#thats so cute.... sign me UP
dpraved · 5 days
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okay hear me out. look at the shoes ignore the rest of the drawing this isnt about them
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nandermoenthusiast · 10 months
i dont think i will ever be over nandor tying guillermos cape with such care and focus. that moment its possibly my favourite from the finale NANDOR ACTS OF SERVICE GUY MAKES ME WANNA CLIMB A WALL and the way hes putting guillermo on equal ground now makes my heart grow 3 sizes
and to be honest i dont think they can go back to where they were before. for anyone whos worried. like yeah he told him “now clean up the body” after he reverted back to human but to me that was more like nandors brain going like. “i cooked now you clean”. he went through such a tremendous amount of work to help guillermo. he had the empathy to recognise the problem. he thought it through concocted a plan. he got the robes and the candles and he painted and hung those banners. he held a fakeass ceremony with all their friends and elders so it looked official. he then also comforted guillermo when he couldnt do it and staked derek himself without a second thought. so maybe its was more of a. i pulled you out of a very hairy situation. can you take care of the body now? (also it IS gonna be hard to let go of certain habits so maybe some comments like this are gonna slip out next season, but that is just because they are useless and in guillermos absence the house fucking imploded in one year lmao… maybe guillermo is gonna teach them how to take care of it themselves next season so they can split the workload and cute shenanigans will ensue)
i just dont think it was mean spirited on nandors part tbh. LAZLO even offered to help. i dont think that was just to have him in the next scene i dont think an unusual detail like that could be just for convenience. i do FULLY believe they are gonna all be on equal grounds next season. and thats gonna be so fucking delicious to me specifically
#to see a nandor and guillermo dynamic where nandor has freed himself from the inibitions of a master familiar dynamic? sign me up#he was so fucking warm and caring after he forgave him and idk if i can handle it GOD I LOVE IT#nandermo#what we do in the shadows#wwdits#wwdits spoilers#comment#im making a post out of some of my tags in one of my queued posts bc i#want to put this thought out in the world#i saw a lot of people going now that guillermos human everythings back to the status quo!!! and im like#no the fuck i hope not!! their relationship has consistently moved in a new direction each season#familiar. bodyguard. best man. best friend. now they went through allllll the trouble of showing them having an equals relationship#they made nandor utter the words he will be living in this house as an equal from now on#and next season everythings gonna revert back?? i surely hope not#there is also to be considered from nandors standpoint that now guillermo truly has no more reason to stay. he really isnt a#familiar anymore because he presumably doesnt want to be a vampire anymore (?) so he has to consider#if he wants guillermo to stick around. its gonna have to be out of the love he has for them. and nandor needs to give him an incentive#which would be equal grounds with the vampires even though he isnt one#and guillermo is probably gonna be in such an existential crisis mode that hes not even gonna notice all the cute things nandor is doing#for him now for a WHILE. until he does and thats gonna be delicious#anyway. why do i keep making excellent points in the tags this could have been a post
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headphonemouse · 1 year
I'm having feelings over the fact that the most selfless thing Kim Dokja could do is to live, wholly, as himself, in good health and with the people he loves most, who love him the most. How everyone gets to be angry at him for leaving, angry at the world for taking him away, and yet that anger can never have a real target so his companions become angry at themselves. I really enjoyed the range of emotions displayed from all the supporting and side characters, how they each got time for us to see how they react to their world ending once with the apocalypse, and then again and again when they become devoted to a man who loves them to death and back. And they just. Keep going. None of them want a world without Kim Dokja but they live through it anyways and they carry on, day by day, year by year, yelling, crying, playing pranks on each other, sharing stories with each other, fighting each other, fighting for each other.
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oflgtfol · 6 months
i have like zero christmas spirit anymore after years of depression and years of working in retail where christmas starts in september. but this year ive really been going crazy about like dressing up all festive and doing fun things for it - not out of any genuine holiday spirit, but just because ive learned the simple joy in breaking the monotony of everyday life and being a little sillay. i am the only one in my store who will actually enjoy wearing the santa suit and so i will because it makes everyone laugh whenever they see me and so it makes me laugh too. i will wear my stupid ugly light up christmas sweater with a matching headband because people say i look cute with them but then i say “wait just watch this” and then i turn the lights in my sweater on and it makes everyone lose their minds. its fun! its fun to be a little sillay and its fun to be silly by making a bit of a fool of myself and right now december is giving me the perfect socially acceptable way of doing that and so by god i will dress up as santa today for my entire 8 hour shift and i may even continue to wear it on my break as i go pick up my tropical smoothie order because i think waltzing into tropical smoothie dressed as santa claus is fucking hilarious
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eizengard · 1 year
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Tales of Femslash Week Winter 2023 - Day 3 - Alice in Wonderland
Colette in Wonderland, and Sheena the Not-So-Cheshire Cat
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1980ssunflower · 9 months
I just woke up from dream where i fell in love w this guy :-c
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ilonacho · 2 years
what if i became a minion blog again💛
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faineant-girl · 2 years
had a mortifying moment at the mall yesterday. btw.
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alchemiclee · 4 months
I still want to talk about star rail amd no one has talked to me about it, so i'll just ramble to myself now.
I really like firefly 😭 she's one of those characters I have a soft spot for. the way i perceive her is she feels a bit lost, but also very trapped. she's like a caged bird longing to fly. a fish in a tiny bowl wishing to taste the ocean. she wants to be free from her shackles. she's also alone and doesn't seem to really have anyone. no one to help her. no one to rely on. no one to trust. it's kind of like stelle became her first real friend and she immediately attached to stelle and appreciated her kindness so much. she was hiding stuff yes, but we just met so that makes perfect sense.
maybe she's relatable in a sense, and that's why i like her. I want to protect her or help relieve her burden she's stuck with even a little. I feel like we did that for the short moment we were together. sometimes the saddest souls smile the prettiest, with just the smallest of kind gestures. those smiles are fleeting, but also very precious. she's that type of character i guess. I always end up liking these kind of characters 😅
#hsr#lee text#maybe she will be back next update. maybe she will reveal shes evil. who knows. but right now#i enjoy the cute little friendship bond we formed even if it was short and we still barely know her 😭#i guess as a person who has felt trapped and stuck my whole life i have a soft spot for characters that feel the same and want to be free#if they can touch even a bit of what freedom feels like.... idk where im going with this#but i liked her more than a love interest/romance trope like most people seem to see her as#to me shes the trapped bird trope and im the trapped bird trope irl lmao so of course i feel for her and wish we can free her!!!!!!#words are hard. not sure if im explaining what i mean lmao#another example of this type of trope is furina. she was stuck and trapped being the fake archon and so incredibly lonely and sad#for 500 years. shes one of my favorite genshin characters of all time. and shes finally free! im so happy for her 🥹#not all these trapped birds are freed though so you either sign up to see the bird fly or die trying 🙂#we'll see how the story goes from here and if we learn more about her. but these are my initial thoughts on her#i think the people who dont like her just dont feel her. they dont relate. it doesnt impact them#they just see the surface value and that value is worthless to them#but i feel her so that's why her story hit me pretty hard 😅#disclaimer: no hate to people that don't feel it. not every story will appeal to everyone and thats fine
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prismarine-biologist · 8 months
that glow squid post haunts me. i genuinely love glow squids but it reads like a dream stan thing in retrospect and i did also like the other choices i just disliked people not having any vision for what glow ink could do
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mejomonster · 10 months
I'm torn between liking anyone on a dating app even remotely mildly compatible for at the minimum a shallow friendship
Or being more realistic and only actually liking people I'd genuinely want to get to know romantically potentially
#rant#further complicated by the fact my brain is both Great at reading signs i am NOT compatible#and also great at making up reasons im not compatible when in fact i might be.#like... okay. see someone with zero in common and only mildly values in common? realistically im never going to want them romantically#realistically to like them and chat is procrastinating Real dating options. realistically its wasting everyones time.#but my brain will be like: wrll maybe they COULD be a friend and introduce me to someonr else id actually crush on.#vice versa? my brain sees someone i actually find mildly cute and with at least somrthing in common. and then goes#well they said short term/casual telationships. or theyre very skinny. they love going to bars which ur too sick to do.#i just dont think theyll want to date you given so many other Much More Compatible people for them. so you shouldnt even waste their time#and message them.#(and to be fair to me? the only cute ppl ive seen to Me in a year on dating apps have been poly partnered ppl#cause thats who the apps for some fucking reason match with me#and i just want someone to Like Me Back. prioritize maintaining a relationship with me if they like me.#since ive dated basically All people who used me as a placeholder until they found an actual crush to date.#so while a poly partnered person could in theory love me and prioritize me too? id rather not start#a new relationship with someonr whete i know them 2 months and if somrones getting dumped its going to be me#and not their married 5 years partner they have a home with. id rather just date a single person#who is on the same footing going into a new relationship.#so :/
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acesammy · 10 months
I once told you you were one of my favorite artists on tumblr. I realized one of the things I really like about your style is how angular everything is, it's such a cool aesthetic and I love seeing it. Also thanks for filling that prompt about sastiel + guinea pigs! I'm sincerely hoping things get easier for you, hope you have a good day <3 -🐀
Oh man you're gonna make me cry. Thank you so so so so much
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jwonsoon · 2 months
Enhypen's reactions to you being super talkative when they're tired ⋆.˚ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
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☾ a/n: It has been a minute !!! Me and bff have been so so busy since it's our final semester of high school. But I am here to provide for my delusional folk <3 I honestly wrote this on a whim because I've been feeling extra insane lately with all the work I have to do so ignore any stupid mistakes I make in this. I want to post more on here for sure, senior year is coming to a close soon and me and bff are moving into a new university together so hopefully we'll have time for more posts. Okay enough yapping, go read! pairings: enhypen x g/n reader genre: fluff
cw: kissing (nothing crazy dw), ignore grammatical errors!
He doesn’t care if his life is on the line, the last thing he’s going to do is make you feel rushed when you’re talking about something you’re genuinely interested in. 
He finds you SO cute when you’re mumbling about something that you enjoy !! He gazes at you with his boba eyes nodding along to everything you say 
“Oh my god sorry I’m talking so much” you say to him embarrassed at how comfortable you’ve gotten in his presence and how he’s probably so tired 
He’ll immediately shake his head no and tell you “keep talking i love listening to you” 
Because he’s tired he pulls you into a hug and plays with your hair while you talk. 
His sign that he’s tired is when he gets really touchy. Like he is all of a sudden kissing your forehead and playing with your cheeks which is usually a sign for you to call it a day… 
We all know this guy cannot for the life of him control his sleepiness but he loves you so he makes his adjustments
Its a shame but this guy is NOT !!! LISTENING !!! 
He’s cuddling you and you’re yapping away he’s going to nuzzle his face in the crook of your neck and just keep going “mhm, i see” 
You notice that he isn’t listening so you ask a question to throw him off and he responds with “yeah totally” making you chuckle. 
He looks up flustered realizing he just admitted to not paying attention to you. 
“Sorryyyyy!!!!” He pouts leaning to kiss you.
“Im listening I just need a minute” he spends that “minute” sleeping on your arm and then he sits up shaking his head like a puppy trying to wake himself up. 
Claps, sits up, “Okay! talk! I’m up.” 
He’s always up fighting his sleep to play video games anyway so he’s the most prepared in situations like these 
If he notices your in a particularly chatty mood and he’s sleepy, he will drag both of you out of bed and make sure you’re sitting up so that he isn’t prone to falling asleep on accident 
You’re talking and talking and he is giving the same exact energy back!! he will laugh and giggle at everything 
When he’s really getting tired he yawns out loud and goes “baby.. im a bit sleepy.. actually no no keep going, just come here” 
He’ll open his arms wide for you to lay on his chest while you talk 
You notice his eyes are closed so you stop and start getting up only for him to pull you back down and say “just stay here, i like listening to your pretty voice” 
He is so in love with you. it is PATHETIC! 
He is so sleepy too and looks insanely cuddly so whenever you are talkative you lay facing him and talk his ear off while hugging him 
He is way too in love to tell you that you need to please shut up because he is SO TIRED so instead he kisses you to ease his tiredness away 
“That girl” —kiss “is so” —kiss “annoying” —kiss 
“Hoon stopp” to which he kisses you again, mumbling against your lips “I’m listening baby” 
No matter how tired he is it fades away when hes with you 
You’re always spilling the latest gossip to Sunoo and he eats it up everytime. 
“She actually has something against me” you say to which Sunoo responds “how could anyone hate this cute face” pinching your cheeks 
You brush his hand away and jokingly roll your eyes and thats all it takes for his cuteness aggression to launch through the roof 
He is all of a sudden squeezing you tight going “Why are you so cute you’re just so cute you’re so cute” 
He is literally holding you shaking your shoulders while smiling so big going “No tell me!!! why are you so cute??” 
“Sunoo you’re scaring me” you say to which he responds “Good! I’m pissed off you’re perfect.” 
You guys will literally spend the whole night talking, Sunoo literally forgot that he was tired in your presence 
He is half asleep walking through the door 
But! that doesn’t stop him from at least pretending to listen to you 
As he’s putting his stuff down you are following him around talking about the ending of the show that you just watched 
Hes humming in response and smiling to himself 
He stops suddenly turns to face you pulling you in for a hug “Baby I’m so tired today i dont know why….” sighing into your arms 
He didn’t want to explicitly say to you please shut up but it was definitely a sign to you to take it down a notch 
He’d look down to kiss you on the lips and say “Let’s talk in bed hm?” 
When you guys are in bed he lets you lay on his chest and he says “Now tell me all about that show you were talking about” 
He will listen to you, or at least try to, but with his fingers playing with your hair you are slowly lulled to sleep.
He'll look at you, smile, kiss your forehead and you will wake up confused as to how he shut you up so quickly.
Riki is definitely a little more honest but thats what you love about him!
“I can see all your teeth babe, what’s got you cheesing?” he says to you as he sits down on the bed 
“I have so much to tell you!” you say to him patting the space beside you for him to come and lay in. 
“And I have so much sleep to catch up on!” He says mockingly as he lays down next to you. You pout to which he kisses you and says “Go on, talk my ear off” 
You start going off on a tangent and he is just looking at you with a boxy smile on his face and laughing at how your facial expressions are so dramatic in comparison to the light hearted story you’re telling 
He stares at you with glistening eyes after his 40th yawn in a row 
“You know you talk too much, right? It’s a good thing you’re cute” he would say pulling you into a hug 
“That’s rude! and I wasn’t don—” you are interrupted by a kiss on the lips 
“I promise to listen all day tomorrow, okay? Let’s sleep now?” He says rubbing circles on your back, with his eyes already closed.
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hemipteran · 1 year
Yeah, no, the correct answer is not some drugged up nonsense about lizard people to that question. The correct answer is "No, I don't hate Jewish people." Then you examine what you're saying for why the person asking is concerned you hate Jewish people. You don't go on in some haze and act like you didn't hear the question properly.
did u watch the video i posted on 1984 lil fedboi lizard skinwalker mf y stalk my blog if u dislike me so much did i commit a thought crime ? weird. sounds like i committed a thought crime. wuhoh. i guess that's really bad news for me. send me more hate anons punishing me for my thought crime they give me a rush. love u little lizard man. its so cute when ur mad at mommy. aweee. my little lizard son caught me committing a thought crime *squishes ur cheeks real hard*. I love him. that's my lizard son everyone. isn't he soooooo cute
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seattlesellie · 1 year
thinkin abt eating bbf!ellie out while she’s gaming and on a call with reader’s brother ☺️
she would have to keep muting her headset every 30 seconds bc she couldn’t keep quiet and eventually would just toss her controller on the floor and end the call so she could fuck reader stupid while reader’s brother is spamming her w texts asking where she went 😭
ok u got me with this… 💗🪷
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。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
ʚɞ it was purely innocent at first, you swore to god it was. what’s so wrong about sitting on your girlf— well, that isnt quite right. on your frien— god, thats not exactly it either. on your… brother’s best friends (that’s better) lap while she’s playing a video game? she let you in, in fact, she signaled you to come closer with a small pat on her thigh before you did. “m’not a dog…” you scoffed, pouting before rolling your eyes, desperately trying to hide the fact that even that mere, simple gesture made it feel funny in your stomach. “no, but you’re my—“ she stopped, and grazed the corner of her mouth with her tongue. “just come warm me up”
ʚɞ that was her excuse for everything. wanted to hold your hand after splitting you raw? it’s just to warm her up. move closer while her arm is loosely placed on your chest while “hugging” you from behind while laying on the bed? come warm her up. she’d never admit she just yearned to feel you close, craved to touch you at any given moment, as if you’d slip away if she didn’t.
ʚɞ she was wearing her headset, and a couple of baby hairs frizzled up on the top of her head. both hands on the controller, wrapped tightly around your waist, continuously yelling at someone you guessed was a complete stranger she was playing with. “who are you talking to?” you questioned, trying to stop yourself from grinning at how cute she looked with her tongue poking out of her mouth when she was hyperfocused on the screen. “shh…” she sushed, slightly blowing out her eyes. “your brother”
“he can hear me?!” fuck. that came out way too loud. she abruptly placed her left palm on your lips, to shut you up. “just a sec, man” she spoke into the mic. “you cant make any noise” she whispered, and when you winced, she smirked. “just watch, and keep quiet”
ʚɞ being quiet, was not exactly your forte. especially not when you were supposed to (it was as if someone placed a red button with a huge sign of “do not press!”— you have to press.) and especially, while you were sat on ellie’s lap, and she kept sniffling and huffing and cursing those little “fuck” and “shit” under her breath and the air she blew, caressed your neck and made you shiver and… her hand, on that damn controller, her fingers circling the silicone ball, her thumb, to be more specific, and it’s a little fucking distracting— how she happens to bounce her leg, making you bounce up and down with it’s movement, every time she's upset someone had killed her in the game, and how when she wins a round, she lays herself back on the chair, spreads her legs and cockily murmurs into the mic “fucking got you, asshole”
ʚɞ did she know what she was doing, as she slapped your thigh when she won the 3rd round in a row? did she know that when she bounced you up and down, your tummy flipped and your eyes rolled back? even if she did know, what you did next was so not fair to her.
ʚɞ you pressed your ass deep inside her lap, making the fat squish down on her thigh, and she cleared her throat, and chuckled. clearly, it did something to her, her throat feeling suddenly dry, but she didn’t want you to know. you stopped, and she readjusted herself, straightening her back. “i’m out of fuc…ing ammo” and with that, you pressed your ass down even deeper into ellie’s lap, cause her face to twitch in the slightest. “give me some fuc—“ now, you purely rocked your ass back and forth on her crotch, staring at the screen, attempting to appear as aloof as you could. it made her stretch her head back, and huff out a small, shaky breath. she placed her hand on your thigh, and squeezed hard. it wasn’t a nice, thoughtful gesture, it was a sign to stop fucking moving, you’ve been warned. she was on a winning streak and you were about to ruin it.
ʚɞ your shorts were truly way too short, bordering on underwear, the material was truly too thin, and she could feel every inch of you through her sweats. your thighs, your feet rocking back and forth and kicking her on purpose, and your ass who grew to be the biggest distraction of all— “just a sec dude, im pausing just… taking a water break”
she was going to lose, and she knew it.
she took the headset off, and placed it, no— threw it on the table. “what are you doing?” she murmured in a low, raspy voice. you managed to catch your breath, and attempted to sound as angelic and innocent as you possibly could. “nothing…?” you quipped, and smiled softly. ellie slightly nodded her head up and down. “keep doing nothing, see where that gets you”
“not doing anything, swear” and the way you put your hand on your chest, right where your heart is, and then palmed it to give it the smallest, gentlest squeeze… “jesus fucking christ” she huffed, and stared down. she wasn’t going to get out of this, and she certainly wasn't going to win.
ʚɞ she spread her thighs wider, with you sat directly on her thigh, and put her headset back on. two can play this game. she didn’t want your brother to know about you two, and you didn’t want him to know even more. you moved yourself to sit right on her center, right where her crotch is, and the wheeze that came out of her mouth— “fffuck”
“you good, ellie?” that was your brother’s voice popping out of her headset. you were that close to her face. your cheek pressed up on her’s, and you moaned inside her ear, a small “aaah, ellie” and you knew that would get her, because nothing made her wetter than those damn moans, and when you added her name in the mix—she cleared her throat, and if you saw the way her eyebrows scrunched together, her eyelids simply resting shut because she had to physically restrain herself, you’d have probably started whining and begging. “m’good, yeah—keep going” was she talking to you, or to him? you made up your mind. she was talking to you.
ʚɞ you grinded youself back and forth again and again, and you knew you rubbed her right where she needed you. you pressed down hard, and it hit right on her clit. “god” she huffed, her breaths growing shaky and uneven. she bumped her crotch into your ass and it made you squeal like a chew toy. “sh— shut up” she groaned, and hastily placed her palm on your mouth again. “shut the fuck up bro”. it was truly disgusting, how turned on you were by grinding yourself up against her, letting her clothed crotch hump your ass. ellie, desperately dug her palm extra hard on the controller, as she felt a glob of slick leaking out of her cunt, because she knew that if she let it go, her hand would immediately drop down to your pussy, and start fucking you raw on the chair.
ʚɞ the wet, sticky patch in your underwear grew bigger and bigger every time you bounced, circling your ass in fast, needy movements on her crotch as if you were trying to win a race. ellie's mind left the game already, completely blind to what was happening on the screen, but kept on pretending. it was funny to her, truly, how pathetic you looked. your movements growing messy, sweat sticking down your forehead, your bottom lip between your teeth, and she almost let you use her body to cum, and you swore you almost did. your small chocked out breaths were growing heavier and needier, and you huffed small whispers of her name in broken little sentences. “mmhm el-lie” she smirked, and placed her hand up on the small mic to block the obscenity that was about to escape her lips; "about to cum in those little fucking panties? hm? you’re so fucking slutty”
ʚɞ and thats exactly when you stopped, and peeled your shaky body off of her. she seemed confused for a second, because god she was loving it, the way you tried to get her flustered and turned out a needy, flustered, moaning mess yourself. she didn’t even need to do anything, just purely exist, for you to nearly cum inside your shorts. her lips curled into to a small, teasing smile. “what are you doing?” she mouthed. you got down on your knees, placing yourself directly in front of her crotch. ellie hovered over you in a manspread, and you put your chin right on the chair. “nothing” you mouthed back, and gave her a small pout. she huffed, as her game character stood idly on the ground, a black rifle in her hand, and your brother paced nearer and nearer. you placed your hands on her thighs, and batted your eyelashes. she sighed, and gazed at you with a prying look.
“you’re gonna fucking kill me”
“hell fucking yes i am” your brother exclaimed, muffled in her headset.
ʚɞ you didn’t even peel the grey sweats out of her body, you straight up yanked them down. what you saw… didn’t disappoint you in the slightest. a wet spot, perhaps even bigger than yours, making her black boxers take even a darker shade of black. you let out a shaky “oh my… god”, as she slid off of the chair, her eyes rolling back. “m’playing… just keep fucking going i’m playing” again, she wasn’t talking to you, or was she? she looked at you again, warning you. you blinked slowly, trying to tease her as much as you could. ellie's eyes squinted, and she hesitated for a moment. she brought her hand down and caressed the top of your head. although she was gentle, you could tell how crazy you were driving her. she bucked her hips forward, and mouthed; “lick”
ʚɞ firstly, you gave a small lick to the soft fabric, and felt her tangy sweet taste just merely grazing your pink muscle. then, she aggressively patted her hand on the top of your head, again, and made you look up at her. her eyes turned a darker shade of emerald green, and she looked angry. “dont play with me” she mouthed, and squeezed your cheeks together. she gave the right one a small pat, and then a stinging little slap, making you yelp. she was in control, and she was going to use you.
ʚɞ she placed the controller on your fucking head, and pushed her soaking boxers down, to lay loosely wrapped aound her ankles. ellie pushed your face forward to meet her weeping core, and you immediately stuck your tongue out, to gift a delicate, slow lick to her glistening, peachy pink folds. you pushed it inside of her hole, and she clenched right on it. she gripped the controller harder, and looked absolutely gone. no matter how hard she pushed your head, you didn’t dare to ever meet her clit, the brat that you are, because you thought it was so much more fun to watch her suffer. “mmfuck” she groaned, “fuck— y-you man” and the way she whimpered right into the mic; “m’good dude just— fuck just my arm hurts” and looked downwards to give you a look that was purely warning you— keep on playing with her like that and she’d fucking make it hurt.
ʚɞ it was torturous, and she really got truly delirious, the way in which you licked around her cunt, stopping your movements to plant a simple, delicate little kiss on her thigh, just to hear her respond with a throaty groan, look down at you with her bangs sticking to her forehead, hand shaking around the black controller, biting her lip hard— because if she didn't, she would have moaned so loud she'd get kicked out of your family's home for fucking with your brother's precious sister. she shook her thigh to get you off of it, and it signaled to stop fucking teasing. "I can'— fuck— man fuck, im gonna fucking— lose the fucking game" she stutters, sounding like a complete idiot, biting her fist hard and twisting her face, her jaw clenched so tight because if he hears her, he's gonna think she's either about to pass completely out, or think she's in heat— and the fact that you won't, absolutely refuse to give her needy clit any attention, and the way you look so concentrated on torturing her, keeping your eyes fixated on her’s, acting all brave because you know she cant talk, and cant do anything because she’s fucking “busy” oh, you pissed her off— your mouth stuffed with her cunt, looking up to her as if you're not trying to kill her;
nope. she can't do this anymore. she grabbed the back of your neck forcefully, and pulled yourself off of her. you pout, and then you're slightly terrified, because the controller just met the floor with a loud thud. "i'll be back in 5 minutes" she breathlessly talks into the mic.
“swear— five fucking minutes, gimme five”
ʚɞ you both stare at each other for a moment, as if you're communicating with just looks, and she lifts herself off of the chair and you pounce back, but she's quicker than you.
you dont know how you find yourself pushed against the mattress, with her hand around your throat. she's not pressing, it's just wrapped around it, and she's angry.
"you fucking..." you look to the side, trying to avoid her piercing gaze. the wall, apparently, has a lot to say. "look at me" she whispers, and forces you to turn your head around and face her. freckles splattered all over her face, you try and concentrate on them but she's chasing your eyes.
ʚɞ she's too quick, it's all too fucking quick and you whine so loud, your back arching off of the bed and she presses you down, shoves her hand inside of your panties and chuckles; "you're a fucking... you're so fucking..." she’s breathless, and famished, because she doesn't even finish that sentence before her lips are on yours, hips jerking forward, as soon as she feels the puddle, or the sea, that's right inside your panties.
"fucking tease"
ʚɞ you swear you’re vibrating on her hand. “pl—ease” you plead, your voice whiney and quiet because all of a sudden, ellie has the upper arm, and you, poor you— can’t tease her anymore. “please what?” she coos. “please ellie…” and she cups your tits, both of them, and squeezes them together so tight it makes you leak down your thigh.
“s’not good enough” she tsk’s, bringing her forehead to meet yours. she merely hovers over your clit, and it’s that friction you were looking for so hard and—
her phone buzzes.
“where the fuck are you?”
she places the phone screen in front of you, pinches your chin with her index finger and her thumb, makes sure you actually look, and types;
“i’m fucking your sister, brb”
your breath hitches, and she chuckles, deeply and mockingly, like shes making fun of you.
“should i press send?” she teases.
“no…” you stutter, and yet again, attempt to wear the purest, most angelic and divine expression on your face. “oh… no?” she mocks, plunging a finger inside of you deep, cooing at how you gasp silently, imitating your gasp right back to you.
“nonono” you blabber incoherently, and she’s not even moving her finger, just letting you warm it inside.
“s’too bad…”
and with that, she presses “send.”
a moment passes.
“not funny dude”
oh, he didn’t buy it.
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babydollmarauders · 30 days
part of the luke’s gf au !
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liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes, and 56,827 others
dolly.notparton life the past 9 months…. thank you for sharing your birthday @/jackhughes 🤍 pretty sweet of you
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jackhughes not like i had a choice, the twins were coming out whether i wanted to share a birthday or not
dolly.notparton i spent the last 9 months of my life making your presents, you could at least act thankful!
jackhughes do they come with a receipt?
jackhughes wtf is a swine?
dolly.notparton god you should’ve gone to college
dolly.notparton oh my god, they can say that and MEAN IT! DYLAN YOURE A GENIUS!
edwards.73 i don’t think anyone has ever said that about duker and meant it
dolly.notparton @/edwards.73 be nice to my dyl pickle
edwards.73 i’d be a lot nicer if you didn’t give me ammo by calling him things like “dyl pickle”
lhughes_06 so grateful for this little family we’ve created ❤️
dolly.notparton i l*ve you <3
lhughes_06 did you just censor the word “love”?
dolly.notparton maybe you would get the uncensored version if you hadn’t left your extremely pregnant girlfriend for hockey? idk, just a thought
jackhughes get him dolly!
lhughes_06 @/jackhughes stay out of this
_quinnhughes dolly and her dolls 🩷💙 i’m so happy for you guys. i know you’ll make amazing parents
dolly.notparton quinny, i love you tremendously. hurry up and finish in the playoffs so you can meet your niece and nephew 🤍
_quinnhughes i love you too but i’m not “hurrying” anything, i’ve got the cup in mind
dolly.notparton so you hate me and my children
_quinnhughes that’s not at all what i just said
dolly.notparton i can guarantee that’s exactly what you just said
lhughes_06 please don’t fight her on this, she’s tired and just pushed out two babies and i know she’ll find a way to be angry at me about this too
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 so i should fight her on this? heard. @/dolly.notparton check your texts
elblue6 my babies and my grandbabies 💗
dolly.notparton love you mama el!! can’t wait for you to come see the twins!
curtislazar95 god help us, they’re multiplying
dolly.notparton maybe i’ll make a whole hockey team of them
curtislazar95 20 sarcastic poodle haired bambi skaters with insatiable appetites
john.marino97 congratulations, guys! i’m happy to hear it was a happy and healthy birth story
dolly.notparton they’ll love their uncle johnny because he’s a twin just like them 🤍
john.marino97 i can teach them all about being a twin
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liked by njdevils, nhl, and 64,291 others
lhughes_06 Milo Oliver Hughes; May 14th 2024, 3:16pm
Luella Grace Hughes; May 14th 2024, 3:20pm
tagged dolly.notparton
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dolly.notparton we made those
lhughes_06 fuck yeah we did! we did fantastic!
dolly.notparton and jack tries to say i can’t cook!
jackhughes because you can’t. you burned water. HOW DO YOU BURN WATER?
dolly.notparton @/jackhughes do you see what i cooked up inside of me?! you cried when you saw them!
jackhughes that was between us!
dolly.notparton @/jackhughes and now it’s between us and luke’s 185k followers and probably all of twitter! 🫶
liked by dolly.notparton
markestapa SHOW ME THE BABIES!
lhughes_06 if you’d check the groupchat for once, you’d see the babies
markestapa oh
lhughes_06 thanks stop sign! 🛑
edwards.73 congrats guys 🤝
lhughes_06 thanks eds 🤝
dolly.notparton this is a birth announcement not a damn frat party photo dump, you guys could add some hearts or at least a damn smiley face!
edwards.73 @/dolly.notparton no 🤝
dawson1417 congratulations! can’t wait to meet them next season!
njdevils gift basket coming your way! 👀congratulations!
user20 TWINS 🥹🫶
rutgermcgroarty swimmers be swimming
lhughes_06 🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️
dolly.notparton do guys think or do they just do?
user85 so not only is luke the youngest hughes brother, but he’s also the only one in a long-term relationship and the first one to have kids… jack and quinn better step it up
user03 they kept this a secret for nine months and then really just pulled a “SURPRISE!” on us?! he played hockey all the way up until the birth— they dropped NO hints
nhl congratulations luke and y/n!
_quinnhughes proud of you two and how much you’ve grown ❤️ not little kids chasing each other around with bugs and porcelain dolls anymore, are ya?
lhughes_06 nope, all grown up. in the league with 2 kids now! thanks bro
dolly.notparton not my fault he was scared of my dolls! have i mentioned that he made me get rid of them when i moved in?
_quinnhughes @/dolly.notparton once or twice a day, yeah
dolly.notparton those were my babies 💔
lhughes_06 @/dolly.notparton i just gave you 2 new babies… the real kind
dolly.notparton luke, you genius! i can get luella porcelain dolls!
lhughes_06 @/dolly.notparton NO! THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT!
_quinnhughes @/dolly.notparton look in the attic when you get home 😉
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