#that sequel has not been planned yet tho
kiryoutann · 1 month
This may be a little too rushed, considering that 𝐀 𝐌𝐀𝐍’𝐒 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐘 𝐀 𝐖𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃, 𝐖𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 is destined to have eleven (plus one) chapters, but after (re)watching Swan Lake, I got a question drilling my mind... It has been "analyzed" that there are two endings: a good one, where the prince kills the magician and "revives" Odette, or... the bad ending, where Odette's heart breaks when she sees her loved one with another woman, and she jumps off the cliff, drowning, and the prince does the same.
I would like to know... What ending do you plan to give to the "novel" and if this will be linked to the story(・ω・)
if i gotta answer, then i'll be dropping the biggest spoiler of the series lol. but i've already discussed it in this headcanons, so i guess everyone kinda knows about it.
SO! we're going with the tragic ending. odette will be the reflection of the MC (despite MC's struggle to embody her in the beginning) - her naivety, her hope for a man to set her free; to fall in love and be loved. only to see everything taken away from her.
the realization that happy endings don't exist, that once again, her mother was right. god, i really want to write about the complexity of a mother-daughter relationship; about the love you have for her, but at the same time she's the person you hate the most.
however!! there will be some differences between the Swan Lake storyline and MC's reality. her story won't end exactly like odette's, but it's enough for you to know what kind of ending awaits.
>_< now, i imagine ending this fic on a cliffhanger. IDK THO! it's not really decided yet. but, if i end up writing it that way, i'll most likely write a sequel series. while a man's heart is truly a wretched, wretched thing focuses on the omniscient narrator who sides with the MC, the sequel will explain more details from omniscient narrator siding with Simon's perspective!!
thank u for sending this. i had a great time answering!! have a nice day babe!!
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lady-pug · 1 year
In Sickness And In Health - In Health
Summary: Whatever the kid had has now passed onto you. You feel kriffing awful but keep on working because you feel like you have to pull your weight around the ship, making Din worry. If only you’d let him take care of you.
Pairing: Din Djarin x Reader
Word count: 3,3k
Warnings: description of sickness (no throwing up this time tho)
Notes: the sequel! this one is kinda self indulgent, I wish I had a Din for myself to take care of me whenever I'm sick. I hope you enjoy this one!
Reader’s gender not specified.
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You should have known this would happen. It was pretty obvious really, it was bound to happen no matter how hard you tried to prevent it.
After you and the kid had fully rested, the baby was incredibly clingy towards you. One look at your injured forearms and he had started whimpering, his large eyes glossy as he nuzzled into your arms. While you couldn’t understand what he was saying, you could only guess he felt guilty about hurting you. 
“Oh, love. It’s not your fault.” you tried reassuring him as best as you could, but he only snuggled closer to you, much to Din’s amusement.
Speaking of which, once you had woken up, Din had explained what he had found while out. Apparently the man he had agreed to meet had scammed him in exchange for help on something? But you had to admit that the idea he had gotten out of it, his plan to search for other mandalorians, was actually quite a good start. So he set course to this backwater planet in the Outer Rim, notorious for housing mandalorian bounty hunters on occasion.
The first leg of the trip was spent in relative peace. The kid was still a little weak after being ill so he was a lot less active than usual (which was a nice change from having to chase him around the hull all the time). After a quick stop to visit the market and buy some fresh food and restock on medical supplies, you were off again.
Which led you to today. As you went to bed the ‘night’ before you were already feeling… weird. Slightly more tired than usual, especially considering you didn’t do anything that could have worn you out that much. And today… well you felt like you had been run over by a Jawa sandcrawler. Your whole body was sore, aching all over, your throat felt scratchy, there was an annoying pressure behind your eyes, your skull felt like it was filled with cotton, and you were hearing funny, as if you were underwater. 
Dragging yourself out of your cot and up the cockpit required a lot more strength than usual, and you almost gave up, tempted to go back to sleep, but quickly reminded yourself that you had tasks you had to do, and the kid to look after as well.
Finally making your way inside the cockpit where Din was piloting the Crest, you all but fell on the copilot seat. He turned slightly sideways in his seat to signal he was listening.
“How long until we get there?” you tried to say without wavering, but something in your voice must have given away that you weren’t feeling great, as he turned fully towards you.
“Are you okay?” he asked after a moment.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” you were most definitely not fine, but were not about to let him know just yet “Why?”
“I don’t know. You just sound… off.” he paused “And you don’t look so good.”
“Gee, Mando, thanks.” you answered, sarcasm dripping from your tone, before shifting back to a more neutral expression “I’m fine, Din. Really. Just feeling tired, didn’t sleep all that well.”
You hoped he would drop it and leave it at that. Your sore throat was starting to burn a little from so much talking. 
“Why don’t you take a nap? Restore your energy?”
Ever the gentleman, you thought, your heart fluttering in your chest from how concerned he sounded about you.
“I can’t.” you sighed “Lots of things to do.”
“I can handle the repairs and look after the kid so you can rest.”
This man, this kriffing perfect, beskar covered man was here, offering to do your job just so you could rest. If you weren’t already feeling more warm than usual you were sure your cheeks would have flushed at that. And his offer was oh so tempting, you wanted nothing more than to just crawl back under the covers and let sleep overtake you. But you had work to do. You already felt like you weren’t pulling your weight enough, ever since the kid started getting better, as Din had done most of your chores while you were out. Not only did he come back very tired after hunting down the information, he also picked up your slack. And here he was offering to do it all over again.
“It’s fine. I’m gonna wake the kid up and we’ll have breakfast together. I’m sure I’ll feel as good as new after a fresh cup of caf.”
As you turned to leave the cockpit you missed the way he kept his visor trained on you as you retreated back into the hull, nor did you see the look of concern directed your way from under the helmet.
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As it turned out, you did not, in fact, feel ‘as good as new’ after breakfast. If anything you somehow felt worse: the caf you drank upsetting your already uneasy stomach even further. The kid, none the wiser to your current predicament, was happy to sit down and doodle after eating. You were thankful that he didn’t seem to be up to too much trouble today, as you certainly didn’t have the energy to look after him if he did decide to wreak havoc on the ship like he usually did, and got to work.
Although most of the things you had to do were small repairs around the ship, there were lots of them. And on top of that you also had to do the inventory of the things you and Din had bought on the last stop. You worked at a slower pace than usual, occasionally taking small breaks to deal with a coughing or sneezing fit.
At one point you started feeling progressively colder, shivering no matter how many layers of clothing you put on, even though you were dripping with sweat. You must have a fever. The kid doodles away while you try to focus on the task at-hand. You need to finish your chores. Logically and realistically, you knew it was just the fever talking, but you couldn’t help but feel like you were burdening Din. And the very last thing you wanted was to disappoint him.
You were just finishing the last of the repairs for the day, having taken a considerably longer amount of time to get it all done, and were mentally preparing yourself to get started on the inventory when you heard the familiar clanking sound of steps climbing down the leader from the cockpit.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better.” you lied nasally from how stuffy your nose felt, not sounding very convincing not even to yourself.
He sighed.
“Why are you lying to me?”
“What do you mean?” you tried forcing a smile but failing “I feel perfectly fine.”
“You don’t look fine.” he started, a twinge of annoyance permeating his voice “You don’t sound fine. And” he tapped something on the side of your helmet before looking back at you “your core temperature is elevated. What’s going on?”
You sighed, realizing your attempts at hiding how you were feeling were pointless as he could read you almost like an open book.
“I think I caught whatever the kid had the other day.” you averted your gaze, feeling slightly like a kid getting scolded after being caught doing something they shouldn’t “I don’t feel really good.”
His shoulders slumped, as if he was relieved.
“Why don’t you go take a nap while I make you some soup? We have all those fresh vegetables that we bought, it should do the trick.”
You wanted to take him up on it.
“I can’t.”
“Why not?” 
“I still have some things to get done with.”
“Let me handle whatever you have left to do.” he said, raising his voice just a fraction.
“No, I have to finish the work.” you insisted. 
“Why are you so adamant on getting work done when you feel bad?” his annoyed tone was back.
“Because!” you snapped, your throat screaming in agony as you did so “I haven’t been able to keep up with the work lately. If I can’t even do my job right, what is even the point of you keeping me around?!”
Din reeled as if you had slapped him.
“You really think so little of me?” he asked in a small voice.
You visibly deflated. 
“I-I’m sorry, Din.” you stammered “That’s not what I- I just-”
He placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“I keep you around because I enjoy your company. Because I like having you around.” he said softly.
You smiled softly at him, feeling somewhat relieved, even though you knew that all along. 
“Thanks, Din.” your voice came out even more scratchy than before “I mean it. I enjoy your company too.”
He squeezed your shoulder reassuringly once before dropping his hand.
“Why don’t you take that nap now? I’ll wake you up in a bit with something for you to eat.”
You nodded slowly, your limbs heavy and your headache a bit worse.
“Let me take care of you.” 
Even in your weak state, something in the way he said it made your heart speed up, pounding like it was going to beat out of your chest, and heat spread through your entire body. 
You started making your way to your cot when Din grabbed your arm and started steering you towards his own bunk.
“But Din-”
“Please.” he cut you off.
You sighed half-heartedly but let him lead you there, snuggling into his slightly uncomfortable mattress. You felt a comforting clench in your chest when he laid the covers over your form, practically tucking you in.
“Get some sleep. I’ll wake you up in a bit with some food.”
You barely nodded in response, already drifting off to sleep.
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Din was worried about you. If he had to admit it, worried would be an understatement. He could see right through you when you said you were feeling fine earlier, you looked anything but fine, he could hear it in your voice. But he let it go, if it was something important, you would come to him of your own accord when you were ready. Once he realized you weren’t going to relent, he felt the need to step in.
There was also the matter of what you had told him. He knew it was probably just the fever making you just a little bit delirious, probably brought up by the fact you had fallen behind on your schedule, so he tried not to let your comment sting too much. Din knew you appreciated his presence, and knew that you knew he appreciated your own in turn. Or at least he hoped you did. He was more of a man of action instead of words, so he tried to let his actions speak for themselves, always buying you fresh goods, always leaving your favorite flavor of dehydrated protein bars for you, occasionally buying you some trinkets that reminded him of you when strolling a street market.
What Din felt for you, he had recently come to realize, was more than just appreciation. He loved you, he was helmet over boots in love with you. He wanted only the best for you, so he took it upon himself to take care of you and make you feel better. Like you had done for the kid before.
“Come on, kid” he said, picking the boy up and settling him on the counter “Let’s prepare a meal, yeah?”
He tried searching the holonet for some comfort food recipes from Tatooine, your home planet, and eventually settled on making cream of womp rat soup. He was thankful that you had insisted on buying fresh food at the last stop, which made his job here a little bit easier (although he did have to replace the womp rat meat for another kind).
The kid giggled the entire time, helping the Mandalorian stir the ingredients while his father chopped some vegetables. By the time the soup was all ready and steaming in a bowl, he went to wake you up. Opening the door to his bunk, he felt the corner of his lips curl up in a soft grin at the sight of you, curled up in his bed. While he hated waking you up, he knew you had to eat. He shook your shoulder lightly.
“Hmm…?” you sleepily raised your head, acknowledging him.
“I got you some soup. Come on.”
“How long was I out?” you asked, rubbing the sleep from your eyes with the back of your hand.
“One standard hour, more or less.”
Din gently helped you up into a sitting position, with your back against what would be a headboard (if he had one). He went to retrieve the bowl when he noticed the kid peering up at the bed, making grabbing motions with his hands. Picking him up, he placed him over the covers, near your legs.
“Someone wanted to keep you company.” he said, to which you giggled in return, before launching on a fit of sneezes.
He grabbed the bowl and went back to his bunk, setting it over your lap. He noticed the kid had snuggled against your hip, his little head over your thigh. 
“I’m not the best cook in the galaxy” he said, feeling a twinge of awkwardness crawl its way up his throat “but I hope you like it.”
“Well, I would tell you it smells amazing if I could actually feel it.” he chuckled in response “If I’m able to taste anything, I’m pretty sure it will be great.”
He sat down by your feet at the edge of the bed, placing a hand over one of your knees and squeezing it softly. After you brought the spoon to your mouth, you let out a tiny moan of satisfaction.
“Maker, Din” you sighed happily “This is delicious. Is this-?”
“Cream of womp rat soup.” he finished.
“Minus the womp rat, I presume?”
He laughed at that, nodding his head.
“I know you don’t really like your home world, but you grew up there. I just assumed you would find some comfort in it.”
“It’s perfect, Din.” you grinned at him, a smile that made his heart skip a beat “Thank you.”
After another spoonful, you piped up again, your voice more playful.
“And it’s certainly better than the one I prepared for the kid the other day.”
You ate in silence, just the occasional cooing sounds coming from the kid, who was dangerously close to dozing off with his head draped over your thigh. Din’s heart clenched in adoration at the loving smile on your face, clearly enjoying the meal he so thoughtfully prepared for you.
You finished eating, drinking directly from the bowl, and turned back towards him.
“It was delicious, Din. Thank you. I mean it.” your smile seemed to light up your face, even with your sunken cheeks and the prominent bags under your eyes that were getting more noticeable by the hour.
“It was my pleasure, Cyar’ika.” he smiled in return, even though you couldn’t see it “Anything for you to feel better.” 
You quickly averted your eyes, a nervous look in your eyes making itself known for just a tiny fraction of second, before you looked back at him with a tired smile.
“I think my fever is getting worse.” your face fell when you sighed “I feel like it’s getting colder around here.” 
He tapped the side of his helmet.
“Your temperature is getting higher.”
Din got up, retrieving the kid and placing him back on the floor next to his coloring tools. He then extended a hand towards you.
“Come on. A cool shower should help alleviate the symptoms.” 
He helped you up on your feet, holding onto your elbow as you swayed upon planting your feet on the cold durasteel floor. He didn’t dare let go of your hand as you two slowly walked the small distance towards the fresher. He leaned you on a wall while preparing the water temperature for you.
“Think you can take it from here?” he asked, a bit awkwardly.
“Yeah. Should be fine.” 
As you moved to step away from him, he gently held your hand.
“I’m going to bring you some clothes. If you need anything, I’ll be right outside the door.”
You nodded, thanking him. He was left to watch you step into the fresher, closing the door behind you.
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The cool water felt soothing on your feverish skin somehow. The droplets seemed to wash away all your worries and struggles, leaving only a tired body behind.
You washed slowly, your movements precise and careful in order not to drop anything, as you were sure you wouldn’t be able to crouch and pick it up without slipping and possibly injuring yourself quite badly. Leaving your face for last, you enjoyed how it suddenly made you feel just a little bit better. You only exited when your eyelids started feeling heavy and droopy (which didn’t really take long to be honest).
You reached for the towel hanging next to you, wrapping it around yourself after having dried off. With your skin now dry, the cold came back in full swing, having seemingly intensified while you showered, making you tremble on the spot. Maker, all you wanted was to get dressed and slip back under the covers, as you were suddenly getting very tired again, as if all the energy you gained from the small nap and Din’s soup was washed down the drain along with the water.
Opening the door you came face to face with a towering wall of beskar. His arms were extended in your direction, holding a pile of folded clean clothes, his helmet turned to the side, not staring directly at you. Once you got the clothes, he quickly turned around, his back to you, giving you some privacy.
“If you need anything, let me know.”
You felt as if you were dressing in slow motion, your movements sluggish. The shirt was certainly not yours, probably one of Din’s, and the thought made a warm feeling spread across your chest.
“All set.” 
Din turned back towards you, tilting his head to the side, like he was assessing your appearance in his clothes. He took a step forward, almost chest to chest with you, and, picking your arm up gently, started rolling the sleeve up, exposing your forearm. Something about the gesture felt incredibly intimate, and if you weren’t so very tired you would definitely be able to pay attention to the erratic beat of your heart. When he was done with the other sleeve he started leading you back to his bunk.
“Can’t you just give me an antipyretic or something?” you whined under your breath.
He chuckled lightly, his heart breaking a little bit for you were suffering.
“No, Cyar’ika. A fever is the body’s natural defense against the infection. Unless it starts getting dangerously high, you should let it go away on its own.”
You huffed, stubbornly, but let it go. As you arrived back on his bed, he helped you lie down and get comfortable, wrapping you in as many blankets he could get his hands on. As he went to leave your hand shot out and grabbed his wrist.
“Cyar’ika-” he started.
“Please?” you almost whispered.
He hesitated for just a moment before removing his vembrances. One by one the pieces of his armor came off, being carefully placed in a crate near the bunk, leaving him in only his helmet and flightsuit.
Din lied down beside you and you instantly scooted closer to him, nuzzling into his chest. He tensed for just a second, before his body relaxed, wrapping his arms around you and bringing you even closer.
“Thank you, Din” you said “for looking after me.” 
Din tilted his head, touching his chest with his chin, and briefly pressed the cold beskar forehead of his helmet to your own very lightly.
You soon fell asleep, feeling safe and protected like never before.
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Hiiiiiiii, (tries to look at you with the biggest puppy eyes) is there a chance for more in the cider verse? What happens post wedding? Relationship reveal with a bang? The terrible trio crashing and burning? „Surprise, the cup is safe!“? #wednesdayprompt
Cider verse tho I don’t have a name for the sequel yet!
Haha not much happens just yet. Magnus and Alec are waiting for the right time and Alec finding out his siblings stole his stele and committed treason is not great for those honeymoon vibes.
Alec needs to figure out how much damage he has to salvage before he blows up the ground under him and everywhere else
Hehe the cup is a problem ^_^ but it’s not Alec’s problem (not yet at least)
I hope you enjoy
💜 lumine
Alec wants nothing more than to bask in the glory of a warm afternoon sun and the gorgeous, relaxed body of his husband.
Alec can’t help his grin, the way he moves closer so he can press his lips adoringly against Magnus' chest.
Magnus grumbles, a sleepy protest at Alec’s stubble against his bare skin and Alec just nuzzles closer still.
Magnus arms come up, solid and strong and keeping Alec close in a way that has Alec aching to shut away the world for just a little longer.
Despite the fact that he knows he can’t, he shuts his eyes and tries to let sleep steal him back under.
“Alexander—“ he hears what feels like an instant and a lifetime later, all at once. Alec shakes his head, a stubborn refusal as he inhales the scent of Magnus and his shampoo and them.
It’s addicting and Alec whines, shaking his head when Magnus insistently pets his back.
“The world will not wait for us, darling.” Magnus reminds him gently, “we’ve stolen away all that we can risk already, Alexander.”
Alec knows that.
He does.
But he selfishly loathes the thought of once again, fighting for every chance to see Magnus. And not only that, but fighting a war on all sides when it comes to his siblings, parents and the clave.
“I can’t be kept from you.” Magnus reminds him gently — the strength of his grip giving away his own concerns.
Alec knows that.
It’s why they did what they did.
Magnus and he are tied together in every possible way that can protect them.
Knowing all of that doesn’t make it any easier though.
When Alec had made the choices he did, he hadn’t realized his siblings would be stupid enough to commit outright treason.
The sheer gall of it has him pacing the deck as he pulls every active-duty shadowhunter in his Institute and puts them on alert.
Alec had barely given himself and Magnus thirty hours to just be with each other, and now he finds himself forming teams to search.
As he’d already reported the theft of his stele to Lydia, Alec can’t be incriminated. He’d purposefully taken himself out of the equation for Lydia to take charge for a few days and while it’s kept him from trouble, he’s in no position to help his siblings.
It means that Alec has to be cold, nearly voiceless as the power he gave to Lydia to be used against his parents is now used against Jace and Izzy.
Alec still isn’t sure exactly what anyone was thinking throughout the entire debacle — Lydia ordering Meliorn interrogated is a step far beyond the power he allowed her — but regardless, it’s happened.
Alec can’t even deal with the fallout just yet, not when he needs to let Lydia see this through.
“I did warn you to secure them and to not act overly hasty.” Alec hears Mirai murmur to Lydia, his second is less than impressed with the clave’s envoy and he doesn’t blame her. Alec and Mirai had finally been making progress and Lydia… well Alec’s not sure her purpose or plans but they no longer mesh with his own.
“I couldn’t risk that he had information we needed.” Lydia replies and then she winces when Mirai gives her a dark look.
“It wasn’t your risk to take, Branwell. But it is your mess to clean up. Alec extended a hand of trust, to both the clave and you through his actions. His trust was poorly received.”
Mirai isn’t wrong, and Alec is relieved to find his professional trust not completely betrayed. That she is watching his back without knowing he can hear her is a boon and one Alec needs.
Especially after his parabatai and sister who committed treason — Alec is refusing to think about Max’s role — it was under the clave’s watch that it happened.
After all, the last thing Alec needs is a charge of treason on the night he married the love of his life.
Magnus: darling… not to play devils advocate for your siblings but he is one of my favorite uncles and you need a distraction. Did you not do something similarly risky and Ill-advised recently?
Alec: babe the difference is I didn’t get caught. It would be one thing if they ONLY got caught. But they didn’t just get caught. They announced that they were breaking the rules loudly and happily and almost gave the cup to Valentine while also letting him know exactly where it is… allegedly
Magnus: true, you’re much careful with your attempts at sedition
Alec grumbling as he gets ready for bed: they’re not attempts if they’re successful
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gryffintheparrotcat · 2 months
Just finished my first da:i run (didnt play the other two dragon age games yet, yes yes I know that's like a cardinal sin but I didn't want to buy 3 games and start with the crustiest and then potentially end up hating it. I'm already starting an origin run alright🙏)
I finally get why DA fans kept saying DA does companions (and honestly story choices too) better than bg3. I couldn't agree more. The character creator also being a proper rpg character creator and not just a few face presets warms my rpg gamer heart. I've successfully been converted to DA. The only thing I miss about bg3 is actually seeing what my character will say and being able to save and load during dialogues. The amount of times I picked the wrong option or just started looking the quest up to see what those dialogue options would be when said out loud...
I saw a lot of warnings not to start with da:i since it doesn't explain lore at all. However those signs didn't warn me because I can't read. Going blind into it was definitely a turbulent experience, I feel like I still don't get half of the beef between the nations but honestly I managed well. Standing on the side of the oppressed out of principle didn't fail me (I did make enemies with basically everyone tho...)
The ending (specifically the trespasser ending) has me feeling very emotional rn (unlike bg3-). My poor inquisitor really can't catch a break huh. He didn't even want to be inquisitor in the first place & now his boyfriend is in a whole different country and his arm is well... not well. (Solas when I catch you, you hetero bastard we could've been nerdy elven mage couple goals but nooo your plans include women and world destruction).
Anyways clawing at the bars of my enclosure playing DA is the only thing keeping me sane rn and Veilguard is taking it's damnest time. At least I have two more games to get through in the meantime ig. Unlike bg3, DA:I actually made me want to play the previous games (yk how good sequels in a series are supposed to- ok i'll stop the bg3 slander now).
We'll see if the brainworms, of which there are plenty, are strong enough to turn my ideas from mind to paper.
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regheart · 4 months
I am so delighted to have found fans that I actually agree with. I cannot wait to go through your whole blog and dig out for fic recs. I ship R/S, but I hate reading Remus and Sirius dating at school.
i'm afraid you'll be disappointed to got through my blog because i haven't done fic recs yet (although i have been planning to, and maybe this is my sign to start). the best i can offer you is my old men yaoi tag
now for the fic recs, man-eaters of kumaon is considered a fandom classic and while the wolfstar is very background it's still such a brilliant fic that i have to recommend it. and ignipes has written smaller sequels to it (that i haven't read yet)
speaking of sequels i also feel like there's a mandatory TheDivineComedian rec if you haven't read anything by them. and while they're hiding inside me is about a blossoming school romance (i will say tho that i find it more grounded than most of the wolfstar at school fics), its immediate sequel pot, kettle, black is set on 1979 and shows how they begin to lose trust on each other
another very popular author that i'll admit not to have read much of is montparnasse with june, and other natural disasters, a beautifully written get together post-hogwarts fic
for a post-azkaban fic, i really liked the sand beneath our feet by mugsdontlie, which is them together on the run after many years (with buckbeak)
the ratcatchers series by darkbluedark isn't all wolfstar, but they're all worth the read
and because i love professor lupin i'll wrap this up with for him by lunatik_pandora, which has a background wolfstar to a very sweet moment between remus and harry
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thot-son-of-odin · 9 months
20 Questions For Writers
I’m taking @galaxythreads’ post as unofficial tagging because I want to do this lol
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Thor (unfortunately the hyperfixation has taken root)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. midas is king (and he holds me so tight)
2. a shrike to your sharp
3. be as you’ve always been
4. I am loved (I am loved)
5. our truth is burned from history (this is actually my favorite of all five, I’m glad it’s on here haha)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to, I haven’t really been recently since I’ve been busy (and lazy) but I wanna start doing it again.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This since the situation that Thor and Loki in does not get resolved lol,,,,,maybe I should write a sequel.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I actually thought most of mine ended happyish but I’m realizing the really happy ending is probably this one???
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Not really? I’ve been getting some weird anonymous comments that aren’t hate??? They’re just odd. And I feel like they come from the same person too. I’m not bothered by it, I’m just,,,,,,confused????
9. Do you write smut?
Yes! I only have one smut fic so far but I want to write more!
10. Do you write crossovers?
No, I’m just not really interested in them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, and hopefully that never happens
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet! Blanket permission if anyone ever wants to, please just let me know!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes and I love doing it! It’s so much fun, plus you have another person to complain to when the fic isn’t going the way you want!
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Thor and Loki, but both platonically and romantically if that makes sense? I am a brodinsons fan before I am a thorki fan.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have too many, writing is hard :’(
16. What’s your writing strengths?
I like to think I have a good head for plotting and coming up with ideas
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Actually writing down what I have planned. People should look thru my idea list and write some of the fics I’ve thought of lol
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Think it can be good in small quantities if you’re simply using google translate but if you’re trying to write a lot in that language, you should probably either already know it or ask for help from someone who does. As a reader tho, it’s not entirely helpful unless there’s a translation also given — I think it takes you out of the fic if you have to look it up
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor who
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Hmm I feel like my fav fic shifts from week to week. Right now it’s mother make me a big gray cloud because it’s the longest I’ve written and it’s also finished!! So super excited about it!
Tagging @babygirlthor, @worstloki, @thorarms, @nostalgia-tblr, @shinysoroka, @thortwenty151, @colifower, and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!
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jokeringcutio · 9 months
It's fun to see you deep in the Afton hole hehe
Buuuuut... I was just curious if you have any plans for your joker or Arthur harrow fics that are on hold
I didn't wanna seem rude begging for updates when you're in a fnaf fixation tho
Yes, Anon. I have (:
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Sometimes I post updates about my writing process or personal life with info about these tales in it :) TLDR: In short: Joker's TMWCTBY will be completed - although I am considering only publishing the full tale in e-book form rather than posting the new chapters on AO3. Joker's Princess and the Clown is nominated to be continued. Joker's new tale is planned for when Joker 2 has aired. Harrow's Harrowing Love will be continued in the new year. A new story featuring Arthur Harrow and Albert Shaw will appear in the upcoming days. For more Details: Joker's 'The Man Who Claimed To Be Yours' was scheduled to be finished by the end of this year, or the start of next. Now unfortunately due to health issues that have me in and out of hospital and bedbound and asleep most of the time, that schedule probably won't be met. But I am still writing the tale and it's nearly done. Perhaps I will release the final chapters in an ebook adaptation of it only - as a slightly rewritten story - because I wanted to turn the story into an ebook for years now and have the cutest cover for it :3 (Yep, man in asylum clothes but I find it cute).
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Arthur Harrow's 'Harrowing Love' has been on hold writing-wise for a while now. I really need to continue writing on it, but decided that some of the chapters are more fit to be uploaded near Easter, and already announced the tale will be slow in updates and take off again next year :)
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Joker's 'The Princess and the Clown' is one of the Joker 2019 tales I wish to pick up again but have been struggling with the changing perspectives. Also, I have been doubting where to take it. Romantic? Or Dark Romance? I seem to be doing that latter quite well the past year, but should I pull everything into the dark? I haven't decided yet and might do a poll about it one day. I expect I will be rewriting and updating this fic in the future.
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Harrow will feature again in a new fanfic that I have started on. None of the chapters have been posted online yet, but it features the Reader as a young woman living trapped in his 'community', after having fallen for his charm. She is aware that escaping the cult is difficult and tries to make the best of it, until her secret crush - Harrow, who apparently has not looked at her romantically even once - forces her to marry his brother: Albert Shaw. This is, as you can guess, a crossover with the Black Phone and will feature lots of smut. I want to upload this fic as soon as possible, so it'll probably be one of the fics you'll see appear soon that features our beloved cult leader Arthur Harrow.
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Joker-wise, I have an idea for a multi-chapter fic that I desperately want to write in the future. Plans are to start that tale once TMWCTBY is finally done. But the idea should also fit whatever sequel they have been making, so if I get round to it, you'll probably see it appear only after Joker 2 is out.
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As to other projects, there are some more up and running. Of course, there are my other favorite slasher men, and I might write about one of my favorite ladies if I have the chance. I still have tales I need to finish for friends, and I am attempting to write something in a different language for a competition currently. But most of all, I am asleep in my bed, missing a lot of my life currently and having not nearly enough time to do everything I want. I am a mom with two young kids, who had to quit her job due to long covid. The long covid has given me Asthma. I was already a Migraine patient thanks to a benign tumor in my youth. And let's just say I am receptible to them. I am facing abdominal surgery soon and hopefully stop the pains, aches and goddamn bleeding (to everyone who has a blood fetish, you may keep it. I am not into it). I'll be in the hospital again tomorrow for a medical exam, so any updates in the upcoming days will probably be scheduled posts. But I love you all and will keep writing for as long as I can and whenever I can.
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freyadragonlord · 22 days
hi, same anon who wanted to know if sctir had a happy ending. well im not even fully done with that one yet and im already planning to suffer more!
so, does orv have at least not a sad ending? its the single most popular korean webnovel by a long shot and ive always seen it around in the webtoon space, but that psychological tag scares me and ive heard very fucked up things about this story and the pain it causes.
its to the point that im kind of convinced that there is no actual full happy ending available, but at least tell me that dokja doesnt just die for real or smth. as long as kdj and yjh arent like forever separated or dead thats good enough for me to jump the gun and read it.
Ahhh, this answer is more complicated than sctir djndkdkskd
Spoilers ahead:
So, the main novel is 551 chapters long. It has a Really painful final arc (which is called "epilogue" but dont be fooled, it's not an epilogue by normal standards. It's the crucial final arc of the story).
Then, the ending is hopeful, i want to say positive, but the thing is that the authors don't really show you the happy ending, they take you right at the door of it, let the characters have a glimpse of it, and the reader is left to imagine it themselves. This is very deliberate on the authors' part, as it's a story about a Reader, and by the end it directly involves it's own readers in the conclusion.
So like, if you want to stop there, and imagine a full happy ending, you can, and the authors encourage it. You have all the elements to believe it, it's not subtle or anything, but you never get to see the characters have a relaxing, happy epilogue. It is action and pain all to the very end, and the rest is up to you.
I will say, in this happy ending you Almost see, all the main group of characters are together, they Want to be together forever and live as a family, so that is the starting point where you're left to imagine from.
ORV also has a long Side Story, that continues with chapter 553 (552 is another short, self contained side-story). And a bit like the epilogue isn't quite a normal epilogue, this isn't a normal Side Story.
Basically, if you want to find out More about what happens at the end of orv, after that open ending, you get a chance! At first it appears to be a separate story set in the same world building, but that's just a trick, it's basically a sequel and the characters you came to know appear a bit later and you learn what they've been up to.
But it means suffering more for a while, and delaying their happy ending.
And i mean, i hope it's just a delay, but i don't know, because the side story is not over yet! So i cannot tell you if it will end happily or not.
So basically. If you want to read it, i can promise you that a happy end exist, tho you dont get to see it on page, and you can chose to stop it there, and it's a perfectly acceptable way to end the story.
You can come back in 6-8 months and ask if the side story is over yet and it ended well xD
Personally, i think ORV is worth it. And i this as someone who suffered a lot reading the epilogue. The "vagueness" of the ending didnt bother me because it fits with the themes of the novel, which is all about What the agency of a reader reading a novel is.
But it's a choice you have to make for yourself!
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missr3n3 · 11 months
MORE CUT DOWN THE ALTER??????N!!!??!?!?!
i believe so! i'm still planning on having more access animus healing come out first (new video + a website 👀), but i suppose i can use this ask as an excuse to talk more in depth about what i've been cooking up since cdta ended!
prequel fic - 5 chapters long. title is clear the stone. its going to flow a bit like an anthology, covering various events i mentioned regarding jonah and adam's past together in the main fic. it starts with them meeting in middle school and ends with the phone call that kicks off vol. 2! i would like to mention that i'm mainly writing this to provide more context for what i had in mind about the characters histories when i was writing the main fic, rather than as some sort of fix-it. currently has 2 chapters done!
one shot - i call it a one-shot but honestly i think it's gonna have to b spit into 2 chapters lol. title is sew me up. its set a few months after chapter 19 of the main fic, while adam is still adjusting to life outside the Sand Pit. it starts with him having a particularly gruesome nightmare and covers the rest of bps gang's attempts to comfort him. nothing written for this yet but i have a pretty clear outline for what will happen!
sequel/mystifying oracle crossover - idk how long yet, but definitely shorter than the main fic. (current) title is pull your hands away. starts with adam making a video on the main BPS channel where he comes clean about being an alternate, which is followed by joel hayes sending sarah an email about wanting to fly adam out to canada to shoot some collabs ~for educational purposes~. though jonah goes with him, that's still adam and joel in the same space, so you can imagine how horribly this goes for them. thats about all i can say for now, since i'm still sorting out the outline and the plot is in very broad strokes. i can share this fun fact tho: i recently decided that chloe joins girlypop sleepover towards the ending lol
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cosmignon · 1 year
The first character I first fell in love with: 
AUGUSTUS AQUATO YOU WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS!! I'd always liked Raz of course, but when I was rewatching the first game to prep for the sequel the last like 20 minutes of it rocked me. the difference between Raz's perception of his dad vs the real deal who's just a well meaning if overprotective father captured me so violently and immediately it felt like I was being jostled around. Plus Augustus has such a cool design and his voice work is so soft yet gruff and kind. He's a delight. Idk what my opinion on the first game would be without him bc it's one of the strongest highlights in the emotions department.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
It's haaaard to say bc I just liked most of them off the bat but I do think I needed some time for Cassie O'Pia to grow on me. Her level was overstimmulating the first time I played it so I didn't rly appreciate how nice it looked or how cool her archetypes really were. Love her now tho, of course, bc I love all the old people psychics
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
I Don't Care Much for the campers aside from Lili & Dogen. I think they're definitely fun, I've enjoyed a lot of fan work about the individual campers and do have favorites among the ones who Aren't Lili & Dogen (Clem & Crystal, Chloe) but they just don't really compel me much. Same goes for the interns but with them at least I can remember all their names and quirks off the top of my head (bc there's only 6 of them)
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
I think Gristol is an interesting character, I think he's fun! I don't post abt him much bc I get the vibe ppl get annoyed about it? Which is fair, he sucks, I would hit him with a crowbar if he was real. but he's just kind of a pathetic guy once his plans fail. He's fun to talk about and theorize about what in the world could actually make him become a better person or at least have a change of mind like the other antagonists we've been inside the heads of.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Error answer not found
The character I would totally smooch: 
The character I’d want to be like: 
I wish I had the patience and chill attitude of Milla or the cool big showmanship of Helmut. The brightest and most colorful characters basically !!
The character I’d slap: 
See: Gristol.
A pairing that I love:
Bob Zanotto and Helmut Fullbear are married and in love!! I love those guys so much it is absurd.
My first playthru experience of not expecting any gay content period was one of a kind.
the shift from "Oh Helmut's so obviously queercoded good for him. I hope He and his "Bobby" have some fun friendly guy pal thing going on"
to "Oh He and Bob were GAY gay"
A pairing that I despise: 
Not a big fan of Norma/Frazie! There's cute art of it for sure that I can appreciate but when I'm just alone w/my thoughts I feel like Frazie could do better and Norma needs to work on herself or else they'd have the most explosive teen drama break up ever and make it Everyone's Problem.
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kravkalackin · 2 years
Hi, it’s 3am and i just finished binge reading one of your fics after starting it Years ago while i was still actively hyperfixating on taz and picking it back up just a couple days ago when i realized how much i missed your writing and noticed that it had been completed while i was gone (love is a construct). I read So many taz fics back then and even after i moved on from the fandom (although balance will always be really special to me) your fics always sort of stuck around in my mind cause they always sucked me in without fail so when i was craving something to binge read it was surprisingly easy to pull up your ao3 and dive back in. Anyway, i was experiencing the usual emotional rollercoaster of getting to the end of a fic when i got Super curious about what you were up to now. Do you still write taz stuff? Have you moved on to other things (totally understandable if you have)? If you do still do fanfics, are you still planning to write some sort of sequel for Love is a Construct? You mentioned that in some of your notes towards the end of the end of the fic, but it’s been a while so it would make sense if plans have changed since then. Sorry for the sudden word vomit in your asks, i think god cursed me to never be able to be concise about anything ever, but it’s good to know you’re still around regardless of what you’re up to now. Your fics stuck with me through some stuff so they’ll always have a special place right along with taz balance for me. I’m not really sure how to end an unnecessarily long ask so, best wishes i guess?
look, in this case we have both been cursed with the inability to ever say a single goddamn thing succinctly, so I can't fault you on the long ask. It's honestly really nice to hear that people are still reading and enjoying my fics, even tho it has been an extremely long time since i've updated anything at all. (i still read all comments on my fics, if that was ever in any doubt)
I was writing infinity train fics for a little while there, but uuuuh haven't really updated any of them since may of last year? So nearly coming up on a year now.
I'm actually trying to get into original writing, which is to say i keep making a lot of plans that haven't come to much fruition yet because my job is slowly killing me. I have made it a goal to write the first draft over this coming summer and do editing and revising over the next academic year.
so uh, yeah? i still have no idea how many people would be interested in my original work, but I wanna give it the go ahead, so that's been my focus. I absolutely do want to continuing writing fanfic, but original stuff is gonna be my major goal for the next year or so.
so yeah, hopefully maybe sometime late 2024 i'll be dropping a book about ice zombies aristocrats or scavengers at the end of the universe or some third idea i haven't thought of yet. we'll see
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kraptos · 2 years
Okay- I'm a lil curious. Is the timeline in Agapē universe alot different than what we have in canon?
Considering that Kratos is around 1000 years old and time-blind while Agapē implies that AOS is the oldest between the two; it got me thinking that AOS was pulled into some dark sorcery shenanigans during his time in scandinavian since he arrived first before Kratos. Feel like Faye had something to do with it,,,,
or maybe it's just me xD
Excited for the next chapter tho! Happy 2023! 🎉💕✨
hi! i have been waiting for this question for years and i am so glad no one asked until after ragnarok came out LOL before i knew how GOWR was gonna go i had two different explanations, but now since i know the story i can say for sure what's the deal w the timeline. i will also say there's nothing off the top of my head that conflicts w your theory!! so if you want to take that as agapē canon, i think that's safe! and also a hella cool idea :]
in all honesty agapē is, at its core, v silly and self indulgent, so i just took the timeline for the games and squashed it into about 60 years or so, canon be damned. it's not very creative or plausible but to me AOS is just a plain old mortal dude and i've never thought about anything happening to change to that tbh. its just too funny to me that he can get away w treating kratos like a kid all the time (& kratos is infatuated with him anyway) when there's nothing special about him at all. there's a little tidbit coming in chapter 11 where kratos kinda has a thought about how he'll outlive atreus bc he's a god. so i guess in agapē he'll still live for thousands of years, & they just haven't happened yet.
if you want the uhhhhhhhh other explanation for why atreus of sparta is still alive. look below. aha WARNING: MAJOR GOW RAGNAROK SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT
ive been planning to write a sequel with AOS in Ragnarok for a while now and uhhhhhhhh i was seriously considering making him odin/an illusion created by odin. i was going to be absolutely diabolically evil. kratos was convinced he was fake for a hot second after he first found him in agapē, and i was going to make his gut feeling be right. but tyr was odin in canon. so now i can 100% say with certainty that i will not do that LOL he's a just a guy!!!! and i have so many wholesome little ideas in my head for this next fic now :) (cough cough feel free to ask cough)
sorry for my very long winded response!!!! i love AOS so much... i can't help myself.
happy new year to you too!! 🎊 i am honored you're ringing in 2023 by thinking of my fic 😢 hoping to update here soon, the chapter is done just doing some last edits on my end and letting my betas take a look :D
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bisexual-yuri · 4 months
Yeah I feel that lol... I've been working so much that my fic-writing has been hella light lately. I'm on mobile so I unfortunately can't link you, but these are all found on AO3.Of course I'm gonna rec my own AsaNoya stuff lol My AO3 is princemito. I have a pure-fluff Seattle AU (Emerald City Etiquette) that has aged-up AsaNoyas, and then also a short fic I have that I'm planning sequels for that deals with Asahi graduating. It's a little sad but I don't think it's that bad hahaAlso one of my favs is Top of the World by Homeo. It's a college-AU kinda (Noya's not in college but Asahi is) and it updates every Tuesday. It's got some really good fluff but shit is getting ANGSTY just as a warning haha... The best AsaNoya I've read is also sorta college-AU, but is set post-canon, and it's Vienna Waits for You by Pouler. It is so amazing. It depicts Noya with pretty severe depression though so it's kinda a heavy read but it is still so good. Like Pouler's writing is just fantastic. There is also the most emotional blow job scene I have ever fucking read and idk if you're into that sort of fic but if you're not that's cool. It's not until the end of the most recent chapter. The rest of it is so good tho. And then Pouler also has another fic that I haven't gotten to yet (Unremarkable Things) that also seems good.Another good one that's on-going and updated recently is Chances Are by inkandwords. It has Asahi and Noya's relationship after Asahi graduates. There's also a really neat art going around from it and the tradition of giving away the second button on your uniform to the person you like idk if you've seen that or not (I saw it a few times before realizing it was connected to the fic).And then when you left by sugacookie is a transboy Noya fic that is good. I just love transboy Noya tbh so yeah. But it's actually a pre-canon fic from Noya's first yearThose are all the one's I can think of rn. Sorry I couldn't link you directly to them, but if you go to my AO3 they're all in my bookmarks!I hope some of this stuff is up your alley! Lemme know which one's you end up reading or if you find any other ones :D We can scream and cry about them together lol
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redandblackpoetry · 4 months
also, it's thinking abt ur eldritch ghost hours again
is there anything u've hc'd abt him that didn't make it into the fic so far? i'm just. i love him.
First of all, it makes me absolutely delighted that you love him, he's my boy
Second, there are a lot of hcs that I have that havent made it into the fic yet, or have only been hinted at in passing.
One of my personal favs that I've given like half a crumb about in the fic is that Ghost knows Roach. They are/were extremely close but something Happened to Roach which is part of what I'm planning to explore in the sequel. And it kills Ghost that he can't do anything to save Roach atm, which is why he's so protective over the 141. He's also terrified of the 141 interacting with his kind for the same reason
I've also hc'ed that Ghost has a ton of semi-traumatic things to work through regarding sex. So a bit of info dump Lore for his eldritch kind is as a way of getting food/power they build up mini cults. Now eldritch beings are extremely selfish creatures and generally (tho not always) have a 'do whatever I need to get what I want' mentality, and this extends into the cults which are very toxic. People who join them also want power/etc and its pretty well known that if they can handle being at the whims of a selfish god, they can barter. It's expected that every one of Ghost's kind does this and forms a cult, and so Ghost was basically pressured into making one. And because Ghost feeds on fear, his followers tend to be hardcore masochists and expect Ghost to be a sadist. And usually Ghost is fine with that, but he absolutely does not enjoy that with people in the bedroom or with people he loves. But he had to conform to what his cult followers wanted, which has led to some issues developing.
When I get to the smut portion of the fic in the future, I'm gonna explore this hc a bit more and refine it
On a lighter note, another hc is the form Ghost is currently in isn't his true form! His true form is much, much bigger and incomprehensible with more bones but where he's currently at in the main fic is as close he can get to it without shredding Simon's body! His true form doesn't vibe well with earth's atmosphere so he can't keep it long without a Lot of power, hence why he needed a vessel like Simon in the first place
Some small little other hc's: his eyes glow gold when he makes a promise, he has a pair of blue eyes over his heart that see into the past, his skull is based on a hyena, and he enjoys watching stars dying up close.
I absolutely love to talk about my poor eldritch boy, so hit me up with any more questions or ideas!
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ampersand-antics · 1 year
Hello again folks, welcome to part... 4? Part whatever-this-is of me rambling about my adventures in totk. Since my last update I've done quite a few new things. Spoilers for late(r) game adventures down below!!! !!!!TOTK STORY AND GAMEPLAY SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT!!!
So I should have completed the Goron questline by now. Butttt I haven't. I just. Don't like the fire temple. I really like the ideas that I've seen so far, and the way they make use of the minecarts, plus adding Yunobo onto there to serve as a missile launcher. But it's dark and ominous and hot, three things I don't really like lmao. Plus I kept getting all confused. I got one of the locks and then just put down the travel medallion to keep my progress and left. I have the full Sheikah set now!!! I'm currently trying to upgrade it all to lvl2 to get the night speed up boost. The way I play totk, I'm mostly out at night sneaking around, so it'll be helpful. I'm also planning to go grab Sheik's Mask soon. I have the Sheik amiibo so I did a little time-travel-fuckery last night trying to get it. Imagine my surprise when I got paraglider fabric instead!! I looked it up to make sure the mask was still there (because, you might not know this, but I am a huge fan of Sheik) and I got a glimpse of where it is before I closed out. I'm probably just gonna follow a walkthrough to get it honestly because I want it Soon. I've sworn to myself not to follow any walkthroughs for totk but I think this time I"ll allow it. I also got the full Yiga set!!! It was so fun being able to go into the hideout and see them as people you can talk to and not just as nameless faceless enemies. I mean... they are still just nameless faceless enemies... but now they're nameless faceless enemies with a little bit of pizzazz. Also the earthwake technique?? AMAZING. Now I haven't used it in combat yet (bc I'm bad at remembering to use special skills in combat, sue me) but I love the way it was implemented into the game. I love the fact that it was implemented into the game in the first place!!!! AMAZINGGGG. Also I was Not expecting to get an off-brand Thunder Helm there what the fuck that's so col. The Yiga get so much more development in this game and they're even slightly more capable. Not by much tho.
I also have a newfound love for Lookout Landing. It's the first settlement of the game (if you follow the story path) and over time in the game it populates with members of other races??? As we all team up for one united stand against the newest apocalypse??? Amazing I love it. I loved seeing Bularia and Muzu and Harth there, but the most emotional I got was when I talked to this random Gerudo guard at the gate, who said something along the lines of "You helped us save our home, now it's our turn to help you save yours. You just focus on your goals and know we've got your back." From a story sense that is just so fuckin sweet, since Link has been forced to do everything all on his own carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Except now he has help. (also pls I want that for me ;-;) And the music in the Lookout Landing just. it vibes. I don't really know why it hits me so hard but it does. There haven't really been many songs in the totk soundtrack that stood out to me yet (though I think once I start studying the ludomusicology of all this, that'll change, just like with botw). But I really love the Lookout Landing music. It's so hopeful compared to everywhere else. One thing I wish they'd done was make it so little elements of the different culture's soundtracks got implemented into it when they came to the landing, like it did in Tarrey Town. Maybe it does do that and I just didn't notice but I definitely noticed in Tarrey Town so.... Speaking of! Another place with music I liked! I finally made my way into Hyrule Castle proper. Like, the one in the skies. I don't know why I always thought it was so off-limits, this is a sequel to Breath of the Wild of all things, I shoulda known I could go up there. But anyways. The music there? Oh. My. God. I didn't think there was a version of Hyrule Castle theme that could freak me out and make me on-edge more than the BotW Hyrule Castle did. Boy was I wrong. It's so creepyyyy. I still like BotW's Hyrule Castle more (I miss Zelda's Lullaby ;-;) but this is definitely more fitting to the themes of this game (creepy floating ruin) and botw's is more fitting to it (ruins of a great majestic power that's now a shadow of its former self)
uhhh yeah i think that's all i have to say for rn. tune in for part 5 in a bit!
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i-go-by-levi · 3 years
a greater horror (flash fic)
A/N: i know this is weeks late for the actual prompt but i still wanted to share :) while writing this i also realized that for a flash fic this was going to be way too long. so if you like this i have great news for you! this is going to be a short story before the end of the year! so stay tuned, my friends, and as always i hope you enjoy :)
@flashfictionfridayofficial, fff120, a greater horror
genre: drama
word count: 980
fandom: original work
character(s): Alexej Kuznetsov, Yrsa Agnarsdóttir
warnings: dead younger brother, some swearing, angst, trauma
One third of this agonizing long and exhausting trip Alexej has already endured. He tries not to think about their destination but that’s easier said than done. His mind wanders and there is nothing he can do to stop it.
“Next stop Suwalki.” One hour to the Polish border.
Alexej tries to blend out the announcement, but the familiar sound of a Polish city catches his attention more than he appreciates. He hasn't heard the sound of his first language in so long. Forever he has associated it with only his family; more than happy when he didn’t have to use it anymore after practically fleeing the country when his brother had died. A past he tries not to think about; memories he tries to suppress every waking moment. This has worked surprisingly well the past decade. After all, his mentor had given him more than enough to keep his mind occupied.
Not even two years ago something had changed. 
A woman had walked into his life. 
Alexej’s first glimpse of Yrsa was looking down the barrel of her gun - from the side you would rather not stand at if you want to live. Alexej smiles when he remembers the circumstances of their first meeting. It is still behind him how he had never seen her before that day, but she had seemed to be everywhere afterwards. They had met time and time again on multiple occasions - barely ever planned.
Round and about two years later, Alexej can’t really imagine a life without her. Not that he would ever openly admit that. They might not spend every day together - hell, they live roughly 2500 kilometers apart - but they form a nice constant in each other’s life. Someone you can always rely on. Someone who will have your back no matter what. Someone who’s opinion you actually give a fuck about.
He sighs.
Looking around the compartment he watches Yrsa. After hours of trying to get a reaction out of him in order to distract him and keep him from overthinking, she had given up. Curled up on the seats just on the other side of the bus, she sleeps. Alexej still is surprised how persistent she had been, how long she had tried; but he is also sorry. Sorry he couldn’t give her what she wanted. Sorry he couldn’t blend out his thoughts and let her distract him.
After a quick stretch, Alexej lets his head fall against the headrest. He closes his eyes only to open them again mere seconds later. It’s to no avail, sleep will not come. All because Yrsa had convinced him to travel home. 
Lubiatowo hasn’t been your home in a decade.
Upon hearing his brother’s voice in his bead, Alexej zones out. Muffling all the sounds from around him and blurring out the grey and dark blurry landscape outside the window. Pictures of his parent’s farm flash through his mind. Pictures showing his brother, laughing, crying, playing - alive. Alexej’s nose and throat start burning as he remembers the acidic smell of the thick dark smoke that had taken over the farm one day. He remembers finding the barn in shambles, entirely collapsed. From a few piles of wooden planks and other things he couldn’t make out, smoke still rose into the sky. The flames had died down. His parents stood looking down onto a dark pile of something. Not quite wooden planks, yet too burned to be a breathing boy.
Alexej’s heart clenches and it’s getting harder to breathe. But he can’t bring himself to zone back in. The bus is too quiet to give his mind anything to hold onto in the here and now, and so he has to endure these memories. Hoping to make it out sooner than later. Then someone touches him. In his mind he feels like no matter how fast he’s running towards his brother’s body, he’s not moving. Something is holding him back. But there’s also someone calling his name. A soft voice, quiet and calm. Eventually Alexej manages to shake the memory and drop back into the present.
“Hey, there you are.”
Yrsa tries to look him in the eyes, but Alexej keeps his gaze fixed on his hands in his lap. He sees Yrsa’s hand with a gentle but firm grip on his arm, slowly drawing circles with her thumb. He tries to turn his arm and look on his watch.
“It’s just past two. Around three more hours to Warsaw.”
Yrsa gently rests her other hand against the side of his face. Alexej lets her turn his head, trying so hard not to zone out again. His breathing is still erratic and his heart is threatening to jump out of his chest. He is here. Right now. And Yrsa with him.
“Do you want to sleep a little? I can stay awake, if you want me to.”
Alexej shakes his head briefly. His voice is hoarse when he speaks.
“No, you sleep. You’re the one who has to drive later. Can you... can you just stay over here?”
“Of course.”
Yrsa gives him a heartwarming smile. Raising his hand to her lips, she kisses the back of it, before turning in her seat to put her head on his shoulder. But Alexej tells her to wait. He lets go of her, before shifting so he is leaned against the window. Taking his jacket from the hook on the seat in front of him, he puts it in Yrsa’s lap, telling her to lean against him now. She smiles and kisses his jaw before fully cuddling into his body and Alexej wraps his arms tightly around her. 
Because he knows she enjoys it. 
Because he fears he will lose his mind otherwise.
It’s been a decade and he still feels the same when he thinks about the day he failed his younger brother.
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