#dorry for bringing it up
golohours · 29 days
you know whensomething really minor just sets u off Ohhh its fine im so normal
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jameszmaguire · 8 months
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I found a weak spot, haven't I? Your whole generation's in thrall to these fucking boxes. Little app-junkies. I'm going to free you of it, Stephanie.
COREY DORRIS as SOLOMON LAUTER NERDY PRUDES MUST DIE Written by Nick & Matt Lang Directed by Nick Lang
[ID: Four gifs of Corey Dorris as Solomon Lauter in Starkid's Nerdy Prudes Must Die. He raises a hammer above his head and starts bringing it down, intending to smash his daughter Steph's phone. She throws herself forward and puts her hand between the hammer and the phone. Solomon stops in his motion, looks at her in disbelief and then straightens up. After another moment of trying to comprehend what she just did, he asks, "...did you just throw your hand BETWEEN the hammer and the phone??'. End ID.]
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
be my mistake- send me a character and a dialogue prompt and I'll write a little baby blurb for it
May i request a spencer reid blurb. Thank you! 🫶
“Do you have a crush on me?”
word count: 1.2k
warnings: *again by dorris day plays*, secret relationship
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You weren't sure how the situation had escalated so quickly, you'd just barely managed to convince yourself to go on the undercover assignment, nevermind ending up in the middle of a dancefloor with a slow song tickling your senses and your secret partner holding you in his arms. As far as assignments went, you've had worse and could definitely picture worse still but the moment felt cruel in its creation, forcing to the surface feelings you spent every second pushing aside.
"Spencer," you had almost no control over the nerves that slid through your voice, it was alarming, honestly, since nerves were the last thing the team needed from you. "They're all looking at us," you were painfully aware of how silly the statement sounded, that was the point, after all, but really it wasn't a reference to the fact that you were being watched and instead that you were being profiled, read like two coverless books, bare and spineless right before their eyes and it was illogical but that shook you more than the possible kidnapper you were trying to lure out.
"I know," he breathed and you swore his touch was laced with gasoline, a fire lighting under your skin as he moved his hand to your lower back, the other hand squeezing yours from where it held yours tightly. "Don't think about them," it was something easier said than done and was quite frankly more aimed at his nerves than your own.
Morgan was watching from the bar, talking to Emily, looking to the world like two people flirting when really he was looking for anyone that looked out of place. Though not nearly as convincing as the others, Hotch was sitting at a table by himself, keeping his gaze on the pair of you, and that was surely the problem because if Spencer could see through his act then he would definitely see through yours. Because the real problem was not that the two of you had to look like a convincing couple, but that you would be just slightly too good at it- which you definitely were.
Spencer found your gaze again, brows furrowed at the sight of you, eyes large and concerned, lip caught between your teeth as you fisted his shirt in your fingers, willing yourself to stay focused when this was the most time the two of you've had together since you caught this case. He was conflicted, he wanted to bring his thumb up to brush your lip to safety, bring his lips to your forehead to rid it of that little crease, wanted to pull you right into his chest to let you nuzzle your face into his neck- but he couldn't and so he had to find a way to work around it.
"Don't think about them," he repeated, and couldn't fight a small smile when you rolled your eyes at him, very unpleased with his seemingly unbothered behavior. He led you into a slight turn, pulling you just the slightest bit closer than before in the process, shielding you from the eyes of your team as well. "Now, it's just you and me," he explained and it was very convincing, the room around you feeling suddenly bare, empty, utterly devoid of anything but the man you loved and a song you would now and forever label as your favourite.
"I love this song," you breathed calmly, giving in to the sway of his hips guiding yours and he was admittedly pleased with himself when you smiled back at him, fingers easing their hold on his own, he was less pleased with that. You were settling into his arms despite your better judgment, leaning in just enough for him to feel your chest against his own, feel your breathing as you tried to hide the way you were desperate for even less space. "We've never danced like this before," you noted and it was true, you hardly found yourselves in places where it was possible but it was a welcoming foreignness, one you hoped would never be foreign again.
"We haven't," he agreed and his voice was dazed, dreamlike in its absence of any sense of formality, lost in you, drowning in you as he moved almost naturally, habitually to embrace you, your own movements completely unplanned as you rested your head just below his shoulder, breathing in softly as his scent surrounded you now more so than before. He realized barely a second later what this must've looked like from another perspective and followed his carelessness by dancing around slowly, circling your spot to give the bar a faux interrogating glance.
"You know..." your voice was softer than before, a familiar sound to your lover as he brushed his hand up and down your back, grounding you as you managed to shield a quick kiss to his collarbone, hiding it by pretending to scratch your nose with his shirt. "I don't think you understand just how awfully torturous it is to be this close to you and not be able to kiss you."
"Trust me," he began and the scoff he breathed was almost bitter, but more than anything it was disbelieved, tremored, barely keeping his affection at bay when you tilted your head back to look up at him, the light catching your features so perfectly it was almost cruel, he'd not seen you so content, so relaxed in what felt like forever. "I understand perfectly."
Someone was speaking into his earpiece then, Morgan, you gathered by the look on Spencer's face. Hotch walked out of the bar before you could overhear what was being said, Emily following close behind and Morgan, though clearly on his way out, making sure to offer you a quick wink before disappearing behind the shimmering tinsel curtains.
" What was that?" you frowned, Spencer shaking his head as he proceeded to move his hand away from his ear where he'd had it hovering while listening. You couldn't tell what he was thinking, what was going on aside from the fact that the assignment was clearly a bust- but what you were sure of was the sort of sparkle that met Spencer's gaze as he daringly, far too recklessly brought that very hand to cup your cheek.
"Do you have a crush on me?" he demanded and as simple as the question, everything fell into place almost instantly, your face falling into mock guilt as you nodded lightly, leaning into his touch.
"Was it that obvious?" you mused, and he laughed lightly, a breathy sound, so effortless it felt almost unreal as he kissed you quickly, first just a peck and then another lingering yet tenderly brisk kiss. He hummed- satisfied as if he'd been waiting for the chance forever, longing for a taste far too long.
"Terribly," he countered and you knew your skin was burning against his palm at the intensity of his focus on you, unfiltered, completely genuine and unhidden, willingly exposed. "Just you and me," he explained as if he'd ever need to explain being so openly in love with you.
"Just you and me," you repeated and it was you who acted this time, making sure the next kiss he gave you lasted far longer than a second, and ended after far more than just the one.
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beaulesbian · 2 months
Egghead is such an interesting arc that's bringing so many characters from previous arcs into the play here back together.
Where Wano arc was like 'who are these new samurai-like characters?' And 'who are these completely new henchmen of the big villains?' And 'You get another 10 to 100 new important characters, and let's give them all backstories and aspirations.' (And basically all previous arcs were like that as well, except for a few connecting threads or hints between important stories and characters)
But a lot of Egghead has a sense comforting nostalgia because of characters we've known (of) before, being brought up to re-connect with Strawhats, or the story itself, in new yet familiar ways.
(And I know I say nostalgia, even though it's only been half a year of reading OP for me, but still!)
Vegapunk? Oh yeah, he's been mentioned during Enies Lobby when Koby was telling Luffy about the cool inventions the Marines have now, and later Franky was thrown at his homeland island during the TimeSkip.
Kuma? The warlord guy to whom Zoro offered his life instead of Luffy's on Thriller Bark? The same dude who sent all Strawhats all across the world when they weren't strong enough? Even Dragon and Ivankov are there from time to time. Robin and her past gets brought up again!
Jewelry Bonney? Sabaody arc too. Same with Kizaru & Sentomaru and other Marine guys. Kid & Law's crews too.
On other parts of the seas is Buggy plotting a new alliance with Mihawk and Crocodile. Yes, they don't like each other, but they do, but they don't. It's complicated.
Vivi is there for a hot second, and Alabasta still has an important unfinished tale to tell.
Shanks, too? Shanks, too.
Wait, Rob Lucci is back too? The guy that Luffy defeated during Enies Lobby? He's an even bigger leopard cat and Kaku's an even weirder giraffe. Yes, they got stronger too, just like all Strawhats.
More spies? Yes. More clones? Yes.
And now Giants of Elbaf are there? Dorry and Brogy! It's been so long since the Little Garden arc! One of the very first arcs on the Grand Line! But they all remember that time with so much nostalgia and fondness to see each other again!
And because of Vegapunk, the whole world is about to be connected to witness something together. From Luffy's village to Dressrosa to Elbaf. It's really more visible now how this whole arc was created for all these familiar faces to come back together (as well as diving more into some of theirs characters/backstories, including the Five Elders), to share the moment of the Egghead Incident, whatever that still may be.
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bobauthorman · 1 year
The Luffy-Kid Connection
With the recent chapter of One Piece being released, I thought I should talk more about Eustass Kid This isn’t an in-depth analysis of his character and motivations, but instead delves into how he parallels our main protagonist, Monkey D. Luffy.
From the very beginning, Kid is introduced as a dark reflection to Luffy, from having roughly the same bounty (Albeit a little higher) and having a Number 2 with a 9-digit bounty of his own. They even want the same thing, to be Pirate King. Hell, when they are first seen fighting together, they unveil the thematically same technique.
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However, while Luffy and his crew have saved numerous nations from destruction and freed them from tyranny, Kid is infamous in-universe for wreaking havoc on the common folk. It could be easy to write this off as propaganda or exaggeration, but as we see in chapter 594, Kid has no problem with crucifying people he’s beaten. This is a level of viciousness we’ve only seen on the worst of enemies, and a sign that whatever’s said about Kid may not be entirely fabricated. And while Luffy has always been concern about non-coms getting caught in the crossfire, Kid makes it clear he doesn’t care who gets hurt outside of his crew.
Furthermore, there is the matter of humility. Luffy always had people question or mock his dream of being Pirate King, but he just shrugs them off, only throwing down with those who plan on trying to get his way of that. Kid, on the other hand, admits to killing people who laughed at him. Remember the time in Mock Town when neither Luffy or Zoro bothered to fight back against the Bellamy Pirates for mocking the concept of dreams? I sincerely doubt neither Kid or Killer would be so restrained.
When the story brings Kid back into the spotlight, we see he is trying to form an alliance among his fellow pirates…just like Luffy, at the time, went into an alliance with Law to take down one of the Four Emperors. And while Luffy made it clear at the time that he wanted to beat the Emperors except for Shanks (Or, more accurately, that Shanks not be the first), Kid’s prospective alliance was made for the explicit purpose of beating Shanks. And while Luffy’s alliance works out, Kid ends up betrayed and cheated by the pirates he tried to trust.
In Wano, where both men are beaten and captured by Kaido, Luffy and Kid end up in competition over who can do the most labor (And, I am deeply impressed that Kid can carry just as much as Luffy with one arm). But while Luffy helps Old Man Hyo and learns a new Haki technique, Kid walks out as soon as he can, and doesn’t.
And finally, we reach Elbaf, where Kid finds himself in a rematch with Shanks. A very short rematch, to be precise (I was rooting for Shanks, btw), but it’s here that we see two more old friends, Dorry and Broggy from Little Garden. The same technique that once cleared the path for the Straw Hats to sail on their way, it is used to sink Kid’s ship. And speaking of this fight, recollect back to Alabasta, when the Straw Hats saw the Barogue Works fleet but chose not to attack, not wanting to waist their time on small-fry. Kid, on the other hand, made the choice to attack the lesser pirates in Shanks’ fleet…which played a big part in why Shanks waisted no time stomping Kid.
In short, Kid’s role is in part how integral Luffy’s natural kindness and empathy is to his becoming Pirate King…by showing how screwed he’d be without it.
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clorvismaximus · 6 months
A Childhood of Clownery
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing an older lady who had clowns in her childhood. As we all know, keeping clowns as personal pets is a rather new phenomenon. Previously, only traveling circuses could afford to keep clowns permanently, and most of the older generation could only afford to rent a clown for special occasions, like birthday parties. This is what made this interview that much more interesting!
Without further ado, here is the interview:
Clorvismaximus: I'm delighted to announce that we're here today with Dorrie, a storyteller from the heart of Dixie, ready to share tales of growing up with a special friend—a clown named Doodles. Now, Dorrie, tell us, what was it like having a clown as a childhood companion?
Dorrie: Oh, it was a hoot and a half, I tell ya. Doodles the clown was a Southern gentleman of the Homo Ridiculus variety—his rainbow hair and outfit brighter than a Georgia sunrise.
C: Sounds like he was a real character. Can you walk us through some of your favorite memories with Doodles?
D: Well, sugar, every day was a page out of a country song. Doodles had this way of turnin' the everyday into somethin' magical. Imagine balloons bein' gateways to pretend worlds and confetti showers just 'cause it's Tuesday. His bag of tricks was like a treasure chest, holdin' surprises that kept my heart twirlin'.
C: Doodles certainly knew how to bring the joy. How did your relationship with him evolve over time?
D: Doodles wasn't just a pet; he was kin. We'd sit on the porch, talkin' 'bout triumphs, heartaches, and dreams as the fireflies danced. As the years rolled by, he stayed the same—a source of joy in a world that was gettin' busier by the minute. Our home became a haven where human and clown mixed like cornbread and collard greens.
C: Sounds like a special bond. Any down-home wisdom Doodles shared with you?
D: Absolutely. Doodles had this knack for droppin' nuggets of wisdom. Lessons 'bout findin' joy in the little things and the power of a simple smile. He wasn't just a pet; he was like a Southern granny sharin' the secrets of a good, happy life.
C: It's clear Doodles left a mark on your heart. How did his final journey impact you?
D: Oh, darlin', when Doodles set off on his final journey, the streets of Whimsyville got a mite quieter, and the sky lost a bit of its charm. But as I think back on them good ol' days, my heart's filled with gratitude for the memories we cooked up together.
C: Well, thank you, Dorrie, for sharing this heartfelt tale of Doodles and your childhood. It's been a delight to hear your story.
D: My pleasure, sweatheart. Sometimes, the best stories are the ones we live, and Doodles was the star of my favorite chapter.
I hope you all have found this just as fascinating as I have. Clown care has evolved considerably since Dorrie's childhood years, yet I can see the beginnings of what we have today in Dorrie's memories. I teared up hearing about Doodles departing on his final journey. All clowns must migrate, as we all know, but us clown owners can't help but feel heart broken when it's our clown's turn to start their final journey.
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deadite-central · 15 days
I’ll probably repeat things people have already said considering how universally loved Ennies Lobby is but I still do also love it and I still do want to talk about it
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We're welcomed into a setting not quite like any other we've seen so far. Ennies Lobby resembles a court more than it resembles an actual island, and considering that Robin and Franky are in this court without any chances of being seen as innocent, it builds a sense of tension for the rescue mission
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I absolutely adore the brought back relevance of Dorry and Brogy. I already said I love Little Garden and seeing parts of their crew joining forces with us to help is such a delight to see. I also love that Usopp is the one that tells them the truth about this, considering how high he thinks of the giants
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The scene where the entire crew gets together to go against the entire world for Robin is iconic, and for a good reason. The composition is absolutely outstanding and the emotional weight of this moment gives me chills no matter how many times I see it
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And it's amplified when we see the horrible horrible trauma that Robin lived through. This child who simply wanted to learn about archeology just like her mom lost her entire island and everyone she ever had. She was left alone to fend for herself in a world that saw her as a monster. Not only does this flashback answer so many questions we've had since Alabasta, it's also a horrifyingly real potrayal of genocide at the hands of the goverment which considering the current world events, is gut wrenching to read
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Robin's backstory leads to another absoluetly unforgettable moment, but I'll let the panel speak for itself. It's great. We all know it's great
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To take a break from highly emotional moments; the reveal of Gear 2 and Gear 3 (which Oda teases us with before revealing it) is so hype despite knowing it's coming. I knew about Gear 5 when I first got into One Piece, but my brain didn't register there might be other Gears, so this brought me back to my excitement when I first got to this scene, great feeling
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I don't actually have anything to say about the Luffy vs Lucci fight, because I already mentioned everything I wanted while talking about the Gears, BUTTTT the Merry going (get it) to rescue the Straw Hats is a touching moment. Her final time where she could help her crew
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Ennies Lobby ends with her death. Many people bring up the "to be loved is to be changed" quote with Merry, and I couldn't agree with it's usage more. Merry wasn't just a ship, she was a crewmate, a part of the family, and despite meeting her end here, we know she loved them and was loved in return. She might be gone, but she'll be in their hearts. Forever smiling, because they cared about her
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batgirlmiracle · 2 months
i dont know why people think the last person to join the crew is going to be anyone other than vivi. where are your eyeballs.
okay so. lets start from the current one piece opening, op 26 us by hiroshi kitadani, this shot right at the end of it of the full crew, notice anything?
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so. the shot is mostly mirrored, with the crew being organized (roughly) by when they were added to the crew, but only chopper doesnt have a character mirrored with him. they easily couldve put chopper in the middle, btwn usopp and nami, to mirror the shot, but they didnt. so, who could have been added to the crew around the time chopper was added? hmmm its almost like they travelled w a certain princess and her roadrunner duck. ah, right. vivi!
okay and some of you out there are going "oh but bonney is gonna be protected by the strawhats!" shes gonna go with kuma to the revolutionary army or some shit. vegapunk has entrusted her to luffy, yes, but i can not see luffy bringing a mostly dead kuma everywhere he goes when he has a perfectly good brother and father that want to take kuma in and would gladly welcome bonney too.
"but what about the vegapunks" theyll go to dragon, their friend
"but what about kizaru" why do some of you people even want him in the crew like srsly. i cannot imagine having his annoying ass on the crew
yamato is the only argument i will hear. see, yamato, in a surprise twist, didnt join the crew, partially because, like oden, yamato wants to protect wano, and foreign threats can be a little stronger than wano's current power level without kaido who significantly reduced their fighting capacity. so, yamato's going to travel around wano, get stronger, while momo and the akazaya also get stronger, and he's not gonna leave until after blackbeard comes knocking w caribou's info on the location of pluton
meanwhile, vivi is quite literally on the run from the world government, hiding in news morgans fuckin airship with wapol, while luffy and gang have just met up w dorry and broggy. lots of alabasta saga names coming back huh? its almost like dorry and broggy might reunite w vivi too? like come on, news morgans is totally gonna want to go to elbaf to see what the fuck luffy's gonna do next, and vivi is finally gonna get her second chance at freedom
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fatskwirrel · 25 days
Ramble to me about your favorite WIP >:}
ok omg so my gavourite writing WIP is set in a fantasy world and most of what I’ve been doing is scrambled workdbuilding and character writing so hereeee :))
the main cast are all failures and inevitable become the villsins of the story i decided that this was because of the quest which aims to destroy the questers spirits, gain powerful allies, gain weak enemies and eventually create an extinction level event that will destroy every race on the planet!!!
I thiught humans in fantasy were kind of boring to write because we already know so much about them so every person existing on the world in that current day is some kind of humanoid creature. Humans do technically exist there but they exist as souls: orblike beings that look a bit like this
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they are harmless and just kinda float around - some of them do “speak” but in shattered words and only truly ‘united’ souls can actively communicate in full sentences.
Worldbuilding wise, the workd is set many years in the future and if i actually write this and people want to read this may spoil a bit if a plot point but,, many years ago - or slightly in the future for us, astronomers had found that a big space thing was coming to destroy the earth :0000 but they also remembered that a couple years ago they captured a meteor to extract a weird energy coming off it and they believed that if they used it to layer the earth in some way (this is do not accurate im dorry 😭😭) they could save the planet. This energy can be kinda referred to as ‘magic’ and after they did their plan thing it turned out that it was actually quite harmful to every living creature,, but it was too late now soo yeah
but magic is actually a conscious creature and in short it kinda collected a bunch if creatures and shoved them in “souls” tjen recreated earth using their ideas and what was REALLY trending atm in the human workd was fantasy so thats a fantasy world - or tbh it could be just one collected orbs idea idkkk.
anyways, in the current (fantasy world story time) an elf had been excessively researching humans. I think in this world, history is different to ours and that’s because magic is a hive mind creature and every creatire that lived in THAT world was connected through that hyper intelligent being (magic) who also had the fractured memories of every living being on earth so everyone in that workd has vague ideas of what human life was like but no idea how they know and wgenever we have no idea how we know smth we usually push it away and accept it as a simple fact of life. They do that too unless they’re historians like my elf guy Ester.
Anyways,, in his studies he first tried replicating hunans through Nymphs. He kept messing up but it’s natural tjat he did since he was trying to do what no one has ever done before. In his research he went to go stufy souls and this ended up distracting him from his original goal. He found a soul that spoke in fractured words and he was infatuated since he never found one that could speak before. He studied it endlessly until he ‘figured out’ what they were trying to tell him: Magic destroyed them and to bring them back, magic must be destroyed.
He did more research and bla bla bla found out that the best way he could destroy magic with no intereference was to make a quest!!!
So, main cast. I’m not sure who my main character is yet but I got the main cast so far: Siege, nicknamed “the traveller” is a giant. He grew up in a predominantly alchemist society (Alchemy is a religion that believes the world and all creatures came from the first alchemist: a human who betrayed everyone he knew by collecting all the magic seals and setting magic free, destroying every human but bringing the new fantastical races of mankind (alchemy is believed by the majority of individuals especially giants as alchemy can be used to reduce their height)). When he was young he used to be explorative and every day he would visit the entrance of the castle to see the visitors from other kingdoms. One day, he saw a Ninja being walked into the castle for presumably an execution. He thought it was the coolest thing he had ever seen and since that day he had been researching and training himself to become one. But all the stories and documents describing them were never accurate or detailed and so as he grew he shaped more into the innacurate image of what he thought was a ninja but bever actually became one (also hes a giant who is he kidding).
Next up is his bestie Wine. Wine is an orc raised by elves. In this world femininity is seen as preferable and therefore orcs and other naturally burly creatures are demonised. Elves are often respected and revered. At the time Wine was born, a war was ongoing between the elves and orcs however the elves had more allies. His whole city was destroyed and his family with it (according to his parents) his parents were sent to heal those who could be recovered and when they saw him they took him in. He was raised to reject and hate his naturally orcish appearance. Quick story but his parents are LOADED and so when they moved, they took him to a posh alchemist school. He liked it there at first because he was very religious and so were all his friends who resoected alchemy but ome night they jumped him and he had to go to the hospital. When he was there he saw a kid getting a prosthetic and got a very self destructive idea. Before he enacted this idea ge met seige in the alchemy club (there was a kingdomwide shortage of what was needed to reduce Seiges height so he went to the alchemy club to get help) and they became friends. Then he got leg prosphetics by breaking his legs and boom thats his story.
I tried to associate each character with a sin bc i always do and Wine’s sin is envy, Siege’s is pride.
Another character is Caedy (he dies in the first chapter)
Next up is Alin. Alin is a Dwarf who grew up in a Dwarf community. She is a very business oriented person who is constantly calculating her next move. Her Dwarf community was quite poor so she worked her way up to get out and promised her villiage chief that if she becomes successful her money will go to the village. As I mentioned earlier, femininity is preffered and do it was hard for Alin to work her way up since anything she could ever apply for would be rejected. One way to become successful is to join a ‘socialite circle’. It’s a form of education developed to home people’s skills to help them eventually get a high class job in the court, in the majesties, etc. She was rejected from that as well. However, through tavern work she had eventually finally started making more than she needed and had enough to start her own business. She had a stall and shevwas hoping to use her earnings to build her own tavern that would hopefully even host a guild. But one day she list everything and had no choice but to go on quests for wuick money.
I have to go but I’ll finish later with a reblog!!
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raygirlramblings · 3 months
So what is your headcanon for your Daphne x Allegra ship and how would there dynamics work?
SO, a little backstory, this all started with thinking about what happens to the Spark hunters after the events of Sparks of Hope.
With Cursa gone they are pretty much forgotten about, but I'd like to think that Edge would feel some sense of responsibility to make sure they're not completely left out in the cold, especially seeing what happened with Kanya after she went solo. Also Edge got the amazing opportunity to hang out with Mario and friends, and it changed her life. So the other Spark hunters should have the opportunity to make something good of their lives outside of their original design.
So I headcannoned Edge striking out on her own after the Last Spark Hunter/Phantom Show DLC on the Arc with JEANIE, finding the Spark hunters and bringing them to places where they would fit in and their unique skills could be better utilised so they can find fulfilment.
Midnite would end up on the Space Opera Network station, helping Rayman and the Rabbids produce content for the network. I can see her larger than life nature and spotlight craving personality being a huge boon to up the quality of content produced, and also give Ray a break having to wrangle the other rabbids by himself XD
Bedrock would end up on Barrendale Mesa working with Momma. I can see a big, strong girl like Bedrock being a huge help to the building projects in the Mesa, and also getting that mother/daughter bond going with Momma who can validate her. I can just see Bedrock being completely moved anytime Momma compliments her strength ;0;
Kanya I pictured ending up in Palette prime and being semi 'adopted' by Sweetlopek and Dryad. She's still a little chaos gremlin but with the limited tech resources on Palette Prime she is given the chance to mellow out and experience having a family who care for her, something she clearly never had from Cursa or her 'sisters'. Gives her a kind of twisted 'little red riding hood' vibe in the forest setting XD
FINALLY Daphne would end up making a home in Melodic Gardens, a beautiful natural paradise perfect for her more plant-based nature. While the natives are a little spooked by her loud and cheeky personality, Allegra sees Daphne for what she needs. A means of expression and an outlet for her chaotic brand of joy.
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Originally Daphne kinda just wanders off on her own to explore the mesa and start trouble, with Allegra following at a safe distance and keeping an eye on this enigmatic new Rabbid friend. Allegra becomes besotted when Daphne is inspired to sing along with some of the plant life, hearing how free and creative this plant rabbid is in a new environment.
Daphne is 100% aware she's being stalked, and while initially untrusting with a 'I don't need anybody lol' attitude she is taken aback by Allegra's sudden infatuation with her. Daphne believes that as a creation of Cursa she's pretty much an unlovable freak...and she's ok with that! But having a (undeniably gorgeous) Rabbid sincerely telling her how perfect and inspiring she is throws her. She's not used to this kind of love bombing, so she tries to maintain distance by showing off the violent, spiteful trickster she is.
This turns into Daphne deliberately causing more havoc in an attempt to push Allegra away, showing her how 'vile' and 'unlovable' she is. This has little effect (other than causing chaos for the other Mesa residents) until one of Daphne's pranks ends up indirectly hurting Allegra's friend Dorrie.
At this point Allegra snaps out of her revere and fights back, demanding Daphne stop harming her home and friends. This warrior side of Allegra catches Daphne off guard, and sends her packing into the darkest reaches of the mesa to tend her wounds and rethink her plans.
Allegra, still deeply curious about Daphne's true nature goes on her own journey to find her. In the peace and seclusion of the far lands of the Mesa the two rabbids meet up and start to form a more honest relationship. Daphne starts to see the playful beauty of the mesa and vibes with the musical energy, and Allegra comes to understand Daphne's past and how devoid of genuine love it was. She offers Daphne safe refuge in her home, on the condition she stop trying to ruin it for everyone else. She introduced Daphne to the various musical elements of her home, allowing Daphne to find her own vibe and unlocking new sounds and musical combos more suited to her personality.
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Now more in tune with the energy of the Mesa Daphne is welcomed into the community with (tentative) open arms. She's still a prankster and her music choices leave a lot to be desired by the residents, but for the first time in a long time she is happy, and thrives off the love and adoration Allegra gives her. Plus where she originally saw Allegra as a bit of a stick in the mud seeing her grace and warrior devotion to her home helps Daphne view her in a whole new light ♥
Allegra sees Daphne as her muse. Daphne's chaotic tendencies are great for breaking the mould and avoiding art block. The two often spend a lot of time together composing new music, exploring the mesa, and just generally enjoying one another's company.
There are still a few bridges to be mended and barriers that need breaking, but the two are learning from one another and finding comfort in being together ♥
....so yeah that's my long and overthought views on this random pairing I hope you like it AAA
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crossroadofinterests · 4 months
The fact Dorry and Brogy are the ones coming to pick up the Straw Hats is amazing for many many reasons, but one that I haven't seen anybody mention is that thanks to the giant ship they can actually bring this lil guy along to Elbaf 😊😊😊
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Let Luffy have a giant robot friend that is solely powered by his sunny disposition!!!
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golohours · 2 months
genuinely mind blowing to me seeing big q stans posting about how cute and small and tiny he is like he isn’t in the midst of being sued for exploitation and it hasn’t just been confirmed (finally) that his nasty brother co owns the server its likr actually wild
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musicalcastingideas · 3 months
Team Starkid Does Into the Woods
Narrator: Lauren Walker
She's the iconic narrator Molag in Firebringer, if I want anything narrated, I'm calling her.
The Baker: Corey Dorris
I've been on the Give Corey Dorris A Lead Role train for a while (even though I'm very new to Tumblr) so this was easy for me. Also, is "A father who's not the best person but is trying his goddamn best" describing The Baker or Bill from TGWDLM?
The Baker's Wife: Bryce Charles
I'm so hyped for her to be the star of Team Starkid's next show, and I need to hear her sing Moments in the Woods.
Cinderella: Lauren Lopez
I don't feel like I need to explain this one? The vibes are just correct.
Jack: James Tolbert
I've only seen him in Black Friday and like 2 seconds of NPMD but he has such a sincere earnestness to his performance, I think he would be a great Jack.
Jack's Mother: Rachel Soglin
She's my favourite exhausted mother in Trail to Oregon, this is the same part but meaner and without an idiot husband falsettoing in a wagon with a floor window.
Cinderella's Stepmother: Mary Kate Wiles
(She's in Working Boys so she counts as Team Starkid) She has a wonderfully dry delivery and while in Spies Are Forever, she uses it for a Jaded Hero character, I want to see her use it for a truly cruel character.
Florinda and Lucinda: Angela Giarratana and Jaime Burns
Both wonderful comedic actresses who would definitely make these relatively small parts very memorable.
Little Red Riding Hood: Mariah Rose Faith Casillas
Is this just an excuse for a (albeit not as direct) third "Corey is Mariah's Father" casting? Yeah, kinda. But also Mariah is amazing in pretty much any part.
The Witch: Jaime Lynn Beatty
This feels so obvious. Her physical acting, character work and amazing belt are MADE to play the Witch. I am always open to constructive criticism except for this one.
Cinderella's Mother: Brittany Coleman
According to the Team Starkid Wiki, she's played this part in the Baltimore Centre Stage production, so she not only would obviously slay this part, she HAS already slayed this part.
Wolf/Cinderella's Prince: Joey Richter
Hmm, who do I get to play two parts, one who's supposed to be creepy and one who's supposed to be irresistibly sexy? I dunno. Anyway, Joey Richter has such amazing range, he plays skeevy villains like Mcdoon (the bandit king) in Trail to Oregon and Wiley in Black Friday , but also is so hot and charming as Ethan in Nightmare time and as Owen in Spies are Forever. Don't know why I bring that up now.
Rapunzel: Kim Whalen
Soprano Queen, actual princess. Also, I want her and Curt to play an actual couple
Rapunzel's Prince: Curt Mega
Not to fall into the Internet Wife Guy Trap but Curt seems so in love with his wife and I think he would be so good as the prince who would do anything to be with her (God please don't pull a Ned Fulmer Curt I swear to God). Also, if you haven't seen him and Joey do Agony for Shitty Broadway, please go watch it, it's amazing.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 4 months
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If you're a regular you'd know one of my other random One Piece blorbos is Miss Goldenweek, the unflappable painter from Little Garden. So, I've revisited that arc a lot. Kinda kicking myself for not thinking of this one yet especially since the giants hold a personal resonance with my OP fandom, Oimo & Kashi being when I first caught up. Looking back...that's a huge, untapped element of this major scene for him in Wano with Samurai Blorbo and her totally not dad. Now obviously it wouldn't sour Usopp on the simple long-held desire to visit Elbaf, but it is legitimately very interesting to serve of up a grand moment of disillusionment with another culture of honor right before Dorry & Brogy come back around.
That's just intriguing to me. Egghead is bringing a lot full circle, the giants are just another ripple of a consistent theme. Yesterday we talked about the implications of that for the plot but it makes me that much more invested in Usopp's secondary dream coming back into play with this element of something that maybe tempers it. An idea not exactly new by the way, don't forget we really played with this idea through Sanji's arc in Wano. Speaking of that concept, do you recall the structure of meeting the giants? It was split right? Usopp/Nami meet Brogy and Luffy/Vivi meet Dorry:
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Think of how we usually talk about Vivi here, a formerly rare relationship of a cooler head to Luffy that Bakura Town is built around Kiku filling. So revisiting our first meeting with the giants, it's cool how we see the concept but with the more even tone Luffy/Vivi have. Remember this is before she chastises him on Drum. And of course through the rest of Little Garden we've already mentioned how Miss Goldenweek is kind of an odd figure who launches off into her own cover serial but not until after she exposes Luffy's big weakness. Not for the first time mind you, that's Jango as we meet Usopp, which has it's own peculiar angle too:
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Say what you want but Kiku was this oddball who had an untapped personal relationship with Luffy and we've showed since early in this series sometimes the obvious is too obvious for us to feel a need to poke around at it. Even if we're just doing a boss rush of some lingering piece from every arc, it's cool the place she fits into these long-running ideas of Luffy and Usopp. Even things like their duel being the biggest example of crew infighting or how Usopp's talents fit into that weakness. Don't forget Perona & Moria hanging around not just their potential in the main story but the Ringo connection and Zoro's unfinished thread of visitng Ryuma's grave. Even how Flare gives an extra dimension to the connection to Monsters.
Seems to me like the running theme with trying to predict Egghead through this lens is capturing something...but it keeps escalating. That's the biggest spot we were wrong for sure, thinking Egghead would be a shorter affair.
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adultswim2021 · 5 months
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Xavier: Renegade Angel #19: “Damnesia You” | April 10, 2009 - 12:15AM | S02E09
This was just so great, man. I loved this so much. I don’t even want to review this all that much. Fuck it! I won’t! There have been a bunch of special episodes lately. The Racist one! The one-long-sketch one! This one! This one starts off like Damnesia Vu, with Xavier in the room with all them colored doors. He’s in some kind of mind-palace, if you’ll recall. In this one the doors lead to different viewer-submitted home-made versions of Xavier: Renegade Angel. Some of them are animated (both traditionally and not), and some of them are live-action, and some of them are a mix of both. 
A lot of the people and voices and styles seem vaguely familiar, at least to me. David Dineen-Porter is a guy I’ve seen perform comedy, and he is way brilliant. I read something on Reddit saying one of the guy’s is shmorky. I don’t actually know who shmorky is except for the fact that people say his name while grimacing and lowering their head in prayer. I googled it: it turns out he was involved in a “no bueno” situation. AHHH!!!
The episode takes the fan submissions and lets them play, sometimes. Sometimes the editors remix the entities a bit, which is nice of them.
Rather than talk about the content of the episode I am just gonna say this: I got high as fuck before watching it because it’s snowing outside, and that’s a good reason to use marijuana at 3PM. It probably helped me watch this three times, which I did. I watched it twice on the Adult Swim app, but the second time I pressed play was a mistake, and I just let it roll. “Roll that beautiful bean footage” I should have said.
The third time I watched it on DVD because I couldn’t identify the screengrab from shmorky’s cartoon, which I wanted to identify out of morbid curiosity, and the Adult Swim Roku app sucks for if you want to pause the episode. It sucks if you want to watch the last ten seconds of the episode without the screen dimming and being covered up by a big thumbnail of the next show in the autoplay, even if the credits are rolling over the final moments of the story. It fucking blows. 
I broke out the DVD just so I could pause it properly and read the names of the entries. I made a list of all of them here, because I don’t think there’s a list of them online anywhere, and that seems valuable, maybe.
The only other guy I actually remember here is David Dineen-Porter, who I’ve seen perform comedy and thought was brilliant. His IMDB shows that he wrote on the James Corden show. I hope he made an obscene amount of money and is currently buying lots of guns with it (I mean this nicely). 
Also, I found a link to every entry on it’s own. 
Grant “Manfred” Duffrin - Xavier Lends a Helping Hand Eric “Emotikkkon” Binmoeller - Meerkats David Dineen-[“] Porter: Self the Eye the Sees The Cream Within Shelby A. Hohl - As Above So Below Andrew De“hole”Young - Prism Jay Z. Yum David “He” Health - Gazzavier Renegade Angel Goes Up A Mountain Chiyoung “2:29” Lee DDS - Catch They Neighbor Robert “t S”mith - Omnippletence/The Phone Call Colyn “Bynumb” Emery - Art What Art Thou Dave “Da Grave Slave” Kelly - Xavier Looks Behind His Eye Amy “Peanut butter” Warner - Dog Eats Ketchup (couldn't find) John “Bobby ‘the ‘der’ Sanch’ Sanchez” Santos - Sueo Mojado Jason Dorris - Portly “n’ Jelly” Porthole Bo “Bikey” Thrice - Superhole Shuffle
Also: Those CLOSING CREDITS! A friend of mine told me to look out for them, and I said "okay".
the cinco brothers are electric. they should bring them back and let them tell more stories about their lives.
The Sinko Brothers are in jail for nasty crimes and I hope they stay there. This thought is crude. Shame on you
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saintsir4n · 8 months
The war had finished.
Four years of bloodshed and treachery, lies and survival, broken promises and death.
Within those four years, a lot had changed for the people of Small Heath.
In the second month of nineteen fifteen, Eden Dawkins gave birth to a little girl, Inara Nadine Shelby. Her teal blue eyes were the first thing everyone recognised, bright little things that followed you around the room, just like her father's, but she'd gotten her bronze complexion from her mother, as well as her dark kinky locks. When she gave birth in the Vardo, Polly was quick to spread the word, writing to her nephew, who had already sent a letter about a name suggestion, Nadine, a French name that meant hope, which they all needed. Hearing that his daughter was partially named after his mother, brought him to tears whilst covered in blood, sweat and mud. Inara had a beautiful meaning; heaven sent and after receiving a picture of his two girls, he placed it in his dog tags, kissing it every time he felt like life would leave his body and take him away.
Tommy addressed all the letters he sent to Eden as follows,
Eden Shelby 12 Watery Lane, Birmingham, B9 4HN.
But as the mud thickened and clung to him like a second skin, the letters gradually died down, but Eden didn't lose hope, she had to keep going, despite being a new mother, she helped care for Martha who had been pregnant at the same time as her and given birth to twin boys William and James two months after Inara. It was supposed to be a happy time, but the pregnancy took her life and broke the family, and if only that were the last of the deaths that would render them in such a way. John wasn't the same after he'd heard the news of his beloved wife, torn between injuring himself so he could be sent home to his kids or to continue to fight alongside his brothers.
He stayed, of course, fighting, digging and slashing enemies.
As the year first year of the war was drawing to an end, Eden slowly gave up on her dream of getting out of Birmingham. Her family needed her, both families. Although she and Dorris stayed in touch, even fulfilling their promise to bring little Inara to 'the poor man's heaven', they started to grow apart. Dorris wanted to move away, to London and finally got enough money to do so, she and her mother were planning on leaving in the new year.
Everyone thought the lads were going to come back when nineteen-sixteen came around, but that wasn't the case at all, they stayed fighting and Eden fell ill only for a month, bedridden and filling those around her with worry. Allegedly it had something to do with Inara's birth, the infection almost spread around her body, but her mother recognised the symptoms and caught it before it was too late. The young nurse wasn't drafted due to that. Being so close to death, Eden turned to god, finding religion again, believing it was the only thing she, her mother and Polly had to lean on.
Slowly she was back on her feet, typing away on her typewriter, in between Inara's feedings, spending time with her and also caring for the other new additions to the family.
The summer of that same year, The Lonely Stallion, by Adam Garden, was published, it was tough, but with Dorris' connections she got from starting her new life in London, it happened, Eden was an author, coming up in the ranks, just like Tommy was who became Sergeant Major.
Unfortunately, it wasn't much to celebrate, Tommy was getting dragged further into the mud and had to bear the weight of not only his best friend Freddie taking a bullet for him, but witnessing the death of Cecil Dawkins, his future father-in-law stunned him. Killed in action, those words shattered Celestine's heart and took a part of Eden's with it. The last letter that he wrote to his wife and daughter ended with a prayer, 'Give me strength and courage to keep moving forward, give me the strength to see my girls, especially little Inara.
Time moved on, but it took another life, Lorenzo Changretta was impaled by a bayonet, after pushing his brother Angel out of the way. Once word got back to Birmingham, Eden didn't really react, she couldn't if she did she wouldn't be able to function and after her father, she barely recovered, thinking about Enzo's lifeless body only motivated her to keep striving and not look back. She and Dorris didn't speak much after that, the latter only sent gifts to her goddaughter during the holidays but that was it.
Due to a new regime called 'daylight savings' being implemented, days were longer, which meant the grief process clung to everyone like a bad smell.
Inara Shelby began talking in broken sentences in the year nineteen seventeen, asking who the man in the pictures was, that's daddy, Eden told her and broke down in tears when her daughter called out for him at night. Despite the success of her book, she felt a disconnect, her father, her best friend and her Tommy hadn't returned, and some never would. Eden didn't receive a lot of royalties for the success of the book, partially because it would be impossible for her to collect them in person, so she sent the trusted surrogate uncle for the Shelby family to get them, much to his discontent. She donated some of the money to the Shelby betting shop and the rest to her mother.
Reaching nineteen-eighteen was gruelling and tough, but Eden got there. Every day she would wake up afraid to receive a letter that someone else had been killed in action, but fortunately, none came. The four years since the war started had shown on Isaiah and Finn, who'd grown up quickly. They understood death despite their young age and always stuck together, even helping care for the youngest members of the family. Ada felt lucky, that although part of her family was torn, they were alive, or at least that's what she hoped, she went to church alongside Eden, Celestine and Polly and on the side helped other families that were struggling, all while the betting shop had sustained.
The women ruled the empire equally and fairly, when Eden wasn't working or raising her daughter she was at the betting shop, helping Polly with whatever. She wasn't the best at numbers but she got better, better at a lot of things actually. Multitasking became one of her strong suits and it had to be when raising a Shelby. Soon they managed to purchase a car, it was beaten up, but it was easily mended, after she knew what needed to be fixed and being the daughter of a carpenter, her father used to tell her about the best auto shops.
Inara never stayed in one space, always wanting to explore and run around, so every week, they brought her to Charlie Strong's yard, where she watched him with all the horses, round them up and even wanting to help. Since he didn't have the Curly there, Charlie occasionally let little Inara feed the horses, seeing Tommy in the young girl was unsettling for him, nevertheless, being the man he was -- a man of very few words, when he talked, she listened, which came as a shock, because the troublemaker barely listened to anyone, if it wasn't her mum or aunts. Shadow also took to her like he knew that she was part Tommy.
"'Nara!" Eden called her daughter's name from the bathroom.
Today was the day they'd be coming home.
Polly instructed, coming up the stairs,  "Eden it's time, they're comin' home, get your things, your mum is downstairs with Isaiah, I'll round up the rest of the kids, you get the little troublemaker."
Eden didn't know what to feel, excitement? Sorrow? Joy? Everything was all over the place, not everyone they'd waved away would be returning.
She and Polly grew far closer over the years, leaning on each other when times got rough and boy did they.
Turning around, Polly banged on her niece's door, "Ada c'mon! It's only your brothers who you 'aven't seen in years."
"Give me a second!" the Shelby woman shouted from her room.
"Nara!" Eden left the bathroom and opened Tommy's bedroom, seeing her daughter rise from the floor after playing on her stomach.
Pale blue eyes met hers, and along with it was a bright smile, the little girl had two bows at the end of her corn rows and a red dress Polly made flowed from her frame.
"Yes, mummy? I was playin' with Dolly," the three-year-old beamed, holding up the doll her grandfather bought for her all those years ago, it was a toy horse, soft and fluffy that Inara hadn't let go of since it was placed in her crib.
Kneeling down she tickled her daughter's sides, the giggle and squeal that fell from the girl's lips put a smile on Eden's face. Anything her daughter did made her proud, even recently, she'd been listening in conversation that Isaiah and Finn were having about spelling and the three-old girl somewhat caught on.
"We're goin' on a little trip to the station, where we'll meet your uncles and daddy," she told Inara, whose eyes doubled in size.
"Meetin' Daddy?" Inara's accent was almost as thick as hers.
Celestine always told Eden how much Inara was a replica of her, despite the blue eyes, Inara had beauty spots on her face matching Eden's which no one could ignore.
"Yes, we are" Eden nodded, matching her daughter's excitement.
"Will he like me?" the question had them both frowning.
Inara only saw Tommy in pictures and heard about him in stories, just like cousins with John. it was weird, she felt connected to her father, but also worried he wouldn't like her.
"He'll love you, sweetie," Eden was certain of it.
Inara continued with her questioning as she fidgeted with her toy, "Is he the same as before he left, will he play with my dollies, like Katie, Billy and Jamie?" she referred to her cousins using their nicknames, preferring to pronounce them than William and James.
Eden harshly gulped at the thought, they won't be the same, no one will be, "I don't know if he's the same, but we'll find out soon and you can ask 'im to play with you, and he'll say yes and if he doesn't, y'know what to do?"
Inara quickly pouted and fluttered her eyelashes, a trick that Eden taught her, but regretted whenever it was used against her.
"Good girl," Eden praised, standing up and opening up the closet.
"'Ave you got your neck...nex...lace?" Inara managed to say as Eden turned to show it off with a grin.
"My necklace and I do, smart girl," Eden grabbed her daughter's coat. November weather was brutal and she didn't want her daughter to catch a cold.
"We leave now?" Inara asked after they both had their coats on.
"Yes, my girl," Eden responded, "your cousins are downstairs waitin', with Aunt Pol, Ada and Granny Cece."
"Well come on," she grabbed her mother's hand, much to her amusement, "let's see Daddy."
And off they all went with a sense of dread and joy in their step. I'll be back for Christmas. Lie, I won't be gone for long. Lie. I'll come back to you...so many promises were broken.
As they all reached the station, Eden muttered to herself, words that weren't heard amongst the crowd of people rushing to reunite with their loved ones.
"We better meet again Thomas Shelby or so help me God."
ridley asha bateman as 𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗯𝘆
sorry i killed off cecil and enzo, loved writing them, but they will be missed. many things happened through those four years, even figuring out how to add small details was bittersweet as i really loved writing this book. it's sad how many people changed and never reverted back to their old selves, mainly because they couldn't and had no support, especially if they were poor.
the book that eden wrote was basically a parody of the peaky blinders plot and since there were very few men she trusted with the information of her writer's name, she made sure that charlie strong (i didn't know whether or not he went to war, but's indicated that curly might've) retreaved her royalies, despite it being very little money, however it put her 'name' out there.
the bonus chapter I'll publish will be the reunion between tommy, inara and eden, it'll be short but sweet. hope you enjoy and please comment and vote.
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