#thats the name of the story btw
mourninglamby · 2 years
do you have any ocs and do THEY have any palismen?
no owl house ocs but i have two main stories ive been working on for years and im still too paranoid to share too much about them bc 1. i dont think anypony will care and 2. constant fear that the themes im writing about arent well communicated. if you think im hard on the stories i consume wait til u see how neurotic and paranoid i am over the stories i WRITE
but for the palismen question... these will have no context but the two main characters im writing rn are Winnie (Winona) Andal and Dr. Whittaker
winnie would have a dove and dr. whittaker would have a canary (he has pet canaries its a whole thing)
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heres this
pardon the mini dump
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might-be-tiny-gt · 2 years
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@spirit-small Thank You for the Inspiration
40 minutes into stream, things were going well. Just like the doctor told her, the shrinking process was slow. When the first donations started rolling in, the Byte-Syzed program began. At first, she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach, like anticipating a drop on a rollercoaster. Looking around she could see the things in her room grow ever so taller, but she seemed to be the only one that noticed.
Corey, Phin, and Ariel did not comment on her height during their game. Checking the chat wasn’t any better. Most of the comments were about why she hasn’t started shrinking yet or if this was just a joke. Moni decided not to let it bother her though, she still had 4 hours left in the charity stream and she was sure things would get exciting later on.
That moment came sooner than expected.
Phin had just won the first round of Mario Party, and Ariel was livid.
“I told you, those bonus stars come in clutch.”
“I demand a recount!“
“All's fair in love and war,” Moni began, “There’s always next-“
It was like the floor underneath her had given way. Like she had just barely caught herself from falling. Like that drop, she had long been anticipating crept up on her.
Moni looked up, things were significantly taller than they were a second ago. She looked at the camera. It was no longer at her eye level, it was several inches higher. Looking at the chat she could see the others staring at their screens in sheer awe. Even Ariel’s Vtuber emote changed to one with swirls her eyes should be, clearly confused.
Then came the automated message, “Anonymous donated 500 dollars,”
500 Dollars?
500 DOLLARS!!??
“Anonymous said, ‘This is taking too long! If she is actually shrinking, I wanna see it!!!!!”
Checking the height status on the screen, Moni was now 65 inches tall. That donation had shrunk her by more than 7 inches in less than a second. Moni stared directly into the camera silently. She was still taking in her new shrunken perspective.
Corey spoke up, “Holy shit… Moni, are you ok?”
“Y-yeah,” Moni broke out of her stupor and quickly put on a smile, “T-Thanks for the donation anon!”
Ariel’s avatar changed her expression to that of wide eyes, “Girl, your shirt!”
“What about it?”
“It’s falling off!”
Sure enough, the t-shirt Moni had worn above her sync suit had slipped off her shoulders entirely. She played with it for a moment, comparing it to her body. It looked like she had put on a shirt three times her normal shirt size.
“Yeah, I expected as much. I was told the Byte-Syzed program has difficulty shrinking clothes. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. That's why I have this sync suit and headset, they’re guaranteed to shrink with me.”
"Is this for real?"
“Monica, this is insane, you’re shrinking.”
“Isn't it cool?”
Moni then noticed that the sudden drastic change in height made the live feed look weird, she was just barely in frame.
“Hang on guys, let me fix the camera.”
Moni stood up from her chair, briefly taking in her new standing height before reaching for the webcam above her monitor. It was a bit more of a hassle than she anticipated. She wasn’t exactly used to her new height and the loose t-shirt around her waist wasn’t helping. It took her a moment but Moni finally was within reach of her camera when-
Her hand which was only a moment ago in reach of her webcam had grown shorter and barely out of range to reach, but if Moni leaned forward a bit more.
Cha-Ching Cha-Ching
Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching Cha-Ching
Monica fell back in surprise as the sudden rapid shrinking fit kicked in. Live on-stream people witnessed Moni go from 5’5 to 4’9 to 4’2 to 3’11 until she was no longer visible on camera.
Moni could hear her friends’ outcries as the automated donations went wild.
That last comment from Phin seemed to quell the donation rush. Moni found herself sitting on the floor tangled up in the now giant t-shirt. When she finally freed herself from the shirt Moni stood up to compare her new height to everything else in the room.
“Oh. My. God,” Was all she could muster.
Her room was no longer just a few inches taller, her room was ginormous. Standing up, she wasn’t even at eye level with the tallest drawer in her desk. She checked the monitor around her arm, it read 3’1.
She was just over 3 feet tall. The reality of her situation was really starting to hit her now. She had shrunk, like really shrunk, and not by a few inches, by several feet. And it could still go further. The minimum height she set Byte-Syzed to was a mere 4 inches, she can be even smaller than she was now.
This was the coolest damn thing to ever happen to her!
“Moni,” The shout was from the other room, must have been Kimberly, “Do you need me to come in?”
“No thanks! I’ve got it!”
Monica was about to hoist herself up onto her chair but realized something. 3 feet was too small to sit in the chair and still be in frame but still too big to justify sitting on the table. She dashed over to her bed and grabbed one of her smaller pillows and tossed it on the seat before climbing up.
Coming back into frame she could see the relief and surprise on her friends' faces. Chat was still reeling and while going by fast she did catch a few funny comments.
IRL minimushroom
That final comment turned Moni’s attention to the donation status.
“Jesus Christ! You guys donated 2700 dollars?! Thank you so much!”
“That’s what you’re concerned about?”
Moni continued as she sat on her desk to fix her camera, “I mean yeah, I was super worried I wasn’t going to make up my end of the charity goal this weekend. At this rate, I might reach the goal in an hour.”
“Sweetie, you just dropped to the size of a toddler, are you sure you’re up for more games?”
“Heck yeah,” Moni finished fixing her camera. It now pointed down in such a way that it could get Moni in frame while she’s still in her chair and when she inevitably shrinks small enough to need to sit on the desk itself, “Only thing I probably need to do is have Kim adjust maximum donation amounts, don’t want to use up the rest of my height too quickly.”
As if on cue Kim shouted from the next room, “Already on it!”
The four shouted back in unison, “Thanks, Kim!!”
Getting comfy in her gaming seat and getting a feel for the controller Moni turned to the camera with a cheeky smile, “Who’s up for round 2?”
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lovelessbachelor · 10 months
hmmmmmmm i dunno about the colouring....
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'But you're just a child.'
ugh it was only a sketch....it was only a sketch.....
lol look i'm gonna give u no context or translation for the text on screen lolll
Luna Claw Fowler-Fields by.... Me....obviously....
unknown speaker is also by me.
ok i can't do this anymore the unknown speaker is actually Calice Starfrost....... my main villian...ugh no suspense.
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bathylychnops · 12 days
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jenniferrrrr the strugglerrr
(like right before he faked his deathhh ouu superhero spiralling into insanity & darkness from years of stress and anguish..) its kindof funny like he was like damn ok my superhero friends think im dead now & im registered now as a brand new supervillain. Mission Accomplished. umm what now.. (SURPRISE! YOU'RE TRANSGENDER! BITCH!)
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prostocupoftea · 5 months
Kinitopet Programmers AU
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finally i am finished with this one, daaaamn
it is hard to draw pathetic men with midlife crisis when your style is mostly for anime boys
more info and sketch version under the cut!!
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sketch version aka how it'll probably look like in comic version 'n some doodles
srry for my writing but i was too laisy to put it as regular text
It is a plot-based au, i already have most of the storybits and like... a vibe-chart (i tried to make a playlist for this au and understood that for different chapters and different characters that'd be a copleatly different music, sooo it's a chart now :) )
i will post a fog-o-wared timeline that im hopefully gonna reveal comic-by comic, but also maybe with just pure writing. Hopefully i can include songs that i chose for them into it but we'll see (:
aaand of course designs can change, hopefully not much but we'll see
Now about au:
Main story:
Story follows non-sentient AI Kinito, his creator Sonny and his beta-tester Victoria (oc)
Being literally the first AI (or RRA in-univere) ever, Kinito does not have any, and i mean, any ai safety features so of course his reponce to a goal phrased as "have user near me and/or interacting with me as much as possible" is digitizing them into his own virtual world while killing them in the process. why wouldn't it be?
So that happened. Like, a lot. And with Sonny and Vic too (at the different time but yeah)
Sonny is like "He kills people. We should turn him off because, you know, killing people is bad."
Vic is like "well, we will die if we do that, and it is not that bad here, we are kinda immortal. We should give him acces to changing his initial instalation code before admin priveleges and acces to social media so we can have everythin we want here. It is not that bad to digitize humanity, yk?" and yes i know it is 90, no social media, but shut up, if they made ai then, then i can make twitter then too
Sonny is like "...no??"
And then they fight about it for million chapters
Also they both can't do anything without agreeing bc they have two parts of that admin access key (the data you use to delete kinito in-game) so they are stuck with eachother (also that's why Kinito can't just kill them)
Little facts that may or may not to be important:
Kinito asks so many questions (and weird once too) and has most of the glitches because he needs to analise your responces to copy your mind perfectly (let's pretend that people wouldn't lie about that...)
Your house in your virtual world is made from important places from your memories and oh boy can i do character explorations with this one
I decided that Sonny and Vic are not related. There were thoughts about making then "The Kinito Brothers" (or, at least, siblings) that were mentioned in commercial, but nah, they are just coworkers now. And a bit of work-friends (bc if you interact a lot as a manager of the project and the best worker might as well be friendly)
Author has no idea how small dying toy companies that accidentally create technological marvel work. Author has some idea how AI-s work. So be prepared to be spoon-fed info abut which ai safety problem we are dealing with in which chapter (:
Kinito will mostly be unrendered (as drawn here) but for some cool moments i might pose him as for my other posts. Also his eye placement changes to the side that is most visible because i want him to be able to look to the right side sometimes--
Also when i say "fucked up mentally" i mean they have that them psychological problems with me projecting heavilly B) (guess on who i project most. trick question. all of them. the whole au is my problems split into three characters and forced to interact B) )
Also sea-creature analogies (that are gonna be mentioned like twice):
Victoria is a flying fish because deep character reasons
Sonny is a pufferfish because i said so
oh also there is 7 deaths in the plot as for now
on 3 characters
good luck figuring out who, how and when ((:
for my own sanity i will probably make little doodles where everything is great and kinito is a good guy and not a number-obsessed maniac (i mean... can u imagine not being able to feel any happiness from anything besides one thing... damn...) and you can differenciate them bc good-guy kinito will have a lot of stickers on him (i will explain it somehow but real reason is just bc it is cute af)
like this but even more stickers (he is unfinished here)
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cringefail-clown · 6 months
when you create a character and want to give them a nickname, it might sound ideal to call them something cute or cool like nightshade or candy or other stuff, but i think its inherently more realistic and way more funnier if you have in mind that most of the times nicknames come from other people, like your friends or family, and they can be straight up violating
from what ive gathered throughout the years of living amongst people, there are a few "nickname categories", and they are as follows:
your surname has a somehow funny word in it and its now your nickname for forever
youve had a misfortune of reminding someone of some fictional character and now you are called by that characters name
actually, youve had a misfortune of reminding someone of anything, be it a plant or an animal or an inanimated object, and it is now your nickname
youve misspelled/mispronounced a word and everyone collectively agreed that its how they will call you from now on
(the last one is personal bc i legit didnt know how "auchan" is pronounced and i said it wrong in front of my friends (rookie mistake). ive been auchan (the mispronounced way) for a long, long time)
obviously do what you want with your characters, but i highly encourage the funny nicknames. they can add so much to the oc, both in the dynamic they have with their friends/family, and also in terms of a backstory for them
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harbingersecho · 8 months
Lasombra fashion show?
Now how did you know I've been meaning to draw fashion 'shows' for all the clans…?
But! Here's some Lasombra fashion stuff for you!
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+ bonus because I love bullying Lasombra abt their tech issues (:
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allpiesforourown · 14 days
Y'know every time I see one of your posts I say out loud 'thanks allpies' you contribute so much to this community
Crying do you guys just refer to me as pie that's awesome
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bruciemilf · 2 years
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" but it's not a permanent solution and --" just say you want to committ homicide! Grow up.
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themyscirah · 1 month
Ok game time which 3 series would you just DIE to get a run on ? I'm talking full creative control, can be as a writer or an artist + plotter if that suits your vibe best
My 3 are
Suicide Squad
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern Corps/Green Lanterns
(in that order)
#last one may wiggle around but i think thats mostly it. others i would want to do but if were talking full runs then this would be my picks#there are other things id ofc want to do though. a wonder girl (cassie) mini in addition to the ww run probably some superman stuff too#although idk him as well i do love him. maybe a mini there or even a prestige format book if i go crazy#would love to do a quick something with cass cain too ofc (me and the rest of this site lol). could probably figure out a plot to smth#longer if i thought abt it but would love to guest write a standalone issue or two for an ongoing of hers#what else would i want to do.... the sui sq and wondy are rlly the big ones bc ive thought abt that the most. glc ive thought about too but#to a bit less of an extent. ooh there was that bleez mini i plotted out during lunch once last year. think i had some sketches laying around#for that too.#who else would i do.... those are rlly the main ones atm. books i would write vs books i would read are definitely different though. there#are some pitches i would throw out but wouldnt know how to write at all i just know it could be done good somehow. like ik nothing abt#aquaman but i think its possible a wonder woman/aquaman story could slap#OR NO A WONDER WOMAN & SUPERMAN ONE I WAS JUST TALKING ABT THAT. dont call it that though ofc they should get a duo name in the same vein as#world's finest. and ofc 72848274 issues of bro time. anyways <33333333#also a not abt the rankings sui sq is higher than wondy which may seem crazy from a wondy blogger but 1. i do love them and 2. they need me#so much more. this subject is such an egofest for me bc ofc i think i could do everything perfect but like they need a good run soooooo bad#whereas id LOVE to do wondy but ik they would survive without me. anyways yeah <3#anyways on a totally unrelated not at all adjacent topic.... my askbox is always open btw 😘#also idk if my green lantern corps book would be called glc. may just hit the green lanterns vol. 2 bc who is stopping me really
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maudiemoods · 1 year
Yayyyy a solid design for my vampire oc yayyyay
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Idk what they do and any kind of story line but I really love them so I'll think of something somehow jsnrkaksjsj also, in my last post, he looked really young but I changed them to an adult. Soooo that first drawing is what they would look like as a child I guess? I had already finished coloring it when I realized how childish they look djjsjdjsjs also they have a cat. Maybe they'll have a cat ranch and rescue them and find good homes for them.
Also close ups because yayyyy
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so she banned someone during stream but I didnt catch who I just figured it was a standard weirdo but oh my GOD??
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dreamsy990 · 2 months
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drawing the first two ocs i ever cared about, ft the one who i made to vent and inspired my username, and the one i accidentally ended up in the exact situation of. its been like 10 years since i came up with them but i still think about these two. might draw gijinkas of them or redesign them or something
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Nooo! THE divorce happened! I can't believe it! 😭😭😭 The love is dead! 😭😭😭
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murmurmurl · 10 hours
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a modern human au where nothing bad ever happenned to them and they got to grow up together. I am making myself cry with this chat
#north is sad and beige and would have a stupid phone case#also i did a watermark thingy because im such a cool ans serious artist look at me#BTW !!!!! first thing im posting thats drawn on my new tablet :3#north has beige mom energy. idk how i feel about it. im just leettinf it happen#yall have no idea i am SHAKING im so normal about them#i need to get to work on. everything about this. bc i really wanna finally be able to coherebtly tell their story#im very insane about them and THE THEMES !!!!!!!#ARGHHHHH#anyways#murl draws#murls ocs#oc#my oc#oc art#art#my art#artists on tumblr#whatever other tags there are#just you wait. i will make this into something coherent#ughhhg i cant. i need to cope ok#and its smth i myself made up wtf !!!!!#imagine being separated from your sibling who is your whole world at a young age and spending the next several decades being told theyre a#a traitor and eventually hunting them down only to discover that while you werw kept in a bubble where everything stayed the same the rest#of thw world has changed so much including your sibling and you realize the only person you could rely on these past few decades has been l#lying to you and now youre completely unajusted to life and have to deal with the fact everything isnt what you thiugjt it was AND EVERYRHJ#G CHABGED IT CHANGED !!!! CHANGE IS INEVITABLE AND YOU HAVE TO FOR THE FIRST TIME VE FACED WITH LIVING FOR YOURSELF AND DISCIVERING WHO YOU#ARE AS A PERSON HHHHHHHHH I CANTTTT.#i dont event have all the names for characters yet GAHHHHH
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arvoze · 2 years
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*does a gay little dance that pisses you off*
#pokemon#pokemon mystery dungeon#nuzleaf#cacturne#breloom#my art#luwel#keith#mike#blueberry jj#strawberry jj#i post these slowly and slowly over time i hate the concept of spamming things. Anyways#ui think abt them when my life depends on it. luwel gets the ugliest coat known to man but htats when hes active in the team#(which STILL has no name btw i think its funnier if they never have a team name)#the last 2 imgs are to do with my very own special episode 1 which is. a thing thats split up into 2 seperate stories that are ongoing#by ongoing i mean they happen simultaneously thats what i meant#keith and mike go to stormy sea (i only pick stormy sea bc i wanted a water location and went for. the place that would have#kyogre at the end even if they dont go there bc i think even a passive light nod to the kyogre that killed#keith during that 1 nuzlocke is raw comedy evn if i never touched on it) to like. pick up a random item that was stolen#the job was posted by lord jellyjam (jellicent) it's his daughters item that was stolen and he's offering anything as a reward#since k&m spend a lot of time wandering around they actually know who jj is (keith tried to break into his house once) (he was not caught)#(he also had to leave before he could actually get In) and theyre like oh. Hi this could be so cool#like 'why did nobody take this offer does nobody know who he is. what an absolute steal'#anyways since hes soooooo rich and whatever keith is like ok well i know his home address what if we visited him first and like#introduced ourselves. get in his good books. we can be his number one explorerds (He Wants To Steal From The House)#(he fails to do this again) theyre introduced to jellyjam and jj is like hey youre so cool and awesome and erm. i have to go somewhere this#weekend. since i trust you you look SO trustworthy do you know who can take care of my children whilst im gone#because everyone i have tried to hire keeps STEALING from MEEEEE#jj has to leave for a good reason ijust wont go into it#anyways. k&m go oh. oh hold on we can get our friend to look after your kids. he'll say yes i promise
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