#that's for me to know and you to judge :P
bcacstuff · 8 hours
I honestly think it’s so childish that you spend your time screenshotting ppl on twitter in hiding bc you’d never have the guts to let anyone know your acc on there, to post on here making fun of them for wanting to vote for Sam or upset he’s never won an award. You can spin things how you like but you BCAC are a hater with clearly no real life to spend it basically stalking an actor you despise. You won’t post this but just know your behaviour is that of a child. You’ll judge other for not finding something you post funny but you’ll do this? To point out and make fun of his fans! Newsflash fans if Sam don’t give a fuck about the other actors (who you think are deserving) they love Sam. Why you need to always point this shit out baffles me. You and P are the worst ppl hope you both crawl into a hole and just leave him and his actual fans alone. And no this post isn’t funny it’s just you putting peoples names on your blog to make fun of them! You should be ashamed! Grow up and find a hobby you like or start a blog about Ric if you think he’s so much more talented. What a negative awful person you must be in real life.
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Oh gosh... angry Twitter Mommies alert!
Yes, right normally I don't post this, but just let me address a few things here.
When I first started checking out some things about OL in general, it didn't take me long to work out the atmosphere on (then still) Twitter and IG. And I didn't need a second look or thought to know that I would never ever interact there or would have anything to do with that part of the fandom. I don't leave comments on there, nor go there to sent Anon messages... [What was that you. were saying about hiding ANON].
Yet you are here, and why? To complain? C'mon, you're a regular here simply to find out what he's doing, where he is, and with who. As soon as there is a woman involved, you play the lovely fan on Twitter telling to leave him alone, yet I see a range of accounts that I know are playing these best fans ever, following these women. Yes even the escort! Now who is the stalker here? And it quite makes me wonder who are the ones harassing these people! You can accuse shippers or us here doing so, but I bet most of them are these lovely fans of him on Twitter and IG! I know I do not follow any of them and never contacted any person he's been connected with.
I don't go to cons, hang around at his hotel. If I ever get to Scotland, it wont be to go hang around his home or go to EDA, but for totally other reasons nothing to do with him or OL.
And here's the 'hater-card' again. Exactly what made me decide never to interact on other social platforms. As the sheer devotion and praising is one thing I could care less about, but the bullying and hate thrown at people who see him as a normal person with his good habits but also accept his flaws, are called haters and bullied off. Block, block, block. You are not allowed to have your own opinion, you must praise everything he does and when he's seen with an escort we must all look away, because he's such an earth angle.... yeah right, sheeple.
Not me, I don't like singing Kumbaya in a one accord choir. I rather like polyphony, much more interesting. I'll always make up my own mind no matter how many say different. That's what I also grant all my followers and readers. And this is one of the very few places where people can be safe to speak their mind, appreciated by the people who like to make up their own mind. As long as it is not being disrespectful towards others opinions that might not be the same as yours. Unlike what you demonstrate in your messages. So why not stay in your lane, I have always stayed in mine.
Newsflash also, over here we do watch other series, and do appreciate the work of other actors. Not only Ric (whom I would instantly vote for regarding Rebus), I for one have watched Baby Reindeer and Mary & George. Quite enjoyed it and think these actors did a great job as well. Now who do you think should get a life and a hobby! The fact that you so openly state here that you do not give a fuck about other actors tells me enough about your prejudice and your biased view. You really seem to think you're doing him a favor with that? Think again...
Wishing ill on someone, just because you do not agree with an opinion is quite immature imo. As I said in a post, I rather discuss what is right, than argue who is right. But I guess that's not something you've learned or are able to.
I think I'm gonna wish you the best with your Twitter account calling me a hater. You can join the shippers and P (oh and besides, don't think P will be that happy you put me on the same level as her, neither am I) But you see, I will not come to your account and bully you off. I grant you the freedom of speech, as it is my right as well. And thank you for the honor thinking Sam would care to get my account down here, though I think that's a bit too much honor...
Oh and little warning ahead, better stay of here, as I might have some juice later on you wont like!^^
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phoenixiancrystallist · 2 months
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Month 4, day 13
Did a lot today! Also did nothing else today lol. I have legit been at this for somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 to 8 hours. I don't remember when I started but I do remember checking the clock at around 5pm after I'd been at it for awhile, and it is now past 10:30pm. So... yeah. I had fun :D
This is the result of parts 2 and 3 of the tutorial series I'm following (I should probably link those more often). Also I made more trees from part 1 just because I could (and also I wanted the practice, but mostly because I could). I... may have been having too much fun modeling things. The second part of the tutorial was for the non-tree plants, and I did way more than the tutorial called for.
I have six trees, 11 grasses, 4 flowers, and 7 ferns (or whatever those plants are supposed to be). The tutorials only called for three trees, five grasses, four flowers, and six ferns. At least I got the number of flowers right? But, uh, I gave the flowers more colors than I was supposed to and set it up so the bundles of flowers are all different colors instead of all the same. So still did more than I should have :P
The third part of the tutorial series was setting up the environment and getting it ready to spread plants all over it. So we made the ground, the hills in the background, and the sky. The sky I'm most excited about making, because I plan to abuse my sky-making privileges when I go to make the swords finally >:D Actually pretty much everything I learned in these tutorials I'll be using in one way or another for the swords, but being able to make my own sky means I can get ~*fancy*~ with the environments I put the swords in :D
Cinta my beloved your sword is gonna be dope as fuck
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oh right, technically i sell t-shirts
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i forgot about that
#holidays are coming up and it would make a terrible gift#that's the main selling point#anyways these exist and can be exchanged for legal tender#the cost is the listed price + the emotional expense of knowing that i am judging u#bc i am. i am judging u#why would u want this. why would u exchange currency for this#there are so many other things you could exchnage currency for instead#a grocery store shrimp platter for instance#with the nauseatingly red cocktail sauce that is SO much better than a t shirt any time#hmm chicken picatta at a local Italian Eatery perchance? i am. a big fan of anything picatta#oh oh i know! 3.6 POUNDS OF FRESH OKRA#FOR THE COST OF THIS FRIVOLOUS T SHIRT U COULD INSTEAD PURCHASE 3.6 POUNDS OF FRESH DELICIOUS OKRA#and then --hold on i have a recipe--and then what u do is#so it is basically sacrilege to suggest this but what u do is u skip the cornmeal entirely#my southern ancestors are shaking a wooden spoon at me right now but LISTEN. u skip. the gotdang. cornmeal#instead: wash chop and soak (for 10 min) the okra in a mixture of 1 egg to tblsp water#then coat in flour#THATS IT JUST FLOUR#No cornmeal. i am betraying my heritage rn but I'm RIGHT#coat in flour sprinkle liberally in S&P and FRY that suck in veg oil high heat#until crispy & brown & u hear your arteries clenching in apprehension#so. so yeah#that's what u should do instead of buying this shirt go fry the shit out of some okra#(but buy local and young & tender if u can bc the grocery store is full of old-and-therefore-super-stiff specimens#pro tip (aka grandma tip): if u can't chop okra smoothly with your normal cutting knife then it's too old and tough.#...i mean u probably CAN still fry the shit out of it I've certainly done that before it's just much less delicious#ANYWAY. anyway ANYWAY. shirt. okra. farmers market. that reminds me of a post i made back when we first started selling these dang shorts#shirts. shorts shorts. oh shit i should make a crop top option.#i. i don't Know How to make a crop top option#HUH . . . i need to lie down now and contemplate the constant and irreconcilable limitations of the human experience good night
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crispycreambacon · 9 days
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H. Hi everyone. Uh. You know what I don’t need to explain myself. Who needs to watermark your art when you can just draw your sona thristing over the art amirite-
The last two people featured next to me are @madamegemknight (bless her poor soul she had no idea what introducing me to Fraggle Rock would do to me) and @couchpotato1206 (aka my bULLYYYYY /lh)
Bonus images below. Fair warning: Extremely self-indulgent. Coughs.
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Note: while I’m a minor as of making this post, my sona here is an adult. Please don’t be weird about this thank you!!!
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itsdappleagain · 5 months
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day 5: AU!!
i decided to draw my own take on the "paper star and carmen escape VILE together" au that has been floating around in my head for months and has a near incoherent three thousand word brainstorming doc to prove it
i also tried to redesign carmen, who i've decided calls herself cardinal in this au because there is no cookie booker escape with the coat and hat (paper star also influences the name).
i took inspo from harajuku fashion which i think is what PS is designed on also? i figured that since carmen sandiego adopted the first article of clothing she ever put on as her trademark that cardinal would just copy paper stars style and i think thats fun
so anyway. they're messy, they're gay, and they definitely have a big dramatic betrayal where they realize that there was never a future in which they could be together or something like that
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mel-loly · 4 months
-Happy Valentine's Day, my love! <3
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I don’t think people realize how all consuming October 7, the war and the rising antisemitism is to most Jews right now. I was just on a five day family trip and nearly every single conversation ended up circling back to what’s going on in Israel, across the world and at home. My mom knew Vivian Silver, an incredible peace activist thought to be held hostage and I had to sit there and watch her realize that not only was Vivian murdered at her home 38 days before but that she was likely burned if it took this long for her body to be identified. I was forced to sit there and watch my mom, my favorite woman in the world, watch her face crumple. We were sharing updates, accounts to follow, venting and releasing frustrations. It is a constant unbreakable struggle right now for me and most Jews I know to not be glued to our phones, to not pay attention. Because we’ve seen what happens when we don’t. Because we can’t afford to turn our backs on what’s going on. And there’s a deep ever present grief not only for the victims of October 7th, the innocent citizens of Gaza, the hostages and also for my own personal sense of safety and security. I am also grieving what is a shattering beyond measure of my present and future trust in people as I’ve witnessed how easily well intentioned kind hearted people have decided to say nothing, publicly or privately, or who have quickly fallen into vicious antisemitic rhetoric. I’m just sharing into the void at this point but it’s been unimaginably hard on a personal level. I’m not the same person I was when I went to bed on October 6. It’s as though I’m a shadow, made of grief and anger and tiny fractured bits of hope. Every piece of joy feels as though it’s been muted because of how quickly it fades. And even the moments that last are related to my Jewish identity somehow. I am not sure where I go from here.
Have a cat gif for reading all of that
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zishuge · 4 months
Oooof Tushan Jing being the younger brother who is world-renowned as an elegant and accomplished scholar and musician, who ends up being locked up in a dungeon and tortured for years by a jealous older brother who then throws him out into the street to die, and tells him, "Without your fancy clothes and without your noble status you're nothing".
"Qingqiu-gongzi is just a joke."
God this is 1000000% exactly what Shan Gudao would've done to Li Xiangyi if he had had the chance and now I badly want to read that fic.
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the-trans-dragon · 8 months
It's hilariously therapeutic to watch Cutthroat Kitchen because a lot of the time, when a man loses, he has the funniest little reaction.
Like even if the judge was very clear and explicit about why he got voted off, he'll be like "I thought my dish was great. I shouldn't have been voted off. I deserved to win, because I'm a good chef no matter what the judge said." (When they've done things like serve uncooked meat or used a plain century egg as garnish)
Like goddamn, people are surviving just fine, without constantly being upset with themselves for small mistakes? They can even ignore huge mistakes and chose to believe they are perfect, and apparently this has been a successful survival technique for them because they're still alive.
So maybe I can forgive myself for small things. Maybe I can be nice to myself about it. Apparently I could even lie to myself about it and pretend it wasnt a big deal or wasnt my fault I'd probably be fine--so it's probably okay if I let some cereal expire, and if I can't fend off the guilt and self-loathing about it, then its a valid option to just say "well its the cereal's fault for expiring" or something silly to escape the pointless unbearable guilt.
Like I don't plan to do that for meaningful mistakes, but why not resort to Overconfident Man Confidence to dodge debilitating shame over throwing away a single paper bag that I've been reusing for months and it's finally beyond use but I feel like I'm wasting resources and should fix it? My guilt and shame aren't playing fair or logical so I am allowed to use sneaky tricks like "borrowing confidence from a man raised to believe he is never wrong" to fight back lol.
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Absolutely love that every single time Peet/Artham shows up to fight the Fangs are like “?!?! WHAT THE HECK, WHAT ARE YOU, WHAT’S HAPPENING?!” and they’re so in shock that it gives him time to completely decimate them.
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the-kneesbees · 3 months
yk I felt really bad about this whole thing at first but looking back I think maybe I dodged a bullet
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sabanmoon · 1 year
im sorry, but i really wont him. :(
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digijosify · 11 months
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Shoutmon tries asking in dogeza
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i’m gonna be honest about something there are still things i’m afraid to post about on here bc i’m always worried about what other people think of me. so if i suddenly start rbing shit from a fandom you wouldn’t expect or a ship you don’t like, please be prepared. i’m sorry but i’m trying to practice self-care <33
#im trying not to care#its hard when i constantly see ppl shitting on characters i like that are overrated or overhated#or fandoms that everyone seems to dislike#im a naturally sensitive person and im not trying to sound annoying when i say that but its true#i get pissy and i get rly sad rly easily. and i feel rejected sometimes. (probably the rsd if i do have adhd tbh 💀💀 i also have anxiety and#im p sure you can have rsd w anxiety)#but yeah i know i keep making these dramatic ass posts abt fandoms but its stressing me out sm just thinking abt posting from a fandom#that i think you guys would find me weird for posting abt#and its not even that bad its just fandoms that have had drama or some shit. that ive literally never been involved in bc i live under a#rock and just like to read the fics#but yh just. im feeling resentment towards the tumblr community lately bc i constantly feel judged so if i start randomly unfollowing ppl#then ive reached my breaking point#sorry guys 😔🙏 like i said i gotta practice self-care at some point#literally everyone else just posts what they want to have post and im trying to afraid conflict or smth by not posting abt some things#but ykw i really dont want to give a shit#so yh im gonna try#and you guys can either deal w it or unfollow bc you think im weird ig 💀💀 even though this is literally tumblr 💀💀 but you do you#also pretend i said avoid conflict not afraid#somewhat a vent post?#ALSO SHIPS OMG#i do not give a fuck okay#if the ship is not weird i could not give less of a shit#ship madwheeler for all i care!! its so annoying when theres this constant feeling of judgment surrounding every ship communities deem weird#even though the actual weird ships are out there. being read abt. being shipped.#oh and another thing#theres a difference between ships you ship in canon and ships you ship only in fanon. like its so annoying when ppl say a ship doesnt make#sense this is what fanfiction is for !!#also i like my crack ships and im not going to stop enjoying fanfic just bc ppl think a ship isnt as good as their favorites 🫶🫶#anygays tumblr stop being so judgmental challenge /aff 🫶 rly need to curate my experience or im gonna go insane#PRETEND I SAID WHAT THEY WANT TO POST CRYING THE TYPOS
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la0hu · 1 year
new york accent i'm dyin over hee-yah
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pride and prejudice
never seen it | need to see it | hate it | ugh | it was okay | LOVED IT | asdfghjkl
Send me a film!
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