherever Primordus is hanging out (because, you know, she is an elder dragon and should be able to fight on equal footing with Jormag). At which point Dragonstorm things happen.
I honestly think this is better because it plays off of Jormag's sense of superiority in thinking that they always had control of the situation. I think they underestimated Aurene through the entire story. Like in dragonstorm Ryland says
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and considering at the start of IBS Ryland was aboard Bangars 'Aurene is a terrible threat and needs to be opposed' train so thats gotta be something Jormag put in Rylands head.
Hell if the didn't want to make an extra story step they could have Aurene and Jormags meeting be off-screen and we only hear dialog through our champion connection while we wait for Jormag to come falling out of a mists portal. Though that would be a big shame.
TL:DR champions is bad and kinda makes no sense, how do we make it make a bit more sense?
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dmclemblems · 2 years
One thing that is bugging the hell outta me is why Clyde's thought process of "getting rid of the Church will disincentivize Edel/gard from further attempts at getting to Leicester" makes no sense to me on a meta level. Like, as players of 3H.
Edel/gard is (supposedly) only trying to conquer the Alliance to create a beeline from the Empire to Garreg Mach, right? That place that Edel/gard... already forced Rhea out of at this point in time... and has complete control over on CF when she does the same thing there. Without needing to conquer Leicester first.
Was there, like, just an explanation I missed as to why Edel/gard doesn't just set up base at Garreg Mach and have Hubert take care of Adrestia's rowdy nobles with his Forceful Persuasion Tactics? That thing she shows no care about him using, and are shown to be pretty damn effective? In 3H she had no need of conquering the Alliance other than imperialism being her motivation so it made sense there, but Hopes gives her an explanation that isn't making that much sense to me? Unless I missed something lol
Also in SB! She conquered GM before attacking Leicester. In the sense of needing to reach GM in the middle of the war it would be good to have Leicester territory under her control so they could come and go as they need to, but that's the only reason I can think of for her to use as an excuse or a secondary reasoning other than conquering Fodlan itself (which is of course her goal, so attacking Leicester serves both the purpose of conquest and getting her a quicker route to GM). Like, conquering is still her goal in Hopes, so all I can guess that that is is something helpful that made her decide to attack Leicester first and with a stronger force (that that is is, lel, English).
I assume she didn't set up base at GM because she was needed in Adrestia or at the respective camp at the time to command her forces, but that is of course just speculation on my part and wasn't confirmed within the game). Even if Hubert could manage the nobles, I imagine she would want to be present to rally her forces. Also, technically, she's safest in Adrestia.
If she remained at GM, I think it would be a logical thought that Rhea would attempt to get it back and thus that could put her in danger at any time. As long as she's residing in a location that's a taken base from her enemy, there's always the possibility that they'll attack to get it back. If she was with her own troops and not directly within taken enemy territory for a long period of time, it spares her the risk of an enemy locating her because they won't know exactly where she is at all times. If she stayed in GM, all her enemies would know exactly where she was if it got out even once.
Imo it doesn't help her to be stationary in a place that she already conquered, because that opens her, personally, up to attack much easier. If she gets attacked and is killed, the war is over. If GM gets attacked and retaken because she wasn't there, she's still alive and continuing her war, so the possibility of recapturing GM remains. No matter how many times GM gets retaken by the Church, as long as Edelgard is alive and she has enough troops left, she can always have the chance of getting it back, versus staying there and playing defense and offense at the same time.
Normally she is defending GM at the same time as attacking the other territories, but losing the defense matters a lot less when she wasn't lost in the process. If she's not there, the war goes on and the Church can reclaim GM, but they'll always be aware that she's still alive to attack again. Now that puts them on the defensive and she's not in a bad position, but they are. They know they'll be attacked at any time, but they don't know when. She's be in the same situation if she remained there.
Technically using Leicester as a quick method to get there would make sense, so my guess is just that it made it easier to reach GM if and when needed. Since she took over GM already, I would think she'd want to be ready to reinforce it if the Church attacked to get it back. It would make sense that she'd want to still reinforce GM with more troops even if not including herself personally, so she'd want an easier method to get there.
Basically she wants to conquer Fodlan anyway, so attacking Leicester first with a heavier force than she attacked Faerghus with would give her double benefit (conquer+beeline). Also, Faerghus was dealing with Cornelia at that time, so not only were they occupied with TWS, but that spares Edelgard's necessity of sending more troops to attack them. Someone else is already attacking them, which makes her job easier enough that she can focus more on Leicester (which is noticeable because she attacks all of Leicester, versus only really attacking the western front in Faerghus. She didn't reinforce the western front either until after Cornelia was dealt with, which the latter would've freed up a lot of Faerghus' fighting force).
As far as I understand it, it just had more benefit to try to overtake Leicester aside from just conquering Fodlan (thus attacking it harder than Faerghus at first), since she'd already taken GM and it'd be easier to reinforce it in case of attack if they had Leicester under their control. Staying in GM as per my personal speculation was a lot more of a risk to her safety, especially when she could try to overtake Leicester and go through it to reach GM quickly as needed. Doing it this way would keep her safer while also keeping GM within reach.
Also, if Claude was allied with Edelgard and defeated Rhea, GM wouldn’t be at risk of counterattack anymore. It would, in his theory, make her figure that GM is safe and she doesn’t need to conquer Leicester to get there because she can pass through freely now and/or doesn’t need to fight for GM anymore (presumably, i.e. they might still raise their weapons to avenge Rhea and retake the Church, especially with Seteth still alive). Basically, it’s like, “if you need Leicester to get there to fight Rhea at any point, if we kill her now you won’t need to conquer Leicester to get there”. It somewhat works... if you don’t consider that Seteth might rally the Church again or that Edelgard is actually going to try to attack them again anyway for conquest.
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columbiafawn2 · 20 days
First assignment back for Sem 2 and I got a credit 😥 14/20. I don’t think I’ve ever scored so low on something I’ve actually put effort into.
The feedback was fair enough. They said I needed to link it to a developmental theory, which I was confused about what that meant so I just sort of ignored it and hoped I would meet that criteria magically. So, helpful lesson: if you don’t understand something, check it. They also said I should have fewer images on the slide to make the info easier to digest, which is fair enough.
I think it’s all fair feedback and I do understand the mark in light of the chunk missing with the developmental theory. I’m glad it is the lowest weighted assignment of the unit (PSYU2235) so I still have 80% to make up for my credit. I have a case study essay due next Monday, so I better try hard on that one to make up for it.
Ugh as soon as I saw the mark I was like « maybe psychology isn’t for me. Maybe I should just become a singer like Taylor Swift » as if that’s easier Lel defs 1000x harder than inventing a campaign on adolescent chest binding.
Still a blow to my confidence for this sem, but I’m not letting it get to me too much cos I gotta just drive forward.
Im waiting for PSYU2234 to come through because part of me knows I didn’t do well and that it’s because of me. It was a group assignment, and I feel like my bit let the group down, which is not how I want to be.
No excuse apart from a general feeling of ease — that it’ll be fine because I’m smart and I can do things with relative ease. Well, lesson learnt I suppose.
I just don’t want to burn myself out on uni work. It’s not worth it, all for units I do for 6 months, get a number for and then forget I ever did. That being said, that’s no excuse not to do my best, and I think for those two assignments, I can kinda admit to myself that I didn’t do my very best. I was a bit lax.
Oh well.
Im hoping for HDs and Ds this sem, but ig we’ll see what’s possible.
My results last year were so bad. I can’t have a repeat. I think I even got a credit for one psych unit 😳
Yeah I do worry that I’m not trying hard enough, that I’m not taking uni seriously and that if I get anything below a Distinction, it’s proof that I’m just lazy and not as hardworking as I thought I was.
I’ve recently become aware of how much imposter syndrome plays a role in my life, at work, uni and in my friendships. I just feel like I don’t have enough skills, that the people around me have more of an idea on how to function that I do. Rationally, I can tell myself that no one knows what they’re doing and that I’m probably better equipped than most other people around me, but the thought remains unshakeable. Like at Mecca, I feel like being a guy immediately puts me out of place, tutoring, I just don’t feel smart enough or old enough or good enough of a teacher, and in terms of friendships, mainly with French Sophie, I just feel like she’s from a different social echelon to me and that makes me fear that she’ll work out that I’m not like her and then phase me out. Idk maybe I just need sleep.
Im not actually that upset about the Credit, because I think it’s a fair mark and it’s quite fixable. I also just don’t see it as a condemnation. I can definitely work my way up to a Distinction at least in PSYU2235.
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In other news, I finished a whole XL can of dry shampoo! I got a new one, same brand different scent. I found the tropical scent just a bit too much. Ideally, they would have a scent free one, but the closest I could get to that was « fresh », which smells like light citrus and dissipates quite quickly.
I need a haircut. My hair has been making me feel ugly lately. Just something about the way it has no real definition. It’s just sort of on my head
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Monty looks like Morrissey and it’s at this point that I start questioning everything.
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leedsomics · 5 months
Ultra-deep proteomics by Thin-diaPASEF with a 60-cm long column system
Recent advances have allowed for the detection of 10,000 proteins from cultured human cell samples, such as HeLa and HEK293T cells in a single-shot proteome analysis. However, deeper analysis remains challenging. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to perform a deep proteomic single-shot analysis using timsTOF HT. To achieve deep proteomics, we developed Thin-diaPASEF, a parallel accumulation-serial fragmentation (PASEF) technology featuring a thinly divided m/z axis only in regions of high ion density. Furthermore, using a 60-cm long C18 column with a particle size of 1.7 m, an average of 11,698, 11,615 and 11,019 unique proteins were successfully detected from 500 ng of HEK293T, HeLa and K562 cell digests, respectively, with a 100 min active gradient. The same system was used to analyze Lycopersicon esculentum lectin (LEL) enriched plasma and serum. The LEL method identified an average of 8,613 and 4,078 unique proteins, in plasma and serum, respectively. Our ultra-deep proteomic analysis system will be helpful for the in-depth comparison of proteins in medical and biological research because it enables the analysis of highly proteome coverage in a single-shot. http://dlvr.it/T64yg8
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dcviated · 3 years
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It’s felt a lot more relaxing writing Armstrong here compared to when he was on his own blog. I know a lot of it was self-inflicted but damn I got a lot of anxiety and stage fright there. His blog got like 150 followers without me even doing much of anything. The expectation to do him justice felt massive. Things have been much better here... and I look forward to more people approaching him with memes/threads as time goes on.
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papirouge · 2 years
im interested in converting to christianism but im confused as i dont know what are the differences between christians, catholics, orthodoxes and protestants. how do i chose? how do i know which one is the correct one? i heard there are also several different bibles? i got one free "the bible" in my non-christian country christians and i dont even know which version it is
Basically speaking, the biggest crux of opposition between Catholics and Protestans is that Catholics worship Mary, pray with idols and sustain the idea the Mary remained virgin AFTER Jesus birth, when the very two commandments and Matthew 12:46-50 contradict such positions😭 They also have a whole literature called Cathechism where they establish a set of rules and you'll often see Catholics pull it out to explain their doctrine...to defend their belief system going against what Bible explicitely condemns (ex: praying for the dead, idols, saints worshipping, etc).
Protestant have their whole share of questionnable beliefs too - especially USAmerican evangelicals. They're the ones who've been managing the church like a whole business - which is ironically what they've been accusing the Catholics of doing during the Roman Catholic Empire era lel. They don't have the same concern about social issues as Catholics do (in Europe, many NGO are Catholics, and help the poor, offer shelter, etc) ; they tend to be quite hypocrite too : like they'll go off against gays and abortion but will be silent about any social injustice they'll snarkily downplay as "woke culture".....
I'm not familiar with Orthodoxy but it comes off as Catholicism lite™️
And you don't have to "choose" any denomination, anon. There are thousands of Christian denomination, which is a heresy. There shouldn't be any divison within the Church. No denomination is "correct" in the sense that there shouldn't be any to begin with.
And yes, there are countless versions of the Bible. I often see debate of USAmericans as of which version is the best (King James Version, NIV, ESV, NASB, etc.) and all of this so.....pointless and tone deaf? 1 BILLION of Christian and there you have, a handful of self centered english speaking Americans arguing over one (1) version of the bible just because...?
Real talk anon: unlike what's often being said, the Bible can be altered. Look at the Jehova Witnesses. Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons.... Even during slavery, slave owners cropped some Bible passages (about freedom) to not give ideas to slaves....
Yes, the Bible is the Word of God, but these words on a paper can be altered and manipulated. The Bible isn't some sort of magical book turning any person reading it a Christian granted you read the "right" version. Some atheists have read the Bible more than actual Christians. I knew an agnostic Christian theologian student ; she was studying the Bible while not being Saved herself. Jehova Witnesses do think that "their" bible is the real deal. Same for Mormons or whatever other Christian sect.
That's why THE HOLY SPIRIT is so important. Because while human can twist and alter words written on a book, the Holy Spirit will never lie and no one can bend it over falsehood. That's precisely why Jesus is called "the Word" "made flesh" (John 1). By PRAYING and asking the Holy Spirit for guidance, you can be set free from the bondage of falsehood and He will guide you towards truth.
I've read/watched plentiful of testimonies from former Mormons/Jehova Witness/7th Day Adventist/witches/satanists, etc, etc and guess what? Not a single one said "I read the KJV version of the Bible and realized I was wrong". It just....doesn't work this way. They instead went to a point were they got troubled in their belief, prayed, and asked for the Lord to show them the way. This leap of faith happened because of the Holy Spirit ; the change of heart that changes us from sinners to repentance comes from God, not a Bible version.
You'll be good with your random Bible anon. It's already a blessing you've got one between your hands. Just rely to the Lord, not a name stamped Bible version to build a real relationship with God. First Christians didn't have any Bible to build up their walk with God (could they even read?). Yes, the Bible is extremely helpful, but it shouldn't be the be all and end all of Christianhood.
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honeychaitae · 4 years
Follow You To the Beginning — jhs
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jung hoseok x reader
the one: where it’s now painfully obvious that yours and hoseok’s relationship will not survive the gruelling life of a touring superstar.
genre: angstttttttttttt (but a lil soft)
listen to: all I wanted – paramore
a/n: it’s been awhile! here’s another self-insert with me just unloading some personal feelings lel. when writing this, i felt that hobi would be one of the most understanding partners of the seven, who could maturely let someone he loved free. we stan healthy interactions in this household. please enjoy and tell me what you thought (i did have a thought about making this a series if it was well-received) :)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧   ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧   ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
what becomes of the sparks that once flew so brightly? once they fizzle out and fade into comfortable embers, gentle warmth emanating, is there any hope they will once again reignite? 
you toss on your lumpy sofa, a B grade film functioning purely as white noise in the background. despite the ungodliness of the hour, you had begun to settle into this routine of waiting up for your boyfriend as he prepared to depart on his global phenomenon band’s European tour in a few weeks time.
as draining as the countless late nights were, you clung to the seconds you had with him before he passed out and the vicious cycle started up again the very next day. 
months of tireless preparation went into his work, work that he loved so much and was incredibly gifted at, this much you understood. though you always waited anxiously for hoseok, you couldn’t help but be keenly aware of the ever growing rift between the two of you as his mind and ambitions led him elsewhere - away from you.
a chorus of keys jingling at the door yanks you from your thoughts and your head snaps to the clock - 1:30am.
“jagi, you’re still awake? let’s go to bed” a simple rub on your lower back and gentle guidance towards your shared room sparked excitement inside of you. eager to relay your day’s events, you flopped next to him and begun.
“the funniest thing happened, you know our neighbour two doors down? the director with the stern face? she stopped me and-” the grin on your face falls as hoseok responds with soft snores. he was out. as usual. 
you couldn’t help but sigh, rolling over to face away from the sleeping man. was this really what you were destined to do for the rest of your relationship?
staring at the blank bedroom wall, eyes clouded with fatigue and tears threatening to spill, it was then that you decided the waiting game was one played solo, and it was your time to quit.
just one day before hoseok flew to Paris to begin what would be an incredible career-defining moment. stuck indoors, you watched through the glass as the weather turned bleak and dark clouds released heavy rain onto the city below. this type of weather was the only thing that could bring you solace, your heart weighted with the news you were waiting to deliver to your boyfriend.
it wasn’t that you didn’t love him - the polar opposite, in fact. it was that all you could do was love him. 
any wants or ambitions of your own were overshadowed by a desire to just be with hoseok. a desire that at the fork in the road, with one path allowing you to remain with him and the other granting the two of you growth and success in your own respective areas, you knew that you couldn’t walk both simultaneously.
your suitcase was perched by the door, as you wrung your hands and bit down on your trembling lips, awaiting the time for you to deliver the final blow.
some time passes and the front door knob clicks open. “what’s this? are you coming on our flight?” hoseok chuckles and acknowledges the bag as he comes through the door. he squeezes past and flops down onto the sofa, yawning. he does his best to put on an energised smile for you, failing to mask the exhaustion.
“i nailed rehearsals, so i decided to take a break and come hang out with you before i take off. what do you want to do?” 
“hoseok, i want to tell you something”
“what is it, jagi?”
“i’m leaving you”
as if the phrase surges through him like a lightning strike, hoseok is jolted out of his relaxed state and struggles to form words. 
“...why? what did i do wrong?”
spiteful you wanted to bitterly spit out how you loved him so much, you forgot who you were. how he existed as a superstar, and you were mere space rock just passing by. the silent sacrifices you made to just be in his presence. 
“nothing, my love.” cupping his cheek, you could barely manage a soft smile as your vision blurred with hot tears.
“we were so happy. i know i’ve been so busy, rehearsing, this damn tour...I neglected you, didn’t i?” distraught, hoseok couldn’t maintain any sort of eye contact.
“life, hoseok. that’s life.”
he swallows hard and lifts his head to quickly blink away more tears streaming from dark eyes.
“thank you for it all, from the very beginning”
you slowly nod in agreement, wiping your face with tear-stained sleeves.
“jung hoseok, don’t forget me when you’re out there in the big ol’ world, okay? i’ll be keeping an eye on you”, a pained smile spreads on your lips. 
“if i had another chance, we’d do it right, you know? we’d have all the time in the world together.” hoseok places one hand on yours, giving a squeeze of confirmation. a gesture that told you that this decision was indeed mutual. it was less of a break up, more of a letting go. 
you leapt into hoseok’s arms one very last time, comfortingly swathed in his gentle scent. damp patches began to grow on your shoulder, his head buried in the nook there.
after what seemed like a millennia, firm hands grip your upper arms and you’re suddenly thrust into hoseok’s view. met with obsidian eyes still glazed with tears and a face flushed with red, he perseveres with kindness.
“just know jagi, i’d do it all again if i could do it with you” 
your eyes crescent in finality, your lips only just doing the same.
“i know hoseok, i know”
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randomnameless · 2 years
new hot take of the day is apparently the western church not being racist ? And Seteth bad for killing them when they only wanted to loot his wife's tomb and set their camp on her remains.
About Seteth's wife, I think I posted something for All Saint's Day last year or in 2020, but I would be very pissed if someone decided to occupy/party a grave where one of my family member rests, I'd ask them to politely get the fuck away - and if asking politely doesn't work, well, people in charge of graveyards are here to make sure people respect the place, if they don't, they are kindly escorted outside.
We're in a FE game, so the devs don't expect us to follow those normal and mundane proceedings.
The Western church is trying to occupy Seteth's wife's tomb by force, and trying to seize the artifacts he and Flayn put there
Indeed. The Western Church is attempting to seize sacred ground by force.
We cannot allow the holy artifacts enshrined there to fall into their hands.
When they meet the Western Church, one of their guys opens with
You heretics, who defile our goddess! The sacred coast belongs to us, the Western Church!
Okay, not the best “hello” one can give.
You are the heretics! Begone from here at once!
Seteth answers in kind, and asks them to get the frick out of here.
Silence, dog of the apostate! Prepare to receive our righteous blades!
The random calls Rhea and apostate (lel) and replies with his sword (or whatever weapon he has that has a blade).
Seteth then asks everyone to mop up the rest of the “enemies” and seems to be pissed that any of them managed to escape.
While this can sound extreme, we’re still in a Fire Emblem game. 
You won’t take the remaining Western Church Members to a court, have them be sentenced to 9 months of community service and receive 500 euros from each as their fine. When Kostas attacks the House Leaders, the mission’s objective is to rout, not to defeat the boss and use shackles on the remaining enemies to put them in jail.
Bar this Doylist reason (as in, in a game where you have to design maps where you can whack people with swords), Watsonian wise is, well, the same kind of reaction Rhea later has when someone tries to rob the Holy Tomb.
Seteth’s wife lays there, the place is literally her tomb. And some randos just “occupy” it - in HIS name - regardless of his (and Flayn’s) own wishes?
+ bonus point if his wife was a nabatean : some people want to forcefully occupy her tomb and get a possible hold on her remains? Like what happened to Sothis, his own mother, and Nemesis’s party in Zanado??
Seteth isn’t acting as someone in the 21th real life century should - but hey! This game doesn’t take place in the 21th real life century (nor in the 12th) and...
Seteth trashtalked but asked them to get away. They replied with their swords.
As for the Western Church not being racist, I don’t know what kind of reasoning this take is based on, but iirc, there is quest in the beginning of the game, where someone reveals the Western Church doesn’t like foreigners.
So yes, while they are not racists, they are xenophobes. Hurray for them?
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alliluyevas · 3 years
At about this time [in 1829], the unbaptized Smith and [Book of Mormon scribe Oliver] Cowdery became concerned about their own spiritual welfare. “After writing the account given of the Savior’s ministry to the remnant of the seed of Jacob, upon this continent,” Cowdery wrote in 1834, “… it was as easily to be seen, that amid the great strife and noise concerning religion, none had authority from God to administer the ordinances of the gospel. For, the question might be asked, have men authority to administer in the name of Christ, who deny revelations? … and we only waited for the commandment to be given, ‘Arise and be baptized.’”6 The command came, according to Smith and Cowdery, on 15 May.7 “One morning,” Lucy Smith [Joseph’s mother] reported, “they sat down to their work, as usual, and the first thing which presented itself through the Urim and Thummim, was a commandment for Joseph and Oliver to repair to the water, and attend to the ordinance of Baptism. They did so … they had now received authority to baptize.”8
Five years later, Smith and Cowdery would begin telling that their baptisms were preceded by the appearance of an angel who gave them authority. Even later, they would identify this angel as John the Baptist.9 In September 1834, to encourage the faltering Mormons in Missouri, Cowdery said:
On a sudden, as from the midst of eternity, the voice of the Redeemer spake peace to us, while the vail was parted and the angel of God came down clothed with glory … his voice, though mild, pierced to the center, and his words, “I am thy fellow servant,” dispelled every fear. … We received under his hand the holy priesthood, as he said, “upon you my fellow servants, in the name of Messiah I confer this priesthood and this authority, which shall remain upon earth, that the sons of Levi may yet offer an offering unto the Lord in righteousness!”10
Cowdery’s disclosure, far from being a simple reminder of what had been related in the past, was surprising news to Missouri Mormons. David Whitmer, president of the Missouri church and early associate of Smith, testified in 1885: “I never heard that an angel had ordained Joseph and Oliver to the Aaronic priesthood until the year 1834, 5 or 6.”11 William E. McLellin, another prominent Mormon who joined the church in 1831, concurred: “I never heard of John the Baptist ordaining Joseph and Oliver.”12 Smith’s and Cowdery’s long silence on the issue led Whitmer and Mc­Lel­lin to question the appearance of the angel, believing instead that it had been created to support later notions about priesthood. For instance, McLellin said in 1872: “An angel never ordained a man to any office since the world began. Then say you how did Joseph and Oliver get authority to start? I answer, that a revelation from the Lord gives a man both power and authority to do whatever it commands. The Lord commanded Joseph to baptize, confirm, and ordain Oliver, then Oliver to do the same for him. This was legal and valid.”13
Indeed, there was nothing thus far in the Book of Mormon to cause Smith and Cowdery to seek angelic ordination. Alma received authority to baptize through the Spirit (Mosiah 18:13). Similarly, Alma II taught that holders of the high priesthood were preordained to their office (Alma 13:3), and Jesus’ commission to Nephi and other disciples seems to have been conveyed verbally (3 Ne. 11:21). In this setting, the subsequent claim to angelic ordination seems anachronistic.
Smith’s reason why he and Cowdery delayed revealing this event is not entirely convincing. He stated that they were “forced to keep secret the circumstances of our having been baptized, and having received this priesthood,” because of “a spirit of persecution” that had already manifested itself in Pennsylvania.14 This would not explain why they chose to suppress this information even after relocating to upper New York and Ohio. The fact is that early Mormons, including those who were the closest to Smith, were told nothing about an angelic bestowal of priesthood authority, nor did anyone, including Smith and Cowdery, claim that angelic ordinations would be essential for such a restoration. Whether Smith’s and Cowdery’s receipt of priesthood authority was a closely guarded secret or created later to encourage an unstable membership in Missouri and to place the church under a developing hierarchy is not as important to historians as the corresponding shift from charisma-based authority to one that was both legalistic and hierarchical.
“yeah and john the baptist was totally there too”
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quillith · 3 years
6, 8, 19, 24, 26, 38, 64 for yew, 13, 29, 51 for xue
jesus christ.
For Yew:
6. How does your character express when they’re uncomfortable?
Quiet, tries to make themself small, ducking their head, fidgety but very confined? mostly tail flicking back and forth nervously, toying with their piercings, very much wishes they could disappear at will. Do Not Look At Them.
8. What is something they cannot resist?
Information, specifically about where he’s from and things about their nana. Nana was mysterious! It’s natural to want answers.
19. How does your character act when they want to seem threatening?
LOL YEW THREATENING? this is so funny. so funny. Um well. I guess Yew would just act relentless. when they speak.. all intimidation is out the fuckin window. So they would be dead silent, rapid movements, trying to overwhelm their enemy before they can get a chance to register what’s happening.
24. What’s a controversial food opinion they would have?
They don’t think tomatoes should be considered a fruit or vegetable, they should instead be categorized as an abomination. They love most fruits and veggies but. Tomatoes, will never understand them.
more under a cut
26. What would they want for their funeral?
Be surrounded by friends. Have a green funeral, ideally not in barovia, but the same woods where Nana rests. No preservation methods, allowing him to return to the earth naturally. He wouldnt mind if people took his bones either. If they wanted to travel around with them on their person.
38. What fairytale/myth suits your character the best?
Okay so my first thought was immediate the korean folk story i read as a kid and would cry about NGFJDKNG it’s essentially a tale on why frogs cry in the rain. it’s a normal story and i think you should look it up.
64. What is one thing they want each party member to know?
Cedar: Woah! Other green guy.. would like to get to know you better!
Elegy: They’ve noticed Elegy’s concern for the party and how they try to watch over everyone. They also admire them for being well spoken!
Gravy: Mom friend. Yew feels comfortable around Gravy and appreciates her for trying to be the mediator. Thinks Lovey is very cool.
Kiki: Friend! Would tell him that they appreciate his trust in them, despite not feeling like they did anything to really deserve that.
Lel: Very intelligent! Yew is interested in Lel’s tales, where he’s been and what he knows.
Rook: Yew doesn’t know how Rook feels about them! They would probably want Rook to know that Fringe’s death is not their sole burden to bear, and that Fringe’s passing was relatively peaceful since the honey had returned him to his original form.
Fringe: They would want to tell Fringe that they considered him a friend, and they hope he knows that he will remain in one person’s memory, at the very least.
For Xue:
13. If they were a body of water, what would they be?
A frozen lake that cracks under your feet if you walk over it. Pray you won’t fall in.
29. What does your character have too much of?
Hope. It can blind him sometimes.
51. What makes them a hypocrite?
Cannot say on this post because it is redacted <3
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hellas-himself · 4 years
ZevWarden Week Day 1: Eye of the Beholder, Identity
It had been days since the archdemon had been defeated, and the air in the Denerim alienage still smelled like smoke. Zevran carefully stepped across the stones, the rain having done nothing but turn the ground muddy and leave the cobblestones slippery. For a moment, he remembered himself as a child, skipping across the cobblestones in Antiva, careful not to fall and scrape his knees for the thousandth time. Of climbing up trees and the neighboring buildings surrounding the brothel despite being told not to.
As he approached the ramshackle house before him, a haggard looking elf stepped out, stretching their arm. The only evidence of any injury was the telltale rips in their sleeve and the slight scar that told him his beloved was working herself ragged.
She didn’t like to leave scars.
The elf gave Zevran a nod, one that Zevran returned with a weak smile before making his way inside. It was… odd, to have these elves look at him as if he had done anything worthy of their respect. Especially when he had never felt like one of them.
“Mi amor,” he said softly, locking up the door with the single bolt it had, not because he had to but, after so many months of sleeping under the night sky, a door with a lock was a luxury. “I’m here.”
He heard a sigh and looked across the room to see the love of his life washing her hands in the basin. Her hair was coming undone from its bun and the shadows beneath her eyes did not sit well with him. Even the soft glow of the candlelight did nothing to hide her exhaustion.
“Hello,” she said, giving him a smile. “How is are dear king?”
Zevran grinned. “He hates you.”
Leliel snorted. “I’ve only been away a few days. He can survive a few days more.”
“Can you blame him?” Zevran asked as he approached her. “I couldn’t bear the thought of being apart from you.”
Leliel dried her hands and Zevran walked around the table to hug her from behind. He pressed a kiss to her cheek, feeling her lean back into him.
“I’ve missed you today,” Zevran whispered and Leliel turned around in his hold and wrapped her arms around him.
“I missed you, too.”
They remained that way until a knock came upon the front door.
“I’ll get it.”
“No,” Leliel said as they pulled away. “I’ll get it.”
The smile she gave him was not convincing but he merely nodded and watched her approach the door. To his relief, it was merely Shianni, bringing them a basket of food. After a quick thanks and wish goodnight, Leliel locked the door and carried the basket to the table. It was a simple meal, but by the end, their bellies were full and Leliel looked content.
“They asked me to stay,” Leliel said as she sipped her wine, the last dregs of the bottle they’d brought from the castle. She looked at him almost expectantly.  
“What did you say?”
She shrugged. “I want to help but… it feels wrong. To stay here. Besides, the healer will be here soon. They won’t need me.”
“Wherever you go, amor, I will follow.”
“I know,” she said with a blush. “It’s not that.”
Zevran considered her for a moment, noting how uncertain she seemed.  
“You feel as though you do not belong here.”
Leliel breathed out and nodded, setting her cup down.
“We look the same but… I’m not a city elf. I’m not Dalish.”
“You say that as though this were a shortcoming of yours.”
Her bashful expression tugged on his heart.
“You cannot be blamed for being torn from your family as a child and raised up in that tower.”
“I know.”
“But you feel guilty all the same.”
“I wish sometimes that-” She stopped and sighed, shaking her head. “It doesn’t matter.”
Zevran watched her pull the pin out of her hair, allowing it to cascade over her shoulders before she began the attempt at winding it back up.
“Amor. If I may…”
Leliel paused, watching him stand and approach her. He held out his hand and she gave him the pin which he pocketed. He ran his fingers through her hair, enjoying the way she sighed.
“My mother was Dalish,” he began. “But you know this.”
“Mhm. And you’re Antivan.”
He didn’t have to look to see that she was smirking.
“I’ve never found myself to have anything in common with the Dalish or the elves of the alienages besides our ears.” He chuckled. “I admire what you do for them, mi amor.”
“It’s not enough,” she murmured.
“To whom?”
He noticed the way she tensed and said nothing, choosing instead to use her pin to evenly part her hair down the middle. He twisted one half into a bun before beginning to braid the other.
“Do you know the Antivan word for braid, amor?” he asked.
“No. What is it?”
He playfully tugged on her hair and she giggled.
“Perfect on the first try!”
“Shut up, Zevran,” Leliel said with a laugh.
He smiled.
“Yes, yes. La trenza. One of the very few memories I have of my mother is of her braiding my hair. The other women liked to do the same, and they would tell me stories or sing a song. As if they could leave their memories in every trenza they wove.”
“That’s… that’s very sweet.”
“Trenzas are as simple or as intricate as you wish them to be. You remember the warriors we met amongst the Dalish, who braided their hair as the elders wove their stories by the fire? ”
“And here, the elves do the same, even if they believe themselves so far removed from the Dalish.”
Zevran had to step back to reach the end of her braid before securing it with a leather cord. He moved on to the second one as Leliel brought the finished braid over her shoulder and began to play with the end of it.
“When you are raised as I am, as you were, being told who we are does not always agree with what we see in the mirror.”
“No… it doesn’t.” Her voice was quiet.
“But then I would braid my hair and remember my mother… remember the others who looked like us and think that perhaps we were not so different after all.”
Zevran reached the end of the braid and began to tie it.
“Mi amor?” Leliel asked softly.
“I used to wish that I had somewhere to call home… somewhere I belonged.”
He gently placed the braid over her shoulder and watched her turn in her seat to face him. Leliel was blushing, her grey eyes so bright with hope he felt his chest tighten.
“But then I met you and… I belong with you, wherever you are. You’re my home, Zevran.”
He held out his hand to her and helped her to her feet, pulling her into his arms. There were tears in his eyes, tears that she got on her tip toes to kiss as they fell.
“I love you,” she said and kissed him, Zevran bringing his arms around her and holding her close.
“I may be Antivan,” he said with a smile, “But I am yours.”
Leliel laughed. “Oh gods, Zevran.”
“Not how I expected to hear you saying that today, but I’ll take it.”
“You’re terrible,” she managed to say between laughs and brought her arms around his neck. “And I love you for it.”
Perhaps, they may never belong amongst other elves, but he knew that as long as he was with her, he was home. And that was more than he had ever dared hope for.
As some background, I’m Puerto Rican. I grew up living between New York, New Jersey and the island itself. Like many kids of the diaspora, you grow up never feeling enough. In the island, I wasn’t “really” one of them because I lived in the states, and in the states, I’m “too much” and slurs I won’t repeat because fuck that. Sometimes it felt like I was grasping at straws when I sought out my family and culture. But one thing that always stuck with me was the braids. Every culture has their braids, their rituals. My tias would braid our hair and tell us stories, sing us songs. Braids are like a connection between you and your ancestors, your island. So with Zev and Lel, it just felt right for me to put my own personal touch there. <3 
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