#thats really all i want from life is to be a positive influence on others
technicolorxsn · 1 year
I think this has been really good for me
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wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
i’ve been reading through the space miner au posts and the rancher essay just sent me over the moon (haha). i MUST know more about imp and skizz when you have the time thank you <3
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Unseparable since childhood, they know each other better than anyone. Both went into space mining (which is how they met Tango) very early in their life, probably as teenagers, which would make them basically veterans now, and therefore very experienced in all things mining related. After their last mine and base collapsed, leaving Impulse without an arm, they both left and settled for something different; not entirely sure what they do now, other than harboring a wanted terrorist every now and then, but its something radio and communication related. Quite a jump from their last job, but after the collapse space mining left them with less than positive feelings
(More more or less related things to explain some things below, so that it wont be a giant wall of text on the dash. Fixed because tumblr ruined formatting)
i feel like this is a good moment to mention a bit more about what space mining even is, other than being just... mining in space. there are a few different layers to space mining as a profession, depending on the ore and place (its stability, temperature and everything else needed to be taken into account with human workers); it doesnt really target asteroids (which is why i dont call it asteroid mining), only planets and moons. Despite being assumed to be a more presigious job, it really isnt, at least most of the time; Jimmys experience, for example, is very much comparable to mining on earth, and payed as such. Impulse and Skizz, on the other hand, got to do the cool sci fi idea of space mining, much more dangerous (in places that arent in any way friendly to humans that the miners cant really leave easily before the end of their work season, i guess. not sure how to call it), but also more fun, as it includes the use of mobile suits. This is how sculk is mined, as it tends to exist in places humans shouldve never been in.
(Jimmy also has a mobile suit license, as it just... comes with doing that job, but never had to use one on any of the mining sites. When i talk mobile suits think less Eva and more... chunky and grey. something like the demi series from gwitch. I wanted to include mechs because i like mechs 👍 and i think using giant robots for mining is really cool)
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the idea itself is not based on any real-ish possibilities or whatever of asteroid mining; i would much rather it be read in a way youd read a space sci fi from the space race era. specifically from the side of the eastern bloc... its where the retro part of retrofuturistic comes in this au. If i had to introduce the world more, id say that space colonisation started more than century and a half ago (for the time of the au, that is) and durning space race itself. Even though the cold war has been over way before all characters were even born, there still is a clear space divide influenced by it; not all places are avilable for everyone with a spaceship, but it slowly starts opening up and mixing with itself. It very much goes into alternative history but its not the focus of the au so ill just leave it at that. Bit of a worldbuilding thing. I say all that because i find the idea of what esentially is space juma (travelling to germany from poland specifically to steal and traffic small high value items and also cars durning the 80s and 90s and still today sometimes) and all things similar stupidly fun. Thats why Tango has to hotwire his spaceship. Theres a chance im the only person who likes this kind of story atmosphere and its ok its my au. Sorry for going off topic from the ask it just kind of happened. Bless
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curryswirl · 4 months
ive seen a lot of responses to this post that are clarifying what they think "make art for yourself" is intended to mean-- that its not really referring to making it for no one to view but rather its referring to what you make and why. and i just wanted to do a little follow up and say that you guys are definetly correct in a lot of instances~ in those instances, i in fact agree, also. i do think determining what you want to make via what you think people will like ONLY is probably an unhealthy way to create (although it can certainly be a component of your decision making), just as i think doing it for ONLY likes and numerical engagement is not the way to be either!
i was specifically responding to cases where i have seen people problematize the desire to have ones art seen at all, though-- something i have come across frequently, too. i wouldnt be suprised if this was an extreme evolution of the former, as that tends to be the case for heavily parroted rhetoric online.
it was an angry post and i stand by it, but i do apologize if it made anyone feel like they are "doing it wrong" or whatever. in truth, i think my motivation for making the post stems from, at its root, the sadness i feel when people blame other people for the tendecies that have been incentivized wrt engagement online... and i would never want to make anyone feel that exact way.
like, some people also identified the problem as due to "people not caring enough to reblog" or some other cultural shift due to individual shortcomings. i dont think thats completely and utterly untrue in all cases, but in my opinion much of this behavior is due to the platforms we engage on, and the behavior they incentivize, not some modern widespread negligence of artists by individual people.
websites are set up the way they are because long form, complex engagement does not make as much ad revenue. over a long period of time, users have been conditioned to scroll quickly and see more ads because thats what the UI encourages... and those who post are conditioned to desire a climbing number of likes/notes/whatever, because shorter and shorter dopamine hits have diminishing value.
there is intention behind every website beginning to look the same. there is intention behind every aspect of a user interfaces design. and it is my belief that this has caused it to be less rewarding to take time to leave a comment or to stay on one post for a long period of time.
if you combine that with the general, worsening life experience of the working class-- with the emotional fatigue, the intellectual drain... the amount of ignoring you have to do, the amount of swallowing of horrible, seemingly unchangeable horrors day in and day out just to bare living on this earth, you get an emotionally exhausted populace that does not have the time or energy to truly invest in engaging with art.
this is not your fault. this is not your peers fault. if youre not a billionaire, a capitalist of influence or in a position of power or authority, its probabaly not your fault either.
i guess what im trying to say is please continue to strive to punch up, and to always question the systems that incentivize our behavior before you turn to punching sideways and criticizing the people who are living in the same world as you. empathy is everything, and its all we have.
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diaphin93 · 2 months
- One key aspect of Edelgard reforms is not just doing change directly but also paving the way for other societal change to be made through suppressing institutions protecting the status quo and giving people the tools they need ( education, government position open to all, etc )... So outside of the reforms directly metionned in CF, what other societal change do you think she or her government will bring during her lifetime?
- If you had to make the "ideal" post CF government who in the cast would you pick? It can be based on ending ( like Manuela becoming prime minister ) or entirely be based on your interpretation
- If Edelgard/Hubert/Ferdinand were commoners, how do you think their life would be like?
- Do you have any analysis on Edelgard that is uncommon? What's your favorite line from her?
Oh, that are some interesting questions. Let me go into all of them one by one.
I assume many of the changes Edelgard implements will be gradual, as she and her government basically need to figure out modernity all by themselves, really only knowing the structures of the strict feudal caste system they grew up in. Like, many people cite Ferdinand having to come up with the concept of universal education for her, but the matter of fact is, this is an entire new and novel concept and one person can't figure out all by themself, though we know that noble inheritance is already abolished in the following generation. I would say structural reforms in Leicester and Faerghus would be big ones, putting them closer to the more bureaucratic centralized system that Adrestia seems to have, looking at the presence of ministries. Considering her already being on board with public education and wanting to reduce the political influence of the church, I could see her introducing state wellfare policies that take over the role that religious charity would have. One important one probably also would be to either reform the ministry of religious affairs into a proper ministry of justice, which it already acted as, or alternatively relocate most of its ressources to a new ministry of justice, as well as law reforms in the vein of Napoleons code civil, to ensure secular laws. As she is not an enemy of the faith itself but also seems rather desinterested in it, while expressing interest in improving foreign relations, I fully expect for her to either implement freedom of religion or, as a predecessor, a general policy of religious tolerance. There probably would be uniform laws for the three nations, while I also expect her to allow Duscur to either declare its independence or remain in the empire as an autonomous region, as we saw her doing with Brigid and with Kupala respectively. I could see similar policies to the former sreng regions in northern faerghus, to allow its original inhabitants to return and either become an autonomous region of the empire or reuinite with Sreng. Due to the roman inspiration of Adrestia, I think it would be interesting for her to introduce a senate, especially since it would be a buffer between the imperial ministries and the throne, but thats more headcanon. We have no ideas on how Edelgard feels about democratic reforms, so every pro and contra argument would be highly speculative. I think generally most of Edelgards reforms would be focussed on secularization and the abolition of noble inheritance structures, before she steps down and lets a worthy successor continue her reformist policies. We also don't know enough on the details of adrestian law and economy, to be sure of all kinds of reforms she could make, this would be a matter of headcanons and fanwork.
This might be a tadbit boring, but I don't really have much in terms of ideal visions for a potential government for Edelgard. I see the case for Ferdinand being the Prime Minister, due to his own character development and role in supporting Edelgards reforms in CF, but I personally also prefer Manuela as Prime Minister as it fits much better with the spirit of Edelgards reforms and policies, having an educated commoner in the highest ministerial office. In the end, Black Eagles House has the common shortcomings of all 3 Houses routes, that the majority of students are children of the high nobility, and alot of the positions we learn about are more filled to conclude their personal character arcs, like Ferdinand being prime minister or Caspar becoming Minister of Military Affairs. I guess for me, I would like Manuela to act as prime minister, while Ferdinand should be allowed to fully focus on his educational reforms through creating a new ministry of education. If they can be found and contracted, I think a sensible thing in the name of reconciliation would be for her to try and reach out to Seteth, with the offer of him becoming the minister of religious affair or either him or Flayn to be allowed, if they want, to start a new reformed Church of Seiros, so that they at the very least have the option to return home to Garreg Mach and live there peacefully, under the condition that they learn to work hand in hand with humans as their equals. Otherwise, I would guess that in case she survives either Mercedes or the eastern Bishop would make a fine minister of religious affairs. Duke Gerth already seems to be a sensible minister of foreign affairs, in case he is recruited or otherwise assumed to survive, Sylvain would make his most sensible successor. Generally, as it modernizes, Adrestia would need to establish more ministries overall. The ministry of the imperial household probably should be openly reformed into domestic intelligence for more transparency, as Hubert already fulfills this position. I think, again in case he survives, Lorenz would make a good minister of domestic affairs. But again, I don't have strong feelings on that one, as there really is a lack of more interesting choices. A priority would be for the ministries to offer mentorship to commoners who want to engage with the government.
Thats a tough one, as commoners still have class differences and there are nuances to that one too and their lifes would take entirely different directions with them forming different personalities if they were born under other circumstances. I mean, most of them. Hubert totally would become some underworld crime boss who reveals and takes care of corrupt nobility, lol. Basically some Yakuza with a sense of honor archetype, lol. But going for what would preserve their personalities and story beats, I see Ferdinand as somewhat a member of the upper class, possibly with his father being an ambitious merchant who tries to scheme his son into a better station in life, though I think he would go more into the direction of being a lawyer, he just seems to be this very enlightenment thinker law school graduate archetype if he wasn't a noble, befitting his high sense of justice and posh attitude. He totally would be in Garreg Mach due to a full scholarship and super proud of it, citing the careers of former winners of said scholarship. Edelgard is more tricky, though I would say, in her case she probably would be just some commoner who happened to have the Crest of Seiros, probably some illegitimate child who was never found, or the daughter of one whose crest skipped a few generations. I see her more of a humble upbringing in the scenario of her being a commoner, a peasant or the daughter of servants. I guess the later, as this would offer an excuse to why she was in the Kingdom and knew Dimitri, maybe her being a maid servant of the Arundel family. And naturally she would have been caught in the crest experiments of TWSITD still, if the goal is to preserve her overall story beats, and as the sole survivor become the adopted daughter of Lord Arundel, her still being determined to end the crest and nobility system, possible even more in this scenario, and using Thales connections to stage a coup against the Hresvelg Family. I see her still as the house leader of the Black Eagles, though her being of a commoner background her, she probably could be somewhat more strict and serious in her demeanor to integrate. Like, this entire scenario would be a compelling AU and I think I could make an entire blogpost based on it. Assuming all three are commoners, Hubert and Edelgards relationship would be very different. I think he would be still loyal to her, but he would be basically some enforcer she picked up as her retainer, so their interactions would be much more informal, acting more as partners in crime. Edelgard and Ferdinand would probably be even more rivalrous, Ferdinand possibly being jealous of her now and I see her and Dorothea being even more close. Those two are already very close, having it it off immediately obviously, considering how Dorothea is the only one in the BE cast she already seems to be close to at the start, so this relationship would just be stronger, them being two commoner girls among all these nobles, it would be an outlet for Edelgard to be her former commoner self more. I think she would be more distanced to her former classmates at the start, having to learn that nobles have their own issues and to empathize with them as well.
I don't think I have really much to add, especially since Captain Flash and others already analyzed many facets of her personality. As I mentioned, I interpret Dorothea and Edelgard as immediately having hit it off the moment they first met, like you know when you are in a new school and workplace and meet this one person who is your bestie at the end of the day? They seem already close friends from the beginning. I personally see her also valueing Hubert and Ferdinand in particular as two brother figures, Hubert being an older brother who takes care of her and she wishing they could be more informal with each other, while I think a part of her enjoys Ferdinands annoying attitude that allows her to be more childish as times, something she rarely can afford due to what happened to her. I think there is some importance in the relationship between Edelgard and Dimitri many overlook. Primarily, because Discourse embittered the fanbases of both characters to each other and if interpretations take place, it is mostly from a Dimitri centric place that interprets Edelgard less favorably. Even if she doesn't really remembers him, I think she values parts of his personality alot, his very straight forward and well intentioned attitude, though his somewhat naive and undetermined outlook on everything probably frustrates her as well. She obviously hates his vengeful personality, feeling appeled by his obsession to her, as she states herself, but its clear that she feels a great deal of empathy towards him. It is implied that she cries after he dies and the scene makes it clear, that no matter if she did or not, she at least felt like crying in this moment. Edelgard is strongly linked with symbolizing the future, while Dimitri thematically represents the past, his arc being all about how the ghosts of the past haunt him. I think from an Edelgard centric standpoint, Dimitri represents her past, that has been twisted and corrupted by Thales, becoming a source of pain and anguish to her.
But so far, thats all. I hope I could answer your questions in a satisfying way and feel free to send me more asks, this one was fun.
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howelljenkins · 9 months
hi this is so random but i need to wax poetic. you have no obligation to reply to this. also i do not mean this in a parasocial way at ALL lmao i recognize that idk you trust. i first found ur blog in 2020 as a eighth grader in lockdown that was completely lost. i had lost my uncle to covid during that time and went from being a stellar student to receding into my shell and watching my grades tank. my shit home situation and undiagnosed depression led to me sinking into any form of escapism possible, mainly thru the form of books. i was super obsessed with perry johnson LMAO at the time and had all the time in the world to look into the fandom. this was around the time the unnamed author was just, like, violently and belligerently racist and scathing to any fans that questioned otherwise. being a tumblrina, i went to this site to see people comment on this, only to find you and ur mutuals were the only people openly discussing how he was just plain vile. i remember how sickened i felt seeing how you and other people of color were getting doxxed and threatened for pointing out what i thought was incredibly obvious. as a rlly sheltered person of color, this was the first time it struck me that the world was lying about how much they were actually willing to stick up for us, as before that i was just stupidly optimistic. anyways bc of that i started checking ur blog like EVERYDAY because of how much your words resonated with me. i was in complete awe of just how witty you were, and how you took no shit from people. granted this was a defense mechanism from crazy ass white fandom bitches but it was still weirdly inspiring. i still remember seeing u pull out the yale trap card so often and being like, oh shit this girl is something else lol thats hysterical. for the rest of high school i would keep up to date with u and specifically ur writing and poetry on promethes. kal i need you to realize your words actually rearranged my brain. the poems about your great grandfather, your mother, your pos friend, of being a horror, to love and to be loved is rest, everything EVERYTHING is etched into my memory. i really feel like i stumbled onto the modern fucking plato or something. anyways my critical thinking skills and love of poetry both are strongly influenced by you. i used to be the kind of person that hated everything and couldnt bear the thought of tolerating this world for another second. but your unyielding positivity and optimism, and insistence that kindness being the more difficult choice is inherently more radical really changed me. ik u didnt invent that or yadda yadda but u really made it seem real. im still learning to take each day slower, to breathe in a little deeper, but the beauty of so many things i previously dismissed is so obvious to me now. that post you made about you and ur mutuals educating a whole generation is so true lol. so just thank you. honestly thank u thank u thank you from the bottom of my heart. im a senior now who just submitted my yale application tonight and thought of you and im a little drunk right now so i think thats why i wrote this whole ass essay but just. like idk. u changed me and idek know you. i made my friend who got into princeton a trap card bc urs was so inspiring lol. anyways i truly hope you have a peaceful happy life and a good night. your soul is really such a beautiful thing and you deserve the world pls never settle for anything less
idc if it’s parasocial i love u and want the best for u and know u will go far and i almost doxxed myself by telling u the city i live in so u could look me up if you’re ever here lol. ik im a stranger or whatever but im proud of u idc ur like my adopted little sibling now. also @taumoeba yale card inspiring generations
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basilbunnii · 3 months
any physical nina and jack hcs? like how they look, disabilities, how strong they are etc?
i am SO glad you asked :D i've got a lot of them so buckle in LOL
(all under the cut this is a biggie)
this goes without saying, but obviously i completely see nina as a scene queen who leans into "trashy y2k" (she's a huge fan of ke$ha and the millionaires)
i feel like shes also totally for getting a lot of piercings because she enjoys feeling bedazzled all throughout the day even if shes sleeping or in pjs/comfy clothes
an absolute glitter FIEND to the point that she's the person putting glitter in her shampoo, glitter in her perfume, glitter accessories, glittery makeup, drink shimmer in everything— literally anything that can be glittery will be glittery
going back to music though, i think her top bands are paramore, the millionaires, and ke$ha— like she's a very healthy mix of scenemo and y2k and it really serves
i also know i draw nina a lot different than other people AND I AM TAKING THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPLAIN MWAHAHA
so my nina does not have a full body bleach because (if i remember right, great, if i don't this is my canon) she gets the acid/bleach dumped over her which i am of the impression it would only bleach her face
i also think that nina would have a moment of clarity after and thats why she would let her smile cuts heal over and scar
i think the chemicals would also get rid of a LOT of her nerve endings in her face so she would not feel a lot of the previously mentioned piercings
i also think her hair would be crispy crunchy from all the hairspray and hair dye and being lit on fire
i can see her also being a big fan of led lights— like the idea of being able to constantly change the color of things around her to match her vibes or her outfit seem totally fitting
onto disabilities, i think nina definitely has QUITE the handful of mental illnesses, but i also feel like she would have pcos which would lean into her wanting to be more feminine from an infertility standpoint and "wanting to be more of a woman" so to speak
as for the mental illnesses she is 150% someone with bpd in my mind. i also think she suffers with psychosis and ptsd, as well as i think she would be on the spectrum (she's def got a special interest in fashion/design)
i also think a lot of those would pop up in her childhood, namely the bpd and the ptsd, because of the bullies and the outcasting, but i think jeff's influence on her life would lead to more prominent symptoms and reactions alongside psychosis and delusions caused by the psychosis
she's also got a problem with obsession and obsessive tendencies (as i think we all know or acknowledge— i have no clue if that was canon in original but fanon hast declared it)
i do think she's definitely strong so to speak, probably a bit more than the average person, but i think her "strength" would come from agility and flexibility when it came to murders
that being said i think she was definitely in dance and gymnastics when she was a kid which contributes to that
i do also think that she gets hurt pretty often regardless because she gets trigger happy and loses her accuracy (much to jack's dismay)
shes way more spry and quick than most people so while maybe you could out-strengthen her, you couldn't outrun her and she would be able to slip out of difficult positions easily
totally off of vibes but she lived in the midwest before the slendermansion
like as someone in the midwest of america that story REEKS of midwest 👎
so i feel like jack leans more into a simple emo getup— hoodie and jeans, flannel and jeans, not super showy (but nina would definitely dress him up)
its giving very overdressed girlfriend and underdressed boyfriend (at least next to her he is)
jack doesn't necessarily listen to a lot of emo songs though, honestly its a really healthy mix of everything "alt" so to speak
when it comes to disabilities, jack has super noticeable ocd
he's always super clean, always organized, everything has a place and it's in it's place (the complete opposite of nina who is the messiest person on earth)
he's definitely got other things like ptsd, depression, etc etc but i think the ocd definitely plays a HUGE role to the point that it's way more important to get across than anything else is because a lot of the mental illnesses of creepypastas are assumable (in my mind at least but i am super into psychology)
i don't think jack has any super noticeable disabilities and my justification is because he is literally a demon they don't usually have a problem unless they're a sinner in origin and mr man was sacrificed not a sinner
i don't think his vision is perfect for a demon though, i do think that the lack of eyeballs is a bit deterring there
doctor handwriting
very very doctor handwriting
there's a big separation in the way he acts whenever he's level-headed and whenever he's remotely emotional
i do think it's fairly hard to get him over that point of level-headedness though— he's very calm and collected until something is pretty personal or sensitive
i've seen a lot of people on here (one or two LMFAO) call him a feline-type demon which i agree with to a degree, he purrs and he's definitely got almost pressure points that make him purr, but i don't believe in the tail (arrest me i am an early 2010s creepypasta fan it takes me by surprise every time)
i do also indulge in elf ear jack i thoroughly enjoy that
jack definitely has a few piercings, but not nearly as many as nina (because thats a VERY high bar)
in terms of strength— i feel like my headcanons are pretty assumable because jack is a demon
he's already pretty strong as is, like he is nothing to fuck with even when he's calm and collected and unprovoked— but get him riled up and i think its a million times worse
there's less of a barrier whenever he's emotional because it creates this blurry-headedness that obviously does not mix well with being a demon and the emotions make him go from like this normal mode to a much scarier much more intense "final form demon" mode
if you take anything out of the strength portion, take "dont fuck with the demon" out of it 🫶
i mentioned that nina lived in the midwest, jack lived on the east coast (namely new jersey)
if you made it this far have another piece of art i made for my ipad background of the sillies (theyre on nina's couch cuddling i love them)
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if yall want relationship hcs next lmk.... or shoot me an ask if you want other characters bc istg i've been holding onto these since i was 10
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tarot-tea-cafe · 1 year
12 spread reading
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a reading commissioned by @melodymogai
(really really sorry this is a bit late /g)
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i did a celtic cross spread for this reading.
question being asked: what does the future hold in regards to health (mental and physical), relationships, school, work and the state on the possibility of moving out.
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page of coins - reversed -"present position" - the atmosphere in which the question is being asked -reversed: a lack of common sense, immaturity, laziness, apathy -the question being asked may be coming from a place where you feel like you arent doing enough, possibly you feel youre apathetic towards things currently and feel as tho youre lost and being lazy or you worry this is the case. -this card specifically mentions welcoming the beginning of spring, fitting as thats where we're at now. -it sounds like the beginning of spring right now is starting out with a lot of uncertainty, and you need to look on the upside to see the start of a new season as a fresh start rather than the coming of negatives.
three of wands - upright -"immediate influences" - the influences and obstacles that lie ahead the closest. -upright: self-motivation, freedom, reward, romance -the things that are influencing your path of the desired future and the things that stand as a bump in your road first, seem to be the things you use to motivate yourself, your desire for freedom (your want to move out) and possibly a current romantic relationship (maybe the state its in or your partner) -the influence these things have arent necessarily bad. for example it could be encouraging you to continue to use/find self-motivation or that your lack of such is one of the obstacles. -this is best interpreted by you.
the hanged man - reversed -"goal or destiny" - a clear state on your goal and what is most likely to be accomplished with the current situation at hand -reversed: willfulness, useless sacrifice, rushing, thoughtlessness, martyrdom -the hanged man is a card that halts things to take time to reflect. know your goal, moving out and checking on the state of things in your life, as well as know what youre doing thats moving things forward or hindering and what you can do to improve. -your willfulness to push forward, to fix things, and willfulness in general is a good thing to have and something you should keep up as its helping you keep going. -however youre doing this all while sacrificing things that arent worth doing so, such as time, energy or health. as you bring up health in your question its likely youre willingly sacrificing your mental health to go forward with something and you shouldn't be doing that. -dont rush towards your goals, allow yourself to take time with things.
knight of coins - upright -"distant past" - the influences of events of the past that the current present is basing on. -upright: ambition, hard work, persistence, being efficient. -in the past you have been as the above states, persistent, ambitions and working hard towards your goal and desired future as well as with your work, schooling, health and current relationships. -this may have lead to some wavering thats caused doubts and then lead up to the current question you asked for this reading or may be a big factor in it that pushed the snowball. -your hard work and persistence will not go unrewarded, keep up your ambitions and you will get through things.
nine of cups - reversed -"recent past events" - more recent events and influences that brought about the present. -reversed: greed, devastation, pessimism, addiction, self-loathing. -it seems past influences where definitely a heavy amount of doubts and some form of vices, possibly the influence of other's words and actions like greed turning up the dial on your own negative thoughts and/or behaviours that brought our your question and current situation. -its possible past issues even after the hard work you put into things are what caused your current doubts now making you wary of the future.
eight of cups - reversed -"future influence" - overall influences in your near future for the desired path youre on. -reversed: aimlessness, fear of abandonment, depression, settling, hopelessness -this card serves to warn you of things that may come up and things you shouldn't give into. -dont let your fears and doubts drag you down, remember the good you still have during these hard times. the rough patches to come are just that, dont let yourself grasp ahead for something to hold onto blind in the dark, know what you have and that what you have is secure. -keep in mind that no matter how down things may seem, now or in the future, theres still reasons around for you to keep your head up and there always will be, be it people or coping mechanisms you have.
queen of wands - upright -"the questioner" - the card that lays out your current attitude and tries to steer you, the questioner, in the right direction of a better perspective. -upright: optimism, independence, confidence, passion, verve. -your current attitude and outlook is good! keep your optimism, stay positive, the passion and enthusiasm you have or need for things will help you -if youre worried that you seem childish or annoying because of how outgoing and passionate you are, you arent, its not bad, keep it up. -youre allowed to want independence, youre allowed to look forward to that and be hopeful towards a brighter future.
five of swords - upright -"environmental factors" - talking about your habits, influences on others and tendencies around others that all have an affect on you. -upright: surrender, betrayal, bullying, violence, crime. -this card refers to a fight won through deceit. it may reference that you have a habit of deceiving others to get through things but this doesnt necessarily mean you do it in a malicious or manipulative way, rather it may refer to masking as a coping or defensive mechanism around others. as in you have a tendency to hide yourself, your thoughts, behind a smile and a nod as to get past your current issues. -this may be causing you mental strain and emotional exhaustion and it might be best to avoid doing this. a "just smile and agree" attitude likely will only hinder you further rather than make you feel any better.
two of cups - upright -"inner emotions" - this card expresses just that, your inner thoughts, desires and emotions, current as well as future. -upright: a happy relationship, equality, partnership, attraction, connection -its clear you desire healthy relationships, which is a good thing to want, and your hope for the future is that things will still be in good light in regards to current relationships. -in the future these thoughts and hopes may still be there, but that does mean things will be, are or remain bad, just that you want the healthy, happy and positive aspects of things to be maintained. its good to have that outlook.
page of cups - reversed -"final results" - the overall results and conclusion based on the influences from the previous cards. -reversed: bad news, jealousy, obsession, childhoods problems, immaturity. -your past influences seem to be the heaviest of them, especially in regards to doubts. -the best prediction for a result, an answer to your question that youre looking for, is that so long as you keep your head up and dont let your doubts, worries and fears cause you to faulter in your ambitions towards your goals, things will go smoothly. you will make it, it will be okay, just keep a positive outlook, look after yourself and keep pushing through. -this specific card wants you to stay connected to your emotions and express yourself, be open with yourself. -the future holds promise. -your doubts, your fears, the negative influences of others will contribute to your bumpy road and obstacles in the future. -your optimism and persistence are the tools that will help you get through things and achieve your goals.
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the celtic cross tends to only have 10 cards to here i'll give an additional 2 for overall thoughts and a conclusion even though 10 pretty much already did that, these two may provide some better clarification and advice.
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11. ten of coins - reversed
-reversed: financial disaster, disputes, instability, broken traditions.
-the ten of coins talks about well earned rewards after a long time of hard work. the future always brings rough patches in life to show that things require that hard work, these obstacles could be financial issues (possible something requiring a price you wont be able to pay at that moment or a price that'll set you back, for an example), arguments with others, and of course your moving out could be seen as a broken tradition in some way, something your family might not expect. -its important to keep in mind that you will get over these hills and make it forward and the reward, the set goals you want to achieve, will have been well worth it in the end.
12. eight of wands - upright
-upright: speed, momentum, travel, excitement, results.
-these last two cards seem to heavily be pointing towards the end of your question, what the future holds/results about your plans to move out. -moving out to a better place can be an exciting thing, especially because it involves the freedom on independence. -this card wants to tell you things will move forward, that before you know it, you'll be there at the end of your path and have reached your goal.
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my conclusion:
things will turn out alright. the road will be a very bumpy one like a gravel or overgrown off-road path, but you'll still get there like you want to. dont be afraid to reach out for support, it'll be there when you need it, you have people around you who will be there for you. no matter how scary things may seem to get, do your best, you'll still pull through.
remember to look after yourself, dont lose sight of things, stay determined. you got this, in the end it will be good.
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sinkableruby · 1 year
if you were going to see each Monogatari character paired with another character in a story which dynamics do you think would be most compelling?
trying to catch up on asks
idk if this is for just any character or other monogatari characters but i will think on both. im also assuming this is like for dynamics we havent really seen yet as opposed to just what my favorite dynamics are
im gonna say full anime spoilers for monogatari, and spoilers for other series too occasionally? nothing TOO huge but yea
koyomi: he talks to everyone so idk how i would do this. but for outside monogatari... i want him to talk to a boy he doesnt talk to boys enough. i think he should talk to jotaro from jjba part 3 purely because i think he'd be really intimidated and it'd be funny. either that or dirk strider because (homestuck spoilers) i think they could bond over creating splinter versions of themselves and almost killing said selves as well as their mutual self hatred
senjougahara: senjougahara has the tendency to dominate the dynamic of whoever she's with and doesnt take shit from anybody so i kinda wanna see her talk to gaen izuko. bc gaen is also someone who dominates the dynamic of whoever she's with (makes sense) but i feel like senjougahara would be extremely unwilling to put up with her and very distrustful. so thered be a lot of push back on gaens scheming that i think could be interesting. as for outside monogatari, i drew a blank on this so id say maybe sakurajima mai because... not only is that series just monogatari but for a wider audience, but mai is also senjougahara but a little bit to the left. i think since they both had mysterious supernatural starts to their relationships with their respective boyfriends they would start competing over whose start was like cooler or w/e for like basically no reason. i think it'd be funny. it'd probably start a little contentious and then just become them gushing about their boyfriends. how sweet
kanbaru: i think if she talked to sodachi she could be a very positive influence in sodachi's social life that she really needs. and i think she'd also do well in cutting down sodachi's pathological self deprecation if they got close. sodachi would try to like look cool in front of her junior and kanbaru would just be like woah youre taking breaks from college thats not good are you ok... and try to offer her help in staying motivated and healthy and all that. kanbaru's inner doctor can really shine lol. outside of mono first person that comes to mind is homura from madoka and they can talk about what absolute disaster gays they are (although homura is significantly more disaster). second person that comes to mind is serinuma kae from kiss him not me because i think they could have a blast going insane about bl together
hanekawa: id like to see her talk to gaen tooe (if it were possible) because tooes ideology challenges hanekawas and i think it could further hanekawas thinking if they managed to talk. its tough for hanekawa cause shes got her whole journey shes on so shes probably super focused on that and less on bonding w ppl or w/e. i think outside of the series itd be fun if she talked to oribe yasuna just bc yasuna is so bouncy energetic and childishly playful but also so annoying that hanekawa would be a little stumped and caught off balance. she'd end up having to go along with yasunas games and be kind of annoyed about it lol.
nadeko: kinda like koyomi nadeko has talked with too many people for me to feel like i can name a new person for a dynamic. outside of the series tho... shes very reserved so she'd have to talk to someone outgoing for anything interesting to happen... she should talk to baka from the wasteful days of high school girls. baka is so rude and would probably tease nadeko for her shyness but is also so genuinely dumb that nadeko wouldnt be offended by it for very long. baka would rope her along into her usual dumb shit which means nadeko would feel put upon but also get to have fun new experiences so cool.
hachikuji: im drawing a blank. maybe numachi, just because numachi is so negative and dark and hachikuji is so encouraging and positive. i dont think theres anyone hachikuji would like get along badly with but i think hachikuji and numachi might have some disagreements that would be an interesting dynamic. hachikuji should talk to phos from hnk because they could have a fun snappy dynamic with each other and their mutual silliness. and also because phos really needs someone like hachikuji in their life 😭. other than that maybe clara valac? theyre both chaotic i think they'd have fun together :)
tsukihi: should talk to kaiki because kaiki would be totally defeated by her. tsukihi brings misfortune to everyone and he knows this so he'd be really annoyed by having to talk to her. the worst part is she would probably critique his lifestyle and philosophy and not even be wrong about it and hed have no choice but to deal with it. in exchange for not bringing it up he would have to pay her off with snacks and cute clothes. shed prolly also be genuinely pissed at him for messing with karen so he'd have to lose a Lot of money and she'd make him lose a lot on purpose, not as much because she wants the stuff but more because she knows he wants the money. she should talk to suzumiya haruhi theyre both forces of nature theyd have a wonderful time unknowingly making the lives of everyone around them 1000x more annoying. they'd like feed off each other it'd be great. they've got like equally low attention spans so theyd go pursuing a new really ambitious project like every week and have a fun time with it. theyre mutually very bored i think they'd get along.
karen: karen should talk to kagenui and do a training montage with her. they'd do a training montage that's what they'd do. karen would adopt kagenui as her mentor after like 3 seconds. im not sure who to have her talk to from outside mono. maybe someone she can mentor instead of her being the mentee. actually i think itd be hilarious if she tried to mentor bocchi. like specifically in like martial arts and physical fitness. and bocchi would be like yes i can get stronger and then all the girls will love me so shes up for it but karen would be just so bad at teaching that it wouldnt amount to anything. but she wouldnt know how bad she is at it and would just keep trying to push through... bless her heart
yotsugi: should talk to senjougahara bc they are both monotone and acerbic it'd be a monotone-and-acerbic-off. who will win. (senjougahara would bring up yotsugi's old catchphrase and win bc yotsugi would die of cringe). i'd like her to talk to iruma because iruma is so sweet and yotsugi would probably be a little rude but also a little nice to him. and then she would make him do stuff for her every now and then bc he cant say no lol. she'd probably use him to pamper herself tbh
sodachi: itd be interesting if she ever talked to shinobu bc she'd be like wow you attached yourself eternally to THAT guy? lame and then she'd like openly mock her. shinobu would probably haughty about it like who cares about the words of a mere human (she does). i think itd be cute if she talked to anya for similar reasons that i think kanbaru should talk to her, only amplified bc anya can literally mind read all her self deprecation and try to cheer her up without letting her know she can read her mind in the way anya tends to. itd be very cute. sodachi would have a lot of fun spoiling her and being like a cool big sister figure. very sweet 😌
shinobu: shes not really interested in talking to people outside of koyomi so im not sure for this one. oops
ougi: i want ougi to talk to meme. the uncle dynamic would be amazing. all the better since ougi seems to dislike being compared to him. theyre both slippery vague people who tend to talk in confusing ways and i think they would have philosophical discussions that would go NOWHERE because neither of them gets to the point. i think ougi would try to critique his ideology and meme would just rebuff the criticism. and then he could bust out the uncley affection (but only in a slightly ironic/indirect way bc hes a tsundere) and itd be very cute (although i think ougi would absolutely hate it lmao). as for outside of the series i have many thoughts about these. like how i think araragi should talk to dirk i think ougi should talk to hal. they would understand each other and also them being together for any period of time upwards of 1 minute would make everyone in the vicinity have an instant migraine. and they could definitely talk philosophy together too! i also think ougi could talk to oreki houtarou from hyouka bc hes got that whole detective mystery solving thing going on and ougi would absolutely love to ask him to solve some mystery and be his watson. and of course theyd also try to lead him around into some dark path which he'd be wary of but might still fall for despite what happened with irisu. another fool for ougi to mess with. but that might be a dynamic too similar to araragis so i also also think ougi could talk to chitanda. ougi could probably pull out some kinda repression from chitanda but chitanda is just so genuine that she would handle it very well and it wouldnt turn into any kind of disaster as ougi would hope it to. really i think they could just bond over their love of mysteries. ougi needs a fellow mystery lover to talk to. (although oreki might also be a fan of mysteries too, partly in novels and stuff and partly irl, i think chitandas bright and loud enthusiasm about it could let her and ougi geek out together and itd be fun 😄)
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cleromancy · 11 months
actually. still thinking about the stuff i mentioned in this post about like. people getting disproportionately mad at jason for mia compared to. like. any other supervillain that is *absolutely* also supposed to be somewhat sympathetic. like, thinking of two-face here in robin: year one (the dixon/beatty version).
because harveys role in the plot is adjacent to what Jason's is. he poses a clear danger to robin that makes the guardian/mentor reconsider the wisdom of having a kid sidekick at all. jason's actually there to make mia think about it, moreso than ollie, but their role as the antagonist of the story raises similar questions.
and i get that with comics in particular, your emotional reaction to what you read will always be influenced by what you see the fandom doing, and you do have... like im fairly sure the harv apologists are just like "i dont care who he hurt he looked good doing it" (and tbeyre so valid for that). and by comparison the jason legion, for we are many, are this whole scatterplot range of--some people only like him as a villain/think hes "unredeemable" (🙄), and some people want every bad thing hes ever done to be whooshed away by "pit madness" (🙄), and some people who. i have no ill will towards them but theyre fans of the new guy, the prime earth guy, and thats just a different character from my guy to the point that hes not even really relevant to ga 69-72 when we talk about it-- but nevertheless theyre in the same fandom, and the guy they like has the same name. so that can color peoples interpretations of whats on the page jf, for example, any of those factions really grates their cheese.
anyway. all that aside i do still feel like people get very angry at jason for being the antagonist--being a supervillain, even--maybe because he's so sympathetic by comparison in under the red hood/lost days (or i guess stuff the new guy's been in, if thats more your speed). like why did he terrorize mia! why did he scare her and beat her up!
and while i think the answer to that, from a character motivation perspective, is so obvious as to be. fucking asinine to need it spelled out-- the real answer is because as the storys antagonist he is there to challenge the protagonist. and in this case the challenge is not only the physical fight, its also a challenge to the question of whether or not plucky teen sidekicks should still exist in a post-death in the family dcu, where the baddies are badder and anyone can die.
r:yo was never asking that *specific* question, so lets just set it aside. thank you for your help harvey.
jason is a much easier target for reader anger than ollie because well. jason is absolutely doing something *wrong,* and he knows it, but he also has a fucking point, *and he knows it.*
ga01 was ABSOLUTELY engaging with and exploring aspects of the kid/teen sidekick trope that we know and love--mia kills a man on her test run, and the responsibility for mia being in a position where she felt like she had to do that, and the resulting trauma, is placed squarely and correctly on ollies shoulders. mias origin story meant she was never safe in her fucking life until she moved in with ollie, and now she finds out its left her with something permanent and life-changing--shes HIV+. what is safety? what is childhood? what does she want out of life, faced with her own mortality? she wants to help people. she wants to be a hero. and the way this unfolds, in the context of the dcu and how it works, you can see why ollie says yes this time. (and im so so glad he did.)
and jason shows up 20ish issues later when shes good and established to be like, "hi. you sure about that?"
and this is a chicken or the egg kind of situation where jason would not have done this to a civilian. shes a superhero. shes in uniform. there is an inherent danger to doing that and while you know that--both you the reader and you, speedy, green arrows junior partner and teen titan--nobody demonstrates it like jason "trolley problem" todd, both as the first notable dead sidekick and an incredibly dangerous, incredibly *terrifying* person. one who is *hell-bent* on *proving* it to you.
and when i say chicken and egg i mean while jason's responsible for his own actions, Ollie is explicitly responsible for mia's safety. imo blowing up the school wasn't to scare mia--it was to scare ollie. jason took the stakes of what it means to be speedy, or to *have* a speedy, and made them concrete. and that takes the concept of a plucky teen sidekick and makes it uncomfortable again because, god, she's just a kid. should she really be fucking doing this? (should her guardian really be *letting* her do this?)
(and people forget this, or purposely ignore it, but jason cant be more than 2 years older than her in this continuity, using tim as a benchmark. and i say this not because i want to emphasize that he would see mia as a peer rather than a child--though he would--or to imply he wasnt responsible for his actions--he was. i say this bc what was he doing in the supervillainy, he should have been at the club)
what i was getting at was i think rather than allowing the concept to exist in that gray area it is so much easier, so much more comfortable, to instead just be like. Well jason shouldn't have done that. he could have done it a different way. if he never put her in danger she wouldn't have been in that danger that night. and yknow all of those things are true but they don't negate the point he was making (and he was also doing more than that yk but this post is already Long lol), which was that that uniform puts a target on her chest. are you prepared for what that means?
and the difference between jason doing this, and Harvey, aside from the relative annoyingness of the people who want to condemn or exonerate them, is that. jason is not just a supervillain. he is a victim of *exactly* this thorny question. and he became a supervillain directly in response to this. you can not separate his actions here from the part where he knows what the fuck hes talking about, because it happened to him. and to make that less thorny, less uncomfortable, the focus turns away from the point he was making back to. Well he shouldn't have done it like he did it. while also ignoring that...... he did it like he did it because he knew how it felt, what it meant, to be a hero. if he didn't do it like he did it, would it have gotten through to them at all? would we still be talking about it like 20 years later?
anyway jason did such a good job posing uncomfortable questions in the narrative 🥰 im so proud of him for all his hard work!
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hello!! this is just a simple ask blog for my genshin oc's because i wanted to. heres little intros and how you can tell whos who. i get remembering names is hard so this post is pinned for your quick understanding. also images of faces putting here are not confirmed confirmed how they look, its just most recent pictures of them. lastly just pls plss ask anything i am brain rot ehehrjdbsjc
Liane: ace captain of the hydro archons guard. but works more as a scout. dosent have much power in the ranks because shes pretty new but shes pretty good at hand to hand combat and keeps the best interests of people at heart. shes a spunky softie that shows her truest affections through pranks, and helps negotiations between the protestors and the state by being a bridge to work on understandings. she also has a cryo vision and is a spear user, but because theres only one tumblr blue she gets orange cause thats also part of her color palet.
Arata: honnors judicial student, he is working on his academics to some day join the court as a judge. he is an admirable student, but dosent really get along with his class mates. all exept his ex class mate Liane. he seems very stand off-ish on the outside to others, but to those hes close to hes a kind, albeit blunt friend. hes great at keeping up with others jokes and pulling them down to earth, but also gets heavily flustered very easily if you hit him just right. hes the biggest negotiator in the revolution and uses his extensive knowledge of the law to argue for the people. he also uses the wording to bend and challange sentances that are unfair. hes also a electro sword user and so gets purple cause purple :>
Mary: also know as Mary Anne, or the pure archons lady, is the public head of church. she is hard to explain, not many people have gotten close enough to her to understand her true motives. what is known tho is that she is one of the deciders for anything that relates to the past hydro archons religion. she calculatws out most of her moves and dosent let anyone touch her unless she fully consents. the holy wall of pure flame she summons makes sure of that. when she assumed her position she swore her life to the old archon and to make sure the spirit of justice stayed true in fontaine. she also never expected to meet that said dead archon. with her heavy power with the church and influence on the state she gives leverage to the protesting side and keeps regular donations from the church to the poorer towns in fontaine. shes also a pyro catalyst therfore red yes.
Lucien: public leader of the revolution. aka a confused guy that woke up a few years ago and learned that hes living in a past archons body. hes just a guy that wants the best for people? and mabey to like, not have people wanting his head? hes pretty smart and when it comes to militaristic planning or board games but other that that dosent have many chances to aply his skills. he also dosent trust anyone exept for his 3 'concubines'(friends but needed to give them that title for their protection). as head of the revolution to the public he helps a lot with protests and comunicating the wants for the goverment to have and take into account. like less poluting in smaller towns water suplies and proper wages so people dont get arested for stealing food to survive. hes a hydro bow user so hes the one that actually gets the blue and hopefully mabey a nap at some point? let this boy get a break-
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ribbonpinky-art · 1 year
feeling melancholic and hopeless again. so im gonna just write out my emotions and none of it correlating. self pity post galore
im thinking about things. life is rough. so stressful. my mental illness is worsening by the day. lots of stuff happens behind the scenes that i choose to not talk about
and what im thinking about now, is that who was once one of my absolute comforts (junko).. im thinking abt that adorable little fumo plush of her i ordered several months ago is just sitting on top of my other plushies.. that i wasn't even excited to have her when she first arrived.
i didn't care.
and that hurt, knowing i didn’t, remembering how much she once meant to me.
same with my Chang’e. i want nothing to do with either of them now. they no longer bring me an ounce of comfort, only dread and remnants of a self indulgent story of kindness that once lifted me up. it all died. feels too idealistic. i feel like im too much of an outcast to let this story exist outside my private circles. i dont even want it anymore, or if i want to ever again
i think as of lately, focusing on oc’s (including ones i havent spoken of yet) has been better for my state of mind
doesnt help that im kiiinda only appreciated for my Junko works!!!! awesome!! i dont want to draw her anymore !!! fml!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! other people are better at drawing her than me anyway, ya wont miss me. lemme focus on my evil lady oc instead...
maybe im being melodramatic, and i do not care. perhaps in a few months i will be enamored with them again? idk. idc either
i feel more disconnected than ever to fandom, when i was seldom a part of any of it in the first place. im that person that exists on the outskirts, not really part of their community. im disconnected to people. i cant make connections with anyone, but i never could .. ok . i could, with a couple folks here and there. im grateful they want me around (not counting my partner of course, theyre the best thing thats ever happened to me. im not just lucky, im fortunate af we met at all)
im aware of my own issues- im autistic, im unmedicated when i probably need meds to regulate my emotions, i live in a toxic family. im triggered terribly easily, and when im hurt, it *hurts*.
 i fear that, because of my strange way of speaking and how a lot of my conversations are stilted, and what i perceive as unusual behavior-- i fear i make other people creeped out/uncomfortable. irl or otherwise. like, maybe ppl will be friendly to me at first, but after a year and i dont say much anything and im just this creepy, quiet weirdo to them now. and thats so silly. whats creepy about me?? im a pint size thing who cant even look anyone in the eye very well. is that creepy?? ok, i struggle to talk sometimes, i might be uninterested in conversation but i dont want to be disliked for it-- idk ((ok i have “Creep” by Radiohead set in my mind because of my mental state, and its kinda funny to me for some reason)
i genuinely feel like i lack intelligence. i suck at thinking. i suck at thinking of words, remembering things, and the tiny mistakes i do make are SO small that it should be impossible to make the mistake in the first place. was i always like this? i feel like i used to be smarter , lol
i am quite literally, a complete failure in my family. i cant stress the truth in that enough. even my grandmother is disappointed in me and only wants to see a text message from me saying i got a worthy job in my field. that only thing that matters to anyone, my one and only point of interest in everyone i speak to in my life even outside my family, is that i dont have a real job. thats it. everyone is waiting for me to be.. someone.
because im no one.
but none of them have been a particularly positive influence in my life, seeing as im stuck here.
i genuinely feel disgusting for existing. my body feels wrong to be in when i am visible to any human being. perhaps even to any animal and bug, too. i dont want to be looked at, to be remembered by anyone who wont understand me
nothing is changing!!!!! and when it is, its worse than before!! why cant i just be brave and GO
not all of this reflects reality. i beat myself up a lot. mirrin knows it. i know it.
it hurts
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rainecloud020604 · 1 year
RAINE idk where you want to say it but can you tell me more about Universo's Holy Sinners AU 🥺I was thinking about it lots today and I wanna hear your Thoughts
oh my god this post ended up a mile long under the cut with ye!!
okay SO :3c Holy sinners is actually an AU that @flowerrose14 came up with by going "hehe wouldnt it be funny if Anthony was a demon and Universo was a priest and they had a thing going on" and well yea how could I not go wild with an idea like that? In Aus i do like to do things like change ocs species if need be, as for this au Universo instead of being a god is in fact an angel disguised as a priest on earth
Now the reason they are disguised is because he has been walking on the earth since like the late late 1800s and has grasped this is an area mortals tend to well use this position for power and manipulate people and Universo wanted to find a way to eliminate that, as well as get away from the role of a warrior angel as slaying demons constantly gets tiring and boring after a few hundred years :( finding a way to work themself into being a priest and also finding a specific church to work on and rid it of corruption and rebuild it to be more open and safe to all people of hell even different religions too
This is just a small but big goal universo has been working on for a WHILE, and in the mean time having a job got them a little too much money than he needed so in the 1950s they had a huge house built, several rooms and they planned it out perfectly so it could have several people living there as Uni wanted another place for people to be able to come to and live for a bit or a while if needed, the roof is high enough for them to get through and the smallest room is theirs as he doesnt really need that much and wants any people who he takes in to feel comfortable and get the room they prefer and not have to have the smallest one
though all of this is background stuff on this universo <33 it is minor things but it leads up to current uni who is a priest, and has a few kids hes taken custody of living in their house of all sorts of traumatized origins that well what can they do other than make sure they are comfortable and have a place the feel safe <3 Though there is Artsy who hates them because of Anthony's influence on her which leads to a lot of spite fueled actions where uni sits there going "okay good luck be safe" and her getting pissy ahfdkjhsfash
All while duel wielding this universo has to deal with Anthony. Who honestly just pisses off universo SO much because its just constant fighting and exorcisms and dealing with his bullshit that is flirting????? fucked up flirting???? Anthony just annoys Universo to hell and back and gets under their skin often enough that Uni has almost almost considered wiping Anthony off of this plane of existence because of this demons bullshit, but they havent so its fine! It's only like Anthony ripped off Universos brothers wings at some point and thats when universo finally snapped to let anthony get a small taste of what they are hiding underneath that guise of a priest <3 After all universo puts a lot of energy into concealing their aura of how powerful of an angel they are because well that can draw a lot of attention from demons he doesnt want at all! Though Anthony isn't helping at all :/
A lot of universos life is private though part of it is dragged into the public eye against their will, after all you house a cult victim and the news wants to be in your face constantly about it when shes out and about with you as you are trying to help her through exposure therapy to get out of the house a little more. A lot of this bullshit just annoys Universo but they do their best to appear relaxed and unbothered by it constantly, after all its just stupid stuff no need to give the public some entertainment while you are trying to help someone out >:( especially recovering from something traumatic, though his home life otherwise is rather chaotic in other means, got two ghosts in the house who were guardians of one kid who uni has decided to make sure their graves were proper and also the documentary about them and their criminal past before death didnt misgender either of them, its all a little chaotic but thats okay! after all Universo did in fact kinda welcome this into the house <3
theres so much going on with him and it makes me ghjekrgkehgerhgjk because they choose to juggle so much and its fine, he can handle being a holy man on top of this and making sure people of all practices have a place to do so <3 Universo rebuilt a catholic church for this purpose and he'll be damn sure this is a safe place as it took a lot of work
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dhaaruni · 2 years
Hi! Hope you’re having a good day - mines been pretty shit tbh so if the tone of this is dumb I’m sorry and it’s also very long and rambling so feel free to ignore but I’m just kind of shocked to see you defend being bdsm (aka being against the sexualisation of abuse and violence particularly against women)?
Like ‘what a man does in the privacy of his own home is his own business’ has always been peoples response to mens abuse. I just don’t understand how is it not incredibly fucked to get off on abuse? How is the physical damage done when strangling/beating/hurting someone in one of the millions of ways people (men) hurt each other (women) different when done consensually? If my boyfriend hits me during sex why is it a big deal if he does it during an argument if he didn’t even hit me as hard during the argument as he did in bed? What if he strangled me in bed (something that could kill me and is one of the biggest indicators that a man will kill you) then hitting me isn’t actually that bad in comparison considering the level of harm. What is the difference between ‘after care’ and bringing your girlfriend flowers after hitting her? How does it not create the same trauma bond? A lot of people into bdsm make it very clear that they are mentally unwell (not judging, I am too just different poor coping mechanisms) and I just don’t see how being a masochist different from self harm. How is bdsm not the biggest example of rape culture? How can you recognise the patriarchy’s influence on so many womens choices but not the choice to want to submit sexuality? How are teen girls supposed to cope with their boyfriends literally wanting to beat and rape them but all the adult sources around them are telling them thats totally normal and not dangerous they just need to consent? Because teenage girls are amazing at enforcing their boundaries and totally don’t give in to peer pressure or do things they don’t want to do for male approval. How are you meant to break up with a man who you know enjoys and is capable of beating and raping you?
TLDR : I’m just trying to understand your perspective because it seems very contradictory to your other views like being against rape, violence against women, anti racist, anti incest ect. just everything that bdsm sexualises and normalises
No you're all good, I don't mind answering lol. I'm not letting this be reblogged for obvious reasons though.
I completely agree with you in that societally speaking, BDSM is constantly used to excuse violence against women and it's really fucked up to get off on hurting others, and any man that says they're into BDSM on principle should likely be in jail.
That said, I also think that in the context of consensual romantic sexual relationships between adults, it's possible to enjoy certain things on occasion that aren't super vanilla on principle. And, I'm not really talking about hookups here, I'm talking long-term relationships with people you trust lol. I'm also not giving teenagers sex advice and I think "blowjobs are empowering" feminism that young millennials and Gen Z was raised on did more harm than good to our perceptions of healthy sexuality, but the rumors are true: I, an unmarried adult woman, enjoy sex with people I romantically like and trust as people lmao.
But to clarify, I'm really not a proponent of anything truly extreme, and I'm extremely intentional about setting boundaries and if anybody crosses them, they get blocked and banned for life. I'm generally cool with trying sex positions, but both parties always have veto privileges if something is painful or uncomfortable or simply not enjoyable. And personally, anything involving metal, spanking or hitting, choking, etc. are all total no-gos for me and I will never be swayed on that. A light hand on the neck is not remotely the same thing as asphyxiation, and to even get to that point, I need to trust the guy.
And, I would never trust let alone fuck a guy who can't get off without that stuff! My point is that it's okay to try things out, whether that's basic kink or weird sex positions that you fall out of and laugh at yourselves, not what you do every single time you have sex. If a guy whines about women being boring in bed or "vanilla," kick the man to the curb lmao.
All that said, I would never tell women they're bad people if they are against stuff I'm personally comfortable with. My point is just that sex isn't like a cut and dry thing, and it's really healthy to communicate and discuss what you like and don't like with your partner.
Does that make sense lol?
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selamat-linting · 2 years
there was a few things i missed and got wrong on my homestuck liveblog yesterday. first of all, i mistook terezi with kanaya with that morallegiance chat with vriska. makes sense, they used to be roleplay buddies until that mess of an incident. not taking away vriska's responsibility from that clusterfuck but, wonder how much of it is doc scratch influence. good god girl, why are you gambling with a literal god? also WHY rose is trusting that white ball asshole? i dont like him at all. he's basically responsible to a lot of the mess the trolls and beta kids is going through.
anyway, at the last page i left off, terezi and vriska's attitude towards each other is largely shown in the boy-off with dave and john. with karkat screaming in the background (he always screams in the background). so its easy to miss that theyre very much in a weird complicated, frenemy state with each other. that in between space where you're not sure if theyre genuinely fucking hates each other or theyre ribbing on each other like two meanspirited friends do. i've been there sister, i've been there.
speaking of vriska (again, because she is my child who has every disease), oh her relationship/friendship with tavros is very conflicted and, i dare say, delicious? this is something that im sure would hit even harder if tavros wasnt relegated to the butt of ableist jokes more than he's treated as a character but. trust me. imagine youre tavros. your friend(?) is vriska. she crippled you, she saved your life, she berates you at every turn, she kissed you. deep down she only wants best for you. she wanted you to kill her. she wanted you to hate her enough to do it. she doesnt want to bleed to death alone. she's begging you to kill her. she's could have forced you to do it but she doesnt. because this is for you both to grow stronger and survive. thats all she wanted all along. for you both to thrive in a world that eats you alive. she needs you to kill her. oh god *head in hands*
-so its really really sad to see vriska being so lonely after killing tavros. she dug a hole too deep to get out alone and the remaining friends she had that could have accepted her again are all dead or too burned out of her. i wish they both can meet each other again. just to talk and find closure. like, tavros deserves to be angry with vriska and he deserves to have that peace he always wanted from her. and vriska deserves to start being a better person and getting some peace of mind. she deserves a chance, is all im saying. like, its okay if tavros cant give it to her. but some of her friends could. maybe terezi? the worst they ever do to each other in terms of direct harm is the eye injury. or maybe karkat? oh god i dont want to hear them arguing, i would go deaf!
-at least vriska has john! its nice to see them being friends with each other. Tbh john has been a breath of fresh air (hehe) in all the doom and gloom. im not looking forward to him meeting his dead dad but right now, my boy is walking around the village with one of the finest music i heard so far. and then he drive a flying car with WV. its just, he is so positive and amidst a set of characters who lost all of their innocence, he remains as the one guy who tries to enjoy the game and take everything in stride. he felt smug when the salamanders keep referencing in his title, he bought everyone hats and snacks, he gave moral support to vriska. the harley and egbert family is so positive about everything and its so endearing!
-AND JADE! fuck yeah she's starting to show how awesome she is. YES JADE say fuck you to karkat! its been long overdue!!! she also should say fuck you to vriska too as a treat. and fuck you to tavros too. and fuck you to that prince of hope (more like doom lol) who blew up her computer. she deserve monetary compensation to deal with that troll polycruel.
-special mention to dave btw. i dont remember him doing anything particularly exciting lately but i believe he's the one carrying the team. john and jade had to do their quest to be effective in defeating the english demon guy (the brits are all demons lol) and rose had to be their prime researcher and strategist, so he basically did the save everyone's ass part. i cant wait to see him hang out with terezi. Also is it bad of me to want him go godtier? Like, it would be interesting.
-and other time aspect characters i want to appreciate, aradia! babygirl have finally get rid of her hopelessness and come back to life! and now she's bringing the gang back together!!! and putting the pieces on why gamzee suddenly breaks. too bad gamzee never had a chance to show his personality. anyway, im starting to think i was wrong about lil cal. like, i think it was posessed but oh no its just bro moving him around, but somehow that fucking puppet is the one wrapped up in literally everything. aradia finds that shitty doll and somehow its connected to gamzee losing it and the game sgurb and doc scratch and... whats going on????
-in conclusion, timebound kids are always the one carrying the team. they are hard to find but theyre the one who could determine how you win or lose the game.
-but how can i forget? kanaya! she came through. i really thought she was dead! but she is alive, and she kills people with a chainsaw than apply lipstick to her bloodstreak lips. she is trying so hard to be Hinged. final girl behavior fr. i wonder how she's going to meet rose again. i hope she talked rose out of that suicide mission.
-and can we talk about karkat? man, imagine leading an army of kids who did kill and maim each other before the game even starts. imagine being the lowest of the social hierarchy and trying to make the most toxic friendgroup filled with racists and murderers to listen to you. imagine being able to do that despite all the odds, bring them to victory, and have the price right on your hands only for it to be ripped away and your friends devolve into chaos and murder several hours later. its a failure of untold magnitude. no wonder he's so disturbed and angry at himself and everyone.
-okay now that im done with the characters. i want to compliment how good everyone looks. the art and the fashions are all sooo amazing. the talksprite is also wonderful. im inclined to change my pfp into feferi's talksprite because i like her design so much. also because hooray! She's just dead, not corrupted by horrorterrors. in my mind she is laughing at tavros and doomed dave rap battle while surrounded by beautiful scenery
-also, i cant believe infinite stairs are referenced AGAIN with sollux and karkat. and SMUPPET ASS JOKE? on tavros dead body? lmao. okay i need to see smuppet ass on dave again. he was just so funny with it. and karkat shipping craze with jadesprite and jade. the jokes are really good, fr
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solardick · 2 months
Year one.
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As to pluto and uranus seeming interchangeable, one always has residue from the other.
Prime seal.
… ugh. And i give up having any human connectiin to anyone. Its never going happen. Been trying for 40 years. It diesnt exists in hell.
I was just born for the sole purpose of being fucked. And never experiencing anythign other.
Yay, neptune is coming to aries. Time to soems the rest of my life in a delusion.
Well, guess i’ll if i survive another year. Its another eros/psyche conjunction this Christmas. A spyche/ Eros return for my birthday. With okuto square oluto. And saturn square/ opposition uranus. Everything is hapoening on the late. 26th ish degrees. Ass is still sensitive. Makes me want to die. Another year stolen by the enrourage pf people working me over these last few decades. And this rapist culture. They tild me 20 years ago that i may not survive this.
But they’re dumb and biased and have my motives all wrong. Doesnt matter im always im the wrong being wronged.
Moral of my life story, dint fight for what you beleive in.
All my dreams are dead. Theres no point being alive. In hust a villain framed by fucken villains.
Maybe if i live to see neptune in aroes in this scrit dedigned yo rape my life. Ill spend the rest of my “functionsl” yeRs veinb an alcoholic.
Freat my ass is going to keep me up all night again. Miss more work. Lose more life. Not like im
Not serrounded by there anyway. Its always been that way. Since birth.
Well, tarot’s dead. Now i no longer even have a hobby. I have nothing.
I din’t need a brain or personal development or to learn anything. Ill just be pure sex. Nothign else.
And ill nusy pretend i like the people im with. Bit i really do not give a shit. Thats too bad i was good at tarot. I can just go back to indiscriminately watching tv again. And ill just go back to fantasizing about sex all day. Cause thats all im good for.
Wonder what hating myself for the rets of kife is going to be like. I don’t need to produce or create anything. Im just here to satiate desires for others to stabd over me. Its been 40 years of it. Its not going to stop now. Do need life guard qualities either. Don’t need to help and try to fix others. Or take any position of assertion. Theres no point.
There’s only tei reasons to be alive. To reproduce or to produce. I cant have either. Im just here to consume whatver cock they through at me. Cayse i live in a hypersexed perverted, rapist civilization. That Just shits all over natural law. They’ve destroyed everything. I dont even childhood memeries.
Well huess im not dtaying at wirk todsy.
Go hime play video games by myséf. In the dark. While syill being open to
Abuse. And smoke dope. I dont need a brain. Or a life.
Fuck tour shadow work and fuck yoyr byllshiy
My own family, took pleasure in being superior over me. Since my first memory own. Well except that short while i got to be a big brother and look out for them from all the negative influences on impressionable youth. Or dumb old people. Why wouldn’t the rest of the world too. If your own famuly did it. It doubles extra for the rest of the world.
So my suicide is still on the horizon. As with this fucken horrorscope is to year one.
Whilw this entire fucken entourage micro manages my fycken spyche, mirroring reality. If i do anything remotly masculime or hetero theyd put and leave signs around. That correspoded to ehat i was foing.
Doing everything in their power witj their homo nazi manifesto. Being totalitarians
Suppose to be happy right now with a wife and three year kid but whaéve r
I feel so wrkng and unatural i fucken hate this. Fucken kill me. My father is fucken laughing at me.
How many more years i am going to be tortured by assholes.
Im quitting my day rape job and hanging myselg.
Everyone including my family are forcing me to kill myaelf how do you think i feel. 40 fucken years of this shit.
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Yeah ok, sure. All rainbows and sunshine abd mental bs. With no sleep, and a vagina that never goes dry.
And wveryone thinks im sonething im not.
Fuck your horrorscope and fuck uranus.
Fuck you all for dtanding by watching and reading and not helping me be rid of those fucken assholes being abusive fuckers. And for joining in on keeping mw envlosed in this bs. Perpetuaying the disorder and then raping me for it. Your entire way of oives deserve to burn.
A real himan bwing wouldvhave killed me instead of torture. What the fuck is wrong woth this picture. It aint me.
It dirsnt fucjen matter im being murdered ians im not hping to be alive much longer. So cheerios to a world populated by dipshits and rapists. Worse than whst russia gets flaked for.
Fucken woodpeckers.
Put that up on the list of sexual derogatories. It has the word pecker in it.
And eating chivken makes uou gay.
Finger livking good. Now im going to go buy some chocolat bars named after various cocks.
And good fortune. Saturn is the good guy. Keeping the fucks above at bay from crowsing its fucken boraders. And raping existance.
Pretty french girl with a daughter. She needed love. And to be noticed. So i watched a bit. She was trying to be inconspicous about noticing me. I smiled. Whether she saw. Im not sure maybe. My periphery iwas being used into somethign else. But, she came back aftwr she left. And whenni was walkign out the door she came back. Had her cart stuck in the door. I moved it. And like a ghost. She said something to me. That she has to go over there. An di had to move out of the way. For her to have the room to do so. I gave her the love she needed. If only in a small part that leaves her memory by tomorow.
Too bad im being murdered.
This os another part of me im teying to protect. But the world doesn twamt it.
I shouldnt show this side of me though. Unlike the sickness and bs. Its never been supported.
But their “therapy” is working.
And ill
Live out all the worset parts of me for the rest of days. And cry over never knwoing what love received feels like. Giving in to every craving, losing the conscience. Being envoloped by darkness and retard clowns.
Always filling a need or a desire over everything else. Over life itself. And the bodies it inhabits. Thats ehat the eorld wants.
I dont want to be slive anymore. Why cant i judg kill myself.
I dont need to be able to focus on anything. Or even sleep.
And i dont need to self -develop at all. In any posotive capacity. I have othets to do that for me. Save that they dont care.
I coukd be a normal person going through a divirce settlement at moment. But no.
Be on pills for the rest if my life. That restrict me from driving.
I aont taking anti depressants. That shit fucked me up. Made me unstable. And imbalanced. Even after 2-3 years of “covid” or emasculation. Same thing. I still firgot my mask everyday. It was the same with the pills. Then i got beat up again and family members ayanding over by body on the ground. Lecturing me. Then i quit the pills and got raped by the world.
One homo or drunk or drug addiilct after the bext fucken abusing me. Year after year. Place after place. While being in this entrapement of shadow assholes guiding me to everything negative experience. To force me into being a sissy slut.
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hi-there-cake · 1 year
do u have anythingf u want to say about ghost eyes so farrrR????
hm!!! i think its very inch resting!! there are some parts i dont like (emilio is. Like That without pills + carmello’s whole deal seeming unrealistic like when he stops bullying rudy after rudy pleads and his crush gets a hold of him (though i still need to read more of it!!) but otherwise i like it a lot! it feels a bit like a case study almost both due to being “uncensored” as well as the either intentional or unintentional themes. i like how pobodys nerfect in this story, like lots of them are just kind of dicks but in the end theyre still good people. expectations are kind of toyed with like when yfirst meet luther you think hes going to be one of those . stereotypical abusive angry uncles(IM SO SORRY LUTHER) BUT HES NOT!!! despite or even because of the way he is hes one of the most positive influences in tobias’s life ever. or rudy seeming sweet (he is) but theres always that undercurrent of him being sharper than he seems to be. i say sharper not as an allegory for smartness but like in tobias’s analogy- a cupcake but with needles inside. sweet but it can hurt. rudy is also interesting just for how he plays with the idea of being kind? like hes kind and he cares for others but hes not a doormat. he has self respect and will stop being friends with someone if they continue to hurt him (at least thats what i think so far). part of the way he is being in part due to ben and his experiences is very smart like. that Seems like it should be character writing 101 past being important but like. i guess i dont see it much (<- guy who is a botw fan and does not often read other media, i guess it feels like the past of other characters besides the main characters isnt really developed. though rudy is technically a main character but not The main charscyer. i could be very wrong however. the detail about the horror movies is something i like to see (not for rudy but as a writing detail). tobias being naive and opening up more/caring for others the more hes at school is so nice to me. that feels #real, and tobias learning and growing is just fun to see. the advocacy for rebelling with luther is my favorite part i think like YES KING ROB A BANK!!! LIFE IS YOUR OYSTER!!! and the life is your oyster despite the circumstances also feels a bit like a theme, what with tobias breaking the cycle of being totally sheltered as well as possibly being able to save himself from the edburt cycle. also i do like how misunderstandings arent played so… dramatically i guess? like when edburt takes control of tobias and says Shit to rudy and tobias breaks free instead of like. acting betrayed and trying to run from tobias/whatever is common with misunderstandings hes still there for tobias, for worse and for better. he still invites him to go to halloween and tobias is able to explain why he talked to carmello. he didnt mention edburt which is. understandable but worries me for their friendship but they were still there for each other. this is all surface level stuff im sure but it feels impactful. like a well written psa about friendship and instead of the problem being something like. small like “i forgor it was their birthday” youre actually a dick but you can still make it up to them (tbf i do also like psas like that (pokemon) but this isnt targeted for kids. its trying to get a very real message out there). at the same time it also doesnt tolerate abuse and shows the side effects of said abuse, as well as showing abuse that doesnt Seem major but still affects the person all the same (ben and rudy to me). dissing christianity like that is so based. it also shows how abusers are people all the same but it doesnt excuse their actions (ben). edburt having lore and metatext Reasons is very cool to me, like edburt himself is a metaphor in my eyes for. well i would say suppressing yourself and the consequences thereof but i dont think thats Really It. idk that scene of toby and rudy together before edburt comes for him means Something i just dont know what yet. its also interesting how emilio calls toby “a perfect creature” despite tobias
being . Like That (though its not his fault). i also dont know what that means but it means something especially with the pobodys nerfect notion. i wish i could say more but i dunno what else to say. well simons theology is very based. yeah Man i really do wish i could say more…….
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