#that show that she's very aware of how larry is
diamondwerewolf · 3 months
i must chat about geeta for a bit. can't really do that well on twitter, so i'll do it here. Mainly about her canonical relationship with her subordinate, Larry. Seems the gag is that she's an over-baring boss working him to the bone, and YEAHHHh she sort of is. BUT I don't think she's being mean or rude to him. The issue is that she thinks that Larry is very talented and should push himself, or at least be more motivated. And well, Larry believes himself to be very average, as we all know. What are we putting effort into? 'I'm just some guy'. The Blueberry academy DLC allows for them to chat for a little while, and offers more info on how they do or don't get along. Masters EX, now that Geeta has been introduced, has some more information on Geeta's thoughts about Larry as well.
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( that's not what he meant geeta) She says she recommended him for an out of region competition after this. My analysis: "Would traveling get you excited for your work, Mr. Larry?" Also it implies that it's difficult to convince him to travel? He must like to stick to his hunting grounds. Hopefully this isn't a mistranslation.
Here's where she mentions him in Masters EX
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She also talks about her hobby of gem collecting, really on the nose about her job of scoping out and recruiting rare or sparkling talent. She sees something in him that he doesn't, considering she allows/recommends him to do so much. I know much of it is for Larry's salaryman joke, BUT. it's very interesting that Geeta is keenly aware that one of her employees is unmotivated. He must really have something going on that he's oblivious to, because she has no intentions of letting him go. This may be hard to see in the game, because of how it's staged for us as players, but in the reality of the story, Larry's gym is considered difficult. The first rough patch in the journey to region champion ( i had a tough time with him because i forget what normal types are weak to, but that's besides the point )
The REAL POINT IS, Geeta values Larry, so she's gonna be a little annoying.
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be-my-ally · 1 year
Paradise: Old Army Uniform Style
A late midweek (although I suppose it’s the end of the week now) treat for everyone - finally; my fill for the prompt “Army Elvis”.
pairing: fem!reader x 1964-6 Elvis.
summary: reader walks in on Elvis trying on an old outfit in the midst of his struggles with his body image - she takes the initiative to try and convince him he’s still hot af.
I tried, i really tried. I wrote 156 words for an ‘army elvis’ fic where he’s actually in the army but I spent the whole time thinking nope I hate it I can’t get the words right, I don’t know enough…etc etc. Maybe one day I’ll finish the alternative fic I had started but for now, please enjoy how I managed to fit late 1964-6 Elvis into this prompt.
warnings: 18+, use of the term ‘fat’ as both an adjective and a derogatory term for elvis to describe himself, but briefly and very gently. Insecure Elvis, oral (p receiving).
wc: for how long this took me to get out - an embarrassingly small 3.2k
as always thank you for the help + encouragement to the girlies @whositmcwhatsit, @thatbanditqueen, @vintageshanny, @missmaywemeetagain, @ellie-24, @from-memphis-with-love, @powerofelvis
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“Fuckin’ hell.” You can hear a clamour from the dressing room off the side of the bedroom when you walk in, clothing strewn about and Elvis swearing. What the hell is he doing.
“El?” You tentatively creep around the doorframe, he’d stormed up here a little while ago, furious about something that had been said to him on the phone during a ‘business meeting’ - shouting that he was “Gettin’ ready to leave - gonna leave y’all here if you ain’t ready when I come down.” 
He was meant to be getting ready for the Memphian, like he had been every evening this past week and you’d wondered what was taking him so long since, despite his warning, he’d been up here a while. Of course, you’re in no hurry - the shows don’t start until Elvis turns up whatever time of the night or morning that may be and the boys were happy (and expected) to entertain themselves downstairs until he reappeared. 
You round the corner, blinking at the sight in front of you, trying to make sense of the trail of clothing, the mismatch of the fabrics surrounding Elvis in the centre. Your eyes finally manage to focus on him and you wince a little as you see what he’s found. He’s staring at himself in the large mirror, twisting and turning. You try not to draw attention to yourself, yet, wanting to try and decipher his feelings before making yourself known. 
You know he’s struggling at the moment - to find the right things to wear. It hasn’t helped his confidence none being shafted by the wardrobe departments.  The worst offender being that god-awful brown shirt and pants he has to wear for Hawaiian Paradise; the beige supposedly slimming but everyone seems to be aware it’s having the opposite effect. Any attempt at suggesting a different costume had been put down - arguing that the costuming reflects the character, it’s apparently integral to make it clear he's a pilot. Regardless of the fact that the plot makes it clear Rick has limited professionalism and would, therefore, as a private pilot be unlikely to wear such a thing. It’s worse than that too -  you know, Elvis knows, Larry knows, wardrobe knows, hell everyone knows that that outfit, and the way he’s being purposefully shielded from the cameras topless, how even swimming they refuse to film him from the front is all on orders from on high.
Orders that revolve around ‘the state’ of him at the moment, of his ‘hefty weight’ as  that one Variety reviewer referred to him. Scarcely could you read a review without some discussion of his recent weight gain or the word ‘pudgy’ being used to describe some part of him. Elvis himself has become a little preoccupied with these comments - he wouldn’t allow them to film him naked from the waist up even if they’d tried in what he felt was his ‘current condition’. 
You think - just for a second, looking at him now, that he’s in that uniform although why he’d have brought it home from set and all the way to Tennessee you couldn’t imagine. Before you realise that it was in fact the tan of his summer chino uniform. One of his old army uniforms - perhaps the oldest judging from the badge on his arm. You can see, as he twists and turns in the mirror, tugging at the fabric, that the pants gape at the waist - too tight to zip closed, and the shirt buttons are closed but faintly straining. It’s immediately clear it doesn’t fit. But it’s also clear that it’s not far off, and you dread to think how you would look trying to fit in a dress from five or six years ago - the difference between your very early twenties and being basically thirty seems like quite the jump. 
You can see he’s miserable. His hair’s undone and flopping forward - a relief from his recent desire to have it gelled into an unmoving coif - working to hide his face from yours in the mirror, but with every jerking pull of the fabric, accompanied by the swearing spilling out of his mouth, you can tell he’s feeling awful. You repeat yourself from before, interrupting him this time - 
“El? You alright?” He stills, glancing up at you in the mirror. There’s a pause that feels longer than it probably is as he makes eye contact before looking away, a flush creeping up his neck. 
“‘m fat.” He mumbles it, almost as if not wanting you to hear it, you can’t help but roll your eyes - you appreciate he feels this way but it all feels a bit ridiculous considering you’re looking at him all day every day, and sure there is a difference but hardly to the extent he’s claiming.
“You’re not fat.” He whirls around to look at you properly, 
“I am.” 
“You’re not. And if you are, god only knows what you’d call me.” You gesture down yourself, he winces - if there’s one thing he’s learnt it’s to never comment on a women’s weight - 
“Well it’s, it’s not the same thing at all. It’s different for you - w’men are meant, meant to be soft, ‘m ‘m not. I’ve got,” he gestures to his hips, “handles”  You frown, resting your hands in the soft dip of your waist on top of the swell of your own hips. 
“So do I.” You flare your fingers out to illustrate your point. He throws his hands in the air, as high as he can with the shirtsleeves too tight on his armpits. 
“Don’t know why I bother trying to ‘splain - you ain’t listenin’ to me -“ He sounds it out, “You’re. Meant. To.”  You take a deep breath, reminding yourself that he’s just upset and that’s why he’s behaving like a bit of a dick. 
“If you weren’t meant to be - You wouldn’t be.” You believe that for him and yourself - wholeheartedly. He huffs, 
“Don’t know why I even tried.” He starts angrily unbuttoning the shirt and you wince at his roughness - it might be useless, and it might be impossible to wear but it still feels emblematic of a part of him. “Stupid idea. This is why all ‘m doing is them shitty films. Won’t be getting any Jimmy Dean comparisons lookin’ like this.” He starts to tug at the pants, it would be comical the way he has to attempt to wriggle them off of his, admittedly thick, ass if you couldn’t see the waistband scraping him on the way down, little red marks being left. 
“You’re being overdramatic. I promise, babe, no one cares whether you can fit in your old uniform.” He lets out a hollow laugh, sitting on the occasional chair in the corner, shoving the pants to his thighs.
“No honey, they do. That’s what - what the Colonel was ringin’ about, wanted to tell me they won’t be using me as I am now on the albums for the film - gonna use, use some from Acapulco ‘stead.” He can’t get the pants down any further and you have to stifle a laugh - you feel sorry for him, you truly do, but he just looks so ridiculous sat there with his pants bunched around his thighs, shirt open, pouting. 
“Babe - I, I don’t know why this bothers you so much - they’re assholes!” He shakes his head, crossing his arms and looking to the side. 
“They might be, but they’re right. Soon enough no-one’s gonna want to buy anything from me. I’ll be a fat old man. ‘s just like Germany all over again, ‘m terrified everyone’s gonna move on without me.” He looks affronted when you do laugh at him this time, 
“Sweetheart, you’re not anywhere near old yet, and uh, well, you might have put on a little bit of weight, but you’re not out of shape and you’re not - honestly it’s ridiculous I’m having to tell you this. You’re not unattractive.” He sighs at this, like he thinks you’re just placating him, thumping his arm on the chair like a toddler throwing a tantrum. “Want me to go grab a couple of the girls from outside?” You giggle, he kicks a foot out. “Bet they’d show you how  you still are.” His eyebrows are still pulled together, but you can see his frown relaxing, as if he wants to laugh but still refuses to.
“Or, you just want me to make you feel better? Show you how much I want you still?” He looks you up and down, as if assessing the offer, you smile at him when his eyes linger on your bare thighs for a second. He goes soft for a second, quiet, 
“I just thought maybe, maybe I’d fit and-and it would prove that I wasn’t getting all pudgy - hefty. Like they keep puttin’ it.” You don’t know what to say, it’s not altogether untrue - it would just be untrue to say that he doesn’t look good, that the few extra pounds haven’t gone straight to his meaty thighs and stomach making you want to sink your teeth into them, haven’t rounded some of his clean lines to look even better than before; manly, rugged. Even with the hollywood styling.
“What,” You pause, worrying that this is going to be the wrong thing to say, that it will make the spiral worse, “What made you try that particular outfit though?” He huffs again, frown back on his face. Before he seems to come to some sort of decision and sits up, leaning forward, 
“I dunno, I just felt real similar to how I did then, and I know I looked good bythe time I was meeting with Sinatra, I was fit and, I don’t know really. I jus’ wanted to be home the whole time I was over there… and now, now I’d do anything to go back.”
“Hmm.” You’re non-committal in your response, you know he wouldn’t like to go back to Germany, back to the army, at all. You remember vividly how homesick he was, how much he hated being away, how miserable he was for those first few months after Gladys’ death. You’re pretty sure he’s just had a bad meeting that’s weighing heavily on him - and that if you can cajole him out the door for a night of fun he’ll be, not fully okay but, at least more balanced or rational about it all by tomorrow. You take a step forward, he’s forced to tilt his chin up to maintain eye contact with you. “I think maybe I just need-ta show you how gorgeous you are?” He frowns, but this time you’re not letting him distract you again, cupping his face in your hands. 
You have to bend to meet his lips, and he has to strain up a little, his hands coming up to grip your thighs. It’s like a switch has been turned on. You swear you can feel his pulse through his fingertips, spreading from where he’s gripping your skin, travelling straight up to meet your own heartbeat that’s starting to thump between your legs. By the time your lips even touch you’re openmouthed, practically begging him to lick into you. You kiss him, soundly, controlling the movement in a way he very rarely allows unless he was feeling particularly vulnerable. You can feel in the way he sinks into you that you made the right choice, the way his cheek rests heavy in your palm, the feel of his eyelashes as they flutter against your cheekbones. 
“C’mon Sergeant let’s get this off of you,” You tug at his shirtsleeves, pleased when he shrugs the shirt off the rest of the way while still trying to chase your mouth. “Now these.” You push at his trousers, they’d been stuck before, only a hint of the dark thatch of hair appearing just above the open waistband, but with your insistent motion they start to come down further, he lifts his hips to allow for them to come fully off and you can’t help but smile as you’re faced with him in total nakedness. “There now. That’s better.” He looks up at you, from under his lashes, where you’re still hovering over him. “Now. Where was I.” You start to sink down, between his thighs, your hands trailing over his shoulders. He grabs a wrist, 
“Don’t - you don’t gotta do this, don’t, don’t want you to pretend none, honey,” You pull your wrist out from his grip, situating yourself firmly on the floor but kneeling up far enough that your head was at chest height. You look up at him, 
“I’ll do whatever it takes to convince you. I’m not pretending, I swear baby,” You brush your fingers down his chest, skimming the side of his tummy, poking a little at his waist, he jerks away, ticklish, and you giggle as you can’t help but do it again, 
“No-oo! Honey, no, not,” He’s laughing himself now, unable to stop as you jab your fingers into the soft sides of him, “Not there, stop!” You ease off, stroking where you’d been prodding, at the faint flush of red from the rough contact. 
“I love this.” You prod him a final time for good measure, leaning in to kiss the fat on the side. “Love this, my perfect man.” 
“Don’t -“ He flinches, turning his head away from you again, tucking it into his neck. 
“Don’t what? Don’t tell you the truth? Don’t tell you that I like the look of you any which way? Don’t tell you that I think anyone who says otherwise must be blind. Don’t show you,” You let your hands continue their journey down brushing over his hips, over the dimples just below before coming to rest on his thighs. “How much I love how you look?” You look up at him, sinking back onto your heels, “Let me show you Elvie baby, let me show you how much I love all of you.” You make eye contact, waiting for him to nod, before turning your full attention to what had really brought you to your knees. 
He’s still only half-hard, and you pause, looking at him considering for a moment. “Watch me baby.” You take your hand under your dress, pushing into through the leg band of your panties, gathering some of the growing slick wetness onto your fingers, just enough for them to be a little slippery. You pull them out, watching Elvis track you with burning eyes, never moving from your fingers. You reach up to gently grasp his cock, your slick providing just enough lubrication. It jumps when you touch it, and he throws his head back as you move your hand gently but firmly, playing with him until he’s fully chubbed up. Only then do you remove your sticky hand, resting it on his thigh. You look up at him, determined to keep eye contact as he turns back to face you. You sink forward, lapping at his head, little kitten licks as you allow yourself to fall into the blue of his eyes. His hands are staying on the arms of the chair, as if he can tell you’re in charge right now even without you having to say it. You feel his thighs clench after a moment, and you take that as invitation to sink down properly. 
The warm wet heat of your mouth causes him to swear violently, and when you glance down at his lips they’re open, parting as he pants a little. You push yourself on, taking him as deeply as you possibly could before pulling back and sinking back down. He can’t seem to still his hips completely moving then back and forth forcing you to chase him back down - to have to try to ensure he doesn’t slip all the way out. You start to pull out all of the tricks, your spare hand coming up to stroke his balls, a gentle encouragement of sorts, while you begin to hum any tune that comes into your mind, causing his hips to circle, a “Goddamn baby.” to spill out of his mouth and his hand to come to rest on your head. You open your throat, pushing all the way onto him, forcing you to break eye contact with how your nose bumps his famous pelvis once he’s fully situated. He’s making little breathy whines and moans as you rock your throat back and forth on him, swallowing occasionally to clear your mouth of his precum and because every time you do you can feel him twitch. You pull all the way off, circling his head with your tongue on the way, he whines as you do, a bereft noise, while you take a few deep, gulping, breaths. 
You watch how Little Elvis is left rosy and standing at attention, how when you exhale he twitches from the force of your blow. You capture him in your mouth again, returning to the task at hand. It’s not long, with you using every trick of your tongue that you have, before his grip tightens on your head, hand fisting in your hair. You swallow, and he moves your head himself once, twice, before his hips stutter and he spills down your throat. You glance back up at him, peering past his tummy as best you could, watching his face contort as he grunts out an “Oh f-f-fuck.” His pouty lips parted, eyes shut. You pull back, licking his tip clean, before pressing a kiss to his thigh. 
“That make you feel any better?” He smiles as he opens his eyes and you get to see the sparkle in them again. 
“God, Jesus. How’re you so good at that.” You shrug, kneeling back, 
“God-given talent for me to use on pretty men I guess.” He chuckles, stroking a finger down your face, this time he’s the one cupping your chin. 
“`Thank you darlin’. You’re gorgeous baby.” You tilt your head as if conceding, lifting up a finger to poke him again.
“Even so, regardless of all of this, it’s whats on the inside that counts.” You mean it earnestly but he looks back at you, a glint in his eye as he traces a finger over your lips, 
“Certainly is doll. What’s inside that counts.” He winks, and you gulp almost choking on your own spit in surprise at his double entendre. He grins, standing up to grab the pants on the back of the chair, finally actually getting ready to go out. You sit back on your heels content to simply watch him go about his routine. 
You giggle a little, watching him tuck his shirt into his pants. A thought pops into your head - one that you’re not willing to say out loud and spoil his newfound good mood, remind him of his status that should, somehow, ease the human insecurities he feels, you know he’d hate it. But you can’t stop yourself from thinking it; I can’t believe I’ve just had to spend half an hour telling Elvis Presley he’s a stud still. 
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shhtickerbook · 2 months
Iced Chocolate
chapter four
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very quick messy sketch heh. chapter 4 is up under the cut and AO3 c:
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
Noodle had been up at dawn as usual. Unlike the other staff of the washhouse who got to have an extra hour of rest before beginning a shift, she had to be up just before sunrise to start deliveries of the previous day’s laundry. Whilst they had been able to slip away unnoticed during the day, Noodle still had to upkeep her morning deliveries regardless. Unless they somehow managed to train Tiddles to go out make deliveries himself.
After drudging through the show with the now empty cart, she tiredly dragged it behind her and through the doors into the washhouse. Noodle was surprised to see only Larry and Lottie at work, her other three friends visibly missing. Lottie smiled kindly at her arrival, holding up a steaming mug.
“Noodle! I made your usual for you.”
She presented the mug, which was filled with a hot malt drink, perfect for coming back in from the cold. Lottie always made her a fresh cup of something hot when she returned from deliveries. Noodle warmed her hands against the mug before taking a deep swig. The girl surveyed the room again, frowning.
“Where is everybody? And how’s Willy-?”
She’d been fretting all night about him, still unable to believe just how stupid he was in the first place to walk across thin ice. Even with the assurance from Abacus the night before, she couldn’t help but worry. Lottie laid a hand on the girls shoulder reassuringly, interrupting her spiral.
“Abacus and Piper are upstairs with him, now don’t panic. But Mr Wonka is a bit poorly, the icy water must’ve shot his immune system pretty hard. He had quite a high fever.”
Lottie explained, sitting down to rest her arm over Noodle. Who seemed more concerned for her friend, draining the rest of the mug quickly before rising up. The idea of someone such as Willy Wonka being sick just seemed completely outrageous, he was just the kind of person you couldn’t imagine being frail and unwell.
“I’m gonna go see him-“
Larry looked over at Lottie, who had forgotten one important detail about the chocolatiers current state of mind. The telephonist catching up to the girl before she raced up the stairs. Noodle had been made aware of Willys headspace situation beforehand, but only really once briefly. At first she hadn’t exactly understood it, finding it a rather strange. But after a long talk with Abacus, he managed to wrap her head around the whole situation.
“Noodle wait- before you head up. Willy is feeling a little younger than usual. Yknow like how we explained?”
Noodle paused for a moment upon hearing it, but then shrugged her shoulders. Noodle hadn’t been with Willy that often when he was “small” as they said. But from the sounds of things, he was probably feeling pretty sick right now and likely needed the support.
“That’s Okay, don’t worry”
She smiled before turning on heel to ascend the staircase. Determined to check on her closest friend and brother figure.
With the help from Piper yet again, Willy had been successfully delivered back up to his room. The bed had been completely stripped of its soiled sheets and replaced with fresh white linen. Poking its head from underneath the sheet, sat the orange knitted beak of Chester. Willy quickly picking him up to hold close, his glass eyes pressing an imprint onto his cheek.
Although the bath certainly made him feel fresher, his head still felt as if it was stuffed with cotton wool. Standing up just made him feel woozy. When climbing back into the bed, he noticed that a towel had been tucked over the mattress tactfully. At first feeling mortified at what it’s presence clearly implied, but realistically it was probably for the best. The combination of the cool silk pyjamas and clean sheets felt heavenly when he lay back down, Abacus folding the blanket over him once settled.
“There we go lad, much more comfortable i’d say”
Willy dozily nodded, realising he was feeling much smaller now that he was tucked in. Outside the weather had become even fiercer, the blizzard building stronger. The thin glass pane of his window rattling from the wind, Abacus sighing at the poor stability of everything in this terrible excuse for accommodation. Maybe Wonka’s mad ideas of his dream store could truly happen, get them all out of this dreaded place.
Willy smacked his lips for a moment, realising how thirsty he felt. His sore throat still left that foul taste in his mouth, and he was eager to get rid of it. Although in the time it had taken for him to be delivered back up into the room, his headspace had slipped even smaller. The words he wanted to say were there, but it felt as if they were far away, too distant to try and verbalise them.
So instead he weakly pointed towards the sink in his room, grunting a little bit to get attention.
“Hm? What’s the matter?”
Abacus queried, watching in mild amusement as the boy pointed towards the basin. Willy making a grabbing motion with his hands, miming holding something. Thankfully Abacus quickly connected the dots of his request.
“Oh you’re thirsty, of course”
The man got up to fill up a glass, before offering it to the boy. Yet again similarly to the night before, Willys hold on the glass was shaky as best. Willy held it in both hands as he took a sip, but with his quivering grasp the water spilled down the sides and onto his chest. The cold water feeling very uncomfortable as he very nearly dropped it all over himself.
“Oh dear, allow me”
So once more Abacus reached out to hold the cup in place, whilst Willy eagerly gulped down the liquid. Although it didn’t taste very good, as it had quite a strong metallic aftertaste to it. The accountant couldn’t help but chuckle at his expression as he drained the glass.
“I think we’re going to have to consider some alternatives to this lad, certainly a bit too wobbly for a glass just yet”
He spoke fondly, Willy feeling a little embarrassed. He wasn’t wrong though, all his motor functions seemed to be playing against him at the moment. So he just shrugged with a mumble, lying back into the bed once satisfied. Abacus gently laid a hand to his forehead to check his temperature, which was still pretty warm. Wonka certainly seemed very quiet, Abacus noticing how he was choosing to gesture and mumble rather than speak. As he was the person whom Willy was most often regressed around, Abacus had taken many a mental note on his different mannerisms depending on just how little he was feeling.
The combination of illness seemed to slip him even younger it seemed, as this was the first time he’d gone so nonverbal.
“Still a little hot, I may nip down into town and pick up some medicine if it doesn’t come down soon.”
Willy frowned at the idea, highly doubting the idea that this medicine would taste very good. A knock then arrived at the door, Willy lifting his head up from the pillow in interest, before thumping it back down in exhaustion.
“Hey it’s just me, can I come in?”
It was Noodle, her voice sounding kind but concerned. She’s bumped into Piper on the way up, who had filled her in on how crappy he was feeling right now. On the other side of the door, Abacus turned to Willy to check on him.
“Is that alright?”
Willy thought for a moment, he knew that Noodle was aware of his headspace now. But there still was that mild anxiety, Noodle was like his little sister. He kept her safe, looked out for her. He wasn’t sure if it was okay for that role to swap over, especially when she relied on him.
But after a long conversation with Abacus and himself, she assured him that it was okay. She wanted to be there for him. So Willy gave Abacus the nod, who called out to her.
“Come on in Noodle.”
The door creaked open and Noodle stepped inside, smiling fondly when seeing Willy tucked inside the bed. It was funny how his tall lanky frame managed to look so tiny in that bed. Willy tried to sit up straight in bed, although it made his head throb again. He tucked his stuffed toucan under the sheet self consciously, poor Chester giving a silent imaginary squawk of indignity.
Even though he felt dreadfully small, there was still that anxious part of him that wanted to seem big for Noodles sake. The girl in question just scoffed at his weak attempt to seem fine when it was extremely evident he wasn’t, perching on the end of his bed with a grin.
“Willy, you don’t need to pretend. I know you’re a baby right now”
Even Abacus couldn’t hold back a chuckle at the blunt comment, before attempting to cover it up with a very fake sounding cough. Willy looked up in complete outrage, scowling at them both rather adorably.
“Nuh a baby..”
He mumbled, still struggling with his words. But Noodles comment had pulled him from his silence, who just laughed in response. Finding his face truly priceless.
“Really? Coulda fooled me.”
Willy frowned at her teasing before giving her a small smile, it was relieving that she still treated him like usual. One thing he was worried about with Noodle knowing, was if it changed the way she saw him, treated him awkwardly or acted unnaturally. But it was clear she was still the same old snarky teenager he loved.
Abacus decided to take the opportunity to get up, deciding to allow the two some quality time whilst he attempted to sneak into town to pick up some things. Not before gently stroking back Willys damp curls tenderly.
“I best head out and pick you up some medicine young man, but I trust Noodle to keep you in check. I don’t suppose that Benz may come check up soon too.”
Willy nodded, only feeling a little apprehensive. Abacus had been caring for him all morning and him leaving did make him feel a little anxious. But when Noodle reached out and squeezed his hand, he couldn’t feel any safer.
“I’m usually the one keeping him out of trouble regardless Abacus, if it weren’t for me he’d be inside a tigers belly right now- or frozen in the bottom of that lake”
She pointed out knowingly, eyebrow raised cheekily, Wonkas cheeks burning scarlet. Nearly got eaten by a tiger actually. The accountant closed the door gently behind him as he left, knowing that Noodle would keep a good eye on him. Noodle scooted further up the bed, lifting a hand to feel his forehead. Abacus wasn’t wrong, he certainly had a temperature.
“You’re such an idiot y’know, you’re lucky you got away with just a bad fever. If you weren’t careful you could’ve added to the number of skeletons at the bottom of that lake.”
She wriggled her fingers in a spooky way, Willys eyes widening in alarm. Noodle having momentarily forgotten that he was feeling younger than usual. Probably not the best time to make jokes in that manner, backtracking her statement.
“Hey but uh- you’re okay! I was just joking about the skeletons- I think. You’re just lucky you had your sis Noodle looking after ya, as always.”
The word slipped from her mouth without realising, although the pair shared an obvious sibling-like connection with eachother. Neither of them had verbalised it yet, until of course that very moment. Noodle felt her cheeks burning, panicking incase she’d overstepped. Yet Willys eyes shone like stars at the sentence, weakly reaching out to hold her hand with a small grin.
He mumbled , squeezing her hand in his. Noodle met his eyes and smiled too, there was something different about him like this. Even through his obvious illness, his eyes sparkled with a childlike optimism, innocence. For the first time she really understood and saw the younger headspace he was in.
“Yeah, but more like big sister i think at the moment. Figures though, how many times have I saved your butt now?”
She chuckled, wondering what on earth would’ve happened to the poor chocolatier if she hadn’t met him. She noticed how his eyelids were beginning to flutter, the boy yawning as he rubbed his eyes sleepily. He’d only been awake a few hours but was somehow just as exhausted as when he spent all day out in town selling chocolate.
“You need some sleep.”
She firmly stated, Willy feeling too weak to argue on the matter. Noodle pulled the blanket further up his frame, finding the small knitted Toucan sprawled out and tangled in the mattress.
“Cant forget this lil guy.”
She manipulated his floppy wings up and down to mimic flight as she handed him over. Willy accepting the little bird and tucking him under his chin like always did, breathing in his faint cocoa scent. As noodle lifted the blanket to tuck it over his shoulder, he turned over before she could fold it, holding it open.
He looked up with the most manipulative puppy dog eyes, mot wanting to be alone right now. Especially with how little he was feeling. Noodle chuffed in amusement, biting her lip as she considered it. She’d been up since dawn and was in-fact feeling pretty beat herself.
In defeat with a shrug and a chuckle, she began to unlace her boots. Willy managing one of his signature grins, soon enough he felt Noodle join him under the sheets in the small single bed. But somehow they managed to fit inside comfortably, Noodle linking her free hand with his once tucked underneath the sheets. Both holding onto eachother for warmth in the chilly room.
Cuddled up beside her brother, Noodle couldn’t quite remember the last time she felt so safe, as did Willy. Both pseudosiblings embracing close before they soon both fell fast asleep in each other’s hold.
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bluemoondust · 1 year
May I request some general romantic headcanons for yan!Larry please?
Absolutely! This man has been living rent free in my head since the moment I saw him,,, (ღ˘ω˘ღ) Gotta start with the fave! Hope you enjoy these!
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✧General Yandere Headcanons✧ — Gym Leader Larry
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Warning(s): Slight Spoilers for Scarlet/Violet!, Obsessive Behavior, Monopolizing, Slight Hints of Possessive Behavior
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So... As a yandere, it would take a while until Larry gained an obsession towards you. It's not like he's rejecting the possibility of a romantic relationship, it's just that he's busy... Plus, it takes time for him to gain romantic feelings and again, he's a man who enjoys the simple life. You'd have to be a constant in his life in order for his attention to be grabbed. Hanging around him when he's on break with either a visit to Treasure Eatery or a battle here and there (though he prefers to eat with you) is the best way to do so.
When his yandere traits arise, he'll immediately know and be highly aware of them unlike most yanderes. Larry absolutely knows himself and his life enough to notice anything out of place. The growing yandere traits will be found out instantly. It's a bit conflicting to deal with, because, this isn't the norm. This isn't how a person should feel towards someone they'd normally love. Is this love? Maybe it was, but Larry can tell it isn't... Traditional.
He can't ignore it, honestly. No matter how much he tries to go through his daily routine, the thought of you sticks with him like super glue. Thankfully, it doesn't get to the point where it messes with his work, but he's catch himself lacking here and there. He can't even be mad at you. That wouldn't be fair since, it's his feelings but some part of him knows that you visiting him has caused this reaction in the first place.
So what does Larry do? Well, unlike most yanderes, he can't just devote time into stalking you to gather information or find time to spend with you. No, he just has to incorporate you into his daily life/schedule somehow. You already spend time with him during his breaks, so that's good. Sooner or later, it won't just be eating together that will be the only time you two interact. This man will basically monopolize your time in due course. It's not something immediate, rather, slowly but surely so you won't take notice. He prefers it that way, being able to take the reigns and put things in place to have things running smoothly.
Larry isn't very outward with his yandere behavior, making him one of the most difficult yanderes to detect. Which means that there are high chances that you'll find out too late about his obsession towards you unless you're very perceptive. Speaking of which, he also doesn't get jealous. I mean, you already go out of your way to see him during breaks so it gives him some semblance that you might have a reason in doing so. He won't jump to conclusions, but with how he's working things around, Larry isn't afraid of others showing interest in you. At some point, you won't even be able to have time for them.
Oh, but you know who does get jealous? His Pokemon. Even if Larry hasn't spoken too much about his true feelings for you to them, they can tell he's grown an attachment. Komala and Altaria are quite clingy around you, always sticking around your person in some way. There was even a time where you had difficulty prying off the comatose state pokemon from your arm when Larry had to go back to work. She made disgruntled faces as she nuzzled her face into your arm.
Thankfully, he didn't need to bring her since this work wasn't related to the Gym, so he let her cling to you. Altaria also just decided to hover close to you, making herself look bigger if anyone attempted to flirt with you. Also, I like to think that Oinkologne rubs against your to make sure you're scented, so other pokemon and people will know not to linger around you too long.
Oh, but Staraptor and Braviary are the worst when it comes to being protective of you. The former is a little more rational and keeps the latter from doing anything too rash unless needed. Altaria doesn't get aggressive like them, but she is also a close contender in terms of possessiveness. Anyways, the mentioned birds just... Hang around you and if any person tries to get too close to you, they'll use intimidation to get them running off. All of them are highly aware of how much you mean to Larry, so they just can't let anyone else besides him have you. Besides, they enjoy your company immensely and wouldn't want to lose that, especially since they can see how your mere presence brings him more to look forward to.
If you don't count the very protective pokemon Larry has, there's not much of a danger posed towards others. He isn't going to be a danger to himself or you either for obvious reasons. Larry only wants a simple life with you, but of course, these feelings aren't so simple. So he just adapts to it as best as he can, making sure he's the only constant in your life. You won't even notice how your life is shifting ever so slightly to fit with his own. So, in short terms, there's really no need for kidnapping. It's too much of a hassle anyways and... He really doesn't want it to get to that point, no matter how much some urges scream at him. Everything will be alright. Just leave everything to him.
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neondiamond · 1 year
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🐝 Recently Read Fics - May 2023 🐝
These are all the amazing fics I read over the past month (from shortest to longest). Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments to show the authors your appreciation if you read any of these! 💛
🐝 Quite the Pickle by @lululawrence (1k, NR)
Nick hated pickles. It was an entire thing for him and he used to get into arguments all the time when his mum insisted he could just remove them and the sandwich would be fine without them.
She never seemed to understand. The flavor was still left behind because of the juices. The scent was still there. The pickle was never fully removed. Not successfully. And now one was sitting on the plate, almost touching his perfectly pickle free sandwich, all whilst leaking it’s flavor and scent all over his chips.
Good thing there happened to be a pregnant man with a craving nearby.
🐝 in this world, it’s just us by @the-larry-way (2k, T)
Harry returns home from the Brits with his 4 awards happy and very drunk. Louis is super proud and extremely in love with his boy and more than happy to show it in any way he can.
🐝 Seedlings by @kenniewen (3k, E)
The one where, Louis and Harry, decide to expand their family with a baby. The only thing left to do it is to actually knock Harry up, a task that Louis is very much up for.
🐝 (now I realize that the world outside) it’s bigger than me by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (3k, T)
It starts with a phone call from Liam.
“Lou,” it sounds urgent, the way that Liam gets when he’s worried, and Louis sits up straighter, conditioned to that tone even when he had hated it the first few years in the band.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, his brain immediately trying to play catch up, wondering where his keys are and if he can get away with leaving the house without a shower, because it doesn’t matter how long it’s been, it doesn’t matter how much physical distance there is between them, if any of his boys call and need him he’ll be there in a heartbeat. Or as soon as he can, at least.
“Did you mean to post that to your public account?”
Or: Louis accidentally comes out
🐝 take you with me every time I go away by @starryhaze28 (3k, NR)
the one where they make a playlist and it works as a makeshift nest when Harry has to go away for a couple of days and is anxious to be without his alpha.
🐝 The Nest Best Thing by @insightfulinsomniac (4k, T)
After a week-long business trip away from his husband and daughter, Harry’s stuck in traffic coming home from the airport while his nesting instincts catapult into overdrive. So, he does the only thing he can think to do — FaceTime his husband and ask him to follow his instructions to build a nest from over the phone.
And, of course, their four-year-old daughter has her own special way of helping.
🐝 Together We’re The Greatest by @hellolovers13 (4k, E)
It's not the first time Louis has to stitch Harry back together, but Louis will make sure it is the last.
🐝 just the two of us (we can make it if we try) by @starryhaze28 (5k, NR)
the one where they finally find out why Harry has been so needy for his alpha.
🐝 you’re in the kitchen humming by @guccistrawberries (6k, M)
“But mama why?” Mia pouts, resembling Louis way too much.
“Because I say so,” Harry shrugs.
or, a fluff-filled momrry nesting fic.
🐝 Court Wine by @enchantedlandcoffee & @red-pandaaa (7k, T)
after a misunderstanding during a scrabble game, Alpha Louis starts courting Omega Harry without the latter being aware of it.
🐝 It’s All Novel: How to Care for Your Omega in Heat by @insightfulinsomniac (13k, E)
Three months into dating, and Louis is sure he’s the most smitten alpha to ever walk the Earth. It’s only natural that when Harry asks him to help him through his heat, he suddenly spirals into a research and preparation frenzy — he loves Harry (which is quite the realization in and of itself) and wants his omega to feel unquestionably safe and cared for.
He might go a little overboard. Or maybe a lot overboard. But that’s okay, because Harry’s there to walk him through it with unwavering reassurance — and lots of endeared laughter.
🐝 Captain Cupid by @2tiedships2 (15k, NR)
The one where Niall enlists his friends to help start a speed dating side hustle. Things don't go as planned... or maybe they do?
🐝 Chicago by @likelarryfics (15k, M)
Harry Styles is one of the fashion industry's best models and Louis Tomlinson is a world renowned rockstar.
In the midst of Louis' world tour, Harry finds out he's pregnant.
🐝 Until the Pearls Get Lost by @londonfoginacup (25k, M)
London, 1933. Harry Styles, alpha, elusive bachelor and happy third wheel to his coupled friends, receives a visit from one Liam Payne, begging for his help.
Liam’s childhood friend Louis is about to become the talk of the city; left at the altar because the mating bond was rejected, Louis will spend the rest of his life in an institution unless Liam can find someone to take him in and care for him as he recovers. Most omegas with failed bonds are never the same again.
With rumours swirling around about the reason for the rejected bond, Harry gives in to Liam’s pleas. He hasn’t the slightest idea how that decision will shape the rest of his life.
🐝 Darkest Before the Dawn by @daggerandrose (50k, E)
Harry Styles has standards. His coffee must be a cold brew with one pump of vanilla and a splash of cold cream. His computer must be catty-cornered on his left. His sketchbook must be directly in the center of his desk. He must have a cork board on his right to pin fabrics, sketches, and other inspirations he finds.
But most importantly, his space,—work or living,—must be organized. He doesn’t understand how people live otherwise. Everything has a place and it must be in its place in order for him to get anything done. Which is why he grits his teeth every time when he walks into the fashion workroom and sees Louis Tomlinson’s workspace.
It’s chaos. He’s chaos personified. He’s annoying, loud, and well… not as creative as Harry is. His designs are unimaginative and plain. Harry doesn’t understand how Louis managed to be accepted into the fashion program, but he supposes some people have to slip through the system.
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foxes-that-run · 2 months
Dear angry anon,
Below I have some reading suggestions for you instead of my blog, while you read these I recommend listening to Treat People With Kindness.
This ship has been used to bully, makes it difficult for the subjects and distracts from the many talented LGBTI+ artists we are blessed with.
Thank you and all the best.
28 times 1D said Larry is not a thing.
"On the phone to my sister [...] :) she's telling me about 'Larry Stylinson' hahah!!" H on Twitter November 2010
In 2011 Louis said he had a girlfriend in nearly every interview
“originally they were making little fan fiction but then it turned into so many people. Some people genuinely believe Harry and I are in a relationship. We started off just saying really good friends” have you kissed? “No.” Muchmusic June 2012
"This is a subject that was funny at first but now is actually hard to deal with as I am in a relationship. Me and Harry are best friends, people look into our every move. It is actually affecting the way me and Harry are in public." “We want to joke around but there seems to be a different rumour every time we do anything.” LT MTV July 2012
“Hows this, Larry is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard. I'm happy why can't you accept that.” LT Twitter September 2012
“Still months on reading ridiculous conspiracy theories. It's upsetting that I have to read them daily. Thank god for the lovely people on here. People like you reflect so badly on our incredible fan base. Go and waste your time somewhere else. unfortunately mate people like that are a lost cause and can’t stand to see me and Eleanor happy. Shame really!” On Twitter September 17 2012
"I just think it’s really degrading towards her." LT Chatty Man September 2012
"That is a conspiracy fan fiction that's made up between me and Harry." "Well it gets pretty graphic, it's just, apparently me and Harry are together and my girlfriend isn't real." LT Late Late Show October 2012
“But a lot of them are so wrapped up in the conspiracy. Let me tell you now, they'll find a way to put some twist on this interview. I think it's pretty obvious when you see me and Eleanor together that it's real. Think of the amount of time I spend with her. It's crazy that I even have to say it's genuine. 'The truth is, these people aren't our real fans. That's the way I like to look at it.” LT ET November 2012.
"Harry was the initial boy who set us up, Louis and Eleanor as well" Liam i93 Dallas June 2013
"That's photoshopped." So there's nothing going on? "No." H Sunrise October 2013
“The psychology behind the theories are very interesting. That's a fucking annoyance. I wouldn't say it was impressive. I'd say it was f***ing annoying." Louis sugarscape 26 November 2013
“The fact that you work for such a 'credible' paper and you would talk such rubbish is laughable. I am in fact straight.” LT Twitter November 2014
"People think of the Louis and Harry thing, which is absolutely nuts and drives me insane. It's like when you know the ins and outs of what is going on with people it's so annoying when it's so stupid. It becomes like a conspiracy or a cult, the people who watch them and think that every move they make is a gesture toward them being together, and I know it's not true and it makes me mad. It's so funny to be on the inside of it because you know what's what and then you hear all these crazy theories," Liam to Altitude September 2015
"Have a bit of respect for the baby." LT Refinery April 2016.
"This could cause like Global World War III! But I I have to say something. No, Larry's not real," Liam to KDWC 101.3 May 2017
"I think if you really listen to the lyrics, I think you can work out if it's really about that or not, and I would lean towards no." H to Teen Vogue May 2017
When Louis blocked the word Larry on instagram and posted his middle finger. Buzzfeed September 2016
Roman camp asked if Harry’s hand is in Louis MV “not that I’m aware.” Harry Roman Kemp May 2027
“It took away the vibe you get off anyone. It made everything, I think on both fences, a little bit more unapproachable. I think it shows that it was never anything real, if I can use that word.” Louis The Sun July 2017
"yeah so what was that like anyone who wants to write any rubbish about um the relationship between us, but that's just evidence right there you know what I mean when it matters" Louis Lorraine July 2017
"People can believe what they want to believe, but I just think it comes across sometimes a little bit disrespectful to the ones that I love. You know, like Eleanor. And, it's like anything. If you Google "conspiracy" on iPhones - You're gonna get a conspiracy. So, I think it's one of these things that people just love to buy into, But in reality, obviously there's no truth to it, obviously." LT Big Biz Quiz August 2017
"It was a kind of confusing thing to me as I have always been pretty open about me and my girlfriend. But hey, you know." … "They all think that my girlfriend is employed, these people who believe in that conspiracy." to Andy Cohen 7 August 2017
"I can categorically say that I was not contacted nor did I approve it." Twitter July 2019
“Can you imagine,” he says, “going on a second date with someone and being like, ‘OK, there’s this corner of the thing, and they’re going to say this, and it’s going to be really crazy, and they’re going to be really mean, and it’s not real.… But anyway, what do you want to eat?’ ”H to Rolling Stone 22 August 2022
“You start by realising all these ridiculous childish theories and conspiracies are wasted time and energy and then just throw the chicken in the oven to be fair.” Louis Twitter November 2023
"what are you most proud of?" "Freddie" LT Twitter November 2023
“they will not see the truth for what it really is. I'm sure many people look and find all these little conspiracies that happen in life interesting. I'd be lying if I said it didn't irritate me” April 2024 to G1
Seriously, it’s time to use this energy to
Support Queer Artists
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elelcomplains · 1 year
Having Hassel's Gible teralyze first into a grass type during art classes was a uh
A choice
Usually, in scar/vio, pokémons are teralyzed into a type that removes or makes them take neutral damage from otherwise super effective hits, or to remove some of the type weaknesses (usually quad weaknesses are prioritized).
I'm going all over them just for the sake of it (I fixated on this game and my brain won't let go):
•Katy's Teddiursa becomes a bug type (bug resists fighting)
•Brassius's Sudowoodoo becomes a grass type (removes weakness to water and ground, while still knowing Rock Throw to counter fire, flying and ice)
•Iono's Mismagius becomes an electric type (she has Levitate, enough said)
•Kofu's Crabominable becomes a water type, taking neutral damage from flying, psychic, fighting and fairy, and resisting steel)
•Larry's Staraptor becomes a normal type (removing all his weaknesses beside fighting, which counters thanks to Aereal Ace)
•Tulip's Florges becomes a psychic type (super effective against poison, resists steel, all while having Moonblast against dark types)
•Ryme's Toxtricity becomes a ghost type (removes his quad weakness to ground, knows Hex to counter ghost types)
•Grusha's Altaria becomes an ice type (removes her quad weakness to ice, knows Hurricane to counter fighting types)
And we're not over yet!
•Rika's Clodsire becomes a ground type (neutral damage to psychic, has Water Absorb, knows Toxic and Protect. Over all good counter moveset)
•Poppy's Tinkaton becomes a steel type (counters fighting with Play Rough, fire with Stone Edge)
•dear old Larry's Flamigo becomes a flying type (Liquidation and Close Combat counter rock)
•Geeta's Glimmora becomes a rock type (removes quad weaknesses to ground, only making it double weakness, neutral damage from psychic, Earth Power counters steel, Play Rough counters fighting, Sludge Wave counters grass)
And now we're getting to the REAL, saucy stuff, thank you for making it this far, I swear I'll talk about Hassel now
Dear old professor Hassel has a Baxcalibur he teralyze into a dragon type (neutral damage to fighting, rock and steel, resists fire, he knows Close Combat for ice types and Glaive Rush for dragon types). And it makes perfect sense, he's a dragon type trainer after all.
However, that little, round, absolute unit he uses to show teralyzation makes no sense.
As we know, Gible's line, aside for being feared since good old Sinnoh, being speedy as hell, and having the bad habit of sweeping a ton of various teams, has a very strong weakness to ice.
I've demonstrated so far that usually, quad weaknesses are prioritized in teralyzing, and I'm sure good old Hassel is aware of this, being an Elite four.
And yet, that little guy as a grass teratype, effectively still being weak to ice. Not only that, it is now weak to flying, fire, poison, bug, ice, and it loses its ground immunity.
From a utility point of view, it's clear that it's not the most advantageous teratype to have on a team member. Then again, the little guy is probably just for show, a class mascot, the little pokemon Hassel and Brassius are raising like their own child, the choice is yours.
Anyway, the class the little fella is shown in is a teralyzation demonstration. You'd think an art nerd like Hassel would pick literally any type, after all they're all beautiful crystals, no? Hell, the dragon teratype gives the pokemon a little crystal dragon, what's cooler than that for a dragon type Elite four that ALSO teaches art?
And yet, he's a grass teratype
(At least the first time, the second lesson is just a showcase from a battle point of view. Dendra must've put some common sense into Hassel's gay ass)
Like a certain artist we know Hassel is married to, I MEAN is friend with. Sorry, I had a lapsus there
And can we please talk about how Hassel doesn't spare himself from defining the flowers beautiful? I bet they make you think of your husband, don't they?
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Hey y’all, this is my first time posting here but I think I have some stuff to say…?
So I was just watching old Gaylor videos from really early on in Taylor Swift’s career when I stumbled across a video of pictures of Tay with a voiceover of Chely Wright talking about being queer and in the public eye. The link is here:
Overall, her words really drove home, at least for me, the very real reality that people in the spotlight are struggling with in terms of their sexuality, and hiding relationships, and not being able to come out because they have so much to loose.
There are a few things that Chely says that really caught my attention. One of these was:
“It’s going to keep going until someone who has something to loose stands up and just says I’m gay… we need a huge, huge star, at the top of their field, the very top, to stand up and say I’m gay.”
She goes on to say:
“Nate Berkus said it so beautifully on the Larry King show the other night when I was on with him. He said , ‘Where are our heroes?’
Now, this second quote reminds me of the thoughts of other gaylor creators that I’ve seen on tumblr and tiktok (thank you to those creators you’re amazing keep up the amazingness) talking about how with Anti-Hero, Taylor is telling us that she can’t be the queer icon that we need her to be.
I think that it’s possible that this theory ties into this interview with Chely Wright. I mean, Taylor and Chely have known connections, and it’s not a reach to imagine that Taylor has probably heard this interview, right.
So the idea is that Taylor is telling us that she isn’t this hero. She can’t be this person, this ‘huge star at the top of their field’ that will say she’s gay and be our hero. How she will keep baiting us, keep queer flagging and leading us on but never come out. This message really ties in well to the message of Anti-Hero, and I think the lyrics ‘I’ll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror’ are extremely telling of that. She’s saying that she’ll give us cryptically messages, queer flagging, go the long and painful road, but she isn’t going to face the reality of what’s in-front of her and just come out.
I also think that the line ‘All of my heroes die all alone’ from The Archer may be related to this interview. Again with the use of the word ‘hero’, I think Taylor might be referring to how many queer women from history have been closeted until their death. Take Emily Dickinson for example (We know that Taylor draws inspiration from her in her songwriting). Emily Dickinson was secretly in a relationship with her brother’s wife. She was a sapphic woman and no one was aware until her death when all of her poems and letters were found. I think maybe Taylor is saying that she’s hopeless in her own journey of coming out because of how historically, all of her ‘heroes’ never came out and were only discovered to be queer after their deaths.
In my opinion, this lyric also nicely describes how Taylor feels as a closeted queer woman. How she is queer but doesn’t feel part of the community as she isn’t out, ‘die all alone’, she’s worried that she will never have the opportunity to be a part of the queer community because she might not ever have the chance to come out (I’ll talk more on this topic in another post).
A very similar line to this (‘All of my heroes die all alone’) is found is ‘You knew the hero died so what’s the movie for’. Now, I subscribe to the common Gaylor belief that Taylor was originally going to come out during Lover era but her plan was ruined by the Masters Heist, and this line, in my opinion, has failed coming out writen all over it. I believe this lyric reflects how Taylor was going to be the hero, she was going to be the big star that says ‘I’m gay’, but then she didn’t so ‘the hero died.’
Now on the surface, ‘so what’s the movie for’ could be interpreted as how Miss Americana may have originally been Taylor’s coming out, or contained scenes and things where Taylor was openly queer but then obviously they had to cut that stuff out. We know that there were things saying that Karlie Kloss was originally listed as part of the cast… but we’ll never know now.
I think a deeper analysis of this lyric concedes to how Taylor is still queer flagging. She’s still giving us these signs. The lyric could also be in reference to how most of her fan base completely ignores and dismissed her queer flagging. She could be asking ‘why am I still doing this if no one is getting it and I can’t come out.’
Now there are a heap more mentions of ‘heroes’ throughout Taylor’s discography, for example:
Long Live ‘you held your head like a hero on a history book page’
My Tears Ricochet ‘And you were the hero flying around saving face’
Tolerate It ‘I greeted you with a battle hero’s welcome’
Now there are more than this but I think these are some of the more likely to be references to queer themes.
So yeah, that’s my thoughts. I’ve been stewing on this for a long time and I heard Chely Wright say all that and everything just kind of fell into place in my mind. Thank you for coming to my TED talk tonight.
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fandom-hoarder · 16 days
I'm watching walker now.
Opening sequence was cool. No reflection on the mirror for Cordi, i was like 😯 is that symbolic or just an opportunity for a cool wipe transition
Cordell lost in the sauce of his notes while larry and trey workout. He makes me exhausted just watching him
For a second i thought the cordi/geri in the atrium wasn't real
Lololol cordi being awk af with geri. I'm sorry, i am HERE for it. "Boy listening" -- NOT a fan of that phrase lol
These people do not feel like an intimate couple!! Lmaooo I'm trying to remember if geri knows about the case. Why is she like this. Girl, if he's distracted, maybe you should see what's up with him actually
"Part of the new chapter we've been talking about" ok why does this feel like a parallel to bonham and abilene 👀👀👀👀 what exactly do you think the new chapter IS, geri?
"I'm so happy for you" lmaooooooo for YOU not for US
I tried to pause and copy the letter to geri but it didn't show it all
Whoooo yes, go augie on the clues
Lolol omg Bonham
"Would it kill you to be a little less punctual?" Lololol
Lol abby
The angle on Cordell's framing in this scene 👁👁👁👁👁
Ooh, photography tricks (please make Augie go with something photography related, not the army)
Am i unfair? Or is her tone of voice really annoying lmao
Lmao Cassie and Trey snack stealing
New name pending
We love you and you make dad very happen
Geri feels more aloof than ever and i still keep getting a vibe like i shouldn't trust her lmfao please have a surprise villain reveal god.
Lmao Stella's face at the end of that scene, though. Still not slick
Bonham being all teary eyed and romantic
Cassie and trey besties
i am going insane ok, joanna is going after her grandchild and her son's best friend's daughter. Is sadie aware?? 👀👀👀👀
Omfgggg bonham
Jfc what is wrong with that man
God that's so frustrating
Geri comparing augie to his mom. Hahhhhh
Yesssss augie
Tell Liam, yes
Omg Cordell's bitter tone about her and geri talking about him behind his back
What a confrontation
There are 5 minutes leftttt
Everybody in here working on their mental health and cordell digging deeper
Cordell is not getting over this that quickly lmfao what is WRONG with you all???
So augie didn't tell them ANYTHING??
Lol take a minute? She's outta there
Lmfao yeah, window right there
I love the editing on these parallel scenes
Idk wtf Cordell’s doing honestly. Idk if he's clearheaded enough to think to make himself bait, but maybe. It feels like he's got some kind of plan after he saw a picture that morning, and i have no idea what he was fucking doing all day
Goddd i NEED to know what's up between sadie and joanna
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marley-manson · 11 months
More on Post Op
The return of Jerry Moody was also nice, though he didn't get much to do. But hey, a scene where he talks about beating up some racists while Hawkeye encourages him is still enjoyable to watch.
The vignette with the patient who incessantly harasses Margaret for like 3 straight minutes was annoying but the punchline was worth it honestly. Repeating his stock opening line to another nurse when she leaves, who turns out to be Klinger, who repeats Margaret's "Do you have any idea how often I've heard that line?" response just as exasperatedly... man that delivery was funny lol. And as far as man in a dress jokes go, the dude dealing with the exact same shit as the women around him is one of the better kinds imo.
The moustache subplot was adorable of course.
And Frank's monologue about hiring detectives to spy on his wife was a comedic masterpiece as usual. God I'm gonna miss him so fucking much when this season is over. They are so lucky they got DOS because no one else on the show even approaches Larry Linville in terms of comic genius. At least not once Margaret stopped being a villain. Like ilu Alan Alda but you're not making me laugh out loud just with the way you say a word here.
And finally, this is just a tiny little detail and I know I'm preaching to the choir here lol, but the scene with Hawkeye and the dude who got shot in the ass was a nice little microcosm of Hawkeye's attitude towards everything imo. Hawkeye makes a few jokes about it to make the dude feel better and less self-conscious about it, dude laughs and says, "Don't make me laugh," and then Hawkeye quickly swaps to a serious line. "We're talking about your body being invaded by a bullet. There's nothing amusing about that."
Like it's a solid demonstration of how Hawkeye is very capable of making jokes and also of not making jokes and taking things seriously, in the very same scenes even, according to whichever attitude is called for. He knows the things he jokes about aren't actually funny and he can treat them with gravity just as easily.
There's another line in an episode where he's joking while performing surgery and someone, I think Margaret, says, "I wish I had your sense of humour," and Hawkeye says, "I wish I did too." And again it's just a good acknowledgement that the things Hawkeye jokes about are serious and he's very aware of that. He actively chooses to make the jokes, to insert the humour where there is none, to make himself and others feel better.
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diamondwerewolf · 10 months
About Larry... He's Interesting
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Now, don't let me stop you from seeing Larry as you'd like, but I'm not much in the camp of perceiving him as an anxious or delicate person. More than anything, he just seems very tired. Which is an obvious part of the 'gag' that is his character. He's an overworked salary man with three jobs within the pokemon league. So, long post ahooy!
Larry, in my opinion is a pretty sure footed guy. [I don't think he would have so many important positions if he weren't. Geeta appears to value strength and stability in her choices.]
Anyway, He speaks his mind openly and concisely, and is not afraid to admit that he likes simplicity. But, he's so passive aggressive it's almost comical. Which, I guess is typical business man behavior. I've taken some pleasure in going back over his dialogue/monologue through bulbapedia. Larry's response to your visit, Geeta has tasked you with inspecting the gyms for her:
"It’s time for a meeting with the boss, but...seems I’ve got a visitor with no appointment instead..."
Well, excuse me, sir. Apparently, Larry really doesn't like his time intruded upon or wasted, and he may possibly dislike surprises. Even Champion Geeta is aware of this. Before a rematch with Nemona (I can't recall if this is after you become a Paldea Champion or not) if you choose the Treasure Eatery as your battle arena, she suggests that Larry may not like that. I have said this before somewhere but...how territorial.
I suppose that's not supposed to be much, but it's the little things like that, that fascinate me. In a way, I find Larry mysterious. So some quick points, or questions I have:
Where does Larry's mind go when he spaces out?
What business does he actually conduct when he isn't battling?
What are Geeta and Larry's conversations like if he describes an encounter with her as 'cornering'?
Why on earth does she have him, specifically, working three jobs? [ Ignoring the office worker gag ]
Rika has been described by Hassel as 'farcical'. I wonder if this is the same for Larry. The move he gives you for defeating his gym is called 'facade'. As his Staraptor uses the move in battle: "I think it’s time to show you that real life isn’t all just being true to yourself..." Larry...what do you mean by that...?
Something to end with: "I see... So you’re helping the boss free up some time to enter a tournament at the academy?"
"Well, whatever floats your boat, I suppose. "
"I’d never let myself get roped in like that..."
Larry stop fucking lying, that woman has you working THREE JOBS. You have already been hog tied and shibari'd. C'mon dude.
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abluescarfonwaston · 1 year
Bratworth in his full regalia going to queer artists shows and buying whatever strikes his fancy because he can and you know what? He’s a twenty year old with his own apartment that Von Karma doesn’t visit and its just HIS and he can do whatever the FUCK he wants with it. So Yes. Yes he would like to purchase that painting of two men tastefully cuddling on the beach together and the sculpture of a penis and that hand knit pride quilt thank you very much. And because he both Looks and Is visibly upper class it makes the other rich folk more likely to buy stuff. He’s just Very pleased with himself for decorating his house So tastefully. (Its not. Mrs. Von Karma would yell at him if she saw)
He attended a drag show in college. He bought a school hoodie and had it pulled tight around his face and watched with so much awe and confusion that his little sixteen year old gay heart couldn’t take it and he broke down crying in the back row. Two years later he put on heels and staggered on stage as a performer. It did not shrink his massively overgrown ego in the slightest but the wig and dressmaker he commissioned were Delighted and Franziska had a Blast scolding him and instructing him how to put on makeup properly.
He’s gone to gay bars and clubs before. Saw some men dancing in cages with little more than a thong on and men dancing with men and women dancing with women and loved all of it except the noise and lights and actually i have a migraine now i’m going to leave but Please don’t stop on my account.
He’s written Multiple dissertations on how Magisteel is the perfect couple- just LOOK AT THE THEMES AND PARALLELS PEOPLE. He has been canceled more than once. For picking every fight available mostly. (Half the time he thought he was just having a friendly debate. Tone is not his strong point) But he also kept a Lot of the fanartists fed and housed with his commissions. Larry and Phoenix both made rent because of him more than once. None of them are aware of this.
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salted-caramel-tea · 2 years
alright my boyfriend and i FINALLY watched kahmunrah rises again and here’s our (my) final thoughts
spoilers under the cut
alright let me preface this by saying i KNOW this is a kids movie and is supposed to cater towards kids but i am a whore for night at the museum it was my favourite growing up and it’s my favourite now sono want to say as a viewer these were my honest thoughts being such a big fan of the og movies
only gonna talk about main and new characters tbh
i was so lost tbh bc i’m not mad about joshua basset but the writing is what threw me . was t nick supposed to be going to college at the end of secret of the tomb ?? how is he back in high school in this movie ??? the summary says it takes place years after secret of the tomb so i’m a little lost about how old nick is supposed to be at this point
i love that they’re pushing her i to the foreground of this film i really wish she got more time in the first three movies and we learn so much more about where she comes from and shes such a bad ass in this film and the friendship with joan is great showing kids powerful women being friends with powerful women but . her vibe just felt so different. just different . a lot more casual a lot more modern american .
am i the only one that felt teddy was … dumbed down . like they tried to make him a himbo almost . he just wasn’t as likeable in this movie and it’s nothing to do with the actor it’s the writing just feels meh .
i love joan of arc so i was excited to see her in this film but … they just kind of out her in with no context . i wouldn’t loved if they gave us some more background on her like when she was added as an exhibit or something just . it just launched us into her character and i wanted to know much more about her
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this is nothing against the actors talent im just . the vibe was not there at ALL. that being said they were simultaneously more and less fruity in this film.
but he sounded like an owen wilson impersonator . jack whitehall made octavius sound like his name is hugo. not a fan of their characterisation at all tbh WHY IS JED GINGER
actually not mad at this character i see how it’s entertaining but it feels AWFULLY similar to napoleon in battle of the smithsonian .
the rest of the characters felt rather unremarkable tbh . i was gonna comment of kahmunrah but i literally have nothing to say
plot / continuity
it felt like they just kind of mashed all three films together if i’m honest . it just felt like a different version of battle of the smithsonian . the battle at the end in particular was VERY reminiscent of the fight between kahmunrah and larry . and the miniatures adventure feels like secret of the tomb again .
also in terms of continuity whats larry’s story wasnt be a teacher at the end of secret if the tomb ?? now he’s working in japan ?? also the tablet was supposed to train in london if the tablets there where’s ahk??? they were both in loan from the british museum as part of a touring exhibit at the end of secret if the tomb ??? also how does kahmunrah just pick and choose when things come to life in the first three films it was just evrything within a certain radius ???
also texas wasn’t part of teddy’s display but did appear randomly, and sacagawea had a horse but lewis and clarke were gone . and mcphee knows the secret of the tablet at the end of the trilogy so why did they revert and make it known that text cannot move in front of mcphee .
and girl this tablet can do anything . “ye olde ipad” <- my boyfriend
even the jokes in this one didn’t land as well . i’m fully aware the plot doesn’t exactly like up between the first three movies but this one just felt unoriginal and unnecessary as an instalment into what was a great movie trilogy .
the end of secret if the tomb was emotional and heartfelt even if larry made out with a fucking monkey, changing that just doesn’t feel right . i just didn’t feel like i was watching night at the museum .
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melis-writes · 10 months
Hello Melis! I’m the Anon who asked about Al’s TheGuardian article (www./tumblr./com/melis-writes/724587037620043776/ill-tell-you-something-he-says-he-puts-down)! Thank you so much for your response! I apologize for asking from a throwaway account because I couldn’t send asks using my main account for whatever reason, so I had to improvise and make a new account quickly because I just had to share with you what I discovered!
I tried searching more about Al’s relationship with Kathleen Quinlan to satisfy my curiosity 😂 But now I understand because your response really enlightened me on how private Al can be regarding his personal life and intimate relationships. I guess I’m just so enamored by Al and Diane’s relationship, I simply overlooked, or rather, did not care enough about his other beaus, so this Kathleen relationship is all news to me. But I definitely agree with you on Al lying on his several interviews, because boy, were there many inconsistencies from time to time 😂 And there’s nothing wrong with it, of course. He’s protecting himself, his peace, and the people around him (as he should!) So, I guess it’s down to the readers to interpret them freely as they see fit or take some of it with a grain of salt. However, while I was doom-scrolling, I came across an excerpt of Al’s interview with Lawrence Grobel from 1983 for a Rolling Stone 1984 issue where he talks about Kathleen accompanied by a published photo of them! Here’s the photo: alpacino./info/al-pacino-rolling-stone-interview-1984./html
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All my attempts at reading it became futile due to the poor quality of the image, but I managed to pick up a few words. I went to Tumblr for reference and I saw that Lawrence Grobel (also named Larry as referenced here in the image) interviews Al a lot (shoutout to @/purelypacino for their post!) then I started searching for more interviews, and lo and behold, Lawrence Grobel has written two books about Al! I quickly downloaded them, and then I found the whole interview of this Rolling Stone feature in the book! Here are few excerpts where Kathleen is mentioned:
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3. Here, Kathleen is mentioned during Scarface, and I’m assuming she’s the one he’s referring to in that previous article I sent. But then again, I could be wrong!
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4. Here’s a part where he seemed pretty pissed off about Larry’s persistence on divulging information about his private life 😂
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Overall, I’ve come to the conclusion that Al is definitely a certified lover, and he’s really sweet (despite him being a womanizer)! 🥹 The way he talks about Kathleen is very sweet, you could see through his answers that he really values their privacy, but even with the short replies, he still finds ways to include her and show his appreciation of her. Oh to be held tenderly and spoken fondly of by Al~ 🥰 such a dreamy feeling.
At first, I thought Lawrence Grobel wasn’t a reliable source, but would you believe that he’s actually a best-selling novelist? He has since developed an incredible friendship with Al for over 30 years now, with many instances recounting their best moments together that were all mentioned in this book I presume (Al Pacino The Authorized Biography). But even with Lawrence’s credibility and Al’s green light on this book, some part of me personally thinks he’s probably lying one way or another 😂 After all, they both read this book before it was published, so there’s a high possibility that they could be fucking with us 😝 But I have to say, reading Al’s interviews really entertains me and draws me in. I enjoy it and I’m just ensnared, perpetually in awe of who he is as a person. I’m aware he held rare interviews during his prime, it was probably a response from the overwhelming fame he received after the success of The Godfather. But now that his career has more or less slowed down (in a good way!), he seems to have taken pleasure in doing more of them! Anyway, I just wanted to share this with you, and I thought you might like it! You’re like an Al expert and you’re the first person I immediately thought of disclosing this information with! And mostly because… you’re the only person I asked about it 😂 
I’m also gonna share this really cute photo of Lawrence and Al! Hahaha
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I’m super sorry for the rambling, for being annoying and for the length of this message 😅 it’s nice to know there are people out there who share the same interests as me. I feel giddy inside and I enjoy your blog! ♥️
Hello, anon!! ❤️ I definitely trust Lawrence's credibility; he and Al seem to have known each other for quite some time and I know Lawrence also published a biography about Al too. Once I'm done reading "A Life on The Wire", I definitely plan on picking Lawrence's book up and giving it a read too.
I'm starting to notice a pattern with Al here. 🤣 He speaks of the women in his life all very similarly, especially in terms of privacy. He only gives snippets away about his relationship and prefers not to talk about his partner directly; especially like the picture of one of the excerpts you put up there where Al asks why he should talk about Kathleen when he's with her all the time. He does this a lot, and I totally get it. He's private about his romantic life for the most part.
Funny enough, almost the exact same excerpt about Kathleen is in "A Life on The Wire" too. I took a look through the book and found some excerpts about the consistent "I'm in love" with many women Al's been with but then the actual declaration he's been in love only twice in his life.
In the section "Cry Baby", Al says about his next girlfriend in 1972-1973, Tuesday Weld, "we're very much in love," he continually reassured friends, and perhaps himself, Clayburgh apparently forgotten. "Tuesday's good for me. I'm the kind of guy who's always needed to have a woman around. I guess it's the companionship I like." followed by: "their idyll together ... was short lived." He also said when talking about marriage as a concept after that lmao: "If I have kids, I'll get married. And I do love kids". We all know that never happened. 👁️👁️
In the next section, "Are You Al Pacino?" it mentions: "... Pacino had lightened up, if only just a little, with the advent of [Marthe] Keller in his life." and the next snippet says, with Marthe Keller speaking: "There are those who think we're together only because of the film [Bobby Deerfield]. They're wrong. This is a real love story. With Al, it's everything, without him it's nothing, We are really, really, really in love," she stressed, lingering over each "really". She wrapped her arms round Pacino's waist and squeezed him tenderly. "He's my only man." Pacino's response was a nervous, positively embarrassed, half-smile."
About Al declaring who/when he was in love, the book says: "I've been in love twice. The first time, because of my career, I wouldn't have any of it. ... The second time, I found some other reason." He said this in the late 70s, so I believe maybe 1978 or 1979.
In regards to Kathleen, the book mentions I think either during or after the shoot of Revolution (1985) that: "Pacino was basically living alone. His most recent romantic partner, the dark-haired beauty Kathleen Quinlan, was not only notable by her absence throughout the shoot, but a name forbidden even to be whispered in Pacino's vicinity. Another affair had bitten the dust."
To me, it doesn't sound like a super special, head over heels kind of love, but then again after reading this biography, I've learned to take the whole "we're really in love" speech with a grain of salt. 🤭
Thank you for sharing your input and excerpts with me!! ❤️
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nubianamy · 11 months
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(An excerpt from a longer work, set during episode 1x14 He Kane Hewa'ole, during which Danny and Steve argue about ChIPs and who would be Eric Estrada. Ashley is Danny's trans bartender.)
“Look, Eric Estrada and Larry Wilcox were not buddies, okay?” Danny was saying as they entered the bar. “We really don’t want to attempt to model our friendship on theirs. They were terrible at doing their own stunts. Wilcox got nabbed for securities fraud, his replacement Tom Reilly got a DUI, and that was the end of ChIPs. Six seasons, boom.” 
Steve was unperturbed. “Six seasons is a pretty solid effort.”
“You’d think, if they weren’t hating one another the whole time. Trust me, six years can feel like a long time when you’re always arguing.” 
“We’re always arguing.”
“Yeah, and we’ve barely known each other six months. ” 
“You know, I heard The Village People modeled their cop character after Ponch.”
Danny fell into a sudden fit of choking. Steve paused to check on him, looking concerned, but Danny waved him away.
“Is that right,” he said hoarsely. “I suppose you think that makes Ponch extra cool.” 
“Depends on what you like.” 
“What I like? I like the motorcycle riding.”
“Well, that was all stunts. Estrada didn’t even have a motorcycle license when he started the show.” 
Danny shook his head in disbelief. “What, are you going to tell me you liked his arms next?”
“What if I did? The uniform, the smile… what’s not to like?”
Danny looked away in a hurry. Steve grinned at his beer. 
“Okay, I admit,” said Danny, “I had a massive crush on Ponch when I was a kid. The Village People, not so much.” 
“I think he was pretty universally awesome, even if he couldn’t actually ride a motorcycle.” Steve shook his head to Ashley, who was waiting expectantly for them to run out of steam. “No beer for me today, thanks. I’m driving.” 
“Juice? Coke?”
“Just water.” To Danny, he added, “I think it’s that whole hero complex people have about cops.” 
“I’ll tell you what, you’re deluded if you think everybody feels that way about cops.” Danny gestured at Ashley. “Come on, tell him.” 
Ashley paused, feeling their eyes suddenly land on her. “Tell him what? How cops aren’t exactly heroes to people like me? Is that a surprise?”
“I guess there are bad cops,” Steve began, but he paused when he saw Ashley glaring at him. “What?”
“That’s a very haole attitude. Who’s in power? White dudes who assume I’m the help. Or who go out of their way to inform me the gender marker on my driver’s license doesn’t match what they think I should look like.” 
Steve’s eyes shifted as he tried to make sense of this. “What do you mean? You don’t look like—”
Ashley watched Danny smirk. She guessed it felt good not to be the one making all the gaffes. “You know what happens when you assume, babe.” 
“I assume based on what people tell me.” Steve turned back to Ashley, looking penitent. “I apologize if I offended you.” 
“I love it when men admit they’re wrong.” 
Danny snorted. “Isn’t that sexist of you.”
“That’s not how sexism works. Also, women admit they’re wrong all the time, Danny, or weren’t you aware of that?” She grinned when he scowled. “Men just don’t think they did something that required an apology as often.”
“Except they do,” Danny countered. “They should. That’s what real heroes do. They apologize.” 
“I did!” Steve protested.
“You did just now. That doesn’t mean you always do.” He made two stacks with his hands, comparing the two situations, which clearly did not measure up.
Steve pointed at Danny, appealing to Ashley. “You see what I have to deal with?”
“You don’t have to tell me, brah,” she said matter-of-factly.
Danny looked wounded. “Now, wait a second… I’m just saying, sometimes you don’t always understand why the other person is upset, but you take it upon yourself to be the bigger man. You apologize anyway. That’s all I’m saying.” 
“You’re implying I don’t do that enough,” Steve said.
“Implying? I’m implying nothing. I’m telling you. But that’s you. You’re not going to let as trivial a thing as communication get in the way of you being right and me being wrong.” 
“You want me to apologize? What for?”
“See, that’s the thing. If I have to prompt you to do it, what does it mean? You’re just a parrot, saying what I tell you to say. I’m sorry.” He made a bird mouth with his hand. “What good is that if you don’t know what for?”
Steve’s eyes begged her to intervene. She sighed. 
“Is this about something in particular,” Ashley asked, “or is it in general?”
“It’s all the time,” Danny said. “All. The. Time. You think I’m kidding? He thinks I’m a mind reader. Leaps right in without even telling me what he’s planning. Sometimes I don’t even know what he’s done until he comes back to HQ and reports. What kind of a partner is that, huh?”
“Look, I was trained to act, okay?” Steve spoke to Ashley, but when she redirected him toward Danny, he swiveled to face him without a pause. “SEALs don’t ask, they do. It’s not because I don’t want your input, or because I think I can do it better than you, or anything like that.”
“I know that!” Danny’s arms were getting out of control. Ashley walked over and handed him a glass of water, just so he’d have something to hold instead of gesturing explosively in Steve’s face. “I’m not thinking about that. Not anymore.” 
“Well, that’s good?” When Steve looked confused, Danny made a frustrated noise. “What?”
“I think what Danny means,” Ashley said, trying to make her voice soothing without being obnoxious about it, “is he wants to know what you’re planning to do, not just because he wants to have a say, but because that’s the kind of collaborative work he’s used to doing in a relationship. He wants to be part of the solution because it makes him feel more connected to you.”
Steve looked over at Danny for confirmation. “Is that it? I don’t include you, you feel… disconnected from me?”
Danny glared at Ashley for a minute. At first she wondered if she’d overstepped, but then he said, somewhat begrudgingly, “Why do you think I’m always showing up at your house?”
“I’m telling you, the courtesy knock is a thing.” But Steve didn’t look confused anymore. “Don’t you know how much I depend on you? I mean, I know you’ve always got my back. Not in a sidekick sort of way, but—I know you’ve got me covered. No matter what stupid shit I pull.” He glanced at Ashley. “Sorry.” 
“Swearing is not actually something you have to apologize for,” Ashley informed him.
“All right, I think I get it. You’re saying…” Danny paused, then mimicked shooting a gun. “You like my arms.”
“Oh, ha, ha.” Steve gave Danny a little push as Danny snickered. “God, you really don’t know any good jokes, do you? You should have heard him today with the severed head jokes, Ashley; it was bad.”
“I will not apologize for those,” Danny announced. “Also, you can be glad I didn’t make any of the especially dirty head jokes I could have made.” 
Ashley inclined her head solemnly. “For that, we can all be grateful.” 
She gave them a little space to take a break from talking, or to change the subject, whichever was their default, but she really did not expect Steve to turn to Danny and say, “I’m sorry for leaving you out of my plans. It was thoughtless and I have no excuse for doing it.”
“It’s not like you can’t take care of yourself.” Danny ducked his head. That was definitely a blush. “Mr. Hero.” 
“Okay, I seriously don’t know what you mean by that.”
“Kind of typified by the SEAL motto, isn’t it? Perseverance, strength, thrives in adversity, right?”
“That’s the creed. The motto is the only easy day was yesterday.” Steve was clearly suppressing a grin.
Danny rolled his eyes. “Right. Because of course I’m always wrong. Doesn’t matter I memorized the SEAL creed. Guess what Seton’s motto is? Despite hazards, move forward. Hazards, I will add, like you.” He gave Steve a withering look. “You know, maybe you do get to hear some of those dirty head jokes after all. Tell you what, I’ll save them for when Ashley doesn’t have to hear them.” 
“You’re saying they’ll pop up when he leasts expects them,” Ashley said.
Steve cracked up. Ashley was pretty sure she’d never heard him laugh before, and it was kind of adorable, but she just maintained a straight face and kept polishing glassware as Danny looked outraged.
“For Pete’s sake,” he groaned, “you stole my best one.”
Chapter 17, "Arms," of Am I Not to Know By My Name
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
season 5 has been watched
an incredibly strong season, as youknow... basically every season of this ridiculous show
I think s3 broke me, because I was expecting something horrifying or bleak in the last episode and that’s not what happened at all here! it surprisingly made me feel more melancholy than if something dramatic had happened, like I was holding a lot of tension and it didn’t get the chance to go anywhere. also because it feels like we’re headed into a new era again, and there’s always a little goodbye when that happens, even if the goodbye has itself been very joyful
as far as I’m aware we’re now moving into the half of the show that was far more influenced by alan alda (not that he hadn’t been a strong creative and production presence before this of course) and that gives it a third “new” feeling from previous seasons
I know we’re still missing another (last?) piece of main cast that I think stays until the end? I know his name is “charles” and I know he’ll be arriving soon. I’m guessing in replacement of frank, whom I will wait to say more about until his farewell (which I guess isn’t happening offscreen? unless he’s just gone in s6ep1... sure hope not, he deserves a proper send-off + I don’t think larry linville did what wayne rogers did 😂)
it’s interesting because we’re almost at the halfway mark of the show overall and yeah I’ve been counting down the seasons, but because seasons 1-3 have been their own thing and seasons 4+5 have been their own thing, it’s felt less like a show with seasons and more like I’ve watched the prelude, and now the first act
there’s such a distinct change in the characters in 1-3 vs 4+5 (including of course two exchanges which will change up a dynamic significantly + two characters moved into main cast, and more of a sense of who the secondary and tertiary characters are)
so I wonder if 6-onwards will mark another change in how the characters are. margaret I think will continue to move dramatically, as I know she’s still going places, and I will continue to wax poetic about the joy I feel in seeing makers recognise character and actor potential and not stifling it!
cautiously calling 1-3 the hopeful/innocent era, ending with loss
4+5 the grief and... recovery? era. the end of s5 is very different tonally from the beginning of s4 and like i said... it wasn’t sad (for anyone but frank)
i have a vague assumption on 6, that it will be more sombre. or not sombre but... serious, in a particular way, as if the last few seasons haven’t also been that, but I think overall more. it’s not based on much evidence -- it may also simply be the mood that I’m carrying into the next season with the scant knowledge I have of it
anyway. slow clap for seasons 4+5 (act 1), hello bj and colonel potter, well done margaret who’s the mvp of s5 and gets best punch of the show so far, big kisses to mulcahy, klinger, and radar - and hawkeye uh... hang in there buddy. unconnected, but I hope we see sidney freedman again
(and you know... like I said I’m going to wait until frank leaves to say anything longer, but I really have enjoyed his presence on the show, fascinated by his increased erratic behaviour in s5, kept expecting him to get a section 8 to be honest)
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