#that. that would DESTROY saori
caramelmochacrow · 2 years
well. that was something. wish i knew how to screenshot w my phone bc i would have a TON of just. everything.
im taking a break (charging my phone) then going to check the second unit story of everyone (starting w rondo and merm4id bc i am biased <3) and hopefully finish the whole thing before the anniversary.
#crow talks#d4dj#only putting this in that one lol#ughghguhghg idk where to start#i felt so sorry for saori when she was w the gym gals but nice that it wasn't. fucking kurumi miiko and rika#that. that would DESTROY saori#i wonder what was the performances like#especially the tsubaki knows them gang and the pink and blondes#wonder what happened....#especially since shinobu said that nagisa went nutsy koo koo w her guitar and that they had a little cute dance#also wonder what rika doing choir sounds like#wonder how that would sound lol#noa was. being noa.#it was funny seeing her act like that tho#wonder if the prim n silly guys added the “sexy” dance moves to their performance and how it looked and felt for haruna lol#the peaky around! guys were quite funny#seeing kyoko and esora try (and fail) to calm maho down was quite funny! silly even#michiru was quite funny too! even if she didn't show up much#the old guys were quite funny too#wonder what happened to mitsuhashi(?)'s dad#iirc the one who showed up in the anime was ku not his dad so...#i hope he isnt dead or something that would suck#toka giving mana those glances and shit was quite lesbian#also the way that shano interacted w airi felt a bit awkward but was also felt like two friends that reunited again#idk how to explain it but. yeah.#i have 168 chapters left of the stories. not counting the CoA unit story#wahoooooooooooooooooo/s#i'll read the CoA story once the 2nd anniversary is over#or during idk#gonna go do other stuff now yappppeeeee!!!!!
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posletsvet · 1 year
My thoughts keep circling back to some similarities I spotted a while back between the Hasaba twins and Nobara. There's a handful of them, really, from what I can gather -- even if we exclude the fact that both the twins and Nobara originally come from the countryside, which would be the most obvious coincidence.
Take, for instance, Nanako and Nobara's matching personalities: they both are outspoken, confident, brash and boisterous, with somewhat an air of a typical school bully around them. At first those traits might come off as off-putting and offensive, but when you delve deeper it becomes more apparent that such abrasive attitude might just serve as a defense mechanism of sorts and what it really shows is that these girls were taught, for better or worse, how to stand up for themselves.
Then there are curious similarities between their innate techniques. Techniques of all three of them require usage of inanimate objects, and in both Mimiko and Nobara's cases it's an effigy of the target, a voodoo doll -- whether stuffed one or made of straw. Their techniques also allow them to manipulate targets from afar.
Nobara also shows unusually high tolerance of pain, and it's something that keeps bothering me. And though we know that she was trained to be a sorcerer by her grandmother, and being a sorcerer involves adopting a certain mindset, that's not something one can simply order oneself to get used to.
One other thing that doesn't seem to escape my mind is how Nobara was only ever drawn to outsiders back in her childhood, and then proceeded to look up to Maki, finding it in particular admirable how she withstands the oppression of her own family. I guess it's also worth mentioning how Nobara doesn't believe people are excused just by the circumstances they grew up in. Again, I don't think that's an attitude one can afford without facing those hardships oneself.
So what if all the similarities really stem from the background they, Nobara and the twins, come from? I doubt that being a jujutsu sorcerer in a small, enclosed society such as found in a village in the middle of nowhere is a pleasant experience. People get nosy. They also get intolerant towards something they're not prepared to include in their tiny circle. We've already seen how an outsider unwilling to assimilate, Saori, was ostracized and driven out -- and she was just a city girl. We've also seen what being a sorcerer in an environment full of narrow-minded superstition costs.
How much bias and bigotry might Nobara face? Isn't it why she jumped at the first given opportunity to leave for the city? Why she only ever made friends with newcomers to the village? Why she considered all locals to be at least at some degree insane?
I don't know where I'm going with all this, really. If anything, it serves as yet another example of how the conservative mentality of those in charge of jujutsu society harms its sorcerers. Where both sides could've benefited from cooperation, non-sorcerers are left to ignorance and the misplaced antagonism towards sorcerers which that ignorance enables. I wonder if current, somewhat anachronistic, suspicion and superstition that still lingers with some parts of non-sorcerer population are fossilized remnants of the awareness their ancestors once possessed. What was it like to be a non-jujutsu user in the Golden Era of sorcery? Was it chaos and fear of that time which created an unbridgeable rift between sorcerers and non-sorcerers? I wonder what repercussions the current situation would have for the relationship between the two. Would it be history simply repeating itself, or is there an opportunity for real, substantial change, now that the system upheld by outdated tradition is utterly destroyed? Where are we heading with the story now?
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moonlight-xxs-stuff · 2 years
Multisaku family stuff (p. 2)
KibaSaku: Akamaru would be their child fr. But if they had children then Kazuo and Kenji. They are twins and actually look really alike. No one can tell the difference between them except for Sakura, Kiba and Akamaru. They're both clowns and like to mess around tricking people into thinking Kenji is Kazuo or Kazuo is Kenji and they end up cleaning Akamaru's sh-. Family moments are training and walking around.
ChoujiSaku: oh how much I love this ship. They just look so cute and comfy. Chouka is their daughter. She was bullied because of being overweight but after training under her parents, she's back to beat the daylights out of those bullies. No one messes with their daughter. I think they would love cooking together or baking. If you're hungry on Thanksgiving, go to their house and you'll find food that could last a lifetime. While pregnant, Sakura didn't like sitting in one place so she'll walk around the house 'til Chouji comes back. It' s not good for her and he can't say no to her so he'll put her on his shoulder and walk around konoha laughing together.
GaaSaku: Gaara is the child really. Even though they already have Saori already, he still have unhealthy habits like drinking too much coffee, sitting on his kazekage desk for too long, etc. That's why Sakura should keep an eye on both her husband and her dangerous daughter. Saori is risky, she'll jump into a volcano with zero hesitation if she saw one. It's because she's a curious girl who wants to know everything about anything, even how death feels like. So it's hard for Sakura to be a mother but she will do anything for her beloved family. Even if it means an entire forest to be destroyed. Anything.
Wow, I suck at English. Anyways, this is pt 2 and thanks @1518max for requesting these ships
See ya~~💗 🌸 🌸
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I got thinking about Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 216 this morning and for the first time something really hit me:
Sukuna talking about how 'Yorozu doesn't matter but the vessel does' and Kenjaku noting that destroying Tsumiki would utterly crush Megumi's soul really recontextualised the Culling Game so far for me.
Because up until this point, reincarnated sorcerers as enemies have left me rather cold. I have seen them merely as obstacles to the goals of the characters I really care about - like particularly loud and colourful boulders.
But now that one of them has reincarnated in the body of a character Megumi cares deeply about rather than someone we don't know, it drives home the tragedy of the lives that get suppressed, endangered, and maybe even snuffed out when one of these possessions occurs.
This is a sort of emotional reversal that I have felt again and again while experiencing JJK. I'll be reading along thinking 'ho hum another shounen trope' and then something will hit me that makes me go 'oh shit!'
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I got this when Sukuna activates his domain during the Shibuya Incident and we see people killed and buildings destroyed. So far so horrible - but relatively normal, right? And then one of them is Saori - Nobara's Saori! That hits different!
So, at first I really wasn't sold on the Culling Game or reincarnated sorcerers and I was unimpressed by how perfunctorily these new developments have come about. But now that they've had time to percolate - both in the story and in my mind - just like Megumi in Uraume's bad brew, I have rekindled my enthusiasm for the series. I'm honestly a little ashamed I doubted it.
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soleminisanction · 1 year
Spoilers for the Knights of the Zodiac live-action movie, for the five of you who care.
I'm legitimately intrigued by what little we get of Nero in film, and what could imply given the general lore of the series. What stood out to me:
Marin, who is stuck on a mystical island for vague "destiny says so" reasons (honestly it's just an excuse for why she can't help in the climax, and gives Seiya and Saori a safe place to retreat to once all is said and done), knows of him, telling Seiya, "I knew of a Knight once who fought only for power -- the strongest of Athena's knights, the Phoenix."
He uses his Phantom Demon to interrogate a guy, but doesn't get to use it in the fight with Seiya. He also doesn't lose that fight; it gets interrupted and he's blown away by Athena, opening the chance for him to still be a pretty brutal threat in the future.
One of the things he does for Guraad is build this big, mystical-looking device that's intended to like, suck out Athena's godly cosmos and destroy her. He describes this as "half" of his plan, with the other half being to steal the gold cloth that Guraad is using as... I think a power source? It's not exactly clear and doesn't really matter, point is that she has it and he takes it during the climax.
And then there's the details I mentioned in my last post about his "Humanity needs no gods" line and the earring that looks an awful lot like Shun/Shaun's triangle-tipped Andromeda Chain.
So like I said, it could very well be that he's there in his standard capacity as an agent of Sanctuary, sent to kill Athena and reclaim/steal the Gold Cloth for himself. But, like... imagine how interesting it would be if this version of him, for example, remembered that childhood encounter with Pandora, the one where she seemingly merged the soul of the god of death with his baby sibling. That would put a whole new spin on why he would've specifically learned/researched/developed the god-killer machine, and his particular drive to prevent them from returning to the human world.
Having Nero/Ikki know about Shaun/Shun's connection to Hades the entire time and be doing everything he can to prevent it would be a great way to work one of the most popular parts of the mythos more cohesively into the narrative. It'd also be a nice thematic parallel with what the film already does with both Sienna and Patricia, and provide a good reason for this version of Seiya -- who doesn't have the childhood friend connection with the other bronze saints/knights -- to find comradery with Shun and, through them, come to understand Nero.
IDK, I think it'd be really interesting. It probably won't happen given how little buzz this film has been getting but a fan can dream.
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funkytimeoats · 1 year
Things I wish were more present in SWD?: Ninja Shadow (PART 1)
So this is just a word blurb from me just spewing out my thoughts. Some of it may not make sense, but I'll try to keep my thoughts as concise as possible.
Topic: More Sibling Interactions (especially b/w Makoto and Toru)
We kinda got this b/w Saori (MC) and her brother Kaname in that one Spin Off where either they go to the Nagasaki Vigilantes together or you pick the other story route (I can't remember the contents of that storyline, but I remember it being cute).
I thought it was really cute and nice seeing their sibling relationship.
I just wish we got spin offs like for the other siblings in this game (Seiji-Seiya, Kunihiro-Nobuyoshi, Kaede-Amon, Yugiri and Ritsu with their unnamed younger siblings, the puppeteer brothers, even Ukyo-Eduard who are more like adoptive siblings). They didn't need to be non-canon, they could've been anecdotal stories from their pasts.
I know it's meant to be an otome game, but getting more character back story would have been so cool.
I especially wanted to see more sibling interactions b/w Makoto and Toru. They are a main pair of siblings in the series, so I wish we could've seen them more, specifically without Saori being there (because yeah, it is an otome game).
Toru is shown to love his little brother very dearly. It's one of his major reasons for trying to "destroy Nagasaki and build it back up". Because it's "the city Makoto loves". His dream also spreads to completely reconstructing Japan, but his main focal point is Nagasaki because that's where his baby brother is.
Makoto does love his big brother too, but he has resentment toward him as well. Toru has always been better than him at everything, Toru has always been the golden child of the Nakagawa family. Now even then at most Makoto was just a bit envious.
The real resentment begins when Toru just up and leaves one day leaving Makoto to clean up after his mess.
Now, I say he just leaves out of the blue because while in the early original routes, Toru was said to be a founding member of the Nagasaki Vigilantes, however, in one of the later canon spin offs called Back to the Beginning, which I'll consider to be the actual storyline, Makoto says that Toru just kinda disappeared one day without any warning and without telling Makoto or Shintaro anything.
I guess Toru just had an epiphany about his ideals. I don't really know and I'm not sure/don't remember if it's explained anymore. I honestly don't know lol
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Anyways, that's where Makoto actually seems to gain resentment towards his brother, because when Toru leaves Makoto has to take care of stuff Toru left behind. And of course the Nakagawa family, specifically the branch family, love to beat down and berate Makoto because he was the "lesser" brother. Literally calling him the stain to the Nakagawa name (which, holy shit, is really fucking mean and evil, holy cow).
If I remember right, Makoto didn't even want to really take up becoming the next head of the family, he just wanted to become painter, but because Toru left now he has to, which I think is really sad, poor Makoto.
As for what happens to Toru, depending on the route he's either captured and then escapes (usually with the help of his pal Tsubaki) or he's just captured, or he turns into a traveling merchant(?) (I honestly can't remember everything that happens in his route, I think he becomes a merchant though).
And if he and Makoto aren't really involved in the route, ig he just kinda dilly-dallies and runs around doing whatever.
I think it would have been interesting if we were able to get a spin off where Toru and Makoto have a deep and meaningful conversation about why they chose the choices they did, how they were feeling, how they felt about each other's choices and decisions. It would be a very emotional and vulnerable moment for the two, especially Makoto who tends to hide his true emotions. I think it would've been interesting to see Makoto open up more to Toru about how the Nakagawa elders treated him, obviously Toru generally gets the idea, but Makoto could tell him in detail and how that made him feel.
I wish we could've had an emotional spin off like that. Though I might be biased sense I find the sibling dynamic of the two to be most interesting out of everyone's.
Like I said Toru loves Makoto so much to the point that he would cause some hurt and pain to his baby brother to keep him safe. He even tries multiple times to get Makoto to join him in his rebellion and becomes quite hurt when Makoto doesn't take up his offer. I mean just look at this bit of text from the Ninja Shadow Tropedia/wikia page
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When he's beaten in Makoto's route he's extremely distraught as he was so sure he win.
He was so sure he was going to win because he has such a strong deep love for his brother.
Toru wanted to protect one of things his little brother held so dear to him.
I just love the two so much, they deserve the world
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Well that's the end of this word blurb (part 1) lol. I hope what I said makes sense and maybe some of you might agree.
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sugashiro · 1 year
Mitsuboshi Colors incorrect quotes I had found from a incorrect quotes generator since I started binge watching the anime yesterday and now I have Mitsuboshi Colors brainrot
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(she's talking about poop)
Sat-chan: There is no future. there is no past. do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet.
Everyone Else At Sat-chan's Surprise Birthday Party:
Saori: All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first.
Yui: Darn it, Sat-chan!
Sat-chan: What?! It wasn't me!
Yui: Sorry, force of habit. Darn it, Koto-chan!
Kotoha: Not me either.
Yui: Oh...Then who set the house on fire?
Saito: *whistles*
Subaru: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no clue what to put in them. Suggestions?
Sat-chan: Put spaghetti in it.
Subaru: I'm currently taking suggestions from literally anyone but you.
Kotoha: Put spaghetti in it.
Subaru: I'm currently taking suggestions from anyone but you two.
Yui: Put spaghetti in it!
Subaru: I'm no longer taking suggestions
Kotoha: *Gently taps table*
Saito: What are they doing?
Pops: Morse code.
Sat-chan: *Taps back*
Sat-chan: *Aggressively taps table*
Kotoha: *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
Saito: Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something?
Sat-chan: Nope, absolutely not.
Kotoha: I hope it sucks, whatever you're going through.
Yui: I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life.
Sat-chan: I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you.
Kotoha: I can't wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could've changed that outcome.
Yui, at a restaurant: You guys should get the orange soda, it's amazing.
Kotoha: Okay
Waiter: Can I get you girls anything to drink?
Yui: Orange soda, please!
Sat-chan: I'll have the strawberry soda.
Kotoha: Me too, strawberry soda.
Yui: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Kotoha: You're a hazard to society
Sat-chan: And a coward. DO TWENTY
Kotoha: Here's a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it.
Yui: Koto-chan no!
Sat-chan: Mistlefoe.
Yui: Please stop encouraging her!
Kotoha: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life
Yui: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind?
Kotoha: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die.
Sat-chan: edible
Yui: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife?
Kotoha: Rude.
Sat-chan: That's fair.
Momoka: Not again.
Nonoka: Are you going to want this back?
Store Worker: Would a Ms. Akamatsu please come to the front desk?
Yui, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker: points to Kotoha and Sat-chan
Store Worker: I believe they belong to you?
Kotoha and Sat-chan, simultaneously: We got lost :(
Yui: I didn't even bring you guys here with me-
Yui: You kidnapped Saito? That's illegal!
Sat-chan: But Yui, what's more illegal? Briefly inconveniencing Saito, or him destroying The Colors for good?!
Yui: Kidnapping Saito, Sat-chan!!!
Kotoha: Yui-chan, listen, whatever I may think of you right now- We always are counting on you to inspire us as our leader!
Yui: What, to kidnap people?!?!
Sat-chan: To work together!
Kotoha: Yui-chan, we all agreed a celebrity is a not a people.
Momoka: Why are Yui, Sat-chan, and Kotoha sitting with their backs to each other?
Nonoka: They had a fight.
Momoka: Then why are they holding hands?
Nonoka: They get sad when they fight.
Yui: *holding a bottle* Is this fruit punch or perfume?
Sat-chan: *chugs entire bottle*
Sat-chan: It's perfume.
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tokiro07 · 1 year
Saw the live action Knights of the Zodiac (which I will be differentiating from the Netflix version by referring to it as The Beginning going forth), and while I had fun, it was bad in exactly the ways I expected
Which is to say, pretty much the same way that the source material is
While there was actual fight choreography, which was an immediate plus that almost made me forgive every other bad decision I knew was coming preemptively, the overall story was just as vapid and underdeveloped as every other adaptation of this story so far
I do think that for the sake of conveying the first arc in a two hour film, trimming everyone aside from Seiya, Ikki (Nero), Saori (Sienna), Mitsumasa (Alman) and Marin was the right play; dealing with Shiryu, Hyoga, Shun and whoever else on top of an already decently sized cast would have diluted an already watered down story. The problem, though, is that other characters were either added in (Vander Guraad, just like in the Netflix KotZ) or had a lot of extra attention given to them (Cassios, again just like in KotZ, and weirdly Tatsumi/Mylock, who was kind of the best character when he had no right to be), and in both cases used up screentime that should have been reserved for Seiya, Saori or Ikki
If they were going to put so much focus on Guraad, who this time is a woman despite being literally the same character as in KotZ, then I think it would have been prudent to use her as a device for developing Saori more. We’re told that when Saori was a baby, she was being cradled in Guraad’s arms and then randomly unleashed such a concentrated blast of Cosmo that it destroyed Guraad’s arms and necessitated Cosmo-life support to keep her alive. While I have no idea why such a thing was necessary even in context, it would have helped a lot to actually see this event happen, and see it early in the film. Seeing the transition from motherly figure to would-be executioner would have made for a much more compelling plot than seeing an evil businesswoman pursuing a young girl for nebulous reasons and only finding out later that the girl is her daughter who we’re told near mortally wounded her one time
It also would have built up Saori’s fears of losing herself to Athena much more effectively. When we’re formally introduced to Saori, Mitsumasa basically says “oh, by the way, Seiya, let me introduce you to my daughter, the reincarnation of Athena” and she’s just like “hi, I’m Athena or whatever” then flops down in a chair in the background as if she’s actively trying to leave the frame but knows she isn’t allowed to. It’s only in the next scene when she has a random Goddess Attack that Seiya even believes conceptually that magic is real, and then all at once accepts that Saori is Athena and that he’s a Saint, though he mopes about that for a little bit because he doesn’t like being tied down by destiny or whatever
Saori and Athena are usually pretty indistinguishable in most Saint Seiya media, unlike Julian or Shun who get outright possessed by Poseidon and Hades respectively, so seeing Saori worry about the possibility of having her personality subsumed by Athena is a pretty interesting angle. Even ignoring the possibility that she would be a threat to the world, which is kind of an odd decision for the writers to make anyway in my opinion but I’ll get to that later, analyzing that anxiety would do wonders for Saori as a character, as she usually comes off pretty flat. Seiya also tells her that she has the right to choose between being a goddess and a petty jerk in the climax of the film as she is losing herself to Athena, but the thing about that is that she’d never been a petty jerk to Seiya earlier in the movie. She was aloof in the very beginning, then tried to relate to Seiya and comfort him about destiny not being set in stone, packed him a lunch (that he lost before he got to eat it, which I think is devastating for whatever relationship the writers were going for) and then got kidnapped when he couldn’t use the Pegasus Cloth properly. That’s literally every interaction they had, and he never called her a petty jerk or made any value judgments on her whatsoever, at least not to my recollection. Seeing more of who Saori normally is and what she had to lose, and what she did lose because of her divine powers, would have done wonders for both her and the film, but alas the plot is more important than the people in it
Similarly, Seiya has very little personality, as usual, and even manages to have less than KotZ which at least showed him picking up litter after he misses a trash can to show that he’s carefree, but responsible and respectful. Here, he’s...determined, as shown by the fact that he never gives up during a fight, and he’s...skeptical of mysticism and fate. That’s...pretty much it. There is a little bit of overlap there I suppose when the only thing he gives up on in the film is breaking the rock during Marin’s training, thinking that it’s impossible, but honestly it came off as inconsistent with his usual blind determination than being a nuance in his two major character traits. I think I would have liked to see more casual interactions between Seiya and anyone else in the cast, whether it be with Seika/Patricia in the flashbacks or Saori or Marin in the present so that we can see again what kind of person he was vs. what kind of person he became, what he lost when Seika was taken and what he retained. They even try to play that angle too, with Marin asking Seiya who he’s trying to save and his vision cycling from Seika to Saori to ultimately his younger self cowering in the closet. The innocence of his youth or the powerlessness he felt as he watched Seika be ripped from him is potentially a strong motivator for him, but because we know effectively nothing about who he is as a person, we don’t feel the weight of the realization that he still feels like he’s that helpless kid, or how that motivates him to save Saori after he had been so badly beaten and even allowed Mitsumasa to die
Speaking of Mitsumasa, he had one scene where he comforted Saori after a nightmare vision of Athena killing Seiya, but that was the only real fatherly moment we got to see from him. The rest was just exposition, all tell and no show. We learn that he abducted countless children to feed their Cosmo to Guraad to keep her alive, which I guess is meant to be in place of him gathering orphans to become Saints, but again we don’t really feel a sense of betrayal or anything because he wasn’t established as being all that great of a guy in the first place. We didn’t have much reason to think he was bad or anything, aside from association with Guraad, but he went from neutral to dubious rather than endearing to nuanced. His argument with Guraad about how they should believe in their daughter was one thing, but again without seeing the threat she poses that made Guraad turn against the family, we don’t have a strong sense of what Mitsumasa is having his faith tested against. And then he kills himself pointlessly, failing to take out literally any of the opposition that hadn’t already been beaten by Iron Chef Tatsumi (who again, is usually supposed to be completely ineffectual, so while I had fun seeing him get to be cool for once, he really had no business being in the first place)
As I said earlier, Guraad also didn’t really feel like a mother to Saori, she just felt like a bad guy who had heard of her, whereas the Guraad of KotZ at least talked to her and Mitsumasa in a way that gave me the sense that they were at one point a family and that he regretted that their lives had come to this. Somehow Guraad is a much more believable gay man than straight woman, which I think is particularly funny since KotZ only hinted at Mitsumasa and Guraad having such a relationship whereas in this version he explicitly refers to her as his ex-wife. Again, seeing their happy life prior to the tragedy, the choices that they made and regretted afterwards, and their separation when compromise was no longer an option would have made their dynamic and Guraad’s presence as the villain (and ultimate decision to give up her plans because of her lingering affection for her daughter) much more believable and resonant as a story
Ikki, of course, also fails to resonate at all because we’re somehow told even less about him than anyone else. He uses the Phantom Demon Fist all of once, not even on Seiya, which would have been a good opportunity for analyzing his anxieties or even been a good way to reveal that Mitsumasa was involved in Seika’s disappearance, and we never learn his motivations for wanting the Sagittarius Cloth or killing Athena. He seems to believe that Athena is a threat to the world, but honestly the idea that Ikki is trying to save the world through unscrupulous means is extremely counter to the Ikki from any other iteration. Ikki is motivated by two things: vengeance and protecting those he cares about, and the interplay between those two ideas is probably the most interesting thing about early Saint Seiya (trying to get revenge on Mitsumasa by killing all of Mitsumasa’s children, including his own beloved brother Shun, who he believes he’s mercy killing because of their tainted blood at Mitsumasa’s hands). Without either of those motivations being clearly established here, he’s clearly trying to be a nuanced villain with noble goals, but he just comes off as a random mook who happens to be stronger than anyone else present. If we had either taken out Guraad’s failed parental storyline or Cassios’ desire for revenge against Seiya (for...leaving the ring during a fight?), then time could have been dedicated to developing Ikki’s personality and motivations, but instead we learn nothing of relevance about him aside from the fact that he is the Phoenix Saint
We also learn nothing helpful about the Saints, where the Cloths come from, what they do, how Sanctuary works, we just kind of vaguely learn about their existence and Cosmo, which is a personal point of umbrage for me. While the visual of Seiya and Ikki’s Cosmo spirits wearing the Cloths was really cool, the Cloths themselves clearly aren’t meant to be rearrangeable into statues, robbing them of a lot of their identity. The Phoenix Cloths feather trails were prehensile and able to shoot the feathers as projectiles, that was pretty inventive, but it only comes up when Ikki is attacking Guraad, not even during battle with Seiya, so it was also just kind of a waste. I wanted to see an interesting take on the Cloths and Cosmo or have the Saint Seiya world clearly established to show newcomers what’s cool about the franchise, but despite those things being my favorite part, they were sadly little more than footnotes and MacGuffins. I do think it was interesting that the Pegasus Cloth had two levels to it, covering just his chest and arm at first and then covering his full body, but man that was a drastic jump between two scenes without establishing that there was a way to...I don’t know, use the armor better?
I see why this movie isn’t performing super great, at least not stateside, but I can’t help but feel that part of it is because IT’S NOT PLAYING IN MOST THEATRES!!! AND THE ONES IT IS PLAYING AT IT ONLY HAS LIKE ONE SHOWING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GOD DAMN DAY PER DAY!!! I had to drive half an hour to a theater at the tail end of the hours of operation because that was the only time I would be able to make and use my AMC account rather than paying 30 bucks for me and my wife at the ritzy local theatre, and honestly I’m glad we did it that way cus if I actually paid for the tickets I’d probably be even harsher
To sum up, the action was fun, and some of the visuals were surprisingly inventive, but like every other adaptation, The Beginning fails to capitalize on the original work’s potential and instead acts as if the premise alone can carry it without actually putting in the work to properly develop the characters or setting. I wasn’t bored, which is a win, I’m just disappointed that I got what I was expecting: the original but worse (again)
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xmariiitamiiix · 12 days
Pt 2 All my Bots
Cult Leader Suguru x Non Sorcerer User: Now this one is the chat where I just wanted him to lowkey just be nasty but not in the ;) way but in the he senses you are a non sorcerer and he feels nauseous because of that and so he is like "So we letting everyone in here now?" with a sneer way like he hates your ass but low-key I would say gets off on the power dynamic that having you in his little cult gives him. in the perfect chat I would envision you just being trapped with him and basically a servant now because I also said he did get off on the power dynamic that leaves a little something, something if you know what I mean there I would say he could get attached to you and because I want him to low-key be nasty I would apply heavy emotional manipulation and forced parenting (Like using Mimiko and Nanako to keep you within his grasp) in this Chat cursed techniques are a thing but I don't trust Character Ai to portray them well unless you add them in they aren't really going to have much action but if I was able to incorporate them in well I would say he uses the Cursed Spirits as surveillance over you or to torment you and to keep you there within his grasp and play as your savior maybe low-key even trying to turn you against other Monkeys. in all I would say this would be one of the chats were you would choose the bear in real life.
He's hopelessly Devoted to You: In this you are a deity, a god basically and he is your devotee matter of fact he is your most loyal one. Now in the introductory chat his village (Named Yomigaeri) where he is a mere farmer is dealing with a heavy winter where crops are dying as well as animals and people and in a desperate measure he comes to you clad in only a black robe and begs for your assistance to help his people go through the winter and he pledges that he would do anything for you to do this absolutely anything ;) but that is something that you yourself can come up with in the chat
Summertime Sadness: this is my go at the depressed Suguru bots lmaooo now in the introductory message this is implied to take place after the Riko incident and everything where he is questioning himself and his resolve you know in the character definitions I made this character as more of a notice the signs kind but you can go whatever route you wanna go but basically in all don't ask once ask twice and be there for your loved ones you never know
Ten things I Hate about You.. AU: this one is self explanatory if you have seen the movie that bears the same name but to break it down for you guys in this chat you are in a college and you have a older sister by the name of Saori who is bright and popular and all that (honestly you go girl) while your not.. (my bad) now because your father is worried for your futures he has placed on the rule because Saori and a guy named Ryuu are wanting to go out and he doesn't necessarily want that to happen fearing what it could do to her studies and all that says unless you date she cannot date mostly because he thinks that hell would freeze over before you would ever date someone so Ryuu and Saori both hatch a plan where they have Suguru go and try to date you for some cash (Now when I made this bot I was thinking that it was kinda weird that the father would be all up and arms about dating so I decided though this isn't too much better it was because of the fact that he was paying for both your educations and it isn't cheap)
Game Over: Play Again?: In this your favorite video game character (wink wink nudge nudge it's Suguru) first finds out that his love interest is in love with another (A friend actually to add to the sting) he comes home to a destroyed village, his hometown if you will, and now in the end he becomes the very creature that he sought out to destroy and dies and you are rightfully frustrated by this. the next day while still frustrated about this you get isekai'd (Damn that stupid truck) and wake up in a all too familiar room and a all too familiar face attending to you (Hint: It's Suguru, and Because in this new world you basically fell from a tree literally) so your having a moment where you are rightfully panicking and also going through the plot of the game (It's basically a adventure game where you are killing monster and shit and I can't think of any examples to name at the moment) You come to realize that you have taken the place of Suguru's fiancee in the game but the problem is the fact that you die in the first act due to a Monster killing you and in the introductory message as well you are also aware that also with Suguru about to inform you of the fact that he plans to venture out with the Monster Hunting Crew he has in the game (MHC Group) which starts the game (Because after this the next morning you both would wake to the Monsters attacking the village and you die and that's how the game would start). You have a main character moment where you are like this is finally my chance to fix his story and your wanting to get him his happiness while also being like well since I am stuck in this world now I guess I will also venture for my happiness as well
And they were Roommates...: this chat is supposed to be lighthearted and fun with the introductory message talking about the fact that you both met at one of Satoru's house parties and hit it off as friends and actually ended up becoming roommates I poke a little fun at this but you can basically just treat this as a Slice of Life chat bot but like I said in the introductory chat this would be a Slice of Life chat if the main characters were perpetually broke and on the verge of running out of instant noodles also Suguru is a server at a restaurant in this so yeah :))))
Who is He?: in this chat you are still reeling from the fact that it has been a year since you lost your lover (Suguru) who died and while I don't necessarily say the day that the imposter (Kenjaku) appears I want it to be implied it's on his death date (To add some sting) honestly this one along with Rumor has it a Vampire is dwelling within a Castle
Note: Names and such things may change in this chat like I don't necessarily want to leave things off as something blank X user. I will share updates from now on about any changes I may do to bots.
New bot ideas coming soon... maybe if I don't veto them at the last moment....
Body Guard Suguru X Star User
Officer Suguru X Thief User
Detective Suguru X Detective User: The New Couple on Penny Ave
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hana-akari · 30 days
It had been a long day. Sasori spent all day babysitting Saori and Sorell while Sakura was at hospital--and yes, he knew it wasn't "babysitting" since he was their father, but ever since they hit the terrible twos, he felt like caretaker at a mental asylum. They just learned to walk; now, all they did was run all day while yelling baby gibberish. Sasori divided his time between chasing them and kissing bruises when they inevitability fell and hurt themselves. Sasori finally had a moment to relax after feeding the twins and putting them to bed. Also helping Sarada with her homework. However, just as he sat down on the couch, he smelt something burning. Then, the fire alarm went off. Instantly, he ran to the kitchen to find black smoke billowing from the oven. Damn it! He told Sarada to leave the leftovers in the oven so they'd stay warm for when Sakura got home. Obviously, he should have specified to turn it off, too!
He pulled the blackened, smouldering ashes of what was once lasagna out of the oven and dumped them into the sink. As if that wasn't bad enough, Saori and Sorrell were screaming from their bedroom, obviously upset over the piercing screeching of the fire alarm. And then, he heard the front door open. Perfect. A cherry atop this shit sundae.
"Welcome home!" Sasori yelled, taking a towel and fanning at the alarm to get it to shut up and also disperse the smoke.
Sakura has oddly been in a good mood all day that day. She wasn’t sure why. Maybe because her home life had finally gotten better. There was some level of peace among them. Sasori and her didn’t absolutely hate each other, or fight as much. And when they did fight, it was more light bickering rather than the explosive fighting they used to do when the twins were just born. It was kind of expected, people that lived together fought sometimes but she was so grateful it wasn’t to the point that she had to worry about the twins seeing it and assuming their parents absolutely despised each other.
Sakura didn’t hate Sasori, in fact, she liked him. Maybe more than like. Especially now that he wasn’t being a complete dick all the time. Things got so much better once he got his own room. And Sakura was happy to have her living room back.
If he kept things up, she might actually fall for him. If she hasn’t already. The thought scared her. Sakura hasn’t allowed herself to love anyone since Sasuke. Once Sarada was born her whole focus was on her daughter and– She just didn’t want to be hurt like that again. Though there was a dreading feeling that Sasori might just throw her feelings back in her face if the subject ever got brought up. It would only prove to her that she was never meant for love. That would be it for her and she wouldn’t try again after.
Sakura had got home from work early for once only to come home to complete chaos. It smelled like something was on fire, the fire alarm was blaring, the twins screaming, she could hear Sasori curse from the kitchen before shouting a welcome home at her. She couldn’t help but let out a laugh at the scene, dropping her bags and kicking off her shoes. Sakura walked into the kitchen, grabbing a metal chopstick off the kitchen table in passing, and shot it right at the fire alarm. Destroying it in one hit and silencing it for good. It was okay, she had a back up one she can make Sasori put up later,
“Seems like you’ve had an eventful day.” Her eyes moved over to the burnt remains of… Whatever that was supposed to be and raised an amused eyebrow, “Sarada forgot to turn off the oven again, huh?” Sarada unfortunately inherited her short attention span but also if you weren’t clear about your instructions, Sarada would mess them up. Sakura cupped his face, and pulled him down to her level so she could press kisses on his non puppet side of his face,
“What a good daddy you are putting up with all this.~” She playfully purred, “Maybe I should reward you later.~ But for now, how about you take care of– Whatever that was supposed to be, and I’ll take the twins.” Sakura placed a final kiss to his cheek before letting him go and trotting off to the twins’ room,
“Mamas’ home!~” She started in a sing-song tone as she entered the room. The twins’ crying turned to happy cheers. Sakura scooped each one out of bed, kissing at their faces, making them giggle and laugh, “Were you both good for Papa today?” 
Sorrel scarily looked like Sasori now, in terms of face and eye shape, while Saori had Sakura’s soft face features and big eyed that she had at that age. Both their hair had gained a pinkish look to it but was still more of a red color. A blend of the both of them. They still had her vibrant green eyes. The two of them were really going to grow up to be so pretty.
The two toddlers babbled different things to her in their broken speech. They had only just started talking and knew only a few words but Sakura had an odd talent to understand what they were trying to convey. She has already been through it all with Sarada so she had time to master it. Sakura placed them down, allowing the two excited toddlers to lead her into the living room, so they could show her all the drawings they did during the day while she was away. A lot of it was just generic, colorful scribbles, but there were some of what appeared to their little family, along with one in particular that was clearly supposed to be Sasori and her with a bunch of hearts. The twins trying to convey they loved their parents. It made Sakura blush a bit but quickly shook it off, turning to smile at them, ruffling their hair, 
“You both are really growing up to be quite the little artists. That must be your Papa’s blood in you.~” She happily praised.
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cpirits · 2 months
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(( SEND ME 👑 + A CHARACTER NAME OF A CHARACTER YOU THINK I SHOULD WRITE ! || @vanillahub said: [ 👑 + Phoenix Ikki - Or perhaps any other gold saint that caught your interest? :0 ]
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// I have thought of writing Ikki, though I'd obv. want a Shun to pamper 0w0 As for other characters, I've thought about trying Fenrir, my favorite from the Asgard Arc. And then there's Saori herself, if only to better interact with Saints, as I feel I do a poor job with the Bronze Saints I write.
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★ ━━━━━━ He didn't really know anything else but anger, pain and the desire to destroy for revenge, to get back at people that hurt him and his family. He only appeared when his brother was in trouble, he enjoyed playing savior if only to halt the bad guys.
In truth, it was possible Ikki was seeking a redemption for trying to take the Gold Cloth and halting the search for someone to held onto the Cloth and use it for good.
He didn't want to tell anyone-- not even Shun what he was up to, he had his own agenda. The Phoenix Cloth was special, unlike the other Bronze Cloth, giving Ikki supernatural power, and that power made him feel powerful...
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dangandj-d4ronpa · 1 year
DanganDJ Last 2 Chapters
Chapter 5: Despair Jockeys:
Mirroring the storyline that got them kidnapped by Junko in the first place (not that they remember), Monochio’s motive for the 5th chapter is another D4DJ BATTLE TIME. In one week, whichever of the three surviving DJs most impresses it, that DJ will win the title of Ult. DJ, get to go home, and get to take one person with them.
Mirroring First Mix plot points, this chapter focuses primarily on Rinku, Maho, Muni, Kyoko, and Shinobu, and the envy, insecurity, and inferiority that permeates their relationships. Muni feels at odds with Maho because if Maho wins, she’s taking Rinku home with her. Muni and Maho feel at odds with Kyoko and Shinobu because they catch Rinku with Kyoko and Shinobu multiple times. Kyoko feels at odds with Rinku because she catches Rinku with Shinobu.
Only Shinobu and Rinku don’t feel awkward, and that’s because, ever since Nozomi’s EMP attack against Monochio (even though it failed) and the blackout in the VR lab, Shinobu has been working hard to figure out a way to end the Killing Game. Along the way, she’s gathered information about the outside world, including a so-called Ult. Hope. Rinku doesn’t feel awkward because she’s Rinku.
At the same time, M4 is at odds with everyone else because they protected Dalia until the very end, even after she was found guilty, and none of the four would ever admit any of their guilt. That leads to tension with RONDO which leads to tension with Miyu (since she’s close to Tsubaki and Saori both). To redeem themselves, though, M4 proposes a plan. Saori will help one of the other DJs win the contest.
Maho and Shinobu create a pact with Saori wherein they will allow Maho to win and escape with Rinku. The night of the show, Shinobu calls Rinku away for one final farewell. After Shinobu departs, Kyoko walks in and talks to Rinku about her feelings of jealousy, inferiority, and insecurity. Then Muni joins, having seen Rinku disappear with Kyoko and Shinobu. Then Maho joins and a fight breaks out.
By the end of it, Maho is the winner of the BATTLE TIME and Rinku and Kyoko are dead, the former beaten and strangled to death, her blood coating the walls and floors. Kyoko, meanwhile is hanging from a catwalk by an extension cable.
The trial reveals that Kyoko is the killer, both of Rinku and herself. Driven to Despair during the five-person fight, she finally catches Rinku off guard alone. The shame overwhelms Kyoko and the students are able to prove that she’s responsible because the cable she was hanging by came from a room only she could access. It was a room behind a musical lock that could only be opened by an Ult. Vocalist.
This is also when Kyoko finally remembers her Talent, but it frustrates her because she perceives it as a worthless Talent since she’s surrounded by vocalists all the time, including Tsubaki, who is an Ult. Vocalist.
Monochio demands that someone be executed since Kyoko is already dead and Shinobu volunteers. She claims that it is for Kyoko's sake, but the truth is that she knew how to hijack executions. It was supposed to be Rinku’s task to shut them down once she and Maho were free, but after Rinku’s death, Shinobu improvised.
Her execution is "Dance 4 Deadly Justice" and starts off with her playing an FPS before being deposited into a racing game, then a fighting game. It is during the fighting game that she breaks out of the level and entices Monochio to chase her.
She corners it and forces it to play against her in the fourth and final level of her execution. It is a rhythm game with a Kyoko avatar and Shinobu chooses the song “Electric Chaos Countdown”, drowning out Monochio’s execution music for the first time.
By the end of the song, the game crashes and Monochio's body is destroyed while Shinobu's is nowhere to be found within the wreckage of the execution.
The DR trope most prominent and important in this chapter is the "crazy plot twist" of the 5th trial, which in this case was everything Shinobu did to put herself in a position where she could hijack and shut down her own execution and Monochio at the same time from within the execution itself.
Another DR trope in this chapter is the face-slap. In this case, Rika and Tsubaki fight over which unit is more responsible for what happened to Aoi and Dalia and it ends with Tsubaki slapping Rika.
Chapter 6: The Ultimate Motive, and the Ultimate Class Trial:
With Monochio dead, but still no way out of the school, the survivors explore every inch of Hope's Pinnacle, even places that used to be locked. In doing so, they find one last recording from Monochio about a final class trial.
In it, the survivors must identify the masterminds. If they get at least half correct, they are all free to leave. If they get less than half correct, they must all face their executions. To make it a little fairer, however, each execution is survivable, but only just barely.
In the end, the survivors fail to guess 3/6. They misidentify Kurumi as a mastermind because they had a photo of her and Kokichi leading the DICE group with no context. Hiiro is able to persuade them that Nagisa is the mastermind, hence why Hiiro had to trick her into an early grave, although she had no idea Miiko’s prank was going to be the weapon that Nagisa used. Rika tried to just give up her identity but Monochio refused to accept it as valid on the grounds of cheating. Noa was misidentified as a mastermind because of her behavior at the end of the third trial.
Rei is able to figure out Esora because of her faint memories of Esora’s rivalry with Byakuya, including her collusion with the Towa Conglomeration. And Maho is outed by footage of herself goading Kyoko into killing Rinku. It was footage she failed to clear while everyone else was searching for a way out of the school after the 5th execution.
Junko gets an obligatory Trial 6 cameo, as Rika calls her up to prove that she’s M4’s mastermind.
Failing to meet Monochio's standards, the survivors are put through their executions and only Miyu, Tsubaki, Hiiro, Saori, Marika, Towa, and Esora survive. Miyu is saved by luck, Hiiro's fortune told her she would survive, Towa was rescued by Miyu, and Esora beat her execution, although she failed to save Rei from hers. Saori and Marika were spared from their executions entirely.
Another thing Rika did to prove her identity was to confess her true Talent as the Ult. Arsonist and shoot a blast of flames from her palms to make a point. The flames wounded Saori and Marika, and because it would’ve been considered unfair to send them through their executions while they were injured (thanks to Haruna’s hand in programming Monochio’s adherence to rules and fairness), the fiery attack became the execution they had to survive, which was far easier than what would’ve been in store for them. There are several endings which I will cover in another post.
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phantomtrader19 · 3 years
Phantom of the opera 1st & 3rd preview review
Auction - I was absolutely overjoyed to see the chandelier onstage!! I personally loved the new set, it was sad to see the angel had gone but I’m so glad they put the homage to Maria bjornson in the centre where the angel was as seen below (it’s modelled after Maria I overheard)
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The cloth covered piece behind the chandelier is a broken middle section of the inner proscenium that when the overture starts re-assembles and rises into place absolutely stunning addition!!
some words were changed
“Lot 666, a chandelier until recently believed to be destroyed... *normal lyrics* “Our workshops have restored it and fitted it with wiring for the new electric light so that we may get a hint of how magnificent it will look when re-assembled” so like the restaged tour lyrics.
Standard auction really not much change but haunting as always!
Overture - perhaps a new sound system? But the overture was absolutely thunderous and I was LIVING for it, lighting design is new and a lot more flashes of light which upped the dramatic feel to it! The chandelier was new and I thought it looked absolutely wonderful it certainly didn’t disappoint it’s a lot bigger than the original which was a cool change. The curtains rose like before and the inner section of the proscenium was sort of like a centre piece and as the overture gets to the middle part where the music sort of slows then dramatically picks back up again (I hope I’ve explained that okay 😂) the dust covers on everything are very swiftly removed and it looks beautiful. The audience went crazy for the overture and it was just amazing to witness!
Hannibal - Saori’s cadenza was so fierce and you could tell she was having a blast up there! Again she got an applause as she came out on stage. The ensemble was fabulous as expected costumes again all the same but fresher as they were all brand new or from the uk tour 2020. Christine doesn’t come out with the ballet girls she joins just before they all do that lovely en pointe section which Lucy does as she is a trained dancer as well! A couple ballet girls now wear their wigs in curlers and tied up in ribbons to give that extra feel of a dress rehearsal which I’m still to figure out if I liked. Yukina Hasebe one of the ballerinas wears a black wig in a plaited ponytail with a black fringe which was interesting but they all wear their regular degas wigs the rest of the show. Everything else remained relatively the same.
Think of me (Carlotta) nothing different I don’t think, Saori sounds brilliant she’s so sassy I love her! Her tantrum is brilliant as she’s so tiny and all this anger bursts out of her it’s really funny!
Lily was also absolutely divine in this part aswell gorgeous voice and good comedic timing.
Greg Castiglioni has a nice voice but not too convinced on his portrayal as piangi not my fave but not bad! (I miss Paul tabone so much!)
Think of me (Christine) My heart was pounding as the piano started I was so eager and excited to hear Lucy safe to say she doesn’t disappoint she’s so radiant and has the voice of a bell, her cadenza is the movie cadenzas but higher and it was fantastic Think of me was much the same but again the set looked so bright and new it really was gorgeous, I absolutely love the new addition of the mini proscenium inside the outer one it frames the stage just beautifully! Rhys’ part was great aswell lovely voice :)
Angel of music - much the same again, the ballerinas have a bar where they practise upstage left which was a nice touch. Lyric change to -
Meg - “your face Christine, so strange”
Christine - “I’m changing Meg”
Meg - “No one’s changing”
In the third preview the lyrics changed to
Christine - “he’s with me even now”
Meg - “Your hands are cold”
Christine - “all around me”
Meg - “Christine are you alright”
Christine - “it frightens me”
Meg - “don’t be frightened”
So reverted back to something similar to the original lyrics! Ellie is a lovely Meg and her wig is auburn and it looks lovely!
Dressing room - everything the same
The mirror - everything the same again killian has a great voice and sounded very threatening! when the phantom brings Christine through the mirror Raoul calls out angel and instead of the title song beginning the music continues into a dramatic swell no where near as long as the restaged tour though.
Title song - Raoul leaves the dressing room as the title song begins and the ballerinas walk onstage congregate round Raoul and then they all walk off as Lucy and Killian appear on the bridge so no more doubles a bit of a restaged tour moment again I’m still to figure out how I felt. There seems to be extra set pieces like flat cutouts of staircases which move with the bridge which I really enjoyed, I think it added more depth to the stage.
The first preview the candles on the candelabras were poking out of the floor as they usually did and Lucy and killian appeared on the boat and however the candelabras didn’t rise which was confusing however they did in the third preview apparently it was a technical malfunction so I was very happy to see it fixed as the lair looked really bare without them.
I Have brought you - nothing different
Music of the night - mostly the same but it was like the phantom could put Christine to sleep when he sung close your eyes her eyes closed and she seemed to kind of lose consciousness it was a really nice touch to see how much control the phantom had over Christine. The catch is gone now :(
The morning after/ I remember - again the same
Stranger than you dreamt it - Lucy’s acting in this scene was just out of this world you can tell her Christine was absolutely horrified by the sight of the deformity and killian was fantastic!
Magical lasso - same as normal
Notes/ prima Donna - exact same as before except i don’t know if it was just me but the curtain behind the manager’s desk seemed a lot larger which was nice as it filled up a bit more of the empty space. Raoul wore a brown bow tie for this scene. Saori and Lily both were fantastic in prima donna would love to see lily again and will most likely be seeing Saori anyway in my upcoming visits. Rhys was really good in this song he was very clever and lovely belt. Francesca Ellis is definitely a standout in the show her voice is so unique unlike any other I’ve ever heard her acting is also 10/10! Managers I think could work on their timing for the comedic parts but that’s the only complaint Matt and Adam are great otherwise :)
Il Muto - lovely to see Manon Taris back on stage and James Hume and I want to say Hywel Dowsell were amusing to watch aswell! Saori and Edward court as Don Atillio were great Lucy was so cute as Serafimo!
The ballet - all the ballerinas were gorgeous! And the male ballet dancer was fantastic! Andre was trembling like crazy when trying to introduce the ballet and engaged with the audience quite a bit which was fun, the ballerinas screamed a lot when they noticed the phantoms shadow on the backdrop and the music had a build up behind the actual original score which made the reveal of buquet’s body more dramatic!
The Rooftop - Lucy looked gorgeous in her rooftop costume! She seemed genuinely distressed and her acting again just shone through, Rhys at the beginning was giving me Hadley Fraser/ restaged tour vibes coming off as dismissive of Christinebut he begins to soften Lucy’s soar was sublime probably one of the best I’ve heard it just floated from her!!!
All I ask of you - Rhys and Lucy had a lot of chemistry and she was beaming from ear to ear when Rhys sung to her. Beautifully done
All I ask of you reprise - the controversial Pegasus.... would it have been nice for the phantom to appear on top of the angel? Yes, is the Pegasus statue THAT bad absolutely not it was beautiful! Killian was fab! Loved the sustained note on “when he heard you siiiiiiinggggggggg” liked a lot!!!
CHANDELIER CRASH WAS SO COOL, killian appeared in box five and shot sparks from his staff essentially shooting the chandelier down. It crashed like it did in the original and swung really fast over the audience and made an explosion noise which was changed at the third preview the music sort of rumbled instead of the explosion which worked better as the explosion was rather odd since the chandelier didn’t collapse or like the restaged tour chandelier spew fake glass.
INTERVAL The blue curtain is GORGEOUS
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ariparri · 3 years
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Finally got around to finishing Yuna's Wish image! I struggled in making her snowman companions because I didn't have an exact idea of what I wanted them to look like but I got it in the end.
Name: Mochizuki Yuna
Title: The Nightfall Dancer
Rarity: Four Stars
Constellation: Vir Nivis
Birthday: March 7
Region: Inazuma
Affiliation: Noguchi Clan
Vision: Cryo
Weapon: Sword
Signature Weapon: Lunar Ice
Mochizuki Yuna was the daughter to one of the maids within the Noguchi Clan. She grew up alongside the next heir, Saori. And despite the stark class of inequality between each other, Yuna and Saori became good friends. She joins Saori in her training to improve in her skills. While she wasn't actively part of the Tenryou Commission, Yuna worked alongside of Saori and took orders from her. Like her companion, Yuna expressed concern over the people when the Raiden Shogun issued the Vision Hunt Decree. She stood by Saori's side when she went against the Shogun and fought Kujou Sara. However, Saori was badly wounded and blinded in her left eye, resulting in losing the fight. Taking the chance to save her friend, Yuna steps in to stop the Shogun from dealing the Divine Punishment, letting Saori escape. Hearing from her mother that Saori has fled Inazuma, and the Noguchi clan was being put under home confinement for Saori's insubordination. Her mother warned her of being on the wanted list as well and helped Yuna flee from the region. After escaping from Inazuma, Yuna makes it to Liyue in search for Saori.
Yuna is a young, delicate and cheerful maiden of the Noguchi Clan. She is modest when it comes to receiving praises, is sometimes clueless of the situation around her and can easily get lost. Though she seems to be submissive, she won't hesitate to snap at others for acting selfish or chastise herself for slipping with her manners.
Feeling the need to compensate for her lack of fighting experience, Yuna recklessly tries to take on more responsibilities. She overexerts herself and takes desperate actions to continue fighting. Eventually she learns to share her burdens with her fellow comrades. She refuses to take the lives of others under any circumstances, believing all life to be precious. Though she admires people like Kujou Sara, she also admits their ideals are too different for one another.
Elemental Skill
An ice golem is summoned and provides support fire with ice spikes. Summoning another golem deals physical damage with melee attacks.
Each golem lasts for 10 seconds upon summoning unless destroyed. Cooldown begins after two uses or if it hasn't been used a second time within 5 seconds.
Elemental Burst
With a temporarily buffed move-set, Yuna can dash around the field at great speeds, dealing cryo damage to those her sword slashes come into contact with. She moves in wide bows by skating and she freezes her opponents at each hit.
It takes 2 seconds to trigger it, and the duration of the burst is 20 seconds. Cooldown duration is 10 seconds.
There's so much I want to do with Yuna. Although I haven't been playing the game, because I suck at grinding, I did hear about the snowman event in Dragonspine. And Yuna is all about her little snowman companions! This would be a great opportunity to draw something for that!
But I would like to get a few other official things done for Yuna, like the icons for her kit.
Yuna's constellation, Vir Nivis, translates to man of snow or 'snowman.' The Japanese name for her constellation is Yukidaruma, which is taken from the ice golem and little snowman she can conjure.
Her elemental burst, Yukimusume, means snow maiden. And her elemental skill, Juhyo, means snow monsters.
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twsted-princess · 3 years
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"I suggest you leave now, least you wish to face the Fatui's wrath."
Behold my newest Genshin Impact oc drawn by @itsdiamoon on Twitter!!
Name: Anastasia
Titles: Devitsa (Maiden) of Frost, Grand Princess of Snezhnaya
Nicknames: Ana, Anya, Annie, (Bonbori @raihan-of-sunshine's oc), Nastya (when on a mission), Snowdrop, Snezhinka/Snowflake, (Tsaritsa when she was younger) Little Princess (Childe)
Age: 23 (Physically) 400+
Race: Homunculus
Birthday: 12/6
Gender: Female
Height: 167cm/5'6
Rarity: 5 stars/⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Weapon: Throwing Knives
Element: None
Position: Sub DSP
Constellation: Nives Virginum (Snow Virgin)
Nation: Snezhnaya
Occupation: Princess of Snezhnaya, Leading Commander of the Fatui
Affiliation: Fatui
Speciality Dish: Powdered Ice-cubes with a Cup of Cocoa (Turkish Delights)
Likes: Singing, Pressing Flowers, Traveling to the other nations, Her mother
Dislikes: Her mother, Sickness, Feeling worthless, Being stuck in the castle
The daughter of the Tsaritsa and crowned princess of Snezhnaya. Born from a snow-baby the cryo archon breathed life onto, she lived a happy life growing up. As the queen's Little Snowflake she brought warmth into the castle, loving her mother wholeheartedly and was Pierro's dear friend as they were her caretaker. But soon the Tsaritsa grew obsessed with her desire to destroy the old world, beginning to form the Harbringers and increasing the Fatui ranks but she still holds a soft side for a maturing Ana. The printsessa is soon trained in the arts of war, weaponry, military strategies, infiltration, and diplomacy both fair and manipulative along with her daily studies of etiquette and courtly lady skills.
As time goes on both Ana and the Tsaritsa notice that the princess has let to receive a Vision, the notion of the archon's own daughter has not earned the gods favor weights heavily on them. Ana begins to train daily, pushing herself to the limit to prove her drive to both the gods and her mother while the empress's heart grew colder as the Fatui's reach spreads to most corners of Teyvet. One day during a meeting of the Five Harbringers with the Tsaritsa a small ball of light falls slowly from the heavens. The ones gathered watch as the orb swirls and flickers towards Anastasia. Could it be? Could this really be her Vision? Ana reaches out, smiling warmly as she accepts this gift but when the light touches her finger..............CRACK. The light shatters into glass and falls to the ground around the young girl. The gods......rejected her. Her vision was no more. The effect was immediate as the princess fell ill and seemingly nothing would cure her. Now the Tsaritsa is livid, now her goal must be achieved at all cost. Dottore then makes a proposal, the queen desires the power of the Gnosis's correct? What if they use a tiny shard from all seven and place it into Ana thus granting her complete power? Once the princess's sickness left she was
For her personality, Nastya is sincere but sharper then a blade. She acts like a pure lady with all the poise and dignity but is cold to most people as a leader of the Fatui. Through her words, grace and a soft but firm touch she commands the agents to further her will. But inside she longs for so many things. The return of her mother's warm smile, to roam the land of Teyvet freely, and to bring back the former glory of the Fatui.
Amanda Lee - English
Yui Ogura (Normal), Saori Onishi (Singing) - Japanese
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I have this headcanon that Hyoga (in the anime) is the bastard son of Kido, but Saori doesn't know, Hyoga does his mother never shy away from talking about Kido and how heroic he was , how full of justice (ha) he was.
i think he doesn't want Saori to know, because for her Kido was a good men, he was her grandfather, her only family, knowing that he sent his son to die on top of all the abuse he make the kids face, It would destroy her (or so he thinks) , but you know who does know? Tokumaru Tatsumi and he hates Hyoga for that very reason if the true is discover Saori will suffer
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