thatgingerisketo · 6 years
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thatgingerisketo · 5 years
May 23rd, 2019
I’m back!
So far I’ve been keto again for little over a month now and have lost 11.8 pounds.  I’m now 169.8!  I told myself that I didn’t want to blog again until I was in the 160′s because I didn’t want to set myself for failure when I restarted and sound like a redundant failure working towards a goal I set last year.
With that being said I will TRY to post everyday.  Hopefully my posts encourage you to go forward.  The “magic” weight loss for Keto happened more for me after a month versus the first few days.  So if you’re just starting keep in mind that you don’t get fruit the same day you plant a seed.
ALSO, thank you to all the new followers.  So far I’m past 700!  It’s so humbling to see people support another person.  I hope that in my journey I can help yours in some ways.
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thatgingerisketo · 6 years
January 9th, 2019
I maintained weight.  However I do feel less bloated.  I think my main problem was I didn’t eat enough calories yesterday and went to bed too hungry.  I adjusted my calorie intake in return and hopefully that will be a step in the right direction.  
I did really good today!
I stayed in my 15 carb limit.
But like super good news!  I found the best Keto Blueberry Muffin Recipe EVERRRR!  I almost cried because a lot of recipes suck when it comes to breads, cookies, pancakes, muffins- whatever!  I know some people are like, “I love these paleo cookies or bread”.  I. AM. NOT. THE. ONE.  It tastes awful and they are just trying to be cool.  Plus I LOVE bread products in the morning during winter.  I’m cold when I wake up and grouchy because you would think after three years I would be a morning person.  NOPE.  Night Owl Forever.  
It’s called a Blueberry Mug Muffin by “Simply Keto”.  I love it because it tastes good, it’s filling, and it’s massive.  All things I love.  But I’m not going to lie, it did not look like the picture.  
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If you’re thinking, “Dude, that is the fugliest muffin I've ever seen.”  Then you would be right.  Between my expert photography and that canned bread looking thing... you would be right.
I’ll post a recipe tomorrow.
ALSO!  I went to Mcdonalds for lunch and a Double Cheeseburger is 2 net carbs when it’s bunless.  YOU’RE WELCOME.
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thatgingerisketo · 6 years
Blueberry Mug Muffin
Recipe Suzanne Ryan- the author of Simply Keto
3 Tbs blanched almond flour
1 Tbs coconut flour
1 Tbs of Serve confectioners’-style sweetener
1/4 Tsp of baking powder
Pinch of Salt
1 Large egg
1 Tbs unsalted butter (softened)
1 Tsp avocado oil
1/4 Tsp vanilla extract
8 Blueberries
Salted butter for serving (optional/I just used unsalted butter.)
1. Place the almond flour, coconut flour, sweetener, baking powder and salt in a med-large microwave-safe mug and blend with fork.
2. Add the egg, butter, avocado oil, and vanilla: mix well.
3. Gently stir in the blueberries.  Use the back of a spoon to press down the batter and smooth the top.
4. Place the batter-filled mug in the microwave and heat up for 1 minute and 15 seconds.  (The cooking time may vary depending on your microwave.  If the muffin is not fully formed after 1 minute 15 seconds, continue cooking in 15-second increments.)  Carefully remove the mug from the microwave- it will be hot- flip it upside down over a plate, and allow the muffin to slide out of the mug onto the plate.  Place the muffin on its side and slice in half.
5. Spread with butter if desired!
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**Another professional photo.  I do weddings too.  ((please don’t hire me for a wedding))
*Nutrition (without extra butter)
Calories: 372
Fat: 33g
Protein: 12g
Total Carbs: 20
Net Carbs: 6g
(if you are doing keto, net carbs is the number you count for total carbs of the day.)
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thatgingerisketo · 6 years
January 11th, 2019
Lost even more weight!!
I told myself that as long as I weighed less than yesterday by no matter how much I would be happy.  I feel like sometimes with diets that we set a goal weight on a daily basis.  I’m guilty of it and it’s probably not the healthiest mindset.  However nobody is perfect.
Later today I’m going to a family owned Mexican restaurant with my husband and some friends.  It’s going to take my willpower to not order anything with beans, tortilla, rice or to not eat the chips on the table.  However, Mexican restaurants are one of the easiest places to be keto.  Sometimes I go to Qdoba or Chipotle and order a salad bowl with lettuce, meat, queso, sour cream, vegetables, guac, cheese, and salsa and it’s pretty yummy.  So I’m sure if I get carnitas, fajitas, or a salad things will be okay.
Plus I FINALLY posted that muffin recipe.  I’ve been eating that the past three days straight with coffee and my mornings have been fulfilling and magical.  Like seriously.  Eating traditional breakfast foods on this diet totally is limiting.  I’m not a super huge fan of eggs, in fact before I had my 1 year-old I was allergic and would throw them up all the time.  Now it comes to a matter of as long as they’re cooked through really good then I’m fine.  
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thatgingerisketo · 6 years
January 7th, 2019
I’m alive!!
And I put on weight.... yay.
Sorry for the super long absence from November to now.  Holidays have been crazy for us and I really love food.  Plus with the constant parties and social etiquette I just couldn’t say no to my little cousin’s chocolate mouse/brownie fluff thing.  She’s so adorable.
So from this point forward I’m going back to doing full-blown not holding back/extreme keto.  By extreme I mean that I’m going to eat very little carbs and calories so I can put myself back on track and plus some.  I’m using the My Fitness App to keep track.  If you guys haven't used it before then please do!  It’s keeps track of macros fabulously and the catalogue of food is on point.
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Also!  Ketokarma.com has a calculator and tips for your diet and how much to consume.  It’s super helpful.  So what I did is plug in my stats with myfitnessapp and voila!  Instant diet plan.  However, I may adjust these numbers and I will share if I do.  I put it on the lowest setting to see how it would go and I may add more carbs if necessary.
Lastly I just wanted to say thank you to new and old followers!  We are past the 450 mark and it’s so cool to see people with common interests come together.  Plus it makes me that much more accountable.
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thatgingerisketo · 6 years
January 12th, 2019
I lost 1/10 of a pound!  
I at fajitas with chicken, green peppers, onions and shrimp and it was amazing.  I didn’t use any tortillas and just at it as is.  However, I did cheat a little bit and had like 10 sips of a raspberry margarita that my husband and I were sharing.  Worth it.  But I think the most amazing part of it all was that I didn’t eat chips and salsa that those restaurants put out.  NOT. A. SINGLE. CHIP. 
So for the most part I was expecting to put on weight.  The very fact that I lost anything at all is a total win for me.  I know tomorrow will look a lot better.
My day today was filled of Showing houses for four hours, (because I’m a Realtor), and then making an offer on a Foreclosed property for the same people I just looked at.  10 documents and three hours later I didn’t eat and finally had it submitted on time.  Neat.
I’ve been a real estate agent for almost five years now in Michigan.  I don’t make a million dollars every year, just do it part time and help make some extra cash and keep my mom-brain sane by having valid excuses to get out of the house.
Plus my 3 year-old makes the best assistant.  If I bring her to an open house or a tour she will show my clients where each room is.  “This is the bathroom... this is a kitchen...” Priceless.
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thatgingerisketo · 6 years
January 20th, 2019
Alright, my stomach is queasy and I’m best friends with my bathroom.  I’m cheating on my diet for now on carbs like crackers and toast for obvious reasons.  Thanks stomach flu.  Because I am throwing up I refuse to post my weight here.  I do NOT want to encourage purging for weight loss or do any positive comments on here about it.  My golden rule is I don’t do anything that I don’t want my daughters to do.
If you feel like purging or just refusing to eat much of anything is your only result for weight loss then call this number:
National Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center: 1-858-481-1515 
Otherwise tell family, friends etc that you may think you have a problem and you’re scared.  GET HELP.  We are all fearfully and wonderfully made and as much as losing weight can be healthy when DONE PROPERLY, no one should risk stomach acid dissolving your teeth and esophagus or depriving your body of nutrients to make your goals work quickly.  Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was that Victoria Secret model’s body.
Hopefully I will be better tomorrow with my appetite.  If I’m higher for weight I don’t care right now.
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thatgingerisketo · 6 years
January 14th, 2019
January 7th 177.1
January 14th 173.7
Total Loss for The Week: 3.4 Pounds
I’m super excited that I lost that much weight this week.  However, I’m bummed that I put on weight since yesterday, especially since I ate super good yesterday.  Although I do have to keep in mind that I haven’t been regular since I started this diet.  Plus I did a late workout last night and drank a ton of water.  Not the healthiest way to look on things but I have to remember our bodies change all the time.  Especially a female one  like mine.  ALSO, I always hit a wall around this part of my weight.  I will fight it though.  This week is going to be my week to get past 173 and get closer to 160′s. 
I had another mug muffin and coffee this morning.  The coffee helped me feel better to so tomorrow should be better.  Then I still have leftover pizza so I will probably eat some toppings off of that.  (I got the deluxe one for me and pepperoni for everyone else because my husband hates olives and then I get a whole pizza to myself.)  
Doing some grocery shopping today after spending my day waiting around for the new internet guy to come over and switch us over to a cheaper internet.  Then I get to break up with Comcast.  Like- literally break up with them.  I SWEAR!  I hate switching companies.  They give you a billion plus offers and an hour later while you’re trying to cancel and it’s like, “No Brian, it’s you.  It has always been you.  You’re high maintenance and you gouge me out emotionally.  I think this is honestly for the best.”  
Then AFTER you break up with them you get an obscene amount of junk mail later- begging for them to take you back.  WHICH BEGS THE QUESTION~ can you get a restraining order from your ex internet/cable provider.  Asking for a friend...
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thatgingerisketo · 6 years
January 8th, 2019
Yesterday was a little difficult because I really wanted cinnamon bread but I didn’t get any.  However, I did make Loaded Deviled Eggs by “Simply Keto”  and those were super yummy.  I’ll have to post a recipe of that shortly.  What I found that is super helpful this time around too is that we have a Dash Egg Steamer now.  
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It makes my willingness to eat eggs that much easier because I barely have to do work.  Plus not only does it boil eggs but it also makes poached eggs and omelets.  Which is great!  Because I can’t make an omelet to save my life.
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thatgingerisketo · 6 years
January 10th, 2019
More weight loss!!!!!!!
It’s probably a little less than this even because I drank water before I weighed myself but it’s all good.  I’ll also post the muffin recipe later today too.
Also, I don’t know if I mentioned but I do P90X3 alongside this.  I’m also going to take a free Barre Class that my 3 year-old’s class offers.  And if you were curious, yes.  Three year-old little girls and ballet is very cute.  
I’m in this really cool mindset right now and I love where I am mentally.  However, I was never always like this.  When I was 18-20 I had depression/suicidal thoughts.  I wasn’t sure what my purpose in life was and I always felt pointless.  However, after talking to a counselor and unburying deep seeded issues things got better.  Plus I met my husband towards the end of my counseling sessions.  The cool thing about him was he never judged me when he found out and actually was super supportive.  He actually reintroduced Christ into my life too.  Which in my opinion, for me it was good for me to have faith in someone or something.  However, that is just my experience and everyone is different.  I guess where I’m trying to get at is if you feel like you’re in a heavy place right now then take charge of your health and get help.  You’re not alone and everything will be okay.  
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thatgingerisketo · 6 years
January 15th, 2019
I feel so much better now and my body is back in balance.  
Plus I got work out bands yesterday so I can strengthen my arms, shoulders, and back for a real pull up.  Then I can do a full pull up on my pull up bar!  Then my husband will stop laughing at me and calling me a cupcake while I use the washer to pull myself up!  That would be so cool.  I wish I wasn’t such a weak and easy target for bullying.
Today I got to take my darling 3 year-old to ballet and hit up the Costco.  It’s freezing rain outside so hopefully people will be as careful as I am.  
Okay, time to eat more pizza toppings for breakfast.
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thatgingerisketo · 6 years
I Apologize!
I haven’t been logging on like I should! Between my business, flip house, family and my house we’ve been very busy. However I’m still keto and I’m still losing weight. My tighter pair of shorts are even loose on me! Hooray!
I would weigh myself but the last I was aware I was 172.6
My husband has lost his sixteen pounds and has added more carbs. Any more weight loss and he would be considered underweight so he had to stop. I hate him😆
Lastly I wanted to say thank you for my 50+ followers. Thank you to older and newer for being so supportive of my weight loss goals and putting up with my non-creative posts. Your support means a lot and it definitely puts a positive spin on my life changes. Thank you.
Have a fun and productive weekend!
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Also I wanted to s
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thatgingerisketo · 6 years
Day 5
Slowly but surely going down.  I honestly think I need to keep better track of my macros again.  For a while I was skating by just doing them in my head but I think ever since I got back from vacation I’ve just gotten mentally lazy about food.
I’m not going to mention names but a friend of mine has lost 50+pounds on keto and it just recharged me mentally.  Recharge as in- “GET OFF YOUR LAZY BUTT AND TRY HARDER”.  Am I being too hard on myself?  Maybe in some ways, but to be honest I have goals and I’m meeting some but disappointing myself in others.  I’m better than this.
The only benefit I have from all of this effort is knowing that there may be people out there that are more insecure than me and may understand that we are all human.  We make mistakes and what really defines us is what we learn from them and how are going to use it to improve ourselves.  I’m not making excuses for myself since that’s not the person I want to be.  I need to try harder for me and my little family.
ALSO!  Thank you newer and older followers for deciding to tag along in the passenger seat for support.  I’m so grateful and I promise that for those on your own health journeys or mental health journeys that you inspire me.
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thatgingerisketo · 6 years
Day 1
Back from Vacation at 175
Im not going to lie, I wasn’t completely keto on vacation. But I ate no bread on my burgers and Salad where I could. (I also ate a lot of ice cream.)
So it’s keto for me again tomorrow. I’m feeling pretty good about it. I bought a bunch of fresh groceries again to restock my fridge with a new apple sauce recipe I’m ready to try. Plus I bought some schnitzel so that will be hella tight. Do kids even say tight anymore? No idea.
Also here’s a hint on where we were.
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thatgingerisketo · 6 years
Day 7
I figured out my problem and hopefully this helps others too. I ended up adjusting my macros to include more carbs and my weight started dropping again. I know consume 35 instead of twenty and it made a huge difference. When you think about it it makes sense though. I work out 5 to 6 days a week and I’m a full-time mom. Plus with my business and flip house along with a husband that’s gone constantly it makes sense.
My body probably needed more sugary energy in the complicated chemistry mambo that I don’t understand and now life is moving forward again. I would like to be in the 160’s by November. I really want to make it happen.
I look forward to the day where my jeans are too big. ❤️
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