#that’s me if she were a transman lowkey
buysomecheese · 7 months
Fucked up that school dances fill me with. Fear.
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unlimitedgolden · 1 year
I have toontown headcanons to share so I'm going to just go for it + canon honorifics
PRONOUNS!!!!!!11!11 ROMANCE!!11 AHHHHH1!!!11
Deep Diver is a bigender baddie, she/he (Mr/Ms). Update: I think it'd be really funny if Deep Diver was bigender and bisexual. baby bi bi bi,,,
Gatekeeper she/her (Ms) and also the swaggiest butch lesbian you'll ever see
Firestarter he/they (Mr/Mx) otd. My brain says demiboy and I KNOW he is gay as hell
Featherbedder they/he/she (Mx/Mr/Ms), non-binary in some way, most likely genderfluid. I don't know enough about them right now so that's all I got
Major Player he/hymn (Mr) (this is straight up from the official server), and I honestly think he's pan with a preference to men (Buck Ruffler and their freaky fusion)
Chainsaw Consultant looking like a he/they (Mr) transman, I also think he's bi
Mouthpiece my grandma. She/her (Mrs) and I am a trans grandma truther. She is the elder transhet to me.
Rainmaker she/they (Ms/Mx) and CALL ME INSANE BUT I think they're transmasc and I love her ok. Also bi
Witch Hunter he/him (Mr) and I don't know enough about him yet except he seems like a miserable bloke and a hater
Duck Shuffler he/they/it (Mr) transmasc (projecting lowkey) and he is gay as hell as well idc
Treekiller he/him (Mr) and I don't know enough about him yet either SORRY
Plutocrat he/him (Don/Mr) he seems cishet but I also don't know enough about him either
Bellringer he/him (Mr). I think he's cis but experimenting with he/they. Bi, British, Bell.
Prethinker he/him (Mr) transman? Transmasc? Not sure but he's transgender. Also pan
Multislacker He/They but maybe she too (Mr/Mx) methinks genderfluid. Its the colourscheme I promise. Somewhere on the asexual spectrum to me. Romance? Maybe, maybe not. Not sure.
Pacesetter he/him (Mr) + transman swagger with the gay gay boyfriend on top
Prefacing this with the warning of multishipping for funsies and I am a believer of polycules argue with the wall
Deep Diver according to cogs.ink hates Gatekeeper and Treekiller which is so funny to me because I think Deep Diver and Gatekeeper would be cute together
Deep Diver/Gatekeeper with Rainmaker is also so fire. Polycule them NOW
Firestarter and Pacesetter canon boyfriends
Also that one headcanon of Firestarter and Rainmaker being siblings is so cute I'm adopting it
Major Player fused with Duck Shuffler that one time and even though its not a canon event they're really good together. Love wins in every universe
Chainsaw Consultant with Duck Shuffler (thanks Sludge) kissy mwah mwah
Chainsaw Consultant and Rainmaker t4t swagger btw
Rainmaker already mentioned all above but yeah she should get soooo much love. Love wins. Multishipping wins. Polycules win.
Duck Shuffler has two hands to hold one for Major Player and one for Chainsaw Consultant. Polycules babeeey!!! And then I'm on his leg like a diseased animal.
Treekiller and Chainsaw Consultant brothers for realsies
Sometimes I think about that animatic with Plutocrat being interested in Mouthpiece with the spongebob audio. Yknow the one by cogmics. Lives in my head
Bellringer and Prethinker kissing. Idk where it came from but I think they're cute too
Also whoever came up with Pacesetter and Multislacker having a sibling like bond os brilliant. Adopted that hc now too.
Other STUPID HCS before I forget
I was talking to my sister about this one but I think it'd be funny if cogs reproduced by just building their offspring like in the Robots movie.
Building my son from scrap parts I found
And again in convo with my sister it'd be funny if toons reproduced by just drawing their children since they're literally cartoons
She said if you look ugly as a toon sorry your parents were just bad at art LMFAO
Furthermore this was to build our own lore on why our toons are siblings but different species and since we agree our dad would be a cog (which I did design) that he must've drawn our toons
Mfw we are our fathers oc
OK I think that's everything for now. I'm immediately sending this to everyone I know for approval
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seraphimpuppy · 5 years
I mostly talk to u on insta but I wanted to be spooky anon but um. how would I tell if I were nb? its been on my mind a lot lately and ik u are and I'm like lowkey scared nobody will think I'm a lesbian if I ID as that and it kinda feels better to ID as nb but I'm fine w they and she but I do not know how to tell if I am just going thru it™ or I am genuinely questioning it
AWWWW HI!! im so glad you decided to come to me for this! i identify as gay and obviously as you know im also nb, but that doesnt denote my sexuality at all! everyone’s experience is different but i always felt like. i wasnt fully...masculine? i didnt fit the label transman completely. there was a part of me that was, well, out of the binary! the best thing about being nonbinary is theres really no specifics as to what qualifies being nonbinary. in fact, that honestly goes for any label in my opinion! you can totally still be a lesbian if you are enby, and if someone tries to challenge you or tell you otherwise, they arent worth your time. my best advice is ask people around you to mainly use they pronouns for the time being along with she, and see how it feels. dont be afraid to experiment with things! apologies that this got sort of lengthy. i hope i could be of some help and i wish you luck anon, feel free to dm me whenever you want! i may not be an expert in gender but im always glad to help. :-]
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imissthefire · 5 years
2, 4, 5, 7, 13, & 30? 🌸
2. How did you discover your sexuality, tell your story?
Well, I discovered that I was not straight when I was pretty young. I remember being in pre-school and having a crush on a girl (I still identified as female back then as I had no idea trans people so much as existed back then, so ye) and like... I don’t know, I just knew I liked girls and guys when I was really young (with a higher preference for girls) and as soon as people started getting “crushes” on others, I was getting crushes on girls more than guys.
4. Who was the first person you told, how did they react?
The first person I “told” as in “expressed same-sex attraction” to was a girl in my preschool. She said that she liked this one boy in our class and wanted to marry him, and I said that I liked this girl and wanted to marry her. She (the girl that I was talking to) told me that it was bad to like another girl (again, I still identified as female at that point in my life) and she said it was wrong. I, not knowing that things described as “bad” had differences, assumed it was just as “bad” as, say, stealing, or breaking things, so I got terrified. I still carry that memory around with me even today, 14 years later. It’s kind of messed up to think that the first time I experienced any kind of homophobia was when I was four years old. Of course, back then, I had no idea that being queer was okay. Same-sex marriage was only just legalised Canada-wide in 2005, at that time, it was 2005. So it was newly legal, I had no idea about it, and I was made afraid of myself. To put it into perspective, things at that time I knew to be bad were: stealing, breaking things, touching hot pans, slamming doors, turning on lights in the car, screaming for no reason, hurting others, and then... being queer. I didn’t have the mental capacity to really separate the severity of how bad each of those was, so I always kind of assumed the worst.
5. Describe what it was like coming out, how did it feel?
When I came out in full, as a bisexual transman, it felt so terrifying, to be honest. I had cycled through many identity crises and I was constantly trying to figure myself out. I came out as bi in grade 6 and was immediately outed by my friend that I had told, and it was terrifying. It died down after a few months, and I just said it was a rumour and kind of swept it under the rug. But in grade 9, I finally was able to articulate my thoughts and feelings. I had always been very masculine, I had always wished that I was a boy, but I never even knew that trans people could come out at my age. To break it down, I didn’t really learn about trans people until I was in grade 5 or 6, and my first encounter with transgender people was watching Jazz Jennings’s interview she did way back when. I remember feeling like “wow, that’s how I feel sometimes” but then I also was like “hmm, she knew at such a young age, if I was transgender, I would know by now” so I pushed it down. When I went into high school in grade 8, I went to the GSA/Pride Club and I saw others my age and older who were questioning their gender and sexuality and I realised then and there that I wasn’t alone. I finally felt like I belonged somewhere. By the end of grade 8, I was identifying as genderqueer but leaning towards more masculine overall. I finally came out as a trans man in I think October or November of my grade 9 year, and I just felt so relieved that I didn’t have to hide it. I, unfortunately, lost a few friends in this process, but if they didn’t love me for me, I didn’t need them. Losing friends for coming out took me a long time to get over, but I’ve managed, and it was really a blessing in disguise because some of those people have done such awful things and I’m glad to no longer be associated with them.
7. What is one question you hate people asking about your sexuality?
I don’t get many weird questions in regard to my sexuality, fortunately. The only weird stuff I’ve been asked is the typical bisexual question of “threesome?” and like, when I was 15 and someone asked me that, I was lowkey terrified of that because I was an actual child, but like, despite being as young as I am (currently 18) I was actually in a polyam relationship for a short period of time, so the idea of multiple partners isn’t what’s wrong. The idea of being asked by a person that I only knew a little bit proposing a threesome was what was annoying (also, again, I WAS 15! like, bruh) so yeah. Hate the typical “oh, ur bi.... threesome?”
13. What is your favourite thing about the LGBT+ community?
I’m gonna be honest, the LGBT+ community as a whole is a fucking shitshow sometimes. Mostly because of things like “sapiosexual” and a bunch of trolls who make up fake gender identities to undermine actual trans and gender-non-conforming folks. Like, really the whole “sapiosexual” and stuff like that are bs, your sexual attraction is not determined by someone’s intellect. Like, you could have a preference for smart people, maybe you have a kink for intellectually fuelled foreplay or something, but like........ that’s not a sexual identity.
30. Why are you proud to be LGBT+?
Because it took me years to be. Because it’s taken me years to be myself and to love myself, and after fighting internalised homophobia and internalised transphobia for so long, I’m proud to say that I exist. Because one of my friends' last words to me was to be brave where he couldn’t and not to stop being me, no matter how hard it got. Because I have had to fight so hard to make it to where I am today. I’m proud to be a bi transman because I spent so long being ashamed of it, and I deserve to love myself after spending years hating myself.
(sorry this was so long, oof. talking about my identity really sets something off in me and it’s also half past 3am and I’m running on pure anxiety)
Send me Pride Asks!
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Is it weird that I watch gay porn with straight guys fucking each other and gay transmen getting fucked too?
It's like when I watch a guy with a big, plump white or black ass, with some oil and hair on top of it....
I lowkey start thinking about fucking his ass too?
I lowkey find it strange, but then again I'm pan...
Asses look good on anyone. Even though I would never admit some objectifying shit like that in person.
It's like I immerse my clit as the dick that's getting sucked and fucked on.
Then I cancel out after I cum 🤣😇🥲
Lol like wtfff is wrong with me guys? I mean there are guys who like to get pegged, so I wonder do these women who strap on guys, think about the same thing that I do....
I feel really guilty because I keep saying idk if I'm ready to try dating another bisexual guy or another transman because of me getting heart broken by one.
But I still miss em' despite everything. It's just on and off, I hate you, I miss you....just like our relationship....
It was hot and cold with those 2 toxic mfs.😕
I just wanna have my chance to dominate a guy and get fucked rough and deep. Man or Woman and everyone else under the rainbow too.
I know most pansexuals will say that they don't have a gender preference, but I'm slowly starting to see where my eye keeps getting drawn to the most. And I think it has something to do with the people I messed with already.
I still miss them and maybe I shouldn't overthink it.
But it is disturbing how I keep swiping right on white guys and girls or even mixed chicks that look like Jay either as their nonbinary stage with light brown curly hair Upton, or their pre-trans stage with long curly hair or straight hair. It's the big cat nose, the eyes, the Eyebrows, the glasses, and of course the jawline and the lips, and the strong lip Bridge, all with a soft face, chubby, and the soft white skin and ass.
It's not that many out there that remind me of them, but I've talked to a few smart asses, just like them, that was a pretty close call for me. Cause Jay was pretty. I just want to keep all the good qualities about them, and take out all the bad, the mental trauma, the abusive behavior, and just have a nicer, quiet, less selfish version of Jay who actually smiles and not mean and cranky all the time.
I did match with one who's name was Ryan. And he had the soft round face, light brown curly hair, and the nose, and the lips. I was so freaking close we just clicked right off the bat and had sexted each other on snap. We were so freaking horny and excited. He was really enamored with my boobs in my bikini pic so I sent him those and he kept sending me his luscious pink dick. I haven't had real dick in a longgggg time like not since 2020, it was my ex, and I gave him head.
I still like strap.on too. Don't get me wrong.
But anywho Ryan's Canadian kept saying he wanted to come to America once the border opened back up to take me out to dinner and I said yeaaa I would so be into.fucking you in the bathroom, cause I love public sex. And this was before we started. I made sure to ask are you really coming or is this an online setting thing?
He said no, I really wanna give you this white dick in your mouth.
So I was even more turned on. We kept going snapping pictures. He wanted ass and titty pics. And then he sends me stuff of his dick getting harder and harder which I liked. He said he was 7 in....holy fuck. Wayyyy bigger than my ex Terrell.
But then when I sent ooh I want it on my clit, he stops answering after his last message was oh you want me to rub your clit. And then he goes I came so hard.
He left, yall....while I was still masturbating to this Wigga wtffff?
I even sent a question mark ❓like hellooo selfish ass what about me????
I check back on my phone and the snap I sent was still on delivered and it was 2hrs ago...
I see he posted a story...
Rude ass, inconsiderate bitch.
So you know what, I checked to see when the Canadian border opens back up, it said August 8th.
Last message he got from me before I unfriended him on snap right after I saw red flag 1, ignoring me to post a cat video....#2 Canada border actually is open..
I said "Fine, I understand. I'll unadd you."
That's so.fucking selfish, I helped you cum, so help me finish idiot! That's exactly the shit I won't tolerate no more. Waiting on bitches to text me back when it's obvious they don't care, trying to be ms. Nice girl and give him 3 days....nooooooo
I ain't falling for that shit no more. I'm glad I unmatched his ass too right after.
Pissed me the fuck off, I started having flashbacks of when Jay and Terrell did that shit to me, ignoring texts and pushing me away, not giving a fuck about plans we both already agreed to. Blowing me off like I'm the idiot, I'm the sweet child that will always love them no matter how rude, impulsive, and impossibly disrespectful they were.
The 1st time I had phone sex with Jay, Jay cums and then I said what about me? Jay goes "just take a cold shower. I don't care if you cum"
I was so mortified at how cold, rude, selfish and disrespectful Jay was. Jay said the only person they care about Cumming is Ayunna. And this was wayyy earlier on before they actually did start caring if I came or not...but still that's shitty and poor etiquette.
Just like the real shitty version of Jay. That frugal McDooggle used me and lied to me.
He didn't give a fuck just like they didn't. It made me cry a little cause I was really looking forward to some dick with somebody that at least was chubby, white, and soft like Jay. And he had blue light eyes. I still like Jay's sandy brown eyes tho.
It just sucked....and yea you really shouldn't expect respect from an internet hoe like Ryan.
Kiss my ass Ryan, you'll never taste this ass and titties.
These H's are mine I tell you! Fuck yoooooouuuu.
I will admit, there was this girl by the name of KC, she doesn't seem as interested, but we talked on snap after matching on okc. She likes to read Stephen King books. So I asked her what are you reading now, cause I like smart girls like that. She said it's called The Stand. Talking about a virus that infects the world. It was nice to read that 1st chapter and connect with the character, Stu, who dealt with grief from his wife and mom who both had cancer. I started thinking about Grandma alot tho 😔 in not the most happy sense. The scene felt dark like as if more is to come.
I wonder did Stephen King lose somebody to cancer or was he feeling sick himself. It's got 56 chapters and I did say I would try reading it more. Thank God they had the 1st part of the book on Google preview.
I'm the type to dive in when I meet someone new. I like figuring them out. But so far, I noticed she hasn't texted me back with questions and stuff as much so she's really dry and probably still not sure what she wants rn...she said she's just going with the flow but I think it's a sign she's lonely but wants to see what's outside 1st before she leaves the safety of her world.
She works in retail too at a grocery store. So we connected a bit on that too. It's weird when I'm the more talkative one asking all the questions....thats not a good sign. Ppl who are interested in you, ask you stuff they wanna know too. And I did step back to give her chances to step in....so yea imma keep looking on tinder and okc.
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ghostcurse · 8 years
1, 4, 11, 27
(((: thank you so much~
1. Your first OC ever?
So I mentioned her on my sideblog earlier, and I think you commented on it & I failed to, like, babble about her for you but at any rate
Beatrix De La Fontaine is my oldest character, I made her when I was 8 years old, and she’s gone through an array of changes that I can’t even like??? Fathom to begin talking about. I mean, after all, I was a child. And that still really shows in Beatrix’s personality.
The form that I consider her First Form because she actually had a set personality rather than just Oh Hey It’s Me, was the one I mentioned vaguely, but it’s definitely not the one where she developed depth. She was a magical girl with a giant scythe and her dad was fucking Naraku from Inuyasha. Someone even rped as Naraku for me, they were VERY nice and whimsical and I’m glad they’re one of the first ever people I para-rped with. I was about 12 then. I don’t know why Naraku. Why was I like that. Amazing.
Beatrix’s past has changed only twice, and one was a recent change. Because my friend and I created these ocs together, the collaboration of their past was very ridiculous and very edgy, because I have been goth @ heart all my life, while she was like… Something Corporate style punk depressed. Anyway I may only find it as ridiculous as I do because I’ve kept this up for well over half my life. At this point I’m too sentimental to change it.
Initially, she was the daughter of a death eater lol and he died in the war, and her twin sister was my friend’s oc. They were very evil. Like, chaotic evil. Evil because they wanted to watch the world burn. Eventually, the Twist was that their dad was still alive. Later, this was changed from Death Eater to Serial Killer. Why did he kill? I have no idea. It was goff. Beatrix by then was her own thing, a very childish and emotionally unstable teenager that didn’t deal well with her family affairs, but unconditionally loved her dad. She was the heir to her family’s fortune and she hated her mom. I thought that I could make it a bit more interesting, give up on all this internal misogyny I had for her mom (who was veeeery feminine and Beatrix often had weird internal rants about how she hated that). So, when I revamped her, I switched the roles: Her mother is the serial killer that she inexplicably loves, and fuck her awful dad. In a way, I feel bad for doing this, if only because a friend of mine took Bea’s dad and created something interesting out of him, but he was out of my hands at that point.
Beatrix isn’t a very good person, and I sorta let that mold into its own thing. She sometimes just doesn’t have much control over herself, because she doesn’t know how to handle her emotions, having been isolated in a dusty ol’ manor when she and her mother fled from home for a very long period of time. She was also hella neglected and started latching onto any form of sentimentality she could, making her love her mother and her younger (former twin b4 the change) sister Yvette, whom wrote to her, VERY intensely and without question. Charlotte was disowned by her family for numerous reasons, without like, going super in depth about her bc this is already p long. But in any event, where Beatrix currently stands, she isn’t very fond of her mother anymore and her sister’s corpse is sitting in her fridge while she desperately tries to learn necromancy. Thanks, ma.
Bea works as the head chef at a local diner, where she’s actually really normaling out, and she’s supposed to be kinda mature eventually, albeit still retains her childlike glee about things.
To think she used to be some scene kid.
4. A character you rarely talk about?
That’s quite a bit of them but let’s doooooo Ciel Volkov because he’s newer and therefore I haven’t spoken much about him.
He’s a very pretty boy, works as a chief assistant at the above mentioned Chancelier family’s company, so he like… works for The Big Man himself. In certain instances, his gender changes around, but canonically he’s a transman who’s transitioned via magic potion because fantasy settings ARE. GREAT.
He’s like, really nice but gets emotionally exhausted easily, so he lives in a small shitty apartment with his cat Lasagna Princess and loves it because he can binge on tv and video games while eating nothing but junk food and soda without people judging him (he has, like, six older brothers). Because he was a shit farmer and was often grounded as a kid, he developed talents with technology. Computers and shit are very primitive in my universe, but he’s talented af with them and is basically my Hacker Character. The fact that he’s Russian is seriously purely coincidental.
In DnD he’s a like… 7′0″ or s/t deva paladin that worships a dead god of time. It was great, because he was in a party with a cattine, a dwarf, and a halfling, so it was like…………………. ok guys stack on top of each other to meet Ciel’s eye level. I decided to sorta keep that in my lore for him, where he’s deeply lowkey religious. He’s also a time anomaly, which causes a lot of unreality issues for him. Sometimes he phases through timelines, albeit briefly. He uses light magic and while I haven’t figured out deities completely, he follows the sun bc the sun and moon talk to ppl it’s complicated.
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
So as I sorta mentioned above, I sorta group my characters through sun & moon motifs, but the answer to this is very clearly Kaimana Ohme. He’s unconditionally nice, tho sometimes I like to be spiteful and play him as older and jaded, but he’s still a very good guy.
He’s a skater bro, vegetarian, pastel pink hair, loves the outdoors. He’s chill as hell and has a really welcoming family with his two moms and two adoptive siblings. Kai’s very big brothery and optimistic and stresses communication often. He’s also a HUGE crybaby. I don’t think I ever figured out his talent for magic, but he’s probably a wind caster. Gotta get that sick air, bruh.
I also associate him a lot with bright, sunny beaches, warm sunsets, oranges and pinks and blues.
I think, out of all my characters, he’s the most gentle and grounded emotionally. But he’s also wrestled his best friend to the dirt and forced him to eat grass because they got into an argument– and then immediately felt bad, so lmao.
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
Many of them have been, even if I can’t think of them all right now.
Trent Travis, my gigantic awful shitlord werewolf, was inspired by all of Lonesome Crowded West - Modest Mouse, but particularly Trailer Trash.
Murphy Urquhart, my Main Girl, came to life because of Besitos by Pierce the Veil, which I still actually use as a base for her even tho I don’t really listen to their music much anymore
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