#it’s because I’m trans
rubixcuby · 6 months
Sometimes I see other peoples self inserts and sonas that are way different from their real selves, like alien abominations with several limbs and eyes n stuff, and I’m like oh that’s great!
But when do it I feel cringe. Like. Typical little boy drawing himself with muscles and a few extra inches of height. EuGH.
I just want him to look masculine 😭
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buysomecheese · 7 months
Fucked up that school dances fill me with. Fear.
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scramratz · 1 month
Coworkers said some of the most hateful, bigoted, transphobic shit this morning and ruined my whole day. Like I had a visceral reaction I was fucking shaking with…idk! Anger? Anxiety? Worst is, my manager was the most hateful one! Apparently her sister is a trans woman and she fucking hates her. She’s mad she calls herself a mom despite not giving birth and like…so many moms don’t give birth tf?? If her kids call her mom then what’s the issue why are you mad? She thinks trans women should be hooked up to those period simulators every month if they want to be “real women”. Like bro, even before I transitioned I didn’t have periods wtf you just want to torture trans people what is wrong with you. She said so much shit and that’s just the manager. It was legit all my coworkers and idk man I just idk. I thought about coming out recently but no.
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that-vampire-loser · 3 months
Andrew minyards closet is FULL. he’s the complete opposite of Neil, loves shopping, loves buying clothes (and buying neil clothes).
And what does neil do? Instead of wearing the clothes Andrew buys him, he just wears Andrew’s clothes
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silverliing · 1 year
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“If byler were both girls nobody wou-“ yes they would! as someone who grew up sapphic I would love them even more!
@rainyydazze Ty for putting this in my brain
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pokemon-radical-red · 3 months
Trans men are literally just a joke to so many people. I’ve seen multiple Tik Toks like “When the trans man with HUGE BOOBS(!!!) in a crop top gets mad at me when I misgender him.”
One of these had the OP’s comment of “Why are so many people in my comment section being transphobic towards trans men?”
It’s because you made this a safe space for people who hate trans men!!! You decided to describe trans men’s bodies in dehumanizing, sexualizing ways to make a joke out of us! In what world does “smh trans men are SO EMOTIONAL and expect us to instantly know everything about them and cater to them even though it makes my life so hard (I have to change a word),” not come off as repackaged sexism?
If you say that this is a made up situation, these people will immediately claim that this happens and has happened to them. It’s interesting that either they’re lying or they’re admitting that they’re sexualizing a real man’s body in a way that could easily trigger his gender dysphoria.
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bulldog-butch · 9 months
i’ll be honest i think we put way too much emphasis on ragging on people for who they’re not attracted to or don’t wanna have sex with than just making sure people are treating people they’re not attracted too with the same level of decency and respect that they give to people they are into. like i think it’s very important to deconstruct why you might not be attracted to fat people, or masculine lesbians, or trans people, or people of races that are not your own, but at the end of the day our brains are weird as hell and we ultimately have very little control over who we end up attracted to. but what you do have control over is how you interact with and treat people that you’re not interested in. this is not even to mention that being attracted to a certain feature doesn’t even necessarily mean that you’re treating those people with respect!!!!
i can only speak to my own identities, but at the end of the day i don’t care if you’re not attracted to me because i’m fat or because i’m trans or because i’m masculine. what i do absolutely care about is that you recognize that just because i’m not your cup of tea, doesn’t mean those qualities are inherently unattractive and doesn’t make me any less deserving of respect and kindness
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transmascissues · 8 months
today, my coworkers’ refusal to see me as a man put one of our patients in a position where they felt unsafe for the third time. i’ve been at this job for less than two months total. i don’t even care about getting misgendered anymore, i just want the people we’re supposed to be taking care of to feel comfortable around me.
i work at a hospital where we have to supervise our patients in a lot of vulnerable situations. there are safeguarding rules in place for certain things that male employees aren’t allowed to be present for when it comes to female patients. and yet, the people training me and telling me what to do have repeatedly put me in situations where i’ve been forced to do things that the female patients aren’t comfortable with me doing. and because they have repeatedly failed to teach me the rules for doing my job as a man, i have no way of knowing when i’m crossing one of those lines unless one of the patients tells me.
i’ve had to watch a victim of SA stare at me in abject terror as my coworkers asked her to strip naked with me still in the room. it took several minutes for her to even be able to speak enough to ask if i could leave the room. i found out after that she broke down crying the moment i walked out. my biggest regret is that i didn’t realize what was happening fast enough to leave before she ever had to say something, because she shouldn’t have had to say it. i never should’ve been allowed in the room in the first place, because that’s not something male employees are supposed to be present for. but i didn’t know that yet, because i was training and i thought surely, they wouldn’t train me to do something that directly violated their own safeguarding rules. that moment was the first time, and it’s haunted me ever since, but it wasn’t the last time. not only did it happen for the third time today — it almost happened for the fourth, and would have if someone hadn’t spoken up to say they should pick someone else. i care for these people so deeply, it’s why i took this job, and i’m so tired of hearing the fear in their voices when they have to ask me not to do something i never should’ve been told to do.
i’m very used to the personal discomfort of being misgendered. i willingly deal with it a lot at work as well as in other situations, not because i’m in the closet (at this point in my medical transition that would be impossible), but because it’s such a frequent occurrence with my coworkers that we would never get anything done if i took the time to correct them every time. but to see it get to the point of causing such visceral discomfort in other people? people i’m supposed to be taking care of and keeping safe? that’s something else entirely, and i’m fucking exhausted.
and after all of that, some of them still look at me like i have two heads when they tell me what to do and i say “i can’t do that, only female employees can” because i’m learning now. clearly i’m already seen as a man by our patients, but my coworkers would still rather put them in an unsafe situation than just train me as a man.
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fanboy-feminist · 2 months
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And then immediately going “my dad died of a stroke in 2010” was just. The worst feeling I’ve felt all year.
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buysomecheese · 2 years
‘No, I have big man feet. My feet are as large and manly as I am.”
Woah didn’t know Ron Stampler and I were the same person
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prettyfantasys · 11 days
It’s currently raining and it makes me want to passionately fuck someone. Hearing the rain beating against the room as I’m kissing your shoulders, my hands caressing your exposed skin to the cooling air. At a point the sound of rain would be mixed with our moans and wet sounds of me pounding into you or vice versa <3
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certainty2witch · 1 month
I forgot to post Dragodile ladies here!!
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But here they are
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houseswife · 9 months
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transgender detector going haywire rn…
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heavenlee773 · 1 month
Can you guys tell that I like FOPANW?
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I’m kind of warming up to Jasmine, not because of her character, BUT BECAUSE SHE’S FUN TO DRAW!!
Her outfit’s cute and has personality, which I respect, and her hair is cut to show she’s wild!!
Basically whenever I don’t have a cardboard cut out idea on how to feel about a character, I measure it on how fun they are to draw, and she’s a solid 8! (Which is a lot since I love to put 7 for everything!!)
I went through this process back in let’s say 2022 when I was watching TOH due to a friend’s persistence, and drew Hunter. Beforehand, yeah he was a fun character, but after? HE JUST BECAME BETTER!!
I don’t know, maybe it’s an artist thing, but the moral of the story is—
There is no moral.
I drew it this because Dev looked SO CUTE in this scene and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to draw him.
It had nothing to do with Jasmine…😖
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litterbugsdemise · 1 year
October 13th also known as Friday the 13th… Mcr…please… give us an ablum…..
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chrissy-kaos · 2 months
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Gripping the razor blade, I swear I'd never love again
I'll keep that promise, trust me I won't break it
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