#that's grandma pastry 🥺
mctwinkdom · 6 months
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Oh my god the Piastri family!!! (X)
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seiwas · 8 months
sel! i just saw your ask game (and i realize i'm a bit late) but can i ask 20, 31, and 45?
amber omg you are so sweet to participate!!! aaah thank you for sending in 🥺 you are not late at all!!!
20. What is something you’re obsessed with?
i already answered this here, but another thing i'm obsessed with is trying things from new places (especially cafes!!!) all the time omg jhsbdfjs it's like i'm constantly on the hunt for the best matcha or the best coffee or the best pastry and so ooonnnnn 😭
31. Do you like paper books or ebooks better?
paper books!!!
45. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
omg i will be so honest and say i don't actually have a lot of dating experience 😭 my bf rn is my first bf 🥺 and there was only ever one guy before him that i kind of had a thing with 🥺 and even then, idt i could say my hangouts with him were bad bc it was cute for the age we were in, y'know? 🥹
if i had to cite something i'm not so fond of tho it's that my anniversary with my bf falls so closely between birthdays of his family members, and is also actually the same day as his grandma's birthday 😭 AND it's also so near valentine's 😭 so we don't really get to celebrate it on the day of most of the time 🥺 in one of our ldr years, he had to fly back the day before our anniv too 🥹
send me a number from this nosy ask game!!!
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dreadreflection-if · 2 years
May I have some Dimitrius facts please 🥺 I love him and I want to have dramatic gay kisses with him in the rain
Of course you may! He would never admit it, but Dimitrius would also love to have dramatic gay kisses in the rain. He thinks it’s very romantic.🥰
As for the facts:
He’s been a grandma’s boy ever since he was little. Whenever their merchant caravan was traveling through the Mists, he loved to sit in her lap and have her read him stories. He would cry whenever they were separated.
He’s skilled at household chores, and does all the cleaning and maintenance for the wagon. If he could, he would do all the cooking too, but Desdemona insists on helping him with it - cooking should be done with family, she says.
He has a surprising sweet tooth, though he tries to hide it. His favorite desserts are bougatsa and ravani. He hates traveling to Barovia, since he always has to resist the dream pastries sold there.
He has a natural affinity with animals, and seems to attract them wherever he goes. He’s had several join him when he’s sitting outside: birds, rabbits, squirrels - even a bear, once. He’s like a broody Disney princess.
The rings he wears on each finger may seem decorative, but he actually wears them for a practical purpose. Whenever he enters a particularly bad vision, he twists them around and fiddles with them to help himself focus on something besides the sight in front of him.
He would die if anyone found out, but he keeps a stash of romance novels hidden in his room. He likes to read them on nights when his night terrors keep him up.
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hooshizzoria · 2 years
haha getting away with this mind the tw/food/dieting/death tw readmore
hashbrown....hotdog (try with relish) ...actually eat pasta eg lasgna....anyone digression but do u remember that pixie hollow game rip. did anyone else ever play fantage. plain party pizza the quintessential. i miss oh i just forgot. anyways fish tacos! the cheapish meat hard shells my dad would make us with like storebought guac and salsa and literally aside from the meat the cheese was shredded kraft like 👀like ok. oh i remembered-- pinkberry. waffle slice thingy and my first intro to mochi. bubble tea. eh i think i can get that before i go. would like to try some carne asada with guac but again like i cant really eat it well if u know what i mean. at least i can have choccky milk lol yay. and also vanilla milk. and strawberry milk to treat my friend OH lady m pastry???mmmm OH the gelato stall near lincoln. and ofc a good sando or burger and OH salmon cream cheese bagel sigh
Moar. panna cotta. rice pudding my grandma used to make. hell any kind of pie tbh. creme brulee. sure u coukd get that easy but like will itv be good? that clam pasta. squid pasta lol nvr rly tried it. ohh pork adobo...its the belly parts for me 😔
ice cream factory my beloved 🥺 also i s2g just the nostalgia of going to an ice cream shop and getting a waffle cone on that ie typically haasgen dazs
fish and chips nvr rly had too much of that. enchance my salad game tbh for the taste than any health benefits lmao. have a taste of kombucha, try out a breakfast bowl or poke bowl. korean hot dog. oh hot pot! or shabu shabu! more ramen lol. more izakaya. ooh yakitori
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staycatcher · 2 years
My pronouns are he/him. I'm so sorry, I thought I told you already.
We can be cringe together, I still listen to War of Hormone sometimes, it's nice having bad taste in music. My Grinch is the live action, I haven't seen the animated Grinch movie and I dont plan to because I'm so attached to the old one. Elf is good! I haven't seen it in a while so it's on my to watch list this year but im not sure I'll actually be able to get to it 🙂
I finished Wednesday! I think Wednesday should date her roommate, they'd be such cute girlfriends 🥺. They show was fun and it reminded me a lot of the old Addams family movies but they set it up to have a second season which could be really bad knowing Netflix.
What's your favorite food to eat around the holidays? I really like my grandma's fudge 💖
Omfg I forgot there was a newer grinch movie😳 yikes! Lmao I was thinking of the old old one, the one that was basically just an animated word by word of the book I watched a few times in elementary school~ I was thinking this cuz you mentioned claymation so i just assumed it would be that or the live
I’m so glad you loved Wednesday:D I saw some fan content of her with a pink girlie so if that’s her roommate then I am down lol. Hopefully netflix won’t let this die, I don’t think it will since it seems fairly popular but again it’s Netflix so. And I still haven’t gotten to watching arcane whoops. I like to watch livestreams or podcasts in the background when doing art or whatever so I’ve been doing that while working on stuff😅
N hhhhhh honestly it’d be easier if you asked me if there was a holiday treat or food I don’t like. I really love breads n pastries! Pies! Fruit salads (that don’t look scary)! And recently (in the past like 5 years) we started a tradition where if we stay home for xmas we will eat fondue on xmas eve!! Delicious!!😍🥰
Since you’re minho biased I was wondering if you normally bias main dancers / dancers? I think I tend to bias main vocals but not always! Do you have any fav kpop choreos in general? I love watching dancing, my most recent fav is probably 2 baddies by nct127!🤠 but yeah I’m definitely more biased towards live vocals n covers n all that~ love the live band videos!
Do you have a fav kpop xmas covers or songs or holiday performance? I don’t like xmas music too too much but somehow kpop has made me like it again!xmas evel is really That Bitch.💛
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theflyingfeeling · 3 years
Can I choose a ship too? 🥺 If yes: painter!Joel and model!Aleksi please. 💖 /Tri
Ships are encouraged, even!
Pennyless painter/student Joel would rather paint abstract art (or even landscapes for crying out loud), but his friends have convinced him to do portraits as well (they pay better). He hates doing portraits; it's so awkward to have the model just stand or sit there quietly while Joel works (although Joonas literally not shutting up when Joel had to practice painting nudes was somehow even worse)
Then one day a young man walks in his little studio requesting a portrait of him and his dog. You see, he wants to surprise his mother on her 50th birthday
Joel can't help but agree (the painting is gonna be quite large and he could use the money), and immediately after Aleksi has left, Joel starts mixing the colour of Aleksi's bright eyes..
The first painting session is awful because Rilla just won't sit still on Aleksi's lap. Aleksi is blushing and keeps apologizing for the dog's misbehaviour, and Joel has to fight back the urge to mix the reds to make the colour of Aleksi's cheeks
Eventually they decide that Joel coming over to Aleksi's house to paint instead is worth a try. Perhaps the dog will be more relaxed there, in a familiar environment
Joel is not exactly opposed to staring at Aleksi for hours in the warm lighting of Aleksi's livingroom, wearing a cosy sweater. It would maybe be a little easier for Joel if Aleksi fixed his unruly hair, but he doesn't have the heart to ask him (he looks way too cute like that)
Aleksi offers him coffee and pastries while they take a break and they bond and are very sweet and you'd all get cavity if I actually wrote this
Oops! Suddenly it's 7 PM and Joel might as well stay for dinner 🥰 Aleksi cooks for them, Joel has no idea what the dish is called but it de-li-cious 👌
They try to continue after dinner but Rilla has fallen asleep on her dogbed so they just sit in the livingroom talking instead
It's soooooo late when Joel finally goes home and he can't stop smiling the whole way there
A couple of more sessions (filled with laughter and warm feelings) and the painting is done. The last session was Joel actually just pretending to paint (he had finished it the last time already but he wasn't ready to let go of Aleksi yet)
They go shopping for the perfect frame for the picture and have a grand time, enjoying each other's company
Then Aleksi takes the painting home and for the next few weeks Joel doesn't hear from the man and is completely miserable
Then, one day, Aleksi shows up again. "You know what? My grandma's birthday is coming up soon..."
(Send me a random AU + a fandom (=BC) and I'll reply with a summary of the plot)
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moonshotsx · 3 years
Omg how about a continuation of that bakery au scene? 🥺 (shipname- Synthella? Or Synella?)
we are going with synthella 🥺
Synthia couldn’t help but moan as she sipped on the freshly homemade hot chocolate, “I swear, your hot chocolate tastes better than any I’ve ever had!”
Ella chuckled, her sleeves rolled up as she kneaded the dough for the next batch of croissants, “That’s because I use real chocolate, not that dreadful store bought mix, darling”
Synthia looked up, sporting a tiny line of white whipped cream on her top lip, “I don’t think I can come back to that after tasting this!”
She froze when Ella’s hand reached forward, her thumb swiping across her lips. Synthia was worried she would be able to hear how fast her heart was beating.
“Sorry, you had a little something on you lip,” Ella seemed to realize what she was doing, taking back her hand and going back to kneading.
“Oh, right, thanks,” she blushed, staring down at her half empty hot chocolate.
Neither of them spoke for the next couple of minutes, only the sound of the pouring rain hitting on the street outside filling in the gap.
“What… What made you want to become a baker?” Synthia finally asked, breaking the comfortable silence, “I’ve always kind of wondered about it”
“It started when I was little,” Ella didn’t look up from the bench as she cut half of the dough in triangles for the croissants and the other in rectangles for pain au chocolat, “My nan, on my mum’s side worked in a patisserie way back when in the 30s and early 40s”
“Really?” Synthia asked surprised, she didn’t expect the love for baking to run that far back.
“She was French, born and raised in Paris, met my pa when he was stationed there,” a faint smile appeared on Ella’s lips, “He would always come in every morning to greet her and get one pastry from the shop”
“That’s so cute!” the blonde commented, resting her chin on her hands as she leaned on the counter, eager to know more.
“They really were, but when the war came around and it wasn’t safe for them to stay in Paris, he made sure that she would make it to the UK and never look back,” she continued while she transferred the newly shaped croissants on the baking tray and walked up to their designed proofing spot.
“Did they ever… Did they ever come back to the bakery? You know after the war?”
Ella shook her head, “Unfortunately, the shop got destroyed during one of the many bombings and at the time, they didn’t have money to put it back up,” she said, turning her attention back to Synthia, “They settled for the quiet life on the English countryside, but I could always tell a part of nan wished she could have reopened”
“Is that why you opened your own bakery?”
“Yes and no,” Ella tilted her head, “I never really thought about it until nan’s passing almost… well, almost ten years ago, now”
“Oh, I’m sorry about your loss,” Synthia replied, lowering her head and hoping she hadn’t upset her.
“It’s quite alright, she lived to be almost 100, she joke multiple times about how she was ‘well past her expiration date’” she rolled her eyes playfully, “She taught me everything I know and more, she always told me to follow my dreams, no matter how far fetched they sounded to others”
“She sounds like she was a really cool grandma,” Synthia offered her a smile before finishing up the warm hot chocolate, happy to see Ella smiling back at her.
“She was, very ahead of her times, I’m glad I got to grow up under her guidance before she left us”
She took the empty cup from Synthia’s hands and walked up to the sink to rinse it off.
“May I ask why you chose to come to Canada and not like staying in England or maybe even going to France?”
Ella smirked, “Yes, you may, dear. I guess I wanted a fresh start in a completely different place, and, between us, while my French is somewhat decent enough to get me by, I don’t think I would have survived in France, darling,” she let out a laugh, followed soon behind by the blonde.
Once the laughing had died down, Syntha spoke up, “I’m… I’m glad you chose to come to Vancouver, you know,” she fiddled with her fingers, unable to resist looking into Ella’s hazel eyes, “and I’m glad you gave me a chance to… to be your apprentice”
Ella came closer, gently resting her hand on top of Synthia’s, “I’ve very glad too, dear”
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star-ocean-peahen · 3 years
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pissjesus · 3 years
🍂🌿🌸 If you don't mind 🥺💖
I'm assuming this is meant for all 7 of em soooooooo
Do they enjoy hugs?
Wyvern doesn't realize he's touch starved until someone shows him affection
Calvin loves hugs and gives great hugs, he can pick up anyone too
Ghost would probably like a hug, but he's not accustomed to physical affection. It would take getting used to for him to be comfortable with hugs
Z is NOT about hugs, godspeed to anyone who tries to get close enough
Asami loves hugs and gives them out freely, and it doesn't take knowing her very long to get promoted to hug status
Daisy likes hugs as long as she's comfortable with the person
Val likes hugs as long as she's in the mood for them, sometimes she needs space
How do they show they care without using words? How do others care for them without using words?
Wyvern sits with you and shares your company. If he's upset about something, he prefers to be alone, but it makes him feel cared for if someone is waiting for him to come back, especially with some sort of gift
Calvin gives hugs or offers to carry things. The best way to care for him is to do things for him that he's too anxious or overwhelmed to do, like make a phone call or clean. He's not opposed to gifts, either
Ghost tries to make other people laugh. He'll put something on his head or do a stupid dance and wait for you to notice. In turn, he also likes people who can make him laugh
Z can be standoffish even with people they like, but on the rare occasion they show they care it's by doing what they think would be a huge favor to you, which might include finding something you lost or it could be personally threatening a guy that's been bothering you. If you try asking them how they're doing and if they're okay, they'll find it patronizing, unless they really need to hear it. Again, doing tasks for them is the best way to care for them
Asami shows a lot of physical affection and it's also the best way for others to care for her.
Daisy bakes for people, and she feels appreciated when someone remembers things she's talked about
Val's love language, both giving and receiving, is quality time sitting quietly with each other
What are some of their favorite things?
Wyvern: art history, poetry, food he doesn't have to pay for, expensive shoes, slasher movies, parties, sex, dragons
Calvin: cats, gardening, kids and babies, fun ties, singing, iced coffee, wine, peaches, musicals
Ghost: Making playlists, 70s furniture, Fullmetal Alchemist, stoner comedies, people enjoying his cooking, orange soda
Z: Robocop, coffee with a ton of sugar, modding nerf guns, lizards, the Eraserhead baby, being right, lime flavored things
Asami: Stuffed animals, dancing, the color pink, ugly dogs, strawberries, metal music, motorcycles, staying out late
Daisy: books, rain, earl grey tea, lipstick, 90s punk girl bands, sending and receiving letters, pastries, grandma-chic decor
Val: lavender scented things, hot days, libraries, organizing, early-morning walks, board games, candles, driving, 30s-40s music
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windupnamazu · 4 years
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>TEXT CHANNELS #mom-panic
ffxivwrite2020 #13: badinage || masterlist || ao3 mirror
⮞ lunya and «balefire». 680 words? ⮞ «balefire»’s main street/modern au! its... a chatroom fic... i know... ⮞ lunya's first mistake was telling her friends she had any sort of feelings for the new boy in town
"light, playful banter or raillery."
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closest to hell ok. fuck. closest to hell earlier today raha went off on this huge tangent about old sharlayan fashion for me and he brought in these books that were in limited print!! exclusively in sharlayan!!! and he went on for like, three hours and i. was just enraptured. it was so endearing and im like, im having a moment. ive been having a moment and i AM having a moment. like ideologically i dont agree with men but they REALLY went off with this one closest to hell twelve help me i cant NOT kiss him banned for baby crimes but you wont :3c closest to hell but i wont because im a coward yes, we established this last week and you and zaya squashed all the fruit gummies my dad sent me, i know closest to hell let me cry about this cute boy kriles been hiding from me for years in PEACE banned for baby crimes lunya youre posting cringe :''') closest to hell satina im going to put thumbtacks in your shoes
"We are sitting at the same table," Hanami finally snapped, glowering over the rim of her glasses while she stabbed her spoon at one of the pastries spread before them, the ones the café owners special-ordered to work around her six million allergies, "So I do not understand why you are texting each other."
"'Cause the others aren't here yet, Grandma." Lunya rolled her eyes, ducking her head in time to avoid her friend's swing. "Also, like, I'm not going to talk about this out loud in public while Tataru's on shift, I don't have a death wish."
Hanami frowned harder than she already was. "You just called me Grandma."
Sati reached across the table and took the Au Ra's hand in hers, patting the back of it very patiently. "Yes, yes, you're very scary, Nami. But you don't gossip—"
"I do," Tataru announced cheekily as she pushed through the café's front door, striding across the patio to them with their drinks. "The whole town already knows Lunya's got a crush on that boy visiting the Baldesions for the summer, by the way. It's just not exciting anymore."
"I'm gonna get Seven to review bomb your Moogle page," Lunya promised her as she handed out their drinks, and Tataru just grinned, wriggling her fingers slyly at them before she went back to work.
local breadhead lmaooo you two local breadhead also we're on our way! we're a lil late cause eos knocked over the baguettes 🥺 Hanami Hagane That is what you get for letting your cat have free rein in your bakery. reese is in pieces :O( they yell if we dont :( reese is in pieces :O( also has anyone heard from zaya? this says zaya 🏃🏽🌻💪 closest to hell i think that means theyre heading over from a'dewahs shop banned for baby crimes ok ok ok so banned for baby crimes lunya. we take your little man to the arcade. > local breadhead little man pffff Hanami Hagane He is taller than you. this says zaya 🤣 banned for baby crimes NOT EMOTIONALLY!!! banned for baby crimes and like. youre like, freaky good at ddr and all the games n stuff, so you can just show off all night and impress him and he'll be like banned for baby crimes "ooh miss lanya youre sooo cool ooooh please make out with me" closest to hell you just want me to get the tickets to get you that big strawberry plush you told the aliapohs to order as a prize since ihgets banned from there for making khloe cry banned for baby crimes maybe so reese is in pieces :O( you could just reese is in pieces :O( ask him on a date? Hanami Hagane I agree with Reese. You are both so obvious, he will say yes if you ask him. closest to hell i dont need to take advice from linkcord light theme users local breadhead f banned for baby crimes f this says zaya 😬 reese is in pieces :O( :(
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skippyv20 · 5 years
MM Anon
MM ANON ……… Blueeeeeeee velvet …… pop pop Poppins ……… she met Mary ………” Mmmmmm , a bit sneeeeezy”……… “ we’ll go and get something really silly for her” …… it’s not a phone, it’s a MPC…… “ it’s all very Cloak & dagger”…… “ Catherine, I’m deadly serious!!”……… “meals on bloody wheels!! piss orf”……… Shut down everything!! ………… “A new broom,old thing”…………… “ well, ones not amused “………… “I’ll inform Sydney”……… From Cromer!!……… “Cromer???”
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU DEAR MM ANON🎄🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
December 14/2019, however l am doing it December 15/2019 due to somebody napping the 14 th away😜🙄🤔.
0025 hrs CST
Just so you all know, l have not read any papers since this morning so, accuracies may be a bit funny🤣🤣🤣. Please forgive my typing errors etc, my left hand is very numb and the challenge of balancing my iPad and typing is more difficult. Yet we all know the riddles are meant for fun, yet l learn lots from MM ANON about so many things and l do my best to try and pass that on the my often elaborative explanations☃️❄️☃️🎄☺️🎄
Blueeeeeeee velvet …… pop pop Poppins …she met Mary 
Catherine wore an  absolutely gorgeous blue velvet gown by Sarah Burton for the House of McQueen to the Diplomats Annual Ball on the 11th of December. She was dripping in jewels and looked amazing. Velvet, animal print, all thing sparkles are so on trend right now!! However, anything Catherine wears looks fabulous. I love the sort of retro, 1940’s look she has been wearing the last year or so. The wide trousers she has worn on some day occasions, example the Chelsea Flower show, her garden, when she wore the linen coloured wide legs trousers reminded me so of Lauren Bacall or Katherine Hepburn. If you do not know either, they were amazing stars of Hollywood’s Golden Age, when films were films and magical! My favourite!! How long winded and elaborative am l? You can tell that l have rested!🤣🤣🤣😂😂☺️.
Mary Poppins has been a classic film and play. It has been recently redone on the big screen in film and is currently playing in the West End, the theatre district in London at the Prince Edward Theatre, l believe until June 2020 unless it’s run is extended. At the Royal Variety Performance show that was aired on ITV recently showed William and Catherine in the Royal Box. They also enjoyed several comedians especially one who jested about family issues and managing a busy household! They did meet the actors afterwards and there are pictures from that!
Blue Velvet is a classic Elvis Presley song. Black Beauty is a classic children’s book/film about a black pony. I wonder two things, does Charlotte want a blue velvet dress for Christmas like her mum wore so beautifully or does she want to name her pony Blue Velvet? I am strongly leaning to the latter, naming of her pony!!
Catherine has such a varied list of patronages, interests, and activities, she fascinates new! I marvel at her. My sister and l for years now have watched and greatly enjoyed the Great British Baking Show! We now have our own Canadian version!🇨🇦. The original GBBS, hosted by the amazing Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood. We won’t talk about him!🥺😤. Mary Berry is a woman of world renowned pastry and baking skills and author of many books. She and Catherine have worked on a Christmas tv special. A Berry Royal Christmaswill air on BBC One at 8.30pm on December 16. In the show, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will team up with Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain and Mary Berry to create a festive feast for charity workers and volunteers who are working over Christmas. I hope CBC shows it!!!! Red velvet cake is a classic, might Charlotte want a blue velvet cake?? There are so many lovely interpretations of this marve riddle MM ANON💜🎄💜🎄💜🎄
Pop pop is often what grandfathers are called. I wonder if grandpa and grandma Middleton took Charlotte to see the play Mary Poppins? And Charlotte was able  to meet the actress portraying Mary afterwards??  Or did they watch the new film and have popcorn ie pop pop during it? A few options here, all wonderful!!
” Mmmmmm , a bit sneeeeezy”……… “ we’ll go and get something really silly for her”  
Catherine and William discussing dear Charlotte’s allergies to horsies/ponies. As parents do, they worry and want to do something for her. I wonder if she has some antihistamines OTC, over the counter or more likely seen the doctor and perhaps given some allergy medicine. I am sure she is so not happy to finally have a pony and then feeling yucky!! They will get her a treat of some kind to cheer her up, sounding like a fun jokey kind of thing. The royals are known for each gag/funny/silly gifts at Christmas 🎄.
 it’s not a phone , it’s a MPC…… “ it’s all very Cloak & dagger”…… “ Catherine, I’m deadly serious!!”
William and Catherine are discussing security issues and things he learned during his time with MI6 a few months ago. I really wonder if that has been ongoing and started long before we were told publicly. Again, for the l don’t know how many times l have brought this up, but Harry’s wedding band IS NOT AN ORDINARY, RUN OF THE MILL, WEDDING BAND!! William is discussing a device, maybe looks like a phone but it’s not and does much more. Mobile Personal Communicator. Technology built into anything from something innocuous like perhaps a wedding band?? She is saying it sounds very spy-ish, 007, or cloak and dagger which is an old phrase used to describe the work that spies do. Now we often say intelligence, or in the field, when they are in the environment they need information/intelligence from. So is William talking about what has been part of his Royal trips recently or in the past? Or is he also talking about our Harry? I truly think both!!! Regardless, William is telling her how deadly extremely serious this device and reason for it’s use is!!!
meals on bloody wheels!! piss orf”……… Shut down everything!! ………… “A new broom,old thing”…………… “ well, ones not amused “………… “I’ll inform Sydney”……… From Cromer!!……… “Cromer???”
HMTQ and PP in conversation. It’s colder now, the 🔥 fire is lit and it’s roaring, crackling, and smells wonderful. The room is decked for Christmas, the smell of the Norwegian Blue tree is just fresh and ever so Christmasy 🎄. Both dressed with cozy wool sweaters and HMTQ a wrap over her lap. Meals on wheels, for shut-ins or elderly or people who have health issues, this is a fantastic program where a daily hot meal is brought, providing nutrition and a daily personal contact which is all many people have. We used to have that here. But TPTB in government, a year or so ago, cancelled Adult Day Care, which was a great day respite for spouses or caregivers of people with dementia or long term illness, aging issues, strokes etc etc. they would get a day off to do errands, cook, rest whatever, while the person needing help spent the day in care. So we have none of that now, no ADC or Meals on wheels and it’s been devastating. There is private meals on wheels now but it’s very expensive. ANYWAYS I DIGRESSED…. I cannot fathom why MOW would be an option for PP because he has a full staff at Wood Farm, however he is having none of it, judging by the comment l am assuming is his!
I do know the NHS has been a massive issue in the U.K. in terms of wait times etc. My sister listens to the monocle podcast. She told me that the NHS is sending patients to India for hip surgeries because it’s so much cheaper!
Shut down everything!! Double exclamation, is this to give everyone a good Christmas break after all the stress of the year? My first thought was electronics/devices/computers/ smart TVs etc etc. Has there been a hacking attempt? A virus? Shutdown and stop any intelligence theft or Trojans? Smart tv’s and things like Alexa or Echo, that follow voice commands to turn lights on, off, lock doors etc. I read yesterday about the Ring doorbell, being hacked so a man was attempting to speak with an 11 year old girl. I am unsure if this is what the shut everything down means, but it might be!
New broom for a New Year, New Years resolutions, changes, etc. Sweep out the old bring in new, fresh positive changes. To me, this is an absolute 🧹 sweeping out of madam and all the filth and evil she has wrought amongst the a Royal family, the U.K. and Commonwealth, the entire world also in terms of the Royal families reputation etc etc.
Alas l too wonder if this is also related to PA, sweeping out alleged accusations. Attacking him specifically, l am surely hoping all will be revealed about others , the backers, their plans and misdeeds etc etc. I pray and continue to pray for ⚖️ justice and people are made to face justice!!
HMTQ is not happy or amused about this, the used of the word amused makes me wonder if there was some cartoon in the paper or an article jesting about the Royal family or demanding changes. I truly do not know but she is not amused!
PP will inform Sydney, as we all know by now, but if it’s your first time, Sydney is PP long term valet. He knows and does anything and everything and is above reproach in the trust department!! Whatever is upsetting HMTQ is from Cromer! She is both shocked and uncertain at the same time. Cromer is a little town along the North coast of England in the county of Norfolk. Well known for its fishermen, especially crab! 
I am stumped with Cromer! You have stumped me yet again MM ANON!! Unless it’s a continuation of a previous riddle, no turkey for Christmas sweep that out, bring in the new from a Cromer crab and seafood in abundance! Hence informing Sydney to make these changes in arrangements for the Christmas menu 🎄.
0200 hrs CST
Thank you PG,  sharp as ever...thank you....interesting....leaves us pondering...much appreciated!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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bootyful-seventeen · 4 years
I need a constructive criticism :D so I just attempted to make an edit of Jun right . But I want someone to look at it and tell me how I did , can you be the judge? 🥺
I’d be glad to be a judge but be warned that I don’t know edit talk and filters and stuff so I’ll probably sound just as dumb as when I tell my grandma I want her to make this pastry that I don’t know the name to in either languages
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taeminie · 4 years
oh hi dream girl! well i def missed your lovely replies, but i figured you were busy 😇 and would be back around when you weren’t! aw, your day sounds rough 😔 i’m sorry, i hope you get to get off this rollercoaster soon!! i’m sending you tea and cookies and little lovely things in my head! ✨
ah, i thought it would be fair of me to share more about myself! though i don’t really know what to share 🤔 y’know that ‘i didn’t think i’d get this far’ meme? that’s me, in shock and awe we have a correspondence happening. um but besides hiding on anon, i’m an open book! 😅😅 i’m sure opportunities to Reveal my Secret Identity will happen organically hehehehwjakkd
anyway, i can’t imagine a place with even less rain than us! i would miss it too, rainy days are so lovely ☺️ besides not raining, what’s it like where you live? what do you like about it?
oh 🥺 you’re the absolute sweetest! it’s my humble goal to add even a touch of sparkle to your day, because it’s very clear to me that you deserve it. so! i’ll try my best!
and i’m right there with you about leaning into cooking and baking during the lockdown. it’s nice to feel accomplished, while we’re cooped up inside, and to share something lovely with loved ones! omg you’re so cute, that def doesn’t make you a loser 😂 it makes you just!! so sweet! (i would *love* to share this apple pastry with you, you have no idea 😊 sharing the recipe will suffice, for now)
aw thank you!! today was nice, i actually had an excuse to be outside (it’s the little things)! i got to wear my new boots which are very like cute and lesbian-y and make me feel like i’m taller than everyone 🥰 and i got honey green tea 🤤 which is the power that fuels me. that alone brightened my day!
before i sign off, i have a very important question 🥺 do you have any petnames you like? i called you ‘sugarplum’ in my head, which makes me ridiculous, yes 😂 but i feel like pet names are like a personality quiz? everybody has their own preferences, and this way i can correct the one in my head ☺️🙈 i feel ridiculous asking you this so on that high note, goodnight 😴 🌙 , rest well and i hope you have a beautiful day! 🌺✨
p.p.s i have never used the 🥺 emoji so much in my life since sending you these asks!! you’ve made my recent emoji’s list sweeter, just by existing! proof you’re the sweetest person alive! 😌🍰💘
i can finally reply hii hii omg i had this ask on my inbox and i felt so bad for not replying ur so sweet for this 🥺🥺🥺 and i love tea and cookies (im more of a tea than coffee person)
things have gotten better since i replied to ur ask so thank u for checking up on me as well ❤️ and thank u for the recipe i will make sure to try it out one day and let u know hehe
i’m really glad u got some time to enjoy outside and ur new boots. looks like that made u really happy. and as a lesbian i enjoyed reading the description of them fjdkkdkdkd and YAY FOR TEA I LOVE IT
i live in peru in the coast so its very humid but rn its summer so its super hot, i live in front of the ocean but not technically that near to it. you can go to the beach by car and its a 30-40 min drive (of course not right now bc of the pandemic all the beaches are closed 😭) but i usually go to visit my grandma’s beach house in summer or i just stay here and go for walks. right now im teaching english online to some kids but i cant do it in person bc the covid cases are still high... but yeah i love summer and the heat isnt unbearable rn thank god 😥
about the pet names.. i love love pet names i guess u can call me anything u want ☺️ but my faves are “honey/sweetheart/baby” ummm too personal sorry 🤭 but feel free to use any ones u like i cant believe u were really thinking it through in ur head thats so cute 🥺💜
I hope u have the best day and u get some fresh air again like last time. sending u hugs thanks for taking the time to do all this ps: i saw the blog u really dont have to i feel so fjdkkd idk how to react but thank u 🥺🥺🥺
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