#that they absolutely cannot do without us i just 🤭🤭🤭
lovecolibri · 9 months
#we are supposed to be transferring our stuff over to the outsource company on the 18th#we still haven't even received the offer from them with our pay and benefits quotes and job descriptions etc#i asked who would be taking over all the stuff outside our normal jobs we should be doing#and if a position would be created to do that stuff because i would like that position#and i got told no i would have to keep doing things for the facility even if i got rebadged to the new company#(aka they 'can' take over all these job duites but only if we stay on to do them because in all reality they CAN'T take everything over)#now with open positions at the facility filling up and no offer to compare with from the outsource company me and the other person#in my group still looking for another job both decided we were tired of waiting for the offer and took other internal positions#and when i tell you everyone started *scrambling* and are now pissed because they already said they could do all this stuff#that they absolutely cannot do without us i just 🤭🤭🤭#this place fucked us around for months and pushed up our transition date from a year after the system switch slated to happen in july#(then pushed back to oct and then nov giving us until fall 24)#to 4 months later saying it would be sooner to then aug 18th saying it was gonna be a month#are now VERY much in the 'find out' stage of things and all i can do is laugh#good luck replacing nearly 50 years of experience between the three of us#with people we have repeatedly pointed out were not helping and were actually wrong about almost everything they touched#i feel like a weight has been lifted and it's not early enough for the 'learning a new thing' anxiety to set it yet#but that means i also am ready to sleep for a month now that things are gonna be less stressful#ANYWAY#gonna ask if i'm getting my yearly 3% raise just for all the shit they put me through the past few months
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lunargrapejuice · 3 months
Hiya Luna, I hope you’re doing well 🥰! I saw your requests were open and decided to send one in, I hope thats alright! If I may, may I ask for Sephiroth and the prompt “It’s weird. I never thought I could feel like this, but you showed up. Now, it’s like I don’t wanna go on knowing I might lose the feeling.” please? Ngl I was going to ask for Cloud or Zack because they’re my faves, but I got too nervous 🙈!
Thank you so much and I hope you have a lovely weekend 🥰!
lyra!!! it is more than alright! i am so so happy that you did🥰🩷 and PLEASE LOVELY YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY ASK FOR ZACK OR CLOUD!! - I'D LOVE TO TRY WRITING SOMETHING FOR THEM💕 thank you so much for submitting this one🥺 - i'm down bad bad this also got longer than i planned whoops 🤭
🌙 prompt event
“it’s weird. i never thought i could feel like this, but you showed up. now, it’s like i don’t wanna go on knowing i might lose the feeling.” | sephiroth x reader with no pronouns used
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it’s safe to admit to himself that love is very unfamiliar. 
growing up sephiroth was taught that such feelings make you weak, softens the heart that should be hardened and cold and calculating. over time he had learned for himself how not necessarily true that was. maybe it wasn’t love, at least not in the capacity in which he feels it now, but he’s cared for comrades and friends even when others might argue it made him weak. but what’s before him now, and slipping through his fingers each day that passes, is something he has never experienced. 
something he never saw coming and hasn’t known what to do with but also doesn’t know what to do without. 
and he was going without considering you were actively avoiding him and hadn't spoken a word to him in what felt like weeks. even in meetings you were forced to attend together, you always left swiftly and without another glance his way, finding one reason or another to deny him a moment of your time and when he almost caught you alone in the hallway, your eyes meeting for but a moment, you were gone as quickly as he had blinked. 
he has been wrecking his brain on what he had done wrong that would make you avoid him, his mind wandering to the chest aching distance between you every chance it got. he had almost lost to angeal in training two days because of it and nearly again to genesis today before his friend looked knowingly into his eyes and recited loveless; ‘the wandering soul knows no rest’
the words echo in his mind, in genesis’ voice no less, when he spots you in the distance. restlessness doesn’t quite begin to describe what your absence was doing to him. it was an uncomfortableness he had never felt before. one he had to do something about because every day it grows worse and if it stays like this he fears you’ll be torn from him entirely. 
it already feels like you are. he looks as collected as he always does but inside his heart stirs and he knows he cannot let this go any longer. 
you swear you saw him down the hall in your side view. he was impossible to miss for so many reasons but the most prominent of them all being your eyes were always evidently drawn to him, just like your heart had been and you cursed them both when they made you stall in your sprint to run away and avoid him right now.
it’s not as though it’s what you wanted but it is what you felt was best when you could feel yourself not being able to hold back your emotions. he couldn’t know, even though you’re sure it was written all over your face everytime you stole a glance but stolen looks weren’t the same as saying the words i love you and being rejected by someone you couldn’t bear to lose. 
so you started your plan of avoiding him until those feelings disappeared. except the distance had not made them go anywhere, leaving them to simmer uncomfortably in your chest like they might burn you. when you saw his lips fall each time you made an excuse to get out of his vicinity, you felt nauseous for upsetting him. it wouldn’t be forever, you keep telling yourself but you don’t know how true that actually is. you cannot picture a life without these feelings; without the way his smile makes your insides buzz with warm incomparable to the sun, with how safe and cared for you feel in his proximity and how utterly gentle shinras strongest soldier is whenever he touches you.
you turn around to make your escape just in case your peripheral vision is not playing tricks on you but before you can make it two steps, you’re staring at his half hidden chest, hardened leather around soft skin your hand aches to touch. so it’s like that, using his actual speed to not let you get away. perhaps you had made him more upset than you initially thought..
“sephiroth!” you smile up at him and it nearly reaches your eyes if it weren’t for the shake of your voice that accompanies your eagerly beating heart. 
“you’ve been avoiding me.” it’s not a question but a very obvious observation that fills you with guilt, though he hadn’t said it in an accusing tone.
your smile falls and you swallow the lump building in your throat, unable to meet his eyes but you don’t try to deny it. “.. i’m sorry. i just..” you can’t find any words that aren’t just the truth.
taking a step back, to run or just put a little more distance between you and find your strength to push back the emotions, you really aren’t sure for which but within an instant his hands are on your face, cupping your jaw like you’re made of glass but in a steady hold that told you he didn’t want to let go, bringing your gaze up to his. you could pull away if you really wanted, you knew he’d let go without you having to ask but you don’t do anything of the sort.
thin slitted pupils stare back at you, swirling in a sea of blue and green and glowing with mako and your brain screams for you to bite your tongue while your heart urges the words forward but he looks at you like he’s going to say something, staring at you with an expression you can’t decipher nor look away from while he pauses.
he says your name, breaking the silence between you, and you hope he can’t feel the heat of your cheeks and neck with the way your body reacts to the way he says it. then he chuckles a bit breathlessly, like it’s helping him let go of something that was holding him back before. 
“i cannot stand being away from you. it’s weird..” he says, his thumbs brush along your cheeks and you swear the world around you stops, like the goddess is leaving this moment only for the two of you. “i never thought i could feel like this,” he smiles fondly and you feel your eyes soften in time with his, your hearts beating with sync. “like i have something to care for. someone i can be my true self with. but you showed up and now, it’s like i don’t want to go on knowing i might lose the feeling.” 
your heart is somehow tearing and mending itself back together at his words and you finally let yourself touch him in return, feeling the wetness of your tears dripping from your lashes before you realize you’re crying. 
his expression falls to worry as he wipes every tear that falls but all you can do is smile and shake your head, closing the distance between you and letting your worries crash to the ground as you reply to him in earnest.
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Trophy Wife/Trophy Husband
First Lady of Private Garden Instagram AU
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Liked by lolabrooke, saweetie, 2forwoyne, softtcurse, urbanwyatt, champagnepapi, estgee, quiiso, and 3,290,164 others
jackharlow: You can guess who bought her that shirt 🤭😏
My trophy wife y/ninsta 😍
y/ninsta: jackharlow you so cute lol
saweetie: she most definitely is! my best frienddddd
blancahood: imma say this under ever post. TRIPLETS WHERE?!
druski2funny: now why yall got the triplets college fund on the floor?!
jackharlow: druski2funny that's not their college fund, just their monthly allowance
urbandjack24: well damn okay then. I see yall big ballin
urbanwyatt: their monthly allowance? what the hell they buying? G Wagons?!
jackharlow: urbanwyatt Autumn might have asked for a mini one the other day
jessicakelce: jackharlow WAIT A MINUTE. She asked me for one too! and I already shipped it to the house!
y/ninsta: jackharlow get your daughter smh because jessicakelce we bought her one yesterday
theestallion: lmaooooo not yall getting finessed by yall offspring
jackharlow: all the bad bitches love a big baller
y/ninsta: richer than her ex and he's a bit taller jackharlow: bar spitter, but I get my kids swallowed 2forwoyne: jackharlow except the three you got running around claybornharlow: lmaooooo
dualipa: I should have bought it for her first smh most gorgeous trophy wife I know
jackharlow: dualipa don't start
dualipa: jackharlow too late
softtcurse: and who did that make up?!
y/ninsta: softtcurse only you of course. you the best bby. thank you.
allthingsy/n: wayment yall just having photoshoots in the house? who is watching the offspring?! ESPECIALLY AUTUMN 😭
y/ninsta: yall gon stop coming for my youngest lmaooooo and besides they were sleeping
claybornharlow: y/ninsta jack means that I bought that shirt for you, but he told you that it was his bright idea smh
jackharlow: claybornharlow you weren't anywhere near me when I bought this!
y/ninsta: claybornharlow hiii little baby! I expect you over for dinner tomorrow night!
2forwoyne: y/ninsta PAUSE! what about us?!
shloob_: yeah, we want to be fed!
y/ninsta: I know how yall remember how outta pocket yall were on the plane going to coachella. these are the consequences of your actions
yungskylark: y/ninsta but you can feed jack?
y/ninsta: yungskylark he's my husband and needs his energy to dick me down. I'll be feeding him in more ways than one 😏
jackharlow: y/ninsta 😉😉😉
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Liked by jackharlow, saweetie, urbanwyatt, shloob_, lolabrooke, glorilla, cardib, privategarden, and 3,904,581 others
y/ninsta: my trophy husband 😍
Be jealous bitches. Only person riding that dick is me 🤭
jackharlow: y/ninsta baby, you know that you can always ride for free, you never have to ask
y/ninsta: jackharlow 😏
saweetie: just a bunch of nasties
y/ninsta: saweetie and I'll be that! smh
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta and this is why you have 3 children now smh
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt and I'll have 3 more
jackharlow: y/ninsta OH
shloob_: now y/ninsta you know good and damn well not to say anything like that because jackharlow stays ready
sza: she's about to be knocked up next week
y/ninsta: nope. birth control has been restarted. absolutely not.
softtcurse: hold on y/ninsta were you ever on birth control? I'm being nosey lmao
y/ninsta: softtcurse of course I was! my birth control was swallowing!
blancahood: y/ninsta no your motherfucking ass did not just say that lmaoooo
saweetie: y/ninsta I swear I cannot stand you
dualipa: I guess he's okay
jackharlow: here her ass goes
dualipa: jackharlow if y/ninsta thinks that you're good enough for her then you obviously are. but don't get it twisted, I can take your place at ANY time
jackharlow: dualipa you can never go a day without choosing violence, can you?
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Liked by jackharlow, brysontiller, lolabrooke, champagnepapi, urbanwyatt, jessicakelce, generationnow, 2forwoyne, and 5,376,903 others
y/ninsta: I'm back and I'm better 💕
allthingsy/n: first ladyyyyyyy! you look so gorgeous!
jackharlow: prettiest baby momma in the universe 😍😍
druski2funny: pleaseeee leave your husband for me
claybornharlow: druski2funny only person she's leaving him for is yours truly
dualipa: so the both of you just forgot that I exist?
softtcurse: count me in too
jackharlow: all of yall can fuck all the way off. never going to happen. right, baby? y/ninsta back me up here
y/ninsta: jackharlow you know I only have eyes for you but where's my fan club president? urbanwyatt!!!! show yourself! give the people what they want!
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta whatever it is, I didn't do it
softtcurse: urbanwyatt where the fuck is my y/n fan club merch that I was promised?! it's been MONTHS
dualipa: I second this
druski2funny: I want a meet and greet
lilnasx: druski2funny now your dumbass has met her how many times?!
druski2funny: lilnasx but not with the full fan expericence
urbanwyatt: none of yall are getting a damn thing so stop asking ESPECIALLY you Yasmin
softtcurse: urbanwyatt fine. Y/N!!!!! URBAN WON'T GIVE ME MY MERCH!
y/ninsta: softtcurse I'll send you some, no worries.
urbanwyatt: prepare for her to walk around with your face on everything she wears
softtcurse: urbanwyatt stop being such a hater
urbandjack24: wait, I want merch too
2forwoyne: Y/N has officially abandoned us. her and Jack had kids but forgot about their other kids which is us in PG
jackharlow: 2forwoyne you just mad because you're hungry. go eat a snickers and then come back and talk to us.
theestallion: not the snickers lmaooooo
y/ninsta: yall are such big babies, it's ridiculous but when I say that, yall get offended smh make it make sense
blancahood: y/ninsta you are the mom of the group who has to keep everyone in check
y/ninsta: blancahood it's a hard job but someone has to do it
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Liked by jackharlow, saweetie, theestallion, generationnow, quiiso, yungskylark, jackandy/naremyparents, and 4,387,541 others
y/ninsta: woke up my honey bun at 2 am and told him to get ready and that we had somewhere to be. after convincing him that the babies would be fine, he finally agreed lol
jackharlow: y/ninsta baby can you please tell me where we're going?
y/ninsta: jackharlow no, it's a surprise silly!
urbanwyatt: so, yall just left yall first born here to fend for his self?
jackharlow: urbanwyatt call Yasmin, you'll be okay. there's food and water in the house
sza: lmaoooo I literally cannot with you three
jessicakelce: bring me something back!
jackharlow: and she woke me up when I had just gone to sleep around midnight
y/ninsta: jackharlow oops sorry baby. it's worth it though! been planning this for a while and I hope you like it
jackharlow: y/ninsta if it's coming from you, I know I'll love it. now is this the trip we go on where you tell me you're pregnant again?
normani: no he didn't lmao
y/ninsta: jackharlow only thing I'm pregnant with is a food baby so keep dreaming
jackharlow: y/ninsta so my mission by the end of this trip is to get you pregnant? okay cool. noted.
y/ninsta: jackharlow I will make you sleep on the couch in our hotel room
saweetie: y/ninsta lies. you talk about how fine your husband is all the time and you're going to let him sleep on the couch? girl, shut up and ride that man into the sunset.
y/ninsta: I see it's not one fake bitch in here, there's two 🙄
jackharlow: y/ninsta well did she lie?
y/ninsta: jackharlow you get on my nerves and I'm about to go to sleep
jackharlow: y/ninsta well come here and lay in daddy's lap
urbanwyatt: ENOUGH! I am fighting for my life watching the three that you have. DO NOT ADD ANY MORE UNTIL I CAN GET A HANDLE ON THIS
jackharlow: Urb, you sound stressed. everything okay?
jackandy/naremyparents: Urb about to go bald and we already know it's Autumn's fault
urbanwyatt: jackharlow YOUR YOUNGEST IS TERRORIZING ME
jackandy/naremyparents: whoop there it is lmao
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt just give her bluey and she'll be distracted for a while
jackharlow: urbanwyatt how when we put up the baby gates?
urbanwyatt: jackharlow doesn't matter how. she finds a way around it every single time. enjoy your trip while I try not to land in someone's emergency room
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Liked by y/ninsta, urbanwyatt, blancahood, privategarden, neelamthadhani, brandisimmons, champagnepapi, estgee, and 6,734,862 others
jackharlow: my baby surprised me with a vacation to Dubai. I love you stink 😘
y/ninsta: jackharlow I love you too smush. just saw how stressed you've been lately and decided to do this for you. you always spoil me and I always love spoiling you in return
jackharlow: y/ninsta then spoil me and let me get you pregnant
urbanwyatt: jackharlow NO. I've finally got a handle on things, but I'm still not ready.
y/ninsta: jackharlow I'm ignoring that
urbandjack24: lmaoooo the triplets have urban fighting for his life
druski2funny: oh so now you don't invite your life partner anywhere anymore?
y/ninsta: druski2funny back off, he's mine
druski2funny: jackharlow leave your wife for me
jackharlow: druski2funny after we hit a small bump in our relationship and you were ready to call it quits? NO. I stay where I'm appreciated.
2forwoyne: now jackharlow why do you want to get y/n pregnant again because we all know how you barely survived the last pregnancy
yungskylark: she wanted to get dicked down 12 times a day and shit
y/ninsta: yall not about to make me feel bad because my hormones were running rampant. just wanted to rip my baby daddy's clothes off every time I saw him
shloob_: and you don't see the problem with that?
jackharlow: shloob_ nope
urbanwyatt: and the time that I'm caught them in the hallway after jackharlow was hiding from her. complained and went right over to her to get his dick wet
jackharlow: urbanwyatt I'd do it again too.
saweetie: jackharlow we know with yall nasty asses. surprised it took this long to get her pregnant.
jackharlow: saweetie well there were a few scares along the way 👀
claybornharlow: jackharlow wait, other than the one I knew about?
jackharlow: claybornharlow yes
sza: jackharlow SPILL THE TEA
jackharlow: sza ehhhh maybe another time
y/ninsta: jackharlow we don't talk about that one. that was worse than the first
jessicakelce: WORSE? OH NOW I HAVE TO KNOW
y/ninsta: jessicakelce another story for another day lol now jackharlow come feed me I'm hungry
jackharlow: y/ninsta imma feed you this dick
y/ninsta: jackharlow after I get actual food please 🙄
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, saweetie, lolabrooke, laflare1017, glorilla, claybornharlow, estgee, and 4,961,249 others
y/ninsta: I'd do anything to make you smile 😃
jackharlow: y/ninsta this trip has been amazing, thank you mamas
y/ninsta: jackharlow always want to make sure my baby is good. you're welcome smush.
jackandy/naremyparents: my parents are officially in their soft era
jackharlowsource: all they want to do is love up on each other and take care of their babies without the drama (no pun intended)
urbandjack24: they've come a long wayyyyy and so happy to see them thriving
saweetie: please tell me he put on sunscreen this time
y/ninsta: saweetie I literally had to hold him down and straddle him to put it on but it worked
jackharlow: y/ninsta you just won't let me be great
y/ninsta: jackharlow you not about to be out here raw dogging the sunlight without protection. the hell wrong with you?
jackharlow: y/ninsta I'd rather be raw dogging you instead
normani: it never ends. it has gotten worse because you are now a MILF.
jackharlow: normani she'll be pregnant by the time we get back to Louisville
y/ninsta: jackharlow the coochie is closed for business until further notice until you get your shit together
jackharlow: y/ninsta wait, what?
y/ninsta: jackharlow you heard me smh
urbanwyatt: jackharlow put what time she folds in the group chat because I know that she will
jackharlow: urbanwyatt I already started timing it lmaoooo
y/ninsta: my best friend is against me
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta not against you, I just know you like the back of my hand
y/ninsta: YALL tell jackharlow to stop staring at me like he wants to eat me
jackharlow: y/ninsta but I do wanna eat you we got 20 minutes until our flight leaves
y/ninsta: jackharlow you better make this quick smh
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posallys · 5 months
ok 1 ur desktop theme is GORG and 2 i need (if u wanna) ur thoughts about the show (or show sally in gen bc ur the only one i trust with her)
thank you!! i was actually thinking about updating it but maybe i wont 🤭🤭 and i have a lot of thoughts about the show except none only very few of them are good and i will be crucified by the 13-year-olds
im going to tell you anyway.
i will start with something i like....percy being angry. like yes give me the anger of a 12 year old who feels utterly alone in the world and doesn't understand (or does and it makes him more angry)
the fight scenes are dog shit. the only kind of cool one was in the arch but it was only cool because of percy doing the bait and switch and falling through the arch...the fights are bland boring sucky whatever other synonym you wanna use
uhhhhh sally jackson is not and would never be sitting in the rain pining of the god she told to leave....and especially not to teen pop...if she WERE going to act like a 16 year old and do the pining thing it would be to fucking like...billy joel and ricky martin and donny hathaway and stuff llike that okay...
i will preface this by saying that yes i understand that talking back to an abuser the way sally does in ep 1 doesn't make the abuse less abusive....however i DO not like the fact that that scene explicitly goes against sally characterization in the books....i am not digging my book out atm but the part where percy is like "my mother has never raised her voice or said an unkind word to anyone"....me thinks the writers all read the books 10 years ago and are going off of memory alone + or their brains are so clouded by the obsessive Big Screen Need to make women a badass girlboss slay queen i fucking hate it here
LET ANNABETH BE SILLY AND FUNNY AND CUTE AND CRY AND NOT BE AN ADULT THANK YOU....hated that they made annabeth the one to realize that it was medusa and not grover...give me back grover having to wrangle percy and annabeth into backpack leashes just to keep them on task/stop them from wandering off...book trio i miss you
i absolutely ADORE leah, walker, and aryan though the three of them are so so perfect, A+ casting no notes couldn't have done it better myself. if it weren't for the three of them i would have zero hope for the show i cannot lie...they're carrying. without them it's just..bad.
the pacing???? bad.
why did we waste half of the 4th ep on the train with echidna...stupid dumb pointless i hate it here
i do like the whole not all monsters are monsters and the gods aren't inherently good just because they're gods thing they've got going on though...very inch resting...silently hoping that they do a complete 180 and have percy side with luke and redo the series from there because that would be iconic as fuck <3 a girl can dream because at least then i could take the show at face value and not take 80 health damage every time they mess up a key part of the books...im at -29834 heath rn.
where was the time at chb before the quest??? the oh so important vital scene where luke teaches percy to sword fight???? like BRO that's soooooooooooo important to ME how could you get rid of that
not having annabeth show percy around camp
additionally, not having annabeth feed him the nectar and ambrosia, WHICH BY THE WAY they haven't even mentioned in the show yet...plot armor gone rip
not the fredrick chase sympathy while simultaniously blaming the woman...........rick when i get my hands on you...
annabeth having to EARN thalia's love??? absolutely not probably one of their biggest fuck ups fr.
the scene where sally is talking about Poseidon to percy...i do not like it sam i am. bad. not wistful enough not longing enough not sad enough not gut wrenching enough...also not completely here for sally telling percy that his dad was a god because....sallys whole thing was NOT telling him in order to keep him safe...i know they changed it in the show so sally knew he was going to camp immediately but that does not mean i have to like it
the scene with sally and percy in the pool. i hated everything about that. sally would never talk to percy like that never talk to him about money never make it seem embarassing NOT TO MENTION that percy simply wasn't scared of the water. that's stupid as fuck. theres a part in the book where percy literally says being by the water calms both him and his mom like...come the fuck on just admit you can't fucking read or at least didn't read the book.
sally annabeth get behind me so they cant hurt you anymore
i did loveeeee percy praying to sally though...absoutely insane and true of them. also the "I AM SALLY JACKSON'S SON" yesss baby you tell them about your mommy!!!!!!
them making athena moa level bad in tlt is quite interesting. setting up annabeth siding with percy pretty well.
also the whole impertinence thing over medusa's head was weird to me. when annabeth first said that i had immediately thought that annabeth's impertinence was telling percy to pray to poseidon IN ATHENA'S TEMPLE bc that made much more sense to me...but whatever
the annabeth/medusa parallel is intriguing at the very least
the underwater scene with the neraid was cool even though i hated the parallel to the pool scene w/ sally.
the dumbass pinecone fate line. 0/10 did you read the book? did you pay attention to how empathetic and reflective percy was when he found out about thalia?
honestly....i think disney was just the wrong place to go with this show because it's like what...pg? it should be pg 13 and should have more... sustenance.
this medusa was so cool though. which we could've seen a fight.
i need to know how many women are in the writer's room though...because It Does Not Look Good. funny how the characters that they're fucking up are all women....crazy. weird. totally coincidental.
are we just not going to talk about the vitality and pressure of getting the bolt back on time? where is the inherent inevitable danger, the suspense, the fear of not accomplishing a seemingly impossible talk looming over everything
this is 10000% not all of my thoughts but im not going to rewatch in order to collect them all so this is what you get xoxox
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welcometomyoasis · 5 months
end of year appreciation post
this year has been an emotional rollercoaster, but i wouldn't change a thing because i found svt and all of you 💕
sending a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart to those who interact with my posts. whether you follow my blog, like, reblog, send asks, or leave comments, just know i appreciate every single one of you. 
as for my moots. thank you all for the laughs and interactions. i love you all so so much. so to express my appreciation, here's a list of which svt member i think you all would be because what fun is being carat if we can't do things like this.
@brownsugarbaybee Kari as seungcheol. Need I say more? In the way that seungcheol is the naturally protective alpha who babies his members, you do the same for me. You’re like the older sister I never had. You make me feel so safe, protected, and loved when I talk to you. I’m really socially awkward irl and am actually always afraid that I’ll say the wrong things, but with you, you never make me feel bad for sending too many asks, or spamming you through dms. You really create a safe environment for your followers and friends and I cannot thank you or express my gratitude enough for that. You were the first person i talked to ever (on anon) on tumblr and our friendship just grew from there. I love how we check in on each other frequently and randomly pop into each other’s asks just to say we missed each other. I’m always so happy when i see that you’ve sent me an ask/ dm. We’re like two magnets that can’t stay away from each other. I love that so much. Just like I love you. Here’s to a lot more love and interactions next year! (and yes, i’m dming you more mushy stuff later shhhh) 🤭
@wonijinjin Gigi as joshua. You're my actual other half? My soul sister? Like you notice there's no jeonghan on this list because you're my evil, lovable twin (okay you knew there was no jeonghan I texted you about this a month ago). FR THE SIMILARITIES BETWEEN US? From our bias lists, our need for perfectionism, our food cravings, us getting distracted all the time when we’re supposed to be doing work, to even the fact that we have the same frame for our glasses and hair colours. I could go on. Joshua suddenly appeared in my life and took over when i saw him in the anyone special video, kind of like the way you popped into my dms. We’ve literally talked everyday since then. All your messages, your words of encouragement, your comforting words, the random things we talk about (like the tote bag dilemma? Or all the possible collabs we could work on? OR ALL OUR TALKS ON SHUA AND HIS HANDS). I want you to know that I truly treasure each and every single one of our conversations. You’re one of my comfort people. Thank you for popping into my life because I cannot imagine my life without you rn. Yes, I’m not done but this is already very long so expect a lot of love coming your way in your dms. ILYSM SERIOUSLY. PLEASE LET’S MAKE THE SHU X GIGI MEETUP HAPPEN ONE DAY BUT NOT IN THE MIDDLE IT’S TOO DANGEROUS.
@haecien Cien as junhui. My timezone buddy. Like Junhui, you’re crazy and incredibly fun to be around. I’m not going to lie, I thoroughly enjoyed watching you spiral into loving new things and new groups. Sure, it’s entertaining, and I found it really endearing. I absolutely adore how you fall for other groups so quickly and how you’re so open about falling for them. You’re not afraid to go all out and show your affections towards them. You love with all your heart and that’s such a great quality to have. Your fics are super adorable and you were literally a trend setter because so many people followed your prompt generator idea. Junhui has the ability to be adored by everyone and you have that same effect on people. 
@weird-bookworm Sky as soonyoung. Extremely easily excitable babies who always bully mingyu (see Zanna’s part). You get so happy and excited over all the little things. Your tags when you reblog posts gives me life because they’re always so funny and sweet. Not to mention, you have this bright energy around you that draws people to you. You’re so easy to love and interact with. Seriously, you’ve made such a big impact on everyone’s lives here on tumblr whether you know it or not. You might be the glue that is holding the mess that is tumblr together rn. Yea, you also give off major squishy vibes like Soonyoung, it makes me want to protect you more. With consent, i would love to mush your cheeks together and give you so many hugs. Love you Sky. 
@woozvc-main Nora as soonyoung as well. In the short span of time that we've interacted, you really remind me of soonyoung and sky haha. You're easily excitable, you're funny, you're honest, you're great at writing your fics (like how soonyoung is great at dancing). You're so real when writing your little thoughts out on tumblr. You're so smart too? Like you're doing physics? And you randomly do math when you're bored? It's like when soonyoung randomly does little dances when he's bored or excited. Plus, you love pandas like soonyoung loves tigers! Okay, maybe not as extreme as that, but you get the point. We're both panda lovers. Why did we take so long to talk, I have no idea. But I love that we are talking now and here's to talking more in the coming year!!
@babyleostuff Natalia as Jihoon. You both write masterpieces. I think I’ve read through your masterlist a couple of times at this point. The way you manage to convey everyone’s personalities and emotions perfectly is amazing. More seriously though, you were one of the first people I approached on tumblr. Thank you for giving me advice before on how to start writing because it really helped a lot. Your advice was one of the reasons why I even started in the first place. You were also my first official moot on tumblr. I sincerely hope that life will treat you kindly, that you’re doing better, and that the next year will go smoothly for you. 
@addicsvt Ari as dokyeom. Literal balls of sunshine?? Idk when I talk to you I can just imagine you smiling in the same adorable way that dokyeom does, with his eyes curled up into crescent moons. I hope you never stop writing because your fics are lovely. I really like the way you write! It’s so fluffy, and it makes me feel all warm and cozy. Your mood boards are also amazing!!! You’re seriously such a sweet angel. I can’t thank you enough for loving my writing, you have no idea how much that means to me. Love you and let’s talk more!
@fairyhaos Yena as dokyeom. Yena = a huge reason as to why I started writing in the first place. Yena = one of the first people I ever messaged on tumblr. Yena = ray of sunshine. Yena = one of the best fic authors on tumblr. You just remind me of Dokyeom so much maybe because you're both so in love with Joshua because you're both the happy angels of the group who find so much joy in simple things like Joshua, being around your friends, doing what you love, watching the pretty scenery around you, and you're so musically inclined? You also have this maturity about you that Dokyeom has? Like you know when to be serious and when to have fun which is such a great quality to have. Keep being you!! You'll do great in your upcoming exams!! Thank you for being such a kind person because the world needs more people like that. The only thing, you call Joshua a Shuamoroll. And now I call cinnamoroll that too...
@idubiluv Arya as minghao. Artist duo. I know we haven’t actually talked much but I do know that you love photography and art. I also don’t exactly know why, but I associate you with having this very calming, chill energy that is similar to minghao’s. Perhaps it’s the comfort that your fics give me when I read them? Maybe it’s because you’re so sweet, attentive, and supportive of everyone? Whatever it is, thank you for being my moot and I hope we can talk more in the future! 
@slytherinshua Zanna as mingyu. HMMM WHERE DO I BEGIN FOR YOU ZANNA. You’re both always bullied affectionately. You’re both social butterflies. You’re literally everywhere on tumblr in this fandom and that fandom. Idk how you do it because you stan so many groups, write for so many groups, manage both caratsland and the kdrama label, etc. It’s definitely a talent. You’re also one of the sweetest people ever. Like you’re so happy to talk to anyone about anything and everything under the sun. It’s really cute, so please never stop. ONE THING THOUGH. Like mingyu, i feel like you’re always up late… i know timezones are a thing but PLEASE GO SLEEP EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE???? Seriously, i cannot count how many times i've seen "please sleep" on your posts and in the group chats... 🤣 
@wheeboo Rania as seungkwan. My fellow criminal minds enthusiast, angst, and purple colour lover. I’ve never actually known anyone else who loves criminal minds so this is a really big deal for me. ANYWAY. I’m not just associating you with seungkwan because he’s your bias, though that is one reason. Seungkwan has this warm, inviting, witty, very accepting personality that is similar to yours. Idk if this makes sense but you write the way Seungkwan hosts. You’re fics are very cozy (even the angsty ones). You develop the stories so well. You put in splashes of humour or fluff, all while still keeping the readers in suspense until the moment is just right for everything to unravel. You’re also always so open when replying asks and responding to feedback on your posts. Plus you want to be a therapist one day? You’re seriously the best and the sweetest. You’ll do great. I’m extremely sure of it. Let's write more angst too!!
@askdacast Askdacast as vernon. LISTEN. YES I'M TAGGING YOU IN A SEVENTEEN POST, NO WE AREN’T MOOTS ON TUMBLR BUT WE ARE IRL SO HEAR ME OUT. Vernon is that one quirky member who does the weirdest things and embraces his quirkiness to the fullest extent. He just does what he wants, when he wants. At the same time, he's such a lovable guy who is adored by everyone around him. That's you. I've always admired your ability to just embrace being yourself even if you do face your own demons. You deserve everything that you've achieved and I'm so proud of you. I'll send you all the other sappy stuff privately... and let's go out to you know where. i mean we just discussed it yesterday? ALSO I HAVE TO PASS YOU YOUR PRESENT HHEEHEHE. BUT JUST KNOW THIS IS MY PUBLIC DECLARATION OF LOVE FOR YOU. I LOVE YOU THANK YOU FOR BEING MY IRL FRIEND FOR WHAT 6 YEARS NOW? ❤️
@mangocustard16 Mango as Dino. Honestly, I just got to know you last month but you’ve been such a joy to be around. You’re constantly putting out 11/10 content and reblogging stuff. Your incorrect quotes are hilarious. Your fics are so fluffy I want to melt in them. Your reblogs, especially the reblog chains you have with other people are so funny. You have a great sense of humour and you give this vibe that you’re just so happy to be here. I’m happy to have gotten to know you! 
@eightlightstar Vittoria as Dino. We've only really talked once since we just became moots. I guess in that interaction I get Dino vibes from you? You're my fellow grad student who seems wise beyond her years just like Dino. You want to be a professor and get your PhD too! Dino is ambitious and that's how I would see you. You're going to do great! Let's talk more soon!
@glosskirt Gloss. If I were to liken you to a svt member, I would say you're a little like jun because you remind me of cien and you're kind of unhinged as well from what I've seen. But you're more of a bts stan. So, I'm doing this specially for you. My bts stan days were years ago, but I'm going to say that you remind me of Jhope. Happy, hopeful, sunshines of the group who are really funny. You care so much for others and you're so happy to interact with other people. Idk I saw your post about moving out of your lonely kpop phase and that made me feel something? Because I felt that way too after starting tumblr. I'm so glad we found each other through tumblr, and I hope we can interact more next year!
As for the rest of my moots, I'm sorry that we haven't interacted much. Sorry if you didn't want to be tagged. Here's just my little ramble for all of you because I'm still so thankful that we're moots and I would love to interact with you all more next year!
@amxlia-stars Amelia as Mingyu. You give me puppy like vibes and you just genuinely seem to be enjoying yourself here. Thank you for always liking my posts, it means a lot to me!
@mirxzii Roxie as Soonyoung. Idk the post of you horanghaeing in a museum really stuck with me haha. You're really nice and the aesthetic of your account is so sweet! Sorry that I haven't reached out much. Thank you for reblogging my work, I really appreciate it!
@icyminghao Noelle as Jihoon. Your posts are so so good? The way you write is so amazing. Actually I think your posts were some of the first I ever saw when I first started reading fics on tblr. It made me all giggly and happy. Major serotonin boost when I read them.
@aaniag Aania as Vernon. We haven't interacted much, but you remind me of Vernon because you can get very excitable and you're also really random? Like sometimes I see a huge wall of pictures on Sky's account from you. You're really nice and sociable too!
@staranghae Cherry as Seungkwan. I see you popping up everywhere to send those cute chain messages to everyone. You seem really sociable and fun! We just became moots so i'm sorry idk what else to say, but thanks for being here!
@seokminded Artai, @hrts4hanniehae Sadako, and @ryuwonieebae Ryuwon. I'm sorry to group you all together since I really don't know much about all of you at all. Hmm, I guess you all remind me of Vernon and Dino in some ways. I love the aesthetics of all your accounts. I mean that's the point of tumblr because we can express ourselves here. But your accounts and the things you all write just seem like you? Thanks for being my moots! Let's interact more in the future!
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amagnificentobsession · 6 months
Seems like a war has been waged.
Someone threw their halo.
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I’m seeing more and more venomous posts about the shipping of Michael and David. Aziraphale and Crowley have left the building for now it appears in this argument.
What is written here is MY opinion, no one else’s.
Choose to read it or not, it’s fine. But be respectful.
Not just of me, but of anyone.
The recent explosion of interactions between Michael and David completely and utterly enthralled us.
After the Twitter(X) debacle and the absolute HATE that Michael received for “not choosing a side”, his then attempt at explaining his thoughts (that he didn’t owe to anyone) for wanting it all to end, and civilian casualties to stop. Nope, not good enough Michael, you HAVE to pick a side. He was done. He didn’t want to do it anymore.
He’s working, has a family, came to (X) for a bit of fun and silliness. That was now gone. So he left. Probably in sheer and utter disgust. How can anyone blame him?
Now we have David Tennant, blooming like the most beautiful orchid, petals wide, labellum in its full GLORIOUS expansion, the likes of which we’ve never seen before.
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Good Omens, Staged, Litvinenko, Dr. Who, Macbeth, being a DILF (3 goes into 6 twice Michael 🤭) it just continues.
From his choice in clothing, the dignity and eminence with which he carries himself. This comes from a deep self-assurance and self-worth.
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Seeing the reviews for Macbeth, his stance onstage, the PURE divination on his face as he looked out and saw Michael. The LOVE in that moment would steal the last remnants of air from an exploding supernova.
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No one can tell me there isn’t a pure, abiding LOVE between them. PURE. In whatever way THEY choose to categorize it.
Michael Sheen, we can all agree, holds NOTHING back. If he felt in anyway infringed upon with these ideas, can you imagine him saying nothing? Can you imagine him allowing his BEST FRIEND, someone he deeply LOVES, to be accosted with lies and misinformation?
I certainly cannot.
Michael Sheen has always been a powerhouse. Barreling through on whatever chosen path he decided.
David Tennant has been a softly caressing wave on the beach. Doing as he desired, quietly, without much fanfare. Happy to be low profile.
That has all changed with the adjoining of these two humans.
As others have stated many, many times, “the biggest shippers of these two, are Michael and David.”
Does this keep them in the public eye?
Does this keep them trending and on topic?
Do I think they would continue to be this same way with each other if the world looked the other way and didn’t care?
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mrs-monaghan · 8 months
To that one anon,
I absolutely agree that actively hating on JK is veryyy uncalled for when we can see Jikook doing great and we don't have all the bts information. Lately, though, I've also seen a lot of Jikook accts minimizing what happened to FACE and Jimin. Celebrating JK's achievements is one thing but I cannot stand to see jkks of all ppl downgrading what happened to Jimin and his records as they're broken by the extra push the company gives JK. Everyone is speculating and trying their best to understand things and for some, that's sidelining Jimin as an accessory to make it make sense. There needs to be fair discourse in all sides of this community without romanticizing the darker parts of it. It's not JK's fault and we don't know all, but we still need to be able to talk about it. Like the fact that some of LC's numbers disappeared right when Seven needed space on the Korean charts. The fact that the FACE wasn't restocked for months when seven was in ready supply almost every week. What happened to LC and the rise of Seven is related even on a minor scale. This is a fact. Some accts were so focused on debunking videos, and celebrating JK that the topic of where Jimin's award nominations and streams are going became taboo because apparently "Jimin is happy as a cheerleader" ...what?!
Actively hating is way too far I agree but all I'm saying is we should still be able to talk about the inequality regarding them as individuals and how that relates to Jikook as a whole. Believing in Jikook and discussing these things should not be mutually exclusive. Everyone has their own opinions. Again not supporting the hate, but we should be allowed to share thoughts shouldn't we, regardless if we won't all agree?
No, I dont disagree. But personally talking about it just seems to get people riled up and that's how Jikookers end up resenting JK. I would rather copy paste a PJM on twitter when they are tagging BH and Geffen and anyone else fucking over Jimin.
I haven't 4go10 everything our man has been through. This man has millions of fans and they only released 13k LC cds. Meanwhile other members got up to 50k. His shit not getting restocked even still?? You cannot tell me this is something Jimin would be okay with. His fans wanting to buy his music and not being able to? No way he's just okay with this.
But I also fail to see how he's not aware of it?? He has to be aware of what happened to him.
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(New video here for those who are yet to watch it. As always they do Jimin Jimin great justice)
The 🛴 thing is confusing seeing as he's credited on FACE but whatever.
Unfortunately we will never know how he feels or whats going on unless he or one of the members outright tell us about it. The unfairness is so bad if I look at it too much it makes me tear up. I haven't 4go10 he is still the only member who didn't get a cake. I know it's just a cake but damn this always rubs me the wrong way. @magicshop-pjm1 gets it 🤭🤭🤭
All I know anon, which makes me less sad, is the fact that Jimin renewed with Hybe. That has to mean something. And so I will just be here and support him the best way I can. I am choosing to trust his decision here because we are clearly missing something.
I don't post these asks because tbh they are a downer and they make everyone upset. I don't like to be upset. Until we know the truth I would rather avoid the topic all together. But that's just me 😔😔 It doesn't do me any favours.
But yes, Jikookers should be able to discuss whats been going on without being called JK antis. Provided they're not acting like JK antis.
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mikuni14 · 1 month
I Cannot Reach You
Today I binged I Cannot Reach You and I think this series has become my favorite Japanese BL 💖
I liked everything, especially how the series showed pinning, friends to lovers trope, suffering, uncertainty and struggling with the fact that love, confession can "endanger" a close friendship, the fear that letting go of feelings that become more and more difficult to conceal and control, can destroy a long, cherished friendship. I really like that Kakeru becomes aware of Yamato's feelings at the beginning of the series and is not stupid and clueless for the rest of series. I'm so glad we watched them struggle together 👌 I really liked the communication between them, the language they used, their kindness, the fact that they never wanted to hurt each other. I really liked how they couldn't control their feelings. I absolutely love their circle of friends, people who sincerely support and try to help Kakeru and Yamato. Especially Zen Master Hosaka and Yamato's sister. I also like the subtle (although I would like it to be more visible, but well, it's not this kind of series 😚) physical aspect of their relationship, Yamato is definitely very horny for Kakeru, it was visible, but I must admit that I would just love to see more of this 🤭
What I also liked was that the "seme type" character was shown as perfect on the outside, but at the same time he was the most dependent, the most vulnerable and the most pathetic in this relationship. Many times he couldn't cope with himself and his feelings, he relied on others (what would he do without Hosaka and Mikoto...) and that was great.
AND I ALSO LIKED (did I mention that I liked everything? 😄) the large number of emotional scenes that tugged at my heart and made me feel a deep bond with the characters. It was a wonderful experience, exactly what I look for in BL series 🥺💖
The series is wonderful, I love it, I highly recommend it, 10/10.
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(their hands 😭)
I love these boys.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
slutty thots: birthday party!matty and you discussing kinks
combining with WOAH. More about discovering kinks w Matty pls!! Like early relationship. Working out how to tell him you want him dominant. And also what would he be into?! And how would he tell you? ‘I want you to [insert kink lol] for me, baby. Can you do that?’ and i need to see something written about matty using a vibrator on you like maybe he even catches you using it when he gets home from the studio and joins in idkkk 🤭
ok SO matty immediately and absolutely knows that birthday party! girl has a praise kink, and as seen from the actual fics he exploits it immediately lol - he's watched you accept awards and praise for your writing for years, so he knows the way you blush and go giggly when someone is complimentary of your work (and you). but aside from that, he's no idea what you like. and like you said, figuring out how to tell matty you want him to be dominant is a bit of a challenge, despite the fact you guys have literally exchanged "i love you"s lol - i think you'd be in matty's lap, straddling him in a hug, and you say you want him to be like soft dom with you shyly in his ear because you literally cannot look at him while you do. BUT matty takes on the role immediately, pulling your hair firmly enough that you have to look at him (but not so firmly that it's painful) and saying "i can do that, sweetheart, but i'm enforcing a rule that you need to follow if you want to be my good girl, yeah? need you to look at me when you ask me things, need to see that beautiful face. understand?" and you nod and then pre-empt him and say "i understand", and matty's like "good girl - verbal responses too, please, helps me make sure my girl is safe and happy". and i think from there, matty can go through like a vague list of kinks and things related to him being dom with you to find out what you're into - spanking is a yes (he's very excited about that one), you're not too sure about choking but you wouldn't mind trying it to see, gags are a hard no (unless it's matty's fingers. he nearly proposes then and there when you say that lol). i also think you surprise matty a little when you say "i've thought about you, like, blindfolding me and tying my wrists to the headboard using your tie" - he's genuinely speechless for a solid two minutes before he's like "we can... yeah, i can, um, definitely do that. jesus christ". and i think from then on you're a lot more comfortable with asking for things, and experimenting with matty slowly during sex to find out what else you really like (i think spitting is definitely one he suggests that you end up really liking, after you say you think him spitting is quite sexy lol).
in terms of what matty wants from you, there isn't much in the initial stages aside from the things you've already said. but i have a theory that matty has a whole thing about watching - i think he would literally say "i want you to show me how you get off, darlin', what you did before you had me to make you feel good. can you do that for me? good girl". and part of it is genuinely so he can determine if there's anything technique-wise you like that he hasn't been doing, but it's also just... him getting to watch you, the girl he loves so much and thinks is the most beautiful, bring yourself to an orgasm. so you do - you shyly get all settled on your bed, then you take a vibrator from your bedside drawer ( matty's like OH ok) and get to work. and matty would just watch you the whole time, praising but not giving into your pleas for him to make you cum instead of the toy, very like "no, angel, i want to see you cum without me before i make you do it again, ok?", and you whine in complaint but you do as he asks and get yourself off with the toy against your clit and your fingers inside you. matty's very good after it, taking your fingers into his mouth to clean them and get a taste of you, before kissing you and saying "well done sweetheart, so good for me. can i use that toy on you while i fuck you now?", and you're whimpering out "please" before matty lays you down and fucks you, toy against your clit (which actually feels nice for him too, brushing up against it as he just rails you lol). it's so hot, and both of you get really good orgasms out of it, so it's definitely something you do again. and then i think you realise you like watching matty get himself off, too, and you both figure out you love it when he fucks you from behind in front of the big mirror in your bedroom, so you can see how hot you both look while matty's railing you within an inch of your life lol. but yeah, i think it's constant talking about new things and trying them - matty's just so desperate to make you feel as good as he can <3
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reidsaurora · 2 years
POV: Your Instagram If You Were Dating Spencer Reid (part two)
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Liked by thesimmonsfam and 283 others
yn.yln alexa, play drunk on a plane by dierks bentley
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bbygirlpg aahhh, have fun in Vegas, lovers!
reiditandweep just to clarify, i did NOT drink anything on the plane. i was just severely sleep-deprived
↳ yn.yln that's not what the bill said 🙄✋️
morgan.derek have fun, you two! say hey to Mama Reid for us!
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Liked by kcallahan and 306 others
yn.yln happy birthday, lover boy! i'm still upset you wouldn't wear the bday boy pin i bought you but i suppose i can forgive you bc you're just so darn cute! love you endlessly, libra baby!
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thedavidrossi happy birthday, kid! don't drink too much without your old man
emprentiss hbd, my bday twin! have fun, kiddo!
bbygirlpg habby birfday!! i heard tell that ur favorite tech analyst might be doing something for ur bday when u get back 👀
↳ yn.yln shhh, that was supposed to be a secret
↳ bbygirlpg @/yn.yln oops?
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Liked by aaronhotch and 251 others
yn.yln i guess what happens in Vegas can't always stay in Vegas 🥲
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jenjareau can't wait for you guys to get back! we miss you!
↳ yn.yln we need to take a couples' trip next time with you and Will!
↳ dralexblake @/yn.yln can me and James join? 😅
↳ morgan.derek @/yn.yln what about me and Sav 👀
kcallahan ok but what is he wearing
↳ yn.yln he said he wanted to "fit in with the locals"
↳ kcallahan @/yn.yln LOL as if he isn't one of them
reiditandweep what she isn't showing you is the 1,632 candids she took of me where i looked goofy
↳ yn.yln i didn't take ~that~ many pictures
↳ missgreenaway u always look goofy wym
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Liked by doclewis and 248 others
yn.yln curse you @/bbygirlpg for inviting a therapy dog to work as Spencer's late bday gift because now i have baby (puppy) fever
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reiditandweep we are NOT getting a dog
↳ yn.yln correction, you might not be getting a dog, but i certainly will be 🤪
↳ reiditandweep @/yn.yln i'll kick u and the dog out
↳ bbygirlpg @/emprentiss ik!! the tea is being spilled 🤭
aaronhotch Jess just got a puppy for when Jack comes to stay with her, you're welcome to come and play with her!
↳ yn.yln bless you, Aaron Hotchner
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Liked by lukealvez and 299 others
yn.yln alsgaldgaksfaksf
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reiditandweep i thought i told you not to share this with anyone
↳ yn.yln no habla inglés
↳ reiditandweep @/yn.yln se suponía que no debías compartir esto con nadie
↳ yn.yln @/reiditandweep ... uh i can explain?
doclewis this feels like i shouldn't have seen it
↳ reiditandweep you weren't supposed to 😐
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Liked by thedavidrossi and 162 others
yn.yln him: *ordering a smoothie* me: 🥵
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morgan.derek hey isn't that the book he fell asleep reading on the plane?
↳ yn.yln 👀
jenjareau what's his order? the masses wanna know
↳ yn.yln some chocolate and banana smoothie. even at a smoothie place he can't eat healthy
↳ reiditandweep @/yn.yln shhh, stop spilling my secrets
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Liked by dralexblake and 132 others
yn.yln family shenanigans
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reiditandweep i look awful in this picture
↳ yn.yln you look so hot, shut up
↳ doclewis @/yn.yln 🤢
bbygirlpg random but i love boy wonder's sweater
↳ yn.yln he thrifted it 🥰
emprentiss real talk tho, me and @/lukealvez look so cute in this pic
↳ lukealvez as always 😌
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Liked by thesimmonsfam and 160 others
yn.yln funny how this time a year ago, we were eating dinner at an Olive Garden at 9 p.m. on a Friday night, dressed in renaissance attire. time flies (and sails) when you're having as much fun as a fairy (or a pirate)
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dralexblake this night was so fun! can't wait to do again this year!
↳ yn.yln words cannot describe how excited i am to do it again, Lady Alexandria and Sir James!
kcallahan entering his Jack Sparrow era
↳ yn.yln entering my Elizabeth Swann era 😌💅
missgreenaway yeah yeah, this is cute and all but i'm DYING over the guy in the bg
↳ yn.yln LMAO he's just like 👁👄👁
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Liked by aaronhotch and 203 others
yn.yln some baby Spence to cleanse the feed
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morgan.derek drop his soundcloud!!
thedavidrossi back when the kid really was a kid
missgreenaway pls i thought this was shawn from boy meets world
↳ yn.yln LMAO U RIGHT
reiditandweep why do i look like i'm trying to be sexy
↳ yn.yln guess you've just always been sexy 😘
↳ doclewis @/yn.yln things i am: uncomfy
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Liked by jenjareau and 186 others
yn.yln "do you have 11 protons? because you're sodium fine"
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↳ yn.yln for context, i asked him for a science-related caption and this is what he came up with
↳ yn.yln but no, i will not be changing it bc it's cute
lukealvez this looks like it was taken in a therapist's office
↳ yn.yln it was, we're receiving couples therapy bc he refuses to give me a baby (puppy)
↳ reiditandweep @/lukealvez she's lying, we are not receiving couples therapy
↳ yn.yln @/reiditandweep we will be if u don't give me a baby
aaronhotch the caption feels risqué for boy genius 😂
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um, is this my new favorite post format?? maybe. are u guys gonna receive a countless amount of posts with this format?? u betcha.
anyway, i hope you guys enjoyed! i love this one a lot so i hope you guys do too!
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missmugiwara · 5 months
Alright dear Mugi, bring on the Satoru Rambles!!! 👀👀👀
I was trying to think about a good idea to start with 🤔 (because that’s exactly what I do at work: think about Satoru!!) And I think I’ve got a good, yummy little idea 👀 We know Satoru is our beloved, arrogant brat yes? Well… I’ve been wondering how he reacts when we are especially bratty 👀 Can he take it without cracking or is there only so much the man can take? 👀 What does it take to make our dear ‘Toru snap? Mmmm… so many delicious thoughts 😮‍💨
I’ve thought of a cheeky idea where we have been waiting for a new limited sweet to be sold at a bakery for a limited time, as Satoru loves his sweets and simply CANNOT wait for the goodie to be available! But perhaps a meeting or mission that even Satoru Gojo cannot skip out on comes up on the day the bakery opens the new menu item, and he whines and begs for us to wait for him to be finished before we order!
“Ohhh, I will be SO DEVASTATED if you did not wait for your beloved ‘Toru as he suffers through this meeting/mission 🥺👉👈” He would say in that pouty voice of his, making such a display of his suffering 🙄👀
Well I say FUCK IT 🤨 Sorry Gojo, sucks to be you I guess! We gonna go get that treat anyways without him 👀 EHEHEHEHEHEH!! Ohhh I can only imagine how he would react when he gets back and finds that we got the order without him 😮‍💨 Oh I love it, I LOVE IT!!! (we got one for him too, safely stashed away for him to enjoy after he… punishes us perhaps 🤭)
That’s my little idea for today’s episode of Satoru’s Rambles 👀 I’ve got so many little ideas and thirsts that I can send in, I just wanted to check if that’s okay first so I don’t accidentally flood your inbox!! 🥰❤️ Take care Mugi and have a wonderful rest of your day!! 😘
Lucky for you, I am in love with Satoru. So of course, I have thoughts to share. 😉 Makes sense that a sweet thang like Satoru loves sweets! Oh, he absolutely would whine in that voice of his! He would make an entire show of it because he knows you're weak to him.
Oh, the possibilities with this one are LIMITLESS. Satoru is as smooth as they come. If he was upset and did not go the whiny route, I think he would hide it and be such a tease to you. After all, you made him mad. You're going to get punished. 💋 You bet he would somehow eat that sweet off your body. Give you little licks and kisses!
I mean, just AHHHHHH. Have you seen him? Of course you have! He's a feast for the eyes.
Also, you can send in ideas and thirsts! You aren't bothering me at all. Just can't guarantee I'll get to them right away between work and life!
Have a fabulous day, Skittles!
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daimyosprincess · 8 months
fym the librarian isn't counted it's literally us like 🙄 anyways ship game gimme 14 18 19 27 and 48!!! RIGHT NEOW!! (also maybe add a little 50 for angst 👀)
Ship ask game
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Lmfaoooo 😂😂
It makes me so soft to know you guys wanna hear more about Professor Boba and his princess jgslkdjsklgjs anyways here we go
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
Boba is a more private person by nature so he doesn't do overly much in the ways of public displays of affection, saving those for more private times and places while she's more comfortable with PDA but respects Boba's boundaries and doesn't force him to show more than he's willing. He does encourage to voice her wants and needs freely and trusts her to respects his comfort, so if she asks to hold hands or have a kiss in public he'll almost always give it to her
(also I must add that although it's not really PDA but Boba absolutely keeps a hand on his girl's thigh at pretty much all times when he's driving with her in the car 🥴)
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
Oh hoo boy if she's not feeling well because she's sick/on her period/having an off day it is absolute princess queen goddess treatment because he cannot stand knowing his babygirl is even the slightest bit uncomfortable (unless she wants to be 😈). If he can't be physically with her, it's phone calls and messages and making sure she has everything she needs as best he can. If he is able to be with her then he is, stopping by between his classes to bring her soup or meds and making sure she doesn't lift a finger. If she's having cramps, he's more than happy to be her personal heating pad, letting her snuggle up against him while he rubs her back.
Miss princess is just as astounded by Boba's superhuman immune system (how is the man never sick??) as she is frustrated at his tendency to put aside his own comfort to power through whatever task he's set before himself, whether that be staying up too late grading papers or not taking it easy at the gym when his knee is giving him trouble. She usually resorts to threatening him with such punishments as not sleeping until he does or putting Fennec on his case, but if she's really concerned about him she'll sit him down to talk about things.
(I have some plans to write a little something about princess taking care of her professor in Volume II of Ex Libris 🤭)
19. Do they wear each other’s clothes/jewelry?
Ok listen I am going insane over the thought of library princess making like a lil friendship bracelet type thing during like a library program or something and giving to Boba just to be cute then her realizing that he's been wearing it every day since dkgjaljggajg
Now since our beloved princess is a reader insert she doesn't have a body size so I can't say she would be able to wear any of Boba's clothes (so it's up to you my lovely readers!) but in a future Ex Libris chapter Boba is going to give her his class ring to wear on a necklace 😭
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
Answered in this ask
48. Do they talk about their future together? Why or why not?
So far, both of them have just been enjoying their relationship with no real expectations for the future (marriage, kids, etc.) but the way they're building their relationship easily leaves it open to those type of discussions.
Now when the topic of the future does come up and Boba tries to pull the old man card ("don't waste the rest of your life on an old man, princess") just know that she fucks him six ways from Sunday until he gets it through his head that she's not going anywhere without him 😌
50. Would they ever break up? If so, why? Who would handle the breakup better?
@baufraus how dare you bring up angst in a house that enjoys angst (with a happy ending sksksk)?!?!!?
With the strong foundation that the two of them have set, I don't think there's a lot that could break the two apart. Both Boba and princess value and have made communication a cornerstone of their relationship inside and outside the bedroom so if there's something that could possibly be relationship ending, they would do their best to talk about it and figure it out before it gets to that point.
NOW for the true angst: what if for some reason they did break up???? Boba is shutting down internally, just completely closing himself off to any emotion. He's throwing himself into his work and won't see the light of day unless Fennec yanks him out of his office by his collar. He'll carry on but in black and white, without the joyful color his feisty babygirl brought to his life--no more flowers on his dining room table, no more kisses stolen before class, no more laughter snuggled under sheets.
BUT that's never going to happen because library princess is never going to give her man up without the fight of a lifetime 💖
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Back to You: Casa Amor - Suresh POV
This is for my Suresh Stans that know our boy is going to stay super loyal at Casa Amor! I wrote a little quick POV last night before bed. It takes us from the moment the boys get the text they’re headed to Casa to the moment they learn they’re coming back. I’ll let Fusebox fill in the rest 🤭
@fujiihime  @squishy-noodles @tjsmommy719 
Text pings went off on a few phones.
“Did you guys just get this text?” Finn asked.
“Yeah, it must be a challenge of some kind,” Eddie said. 
“Another one?” Suresh asked. “And today of all days when the villa is imploding?”
“Only one way to find out, let’s go boys,” Finn said as he led the boys outside. 
Once outside they saw two jeeps waiting. And he realized, since when do they ever just get sent away because there’s too much ‘drama’? 
“Is this what I think it means? Is this Casa Amor?” Suresh asks as he looks back at the villa longingly. 
“It can’t be...” Alfie says. 
“Well I cannot be more excited to crack on with some lovely new ladies!! Let’s go fellas!!” Finn said as he hopped in the first Jeep. Suresh got in the second jeep and willed Gemma to come outside. They literally never came out here, so she would have no reason to do so but he just needed to see her face one last time. Needed to know how she felt about him. He knew for him nothing had changed. He would stay loyal at Casa as if they were coupled up, no sleeping in beds, or cracking on with any of the girls. Gemma was the only girl for him. 
The Jeeps pulled up to an equally gorgeous villa estate. The bedroom was a little smaller but it didn’t matter because he’d be sleeping outside anyway. Three days. He’d survived longer. Finn and Eddie both seemed super excited to meet the new girls but Alfie seemed a bit dejected. 
“Alf, you ok?”
“Oh yeah, geez just a lot on my mind. Could’ve done without casa today to be honest.” Alfie said. 
“Do you wanna-“ Before Suresh was able to finish his question four sexy new singles walked in the villa doors. 
“HIYA BOYS!” They shouted in unison. 
“Oh. My. Days!” Finn said as he took a look at all the girls. 
The girls all introduced themselves and gave a little bit of background info. 
Meagan - 23 year old 
Air hostess 
Short, blonde with blue eyes
Molly - 24 year old 
Average height, brunette with brown eyes
Kaz - 22 year old 
Tall, brunette with hazel eyes 
Emily - 25 year old
Tall, blonde with blue eyes 
The girls were all stunners, Finn was already making moves and figuring out sleeping arrangements. 
“Ladies why don’t we head over to that fire pit area and all get to know one another better?” Finn asked. “I think what would make this easier for us boys is if you would tell us who you’re potentially interested in off of looks or what you’ve seen on television so far.” 
“I’ll start!” Kaz said confidently.
“I love a woman who can take charge,” Finn said. 
Suresh rolls his eyes and Alfie notices and laughs.
“Well she’s not here, but Gemma does have excellent taste because the two guys I’d most like to get to know are Suresh and Alfie.�� 
Alfie smiles at Kaz and she smiles back. 
“Kaz thank you I should actually take this opportunity to say that although you are all absolutely stunning women I am sorry but I am completely closed off and I’m not open to getting to know you guys on a romantic level. I’m here for you all on a friendship level and I’ll be your wingman! But I’ve found my girl and I’m not fucking it up again. I hope you can respect my wishes and know that I mean absolutely no disrespect towards you at all and I’m sure you are all lovely girls.“
The girls all ‘awww’ at Suresh’s declaration. 
“Wait do you mean Arlo or Gemma?” Eddie asks. 
Suresh glares at Eddie. “Gemma of course.” 
All of the islanders except for Alfie laugh. He just looks at Suresh hurt. They haven’t discussed what happened between the two of them. And he never let Gemma explain but she didn’t say they were over. 
Suresh laid in bed looking up at the twinkling lights thinking about Gemma and how she was probably freaking out as much as he was right now. He heard footsteps making their way over to his bed. 
“Suresh? You asleep?” Alfie whispered. 
“No. Way too bright. And I can’t stop thinking about Gemma and what she’s probably thinking right now.” Suresh said as he sat up on the day bed and faced Alfie. 
“Yeah. Gemma. I screwed that up bad didn’t I?” 
“Can I ask, why did you kiss Kat? I still don’t understand that.” 
“When Kat said you guys were cracking on behind my back I was fuming and then she said she caught you both in an uncompromising position. I was livid. She came on to me and I just gave in. Kat was giving me the attention I needed at the moment. I know it sounds so lame.” 
“That’s all she said uncompromising position?” Suresh asked with an incredulous look on his face.
“Well yeah what more is there to be said?”
“Literally so much more, there’s absolutely zero context to that. Do you want to actually know what happened?” 
“Not really, but I guess I do.” 
“We were just talking at first about us and what we’ve been through and then we started reminiscing about a particular trip we took to Monte Carlo. I’ll spare you the details the memory is very NSFW. It got us both hot and I initiated it, but we kissed. We went at it for a while before Kat interrupted us.” 
Alfie swallowed hard but said nothing.
“Then after you kissed Kat..”
“Wait there’s more?” 
“Let me just finish! I went up to the roof terrace and she was just thinking up there about everything and I apologized to her again for cheating on her because I know that what I did made what you did hurt a little more because it brought back those memories for her. I told her I didn’t want to be the reason she hurt anymore and I wanted to be her person again. I asked her to forgive me and to be with me again. I asked her to choose me. But I told her to not do it that second because her mind was obviously scrambled with what just happened with you. I told her to just tell me that night. And then we left.”
Alfie breathed out loudly. “Wow, yeah that’s a lot. I’m glad you told me. Gemma is a great girl but I think our timing just isn’t right. I’ll step aside and won’t come between you anymore.” 
“Thanks Alfie.” 
Suresh laid out on a pool lounger after a refreshing swim. The sun making the water beads on his abs glisten. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the heat of the sun on his body.
“Mind if I join you?”
He opened his eyes to see it was Molly, the 24 year old teacher from Romford.
“Sure,” he said as he patted the lounger next to him with his large hands. 
“I was hoping your offer from last night still stands and you’re up from some wingman action?” 
“Yes! Who are we thinking then?” 
“Alfie. I know Finn’s his best mate in here but Finn’s been a bit…preoccupied since he’s been here.” They both look at each other knowingly and laugh. “And you and Alfie had a chat last night, right? I was wondering if he told you where his head was at in terms of getting to know us casa girls?” 
“I think he’s well up to getting to know the casa girls! Him and Gemma never officially called it quits before we left the villa but the kiss with Kat somewhat sealed his fate I don -“
“What kiss with Kat?” Molly said looking confused.
Oh right this all happened that same day, there was no way the casa girls could’ve seen all the drama that kicked off in the villa the same day they arrived.
“Shit, ok I need to backtrack a bit because we had a lot of drama happen in a short span of time. Basically Gemma and I kissed in the bedroom, Kat caught us, she told Gemma she’d keep it a secret, we had a truth or dare challenge and the islanders dared Finn to kiss the girl he found most attractive and he kissed Arlo and gave her a bit of a striptease.” Molly’s eyes go wide as Suresh continues. “Then Kat is beside herself that Finn would so boldly kiss another girl during the challenge so she says at least she’s not the only one in the villa being mugged off and she said Arlo and Alfie just so you know Gemma and Suresh have been cracking on right under your noses. It kicks off Alfie is pissed he runs off doesn’t let Gemma explain anything Arlo is fuming. Gemma is trying to find Alfie to explain what happened and she opens the roof terrace door and Kat and Alfie are up there kissing. They get into words and I finally find her and I tell her that I’m done playing games and I only want her and that I want us to be together. And then we get a text that we’re going out for a boys night and we show up here. And I never got to say goodbye to Gemma or to see if she felt the same and now I just have to wait the three days to see how she feels about me too.” 
Molly’s mouth is open in shock. “This all happened the day you arrived!?!”
Suresh smiles. “I know. Hence why we were all a little beat down yesterday.” 
“Well, not everyone.” She says as she looks in Finn’s direction. He has his arms wrapped around Kaz’ waist in the kitchen. He whispers something in her ear and she laughs uncontrollably. 
“Those two were so loud last night, you and Alfie were lucky to sleep out here on the daybeds.” 
“Wait that brings us back to our original point, Alfie! Sorry for getting us sidetracked there. Look I think if you want to make a play for Alfie, show him you care I think he likes that. I think he’s open to getting to know people here. Last night he didn’t say he was shutting any doors when you girls were asking so that’s always a plus.” 
“Thanks Suresh!” She said as she gave him a small smile. 
“No problem, do you want me to maybe mention we had this chat?” 
“Hmm.. only if you think it will help.”
“Ok then!” 
Molly walked away smiling to the kitchen.
The boys had finally received their luggage from the girls and Arlo was clearly pissed at him. She didn’t pack a single matching or well put together outfit and she packed two pairs of shoes his loafers which he loved, but only went with specific outfits, and they didn’t go with anything she packed and his slides for the pool. He prided himself on looking well and he knew he was going to be looking pretty terrible these next few days unless he borrowed something from one of the guys. 
“Alright guys anyone have anything decent I can borrow? Arlo was clearly fucking with me when she packed my bag. She packed brown and navy trousers with a purple top and an orange top. Literally no black or white or basic colored tops. The only nice outfit is the recoupling outfit, and I’m obviously saving that for Gemma. And look at the shoes she packed for me.”
The boys all start to laugh.
“I love that this is your biggest problem right now,” Finn said.
“You should talk, Finny! What’s Kat going to say when she hears about Kaz.”
“Relax, didn’t the text say we’re on a lads holiday!? I’m doing exactly what lads do on holiday! LADS ON TOUR say it with me boys LADS ON TOUR!!”
The boys grumble in response.
“Oh you’re no fun. Besides I have my eyes set on greener pastures tonight.” 
“What do you mean?” Eddie asked.
“Did you boys see Emily in that string bikini today I think I’m going to have to take a closer inspection tonight.”
“You need to grow up,” Suresh said rolling his eyes.
“Aww Resh don’t be like that! You can have a taste of the pie too! Gem isn’t even yours again. You’re in a grey area. Dive in the deep end!! The waters fine.” He said laughing. 
“Are you planning on bringing one of these Casa girls back or are you just moving mad and cheating on Kat and dealing with the consequences later.” 
With that Finn straightens up, “I’m not cheating on Kat,” he said through gritted teeth. “We never talked about exclusivity which was apparent when she kissed my best mate.” 
He takes one final look in the mirror and says, “Well boys, Emily is waiting for me.”
“Alfie, you ok? You’re unusually quiet.” Suresh asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he said with a smile.
“Listen, I know I’m not your usual wingman/ best friend in here but I had a chat with Molly today and she’s really into you and wants to get to know you better.” 
“Really? She’s a 10,” he said smiling.
“If I were you, I’d pull her tonight and get to know her better. And although I LOVED hearing the absolute patterns of your snoring why don’t you sleep inside with her tonight?” 
Alfie laughed. 
“Good shout.”
The sun glared down on Suresh. One more night here and he’d be back with Gemma. This energized him. He got up and headed to the kitchen to make coffee. 
A text ping was heard from the bedroom. 
Early text. Could only mean one thing. A challenge. This had to be villa vs casa. 
He walked into the bedroom as Alfie read out the text. 
“A special prize? What could that be? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before,” Emily said wrapped up in Finn’s arms. Kaz glared at her from two beds away as she sipped from her custom Love Island water bottle. 
“Alright then girls let’s get dressed!” Molly said from Alfie’s bed. 
Suresh looked at him with raised eyebrows and a smile. Alfie blushed back at him. 
“Looks like we should get ready too then boys! We can’t have the girls showing us up.” Eddie said. 
“Oh Eddie,” Meagan said as she gently stroked his chest.
The islanders sat around in a boy / girl formation  already with a strategy formed, ready for quick kisses. 
“Alright boys don’t let me down today! I want to win that special prize it has to be good!” Finn said excitedly as they waited for the first text to come. 
Text ping
“It’s mine,” said Suresh. “The tallest boy has to snog the girl of his choice for 10 seconds.” 
Finn ran to Meagan and lifted her in his arms, at 5’3 she was tiny compared to his 6’4 frame. With one arm he was able to grab her backside with one arm while with the other he held her face close to his and kissed her passionately. The other islanders cheered but Eddie glared at him. 
“3…2…1…” Finn carried on kissing Meagan.
“That’s enough Finn! We said 1!” Eddie said.
“Oh sorry mate, must’ve not heard you,” he said laughing as he placed Meagan back down on the ground. She was visibly flustered but took Eddie’s hand to guide her back to her seat. 
Text Ping 
“Casa wins” Alfie reads.
“That’s how it’s done boys! Let’s keep the momentum going” 
Text ping
“The oldest boy has to snog the oldest girl,” Eddie reads. “Who’s the oldest girl?”
“It’s me!” Emily says as she rushes over to Suresh, she goes to snog him but he just gives her a short peck instead. 
“Booooo that’s not a snog!” Finn shouts. 
“The text said snog mate,” Eddie says.
“I don’t care about this stupid game guys.” Suresh says. 
“Well isn’t Gemma the oldest girl?” Eddie asks.
“No, her and Dana are both 26,” Suresh says. 
Text ping
“Main villa wins” 
“Well one of them just got a nice snog…wonder which one,” Finn said.
“Fuck off, Finn,” Suresh said.
The games continued, Casa Amor and The Main Villa were tied for overall games. This next game would determine tonight’s overall winner. 
Text ping 
“The fastest trio to complete an underwater kiss wins it all.”
Without hesitating Finn grabbed Kaz and Emily’s hands and ran for the pool. The three jumped into the middle holding hands. They swam closer to one another and dove in for the underwater kiss. 
“That was fast,” Alfie said. “There’s no way the girls beat that. I don’t want to see what type of guys the girls have other there for them to beat that time.” 
Before Finn and the girls are out of the water a text ping comes through. 
WOOOOOO!!!! The islanders celebrate by all jumping into the pool. 
The boys were gathered in the kitchen fixing up a few snacks and drinks for the night ahead. 
“So where’s everyone’s head at then,” Suresh asked. 
“I’m really starting to a feel a spark between Molly and I. We have loads in common and that kiss in the challenge today was amazing. I think I want to try for a real outside the challenge kiss tonight,” Alfie said.
“Get It! Alf! That’s what I like to hear!“ 
“Do you think you’d take her back?” Eddie asked. 
Alfie thought for a moment and looked at Suresh. “I know this puts Gemma at a vulnerable position and I wouldn’t want to risk her going home but I think I would want to bring Molly back.” 
“Don’t worry about Gemma,” Suresh said calmly. 
“Well you can’t exactly save her at the recoupling, Suresh, that’s the only reason why he’s worried about her,” Finn said.
“If Gemma goes, I’m going too so it doesn’t matter,” he said.
“You’d really walk? Even if she was like ‘I don’t want you anymore, Suresh,’ when you got back there?” Eddie asked. 
“Honestly? Yeah I would. Gemma is the only girl I want and if I can’t have her right now I just need to leave and go home to take some time for myself.” 
“Wow. You like her more than I think we all knew mate,” Finn said.
The boys were all silent for a minute and a text ping was heard. 
The girls rushed out from the dressing room.
“Hey boys did we just hear a text?”
“Yeah I think it’s mine,” Suresh said.
“Oh. my. Days! Boys we need to deliberate now!” Finn said.
The boys walked over to the swings.
“Alright boys I want this, I need this,” Finn pleaded. 
“Who would you even take, it’s not like you’ve even attempted to make a genuine connection in here. You’ve literally just tried to get with as many girls as possible,” Eddie said seething still hurt from Finn’s kiss with Meagan earlier today. 
“Alright Eddie boy calm down! Meagan is a sort I had to give her a little kiss, but my heart is between Emily and Kaz! And this hideaway night would help me with this decision.” 
“Emily’s a bit more shy then Kaz and I think maybe a more private night away I could get her to open up a bit more. And we can see if we have a deeper connection, if you will.” 
“So, you’re just done with Kat then?” Suresh asked confused. 
“I told you this the other day, we’re not exclusive and she’s kissed my best mate!” 
“I get that, but are you actually willing to bring one of these girls back and risk Kat’s place in the villa?” 
Finn ignored Suresh and looked at Alfie and Eddie, “Are you guys sending me and Emily in or not?”
“Do whatever you want mate,“ Suresh said as he walked away. 
Every other morning he woke up eager that another day had passed and he was one day closer to seeing Gemma. Today was finally the day and he was absolutely nerve wracked. What if she didn’t feel the same anymore? What if she found someone better in the main villa? A Suresh clone who’d never cheated on her. 
But then he thought about their kiss. If Kat hadn’t interrupted them, it would’ve led to more. They were hungry for each other. It wasn’t just him, he knew it. He saw it in her eyes when they parted. Even when she ran after Kat, she turned back to look at him with a want so deep in her eyes he almost begged her not to go. To stay. Who cares if they all knew. Their last chat on the roof terrace when he asked her to forgive him, to give him another chance, he’d hoped she could see he would move heaven and earth to make things right again. He loved her. This wasn’t a temporary fleeting love, this was a forever imprinted into his heart type love. His whole life could begin again tonight. Their life. He knew they wouldn’t be able to be together “officially” at least for another week because they weren’t currently coupled up but he would sleep with her in the daybeds, on the floor, on the sofa, on the roof terrace, on a tiny lilo in the pool if it meant he could be with her again. 
He heard a door open across the garden and he saw Finn and Emily leaving the Hideaway. Both looking a bit disheveled. Finn gave Suresh a cheeky smile, “Good Mornin’ Resh! Last day in paradise with these lovely ladies! Excited to get back to Gemma?” 
“Can’t wait!”
With that a text ping is heard
Alfie and Eddie run outside.
“Let’s go reunite you with Gemma then!” Finn said smiling.  
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hypnotisedfireflies · 11 months
Arien, first of all you're a beast.... The amount of words you produce and deliver to us so quickly is absolutely amazing!!! Wtf!!
I've read at least 3 times now the last chapter of snowqueen. I don't know what to make of Mike? I feel like he's being unfair to Tess, it was his idea to open the relationship and yet he comes up with "your forced my hands" lol
I'm not saying he's wrong in everything he says but I don't think he goes about it the right way?
Anyway Tess is deep deep in denial about her feelings for Joel and it's going to explode right in her face at some point I cannot wait for it lol
I feel like Joel already knows what's up, at least concerning his own feelings and I cannot help but feel for him, because this entire thing is also going to explode right in his face and I don't want him to suffer too much just like I don't want Tess to suffer
Cannot wait for what is coming next!!
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Hello anon! Thank you. 💙 Three times already?? You're amazing!
I type really fast and I find it relaxing, so when the words are there my output can be pretty high. It's not unusual for me to do 10k for work and then 3-4k of fic on top of that for a day which sounds worse than it is? 🥴
The Mike thing is killing me! There's like a bar and some of you are at one end with pitchforks and some of you are at the other thinking he's not such a bad bloke and then there's all shades in-between (including poly anon, who has great ideas!) 😘
All I can really say without spoiling things is Mike thinks he's a really good guy and in most aspects of life, he is. And he does love Tess and want her to be happy, but ...
Sike, there's nothing here. 🤭
Thank you for reading anon, and the next chapter will be out soon.
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artists-ally · 4 months
2024 Book List!
Not that anyone will care about this but I wanted to do it and have fun!! Here is a list of the books I have read so far this year and some of my thoughts!
1. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
This was my favorite book of the Hunger Games trilogy. I haven’t read A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes but I do have it. I started the Hunger Games to cope with the fact that I didn’t have the next book for Throne of Glass, but I still loved it I cant wait to watch the movies!!
2. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
I still to this day have no idea what this ending was and I didn’t like the book enough to try and figure it out. It was alright, didn’t love the ending, and Katiness honestly pissed me off.
3. Heartless by Elsie Silver
Oh my GOD I LOVE THIS BOOK. This is the second book in the Chestnut Springs Series (Flawless, Heartless, Powerless, Reckless, Hopeless) Cade is the standard I have for men now. He is him. I want a grumpy, mid thirties, cowboy to tell me everything’s gonna be okay. Cade and Willa are my lord and saviors.
4. Powerless by Elsie Silver
This is the third book in the Chestnut Springs Series (Flawless, Heartless, Powerless, Reckless, Hopeless) and it was some of the best character development I’ve ever read about. It was fanfuckingtastic. So good, so we’ll thought out and so god damn smutty. Jasper is so 🤭🤭🤭 with his 6’4 tattooed ass.
5. Reckless by Elsie Silver
Theo. Silva. Is. Him. Bullriders are hot. Convince me otherwise. You cannot. Again, some amazing fucking character development form the FMC (Winter Hamilton). I love love love this book. My heart was so happy in the end.
6. Credence by Penelope Douglas
What the actual fuck did I just read. So…. She goes to love with her dads step brother and his two sons in the remote mountains of Colorado. And they get snowed in for the winter. And she’s the only women around. For five months. I’m gonna let y’all figure out the rest. But it has good moments? I think? It was so weird and I’m mad at myself for thinking some of it was hot. It’s fiction, it’s not real. (I’m delusional).
7. Where Broken Wings Fly by J. Rose
This book was outstanding. Fantastic character development and a really good portrayal of PTSD. It’s about a mom and her daughter who escape an arrange, abusive marriage and flee from Mexico to a remote mountain Villingen in England. The cliffhanger at the end made me want to absolutely tear down my house brick for brick to find the answers but I supposed buying the second book will do. It was so good, super smutty, absolutely beautiful.
8. How Does It Feel? By Jeneane O’Riley
What. The. Fuck. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK. I AM SO NOT OKAY????? Those last two chapters had some Fourth Wing level plot twists that I had no hope of predicting. I am in shambles rn. Absolutely distressed over this fucking god damn mother fucking book. It’s about a biologist who falls through a faerie portal, onto the crowded prince. They think she’s an assassin sent to kill him, and he puts her through a lot of torture to prove her innocence. NOTHING. AND. I. MEAN. NOTHING. will prepare you for this ending.
9. Hopeless by Elsie Silver
AMAZING. 11/10 Elsie silver kills it ever time. This story is about Beau and Bailey. Arranged fake marriage, enemies to friends to lovers. He’s a medically retired special ops military guy and she’s got the worst last name in town. So cute. So sweet. So spicy. Beau Eaton is the standard I have for men now. He’s everything I need. Love love LOVE
10). One Dark Window by Rachel Ginning
My favorite book of the year. Hands down. I cannot stress how much I LOVED. THIS. FUCKING. BOOK. The main character Elspyth has been infected as a child and now harbors raw, unfiltered magic. It is a crime to use magic without the use of the Providence Cards. There are twelve Cards and they all give you separate abilities (strength, speed, beauty, to control others minds, influence emotions and so on). She had the ability to absorb the magic from these cards and now has one of them living inside her head. She teams up with a band of rebels to reunite the Cards in the deck to lift a deadly mist from their town. It’s insanity. It’s so crazy good idk how NO ONE HAS SAID ANYTHING I HAVE NEVER ONCE SEEN THIS BOOK ON BOOKTOK OR IG AND ITS CONCERNING. easily the best world building I’ve ever read. I finished the book last night and the second one will be here today 😭😭
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gyunivrse · 1 year
It's the season of love! and you know what that means, time to find yourself a valentine! and who better than one of your beloved mutuals? answer these questions, and the mutual with the most mentions your tumblr valentine:
Mutual you can always rely on?
Mutual who never misses a post?
Mutual you share the most interests with?
Mutual you have the most in common with?
Mutual you look up to?
Mutual you'd run away and live in a cottage with?
Spouse material mutual?
Mutual with the best personality?
Mutual that never fails to make you laugh?
Mutual you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl?
Mutual you absolutely cannot live without?
this is so cute omg 😭😭 THIS IS ALL PLATONIC BUT HELLO GUYS there won't be a lot of people to tag yet because i'm still getting to know everyone on here so 😶‍🌫️ also i don't have a lot of moots that i interact with a whole lot so these are gonna be some repetitive answers 💀
mutual you can always rely on?
@impureperhaps !! she lets me come to her with all of my random questions and she was the first person that i met on tumblr, so she has shown me around the app and given me plenty of advice 😭 recently, i've gone to her for everything, even the important stuff bc she's just so easy to talk to 💔
mutual who never misses a post?
@impureperhaps (again) !! AS SOON AS I POST SHE LIKES IT AND that's when i know she's typing up a long reblog so i just sit there and get all excited 😭 and @gyurecs has reblogged a lot of the stuff i've written and left the sweetest tags 😭 fr makes my day
mutual you share the most interests with? + mutual you have the most in common with?
i think @elestrenstar and @impureperhaps are definitely the first ppl that come to mind for both of these questions because i connected with the two of them so quickly 😭
mutual you look up to?
@impureperhaps again hello... yerin is rlly beginning to feel like a big sister to me and we just became friends a couple months ago 😭 i love her energy and her writing, she's honestly the best
also @heart2beom because oh my god the emotions that i feel when i READ THE THINGS THAT SHE WRITES. pls i aspire to write like she does 💔 she's so talented
mutual you'd run away and live in a cottage with
@elestrenstar @impureperhaps ella and yerin again bro.. i'm just gonna stop talking IK IT WOULD BE WAY TOO FUN AND CHAOTIC IF WE HAD A LITTLE COTTAGE TOGETHER
spouse material mutual?
okay this i do not know. WE'RE ALL PRETTY MUCH CHILDREN 💀 wikihow to become moots with taehyun bc then i would have an answer
mutual with the best personality?
@elestrenstar you're so funny and half of the time it isn't even intentional and you have the most comfortable energy ever + @impureperhaps you might be one of the sweetest ppl i've ever met 💔
mutual that never fails to make you laugh?
@elestrenstar I'M NOT LYING WHEN I SAY YOU'RE HILARIOUS you make me wheeze at my phone in public like an idiot with the random ella things that you do
mutual you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl?
@elestrenstar omg oops how did that get there guys autocorrect is so crazy 😦 I'M KIDDING GUYS or am i the world shall never know
mutual you absolutely cannot live without?
@impureperhaps i will forever live for the encouragement and feedback that you give me 🙏🏻 you are the best and i literally get noticably happier when i see that you've messaged me or reblogged something that i've posted 😭 the big sibling i never had fr
don't take this too seriously guys but i am also using this as my opportunity to be cheesy bc i don't get to do that often 🤭🤭
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