#that’s the second stupidly spelled white girl he’s dated
*cries into the void bc i just want to feel loved+wanted+desired and the only person who sort of made me feel that way left me for a girl with a stupidly spelled name*
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taesanluv3r · 23 days
youthful rebellion
han taesan x reader
reader and secret bf!taesan rebel against their strict parents :3 inspired by the dangerous mv! stealing a car, driving without a license, making-out (sort of, it's implied) gets pretty silly at the end...as expected from a fic by me LMAO lowercase intended. pls excuse any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors! enjoyyyy
wc: 2,279
"wanna do something crazy?"
han taesan and yn ln. two chaotic teens tied by the ropes of their suburban neighbourhood. born to be living and loving their youth- staying out till sunrise with their best-friends, going to parties and getting shit-faced- but forced to be home by their early curfews set by their strictly rule-driven parents. the list of dos and don'ts go beyond anyone's field of vision.
DO: study hard, get good grades, eat healthy foods and sleep early. DON'T: date, sleep around, drink, get home after 8pm...and definitely DO NOT even think about stealing your parents' car.
"depends what 'crazy' is..." yn replies to the boy on the other line of the phone-call. it was almost midnight, all the lights in the neighbourhood had been turned off and everyone was asleep. well, everyone except the two teenagers who, unlike everyone else, refused to retire into their beds. "like...sneak out and steal a car kind of crazy?" taesan's rebellious suggestion shocks her, a silent gasp escaping her mouth. she can hear him laugh, "what? too risky?"
yn moves from her bed to sit on her desk in front of her window. the window that was directly adjacent to his own one. "open your curtain, i wanna see you" she whispers, just in case her parents weren't as deaf as she thought. "mhm" taesan responds quickly before his face comes into view from the house across hers.
they share a smile, stupidly waving at each other. yn blushes when the boy blows her a flying kiss- something both their parents would yell at them for...but mom and dad never had to know, they could go about their secret relationship the way they have been for the past few months since they started dating. behind their backs, staying on the phone all night, and communicating from the window. they don't mind it in the slightest- i mean, how else were they supposed to do it? if they were out together in the day, it'd only be a matter of time before their strict parents figured it out and forbid them from ever seeing each other again. the pair won't lie though, sometimes they wish they could just...rebel.
"what's a pretty girl like you thinking so hard about right now, hm?'' yn could see his mouth move, but the sound only came from out her phone's speaker. "um...nothing" but taesan doesn't believe her for a second. "you can't seriously be considering the sneaking out thing i was talking about...can you?" she doesn't even need to answer. in fact, the fact that she didn't was proof alone that she was indeed thinking about it. the girl looks up to see her boyfriend, only to find him shuffling around his bedroom. her eyebrows furrowed, "what're you doing?" it's silent for a second, but she can see him throw on his sweater.
"come meet me by my garage, we'll take my dad's car"
the girl can't believe her ears, too stunned that she had accidentally zoned out for a moment, only to regain consciousness when she caught a glimpse of the boy waving his hand around at her from his window. "hello? darling, if you're not up for it we don't have-" he was cut off, "no! meet you in 5?" his toothy grin shined brightly, her own one just as pearly white.
it didn't take long for yn to successfully sneak out of her house. she had taken out the battery on the automatic lock about a year ago without her parents knowing, and as it turned out they were much deeper sleepers than she had thought. if she had known sneaking out were this easy, she probably would've done it way before this.
according to plan, the girl quietly walks over to the neighbouring home. she waits by the opened garage, the lights were still off and there was no sign of her boyfriend. 'hope he didn't get caught...' just as the thought crossed her mind, the squeak of a door, followed by soft footsteps enter her ears- and before long, appears her tall and pale, handsome boyfriend.
"hey" he says excitedly, though his voice is hushed and his breathing was heavy. "hi" she mumbles when he engulfs her into his arms. "sorry i took so long, my dad kept the keys on his bed-side table and i had to tip-toe around him...think his snores were loud enough to drown out the noise though" he laughs coming to the end of the sentence, as does she. "c'mon, we better go before it's too late"
as quiet as humanly possible, the pair made it into the car without creating a ruckus. "damn...okay" yn sighs, letting out the breath she didn't even know she was holding. "right...so..." it was silent all of a sudden, the teens staring blankly at the dashboard in front of them. taesan in the driver's seat just as clueless as yn in the passenger's. "so like...are you gonna drive or...?" the girl asks, her gaze moving from the inert wheel to the boy who had his hands wrapped around it. "um...well, i don't really have a license...but...it shouldn't be that hard right?"
normally, the girl would freak out and maybe start a fight but, for whatever reason, all she could bring herself to do right now was...laugh. he did as well, their hysterics muted by the walls of the car, hiding them from the ears of the neighbourhood. "i believe in you" yn says, pressing a motivational kiss to his cheek. taesan finds it ticklish, scrunching his nose at the feeling. "alright..." he begins, sticking in the key to start the car. the engine makes a roaring sound that the pair swears the whole world could probably hear. it gets their hearts racing, the adrenaline rush finally kicking in. "you ready?" he asks, looking for one last bit of reassurance from his girlfriend and his foot over the pedal as he adjusts his posture. she nods at him,
"let's get outta here"
with that, the boy begins to drive, silently making their way out of the garage and onto the road, headed out to the main street. he gets the hang of the steering wheel rather quickly, all their doubts and worries flying straight out the window as they accelerated out of their sleepy neighbourhood.
"oh my god...can't believe we did that" taesan says, looking back at the houses that got smaller and smaller behind them. yn laughs, "eyes on the road, babe" she reminds him, beginning to snoop through the glove compartment for something to put into the CD slot of the radio. "mj...more mj...nirvana...and...'dangerous youth'? what's that?" his girlfriend's question grabs taesan's attention as the car came to a halt at a red-light. "let me see" he says, grabbing the unfamiliar disc from her. "looks like one of my dad's old mixtapes...looks older than me!" the boy hands the thing back over to the girl, moving the car from parking mode as the light turned green.
"should we put it on?"
it takes a minute for the radio to read the disc, a slight buzzing sound entering their ears at it spun within the machine. it's silent for a moment, the orange-ish light of the music-player blinking the words: track 01. a sense of familiarity hit their spines as the first beat of the song played, followed by infamous lyrics that just about anyone could recognize.
'we don't need no education...'
"oh, pink floyd!" as expected from the boy's music-loving father, the band's hit song of the late 70s, Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2. the rebellious teens bounced their heads to an anthem that fit all too well with their actions right now, the boy's fingers tapping against the wheel and the girl playing an imaginary set of drums while they sang along to the tune.
"hey teacher! leave them kids alone!"
the pair drove for about an hour, not a clue where they were even headed. "there's a cliff around the edge of the street, wanna stop there?" taesan asked, turning to look at yn who was staring out the window. "mhm, we could watch the sunrise"
before long they had arrived by the cliff. the car parked beside the road, and the two of them sitting right beside each other on a small patch of grass. it was well into one o' clock in the morning at that point, the skies still dark and the stars bright as ever, decorating the space around the moon.
"the moon is so pretty, isn't it?" yn says, suddenly moved by the atmosphere. it was quiet and cold outside, the only other sound apart from the pair that stayed awake, was the wispy winds against the crispy leaves. "and it'll never lose it's beauty" her eyes turn away from the shining orb of light and over to his, who had been looking at her the whole time. their breaths are heavy, the beating of their hearts loud enough for the both of them to hear. "yn...can i kiss you?" his simple inquiry of consent was enough to melt all her insides. she looks at him with eyes that shined just as the moon did.
taesan wasted no time in pulling her close. her hands in his hair as his own travelled down to her waist. their lips found place in each other's just as quickly, leaving no room for air as their tongues danced a pas de deux within the caves of their mouths. yn tumbles forward, pushing his body down onto the grass, never separating from each other, like they've been starved for years before this.
"yn..." he says, his mouth free to speak when she moves over to his neck. the girl stops for a moment, sitting up straight to look him in the eyes again. the boy's mouth opens to continue, "i love you" she smiles, pulling him close again. "i..." she breathes heavily, kissing him more, "love..." their noses hit each other, and the thin hairs on their bodies create fiction; a ticklish feeling rumbling up in her belly.
"...love you too"
"you think they've noticed we're gone by now?" yn asks, fingers swirling around atop his abdomen, her head on his chest as they laid on the grass. "probably" taesan replies, yawning softly as his hands run through his girlfriend's hair. "think they'll never let us see each other again?" this time he giggles, the vibrations of which go straight to the side of her face. "totally"
yn pouts as she sits up, looking down at the smiling boy with a look of sadness. "aw, baby..." he teases, grabbing her hand to pull her back down towards him. "if they do that to us we'll just have to sneak out again, right?" she sighs, "i guess so...'' the couple falls silent as the pale sky turns orange. the bright sun began to rise, signaling the pair that just as the traces of last night started to disappear, so must their youthful rebellion.
"c'mon" the boy says, helping the girl up. the teens entered the car, a deja-vu sort of feeling coursing through their veins as memories of their midnight adventures flashed over their brains. yn yawns this time, reaching forward to grab her phone from the compartment below the radio. "ah!" she winces when the brightness of the screen shocks her sensitive eyes, taesan laughs at her before reaching for his own phone.
"yikes...thirty missed calls and a hundred and two messages..." she sighs, scrolling through the thousands of notifications from her parents last night. the boy beside her scoffs, "only thirty?" he asked exaggeratedly, earning a worried look in return. "try sixty missed calls and two hundred texts...!"
the couple shares a fit of laughter as they came up with about a million different scenarios for their parents' reaction to them returning home. "no, no! my mom would definitely cry!" she'd say, and he'd shake his head. "not as badly as my dad would!"
han taesan and yn ln quieted down, staring out the main window of the vehicle. "think we'll be grounded?" he asked, as if it weren't obvious. "probably" she replied. the pair turned to face each other, identical smiles placed against their lips. the girl leaned in, pulling him by the collar of his sweater to kiss him- and they continued to kiss for another fifteen or so minutes, until they both desperately needed to breathe again. she giggled, as did he, looking at each other happily as they spoke the same two words.
"worth it"
"you know, i thought when they said 'you two will pay for this!' they meant something a lot worse..." yn said, squeezing out the excess soap from her sponge. "yeah...thought they were gonna cage us in our rooms for the rest of our lives and board up our windows or something...but this? this isn't bad at all!" taesan follows, wiping a bit of sweat that dripped down his face. "in fact..." he says, moving to wrap his arms around the girl. "i quite like washing cars with you"
she giggles at his words, closing her eyes when he presses a kiss to her nose. "i quite like it too..." this time they kissed on the lips, the sponges dropped onto the floor, not at all phased by the foam-y soap that got all over their clothes.
"HEY! I SAID CLEAN THE CAR NOT KISS! THAT'S RIGHT, GET BACK TO WORK!" the boy's dad yells from the front door of their home, shocking the teens for a second before they broke out into laughter.
"tsk...those blasted kids"
the end.
AHHH dangerous is so so good and i love tht mv so so much :3!!! also i actually asked my dad on advice for song choices for tht part when they discover ts' dad's mixtape LMAOO he suggested pink floyd's song and then added tht if it were HIM stealing a car w his gf as a teen it'd be 21+ love songs 😭😭 dad PLS! anyways hope u enjoyed!! reblogs n feedback r so appreciated <3 love, kona.
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unusualslytherin · 3 years
The Harry Potter series has it’s flaws, as well as the fandom itself, but the people who try to say Harry was a “privileged white jock boy” make me absolutely cringe.
He was an orphan, a victim of abuse, and a victim of bullying (which is really just another form of abuse, tbh). No amount of “being a jock” or “having a ton of money” (that he can’t use too openly without the Dursleys trying to steal it) or fame changes that. He was literally being starved and not allowed to leave his room except to use the bathroom in the second book. If you can call an abused child “privileged” then something is wrong with you.
I’m also a bit baffled when people use “He married his High School sweet heart” as an attack towards the series because, many people do, especially when they started dating towards the END of high school. Would you rather he had gone the generic “marry the girl of the group because she apparently is only there to be his love interest” route that was popular at the time? Could their relationship have been handled better? Sure. But it’s still a realistic outcome, and fans at the time would have rioted if they just broke up and married characters we never got to read about.
“He was a dumb jock” comes up stupidly often, too. Can we please leave that “jocks are dumb assholes who deserve to be made fun of all the time” mentality back in the 90′s to early 2000′s where it belongs? Newsflash: None of the bullies I or many other people went to school with were the jocks. As a matter of fact, sometimes the jocks were the ones confronting the bullies. Why? Because whether or not you play sports in school doesn’t determine whether or not you’re a good or smart person, you dolts! I knew a friendly kid who was on the football team and the honor roll! What’s next? You also going to assume all emos want to shoot up schools and cut themselves? That all feminine blonde girls who wear pink are bullies who pick on the geeky girls who talk in nasally voices, wear giant glasses, and have no interests outside books? (Actually, you could argue Hermione is a bad stereotype of nerds) That all goths are sad all the time, and roll their eyes at the color pink? Grow up, life isn’t a  Disney Channel sitcom. Also, Harry wasn’t dumb by any stretch of the imagination. Yeah, he struggled in some classes, but he excelled in DADA, was able to do well in potions when given better instructions, and was noted for being able to perform difficult spells.
There are PLENTY of valid criticisms of the series, such as how Merope Gaunt was painted as the victim after using magic to force a man to love her just because she was mistreated before that, J.K. Rowling’s terrible comments online, Dumbledore’s leaving Harry with the Dursleys being brushed aside as “so this spell could protect Harry” far too late into the series, the whole “every character based on someone Rowling didn’t like is in Slytherin” thing, Rowling making up representation that wasn’t actually in the books so try and get woke points, etc. But trying to paint Harry as a privileged, rich, “dumb jock” is ABSURD given his circumstances.
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lailaliquorice · 5 years
I have been a fool for lesser things
and it’s angst angst. But hey this was fun to write and it has a happy ending. there will be a follow-up oneshot to this to give everyone what they’ve been waiting for which I’ll probably write up a bit later and post tonight c: it’s not spell checked bc I have to rush out so I’ll correct it later lol
tw for drink spiking and general hospital stuff bc I know that makes some people uncomfortable
It was tradition for the queens to go down to the pub for an evening out; it was their favourite way of celebrating the end of a long week, all squashed around a table and relaxing with drinks in hand in each other’s company. But today found Anne at a different pub than their favourite local tavern, and in an unusual though not unwelcome change there was only one other queen with her.
“Here’s to a spontaneous night out,” Cathy said, chinking her raspberry gin against Anne’s vodka lemonade as they sat down at a free table. It was earlier than they usually went out because neither of them had performed that night, since it had been Anne’s random show off and Cathy had scheduled the day off so she could attend a conference.
As a result, when Cathy got home to find a very bored Anne she’d suggested they wander down to the new bar they’d been meaning to try out for a while, and Anne had been eager to agree. The thought that she was essentially on an unofficial date with Cathy kept circling around her mind but she kept shoving it down. “Here here,” she echoed, taking a generous swig of her drink while Cathy only sipped hers lightly. “So how was the conference?” she asked, remembering how excited Cathy had been before she set off that morning.
“Really interesting thank you. It’s nice to actually be taught something for a change; doing my own research is all well and good but you can learn a lot by being lectured by someone as knowledgeable as the Professor was. I had plenty of questions for her afterwards,” Cathy said, her face lit up by her smile. Anne always thought she practically glowed whenever she started to ramble about something that interested her, and she could have listened to her talk forever. After several minutes of Cathy talking about everything she’d been told, she cleared her throat slightly sheepishly and added “Sorry if that was more than you wanted to know. How was your day?”
Anne laughed, shaking her head. “I asked ‘cause I wanted to know, you don’t need to be sorry,” she said, grinning when Cathy’s shy smile returned. “And I just got stuff done really, dealt with the laundry that Jane was ready to murder me over and tidied my room. Was a bit lonely though so this is really nice, thanks for the suggestion.”
Cathy shrugged, still smiling at Anne as she said “You’re very welcome, it’s a lovely end to a lovely day.”
When their drinks were both running low, Anne downed the remainder of hers before insisting on getting refills for them both. Cathy watched her go with a fond smile, too preoccupied by chastising herself for her stupidly fast heartbeat whenever Anne smiled at her to notice that she wasn’t alone until she heard a male voice say “Hello sweetheart.”
Cathy almost jumped, looking around to see the man who had slid into Anne’s seat. “Oh, hello,” she said, not trying particularly hard to feign interest.
“Haven’t seen you around before. What brings a pretty girl out here alone tonight?”
“No, I usually go somewhere else,” Cathy replied, not bothering to answer his second question. She avoided his gaze as she drank the rest of her drink, hoping he’d be put off by her disinterest and leave her alone.
To her frustration though, he only smiled a little wider. “Well, I’d say you have a good choice in bars then. Can I get you another drink?”
Cathy shook her head, sneaking a quick glance towards the bar to try and see if Anne was on her way back yet. “No thank you, my friend is already getting me another,” she said, voice a little firmer as she refused his offer.
His smug look faltered for a moment, then fell altogether at the sound of someone coughing pointedly just before Cathy felt someone’s arms over her shoulders. “Hey hun, who’s come to join us?” Anne asked, resting her head close to Cathy’s as she stared down the stranger.
“Oh, you didn’t say it was that sort of friend, I’ll be out of your way,” the man said hurriedly, not looking at Cathy as he practically stumbled in his haste to get out of Anne’s chair. Cathy watched silently as he disappeared into the crowd, too distracted by the feeling of Anne’s breath against her neck to say anything.
Anne gave a low chuckle before moving round the table to sit back down,  and Cathy immediately missed the warmth of Anne pressed up against her back. “Sorry if that made you uncomfortable, thought it’d made him go away faster. You alright?” Anne asked. There was a blush across her cheeks as she met Cathy’s gaze for a split second before dropping her eyes again.
“I’m fine, and of course not. Thank you for saving me,” Cathy said, prompting Anne to look back up at her with a happy grin.
After a moment of them both looking into each other’s eyes, Anne clicked her fingers in apparently realisation as she jumped back out of her chair. “Forgot the drinks! Back in a mo!” she yelled as she sprinted back towards the bar, leaving Cathy to watch her go with a giddy smile that she didn’t bother trying to conceal.
But by the time Anne returned after actually ordering their drinks the second time around, Cathy was just staring at the opposite wall with an empty look on her face. “Hey, you ok?” Anne asked, putting their drinks down on the table as she looked at Cathy worriedly.
Cathy shrugged, swallowing heavily before she spoke. “I don’t know. I don’t feel very well all of a sudden.”
“Do you want to go home?” Anne asked, not caring that she’d just brought two new drinks at the sight of her friend looking so unsettlingly grey.
Nodding, Cathy murmured a quiet “Yes please.”
Anne stood first and put one arm around Cathy’s waist to help her to her feet. Slowly they made their way out of the bar, but when Cathy caught her foot on the doorway Anne just about managed to react quickly enough to catch her albeit clumsily. “Woah, I got you. Let’s stop for a sec. You doing ok?” she asked, leading Cathy over to crouch down by the wall.
“I didn’t drink that much,” Cathy said as she sat down heavily, almost overbalancing sideways and needing Anne to correct her again. “It was only one double gin, that shouldn’t… I’m not… uhhh…”
She trailed off with a groan and cradled her head in her hands, prompting an increasingly worried Anne to rub her back gently as she breathed heavily. Seconds later she was vomiting on the pavement, her head pounding and her vision blurring so much that she could barely notice Anne’s hands holding her steady. She was sure she heard Anne say something in a voice rising with panic, but then her shaking limbs gave out and her eyes rolled upwards as she collapsed into Anne’s arms.
1am found Anne sat in a hospital waiting room with her knees pulled up to her chest.
The wait for the ambulance had been torturous, as all she could do was hold onto Cathy’s lifeless form in her trembling hands and pray for help to get there faster. Then they were both bundled into the back of the ambulance, Cathy on the stretcher bed with an oxygen tube in her nose and heart monitor beeping slowly while Anne just clung onto her hand and tried not to get in the way. Then they arrived at the hospital and Cathy was whisked away behind closed doors, and Anne was left alone.
Footsteps approaching made her look up to see a doctor standing by her. “Are you here for Miss Parr?” he asked.
“Yes,” Anne said immediately, jumping to her feet. “She’s alright, isn’t she? Please tell me she’s ok.” She hated the waver in her voice as she practically begged the doctor, but she was too terrified to care.
“She’s stabilised and will be absolutely fine,” he said, and Anne felt her knees go weak with relief as she sagged back into her chair. “She’ll need to remain here for a day or two for monitoring and will be back to full health before long. But we found something when we tested her blood, and we believe that her drink was spiked.”
Anne felt her blood run cold as the doctor spoke. Her first thought was how lucky Cathy had been that she wasn’t alone; her second was the man who Anne had found sat at their table as Cathy finished her drink. For several moments she was quiet, thoughts whirling faster than she could deal with them, before she looked up and asked “Can I see her?”
The doctor nodded. “She’s asleep for now but will most likely start to come around within the next few hours. But you’re welcome to stay with her.” He led her down a corridor into the ward, then pushed open a door labelled ‘C. Parr’ and motioned for her to go in.
Anne’s eyes instantly landed on Cathy lying motionless in the hospital bed, the only signs of life being the steady trace of the heart monitor and the shallow rise and fall of her chest. She dimly heard the door being closed behind her, the sound jolting her back to life from where she’d frozen for a moment. The sight of Cathy, brave beautiful Cathy, looking so small in a hospital gown beneath ghost-white sheets was enough to make her stomach turn.
Finally finding her feet again, she crossed the room and dragged a chair over to sit by Cathy’s bedside. As she went to take her hand again she paused when she saw the tube in the back of her hand connected to a bag of fluids, but after a second’s painful hesitation where the lack of physical contact became too much she resolved to just hold her hand carefully. She needed the feeling of Cathy’s skin on hers, the reminder that she was ok and that Anne hadn’t lost her.
Her phone flashing in the dimly lit room reminded her that she hadn’t checked her notifications since leaving the bar, and she opened her phone to see several unread messages from the rest of the queens. She didn’t bother reading them before she clicked on one contact and pressed the call button, holding her phone to her ear in a shaking hand.
“Finally! Why in God’s name haven’t you been answering anyone? I had to talk Jane down from going on a manhunt!”
Anne’s lip trembled at the frustration in Aragon’s tone, unable to say anything until the line had fallen quiet. “Catherine,” she said, her voice thin with barely contained panic.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Aragon asked, suddenly sounding concerned.
“We’re in hospital.” The second those words were out in the open the dam broke, and she dropped Cathy’s hand to clamp her hand over her mouth in an attempt to stifle her sobs.
It was a long while before Aragon could make herself heard over Anne’s shuddering breaths. “Just breathe Anne, take a deep breath and calm down for a second,” Aragon said soothingly, and Anne hummed in affirmation as she gasped air into her lungs. After a few seconds Aragon continued “There you go, that’s better. Now slowly tell me what happened.”
Hearing Aragon’s firm voice down the phone felt like Anne had been thrown a life ring while she was drowning. “We- we were at a bar and someone spiked her drink,” she explained haltingly between breaths, pausing to wipe away the tears that streamed down her face. “She blacked out and I called an ambulance and now we’re at hospital. She’s sleeping but they said- they said she’ll be ok in a few days.”
“That’s a relief,” Aragon sighed, and Anne hummed again. They were both quiet for a minute before Aragon added “Do you want me to come down there with you?”
Anne considered it for a moment, before she shook her head. “No, it’s ok. They might not let anyone else in this late anyway,” she said, knowing it had to be well into the small hours. Her voice shook again as she asked “Can you come tomorrow though?”
“Of course I will dear,” Aragon said, and Anne smiled at both her answer and the term of endearment. “Try and get some sleep, and I’ll be there in the morning. Everyone has gone to bed but I’ll let them know what happened, you just worry about looking after yourself and Cathy. Ok?”
“Ok,” she echoed quietly.
Once the call was over, Anne looked back over at Cathy’s peaceful expression as she slept on. Figuring she ought to take Aragon’s advice if she didn’t want to hear about it in the morning, she pulled her chair closer to the bed and kicked her shoes off before tucking her legs underneath her so that she was curled up semi-comfortably in the armchair. Resting her head on her elbow and holding Cathy’s hand again, she continued to watch her soft breathing for a while until her eyelids eventually fluttered closed and she fell into an uneasy sleep.
The first thing that Cathy became aware of was the faint beeping in the background. Then the dully throbbing pain in her head that made her groan softly. She went to lift her hand to her head but paused when someone’s fingers tightened around hers, prompting her to open her eyes. To her confusion it wasn’t her own four walls she saw when she looked around slowly, her vision blurring slightly as she turned her head, but her rising panic was quelled a little when she saw who was clinging onto her hand.
Anne was somehow curled up in an armchair a couple of feet away, gangly legs folded awkwardly underneath her in a position that hardly looked comfortable. She was asleep with her hair falling in front of her face, meaning that her holding onto Cathy’s hand was entirely subconscious.
Cathy smiled for a moment before she saw the tubes that had been taped into the back of her hand and crook of her elbow. That was when she remembered the beeping that had woken her up, and she glanced upwards to see a heart monitor as well as the two fluid bags that her IV drips were connected to. There was a tube in her nose too, lying uncomfortably on her skin and rubbing against her ears. She was in hospital. And while she could recognise how terrible she was feeling, she had no idea why.
Frantically trying to think back to the previous evening, her dread worsened as she realised the amount of gaps there were in her memory. She could remember going out with Anne, how Anne had linked their arms together as they walked down the road, but that was the last of it. Anything could have happened since then and Cathy was entirely clueless.
Her breathing quickened in her panic, a stray tear escaping down her cheek as her mind whirled uncontrollably with thoughts of what could have happened. Was there something really wrong with her? Was Anne ok? Did the others know what had happened?
The heart monitor’s steady beeping escalated as she panicked, flashing a warning just as Anne’s head flew up from her arm. She looked around disorientated for a moment before her eyes landed on Cathy and she uncurled her legs to sit on the edge of the bed. “Shh you’re ok Cathy, it’s alright you’re fine,” Anne said, grabbing Cathy’s hands in a role reversal of how they’d been when Anne had the first panic attack in front of her. “We’re in hospital but it’s ok, there’s nothing wrong and you’re gonna be fine in a bit. I’ve got you.”
Cathy nodded, then groaned again as the pain in her head increased sharply and her stomach turned. “What- what happened?” she asked, her voice cracking with how painfully dry her throat was. “I can’t remember anything, I know we went out last night but I don’t remember anything else.”
“We tried out the new bar last night and someone spiked your drink,” Anne said gently, giving a reassuring smile as Cathy’s expression dropped in shock. “There was a guy who approached you while I was at the bar, it must’ve been him. You were really sick and I called an ambulance and… and yeah, that’s how we’re here,” she finished lamely.
As Anne explained, Cathy noticed for the first time how pale her face was and the dark circles under her bloodshot eyes. Clearly the night had taken a toll on her as well.
“Do the others know?” she asked.
Anne nodded. “Yeah, I called Aragon last night and she said she’d come visit a bit later.” She paused to glance at the clock before correcting herself with “Well, maybe a lot later ‘cause it’s only 6 in the morning. You were out for about 9 hours.”
“Longest I’ve slept in a long time,” Cathy joked hoarsely, relieved when Anne cracked a tiny smile.
“Yeah, guess so,” she said, before her expression turned serious again. “They said you’d feel a bit rough for a while and you can probably go home tomorrow. And then I guess you can decide if you want to report him or not.”
Cathy thought for a moment, wishing she could remember what the man looked like or even what he’d done. “Probably,” she said after a while. “If I can remember enough to give a police report. I just wish I’d been more careful.”
“Hey, don’t go thinking this is your fault. That guy was the piece of shit, not you,” Anne said firmly, frowning for a moment before her expression softened. “And I’ll help you if you still can’t remember. I was there too y’know, you weren’t alone in this.”
She hummed in agreement, giving Anne’s hands a tender squeeze. “I know. And it’s thanks to you that I came out of this ok, so thank you Anne. It could have been a lot worse if I didn’t have you,” she said, looking earnestly at her friend.
Anne nodded in response, before her expression crumpled and she looked away at the ground. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Cathy asked, suddenly concerned.
“Sorry, I dunno why I’m upset when you’re the one who’s hurt,” Anne muttered, taking one hand back to wipe her eyes roughly. “I just… I was so scared when you blacked out that I was gonna lose you, and I dunno what I’d do without you because you’re amazing and I love you and it was really really scary.”
The confession didn’t go unnoticed by Cathy even in her groggy state, and she might have grinned with shock and joy if it wasn’t for the fact that her friend-turned-something was sobbing uncontrollably as all her fears from the past 12 hours came flooding out. “Come here love,” she said softly, opening her arms as Anne crawled up to lie next to Cathy while being painstakingly careful of the wires and tubes she was hooked up to. Cathy held her close as she buried her head in her chest, running fingers through her hair and whispering comforts into her ear. “I’m here, ok? I’m not going anywhere. I’ve got you and we’re ok.”
“Mhm,” Anne murmured, her voice muffled by Cathy’s hospital gown.
Cathy continued to run her fingers through Anne’s hair and rub soothing circles into her back, noticing as all the tension left her shoulders and she relaxed heavily into Cathy’s hold. “How much sleep did you get last night?” she asked quietly.
Anne shrugged. “I dunno. I think I fell asleep at like 2.”
“Do you want to sleep here?”
“Yes please. You’re comfy.”
Cathy smiled at Anne’s response. She could feel her own exhaustion taking over again, and the comforting weight of Anne lying against her was enough to pull her towards unconsciousness again. There was so much she wanted to say, so much they needed to talk about, but they had time for that. For the moment though, Cathy kissed Anne’s forehead before resting her head atop her hair and giving into sleep.
When Aragon creaked open the door a few hours later, she was hardly surprised by the sight that awaited her. Cathy was lying asleep in the hospital bed, monitors beeping a peaceful rhythm which quelled the fears that had kept Aragon awake most of the night. But tangled up in her embrace was none other than Anne Boleyn. While she might have been unhappy a few months ago when her regard towards Anne was still poor, their now close relationship meant that she only smiled fondly at the pair of them.
She kept her footsteps silent as she took a picture of them both, then made herself comfortable in a chair across the room while she texted it to Jane to reassure her that all was fine. She’d come down to the hospital on her own after filling in Jane on what had happened, and she knew that the other three queens would hurry down to join them as soon as Kat and Anna had woken up. That gave Cathy and Anne a few more hours of peace and quiet in each other’s arms.
Her goddaughter and her almost-foster-daughter. Aragon couldn’t help but feel like a proud parent.
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One night stand pt 2
Pairing : Jimin x Reader ♡
Plot: What happens when your hook up turns out to be none other than Park Jimin?
Warning: Smut ⇨ oral sex f. receiving unprotected sex { stay safe kids} dirty talk slight dom behavior penetrative sex
A/n this was the first full length fic I wrote months ago when I just started writing so please excuse me if you cringe. I know I did writing the smut was tough reading it over was even tougher. This was really an excuse to write Jimin smut with semblance of a plot. 
part 1
“Y/n get out here” you roomie called from the living room a second time, after you ignore her the first time around. You swore as you push back the chair you were sitting on away from the desk you were perched on. What could she possibly want? You told her you had a report to submit to your boss on Monday bright and early which you didn't appreciate because it was Saturday and you much prefer to be kicked back relaxing, instead of busting your ass on a damn report
“Y/n” she called again this time more loudly.
“Yah I'm coming!” You called irritation dripping in your voice as you heave of the chair and make for the your room door opening it dramatically as you stomp towards where Lisa voice had called you from. “Lisa I swear this better be good or i-”
Your breath caught in your throat, leaving you with your mouth open as you gaze at the sight before you. You felt light headed and you staggered slightly from shock  as you feared your feet might give way beneath you.
You could not believe it, but there it was in the form of Park Jimin in your living room. You watched him  he look just as you remembered him from a month ago. A month it had been since your encounter. Since you decided your favorite night club was no longer safe to go in fear he might come looking for you which was utter ridiculous he was Korea's most eligible bachelor he could have anyone he desired. A month since you decided to put what had happen between the two of you behind you. But Lo and behold what you had put behind you was now standing in front of you.
“Y/n” he said pulling you from your thoughts. You stared at him dumbfounded.Why did he look so nervous? He ran his hand through his hair and you wish he would stop doing that because Lord it expose his forehead that beautiful smooth expanse of skin.
“J-jimin what are you doing here? “ you croaked. Wait why did you sound like a cat who got dosed in water?
He open his mouth to say something.
“Right so I was just heading out I'll see you guys later” Lisa said breaking the spell of you not taking your eyes of him. You turned at her voice completely forgetting her presence as she picked up her bag of the chair then head towards for the door. You watched her leave but before she closed the door she mouthed ‘oh my god get that ass ’ at you and then disappeared you sigh typical Lisa.
You turned your attention back to the man in your living room and you felt your heartbeat
accelerated because he looked so damn fine.
He wore a faded blue ripped jeans and the bit of flesh that was exposed did nothing to calm your nerve. His white t shirt fit him to perfection and you found yourself remembering what his skin felt like under your fingertips.
You swallowed as your gaze landed on his face he looked good just as you
remembered blond hair bronze skin and seductive plump lips. Lord have mercy.
“I need my sweatshirt back”
“What?” you asked stupidly.
“My sweatshirt”
“Oh” you said as you looked down face flaming in embarrassment because here you were in said sweatshirt. To be fair you did try to post it back to him but it was the only reminder you had of what had transpired between you too, so in the end you decided to keep it. Hey you figured he wouldn't miss it. Plus it was really comfortable.
You looked back up to see him checking you out his eyes lingering on your exposed thigh. You thought about tugging it down a bit but thought better of it.
“Is that why you are here?” You asked as you found the courage to move closer to where he was standing in the middle of your living room. He watched as you draw closer eyes never leaving you.
You was standing in front him now not too far but definitely not to close either as you folded your arms in front you. You watched him intently waiting for his answer.
“ You left without saying goodbye” he said sticking his hand into his jeans pocket.
“That I did”
Why? Oh I don't because you're you and I'm me that's why. You didn't know if he deserve to know why you left, it's not like you're was together or anything it was sex, one night of pure unfiltered mind-blowing sex. Then you ran away like a coward after you found out who he was. But now things had come back full circle to smack you in your face.
“Why didn't you tell me who you were?” You put extra emphasis on the why while pointing a finger at him dramatically. He sigh hands coming out of his pocket to run through his hair in frustration you assume.
“Was it really necessary that I did? That isn't the first thing I say to people when I meet them. It's not the most important thing about me”
Damn he was right you realize you were judging him on who you thought he was and not who in fact he was.
“How did you find me anyways”
“A private investigator” he deadpan.
You choked “w-what why”. He looked down slightly embarrassed then raise his head to look at you again. “I needed to see you again” he said softly biting his lips.
You wished he wouldn't do that because it left you feeling like you're the one who should be biting it.
“Jimin we hooked up it was great but I don't see this going any further I like my privacy”
He move towards you and you were caught between moving backwards and staying right there just to see what he would do. You settled for the latter.
“What makes you think I don't have privacy? “ he asked dangerously close to you if you were to unfold your arms and reach out you would touch him.
You scoffed at him because you didn't have an answer you assume he didn't because how could he.
“Is that the reason you ran away? Because you think dating me is an invasion of privacy?”
Say no say no say n-
“Yes” you sigh. Truth be known you did want him to make you breakfast to take you on a date like he promise a month ago. Him showing up out of nowhere made you realize this. That you like him that you wanted to see where things go that you miss him. God have you really being lying to yourself and your friend for weeks pretending you didn't want to see him again?
“I have more privacy than you think y/n” he said softly pulling you from your thoughts.
You looked up at him. “What do you want from me jimin?”
He didn't falter with his answer. “I want exactly what I said I wanted a month ago” he whispered his breathe fanning your face and you felt arousal rise deep inside you.
You turn away from him giving him your back arms still folded around you. “What color are my eyes?”
“My eyes what color are they?”
He pause and for a moment your heart sank but then he spoke his sweet voice music to your ears.
“They're brown…. the most perfect shade of rich honey” he was standing close to you. You could feel him all around you, his breathe, his scent, engulfing you in a cocoon of sensations. Your breath started to come out in little gasp as he bend to whisper in your ears. “But when the sunlight hit it as it do now it turns into the most beautiful color my eyes have seen, the color of the sunset”.
You were speechless truly you wasn't expecting all that really he could of just gone with brown. You knew you couldn't deny him any longer you wasn't going to fight this feeling, just like water you was going to go with the flow. You turn around to look up at him this beautiful perfect man in front of you.
“You could of just said brown” you smile shyly looking down. He tilted your chin back up to meet his gaze, “Just brown don't do it any justice”.
Your throat felt dry so you swallowed under his intense gaze as your tongue came out to wet your lips. He watched fascinated by this and his eyes grew dark as his lips descended towards yours.
Your lips connect in the most softest of kiss,just his lips against you brushing over yours testing the waters analysing your reaction. Your arms was still folded in front of you thus preventing any contact besides your lips. But when he nibbled on your bottom lip with his teeth drawing a soft moan from you, making heat surge from your core to soak through your panties,you knew you were lost.
Your arms reached out from in front of you to run up the plains of his torso until it entwined around his neck pulling him closer as your lips parted under his. Your tongue clash together now in desperation as his hands came to rest on your hips drawing you closer to him. Another moan escaped you as you
felt his growing erection press against your lower abdomen as his grind his hips with yours.
The kisses was desperate sloppy a clash of tongue and teeth fussing together, you felt how desperate he was by the way he grip your hips tightly as if trying to draw you into him. But then he was breaking the kiss but only to trail more across your cheeks his mouth wet on your skin from the mixture of saliva, you shivered from the contact.
He was nibbling at your earlobe now as his hand trail over your body down your back to stop at your ass only to grip it tightly.
“ Fuck baby girl please tell me you're not on your period right now” he growled in your ear.
You blush hotly at his words. “I'm not” you whispered. Before you knew what was happening he let out an animalistic growl scooping you up in his arm.
Your protest was cut off by his mouth on yours again as he make for your room. He break the kiss but only to ask which door, which you barely had time to say ‘second on the left’ before his tongue was in your mouth again.
Thankfully you had left your door open when Lisa had called you earlier he entered not even glancing around only to unceremoniously drop you on your bed, you squealed as you bounce for a bit then settle in the middle.
“Wait” you said as he make to join you on the bed. He looked at you unknowingly, you smile as you move down the bed towards him.
“Take your shirt off let me look at you”
He smirked at you but proceed with your request. You were seated at the edge of your bed feet of the side Jimin standing before you as he grip his shirt by the collar and bring it up over his head in that sexy way men do only to throw it on your vacant chair. Your breathe caught as your eye took in his expose torso. Lord he was magnificent. You didn't believe people was perfect but Jimin definitely was. Did he looked this good a month ago when you guys hooked up?Probably but he definitely been working out.
“Do you have to be so perfect? “ you asked as you ran your hand up his taut stomach You heard his swift intake of breath as your fingers connect with his skin.
“I'm far from perfect baby” he chuckled.
The use of that pet name making your insides tingle with desire.
“I don't know you definitely fool me” you mused as you continue exploring his body. His skin felt like silk under your administration of your fingers as you trail across his nipples the coarse hair that adorn his bud tingling your fingertips. You trailed downwards across the outline of his washboard abs marvelling that he was so toned. You continued lower still to the outline of that dangerous V line that cut so deep then disappearing beneath the black boxers he was wearing. Your stomach quiver and the urge to sink your teeth into it overwhelming you so just gave in.
It started off soft your lips brushing against his abs but your tongue had a mind of your own and before you knew it you were licking his abs from top to bottom. He shuddered and you had to grip his waist to keep him still.
“Fuck shit baby girl you will be the death of me” he hissed .You smirked against his skin before continuing to tease him this time sucking hard on his hips with one purpose in mind marking him. He gasp and swore again as you pulled away in time to see the
purple bruise forming on his skin.
“Enough teasing I wanna be inside you right now”. Before you could protest he was pulling you to your feet, mouth connecting with yours simultaneously.
He made short work of undressing you flinging your sweatshirt to join his on the chair until you
stood before him in nothing but your heart print boy shorts. You suddenly felt shy as he drink in your semi nakedness. One hand make to cover your breast the other your shorts. He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Don't be shy sweets” he crooned as he gently pulled your hand away. “ you are so beautiful let me see all of you”.
You look up at him and saw the sincerity written all over his face what choice did you have but to believe him. “On the bed for me” he said huskily and you wasted no time in complying backing up until you lay in the middle. You watched as he shed his pants before crawling towards you. You
open your legs for him so he could fit perfectly between them. He was back to kissing you
urgently and sloppily his arousal sure as he pressed against your naked tummy that you felt the stickiness of his precum through his boxer where it connect with your skin and it only add fuel to your fire.
When he break from you it was only to offer your neck some attention sucking, biting and teasing.
You were a panting mess below him when his lips connect with your nipple hot and heavy that you couldn't help the moan that escape you. His teeth was pulling at your abused bud and you felt you
may go insane from the pleasure.
“J-jimin please” you begged as he moved to the other peak only to repeat his action.
“Jimin please what? “ he teased as he continued lower still trailing a hot path on your belly until he buried his face in your mound. Before you knew it he was making short work of removing your panties and tossing it aside.
“You're so wet baby” he groaned as his trace the outline of your lips with his fingers. Oh you didn't doubt it one bit.
“I thought about this pussy every single day after you left” he said as he parted your folds your wetness make for easy access as he slipped a finger inside you, hesitating not for a second but pumping in and out of you. You moan loudly and gripped your sheet the sensation couple with his dirty talk taking your arousal to new heights.
“Fuck jimin baby don't s-stop” you pleaded.
He smirked “I don't plan too” Another finger slip inside you causing you to scream in pleasure.
“ I'm gonna make you suffer so the next time you think about leaving me your feet wouldn't dare carry you” the threat in his voice only serve too spur you on and before you could say anything you contracted around his fingers as your orgasm ripped through you like a tidal wave.
“Fuck baby did you just come?” Jimin marvelled  as he continue to move in and out of you. You didn't trust yourself to speak so you just nodded as you close your legs to still his fingers overstimulation becoming too much for you. Unfortunately for you he wasn't done yet because he was prying your legs open again.
“I'm not finish with your punishment yet baby” he growled. The dangerous glint in his eyes had you squirming away from him, you wince as he let he fingers fall from you.
“Jimin no please I'll be good” you pleaded.
“Oh I don't doubt it” was all you heard as you watched unable to do anything as his head
disappeared between your legs. Pain soon gave way to pleasure as he begin to kitten lick at your core arousal building within you again. His tongue was like morning coffee on your pussy hot and oh so delicious.
Jimin was merciless in his ministration hell bent on punishing you no doubt,but was it really a
punishment if it felt this good? Your clit was in his mouth sucking and pulling the abuse bud as your head fall back into the pillow hands coming to entwined in his golden locks maybe it was to push him away but your body had a mind of its own because you was pressing him closer to you.
He moaned into you and you felt the vibration ripple through all the way down to your toes. You felt your orgasm reach its peak barely giving you time to whisper a warning as it ripped through you for the second time today.
Thankfully this time he didn't continue to torture you moving away from you dripping pussy. You
looked at him through hooded eyes as you came down from your high kneeling between your legs your juices coating his pink plump lips. By God it was the most erotic sight you've ever seen.
“Jimin I need you inside me” you whine as he wiped his mouth with the back of hand.
“You're so needy love even after two orgasm you still want my dick”
Hell yes you wanted him looking the way he did right now you wanted all of him right now.
You felt him move away from you but you didn't want him to go so you wrapped your legs around him drawing him back to you. Your attack caught him by surprise as he fall unto you crushing you below you didn't mind though it's the kind of weight you needed. He smiled at you a full kind of smile that had his eyes disappearing into crescent moon his cheeks full round and pinchable. You felt your heartbeat quicken and the feeling of butterflies appeared in your stomach, you knew had nothing to do with your arousal.
“Y/n if you trap me here like this I won't be able to fuck you into these sheets” he said it playfully but it still sounded dirty to your ears.
You caved and realise him and he quickly slid down the bed to shed his boxers until he stood before you in all his God given naked glory. You sat up on elbow to look at him, at his dick as it stood no doubt painfully hard and proud his pink head leaking more precum. You wet your lips in anticipation as he pumped himself a few times then joined you on the bed.
“Are you ready for me babygirl? “ he asked as he line himself up with your entrance. You nodded not trusting yourself to speak as you relax into the pillow. He rubbed his head against your dripping entrance and you moan in response.
“Fuck baby your pussy is dripping down here” he groaned. You buck your hips up to create friction to get him to penetrate you but all it did was allow him to slide upwards due to your wetness in turn brushing against your clit causing you to mewl in pleasure. He smacked the outside of your thigh you looked at him questionly.
“Stop moving or I will spread you across my thigh and spank you”he growled. Fuck now you were definitely tempted to keep moving, the fuck didn't he know you loved nothing better than being dominated.
“Jimin no please I'll be good” you pleaded.
“Oh I don't doubt it” was all you heard as you watched unable to do anything as his head
disappeared between your legs.Pain soon gave way to pleasure as he begin to kitten lick at your core
arousal building within you again. His tongue like morning coffee on your pussy hot and oh so
Jimin was merciless in his ministration hell bent on punishing you no doubt,but was it really a
punishment if it felt this good? Your clit was in his mouth now sucking and pulling the abuse bud as
your head fall back into the pillow hands coming to entwined in his golden locks maybe it was to
push him away but your body had a mind of its own because you was pressing him closer to you.
He moaned into you and you felt the vibration ripple through. You felt your orgasm reach its peak
barely giving you time to whisper a warning as it ripped through you for the second time today.
Thankfully this time he didn't continue to torture you moving away from you dripping pussy. You looked at him through hooded eyes as you came down from your high,now kneeling between your legs your juices coating his pink plump lips. By God it was the most erotic sight you've ever seen.
“Jimin I need you inside me” you whine as he wiped his mouth with the back of hand.
“You're so needy love even after two orgasm you still want my dick”
Hell yes you wanted him looking the way he did right now you wanted all of him right now.
You felt him move away from you but you didn't want him to go so you wrapped your legs around him drawing him back to you. Your attack caught him by surprise as he fall unto you crushing you below you didn't mind though it's the kind of weight you needed. He smiled at you a full kind of smile that had his eyes disappearing into crescent moon his cheeks full round and pinchable. You feltyour heartbeat quicken and the feeling of butterflies appeared in your stomach, you knew had nothing to do with your arousal.
“Y/n if you trap me here like this I won't be able to fuck you into these sheets” he said it playfully but it  still sounded dirty to your ears.You caved and realise him and he quickly slid down the bed to shed his boxers until he stood before you in all his God given naked glory. You sat up on elbow to look at him, at his dick as it stood no doubt painfully hard and proud his Pink head leaking more precum. You wet your lips in anticipation as he pumped himself a few times then joined you on the bed.
“Are you ready for me babygirl? “ he asked as he line himself up with your entrance. You nodded
not trusting yourself to speak as you relax into the pillow. He rubbed his head against your dripping
entrance and you moan in response.
“Fuck baby your pussy is dripping down here” he groaned. You buck your hips up to create friction to get him to penetrate you but all it did was allow him to slide upwards due to your wetness in turn brushing against your clit causing you to mewl in pleasure. He smacked the outside of your thigh you looked at him questionly.
“Stop moving or I will spread you across my thigh and spank you”he growled.
Fuck now you were definitely tempted to keep moving the fuck didn't he know you loved nothing better than being dominated.
You pouted “can you please fuck me now.
He smirked down at you but didn't tease this time around, but line himself up again and entered you in one swift thrust.
You moaned at the pleasure pain of him penetrating you. Fucking hell you forget how thick he was even though you pussy was soaking from the two prior orgasm you still felt the burn of him stretching your walls open to accommodate his girth.
“Fuck baby you're so tight”he hissed as he clutched at your hips pulling you to him so he could bury himself to the hilt.
“J-jimin move” you whined already intune with his length.
He wasted no time in pulling out then plunging back into you, soft and slow be damned. Sounds was coming from you you hardly recognize as your own.
Your eyes must have closed as some point because when you open them again the sight of a fucked out jimin fucking you so hard it hurts in the best way possible was too much for you. Sweat was streaming down his face his blond hair disheveled and falling into his eye, his muscles tense, face set in grim determination as if it took all his willpower to hold out. It was your undoing you felt your orgasm building again.
“Oh fuck Jimin h-harder I'm gonna cum”
You wanted harder so he gave you harder lifting your legs over his shoulders, with this angle he was fucking you harder,deeper. You felt every thrust of his dancer hips a perfect rhythm hitting your G Spot at the right places. You clutched the sheet as your orgasm reached its peak, with his name on your lips you came undone below him. He helped you ride the wave until your breathing return to normal, you legs feeling like they weren't your own as he release them.
“Jimin? “ he was still hard inside you and overstimulation had you squirming from him.
“I'm almost there baby” he crooned he bent to kiss your lips. A deep comforting brush of his lips with yours.
“I've dream of you so much these past weeks I thought I would go insane my hyungs had to convince me you were indeed real” he said through gritted teeth.
You looked at him. Did he really? Did you affect him that much well he had found you again wasn't it obvious.
“Come for me baby fill me up real good so I wouldn't be able to walk straight tomorrow” you coaxed.
His  growled was primal your words hitting the right nerve his thrust becoming sloppy as he chased his high. You tried not to think about the burn between your legs but to bring him to his end.
“I'm gonna cum y/n fuck!” He spluttered and you contracted around him. It was his undoing his head fell back eyes closed as he painted your walls with his cum. He shuddered as his orgasm ripped through him making him collapse on top of you. Your hand was in his hair offering soothing strokes as you whispered sweet nothing in his ears.
When his breathing had return to normal he pulled out of you and fell on the bed beside you. You felt his cum began to slowing seep out of you. You groaned and make to get up but he wasn't having it pulling you into his arms.
“Just where do you think you're going? “ he asked as he kissed your forehead.
“The bathroom” you reply like it was the most obvious thing
“Join me if you're so concern”.
And that he did scooping you up in his arms and carrying you too your bathroom. Jimin washed you over so gently that you felt like a delicate newborn  baby. When he had finish drying you off then helping you back into his sweater before pulling on his boxers and pants while you change the sheets.
He heaved himself on your bed first pulling you into his arms.
“So what happens now?” He asked placing a kiss on your forehead while you wrapped your around his waist.
“You tell me”
He chuckled. “I leave for tour in a month time"
"How do you feel about long distance relationships? “
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painatheart · 6 years
method to my madness - two 02.
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story page | before - next 
“Okay, let’s—Work stuff. That’s your desk,” he points behind him. Even if she knows that already, she nods like she doesn’t. She glances quickly over, and it’s obvious that his attention is fully back on his computer, focused and driven, like what he’s currently doing is the most important thing in the world.
“Thanks,” Cez walks over, begging herself not bump anything else. Not to interrupt Niall’s concentration. And momentary good graces. She doesn’t need another crash to remind her that Niall exists in some sort of different plane than her—a plane where perfection is reached, basically right next door, and boys with brown fluffy hair and pressed polos and genius brains can get away with breaking girls’ hearts. Specifically, hearts like hers.
“I’m not sure,” Niall used to say. He said this when he was bored or flustered or endlessly tired from fishing for answers. He said it as a go-to statement, when he didn’t want to be bothered. And if a statement could be used more than anything else in the world, he said this with an air of unfinished finality, a mess of a paradox—the same way someone would say, ‘I’m done, I’m confused, but I’m not changing anything about it.’ Because Niall wasn’t a person who’d go blind and pave the road for his heart. He was logical, a follower of his mind, and basically, so very unlike her.
 He would be determined, until he’d realize that it would be impossible. Cez would think it’d be impossible, which is why she’d be determined. In the a little way, Cez thought that they were her own little paradox, if placed together.
 Niall wouldn’t second-guess any of his decisions. It’s not who he is. Cez, on the other hand, would constantly seek for a second chance, even if her brain said otherwise.
 The One Direction tutoring center resembles more of an art studio and a corporate office mixed together rather than what she had imagined it to be. Cez usually had bouts of imagination enough to fill a pack of elephants, ready enough to spin the cogs of Willy Wonka’s factory into a non-probable demise, but here... well, she shouldn’t have picked up an arm to think, because she’s not exactly sure if she’s pleased with the minimalistic theme the center’s got going on.
 When Louis forks over to an opposite direction from where Liam’s going, his head nodding at the male’s bathroom  plaque and a mumbled ‘see ya later,’ Cez has less than a second to wave an enthusiastic goodbye before she uses her short legs to run after her soon-to-be boss.
 Cez scurries at Liam’s pace, big strides that beckon the long hallway alike to the cramp walkway leading towards the bathroom back at home. Her thoughts wander at a funny monochrome statue of what must be a naked lady and her torso smelling her own shiny armpit, unfortunately Liam snaps his finger to tell her to quicken up her pace before she can dare snapchat it to Alice. “Ever heard of Holden?” He says nonchalantly, bringing up his finger to sweep it against a crook of one wall. He inspects his finger, and is pleased to see it dirt-free.
 “Of course,” She perks up, happy to answer. “It’s the preppy boarding school that kids with famous parents go to. The Guardian had an article on it.”
 He continues, amused. “Glad you know. Well, we have a partnership with Holden and we have tutoring lessons there on Saturdays. It’s a wonderful school to tutor for, don’t be afraid of what Louis curses off about that school.”
 “Because Louis will definitely restrain you from going, he hates it there. And he says it smells too garlicky for him, messes up his stomach. But he still goes there every Saturday anyway.”
 “He gets paid though, right? I think it’ll be fun. Children and a posh school, how bad can it be?”
 “Right. Keep up that enthusiasm. I don’t know what Louis’ got going with Holden. He hates it there, but he’s got his own crazy kid cult that he can’t help but coddle, so yes, it’s not bad at all.” Liam leans against the door handle. “So here’s where you’ll be working.”
 With a single pump, her vision alertly takes in the busy querying and bustling footsteps marking up and down the floor. First of the few tables Cez’s eyes have looked at are uncontainable and messy, with ball-point pens in metal holders, stacks of a4 paper, and manned by busy young adults that either have their back hunched over a clipboard, or their respective Mac screens. A mid-twenty looking guy in velvet jeans has his own screen blaring a Stranger Things episode, but he frantically switches it over to an Excel sheet once he catches the sight of Liam.
 Even if the fluorescents above them are making her eyes water, it obviously doesn’t matter because this place really looks promising despite the lighting flaw. Not like any sort of sham she expected she’ll be getting into, thankfully. God has finally blessed her with a job that had an office she actually likes, as shallow as it sounds. Getting a job through a should-be date is surely the worst way to acquire one, but to her it doesn’t matter as long as she’s no longer unemployed.
 Hmm… It’s a bit of a horror story she’ll be telling her mom, for sure, once she gets home for Christmas.
 “’Scuse me, miss,” she ducks down, cheeks flushing, as a cute guy in sleeves shoot a Trident-bright smile at her, the printer on his arm looking like it weighed as heavy as a teacup Chihuahua.
 As she stands up properly, her skin bristles at all the opportunities of starting fresh. Here, she imagines as she wades through her potential new co-workers and maybe-friends, she can be anyone. She can be someone exciting. No more nerdy Francesca, or boring Francesca. The possibilities are endless.
             “Here we are,” announces Liam, “Let’s get to the science department,” half-way blinking rapidly and half-way wearily smiling. Sometime between stepping into this certain hallway Liam’s shoulders has constricted, looping his white jacket around his stressed shoulders like a squished dollop of whip-cream. She’s only about to question him when they curve around the corner and she’s hugged by a cloud of coffee-shop aroma and unfortunately, assaulted by a spray of goosebumps and a raised heartbeat.
 Oh no, oh no. Don’t tell me... Her eyes do not betray her. Well, the glasses are new. The black slim full rim frames are perched perfectly on his nose, like a sleeping crow on a tree branch; while his head is bowed down, eyes skipping past pages of printed paper, her blood boils as his stubbly chin is on full-view, and she simply stands there—excited, afraid, and unable to move.
             “Francesca?” Liam questions, skimming the calendar on his phone, politely unaware, yet oddly irregularly different from his usual composure when she first met him.
             “Cez,” she answers instinctively, and hell no, it’s exactly like in movies and everything is going in slow-motion. Niall snappishly cocks up his head at the sound of her voice, blue eyes flicking over in her proximity. It’s both climactic and anti-climactic at the exact same time, which she supposes it definitely should be, if you would ever meet your childhood crush again in your young twenties. Composed yet mildly freaked out—because she’s an adult and she must be mature.
             After a few painstaking seconds, it’s Niall who hesitantly greets her. “Cez… it’s great to see ya?” However, it’s ironic that his face says anything but. His fingers brush up against the edges of his brown hair, bewildered. There’s something about the way he says Cez that pushes up blood up to her ears. It’s a mixture of painful embarrassment and pure torture, considering what happened the last time she was face-to-face with him... A lodge of nerves are coming to block her voice box, and she literally wants to whisk herself away from this abrupt mess.
             And here goes another part of her body’s constant flush, she can feel the blood peeping up her neck. “Uh—“ She squeaks, “Uh, what’s up, Niall? Long time no chat, yeah?” Oh. My. Gosh.
             She can’t believe after years and years of no contact, this is where they meet again. In a tutoring center, for goodness’ sake!
             His surprise lasts for a brief moment, but like a bird indeed, Niall flattens his ruffled feathers and stands up quickly to shake her hand, as if no time has passed at all. She finds herself gripping back with intent, stupidly marveling how the once bottled-blond boy with the penchant for science textbooks and math equations suddenly decided to grow and broaden up in her absence. Staring down at her, his straight face—clean eyes and unsmiling lips—doesn’t waver. It reminds her of spelling bees and science Olympiads, them being partnered together. All the time. “The replacement for Kim, yeah?”
             Sensing his address, Liam looks up with an abnormally straight face of his own. “Yeah, show her the ropes tomorrow, okay Horan?” Liam faces her right after, now with a smile. “After all, the kids don’t teach themselves.”
             They go off to, ostensibly, Liam’s office. The temptation to turn around makes her neck itch, it’s like her brain is telling her to take another glimpse to make sure if it really was Niall James Horan, and not just a figment of her highly active imagination. Her desperation seeps through her pores, an ache lodged in her throat hoping that she can study him—study every part of him, frantic to see what changes he had encountered over the years of her absence. Turn around, Cez.
 But she doesn’t. She thinks she can feel the heat on the back of her neck, but that must be her brain playing tricks on her self-esteem.
             When Cez enters after Liam in his clean (how surprising!) office, she blinks when Liam lets out a steam of relief. Patting his chest, as if he’s rewarding himself for a blip of triumph, his face floods with content. “Phew, thank god you survived that. Scares the shit outta me, that Horan. Taking bets, he’s the one who made Kim go AWOL.”
             “You’re scared of Niall?” She says, disbelief mauling her features. The tone layered over Liam’s voice immediately takes her skin in annoyance, because Niall’s as harmless as a goldfish. A brunet goldfish, with a brain that can make Einstein snatched from his wig.
             “Ah.” Liam rolls his eyes and checks his watch, looking like he can sense her defensive stance about Niall, “You know the weirdo?”
             Cez coughs, “…He was my—“
             “Don’t say boyfriend.”
             “He’s not!” Although, Cez wanted him to be. “He’s just someone I’ve gone to school with in the past. He’s a go--” What kind of friend was he, anyway? “…He’s a friend.”
             Liam says, “Of course, you got the same school in your records. I’ve checked, didn’t I tell you? Just didn’t think that you would really know, know each other.”
             “Funny,” she sneers.
             Liam ignores her. Instead, he runs to his table with a hundred-watt grin. “This is even better. Since you know each other you’ll definitely get along better than Kim and Niall did. I hope you don’t run off because I’m always in need of staff.” He finishes it off with fire under his eyes, although she doesn’t bother to question him about that further.
             “Um, I don’t think—“
             Liam flips through papers, jotting something down. “Okay, now just sign this and you’ll be off to work starting tomorrow. Do you have any questions that I need to address? Have any problems with the department you’ll be working in or anything else aside from that?” His words run together too quickly and she only finds herself looking into Liam’s eager smile until she realizes that she’s got to respond or else she’ll look like a gob smacked blob.  
             Cez steps closer to investigate the paper he’s got out for her, her fingers curling around Liam’s black Muji pen. In big black print, her name listed her under the science department, under the capitalized NIALL HORAN as her new ‘head,’ basically her new boss who she’s got to follow the whole time for the next duration of her future in this tutoring center. Is she really going to follow through with this? Technically, she had already been hired by Liam but the only thing that it isn’t official is that she’ll work in the science department with her childhood crush.
             But her hand speaks for itself, pretty sure of what Cez truly wants. Without further ado, she marks her signature on it with a single flourish over her printed name, officially listing her under the Science department in One Direction tutoring center, complete with a panicky heart and a black 0.5 Muji-penned type of finality.
             Someone in orange Crocs runs in the girl’s bathroom with a flurry ready to pull out the thunder from her under, and Cez immediately pushes up her feet against the wooden stall, hiding her shoe profile, until she hears another door closes and clicks to a lock. Sighing, she puts more weight against her own toilet seat, and glances down on her cracked phone screen.
             It’s 7 o’clock. Technically, she’s a bit too early for her first day at work, but the chances of meeting Niall in the girl’s bathroom is clearly none, and she’s willing to grab it at her reach while she still can. Goodness, signing that contract yesterday didn’t really shake her into seriousness about working with Niall. It was only the next morning when she had already taken the early train to work, got a bagel along the way, and actually stepped in the elevator leading up to her floor, was when she realized that she was going to see Niall again.
             Another part of her wants to slap herself silly, thinking how moronic it is that a boy is obliviously rattling her to the core right now. That, in actuality, a boy was and now, is, the hindrance to unlocking her future potential, whatever it’s going to be. Literally, the idea of Niall is the current dilemma that’s stopping her from acting like her cool, casual self (who was she kidding? She was never cool and casual.) It’s stopping her from perusing her plan (the one where she wanted to be someone new in this fresh, unfamiliar start that she was supposed to be in), and she can’t possibly do that now—not when someone from her past has floated up abruptly back in her life.
             Simply put, Cez is scared to see Niall. She has a million reasons to be scared.
             Can’t she please just get locked in this stall forever? She closes her eyes for God’s intervention, praying He’s got an answer to her gigantic first-world problem.
             “Excuse me?” A knock and an irritated voice coming against her door interrupts her hopeless monologue. “Er, are you done? I need to use the toilet and you’ve been in there for, like, twenty minutes.” It isn’t God, but rather one of His annoying creations.
             Cez leaps out of there with her jacket and her purse, leaving the toilet seat down, letting the girl pass, and immediately she scans herself on the mirror for embarrassing cream cheese stains; but, the voice comes up again, “Um, ew. Aren’t you going to flush?” Beckons the same girl, her grimace saying that she’s not going in unless Cez does something.
             “What?” Cez stares blankly.
             “Like, you didn’t flush. That’s disgusting and unhygienic,” her kohl-lined eyes narrow and seizes her up. “I’ve never seen you in my life. Who are you anyway? I’m reporting you to the Health Crisis center ASAP.” She snaps her fingers for emphasis.
             There’s a pregnant pause. She isn’t sure if she is to answer the first statement or the next question, but she proceeds to the latter instead, thinking that it’s better to introduce herself first before making a first impression that she’s a notorious non-handwasher.
             “I’m Cez, and don’t worry, I didn’t take a dump if that’s what you’re thinking, I swear. It’s a long story but I’m actually—“ The girl brings a hand up to stop her. And she bursts out laughing a second later. “I’m sorry,” she tells Cez’s startled eyebrows. “I honestly don’t give a shit, Bambi, I was just taking the piss out of you. Consider it as a rite of passage, don’t worry ‘bout it.”
             “Perrie Edwards, at your service.” The blonde smiles like she’s in an insurance commercial. Though, Cez doesn’t deny that there’s a sort of underlying mischief in it.  
 “English department. Saw you walking down the square yesterday. Me and Jesy sweared it was a new hire Liam roped in again. And here am I again, correct! Liam’s the most predictable prat, evah,” there’s a second where she takes another breath in, and subsequently, she starts again. “Oh, if you’re wondering, the square is where most of the desks are for the English and Maths tutors. Either way, people from the rest of the departments hang out there because it’s closer to the pantry, which by the way, is tiny as hell.” Her continuous talking spins her head crazier than Liam did.
             Clearing her throat, Cez thinks that she’s probably the only reserved one in this center. “This place seemed more of a real-time office than what I imagined a tutoring center would be. It’s honestly kind of crazy. Where do we even teach the children? And why is everyone here so hectic?”
             “It’s not just a tutoring center, we’re also an educational publishing house and we release updated review books every year. The third floor is reserved for the one-on-one handling. We have five rooms for tutoring over there. The fourth floor, on the other hand, has got the three classrooms for general review sessions. Most of our kids come from fancy schmancy public and private schools, with parents willing to dump us in cash to take them in for five hours a day like fucking daycare.” Perrie cackles at the thought of that. She narrows her eyes for the second time when she turns to look at the mirror to examine her dyed side part. “What did you say your department was again?”
             Cez places her hands together into prayer formation, “I didn’t. I’m under the Science department. Ya know, Niall—“
             “Horan, he’s the Science head,” Perrie slowly nods. And Perrie pivots her thigh to the side to cock her head out like a parrot at the mirror (either to check out the back of her hair or if the seams of her pants are straight—Cez isn’t sure), “You know, we only had three people under him for the past year, and let me tell you things that gone over there were as messy as a Jackson Pollock artwork. You didn’t hear this from me but I heard that Kim, she was here until she scrammed, couldn’t take the guy. He was a nightmare, as so she said—It was alright, I guess, I wasn’t too keen on Kim, either. A dark horse, that one.”
             Honestly, that only makes her skin prickle faster than she can say ‘go.’ Cez already had a feeling that Liam and Louis didn’t like Niall. It had been apparent in the elevator yesterday, and Liam’s reaction soon after they had encountered him both absurd and fascinated her. While it was interesting to accumulate these brand new descriptions of the New Niall in her brain, she nevertheless knew that all these reactions and words sting her powerfully as if they had been talking about her. In her mind, Cez still thought of Niall as a childhood friend—a part of her past that was also an extension of her arm. It doesn’t seem fair that she’s taking things personally, but come on! She’s nursed a crush on that boy for multiple years. She definitely will take things personal.
             ...Despite that fact that she’s currently tactfully avoiding his presence as much as possible. Like, for example, now.
             In the midst of her thinking, Perrie had apparently still been talking, “...But not like we know, too, I mean, we stay away from him as much as possible.”
             “Eh, I’ll just have my own judgement when I meet him,” Cez only realizes she had said this a few seconds too late. “Who knows, maybe he’s secretly a fluffy teddy bear?” She tries for upbeat, but it rings fake and dry a bit too much across the tile floors.
             “Doubt it,” Perrie says, unaware of her tone. “He’s probably a secret raging serial killer who preys on midget Asian girls. How tall are you anyway? I can practically eat you in one bite!”
             He wasn’t there! Is her first thought when she arrives at her marked desk—marked, speaking, with a taped paper slip with her name and smiley face on it. Her chair sits in front of her desk, which thankfully, has its back towards Niall’s respective desk.
 This will enable her to work with their backs facing each other. No way is she going to spend her hours glancing up her screen to have accidental locking eyes with said man. Granted, Niall is a sight for sore eyes but she isn’t willing to sacrifice her blush-able cheeks, that is doomed to be the bane of her existence, just to catch a quick glance of him. She isn’t that desperate.
             “Cez,” behind her, his voice startles her so much that she knocks right into her desk. They both watch (her—wide-eyed and mentally groaning, and him—probably sneering over her existence) as an empty red pen holder clatters after it crashes like Humpty Dumpty (without the cracks).
 If it had a life, she’d be on her knees now to hug its’ soreness away. Just so she can get away from interacting with Niall, even for a few minutes. But the pen holder’s a pen holder. And she can only pick it up and lay it back on her empty desk (it lasted for two seconds) before glancing up again at the man with the calculating blue eyes.
             “Sorry. The pen holder. It fell.” She says bluntly, shrugging her shoulders like ‘what can she do?’ “Uh, hi there.”
             “You’re still quite clumsy.” Niall states after a millisecond of eyeing her cautiously. “Unfortunately.”
             “Yeah,” she laughs awkwardly. “Uh, I guess so.” Did he really just say unfortunately? How rude.
             A tiny pause appears. There are two ways to take hold of this situation; first, she can steer this simple conversation into a boring path, all about work and strictly professional things; or second, she can totally screw it up by talking about the last time she’s seen him...
             Or you know, she can talk about neither.
 “I forgot you were starting today.” He says curtly through slim glasses, beating her. His voice, however, tells her he obviously didn’t forget. Judging by the slight frown on his face (a familiar sight that kind of hugs her as a welcome), he most probably couldn’t.
 Standing there awkwardly, Cez is suddenly microscopically aware of the chipped nail she accidentally broken today when she was hurrying to catch an early train. After all her time in picking a respectable outfit the night before, the broken nail seems to defeat the purpose.
 She’s distinctly aware of the floating ‘um’ in the air, especially due to the lack of noise within the big room and that only two of them are seemingly early today. Cez recalls the Perrie girl mentioning two other workers in the Science department, besides the non-existent Kim, who are supposedly under Niall, too; however her sight catches none of their presence right now.
             “Uh, so, weird huh, how we meet again in a tutoring center?” She starts off lamely.
             Niall gives her a frosty look. “Not really. It’s not the most suitable job for my credentials, but for a starter job I guess it’s fine for a while. For you, I believe, this job is better than nothing.”
             “Excuse you,” she’s surprised at herself when she squawks, “But it was my personal choice to work in this tutoring center! I didn’t get in here because I didn’t have anywhere else to go.” She doesn’t add that she got interviewed through a faux date, but it’s not like anyone, most importantly Niall, has to know the details, right?
             “Really?” He arches an eyebrow, looking at her intently. When she nods vigorously, Niall slightly frowns, as though he’s trying to read her. “Is it just me or were you always this small?”
             The change of topic catches her off guard. “I grew,” she fibs lamely.
 He eyes her once, obviously not believing her, before he counters, “I don’t think so. Your hair is different, though. It’s all wavy and long now.” Niall joins her in noise, stretching his hands and getting in his seat.
             It’s the first thing New Niall has mentioned anything about her new appearance, so she’s a bit surprised initially. He’s never really one for descriptions, always saying that whatever occurs in between the lines didn’t matter; for example, the appearance of a character. As long as Katniss was able to overthrow the Capitol, it didn’t matter than she was hot.
             “Says the man who grew his real color out,” she pauses when he just stares, curious. He’s actually waiting of what she’s got to say. “Er—It looks good on you, in fairness. It’s nice, uh, with,” Cez’s eyes catches one of those hipster Moose heads propped against one of the walls in the Square, “With the nature-y feel of this place.”
             He blinks. Even Cez is unsure of what she just said.
             “Thanks very much,” he says unsurely. But she can sense the cogs of his brain working and summing up the fact what she just said equated very much to his supposed answer=what the fuck? “I guess it would be a shame if my natural color didn’t fit me.” And Niall halts from getting different papers from his drawer and he flips around. His fingers curl around the neck of his hair.
 “Okay, let’s—Work stuff. That’s your desk,” he points behind him. Even if she knows that already, she nods like she doesn’t. She glances quickly over, and it’s obvious that his attention is fully back on his computer, focused and driven, like what he’s currently doing is the most important thing in the world.
 “Thanks,” Cez walks over, begging herself not bump anything else. Not to interrupt Niall’s concentration. And momentary good graces. She doesn’t need another crash to remind her that Niall exists in some sort of different plane than her—a plane where perfection is reached, basically right next door, and boys with brown fluffy hair and pressed polos and genius brains can get away with breaking girls’ hearts. Specifically, hearts like hers.
 A printer sits in between their desks, each of its sides has wires plugged into it from both of their respective computers. It suddenly gives a mechanical groan, startling her.
             “Right, work stuff.” But Cez realizes that she’s not exactly sure what her ‘work stuff’ should be. She tells Niall, and he looks like displeased to see her interrupt his work, annoying her a bit. All the more she gets flustered because it’s not her fault that her own boss hadn’t told her what to do in the first place.
             Subsequently, he shows her how to connect the Bluetooth printer to her designated computer, how to work several programs designed for the center’s use, and sort out old questionnaires from the new ones. Kim, apparently, has left her work in a state of disarray, and Niall hadn’t got the time to fix it himself. Following his instructions, he uses the mouse to bring up Keynote and he tells her calmly that he needs slides centered on Cell Anatomy, Chemical Bases, and Animal Forms & Functions ready by Wednesday morning, which is tomorrow. At least 30 slides, each.
             Her eyebrows furrow but she resists from asking too much questions.
             “I teach a review session in the afternoon,” Niall explains, distractedly. He must have seen her curious face over the sudden workload. He had removed himself from standing over Cez’s desk to return at his own desk, showcasing that his attention over teaching the newbie has soon come to an end.
             “So,” she says, setting down her bag, processing what he just said, and distracting herself from the remnants of his coffee smell that flew over to her nose when he was showing her where the illegal download file for Campbell’s 10th edition was. “I’m basically your assistant. Just making it clear.”
             “Yes.” Niall says bluntly as she sits on the edge of her chair.
             “Sorry, it’s just that, when Liam was telling me about this job I thought I was going to teach and hang out with kids. Not, you know, be a tutor’s assistant or somethin’.”
             “Who said assisting me was the only thing you’ll be doing? You’ll be helping out Shawn and Julia, two of my tutors. Gotta keep an eye on you, Kim could have left her magical spell to curse you in leaving.” She opens her mouth, but he shockingly smirks. “You’re still the grunt round here, I guess, until I reckon if you’re adequate enough for bigger jobs.”
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
i can't tell if we're dating or not
i can’t tell if we’re dating or not
A/N: hit me up at jaureguicabello5eva on wattpad/ao3
Summary: Lauren and Camila cross paths in several unexpected [see: unflattering] situations before they finally decide to go out.
Lauren considers herself a generally patient human being. She’s living her dream of being a writer and she’s had the good fortune of being a successful one at that. She lives a comfortable life in her favorite city, doing what she likes to do best and is her own boss, so really, there’s no excuse for her to be anything but a pleasant person, if not only to give back the good karma she’s been lucky to have for most of her adult life.
Right now, however, her patience is really being tested by God himself. Or herself. Who actually knows if God is a man, or a woman or, whatever, but that’s not the point. The point is, she’s two seconds away from hitting this girl in front of her with a signed copy of her own novel.
Lauren is standing in line at a Starbucks in Miami International Airport and the girl in front of her is holding up the line over a freaking banana nut bread. Lauren had apparently ordered the last piece of banana bread this particular Starbucks had, unbeknownst to the crazy lady in front of her. The green-eyed girl didn’t think she wanted coffee when she ordered the banana nut loaf, but she has since changed her mind when her flight was delayed again and so she went back in line for some white chocolate mocha, only to be greeted with this relentless lady who is really insistent on having some banana bread.
Lauren spent the last two weeks spending a much needed vacation in Hawaii, which was a gift from her publisher for yet another successful release of her novel, You Were Always the Best Part of Me [a/n: lol this author’s a narcissist], after spending months trying to perfect her latest book, cooped up in her New York apartment. Her layover in Miami was supposed to only be two hours but is now nearing five because of the delays caused by a passing storm that is barely even grazing Florida. She thinks everyone is being a little overdramatic.
She’s tired and she just wants some coffee, but this girl, whose ass is almost as big as the backpack that Lauren has for a carry-on, really wants some banana nut bread.
  Camila is ready to come home. Miami has always been home ever since she moved there with her family from Mexico, but since living in New York for school and staying to live there permanently even as she travels as a freelancer photographer, her heart has found a true home in New York. She was in Miami to visit her family, to her dear mother’s delight, who has been nagging her to visit for quite some time. You’re always too busy nowadays, mija.
She loves her family, she really does, especially since they were more than accepting when she came out to them prior to moving to New York. She just never expected that they would be so accepting that every chance they get, they’re constantly bugging her about when she’s going to settle down and find a nice girl and blah blah blah. Camila is only twenty-five for crying out loud. And maybe she doesn’t want a “nice” girl, but whatever.
Her flight has been delayed three times already and she thought she’d pass the time by indulging in some banana nut bread. She was already imagining enjoying the treat on her walk to the Starbucks in the airport, only to be disappointed that they’ve run out.
“Are you absolutely positive that you don’t have any more? Maybe in the back?” Camila pleads to the cashier, who is not amused with her. In Camila’s defense, yeah she’d been pretty insistent, but at least she’d also been pretty polite about it. She really wants some banana nut bread.
“Ma’am,” the cashier says with a tight-lipped smile, trying in vain to hide her exasperation, “I’ve already checked twice in the back per your request and it is eleven and we close at midnight, so I’m sorry, but it really seems that we’ve ran out,” she says finally. “Would you like to order anything else?”
Camila sighs, long and tired and defeated, as she looks around one more time in a last desperate attempt to see if any last minute banana nut bread would magically appear. She looks at the cashier dejectedly when she says, “Okay, thank you for checking. Can I just have a tall white chocolate mocha then?”
The cashier lets out a subtle breath of relief at finally getting the brunette to stop nagging about the bread that they really don’t have. “Will that be all?” she asks with a wide smile as she punches Camila’s order in, and at Camila’s sad nod, she picks up a cup and a marker, “May I get a name for the order?”
“Camila,” the brunette responds and is too tired and sad to clarify how it’s pronounced and spelled as she moves to the area where people are waiting for their orders, already bracing herself for the inevitable Camilla coming her way.
  Lauren is ready to kiss the cashier when she is finally able to move along the line and give her order. She quickly tells the cashier what she wants and provides her name, happy to finally be moving to the waiting section after what feels like a million years.
She’s standing near the crazy banana bread lady when she gets a proper look at her. Even with her disappointed face, Lauren notes that she’s very pretty with the way her long lashes flutter over beautiful, brown eyes and the way her cute nose gently slopes down the center of her face. Her jawline is sharp and she has nice, wavy brown locks that makes it look like she came straight out of a shampoo commercial. Lauren rakes her eyes over her petite body and her complementary large butt, which seems too big for her size, but in no way is the green-eyed girl complaining. Her lips look plump and luscious and Lauren wonders what it’ll feel like between her own and okay, she needs to stop fantasizing about this stranger. She shakes her head subtly and tries to look busy on her phone.
Lauren cringes internally when she hears the barista call out, “Tall white chocolate mocha for Camilla?” and can’t help herself when she says, “It’s Cameela.”
The barista looks apologetic and corrects himself. “Sorry, Camila,” he repeats as he tries to hand the drink to Lauren. Lauren quickly shakes her head and just as she’s about to say that she’s not Camila, the girl, who she presumes is Camila steps up and says “thank you,” to the barista and sends Lauren a grateful smile. The green-eyed girl returns it and they keep each other’s gaze for a bit before the barista clears his throat and says, “Um- tall white chocolate mocha for Lauren?” he says, vaguely wondering to himself if he’s witnessing a meet cute right before his eyes.
“Thanks,” Lauren says as she gets her drink and sends Camila one more glance and a small smile before heading back to her gate. Camila starts going to her own when she realizes she’s going in the same direction as the girl that had corrected the barista for her. She tries to act nonchalant and not like she’s checking out the girl’s ass, lest she comes off as creepy.
Lauren takes a seat on one of the only two seats left near her gate and is pleasantly surprised to have the crazy banana bread lady sit next to her. They send each other shy smiles and just as Camila is about to address the girl, she sees the dark-haired girl unwrap her banana nut bread and her eyes widen.
“Hey!” she says, a little too loudly and she shrinks under the stare of disgruntled passengers before she returns her attention to the girl next to her. “The lady said they didn’t have any left and you were behind me,” she says with an accusatory finger and Lauren pauses mid-trying to take a bite.
Ah, just as I was ready to drop “crazy banana bread lady” for “Camila,” Lauren thinks.
“I already ordered this before I went back in line for a drink,” she explains calmly.
“So you were the one that took the last banana nut bread, then,” Camila nods, feeling an irrational wave of jealousy and anger that is at odds at the attraction she’s feeling for the girl. The girl has the most mesmerizing forest green eyes and Timmy Turner teeth that she somehow makes look attractive. Her ebony-black hair flows effortlessly in gentle waves just a little past her shoulders and she has naturally pouty, pink lips. Camila also finds herself drawn to the girl’s nose ring and wonders if she has any other piercings in her body that she can explo– okay, that’s enough, she scolds herself mentally. This girl took your banana nut bread, Camila. She’s not worth your time or attention, or your attraction for that matter.
“Well, I didn’t really ‘take’ it,” Lauren says with a teasing smile. “I did pay for it. You know, that thing humans do where they exchange goods for some kind of bartering medium, like money?”
Camila huffs and crosses her arms childishly and turns away from the girl. She would have walked away for a more dramatic effect but she really doesn’t wanna give up her seat. God knows how long she’ll have to be stranded in this damn airport with the stupidly attractive banana bread stealer, so she settles for facing ahead. She can see the girl quietly chuckling to herself and eating Camila’s bread and she fights the urge to grab the bread and run away. You’re not five, Camila. Jesus, get a hold of yourself.
After the second announcement of another hour delay, Camila gives up and succumbs to sleep, hoping one of the passengers waiting with her would have the decency to wake her up once they finally board or the overhead announcer would be loud enough to wake her up.
Lauren is trying to pass the time reading comments and feedback on her new book on her phone when she feels someone gently lay their head on her shoulder. Her instinct is to move away, but when she gets a waft of vanilla and coconut from the girl’s hair and turns her head to look to her right, she’s reminded that she’s seating to the crazy banana bread lady.
She looks at her sleeping figure and smiles to herself, opting to slide in her seat a little to make Camila more comfortable. Aside from her obsession with banana bread, the girl seems harmless enough, so she lets the girl have some much needed rest. Maybe when she wakes up, she’d be less crazy.
Once the announcement says that they’re finally boarding and the brunette continues to lightly snore on her shoulder, Lauren reaches out a hand and gently nudges Camila’s shoulder, “Camila?” she whispers, trying not to startle the girl.
“Hmm, five more minutes,” the girl mumbles, snuggling further into Lauren’s shoulder.
Lauren chuckles lightly and the vibration on her head finally wakes Camila up as she sits up slowly, rubbing her eyes and trying to remember where she is. “Had a nice nap?” Lauren says with that same teasing grin that Camila wants to kiss off her stupid mouth.
“Sorry,” she mutters, and then adds, “And thank you for…” she gestures vaguely to Lauren’s shoulder.
Lauren just laughs and it’s raspy and full and Camila really would be endeared if she wasn’t still half asleep. “S’okay,” Lauren shrugs, “I think the drool on my shirt adds character,” she winks.
Camila gasps and says affronted, “I do not drool!”
“I’m just kidding,” Lauren says, shouldering her bag and bringing both hands in the air in mock surrender, “You should get your stuff, the plane might leave without us,” she says with a final smile and walks towards the gate, handing her ticket at the gate person and proceeding to her first class seat.
Camila is still muttering to herself, annoyed with – well, she’s not really sure what she’s annoyed with -  but she is irritated. She’s grumbling as she struggles to place her bag in the overhead bin that’s above her seat when she feels someone gently push her bag inside and effortlessly close the bin. She’s about to say “thank you” but the words die in her throat when she turns to her side and comes face to face with the same teasing smirk and green eyes she’d dreamt about in her nap.
“You’re kidding me,” she says exasperatedly as she takes a seat next to the window.
“Nice to see you too, Camila,” Lauren says with a wide smile as she takes her seat next to the brunette.
The brunette ignores her and proceeds to put on the headphones that come with her seat and gets comfortable, setting up a movie on her side. Lauren shakes her head amusedly and settles in her seat, putting her own earphones in and hoping to catch some shuteye before they land in New York.
As Lauren stirs awake and slowly removes her earphones, she’s a little disoriented about her surroundings when she hears sniffling beside her. Surreptitiously, she puts away her earphones while trying to see the brunette out of the side of her eye and her suspicions are proven correct when she catches the girl trying to wipe tears off her cheeks.
In her hands is a novel that Lauren can’t see the title of but she becomes amused at watching the girl’s expressions change as she reads the book, which Lauren notes she’s almost finished with. Throughout the next half hour or so, Lauren can see Camila make a wide variety of facial expressions on the book she’s reading, ranging from anger to annoyance to endearment and when she finishes and finally closes the book, she huffs and just looks straight ahead, seemingly lost in her head.
“Well that was stupid,” Camila finally says and it’s then that Lauren is able to see what she’s reading. You Were Always the Best Part of Me.
“Excuse me?” Lauren says, fully turning towards the girl as she tries not to be affronted by Camila’s words.
Camila looks at Lauren for a few seconds, eyes and nose red, seemingly thinking about engaging in conversation with the attractive lady that stole the last banana nut bread, before she finally says, “I think this book is stupid.”
Lauren tries to rein herself in, seeing as she’s always been open to constructive criticism, so as calmly as she can, she says, “What was ‘stupid’ about it?” as she grips the arm rest between them.
***possible spoiler on You Were Always the Best Part of Me****
“Well,” Camila starts, “so the story is about these two girls, right? And they’ve been best friends since like forever and they fall in love blah blah blah, you know very cliché and overdone trope if you ask me,” she continues and Lauren is having a hard time not throwing the girl off the plane, but she persists.
“Okay,” Lauren says. “That’s why it’s stupid? Because the plot is overused?”
“Well, not really,” Camila says, scrunching her nose. “Don’t get me wrong, I loved the writing, I mean this author is one of my favorites. I think she’s very talented and it’s a shame she uses a pseudo and no one really knows who she is except her publisher, but anyway,” and that commentary makes Lauren let out a subtle breath of relief. At least Camila doesn’t think her writing is bad.
“So, what’s the problem?” Lauren asks carefully.
“Well I don’t want to spoil it too much for you,” Camila begins to say and Lauren has to stop herself from blurting out that she already knows what happens considering it is her book Camila is slandering. “But, basically, it seems rushed to me,” and okay, Lauren’s anger is back.
Rushed?! I spent months just working on this story, writing and re-writing and negotiating with my editors and publishers about the smallest details to perfect it and she thinks it’s “rushed?” Okay, Lauren, breathe. You’ll never be able to publish another book if you end up maiming this girl.
Lauren takes a deep breath before she says, “Why do you think it’s rushed?”
“It’s just that,” Camila says, her tone edging on frustration, “This Michelle character, I feel like, she didn’t get enough of a redemption, you know? Like, she fucked up big time, okay, and next thing you know, Karla’s letting Michelle in her heart and in her pants and I just think she should have let the girl grovel a little bit more, you know what I’m saying?” she says, meeting Lauren’s eyes and gesticulating wildly once she finally lets herself relax and gets lost in talking about something she’s passionate about, like novels and plots.
Lauren can’t help but smile at the girl despite her comments, and she realizes where the girl is coming from after her explanation. Maybe she should have extended the story more. “Well, from what you’ve told me,” Lauren says carefully, trying not to give anything away about her true identity, “They’re best friends and they fell in love, and maybe, Karla is the forgiving type and she didn’t want to waste any more time not being with Michelle,” she finishes with a shrug.
“Hm,” Camila says thinking about Lauren’s response, “Maybe. I don’t know, I still want another book where Michelle spends most of it making it up to Karla and maybe I’ll be okay, then,” she says with a cheeky smile that Lauren can’t help but return.
They finally turn away from each other when they hear the announcement to buckle their seat belts and prepare for landing.
Camila is finally home and she’s barely gotten her luggage through the door before she makes a beeline for her bedroom, immediately plopping on her bed face first, her carry on bag still hanging off of her shoulder. She takes a nap for who knows how long in the same position before she finally gets up grudgingly and takes her stuff into her room to unpack.
Camila has gone through most of her bags and has only one left when she notices her phone has a few notifications she’d neglected to look at after waking up. She scrolls through her usual texts, smiling at Dinah’s Welcome back, hoe and Normani’s Did you bring me back anything? Like any cute Miami boys, or wings, or anything at all? She replies to those before seeing Ally’s I made you a welcome back cake and left it in your fridge. See you soon! and she immediately goes to the fridge, checking to make sure she has the cake before thanking Ally.
Then she sees that she has a voicemail from an unknown number. She puts in her voicemail password and listens to it curiously,
“Um, hi,” a familiar raspy voice says over the phone and Camila’s eyebrows shoot up. “This is Lauren Jauregui, um, and I don’t know if this is the same Camila that I sat next to in the plane, but it seems that we have the same suitcase, matching color and everything and might have accidentally switched our bags when we picked it up at baggage claim. Anyway, I have your bag and you can call me at this number and we can sort this out. Bye.”
Camila looks at the bag on her bed and immediately panics. “Shit shit shit fucking shit fuck!” she mutters to herself as she hurries over to the luggage and frantically tries to open it. “This cannot be happening to me,” she says as she opens it and is greeted by clothes that are not her own. “Fuck,” she whispers as she groans and puts her head in her hands.
Okay, Camila, she would have needed to dig pretty deep to see your – private things – there’s a good chance she might not have seen them at all.
After convincing herself that Lauren hasn’t seen her stuff, she takes a deep breath to call back but her eye catches on a rather large rectangular container that’s tucked into the side of the suitcase. Her curiosity gets the best of her and she pulls it out.
Oh well, if she’s seen my stuff, maybe I can have something to hold against her too and we’ll both be forced to just forget this ever happened, she rationalizes. She opens the case and bursts out laughing as she sees that it’s a collection of coins.
“Wow,” she says to herself. “I never would have thought with the leather jacket and the combat boots and the piercing green eyes that she’s a coin collector,” Camila chuckles.
She dials Lauren’s number and after a couple of rings, the other girl answers with a breathless “Hello?” and Camila can’t help but imagine Lauren being breathless for reasons that are less than pure. She shakes her head at herself and answers back,
“Hey, this is Camila. Is this a bad time?” she asks while biting on her bottom lip.
“No, it’s good,” Lauren says, still breathing heavily, “I’m just about finished with my run.”
Oh. Of course.
“I’m assuming you got my message?” she asks and Camila is trying to decipher from her tone just how much Lauren has seen inside her bag.
“Yeah, um, so we can meet up somewhere tomorrow, if you’re free?” Camila asks, feeling nervous all of a sudden.
“Yeah sure,” Lauren answers easily, “How about by the café by South Street and Mill Boulevard near Central Park? I saw that your address says you live in Manhattan too, so is that okay?”
The café is only a few blocks from Camila’s apartment and she wonders what the chances are of sitting next to the same person in the plane and living so close to one another.
What if she lives in the same street as me? Or same building? Oh my god, what if she lives on my floor?
Camila briefly glances at her door as if that would answer her questions and her thoughts are interrupted with “Um, hello? You still there?”
Camila clears her throat and says, “Yeah, yeah. That sounds good. Are you good to meet at around noon?”
“That’s perfect!” Lauren replies. “See you tomorrow, Camila.”
“Okay, see you. Bye,” Camila says and it’s not after she’s hung up that she notices her heart is beating fast and she’s breathing a little too quickly. She calms herself down and thinks about what she should wear for tomorrow.
12:01 pm
Green Eyes: Hey, sorry. Running a little late, you can go ahead and order a drink for yourself if you want
Camila: It’s cool, did you want me to order something for you too? My treat
Camila looks at her text and cringes to herself. That sounds casual enough, right?
12:03 pm
Green Eyes: If you really don’t mind, I’ll have a medium café con leche please
Camila: Okay, gotcha. See you soon
Green Eyes: Thanks! See you soon
Camila puts her phone away and gets up from her seat to stand in line. She looks around the café and people-watches for a little while, making up stories about the customers. She figures the two well-dressed men talking in hushed tones in the corner were meeting up in a secret affair, away from their prying wives, and the two girls on the other side of the café secretly harbor feelings for one another but are both afraid to ruin the friendship.
Before long, she’s at the front of the line and she gives the barista her order before proceeding to the waiting area. She continues her stories in her head and rolls her eyes internally when she hears a,
“Medium hot mocha and medium café con leche for Camilla?”
“It’s Cameela,” Camila turns to see the green eyed girl approaching the bar and taking the drinks. She takes a seat across from Camila and takes a sip of her coffee, moaning in appreciation of finally having her dose of caffeine for the day.
Camila clears her throat and shakes her less-than-innocent thoughts before addressing the other girl, “I feel like you’re more annoyed when people mispronounce my name than me,” she says with a small smile.
“It’s really not hard name to pronounce,” Lauren shrugs. “Anyway, I can’t stay for long, but I have your suitcase in my car…” she trails off.
“Yeah,” Camila nods. “I have yours in mine too, so we can finish our drinks and exchange suitcases in the parking lot.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Lauren easily agrees. They make small talk for a few minutes, learning a little bit about each other along the way. They bond over being from Miami and having Cuban heritage. Lauren also learns that Camila is a freelance photographer that has had major success in her young career, doing a few projects for New York Times and National Geographic. Even though her main focus is on photojournalism, Camila isn’t afraid to dabble into other photography fields and still takes small-time gigs in New York, never feeling like she’s too good for a project despite the success she’s achieved.
Camila learns that Lauren is a novelist but the green-eyed girl doesn’t divulge much more outside of talking about writing as a passion. She’s not sure when it’s appropriate to let Camila know that she’s the author of the book Camila was happily slandering a few days ago.
When they meet up at each other’s cars after finishing their drinks, Camila is fidgeting and trying to figure out a way to subtly know just how much Lauren had seen inside the suitcase. The other girl, however, isn’t giving much away and the brunette wonders if she should use her coin collector card, although she figures that could easily backfire.  After Lauren pulls Camila’s suitcase out of her trunk, having already put her own away in her car, Camila turns to go after a small “thank you” and a short goodbye when she feels Lauren gently hold onto her arm.
“Hold up, wait,” Lauren says. Camila stays put and turns back, biting her lip nervously, thinking this is the part Lauren teases her about what’s in her suitcase. “I feel like the universe is telling us something in all these times we’ve had to meet, don’t you think?” Whew. No word about the strapless strap on. Wait what did she say?
“Huh?” Camila asks confusedly. Lauren just gives her one of her charming smiles and says,
“How about I take you out for coffee for real some time this week? You know, to pay you back for buying me coffee today and also to make up for stealing the last banana nut bread,” she says with a wide smile.
“Um – yeah, yeah sure,” Camila says after finally wrapping her head around this hot girl asking her out. Wait, she is asking her out on a date, right? “Yeah, I mean we already have each other’s numbers, so yeah, just text me the details,” she tries to say as calmly as possible.
“Great!” Lauren beams. She opens the door to the driver’s side but before going in, she gives Camila a mischievous look and leans in so her mouth is close to the brunette’s ear. “Love the color of your – toy, by the way, she husks and then pulls back and watches amusedly as Camila’s face and ears turn bright red. “I think the bright pink really shows personality,” she winks and jumps in her car, driving away quickly before Camila can even begin to say anything back.
Camila looks around as if anyone could have heard Lauren’s words and walks to her own car, willing herself to forget the embarrassment she feels.
“Ugh!” Camila says as she strips off the tenth outfit she’d tried on in the last hour. “What do I wear to something that may or may not be a date?” she asks exasperatedly, looking at her best friend, who’s lounging on her bed as if Camila’s not going through a real crisis. Dinah looks up for a second before she returns her attention on her phone and responds.
“How in the world do you not know if this is a date or not?”
“Well, she didn’t really say the word date but it kinda felt like she was asking me out?” Camila responds, scrunching her face in confusion. “I don’t know, it’s been a while for me. I just don’t want to assume, you know?”
“Okay, then,” Dinah huffs as she gets off the bed and scours into Camila’s closet. “Here, you should wear these,” she says presenting white skinny ripped jeans with a black haltered crop top. “Your ass looks great in those and it’ll give you that subtly sexy look,” she wiggles her eyebrows. “Like you picked a casual outfit that you look effortlessly good in, without you know, spending an hour in your underwear having a staring contest with your clothes,” she finishes teasingly.
“Thanks,” Camila says wryly as she puts on the outfit. She looks over her outfit and can’t help but think Dinah is right. “Really, though,” she says meeting Dinah’s gaze through the mirror, “Thanks, Dinah.”
“Aw, you’re welcome, Chanch” Dinah says wrapping her arms around the smaller girl. “Now go get your girl!”
Their coffee date, which Camila is still not sure if it’s an actual, romantic date or a friendly one, goes pretty well nonetheless. It’s easy and relaxed and they banter as if they’ve been friends for life. They extend their coffee date to walking around in Central Park and getting dinner from a sketchy food truck that serves phenomenal, albeit questionable, tacos.
Camila is finishing up her taco and is throwing her wrapper away when she sees Lauren’s gaze focused on her lips. She’s about to ask if there’s something on her face when Lauren beats her to it.
“You’ve got a little…” she says while gesturing to her own mouth.
Camila just scrunches her nose and Lauren laughs as she reaches out her hand and uses her thumb to brush alongside the corner of Camila’s mouth delicately. Camila’s breath hitches in her throat as the light touch sends tingles from her mouth all the way down to the base of her stomach.
“There,” Lauren whispers as she pulls her hand back and casually licks the sauce off her finger, which only intensifies the heat between Camila’s thighs. They keep walking and Lauren resumes conversation as if she didn’t just send Camila’s senses into near overload.
When Lauren walks Camila to her door, the brunette is unsure of how she’s supposed to act but her thoughts get interrupted when the green-eyed girl leans forward and gives her a lingering kiss on her cheek, so close to her lips that it sends Camila’s mind reeling even more. “Night, Camz,” she whispers and turns around to head back to her car.
Over the next few weeks, Camila and Lauren spend more and more time together, having movie nights on Fridays and coffee dates on Wednesdays. They text each other frequently, Lauren ranting to Camila about her persistent writer’s block while Camila replies with relevant memes that never fail to make the dark-haired girl laugh.
At this point, Camila still doesn’t know where they stand. She knows they’re definitely friends, but neither have really made a move to suggest they’re anything more, although sometimes their touches will linger and Camila’s eyes will stay fixed on Lauren’s plump lips.
Camila is hanging out in Lauren’s apartment as the older girl is cooking them dinner when her eye catches on a familiar book. Or really, multiple copies of the same book. She takes the stack of copies in her hands and sits at the couch, furrowing her brows as she sees that they’re all brand new and signed with lengthy notes that end with an autograph from the author herself.
She furrows her brows when she says, “Hey, Lo?”
“Yeah?” Lauren yells from the kitchen.
“Why do you have so many signed copies of this book?” Camila asks, holding up one copy over the back of the sofa. Lauren leans forward on the breakfast table and sees the book, her face showing her shock, which causes the brunette to raise an eyebrow.
“Uh, hold on,” Lauren says as she hurriedly washes her hands and wipes them on the kitchen towel. She appears in front of Camila after a few seconds with a worried expression as she fidgets with her fingers. “Um, please don’t be mad,” she blurts out.
Camila just looks confused and says with a smile, “Laur, calm down.” She sets the copies on the coffee table and gently grabs Lauren’s restless fingers in her own, stilling them and lightly pulling the green-eyed girl to sit next to her. “What is it?” she asks calmly, her warm brown eyes searching Lauren’s curiously.
Lauren fiddles with both their fingers as she mutters, “I wrote You Were the Best Part of Me.”
“What?” Camila asks, her hands stiffening in Lauren’s.
Lauren takes a deep breath and looks up at Camila, “I said, I’m the author of that book,” she repeats herself, gesturing to the stack of books.
Camila looks at her bewildered and her facial expression transforms from confused, to a look of understanding, and finally, to one of horror. “What?!” she shrieks letting go of Lauren and jumping up from the couch. “What do you mean you’re the author?!”
“Well, I came up with the plot and characters, and then I used a word processor to type out words and form sentences and –”
“Lauren!” Camila interrupts the girl and she brings both hands to rub her face. “Oh my god, I can’t believe this,” she mutters against her hands and at that, Lauren gets up and extends her arms to slowly hold onto Camila’s, pulling her hands down and peering into brown eyes.
“I’m sorry,” Lauren whispers. “I know you’re mad and I shouldn’t have kept it from you and I’m sorry, but I just didn’t know how to bring it up after a while and-”
“Wait,” Camila says abruptly, scrunching her eyebrows, “You think I’m – I’m not mad,” she says finally.
“You’re not?” Lauren repeats.
“No,” Camila laughs lightly. “I’m embarrassed,” she says, her cheeks warming up.
“Wait, wh-,” Lauren says and it’s like a light bulb comes on in her head. “Oh, I see,” she sees with a teasing smile.
“Why would you let me talk shit about your work like that,” she says, lightly shoving Lauren away from her, although the smile on her face shows it’s without malice.
“Aw, Camzi,” Lauren coos pulling Camila back in her arms and patting her head lightly as she continues to tease her, “It wasn’t that bad really,” Lauren says as she pulls back. At Camila shaking her head and looking down, Lauren uses one hand to lift her chin up, gently forcing the girl to meet her eyes. “Really, I actually appreciate the unfiltered feedback,” she says sincerely.
Camila smiles at her, the other girl’s proximity heating up her face for other reasons than being embarrassed. “Well, I really do love your writing.”
“Thanks, bubs,” Lauren says cheekily, and then more seriously, “So you’re seriously not mad that I kept this from you?” she asks, biting her lip. Camila’s gaze immediately fixes on pink, plump lips trapped between shiny pearly whites.
“Um yeah,” Camila clears her throat, subtly moving back to gain some distance from Lauren. “Not at all, trust me,” she says with a smile.
“Cool!” Lauren says, going back to the kitchen while Camila stares after her longingly.
Camila and Lauren continue to spend time together and build their relationship. What kind of relationship that is, Camila is still not sure, but she’s not about to ask Lauren because she’s not sure she’s prepared for however Lauren answers that question.
Camila learns that as badass and as tough as Lauren tries to portray herself to be, she’s actually scared of a lot of things. Like going to jail, which up until meeting Camila, Lauren thought was a pretty reasonable fear. The brunette, on the other hand, feels that the thrill of almost getting caught is the best part. Lauren just looks at her like she’s grown another head, before she jumps in head first with the other girl. Camila has successfully convinced Lauren to try lots of borderline illegal things and although the green-eyed girl tries to put up a fight at first, she ends up doing whatever it is Camila asks her to do.
They sneak into concerts, illegally bring in foods into movie theaters, jaywalk everywhere they go, drive over 55 mph in highways, and Lauren feels like Camila is leading her into a life of crime, although she’s not sure she completely opposes it, as long as the brunette is by her side.
Lauren has always been a recluse for most of her life, preferring to work alone and staying in over dealing with other people and going out on the weekends. She’s always been most comfortable being by herself and writing her thoughts and emotions on paper, never really giving much thought to finding other outlets of expressing herself.
Since meeting Camila, however, she’s learned to relax and let loose, trying things she never thought she’d ever do, and for the most part, she’s thankful for everything Camila has convinced her to do.
For the most part.
Right now, she’s trying to figure out how she had gotten herself in this situation. As the employees work to strap her harness into place, she remembers why. Pleading brown eyes and an irresistible smile are what got her in this position:
Over three hundred feet off the ground, on top of a crane overlooking the Hudson Bay.
  Come on, Lo, didn’t take you as someone who was scared of heights.
I’m not scared of heights. No one is scared of heights. People are, understandably, scared of falling.
Falling is the best part.
  “Hey, Lo. You ready?” Camila smiles at her widely, the wind blowing her fringes in every direction as the rest of her wavy, brown locks are up in a ponytail, her own harness already secured. Her eyes are bright, and her face is free of make-up but it seems to glow under the setting sun and for a split second, Lauren forgets she’s about to jump off a freaking crane.
After Lauren’s harness is secured and tightened and her own hair is tied up, Camila approaches her and places two gentle hands on the straps by Lauren’s shoulder, lightly pulling on it to get Lauren’s attention on her instead of green eyes worriedly scanning the floor hundreds of feet below them.
“Hey,” Camila’s soothing voice travels the air and brings Lauren’s attention back on the brunette. She looks into determined brown eyes and feels herself relaxing and the tension in her body dissipating like the clouds in the sky making way for the sun after a storm. “We got this, okay? You got this,” Camila says, hands still gripping Lauren’s harness and eyes boring into Lauren’s.
“Yeah, yeah okay,” Lauren breathes out, a small smile forming on her face as she watches the excitement grow within Camila. “Let’s do this.”
Their bungee jumping instructor helps position them near the edge of the crane and guides them onto how to properly hold onto one another. They stand facing each other, Camila’s arms around Lauren’s shoulders and the green-eyed girl’s arms wound tightly against the brunette’s waist.
Camila can feel Lauren’s quick, sharp breaths on her neck as they hold each other tighter while the instructor steadily guides them to get closer to the edge. She can feel her own heart beat start to pick and Lauren’s heart thudding against her own somehow keeps her grounded. She locks eyes with the green-eyed girl, who musters up a smile when the instructor gently places his hands on both their hips and says above the winds howling around them, “You guys, ready?”
They look at each other one last time and nod to one another with smiles adorning their scared, but excited faces, and the instructor finally pushes them over the edge.
And they fall.
Lauren’s scream is caught in her throat as the rush of air going up against their falling bodies seem to completely encapsulate them, wrapping around their bodies and giving them a feeling of thrill that’s unlike any other. Lauren registers the feel of Camila’s arms tightening around her as they fall head first and she sees a glimpse of the orange sky seemingly moving away from them as they plummet in the opposite direction at a breathtaking speed.
Camila feels her heart drop with her as they plunge through the chilly November air, the rush of cold air feeling like tiny icicles grazing their exposed faces. It’s sharp and nippy, but exhilarating altogether. It feels like getting all of your breath abruptly pulled out from all the way to the base of your lungs, only to be rushed back with an invigorating force that you can’t help but want to lose your breath over and over if it’s returned in such an electrifying way.
Camila likens it to a feeling that’s a lot like falling for Lauren.
They lay hanging upside down, limbs still a tangled mess over one another, at the bottom of the crane as other employees walk to where they are. Once they’re both detached from the main rope and are safely out of the way for the next jumpers, Lauren takes Camila in her arms and spins her around gleefully.
“Oh my gosh, that was amazing, Camz!” she yells out happily. The brunette feels more than hears the dark-haired girl’s laugh, as Lauren laughs Camila’s favorite laugh, full-bodied and unabashed. “We did it!”
“Yeah,” Camila can’t help but share Lauren’s wide smile. “You did it, Lo,” she says sincerely as they pull back lightly, although Lauren keeps her arms around Camila’s waist.
“I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you, Camz,” Lauren responds as she pulls the girl into a hug. “Thank you,” she mutters against her neck as she tightens her hold on the brunette. Camila feels goose bumps run from the top of her neck, down her spine, and she closes her eyes in bliss as she returns Lauren’s hug just as tightly, thinking she’d jump again and again if she gets to have Lauren in her arms just like this.
“Okay, is this the part where you show your true colors and kill me?” Camila says jokingly as she playfully glares at the girl in the driver’s seat. Lauren laughs at her, raspy and relaxed, and turns her head to look at Camila for a moment before returning her attention on the road.
“I promise, I’m not gonna kill you,” Lauren replies with a smile, while making a gesture of a cross over her heart. “How’s that sound?” she asks with a teasing smile.
“I mean, I guess it’ll do,” Camila shrugs as she returns her gaze on the window, watching how the main city lights give way to towering trees and dirt covered paths, dimly illuminated by sparsely scattered lamp posts. The gentle sounds of Lauren’s low humming to a song that’s lightly playing on the radio, coupled by the soft purring of the engine lull Camila to sleep as she rests her head on the window while Lauren drives them to some secret location.
“Camz,” Lauren whispers, gently nudging the girl so as not to startle her. “We’re here,” she says as the other girl stirs awake slowly. Camila rubs the sleep away from her eyes and looks at their surroundings. “This is as far as I can drive into the woods, so we’ll have to walk the rest of the way, but it won’t be far from here, I promise,” Lauren explains.
There are trees all around them and Camila can make out a path leading deeper into the forest. If it would have been anyone else, Camila would have asked for them to turn around and go home but there’s something about the glimmer in Lauren’s eyes and the gentleness in her voice that makes it easy for Camila to follow her, even if it’s to the ends of the earth.
“Okay, let’s go,” she says with a smile towards Lauren and the other girl’s eyes visibly light up.
Crisp yellow and orange fall leaves crackle under the weight of their steps as they walk through a path flanked by lines and lines of looming trees, Camila’s hand firmly in Lauren’s. Their path is illuminated by the bright stars of a cloudless night, aided by a light post every few yards, which lets Camila know they’re not exactly in the middle of nowhere.
Lauren leads them to a stone bridge with leafy vines slithered across its sides, that arches over a small river, its turquoise-blue water quietly rippling under them and shining under the moonlight. On the banks of the river are a few dimly-lit light poles that cast faded lighting along the borders of the water, and beyond the lights are more trees, some already baring their branches, while others sport full ember-red leaves on their boughs.
“Wow, it’s beautiful here,” Camila says, her eyes roaming the place, basking in the serenity that surrounds them like a warm blanket on a rainy day.
“Yeah,” Lauren breathes out, letting go of Camila’s hand to fiddle with her own fingers. “I brought you here because – I mean, this might sound dumb, but I- I was just thinking that um-”
“Laur,” Camila says as she grabs onto Lauren’s fidgeting fingers. “Relax, babe. It’s just me,” she says with a soft smile.
Lauren takes a deep breath and starts over, “Well you’re always telling me to do things I’m afraid of. Live your life for once, Laur,” the dark-haired girl says in what is supposed to be an impersonation of Camila’s voice with a teasing smile.
“I don’t sound like that, but continue,” Camila says, curious as to where this is going.
“I grew up with a lot of boys, you know, I was friends with a lot of my brother’s friends and I mean, you know how boys are,” Lauren says with a nervous chuckle.
Camila just nods for Lauren to continue.
“And they would do all these crazy things when we were younger, like sneak into places, and trespass into private lakes to swim, that kind of ‘teenage rebellion’ stuff,” the green-eyed girl continues, her gaze on her fingers, which are back to fiddling. “And they always made fun of me because I couldn’t do half of the stuff they were doing, and they were never really malicious about it, but you know, it’s one of those things that kind of just sticks with you as you grow up,” she shrugs.
“Oookay, do you want to go sneak into a private lake and swim or…” Camila says with a smile as she pokes at Lauren’s ribs teasingly.
“Camz!” Lauren squeals as she catches Camila’s hands easily. “No. But um-”
Camila just raises an eyebrow in question when Lauren pauses.
“One of the things I always thought I could do but never did was um –” she takes a subtle breath and then hurriedly gets out, “jumpfromthisbridge.”
The teasing smile on Camila’s face drops as she tries to process Lauren’s words. “What?”
“I wanna try to jump into the river from this bridge,” Lauren says more clearly, head help up high this time.
Camila’s mouth opens and closes and she shakes her head in an attempt to understand the situation. “Wha- why – I don’t – I – It’s almost midnight and it’s November, Laur,” she says disbelievingly.
“Oh come on,” Lauren whines, gaining a burst of confidence and convincing herself more and more that what she’s proposing is not that crazy. “I’m still the only one of my friends that haven’t tried it. Come on, Camz. Pleeasssee,” she says pleadingly, bottom lip jutting out and green eyes wide and imploring.
“You’re actually crazy,” Camila laughs. “Let me get this right,” Camila says as she meets Lauren’s hopeful eyes. “You want to jump off this bridge, in this –” she makes a gesturing wave with her hand to the water below them, “probably freezing ass water in the middle of the night with what exactly? What we’re wearing right now?” she waves at their jeans and sweatshirt-clad bodies.
“Well, to be completely honest, I didn’t think I’d actually have the courage to tell you what I wanted to do,” Lauren says while rubbing the back of her neck as her cheeks flush, not from the cold. “I thought I would chicken out and just show you my favorite spot, but I don’t know, just seeing you look at this place like you did gave me the courage to tell you anyway,” Lauren says meekly.
Camila’s gaze softens at Lauren’s words. She knows how reserved the girl usually is and she can tell it’s a huge step for Lauren to actually voice this insecurity. Combined with those pleading eyes and the soft spot Camila seems to have for the dark-haired girl, Camila wonders if she ever had a real chance of talking her way out of this.
The brunette rolls her eyes dramatically and sighs, “We didn’t bring any change of clothes.”
“So we’ll jump in our underwear,” Lauren shrugs and Camila chokes on air with the nonchalance of Lauren’s tone. Her yes bulge out of her sockets when she sees the girl start to take off her clothes, starting with her sweatshirt.
“Oh my god, Lo!” Camila says laughing. “You’re fucking insane, it’s freezing out here and there might be people,” she whispers the last part, feeling a bit scandalized.
The girl just gives her a wicked smile as she places her hands on the hem of her shirt and takes that off too. “There’s no one around here, Camz. Like you said, it’s almost midnight.”
Camila shakes her head and starts to remove her own clothes. “We’re gonna die, oh my god, this is crazy. I can’t believe this is happening,” she mutters to herself as she starts to pull off her own jeans. Lauren has stripped to just her underwear and is standing with her hands on her hips, waiting for Camila to finish.
Camila gets distracted by Lauren’s ivory skin, gleaming under the moonlight. Her full breasts are encased in a lacy black bra that provides the perfect contrast to her smooth skin. The brunette’s eyes travel down Lauren’s body and land on curvaceous hips, subtle abs, and strong thighs and she has to swallow the non-existent lump in her throat. It suddenly feels like a hundred degrees.
She’s brought out of her reverie with Lauren clearing her throat and crossing her arms, uplifting her cleavage and emphasizing it even more. “Like what you see?” she says with a smirk.
“Shut up,” Camila says, throwing her jeans at the girl as she tries to will the blush on her face to go away. “Okay, crazy, let’s do this.”
They walk gingerly to the edge and help each other get over the railing until they’re both precariously stood on the outer ledge, with their hands clutching on the barrier behind them. Camila estimates that they must be at least thirty feet above the water, which is a good distance away.
She’s almost ready to back out but when she turns to see Lauren and watches as her green eyes light up with apprehension and excitement, she takes her left hand and intertwines it with Lauren’s right. Lauren looks up at her and gives her a nervous smile as she squeezes the brunette’s hand. “Ready?” Lauren asks.
“As I’ll ever be,” Camila says with a light laugh. “On three, okay?”
Lauren nods resolutely and faces the water below them.
  They let go of the barrier and jump off the ledge hand in hand, their movements causing a few small rocks to get scraped from the edge of bridge, freefalling into the water below them. The small rocks slope off the bridge and fall into the water with gentle splashes, sending off small concentric ripples, their otherwise calm landing in the water disrupted by two larger bodies diving in the abyss with them.
Camila feels a shock of cold run from the tip of her toes to the rest of her body, igniting the nerves in her system as the water engulfs her entirely. The cold shock dissipates from her body in the same way the morning fog clears as the dawn gives way to daylight and Camila feels all of her senses alight as the water wraps around her. She swiftly maneuvers to the surface and takes a large breath of air, using a hand to run through her hair as she lets out a light laugh.
She makes eye contact with Lauren and they burst out into full-bodied, delighted laughter, eyes crinkled, cheeks bunched, and mouths in wide open smiles. Lauren’s face is bright and happy and the smoothness of her flawless, alabaster skin shines even in the dim light, sending Camila’s heart rate into a rapid staccato. The water around them appears in silver-like waves, undulating gently under the gleaming stars and Camila has never felt so alive.
“We did it!” Lauren cheers gleefully as they swim closer to the banks so they won’t have to tread so much. Once their feet touch the ground, Lauren hurries to Camila and takes the girl in a warm embrace, her strong arms gliding effortlessly and slicing through the water as she wraps them around the brunette’s slim waist, twirling her in the water happily as they send off another wave of ripples through the water around them. Camila can feel the rumble of Lauren’s laugh permeate through her body as the green-eyed girl spins them around happily and the younger girl holds on tight, the skin on skin contact across their entire bodies sending shivers down her spine.
Lauren finally slows them down and they pull away slightly from one another. Camila’s face is inches from Lauren’s and at their proximity, she gets a closer look at the myriad of colors - amber, different shades of green, specks of black - spattering Lauren’s emerald irises. She feels the dark-haired girl squeeze her bare hips and when she focuses on where Lauren’s eyes are fixed, her breath gets caught in her throat as she sees the girl looking at her lips.
She sees green eyes disappear behind dark, long lashes as Lauren leans in and captures her lips in a soft, but searing kiss. Lauren wraps her plump lips around Camila’s and tilts her head to deepen the kiss. The brunette’s hands immediately go to Lauren’s dark locks, gripping her hair tightly when she feels the other girl’s tongue probe at her mouth. She gasps when Lauren rakes her fingernails down her bare back, ending at her ass, and the dark-haired girl takes the chance to slip her tongue into Camila’s warm mouth.
Their tongues expertly move over one another and Camila can’t help the moan that rumbles from the base of her throat when Lauren’s hands tighten around her butt as she continues to sensually explore the brunette’s mouth with her tongue, pushing in and pulling back at all the right moments, leaving Camila’s mind reeling and her body on fire despite the frigid air around them.
When Lauren pulls back, her eyes are blown and her lips are wet and swollen with bite marks from Camila nipping at them. The girl’s cheeks are flushed and her ragged breathing is in tandem with the way Camila’s own chest is heaving up and down.
“We should get going,” Lauren says breathlessly, her arms still around Camila and her eyes back on the brunette’s lips.
“Y-yeah,” Camila answers, just as breathless.
Lauren closes her eyes and leans her forehead on the other girl’s, sighing contently. “Thanks for this, Camz,” she whispers against Camila’s mouth. Camila savors the warm breath on her lips and smiles.
“Anytime,” she replies, still recovering from Lauren taking her breath away.
“I don’t know, Cheech,” Camila mutters into the phone, chewing on the strings of her hoodie as she lays upside on her couch, her legs against the back of it and her sock-clad feet in the air.
“What do you mean you don’t know?! How do you not know?” Dinah’s voice rings through the phone and Camila winces a little.
“I just- ugh,” she groans frustratedly as she swings her legs over and stands up, opting to walk around her apartment, touching random things while trying to come up with an answer. “I mean, when we’re together, it feels like we’re a couple. We hold hands, we laugh together, we have fun, we talk about important stuff,” she takes a breath and hurriedly mumbles, “We kiss.”
“You kiss?!” Dinah screeches in her ear and Camila has to take a second for the ringing in her head to subside.
“Dinah!” Camila yells back. “Stop yelling at me.”
“Sorry,” the other girl answers meekly. “I just don’t know how you don’t know if you’re in a relationship or not.”
Camila sighs loudly as she walks around her kitchen, opening cabinets without really looking inside and then closing them back up again. “I just don’t want to assume,” she says, somewhat sadly.
“Okay, how about you both act like the adults the you are and talk about it,” Dinah says like she’s presenting the best idea in the world. “It’s funny, it’s almost like communication is a thing, huh?” she sasses.
Camila laughs at that and she relaxes a little. “You’re right, Cheech,” the brunette responds. “I’m just gonna talk to her about it,” she continues in a convincing tone. “Just gonna go ahead and ask. No big deal at all.”
“Yeah, good luck with that,” Dinah laughs into the receiver.
Camila and Lauren are at an exhibit of one of Camila’s closest photographer friends and they’re admiring a black and white photo of a rice field in a rural town in the Philippines when the brunette hears her friend calling for her.
“Mila!” a short brunette with sharp cheekbones and a high ponytail approaches them as she trots towards the couple as quickly as she can with her high heels.
“Ari!” Camila says just as excitedly as the other girl. Camila lets go of Lauren’s hand and the green-eyed girl frowns at the loss of contact as she watches her girl wrap her arms around this ‘Ari’ girl.
“Hey, girl!” Ari squeals happily as she hugs the other brunette and sways Camila from side to side. “Oh my gosh, I’m so glad you could make it!”
“Yeah, of course,” Camila absolutely beams at her as she pulls back and Lauren feels like taking her girl’s hand and whisking her away but that may be considered in bad form to some so she stays put, clutching at her champagne glass. “This is amazing, Ari,” Camila says, with admiring eyes looking around. “Your stuff just keeps getting better.”
“Thanks,” Ari says as her eyes land on Lauren and the girl straightens up immediately. Camila follows her gaze and looks startled for a second, as if she forgot she was with someone. Then with a wide smile, she introduces two of the most important people in her life.
“Ariana, this is Lauren,” Camila says gesturing to the green-eyed girl. “Laur, this is Ariana,” she says happily. “The one that taught me everything I need to know about photography.”
“Oh please,” Ariana says bashfully. “Camila’s a natural.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Lauren says extending her hand and putting on a smile as genuinely as she can. Ariana and Camila catch up for a little bit before Ariana’s attention is needed by her other guests. Before they part, however, the photographer asks a question that throws the pair for a loop.
“So you guys are like together, right?” Ariana says playfully, wiggling her eyebrows at Camila, who blushes furiously at the girl’s antics.
“Yeah, she’s my girlfriend.”
“No, we’re just friends.”
“What?!” Camila and Lauren exclaim at the same time, whipping their heads to look at one another, both of them mirroring each other’s bewildered expressions.
“I’m your girlfriend?” Camila voices out in a high-pitched voice.
“Wha – I, I mean - you didn’t know?” Lauren asks incredulously.
“Um, I’m gonna go…” Ariana chuckles nervously as she points to a random area in the museum, “…uh feed my cat. Yeah, you know, give you two some space to talk,” she says hurriedly as she walks away, neither girl really paying attention to her.
“I’m sorry,” Camila says although she’s not sure what she’s apologizing for. “It’s just, we didn’t really, we never like – you never asked me to be your girlfriend? And I guess I never asked you either,” Camila cringes at her own words.
“But we kiss all the time. What did you think that meant? Do you think I’m the type to just kiss people for no reason?” Lauren asks, her tone hinting at being hurt at the thought. Then her eyes widen a little, “Wait, have you been kissing other people?”
“What? No!” Camila replies a little more loudly than she intended. She sends the people whose attention she’d inadvertently gotten a sheepish smile when she replies in a softer tone, “No. I just – I don’t know, Laur. I didn’t wanna assume and be wrong and we never talked about it,” she concludes, meeting Lauren’s eyes.
Something quick flashes through Lauren’s eyes but Camila’s too distraught to look more into it and then Lauren nods resolutely to herself and says, “You’re right. We never talked about us.”
“Yeah, but I mean it’s not like I’m pressur-”
“You ready to go?” Lauren asks her abruptly, her face expressionless.
“Laur,” Camila sighs dejectedly.
“I mean it’s getting late, let me take you home,” Lauren insists. “Or did you want to stay for a bit?” Camila searches her eyes for something – anything, to shed light on how she’s really feeling and comes up with none.
“Yeah sure,” Camila answers sadly and she feels an unfamiliar sense of tension when Lauren walks ahead and doesn’t grab her hand like she usually would.
“I think I really fucked up, Dinah” Camila says dejectedly into the phone as she stretches on her bed, just waking up from a five-hour nap she’d planned to only be thirty minutes long. It’s almost six in the evening on the Saturday after the whole museum debacle and Dinah is calling to make sure she’s still alive because the brunette has been MIA in the last week. It’s been five days since Lauren really talked to her. They’ve kept in contact through text, but they’ve been dry for the most part, nothing like the conversations she’s gotten used to in the last few weeks.
“I told you that you really should’ve talked about your status as soon as you could, Mila” Dinah says sympathetically.
“Yeah well, I don’t even know how to bring it up now,” she replies.
“You guys will figure it out. Honestly, Chanch, just sit her down and just talk,” the blonde answers through the phone.
“Yeah yeah, thanks, Cheech,” Camila says. “Now that you’ve made sure I’m alive, am I allowed to continue to sulk in peace?”
“As long as you talk to Lauren once you’re done with your pity party,” Dinah says teasingly.
“Whatever, bye. Love you,” Camila says rolling her eyes, but smiling nonetheless.
“Love you too, Walz,” Dinah replies. “Bye.”
Camila hangs up the phone and takes a deep breath as she prepares to tackle the day, or what’s left of it. She’s still trying to rub the sleep from her eyes as she’s walking out into the kitchen and almost has a heart attack when she sees Lauren packing some food into a picnic basket on her breakfast table.
“What the hell, Lauren!” Camila gasps, her hand on her rapidly beating heart. “You scared me,” she says almost breathless.
“Good morning, princess,” Lauren says with a smile, ignoring the girl’s dramatics as she continues on with her task. They have keys to each other’s apartment for “emergencies” but they use them to practically live in each other’s place ever since they grew closer. Camila regards her with a raised eyebrow. She’s wearing joggers that hug her in all the right places, an unzipped windbreaker jacket over a crop top that shows off her abs, and some running shoes. Her wavy, dark hair is up in a ponytail, her widow’s peak more prominent than ever.
Camila starts to feel self-conscious in her SpongeBob sleep shirt, short shorts with pizza prints on them, and fuzzy banana socks. She gingerly sits on a stool, propping her chin on her hands on the table as she eyes the girl, “Why are you raiding my kitchen, anyway?”
“I actually bought all of this stuff,” the green-eyed girl responds, eyes still focused on packing the food. “Just brought the ingredients here to make some food. I was gonna ask you to help me but,” she says looking up and making a point to look at Camila’s outfit, “You were passed out so I didn’t wanna disturb your beauty rest,” she says with a smile.
“So is this for…” Camila trails off, not really sure where they stand.
Lauren sighs and finally gives her undivided attention to Camila. She moves around the table to be closer to Camila. She would have liked to stand in between the other girl’s legs and pull her into a hug but she’s not sure if it would be appropriate given the uncertainty of their relationship.
“I’m sorry for not really being around in the last week,” Lauren says sincerely. “I’ve just been busy preparing something,” she says while rubbing the back of her neck.
“It’s okay, Lo,” Camila replies with a small smile. “But um-  are we, okay?” she asks hesitantly. Lauren’s smile is wide and genuine when she responds,
“We’re more than okay, Camz. Now,” she claps her hands together enthusiastically, “Why don’t you change into something comfortable that’s decent for going outside as I finish packing this,” she says, gesturing to the picnic basket. “I wanna take you somewhere, and since I know you probably haven’t eaten, I’ve prepared a picnic as well,” she says with a smile.
Camila smiles at how easy it seems to get right back into their rhythm. She looks at the other girl teasingly as she walks back to her room slowly, “Am I gonna need swimwear or…?”
“Nope,” Lauren replies, popping the ‘p.’ “Just your beautiful self in some comfortable clothes,” Lauren says with a wink.” Camila blushes and hurries to her room.
They’re walking in what looks like a camping ground slash hiking trail, Camila holding the picnic basket as Lauren carries a large duffel bag on her shoulder, when Camila finally breaks the comfortable silence. “Where are we going?” Camila huffs as she struggles through the path while Lauren seems to freaking glide through the rocky trail.
“You’ll see soon enough, babe,” Lauren chuckles, the term of endearment falling naturally from her lips and it’s enough to keep Camila going.
At the end of the trail, they reach a wrought iron gate that seems to open up to an obstacle course. Camila’s brows raise as she registers what’s beyond the gate and she becomes even more confused when Lauren starts pulling out a huge set of keys.
“Lauren!” she whisper-yells. “Where did you get those?” she asks, pointing to the keys that look like they might belong to someone who works in the place.
“Relax,” Lauren chuckles as she tries to single out the key she needs. “We’re here legally, I promise,” she says, finally locating the key and trying to open the gate.
“I don’t know if I believe that,” Camila replies suspiciously, squinting her eyes at the other girl. “I feel like I’ve turned you into a lawbreaker,” she teases Lauren.
“Eh, following the rules was boring anyway,” Lauren responds, winking at Camila. Once she finally gets the gate open, she takes Camila’s hand in hers and leads her through the course. They end up at a rock climbing set-up and Lauren takes the basket and her duffel bag and places them on a platform connected to a pulley, using the equipment to send their stuff to the top of the climb.
“Okay, you first,” Lauren says to Camila, pointing to the rock climb and the brunette groans.
“Laureeenn,” she whines. “Why are you making me do physical activity at this hour?”
“Come on, Camz,” Lauren implores. “The faster we do this, the quicker you’ll see the surprise.”
Camila huffs and crosses her arms, “Why do I have to go first?”
“So I can catch you if you fall,” the dark-haired girl shrugs and Camila’s gaze softens, then she chuckles.
“You just wanna look at my ass,” she says beginning to climb.
“That too,” Lauren nods, following after her, half keeping an eye on Camila in case she falls, and half checking out her butt in the tight leggings she’s wearing.
Once they reach the platform on top of the climb, Camila sees that there’s a tight, wooden suspension bridge attached to the top, leading to a spot she can’t see in the darkness.
Lauren climbs up after her and brushes her hands, “So? Let’s continue then, m’lady” she curtsies and Camila laughs.
“You’re a dork,” the brunette responds. She eyes Lauren carefully, noting her cautious movements as she gathers their stuff. “You okay?”
Lauren turns to her for a second and nods, “Yeah, why?”
“I know you’re not exactly fond of heights,” she responds. “Or wait, sorry, I’m not afraid of heights, Camz. I’m afraid of falling,” Camila says in a mock deep, husky tone.
“Wow,” Lauren laughs. “You do a worse impression of me than I do of you.”
“Match made in heaven then, huh?” Camila says teasingly.
“Exactly,” Lauren says seriously, meeting Camila’s eyes. “And,” she adds, looking around. “I find that I’m able to conquer a lot of things when I’m with you.” And Camila’s heart flutters at Lauren’s words.
“Alright, Casanova. Let’s keep going,” Camila says, shaking her head fondly. The small wooden, bridge is narrow, so Camila goes on it first with the basket, Lauren following closely behind with the duffel bag. As much as Camila wants to try to enjoy the view, she’s more focused on holding onto the sides for dear life and watching her step so she doesn’t somehow fall over the railing
When they reach the end, Lauren moves off to the side and starts to tinker with something. Then, like something out of a Disney movie, she sees fairy lights come to life around her and Lauren moves about, lighting some artificial torches to further brighten the area. Camila sees that there’s a thick fluffy blanket set up near the middle, complete with pillows and some folded blankets. They’re on some type of lookout that has a view of the wooded mountains beyond the campsite and Camila’s breath gets taken away by all of it.
There’s a nice cool breeze where they stand and Camila can see faint outlines of the serrated mountains spread out in the distance, their tops lightly illuminated by the night sky, as she registers the faint sounds of the night in the background – the light cooing of an owl nearby and the steady chirping of crickets.
“Laur,” Camila smiles softly at the girl, who’s standing by the side timidly, her hair gently flowing in the night breeze. “What is all this?” Lauren walks up to her and gently takes her hand.
“Why don’t we eat some dinner first, catch up, and I’ll explain everything after?” Lauren asks nervously and Camila nods, moving to the blanket, but not before leaving a kiss on Lauren’s cheek, causing the other girl’s face to warm up.
They eat the food Lauren packed and talk about everything and anything they could think of. One of the biggest things Camila has missed from Lauren’s company is their conversations, which never fail to make Camila laugh, smile, or think about different things in brand new ways. She missed the way they intellectually stimulated each other and just the warmth and comfort that always seem to surround her whenever she’s with the green-eyed girl.
“So?” Camila says, trying to meet the other girl’s eyes when they finish the dessert. “You wanna tell me what’s going on?”
Lauren takes a deep breath as she starts to fiddle with her pearl ring. “Well, I wasn’t really sure how to do this, but um- , first,” she stutters out. “I took you out here because I was serious earlier,” the girl explains, looking up at Camila. At the brunette’s slight nod, Lauren continues. “I wanted to do something that shows that with you, everything I fear seems trivial if it means getting to see you happy,” Lauren says with a smile. “And your face when you saw the view was definitely worth it.”
Camila’s smile is soft and her eyes are warm and filled with fondness as she listens to the other girl.
“But like I said, I didn’t know how to really do this properly, so I figured I could say it in a language you understand,” she says pulling the duffel bag close to her and rummaging through it, finally taking out some type of scrap book from it. “Here,” Lauren says, handing the book to Camila. “Now, fair warning, I’m nowhere near as good as you in photography,” she chuckles. “But I tried my best,” she says nervously.
Camila takes it curiously and notes that it’s a handmade scrapbook, Lauren’s neat handwriting gracing the front cover, Our Time Together. She looks up at Lauren with a raised eyebrow and Lauren just gestures for her to open it.
When she opens to the first page, Camila smiles at its contents. On the right page is a picture they took in Camila’s car on their way to one of their first adventures together – when they went bungee jumping.
On the left page is a caption in Lauren’s neat script:
The first time she asked me to jump <3
Camila turns to the next page and sees a selfie they took together after jumping off thirty feet from the stone bridge into freezing water in the middle of the night. They’re dressed in their hoodies, still wet from swimming, and are standing by the water, Lauren giving Camila a lingering kiss on the cheek.
The moment I knew I fell <3
Camila doesn’t realize her smile grow wider as she continues to flip through the pages, reminiscing through the different times they spent together. There are pictures from concerts, movie nights, and random things that they did in the spur of the moment.
Her breath catches in her throat when she sees the last picture.
It’s a picture of the wooden bridge they crossed earlier and to its left,
Where I asked her to be mine <3
Camila turns to look at Lauren and her eyes begin to fill with tears as Lauren gently takes her hand and intertwines their fingers, lifting their hands to her lips and leaving a soft kiss by the brunette’s knuckles.
“Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao,” Lauren starts, her green eyes shining in the moonlight. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
“Yes, of course,” Camila breathes out and reaches out to grasp Lauren by the back of her neck and tug her close, crashing their lips together in an eager kiss. Their lips move in a familiar rhythm, but the kiss gets cut short when they begin to smile too widely into one another.
Lauren pulls back and rests her forehead on Camila’s, eyes closed and heart in bliss, “I don’t know why we took so long to figure this out,” she chuckles.
“Me neither,” Camila laughs as she pulls Lauren into another heated kiss.
They take one more picture with the polaroid that Lauren brought with her and they place it right below the picture of the bridge.
With my girl <3
The End.
Shout out to FairyTwinkle96 and chained on ao3 for some of the feedback on You Were Always the Best Part of Me that I used for this one shot. I really do appreciate feedback, especially constructive criticism, so don’t be afraid to tell me how it is.
I feel like I’m using these one shots as a way to procrastinate on this full fic that’s been sitting in my head for a while.
As always, hoped you guys enjoyed this one and feel free to leave a vote/comment/feedback if you want!
Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!
p.s. there are pictures for the scrapbook on wattpad
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ikonislife · 7 years
My Professor 3
-Hanbin x Reader (Professor!Hanbin)
-1 | 2 | 3 | 4
-It was universally known that friend with benefit between best friends would be a chaotic ride from the start till the heartbreak of either one or both party. No one says anything about being in one with your dear professor…
-Rated M for language, mention of sex (secretly rated B for bullshit 😏)
-a/n: Let the drama  begins.
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Your routine returned to the usual pace as it had before the dry spell and cold shoulders of the past week. As expected, Hanbin continued to sooth your worries away with his kind gesture during the daylight and rough hands during moonlight. Your worries diminished greatly, or so you thought, with every seconds spent whispering about the far corners of life and mundane gossips of entertainment with the man. Hanbin forgets that he had ever  heard the girl he favors uttered words of doubt and you momentarily choose to forgo the fact that Hanbin has a nasty habit of wrapping you into a bubble of comfort, oblivious of the outside world and every sensible decision you had made. That is until one destined lunch you had attended against your own will reminded you of just how tumultuous the world is outside of his arms. The fact that Hanbin himself had near begged you into this lunch just added to the hilarity of it all. 
- “And this benefit me how?” You exasperated, pulling his wrinkled white shirt over your bruised skin, trudging out his bedroom door for a much needed glass of ice water.
- “Okay, I see how that part might not exactly be true… There is no benefit for you if I’m really honest. But come on, you don’t even talk to anyone in class.” He chased after you, not even a care in the world that he was butt naked, your nectar had began to crust up in his nether region. “Plus, this will help the people in the group. Share your intelligence for once, you have plenty of that. It’d actually help me too if more people get A(s)” A shiver shot up your body the second his arms snaked around your waist, trapping you against the the kitchen island, bare hot skin of your torso ached against the cold stone counter.
- “I make friends just fine for your information. Unless you can come up with something that I see fit my effort, no way.” Turning around, you sipped your water slowly, almost too sinfully for him to contain his excitement as his tongue breached its confinement, licking his lips, eyes danced between the curve of your breasts barely visible underneath the unbuttoned shirt and your eyes. 
- “Fine, if you do this for me, I’ll let you choose your reward. Whatever you want.” Patient was never his great suit when it comes to you and he proved it once again by the way his lips hastily pressing against yours, low grunt slipped into the air from the satisfying coldness of your lips.
- “Deal!” You had whispered before dropping onto your knees, water long abandoned as it was Hanbin’s turn to lean against the counter for support. 
His offer was so tempting that you agree without thinking too much more into it, that and how muddled up your mind was from the second, and third round of hard fuck he gave you that day kept you from thinking straight. Now that you’re actually attending these study lunches, you wish nothing more but to back out of the deal. You don’t mind teaching them the materials at all. It wasn’t that bad but it was the gossip, oh lord the gossip…Now that’s tiring. There was constant talk about this person and that person, way too much info for your liking. You sat there twice a week with a fake smile on your face, mumbling under your breath, vow to never again make decision while Hanbin is naked.
Fucking asshole… He knew my weakness. Damn him, using his fucking body against me…
Usually, you’d drone out these talks and simple smile then nod once in awhile to pretend that you care. However today, his name came up and your ears perk up as fast as a dog hearing the word ‘treat’.
- “Hey did you know that our professor is dating the new statistic professor? You know, that really pretty one that all the guys have hot for?” One of the girl whom you’ve never really seen much aside from these gossip lunch speaks up, tearing you away from your reverie.
- “Oh… is that so? I haven’t heard anything” you feign disinterest but deep down it’s raging like thousands typhoons. 
- “Yea, i’ve seen them have lunch together and sometimes when i go by his office to turn in homework late at night, she’d be in his office too.” Handsome dude always sit in the front took his turn. You had taken a liking to him honestly, not just because he’s hot but he usually pays no attention to the talks. For him to finally joins the trash talk, there has to be some fire to the smoke. 
So that’s why he hasn’t ask me to come by as often lately. He’d just send me straight to his house.
- “Wasn’t he the one that was on the hiring committee when she got the job? Probably repaying the favor if you know what I mean.” 
Roaring laughters, they then proceed to discuss how the two young professors are probably banging in explicit details disregarding the dirty looks the preppy looking group of girls walking by had shot their way. Uncomfortable with hearing people discussing him in such a way, you excuse yourself from the group faking having to pick up your dog from daycare. 
In actuality, you want to confirm your suspicion with him If he was really dating someone, you’d need to know to stop whatever you two had going on. Practically running, you hurry toward the building that house his office. Before reaching your destination, you pull out your phone to ask if it was okay to swing by. However, before you could hit send, a smooth recognizable laughter could be heard mixing with a high pitch one that stop you dead in your track. Looking over to the quad, there they were. The young attractive professor laughing away with ‘your’ professor. They look so effortless together that jealousy rears its ugly head in your heart. There was no longer a need to meet with him as all your suspicion had been confirmed as she so tenderly wiped a bit of food off the corner of his soft lips and how he didn’t care to stop her from touching him so intimately. The way she gazes at him with her stupidly perfect hair flowing in the slight breeze knot anchors to your stomach as you feel it sinks. They’re not even bothering hiding it, a lunch date in broad daylight no doubt completely aware of the kind of talks the students have behind their backs. Dejection weights down your heart as you silently walk away. Within the sorrow, a tiny flood of fury was also biting down, cracking your organs like garden weed through the cracks of sidewalk.
How could he start a relationship without letting me know. Even if I’m nothing, it’d be nice to know.
Furrowing your eyebrows a bit, you look back at the happy couple, feet never stop moving because if you stop now, you were sure the scream of sadness you’re suppressing would just belt out. Just then, by some bigger force of life, he manages to tear his eyes away from his alluring lunch date and catches your glossy eyes. His smile falters the second he takes notice of your expression. Never did he look at your face and not see a smile in return. This strange mix of sadness and anger take him completely by surprise. You slow down a bit when you see him shifting in his seat, thinking he’d come over and check on you. However, he simply shift his weight from one side to the other before reeling his attention back to the way she arch her back, bosoms full and enticing underneath the barely buttoned up blouse. You speed back up to almost running and disappear into the building without a word spoken.
Still angry about being kept out of the loop, a lie told for the sake of your aching heart, you decided to skip his class for the first time in weeks. All his texts were also being ignore as you couldn’t bring yourself to let out your anger. You were nothing to him, you have no right to be mad yet here you are fuming. Knowing that you’re being unreasonable, steering clear of him would be best because god know what a big laughing stock you’d be to him and all his professor friends if you confess the truth. Look at the girl that couldn’t even separate fiction from facts, letting a simple exchange of sex fools her. After all, he never asked for you to have feeling for him. 
Another week passed and still no contact. You’d show up to take quiz, turn in homework, or take exam but other than that, you avoid him like the plague. He’d still send a text here or there to check in to see if everything is well. Aside from that, he must’ve realize you’re doing your best not to have anything to do with him.  One week then two week passed. Your heart aches for him but your brain was better at this game. Soon enough the third week also passed by and your mind was no closer to calming down as the first time you saw them together. Strange the way the world work, when you were oblivious of something you won’t see it no matter what. Once that veil of unknowing had lifted, no matter how hard you try, everywhere you go, you spot them together as if you possess eyes of eagle adding to the already messed up heart. One day, you’ll unleash it all but for now, you’ll bite your tongue and keep quiet.
What wonder ignoring one person can do to your schedule, it suddenly opens up like spring to flowers. Most of your time spend at school focusing over your other classes. Never have you spend this much time in the library that even your best friend notice. Quite honestly, this is the only place left on this damn campus that eludes the ever growing vulgarly rumors of the professors late nights. 
“You need to eat. Come on, the school food fair is literally 5 min walk. Let’s go. I’ll buy.” Your frosted with blue dipped hair friend pesters, knowing all too well your struggle and why you were burying yourself under the mountain of books for the 3rd hour in a row. 
Glaring up at the pouty boy, you rack your brain for a way to make him go away.
“Hoseok, can you not? Don’t you need to go make love to Kihyun or something? Or did Kihyun got mad at you again for ruining his cooking.”
You push the annoying pair of hands that’s constantly tugging at your shirt away as best as you could. Slapping your shoulder with a tremendous amount of force sending you forward, Hoseok sends you slumping over the table.
“Oh, that’s it! You’re buying me all the food I want.”
Screeching in happiness, he links his arm around your shoulder dragging you out the door. Chatting about one thing or another, Hoseok goes on and on while your mind trails off at the sight of the attractive professor rubbing her hand on Hanbin’s strong bicep. A flash of intense anger burst out from your heart, clearly drawing your distracted friend’s attention. Training his eyes along your eyeline, the young friend gasp loudly, a bit of guilt rising in his well sculpted chest.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t think they’d be here. We can go, I’ll take you out later?”
Hoseok is the only person in this world to know about your nighttime fun after catching one to many lingering stares between you and him. Having been your secret keeper since 5th grade, it didn’t take much for him to pry the story out of you and honestly, you weren’t exactly bothered with keeping it a secret from Hoseok. After all, you’d trust him with your life so it seemed pertinent he should hear about your scandalous debauchery. He knows of your rise and recent fall as you spared no details when it comes to sharing your concern with Hoseok. He had a few too many times forced you to admit the thing that has your heart pinpricked every time you spot the two professors near eye fucking each other in public without success. You knew once you admit to what Hoseok is trying to get you to with all his life force, there will be no turning back.
Not sure what had gotten into your brain, maybe it was the 3rd can of soda and 2nd cup of coffee today, you grab Hoseok’s hand firmly dragging him across to the closest entrance to the loving pair, making your present known. Catching on quickly, Hoseok smirk mischievously while slipping his hand out of yours before wrapping it around your shoulder, holding your in a near choking headlock. Intentionally announcing your name loudly as he snuggle you close to his chest, flexing his muscles flashily once he take notes of the attention of his target. Locking eyes with Hanbin, the cocky friend let out a casual “ ‘sup professor” before returning his attention to you.
“Babe, I don’t know why you’re insisting on going to that garden. You’re just gonna make all the flowers whither out of shame from how pretty you are!”
Hoseok’s voice greasier than the fried chicken stall as he plants a big kiss atop your head. Hanbin’s eyes linger on yours desperately but all his effort turns down when you so clearly roll your eyes before flushing up to Hoseok’s side. Smirking mentally, you knew you could count on Hoseok’s cheesy ass to make a dramatic scene. Clearly winning the situation, you both stand in the most obvious spot after ordering your food. Rubbing up to his chest, you purposely drag your finger across Hoseok’s hard pecs, hanging onto his every words. Now and then, your “boyfriend” would fake laugh at a random comments you’d make, glancing over to check the intense sharp gaze that could kill. Winking playfully, the boy know his drama has to reach the climax before the food arrive.
“Ready for the end game, “baby”?”
Smirking lightly, you betted right on stringing Hoseok along with your insane plan. At your approval, he cups your cheeks affectionately before crashing his lips onto yours, leading into the hottest, messiest french kiss of your life. All that and you weren’t at all breathless… Something was missing, Hanbin was missing. Sure Hoseok is a great kisser, knocks the wind out of your lungs but he still isn’t Hanbin. In the distant, you could hear that high pitch monstrous shriek of a laugh heading your way having you both groaning with disgust mid kiss.
“Wow, look at them. They make such a good looking couple. I’ve seen them around before but I didn’t think they know each other. Isn’t it weird we’re not that much older than them but the difference in the carefree level is staggering.”
Faking a small smile, Hanbin could barely contain himself. In his perfect world, his fist would already be across the strange blue haired boy’s cheek and you’d already be back in his arms. If he’s being really honest, you wouldn’t even make it close enough to any boy for this to happen as if he could, he’d lock you up and keep you all to himself. However this is the real world and you’re currently locking lips with a guy he thinks is 10, 100 times better looking than he is. A guy that his physique puts Hanbin’s body to shame despite the endless compliments you showered him during intimacy. Most importantly, a guy that you could publicly love you, publicly shower you in affection. All he has to offer is the secret hours in his office hiding you as if he’s ashamed of you which is exactly the opposite of what Hanbin wants to do. He wants to boast about you to all his friend, to show you off, to let everyone know how delightfully awesome his girl is. Yet right now all he could do was silently and pathetically scream internally for you to stop, for you to somehow understand the pain that’s ricocheting all around his body emanating from his heart. He knows that he’ll never be able to give you the satisfaction of a normal relationship. Bitting his tongue and swallowing his jealousy, he painfully tears his eyes away from those soft lips he misses so much. 
Your little rendevouz with Hoseok obviously worked well as for the next two weeks, peace is the only thing you got. Hanbin had completely given up on contacting you. Not quite sure where he stands in your life, he just quietly watching from far away, blending into your background waiting to offer his help whenever you need. For now, that’s all he could offer…
All was well until evaluation week. Now when he was in the hiring committee, a herd of young professors were hired, including your physics professor. He’s young and handsome, popular amongst the students, charming but very professional, only second to your ex beloved professor. Being in the newest batch of recently hired, professor Kim, or Jiwon as most of his students affectionately prefer to call him, is due to being grade by senior staffs. These reviews are completely random and unannounced. Knowing there was a chance Jiwon would be review by him, you purposely sit up front the whole entire week to avoid being near the back section where the reviewers would sit. Sure enough, one gloomy afternoon, while busily jotting down notes your pocket buzz angrily. Pulling out your phone, you recognize the number even though you had deleted the contact.
12:30 Where are you?
Hitting ignore, you return to your notebook. Not even 10 seconds more before another buzz.
12:30 You’re in Jiwon’s class right? I think I see you. If not then you must have a twin.
12:31 Oh wait, that is you… Wow, I never thought I’d live to see the day where you study so hard, and sitting in the front at that. How come you never did this in my class? I’m jealous.
Angered by the constant disruption, you shut off your phone before going back to taking note. A long painful hour passed before the class was dismissed. You linger around hoping Hanbin would leave soon so you don’t have to cross path. You pretend to have question before happily chatting away with Jiwon. He’s quite a fun person to talk to and you enjoy the rare minutes you have to chat with him before other girls rush in and push you off. Hanbin had been on the receiving end of your flirts too many time to know all the telltale signs. Your giggles are higher than your usual laughter, your fingers constantly touching your hair or pushing it back behind your ears, your eyes are sweet and loving, your body sways slightly side to side. All the signs were there, he couldn’t believe that you were actually flirting with another guy right in front of him. Jealousy spews out from every crack and crevice of his body. He couldn’t help but let anger seeps into his eyes.
“Professor Kim, are you alright? You seems a little nervous.”
He coughs to cover up the obvious fury watching you blatantly, if not on purpose, flirting with someone else in his present. Lying that he’s just a bit hungry and shaky from coffee, he cusses at himself for not hiding it better. Glancing back slyly, you can still spot him talking to another professor while keeping a close eyes on you.
Damn it, he’s never gonna leave. Jiwon is leaving soon, I’m running out of time.
Just as you thought, another minute before Jiwon gathers up all the paper and bid his farewell. Before he leave however, you managed to crack a few more bad puns which he laugh at wholeheartedly at. He hi-5 you for a particularly good one before asking if he could use it in his lecture. Walking toward the exit, you could see something dark and grimace in his eyes as he stares you down. As Jiwon passes by, he gave a quick nod of the head to greet Hanbin before turning his attention back on you. Purposely seems more cheery than usual whenever Jiwon says something, you lightly pat his tone arm in protest one of his comment. Your face stone cold as you walk pass him not even sparing the slightest glance. Quickly saying his goodbye, he rushes out the door and run after you. Bowing goodbye to Jiwon, you continues on your way as he veers off into another hallway toward his office. You hadn’t expect for something to happen so publicly before getting pull into one of the empty classroom.
- “Why are you ignoring me?”
- “I’m not.” you retort curtly.
- “Come on, I know something is wrong. Talk to me. You worry me a lot these days. I haven’t seen you in so long.”
Scoffing in disbelief, you glare back at him as if he said he had seen a unicorn.
- “What do you want me to say? There’s literally nothing to say. I have a life outside of being your sex toy, you know. Why are you so stuck on me? Don’t you have a test to grade or something?” Your crude tone and vulgar language kills the last of his patient. Clearly done with playing defensive, his raises his voice unknowingly.
- “Shit, drop your act. I know you care. Are you dating Jiwon?”
You open your mouth to speak before stopping the angry slur that was about the spew out. He didn’t deserve this, any of this. Your crazy jealous antic isn’t meant for him to hear. None of this was his fault and you know it but too prideful to admit. You scoff, roll your eyes at him before shaking your head in disbelief and pushing your way out of the room. Not liking your reaction, he pulls you back and pins you against the wall. His voice raises and he sternly repeats his question.
- “Are you or are you not dating Kim Jiwon?” His eyes completely opposite of his intimidating display, almost the same eyes scrutinizing you during nights of moans and sweats. 
- “Yea, sure I’m dating him. What are you gonna do about it?” You hum nonchalantly, eyes not meeting his out of fear not because he’s pinning you down but because you’ll kiss him otherwise.
- “Are you serious? you’re lying. I can see it in your eyes. What about that weird kid with the blue hair?” a note of somber and desperation mix into his tone no doubt recalling your very public borderline indecent display of affection.
- “Yea, I’m dating him too. It’s nothing serious anyways.” Your voice trails off, eyes studying his expression closely this time. What hurts you wasn’t that he ignored you, or that he had been cozying up to someone that was better than you. It was the shock on his face that’s being wash over by something abhorrent. It was the fact that he actually thinks, believes that you would be the type to just sleep around to get over him, to get back at him. After all this time, he clearly knows nothing about you. “Well, apparently in certain people’s eyes I’m that big of a slut already. They fully believe that I’d go around sleeping with one professor after another so why would my words matter. I guess sleeping with other students around school isn’t so far fetch either in my realm of promiscuous.When opinions are preconceived, truth doesn’t matter. Maybe I am sleeping with them, maybe I’m not. Who knows. Who fucking care.”
- “You– I–”
- “You what? gonna bend me over and spank me? Fuck the truth out of me? Did you forget where we are… Professor?”
Your chiding words tear through the air like knife. He chokes on his words as yours were true. You’re not in the comfort of his office or his home, you haven’t been for awhile. Staring back at your smug and haughty expression, his arms drop away in defeat, letting you out of the cage that was his body. You scoff loudly before walking away taking the chance as you know there’s no overpowering him. He could trap you forever if he really wanted to but he never abused that power. Before you could open the door, a small sigh could be heard. The smallest sigh that finally cracks open all your resolve.
- “I really miss you. Come back to me…”
Your hand freezes on the handle and you stare blankly at the door. Did your ears play trick on you? Had you been in the lecture for so long that your brain is all muddled up? He has a girlfriend, yet here he was confessing to his bootycall, desperation laces in his voice. Your moral might not be the straightest but cheating is definitely not something you’d tolerate. Rage slowly drowns out all your senses and your body shakes. Without turning around, you cuss out toward him.
- “I didn’t think you were that kind of person, Kim Hanbin. Fucking around with me wasn’t enough but now you gotta fuck around with your girlfriend too?”
- “What are you talking about? What girlfriend?” He spews in shock, what had gotten into your mind talking about some girlfriend.
- “Don’t fucking lie to me. I wasn’t born yesterday, I think i can tell if the person i spent the past few months with has a girlfriend or not.”
No longer being able to control yourself, you turn around to face him as a few tears escape your eyes. Shock at the sight, he moves forward and reaches his hands out to comfort you. However, your anger stops him.
- “Don’t fucking touch me, bastard.”
- “Baby…”
Before he could finish his sentence, your hand lands a slap on his cheek. Taken aback by your action, he steps backward hesitantly before moving forward enveloping you into a tight embrace. All your fighting is futile as he’s way stronger than your sobbing mess.
- “How dare you… call me that…”
You huff angrily. You had never been this wrong in judging someone’s personality before.
- “Baby, I don’t know what you’ve heard but I don’t have a girlfriend. I don’t even know why you stop talking to me out of the blue. I’ve spent so much time trying to figure out what I did wrong but it’s so hard when you won’t even spare me one second of your attention. After nights and nights of not being able to sleep, I concluded that it has something to do with the new stat professor. I saw your expression that day in the courtyard… The rumors… You heard the rumors haven’t you? You looked so disappointed. I wanted nothing more but to chase after you but I couldn’t. Clearly that was a big mistake. I didn’t think you’d be mad for this long… I really miss you. Not just your touch or your body. Just YOU.”
- “Let. Me. GO.” No doubt his words are beginning to chip at your ice facade but your pride was stronger and you resist the temptation of giving in with all your might. 
- “No, not until you calm down and talk to me. I don’t fucking care if the dean walks in right now and catches us. We need to have this talk.” You’re not the only one sticking to the gun as he refuses to back down, making it harder and harder for you to fight. 
- “If you lose your job because of me, I swear on my life I will never talk to you again… Let me go!”
- “NO! Not until you tell me what’s going on. until then, I’m not gonna let you leave.”
Before you could reply, the handle rattles as someone is trying to enter the room. Shock forms on both of your faces as you hear a small high pitch voice calling for him.
Part 4
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