#that’s 14 year old me writing Black Friday notes so I don’t forget it
vesperione · 7 months
Excuse the awkward angle but I need everyone to see the best thing in my Snapchat memories
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And that is why NPMD is such a big deal. because we have known about it for FOUR. YEARS.
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mysterioh · 4 years
ᕼEᒪTEᖇ ᔕKEᒪTEᖇ - [2/8]
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Pairing: Cop!Bucky Barnes x Cop!Reader
Summary: The year is 1989 and what better to prepare for the next decade than with a killing spree? A string of gruesome deaths has thrust the city of New York into absolute mayhem and terror causing intoxicating fear to settle within the niches of the city’s underbelly. Having used up every trick in the book and earning nothing, Police Commissioner Stark seeks the aid of the NYPD’s most elite task force.
A force of two.
A reticent genius and a cheeky casanova.
WARNINGS: Death, Murder, Graphic Depictions of Violence and Gore, Language, Usage of Drugs, All the makings of a Crime Show.
Written for @captainscanadian 1k Writing Challenge!
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A Recording
11:22 AM
New York City Police Department - 88th Precinct
Brooklyn, NY 
Saturday, October 14, 1989
“You can’t do this!” 
Tony slams his fist on the desk in frustration. 
“I don’t see why I can’t,” Fury responds calmly through the phone.  
“This is my jurisdiction, I run things around here,” Tony retorts with a sharp edge to his words.  “I don’t need help, especially from two kids.” 
Fury sighs deeply. “Really now?” he asks with a mocking chuckle. “And how far have you come in your own investigation?” 
The line goes silent. Tony knows the answer, but he’s unwilling to reply. Despite his inadequacy, he remains obstinate in his opinion as he sits perched on his office desk. Teeth clenched. Lips tugged down into a scowl. Finger twisting around the telephone cord violently. 
“Have you found the killer?” Fury asks another question. “I’ve checked the files, you have nothing,” he snaps at him. “I want answers, Stark. I need results. I need whoever the hell it is that’s running around killing people behind bars. And what have you given me? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” 
Tony pinches the bridge of his nose and lets out a slow exhale. “If you give me more time I know my team will be able to do it,” he assures. “I don’t need those two to do it.” 
Fury chuckles haughtily. “You’re new around here, Captain,” he states. “This isn’t sunny Malibu, this is New York.” 
“I grew up in Manhattan,” Tony replies boldly. “I know exactly what it is.” 
“Then I suggest you quickly learn to accept help when help is given,” his stalwart says firmly. 
“Those two are more than qualified for this job. They’re not kids, they’re fully trained and capable agents. Both the top of their class with mastery in the sciences and combat. They’re goddamn geniuses,”
Tony rolls his eyes and scoffs silently. 
“If anyone is going to crack this case, it’s them, and if you do anything to get in their way. I can assure you it will not end well for you,” Fury threatens with emphasis on each word. 
“Do I make myself clear?” 
Tony sighs exasperated and turns his head to look through the blinds of the window. His eyes narrow, shooting daggers at the two detectives. 
“So the last shall be first, and the first last.” Peter reads off the photograph. “What does that mean?”
“It’s a bible verse,” Bucky tells him. “Written in the gospel of Matthew. It means that those who have prospered through wickedness will fail in the end and those who do good works will earn salvation.”
Peter and a few other officers stare at him, silent but judging in their expression. 
“What?” Bucky asks. “My grandma used to take me to church with her every Sunday when I was a kid.” 
You shake your head with a sigh and examine the photographs pinned onto the bulletin board. 
“Harold Tucker. Age forty-seven. Died October 6th.” you read off.
“Rebecca Reid. Age fifty-five. Died five days later.” 
“Louis Clark. Age forty-two. Died October 13th.” 
Bucky gasps. “And on Friday the 13th. What an unlucky day for her,” he shakes his head in pity.
“Oh god, don’t tell me you actually believe in that bullshit,” Tony growls as he approaches them. 
“I don’t,” he shrugs. “But it seems to be more than just a coincidence.” 
“Coincidence or not. They’re dead,” you deadpan. “Repeatedly stabbed in the chest and left to die.” 
“But the writing on the wall?” Peter asks again. “What does it have to do with them? They’re just ordinary people. Law-abiding citizens.”
“Did you run a background check?” Bucky asks, turning through papers in Louisa’s file. 
Peter nods. “Yeah, all clean. I think old Harry had a DUI somewhere but that’s about it.” 
“Maybe it’s something not written on paper,” Tony suggests, coming to stand next to you. “Something more personal?” 
“We all sin. Some more heavily than others,” he notes. “Maybe, the killer has his own sense of justice. He’s taking the law into his own hands.” 
“That’s highly unlikely,” you shut him down quickly. He glares at you. “In a city of over a million, how would you even know who to pick?” you question. “They aren’t mindlessly killing people. These are targeted victims.” 
“Y/N’s right, they must be connected in one way or another,” Bucky adds, “the writing on the wall speaks about justice but to the killer, it must mean more than that. It’s revenge. They are people who have done something to him and now it's his turn to get back at ‘em.” 
Rhodey shrugs. “Makes sense to me.” Tony elbows him in the arm. He looks at him confused. “What?” 
The captain sighs, returning to the board. “Moving on. Our lovely perpetrator decided to name themselves.” 
“The children of Oedipus,” Bucky finishes. 
“Oedipus was—” you started
“The man that killed his father and married his mother,” Tony interrupted quickly. “We know the story.” 
You huff, returning his earlier glare. 
“He had four children,” Bucky chimes in, trying to ease the tension between the two. “Eteocles, Polynices, Antigone, and Ismene." 
“Does that mean there are four killers?" Peter asks. 
You open your mouth to speak only to be stopped by the receptionist. 
“Captain, we found this box outside the station,” she walks to the group with it. “It’s addressed to you.” 
“Me?” he asks. 
She nods and hands him a plain cardboard box with a white name label plastered on the top. He takes it with a raised brow, looking at his comrades before ripping the tape off. He lifts the flap of the cardboard box to reveal a single Panasonic Cassette Recorder wrapped in a newspaper. 
He takes it out. “It’s a tape recorder.” 
Rhodey scans the newspaper. “This is today’s paper,” he states. 
“There’s a cassette inside,” Tony notes.
“Play it,” you tell him. 
He places it on the table and presses the play button. 
The black tape begins to roll and they all listen quietly to static, waiting anxiously for something to happen. 
“Heyo! It's me, Polynices!” a spritely boyish voice greets. 
“Don't forget me, Antigone!” a girl speaks from behind. 
"We are the children of Oedipus!" he informs with pride."Cursed from birth and doomed for destruction!" 
"Lemme guess your first question is who are we really?" Antigone asks. "Too bad, we can't tell you or it'll spoil all the fun.”
Tony scoffs with a turn of the head. 
“Now that we finally have your undivided attention and some new faces to help,” Your head whips towards Bucky to find him just as confused as you. “How about we play a game, huh?” 
"Let's play Cops and Robbers!” Polynices exclaims like a child. "Where you're the cops and we're the robbers. All you have to do is catch us. Sounds pretty easy right?” 
“Super easy!” Antigone chirps. “Since this is our first time playing, we’ll give you an easy riddle to catch us in the act.” 
"Let's see if you can get to 'em before we do, huh, Captain Stark?" she asks, her tone shifts dramatically from childish to taunting and dangerous. 
“Here's the clue for today,” she states. "What walks on two legs in the morning, then four at noon, and three in the evening and never stops?”  
“The hell does that mean?” Rhodey murmurs. 
“You have till midnight tonight to solve our riddle,” she states. You can hear the wicked smile in her voice as she speaks along with the devil snickering in the background. 
"Happy hunting!"
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8:15 PM
Montague Apartments
Brooklyn, NY
Saturday, October 14, 1989
It's early morning, the sun comes out
Last night was shaking and pretty loud
My cat is purring, it scratches my skin
So what is wrong with another sin?
Music blasts from an old stereo that sat on the kitchen counter and bounces off the old stained walls of the apartment. High-pitched guitar riffs threaten the glass in the cupboards into cracking as the deep bass of the drums makes tabletops vibrate, rattling the objects around the house. 
Charlie, the orange tabby, digs his face deeper into the blanket left in a pile on the couch as the raspy voice of the lead singer screams in his ears. You sit next to him, slouched into the squeaky sofa, feet resting on the rickety coffee table, completely unphased by the music. Your eyes were glued to the wall that was stickered with photographs and red lines of thread twisted around thumbtacks running in every direction.
Three hours left and you still couldn’t figure it out. 
"What walks on two legs in the morning, then four at noon, and three in the evening and never stops?” 
Her voice echoes in your head. They both sound young. Filled with energy and a lust for blood. You were beginning to question yourself. Was there a motive behind it all or was it just a game like the Captain had stated? 
The bitch is hungry, she needs to tell
So give her inches and feed her well
More days to come, new places to go
I've got to leave, it's time for a show
Bucky walks down the hallway and catches the loud knock on the door. He opens it to find the landlady. A short, stout woman who swore she was still in her thirties, even when the wrinkles embedded in her face stated otherwise. 
The brunette leans against the doorframe and gives her a wolfish grin. His blue eyes gleam under the stale white light of the hallway, charming the old lady. Her heart beats rapidly like a teenage girl under his alluring gaze. 
Here I am, rock you like a hurricane. 
Are you ready, baby? 
“Mrs. P, how’s it going?” he asks smoothly. 
She straightens herself and clears her throat. “I’m fine,” she replies curtly. “I’ve been trying to catch you all day. I’m here to talk about the rent.” 
“The what?” he brings a hand to his ear, I can’t hear you! The music’s too loud!” 
He can hear her perfectly fine. 
“The rent! You have to pay me rent! It’s been a month!” she shouts over the music, “Please turn down your music! The neighbors are complaining!” 
“I can’t talk right now.  I’m in the middle of a very important case,” he replies, slowly closing the door. “It was nice talking to you though!” 
“No! No, wait!” she shouts before he shuts it in her face. 
He snickers as he crosses the living room and into the kitchen. He turns the music down, earning a snap of the head towards him. “Hey!” you protest with a shout.  
“Do you want the neighbors to murder us?” he replies, opening the fridge to find it like usual. 
He slams the door of the fridge in disappointment. There’s no real reason to be disappointed. Both of them were experts in neglecting their household chores.
“Y’know, we should go do some shopping soon,” Bucky says as he walks back to you. 
You grimace. “Someone is going to get murdered in less than three hours and you’re worried about food?”  
“Are you kidding me?” he retorts. “Look at me!” he exclaims, lifting his shirt to reveal a lean torso. “I’m all skin and bones! You’re starving me to death here!” 
You roll your eyes then get up. “I’m not your mother. Feed yourself.” 
“But it’s your job to do the grocery!” he protests with an accusatory finger. 
“Since when?” you ask incredulously. 
“Since we started living here,” he reminds. “Stop acting like you don’t know what I’m talking about.” 
You click your tongue, walking over to the pantry and take out a bag of potato chips. You throw them at his face and walk back to the suspect board. “Now shut up and let me think.” 
“Thank you,” he smiles warmly and you have a sudden urge to feed him a punch. 
He opens the bag and begins chomping. He comes to stand next to you in front of the wall. “So got anything yet?” 
“No,” you sigh. “You?” 
“You’re smarter than me, Sis,” he remarks. “If you don’t have anything, how do you expect me to?” 
“That’s not true.” 
Bucky snorts. “Whatever you say, Valedictorian.” 
“Shut the hell up, Salutatorian,” you smirked, side eying him. 
He bumps your hip with his, earning a chuckle from you. 
He enjoys the rare moments he can make you laugh. It makes him feel like a million bucks because if he can make the grumpy goth grandma laugh he can make every chick in the city laugh. 
"What walks on two legs in the morning, four at noon, then three in the evening and never stops?” You repeat for the umpteenth time. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“It’s the question that the Sphinx asked Oedipus outside of Thebes.” 
“I know that,” you replied. “But what does it have to do with us?” 
“The answer was man,” he takes another chip into his mouth. “And it ended up curing the city and made Oedipus king.” 
You hum bringing a hand to your mouth in contemplation. “Wait a second,” your hand falls. 
“The riddle. It’s different,” you dash over to the bookshelf, scanning through them to find the collection of Greek Tragedies by Sophocles given to you by an old professor friend. Bucky comes over and looks over your shoulder. Flipping through the pages and skimming through the words with a finger, you stop when you find the scene of Oedipus and the Sphinx. 
“See,” you show him the passage in the book, “here it’s a four-two-three progression. The stages of a man’s life. An infant in the morning, an adult in the afternoon, and an old man in the night.” 
“They changed it,” Bucky says. "That means the answer isn't man anymore.”  
"The "never stops" in Antigone's riddle was clearly added," you pointed out. "So they are alluding to a place that’s open twenty-four hours." 
"This is New York!" Bucky throws his arms in the air in exclamation. "The whole damn city is open all the time!" 
"Runs at two in the morning, four at noon, then three at night and never stops,” you repeat softly. 
Silence settles in the room as the two of you dig deep into the crevices of your mind. Unfurling through files and tidbits of information that could give even a minor lead. 
tick - tock - tick - tock
The clock echoes the beat of your heart. Eerily calm. Heavy and systematic. Achingly slow. Reminding you that every passing minute wasted here was the countdown to someone’s last. 
Bucky’s head whips towards the map of New York hung on the wall by the suspect board. The bag of chips in his hand drops to the floor as he makes his way to it. Your eyes follow him in confusion. 
"2-4-3,” he murmurs, scanning the map.
"2-4-3!" he exclaims, turning back to you with a dopey smile. 
"Speak words dumbass!" you hiss. 
"Don't you get it?” he asks, a chuckle coloring his word. “The 2-4-3!" 
Your eyes grow wide in epiphany. "The 2-4-3!" 
Bucky runs towards the door, yanking his coat off the hook on the wall. "C'mon, let's go!" he shouts. "We don't have much time!"
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A/N: No, I have not been listening to 80s music for the past three days. 
TAGLIST (OPEN): @murdermornings @chuckennuggets1213 @miraclesoflove @marshyrebelcloud​ @fckdeusername @undiadeestos @spiderrpcrker @welovecaptainamericaass​ @flyingowls​
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All Updated Gendrya work this week (15-Mar-20 to 19-Mar-20): part 1
1. Near Miss by @sneetchstar
Snippet from latest update:
“Have I been ruining your carpet?”
“Not yet,” she says, walking towards him.  “But I can’t help noticing more and more of your things have been gradually drifting over here.”
His eyes widen.  “You have things at mine, too,” he weakly says.
21/? as of 15-3-20
Rating: E
2. Fighting to Live by @ladylaurelandash
Snippet from latest update:
...whatever his problems with her, was his sister, if not exactly by blood, but by choice. He had to protect her and there was only one way now.
The queen stared at him for a moment and Jon wondered if she could read his mind. But then, somehow, her face warmed and she smiled so broadly and so beautifully. Something of the old Dany came out.
(Considerable Jonerys content)
2/? as of 15-3-20
Rating: M
3. If the summer of our lives could just come again by TheDameintheRaininMaine
Snippet from latest update:
“Please tell me we’re doing the right thing. We’ve known this was coming for years, and we still couldn’t stop it. They’re still coming.”
Ned makes soothing noises, as if she were still a babe, not a woman grown who could look him in the eye.
“You’ve done everything you could,” he insists. “We are as prepared as we can be. All you can do now is try and keep yourselves safe.”
28/? as of 15-3-20
Rating: M
4. Careful Fear and Dead Devotion by @elleisforlovee
Snippet from latest update:
She exhaled and almost rolled her eyes. “Hi,” she gave flatly. The fire before her seemed to swell before falling in height again, the parts that’d once been so crucial to her father and brother, crackling and spitting in revolt of the fever that engulfed them. 
“Fuckin’ hell, Arya! Where are you?”
22/? as of 15-3-20
Rating: E
5. Wards of Winter Stags by @wynebceffylarya
Snippet from latest update:
“My sweet, sweet Arry,” he cooed into her hair, “I love you.”
“I love you too, you stupid bull.” She sniffed.
8/11 as of 20-3-20
Rating: G
6. Why can't we hit them?  by @vieetsourires
Snippet from latest update:
“Uh, yeah? At first I couldn’t see it clearly, but after a while I noticed the trick.” 
“After a while?” Arya lifted one of her eyebrow, because if he figured it out her movements, then he must have really paid attention to her while playing Quidditch. Gendry started to scratch his neck and was looking to the floor when he cleared his throat.
4/? as of 19-3-20 (multiple updates)
Rating: Not rated.
7. The Lost Prince by @psychvamp25
Snippet from the latest update:
“To a quiet night, just the two of us.”
He knocked his glass to hers and took a drink, but when he looked back at her he said, “I hope it won’t be too quiet.”
She blushed and felt that tightening in her core, his eyes held such promise. She finished off the glass of wine, her head feeling fuzzy and free. She placed the glass down on the table, “Is that a threat my prince?”
38/40 as of 15-3-20
Rating: T
8. Don't You Realize I'll Protect You by Assassins_Wolves
Snippet from the latest update:
Where is Arya? Gendry can’t see her anywhere, his stomach twisting into a sour knot. He stumbles over a corpse and looks down to see Kurz’s sightless eyes staring up at him. The knight behind him shoves him forward. Gendry scans the ground in front of him with a sinking stomach, praying to whatever gods are listening that he doesn’t find Arya’s tiny form amongst the corpses.
4/? as of 15-3-20
Rating: T
9. the aches that linger afterwards by @starsandfluff
Snippet from the latest update:
“Oh, yeah, yeah,” Brienne adjusted her coat anxiously. “Ser Jaime and I, uh, travelled together for some time in the Riverlands.”
“Yeah, I get that…” Gendry thought back to everything him and Arya had went through. She was his best friend. She was always there for him, fighting for him. Even when Lommy died. Even when Hot Pie left… Even when I was going to leave her. 
(Significant Braime content)
13/? as of 16-3-20
Rating: unrated
10. Under my Protection by crtkelly_writes
Snippet from latest update:
Try again, his stare implored her, at least that is how it looked to her as she contemplated her counterattack to convince him that he couldn’t follow her home.
“Gendry, you cannot come,” she finally whispered desperately. “I don’t want…,” she faltered, unable to complete her sentence.
7/? as of 16-3-20
Rating: M
11. When Winter Comes by @onemorenight1996
Snippet from latest update:
"What's it like?" She asked, her voice soft and hesitant. "Being with a man because you want to."
"It's...." Arya sighed and glanced over at the forge. She couldn't see Gendry from where she was standing but knowing he was there was enough for her face to fall into a smile. "It's amazing. It doesn't have to be painful Sansa, I know that's all you've ever known, but it doesn't have to be that way. It can be a pleasurable experience."
3/? as of 16-3-20
Rating: E
12. Repair Broken Hearts by @snapdragon76
Snippet from the latest update:
He’d put on a pair of safety glasses and passed a pair to Arya, which she put on. She had her notebook out, but she seemed distracted and wasn’t writing much.
Once he’d gotten the fire to the right temperature, Gendry took the billet he’d assembled and thrust it into the fire, where the coals were the hottest. Suddenly he wished he’d thought of a different word than thrust…
3/? as of 19-3-20 (multiple updates)
Rating: M
13. A dragon with wolfblood by epicmotherfuckerx
Snippet from the latest update: Author's note
(side-pairing Arya/Aegon)
7/? as of 16-3-20
Rating: M
14. Bad Pick-up lines Work Best by JoPoGirlsKickAss
Snippet from latest update:
He watched her face carefully for a reaction, but she showed none. “I don’t want you to get off yet.”
There it was—the grey darkened, the pupils responded.
“Oh? And when do you want me to get off?”
“Soon.” He said turning back to the climb and continuing up.
18/? as of 16-3-20
Rating: T
15. Head of the River by @everyl1ttleth1ng
Snippet from the latest update:
Gendry grabbed his own glass and hurried after her.
“Arya, I’m sorry. That came out all wrong,” he pleaded.
She was already at the oven, lifting out hot dishes so he was forced to keep his distance.
“Look,” she said, huffing out a breath. “Can you just shut up and let me forget how much of an idiot you are for a moment so we can try to have a nice dinner?”
17/? as of 18-3-20 (multiple updates)
Rating: T
16. here comes a greek tragedy by @aryasbadbenergy
Snippet from the latest update:
“I saw his statement.”
“But he hasn’t said anything to me. Or even Syrio. He talked to the press?” 
“I’m sorry, I—I thought you knew.”
“I didn’t.”
4/? as of 17-3-20
Rating: M
17. Heavy Lies The Crown by @onemorenight1996
Snippet from the latest update:
"We are here today in the sight of god's and men to join these two lives together." The High Septon spoke loud and clear, his voice flowing through the room.
"You may cloak the bride and bring her under your protection."
8/? as of 18-3-20
Rating: E
18. Everything We've Done (Is There On Our Faces) by alphayamergo
Snippet from latest update:
Gendry shrugged. “There are some who think I’m mad, but not everyone – and I’m just a blacksmith.”
“Not everyone?” repeated Tyrion.
He didn’t bother pointing out that Gendry wasn’t just any blacksmith: he was a blacksmith that looked just like the king, which had to have some effect.
(Theonsa heavy)
11/? as of 18-3-20
Rating: T
19. Friday By Dice by @dragongoddess13
Snippet from latest update:
“Hey.” he hears the whisper behind him and he looks over his shoulder.
Nymeria is staring up at him, her tiny elf form is barely visible over his shoulder without him turning his body slightly. He’s not sure how he missed how small she is.
“Are you injured?” she asks. Almost involuntarily he looks down at his arm, only just then noticing the red stain soaking through his sleeve. 
2/? as of 18-3-20
Rating: M
20. forest love and forest lass by @aryasbadbenergy
Snippet from latest update:
“No!” Gendry shouts.
“Who told you about that?” Barra walks towards his door. He runs a hand down his face. Arya can’t help it but to laugh. She had gone through the same conversation with Rickon far too many times. 
“Jenny,” she calls back. 
“Maybe Jenny’s dad is getting a phone call later, then,”.....
21/? as of 18-3-20
Rating: M
21. The Ghost of the Red Keep by TheDameintheRaininMaine
Snippet from the latest update:
She does notice his ears. He has the black hair and blue eyes she had come to seek out, but he looks thin, and wane, and that’s not a common look on a noble child at all. At one point during the ride, his horse stills, and he shakes his head, before commenting,
“Sorry about that, I think the cherry tart I had for breakfast didn’t agree with me.”
5/? as of 18-3-20
Rating: T
22. Practice Makes Perfect by @kelleesioverhere
Snippet from the latest update:
To be fair, it also didn’t seem like he really had a ton of belongings. She, herself, had a ton of shit. So of course she would have a more difficult time keeping everything organized. That made perfect sense. It was basic...math? Science?
One of them.
15/17 as of 19-3-20
Rating: E
Continue reading here.
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Words On My Skin (Part 13)
Bucky Barnes X Reader Soulmate AU
A/N: Without further ado, I present to you PART 13! WOOHOO! Also, happy 2200 followers to me! You're all the best! SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG! I had a great vacation! I’m at my bff’s house, now, and we’re gunna be writing all week, so part 14 will probably be done fairly quick!
Warnings: Feels, swears, and all that shit……… Mentions of sexual abuse as a child (googling ‘childhood traumatic memories’ and all that). I do talk about it a lot in the first half of the chapter, so if this is something you can’t - or don’t want to - read about… you’ve been warned.
Main Masterlist // WOMS Masterlist
Splashing some water on your face, you sighed in relief – the major feelings coming from Bucky through the bond starting to fade. You could still feel guilt, self-loathing, and hurt… but the feelings were starting to dull into an ache, versus a sharp pain.
As if he’d accepted the feelings.
That was almost worse than the heightened emotions.
“Friday?” You called out hoarsely, after drying your face, “Is Bucky out of his meeting, yet?”
“Yes, Ms. L/n.” The AI replied, “He is in the gym. Would you like to inform him you are seeking him out?”
“No thanks, FRIDAY.” You sighed, shoulders sagging. He must be beating his frustrations out on a punching bag, again. You could go see him in the gym… but it was kind of a little too public. You wanted to have a real talk with him, not something that should be talked about in the presence of other people. You didn’t want that, and you were pretty sure Bucky wouldn’t appreciate it. “Just… let me know when he’s in his room.”
“Of course, Ms. L/n.”
You leaned against the counter, staring at your reflection. Your face was blotchy from crying, nostrils raw from wiping your nose so much, and your eyes dull. God, you looked like absolute shit. You grabbed the towel off the rack, patting your face dry. You had taken a shower already, before Bucky had arrived back at the compound, but you felt dirty, again.
It’s your damn emotions. You just feel like shit, you don’t need another shower.
Ugh, maybe you should take a bath and relax.
Looking away from your reflection, you ripped open the cabinet under the sink, so you could procure your handy first aid kit. You needed to take care of your hand before it got infected, or something. Unzipping it, you looted around until you found the liquid bandage. You ran your injured hand under some water, cleaning the cut and the area around the wound. Luckily, it wasn’t that large, but it was going to be a bitch to try and hold closed while applying the liquid.
Somehow, you managed to apply it – wincing as the stupid liquid burned against your open wound. You held the skin together, waiting for it to dry.
Okay. What to do, now?
You could get some work done, clean your room, look at random Buzzfeed articles online, scroll through social media…
You should probably look up ‘traumatic childhood memories’, or something, and get to the bottom of your weird aversion to guns... and that weird dream… or memory… whatever the hell that was.
You had the time. Why not?
Because you probably wouldn't like what you found.
With a slow exhale, you poked at the adhesive to make sure it was dry. Once it was, you left all your belongings on the bathroom counter, making a mental note to have the handkerchief that Tony gave you dry cleaned, and exited the bathroom to flop onto your bed with your laptop.
Could one just Google ‘why did I see a memory of my father’s face after shooting a gun’?
Probably not.
You stared at the little Google sign, wondering what the hell to type in the search bar. Traumatic childhood memories? Random memories resurfacing as an adult? Were they even memories? What would be so bad that you’d forget seeing your father’s face and a bunch of blood? What was so awful that it took you years to even understand that something happened?
What happened?
You started with the first one, googling ‘traumatic childhood memories’. A bunch of random articles popped up, but most of them had to do with childhood sexual abuse and dissociation. One of the articles about sleep paralysis and childhood memories talked about how, when a child is sexually abused, they could dissociate and block out the memories in order to protect themselves from pain, but the memory still could affect them. The article talked about ‘recovering’ your memory of the original experience to help with the current problem…
But your current fucking problem was that you had the damn memory in the first place.
Plus, you were pretty sure that you were never in a situation that you could’ve been sexually abused… right?
You remembered going to the cabin… but… what about specific details? You remembered getting beers for your dad and his friends, you remembered fishing by the river, you remembered the trees… and… you remembered having fun? You remembered one summer when you got stung on the arm. There was a small memory about sitting under the stars by the campfire making s'mores while your father's friends told stories about ‘the good old days’…
What about the specific summer that the memory should’ve occurred?
What summer would that be?
What the fuck? Why were you blanking on this?
You shook your head, moving on to an article about ‘Signs You’re Repressing A Negative Childhood Memory’.
Well, get straight to the point, apparently.
“‘Specific places or situations freak you out.’” You read aloud, a frown forming on your face after.
Well… yeah.
You freak out over guns, and the sound of the gunshot triggered you into a damn episode.
‘It’s difficult for you to control your emotions’… Now, that one was a toss-up. You were actually able to control yourself pretty well, in your opinion. You really only snapped if there was reason to… right?
Oh god, now you’re second guessing everything.
‘Keeping a job has always been difficult’. Nope. You were quite good at keeping jobs, actually. Next.
‘You’ve always struggled with fears of abandonment’. You had your father to thank for that one. Emotional abandonment. Next.
‘Friends often say you’re ‘acting like a child’’. Nope.
‘You always feel anxious or emotionally exhausted.’ If they had your damn life, they’d under-freaking-stand.
You clicked off the article, looking for a more professional article to read. You should’ve done that in the first place, you moron.
Wasn't the internet supposed to be helpful?
Shoving your laptop off away from you, you hopped off your bed and over to your closet in search of a specific book. The stupid DSM-5. You only called it stupid, because you hated trying to find anything in the book. It was a good reference, though it was not something you’d ever actually use. You’d just bought it for a project when you were in college.
You threw it on your bed, diving back on and readjusting your position to get comfortable.
You could look up stuff about dissociating and go from there?
You flipped through the book, looking for ‘Dissociative Disorders’ for a bit of a reference about trauma and memories. Once you found the page, almost halfway through the giant book, you started reading.
Dissociative Amnesia? Seems promising.
As you read the passage, it started to sound somewhat like what you were going through. Localized Amnesia? ‘A failure to recall events during a circumscribed period of time… is the most common form of dissociative amnesia’. That sounded close to what was going on… but it still didn’t sound completely right.
Maybe look up PTSD?
You slid your computer back towards yourself, getting back on the Google search engine.
There were a few different articles about emotional trauma and memory loss, but you were starting to become frustrated with the topic.
Maybe you should just ask your parents?
Yeah. Right.
After today’s events, your mother was likely to never speak to you, again.
“Ms. L/n,” FRIDAY startled you from your thoughts, “Mr. Barnes is back in his quarters.”
“Thanks, FRIDAY.” You sighed, laying back against the bed and flipping the book closed with your foot. “This is going to be fun.” You muttered, staring at the white ceiling.
You tilted your head, straining to see the clock on your nightstand from your awkward position.
Apparently, your search lasted longer than you thought.
Closing your eyes for a moment, you inhaled through your nose for five seconds – holding it for a moment.
Huffing an exhale, realizing that your breathing did nothing for your growing anxiety, you rolled yourself to the side to slide off the bed.
Okay. You can do this. You jumped up and down a few times, trying to hype yourself up, before padding to the door of your room. It’s just Bucky. Even if he was mad at you, he’s your soulmate. You can talk this out.
Your door clicked shut behind you, sealing your fate. You were doing this. You were going to knock on the door.
Before you could chicken out, you knocked quickly – anxiety starting to skyrocket.
Oh god. You couldn’t do this. What could you say to him?
The door was thrown open, before you could run away in fear, and Bucky was standing there – a confused frown on his face.
He must have just showered. The ends of his long hair were damp, he was dressed in a plain tee shirt with basketball shorts, and the smell of his body wash permeated the air around you.
“Y/n?” His eyebrows pulled together, eyeing you warily, “What are you doing awake?”
“Can we… talk?” You cleared your throat, crossing your arms over your chest nervously.
He nodded, opening his door wider and granting you entrance to his bedroom. “Come on in.”
As you walked in, you were immediately surrounded by the smell of him. It was warm in his bedroom, unlike yours. The walls were the same white as your room, but – unlike your own room – the walls were basically bare. Only a television decorated the wall, looking like it was collecting dust. His bed took up a lot of space – though, it didn’t look slept in. The black bedspread was perfectly made to army standards, not a wrinkle in sight. One side of his desk was littered with paperwork, some of which you’d sent over to him, and post-it notes filled with reminders. The other half contained various guns and knives, which he looked to be in the process of sharpening. You smirked when you saw a picture frame in the corner of the desk, containing the photo of the two of you at the sushi restaurant.
“This is my favorite picture.” You murmured, tilting the frame to see the photo better.
He remained silent, continuing to stand by the door. His arms were crossed over his tee-shirt clad chest – demeanor defensive, though you could feel the guilt through the bond. His face was neutral, even though you knew exactly what he was feeling. You wanted nothing more than to run up and hug him, but you knew that it was not the best idea – after what happened in the kitchen.
You sighed, moving to his bed and sitting on the corner, wrinkling the bedspread. “I’m so sorry about what my mother said to you.” You gulped, looking down at your bare feet and trying to think of the right thing to say. “I… It wasn’t… it wasn’t right what she said.”
He scoffed, prompting you to look up from the floor. His face was scrunched up in a confused grimace, “You don’t control what she says.”
You picked at your fingernail, staring at your exposed tattoo, “I should’ve defended you more. I should’ve-”
“Wait…” He took a step towards you, feet entering your peripheral vision, “Why are you the one apologizing to me?” You glanced up at him, biting your lip in confusion as he continued, “I should be the one apologizing to you. You warned me that she was… judgmental… and I still let her get to me.”
“So… You’re not mad at me?” You asked quietly, biting your lip and not meeting his eyes.
“Darlin’…” He sighed, moving forward once more, and crouching down in front of you, “You think I’m mad at you?”
“Well… you did… kind of snap at me… and gave me a big ‘fuck you’.”
“Y/n, sweetheart, I’m not mad at you.” His voice was soft, and his hand moved to your face, gently turning it so you were looking at him. His eyes had softened, eyebrows pulled together with a look of guilt. “That little ‘fuck you’ was at your mother, regrettably. I should’ve never snapped like that.” He sighed, closing his eyes, “I should’ve never left you in the kitchen like that… I should be the one apologizing to you, not the other way around.” He took your hand, noticing the freshly dressed gash on your palm and examining it. “I am so sorry, Y/n. I’m sorry for snapping at your mom, for being rude to you, and for leaving you to clean up that mess.” He glanced up, blue regretful eyes meeting yours, “I’m sorry for letting you believe I was upset with you. I was… I was upset with myself.”
“I’m still apologizing.” Your lips lifted in a sad smile, fingers entwining with his cold, vibranium ones. “I’m sorry for, after being an asshole and ignoring you all week, I let my mother say those awful things to you.”
“I’m used to shit like that, sweetheart.”
“Well, I want you to know…” You pulled your entwined fingers to your chest, pressing your chin against the cold of the vibranium, “I don’t think anything she said is true.”
“You don’t?” He asked quietly, blue eyes shining. His adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed thickly.
“No.” You replied softly, with a small smile. “I never have, and I never will.” You reached forward with your free hand, gently laying it on his bearded cheek, “I remember when you first showed up in the news reels, after The Accords. I remember how hearing what happened to you made my heart hurt.” You gulped, tears filling your eyes and blurring your vision, “It still breaks my heart.”
He leaned his head into your hand, beard scratching against the palm of your hand. “It’s in the past, darlin’.”
“That doesn’t mean that you aren’t affected by it, every day.” You sniffed, tears sliding down your cheeks, “I hate that this happened to you. I hate that people don’t understand. I hate that people like my mother say and think awful things about you.” Your eyes closed, tears continuing to streak your hot face.
You were suddenly engulfed in warmth. He had stood, arms wrapping around you and burying your head in his chest. His face pressed against the crown of your head as he whispered, “Sweetheart. Don’t cry.”
“I’m sorry.” You sniffled, wrapping your arms around his middle, breathing in his body wash and fabric softener, “I just… I don’t like that people don’t see you the way that I do.”
He stayed silent, running his hand along the top of your back, trying to comfort you. It should be the other way around, you idiot. You should be comforting him, you jackass. You pulled back, moving so your arms were wrapped around his neck, chin resting on his shoulder.
“Enough emotions for one day.” He finally responded, pulling back and standing up fully. “Scoot back on the bed.”
“Wh-what?” You raised an eyebrow, blush warming your tear-stained cheeks as you wiped the evidence away. “Why?”
“Get your mind out of the gutter, sweetheart.” He snorted, moving to the desk and sheathing his knives with ease. “We’re watching the Netflix thing.”
“‘The Netflix thing’?” You snorted, scooting back so you were leaned up against the headboard, pillow behind your back. His bed was comfier than your bed. “I told you before, it’s just Netflix.”
“I knew that.” He grinned, grabbing the remote from the edge of the TV and moving to the bed, flopping down on it. “I just wanted to see that pretty smile.”
“Shut up.” You muttered, blush spreading to your neck. “Flattery will get you nowhere.”
“You’re in my bed, aren’t you?”
You scoffed, slapping him on the chest gently, “I thought you said you were a gentleman.”
He laughed, getting himself comfortable on the opposite side of the bed. He held the remote out to you, “Pick what you want.”
“Do you want scary, or do you want cooking shows?” You asked with a small grin, signing him in to his Netflix account, “Because we still have to watch season three of The Great British Bake Off… but I saw that The Conjuring is on Netflix.”
“What’s ‘The Conjuring’?”
“That answers that question.” You quickly flipped it on, scooting down so your head was leaned against his shoulder – as you usually where when you watched Netflix on the couch. Though, you’d never been on a bed together. The thought was… intimidating.
“Am I going to have to protect you from the imaginary demons?” He joked, moving his arm so you were tucked into his warm side, warmth seeping into your bones as you snuggled into the crook of his arm.
“I’m not that big of a baby.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes as the Annabelle doll’s face flicked across the screen. “I’m a grown woman, you know.”
“Remember when we watched that other movie? You made me walk you back to your bedroom, and you clutched at me when it was dark.”
“Okaaaay.” You cut him off, slapping him on the chest with a small chuckle, “I’m a little bit of a baby. Just shut up and watch the movie.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
Part 14
Forever tags (OPEN):
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b-random · 5 years
Taken from @fiaspice​
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? Cereal.
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? No. Not much of a fan of cold weather.
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Usually the receipt.
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? Cold, with ice, without the coffee.
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Yes.  Getting self conscious about a lot actually.
6: do you keep plants? Just planted some tonight in fact.
7: do you name your plants? no, but I might.
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Not much anymore.  But I really want to try acrylic paint pouring.
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Yes.  Or to my cats. Or steering wheel.
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? sides
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? If I catch my employee at work not using her safety gloves, I ask her where her hand is and she responds by singing “IT ISN’T IN MY GLOOOOOOVE” (to the tune of Shawn Mendes’ “In My Blood”)  That’s the only one I can think of that doesn’t require ridiculous amounts of explanation.
12: what’s your favorite planet? Earth.  Couldn’t live without it. 
13: what’s something that made you smile today? Christy and Fraser on 101.5 Today Radio had a contest called “Chereoke” to win Cher tickets and some of the contestants’ attempts at singing Cher was hilarious.
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? Hopefully it would be a rustic/industrial combo style loft with at least one exposed brick wall, exposed duct work, metal and wood finishes.
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!: Halley’s comet won’t orbit past Earth again until 2061... I’ll probably be dead.
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? Tortellini with a creamy rosé sauce.
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? I’m bald so this question is just cruel.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. After a friend of mine told me he had unprotected sex with his ex girlfriend on a booty call, I arranged for a bouquet of fruit to be delivered to his work on father’s day with a sonogram attached to it.  He’s a darker skinned guy but his face went white as snow.  It doesn’t sound like much, but his mom heard about the prank at her work several blocks away.
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? I don’t.  This blog is the closest thing I have to that.
20: what’s your favorite eye color? Blue.
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. I don’t have a favourite bag.
22: are you a morning person? I would say so.  I’m not so much of a night owl anymore.
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? I literally sit on my couch all day and do nothing but watch netflix and dick around on my phone.
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? Don’t think so. 
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? Can’t say I’ve ever broken into anywhere.  At least, not anywhere memorable.
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? I don’t have an exciting answer for this, but I have a pair of Puma shoes that have been around for 4-5 years.
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? Watermelon
28: sunrise or sunset? Sunrise.
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? One of my friends makes it a point to build her other female friends up at any and all costs.
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? The only thing I can think of is when I was probably 5 years old I was at a water park and I was supposed to go down the water slide but I was so scared that I couldn’t do it.  My family went down before me so I was stuck at the top screaming and crying.
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? I mostly wear white socks because I wear pretty heavy duty shoes at work and so anything else gets ruined.  But if I’m going out or doing something, I usually like a bit of colour.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends? I'm told that one time at about 4:00 in the morning I went to my neighbours house and was knocking on their garage door for about half an hour singing songs, but I don’t remember that.
33: what’s your fave pastry? Creme puffs.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? I had a Popple. (Remember Popples?! The Popples still make me smile.) Well, I had several, but my favourite was PC - specifically Sports PC.  I don’t still have him anymore and I’m pretty sad about that.  But his tail did fall off at one point and oddly enough, I still have his tail!
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? I usually end up buying stationery items that I never use.
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? My mood has been 100% Carly Rae Jepsen since Dedicated came out last Friday.
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? My room is often messy, but that doesn’t mean I like it that way.
38: tell us about your pet peeves!? People who use incorrect phrases like “Once and a while” or when people say “should of” instead of “should’ve”
39: what color do you wear the most? Probably black.
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? I have no jewellery.
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? Hunger Games.  I haven’t really enjoyed too many books since then.  I’ve been trying to read the Harry Potter series but I’m only moderately enjoying them.
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? I do not.
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? Frick it’s been so long since I’ve done that.  Probably a guy who I hooked up with several years ago.  I don’t even remember his name.
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? The last time I went to the mountains.  It’s been close to a year.
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? Sometimes to a fault.
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.?  Time flies like an arrow.  Fruit flies like a banana.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Seafood.
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? Heights. I’m still afraid of them, but now I’d say I’m more scared of things like the ocean and space.
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? I really do.  Especially the ones I really like.  Most recent was Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Dedicated” album.
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?  I don’t collect much anymore.  I used to collect Coca-Cola memorabilia, though.
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? "Your Type” by Carly Rae Jepsen.  I swear I listen to other artists and bands besides CRJ, but she seems to be fitting a lot of the questions here.
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? Those comics on Instagram with the aliens explaining everyday human activities.
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? Beetlejuice is the only one of those that I’ve seen in full.  Haven’t seen it in probably 20 years so it’s time I give it another go.
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? My mom after my sister did some stupid things last week and was super cruel to her after.
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? I can’t remember
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? Selflessness, genuine dorkiness.
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? I didn’t reenact the lyrics, but I did sing and reenact the scene from Wayne’s World.
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? Neither of them.
59: what’s your favorite myth? I still find the whole Bermuda Triangle thing to be interesting.
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? I don’t know any poetry.
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? Oh god, I’m a terrible gift giver so I couldn’t possibly narrow it down to just one.  Stupidest gift I’ve ever received was a Starbucks gift set.  I don’t drink coffee.
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? Well, I usually put fruit juice into my smoothies, so I guess yeah.  And whatever is available.
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? I have to keep them alphabetical except for my collections which are sorted by size of the collection.
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? Grey. Like it has been for the past week.
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? Yes.  I’ll call him K.
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? Ideal flower crown is not a concept that is even remotely familiar to me.
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? depressed.
68: what’s winter like where you live? Fucking long and unbearable. 
69: what are your favorite board games? Scategories, The Game of Life, etc.
70: have you ever used an ouija board? yeah
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? Iced.
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? I could probably benefit from jotting more things down than I do.
73: what are some of your worst habits? Laziness.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. Sassy and spunky, but equally kind and compassionate.
75: tell us about your pets! My babies are not babies anymore.  They’re feline brother and sister and I’ve had them for more than 15 years.  He’s black and my bestest little buddy.  She cost me an invitation to my sister’s wedding and I have NO REGRETS about it at all.
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? The dishes from dinner.
77: pink or yellow lemonade? pink I guess?
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? I find them entertaining, but I wouldn’t put myself in either club.
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? Can’t think of anything right now.
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? C2 Coconut. Essentially they’re a soft white. I did not choose that colour.  It was the builder’s choice and I just haven’t gotten around to painting it yet. Soon one wall is going to be a metallic denim-like blue. 
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. Crystal ball reflecting tropical waters.
82: are/were you good in school? ish.
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? Michael Jackson’s Dangerous, Social Code’s Rock N Roll or Spice Girls Spice.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? I have a concept in mind that combines Spice Girls, Power Rangers and LGBT pride.  It’s just a matter of designing and getting it done.
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?  Don’t read comics.
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? The only concept album I can think of is Green Day’s American Idiot.  That one wore thin on me quickly.
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Kingsman: Secret Service, Jurassic Park, Twister, and it’s not a movie but I’m going to say The Haunting of Hill House.
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? Acrylic Paint Pouring
89: are you close to your parents? yeah
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. Ehh... Haven’t really explored many places recently and I’m feeling less enthusiastic about Calgary these days.  I’ll pass on this one.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? I’ll be in Massachusetts this time next week.  Boston and Provincetown.  I’m excited as I’ve never been there.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? Out of those two options, drowns in cheese.
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? Shaved.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? My friend Ashley’s birthday was on Saturday.
95: what are your plans for this weekend? Packing and working.
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? Only once it is forced upon me.
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? INTP-T, Libra, Puffnstuff
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? Last May.  Need to change that very, very soon.
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. I couldn’t even begin to name those songs right now. 
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? I’d probably go back 5 years.  Whether I’m happy with my life or not, I don’t want to miss any of it.
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killervibe · 6 years
The (God)Parent Trap
Killervibefanficweek18 Day 2: Undercover Missions!
Notes: This is a future fic that really took a life of its own!! It’s fluffy and I had a lot of fun writing it, enjoy!! <3
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The (God)Parent Trap
Cisco knew this was a bad idea the moment this club’s DJ decided Rebecca Black’s Friday was worthy of being played.
Cisco shot Caitlin an agonized look.
Caitlin winced sympathetically, and opened her clutch for her phone. “I’m going to text Barry to let him know we made it in. You can try to fix the music.”
Cisco straightened his tie and marched over to the DJ’s booth with the determination of a soldier. “Oh, I’m three steps ahead of you,” he called over his shoulder, and grinned at the fond yet exasperated look on her face.
The DJ is a lanky, nerdy thing, very much similar to old pictures of Barry Iris showed Cisco from their days in high school. He tapped the kid on the shoulder, waiting for him to stop bopping to this horrible excuse of a song and remove his headphones.
“I’m sorry, Friday? What year is this, 2011?”
“I think it’s pretty rocking.”
Cisco groaned. “Okay, how much are they paying you for this gig? Fifty? Eighty? One Hundred?” Cisco slid over several twenty from his pocket. “I will double whatever they’re offering if you play something better. I’m desperate.”
The boy looked at the cash longingly, but shook his head.
“Sorry Sir, this song was requested.”
“By who?” Cisco cried, trying to forget that this dude called him sir. He may not be twenty-three anymore, and he may be wearing an itchy fake mustache, but god forbid anyone actually starts treating Cisco like an old irrelevant man.
The DJ pointed out a bossy girl teetering in heels wearing a flower crown.
“Oh Lord, she’s just as crazy as her father,” Cisco muttered under his breath. Of course it had to be Yelena, Dr. Sinister’s fourteen year old daughter.
Cisco rolled his eyes and left the DJ to his horrible life choices, maneuvering around the cheering pre-adolescent children on the dance floor as they slosh their orange crush over the rims of their red solo cups.
“It’s no use,” Cisco grumbled to Caitlin, who was leaning against the wall as Friday faded out and Miley Cyrus circa 2008 started next. He grabbed two drinks from a passing caterer tray. 
He peered into the first glass.
“Shirley Temple?” Cisco guessed, handing the pink concoction to Caitlin.
“Thanks,” she said. She took a careful sip, grimaced, then rolled her eyes at finding Cisco covering his ears like a child.  
“What do you expect?”  She said, and Cisco let out a long tired sigh. He hates when she excuses crazy situations they get themselves into with logic.  “This is a teenage dance hall converted into a makeshift club for the birthday party of a 14 year old who happens to be best friends with the daughter of Barry’s newest arch nemesis.”
“What I expect is to not have to fear that my brain will bleed out of my ears before the end of the day!”
“You’re being so dramatic,” Caitlin laughed, “As if you don’t love Lady Gaga and Katy Perry.”
Cisco scoffed, offended. “I’m sorry but Poker Face cannot even compare to Fly On The Wall and you know it.”
A teenager came up to them then. “Excuse me, are you two the chaperones?”
Caitlin bended down, “Yes! My name is Katherine Rodriguez and this is my husband, Arlo. We’re Sonya’s parents.”
The kid gave Caitlin and Cisco a once over. “You two don’t look anything like her.”
They shoot each other a quick look before both replying at the same time.
“She looks like her grandmother.”
“She’s adopted.”
Caitlin stepped on Cisco’s foot. “Uh, what we mean is we adopted Sonya when she was three but we were told she looks like her maternal grandmother.”
The girl snapped her gum, “Yeah, whatever. We’re, like, not friends or anything.”
Cisco tilted his head to the side and squinted. “Is there a point to this or…”
The girl seemed to remember the reason why she came and perked up, “Oh this is, like, tbh, really awkward now, but I just wanted to let you know that I caught her picking on Yelena. Maybe you should go and see what’s going on.”
Yelena Sinister. Dr. Sinister’s daughter. Perfect. The plan was working.
Caitlin tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and blinked innocently. Cisco snorts. Is that how Caitlin thought it looked to be motherly? He’d tease her later about it if he didn’t find it so weirdly endearing. “Oh, I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding,” Caitlin said, placatingly.
The kid looked skeptical, but put her hands up as if to say Oh well I tried  and turned back to the buffet table.
“Arlo?” Cisco exclaimed, scandalized, once the girl was out of earshot.  
“It rhymes with Cisco!” Caitlin defended, peering over the crowd for Nora. “It should be any moment now.”
“Are you sure she knows what she’s doing?” Cisco asked.
Caitlin nodded, “It’s Nora. She practically begged us to let her do it. Besides, you know she’d do anything to help her dad with a mission. Even if it means crashing a lame party and going by the terrible fake name Sonya.”
Cisco stopped sipping his club soda to retort, “Like Sonya is so much worse than Arlo.”
Cisco could feel they were just about to get into an epic bickering match over names when a man about five years older than Cisco comes towards them. 
“Excuse me,” The man interrupted politely.
He was tall and somewhat handsome, but very obviously not naturally blonde. However, Cisco supposed it wasn’t fair to judge. Caitlin was sporting a ginger wig, like she was channeling a young Molly Ringwald and Cisco’s own fake mustache and goatee Iris forced onto him made him laugh so hard the first time he saw himself in a mirror, they almost flew off his face.
“Are you the other chaperone?”
The question was pointed at Cisco.
“Yes, I’m Arlo,” Cisco introduced himself, and he really did have to fake the smile. He shook his hand, “And this is my wife, Katherine.”
“Oh!” The man flushed pink and began to stutter. “Oh, we met before.”
Caitlin began to flush too, and Cisco sensed he was missing something.
“Really...When was this?” Cisco asked.
“I believe you were with the DJ. You know, it’s so refreshing to hear our children listen to appropriate songs, thank you for reminding the DJ of that.”
Caitlin hid her laugh in a cough as Cisco’s fake smile turned into a pained expression.
“Well, yes. That’s my job, protecting the children,” Cisco said smoothly.
The man turned to Caitlin.
“I’m so terribly sorry, Katherine. I didn’t know you were married or else I never would’ve said those things.”
Cisco raised an eyebrow, “I’m sorry, what? Wait...Were you flirting with my wife?”
Cisco found himself getting ticked off, and it was weird, how he didn’t even have to pretend to feel vindictive. How he had no real claim at all over Caitlin but he still wanted to put his arm around her waist and drag her the hell away from this man.
Cisco didn’t like the way he looked at her. Cisco didn’t like the way she looked at him either, especially with her all flustered like this.  
Caitlin put her hand on Cisco’s arm, sensing his discomfort. “I thought Eric was being friendly, I swear. It didn’t click until just now.”
Caitlin’s explanation felt sincere, and Cisco felt himself unwind when Caitlin kissed his cheek, for show, obviously, but still, it was a nice gesture for him...Or was it for Arlo? Cisco was starting to get confused.
For what it’s worth, the man truly did seem like he wanted a hole to swallow him up.
“I’m so sorry I flirted with your wife, man. I was just saying she looks so young to have a teenage daughter.” Eric paused to look at Cisco, “I mean, so do you. Also, I couldn’t help but notice neither of you wear wedding rings.”
Oh damn. Cisco knew they forgot something.
Caitlin smiled tightly. “We’re both allergic to gold, not that it’s any of your business.”
“Of course. Again, my apologies. Anyway, whose parents are you again?”
“How old is she?”
Cisco and Caitlin both spoke at the same time. Again.
This was why Cisco and Caitlin hated working undercover.They sucked. 
All three chuckled awkwardly.
Cisco cleared his throat, “We adopted Sonya when she was three...” He began, and Caitlin continued on for him when he began to falter.
“Exactly, so she’s really fourteen in age but we’ve only had her for eleven.”
They linked their arms together, smiling charmingly.
Speaking of their fake daughter, Cisco was hoping Nora picked up the pace so they could call Dr. Sinister already and get him out of his lair. Barry must’ve been staked out there for over two hours now.
Nosy Eric, as Cisco began to call him in his head, even though he probably doesn’t deserve it, frowned. “My daughter never mentioned her before. How does she know Vanessa?”
“Who?” Cisco frowned.
“Vanessa? My daughter.” Eric began to grow impatient, “The birthday girl.”
“Oh, right, I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you over this wholesome music!” Cisco replied, snidely.
Caitlin jabbed an elbow into Cisco’s rib. “Sonya was invited by Yelena. They go to piano lessons together.”
“I see. Wait a minute...Yelena doesn’t go to piano lessons. She does ballet.”
Thankfully, Nora swooped in and saved them when a loud crash followed by shrieking caused everyone to swerve their heads to see what the commotion was.
Cisco, Caitlin and Eric ran over to the dessert table where Nora was bent over, hands on her knees, laughing her ass off at Yelena who was on the floor, covered head to toe with hot melted chocolate from Vanessa’s chocolate fountain.
“You little bitch!” Yelena cried, slipping in the gooey mess as Vanessa stood several feet away completely stunned.
“Language!” Eric scolded at her, but it became very clear he agreed. 
The snitch that advised Caitlin and Cisco crossed her arms over her chest and sighed loudly, “I warned you.”
All of their friends were pointing and laughing, which would’ve made Cisco feel a little bad if she wasn’t the spoiled brat spawn of one of Earth’s most despicable metahumans. 
It was time to spring to action.
Cisco offered Yelena a hand as Eric began to scream at Caitlin about Nora ruining his daughter’s party.
“Your daughter did this?! I thought you said they were friends!” Eric accused, snapping at the teens to put their phones away.
“I can’t believe Sonya did this, I’m so sorry,” Caitlin apologized profusely, pretending to be aghast.
Cisco looked at his goddaughter straight in the eye and mentally psyched himself to sound as fatherly and as angry as possible when all he wanted to do was laugh. She quirked an eyebrow challengingly with a mischievous smirk.
“Sonya Isabella Rodriguez how dare you,” he scolded, “Your mother and I raised you so much better than this. Have you not one ounce of shame? This behaviour of yours is out of hand!”
Nora pinched her fingers together discreetly, telling him to tone it down a notch.
“But Daaaaaaaaad!” Nora whined, “You would’ve done it too if you knew what she’s like!”
“I don’t care,” Cisco said, “You’re coming home immediately. Apologize to this poor girl right away. Also you’re grounded.”
Caitlin rushed to the table to get napkins and wiped off the chocolate from Yelena’s hands.
“Here,” she said, whipping he phone out where it was conveniently left at the dial page. “Call your parents, honey. They’ll pick you up.”
Smart move, Cisco thought. Now Caitlin will have Dr. Sinister’s cell phone number, a valuable asset for tracking him in the future, and potentially finding out where else he goes.
Teary-eyed and humiliated, Yelena took Caitlin’s phone gingerly and called her father. She began wailing into the phone, and Cisco continued to fake berate Nora until she hung up.
“My daddy is coming right away to pick me up,” Yelena sniffed, picking her wilted flower crown from off the sticky floor.
Cisco shuffled Nora towards her. “Yelena, Sonya has something she’d like to say.”
Caitlin grabbed her cell back,  texting Barry that Dr. Sinister should be leaving any minute, and that he should go ahead the moment the coast is clear.
Yelena shot Cisco a death glare she definitely learned from her father. “Your daughter is a fake ass wannabe weirdo who doesn’t even go to our middle school! I never invited you! Nobody knows who you are! How dare you crash Vanessa’s party!”
Nora’s jaw dropped, “Yeah, well you’re a prissy princess daddy’s girl! Even worse, your dad is a total psycho!”
Yelena gasped, then lunged at Nora, slapping her right across the face.
Cisco sent Caitlin a panicked look. Name calling and slapping fights that could end up exposing their fake identities during their undercover mission was not part of the plan.
“Okaaay! That’s enough! We’re going home now!” Cisco said in a rush, dragging Nora away by the collar of her skater dress. Quickly, Nora sped the three off to the dance hall’s lobby where Cisco opened a breach and they all quickly jumped through it and into Star Labs.
Iris startled at the control board of the cortex. She surveyed the three of them catching their breath and narrowed her eyes. 
“Why is there chocolate all over my eleven year old daughter’s hair?”
Nora threw both her hands up in the air, “You were the one who said Uncle Cisco and Aunt Caitlin needed me to get into the party!” 
Iris opened her mouth, closed it, then opened it again. “Well... Yes, but it was their job to end the party and get Dr. Sinister out of his lair! Not yours.”
“Hey,” Said Cisco, putting a hand on Nora’s shoulder. “We were the ones that let   Nora get involved in the mission, and she did an excellent job, if not slightly carried away at the end, but who could blame her.”
Iris massaged her temples, “You couldn’t have pulled the fire alarm or something?”
Caitlin shrugged sheepishly, “...We didn’t think of that.”
“Sweetie, come here,” Iris said to Nora, but at that moment Barry’s voice crackled over the intercom system, requesting Iris and Cisco for help.
 He must have found something in Dr. Sinister’s lair.
“Ah crap,” Iris sighed, “Caitlin, do you mind?”
Caitlin shook her head and beckoned Nora over to the Med Bay, “Here, let’s get you cleaned up.”
She made Nora sit on the examining table and wet some paper towels to wipe the chocolate out of her hair.
“That was fun,” Nora said happily.
“I”m glad you thought so, but I’m sorry you got hit. Does it hurt?”
“Not really,” Nora reached towards Caitlin’s head to take off the red wig. “You looked like Kim Possible.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Caitlin smiled.
“Aunt Caitlin, can I ask you a question?”
Caitlin turned off the water faucet, and turned towards her, all ears.
“Sure,” Caitlin replied.
“I saw that guy talking to you. Why didn’t you get his number?”
Caitlin raised an eyebrow at the little speedster. This wasn’t what she had in mind when Nora asked to chat. 
“It would’ve blown the cover. I was pretending to be married to Uncle Cisco, remember?”
“But you’re not in real life!”  Nora objected.
Caitlin handed her a junior sized Star Labs sweatshirt and sweatpants to change into. Nora hopped off the table to get dressed.
“Yes,” Caitlin agreed, “But that man didn’t know that. I didn’t want his number anyway.”
“Why not?” Nora asked innocently.
“I just didn’t.” 
“So if you’re not with anyone, and you’re not really with Uncle Cisco, then why haven’t you or Uncle Cisco ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend?”
Caitlin paused, taken aback. It was true that she had been single for a long time, but coincidentally, Caitlin had never been more content in her life than she was now. She had her life back in order, she had struck up an unlikely friendship with her alter ego, who had been less Killer and more Frost for several peaceful years. She made amends with her mother and was in fact really proud of her work with Barry, Star Labs and her personal research.
 “I can’t speak for Uncle Cisco but I’m happy with my life as is. I don’t need anyone new.” Caitlin looked out the window at Cisco, giving Barry directions of what kind of tech to look for in Dr. Sinister’s lab and sighed wistfully.She was right. She didn’t need anyone new. It was an old friend that she had wrapped around her finger.  
Nora followed her gaze.
“You looked awfully happy pretending to be Mrs. Rodriguez, though,” Nora pointed out.
Caitlin blushed. It wasn’t lost on her that there was a lot of truth to that statement. “I was playing pretend,” Caitlin insisted, knowing how weak that sounded..
Nora put a hand on her hip sassily, pursing her lips a lot like her mother.
“Were you, though?” She pressed.
Caitlin ruffled the damp hair of Nora’s head, shutting down the conversation all together. She loved the kid, but she sure was Barry Allen’s daughter, meddling in personal affairs.  “You’re all good to go. Why don’t you run home to your brother. I’m sure he misses you.”
“Yeah, okay.”
Caitlin opened a drawer and handed her a lollipop. Nora rolled her eyes. “I’m too old for these.”
Cisco peeked his head in at that moment, his faux facial hair all gone, “No no,” He admonished, “You’re never too old for candy.”
He snatched Nora’s lollipop out of her hand, unwrapped the plastic and plopped it in his mouth. “Your loss my gain,” he said, muffled around the candy.
“Just think about what I said,” Nora told Caitlin, then sped out the building.
Cisco leaned forward. “What was she talking about?”
Caitlin fiddled with her medicine drawers. “Um,” she said lightly, shaking her head like it was no big deal, “Just about us being Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez. She didn’t quite believe that we were acting.”
Cisco sat in down heavily in Caitlin’s office chair. “But you told her we were…” 
“Of course.” 
Cisco sighed. “Right.” 
Caitlin turned around, curious at Cisco’s tone of voice. “Why, you wish we weren’t?” She felt overly conscious about the way her heart  sudden quickened in pace.
Cisco made a contemplative humming noise, “Weeeellll,” he dragged out the word, avoiding Caitlin’s gaze. He toyed his dress shoes into the floor as he swiveled left-right-left in her chair and removed the candy from his mouth. 
“Arlo might’ve been a little jealous that a man was interested in his wife. It made him feel a bit stupid. Arlo has this amazing beautiful woman and he never really tells her enough what she means to him, he always kind of assumed she knew.”
“Ah,” Caitlin responded. Cisco glanced up at her, vulnerability written all over his face. “What does Katherine think?”
Caitlin lifted a shoulder, nonchalant. “Katherine was too wrapped up in her feelings about Arlo to even notice that another man was interested. Katherine felt silly that she lost her touch. And then she felt not so silly, because who was she trying to impress, if Arlo cared about her so deeply without her even having to try?”
They weren’t joking anymore. 
Caitlin nodded. “Yeah.” 
“I do,” Cisco breathed. “Care about you deeply. So much. For so long.”
Caitlin felt like she might die. In a really good way. In a ‘I ate three belly burgers and had one milkshake too many but I’m so very happy’ way.
“Is this Arlo talking or Cisco?” Caitlin teased, holding her breath.
Cisco stood up and grabbed Caitlin’s hand, tugging her towards him. “It’s Cisco,” He said softly, seriously. “It’s me. I’d be lying if I said you’re not who I want. Who I think about all the time. Who I’d want to be my partner in crime not just when we fight crime.”
Caitlin squeezed their joint hands. “That’s a relief. Caitlin feels the same way.”
Cisco moved closer, following Caitlin with his eyes, beaming. He leaned in just as Caitlin placed her hands on his waist when Nora zipped back into the Med Bay with her twin brother in tow, scaring the two half to death.
They jumped into each other’s arms as Nora crowed in victory. “Thank you speedforce!” She exclaimed, “I did it! You owe me ten bucks!”
“Congratulations,” Don cheered as unenthusiastically as a kid could sound. “No offense, but I thought it was never going to happen.” He handed Nora a crumpled Hamilton.
“See, I told you it would work!” She stuck her tongue out at Don smugly.
Suddenly all the puzzle pieces clicked. “Wait a minute…” Cisco said, shaking his head at Nora, impressed. “We’ve been bamboozled! You were the one that put the idea that we should be your fake parents in our heads! You set us up!”
“To be fair,” Nora pointed out, “You are our godparents, so it’s not like it’s that unrealistic.”  
Caitlin tilted her head, thinking that reasoning over. “I don’t think that’s how it works.”
“Who cares!” Nora cried, “You’re together now!” 
“Okay, thank you, we owe you. Now let us have our moment!” Cisco said, ushering the Tornado Twins away. 
They zoomed off, and Cisco could hear Iris yelling after them as he pulled the curtain around the bed. 
“Now,” Cisco said, winking, “Where were--Mmmph!”  
 Caitlin cut Cisco off, finally bestowing him their long awaited kiss. 
20 notes · View notes
boysandsuicide · 6 years
1-100 😜
First of also sorry for my English. I know it’s bad 🙄 these are actually hella fucking cute y'all1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?Idk. Idon’t eat often cereal haha2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?Sometimes yes , but mostly not 3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?Starbucks Card , handkarechiefs, paper uns other stuff 4: how do you take your coffee/tea? I love black coffe, but also with milk and suggar. Same with tea . Like it depends in what mood I am and which kind of coffe/Tee it is.5: are you self-conscious of your smile?No 6: do you keep plants?Nope. I even made a cactus die😂7: do you name your plants?No 🤔8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?I think none. Just tumblr haha9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?Yes, but only when no one is around10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?I have like 1000 different sleep positions every night 11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?I don’t have really good friends, but the most ones are about people from school in Russian 12: what’s your favorite planet?Never thought about it 13: what’s something that made you smile today?A friend,whom I don’t know very long ,but I really like haha14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?I think like a ikea catalog 😂15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!Uranus is tilted on its side16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?I think Bolognese but this also depends on my mood . All in all I love food and eat nearly everything 🙄 17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?Platin blond ,but many said ,that it would look good and so i didn’t dare18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.I think there’s nothing 19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?I don’t habe one . I just draw or write something during school,when I’m bored af 20: what’s your favorite eye color?I depends on the person but I like grey-green 21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. I don’t have one 22: are you a morning person?Definitely not 23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?Netflix , sleeping or reading 24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?There’s somebody from tumblr whom I don’t know a very long time , but I think one day I could tell him everything 25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?None 26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?It changes like every ½ year , but now it are my black vans 27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?Purple airwaves 28: sunrise or sunset?Both but I like more sunsets. Sunrise it too early in the morning 29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?Idk haha30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?I get often scared ,but i remember , when I was small and I was flying somewhere and there was turbulence and I thought that we will all die haha31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.I like socks because they’re covering foot but I have only black and white ones and yes I do sleep with socks 32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.I don’t remember something happened while I was with friends after 3AM. This even didn’t happened often 33: what’s your fave pastry?I love cake but I’m working at bakery so I don’t really like pastry 🙄34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?It was called karkusha(Russian ) it was a bird puppet and I got it on a flight and my grandmother always played with me. It’s somewhere in our flat but idk where 35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?Nope 36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?Idk haha 37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?I like it when my room is clean but I’m a messy person 38: tell us about your pet peeves!I don’t have pet :((((39: what color do you wear the most? Black, than white and grey 40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?I got and gold chain from my grandmother , but I’m not wearing it because it breaks often and it doesn’t really having a meaning from me . Only that it’s from my grandmother 41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?Scythe and night school 42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!Starbucks 😍😍😍😍43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?I never did this but i want to :(44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?Idk. Last time I felt , that I can be who I am , was with a friend ( I hope is one , because ideally like him , we just don’t know eachother for a long time ) His name is Noel and he also has tumblr 🙄 45: do you trust your instincts a lot?I depends on the situation but often i do 46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. Idk hahaha47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?Oysters . I hate it and the smell 48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?Spiders , falling somewhere down from a high place - I’m still afraid of both today; dying - I’m not afraid anymore of dying 49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?Nope and it was a long time ago I bought one so idk 50: what’s an odd thing you collect? Different stuff but I collect flight tickets but I lose them in my room 😂 and I collect nearly everything 51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?There’s no52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?Too many 😂 53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? I watched None of them 54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?I think some school-friends on Friday - we got our certificate 55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?Idk 56: what are some things you find endearing in people?It depends on if like Theo person or not . But I like when someone truly smiles a lot and cares about someone 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? I like this song and it made me fell like sad or something like that but also happy haha🙄58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?And again no friends haha59: what’s your favorite myth?There’s no . But maybe aliens ?🤔🤔60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? I like Russian poetry . Pushkin 61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?I got many stupid ones and gave many stupid ones , but I think the stupidest givt was a bottle opener which looked like a bottle cover haha but again I am/ wasn’t invited often to birthdays or something like that 62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?Nope . I’m allergic against fruits 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?Nope I’m not . Just put like the first , second etc. Part of a book series together 64: what color is the sky where you are right now?It’s dark blue/ black . At home 65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? Yes a girl who I know a long time but we like drifted apart and a boy from tumblr whom I saw some days ago ( I know it’s not a long time, but I miss him)66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?Pollen allergy 😂67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?I like them when I’m st home with a hot drink and read book/ watch Netflix or a good friend is around me and you can talk about deep topics haha68: what’s winter like where you live? Like shit . It’s rainy and maybe there’s snow for 2 minutes but then it melts :(. But it’s typical german winter and it’s often „very called“69: what are your favorite board games? I like monopoly70: have you ever used a ouija board? Nope 71: what’s your favorite kind of tea?I love bubble tea , but also black , green tea or some with fruits . It’s depends on my mood. 72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?Sone things yes . Some I will still remember in 100 years 73: what are some of your worst habits?There to many . Some of them : I am very annoying and clinging 74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.I don’t have good friends (now)75: tell us about your pets!I wanna a cat since I’m 5 years old but allergy :( but it’s one of my biggest wish which will never come true 76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?Homework, learning 77: pink or yellow lemonade?Both 🤔78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?Definitely Fanclub 79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?Hugged me a long time , cared about me , wrote me a very long and cute birthday text me 80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?White and grey . I wanted something normal and I like the colours black , white and grey 81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.I don’t remember they’re eyes and eye colour😂82: are/were you good in school?Im good but not good Enough for me and my mom . My average is 1,8 but I wanna 1,5 or better 83: what’s some of your favorite album art?Idk 84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?I wanna a tattoo but Idk which one . Maybe something with rose(s)85: do you read comics? what are your faves?I don’t 86: do you like concept albums? which ones? Yes I do but idk which ones 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?Idk. It depends on what kind of movies the person likes 88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?Idk Hahahaha89: are you close to your parents?I don’t know my father . I hate my stepfather and don’t talk to him but I’m also not close to my mom 90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.I love Moscow . It’s besutiful af and it’s big and it’s like full of live and not dead in the night and I just love it 91: where do you plan on traveling this year?Moscow92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?I drown my pasta into cheese . There’s never too much cheese 🤷🏻‍♂️93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?Idk how it’s called haha 94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?I think the brother of a school friend 95: what are your plans for this weekend?My plans were sleeping as long as I want ,Netflix and homework because I have to get better grades 96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?Mostly I procrastinate on them a lot 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?Intp, Lion , idk haha but Irving the one Harry Potter was in 98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?I don’t remember it and I don’t want to and I hate it . So please never talk about it again 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.Leer-KC Rebell Hold on -chord overstreet Take on the world -you me at sixMAD world - Riverdale cast Many from little peep , kizaru, troye Sivan and russ
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?I think the future one . Like I wanna know how my future will be. Will I be still alive ? Will I be happy ? Will I reach some of my goals ? But on the other hand I also wanna be surprised but life etc.
BTW I needed nearly an hour to answer so questions but I think no one will read everything haha. But I you did , maybe you can message me 🤔
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learnspanishfans · 7 years
How to Say “Good Morning” in Spanish (and 88 other Useful Spanish Words and Phrases)
Knowing even a few Spanish phrases is really useful if you’re planning to visit a Spanish-speaking country. Even more so if you’re living in such a country. There are lots of good reasons to learn Spanish, and if you want to spend any length of time in regions where Spanish is spoken, here are some really useful Spanish words and phrases that can help you make the most of your visit. Without further ado:
How to Say "Good Morning" in Spanish
"The morning" in Spanish is la mañana, but if you want to wish someone a good morning you must say buenos días, which literally means 'good days' (note the plural). You'll never hear someone wish you a 'buena mañana' - don't ask me why. If you’re into Spanish grammar, note that día is one of the rare Spanish words that ends in an '-a' but is masculine, so it's buenos días, not buenas días.
How to Say "Goodnight" in Spanish
Like with buenos días, to wish someone goodnight in Spanish you have to say it in the plural: buenas noches. Similarly, "good evening" is buenas tardes. In English we generally don't say "goodnight" as a greeting; it's more often used when you or the person you're talking to are about to go to bed. Spanish is not like this - buenas noches can be used as a greeting as well as a farewell, provided it's the right time of day. So when's the right time of day to use buenas noches? Spanish doesn't really distinguish between the 'afternoon' and the 'evening' in the same way that English does; there's only the tarde, which starts at noon, and the noche, the night. Generally you'd say buenas tardes from midday until sunset, at which point you'd start saying buenas noches.
How to Say "Hello" in Spanish
We've covered "good morning" and "goodnight", but we mustn't forget the most simple Spanish greeting of them all: hola, which means "hello". Hola, of course, can be said at any time of day, and it's by far the most common way of greeting someone in Spanish.
How to Say "I Love You" in Spanish
Spanish has two main ways of saying "I love you". The more common one is te quiero, which literally means "I want you", but is used in many of the same ways we'd say "love" in English - e.g. talking to your boyfriend or girlfriend or to your family. The more literal translation of "love" is amar. Te amo implies much more serious feelings than those conveyed by te quiero. If you're describing non-romantic love, e.g. for a relative, you should stick with 'te quiero'.
How to Say "Happy Birthday" in Spanish
A birthday in Spanish is a cumpleaños, a combination of the words año, meaning "year", and cumplir, which, among many other possible translations, can mean “to turn”, as in "to turn X years old". On your fifth cumpleaños, you cumples cinco años (turn five). And to wish someone a happy birthday, you say feliz cumpleaños. What about the song ”Happy Birthday”? Naturally, there's a Spanish version that uses the same melody - but different Spanish-speaking countries actually have their own versions of the lyrics. For example, here's the version you're most likely to hear in Spain:
Cumpleaños feliz, cumpleaños feliz, te deseamos (name), cumpleaños feliz.
And there are many more versions.
How to Say "Thank you" in Spanish
To thank someone in Spanish, simply say gracias. If you're feeling particularly grateful, you can add emphasis with muchas gracias or even muchísimas gracias. The verb 'to thank' can be translated as dar gracias (to give thanks).
How to Say "You're Welcome" in Spanish
In English we have several ways of saying "you're welcome", and Spanish is no different. When you say gracias to somebody, probably the most common response you'll hear is de nada (“it’s nothing”), but you might also hear mucho gusto (“my pleasure”), no hay de qué (“not at all!”), or las que tú tienes. Despite what TV and movies might have made you believe, "no problem" in Spanish is not no problemo! Problemo isn't even a real Spanish word (it's problema), but even if it was, no problemo still wouldn't work since you can't stick no before a noun like that. If you really want to literally say 'no problem', say no hay problema, sin problemas, or ningún problema.
How to Say "How Are You?" in Spanish
A common way to say "how are you?" in Spanish is ¿qué tal?, which could also be translated as "what's up?" or "how are things?" An alternative is ¿cómo estás?, or ¿cómo está? - the latter being more formal because it means you're addressing the other person as usted rather than tú. When someone asks you ¿qué tal? or cómo estás, you can simply reply with bien to let them know you're okay.
How to Say "I Miss You" in Spanish
There are two common ways to say “I miss you” in Spanish: te extraño and te echo de menos. The former is generally more common in Latin America, while the latter is more common in Spain, although either would probably be understood in both places.
How to Say "Yes" in Spanish
"Yes" in Spanish is sí, although Spanish speakers have a tendency to say it over and over again in rapid-fire when they could have just said it once: ¡sísísísísísí!. Make sure you write sí with the accent when you mean 'yes'. Si without an accent is pronounced the same way, but means "if".
How to Say "Tomorrow" in Spanish
Mañana, mentioned earlier, means both "tomorrow" and "morning". This sounds like it could get confusing, but it's almost always clear from the context which one is meant. If you want to say "tomorrow morning", don't say mañana mañana! The correct translation is mañana por la mañana (tomorrow in the morning).
How to Say "Why" in Spanish
To ask someone 'why' in Spanish, say ¿por qué? - literally "for what?" To respond to ¿por qué?, you might need the word porque, which means "because". They look and sound similar, but note that porque is stressed on the first syllable, while ¿por qué? has more stress on the second word. (There's also the noun el porqué, which means "the reason".) A fun little expression you might find handy is porque sí, which literally means "because yes". Porque sí is something you might say when someone asks you a question with ¿por qué? but you don't want to give a real explanation. It's the equivalent to responding to a "why?" question in English with the single word "because!" - it's a humorous way of answering without actually answering.
Numbers in Spanish
To master numbers in Spanish, first you need to learn how to count to twenty:
0 - cero
1 - uno
2 - dos
3 - tres
4 - cuatro
5 - cinco
6 - seis
7 - siete
8 - ocho
9 - nueve
10 - diez
11 - once
12 - doze
13 - trece
14 - catorce
15 - quince
16 - dieciséis
17 - diecisiete
18 - dieciocho
19 - diecinueve
20 - veinte
(Note that 16-19 are particularly easy to remember because they're simply formed by combining diez, ten, and a smaller number.) Next you should learn the remaining multiples of ten:
30 - treinta
40 - cuarenta
50 - cincuenta
60 - sesenta
70 - setenta
80 - ochenta
90 - noventa
100 - cien
To fill in the gaps, just observe some examples and the pattern should be obvious:
21 - veintiuno
22 - veintidós
23 - veintitrés
31 - treinta y uno
41 - cuarenta y uno
57 - cincuenta y siete
58 - cincuenta y ocho
59 - cincuenta y nueve
When it comes to really big numbers, note that Spanish uses the long scale naming system, meaning that while a "billion" in English has nine zeroes on the end (which Spanish speakers call simply mil millones, a thousand millions), a billón in Spanish has twelve zeroes (what English speakers call a "trillion"). On the subject of big numbers, in English we often write them with a comma every three digits to aid readability, e.g. "1,000,000", but in Spanish you use a full stop (that’s a “period” for the American readers) for the same purpose: "1.000.000". Similarly, in Spanish you use a comma for the decimal point, so e.g. the number that we write as "1,499.99" would normally be written as "1.499,99" in most Spanish-speaking countries.
Days of the Week in Spanish
The days of the week in Spanish are simply:
Monday - lunes
Tuesday - martes
Wednesday - miércoles
Thursday - jueves
Friday - viernes
Saturday - sábado
Sunday - domingo
Remember that in Spanish, unlike in English, days of the week are not written with a capital letter.
Months in Spanish
January - enero
February - febrero
March - marzo
April - abril
May - mayo
June - junio
July - julio
August - agosto
September - septiembre
October - octubre
November - noviembre
December - diciembre
Like days of the week, month names in Spanish are also not capitalised.
Colours in Spanish
Like English, Spanish has an enormous number of words for different colours, including obscure and fancy words (azure, fuschia) that almost never get used. Here are the most important ones you should know:
blue - azul
yellow - amarillo
red - rojo
orange - anaranjado
white - blanco
black - negro
brown - marrón
green - verde
grey - gris
What other Spanish words or phrases do you think would be useful on a trip to a Spanish-speaking country? Let me know in the comments.
The post How to Say “Good Morning” in Spanish (and 88 other Useful Spanish Words and Phrases) appeared first on Fluent in 3 months - Language Hacking and Travel Tips.
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blueisunlucky · 7 years
1. more cereal than milk 2. no 3. a broken adventure time card holder given to me from the one that got away on halloween three years ago 4. i don’t drink coffee & i take my tea with two sugars, sometimes one and a half, depending on the size of the mug 5. yes 6. no, but i’d like to 7. - 8. words 9. no 10. side 11. shipping each other with males whom they have a vague connection with (e.g. makes a teacher laugh once, sees a random boy’s name on their Snapchat contact list that we don’t know,) 12. earth 13. my brother showing me a meme 14. spiral stairs, raw brick walls, a neutral colour scheme and warm fairy lights. lots of them. these fairy lights will be stringed across the walls and have candid poleroid photos pegged to them. tables covered in newspaper clippings, sketches of plants and fairytale creatures, cutouts from magazines and used mugs. strange abstract paintings from market stalls that we thought were funny, creaky wooden flooring and shaggy rugs on top. 15. 99% of our solar system’s mass is the sun! the sun is fucking huge 16. spaghetti without the sauce 17. blonde, but people think it wouldn’t suit me. blue seems intriguing 18. i used to write these cheesy erotic short stories about my friend and some guy (see no. 11) on scrap pieces of paper for my friends to annoy the said friend. these papers are now lost, but the memories of them aren’t 19. no. i have tried, but i always forget about it after a while 20. blue, for the first girl my heart latched on to. 21. i don’t have a specific bag, but an assortment of school bags that constantly broke or were horribly bulky that i kept pushing or bashing people 22. is anyone? 23. write, but i never get the time anymore 24. yes 25. me break into someplace? ha i’m a pussy 26. what is this question? my school shoes, because i’m obliged to wear black shoes? 27. bubblegum is already a flavour 28. sunset 29. one of my friends literally lights up from about 20 to 100 if you mention something she likes. she has such pure, childlike enthusiasm 30. yes 31. socks. I despise the rise of ankle socks. you’re paying the full price for half a sock. like?!!1!? otherwise, i enjoy all socks, frilly, knee length, comical, odd. maybe not sports socks though 32. i have never been out with my friends after 3am. sad times. 33. apple pie, no doubt 34. i had a stuffed tiger toy called “Tiger” but pronounced like “Tigger”. he wasn’t the Disney one. my father bought it for my mother, and she gave it to me. my younger self called him my husband and I liked kissing him. he currently sits at the back of my wardrobe. 35. i am the stationary whore. i steal and hoard pens, pencils, rubbers, coloured paper, paper clips, etc, that i find on the floor or abandoned in classrooms when the coast is clear. 36. coldplay 37. messy 38. the sound of chewing, saliva, and those sort of things 39. i’m not sure. if i had to choose, i’d guess grey? 40. i have a gold ring with a gold bow on it in the drawer of my wardrobe. back in high school, me and my mates had this inside joke that one of my friends and I were “married”, so one April she and the others came to my house and she joke proposed to me. 41. Thanks for the Trouble, by Tommy Wallach 42. i wish i had a small, pretty corner coffee shop to tell stories about, but i just don’t drink coffee. all i got is the Starbucks and the Costa’s i grab hot chocolates from when i’m outside and alone, or when my friends feel like it 43. probably my cat 44. AS results day. we all got crappy grades, and the four of us sat in a playground and laughed 45. no 46. compasses and protractors are banned from my school because they’re considered weapons of math destruction 47. peppercorns 48. i don’t think i had a fear when i was younger, but now i fear rejection and being seen as boring 49. i’ve never owned a record and the last CD i had was given to me during primary school. everyone uses online copies now, unless they’re being aesthetic ™ 50. stationary (see no. 35). 51. Jenny, by Studio Killers 52. is Hollyweed considered a meme? 53. nope. i’m uncultured swine 54. my mother 55. pretend to forget, like faking momentary amnesia, and boy, it was the worst decision i’ve made to this day 56. nicknames, gift giving outside of holidays or birthdays, remembering little details 57. chaotic, suicidal, but nearing the end, strangely peaceful 58. i’m the vodka aunt, for i spike my own tea with it, as an “experiment”. I’m yet to find the wine mom 59. religion 60. yeah, i like it. La Belle Dame Sans Merci, by John Keats, at the moment, but i haven’t read enough to make an informed decision 61. a toy cross bow for my father. he never used it, and i don’t know why i got that; i just wanted to get him something. for me, a penguin cuddly you from a girl i hardly talked to anymore. i was sixteen or seventeen i think? i don’t mean to be rude but why? 62. i don’t have time to drink in the morning. the exception would be when i was doing that vodka-tea experiment (see no. 58) 63. my books are currently in a rainbow colour order. if they weren’t, i wouldn’t care too much 64. a pale blue, with a smudge of purple-grey clouds 65. the first friend i ever made, Tusma. she moved houses at the end of year three. i haven’t seen her in about eight years 66. depends. i’m torn between going dainty and picking yellow: buttercups, dandelions, daisies, with soft clovers and the occasional purple wildflower, like a rugged, forest fairy. or standing fierce, a red rose crown, thick with thorns, holly leaves and berries, some crushed, scarlet liquid dripping down my forehead but eyes staring straight ahead. 67. powerful, invisible, stealthy 68. cold, bitter, sometimes dry like a cough or wet and uncomfortable. it doesn’t snow anymore 69. scrabble, monopoly 70. in year nine, some kids decided they wanted to use a ouija board. i was curious, and i walked into the science room they were planning to use when the teachers were gone and the lights were off, despite my friends’ protests. it wasn’t an actual ouija board, but an imitation, scribbles on a piece of paper. i can’t remember who did it with me, but i’m pretty sure some of them were the popular kids. we felt no presence, although everyone tried their best to scare each other. we never said goodbye. no ghosts have haunted or killed me yet. 71. earl grey, or normal tea with a sprinkle of ginger 72. i feel as if i’m going to forget and can’t handle things, but i rarely note things down. i seem to cope, just 73. daydreaming, procrastinating, not being able to keep my own secrets 74. shy, quiet bean, needs to be protected at all costs, their laugh is more of a giggle, good at art, baby of the group, secretly wants to get drunk and make out with people, i suspect a little bi-curious but i can’t be sure, has technology and food kinks (but not at the same time) 75. i have a black and white cat named Wallace, after Wallace from Wallace & Gromit, because he eats cheese. he has a wonky tongue because he cut it on something but we never found out what that something was. he’s eleven years old, so he’s getting on now, and i think there’s a rising rivalry between Wallace and a mysterious black cat that keeps popping up near our garden 76. revising, duh 77. have never tried pink lemonade, so yellow 78. hateclub 79. sent me a claraxeleven edit as means to make me stay when i was thinking of running away. i thought only those deep in the doctor who fandom watched those, and it may have suggested i was rubbing off on him 80. lilac. i chose it because when i first moved into this room i was sharing it with my younger sister, so i wanted to choose a colour that she wouldn’t hate that was also not pink 81. watery brown stone (cba) 82. yeah, i was usually in the top or second top groups 83. i don’t buy albums, so i wouldn’t know where to start 84. yes. a small TARDIS at the back of my neck. maybe a ruffled feather, despite it being a little cliché, it has a literal importance to me. something related to space on one of my thighs, and perhaps something with roses, or skulls 85. unfortunately, no 86. i don’t know what those are 87. The Imitation Game, High School Musical, Edward Scissorhands, Men in Black, Shrek, Home Alone, Independence Day, The Wizard of Oz, Harry Potter, Hidden Figures, the Star Wars trilogy, Freaky Friday, Titanic, Jurassic Park, Alien, Terminator, Jaws, Jumanji 88. dancing when i’m alone, and dabbing (sorry not sorry) 89. debatable 90. it isn’t a city, but my favourite place is the Isle of Wight. i first tried tea in a big blue breakfast room at the b&b and learned to play pool at a pool table you had to put a pound in to play. i fed a lamb and my brother wet the bed and we watched a Lara Croft movie in our little room and it rained most of the time but i loved it all so 91. no where 92. barely sprinkles 93. bedhead, sometimes brushed 94. yesterday, a boy who loves me but i ran out of love months ago 95. nothing unusual 96. procrastinate 97. myer briggs? what is this? capricorn, gryffindor 98. NCS, where we all hiked across the coast of Wales, and at the end of it i thought my legs were going to fall off and my feet were all numb. beautiful views though 99. If I Lose Myself, One Republic; Give Your Heart a Break, Demi Lovato; Get Out, Casey Abrams; Oh No!, Marina and the Diamonds; Spectrum, Zedd 100. past, because i know what i’d do
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goblinkind · 7 years
Even numbers for the newest ask meme!
These are actually hella fucking cute y’all
2. Do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
No I do NOT like it because I hate it!!!
4. How do you take your coffee/tea?
I either drink black coffee or coffee with cream in it. I do not like sugar in my coffee ever at all.
I do like to pour honey in my tea, though.
6. Do you keep plants?
Yep! I have three plants at college and one plant at my grandma’s house. (I used to have more, but I gave them to my friend Cassie.)
8. What artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
Pencils, ink and markers are my go-to. I also use watercolor pencils on occasion.
10. Do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
Sometimes I sleep on my back; sometimes I sleep on my side. Never on my stomach, though, because my boobs don’t like it.
12. What’s your favorite planet?
It hasn’t been discovered yet, but I know it’s out there!
14. If you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
16. What’s your favorite pasta dish?
It’s, uh, Velveeta mac and cheese. I just bought an eight-pack of it last night!
18. Tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
Uh, well… there was the time I introduced myself to this dude (who’s literally always stoned) and he thought my name was Genevieve. My friend Eli went to correct him, but I interrupted them and just went along with it.
It’s been like three months and the dude still thinks my name is Genevieve.
20. What’s your favorite eye color?
22. Are you a morning person?
24. Is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
Honestly, no. My secrets are secret for a reason.
26. What are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
It used to be my black studded boots, but I basically wore them to death. So now it’s my white Nikes.
28. Sunrise or sunset?
30. Think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
Uh, yeah. I get “truly scared,” like, every single night when I remember that one scary movie series I watched two years ago.
32. Tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
Okay. One night morning, my BFF K and I were, y’know, havin’ a sleepover
And I think he left the room to like, to go pee or something
And I kinda just rambled to myself the entire time he was gone
And he came back but I didn’t notice
And I told this loooong bullshit story about a dude who, like, does weird stuff to freak out his neighbors or some shit
And that’s how my OC Mug was born.
34. Tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? What does it look like? Do you still keep it?
Her name is Birdy and she’s a canary from IKEA who gets nosebleeds. She’s yellow and has embroidered-on big red nostrils and blue eyes and K’s mom sewed up her wings (which were starting to fall off) and my roommate sewed up her tummy (which got bitten by a dog). Of course I still have her. She’s in my dorm room right now.
36. Which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?
Fall Out Boy! They make me feel tough but also nostalgic. I was listening to “Where Did the Party Go?” today in the shower.
38. Tell us about your pet peeves!
That’s easy: when someone tries to correct me but it turns out they’re the one who’s wrong. (This happens a lot with grammar.)
40. Think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s its story? Does it have any meaning to you?
Cassie gave me a necklace with an agate and amethyst pendant on it for Christmas. There isn’t really a story behind it other than that, though. I just really love Cassie.
42. Do you have a favorite coffee shop? Describe it!
I really like the Panera next to my old outpatient facility! I used to show up early and go there and draw Rick and Morty fan art. It was nice to have some time to ground myself before a long day of therapy.
44. When was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
Uh, last night, probably. Last night when I was falling asleep.
46. Tell us the worst pun you can think of.
I can’t. I can’t think of one at the moment. But here’s a good one that somebody else made!
48. What was your biggest fear as a kid? Is it the same today?
It was “people with scary smiles who wanted to hurt me”
And yeah, that’s still my biggest fear. I’m also still scared of scary music.
50. What’s an odd thing you collect?
I collect hex codes! Sometimes I’ll thumb through them when I’m taking a study break and it’ll calm me down.
52. What are your favorite memes of the year so far?
I still don’t entirely understand it, but I do enjoy the “you know I had to do it to ‘em” meme!
54. Who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
Uhhhh, Max.
56. What are some things you find endearing in people?
I like people who say things in a funny way. Like, what they’re saying isn’t necessarily funny, but the words they use and their inflection are.
My dad is one of those people. One time, my family was all packed into the car after a vacation in the mountains. My mom got out to check that we hadn’t left anything in the hotel room, and when she came back, my dad yelped. He’d spilled some of her Diet Coke on his hand.
My mom: What? What’s wrong?
My dad: *very agitated* It’s this—this—this Coca-Cola!! >:( >:( >:(
58. Who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? Why?
At one point, Max has figured out who was whom. I don’t remember what they ended up deciding, though. I’ll have to ask them later.
60. Do you like poetry? What are some of your fav[orite poems]?
I do! My dad is actually a published poet. When I was little, he wrote a poem out of a bunch of nonsense that I’d said and he’d written down and saved. That’s my favorite poem.
(P.S. If you want to read two other poems by my dad, click here.)
62. Do you drink juice in the morning? Which kind?
I know it’s kinda weird, but I’ve fallen into the habit of ordering a lemonade every morning before class.
64. What color is the sky where you are right now?
It’s like, kinda white. White-grey I guess. Mostly just white.
66. What would your ideal flower crown look like?
It would look just like the one Eli made me for my birthday, but with spikes!
68. What’s winter like where you live?
In a word? HORRIBLE.
70. Have you ever used a Ouija board?
Yeah, with my friend Spooks. It spelled out “E-D H-E-L-M-S.”
72. Are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
Yes! Because of my OCD, I get very anxious whenever I forget anything. So the writing stuff down that I do can actually be an unhealthy compulsion in my case.
74. Describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
Uh, okay. Well I have this friend who’s kinda sassy and says weird stuff. They’re gay and they talk about their S/O a lot. Also they always make jokes about how they’re ready to die and it’s kind of concerning.
And they have a soft pretty voice and like to wear long skirts. And I love them. And I wish I could see them more but I know there’s a good reason why I can’t.
Oh! And they’re really smart.
76. Is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
…I don’t like this question.
78. Are you in the Minion hateclub or fanclub?
I do hate Minions, but I wouldn’t say I’m in their hateclub because I also associate them with my therapist. And I love my therapist.
80. What color are your bedroom walls? Did you choose that color? If so, why?
My bedroom walls at home are lavender. I chose the color when I was younger because it used to be my favorite. (I’m still really happy with the walls.)
82. Are/were you good in school?
84. Are you planning on getting tattoos? Which ones?
Probably not. My parents don’t believe in tattoos.
86. Do you like concept albums? Which ones?
Does Crybaby count as a concept album? I like Crybaby!
88. Are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
I like the meme-y one that made everyone confused and angry. Dadaism. I like that one.
90. Talk about your one of you favorite cities.
I really like Seattle! It has a lot of jerks in it but it’s fun to walk around and it has fun festivals and art fairs. Plus, I hear it has some really cool gay neighborhoods.
92. Are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
The former. I love cheese.
94. Who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
Eli! Their birthday was last Friday.
96. Do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
I tend to stay pretty on top of my computer updates.
98. When’s the last time you went hiking? Did you enjoy it?
It was over the summer and NO. I HAAAATED it.
100. If you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? Why?
I’d go to the future. Everyone knows it’s safer to mess with the future than with the past!
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johnchiarello · 7 years
WEDNESDAY- 7-12-17
 This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men. Daniel 4:17
 Officer Mitchell- CCPD https://youtu.be/MU3xlMu8_Sk
.Don’s pier
.Officer Mitchell
.Kings 9 preview
.Crow and Claire
.Policing in general
Isaiah 63:5
And I looked, and there was none to help; and I wondered that there was none to uphold: therefore mine own arm brought salvation unto me; and my fury, it upheld me.
 Corpus Christi Police Department https://youtu.be/ilTIdPHxfZE
.The journal
.Black mail man busted illegally
Hebrews 1:14
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?
 Watchers- https://youtu.be/1k_9S1OzqGo
.Fake kidnapping case
.Charges against 11 year old girl?
.mechanic case
.Gang case
.The dream
Revelation 11:5
And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.
  NEW- I was at the park today- Officer Mitchell with the Corpus Christi Police department told me to leave the park.
I pay 2400 dollars a year taxes- CCPD did this without lawful cause.
 2 friends over the past 2 weeks have told me that another officer has told them to leave- move their vehicle- in places where other people were fishing and celebrating the 4th of July.
 Both Tim and Bob were told to leave areas- where they were lawfully at.
Over the years the people on the street have asked ‘why do I have to leave’ and often times it’s because ‘we said so’.
 On many occasions- if the people are drunk- or using drugs- then yes- the cops have a right to do this- but they break the law when they are saying it to people who are legally in public.
 Often times- if the people do not leave- even if they are there lawfully- the CCPD will indeed arrest them.
 I take none of this as a game- I consider the unlawful arrest in these cases a crime.
Because in these cases- the cop is actually withholding a citizen against the law [or threatening him with false imprisonment].
 I did go back to the park- and made the first video.
I didn’t realize that officer Mitchell was still there- sitting on a park bench.
 Usually the cop will simply arrest the person- even if he is not breaking the law- simply because they told them to leave.
I assume officer Mitchel realized I was making a video- and decided in this instance to obey the law.
My friend Don did receive the code violation notices that the city charged him with.
Don has a nice pier- and fishing cabin off the inter-coastal waterway.
 A few weeks ago the cops showed up at his house with a search warrant- and refused to tell him who made a complaint [throwing something off the pier- Fish guts after catching fish?].
 They searched his residence in and out- for code violations.
They sent him notice 2 days ago-
 .He must tear down the fishing cabin
.He must paint- fix any repairs to the interior and exterior of his house [peeling paint is one of the violations]
.He must do a number of other things- that would probably take months to do.
 If he does not do all of this- in the next 15 days [now 13]
The city will begin the process of putting a lien on the property.
Yes- folks- he must do all this- in 15 days.
 There have been many homes foreclosed on in Corpus Christi- homes that were paid off- but because of Code Enforcement fines- these homes went into foreclosure.
 I used to paint houses with my father in New Jersey as a boy.
There were many older homes that had chipped paint- in and out.
For many years-
I know of not a single foreclosure on a home- because of chipped paint.
 Understand- my Friend Don is not renting out to HUD which has these types of standards [I know- I owned rent houses- and at one time met the criteria].
 But Don will probably lose his home- valued at around 200 hundred thousand [by the water] because of city code violations [including chipped paint- and high weeds].
 What you see today- are instances where some in the public feel oppression from the Corpus Christi Police [which runs code enforcement as well].
 This type of harassment effects the public- those who experience it.
To be fair to Mitchell- some of the guys do get drunk- sleep at the park- etc.
 Yes- the families who are taking their kid's to the park should not have to put up with that.
But Cops have tremendous authority and they need to pay close attention attention when they use it.
 If you are telling a citizen- any citizen- to move his truck- or not write a journal in a public place [Tim] and these people are not breaking the law.
 Then you have broken the law yourself- by committing official oppression or retaliation- which indeed are crimes.
 Many years ago I bought a mustang [car] for my daughter.
The car was nice- in good shape- ran well.
Eventually she got another car- and I parked the car legally in my driveway.
 Code enforcement questioned me about the car.
 The inspection sticker was expired- and that was a violation of the law [In Corpus Christi].
 I couldn't believe that having an expired inspection sticker- parked what I thought was legally- could warrant the code violation warning- which I and many residents have gotten- which states unless the violation is fixed within 15 days [I think mine said 10?] that the city will begin putting a lien on your house [That’s on the citation- by order of CCPD]
 Trust me- this has happened with others.
To put a legal notice- which the code violation warning is- that the city can begin foreclosure proceedings [which is what a lien is] because you have a vehicle in violation- parked legally- I do not think the city understands what a detriment this in itself is for people to move to our city.
 Others where I live [Turtle Cove] had the same warning because there fence was too high- one had the warning because he had a tire in his yard.
Others for inspection stickers.
 I do not think any city in the USA does this- to this degree.
My friend will probably lose his home and waterfront property- because the city wants him to do about 6 months of work- in 15 days.
 Too much-
And don’t forget- if you go to the park- you just might get put in jail- yes- the park that I pay taxes for- 2400 dollars a year-
 And the cop who might arrest you- unlawfully- also gets paid by the taxes I pay.
Yes- too much.
  Note- Please do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on- Thanks- John.#
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