#thats such loser behaviour
uygfiug · 4 months
i like to think about how much of a loser my father really is
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monards · 2 months
can a girl ramble aboutthe way you can interpret so many parts of the propaganda and characterization of rhine by other the people/general populace of teyvat as people largely antagonizing neurodivergent traits without being chased with pitchforks and torches.
#FUCKKKK DSOMMEBODY HEAR ME.#YES. i know shes a not a good person.#but half the shit she's described with by other sources#is so obviouslye exaggerated based onwho she is and NOBODDIESSSS talking abt it#'cold and unfeeling' MY ASS. THIS WOMAN WAS TALKING ABOUT EATING MOLD FOR A GOOD FOUR PARAGRAPHS ITSNOT THAT DEEP#the way she clearly a ton of albedo's behaviours but i dont see anybodyyyyy talk about it and just demonize her for it#THE HEXENSUCCESORS ARE ALL PARELLELS TO THE HEXENLADIES. THATS THE POINT#THE FACT RHINE LARGELY MIRRORS ALBEDO IS NOT A COINCEDENCE OR WEIRD INTERPRETATION ON ANYONES END.#the fact many of the trait she CLEARLY shares with albedo are demonized... HELLO..............#mond propaganda book writer gets shot IMMEDIATELY#-> i dont know guys. Maybe its also the fact she's probably traumatized from the. yknow. CATACLYSM. that made her a worse than albed#just maybe!#its sooo established that neurodivergence leads people to cope with stress different... Hello............ can we talk about this.........#NO HATE. but if I wathced my nation got destroyed > and this loser twink knight said i should've protected everyone/ when even HE DIDNT/#i wouldd also spiral. AND THATS CLEARLY WAHT HAPPENED ON SOME LEVEL.#if you read her hexenbook excerpt she is. quite literallh just sarcastic. blunt. and not emotionally experessive#WHICH ALIGNS WITH THE EXAGGREATED TRAITS SHES LATER CHARACTERIZED AS???#she literally JUST got worse symptoms as a result of trauma. why are we playing it up like this. “Great Sinner” my ass she's a woman ins te#they're all sinenrs if you really think about it. THEYRE IN STEM#-> the way neurodivergent women are demonized for sooo many traits they have just because it doesn't fit the mold of being a 'good women'#NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT THIS. ITS MOND#THEYRE NOTABLY. NOT ALWAYS DOING THE BEST. WITH FREEDOM AND GOOD OPINIONS BC OF VENTI'S ABSENCESSSSSSSSSSSSS#NOSHIT THIS TAKE WOULD COME FROM THEM..... MAKE SOME SENSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE#this is no hate because i love mond with alll my heart im just fucking insane over this. venti i love you#crepe rants
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finchrambles · 6 months
watching httyd (cuz its the best) and hey not to make everthing F1 related but lando gives off astrid vibes and oscar gives off hiccup vibes.
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piplupod · 5 months
praying and hoping and begging for things to get better or at least more tolerable soon because i dont know how many more physical symptoms of stress my body can take
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golohours · 4 months
you know whensomething really minor just sets u off Ohhh its fine im so normal
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meherya · 1 year
Wonder if any other brown girl adjacent ppl also have the problem where their parents nag them to learn how to cook, and it's not because they care about you being able to feed yourself but more of you needing to be able to feed your future husband/in-laws
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bionic-penis · 1 month
Idk how much art drama (like irl art drama) ppl know abt but the Ann Arbor farts guy is so unserious why's he making a documentary be fr
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pomeness · 2 months
Yapping about Kaiser (again)
No because I was thinking about Kaiser's narcissistic traits and how fucking SPOT ON they are its insane.
The hierarchy. The fact kaiser thinks in hierarchies. And its shown pretty explicitly via that one panel of noa and isagi on the stairs and Kaiser looking at them from below after his delusions got shattered.
That + him perceiving(!) Ness as a dog because he is inferior in his hierarchy scale.
And this is such a dismissed trait yet it's The most important when it comes to how narcissistic people navigate interpersonal relationships.
There's always someone inferior. There may be someone superior, too. Unless you're delusional enough. Then you're actually God.
And to think Ness is the main enabler* of those "delusions", esp when it comes to grandiosity, another narcissistic trait Kaiser displays.
*specifying i am not victim blaming Ness
Without Kaiser taking advantage of his fragility, without Ness grabbing onto the single spark that Kaiser had shown him (via... calling him a loser? Lmfao), the kaiser-centric system in bm would not exist.
So Kaiser went from being dismissed by the whole team due to his antisocial behavior/inability to navigate the "human" world to being praised non-stop and considered the fundamental player in their team.
Considering how Kaiser has never received love or recognition beforehand, he got lost in it and got greedy. Kaiser pre chara development is just your local feral stray cat who you adopted and now believes he is the king of the house. I seriously do not blame him for that ngl.
(Esp since he Is a good player. So his delusions werent actually that delusional yk.)
He does think he is The shit though, except at the time he was a v static player. He got too comfortable in the security of ness' passes, too dependent on it, which made his game more predictable and didn't let him evolve to reach his full potential.
I think, with time, his grandiosity may fade a bit, since to me it was strictly linked to Ness and the kaiser-centric system used by BM. That + it is a double edged sword, since it actually slows you down into becoming your better self. If you alreadythibk you're the greatest, there's not much room left for development.
And Kaiser is smart and is actually quite self conscious enough to not fall in past mistakes, not now that he has finally gotten the grasps of how to become a better player. He is a pro when it comes to survival, after all.
So yeah, grandiosity is def not Kaiser's main trait imo. The hierarchy, his callousness and his sadism (his malice) are probably more "pronounced" in his personality, although neither callousness nor sadism are inherently linked to narcissism.
Now, as I just said, sadism is common in people who display narcissistic behaviour but its not inherently narcissistic. It may be linked to antisociality, as well as trauma or repressed rage.
Kaiser, who's been unable to react to his father's abuse for YEARS, has, in fact, more than a decade worth of repressed rage. Except – once again – he does not rebel to whom he considers stronger/superior in his hierarchy.
In this case he sorta acts like your typical bully. Can't react towards an "authority" so he picks on weaker/inferior people. Kaiser feasts on them. But of course, there's no satisfaction into crushing npcs, yk. Hence all that disney villain type of monologue about how Isagi was finally big enough to devour (gay methinks, but thats not the point). Again. Big enough to get the sadistic satisfaction of crushing him but not too big, at least in Kaiser's mind.
(Except karma is a bitch and so is Isagi.)
Also. Can I say that I love how when Kaiser is not masking, he is the literal definition of the person standing emoji. Which is kinda funny but its actually so fucking real. Whoever has experienced dissociation, depersonalisation or derealization knows the drill. And dissociative disorders are sooo so common when it comes to trauma, esp when it comes to physical abuse. Kaiser's perception of his own body is probably so messed up. He got beat up till he bled like almost every day. Kaiser's body was for his father to use as a punching ball for YEARS. Since he was a CHILD.
So, of course, the second kaiser got actual autonomy on his body (for the first time ever!!!) he asked for a tattoo. Because now he gets to customise it as a way to make it his own.
It's his body now.
Also, his lack of empathy/callousness absolutely comes from trauma. Living in a violent environment, being forced to use your reptilian brain 24/7 does not do well to a child, and definitely doesn't help the correct development of certain parts of your brain when it comes to emotions. And Kaiser is still on survival mode.
Tbh. Kaiser's cptsd is severe and deeply intertwined in his personality and how he acts and lives. Even the hierarchy trait is strictly linked to his childhood: eat or get eaten. His father treated him like an extension of himself, a worthless object.
His ability to read people and to recognise Ness as easy prey probably comes from when he used to steal from people. You know, you need to learn quickly how to spot certain patterns and find the perfect victim to rob. He is used to analyse and read people. He just lacked the ability to manipulate since his experiences with people were limited.
I'm gonna be honest he would be a difficult patient to properly diagnose, considering his backstory. C-ptsd is the only thing I'm certain of.
((I think if his mental state ever becomes a nuisance in Kaiser's plan to become his best version, he would resort to therapy.))
((Much to think about but now im tired so i will end this here))
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talon-dragonbeast · 5 months
you love humans. good for you. you don't have to be shitty to misanthropes because of it, prick.
look, i get it. youve been hurt by humans, and feel the need to react defensively to them. believe me, i know. ive been hurt by humans too, again and again and again. its just a part of living. but you (general you directed at misanthropes, not just anon) need to get your shit together. being hurt doesnt excuse bad behaviour.
i wont change my mind, not about this. hating an entire species for the actions of a few is loser behaviour. sure, some of them are terrible. but many, many of them are innocent. think of children. think of your family, of your friends. think of that stranger you passed by at the supermarket who let you have the last jar of mayonnaise. think of the teacher you had in school who gave you stickers and snacks to make learning a bit more fun. think of the girl who gave you fun facts about animals as you waited to be called to the doctor.
look, im not forcing you to change your mind. thats just impossible, and im not your therapist. but please reconsider your bias. or at least, stop leaving anon asks on someones inbox calling them a prick out of nowhere.
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grapebritain · 1 year
Pretty much everything Shawn does can be pinpointed back to his childhood, and it's sad too see because most of his toxic traits could have been mended if his parents just had a bit of stability, or just where a little less controlling when he was younger.
His relationship with henry for example is one of the most obvious pointers to why Shawn is the way he is.
Shawn HATES losing, he hates not being on top and he hates not being the centre of attention. Even though some of this is ego, a lot of this is to do with self worth issues as well which is why he gets so irritable when people 'beat' him.
One time this behaviour really stuck out to me like a sore thumb was an episode or two after "from earth to starbucks". In the episode itself , shawn helps lassie with his mental health. he gets it so he feels as though he can solve cases again, and as a result of his confidence boast Lassiter really DOES start solving cases on his own much better than he was before. Evethough Shawn clearly was happy for him at first, and does care a whole lot about Lassiter than he would say out loud, a few episodes after when Lassie starts getting TOO good, Shawn starts acting pretty toxic about him and competitive. Which is a little paradoxical when originally he wanted him to be better, and do better than he was before. I'm pretty sure he does anyway cuz i remember watched a few eps after being like "why is he doing that, i thought he wanted him to do better?".
Regardless, Shawn starts getting hostile to people "better" than him because his dad basically engraved into him that if you are anything other than a winner , you are a loser and you see this all the way from episode 1. When shawn wants cake, he has to get all the hats in the room perfect otherwise he won't get anything. This same thing comes up again when he goes to his dad much older now to ask for help. he has to "win" the hat game in order to get anything out of his father. No matter if his dad had good intentions or not with it, mostly only rewarding shawn when he wins and being so intense about being 'the perfect cop' MADE shawn hate being anything other than the top of the top. the best of the best. Especially when it came to police work.
It's why he gets hostile over any form of competition, and even gets more hostile when people in his life show more interest in anyone but him. He does it with Jules, he does it with Lassiter, and i think he may even do it to gus at some stage. Jules it was her boyfriends, because he viewed himself as the 'best' to be with her. He was on top, so he should be the one to be her boyfriend right..? Then with Lassiter, there are two guys that are somewhat similar to shawn,are good at police work and Lassie clearly admires a lot which makes Shawn pretty heated and sulky that Lassie is no longer looking to him. With gus he got annoyed because Lassiter started spending time with him and 'took away' his best friend from him when be believed gus was HIS friend, not Lassies.
life doesn't work as black and white as 'winner and loser' .People don't have to be the 'best of the best 'to 'earn' love and appreciation, which seems to confuse and aggravate Shawn. It sort of makes him insecure. If people like them more, they...must be better than him because the 'best' are only deserving of appreciation. Well, in his eyes anyway. I think some part of him knows thats insanity as he only has this mentality with his own self worth, but because it was programmed into him at such a young age, it isn't something he can easily brush aside.
To him, having someone be admired more than him, to be 'better' than him for even a second basically diminished his value as a person and makes him less deserving. That and he still feels as though hes the best so people should be looking at him (bro has a HUGE ego). A lot of his anger issues have roots in insecurity , especially this one, and i think it's why for a comedy show there is something so....almost tragic about Shawn despite all the jokes and references he makes.
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kijimha · 4 months
Dont know why Patrick Bateman in American Psycho is portrayed as this sigma alpha male. Yeah, he's homophobic and misogynistic and I know SOME people are all for that but um. He's kind of a loser? Like sure he seems attractive and charismatic but that's kind of it. He has no personality and that's on purpose. He has no identity so he blends in with others seamlessly and if lying will make him seem cooler, he will.
He's kind of like an alien, copying people's behaviour while also citing sources from news articles or other things to seem like he's the smartest and most respectable person at the table. The only reason he isn't called out for sounding funny or like a maniac is because the others are so idiotic and self-absorbed that they don't bat an eye.
Hell his APARTMENT is plain. It's so fucking basic. It's white and the paintings in the room are BLACK SQUARES (which is honestly worse than the murder), and the only time he shows emotion is when he's about to get caught.
He is NOT your 'sigma male rizzler' he is a LOSER and a pathetic lizard trying to copy humans!!!!!!!! You have become the very thing the movie mocked!!!!!!!!!! You have missed the point of the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edit: also to that one person who called me ableist thats not what i meant?? bateman isnt alien like just for copying social cues. but hes unsettling and the way he speaks is odd because hes a PSYCHOPATH. also i might be neurodivergent myself so??? lmao???
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a-simply-simping-simp · 4 months
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Anyway, all greiving aside, I miss her.
I joined the Sonic fandom in a kinda odd way ngl. At the time, I was stupid and a fresh middle schooler and it was extremely popular to make fun of the sonic franchise cuz it was a whole meme and stuff. I also made fun of it cuz I thought I was supposed to. But I realized it was stupid to make fun of something I haven't even seen before. So I wanted to educate myself on it. Coincidently, I saw a video. It was by CourtneySNT about her first ever sonic fancomic around that time. I really enjoyed it actually. Sometimes I go back and rewatch it. Anyway, in her comic, she had introduced Tails to the screen and I fell in love with the fandom. Grant it, her depiction of tails at that moment was the polar opposite of what he's actually like, but still. It compelled me to watch Sonic X, The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Boom, Sonic Prime, A bit of Sonic Underground, and just...Sonic the Hedgehog. I also watched a few gameplays and a lot of cutscene movies of the videogames as well as parodies and fan content. So...yeah.
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Now it's just a Sonic Prime Nine analysis/rant below lol
Also, since I mentioned SONIC PRIME, I might as well rant about it. NINE. WAS. SO. PERFECT. He was well written, well scripted, and well developed. Everything about nim was chef's kiss. His story was literally just a what if. What if Sonic never met Tails? Well, number one, he wouldn't be named Tails. He'd make his own name. Nine. Also, he became cold and distant because he expected others to treat him the same due to his two tails. Perfect character already but then they fleshed him out some more and introduced this...guy named Sonic.
He didn't know Sonic at the time nor did he really know...anybody. So when this blue loser comes waltzing into his house unannounced, he obviously gets hostile. Why? Well, one, because a rando broke into his casa. But also because everyone he met was hostile to him first. Crazy. Then this guy seems to be friendly. A first. So, Nine lets down his ice cold walls and trusts him. Let me emphasize that. NINE TRUSTED SONIC. Remember that. It is SO important.
So, Nine goes along and helps this guy for no real reason other than the fact that he considers him a friend. Now, you'd think he also helped to stop the egg council, but he really never had bad blood with them in the first place. He isn't in the resistance nor shows any resentment. He's Nine all on his own, with or without the council. In fact, he probably doesn't care if they rule because he wanted to be alone anyway. But he helped. Why? Because he wanted to help his FRIEND.
This goal warps when Nine discovers an empty realm called the grim. He can have a fresh start there with him and sonic. Just the people he cared about. He asked Sonic to go with him because he wanted to share his dream with him. He wanted Sonic to be a part of it with him. But Sonic undermined his dreams. It'd be one thing if he simply disagreed with it or gave a good, justifying, and well explained reason for refusing, but instead he didn't explain himself well. Sonic entitled himself to the prisms, assuming him getting home was everyone's priority. I don't mean to villainize him because this was simply reckless and unknowing behaviour, but still. Nine got upset that his FRIEND was trampling on his dreams as if they didn't matter nearly as much as Sonic's.
So, he "betrayed" Sonic. I want to bring this to everyone's attention. Nine had critisized Sonic because he recklessly didn't think about what woukd happen to everyone else if he DID bring back his home. Like, nobody knows jack squat about the prisms. Sonic, Nine, Shadow, even the egg council was lost when it came to those big shiny rock things. It shines and made our universes. That's all they knew. So, with that in mind, it makes sense to be concerned. Like what if it kills us? What if it destroys our world in order to bring back yours? They only exist because of the prism being destroyed, so if you fix it, would that kill them? Idk, I feel like this was mentioned once and never brought up again and it makes me mad. Such potential.
Anyway, after the situation, Nine goes back to the grim to make his dreams come true by himself. Because the one person he TRUSTED broke his trust. So, after a bunch of irrelavent stuff happens, Sonic goes to the grim after making a deal to Nine. Nine lets him into the grim and Sonic starts to preach to Nine about their friendship. Nine listens and almost starts to trust him again, maybe thinking about his actions and how they might not have been the best. How their friendship could maybe be salvaged. Why? Because Sonic said he woukd sacrifice himself to save Nine too. But then an entire army shows up to beat Nine into a teeny tiny pulp. Grant it, Sonic did not call them to the grim. But then he imediently sides with them in taking Nine down in an all out war. After saying he'd sacrifice for Nine too, he pulls an uno reverse on him. Trust broken. Again.
So now, he wants to trust nobody. Why? Because Sonic broke once too many. So he starts fighting. And fighting. And fighting. Like he's been doing his entire life. Who is he fighting? Someone who he thought was his friend. Someone who claims to be his friend. Someone who he thought he wouldn't need to fight. And he's clearly breaking his own body in desperation while doing so. Nobody really said anything about it either btw. Like, he's literally hurting himself and Sonic, his "friend" didn't even try to stop him because he was hurting himself, but because he was huring others and taking the prisms. I understand of course because he's hurting your friends, but his own pain wasn't even a slither of his drive.
Anyway, the ending sucked personally. It was anticlimactic. Nine gives in just because and then Sonci goes home, mystery never discovered, and yay we're done.
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moonshynecybin · 3 months
okay but fucked how the neon yellow issue shouldn’t be an issue to this day and age yet there it remains. all neon yellow. even if pecco inherited the friends and family business of giving everyone and uccio reason to hate on marc by being the best (and only, mind) vr46 rider to amount to anything as of yet (sorry 😭), it still shouldn’t be going that far, should it? it’s been… literal years? soon to be decades? what would the reason for the continued haterism from uccio specifically (that bet lmaoooooo) be if like, nothing changed and we are all very much aware that neon yellow will take “marquez fucked me over” to his grave… like the amount of aggression just doesn’t click in place compared to the severity of marcs alleged crimes against humanity even if uccio really fucking hates marc (for reasons unknown?) it’s just astonishing, honestly… what the fuck did marc do to warrant such petty and cruel and pathetic loser behaviour to this dayyyyyyyyy from a guy in his 40s!!!!! vale stop talking about marc every day so uccio can finally move on!!!!!!!!
girl he won against vale. its that simple
like theres a LOT at play in the uccio/vale dynamic that drags its ass over to the rosquez of it all but. essentially. uccio's life and career is all tied up in vale. in wanting to see vale win. in specifically doing whatever vale needs to be successful. and it clearly comes with a lot of love (childhood best friends !!!!) and a sort of. guard dog like intensity and protectiveness over vale's ability to compete and his LEGACY ! so marc comes in and is charming and talented and. vale keeps saying hey maybe hes the next me :) "it is not an exaggeration to say marquez is the next valentino rossi" and "marc certainly has the potential to be the greatest of all time") and uccio is like. what the hell is that supposed to mean. you are SINGULAR ?? GET UP ?? like vale's just come off two down years and this twink comes in, charms the pants off of him, wins the TITLE AS A ROOKIE, and vales just like OHHH WELLLLLLL and invites him to the RANCH. and on a personal level for vale this makes sense because hey he isnt competitive yet anyways so who cares. he'll be nice. he likes marc !!! but UCCIO is VERY protective of vale's legacy..... and i think hates marc on fucking principle because of that....
and then 2015. have you ever had a friend flop. have you ever had a friend in crisis. have you ever sat down with said friend and invented excuses/reasons for their floppage to comfort them because thats what you do when you love someone. like. marc is already a broader "threat" to vale's GOAT status, he's been specifically and persistently fucking annoying ALL goddamn season, and uccio just doesnt fucking like him anyways. perfect excuse. here. unburden your floppage, blame this SABOTEUR. and then theres sepang-> confirms him as reason for floppage/losing the title-> the next few years marc just doesnt stop winning-> MORE of a threat to GOAT status -> argentina happens now he's DANGEROUS to boot -> still fighting against his and vale's joint babies-> GODDDDD he fucking hates that guy to this day
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someforzari · 9 months
Omg something abt watching this edit made me think of brothers bsf niki and I'm abt to explode
A/N: no smut obv, just fluff, reader is Jake's sister, Jake is aware of Niki's feelings, niki is a flirt, Niki is in love, set in UK (for some reason), kind of short (like reader).
Let me know if I should make part 2.
Female reader!!
(Actual fic + video under cut)
Niki was your brothers best friend. He was also your neighbour of 6 yrs, upon moving to this neighbourhood, Jake and him quickly became friends and you often saw him at your house or at his if Jake brought you along.
On one of your days off from work and school, he came over with 2 boxes of pizza because Jake had invited him over for video games and a movie. You opened the door because Jake was too busy tackling Sunghoon who beat him in Mario kart for the 5th time. Niki couldn't help but spark an interest in you since the first time he met u. Dare I say, he liked you.
"Hi Niki" You greeted.
"Hey _____, how are u pretty?" He said looking down at you.
Your heart flips at the nickname, it wasn't unusual for Niki to give you nicknames but all of them were jokes and silly names (eg: shorty, armrest, gnome, Santa's elf etc)
"I-" You were abruptly cut off by Jake pushing past you to hug the taller boy and welcoming him in, grabbing the pizza from him.
You and Jake were very close, thats why he always protected you and indulged your reckless behaviour. Jake loved you more than anything and knowing Niki, he knew the younger boy wouldnt treat you badly, ever.
Jake knew Niki's feelings for you and he didn't disapprove of the idea of you two dating.
Rolling your eyes, you locked the door and went into the living room where Jake and all of his friends played games and drank soda. As you normally do, you grabbed a slice of pizza and a can of coke and left for your room.
Niki was staring at you as u walked away, smirking to himself.
A few hours passed and you quickly got bored of your room, of course, you decided to go annoy your brother.
Walking into the living room and winking at Sunghoon to signal your plan, he quickly moved over to the single lounge chair leaving space for you to sit between Niki and Jake.
Jake caught on and asked Sunghoon why he moved.
"It's more comfortable here plus your massive arm isn't digging into my stomach when I get close to winning" Sunghoon joked.
Jake chuckled not minding that you sat between him and Niki as it was normal for when you got bored. Niki, however, gulped loudly when he saw how close in proximity you were to him.
You watched the boys play and laughed at some of their jokes but evidently got bored again only this time, you had jake to annoy. You waited until he was close to winning when you reached over your legs to the coffee table, pretending to get your coke and pushed into him gently when going backwards. Not too hard but hard enough to knock his hand out of place, both Niki and Sunghoon getting to the finish line before him.
"_____!!" He shouted right as Sunghoon started dancing in victory and Niki laughed clapping his hands.
"Sorry!" You weren't sorry. "I was getting the can but you were too close to me so I nudged into you!"
"Cmon Jake don't be a sore loser" Sunghoon said sitting down and patting niki on the back as a well done.
Jake grumbled under his breath and started the next game. Video games weren't really your thing so you went into the kitchen for a snack since they ate all the food already. Noticing the fridge and cupboards were empty, you went to ask Jake for money to go do some food shopping.
"Jake, can I have like 20 bucks" without even asking you what you needed he just threw a £20 note at you. "Thanks"
Niki couldn't help but smile when you guys made eye contact and you shyyed away.
You left the house locking the door and finding your car in the driveway.
(Back in the house)
Jake waited until he could hear your car engine start to speak up.
"So, Niki, what happened to that girl you were dating? Jenny was it? Janice?" He said curious to know more qbout the boy's love life..
"She broke up with me a few months ago because her parents didn't approve."
Jake just hummed, nodding at his response.
It got quiet for a moment until Sunghoon spoke up.
"Niki do you think you will start dating again anytime soon?"
"I've thought about that and I think I won't jump to the first girl who asks me out, this time, I'll wait for the right girl."
Sunghoon nodded "Do you have anyone in mind?"
"Yeah, but you guys aren't ready for it."
"Oh come on, tell-"
The sounds of the door opening and closing interrupted sunghoon as you entered and waved the packet of crisps in the air. All 3 men began cheering as you threw it at Jake and it hit him straight in the head causing you and the 2 older boys to laugh as Jake held his head in his hands. You ran to your room as Jake ran after you. Holding the door and locking it in Jake's face. He was banging on it and yelling at you to open it. Eventually, he stopped and went back to the living room. Although, he wasn't going to give up that easily. He sent Niki to talk to you and get you to open the door, Niki obviously didn't decline because it was alone time with you.
"_____? It's me Niki. Open the door I'm not gonna let Jake in."
"You promise?" You asked making his heart swell with adoration.
"Yes I promise."
Unlocking the door and creaking it open slightly just to peak out and make eye contact with Niki. He smiled warmly and you opened the door enough for him to walk in, eyeing the hallway cautiously. Making him laugh and pull you into the room, fully locking the door.
He felt a surge of confidence from being alone in a room with you and as you turned around he crept behind you and pinned you against the door.
"Nik-!" You yelled and he hurried to cover your mouth for fear of Jake thinking you were in danger and breaking the door down.
"I'll move my hand, but don't shout, please"
After calming down, you nodded quickly and he moved his hand slowly resting it on your shoulder. He sighed thankful that you didn't shout, and grabbed your waist, hugging you.
"What are u doing?" You whisper-yelled into his bicep.
"I don't know, but if you want me to stop, just say so."
After getting no response, he scoffed lightly and pulled away to look at you. The look in your eye made a light pink hue fall on his cheeks as he smiled.
"Yeah?" You answered softly.
"Can I kiss you?" He was desperate to, but he wanted to make sure he could.
Instead of answering him, you wrapped ur hands around his neck and pulled him down to kiss him. It happened too quick for Niki, as he felt his face grow hot and his hands exploring your small back, kissing you deeply.
Oh, how badly you've wanted to kiss him since year 8 (9th grade) but never wanting to break the bond you and him had. You could kiss him forever but the sound of Jake laughing loudly from the living room startled you, causing you to break away from Niki and open the door quietly. Gesturing him to the kitchen where you both waited for something to happen, the sound of Jake's voice broke the silence.
"_____? You okay, it's been a while."
"Yeah, I'm alright." You answered back.
You and Niki crept to the doorway, Niki hiding behind the wall, reassuring you that Jake couldn't see him. Jake and Sunghoon walked over to see you by urself.
"She's okay dude" Sunghoon said annoyed.
Jake sighed lightly. "I know, had to make sure though."
You smiled softly at them and look in Niki's direction, only to see him smirking at you and lifting his eyebrow at you.
Video here
(Credits to aesphae on tiktok)
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messrsrobyn · 2 months
Ok nobody I’ve asked seems to give me a direct answer so I figured I’d just voice all my concerns with you? You don’t have to answer everything 😭😭
When it comes to fandom friends how do you move from just being moots to being friend friends? I saw a video you made about it when somebody had asked you a similar question but I’m really struggling with getting them to feel like friends and not just random accounts in my phone.
I’ve seen videos people have made and you guys are sharing jokes in the comments. I saw video of 3 girls that said “Us when anyone hates on mesrsrobyn” and you said like “Fan behaviour” which obviously shows that you’re actually their friend and you’re just teasing them.
Also how do you find people who are ok with you not responding all the time (😭😭😭) I’m just genuinely not active very much on any forms of social media. I was in a marauders gc and I was really happy thinking I was gonna make fandom friends but because I wasn’t active all the time they had a bunch of inside jokes I didn’t get and I kinda felt like an outsider.
Most of the people I see you interacting with online seem really cool and fun, so I’m just wondering where to find people like that. Just genuinely from posting?
I’m sure I’ve worded all this so strangely but honestly I’m sad because I’ve been in this fandom for 3 years in November and I have made no real lasting friendships. I feel like you yapping so much LOL
IK THE VIDEO 😭 my besties yup !!
this is long so i'm putting the lil dashy line thingy
i have v limited advice actually bc i don't think i've initiated many of my friendships in fandom?? despite how little i stfu, i'm a shyyy person. i get scared to text first.
my BIGGEST bit of advice is take. it. off. the. app.
i try to get discords mainly (bc i use it most) but once you take it off of tiktok or wherever you met it feels so much less like mutuals. like yes, we met in fandom but now we are discussing our plans for the day and getting to know each other as Robyn not Messrsrobyn.
i made most of my friends from posting !! i made my account as a whole to meet people and (ive been flagging a bit recently actually but) i always try to reply to EVERYONEEE. so most of my friends were just people that commented that i replied to, their name kept popping up in my notifs? boom. friends. one of them said they loved crimson rivers so next time i found an edit i sent it to them.
ALSO !! i'm so bad at replying.
servers im more active in i think, but just... dms? not very good at all. anyone that doesn't respect that or gets mad? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ i dont want them as a friend.
like it's frustrating i know! i hate the amount of lil red bubbles i have on every single app but it doesn't mean i value my friends any less and they all know that <3 we don't always have the time or capacity to reply and that's okie.
i tend to get it out the way immediately and test the waters. just a lil "btw i'm really sorry for my reply times! i'm not the best at it but feel free to double text me as much as you want" and always make sure that i follow up on everything that's been said whilst i wasn't replying.
im rambling a bit i fear but the right friends won't get mad at it, or make you feel less important bc of it. it might just take some time to find them but You Will.
i feel like i havent actually given much advice?? i'm genuinely so so so lucky to have found the friends that i have but i did nothing. i think i said in a few of my tiktoks rightttt at the beginning that my dms were open for friends and then i think? hope? that i've kept that energy going of like someone that anyone can message and i'll get back to them (at some point 😭 my tiktok dms are a mess but thats an issue for future robyn) so i've been able to just sit back and naturally find them.
i live by the motto of "the worst they can do is not reply" every time i send a comment or dm to a new person
we're all just losers reading fanfiction !! we all want lil friends to talk to about it so interaction and reaching out gives us that BUT it's the taking it off of the app that takes it from mutuals to friends imo.
this is UNNECESSARILY LONG omg. i never know how to answer these ones but i hope it helps a lil? <3 social interaction is NOT my finest point. potentially my worst i fear.
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 2 years
Some Pre Abu Dhabi Chaos
Je T'aime series
Jack Hughes x F1 driver reader
**series is set in 2024 & Danny, Seb & mick are still on the grid**
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Liked by lanceStroll, ScuderiaFerrari & others
yourusername Its Abu Dhabi time. You know what that means #onemoretime #thanksforthememoriess
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CharlesLeclerc why must you do this to us.
Yourusername because I can
LandoNorris I hate it thanks
Yourusername youre welcome babe
LanceStroll must we do this every year?
yourusername thank you so much for your question. Yes
LanceStroll JackHughes I blame you for this
JackHughes What did I do? She was like this before me. I blame thombordeleau_
yourusername feeling the love
Thombordeleau_ if anything its Ferrarris fault for letting her control her own socials
ScuderiaFerrari Dont blame us!
GinaSchumacher I will pay you everything in my bank account for all of the photos you have of Mick like this
yourusername Oh, I'll share them for free babe. Are we thinking just last year or....
MickSchumacher I will disown both of you
Yourusename please, you can't get rid of me. I'm like a weed
JackHughes did you just refer to yourself as a weed?
yourusername and what if I did?
user123 Alsonso is me in that pic
LewisHamilton Leave me alone!!
yourusername no 😙
carlosSainz55 I hate you
yourusername those glasses make you faster?
Yourusername cause I always see you in my mirror
CharlesLeclerc behind like a loser
ArthurLeclerc you're one to talk big brother
CharlesLeclerc Ferme ta bouche petit merde.
thombordeleau_ how do you get these photos?
yourusername I have my ways
MickSchumacher How about you share the ones you have of him next time?
Yourusername Thats a great idea Mickolas, thanks for the suggestion
thombordeleau_ Watch yourself Mick.
JackHughes don't do it babe
Yourusername Please hold
EstebanOcon you're my favourite rn. Thanks for not including me
yourusername Don't tell Mickey Mouse but you're my favourite too
mickschumacher don't tell mick what? 🤨
Fan133 Mickey Mouse 😭
Fan565 Queen behaviour
fan5758 Oh my god I love you so much
Fan532 askdehe so many thoughts
fan2049 I am not thinking impure thoughts. I am not!
fan22 the FOB reference? I see you
yourusername Thank you! someone who got it
PierreGasly You're learning well
Yourusername don't act like youre better than me at dumping
PierreGasly I dont know how to respond to that
yourusername yeah cause you only take Ls (see your picture)
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Liked by fan24, LandoNorris & others
Yourusername The grids going to be a bit less fun without you two next year
Danny, youre the big brother I never wanted but got anyway. Glad to have shared a track with you for this long, you high performance athlete that sweats (kiki-rara)
Seb, I can't put into words how much you've done for me. I love you so much please dont leave (Danke)
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DanielRiccardo where are these photos coming from. I love you too champ 🥲
Yourusername See you in Melbourne? 
DanielRiccardo You bet your sweet ass you will
SebastianVettel Youre going to go so far, only just getting started. I'm glad we had those years at Ferrari together & I can't wait to see what else you do (but I’m leaving)
Yourusername stop it Seb, I can't cry again
SebastianVettel Now go & Win it!!
yourusername I'll do it for you<3
Charlesleclerc We'll miss you!
EstebanOcon Thanks for everything!
LandoNorris an icon
LanceStroll a great teammate
YukiTsunoda a mentor to all
yoruusername can y'all not make you own posts? stop hijacking mine
NicoHischer You’re the greatest driver ever Sebastian
SebastianVettel thank you! Y/n tells me youre a good hockey player
Yourusername why’d you have to tell him that? His heads already too big
NicoHischier you talk to Seb about me? 
Yourusername You were mentioned a few times
SebastianVettel I’d like to meet you if you’re in Switzerland over the summer!
NJDevils what did you do to our captain?
Yourusername why👀
JackHughes he just passed out in the middle of the locker room
Yourusername You have got to be joking 
comments restricted 
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Liked by Jackhughes, Charlesleclerc & others
Yourusername y’all can thank mick for this one. Good luck in your games tonight/tomorrow boys!
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thombordeleau_ hey MickSchumacher 🖕
MickSchumacher Right back atcha bud 
_quinnhughes Mom & I are going to have a talk about you getting that photo
yourusername you leave my queen Ellen alone!!
_quinnhughes she's my mother!
yourusername yet she loves me more
Elblue6 I have no favourites
_alexturcotte uh huh sure
Elblue6 Are you sassing me Alex?
_alexturcotte absolutely not queen Ellen 
Lhughes_06 could've been worse
yourusername Thank you moose. they just dont get it
lhughes_06 oh I still hate it
yourusername I know!
JackHughes hey, babe, love of my life, my everything, take down the Gato one
Yourusername but you look so awkward in it!
nicohischier I can see the sniper dot on his chest
dawson1417 Say goodbye Y/n. Biosteel's coming for him
jesperbratt I can hear the gunshots
yourusername do you have to be so dramatic?
JackHughes sorry Jack can’t come to the comments. He’s dead - N
Yourusername Put my husband on Nico
JackHughes I love it when you call me that
Dawson1417 stop being sappy
nblanks98 jimmy.lambert looking good in that last pic
jimmy.lambert damn right I do
TrevorZegras  Cole got a feature but I didnt? 
yourusername he’s not as annoying as you (sometimes)
Edwards.73 OMG I’m on the official insta, mom im famous!
Dylanduke.25 pipe down buddy, its the back of you head.
Markestapa more than you appear dyl 
CharlesLeclerc oh, these are so much worse than ours
carlossainz55 you know she'll take that as a challenge
LandoNorris I wouldn't be surprised
yourusername well you'll have to wait & see
Mackie.samo not the WAP #neverforget
plapointe_22 I wish I could forget 
lhughes_06 we all do
fan727 oh my god I need more!
user09 so many questions
user93 I get more invested in this relationship & friendship every day
ColeCaufield Thats my bad side!
Yourusername you have a good one?
NSuzuki_37 👆
jacob_trusscott20 you’re welcome for some of these
Yourusername Thanks Jacob! I’ve been holding on to them for a while & they finally came in handy 
jacob_trusscott20 happy to help my favourite Canadian 
thombordeleau_ the fuck did you just say?
jacob_trusscott20 nothing honey
thombordeleau_ youre sleeping on the couch tonight
Yourusername ooooh big threat **jazz hands**
brendanBrisson did you just 👐
Yourusername there’s no emoji for it Brendan 🙄 I needed to get my point across (those aren't jazz hands you loser)
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