#that’s why they get mad when you put little coats and shoes on them
short666bread · 1 year
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marvelfilth · 7 months
Her idiot
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x f!reader
Warnings: none
Summary: your night out with Thor and Valkyrie leaves Natasha worried unimpressed.
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“But no.”
“Just let me-”
“Shut up.”
Your mouth promptly snaps shut, the sound of teeth clattering echoing through the empty Compound.
You're being dragged to Natasha’s room, or you hope you are - you wouldn't put it past Natasha to lock you in one of the holding cells in the basement. You kinda deserve it. You can admit that even in your current inebriated state.
She drags you upstairs once you reach the end of the hallway, your shoes squeaking on the concrete, making you grimace with each step you make.
You're also starting to get cold.
You're not stupid enough to tell her that.
Wanda's head pokes out of her room, her eyes bleary with sleep and her expression pure confusion. Her eyes grow twice their size once she sees the state you're in. And then she laughs, shaking her head.
“You're so dead,” she whispers when you pass by and ducks back into her room lest Natasha unleashes her wrath on her.
You gulp.
You probably are.
Natasha halts her stride, opens the door to her room, and pushes you inside.
“You better not get any of that on my carpet,” she growls, tugging off your drenched shirt.
You're thankful you've had enough of a mind to leave your heavy winter coat by the lake before you decide to-
“Off.” Natasha gestures at your feet, putting a stop to your musings. You shrug off your dirty boots, carefully leaving them by the door. As carefully as you can, that is. The room is spinning a bit, and Natasha's face is a little blurry around the edges.
Then, she tugs down your jeans, making you wince as the harsh wet fabric slides down your legs. She looks at you, unimpressed.
“Sorry,” you whisper, hugging yourself.
You're starting to shake, a little bit. And your teeth won't stay put. Or is it your jaw?
Natasha sighs and leads you to the bathroom. It's already full of steam and the bath is full of bubbles, and you sag in relief, almost tearing off your underwear in haste to jump in.
You moan the second you sink into the warmth.
“You do know how stupid that was, right?”
You nod, wishing you could hide from her gaze.
“Then why?”
Your cheeks redden, not from the warmth, but from the sheer embarrassment. Now that you've sobered a little, none of the fun and entertaining ideas Thor and Valkyrie proposed sound fun and entertaining.
She sighs again, and starts gently threading her fingers through your hair, untangling the knots she finds there.
“You're not drinking with them ever again.”
“And you're not going anywhere near that damned lake anytime soon.”
You wince at the memory of falling through the thin layer of ice after successfully making it halfway across the lake - just like Thor dared you to - and then swimming under said thin layer of ice the remaining half of the way and emerging on the other side, right in front or very angry and very concerned Natasha.
You're probably gonna-
“And you're sleeping on the couch.”
-sleep on the couch. Yep.
“Yes, ma'am.”
“You're an idiot.”
“I am.”
She snorts. “It's very hard to stay mad when you're being so pliant.”
You bite on your lower lip, keeping a bashful grin from emerging. You decide to test your luck when the fond glint in your girlfriend's eyes intensifies.
“So no couch for me, then?”
Her eyes narrow, lips pursing. “You can sleep on the floor if you'd like.”
No luck. Ugh.
“Okay. Couch it is.”
She hums, leaving your side to retrieve a warm fluffy tower. You get up, almost falling into Natasha's arms when you slip. She wraps the towel around your shoulders, holding you against her chest.
“I love you,” you mumble into the crook of her neck, your body buzzing with love, warmth and remnants of alcohol. “So much.”
“And I love you. Even when you're being an idiot, which is-”
“Always?” You interrupt with a grin, pulling away just a tad to see the expression on her face.
Her eyes sparkle in the low light, the lines of her face all soft. “Yes. Always.��
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carolmunson · 2 years
how to train your wyvern
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sadist!eddie x f!masochist!reader desc: when bratting becomes intentional disrespect, eddie has to go to new measures to make sure you stay in line.
cw: minors dni, smut, d/s dyanmics, spanking, slapping, spanking (with hands/with implements), degradation, humiliation, mean names, pet names, pet play (but not the mainstay of the fic), references to other women, emotional sadism, physical sadism, p in a (f receiving), fingering (f receving), oral (m receiving), mmf threesome, spitroasting, facials, rice kneeling, mouth soaping
He could take it to some extent, a little smart remark, a mean joke here and there. A sarcastic reply to a question with an obvious answer. That was fine, nothing a little stern look couldn’t quell. But every now and again there would be nothing he could do and it would drive him fucking insane.
You’d been bratting for days, and nothing — nothing, was working. 
It started last week and some change ago when you decided to invite yourself over after his mid-day shift at the garage. He was exhausted, but he still had to fix a pipe under the bathroom sink that hadn’t stopped dripping – and also repair the cabinet door that he slammed off the hinges when he was annoyed about the broken pipe. 
Normally, having you around after a stressful shift was nice for him. You’d fawn over him, make him dinner, get him a drink, rub his shoulders – suck him off, if he asked. This night was different, you clambered into the trailer and snapped the door behind you, cheeks bitten by the cold and snow in your hair.
“What’s your problem?” he asked softly from the kitchen, cracking a beer open and quickly catching the foam off the top of the can. 
“You forgot to pick me up on your way home,” you huff, “I had to take the bus and then walk.” 
His eyes widened, suddenly remembering that your car was in the shop. He wasn’t working on it, so it slipped his mind, “Oh honey, I’m sorry – I didn’t mean to forget. Sal’s working on your car so y’know it just – out of sight, out of mind.” 
He puts the beer on the table and takes your coat from you, pressing a kiss to your forehead. His warm lips sooth your snow soaked face, but the frustration still remains. 
“Why didn’t you just call?” he asks, seeing the furrow on your brow still stuck in place, “I would’ve come to pick you up.”
“I shouldn’t have to remind you,” you grumble, “You’re such an airhead sometimes.” 
“Hey,” his voice isn’t gruff or mad, more hurt than anything, “It was an accident, you don’t have to say shit like that.” 
You take a breath, pushing it out of your lips, mulling over whether the insult was worth it, “Sorry, that was mean. I’m just cold and annoyed.” 
His lips press against your cold cheek this time, “It’s okay. Um, get yourself cozy – I gotta fix the sink in the bathroom.” 
Your face falls, “Oh.” 
His face falls too, “What’s wrong?” 
“I just – I came all the way over here and we’re not even gonna hang out,” you frown. 
“It won’t take me that long, baby. I just have to fix the sink and the cabinet and then I’m done,” he explains while you kick your shoes off. Your eyes roll dramatically when he mentions the cabinet. 
“So first it’s just the sink, then it’s the sink and cabinet. You’ll finish those and go ‘Oh let me work on the leak in the shower, let me WD40 the door’, you always do that. You start a project and then start fifty of them and I just sit here,” you huff. 
He juts his lower lip out in a teasing frown, “Aw, so sorry I wanna make the place habitable, honey.”
When you don’t crack a smile his shoulders fall, “I promise I won’t be long. You can even sit in there with me while I work on it if you want.” 
“You hate when I do that. When I hover,” you say. Eddie smiles, pressing kisses to your cheeks while he pulls you in to hold you close to him. 
“So it must mean I missed you all day today if I want you to hover when I fix the sink, huh?” he jokes. You relent, giving into his kisses, and his warm chest, and the caress of the tendrils of hair falling out of the low bun on his head onto your nose. 
It’s not long before you're sitting on the shut toilet seat and he’s half concealed in the cabinet, t-shirt riding up while he lies on his back. You’re not focusing on what he’s telling you, something about his day or a customer. Something about Dustin and the new one shot they were putting together next week. All you were focused on was the sliver of his belly peeking out of his shirt, begging to be touched. Begging to be squeezed. You slowly get to your knees and sink onto the fuzzy dark green bath mat by his hips, reaching out slowly to graze your fingers over his happy trail. 
“Jesus!” he shouts, body jumping, a loud CLANG! sounding as a result of him dropping whatever tool and part he had in his hands. 
You laugh, “Oh no, I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” 
He shimmies out of the cabinet with a small red cut gleaming on his forehead, “Babe you can’t do that while I’m working. That’s so dangerous.” 
“I got bored, you were looking so cute. How could I resist?” you ask, ���Let me look at your head, I’m sorry.” 
You peer at the little cut, it’ll definitely heal in the next day or so, but it’s enough that he’s wincing when you go near it. 
“Don’t be such a baby,” you tut, pressing a kiss just next to it, “Is that better?” 
“Yeah, it’s better,” he smiles, “But please, I’m barely balancing this tubing in my hands – no distractions please.” 
“Fine,” you say sweetly while he lays back under the cabinet. You wait a moment before your hand reaches out again to drag your finger over a clothed rib. 
His body tenses, “I’m not kidding, baby.” 
“I’m sorry,” you laugh, “I’m just fucking with you, I promise. You’re just so cute when you’re mad.” 
You let him continue, back to his original one sided conversation where he starts explaining the Wyvern appearing in the campaign and all the differences between a dragon and a Wyvern. Your eyes glaze over and your hand reaches out for a third time, sliding a finger at the top of his jeans to trace the waistband of his boxers. You hear him huff angrily in the cabinet, face hidden by the door.
“I asked you to stop, baby, please,” he urges again, “I had a long day.” 
You roll your eyes, standing up and slapping on the cold water in the sink before you walk out of the bathroom, “Whatever.” 
He emerges a few moments later, fuming, soaked, brows furrowed – almost teary with frustration. He wanted an apology but he never got one, opting to put you over his knee so you’d learn a lesson that would sting well into the next day – but it was a lesson that wouldn’t quite stick. 
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After his show at The Hideout he’d pulled you onto his lap in one of the booths with the rest of the band. They’d rehearsed all week, canceling two date nights at the last minute in lieu of the show – and the practice was worth it. They got the whole crowd jumping this time, even if it was just thirty to forty people. His hand slid over your thigh, back and forth to bring down his speeding adrenaline, the smoothness of your worn jeans soothing him. He talked over you in conversation, leaning forward past your shoulders to interject. You huffed dejectedly, sulking into resting your chin on your hands with your elbows on the table. Tensing when a group of girls came over to join their after show debrief. 
After all the introductions they start talking music, the girls giggling and smiling. You’re not mean, so you indulge in the conversation – but that grating happy, bubbly friendly voice behind you booms over yours, his chest vibrating against your back when he speaks. “So who’s band is it? Who’s the brains of the operation?” one of the girls asks, glossed lips shining in the low light. The boys clamber to answer for each other, all attesting that the band is theirs as a group, no one’s the head, they all make their own decisions – but they’re all talking over each other.
“It’s obviously Jeff, he’s lead guitar,” you piped up, “It’s Gareth and Jeff.” 
“Isn’t Eddie the lead?” one of the girls laughed, her painted nails tinkling against the glass of her beer. 
“You asked who the brains was. Look at this guy, he look brainy to you?” you tease, running a hand through his curls. The table laughs, including Eddie whose cheeks are tinged red, but his grip on your thigh tightens under the booth. Excuse me?
To add insult to injury, you took his half finished beer out of his hand, taking a few sips to finish it  while your empty bottle stood at the center of the table. You felt his chest press up against your back, leaning forward towards one of the girls sitting next to him, “S’cuse me, we’re just gonna go grab another drink.” 
“Sorry!” she says, scooching out of the way while Ed nudges you forward to get out. You know he doesn’t really want another drink, he just wants to be mean to you. You know you’re riling him up in the way that he likes, you’ve been waiting for this all week. 
“You think you’re bein’ cute tonight?” he says to you when his calloused fingers wrap around your forearm, walking you towards the bar, “Last week wasn’t enough? Want me to make it worse this time?” 
“I think I’m being funny,” you shrug, “Everyone else thinks so.” 
“Yeah, you’re real funny,” he rolls his eyes, ordering another beer that you snatch before he can grab it. 
“Not an eye roll, baby,” you smirk while you take a sip of the beer, “You’re so bratty tonight.” 
“You’re one smart comment away from me taking you home,” he warns. You can see from the glint in his eye that he’s still buzzing from the show and there’s only one way for him to get relief from it. It normally ends with you sobbing on his bed, tied up and begging for more of whatever pain he feels like dishing out.
“Ooh, you’re so tough, Ed,” you tease back at him. His jaw clenches while you drink the beer he just bought. He snarls when he gets you home, shoving you into the bedroom, pulling your clothes off while he berates you over and over again. Lips and teeth gnashing, kissing, biting, growling over you while he does it. But you didn’t give in, you couldn’t. His frustration was too delicious. You didn’t cry when he paddled you, you didn’t even make a sound that resembled unhappiness. You just alternated between pouting and smirking, little remarks pouring out of your mouth with your moans. Every burning strike making you jump and keen and purr.  Eventually he gave up, resorting to a long lecture about bratting and boundaries while you both showered and got ready for bed. He counted every eye roll. Seventeen. 
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Two days ago, you dropped off some lunch for him at work and normally he’d melt at the gesture, but he knows why you did it. This was the incident that made it clear that all your behavior had been intentional. Still mad about your two previous punishments you showed up in the one dress you’re not allowed to wear to the auto shop. The hem was a hair too short, bending over would put on a whole show to whoever was looking, and boy, were the guys at work looking. The fabric was light and fluttery, one gust of wind would send it up like Marilyn’s. With the right bra, your chest would heave out of it, but even braless it held you in place just right. It was his favorite dress on you – just for him. 
His jaw clenched when he saw you walk in, leaning suggestively over the front desk to ask where he was. The guys snickered and leered at you, elbowing each other to get the other’s attention. You didn’t even bother to wear tights. Everyone would see the leftover welts from a couple nights ago if the wind blew into the shop the wrong way.
Before making eye contact with Ed, you looked back at them and waved, smiling, working the sway of your hips into your walk. Your knee high boots clicked on the smoothed over cement floor while you approached him. He was found leaning up against a car he just finished working on, wiping his greased hands off on a rag, his face unimpressed with you. Now normally, this is whatever, Eddie’s used to you getting attention from guys. But at work it was different because even though they ogled, the minute you left they’d start to shit on him. 
You let your girl walk around like that? Act like that? 
You must be real pussywhipped Munson.
Gotta make her behave when she’s got an ass like that on her.
You never settin’ any ground rules? 
Better put a ring on her finger before I do. 
“C’mere, wanna talk to you for a second,” he said calmly nodding you over to him, slinging the rag over his shoulder. It was unfortunate how fucking hot he looked at work, even more so when he was disappointed. Old t-shirt covered in oil and grease stains, sweat collecting in some spots, clinging to him. His cover all opened and hanging open at his waist, boots shining in the industrial light. 
“Aw, what is it babe? You look so upset,” you mocked him loud enough for everyone to hear, lips in an exaggerated pout, “What’s got you so mad? I wore your favorite dress.” 
“Yeah! Don’t be so pissy, Munson,” his co-worker joked, “She wore your favorite dress.”
Eddie ticked his head over to the back room where the guys took their breaks, implying he wants you to follow him. You click behind him, giggling at the guys comments, joking back with them, tossing little waves their way until Eddie shuts the door behind you. 
He walks slowly over to the coffee pot set up, pouring himself a cup and turning to lean against the counter. He takes a sip, watching you over the edge of the mug. His stare makes you shift uncomfortably, his calmness was sometimes more terrifying than his rage. 
“We’ve had a big talk about this dress, baby.” 
“The weather’s nice,” you said softly, crossing your arms. 
“It’s January,” he deadpans, he takes another sip of coffee, “S’there something you need to talk to me about? You’ve had this lil’ attitude all week. Now you’re bringin’ it to my job? That’s not fair.” “I don’t have an attitude,” your tone is petty and touchy, “You’re just being sensitive.” 
He nods while he puts the mug down, voice still measured, “I really hate taking this mean guy thing into our real life, sweetheart – but you’re really not leaving me any choices. Is gettin’ spanked not enough for you? Am I not gettin’ that ass red enough to teach you a lesson?” 
“You’re not even good at it,” you lie, tossing his lunch on the table in front of you. 
“I’ll remember that,” he says with a smug smile, “Thanks for lunch. I’ll see you when I get home.” 
He approaches you slowly, hand reaching around to grab your ass to pull you in close to him. You whine at the grip over your welts from the other night and he snickers into his goodbye kiss. His stubble grates against your cheeks while he holds you in place to slide his tongue into your mouth, just enough to leave you wanting more. 
“Bye, princess – love you,” he lilts, letting go of you to grab his lunch and sauntering out of the room. 
The caning he administered that night was brutal, but you still didn’t cry. You yelped and whined, you begged him to stop, you called him all his favorite names to get him to go easier on you. He called your safe word after ten minutes – scared that you were too caught up in the challenge of not giving into him that you’d ignore your own safety. After making sure you were okay, he took his pillow and slept on the couch. 
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He canceled your date night last night to work on the finishing touches of the one shot campaign he and Dustin had been working on for their monthly group ‘catch up’ at Steve’s. When he picked you up earlier this morning your attitude had nearly tripled in spice. Every word out of your mouth was a quick whip of the tongue. 
“Baby, please,” he begs, “Please just let me have one good day. Can we please have a good day?” 
You don’t reply, hopping out of the van and slamming the door behind you. He gets in front of you before you get to the door, eyes pleading while he leans in for a kiss that you don’t return, “Bub, I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m just – I’m so tired. Can you please just be nice?” 
“What are you talking about?” you ask sweetly, a sliver of sarcasm in your tone, “I’m so nice.” 
He rolls his eyes, “Don’t start.” 
Steve opens the door before you can ring the bell, running a hand through his hair and dropping it into his pocket, “Surprised you didn’t break the window with how hard you slammed the door.” 
“It was the wind,” you lie, “Took it right out of my hands.” 
You brush past him and ignore Eddie’s gentle reach for your hand, heading straight to the dining room to hang out with Robin and Nancy while the ‘kids’ set up their game in the living room. 
“You look beat,” Steve says to Eddie while Ed kicks his shoes off, “You okay?” 
“Something’s been up with her this week,” he huffs, “Longer than a week, even. M’so tired of her attitude, it’s getting out of hand.” 
“Did you talk to her about it?” Steve asks, watching as Ed rifles through his backpack to pull out his binder full of DM documents and his pencil case. 
“I keep trying,” he shrugs, “I’ve given her more than enough chances to talk to me about it. Even playing hasn’t gotten her to open up and normally y’know, once the water works start and she’s had a rough week she’s all out with it. It’s all about that release with us, does that make sense?” 
He sighs while Steve nods along with his rant, “And instead she showed up at my work the other day just to piss me off. Wearing her little dress, showin’ off to all the guys. After we went through the whole trust chat and everything, after the scene – which I had to cut short cause she just didn’t even cry? Wild. After the scene she told me she did it on purpose – as if that wasn’t already clear, but I didn’t need her to confirm it, y’know?”  
He stands up, flipping open the binder and making sure everything is accounted for. Steve chuckles to himself, leading him to the kitchen to grab them both a drink. 
“Don’t laugh at me,” Ed grins down at the paper, “I’m not like you, I just know how to smack her around. You like all that mean girl shit.” 
“It works. You want me to step in while the game’s going?” Steve asks. Eddie takes a breath, hearing your happy laugh bubble out from the dining room. He savors the sound for a moment – the smiliest you’ve sounded in days – and shakes his head no. 
“Nah, it’s not worth it,” he says while he heads out, meeting the group in the living room. 
After a couple of hours they took a break. It was always an all day affair, stopping to catch up with each other, getting lost in conversations. Eddie walked by you in the kitchen, hand plopping itself on your head while you reached into the fridge to get a beer. 
“Hey, I’d prefer you didn’t,” he softly suggests, “You’re just gonna get mean.” 
“I’m not gonna get mean.” You roll your eyes when he gets between you and the fridge. 
“I said no,” he reminds you gently, “Please? I’m not drinking either. You’re already in whatever mood you’ve been forever – getting drunk s’just gonna feed it. Can I get you something else?” 
“You’re being such a fucking buzzkill, you know that?” you snap. Eddie doesn’t react how you expect, no anger flashing in his eyes, no playful frustration. He just looks hurt, nodding curtly before stepping out of your way back into the living room. “Whatever you say, baby,” he shrugs. His shoulders round forward, settling in the couch and watching the conversation bubbling and tittering around him. He tosses you a look through the archway, shaking his head in disappointment. It was clear he wasn’t having fun with this anymore. You jump when the fridge closes and look around to see Steve next to you, alone with you in the kitchen.
“You think ‘cause you’re Eddie’s girl I won’t embarrass you in front of everyone here?” he asks pointedly, “You don’t get to act like that when you’re in my house.” 
“Fuck off, Steve,” you sigh, your eye roll rivaling even his best. 
“You better feel lucky that I didn’t get the okay to put you in your fuckin’ place,” he hissed while the conversation got more lively in the living room.
“Cause if you think for one second I wouldn’t bend you over that coffee table in front of all your friends and show ‘em how I deal with brats like you, you got another thing coming,” he continues. You shrink under his words, frown painting your face while he stares down at you — but that angry attitude, the reminder that Eddie couldn’t even bother to give you a solid warning, woke that mean girl right up.
“You wouldn’t do shit, Harrington,” you mutter, crossing your arms. 
“Yeah? Try me,” he offers. He shakes his head, hands on his hips, “You swear you’re so tough. Your bullshit is tired. He’s bored with you, look at him.” 
You look over and he’s frowning while everyone gets back into position to play but still lost in their conversations. His legs are splayed out in the recliner at the head of the coffee table, slouched down enough that his chin is in his chest. 
“He just looks sad,” you mumble. 
“Whose fault is that?” Steve asks. 
You sulk, “Mine.” 
You huff one final time before going into the living room. He peers up at you when you come up next to the recliner, leaning down to kiss him on the cheek. His eyes close at the feeling of your lips against him, opening them when you break away. He scans the room to make sure no one is paying attention before pulling you in for a chaste kiss, “Kneel.” 
“Ed –” you start, heat running to your cheeks. 
“Kneel at my feet for the rest of the game. Do you understand?” he asks quietly. You nod, kneeling down beside him while he got up to start the campaign where they left off. To everyone else, you were just watching everything play out – to him you were finally obeying. But it could never be that easy – just like the devil, you had to have the last laugh.
When the game was over, Steve and Eddie hauled off to smoke outside, talking quietly with each other – deliberating over something. You took that time to snag a beer from the fridge, confident you could finish it before they made their way back into the kitchen. However, talking with Robin made you less aware – hopping from one subject to the next, both big chatterers you had neglected the beer in your hand so it was only three fourths finished when the sliding doors opened and the boys showed up in the kitchen. 
Eddie doesn’t say anything, continuing his conversation with Steve while he grabs your coat and slides the can gently out of your hand, pouring the remaining contents out in the sink. You put your jacket on while he throws it away, starting his round of goodbyes to the group. 
“Let’s pick up some dinner, hm?” he asks when you both get back in the van, eerily calm, tossing his hair up off of his neck as the heat blasts. 
“Okay,” you say quietly, “You’re not mad? About the beer?” 
“Oh, I’m upset about the beer,” he says with a nod, keeping his eyes on the road, “But I can’t expect you to listen these days. You’re making your own rules, aren’tcha?”
“No, I –” 
He smiles, finally turning to you while he pulls into a drive-thru burger joint, “Don’t worry, baby, you’re gonna be very unhappy with how things go when we get home.” 
The food tastes like ash in your mouth. 
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“C’mon, on your knees,” he says casually once he’s done undressing you down to your underwear. The ride home had been silent aside from the radio. You stepped in the trailer and he barely gave you a moment of reprieve before stripping you down in the bedroom. All tired eyes and frustrated grunts while each item of clothing got tossed onto a chair in the corner of the room. You obey his command but your eyes shoot up at him with a furrowed brow when you make it to the ground. He sighs while he puts your collar on, he looks defeated and worn out.
“Hey, wait,” you urge, taking his hand while he finishes clasping the buckle behind your neck. He looks down at you and falters at the look on your face — not playing, not in your role. Serious, concerned. 
“No choking, please,” you ask softly, “Not tonight.” 
He meets you down on the scratchy carpet while continuing to hold your hand, pressing a soft and gentle kiss against your lips.
“Of course not,” he agrees, “No choking.” 
His hands find your face, fingertips brushing against you like you’re made of porcelain, “Do you trust me?” 
He pulls you in for a deeper kiss before you can answer, taking your breath away in the process. Heat bloomed in your cheeks at his attention, the way his eyes glittered when he looked at you like that. Hungry, aching. 
“I trust you,” you whisper between his kisses. You catch his gaze and he looks at you expectantly.
“What’s on your mind, huh?” he asks, “You okay? We can stop, we don’t have to do this. Could always just talk to me about it, you know I’m all ears.” 
“You’re not mad, mad are you?” you asked softly, “Are you really mad at me?” 
“M’not mad at you, sweetheart,” he assures, “Very disappointed, but not mad. Just like teaching you a little lesson. Is that okay?” 
“Yeah, it’s okay,” you smile. He kisses your face, again and again. Reminders of who he really is. 
“At least I’m not Steve,” he laughs, standing back up, “He loves taming brats like you.” 
“I’m not a brat!” you gasp. 
“You sure?” he asks, looking down at you with a hardening demeanor, “No? You’re not?” 
You shake your head ‘no’, he laughs at you pitifully, “Coulda fooled me.” 
“Remember what I said to you?” he asks, going into the closet. His voice is muffled while he’s in there, “You’re going to be very unhappy with how I treat you tonight.” 
He emerges and your furrowed brows soften into sadness, eyes rounding into pleading when you see what he has in his hand, “No, sir, please…” 
“Pets don’t talk, baby,” he says gently while he clips a chain link leash to your collar. 
“But I don’t…I don’t want to,” you whine, tugging at the chain in his hand. He looks down at you without remorse, petting the top of your head.
“This is how you learn to behave,” he says, “Nothing else is working, so I have to punish you with something you don’t like.” 
“But…” tears pooled in your eyes as he took a few steps forward and tugged on the leash for you to follow. You frowned, crawling on all fours to follow him to the kitchenette. He tugged twice when he wanted you to stop. 
“Sit,” he mutters down to you, catching your eyes while he walks over to the cabinets above the sink, “Stay.” 
You huff, sitting back on your heels while he rummages through the cabinets, finally reaching in and coming out with a tall yellow Tupperware. He opens the top and looks into it, frowning, and then looking at you.
“I hate to waste food but you need this,” he says softly, walking over to stand in front of the sink. Next to him, he lays down a line of white rice by his feet. 
“Eddie, please,” you whined, “I’ll be good, I promise.” 
His head whips towards you, “What did I say?” 
“Pets don’t talk,” you whimper back. 
“Want me to beat that into you?” he hisses, reaching for his belt.
“No sir, I’m sorry.” 
He stands at attention, looking down at you, “Come.” 
You start to crawl forward but he stops you, “You’re gonna let your leash drag on the floor like that? You know better.” 
You shake your head no, reaching for the leather handle and putting it between your teeth before starting your slow journey next to him. You hesitate when you get to the rice. He very rarely goes back to these kinds of basics because he knows you don’t like them, you’d much rather be spanked. He reaches down to grab your leash and gives it a sharp tug, pulling you forward.
“Don’t make me warn you again,” his voice is stern and you inch forward, knees settling on the rice slowly. You start to whimper quietly to yourself, the sting is immediate. 
“Eyes up at me,” he instructs, fingers under your chin tilt your head up toward him, “You’re gonna kneel here while I get these dishes done.” 
“That’s stupid,” you whine while he wraps part of the leash around his hand so there’s little slack for you to move anywhere. The backhand he deals you at the sound of your voice is shattering, your thighs tighten at the feeling, lips parting in a low moan.
“Open your mouth again, see what happens,” he growls, “My number one rule when we play, for years, is only speak when you’re spoken to.”
 You grit your teeth, putting your face back to center and tilting up to look him in the eyes. 
“Shouldn’t expect a brainless pet like you to take orders though – that’s why we gotta train you.” 
You shift uncomfortably on the rice, trying to relieve the pain one knee at a time but it only makes you gasp as the pain increases. 
“You gonna cry?” He asks. You shake your head no despite the burn you feel in your nose and the rattle in your chest. Your knees sting with the bite of the rice, whimpering when he starts the dishes. He casts a few looks down at you while you stay looking up at him. 
“We’re gonna keep at this until you break, you understand?” he asks, you nod. It doesn’t take him long to do the dishes, you squirm when he looks down at you down the slope of his nose. 
“Stay,” he commands, walking out of the kitchen to the bathroom to get something, then back to the bedroom. You wait for him on screaming knees to return but he doesn’t. You hear the shift of weight on the couch, the creak of the springs in the cushions, the stomp of his boots as he spreads his legs wide. He whistles. 
“Come here, baby,” he calls out to you cooly. You hear the flick of a lighter and start your short journey to the living room. 
“Do I hear that leash dragging on the floor?” he asks with a warning edge. You let out an annoyed groan, pulling slowly at the chain link while it skitters across the tile. You put the leather back between your teeth, gingerly making your way over to him again. 
“Let’s check out those knees before I keep you on them even longer,” he mutters, cigarette burning between his lips. He waves his hand at you, encouraging you to stand.
“C’mere, pretty,” he says sweetly, the mask coming off briefly to wipe off the stray grains that stuck to your skin. It was certainly irritated, but there wasn’t any blood, no damage that would last overnight. Less frequent types of punishment, non-impact play, sometimes made him nervous — not as confident in the outcomes.
“It’s okay?” he asks, looking up at you. His calloused hand finds yours, a soft check in, a gentle touch. 
“It’s okay,” you nod while he presses a kiss to your fingertips, putting your hand back by your thigh when he’s done. He lazily places the cigarette on the ashtray sitting on the arm of the couch to settle. 
“You know where you belong, pet,” he says, voice dropping register again. The clink of his belt coming undone makes your hips twitch, the slow drag of the zipper of his jeans. He lifts his shirt up before he pulls it out, tattoos smattering dark against his pale skin. 
He leans back on the couch while you kneel between his legs with your tongue out, flattened against your chin. His cock makes you drool, spit pooling at the sides of your mouth while he lets his fingers drag over the underside, pink leaking tip peeking out from his foreskin. 
When he lifts it up off his stomach you audibly gasp at how wet the top is, hips shifting on your legs for friction. He leans it towards you teasingly and you eagerly lean forward to let your tongue stripe over it but you’re met with a hard crack to the face instead.
“Very bad,” he admonishes, “You’re such a bad girl.” 
He starts with slow strokes, soft little gasps puffing out of his mouth when he runs over the more sensitive spots. Your mouth waters despite the sting on your cheek, “Guess I gotta keep training you, huh baby? That’s too bad, was gonna let you suck it if you could behave first.” 
You let out a frustrated huff and he likes it.
“Let’s keep that mouth busy since I can’t trust you not to act on your impulses,” he says, his voice dripping with mocking disappointment, “You’ve been doing that a lot, lately.” 
He reaches into his back pocket and it’s clear now, what he got from the bathroom. The bar of Pears soap glowed amber in the side table lamp light when he unwrapped it. 
“Y’know, I forgot about this trick,” he says with a smile, like you’re having a casual conversation. You gulp at the sight of it, leaning back with your mouth shut.
“Steve reminded me today, when we were out having a smoke,” he continues, eyes and smile wolffish while he leans forward toward you. 
“You hated it last time,” he shrugs, “But you didn’t run that pretty mouth for a while. So it must’ve stuck, huh? Open your mouth.” 
You hesitate a moment too long and his patience runs out before the buzzer to obey goes off in your brain. His fingers work between your lips, pressing at the hinge of your jaw like you’re a dog who has a piece of plastic in their mouth. You sputter over his fingers, head turning and twisting to keep him from getting a hold on you but your efforts were useless. The bar slid half way into your mouth, wedged between your teeth. You knew better than to raise your hands and fight him, he’d cuff you before you could protest – better off not seeing how bad he could go tonight. 
“Much better. Y’look so pathetic with your mouth full,” he teases, “Really suits you.” 
“Since I have to do this myself now, who should I think about, sweetheart?” he asks you, your heart sinks. He lets his eyes flutter closed when he squeezes gently around the base, a dark laugh bubbling out from his chest.
“Should I think about Chrissy from the diner?” he asks, heavy lidded eyes staring at you, his breath hitches. He pumps in slow strokes, taking his time, “Think about her pretty blonde hair and her pretty blue eyes?” 
You whine, swallowing thickly while slimy suds start to leak out of your mouth, he smirks.
“Mmm, bet she’s a really good girl,” he moans, “Bet she’d never talk back to me.” 
Tears start to well in your eyes and he has the audacity to fucking smile. The bitter bubbles gather on your tongue as your salivary glands work to push the taste out, but there’s no point with the bar pressed deep into your mouth.
“You know I love a nice girl like that, baby,” he coos, pace quickening while he fucks into his fist, “Probably loves getting stuffed full. You think so?” 
His eyes open fully and he grips your hair at the scalp with his free hand, “You think so?” 
You nod, face burning with embarrassed and frustrated heat. 
“God, watching her pretty tits bounce when she’s on top of me? Fuck. Bet she’s so fuckin’ tight,” he breathes while he teases the tip with his thumb, brows knitting in focus and pleasure, “So fucking sweet, too. Not a brat like you, baby.” 
He leans his head back while he feels himself get close, edging himself – slowing down and speeding up. And then he hears it, your broken, sad, choked sob. The sound of the Pears bar dropping onto the carpet. His head perks up, and there you are, crying on your knees in front of him, wiping at your eyes.  “My poor baby, there you are,” he coos, tucking himself into the waistband of his underwear, “Finally got you cryin’. You don’t like that? When your master thinks about someone else?” 
 “No sir, I don’t like it,” you answer through blubbering and spitting up suds. He tuts, leaning forward, letting a thumb drag over a tear on your cheek. 
“I’ll be good, please don’t think about someone else,” you cry up at him.
“You’ll be good? Yeah? You’re a good girl?” he asks, sentences peaking up at the end like you’re a dog. You nod pitifully. “You see a good girl in here?” he questions, “Is there a good girl in the room with us right now?”
“Stop,” you huff, wiping your eyes again.  “Now that I finally got you crying I can really go to work, huh?” he smirks, “Think getting belted will put you in your place?” 
You nod while he pulls up his pants, “Let’s get that mouth rinsed out first.” 
He keeps up with ‘walking you’ to the bathroom, now a mess of tears and a soap slicked mouth. Shuddering and stuttering while you get cup of water after cup of water to spit out until the water runs clear. You still don’t settle, all the feelings of the week and some change of aggravation and anger surging and pulsing through you all at once. 
“You wanna tell me what’s got you acting like such a cunt this week?” he asks while you get situated on your knees on the mattress in the bedroom. Foolishly, you thought he might soften up when you started to cry – but now it’s clear he’s just getting started. 
“You just weren’t paying enough atten-attention to me,” you confess, quietly. He gapes at you, anger and disbelief flashing behind his eyes.  “All this ‘cause you weren’t gettin’ enough attention?” he hisses, “When’d you get so weak, huh?” 
“You kept w-working late, and ditching me f-for Steve, and D-dustin, and the band,” you whined. 
“Cry all you want,” he says with a straight mouth, “This is so disappointing, baby. Thought you were tougher than that. Gotta get you correct, don’t I?” 
“You kept c-cancelling, so I thought –” you continue.
“Hey!” he barks, startling you to look up at him, “I asked you a question.” 
“Yes, you have t-to correct me, sir,” you nod, “I need it.” 
“You need it?” he mocks back, “Get in position for me.” 
You oblige, bent over on the bed while he goes to get the belt that hangs next to the front door. You hear it clink with every stomp of his boots back down the hall, your thighs twitch with anticipation of him taking his anger out on you – much more pliable this time, much more reactive, no longer trying to stop yourself from feeling it.
“Attention, huh?” he repeats when he comes back in, “Well you got it, whore. I’ll pay attention to you all night.” 
“Thank you, sir,” you breathe. You hear him open the top drawer of his dresser, the sound of plastic, zippers. 
“Maybe we can invite Steve over to help,” he suggests, “Does that sound good? A little extra hand to make the lesson sink in.” 
“Do you wanna share me, sir?” you ask while he reaches over you to press each wrist to the outside of your thighs, wrapping each of them together in thin rope he picked up at the hardware store. A shopping trip you are certain had the owner looking at you both with a cocked brow as you both left blushing.
“Something fun about watching someone use my toys,” he says playfully. The makeshift spreader bar finds its way between your legs, clicked into soft cuffs around your ankles. A vision, bent over and spread out for him. Eddie’s not an awful man, so he offers the courtesy of tucking a pillow or two under your torso to keep you raised and balanced, pressing a kiss to the middle of your back. 
“M’gonna really fuck with you tonight,” he threatens softly against your skin, “How do you feel about that?” 
“Orange,” you say back. Orange, the coolest flame. The okay. 
“And Steve?” he asks, fingers grazing your inner thighs. 
“Orange,” you reply, pussy clenching at the thought of being beaten by both of them. 
“Mmm, that’s a good girl,” he rasps low, “Really good girl.” 
“When’s the last time I made you cum, pet?” he moves away from you again and you whine, the ache of your cry still sitting in your throat to be reactivated. 
“Last week after your sh-show,” you answer obediently. 
“So mean of me, huh? To keep you so needy,” he says, and that’s when you feel it. The handle of the wand being pressed against your inner thigh, the low buzz as he turns it on. You gasp while he adjusts it, feeling it press up against you before he secures it there, hips already searching for more pleasure as he turns it up higher. 
“Let me make it up to you,” the way he says it, you know he has that devilish look pulling across his smile. The metallic flick of his switchblade sounds and your panties are the first to face its wrath, pulled away with ease once the right slices were made. He follows up with the straps of your bra and you want to protest but you know he’ll buy you a new one before the day ends tomorrow – he’s always ruining your shit and buying you more, his mouth running apologies as he does.
“S’that feel good?” he asks. 
“Yes, sir,” you whisper, eyes already rolling at the orgasm building in your lower belly. 
“What do you say?” his voice is expectant. 
“Thank you, sir,” you rasp out. 
“You tell me every time you cum, okay?” he instructs. You nod, losing yourself in the feeling of being restrained and used. Your eyes flutter closed while you succumb to the vibrations between your legs and the sound of his voice, the stomp of his boots. A soft gasp pushes out of your chest, hips pressing down on the head of the toy for more friction. 
The belt is unforgiving against the fat of your ass and your gasp quickly falls into a loud wail, the cry in your chest pushing to your throat. 
“Okay?” he repeats. 
“Y-yes sir, I’ll tell you every time,” you hurry out, feeling the coil in between your legs get tighter immediately at the sting of the belt. 
“Sir?” you ask quietly, “Hit me again, please.” 
“Yeah?” you shivered at the low gravel of his voice. You hear him rev up, then the leather whooshing through the air to land in a hard ‘thwap!’ across your behind. You whine at the hit, hands balled into fists at the pain – but god was it good. It was so good. 
“I have to make a quick phone call,” he mutters, “Keep track for me.” 
He returns some minutes later, leaning over the mattress to look at you, “Look at you, what a fucking slut. You like this?” 
You nod pitifully and he rolls his eyes, your hips twitch at the sight. 
“You cum yet?” he sounds so bored when he asks you think you might cum again instantly. 
“Twice, sir,” you confess. 
“Twice?” he repeats, “Must not be enough – so quiet.” 
You feel the tip of something drag against the flesh of your thigh while Eddie draws two short vertical parallel lines, “Just using up your eyeliner to keep track.” 
“But thats –”  His hand cracks down on your fresh welt before you can continue, “I’ll buy you a new one tomorrow. Get you a new lipstick, too. So shut up.”
“Yes, sir,” you rasp out. 
“Let’s get you nice and loud for me,” he mumbles, reaching between your thighs to turn up the toy's speed. 
“Oh, fuck! Oh my god,” you cry out, “Oh, shitshitshitshit.”
His giggle is grotesque when you feel the slide of your lipstick on your skin; your back, your ass, your calves. the waxy scent wafts through the air with the smell of your arousal, “Steve’s right, writing all over you is really fun. Wanna see what you look like, whore?” 
“Y-yes, sir,” you obey, hips stuttering while a third orgasm runs over you, “Three! Fuck, three.” 
Another vertical line is sketched on your thigh with the other two. The sound of his Polaroid goes off when he’s done with his handy work, leaving the picture next to you to fade into view. 
“H-hope you spelled everything right,” you tease, knowing exactly where it’ll get you, “Know how hard that is for you, ‘86.” 
He growls, a stinging dig he didn’t deserve, but you remember the ache of each canceled date. Every ‘I’ll make it up to you.’ Him mentioning Chrissy while he jerked off when you always suspected he’d secretly been checking her out when you went for lunch there. 
“Well that wasn’t very nice.” 
You groan at the blend of the crack of the belt on your ass and the sound of Steve’s disappointed voice. 
“Four, fuck, four,” you cry while your thighs shake — another line added to your collection. 
“Looks like your training isn’t done, peach,” Steve says sweetly, “You’re still being such a little bitch.” 
You hear him fall in line with Eddie, his ringed hand pulling at your hair to lift you up, “Say hi to Steve, sweetheart.”
“H-hi Mr. Harrington,” you rasp out before he drops your head back down on the pillow.
“Hi, angel,” his voice was low and syrupy, “So respectful.” 
“Heard he’s been real mean to you, peach,” he announces, and you can feel his hand skate over the hot skin of your ass where the belt has met you more than once tonight, “Making you be his pet, kneeling on rice, he’s so mean isn’t he?” 
“Yes, sir,” you reply breathily as the buzz of the vibrator turns up higher.
“I have to be mean, too,” he says softly, hand cracking down hard on your ass in a sweeping smack, “Remember what you said to me earlier?” 
“No, sir,” you whimper, the cry caught in your throat finally aching back out. Tears rapidly stain your face as you see Eddie come into view at the end of the bed.
“Why don’t you try a little harder?” Eddie bites, a short smack with his fingers bouncing off your cheek, “Use your brain.” 
“I said you — shit, five, FIVE, oh my god five — please turn it off Ed, please,” you whine, hips jumping to escape the vibrations, your clit beginning to ache. A wave of concern washes over his features at the sound of his name and not ‘sir’.
“What did you say to Steve earlier? Tell me and I’ll consider it,” he says, eyes scanning you hurriedly to check your face for signs of discomfort beyond what you could normally handle. You huff and cry, too overstimulated to answer him.  
“Don’t make me ask you again,” he warns, hand snaking back into your hair.
“I said he wouldn’t do shit,” you grit out, whimpering out a broken, “Six.” 
“You can turn the toy off, Harrington,” he says gruffly. Two more lines are marked on your thigh, you shiver when Steve traces them after he turns the toy off.
“Nice collection,” he says, cocking his head over to Eddie’s implements laid out on the dresser. You hear him rifle through his options, Eddie’s quiet instructions while they look together, ‘Too much, she’ll tap out,’ ‘She can only do a few with those,’ ‘You’re not experienced enough for that, you’re not here to practice on my girl.’ Warmth pools in your belly and soothes you despite the stinging on your skin and the bruised ache between your legs. They decide on the belt, it’s Steve’s favorite and yours, and you’re silently happy he joined in because Eddie absolutely would’ve caned you otherwise. 
“You have a nice break?” Eddie asks, he appears at the end of the mattress again – torso in your vision. You nod, feeling a wet spot under your cheek from drooling. 
He tuts, wiping some of it away, muttering, “You fucking dog,” under his breath.
“I’m not gonna do shit? That’s what you said, right?” Steve asks, you moan in frustration when the toy starts up again between your legs – setting turned up high. 
“Yes, Mr. Harrington,” you stutter out. The last syllable leaves your lips and Eddie’s belt meets you across the thighs with a speed and precision you’ve never felt before. The sound that comes out of you is desperate and aching, barely coming down from the sting when the second comes down hard the side of your ass. 
“Didn’t think this one through, did ya, peach?” he asks, a grunt and flounce of his hair adding power to the next one. 
“No, sir. I’m s-sorry,” you cry, shoulders shuddering when he follows through with two more. The vibrations of the toy and his rough smacks of the belt blend together again and you gush between your thighs with a high whine.  “S-seven,” you whimper. 
“What a slut,” Eddie mutters while he adds another line to your orgasm tally, “Gettin’ beat makes you cum?” 
“Yes, sir,” you nod feverishly, easing your hips back down lightly over the vibrator wand. He slides the belt he’s wearing out of his belt loops and wraps it firmly around his knuckles. You look up at him petulantly with wet, glassy eyes. Another strike of pain hits your backside as Steve whips the belt against you again.
“What?” Eddie asks, eyebrows raised, “You got somethin’a say?” 
“No, sir,” you raspily whisper. 
“Good,” he smiles, “Cause pets don’t talk, do they?” 
“No, sir,” you admit with a nod, yelping when the leather strikes your thighs. 
“You’re gonna cum ten times, baby,” he explains, “I’m gonna help you get there.” 
“Since getting whupped makes you cum so much,” he teases before both of them bring their belts down simultaneously. The release of crying is more euphoric than the orgasms, settling into the burn of each rise and fall of their arms, each crack of their belts and slap of their hands raining down on you.
“Ow, fuck that hurts so fucking good,” you wail, “Please more, please.” 
“You dirty fucking bitch,” Steve glowers, “You learning anything?” 
“Yes, sir – AH! EIGHT – EIGHT!” you scream, the choked sob in your chest wracking through you into a full on meltdown. They both drop their belts, Steve approaching you again with both hands gripping your hot, welted skin hard. You squirm under his touch while his hand barrels down on you again, the other turning off the toy. 
“You know something, peach,” he says, finger softly tracing whatever Eddie wrote on your back, “I think you act like a bitch ‘cause you wanna be fucked like one.” 
You squeal out a noise while he kneads the burning fat of your hips and thighs, spreading you open, “Does that sound right?” 
“Yes, Mr. Harrington,” you say between big breaths, trying to steady your sobs. You relax into the relief of the toy being turned off, shivering at the feeling of his finger going back to trace the words on your back. 
“Says here you’re an anal slut,” he smirks, “You like getting fucked in the ass?” 
“She loves getting fucked in the ass,” Eddie answers for you, a whiff of his cologne and cigarette smoke wafts through the room while you feel him detach the spreader bar from between your legs. 
“So how about I fuck you like that? Think that’ll drive it home?” 
You nod while Eddie uses his switchblade to cut open the rope on your wrists and thighs, your hands falling down towards the mattress limply. You lift one of them to push yourself up but Eddie catches your arm.
“Stay,” Eddie says sternly, “You didn’t answer his question.” 
“Yes, Mr. Harrington,” your voice sounds moody and petty. 
“Is that what you want?” Eddie asks, brows raised again. You can tell he wants your extra reassurance since this was newer territory. He didn’t share you very often, and not normally with someone so close to home. 
“Yes, sir,” you nod, he squeezes your arm twice in silent communication. A gentle reminder. A silent ‘I love you’. 
“Get her on her back, Harrington,” he smiles, “That’s how she likes it best.” 
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Steve, though still stern, takes his time working you up to it – teasing your clit with his thumb until wetness pools out of you down to your ass. 
“You like it slow like this? Like getting stretched out?” he asks, “You’re not my toy, so I don’t wanna break you.” 
“Mmm,” is all you can reply as one of his fingers pumps slowly in and out of your tight hole, your hips moving in time. Your head lolls back over the end of the mattress where Eddie’s stood over you, the mix of his musk and body wash filling your nose while his balls sit over your mouth. 
“Oh, you can break her, Harrington,” Eddie nods, “Put some miles on her.”
Eddie pops open a bottle of lube and tosses it to Steve, “Two squirts is normally enough to get the second finger in, she’ll loosen up good after that.” 
Your thighs twitch while you hear your boyfriend’s low gravelly voice instruct someone on how to fuck you. How your body reacts, what your body wants. Like he’s always been studying you this whole time. You preen into his touch when his ringed hand slides town your torso to move Steve’s thumb away from your clit. 
“You like getting used, angel?” Steve asks, easing a second finger in slowly. You groan at the stretch, legs shaking when the pads of Eddie’s fingers swirl over your clit at the speed and pressure you like the most. “Mhmm,” you muffle out, hand reaching out to grab Eddie’s thigh, nails digging into his skin while you continue to drool onto his sac. He hisses at the bite of the assault, “Hands to yourself.” 
You whine when he takes his hand away, offering three short slaps to your clit with his fingers. 
“Nine,” you gasp out, hips jolting at the pleasure from the pain and the fullness of Steve’s fingers pumping in and out of you. You lay there like that for a bit, eyes fluttering closed while Eddie guides his cock into your mouth, slowly pushing in and out while his hand cups your face. 
“Think you’re ready for something bigger, peach,” Steve says softly, pushing your thighs up to press against your chest. You instinctively hold them up, never having to be told where and when to be helpful in providing access to you. You feel the blunt head of his cock push forward and you suck in a breath through your nose while Eddie’s length slides against your tongue. His thumb smoothes over your jaw bone. 
“You can take it,” he encourages, his hand moving downward to grab one of your breasts. A quiet groan bubbles out of his chest when Steve pushes himself in to the hilt, making you moan over his cock. 
“So tight, shit,” Steve grunts, a soft sheen of sweat forming on his forehead while his body finds balance on the mattress to begin thrusting. And thrust he does, not caring about your pleasure – only his. Eddie doesn’t mind though, he knows that part of what gets you off is the total disregard for you, that delicious taste of degradation and humiliation that comes with being used. 
“She’s good, isn’t she Harrington?” Eddie asks, hips moving a little faster while he fucks your mouth. Your eyes roll behind closed eyelids as the sensation of one of them pushing in and the other pulling out rocks you against the mattress. 
“Fucking Christ,” Steve gasps, “Yeah, shit – better keep her on a fuckin’ tight leash.” 
Steve runs a hand through his hair before both of them find a solid grip on your waist, drilling into you. You jump with each slam of his hips while your skin smacks together, waking up the buzzing sting of the welts they both left behind. You let yourself be used, moaning muffled by Eddie’s girth, pussy pulsing over nothing while they took turns teasing your clit and chest. Rough grabs turning into soft, feathery touches. Leather and lace, push and pull, back and forth.
“Gettin’ close, baby,” Eddie grumbles, the snap of his hips starting to stutter when he pulls out of your mouth. You obediently keep your mouth open and he laughs at you, tapping your chin closed. 
“No, you don’t get to swallow my cum,” he taunts, “You didn’t earn that.” 
You watch him fuck his fist, eyes burning with lust while he watches Steve pull you closer to him on the bed, your face finally staring up at him. You can smell the spice of his cologne, see the fire in his light brown eyes, his furrowed brow while he rapidly reaches his orgasm. Each thrust gets more punishing while he berates you into the mattress. 
“You take it so good, you fucking slut,” he hisses, “He trained you real fuckin’ good.” 
He leans over you, one hand supporting him, the other creeping up the front of your neck. You’re too fucked out to notice Eddie grab his wrist before Steve can put any pressure on your airways. Offering him a quiet ‘not tonight,’ with a shake of his head, curls bouncing next to him. Steve nods, not skipping a moment to use the same hand to smack you hard across the face – your back arches immediately. 
“Ten, oh my god, ten,” you cry out while your final orgasm rips through you, gushing down between your legs over Steve’s cock. Relieved and satisfied, the tears start to pour out of you again. Aftershocks of your orgasm making you writhe and whine, cry and shake. 
Suddenly, you feel Eddie’s cum shoot in hot spurts over your face. You sputter, eyes shut tight, face contorting while he purrs a low, “You want some more?” 
You whimper, letting out a pathetic ‘mhm’ with a nod in order to keep your mouth shut. You feel Steve’s knees walk over you, the ‘schlick, schlick, schlick’ of him fucking himself over you, using your cum for friction. 
“Say please, baby,” Steve coos over you. 
“Please, sir, please,” you beg, warm briny spend leaking into your mouth at the words. You catch the hitch in his breath before his own thick ropes of cum land on your face. You hear his ragged breathing, feel the shift of his weight while he leans over your body before getting off the bed. 
“Fuck, heh, she’s – damn – she’s good, man,” Steve laughs. Eddie laughs with him, ringed hand coming down to smear their cum into your face before cracking his palm against your cheek from above you. 
“As usual, rode hard and put away wet,” his tone is bored and it makes you shiver again, “Go hit the showers, Harrington.” 
You hear him step out and the bathroom door shut partway down the hall, the air stills now that it’s just you and Eddie. You let out a long, contented, shuddering sigh; too tired to cry, too tired to do much of anything. In the fog, he says ‘I’ll be right back,’ to you, and you aren’t sure how much time has passed between his leaving the room and his arrival. 
“Hey baby,” he croons, “You with me?” 
“Mhm,” you mumble. You feel the warmth of a wet washcloth smooth over your face, taking gentle care over your eyes and lips. “Can you open your eyes for me?” he asks, pushing your hair away from your damp forehead. Your eyes open halfway, looking at him through bleary vision – he’s handsome just the same. 
“Hi there,” he grins. 
“Hi,” you croak out. 
“Why don’t you rest a little?” He suggests, pressing a kiss to your cleaned off cheek, “I’ll be right here.” 
You barely register the last syllable of his sentence, exhaustion taking over before you can even agree to the sentiment. 
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You wake up slowly, eyes blinking open to the dull flicker of the collection of drippy pillar candles on Eddie’s dresser and the glow of his bedside lamp. He sat up against the wall beside you, book in hand, something new he picked up from a friend at the garage. You lazily reach over and put your hand on his knee, groaning a little at the stretch in your skin where him and Steve had left their marks. 
“There you are,” he smiles, peering over his book, “You have a good rest?” 
You nod, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, “How long was I out?” 
“Couple of hours,” he said, starting to giggle, “You slept like a log. Just – out cold. I thought you died.”
You peer around the room and see that it’s been straightened up, the heats on. You’ve been covered up in blankets – water and aspirin already set up next to you. 
“Where’s Steve?” you ask, wincing while you sit up in bed, reaching for the pills to down them. 
“He went home,” he says, dog earring the page and setting it down at the end of the bed, “But he told me to tell you he owes you a night out.” 
“Ugh, a night out with Harrington – can’t wait,” you roll your eyes, sipping your water. 
“I told him you’d rather chew glass,” he laughs, the laugh fades to a look of fondness, “Hey.” 
“Was that good? Was that okay with you?” he asks, scooting closer to pull one of your hands between his. His fingers toy with your absent mindedly while he waits for your answer. 
“Yes, baby, it was okay,” you smile, chuckling at the dichotomy of his dominant persona and who he is after. 
“Just okay? Are you alright? Did you like it?” His questions are feverish and you can tell he feels guilty, teetering on getting too in his head. 
“Ed, honey –” you start, offering him a kind look that makes his shoulders relax, “I loved it. I love when we play. Adding Steve was really fun.” 
“You don’t want him, like, every time, right?” he asks. 
You pull a face, “No, ew. That’s like, a punch card kind of thing. Every five fucks he gets to join or something.” 
You both laugh in the low light of the room and he leans his head against the wall, looking at you through the slits of his eye lids, “I love you – I’m sorry it felt like I wasn’t connecting with you lately.” 
“It’s okay,” you nod, “I should’ve said something. I just, I don’t know – hate seeming like I’m being needy when I’m sad that you canceled a date. Like, we’re adults.” 
“It’s okay to be disappointed about it,” he shrugs, “I would be, too. S’not gonna hurt my feelings or start a fight if you’re just like ‘Hey, you’re bumming me out – let’s fix it’. I wanna fix these things – this is the long haul, baby. You’re not getting away from me any time soon.” 
“Um – but can I be honest about something?” you ask, nerves creeping into your chest. 
“Yeah, what’s up?” 
“Um, please don’t talk about Chrissy like – ever again.” 
His shoulders deflate, “Baby…I wish you told me, you should’ve–” 
“I know, I know, I should’ve said something when it was happening but I just. I froze?” you try to explain, “I didn’t like that.” 
“I’m so sorry,” he pleads, and you know he really means it, “You know I would never. I don’t really want her like that. I was just trying something new. I never want you to feel like there’s someone else.” 
You nod with a tight smile, “I just like – that’s why I’m scared to complain. Cause what if you wanna be with someone who will just like – brainlessly do whatever you want and not care?” 
He tries to fight a smile but he can’t help it, “Well, babe, I mean…you already sort of brainlessly do whatever I want.”
“Oh, fuck off,” you tease, swatting at him. He catches your hand and brings it to his lips to kiss the back of it. 
“You can complain every day for the rest of your life,” he says simply, “And I’’ll feel lucky to be the guy you’re complaining to.” 
“So, why don’t we get you in the shower,” he starts, voice soft and smokey, “I’ll clean you off.” He presses a slow kiss to your cheek, crawling over you. 
“Get you all relaxed,” he says, before tilting your head up to take your lips in his. It’s loaded with desire, not a peck, but a hungry mouth on yours, “Patch you up a little.”  
“I already started dinner.” 
Kiss. “Your favorite.” Kiss. 
“We can eat.” Kiss.
“We’ll have dessert.” 
“Your favorite, again.” 
Kiss. “And you can have –”
“All of my attention –” 
“For the rest of the night.” 
His big brown eyes linger on yours when he breaks away from his final kiss, lost in looking at you. 
“You okay?” you ask. 
“Yeah, I just – damnit –” he sucks his teeth, “I made myself hard again.”  You giggle at his frustration, leaning forward until your noses press against eachother.
“We can take care of that,” you start – 
“In the shower.” 
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crazylittlejester · 13 days
im in such a yapping mood today and i feel like ive made a post like this before but this is how i personally think the Links would dress in a modern era
Time: in a casual setting I know he wears the dark jeans + black band shirt combo and sometimes he’ll tie his hair up if he gets hot. it’s not an intentional fashion statement, he’s not trying to dress a certain way on purpose by any means he just dresses like a guy who plays guitars but says its “just a hobby” (he owns at least three.) and its just the shirt and the pants, there are no accessories, he’s just your father who hasn’t listened to new music or gone clothes shopping since the 80s (/j) but he can absolutely clean up nice and looks good when he needs to
Warriors: Possibly the sluttiest thing a man can wear (/j) is a cardigan sweater and he owns like. 12 of them. and generally just a lot of very nice sweaters, and there are a lot of dark grays and blues in his closet with the occasional green. he always dresses his best, he wouldn’t be caught dead leaving his house in like, a t shirt and jeans. whether or not he’s actually wealthy, he certainly dresses like he is, he pours all of his money into high quality coats and scarves and nice shoes
Twilight: Dean Winchester. Next. (but seriously, the jeans, boots, plain gray shirt and a flannel is EXACTLY how he’d dress)
Sky: Whatever he’s got on, he looks so fucking comfortable. Definitely big fluffy sweaters, I know he’s a guy who likes to be snug and cozy because why face the horrors of the world without feeling like your sweater is giving you a mom hug? I can see him in a lot of white, ivory, orange, brown, and green. Not super bright colors, he definitely has a sort of fall vibed color pallet and sense of style
Hyrule: He’s the personification of those “forest core” outfit collage boards you see on pintrest but he’s not just doing it for aesthetic, it’s all functional. Like he has a little bag he keeps tied to his belt because he goes out and hunts for berries or mushrooms in the woods. he has a leather bound journal that also clips to the belt because he likes writing about what he finds in the woods. He’s your friend who calls you after going missing for four hours like “hey can you come pick me up?” and when you get to his location he’s covered in dirt and says “i got lost…”
Legend: his EXACT style varies quite a bit, but he’d define it as alt. he wears skirts a lot, not all the time but a lot, and has a lot of layers and jewelry. he definitely will go on pissed off rants about how he got bullied for his clothes in middle school and high school and he’s mad that now people are dressing alt because they think its “quirky” and buying things like bags or pants with patches and pins already on them, and he will rant about this twice a week. hes sick and tired of getting called emo not because hes against being emo, it just seriously annoys him when people see someone with dyed hair wearing dark clothes and call them emo based on that alone
Wild: It depends on the days activities, but he likes to look cute. Lots of pretty hairstyles and earrings, bright colors too. DEFINITELY A BIG PANTS LITTLE SHIRT KINDA GUY, and he’s absolutely made a few of his outfits by hand. and ofc he has “gremlin outfits” for when he goes off exploring with Hyrule
Four: Similar to Time with the band shirt + jeans combo, but on the opposite end of the spectrum because he’s bright and colorful. He’s also the most likely to walk around with a shirt with mothman on it and then when people ask him about it talk about it as if he 100% believes mothman is not only out there, but there to get HIM specifically no matter where he goes on the planet
Wind: memes. he has tshirts with memes on them, and he’s the most likely to wear fandom merch and stuff like that. he’s 13/14 he doesn’t put a whole lot of thought into what he’s got on, he’s just against shoes. he’s the one kid who’s always got sandals on even if its fucking snowing because he’s anti socks and shoes
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doughyk · 1 month
STEP ON ME- dove (written)
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You honestly didn’t think that hyuck would say yes to the question of coming back to your apartment. Waiting for him to finish packing up, your mind ponders at the idea of him being in your living space, and actually being alone and not being in the library.
“Are you ready to go?” hyuck says putting on his backpack, softly smiling at you.
“As ready as I’ll ever be” you hummed while leading the way out the library.
Greeted by the cool evening air as the season transitions from summer to fall, you both begin to walk side by side letting the awkwardness fill the air.
“soooo what else is new?” dragging out your words, breaking the silence.
“You know the usual, the frat is going well and me and mark made up”
“oh yea, you and mark. I’m still mad at that by the way” lightly laughing at your own words
“I thought we moved past this, I have apologized to both of the park siblings” haechan groaning as the topic of past events comes up.
slowing down as you come up to your space that you share with your little brother but he is nowhere to be seen. Quickly grabbing your keys from your backpack, you feel something on your left foot. Looking down ,it was another shoe.
“hyuck i think you’re stepping on me” gently pushing him to get him off your foot.
“maybe if you moved over that wouldn’t have happened” hyuck says in a joking manner, also lightly pushing you.
Pushing the door open hyuck couldn’t help but to notice the clean state matter of the apartment, almost freakishly clean. Noting the small hint of vanilla as it coats his nostrils.
Following your lead, he takes off his shoes and hangs up his backpack on the coatrack that seemed to be cluttered with jisungs hoodies.
“ are you hungry or something? We have plenty of food in the fridge as soojin said i needed real food” not looking him in the eyes as you ramble about your friend
being so lost in the thought of you, he did not comprehend what you said. All he heard was “blah blah blah” as a pretty girl stands in front of him.
“hyuck” the loudness of your voice wakes him up out of his dream like state.
“Oh no im not hungry maybe later we can order something, but i heard you got some soju” he says immediately making himself comfortable on the couch and putting on Regular show ( your minds are connected)
“so you only came to drink all my alcohol wow??” you say grabbing the strawberry flavored soju from the fridge and two shot glasses that you and jisung frequently use. Placing them down in front of hyuck.
“I say we finish all these bottles and order some food” hyuck grabbing a bottle and pouring shots into the both of your glasses.
You giggle as you both click your glasses and shoot the shot, immediately feeling warm on your face.
A few hours seem to go by , different foods scrambled across the small coffee table along with all the soju bottles that are now empty dry.
Moving your head to look at haechan, his blushed face was sight for sore eyes. You couldn’t help but to stare.
“take a picture it would last longer” hyuck says as he slurs his words, quickly moving his head to also stare at you.
“ You know y/n I find you so pretty like a dove, I can’t help but to stare at you when we are studying. I also can’t stand when you’re mad at me or when you’re with someone else that isn’t me or jisung. Maybe that’s why I flipped out when you went out with mark” hyucks suddenly says still looking at you with adoration in his eyes.
“this seems like a confession lee. Drunk talks are true thoughts you know?” hoping that what he is saying is true.
“ Call it whatever it is, maybe it’s the alcohol talking but all I know is that you’re the only one that I have my eyes for” grabbing your hand and kissing it ever so lightly.
“Yeah it’s definitely the alcohol talking. Hyuck it’s pretty late, I’ll call mark to come pick you up” gently pulling your away and checking the time, it’s 1:27 AM.
“ no let me just sleep here, i like being around you” hyuck grumbles as he gets closer to you, leaning on your shoulder. Deciding on not to call mark as it was already late at night
pulling haechan up the best you can and taking him up to your room. Stumbling up the stairs and knocking down pictures that were on walls, successfully making it to your bed you plop the brown headed boy down on your soft duvet. Pulling the blanket up to his chest, he seems like he’s out like a light. Seems like it right?
“ y/n you do know that I like you? It seems pretty obvious” and with that hyuck is passed out on your bed , probably won’t remember anything in the morning.
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𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁
@haechansbbg @amrqxz @byeonwooseokabs @222brainrot @anglswon @chenlesfavorite @nanaxwi @daegalfangirl @yewshi @starfilledgaze @toroufriteh @sunflowerhae @injunnie-lemon @flaminghotyourmom @cyjzzl @cyberkdreamland @stqrgr7 @nctrawberries @nneteyamss @manooffline @sunghoonsgfreal @zolpidream (can’t tag you😕)
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬- profanity, content of alcohol usage ( characters are legal age 21), some “sexual” jokes, jokes about death, jokingly death threats,vaping
𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖- quite a long chapter!! IM SEEING THE DREAMIES IN SEPTEMBER RAHHHH so excited. Also I start college Monday so chapters will be slowed down😕
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kvrokasaa · 9 months
First ride, first kiss, first touch
Rindou makes me go brrrrrr, so here's a little thing.
Recommended songs - Electric love - BORNS | we fell in love in october - girl in red
cw: kissing, fluff, dangerous activity (but it's fun lmfao), mention of death once
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"Come and pick me up then." You whispered through your phone. Lately you've been talking to Rindou, almost every night.
It was nice, peaceful. You finally took your relationship to the next level, no more the talking stage, but not quite in the actual relationship.
"It's the middle of the night and its storming," his voice was tired, as if he was ready for sleep. "Do you have a death wish?"
You only smile at his words. He always made you think on your decisions, ironic because he's in a gang. "That's funny. I thought you told me that you could ride anywhere, anytime." You were half-joking. But you did want to see if he would follow through and actually pick you up.
You could hear him sigh, "I swear, talking to you is only making me older by the second." But you could hear rustling from his end. It sounded like he was putting his shoes on.
Before you could throw an insult back to him, he disconnects the call. You scoff and place your phone onto your bed.
You have too much energy for the middle of the night. If only you could do something, maybe go somewhere.
After only a few minutes of contemplating what you should do, you hear a motorcycle. And it only takes seconds to realize who's motorcycle it is.
Your eyes widen and you look past your curtain to see Rindou on his bike, waiting for you.
You scramble to pick up your phone, immediately dialing his number. He answers after four rings, and you can hear the rumbling of his bike.
"Are you really outside my house?!" Your tone sounded mad and urgent, but it was a farce. A smile was wide on your lips and you laugh a little.
"Yeah, you gonna come out and ride with me?"
You rush downstairs and put your shoes on, quickly grabbing a coat and throwing it on. Once you get outside, you run up to Rindou, smile as big as ever.
"Let's go, but if you get scared, I'm not stopping," he sounded bored, but you know that he was anything but. "This was your idea."
You climb onto the back of his bike, placing your hands around his waist. Once he's sure you're holding on, he starts the engine back up and gets ready to go.
The wind is brushing through your hair, the rain slipping down your cheeks. You smile at the freedom you feel. If you could, you would open your arms to feel every bit of the night. But know Rindou would only scold you.
Your smile is as big as ever. The cold of the night mixed with the air doesn't bother you as you giggle and hide your face against Rindou's back.
But your excitement comes to a sudden stop when Rindou stops the bike at a secluded beach. The rain stopped but the wind was still as strong as ever.
Before you could ask why he stopped, he hopped off his bike and grabbed your hand, helping you off.
"Follow me." You have no choice but to listen.
He grabbed your hand and led you to the sand next to the waves, where you can smell the salt and feel the water. You look up at the stars which you can barely ever see thanks to the city. Your mouth hangs open as you admire.
You look to the side and see the city lights; you have everything right next to you.
But your admiring was cut off thanks to Rindou grabbing your chin and making you look at him.
"Look, I'm not good with words, sometimes not even my actions. And I get that," if you looked close enough, you could see the red dusting his cheeks and tips of his ears. "But I want you to know that I really like you and your stupid bursts of energy."
He grabs your other hand, placing them close to his chest. "And I love-" He cuts himself off, turning his head to the side.
You scrunch your eyebrows and look confused, "love what? What is it?"
Rindou only grumbles and looks back at you. He opens his mouth, but then closes it. Like a goldfish. And you want to laugh at the scene, but you don't want Rindou to get the wrong idea.
But he leans in and whispers, "just, let me do this." And before you could ask what he means, what he's implying, his lips meet yours.
All blood rushes towards your face, and you know Rindou can feel it when he places his hand on your cheeks.
He turns his head, kissing you deeper. Finally, you close your eyes and enjoy the moment.
You kiss back just as passionately; I like you too. Rindou can feel the words through the kiss.
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Rindou is my baby
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herslvtspeaks · 9 months
Ice Brady | New Year New Us
Ice Brady x Female! Reader
it's been a long time coming 😩 i been waiting for this one hope yall enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it
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Usually you spent New Years with family, but considering you were now in college and nowhere near home you couldn't spend the holiday with them this year. Thus leading you to opt for the next best option spending New Years in your bestfriends dorm.
Overtime you and Ice became friends after learning you both shared the same major. You also were a big fan of hers before you transferred to Uconn the previous spring. Ice would be lying if she said she wasn't a fan of yours herself. Overtime the two of you just grew closer and closer.
You were currently sitting on the floor in the living area of their dorm sandwiched between Ice and Aaliyah. Everyone knew you had a little crush on Ice which is why you weren't surprised when suddenly Kk got cold and made you trade spots with her so she could sit on the couch leaving you next to Ice. You would have protested the swap if Ice didn't practically latch herself onto you and beg you to sit next to her. She was impossible to say no to.
You and the rest of the girls had been so excited to watch the countdown in time square all day leading to all of you cooped up in front of the tv sharing blankets and snacks as you stared intently at the tv. Sitting next to Ice left your stomach in a knot. You were burning up from the inside out and the girl wasn't even doing anything. At some point her head ended up on your shoulder, your breath caught in your throat at the action. You just hoped she didn't notice.
After a while you calmed down and started breathing again. "Hey i'm kinda thirsty" Paige says getting up from the couch. She digs around in the fridge for a second before closing it. "And there's nothing to drink" Ice raises her head from your shoulder. "I could've sworn we just went shopping" she says garnering a kick in the side from Azzi. "I think Y/n and Ice should walk across the street and get us something to drink" Kk suggests. You turn around giving her the meanest mug ever. "Yeah that's a good idea" Aaliyah says agreeing. You look around the room as if these people were mad. "You must be out of your rabid ass-" before you could finish your sentence Ice interrupted you. "We'll go" she says getting up.
You look at her like she's crazy before finally agreeing. "Only because i'm thirsty too" you grumble getting up. The two of you grab your coats, you reluctantly putting your shoes on. It was like 5 minutes until the countdown and you knew the two of you wouldn't make it back in time. "You guys owe us big time" you say before walking out the dorm.
"Wondering why they sent the two of us instead of going themselves" Ice says breaking the silence. "Maybe they hate me or something" you laugh shaking your head. "I doubt that, but if it makes you feel better, i like you more than them" Ice says making you laugh a little more. You both continued to crack jokes until you looked at your phone and realized it was 1 minute until the ball dropped. "I hate that we're missing it" she says looking at the expression on your face. "It's okay, i'm still with my favorite person so i don't mind" you say making her smile.
You both look at the clock on your phone watching as the seconds counted down to the new year. "Happy New Year" you both cheer. Before you had a chance to think she leans in placing a kiss against your lips. You didn't have time to comprehend what was happening but you knew you wanted to kiss her back, so you did. You wrap your arms around her neck pulling her closer as her arms found there way around your waist.
You pull away looking at her. "Whoa" was all you could manage to get out. "I've literally waited so long to do that" she says. "You kissed me" you nearly screamed. "And you kissed me back" she responds laughing. You look up at her not knowing what to say. She still had her arms around you, how close the two of you were was causing that feeling in your stomach to return.
You couldn't explain why you were freaking out. Maybe because this was your bestfriend, the first friend you made when you got to Uconn and yes though you had a crush on her you never expected her to return your feelings. "I've literally wanted to kiss you for the longest" she admits. "If i knew you liked me i would've let you kiss me sooner" you mumbled in disbelief. This felt like a fever dream. "Can we kiss again so i know it's real" you ask making her laugh. She places a quick kiss on your lips. "You're so pretty you know that" she must be trying to kill you. You look up at her fighting the urge to take a bite out of her right then and there. "I literally am gonna explode" you say aloud.
She let's go of your waist opting to hold your hand now. You were screaming internally the whole walk back to the dorm. How could you not have noticed she liked you? You realized this whole time you probably were just in denial.
When you made it back to the dorm the girls were not happy to see that you returned empty handed. They chose to ignore the giant smile adorning your face. "You guys make me sick" Azzi says causing the dorm to erupt in laughter. They all assumed what had occurred, it's not like they didn't plan it. They'd been plotting all day to find a way to get this to happpen. "Now i can stop listening to the two of you talk about how much you like the other" Kk rolls her eyes. You look at ice who had yet to let go of your hand. You probably seen her smile more today than in the whole time you've known her.
The rest of the night you and Ice were stuck like glue. When it was time to go to sleep the girls thought they were going to have to surgically remove you from each other. Let's just say this was the best New Year's you'd ever had.
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Reblogs and notes greatly appreciated 🩷
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littlefic · 1 month
Can u do Steve Rogers were he’s changing the little reader after an accident :)
hi!! thank you for the request i am sorry it has been so long in the making :(
i hope its ok but i decided to add nappies ( diapers ) into this fic :)
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New york had been hit with a weather warning for the past week and this was the first day that the skys were clear and bright ,so you and your daddy decided to go for a long walk through the park before bed time ( steve was hoping to where you out before bed haha )
Autumn was your favourite season all the beautiful leaves and colours never failed to memorise you.
Your were so happy walking down the path slightly infront of your daddy admiring the view when you started to feel the need to go. You tried to ignore it as daddy had told you plenty of times to go pee pee before leaving but you insisted you did not need to go.
But the pressure all got to much and you suddenly stopped walking causing steve to bumb into you.
" opph baby, what wrong?" Steve asked rubbing your shoulders while looking down at you.
" i-i--i" you stuttered out tears starting to brim your eyes
"hey , shu shu shush" steve cooed as the tears started running down your cheeks. Leaning down steve lifted you up onto his hip and started gently swaying you side to side trying to quieten your crys, when he felt warmness spread onto his hip causing your cries to hault then increase alot
“Dada I so sowy” you cried slowly slipping into a younger headspace
" Sweetie why did you not tell daddy you need to go pee pee?" steve asked while he cradled the back of your head as you sobbed into his chest. You pulled back from steves chest and looked down,
" Didn't want you to be mad" you sniffled through your tears
" oh honey daddy wouldn't of been mad but this is certainely a lesson to be learnt that when daddy tells you to go pee pee you do" steve stated while looking into your eyes. Spinning around steve started the short walk back to your apartment while trying to console your crys and assure you that accidents happen and that is ok.
Pushing open the front door to the apartment, steve placed you on the floor of the enrty way allowing him to take his own shoes and jacket off before bending down and taking of your shoes and coat. Steve hung up the coats and placed the shoes on the rack before leaning back down to put you back on his hip to make his way to the bathroom. As yous reached the bathroom steve placed you on the toliet before turing to the bathtub snd started running the water.
" you all good little one?" steve asked with a sympathetic smile as he bent down to you level and rubbed his hands gently on your knees.
"mmhh" you mumbled throught your hands causing steve to frown. He hated seeing his baby sad but he needed to get you bathed and changed before a rash started.
"right lets get you in the bath" steve hummed as he started to pull of you socks " arms up tootsie " You raised you arms allowing steve to pull your top over your head leaving you in you in your leggings and panties. steve started shimming of the wet garments before sitting them in the sink to be chucked in the washing machine later.
As the warm water surrounded your body you left out a hum of content making steve smile. Squeezing out shampoo into his hand steve started to lather up the shampoo before massaging it into your scalp " right lay nack baby" steve said while guiding you backwards allowing the water to rinse out the shampoo suds. " right conditioner" steve said leaning over to grab the bottle and started applying it to your ends before repeating the rinsing process
" daddy we done yet" you moaned
" nearly sweetie just need to wash you baby" steve said as he started to wash your body with a soapy wash cloth. " all done! lets go" steve smiled gently lifting you out the bath and rapping your little body in a bath towel which was supper soft for your sensitive skin. Walking from the bathroom to the bedroom he layed you down on the bed and start to dry you off with the towel.
"what do you want to wear sweetie?" steve queried as he reached over to the dresser
" umh i know no daddy" you babbled cutely
" how about one of daddys sleep t-shirts?" steve asked opening the bottom drawer
" mmmh wes pwease"
steve smiled at your little lisp as you slipped into a smaller headspace
" ok lets get you pampered and then we will go watch some Tv, how about that?"
" uhuh" you smiled
Standing up steve wandered over to the changing table and grabed the necessary supplies for a nappy change before coming back over to you on the bed.
"your not cold baby?" steve worried when he realised he left the towel un wrapped
" no i fwine dada"
Steve nodded in response as he grabbed both your ankles in one hand and lifted your legs up so he could slip the nappy under your bum. Laying your legs back down Steve put some baby powder on you before starting to gently tape the nappy around your little tummy.
" ok clothes time" steve cooed rubbing your belly
"arms up sweetie"
Raising your arms allowed steve to slip his t-shirt over your head till it reached your nappy.
" ok Tv time yes!" steve told you excitedly
" YAhhh!!" your cheered
" come on my cutie" Steve said lifting you into his arms all while supporting your head against his chest. As steve lifted you the t-shirt slipped pasted your nappy until it landed at your knees allowing you to feel nice and small in his t-shirt.
Walking into the the hall steve started skipping causing you to giggle uncontrolably as you bounced up and down causing steve to grin widely. Reaching the living room Steve haulted his skipping before jumping on the couch with a bounce. Laying you in the crook of the corner couch surrounded by pillows to keep you secure Steve grabbed the Tv remote and turned on [ your favourite cartoon] to keep you ochupied while he grabbed the snacks.
" going to get snacks sweetie ok, i will be back in a minute ok" steve said while kissing your forhead
Steve walked into the kitchen and grabbed a can of fizzy juice for himself before filling up your sippy cup with apple juice as milk would make you to sleepy and nap time was to far away for you to fall asleep right now unless he wanted you to be a grumpy bunny later on tonight.
Opening the snack cuboard Steve grabbed some crisps and some chocolate along with some bowls to put them in, grabbing all the snacks and juice Steve walked back into the living room and placed them down onto the coffee table.
" ok little one what movie?" steve asked lying down next to you and tucking you into his side
" [ your favourite movie!!!]" you shouted
" ok sweetie" steve laughed turning of the lights and pressing play.
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opossumloverr · 1 year
Just some silly lil headcanons to start of the summa❗️🫶🏾
None! all fluff up in here
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I would like to start by saying this man loves you very much and would drop almost anything for you
You need help with a school project? Big red is on his way, you don't know what shoes will match the outfit you picked, oh what a coincidence! he just so happens to have a matching pair of shoes that fits you perfectly, you just want cuddles? lock and loaded baby, come at him
I think I can speak for everyone when I say we all need a Raph in our lives
He protects you from his brother's teasing, even if it's just playing or goofing, he is NOT taking any chances.
He loves to scoop you up randomly, you'll get used to it don't worry
Very cautious when picking you up though, doesn't want his spikes to hurt you, he will feel mad guilty if he was the one who caused you even a little bit of pain, even if it wasn't attentional (please comfort the man)
Appreciates the little moments he shares with you, oh my gosh I actually have the perfect scenario, just imagine...
After a long day full of fun cahoots and mysterious adventures, you two finally decided to go home, you usually go your separate ways after a day like this one, but it was rather late at night, and New York lets the creeps roam at this time, so he offered to ride the subway train with you, even though you were a bit hesitant but agreed cause there's no way your gonna allow yourself to get mugged in the middle of the night and like I said it was late at night so the subway cart that you guys were on was empty, he did wear a Hoodie and mask, just in case, the ride was silent, no noises but the constant screeching of the train tracks, but other than that it was just comfortable silence, Raph was lost in his thoughts, thinking about how the next day will be and how it will end, will it be a good or bad day? or something in the middle; what's the meaning of life? and what happens after death? Where does your soul go to, to heaven? or is it just pitch black forever, will today be his last day-- suddenly, he felt a lightweight on his shoulder, the thoughts that were coming in like a rapid wave started to smooth down to a calm stream of water, he glanced down at your sleeping figure, apparently you thought it was a perfect time to take a quick power nap, how cute! he coos softly at you, loving how you're so comfortable and calm around him. god, he loves you so much ♡,
"I promise I will always be here when you need me, you're my everything, sweetie"
Sorry guys I just felt a little kooky at the moment
If you like to play fight he's totally down, doesn't fight too hard obviously, and lets you win all the time, what a gentleman
He'll hold doors open for you, push your seat out, and then push it back in, hell, he would even do that thing where a guy puts his coat on a puddle so the lady could walk through it even though she's fully capable of walking around it
Takes so many pics of you and him at places, and has a particular folder on his phone with pictures of you guys
When it's family game night or movie night, he always invites you, you are practically a part of the family so why not? (The others don't mind)
It's so common to find you in the lair with how much you go down there on a daily basis
Yall have to do lovely dovey things in a private area cause of his brothers (mostly Leo, his bitchass) constantly changing the mood
Likes it when you watch him workout, it motivates him so much, sometimes he uses you as a weight
Loves to give you piggyback rides for some reason
He likes pickles, LISTEN LISTEN, if you don't like pickles in your burger you'll pick them out and give it to him cause you know he loves em (THE OLIVE THEORY ♡)
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I GOT SOO MUCH MORE BECAUSE OF HOW MUCH I LOBE HIM BUT ILL KEEP IT INSIDE, FOR NOW, CAUSE ITS 5:08 AM RN 💀 sorry for being dead for 5 months, AGIAN, but imma be back on my grind now 🙏🏾 and I'll try to complete all of my 15 drafts 😓 and if you see any grammar mistakes, no you didn't.
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sluttyminho · 1 year
i'm so glad you're mine
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pairing: idol!chan x fem!reader
genre: smut - MDNI
summary: chan really can't stand the thought of another man talking to you let alone hanging out with you, so when he finds out you asked another member to go with you to the park it really pisses him off.
warnings: smut, angst, jealous chan, make up sex, oral sex (fem recieving), pet names, sub!reader, dom!chan, unprotected sex (use protetction please), praise (a lot of it), aftercare
wc: idk around 1500
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Chan was really busy these past few weeks, and he wasn't really paying you much attention. You only saw him at night when he came home or in early mornings before he got to work, you two almost didn't talk at this point and it was tearing you apart. You didn't even have sex for the last 3 weeks and you were desparate for his touch, to feel his lips on you, you just wanted him to at least give you some attention but he never tried to start anything. You thought he was tired so you never said anything to not pressure him into doing things he doesn't want to.
You woke up when you heard someone open the front door. The clock on the night stand read 2am, you were still so sleepy but decided to get up and see chan and maybe strike up a conversation with him after a long time.
When you came to the living room he was there taking off his coat and shoes, he looked tired like really, really tired you never saw him like that before so you started to worry about him. You went up to him put your arms around his neck and gave him a quick peck on his lips but he just pulled away. You looked him deep in the eyes and the only thing you saw in them was how stressed he was, how much he needed a good sleep and to have a few days only to himself to forget about work and every thing left he has to do.
You tried to kiss him again but he pulled away once again "channie baby what's wrong?" you asked him but he only gave you a look of annoyance. After a few moments of silence he finally said "nothing for you to worry about, now leave me alone, it's already hard enough to have the boys being around me all the time don't need you to be too" he pulled away from you, went to the bathroom and locked the door behind him.
You were laying on your side of the bed for what felt like hours waiting for Chan to come out of the bathroom so you could try talking to him but once he came out he only went to his side of the bed, layed down and turned his back to you. "are you mad at me or something? Did i do something wrong?" you ask him just curious why he's acting the way he is. "can you just stop talking to me Y/N i really don't want to have this conversation right now" chan said with evident annoyance in his tone. "okay, but i just want to let you know that you mean the world to me and that i'm here for you if you need anything" he didn't say anything in return and you were a little sad about it, but it was fine as long as he was there next to you peacefully sleeping. "i love you" was the only thing you said before you dozed off to sleep.
the next morning...
You woke up and chan's side of the bed was empty like every morning the past few weeks. But it was his day off so you thought maybe he'd stay in bed with you and spend some quality time together, but you guess you were wrong. If you're being honest you weren't surprised that he wasn't here next to you after what he said to you last night.
You tried calling him a few times but he never picked up so you started texting him to ask him where he is and why he didn't tell you he was going somwhere, but no response.
you: channie baby i was worried about where you went so i tried calling but you didn't pick up.
you: call me when you have some time i need to ask you something
you: love you❤️
Chan didn't even bother to text you back so you texted Jeongin.
you: hey, i want to ask you something
I.N: hi, sure go ahead
you: so i thought maybe you wanted to go to the park with me and maybe go get ice cream?
I.N: what about chan hyung isn't he going?
you: well the thing is, i think he's kinda mad at me for some reason and i don't want to annoy him even more
I.N: oh, well okay then let's go to the park i'll pick you up in 15
you: ok, se ya
You got up and started getting ready. You put on a mini dress chan bought you for your birthday. That's so basic but bear with me. The dress is white with cute little flowers on it and it fitted you perfectly. You brushed your teeth, put on some makeup, put on your shoes and left the house because jeongin was already waiting for you outside.
I.N: i'm here, come out
you: out in a minute
You came to his car and sat in the passanger's seat. Jeongin greeted you with a warm smile and pulled off to the park.
When you arrived the first thing you did was go get the ice cream. "so, what flavour are you getting?" jeongin asked "idk i think i'll take the strawberry one it's my favourite" you replied and he softly smiled at you because it was his favourite flavour too.
Right at that moment the waiter recognized jeongin and she quickly went for her phone to take a picture of you two smiling at each other so it looked like you were on a date. "can you delete the photo you just took? It's really making me uncomfortable." jeongin said with a calm voice "sure thing" the waiter replied "thank you" he said and left the ice cream bar with you by his side.
It's been about 20 minutes and you both finished your ice creams when you got a call from one and only chan. You answered it calmly "hey baby you finally called back" you said "why the fuck are you alone with jeongin, eating ice cream?" he shouted with evident anger in his tone "how did you know i'm with him?" you said, curiosity running through your veins "what do you mean how i know? it's all over twitter" he yelled and you almost dropped your phone. You hung up and opened twitter, the first thing you saw was a photo the lady at the ice cream bar took of the two of you. You were so pissed you wanted to go back there and choke that woman with your own hands. The last thing you wanted was the fans spreading fake dating rumors and hurt chan.
Chan texted you.
channie: i'm coming to pick you up so we can talk
channie: stay where you are
you: okay
you told jeongin that chan was on his way to pick you up and the only thing he said was "i'm sorry". He knew how much you loved chan and seeing you this sad was something he hated to see because it was making him sad to. He then walked back to his car and drowe away.
channie: come to the ice cream bar, i'm here
you: there in a minute
After coming to chan's car he motioned for you to sit in the passanger's seat, so you did. The first thing he did was ask you "why the fuck were you here with jeongin? You could've asked me to come with you. The last time i checked i was your boyfriend not him" he said, his expression was giving off anger, sadness and annoyance all at once. You couldn't even look him in the eyes. "i tried chan, i tried but you weren't picking up nor texting back, what was i supposed to do? Be alone at home while you're god knows where doing god knows what." you yelled on the verge of tears. You were botling up your problems for few weeks now but fuck it, now you are going to yell them one by one at his face wheter he likes it or not. "i'm sorry chan, i'm sorry for not being the perfect girlfriend, i'm sorry i'm clingy, i'm sorry i need your attention most of the time but you know what? I'm only human too so i expect you to treat me like one. I know you have your own problems and i gave you the chance to talk to me and help you solve them, but do you know what you did? You pushed me away and treated me like a piece of shit for the past few weeks, and i'm sick of it, i'm so fucking sick of it chan" you said now fully crying, but it was better now that you got all this off your chest. "Y/N i'm so sorry, i didn't know i was hurting you this much. I was under lots of pressure because of work and i really didn't want to stress you out because of my problems, i'm really sorry and I won't be able to forgive myself for that. Why don't we just go home so i can make up for all the nights we didn't get to spend together hmm? How does that sound?" he said tears swelling in his own eyes now, realising how much he hurt you "that sounds great my love" he leans in to give you a quick peck as he drives off home.
When the two of you got into the house you took off your shoes and coats. As soon as you did that he grabbed your waist and started kising your neck while slowly leading you to the bedroom. When you were there he led you to the bed and whispered into your ear "i'm going to make you feel so good baby. Make up for all the time we lost while i was busy at work hmm, now lay down for me and let me do all the work" you listened to him and did exactly what he told you to. You were laying on your back as he leaned over you and started peppering little kisses to your collar bone and slowly moving down.
"Baby, can i take this off?" he said, pointing at your dress. You nodded and smiled at him wanting to let him know that you were 100% okay with him doing these things to you. He took off your dress along with your red laced bra. "honey you look amazing" he whispered just enough for you to hear. He slowly started sucking on your left nipple squezing the right one with his hand. It didn't take long for you to start moaning when he was making you feel this good. "hmm channie feels so good" you whimpered. He started moving his lips down your stomach leaving open mouthed kisses all over it until he came in contact with your panties, he grebbed them with his teeth and started pulling them down your legs at a painfully slow pace. when your panties were off his face came in contact with your core. He licked off your juices and his eyes widened "oh god baby, you taste fucking amazing" he licked over your clit and your whole body shivered from how sensitive you were there. "c-channie baby f-fells g-good mmm" he then pushes two of his fingers into your aching hole while still stimulating your clit. He was going at it for a few minutes when you suddenly felt a knot at the pit of your stomach. "channn i'm about to c-" and you were already cumming all over his face but his mouth was still on your pussy helping you through your orgasm. When you came down from your intense orgasm "that was awesome baby , thank you channie" you looked down at him and saw his mouth covered in your cum. He then looked you up through his eyelashes and whispered"but baby, i'm sure you can give me more, what do you think? are you ready for round two? but this time you'll be cumming around my dick hmm?" you were only able to nod and he was already taking off his chlotes. You blinked once and he was already aligned with your hole. "are you ready to take me baby" he asked, excited to feel you after all this time. "more than ever" you reply, happy to be so close to him all over again. He pushed into you with a loud grunt not even giving you the chance to adjust to his size, making you a moaning mess. He was moving fast and rough stimulating your clit with his free hand so after a few minutes both of your orgasms were aproaching you. You both started moaning so loud that you were sure even the neighbors heard but you couldn't care less, it only took one last thrust for chan’s seed to spill all over your insides and as if on command you were cumming around his cock not even a second later. It felt like you were dreaming, and chan being chan, didn't want to waste a single drop of his cum so he fucked it all into you.
He colapsed on top of you and embraced you like you were the most fragile thing on this earth. "I'm sorry for being such an asshole i really didn't mean the things i said" he whispered into your ear then hid his face into you neck so he couldn't make direct eye contact with you. "It's fine channie i just wanted you to see what you did wrong so you could see why i reacted the way i did, it was no big deal but i was so sensitive at that time because it wasn't the first time you did that, oh and i love you to the moon and back, just wanted you to know" you were so sweet he almost started melting right there and then. "i'm so glad you're mine" he said giving you a long chased kiss.
"Let's wash up then we can cuddle till we fall asleep" as he said those words he lifted you up and carried you to the bathroom and right into the shower. He let the water run over you first since he's a gentleman, he then put shampoo over your hair and started massaging it into your scalp. I need a chan in my life fr. he helped you rinse it off and wash your body, then went to the drier for some hot towels so you don't freeze to death. Chan came back with two towels one for himself and one for you, and helped you dry yourself off. You ran to your closet to put on some panties and chans t-shirt that you stole from him, and layed onto the bed chan comming after you. He hugged you from the back and started massaging your lower belly in case you were in pain he whispered a simple "i love you" you pecked his lips "i love you more" is all that came from your lips before you dozed off to sleep.
This is my first fic so i would really appreaciate if you liked it or rebloged it. I know it's not that good because i don't have so much expirience but hey, i'm still learning. And oh i need a chan in my life so fucking bad i might cry.😭🩷
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hayleythesugarbowl · 4 months
monica geller x reader headcanons
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⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • f•r•i•e•n•d•s masterlist • monica fic ⋆୨୧˚
a/n: ahh i love monica sm!! hope someone out there enjoys these 🎀
dating monica would include…
so you and monica knew each other way back in high school  
you weren’t exactly friends but you had a lot of the same classes
but when she ran into you in her years later 
she recognized you immediately as the person she had a huge crush on back in the day 
‘hi, uh, it’s (y/n) right? you probably don’t remember me. but we used to—‘
‘moncia? wow, you look great!’
to which she said
‘i know, you probably remember me as the girl that won four consecutive pie eating contests’
and you said 
‘no, i was going to say i remember you as this cute, intelligent, funny girl who i had a major crush on junior year.’
‘no way! i was, like, obsessed with you in high school! wait, not obsessed. that sounds creepy. i meant—‘
but you just laughed and interrupted her by asking her to dinner 
and you’ve been dating ever since 
she is the most protective gf fr
if anyone so much as almost insults you she has a riot
you guys make bets on the people around you and what their drink order is 
she cooks for you and gets really nervous after you try it
until you assure her it’s delicious as always
you and her and ross have game nights 
and you get just as competitive as them
and she tries to be happy for you when you beat her, which according to her, hardly happens
and the way she looks at you 😭✋
it’s adorable the way she looks up into your eyes
you tease her by leaving your shoes in the middle of the floor or your coat on the couch 
‘(y/n)? um, i love you, but for the love of god use a coaster’
you and rachel and phoebe become besties
and you talk about monica, much to her frustration 
‘you know i can hear you guys! and i definitely did not say that! and if i did, i would’ve had good reason!’
she loves playing with your hair
you begged her to get a pet once
and she objected because ‘i don’t want my carpets to get filthy! we already have joey.’
but you put together a power point presentation about why you guys should get a dog or a cat
and finally she caved but only if it could stay at your place
you eat free at her restaurant always
she’s so good at taking care of you when you’re sick or hurt 
and she goes a little overboard because she loves you
you call her ‘mom’ to make her mad
you guys can talk for hours on end about anything on your minds
forehead kisses 
her friends love you 
joey tried to hit on you first
and they all agree that you bring out the best in her and make her less like a psychopath 
that last part was chandler 
you talk about your plans for the future and having a family often 
her world revolves around you and you couldn’t be happier together 
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope y’all enjoyed this. ross & phoebe to come soon 🤭
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livelaughlovesubs · 9 months
In a Toji mood rn. Being sent off on a mission for a few days, and Toji, like the whore he is, just cant wait that long. You aren't too happy to come home and be greeted with the sound of whimpers and sighs from the bedroom. Well, you can't be too upset anymore after the sight of him twitching face down and flushed, ass up, tears threatening to spill down his usually stoic face, and his fingers as deep in his hole as they could go. He's so far gone, without stopping his movements, he begs you to do something, anything- that he'll take whatever you give him cause he just can't feel good without you :(( Teach him a good hard lesson on patience. Only suck and knead his tits. That's the only amount of stimulation he deserves, and just when he's about to finish, pull away and continue getting settled back in the house and lay down to go sleep. Leave him there with his eyes unfocused and glassy and the weight of your disappointment in him settling in. Did he learn his lesson? kind of. Will he pull a stunt like this again? Most likely -🦀
Omg… okay okay- let me just ✨🏆 Award for a fucking masterpiece
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Life was hard. Work was hard. People were tiring and nothing sounded better right now then laying in bed next to your lovely boyfriend. An almost depressing sigh left you at the thought of washing up. Why were the curses always night active? Anyhow you could feel you spirit rise a little at the thought of finally going home, mind already gone off to somewhere far away. Just thinking about his pretty face was washing away your worries. Maybe he cooked something nice? Well, he didn’t know when you would return so that’s out of the question. Though maybe he was sleeping right now? Seeing, ehem.. admiring his sleeping face would make you very happy too.
You opened and closed the door quietly, putting the keys away and taking off your shoes. Turning on the lights, rubbing your eyes a little. The light was blending, so you closed your eyes while walking towards your shared bedroom, staggering slightly. After your eyes got used to the light you opened them again, now already standing in front of your room door. But something was stopping you from opening it, it was a peculiar and familiar sound, one you would never forget in this life time. Seems like someone was even more impatient than you, well this was a nice turn of events you certainly didn’t expect.
After listening in on him for a while, you opened the door as soundless ad possible. He must have been really immersed in it, for him to still not notice you. Normally his senses were so sharp though. Truth be told, you were almost upset at the scene unfolding before you, but now that you saw it up close, it was impossible to be mad at him. And those sweet sounds of pure ecstasy were like music to your ears. Filled with emotions, a bit despair, confusion and bliss, eagerness and guilt, truly enough to bring a smile to your face. The fungierst part? Your boyfriend, Toji, looked just like what his voice suggested. A tears covered face pressed down into the soft and delicate fabric, which was a great contrast to his rough and muscular appearance. There were sweat and what you guessed to be precum coating his lower half too, dripping down in such a filthy way. His back was arched so beautifully, fingers knuckles deep inside him, stuffing himself to the brim. How you wished you could see his face now, the blush he wore must have been breathtaking. Maybe it was better that you didn’t see, or you might have lost control.
This was truly a work of art, one of the most dirty and degenerate kind. You could recognise the squelching sounds of his hole amidst all the moaning and whimpers. Watching as his shoulders jerked off, thighs trembled and dick twitched. An especially loud groan following soon after, “ah-aAHhh..!” Oh? He raised his head a little, you got a peek at his eyes. God, what magnificent eyes, the tears spilling from them looked so delicate and delicious. His eyes were signalising that he was frustrated, that he needed help with his little business. But were you nice enough to just grant it to him? Nah, not today, you need to let out some of your own frustration today.
“Toji, I’m home~” a joyful voice with cheerful mannerisms, sitting down on the edge of the bed while stroking some hair strands out of his face. “Hu-huh?! Since… since when?” Has he really been so consumed in the act he didn’t notice you until, now? “Oh? Why are you stopping? No need to feel pressured by me, I’ll just settle down while you keep going.” Ah.. you were mad. “Uhh.. can’t that wait for later? I’d like some help here.” You raised an eyebrow. “Please..? Anything, I want to feel your touch, fuck.” “Anything huh, well, maybe I can spare you five minutes.”
And that is the story of how you found yourself on top of him, sucking and groping his pecs, while his hands clenched on your shirt. “Ah-ahhgnn.. y/n, please..” you knew exactly what he wanted, which is why you were deliberately not doing that. Wrapping those soft lips around his nipple, sucking on them, tugging on the other one harshly at the same time. “NgHh… fuck..” the black haired male cursed again, the grip on you tightened. His chest was so sensitive, you just adored playing with it. They were huge too…such a great stress relief, no? Well, not for him, he found it almost humiliating. How was he so reactive? God damn it. He could even feel himself getting closer to the edge, and that just from a little nipple play. Now you know why he finds it embarrassing. The noises raised in volume so he bit down on his lips, a pathetic try to quiet down. Almost like a cry for help, for some mercy you could bestow upon him. Yet you didn’t, heck you didn’t react to his hints at all, playing with him as you pleased. So annoying, so irritating, and so addicting.
He furrowing his eyebrows, more tears rolled down his cheeks. His cheeks were really red, the blush has spread to his ears and shoulders too. Such a pretty crimson colour, it made you feel so proud. Even though Toji thinks you didn’t notice his small antics, you did. Well, his expressions when during those sessions just are the best, you couldn’t help but study every single detail about his gorgeous body. Which is also why you knew that he was close. Since you were feeling cheeky today, and a little bit cruel, you stopped your movements all together. Raising your head up and freeing yourself from his grip. Toji gasped at what was unfolding now, obviously surprised now. Maybe you were getting ready for more? Looking for the lube? But to his dismay, no, you weren’t, you were stopping. Did something happen that turned you off…? You only suddenly started settling down in the house, sorting out your suitcase. Ah.. so you wanted to get your responsibilities done first? Million thoughts were racing through his brain, he just couldn’t comprehend the situation. With that being said, he looked totally flabbergasted while sitting on the bed, cross legged, waiting patiently for you to finish washing up.
When you came back, he sadly got disappointed again, because instead to finishing what you started, you just got into the bed and said good night. The word confusion was basically written on his forehead, you had to fight back a laugh. That’s when he finally realised, ah, this was a punishment, fucking hell. Do you even know how uncomfortable it was to ignore that ragging boner he got? Or how damn frustrating it was? Yea nah, you fell asleep so soundly with the thought that he was suffering. Sure it was his fault, but… but…!
But he couldn’t change anything about it, so your poor little boyfriend has no other choice but to accept his fate and try tomorrow again. Surely he will learn his lesson this time, right? Right?
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
Okay but like can we please get the part two of Mat and Mama’s fight 🥺 that broke my heart
Mat had been riddled with guilt all day long. After practice when he’d returned home to relieve Lola, your nanny of her duties with the kids.
Ivy hadn’t said much to him, silently avoiding him.
When he put Ryder down for his afternoon nap he found Ivy sitting in the living room watching Bluey on the tv.
“Hey Princess”
She looks up at him from her pile of blankets, clutching her Sparky stuffed teddy
“Hi daddy” she mumbles, her eyes never leave the screen.
He sits next to her, arm draped over the back of the couch.
“You wanna talk about what’s going on in that lil head of yours?” Mat asks, poking her head which pulls a giggle from Ivy.
She looks up at him, your eyes looking back at him as she asked “Are you and mommy not love each other anymore?”
Mat’s heart broke and he let out a shaky breath “Of course not baby, I love mommy so much”
“Why do you shout then?”
“I don’t know princess… I guess I’m just upset with mommy sometimes and that’s ok! You get upset with Ry sometimes, right?” He nudges her and she shrugs
“I guess”
“Well sometimes me and mommy get mad at one another but that doesn’t mean I don’t love her” he explains and Ivy hums in response
“I love your mommy so much ives, no matter what! Momma could be so mad at me and I’m still gonna love her so so much because she’s my best friend in the whole wide world”
The little girls head quirks to the side “she’s your best friend? I thought that was uncle Tito?”
Mat’s head shakes “Mama’s my best friend forever”
Ivy seems satisfied with his answer and goes back to her show.
That night there’s a game at the rock so you won’t be home until late. The kids don’t typically go to devils games unless one of the wives or girlfriends take them, it’s a somewhat established rule that Mathew should not attend Devils games as it can be seen as disrespectful to the islanders organization.
So it was a pleasant surprise to Ivy when Mat tells her to get ready after dinner, both kids are dressed in a devils jersey with their last name on it and the number 13.
Ryder’s in a carrier on Mathew’s chest while he sits in the stands next to a very excited Ivy who keeps telling everyone “My mommy’s on the bench! She’s a doctor!”
And “I know them! That’s my uncle Nico!”
There were a few confused and excited hockey fans when they saw him. The in house event team were having a field day once the puck dropped.
The jumbotron panned over to your family at one point and you were too busy watching the game so Nathan shouted
“Hey Barzal! Tell ivy we love the support!”
You frown until Jesper points you up to the jumbo tron. There is Mat, Ivy and Ryder all smiling and Ivy’s holding a sign that says
Go Devils, Go! + Mommy!
You smile and shake your head “That family of mine”
Once the game ends you make your way to the medical room to see to those boys choosing to come down who ends up being Vitek, Jesper and Nico.
“I saw the kids out there tonight” Nico mumbles while you do stretches on his leg.
You smile “Yeah i saw them on the jumbotron, Mat must’ve brought them — I told them to go home Ry would’ve been asleep second period and Ivy looked like she was so close to sleep”
It’s late by the time you get home, the light in your bedroom is the only one on. You shrug off your coat and take off your shoes before tiptoeing up to Ivy’s room and kissing her sleeping head then into Ryder’s room to do the same.
By the time you enter your bedroom Mat is sitting up in bed waiting for you. You don’t say anything, slipping into the bathroom to shower and changing into your pyjamas.
Once you’re finished and re-enter your bedroom Mathew is still sitting there just looking at you.
“What’re you staring at?” You question, slipping in under the sheets.
Mat smiles “My beautiful wife”
You Huff “If that’s your way of apologizing, it’s shitty”
He frowns, pulling your hand into his and angling his body towards you
“You’re my best friend, I love you and I’m sorry”
His words, while not long were heavy and you knew he meant them.
You don’t respond, he doesn’t need a reply. Instead you let go of his hand and shimmy down so your head is rested on the pillow, Mat does the same.
You’re both facing one another and he leans over to kiss you slow, your emotions pour into the simple kiss.
Every ounce of anger, sadness, lust and happiness poured into each other. Mat’s hand gripped the back of your thigh and urged you to flip on top of him, straddling his waist.
Once the two of you pulled away, giggling like school children You mumbled “Thank You for bringing them tonight, it meant the world to me”
“Lou’s definitely gonna kick my ass tomorrow, but it’s worth it — you’re worth it baby”
“I love you, mat”
“I love you, angel”
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whump-place · 2 months
Micah knows Star wasn't feeling good that day, when they ran to hug him and cried until they fell asleep. That same day Master had called everyone outside, one by one, and one by one they came back crying, or sobbing, or smiling, but with their arms covered in bruises (Leo); but Master didn't call him.
Was it because he is new? Liam said maybe next month will be his turn, while he wiped away some tears, and held up the vase he soon threw flying to the floor.
It had been a bad day for everyone, and Micah was scared of when he would be tested by Master. Maybe Master hurts them? Or is it another kind of punishment? Whatever it is, Micah knows he will do his best to be good. He can be good for Master.
But right now...
"Which one is better?" Asks Star, their cheerful expression almost making Micah forget how they had been crying last week, locked up in their room for two days; as they were holding up a pair of collars, one's a dark blue, with small stars painted on it, and the other is a baby blue, with little hearts. "Master is going to wear the blue coat, he will like it if we match!"
"The one with the stars! I'm going to wear one that has stars too!"
When Micah first got to Master's house, he realized just how wealthy he is. The house is beautiful, he has four Pets, and everything is really nice. What Micah wasn't expecting was Master to have a whole room designed for his Pets clothes. The room itself was huge, and with all those clothes and shoes Micah thought he could get lost.
Master gifts them a wardrobe, and they are free to paint it or put stickers on it, but soon they decided it wasn't enough.
Star's side is full of shining clothes, skirts and dresses that could light up a whole room.
Liam, on the other hand, only has plain colors. It is all tidy and color-coded, all his clothes seems elegant, and expensive.
Leo is... Well, he has all kinds of things. His clothes are basically black, gray, red or blue, and Micah can't tell if he even has a way to find his clothes or if he just wears the first thing he can find.
And Ray. Star and Liam made sure to take most of his space for themselves, and the few things he has are all plain colored clothes, less elegant than Liam's, but they are nice.
Master said Micah's place will be in another room, and that maybe he will also change Ray to that room so Star can get enough space for all of their clothes. And that today they are going to find him new clothes so he can start feeling like home.
But like home was like with former Master, and former Master never spared even a drawer for his Pet's things. It only had a set of clothes, and no shoes, and it had been easier because it only had to wash its Master's clothes and..
"Micah, look, look, look!" Leo's excited voice makes Micah go back to his senses. Master took them to the second floor of the mall, he said that on that floor Pets could walk on their own, no need to be held on a leash.
"I'm sorry this has to be like this, dear. I wish you guys could be without a leash anywhere you want to be." Master said, and he sounded... upset. Why?
"I like this!" His attention goes back to the present, Leo is holding a black leather jacket, it suits him.
"It's pretty. But, won't Master be upset? He said we only get a few things." That means a sweater or two, right? Master said to get something for when the winter starts, and Micah already has thermic clothes, that's enough for him.
"Master likes to spoil us. He buys us everything we want!" Star explains with a cheerful smile, they are looking through the collars and earrings, they say they can't never get enough. "But, why haven't you chosen anything yet?"
Because Master is going to get mad. Because a Pet like him shouldn't be wasting his Master's money. Because that's not how it works.
"I don't want to waste Master's money. I already have good clothes, I am okay with them."
Star, Leo, and even Liam soon walk to his side, convincing him of all the reasons why he does need more clothes.
Liam says it would be ridiculous for Master to have a Pet that doesn't wear good clothes. That as Master's Pet Micah needs to take care of his look.
He's right. Liam is always right.
Micah swallows, and lets them choose him clothes, even though he feels uncomfortable whenever they show him any new clothes to try on.
Micah knows that isn't right. Master shouldn't spend that much money on his Pet. His Pet doesn't deserve that much.
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thvshusband · 1 year
“i’m sorry”
dom!patrick bateman x afab!reader
warnings: hickeys, cunnilingus, throat fucking, protected sex, riding, softie patrick, minors dni!
word count: 1.3k
A/N: i’m sorry if it seems kind of rushed, i just really wanted to finish it today. i hope you enjoy!
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you were watching a movie when your husband patrick came home after a stressful day at work agitated. he takes off his coat and hangs it up on the rack. he takes off his shoes and puts them near the door. you go up to him and kiss him happily.
“y/n, please i’m not in the mood right now. i had a shitty day at work and i just can’t deal with you right now,” patrick says, trying to keep his cool. psychical affection is something he is not fond of, especially public affection. you back off him, trying not to push his buttons.
“what happened at work today?” you ask, wondering why he is so on edge.
“well, paul is now in charge of the fisher account when he knows i’m more qualified for it and i’ve been wanting it,” patrick replies with an obvious agitation in his voice.
you get up and motion for him to sit on the couch. you try not to be close to him so he can’t become even more pissy. he sits down and turns the volume up on the tv. you pour him a glass of j&b and corona and kiss him on the cheek before you got ready for bed.
you enter your bedroom and strip off all of your clothes. you put on a silk robe before going to the connecting bathroom and turning on the bath’s faucet. you plug the drain and put in rose petals and bubble bath liquid. you light your favorite candle and grab your favorite book.
you hear your bedroom door open and see patrick entering. he sits on the bed and takes off his socks. he throws them into the hamper. you go over to him, smiling subtly.
“so, patrick, i’m drawing a bath for myself, do you want to join me? i just want to help you relax,” you say, trying not to get on his nerves.
“honey, i’m okay. i just think i need to be left alone,” patrick says, trying not to get angrier.
“oh, okay. i’ll be getting ready for bed, love you.”
“love you too,” patrick says before you kiss him softly, causing him to smile.
after you have a relaxing bath, you slip into your pink silk nightgown, brush your teeth, and doing your skincare. you walk into the bedroom and get under the covers next to patrick, who is watching TV. he’s still not in a great mood, but is feeling a little bit better from what you can tell. you reach for his hand and he moves it away; you take the hint and move away from him a little bit. he looks over and sees you’re visibly upset, which makes him move his hand to where yours is and holds your hand, interlocking your fingers with his.
patrick turns to face you and looks into your tired eyes.
“i’m sorry for how i was before, im just super stressed out because of work. i love you so much, i hope you’re not mad at me,” he apologizes.
you’re so confused and surprised. patrick apologizing to you? that’s something you never thought would happen. but yet, he’s sorry and actually owning up to his mistakes.
he pulls you into a long and loving kiss, the second part of his apology. you kissed him back and pull him into a deeper, loving kiss. he moves closer to you and holds your face as he starts to make out with you. patrick’s hands roam to the straps of your nightgown and pull them down to your elbows, exposing your chest. he grabs and squeezes your left boob and starts kissing your neck. he starts to leave hickeys all the way down your neck and moves his mouth down to your nipple and starts sucking on it softly. he gropes your right boob with his hand while he has his mouth on your left.
“mmh, patrick!” you moan, almost overwhelmed by the pleasure your husband is giving you.
he responds by kissing down your torso to where your nightgown is and pulls it the rest of the way off. he resumes kissing down your body until he got to your pretty white lace panties. he looks up to you, waiting for you to grant him permission with a “yes!” and he slips your panties off. he spreads your legs and stares at your glistening slit before he licks in between your pussy lips.
he licks up and down your pussy before he starts sucking on your pretty pearl of a clit. you gasp and moan breathily at the sudden feeling.
“oh, fuck patrick!” you yell, causing him to speed up and start fingering you slowly.
he speeds up when he notices you’re getting closer. he starts being rougher with his tongue on your pussy and moves his face closer to your sex in between your thighs as he grips them.
soon, you were on the verge of cumming and patrick had added a second and third finger, moving them fast in and out of your sopping wet cunt as he sucked on your clit.
“fuck, patrick, im cumming, im cumming!” you manage to squeeze out as your his skillful tongue has made you unable to think, overcome by pleasure.
you cum all over his lips and tongue, which he licks up.
“such a good job for me, pretty girl,” patrick compliments you.
you become flustered after hearing patrick saying such nice things to you. him being a softie is something he’s only done after arguments and on your wedding night.
patrick comes back up to your face and starts making out with you again, this time rougher and more desperate. he starts unbuttoning his shirt and you teach for his belt, unbuckling it. you unbutton his pants and unzip them. you pull his pants down and off, revealing his huge bulge and white calvin klein underwear. you pull his thick, long, and veiny cock out of them.
you spit on his dick and start plant sloppy kisses around the head while occasionally kitty licking his slit. he groans in response. you begin sucking on the head and stroking the base of his dick. soon enough, you take his entire length in and patrick grabs ahold of your hair. once you give him a thumbs-up signal, he starts thrusting his cock all the way down your throat, making you have the urge to gag.
once he goes faster, you try to hold back from gagging; but it soon comes too much when he gets close to cumming. you slap the front of his thigh to let him know he needs to give you a break. you take his length out of your mouth and try to catch your breath while coughing.
“are you okay, (y/n)?” patrick asks with a concerned look on his face.
“i’m okay, just needed a breather,” you reassure him.
you take his length back into your mouth, but ease into it a lot slower than last time. soon enough, he’s cumming, warm semen flowing down your throat.
you take your mouth off of his cock and go to get a condom. you put the condom onto patrick’s dick and he lays down. you sit on his cock and don’t move for a little, letting yourself adjust to his size. a few minutes later you start to move slowly, making sure he hits your g-spot.
well into the night, you can’t stop moaning and patrick is becoming vocal as well, considering he’s usually very quiet except for a sigh after pulling out of you. now sore, you get off of patrick and take the condom off, throwing it into the trash can next to your bed. you lay on his chest. he pecks your forehead.
“i had a great time tonight, again, im sorry for being a dick earlier. i hope you accept my apology,” patrick says.
“i accept your apology patrick. i love you,” you say, smiling.
“i love you too.”
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sugartitstownley · 2 years
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So, Trevor has a smiley tattoo on his wrist. I decided to write a little something about it. Takes place pre-Ludendorff. Warning: Homophobic language and descriptions of violence and murder.
Trevor’s breath comes out jagged as he stands surrounded by dead bodies in the otherwise empty parking lot. He walks towards his stolen car, glaring at one of the bodies on the ground— the man who started it all.
“Move out of my fuckin’ way,” Trevor spits as he pushes past a group of guys.
The tallest man in the group doesn’t move all that much; Instead, choosing to invade Trevor’s space by stopping him in his tracks with a hand on his shoulder.
Trevor groans, not at all in the mood for this bullshit. He only came to this stupid 24/7 minimart to grab a few cases of beer to take back to the motel room that Michael’s waiting at.
Wanting to hurry back to Michael, he pushes the stranger’s hand off, choosing to ignore the familiar feeling of rage bubbling in his stomach.
“Hey, why don’t you watch who you’re talking to, faggot.”
Trevor stops, turning sharply around and grabbing the taller man’s throat with one quick move. “What the fuck did you just say to me?”
“I saw you with your boyfriend yesterday,” the man says, his words slurring together as Trevor’s grip becomes tighter around his neck. “He wouldn’t want you speaking to us like that, would he?”
“My boyfriend would kick your ass too,” Trevor growls. “But don’t worry, he won’t have to.”
One of the other guys lunges at Trevor, trying to pull his arms away from their friend. “You’re going to kill him, freak! Do that and your faggy boyfriend will be dead!”
Trevor shoves the tall guy to the ground and takes a few steps back, pulling his gun from his belt loop and pointing it at the men before any of them can realize it.
Fury boils in Trevor’s blood as the guys look on in fear. “Don’t you fuckin’ talk about him like that!”
Shots ring off around them as the guys take off running. They sprint towards safety, but Trevor's anger-induced rampage is no match for them. One by one, bodies fall to the ground, and their lives are over as quickly as they started.
Trevor breaks his glare at the dead man laying at his feet and gets in the car. Choosing to forgo getting the beer and leave before the cops show up, he starts it up and makes his way back to the motel.
Before the door is even fully open, Trevor can hear the shower water running while the walls vibrate with sounds of classic rock coming from the tape player.
"Hey, I got a VHS tape we can watch," Michael says, his voice carrying through the bathroom door of the small, shabby room. "Put the beer in the fridge 'til I'm done."
"I, uh, didn't get the beer, Mikey," Trevor admits, kicking off his shoes and stripping down his blood-coated clothes and dropping them in a pile in the corner. "Ran into some trouble."
Trevor doesn't get the chance to continue before he hears the water shutting off and Michael emerging from the bathroom with a towel around his waist. He drops his gaze down his friend's body, watching as little remnants of water trickle down his skin.
"What kind of trouble?"
Trevor smirks, shrugging. "The usual."
"Nah, nothing like that, buddy," Trevor assures, pointing over to his clothes in the corner. "Assholes."
He sees Michael follow his gesture with a confused look before realization takes over, and he turns back to Trevor.
"What the fuck happened?"
"I told you," Trevor says, opening up a duffle bag on the floor, pulling out a pair of black sweatpants, and sliding them on. "I ran into some assholes who gave me trouble."
Michael curses under his breath, making his way back into the bathroom and shutting the door.
Trevor knows his running buddy is less than thrilled with him. They pulled a score only a few days prior and need to be lying low for the time being. He briefly wonders if Michael will leave the room like he sometimes does when he's mad at something Trevor has done, but the fear is immediately dispelled when he feels Michael drop down beside him on the bed—now, fully clothed in a tank top and shorts.
"What really happened, Trevor?"
"It's nothing to worry about, M. I took care of it, and nobody tailed me here. I'm not an amateur anymore."
"I get that," Michael sighs. "But that doesn't mean we should go crazy right after—”
Trevor growls, his teeth grinding together. "I fuckin' know, okay? Christ. They thought we were lovers."
"Uh, okay," Michael falters, his face twisting up in puzzlement. "So? I wouldn't, uh, think you'd care about that, man."
"I don't." Trevor scoffed. "I care about them speaking to me like they can get away with it. I care about them calling you a fag and thinking they will live to see another day. I care about them being so goddamn naive!"
Feeling his heart rate quicken and hands shake against the black fabric of his pants, he looks over at Michael to try and ground himself in the moment, but he's only met with the back of his head.
Trevor tries to steal a glimpse at what his best friend thinks is so damn important right now, but he doesn't get the chance to dwell before Michael's facing him again—this time, a pen in hand.
"What are you doing?" Trevor asks.
Michael doesn't answer, but he doesn't need to. Only seconds later, Trevor feels his running partner grab his hand and turn his wrist over. He watches carefully as Michael pops the lid off of the pen with his teeth and spits it to the floor.
The pen hits his wrist and the ink tickles his skin for only a split second before Michael pulls away with a grin.
Trevor looks down at the poorly drawn smiley face, raising an eyebrow. "Really? This is your bright idea to calm me down?"
"It worked, didn't it?" Michael's grin widens in triumph. "Your hands ain't shakin' anymore."
"What? So now every time I look at it, I'm supposed to think of you or some bullshit?"
"If it helps you stay a little happier and not give a shit about what people think to the point of killing them, then yeah," Michael shrugs, dropping the pen onto the nightstand beside him. "I'll try anything to keep your ass from blowin' our cover. Give it a shot."
Trevor pauses, a mocking quip on the end of his tongue. But rather than say it, he shakes his head, his lips pulling up into a small smirk. "Anything for you, Mikey."
The next day, Trevor finally makes his way to the liquor store to grab the beer, and just for the hell of it, he stops by the tattoo parlor and tattoos over Michael's drawing. He's not sure that his anger can be contained by a shitty smiley face drawing, but, like Michael said, he'll sure as hell give it a shot.
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